Additional Illustrations-20
Additional Illustrations-20
Additional Illustrations-20
Additional Information:
Half of the amount of Rajesh’s bill is irrecoverable as he has become insolvent. Official receiver
has declared a dividend of 50 paise in a rupee. Create provision for doubtful debts @ 10% on
other debtors.
Show the relevant extract from the Profit & Loss Account and the Balance Sheet.
Particulars ` Particulars `
as at 31st March, 2022
Liabilities ` Assets `
Working Note:
Provision for Doubtful Debts is to be created on doubtful debts only. Thus, out of total debtors of ` 3,05,000,
two items will be deducted:.
1. Bad Debts of ` 3,000 as 1/2 amount of Rajesh’s bill is irrecoverable, and
2. Good Debtors of ` 3,000 as remaining half of Rajesh’s bill is surely recoverable.
So, Provision for Doubtful Debts = (` 3,05,000 – ` 3,000 – ` 3,000) × 10/100 = ` 29,900.
Illustration 2.
From the following Trial Balance, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended
31st March, 2022 and Balance Sheet as at that date:
Debit Balances ` Credit Balances `
1,81,320 1,81,320
(i) Closing Stock is ` 6,000.
(ii) Goods costing ` 1,000 were distributed as samples while goods costing ` 500 were taken
by the proprietor for personal use.
(iii) Manager’s commission @ 10% p.a. is provided on net profit after charging such commission.
(iv) Closing Stock included goods costing ` 1,000 which were sold and recorded as sales but
not delivered to the customer.
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `
as at 31st March, 2022
Liabilities ` Assets `
Journal entries for Adjustment:
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Manager’s Commission:
Net Profit before Manager’s Commission
= (` 33,820 + ` 300 + ` 400 + ` 2,200 + ` 2,000 + ` 7,000)
– (` 12,320 + ` 500 + ` 900 + ` 1,520 + ` 600 + ` 2,500 + ` 7,500 + ` 1,180) = ` 18,700
Manager’s Commission = ` 18,700 × 10/110 = ` 1,700.
2. Set-off of GST:
(i) Settlement of IGST, CGST and SGST: Total Input IGST is of ` 10,000. First, it will be completely set-off against
Output IGST of ` 8,000 and remaining ` 2,000 will be used to set-off Output CGST.
(ii) Output CGST = ` 10,000 – Input IGST (i) ` 2,000 – ` 8,000 Input CGST = Nil.
(iii) Output SGST ` 10,000 – Input SGST ` 8,000 = ` 2,000 Output SGST, shown on the liabilities side of the
Balance Sheet.
Illustration 3.
From the following Ledger balances of Charan, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and Balance Sheet as on that date after adjustments:
` Particulars `
(i) Stock on 31st March, 2022 was ` 14,000.
(ii) Write off ` 600 as bad debts.
(iii) Provision for Doubtful Debts is to be maintained @ 5%.
(iv) Machinery for ` 5,000, included in Plant and Machinery, was purchased on 1st October, 2021.
(v) Provide depreciation on furniture and fixtures at 5% p.a. and on plant and machinery at
20% p.a.
(vi) Insurance prepaid was ` 100.
(vii) A fire occurred in the godown on 25th March, 2022 and stock costing ` 5,000 was destroyed.
It was insured and the insurance company admitted full claim.
BALANCE SHEET OF CHARAN as at 31st March, 2022
Liabilities ` Assets `
Current Liabilities Current Assets
Sundry Creditors 10,000 Cash in Hand 6,200
Capital Cash at Bank 20,500
Opening Balance 85,000 Sundry Debtors 20,600
Add: Net Profit 6,050 Less: Further Bad Debts 600
91,050 20,000
Less: Drawings 6,000 85,050 Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts 1,000 19,000
Closing Stock 14,000
Insurance Claim 5,000
Prepaid Insurance 100
Input IGST 5,000
Fixed Assets
Furniture and Fixtures 5,000
Less: Depreciation 250 4,750
Plant and Machinery 25,000
Less: Depreciation 4,500 20,500
95,050 95,050
Illustration 4.
Trial Balance of M/s Taj & Co. as on 31st March, 2022 was as follows:
Particulars Dr. Balance Particulars Cr. Balance
` `
Purchases 1,62,505 Sales 2,52,400
Sundry Debtors 50,200 Provision for Doubtful Debts 5,200
Opening Stock 26,725 Sundry Creditors 30,526
Wages 23,137 Bills Payable 3,950
Salaries 5,575 Outstanding Wages 4,000
Furniture 7,250 Outstanding General Expenses 700
Postage 4,226 Capital 10,000
Power and Fuel 1,350 Output CGST 2,000
General Expenses 5,831 Output SGST 2,000
Bad Debts 525
Loan to Suraj @ 10% p.a. (1st December, 2021) 3,000
Cash at Bank 10,000
Drawings 4,452
Input CGST 3,000
Input SGST 3,000
3,10,776 3,10,776
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and Balance
Sheet after considering the following information:
(i) Depreciation on Furniture @ 10% to be charged.
(ii) Sundry Debtors include an item of ` 500 due from a customer who has become insolvent.
(iii) Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 5% on Sundry Debtors is to be maintained.
(iv) Goods costing ` 1,500 were destroyed by fire and insurance company admitted a
claim for ` 1,000.
(v) Stock on 31st March, 2022 was ` 12,550.
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
` Particulars `
1. ‘Outstanding Wages’ and ‘Outstanding General Expenses’ appear on the credit side of the Trial Balance. It
means that these outstanding amounts have already been adjusted to Wages Account and General Expenses
Account. As double entries in respect of these adjustments are complete, these Outstanding Expenses
Accounts will be shown as liabilities in the Balance Sheet.
2. Claim for goods lost by fire is ` 1,500. Insurance company admitted claim of ` 1,000, leading to loss of ` 500.
3. Input CGST – Output CGST = ` 3,000 – ` 2,000 = ` 1,000.
4. Input SGST – Output SGST = ` 3,000 – ` 2,000 = ` 1,000.
Illustration 5.
Trial Balance of Gopal Das as at 31st March, 2022 was as follows:
Heads of Accounts Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Purchases ........................................................................................................... 8,12,525 ...
Sales ........................................................................................................... ... 12,62,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts ........................................................................................................... ... 26,000
Sundry Debtors ........................................................................................................... 2,51,000 ...
Sundry Creditors ........................................................................................................... ... 1,52,630
Bills Payable ........................................................................................................... ... 20,250
Opening Stock ........................................................................................................... 1,33,625 ...
Wages ........................................................................................................... 1,15,685 ...
Salaries ........................................................................................................... 27,875 ...
Furniture ........................................................................................................... 36,250 ...
Postage ........................................................................................................... 21,130 ...
Power and Fuel ........................................................................................................... 6,750 ...
General Expenses ........................................................................................................... 29,155 ...
Bad Debts ........................................................................................................... 2,625 ...
Loan to Ram @ 10% p. a. (1st December, 2021)................................................................................................... 15,000 ...
Cash in Hand and at Bank ........................................................................................................... 50,000 ...
General Expenses Outstanding ........................................................................................................... ... 3,500
Drawings A/c ........................................................................................................... 22,260 ...
Capital A/c ........................................................................................................... ... 50,000
Outstanding Wages ........................................................................................................... ... 10,000
Input CGST ........................................................................................................... 5,000 ...
Input SGST ........................................................................................................... 5,000 ...
Input IGST ........................................................................................................... 8,000 ...
Output CGST ........................................................................................................... ... 4,000
Output SGST ........................................................................................................... ... 4,000
Output IGST ........................................................................................................... ... 9,500
Total 15,41,880 15,41,880
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and Balance
Sheet as at that date after taking into consideration the following information:
(i) Stock on 31st March, 2022 at cost was ` 65,000 against net realisable value (market value)
of ` 62,750.
(ii) Depreciation on furniture is to be charged @ 10%.
(iii) Sundry Debtors include an item of ` 2,500 due from a customer who has become insolvent.
(iv) The remaining debtors are not considered to be doubtful of recovery.
(v) Goods costing ` 7,500 were destroyed by fire and insurance company admitted a claim
for ` 7,000.
(vi) Received goods from Rahul & Co. of ` 6,000 on 27th March, 2022 but the invoice of
purchase was omitted to be recorded in the Purchases Book.
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
` Particulars `
To Opening Stock 1,33,625 By Sales 12,62,000
To Purchases 8,12,525 By Loss of Stock by Fire 7,500
Add: Omitted Purchases (WN 1) 6,000 8,18,525 By Closing Stock 62,750
To Wages 1,15,685
To Power and Fuel 6,750
To Gross Profit c/d 2,57,665
(Transferred to Profit & Loss A/c)
13,32,250 13,32,250
To Loss of Stock by Fire (` 7,500 – ` 7,000) 500 By Gross Profit b/d 2,57,665
To Salaries 27,875 By Provision for Doubtful Debts (WN 2):
To Postage 21,130 Existing Provision 26,000
To General Expenses 29,155 Less: Bad Debts 2,625
To Depreciation on Furniture 3,625 Further Bad Debts 2,500 5,125 20,875
To Net Profit transferred to Capital A/c 1,96,755 By Accrued Interest on Loan 500
2,79,040 2,79,040
Working Notes:
1. Following entry will be passed to record omitted purchases: ` `
Purchases A/c ...Dr. 6,000
To Supplier (Creditor) 6,000
2. Since the remaining debtors are not doubtful of recovery, balance in Provision for Doubtful Debts is written
back (credited) to Profit & Loss Account.
3. Entries passed for Loss of Goods by Fire: ` `
(i) Loss of Goods by Fire A/c ...Dr 7,500
To Trading A/c 7,500
(ii) Insurance Co. ...Dr. 7,000
Profit & Loss A/c ...Dr. 500
To Loss of Goods by Fire A/c 7,500
4. Set-off of GST:
(i) Total Input IGST = ` 8,000.
(ii) Output IGST = ` 9,500 – ` 8,000 (Total Input IGST) – ` 1,000 (Input CGST) – ` 500 (Input SGST) = Nil.
(iii) Input CGST = ` 5,000 – Output CGST ` 4,000 – Output IGST ` 1,000 = Nil.
(iv) Input SGST = ` 5,000 – Output SGST ` 4,000 – Output IGST ` 500 = ` 500.
5. Stock is valued at cost or net realisable value (market value), whichever is less.
Illustration 6.
From the following Trial Balance and additional information, prepare Trading and
Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and a Balance Sheet as on that date:
Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Closing Stock........................................................................................................................................................................... 40,000 ...
Cost of Goods Sold................................................................................................................................................................ 6,60,000 ...
Sales............................................................................................................................................................................................ ... 7,20,000
Miscellaneous Expenses...................................................................................................................................................... 17,200 ...
Selling and Distribution Expenses................................................................................................................................... 36,075 ...
Rent............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12,000 ...
Income Tax Paid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1,000 ...
Interest (Paid)........................................................................................................................................................................... 3,750 ...
Interest (Received)................................................................................................................................................................. ... 4,500
Discount..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2,000 ...
Discount Received................................................................................................................................................................. ... 1,000
Bad Debts ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3,000 ...
Investments.............................................................................................................................................................................. 50,000 ...
Loan from Bank....................................................................................................................................................................... ... 50,000
Bills Receivable........................................................................................................................................................................ 62,000 ...
Bills Payable.............................................................................................................................................................................. ... 55,600
Debtors...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2,10,000 ...
Creditors.................................................................................................................................................................................... ... 97,300
Provision for Doubtful Debts............................................................................................................................................. ... 10,000
Provision for Discount on Debtors................................................................................................................................... ... 2,400
Drawings................................................................................................................................................................................... 12,775 ...
Capital........................................................................................................................................................................................ ... 3,08,000
Machinery................................................................................................................................................................................. 50,000 ...
Building...................................................................................................................................................................................... 60,000 ...
Furniture.................................................................................................................................................................................... 30,000 ...
Outstanding Office Expenses............................................................................................................................................ ... 4,200
Prepaid Expenses................................................................................................................................................................... 1,200 ...
Input CGST................................................................................................................................................................................ 1,000 ...
Input SGST................................................................................................................................................................................ 1,000 ...
Total 12,53,000 12,53,000
Additional Information:
(i) Write-off ` 6,000 as bad debts.
(ii) Additional discount of ` 4,000 given to debtors and additional discount of ` 2,000 received
from creditors.
(iii) Maintain a provision for discount on debtors @ 2% and also maintain provision for
doubtful debts @ 10% on debtors.
(iv) A machine costing ` 20,000 was purchased on 1st July, 2021 and accounted in the books of
account. However, wages of ` 1,000 for its installation have been debited to Miscellaneous
Expenses Account.
(v) Depreciate furniture @ 10% p.a., machinery @ 10% p.a., and building @ 5% p.a.
(vi) Goods costing ` 5,000 were taken by proprietor for personal use.
(vii) A fire broke out on 1st April, 2022 destroying goods costing ` 25,000.
as at 31st March, 2022
` Assets `
Working Notes:
1. An event occurring after the date of Balance Sheet (i.e., fire broke out on 1st April, 2022) does not affect the
Balance Sheet prepared as at 31st March, 2022.
2. Cost of Goods Sold = ` 6,60,000 – ` 5,000 (Drawings in Goods) = ` 6,55,000.
10 9 10
3. Depreciation on: Machinery = ` 30,000 + ` 21,000 = ` 3,000 + ` 1,575 = ` 4,575;
100 12 100
Furniture = ` 30,000 = ` 3,000 .
4. Total Drawings of Proprietor = ` 12,775 (in cash) + ` 5,000 (in Goods) = ` 17,775.
Advanced Level Question
Illustration 7.
On 31st March, 2022 the following Trial Balance was extracted from the books of Mohan:
Particulars Debit Credit
Balances Balances
` `
Capital ............................................................................................................................................. ... 3,00,000
Drawings ............................................................................................................................................. 50,000 ...
Debtors ............................................................................................................................................. 2,00,000 ...
Creditors ............................................................................................................................................. ... 1,00,000
Loan ............................................................................................................................................. ... 95,000
Interest on Loan ............................................................................................................................................. 3,000 ...
Cash ............................................................................................................................................. 20,000 ...
Provision for Doubtful Debts..................................................................................................................................... ... 7,000
Stock on 1st April, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................. 68,000 ...
Motor Vehicles ............................................................................................................................................. 1,00,000 ...
Bank ............................................................................................................................................. 35,000 ...
Land and Building ............................................................................................................................................. 1,20,000 ...
Bad Debts ............................................................................................................................................. 5,000 ...
Purchases ............................................................................................................................................. 6,60,000 ...
Sales ............................................................................................................................................. ... 11,00,000
Purchases Return ............................................................................................................................................. ... 15,000
Sales Return ............................................................................................................................................. 80,000 ...
Carriage Outwards ............................................................................................................................................. 25,000 ...
Carriage Inwards ............................................................................................................................................. 30,000 ...
Salaries ............................................................................................................................................. 90,000 ...
Rent and Insurance ............................................................................................................................................. 30,000 ...
Advertising ............................................................................................................................................. 35,000 ...
Discount Received ............................................................................................................................................. ... 5,000
General Expenses ............................................................................................................................................. 34,000 ...
Bills Receivable ............................................................................................................................................. 60,000 ...
Bills Payable ............................................................................................................................................. ... 20,000
Rent Received ............................................................................................................................................. ... 3,000
Total 16,45,000 16,45,000
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and Balance
Sheet as at that date after taking into account the following:
(a) Stock as at 31st March, 2022 was valued at ` 70,000.
(b) All debtors are considered good.
(c) Depreciate Motor Vehicles by 20%.
(d) Bank intimation of customer’s cheque of ` 10,000 being dishonoured is not recorded in
the books.
(e) Travelling expenses of ` 5,000 paid to sales person was wrongly debited to his Personal
Account and was included in debtors.
(f) Amount of ` 6,000 received from Ronit was credited to his account and was included in
creditors. This amount was written off as bad debt in earlier years.
(g) Drawings included an amount of ` 2,000 being amount drawn in cash. It was used by
Mohan for purchase of stationery used in business.
as at 31st March, 2022
` Assets `
Illustration 8 (With GST).
Following Trial Balance as at 31st March, 2022 is drawn from books of Dalip Kumar, a trader:
Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Considering the following adjustments, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the
year ended 31st March, 2022 and a Balance Sheet as at that date. Also, pass Journal entries for
the adjustments:
1. Closing Stock ` 9,00,000.
2. Outstanding Salaries ` 32,000 and Outstanding Wages ` 20,000.
3. Prepaid Insurance ` 9,000 and Accrued Commission ` 12,000.
4. Charge Depreciation on Machinery @ 10% p.a.
Solution: JOURNAL
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
March 31 Closing Stock A/c ...Dr. 9,00,000
To Trading A/c 9,00,000
(Being the Closing Stock recorded)
March 31 Salaries A/c ...Dr. 32,000
Wages A/c ...Dr. 20,000
To Outstanding Expenses A/c 52,000
(Being the adjustments for Outstanding Salaries and Wages)
March 31 Prepaid Insurance Premium A/c ...Dr. 9,000
To Insurance Premium A/c 9,000
(Being the adjustment for Prepaid Insurance Premium) (Note 1)
March 31 Accrued Commission A/c ...Dr. 12,000
To Commission A/c 12,000
(Being the adjustment for Accrued Commission) (Note 2)
March 31 Depreciation A/c ...Dr. 2,12,000
To Machinery A/c 2,12,000
(Being the depreciation charged on Machinery)
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `