Quiz 20 PDP
Quiz 20 PDP
Quiz 20 PDP
1.Imagine the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics
similar to that of a mentor or some otherworldly figure. 10 marks
As someone who has always been competitive, I have a role model in Cristiano Ronaldo,
who is a footballer who was born into a poor household in Lisbon, Portugal. He rose to fame
and is considered as one of the best footballers of all time. What made him my role model is
his amazing enthusiasm, devotion, discipline, work ethic, and confidence in becoming the
greatest footballer. When he suffered a knee injury and didn't give up on his international
team after losing in the semi-finals, he went on to win two international trophies the next
year, making history for his country, which had never won a single international trophy at the
time. He overcame the hardship and struggle that followed his knee injury which many
footballer from that injury.The kindness of him aspire me as he sell his golden boots trophy
to donate all the money he made from the golden boots to give to charity. He inspires me to
value myself, to believe in myself, to not listen to what others say about me, and to focus on
my goals in order to pursue and achieve them. What I respect and hope to emulate in my role
model is his discipline and healthy lifestyle. He is constantly consistent and healthy to keep
his physique at the top level, while competing with young players in big clubs at the age of
36. I try to follow his healthy living choices, such as eating a balanced diet, when I used to
only eat junk food or fast food. My future goals are to be a successful person who gives back
to the community from what I make, much like my role model do. My role model and I share
a competitive nature. When he had all the glory in a successful club, Manchester United, he
wanted a challenge and wanted to make a name for himself by joining Real Madrid and
beginning rivalry with also one of the greatest players of all time, Lionel Messi, and that was
the greatest rivalry in the history of football. I desire to be like him in terms of accepting
challenges and stepping outside of my comfort zone in order to take my goals to a higher
level. Growing up with no father in his 20s is a struggle for him emotionally because he had
less emotional support from his father, with that he always bring his mother on every game
he played in the field, after he had children he has grown to be a fatherly person and take
responsibility for his family. I hope to be a great father like him when I have children.He also
frequently visited chidren hospitality and seeing kids who had cancer and giving them
motivation to keep fighting with the cancer that children had,that action only will make
billion of people aspire to be like him especially among young generations. I have always
looked up to him throughout my life, and I feel many youngsters who have had a hard
personal life desire to be like him.He is Cristiano Ronaldo,the best role model.
2.What do YOU think is holding you back from reaching your life goals? 10 marks
What I do think is holding me back is from reaching my goals is having lack of motivation
had no personal vision. When I am not motivated, I will not do what is necessary to achieve
my goals. Personal vision is crucial for me to have a clear picture of what my future goals are
in order to stay on track with what I want to achieve in life. When I achieve my goals, I
frequently track my personal progress to see what I'm doing wrong and what I should keep
doing. Another factor preventing me from accomplishing my goals is a lack of self-
awareness. Self-awareness is vital to me because it allows me to understand my values,
personal beliefs, and the purpose I want to pursue when achieving my goals. If I had
increased my self-awareness, I would have a better sense of direction in achieving my goals
and making decisions easier. The next issue I had that prevented me from accomplishing my
goals was a lack of dedication and desire. This caused me to be inconsistent in my aims,
which made making my aspirations a reality tough. What is causing this problem is that I
frequently do unnecessary things in my life that have nothing to do with my aims. I also need
to enhance my time management abilities so that I can set my own goals. The importance of
my time management abilities is to help direct my career trajectory and ensure that I am
getting closer to my goals. There are also things that holding me reaching my goals is always
procastinanting.This will make my goals getting further and further because there is no
progress in accomplish it.Skills tha i want to improve to avoid this procastinating habits is to
improve my self-managment skills,this skills mainly focus on prioritize my responsibility and
focusing on my progress of my goals and avoiding distractions that draw me away from what
matters.it also helps me practice my patient on achieving goals by maintaining a sense of
calm so i can think clearly and objectively.Stress is also really what make me want to quit my
goals,so prevent my stress is to make a stress managment for my stress with an action like
exercise and having balancing diet.this will help my self-manage my emotions and
maintaining my focus during the process of achieving my goals.