Fungal Diversity
Fungal Diversity
Fungal Diversity
It is now clear that the fungi studied by mycologists include organisms from
three Kingdoms, the Chromista, the Protozoa and the Fungi. The features that
distinguish these three Kingdoms are set out in Table 2.2. Only the Kingdom
Fungi consists exclusively of fungi. The Chromista are aquatic and mainly
photosynthetic organisms. The latter, the algae, are studied by plant biologists
and include the seaweeds, as well as filamentous and microscopic unicellular
forms. The group of fungi informally called Oomycetes or water moulds have
structural, genetic and biochemical features that have now established them as a
phylum, the Oomycota, within the Chromista. They are common microfungi
with many species and include important plant pathogens such as the organism
that causes potato blight. They have motile spores which swim by means of two
flagella, and grow as hyphae with cellulose-containing walls. In addition to the
Oomycetes there are two other Chromistan groups of fungi which are also
aquatic or parasitic and with motile spores; the Hyphochytriomycota and the
Labyrinthulomycota. They have few species and are dealt with briefly in
Appendix 2. The Protozoa are diverse unicellular organisms with separate lines of
descent from a unicellular ancestor. The fungi known as slime moulds all belong
to this kingdom. They do not form hyphae, lack cell walls during the phase in
which they obtain nutrients and grow, and are capable of ingesting nutrients in
particulate form by phagocytosis. The slime moulds hence fail to meet any normal
definition of the fungi, and are now established as members of the Kingdom
Protozoa, but they produce fruiting bodies which have a superficial resemblance
to those of fungi. This resulted in slime moulds early attracting the attention of
mycologists, and to their inclusion in most textbooks on mycology. Two of the
best studied groups of slime moulds are the cellular slime moulds and the
plasmodial slime moulds or Myxomycetes.
The Kingdom Fungi consists solely of species that are hyphal, or clearly related
to hyphal species. Throughout most or all of their life cycle they possess walls
which normally contain chitin but not cellulose, and they are exclusively
absorptive in their nutrition. They are divided into four divisions as shown in
Fig. 2.1. The Chytridiomycetes are the only group with motile cells (known as
zoospores). The form taken by the sexual phase of the life cycle is an important
criterion in the classification of fungi that lack zoospores. The sexual process
leads to the production of characteristic spores in the different groups. The fungi
Table 2.2 Important groups of fungi
Features that may be shared by several groups Group Kingdom
3. Oomycetes. Zoospores
biflagellate b, sexually
produced spores are oospores. Chromista
Walls contain cellulose.
Many Example: Saprolegnia
produce 4. Chytridiomycetes.
Zoospores uniflagellate c.
Sexual process may involve
fusion of motile gametes,
walls contain chitin.
Example: Allomyces
Trophic phase with
cell walls; nutrition
exclusively absorptive.
The fungi
(in the
informal sense) 5. Zygomycetes. Sexually
produced spores are zygospores.
Example: Mucor
6. Ascomycetes.
Sexually produced spores are
ascospores. Example: Pyronema
not 7. Basidiomycetes (mushrooms,
produced toadstools, rusts and smuts).
Sexually produced spores are
basidiospores. Example:
8. Mitosporic fungi. No
sexually produced spores.
Example: Penicillium
a The phase concerned with nutrition and growth.
b Having two flagella.
c Having a single flagellum.
that form zygospores are classified as Zygomycetes, those that form ascospores as
Ascomycetes, and those forming basidiospores as Basidiomycetes. The hyphae of
Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes have numerous cross-waUs. Another feature
widespread in Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes is that when hyphae within a
fungal colony come into contact they may fuse with each other. This hyphal
anastomosis, if frequent, can convert the radiating hyphae of a colony into a
three-dimensional network. Hyphal anastomosis, as indicated later, may be a
major factor in permitting the mycelium of some Ascomycetes and
Basidiomycetes to produce large fruit bodies. Cross-walls and hyphal
anastomoses are largely lacking in the Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes. These
organisms are sometimes termed the 'lower fungi', in contrast to the 'higher
fungi', the Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and related forms. There is some
justification for a loose distinction of this kind, in that the potentialities of hyphal
and mycelial organization have been more fully exploited in the latter groups.
Many Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, in addition to producing spores by a
sexual process, form other types of spores asexually. There are also many species,
recognizable as higher fungi through the presence of cross-walls in their hyphae,
that produce asexual spores but lack a sexual phase. These are known as
mitosporic fungi, as all their spores are produced following mitosis but none by
meiosis. They were formerly termed the Deuteromycetes or Fungi Imperfecti, and
a Deuteromycete was reclassified as an Ascomycete or Basidiomycete if a sexual
phase was discovered. However, analysis of DNA sequences now allows these
asexual fungi to be classified with their closest sexual relatives, and it appears that
they have arisen from many different groups of fungi by the loss of sexuality.
They thus do not constitute a natural group, and ultimately they could all be
assigned to Ascomycete or Basidiomycete groups.
Some important features of the fungal groups mentioned above are indicated in
Table 2.2. Fig. 1.2 shows the relationships between the Kingdoms to which fungi
belong, and other living organisms. The way in which the four major divisions of
the Kingdom Fungi are thought to have diverged is shown in Fig. 2.1.
These groups also form the subject of the rest of the chapter, along with two
additional groups, the yeasts and the lichens. Yeasts are fungi that are normally
unicellular and reproduce by budding, although some will, under appropriate
conditions, produce hyphae, just as some normally hyphal fungi may produce a
yeast phase. Many yeasts have a sexual phase that enables them to be classified as
Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes, although some do not. It is useful, however, to
deal with the yeasts, which have much in common with each other with respect to
form, habitat, practical importance and methods of identification as a group, and
many books are devoted to the subject of yeasts, as are some institutes. The
lichens are intimate symbiotic associations of a fungus, nearly always an
Ascomycete, with an algal or a cyanobacterial species. The fungal components of
lichens can be assigned to order within the Ascomycetes, but it is often useful, on
the basis of morphology, physiology and ecology, to consider the lichens as a
The eight groups listed in Table 2.2 along with the yeasts and lichens will now
be considered in more detail.
j ~ Ascomycetes
I i
! I
t i
I i
! [- } Chytridiomycetes
I 1 I I I 1 I
600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Millions of years
Figure 2.1 The pattern of divergence of fungal phyla. The tree was constructed from
comparisons of 18S RNA gene sequences of over 30 species of fungi. The dates of divergences
are based on the earliest appearance of key structures in the fossil record. For example, the
oldest fossils showing clamp connections, diagnostic of Basidiomycetes, are almost 400
million years old. Dates of divergence available from the fossil record were used to deduce
that the average rate at which the rDNA base sequence changes is 1% per hundred million
years. Hence divergence times could also be theoretically assigned to branches in the
phylogenetic tree for which there was no fossil evidence available. Both fossil and molecular
data indicate that the diversification of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes has occurred in
parallel with the diversification of a land flora during the last 500 million years, and that the
first terrestrial fungi evolved about 550 million years ago. Fossil Ascomycete fruiting bodies
resembling present day Pyrenomycetes have been found on a 400 million year old fossil plant.
Based on Berbee, M.L. & Taylor, J.W. (2000), The Mycota, Springer-Verlag, Berlin;
Taylor,T.N., Hass, H. & Kerp, H. (1999) Nature 399, 648.
The slime moulds are Protozoa that have been much studied by mycologists. The
cellular slime moulds are so designated to contrast them with slime moulds that
produce plasmodia. Two phyla are recognized, the Acrasiomycota and the
Dictyosteliomycota. Members of the Acrasiomycota occur mainly on dung and
decaying vegetation and will not be considered further. Members of the
Dictyosteliomycota occur in soils throughout the world, especially in the surface
soil and leaf litter of deciduous forests. Although they are common, only about
fifty species are known. One of these, Dictyostelium discoideum, has been studied
intensively by biologists and biochemists interested in cellular interaction and
developmental processes. The life cycle of D. discoideum (Figs. 2.2, 2.3) will now
be described.
Di ~ and differentiation
Figure 2.2 The life cycle of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. An
amoeba is shown with a central nucleus and a contractile vacuole, and is ingesting a rod-
shaped bacterium. When starvation occurs in a population of amoebae, aggregation gives
slugs, which may consist of thousands of amoebae and be I mm long. After migration to a
suitable site, slugs differentiate into a fruiting body consisting of a basal disc, a stalk, and
a sporangium containing spores. If a spore reaches a suitable substratum, it germinates and
an amoeba emerges. Amoebae that differ in mating type can mate to give diploid (2n)
macrocysts, with loosely textured primary walls and more dense, secondary, inner walls.
Macrocysts are capable of prolonged survival, and on germination undergo meiosis to give
haploid (n) amoebae once more.
Figure 2.3 Amoeba aggregation in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. A,
Centres of attraction have formed and are surrounded by bright zones of elongated
amoebae moving towards centres, and dark zones of roughly circular, temporarily
stationary amoebae. B, After about an hour the zones are breaking up into streams moving
towards the centres. C, After a further hour all the amoebae have joined streams. Dark-
field microscopy. (Reproduced with permission from Newell, P. C. (1981). Chemotaxis in
the cellular slime moulds. In Lackie, J. M. & Wilkinson, P. C., eds, Biology of the
Chemotactic Response, pp. 89-114. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.)
_~ II I
' I
_ ~ 0 ~ denine OH 0
o~ I OH CH30
Figure 2.4 Componds regulating cell movement and differentiation in the cellular slime
mould Dictyostelium discoideum. A, Folic acid, a bacterial metabolite that attracts trophic
phase amoebae. Folic acid also acts as a vitamin for the many organisms in which a
derivative of folic acid, tetrahydrofolate, is an enzyme co-factor in the metabolism of C 1
componds. B, Cyclic AMP (3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate) is emitted by
aggregating amoebae, attracting further amoebae into the aggregate. It also has an
important role in metabolic regulation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. C, DIF,
differentiation inducing factor, brings about the differentiation of amoebae at the anterior
end of the slug into the stalk cells of the fruiting body. D, Discadenine prevents the
premature germination of D. discoideum spores.
Efficient location of bacteria by amoebae is facilitated by chemotactic
responses. Amoebae repel each other by a factor, as yet unidentified, that they
release. They hence avoid high concentrations of amoebae, where there will be
few surviving bacteria, and are dispersed to areas where bacteria are more likely
to be present. They also show positive chemotaxis to a product released by
bacteria, folic acid (Fig. 2.4A), and themselves release an enzyme which destroys
folic acid. This presumably prevents the building up of a uniform background
concentration of folic acid, which would not give any indication as to the
direction of the folic acid source and the bacteria.
Ultimately amoebae exhaust the supply of bacteria in their vicinity. Their
behaviour then changes. They cease to repel each other and cease to respond to
folic acid. Instead some begin to emit cyclic AMP (3',5'-cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (AMP), Fig. 2.4B) and others respond to this substance by
positive chemotaxis. Attractant centres are formed. These centres emit pulses of
cyclic AMP every few minutes. Nearby amoebae respond by moving towards the
centre for about 100 s, covering about 20 ~m and also releasing a pulse of cyclic
AMP which attracts amoebae further from the centre. After a refractory period
amoebae recover cyclic AMP sensitivity and become ready to respond to a further
pulse of cyclic AMP. Thus, a relay system operates that can attract amoebae a
centimetre or more from a centre. Each centre becomes surrounded by a field of
amoebae moving towards the centre. With dark field microscopy alternate zones
of moving amoebae, which are elongated and bright, and stationary amoebae,
roughly circular and dark, can be recognized (Fig. 2.3). Subsequently, the field
breaks up into streams moving towards the centre. Finally, all the amoebae within
range of a centre's influence reach the centre to produce an aggregate which,
depending on the amoeba population at the time food was exhausted, may
contain from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand cells.
The aggregation process in D. discoideum has been the subject of intensive
study, and the sensory transduction path, from the binding of cyclic AMP at the
surface of the plasma membrane to the movement of the amoeba in the direction
from which a cyclic AMP pulse originated, is gradually being elucidated.
Amoebae produce phosphodiesterases which destroy cyclic AMP. One is released
into the medium and presumably prevents the build-up of a uniform background
of cyclic AMP, the other is membrane bound and perhaps frees receptors from
cyclic AMP thus permitting response to further pulses.
In some cellular slime moulds attractants other than cyclic AMP are
responsible for aggregation. Cyclic AMP is, however, the attractant for several
Dictyostelium spp. other than D. discoideum. There is hence the possibility that
a single centre may attract more than one species. If this occurs a sorting process
takes place, resulting in aggregates consisting of cells of only one species. This is
the result of species specificity in cell adhesion, resulting from the release of
species-specific proteins. A molecule of such a protein has two sites able to bind
to surface polysaccharides on the amoebae of the producer species, and can thus
cause adhesion between such cells but not those of other species. The specific
proteins involved in cell adhesion in D. discoideum are called discoidins.
The mass of cells resulting from aggregation develops into a slug-like
organism (sometimes termed a grex or pseudoplasmodium) which is enclosed in
a slime sheath. The 'slug', depending on the number of cells in the aggregate from
which it originated, may be minute or as much as 1 mm in length. It can migrate
for several days, and is positively thermotactic and phototactic, moving towards
warmth and light. In nature this will help the slug to move through leaf litter or
soil to a site on the surface suitable for the development of a fruiting body from
which spores can readily disperse.
The fruit body consists of a basal disc (hence the specific epithet, discoideum),
a multicellular stalk and a roughly spherical mass of spores, the sporangium. The
stalk consists of cell wall materials, largely cellulose, secreted by the stalk cells
before they die. During slug migration the cells that will become the stalk (the pre-
stalk cells) are at the tip of the slug. The conversion of amoeboid pre-stalk cells
into the vacuolate, walled, stalk cells is brought about by a differentiation
inducing factor, DIF (Fig. 2.4C) produced at the tip of the slug. The fruiting
bodies, as they rise from the substratum, avoid colliding with each other. This,
and the adequate spacing of fruiting bodies, is due to the emission by the
developing fruiting bodies of a volatile factor, ammonia, which repels other
fruiting bodies. The spores can remain viable for several years, their premature
germination either within the sporangium or in a dense mass being prevented by
a germination inhibitor, discadenine (Fig. 2.4D). When spores are well dispersed
the inhibitor is lost by diffusion. Germination is stimulated by amino acids, which
will be encountered if a spore arrives in the vicinity of bacteria. A germinating
spore swells, the spore wall ruptures, and an amoeba emerges and begins to feed
on bacteria. Under unfavourable conditions the amoebae of some cellular slime
moulds, but not D. discoideum, can develop cell walls to become microcysts.
These cells, more resistant than amoebae, germinate when favourable conditions
The life cycle so far described can be accomplished by amoebae that remain
haploid and constitute a clone, that is have originated from a single haploid cell.
A sexual process, however, can be initiated by bringing together amoebae that
differ in mating type. The mating type of a cell is determined by which of two
alleles, m a t A or m a t a, is present. Cell clumping is brought about by a volatile
factor, ethylene, released by m a t A cells and acting on m a t a cells. Cyclic AMP is
then released attracting more cells into the clump. Within the clump, cell and
nuclear fusion occurs between two cells of different mating type. The resulting
zygote ingests and digests many of the surrounding cells to produce a large cell
which develops a thick wall to become a macrocyst. Under suitable conditions the
macrocyst germinates with meiosis occurring and haploid amoebae being
The Oomycetes
(unfertilized eggs) are produced. Each contains, when mature, a single haploid
nucleus. Meiosis also occurs in antheridia, and the antheridia grow towards
oogonia. From the antheridia fertilization tubes penetrate oogonia, and a single
fertilization tube enters each oosphere. A single haploid nucleus passes from the
antheridium through the fertilization tube, and fuses with the haploid nucleus in
the oosphere. The oosphere then develops into the oospore (fertilized egg)
characteristic of the class. Each oospore has a single diploid nucleus. When the
oospore germinates it gives rise to a mycelium that is diploid, in contrast to the
haploid mycelium of most other fungi.
Another characteristic of the Oomycetes that distinguishes them from the Fungi
is the biflageUate zoospore (Figs. 2.7, 4.15). This has a forwardly directed tinsel
flagellum - a flagellum with a row of hairs on each side when viewed with the
electron m i c r o s c o p e - as well as a posteriorly directed smooth flagellum.
Ultrastructural and biochemical studies have shown that the Oomycetes differ
from the Fungi in further fundamental ways (Table 2.3).
Three Oomycete orders, the Saprolegniales, Pythiales and Peronosporales, have
attracted considerable attention, and will be considered further.
Members of the order Saprolegniales, often referred to as the water moulds, are
common in fresh water and also occur in damp soil. The life cycle (Fig. 2.8) of the
common genus Saprolegnia will be described, along with features of interest from
other genera.
Saprolegnia is common in soil and fresh water. Many species are saprotrophic,
living on animal and plant remains, but a few are parasites, killing fish and
destroying fish eggs. Hyphae of Saprolegnia are sometimes seen emerging from
Figure 2.8 The life cycle of the Oomycete Saprolegnia ferax. When the diploid (2n)
mycelium ceases growth through nutrient exhaustion, septa form delimiting sporangia at
hyphal tips. A sporangium is shown just prior to the breakdown of its tip and the discharge
of zoospores. Both primary and secondary zoospores have a smooth and a tinsel flagellum,
but the point of insertion differs. Secondary cysts have hooks which probably facilitate
attachment to suitable surfaces. Meiosis occurs in antheridia and oogonia to give haploid
(n) nuclei, and oospheres are delimited within oogonia. Antheridia grow on to the surface
of oogonia, and produce fertilization tubes that penetrate oogonia and fuse with
oospheres. Here a single fertilization tube is shown contributing a nucleus to an oosphere.
Fusion between antheridial and oosphere nuclei results in the formation of diploid (2n)
sick or dead goldfish in aquaria. Crude cultures of Saprolegnia and other water
moulds can be obtained by placing boiled split hemp seeds, ants' 'eggs' or other
forms of 'bait' in pond water samples; the bait soon supports growth of a water
mould. After contaminating bacteria are eliminated, most water moulds grow
readily in pure culture on common liquid or agar media, such as glucose-yeast
extract-peptone-mineral salts agar. Water moulds cannot reduce sulphate, so in
defined media sulphur is best supplied in a reduced organic form such as
methionine. Glucose is a good carbon source, and nitrogen can be supplied as an
ammonium salt or as amino acids. Vitamins need not be supplied.
The hyphae of Saprolegnia are, compared with most fungi, large and extend
rapidly. They taper towards the tip, and the maximum width is only attained at
some distance behind the tip. The hyphae lack cross-walls, as do those of other
Oomycetes, and nuclei are scattered through the cytoplasm. Prominent
protoplasmic streaming in the direction of the tip occurs. The number of branches
depends on nutrition, high nutrient concentrations increasing branch frequency.
Old cultures may develop resting structures termed gemmae (sing. gemma) which
germinate under suitable conditions.
Starvation conditions can initiate sporangium production, and ultimately
release of zoospores. In the laboratory this can be achieved by replacing a liquid
nutrient medium by distilled water or a dilute salts medium; after sporangia have
developed zoospore discharge can often be brought about by a further
replacement of the distilled water or salts medium. A sporangium is a swollen
hyphal tip, separated from the rest of the hypha by a cross-wall; zoospores form
inside the sporangium. Zoospores when first discharged from Saprolegnia
sporangia are pear-shaped with flagella emerging at the front. These primary
zoospores swim rather sluggishly and soon develop thin cell walls to become
spherical primary cysts. The cysts germinate to release kidney-shaped secondary
zoospores with laterally emerging flagella. These swim much more vigorously and
may form secondary cysts only after some hours. Secondary zoospores show a
chemotaxis towards salts which is enhanced by the presence of amino acids.
Perhaps the role of the primary zoospore is to swim away from the sporangium
and the static water adjacent to the fungus, so that the primary cyst may be
dispersed by currents. The chemotaxis of the secondary zoospore may assist in
reaching hosts or nutrient materials and it appears that the secondary cysts,
copiously provided with spines and hooks as revealed by electron microscopy,
may be well adapted for attachment to a host. Secondary cysts normally
germinate by producing a slender hypha, the germ-tube, which shows
chemotropism (oriented growth) towards amino acids, facilitating penetration of
nutritious substrata.
There is much variation in the Saprolegniales, both within and between species
and genera, in the pattern of zoospore activity and encystment indicated above.
In Saprolegnia the secondary cyst may sometimes germinate to produce a
zoospore instead of a germ-tube. Such a 'tertiary' zoospore resembles the
secondary zoospore in form and activity. The primary zoospores of Achlya
commonly encyst immediately on discharge, forming at the exit pore of the
sporangium a cluster of cysts from which secondary zoospores emerge. In
Thraustotheca the primary zoospores encyst within the sporangium and are
released by sporangium rupture. In Dictyuchus the primary zoospore phase is
suppressed; the developing zoospores encyst within the sporangium and the cysts
germinate to discharge secondary zoospores, each through a separate pore in the
sporangium wall. In Pythiopsis it is the secondary zoospore that is suppressed, the
primary cyst germinating to give a germ-tube. Some fungi, known to be
Saprolegniales from their sexual morphology, do not produce sporangia, and
others produce within their sporangia non-motile spores that have presumably
evolved from cysts. The motile phase of the zoospore life cycle is clearly one that
shows flexibility within a species according to requirements, and in the course of
evolution is eliminated or modified in response to natural selection.
Most water moulds are hermaphrodite or monoecious, bearing both male and
female reproductive structures on a single diploid mycelium. Oogonia are usually
sited singly, often at the tips of hyphal branches, and depending on species may
contain one or a few oospheres. Antheridia may develop on the same hypha as an
oogonium and close to it, or on other hyphae. Monoecious species are self-fertile
(homothallic). The oospores that develop from fertilized oospheres are thick
walled and can survive for long periods. They germinate by means of a germ-tube,
which may develop into a mycelium, or may terminate in a small sporangium
from which zoospores are discharged.
There are a few species that are self-sterile (heterothallic), with the cooperation
of two mycelia being needed for the sexual process to occur. When two
compatible mycelia are brought together, one produces male, and one female
structures. Such species are referred to as dioecious. The dioecious condition
facilitates research on the sexual process, and two dioecious species, Acblya
bisexualis and Acblya ambisexualis, have been employed in such studies. In these
species mycelium that has arisen from a single oospore will not form sexual
structures. If, however, culture filtrate from a 'female' strain is added to a 'male'
strain, antheridial initials (incipient antheridia) develop. This is due to a steroid
sex hormone, hormone A or antheridiol (Fig. 2.9A) which is produced by the
female strain and is active at very low concentrations. When antheridial initials
have been induced in the male strain, it in turn releases a steroid sex hormone,
hormone B or oogoniol (Fig. 2.9B), which induces oogonial initials in the female
strain. Both antheridiol and oogoniol are synthesized by the fungus from
fucosterol, the most abundant sterol in Acblya and other Oomycetes. Antheridial
initials grow towards oogonia by chemotropism up a concentration gradient of
antheridiol. At one time the occurrence of hormones additional to hormones A
and B and acting later in the sexual process was postulated; the occurrence of
such hormones is now thought unlikely. The distinction between male and female
strains is not absolute. A comparison of many strains demonstrates the existence
not only of 'strong males' that act only as males, and 'strong females' that act only
as females, but also of intermediate weak male and weak female strains. Such
strains will act as male when paired with a strong female, or female when paired
with a strong male. The physiological basis for this series of strains seems to be in
the amounts of hormone A produced, with a strong female producing most
hormone A and a strong male the least. Relative sensitivity to hormone A may
also be important.
Monoecious species of Acblya and Tbraustotbeca have been shown to respond
to hormones from Acblya ambisexualis and A. bisexualis, and to produce factors
initiating antheridium development in dioecious species. It is likely, therefore,
that sexual development in monoecious species is controlled by the same (or
similar) hormones as in dioecious species. Under some conditions of nutrition and
temperature a normally dioecious species may develop both oogonia and
antheridia on a single mycelium. It seems likely that monoecious and dioecious
species are closely related and that the evolution of one type from the other could
OH A .
HO 22 o
RO o
Figure 2.9 The sexual hormones of the Oomycte Achlya. A, Antheridiol ( C 2 9 H 4 2 0 5 9
MW 470) is a sterol produced by the female strain. It induces antheridial initials in the
male strain at concentrations as low as 2 • 10-ll M. B, The sterol oogoniol and its esters
(R = H, acetate, propionate or isobutyrate residues) are produced by a male strain that has
developed antheridial initials in response to antheridiol. The major component of the
hormone mixture is the isobutyrate ester (C33Hs406: MW 546). Oogoniol and its esters
induce oogonial initials in the female strain. They are less potent than antheridiol, with the
most active component of the mixture inducing sexual development in the female at
concentrations of ca 10.7 M.
readily occur. Although good progress has been made in understanding hormonal
and physiological aspects of sexuality in water moulds, the genetic basis of their
sexuality remains to be clarified.
The Pythiales
One of the families in the order Pythiales, the Pythiaceae, includes two of the best
known fungal genera, Pythium and Phytophthora.
Species of Pythium occur in flesh water and soil and can live as saprotrophs on
plant debris, but some species under suitable conditions will attack plants, and
are hence facultative parasites. Pythium ultimum and Pythium debaryanum can
attack a wide variety of seedlings if they are overcrowded and under too moist
conditions, causing 'damping-off' and extensive death. The hyphae of Pythium in
their invasion of plant tissues are both intercellular and intracellular, passing
between and penetrating through plant cells, and pectic enzymes diffuse ahead of
the hyphae, dissolving the middle lamella of cell walls and softening the tissues.
The life cycle of Pythium is similar to that of Saprolegnia. Sporangia are formed,
commonly at the tips of hyphal branches, and zoospore maturation occurs in a
thin-walled vesicle which emerges from the sporangium under appropriate
conditions. The zoospores resemble the secondary zoospores of Saprolegnia and
in some species have been shown to be attracted by root exudates. After a period
of swimming, or on arrival at a suitable substratum, encystment and germ-tube
emergence occurs. Many Pythium species are self-fertile, forming antheridia and
oogonia and successfully producing oospores in cultures that have been derived
from a single zoospore. Others, however, tend to be self-sterile. In Pythium
sylvaticum there are predominantly male and predominantly female strains and
the sexual process occurs most readily when the two types are brought together,
although most of the male and a few of the female strains can if necessary be self-
Phytophthora (Greek: phyton, plant; phthora, destroyer) is a genus of
outstanding importance to plant pathologists, killing or otherwise damaging a
wide variety of economically important plants. There are some aquatic species,
but it is the terrestrial species that are of economic importance. Many species can
attack a broad range of hosts. Phytophthora cinnamomi, for example, can infect
many woody plants, including conifers, and in recent years has devastated the
native eucalypt forests of Australia. At the other extreme Phytophthora infestans
is limited to the Solanaceae (the potato and tomato family) and is best known as
the cause of late blight of potato, a disease responsible for a famine in Ireland in
the 1840s and still of economic importance. Phytophthora hyphae differ in their
behaviour from those of Pythium in that they are intercellular, passing between
plant cells but producing short specialized branches, haustoria, which penetrate
the cells. The sporangia of Phytophthora are borne on specialized branched
hyphae, the sporangiophores, which typically emerge from the infected plant and
extend ca 200 pm into the air. This facilitates the dispersal of the sporangia which
are detachable in terrestrial species when mature. Such sporangia may behave as
conidia and produce a germ-tube (direct germination) or may release zoospores
(indirect germination). Which occurs depends on environmental conditions, low
temperatures favouring zoospore release. Thus in P. infestans zoospores are
produced at 15~ and germ-tubes at 20~ behaviour which is understandable as
at the lower temperature, free w a t e r - from dew or rainfall - in which zoospores
can swim will persist longer. Chemotaxis of zoospores to plant exudates has been
shown in several Phytophthora species. In some species the sexual phase can be
produced in cultures derived from single zoospores whereas other species are
normally self-sterile and it is necessary to bring together two mating types,
designated A~ and A z. Oospores are thick-walled and probably are capable of
prolonged survival in soil at times when there are no suitable hosts for infection.
Mycelium too has some capacity for survival on plant debris.
Pythium and Phytophthora, like members of the Saprolegniales, can be grown
in pure culture, although they tend to be nutritionally more demanding. A
remarkable feature of the Pythiaceae, and one in which they are apparently
unique among eukaryotic organisms, is that although they cannot synthesize
sterols, vegetative growth can occur in the absence of added sterols. There is,
however, a requirement for sterols for both sporangium production and the
sexual process. Sterols are thought to endow plasma membranes with greater
strength; perhaps this is essential for the zoospore membrane but not for the
membranes of hyphal cells that are protected by a tough cell wall. The role of
sterols in the sexual process may be as precursors for sex hormones similar to
those known in Acblya.
The Peronosporales
This order includes two families, the Peronosporaceae (downy mildews) and the
Albuginaceae (white rusts), that are obligate parasites of vascular plants.
Examples of downy mildews are Plasmopara viticola, which causes an important
disease of the grape vine, and Peronospora parasitica, which attacks members of
the Cruciferae (the cabbage family). The white rust Albugo candida also attacks
Cruciferae. The downy mildews and white rusts are biotrophs, obtaining their
nourishment only from living cells, in contrast to the Pythiaceae, which are
usually necrotrophs, killing cells and then obtaining nourishment from them.
Although downy mildews and white rusts cannot be grown in pure culture, some
species have been grown in association with cultured cells of the relevant host
plant. Zoospores remain of importance in some species, but in others, such as
P. parasitica, the sporangia function solely as conidia.
The Peronosporales can be arranged as a series with respect to their parasitic
activity. Pythium has considerable saprotrophic ability, and as a parasite has a
wide host range and causes rapid death. Phytophthora has little saprotrophic
ability, but as a parasite has a greater degree of host specialization and some
capacity for obtaining nourishment from living cells. Finally, the downy mildews
and white rusts are obligately biotrophic parasites, usually with a limited host
range and rarely killing host plants. A parallel series can be traced from aquatic
to fully terrestrial species. These series probably also reflect an evolutionary trend
from aquatic saprotrophs, through facultative necrotrophs with a considerable
dependence on damp conditions, to fully terrestrial biotrophs.
The Chytridiomycetes
Figure 2.12 Sirenin, the attractant released by female gametangia and gametes of the
Chytridiomycete Allomyces, and to which the male gametes respond. It is a bicyclic
sesquiterpene (ClsH2402:MW 236). It is active over a wide range of concentrations, from
10-l~ to 10-s M. In addition to being highly active, it is highly specific, most analogues and
the D-isomer being without activity. Sirenin is destroyed by the male gametes after it is
taken up. There is also evidence for a complementary sex hormone, parisin, released by
male gametes and attracting female gametes.
The Chytridiales
Ruminant animals, such as sheep and cattle, are highly effective consumers of
plant biomass. This effectiveness is due to the activity of microorganisms in the
rumen, a specialized region of the gut. Conditions in the rumen are virtually
anaerobic, and the study of rumen microbes requires stringent exclusion of
oxygen, both in the sampling and processing of rumen contents and in the
subsequent culture of the rumen organisms. Obligately anaerobic bacteria and
protozoa have long been known to be abundant in the rumen, but the presence of
fungi was unsuspected until 1974. It was then realized that some organisms which
had been regarded as protozoa were in fact Chytridiomycete zoospores. Attention
which had hitherto been directed towards the liquid from strained rumen
contents was then switched to the residual plant debris, where abundant
obligately anaerobic Chytridiomycetes were found.
The anaerobic rumen fungi are now regarded as constituting the order
Neocallimastigales. The life cycles of several rumen fungi have been studied, and
that of one species, Neocallimastix hurleyensis, followed in axenic culture.
Zoospores of Neocallimastix are unusual in being multiflagellate, with 8-17
flagella. Zoospores are attracted to, and encyst upon, fragments of plant material.
Cyst germination follows, with the germ-tube penetrating the substratum to
become a rhizoid that branches profusely. As with Blastocladiella (page 36) a
thallus develops and becomes a zoosporangium (Fig. 2.11A), which in N.
hurleyensis yields an average of 88 zoospores. When this fungus is grown at 39~
the temperature of the rumen, about 30 hours elapse between a zoospore
encysting and the release of further zoospores from the mature sporangium that
The activities of anaerobic Chytridiomycetes in the herbivore rumen are
considered further in Chapter 7.
The Zygomycetes
The phylum Zygomycota consists of two classes, the Zygomycetes and the
Trichomycetes. Within these two classes the sexual process consists of the fusion
of two gametangia to give a resting spore, the zygospore. Whether the two classes
are closely related is not clear. The Trichomycetes, of which about 200 species are
known, are obligate parasites that live in the gut of insects and other arthropods,
and will not be considered further. There are about 900 species of Zygomycetes,
and members of one order, the Mucorales, are very widespread and abundant.
The Mucorales will now be considered, after which brief reference will be made
to other orders.
The Mucorales
Most members of the Mucorales are saprotrophs, and are common in soil and on
the droppings of rodents and large herbivores. Others cause rots of fruits and
some occur on the decaying fruiting bodies of mushrooms and toadstools. The
saprotrophic members of the Mucorales usually have little ability to attack
refractory substrates such as cellulose or chitin, but have large hyphae that spread
rapidly, and soon sporulate to produce spores that germinate easily. They hence
'get there first' and can exploit readily assimilable nutrients such as sugars before
other fungi arrive, and hence have been termed 'primary saprotrophic sugar
fungi'. Others, including Mucor hiemalis, have been found on rotting wood,
apparently obtaining sugars released from wood by Basidiomycete enzymes, and
hence are 'secondary saprotrophic sugar fungi'. A few members of the Mucorales
are mycoparasites, attacking other fungi, particularly saprotrophic Mucorales
growing on dung. Their hyphae are generally small and many are obligate
parasites and cannot be cultured. The largest genus in the Mucorales is Mucor
itself, many species of which are common in soil and on decaying plant materials.
The life cycle (Fig. 2.13) of Mucor and similar members of the Mucorales will
now be described.
Sporangiospores of the Mucorales may contain one or several nuclei. Such a
spore, placed on a suitable agar medium, will germinate. The spore swells, often
to many times the original volume, and a new inner wall is synthesized beneath
the original spore wall. After a few hours a hypha, the germ-tube, breaks through
Figure 2.13 The life cycle of the Zygomycete Mucor mucedo. Multinucleate
sporangiospores germinate to give mycelia of the same mating type (§ or-). Mycelia bear
sporangia on sporangiophores, as shown on the left. On the right a sporangium in section
shows the columella, sporangiospores, and oxalate crystals on the sporangium surface. If
colonies of different mating type come into proximity, zygophores (stout aerial hyphae)
differing in mating type grow towards each other and form gametangia when they come
into contact. Cell fusion and nuclear fusion occur to give thick-waUed diploid (2n)
zygospores. Meiosis precedes germination, which gives a sporangiophore terminating in a
sporangium containing haploid (n) sporangiospores.
the old spore wall. The cell wall of the germ-tube is continuous with the new inner
wall of the spore. Sometimes several germ-tubes are produced. These hyphae
grow and branch, and within a day a circular colony of vegetative mycelium is
established. The vegetative hyphae spread upon and penetrate the substratum,
and in some species aerial hyphae rising above the substratum are also produced.
Some genera, such as Rhizopus and Absidia, achieve rapid spread by means of
stout rapidly growing aerial hyphae known as stolons. When these touch a
suitable substratum slender hyphae, rhizoids, develop and penetrate the
substratum. The hyphae of the Mucorales are coenocytic with many nuclei and
few cross-walls.
Some members of the Mucorales are capable of growth under anaerobic
conditions (page 147). In these circumstances metabolism is fermentative and
alcohol is produced from sugar. In the absence of air and in the presence of high
carbon dioxide concentrations sporangiospores of some Mucor species, such as
Mucor rouxii and Mucor racemosus, germinate by budding, and a form
resembling yeast is produced. This mould-yeast dimorphism, controlled by
environmental conditions, has been studied in Mucor and Mycotypha. Some
Rbizopus species, such as Rhizopus oryzae, will grow under anaerobic conditions
but remain hyphal. Some other members of the Mucorales, such as Phycomyces
blakesleeanus, are incapable of anaerobic growth.
The most widespread mode of asexual sporulation in the Mucorales is the
production of sporangiospores. The details of sporangium (pl. sporangia) form and
their arrangement on the erect hyphae that bear them, the sporangiophores, vary
and are used in defining genera and species. Detailed studies of sporangiophore
growth have been carried out in a genus, Pbycomyces, in which the sporangiophores
- and also the mycelial hyphae, sporangia and zygospores- are very large. The
Pbycomyces sporangiophore is at first merely a stout hypha rising above the
substratum and elongating by means of wall extension in the apical region. Then
elongation ceases and the apex swells to form a spherical sporangium. The sporangium
is at first bright yellow from the presence of [5-carotene, but then turns black as the
carotene undergoes oxidative polymerization to form sporopollenin, a substance very
resistant to chemical and biological degradation. Within the sporangium the
protoplasm is cleaved and rounds off to give about 100 000 sporangiospores, each
containing a few nuclei. The walls of the sporangiospores contain sporopollenin.
Most of the sporangium is occupied by sporangiospores, but the sporangiophore
projects into the sporangium as a columella. After the sporangium is formed,
elongation of the sporangiophore is resumed, with extension occurring in a growth
zone just below the sporangium. The sporangiophore, both in the early and late
phases of elongation, displays a range of sensory responses. It shows positive
phototropism (Fig. 4.5), growing towards the light over a very wide range of light
intensities. Other sensory responses that enable the sporangiophore to rise above the
substratum (in nature usually dung) while avoiding obstacles are negative geotropism
(upward growth), negative hydrotropism (growth towards dry conditions), an
avoidance response when approaching obstacles including other sporangiophores,
and growth into air currents (positive anemotropism). The sporangial wall of
Phycomyces is thin, and readily ruptured when the sporangium is mature, to expose
the spores which are contained in a mucilaginous matrix. It is probable that such
'slime spores' are dispersed by rain splash.
Mucor, like Phycomyces, has an approximately spherical sporangium
borne on an erect sporangiophore, but both sporangium and sporangiophore
are much smaller. In some species the sporangium wall dissolves at maturity
leaving a 'stalked spore drop'. The sporangium of Rhizopus resembles that
of Mucor but there is no mucilage in the sporangium; on rupture 'dry
spores' are released which are readily dispersed by air currents. In other
genera of Mucorales there is a wide variety of sporangium form. In
Thamnidium a sporangium similar to that of Mucor occurs at the end of the
sporangiophore, but about halfway up the sporangiophore there are short
branches carrying tiny sporangia (sporangioles) each containing only a few
sporangiospores. Thamnidium may, depending on conditions of light,
temperature and humidity, produce a sporangium only, sporangioles only,
or both. Cunninghamella apparently produces conidia, but developmentally
these, and similar structures in some other genera, appear to be sporangioles
containing a single spore. The sporangiospores of the Mucorales are mostly
classifiable into dry spores, dispersed by air currents, and slime spores,
dispersed by rain splash. The genus Pilobolus, however, members of which
grow on dung, has an active discharge mechanism. The sporangiophores are
phototropic and when mature, the osmotic rupture of a subsporangial
swelling 'shoots' the sporangium a metre or so away from the dung, to
alight on vegetation and perhaps to be consumed by a herbivore and thus to
arrive in flesh dung.
Some members of the Mucorales produce, in addition to sporangiospores, a
further type of asexual spore, the chlamydospore. These thick-walled spores are
produced within hyphae and have no dispersal mechanism, so probably they
remain at the site of production until conditions favourable for growth recur.
Mucor racemosus produces copious chlamydospores both in vegetative hyphae
and within sporangiophores. The sexual process has received detailed study in
Mucor mucedo. When vegetative growth brings two colonies that differ in mating
type into close proximity, both produce zygophores, specialized aerial hyphae.
Zygophores of differing mating type grow towards each other through the air, a
form of positive autotropism termed zygotropism and effective over several
millimetres. When two zygophores of different mating type come into contact the
walls firmly fuse to each other and zygophore elongation ceases. The two
zygophores then swell in the region immediately adjacent to the area of contact to
give two multinucleate progametangia. Each progametangium develops into a
gametangium by the production of a cross-waU which delimits it from the
adjacent region of the zygophore which is then termed the suspensor. The cross-
wall separating the two gametangia then breaks down and the fused gametangia
develop into a zygospore. The development of a thick zygospore wall containing
the black pigments melanin and sporopollenin soon renders the observation of
cytological events difficult. Limited cytological observations supplemented by
genetic analysis suggest that nuclei of different mating type pair and fuse, and that
unpaired nuclei degenerate. Meiosis occurs, but in M. mucedo only one of the
four recombinant types from a single diploid nucleus survives, and subsequently
multiplies. Zygospores do not readily germinate. In M. hiemalis there is no
germination for 30 days, and 1% of the zygospores germinate in the following 90
days. A sporangiophore emerges from the zygospore and terminates in a
sporangium. In M. hiemalis and M. mucedo all the resulting sporangiospores,
representing one of the four products of a single meiosis, are of the same mating
type. Many members of the Mucorales other than M. mucedo are self-sterile, with
two mating types designated plus (§ and minus (-), respectively. There are,
however, self-fertile species, such as Rhizopus sexualis, in which colonies
developing from a single uninucleate sporangiospore will produce zygospores.
Other details of the sexual process also vary.
In Phycomyces blakesleeanus parental haploid nuclei degenerate, and usually
only a single diploid nucleus survives and undergoes meiosis, to yield four
recombinant haploid nuclei which then multiply. Sometimes, however, more than
one diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis and hence a larger variety of recombinant
types are produced. Up to 80% of the zygospores have been shown to germinate,
from 80 to 120 days after their production.
9 0
Figure 2.14 The main zygophore-inducing hormone in Mucor mucedo, trisporic acid C
(C18H2604:MW 306). It is active at about 10-8 M. M. mucedo also produces small amounts
of a second zygophore-inducer, trisporic acid B, which carries an oxygen instead of a
hydroxyl group.
The hormonal control of the sexual process in Mucor mucedo has been studied
in detail. It has been found that a mixed culture of a plus and a minus strain will
produce trisporic acid (Fig. 2.14), a substance which is not produced by either
plus or minus strains when grown alone. Trisporic acid, applied to a plus or
minus strain, induces zygophores. The production of trisporic acid is the result of
a remarkable collaborative biosynthesis involving both plus and minus strains
(Fig. 2.15). The pathway is known in outline although the identity of some
intermediates and steps are uncertain. Both plus and minus strains are able to
cleave f~-carotene to yield retinal. The minus strain can convert this compound by
a series of steps into trisporol, but trisporol can only be converted into trisporic
acid by the plus strain. The plus strain on the other hand, can convert retinal into
4-dehydrotrisporic acid, which can only be converted into trisporic acid by the
minus strain. Thus, the production of trisporic acid is dependent upon the
diffusion of trisporol and 4-dehydrotrisporic acid between plus and minus strains
either through the substratum or through a i r - the two compounds are both water
soluble and volatile. Although trisporic acid is the factor responsible for
zygophore induction it is not volatile and hence cannot account for the attraction
through air of the plus and minus zygophores to each other. This mutual
attraction appears to be due to the diffusion of volatile strain-specific precursors.
Figure 2.15 The collaborative synthesis of trisporic acid by plus (+) and minus (-) strains
of Mucor mucedo. There are two possible routes for the synthesis of trisporic acid from
retinal, the trisporol and the 4-dehydrotrisporic acid pathways. The minus strain has the
enzymes required for the first part of the trisporol and the second part of the
4-dehydrotrisporic acid path. Conversely the plus strain has the enzymes for the first part
of the 4-dehydrotrisporic acid and the second part of the trisporol path. Thus trisporic acid
synthesis is accomplished only when both strains are present.
The Mucorales are so widespread and abundant that they are frequently
encountered by almost all mycologists. The other Zygomycete orders are of a
more specialist interest, although in some environments they are of considerable
significance. The Glomales are important since they form a characteristic
mutualistic association with the roots of a wide variety of vascular plants (page
397). Their hyphae penetrate between the cells of roots where they send
haustoria, which branch like trees (arbuscules; from arbor, Latin for tree), into
cells, and in some groups also form swellings (vesicles) inside cells. Such fungi are
hence known as arbuscular or vesicular-arbuscular fungi, and the associations as
arbuscular or vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (mycorrhiza; Greek, fungus-
root). The Zoopagales are predators or parasites of small animals such as
amoebae and nematodes (eelworms). The predatory forms have a sticky
mycelium which traps the prey which is then invaded by hyphae, and the parasites
infect their host by means of spores, which germinate after being ingested by the
host or sticking to its surface. The Entomophthorales include the large genus
Entomophthora (Greek, insect destroyer) whose members infect and kill a wide
variety of insects including house flies (page 428). Some fungi in this group are
used in the biological control of insect pests.
The Ascomycetes
Members of the phylum Ascomycota, commonly referred to as the Ascomycetes,
are those fungi in which the sexual process involves the production of haploid
ascospores through the meiosis of a diploid nucleus in an ascus (pl. asci). Most
Ascomycetes also carry out asexual sporulation, conidiospores (conidia) being
The Pezizales commonly produce their ascocarps, which are often quite large, on
the surface of forest soil, dead wood or dung. A common species is Pyronema
omphalodes, formerly known as P. confluens, which is found on bonfire sites and
on sterilized soil in greenhouses. It is readily grown in pure culture on defined
media containing a sugar and mineral salts. Ascospores placed on the medium
germinate to produce a rapidly spreading and branching mycelium of large
hyphae. The hyphae show features which are lacking in the 'lower fungi'
discussed in earlier pages but are usual in 'higher f u n g i ' - Basidiomycetes,
Ascomycetes and mitosporic fungi. The hyphae have numerous cross-walls
(septa, sing. septum) but these are perforated by septal pores which permit rapid
protoplasmic streaming and even the passage of nuclei. A hypha may also
undergo fusion (anastomosis) with a neighbouring hypha. Usually each hypha
produces a slender side branch. These grow towards each other and fuse. Hyphal
anastomosis can convert a mycelium of radiating hyphae (as is seen in the lower
fungi) into a three-dimensional network characteristic of the higher fungi. Such a
network can facilitate the transport of protoplasm and nutrients to any point on
a mycelium and facilitate the production of the large fruiting bodies which are
widespread in the higher fungi.
The life cycle of Pyronema is outlined in Fig. 2.18. There is no asexual
sporulation. Induction of sexual sporulation requires carbohydrate limitation.
One procedure is to grow the fungus in a small Petri dish of glucose mineral salts
agar placed in a large Petri dish of water agar. The dense mycelium in the inner
dish spills over to form a thin mycelium with apothecia on the outer dish. This
procedure, which produces copious apothecia, also demonstrates the efficiency
with which nutrients and protoplasm are translocated from the inner dish.
Alternatively both moderate vegetative growth and moderate apothecium
production can be obtained in a single Petri dish by providing the slowly utilized
sugar lactose instead of the readily utilized glucose. Exposure to light is essential
for apothecium production, and apothecia and mycelium produced in daylight
are pink from the presence of carotenoids. It is, however, the ultraviolet
component of daylight that is responsible for apothecium formation and the
visible component for carotenoid induction, so it is possible, by exposure to
suitable ultraviolet radiation, to produce white apothecia.
Pyronema is self-fertile and apothecium production begins with the formation
of clusters of the male structure, the slender antheridium, and the female
structure, the approximately globose ascogonium. Both are multinucleate. The
ascogonium carries a projection, the trichogyne, which grows and curves to make
contact and fuse with an antheridium. Nuclei then pass from the antheridium into
the ascogonium. Ascogenous hyphae grow out from the fertilized ascogonium,
and nuclei enter these hyphae. It is likely that the nuclei pass into the ascogenous
hyphae in pairs, one member of each pair being derived from the antheridium. In
Pyronema there is no proof of this, but in Ascomycetes in which genetic analysis
has been carried out the results of hybridization experiments establish firmly that
pairing must occur. The growth of an ascogenous hypha is terminated by the tip
curving sharply back on itself to form a crozier. The two nuclei nearest the hyphal
tip then divide, thus giving a sequence of four nuclei, two of which will have come
from the antheridium and two from the ascogonium. Septa then form, isolating
one nucleus in a terminal cell, two nuclei, one 'male' and one 'female', in the
penultimate cell, and leaving the fourth nucleus in a stalk cell. Usually the
penultimate cell then elongates to form a tubular ascus. The two haploid nuclei
fuse to give a diploid nucleus which undergoes meiosis to yield four haploid
nuclei. These in turn undergo mitosis to form eight nuclei. Walls develop around
these nuclei and associated cytoplasm to yield eight ascospores.
Meanwhile the terminal and stalk cells may have fused to bring together a male
and female nucleus to initiate the development of another crozier, and sometimes
penultimate cells will develop into croziers instead of asci. So a cluster of
ascogonia will produce many ascogenous hypha, and an ascogenous hyphae
(which sometimes may branch) can produce many croziers and many asci. The
resulting apothecium will contain a large number of parallel tubular asci
interspersed with other hyphae, the paraphyses, which perhaps can be regarded as
spacers, keeping the asci apart and allowing their optimal orientation. Finally the
asci discharge their ascospores. A small lid, the operculum, at the tip of the ascus
is forced open, and the ascospores are shot into the air where they can be
dispersed by air currents.
An important feature of Ascomycete meiosis is that the tetrad of four nuclei
produced in a single meiosis all survive and for a time are kept together in the
form of four or more, usually eight, ascospores in a single ascus. This permits
tetrad analysis, the isolation and genetic study of all four recombinant types
formed in the meiosis of a single hybrid nucleus. Moreover in Ascomycetes with
narrow tubular asci the nuclei cannot slip past each other so that the four
products of meiosis are represented by four successive pairs of ascospores
arranged along the ascus. These can be dissected out in order and cultured. Such
an ordered tetrad analysis yields information on whether two alleles segregated at
the first or second meiotic division. In those Ascomycetes in which broad asci
allow nuclei to slip past each other, ordered tetrad analysis cannot be carried out.
However, an unordered tetrad analysis in which the eight ascospores are
separately cultured without attempting to keep them in order is less laborious and
still yields much useful genetic information. Pyronema omphatodes has not been
utilized in genetic work, but the potentialities of tetrad analysis have been
exploited in several other Ascomycetes.
Another genus in the Pezizales, the coprophilous Ascobolus, has been the
subject of considerable study. A. crenulatus, formerly termed A. viridutus, like
Pyronema omphalodes is self-fertile. A. immersus, however, which has been
extensively used for genetical research, is self-sterile, and the sexual process only
occurs if the two mating types are brought together. Each strain then produces
ascogonia, and fertilization occurs through hyphae of the other strain acting as
Figure 2.18 The life cycle and stages in ascus production in the Ascomycete Pyronema
omphalodes. Here n + n indicates the association of as yet unfused nuclei from the
antheridium and ascogonium. In self-sterile Ascomycetes, however, n + n represents a
dikaryotic phase, with nuclei of different mating types within the same cell. Stages in ascus
production are illustrated as follows. A, A trichogyne growing from an ascogonium has
just fused with an antheridium. Antheridial nuclei are shown white and ascogonium nuclei
black. B, The contents of the antheridium have passed into the ascogonium and pairing of
nuclei has occurred. C, Ascogenous hyphae are developing at the surface of the
ascogonium. Paired nuclei move into the hyphae and divide repeatedly. D, Crozier
formation at the tip of an ascogenous hypha. E, Nuclear division has occurred in the
crozier. F, Septa have formed in the crozier. G, Nuclear fusion has occurred in the
penultimate cell, initiating ascus development, and the tip cell has fused with the stalk cell.
H, Meiosis has occurred in the developing ascus, and the fused tip and stalk cell have given
rise to a further crozier. I, Mature ascus with eight ascospores. J, Discharged ascus,
showing operculum still attached at ascus tip.
antheridia. The broad asci of A. immersus only allow the analysis of unordered
tetrads (Fig. 5.8C, D). The occurrence of a mutation affecting spore colour,
however, permits the analysis of the contents of very large numbers of asci
without having to culture the ascospores. When mutant and wild-type are
hybridized, the asci produced would be expected to contain four wild-type and
four mutant ascospores. Most asci do, but occasional asci are found with
different frequencies of wild-type and mutant. This results from the process of
gene conversion, which may be a very widespread phenomenon but is most
readily demonstrated in Ascomycetes in which tetrad analysis can be carried out.
A. fufuraceous (formerly called A. stercorarius) is another self-sterile species,
requiring the interaction of the two mating types for the sexual process to occur.
It also produces spores asexually by the fragmentation of aerial hyphae. These
spores, termed oidia or arthrospores (Fig. 2.19A), germinate to give a mycelium
if they fall on a suitable substratum. If they fall on a mycelium of the same mating
type they do not germinate, but on the mycelium of the opposite mating type an
oidium will induce the formation of an ascogonium. The trichogyne of the
ascogonium grows towards the oidium and fuses with it. Apothecium
development follows. The asci of Ascobolus and probably most Pezizales are
phototropic, curving to point in the direction of maximum light intensity and
hence shooting their ascospores in the direction with least obstruction.
The Pezizales also include the morels, members of the genus Morchella
(Fig. 2.17B). Morels grow in woodlands and their fruiting bodies, edible and
much prized, are stalked and up to 15 cm high. Some success has been achieved
both in the field cultivation of morels, and the production of mycelium, but not
fruiting bodies, in pure culture. Other Pezizales are known as cup-fungi, because
the disc bearing the asci is curved into a saucer or even a cup-shape (Fig. 2.17A).
In Pezizales with subterranean fruiting bodies, the truffles (Fig. 2.17C), this
tendency has gone further so that the asci line the interior of a roughly spherical
fruiting body. Here there is no discharge mechanism, and it is likely that spores
are dispersed by rodents which, attracted by the smell of mature fruiting bodies,
dig them up and eat them. A few species, such as Tuber melanosporum, are highly
prized by gourmets and are found with the help of trained dogs or pigs. They
form mycorrhizal associations with the roots of beech and oak, and recently some
success has been achieved in promoting the mycorrhizal association between
T. melanosporum and the oak.
The Sordariales include one of the most intensively studied of all fungi,
Neurospora crassa. It is readily grown in pure culture and has large hyphae which
spread rapidly. Two types of asexual sporulation occur. The aerial mycelium
rising above the substratum consists largely of branched chains of macroconidia
(Figs. 2.19B, 4.1B), roughly ellipsoidal cells containing several nuclei.
Macroconidia are pink due to the presence of carotenoids, and are produced in
enormous numbers. They are readily detached and dispersed by air currents and
on landing on a suitable substratum germinate readily. In the tropics burnt
vegetation is often festooned with the pink mycelium and macroconidia of
Neurospora, and in the laboratory care is needed to avoid the massive release of
macroconidia with resulting contamination of other cultures when Petri dishes
are opened. Tiny uninucleate microconidia (Figs. 2.19C, 4.1C) are also produced,
but do not germinate so readily as macroconidia and do not survive so long. It is
probable that the role of microconidia is participation in the sexual process.
The Basidiomycetes
There are many orders within the Basidiomycete macrofungi. Here a few
intensively studied species and the features of some orders will be considered.
Figure 2.20 The life cycle of the Agaric Coprinus cinereus: Haploid (n) basidiospores
germinate to give primary mycelium which can produce oidia, and fuse with oidia or
mycelium of compatible mating type to give dikaryotic (n + n) secondary mycelium with
clamp connections. Secondary mycelium can produce chlamydospores and give rise to fruit
bodies. Fusion of two haploid nuclei to give diploid (2n) nuclei occurs in basidia. Meiosis
follows and each basidium bears four haploid basidiospores.
(sometimes called a parenthosome) with a number of perforations. This complex
septal apparatus permits cytoplasmic streaming between compartments but not
the passage of nuclei. Asexual sporulation takes the form of the production of
oidia on short hyphal branches to form stalked spore drops. C. cinereus is self-
sterile and the initiation of the sexual process requires an encounter between two
strains that differ in mating type.
The mycelium that arises from a single basidiospore is known as the primary
mycelium. It is a homokaryon, having only one type of nucleus, and a
monokaryon, with only one nucleus per cell. Mating type is determined by two
unlinked genetic factors, A and B. Such a mating system is known as bifactorial.
A survey of natural populations of C. cinereus demonstrated 36 alternative
factors at the A locus and 32 at the B locus, but further sampling would
undoubtedly reveal higher numbers. Even on the basis of 36 A factors and 32 B
factors, 1152 (i.e. 36 • 32) mating types are possible. An encounter between two
strains of identical mating type (e.g. A 1 B 1 and A 1B1, a situation referred to as A=
B-) will lead to no further developments, but if the strains differ with respect to
both mating factors (A ~ B ~, e.g. A~ B~ meets A 2 B2) the sexual process goes to
completion and fruit bodies are formed (Table 2.4). The sexual process can be
initiated as a result of encounters classifiable as A=B~ or A~B= but will
subsequently fail. Full sexual compatibility between two strains requires
differences with respect to both A and B factors, and hence not all possible pairs
of different mating types are fully compatible.
Encounters between two strains can occur as a result of two basidiospores
germinating near each other or of the spreading of two adjacent primary mycelia.
The encounter between the two strains is followed by hyphal anastomosis. Then,
if the two strains are fully compatible (A~B~), nuclei from each strain migrate
rapidly through the mycelium of the other. This migration requires that the
dolipore septa are converted into simple perforate septa, a process that is
controlled by the B factor, so nuclear migration is possible only when the pairs of
Example of mating
Type of encounter type Consequence
A = B = AIB 1 x AIB 1 Dikaryon formation not initiated
A =B ~ AIB 1 • AIB 2 Dolipore septa are converted into simple
perforate septa and nuclear migration
occurs, but no synchronization of nuclear
division or formation of clamp connections
A # B= A I B 1 • A2B 1 Only a few dikaryotic cells and clamp
connections are formed, since nuclear
migration cannot occur and most cells
remain monokaryons
A ~ B# A1B 1 • AzB 2 Nuclear migration and dikaryon formation
occur, the secondary mycelium develops
clamp connections, and fruiting bodies are
strains differ with respect to the B factor (i.e. A~B~ or A=B~). Nuclear migration
in C. cinereus occurs at a rate of up to 1 mm h -1. The result of migration is that
each compartment in both mycelia contains a nucleus of each mating type. The
mycelia have hence become dikaryons, and the migration process is termed
dikaryotization or, in some of the older literature, diploidization. Migration is
accompanied by nuclear division, so as to permit the doubling of the number of
nuclei in both mycelia. Dikaryotization can occur by the deposition of an oidium
from one strain close to the mycelium of another. A hypha from the mycelium
shows chemotropic curvature towards the oidium and fuses with it and, if the
strains are compatible, dikaryotization follows. Dikaryotization can also occur if
a monokaryon encounters a dikaryon carrying nuclei of a compatible mating
type. Under these circumstances nuclear migration will be unilateral instead of
The processes of nuclear migration and dikaryon development are controlled
by proteins encoded by the A and B factors. The B factors encode pheromones
and their receptors which control interactions between the nuclei of the two
A o 9 )
B 9 o . )
C o o 9 )
0 o io 9 )
F o o I -'.". . . . )
Figure 2.21 Diagram illustrating how the dikaryotic state is maintained by means of
clamp connections. A, A dikaryotic hyphal tip, with two nuclei of different mating types.
B, The development of a backwardly growing side branch, into which one of the nuclei has
moved. C, Synchronous division of the two nuclei has occurred, and one of the daughter
nuclei from the side branch nucleus has moved back into the main hypha. D, A septum has
developed between the daughter nuclei derived from the nucleus that remained in the main
hypha, and a second septum cutting off the side branch. Septal pores are not indicated. E,
The tip of the side branch has fused with the main hypha, giving the clamp connection
typical of the Basidiomycete dikaryon, and the side branch nucleus has moved into the
main hypha. A new compartment with two nuclei of differing mating type has thus been
formed, with the apical compartment remaining dikaryotic. F, An illustration of the
probable consequence of nuclear division is a dikaryotic hyphal tip as illustrated in A, but
without clamp connection development, resulting in hyphal compartments reverting to the
monokaryotic state.
parent strains in the mycelium. The A factors encode transcription factors which
regulate the development of the dikaryotic mycelium.
The dikaryotic mycelium produced by the fusion of two fully compatible
mycelia will continue to grow, but the new growth will differ in form and
constitute a secondary mycelium. The most striking feature of the secondary
mycelium is the presence of clamp connections (Fig. 2.21), devices for
maintaining the dikaryotic condition as growth continues. Consider a dikaryotic
apical cell with two nuclei of differing mating type. If these undergo nuclear
division the most likely consequence is two nuclei of one mating type near the
apex and two nuclei of the other mating type towards the rear of the cell. Cross-
wall formation which restores the binucleate state would then result in two
homokaryotic cells. What in fact happens is that the apical cell produces a short
backward pointing side branch and one nucleus moves into it, the other nucleus
remaining in the hypha but close to the branch. Simultaneous nuclear division
then occurs, and a nucleus from within the side branch and one from within the
hypha move forwards towards the hyphal apex. The formation of a cross-wall at
the base of the side branch and across the main hypha close to it results in a new
apical cell containing two nuclei, one of each mating type. The side branch curves
in towards the hypha and fuses with the sub-apical cell which already contains
one nucleus. The nucleus in the side branch, which is of the complementary
mating type, migrates into the sub-apical cell. Thus one cell has given rise to two,
still dikaryotic, cells.
The proper development of secondary mycelium requires the participation of
nuclei that differ with respect to both the A and B factors. The cooperation of
complementary A factors is needed for the properly synchronized division of the
two nuclei in apical cells, and for the production of clamp connections, and the
cooperation of complementary B factors for the fusion of the clamp cell with
the sub-apical cell. The secondary mycelium (dikaryon) differs from the primary
mycelium (monokaryon) not only in having binucleate cells and clamp
connections but in other ways. The hyphae are wider (about 7 lam instead of
4 lam), advance faster, giving a less dense growth, and have branches at a more
acute angle with respect to the parent hypha. Oidia are not formed; instead thick
walled chlamydospores may be produced.
Fruiting bodies (Fig. 2.22, for a related species) are formed only on Ar162
secondary mycelia. The production of primordia can be initiated by light, even a
short exposure at low intensity being effective. The primordia develop in about 5
days from a tiny tangle of mycelium into a 'button' about 1.5 cm high in which
the various parts of the mature fruiting body are present in miniature. Then, over
a period of about 6-9 hours, elongation of the stipe to a length of about 10 cm
occurs. The stipe at first grows towards the light (positive phototropism) and then
upwards (negative geotropism). This sequence of sensory responses is probably
the most effective for placing the gills, which meanwhile are exposed by the
expansion of the cap, in a position optimal for the discharge of basidiospores.
Stipe extension and cap expansion is due almost entirely to cell elongation and
enlargement, there being very little cell division at this stage. Glycogen
accumulated in the primordium disappears, and a high chitin synthase activity is
observed. It is likely, therefore, that the glycogen is the source, via glucose, of the
N-acetylglucosamine from which the chitin of new wall material is synthesized.
Figure 2.22 The fruit bodies (basidiocarps) of Basidiomycetes. A, A young fruit body of the ink cap
Coprinus comatus, with older fruit bodies above and to the side. These are undergoing autodigestion, which
follows a wave of basidiospore production moving upwards along the gills, which are concealed from view.
B, The stipe and under surface of the fruit body of Boletus tomentosus, showing the openings of the pores
which are lined with basidia. C, View from below of the fruit body of Hericium crinaceus, showing spines
which are covered with basidia. (A-C, John and Irene Palmer.) See also Fig. 4.10. Further illustrations of fruit
bodies are available at
The surface of a gill is covered by basidia (Fig. 2.23) and by paraphyses, cells
which act as spacers, keeping the basidia separate. Nuclear fusion and meiosis
take place during the final stages of button development but basidiospore
production only occurs after the gills are exposed. Each basidium develops four
projections, sterigmata, the tip of each of which swells to become a basidiospore.
The four nuclei resulting from meiosis move into the four developing
basidiospores. The basidiospores are discharged violently from sterigmata in a
manner which is characteristic of all actively discharged basidiospores. A droplet
Figure 2.23 Diagram of basidiospore development in Agaricus bisporus. A, A basidium
with two haploid nuclei of compatible mating types. B, A diploid nucleus has resulted from
nuclear fusion. C, Meiosis has occurred, and since A. bisporus is bipolar, two nuclei are of
one parental mating type and two of the other. Sterigmata have been formed and the
basidiospore initials have begun to swell. D, Two nuclei have moved into one spore and
two into the other. The basidia of other Agarics (e.g. Coprinus cinereus) are very similar,
but bear four spores each of which receives a single nucleus.
appears at the base of the basidiospore and in the course of a few minutes
expands. The spore is then shot off, by a 'surface-tension catapult' mechanism,
described in detail later (pages 217-219). Although the initial launching speed is
high, basidiospores are small so the momentum is such that they are discharged
only a short distance. This is essential, otherwise they would be deposited on the
opposite gill. Instead, gravity results in the basidiospores falling clear of the gills
to be dispersed by air currents. Actively discharged basidiospores, which occur
throughout the Hymenomycetes, are termed ballistospores (page 217).
Basidium maturation commences at the base of the gills and moves upwards.
Following basidiospore discharge, the exhausted area of the gill is lysed by
chitinases. Its removal eliminates an obstacle to falling basidiospores, enabling
gills to be close to each other and not absolutely vertical in orientation. Gill
autolysis produces black droplets, hence the popular name for members of the
genus Coprinus, ink caps. A large ink cap, Coprinus comatus, is estimated to
produce a total of about nine thousand million basidiospores in its active period
of 2-3 days, or about 30 000 s-1.
Since fruiting bodies of Coprinus cinereus are produced only on A~B~
mycelium, the diploid basidium nucleus is heterozygotic for both mating type
factors, having a genetic constitution with respect to mating type of, for example,
AIA2BIB2. This means that a single basidium can produce four basidiospores each
of which has a different mating type specificity, e.g. AIB1, AIB2, A2B1, A2B2. Such
a bifactorial mating system is hence also termed tetrapolar. The way that it
promotes outbreeding is discussed in Chapter 5 (Table 5.2).
The large ink cap Coprinus comatus also has many mating types, although they
result from the occurrence of many alleles of one instead of two mating type
genes. This means that a basidium nucleus with, for example, the mating
genotype A1A2, can give rise to only two basidiospore mating types, A 1 and A 2.
Such mating type determination is termed unifactorial or bipolar. Its effectiveness
in promoting outbreeding is discussed in Chapter 5 (page 250, Table 5.1).
Another ink cap, Coprinus sterquilinus, is self-fertile. A single basidiospore gives
a mycelium that after a short period of growth produces cells with two nuclei and
clamp connections and is able to give rise to fruiting bodies.
The genus Agaricus is a large one, with many edible species. Agaricus bisporus,
relatively uncommon in nature, is well known as the cultivated mushroom.
Basidiospores of the cultivated mushroom are difficult to germinate, but some
germination can be obtained by placing spores on an agar surface in the same
vessel as growing mycelium of the fungus, which produces a volatile factor
stimulating germination of spores of the same species. A single spore that
germinates will usually yield a mycelium capable of producing fruiting bodies.
The mycelium has many nuclei per cell, and nuclear migration and clamp
connections do not occur. The existence of a mating factor that occurs in two
forms, A 1 and A 2 has been established. In a basidium an A 1 and an A 2 nucleus fuse
to give a diploid nucleus that undergoes meiosis to yield two A 1 and two A 2
nuclei. The two basidiospores commonly receive a nucleus of each type and hence
a single spore can usually produce a self-fertile mycelium. A. bisporus thus seems
to have evolved to a self-fertile state from a self-sterile ancestor with a bipolar
mating system. Bipolar Basidiomycetes commonly have a large number of A
factors, and the occurrence of only two A factors in cultivated strains of
A. bisporus suggests that the cultivated mushroom arose from a single wild source
rather than having been repeatedly introduced into cultivation. The origin of the
cultivated mushroom and its cultivation are considered further in Chapter 8.
The gills of Agaricus are wedge shaped, broad at the base and tapering
downwards, and are precisely oriented in the vertical plane by geotropism. This
permits discharged spores to fall clear of the gills. Such an arrangement is usual in
the agarics, the wave of spore maturation and gill autolysis in Coprinus being
The Boletales
Fruit bodies in this order have a central stalk like those in the Agaricales, but the
hymenium lines vertically oriented pores instead of gills (Fig. 2.22B). Some
genera, such as Rhizopogon and Suillus, are important as mycorrhizal fungi
(Figs. 7.13, 7.14).
The Poriales
Members of this order are important agents of timber decay (Chapter 6). Some,
such as Coriolus versicolor (Fig. 6.19A) and Fomes fomentarius (Fig. 6.19C),
have leathery or woody fruit bodies with the hymenium lining vertical pores.
Others, such as the oyster fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus (Fig. 6.19A) and shiitake,
Lentinus edodes (Fig. 8.11C), have gills, and an attractive texture and flavour and
are grown commercially for food.
The Schizophyllales
This order includes an intensively studied species, Schizophyllum commune,
which is common on fallen branches. It produces basidia on gill-like lamellae on
the undersurface of small fruit bodies. Under dry conditions the fruit bodies curl
up, but even after a couple of years in the dry state will uncurl in humid
conditions and start discharging basidiospores within a few hours. Schizophyllum
is easily grown in pure culture on defined media and readily produces fruit bodies
under such conditions. It is self-fertile with dikaryon formation and fruiting
controlled, as in Coprinus cinereus, by two genetic factors, A and B. A study of
natural populations identified 96 A and 56 B factors. Both the A and B factors
have been shown to consist of two closely linked genes, A0~ and AI3, and B0~ and
BI3. Many alleles have been found at each locus, and recombination between the
0~and [3 loci results in new specificities. Nine A0~ and 32 A~ alleles are known, and
these recombined in different ways would give 9 x 32 or 288 different A factors.
Similarly, the 9 B0~ and 9 B~ alleles known would allow 81 B factors. With many
more 0~ and [3 alleles likely in nature, the probable number of A and B factors
existing is likely to be very large. In Coprinus cinereus too both the A and B
factors are made up of closely linked genes. Both S. commune and C. cinereus
have been used in studies on the mode of action of the A and B factors.
The largest order in the class Ustomycetes is the Ustilaginales or smuts, important
plant pathogens. The smuts, of which about 1000 species are known, are
biotrophic (page 391) pathogens of flowering plants, and cause economically
important diseases of cereals. Masses of black sooty spores are formed, hence the
popular name, smuts. The part of the plant which is commonly the most
susceptible to infection and damage is the flower, so smuts can cause loss of seed,
such as cereal grain. The smut of maize, Ustilago maydis, results in galls
(hypertrophied host tissue containing fungus mycelium) that replace kernels in
the maize cob. These galls are a Mexican delicacy, huitlacoche. The life cycle
(Fig. 2.24) of this well studied species will be described.
The galls produced by Ustilago maydis on maize kernels break open to expose
the sooty spores characteristic of smuts. The spores when mature are uninucleate
and diploid and are known as teliospores, teleutospores, chlamydospores or
sometimes brandspores. These spores, produced on the maturing maize cobs in
the autumn, are both a means of dispersal and the way in which the fungus
Figure 2.24 The life cycle of Ustilago maydis. Diploid (2n) teliospores undergo meiosis
when they germinate to give haploid (n) promycelia. The promycelium bears sporidia,
equivalent to basidiospores. Sporidia can bud like yeasts, and probably multiply in this
way on plant debris and other organic matter at the soil surface. If two sporidia of
compatible mating type germinate in proximity on the surface of a maize plant, they mate
to give a dikaryon (n + n) able to initiate infection. Galls composed of mycelium and host
tissue arise on stems, leaves and corn cobs. Mycelial cells finally round off to give
teliospores, during the maturation of which nuclear fusion gives the diploid (2n) state.
survives the winter. Since mature teliospores are diploid they constitute a stage
comparable to the basidia of other Basidiomycetes. Meiosis occurs in the
germinating spore and a promycelium with four cells each containing a haploid
nucleus is produced. Each cell produces a bud, the sporidium (pl. sporidia) which
is regarded as equivalent to a basidiospore. The cells of the promycelium,
however, are capable of repeated sporidium production, and the sporidia are able
to multiply by budding. The haploid sporidial phase grows readily in pure culture
on nutritionally simple media, forming yeast-like cells and compact colonies on
agar. Mating is controlled by two genetic factors, a and b.
Only two alleles occur at the a locus, a I and a 2. Fusion between haploid cells
only occurs if they differ at the a locus. The a alleles each have two regions. One
region specifies a diffusible sex hormone that attracts the conjugation tube that
emerges from a nearby cell of the opposite mating type. The other region specifies
the receptor for the sex attractant produced by the opposite mating type. Hence,
with two compatible cells close to each other, the conjugation tubes home in on
each other and fusion results. There are at least 30 alleles at the b locus.
U. maydis, with two alleles at one mating type locus and many at a second, thus
displays what has been termed modified tetrapolar incompatibility (page 251).
The development of a dikaryotic mycelium and growth within the host plant
takes place only if fusion was between haploid cells that carried different b
factors. Mating can be carried out on agar media but attempts to grow the
dikaryotic mycelial phase in pure culture have had very limited success. The
dikaryotic mycelium that grows within the plant may send hyphae to the surface
where dikaryotic conidia are produced and dispersed to initiate further infections.
Nuclear fusion occurs in the developing brandspore to give the diploid condition.
Since mating is controlled by two genetic factors, sporidia of four different mating
types can be produced by meiosis during the germination of a single brandspore.
Another smut that has received considerable study is Ustilago violacea, the anther
smut of the Caryophyllaceae (carnations and campions). Infection results in the
production of brandspores instead of pollen in the anthers. Two hosts, the campions
Silene dioica and Silene alba, have separate male and female plants. Infection of
female plants results in partial suppression of the female parts of the flower and
the production of anthers within which brandspores develop. Ustilago violacea
has a unifactorial mating system with two alleles, a I and a 2. This is more common
in the Ustilaginales than is the bifactorial system of Ustilago maydis. Mating in
U. violacea has received considerable study. Contact is first established between
compatible cells by means of fimbriae, long proteinaceous hairs produced by both
mating types and visible only by electron microscopy. A conjugation tube grows
from the a 2 cell and fuses with a peg it induces in the a I cell.
Another order, the Sporidiales, includes some important yeasts, such as
Rhodosporidium (page 75).
The larger of the two orders in the class Teliomycetes is the Uredinales or rusts,
so called because of the rust-coloured masses of spores produced by many species
on the plants that they infect. About 7000 species are known. All are biotrophic
parasites, attacking ferns, conifers and especially flowering plants. Some, for
example Puccinia graminis (Fig. 2.25), which attacks cereals and grasses, are
economically important. The variety of P. graminis that attacks wheat has been
intensively studied. The diploid stage, the teliospore or teleutospore, develops in
the autumn on wheat plants and survives the winter in stubble. Germination and
meiosis occur in the spring and four basidiospores are produced on sterigmata.
These are of two mating types, designated plus (§ and minus (-). The actively
discharged basidiospores cannot infect wheat plants but will infect a second host,
the barberry, in which a haploid monokaryotic mycelium is formed. Pustules
Figure 2.25 The life cycle of the rust Puccinia graminis. Teliospores (teleutospores)
develop on wheat plants during the autumn, with nuclear fusion occurring during their
formation to give the diploid (2n) state. The teliospores survive the winter in stubble.
Meiosis to give the haploid (n) state occurs during germination, and a promycelium which
bears four basidiospores emerges from each of the two compartments of the teliospore.
The basidiospores infect barberry plants, and pycnia develop on the upper surface of
leaves. These contain pycniospores (spermatia), which ooze from the pycnia, and receptive
hyphae. Insects can carry pycniospores to the receptive hyphae of pycnia of the opposite
mating type, resulting in the establishment of dikaryotic (n § n) mycelia. Dikaryotic
aeciospores formed in aecia on the lower surface of barberry leaves are dispersed, and may
infect wheat plants. Uredospores spread the infection among wheat plants, but in early
autumn their production is gradually replaced by that of teliospores.
develop at the leaf surface. These have pycniospores (spermatia) and receptive
hyphae and produce a sweet-smelling sugary solution that attracts insects. The
insects may carry pycniospores between pustules formed by strains of different
mating type. If a pycniospore of one mating type reaches a receptive hypha of the
other, cell fusion occurs and a dikaryotic mycelium is established. The dikaryotic
mycelium produces binucleate, dikaryotic aeciospores that can infect wheat but
not barberry. In the wheat plant binucleate dikaryotic uredospores are produced,
which spread the infection among wheat plants, and finally teliospores in the
production of which nuclear fusion occurs to give the diploid condition once more.
Some rusts have a less complex life cycle and only one host. About 30 species have
been grown in pure culture, although growth under such conditions is very slow.
The Mitosporic F u n g i
The Hyphomycetes
Hyphomycetes are abundant in the soil, and many are of importance as plant
pathogens, as agents of biodeterioration, and in fermentation technology. Their
accurate identification is hence of importance, and there is an extensive literature
on the taxonomy of Aspergillus, Penicillium and other common genera. Most
Hyphomycetes bear conidia on separate conidiophores, but in some the
conidiophores adhere to give synnemata. Spore form and the way in which the
spores are arranged on the conidiophores has been extensively used in
classification, but increasing use is being made of the details of the way in which
the conidia are produced.
The Agonomycetes
Agonomycetes are 'sterile' in the sense of lacking spores and so are sometimes
termed Mycelia Sterilia. Some species produce sclerotia (page 171), and some,
predators on eelworms (page 429), the traps that entangle their prey, but many
have few features that aid identification.
The Coelomycetes
The Coelomycetes, many of which infect plants, are distinguished from the
Hyphomycetes by the production of conidiophores and conidia within
conidiomata (sing. conidioma), structures which with plant pathogenic species
may consist of plant as well as fungus tissue. A common type of conidioma is the
pycnidium (pl. pycnidia), which is a flask-shaped structure resembling the
perithecium of Ascomycetes. Classification of Coelomycetes is based mainly on
conidium and conidioma form, but, as with the Hyphomycetes, increasing use is
being made of the details of conidiophore and conidium development.
T h e Yeasts
(cell fusion
and nuclear
UDD,.Q ?
Sporulation and
Figure 2.26 The life cycle of the Ascomycete yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Diploid
(2n) vegetative cells multiply by budding, but on nitrogen starvation may give rise to asci
in which meiosis occurs to give four haploid (n) ascospores, two of each mating type.
Ascospores germinate to give haploid vegetative cells which are slightly smaller than
diploid cells. Although they can multiply by budding, proximity of cells of the opposite
mating type leads to shmoo formation, mating and return to the diploid phase. In some
yeasts ('haploid yeasts') budding occurs only in the haploid phase, and mating is followed
by meiosis and ascospore formation. In others ('diploid yeasts'), ascospore germination is
immediately followed by fusion between cells of opposite mating type and return to the
diploid state. S. cerevisiae is commonly regarded as a diploid yeast, since mating usually
soon follows ascospore germination; single cells can, however, be used to establish
permanently haploid cultures.
the formation of a cross-wall followed by fission, so are informally known as the
fission yeasts.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The best known of all yeasts is Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Figs. 2.26, 8.7); its
natural habitat is the surface of fruit, but it has been used by man for thousands
of years to produce alcoholic beverages (page 481) and bread (page 500).
Biochemically and genetically it is one of the most intensively studied of all
organisms, and is widely used in genetic manipulation as a host for the genes of
other organisms, both for basic research and in biotechnology (page 533).
Saccharomyces - the name means 'sugar fungus' - metabolizes glucose via the
glycolytic (Embden-Meyerhof) pathway to pyruvate. If oxygen is present the
pyruvate can be oxidized via the tricarboxylic acid cycle to carbon dioxide and
water. In the absence of oxygen, or at high sugar concentrations (see below),
alcoholic fermentation occurs, with ethanol and carbon dioxide being produced.
Alcoholic fermentation by Saccharomyces is responsible not only for the
production of beer and wine but also, through carbon dioxide formation, for the
raising of the dough in bread making.
The cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are normally oblate spheroids - they have
two axes of equal length and the third longer. Sometimes the third axis is only a
little longer and hence the cell is nearly spherical, and sometimes it is much longer
giving an elliptical outline. Cells usually have a prominent central vacuole. The
nucleus is small with a haploid DNA content about four times that of Escherichia
coli. Since the haploid chromosome number is 16, on average the chromosomes
are smaller than the chromosome of E. coli. In 1996 S. cerevisiae became the first
eukaryote to have its DNA sequence fully determined. About 6000 genes are
present. Mitochondria vary in number and shape, but several are normally
present with one larger and more branched than the rest. Cells increase in number
by budding (Figs. 3.6 and 8.7). A bud is at first small but rapidly swells to reach
the same size as the mother cell. Meanwhile nuclear division has occurred and one
nucleus has passed into the daughter cell. Finally the two cells separate. The
process of budding leaves a birth scar on the daughter cell and a bud scar on the
mother cell. Birth and bud scars can be distinguished by scanning electron
microscopy. A mother cell will carry a single birth scar and bud scars
corresponding in number to the daughter cells that it has produced. A non-
growing population of yeast consists of single cells, but if rapid growth is
occurring many buds and pairs of cells will be seen. Sometimes separation of
daughter cells occurs more slowly than their production and clusters result,
mother cells being attached to several daughter cells, some of which may
themselves have become mother cells and carry buds or daughter cells.
S. cerevisiae is able to grow rapidly in rich media under anaerobic conditions,
a cell population doubling in about 90 minutes. However, since the energy yield
from fermentation is low, about 98% of the glucose present is metabolized to
provide energy and only 2% is incorporated into cell materials. Cell yield per
gram of sugar metabolized is hence low. A high level of glucose in the cell will
suppress aerobic metabolism even if oxygen is present, a phenomenon known as
catabolite repression or the Crabtree effect. Hence on a rich medium with
abundant sugar, fermentation of glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide occurs
even in aerobic conditions. However, when the glucose supply is exhausted,
ethanol is converted into pyruvate. Some is then metabolized to carbon dioxide
and water via the tricarboxylic acid cycle to yield energy. In addition some is
converted back into the sugars needed for wall synthesis by a reversal of the
glycolytic pathway, a process known as gluconeogenesis (gluco-neo-genesis).
Since aerobic metabolism yields much more energy than fermentation,
approximately 10% instead of 2% of the glucose supplied is converted into cell
material. This increased cell yield under aerobic conditions per gram of sugar
supplied is known as the Pasteur effect.
The life cycle of S. cerevisiae is illustrated in Fig. 2.26. The strains employed in
baking and brewing are commonly diploid. Sporulation can usually be induced in
such diploid strains. Aerobic conditions are essential, and a suitable medium will
lack assimilable nitrogen and sugars and contain acetate or glycoxylate as the
carbon source. Under these circumstances vegetative growth cannot occur and the
operation of the glyoxylate cycle is favoured. A proportion of the vegetative cells
will then act as asci. Within an ascus meiosis occurs and four ascospores are
formed. The ascus wall is not readily lysed, except by treatment with the enzyme
glucuronidase, but presumably in nature breakdown ultimately occurs to release
ascospores. The ascospores are resting cells, more resistant to adverse conditions
than vegetative cells. An ascospore will germinate on a suitable medium
containing assimilable sugar to yield a haploid vegetative cell. Such a cell is
smaller than a diploid cell but has a similar metabolism and can bud and multiply
in the same way. The isolation and germination of single ascospores will give
haploid strains that can be propagated indefinitely in the vegetative state. Return
to the diploid condition requires mating between two haploid cells differing in
mating type. Two mating types occur and are designated a and ~. Cells of mating
type ~ produce ~-factor, a peptide sexual hormone (Fig. 4.7). This acts on cells of
mating type a causing their cell cycle to be arrested in phase G1 (page 106) and
their surface properties to change so that they readily adhere to cells of mating
type ~. Cells of mating type a produce a-factor, another peptide sexual hormone
(Fig. 4.7). This acts in a similar way to m-factor but on cells of mating type ~. The
hormones also cause the yeast cells to change in shape, becoming 'shmoos' (Fig.
4.8). These have projections which fuse with corresponding projections from cells
of the opposite mating type. Cell fusion is followed by nuclear fusion, initiating
the diploid phase (Plate 7). The control of the mating process in S. cerevisiae is
considered further in Chapter 4 (page 207) and the basis for self-fertility in some
strains in Chapter 5 (page 252).
There are many Basidiomycetes that have been shown to produce a yeast phase in
which cells multiply by budding. This does not usually result in such fungi being
referred to as yeasts. This term is usually restricted to fungi long recognized as
yeasts and subsequently found to produce a sexual phase with Basidiomycete
features. Some Basidiomycete yeasts have been assigned to the Tremellales (class
Basidiomycetes) and others to the Sporidiales (class Ustomycetes).
A well-studied Basidiomycete member of the Sporidiales is Rhodosporidium
toruloides, long known in its haploid anamorphic state as Rhodotorula glutinis.
This species has two mating types, and following conjugation between two cells
differing in mating type, a dikaryotic mycelium with clamp connections is
formed. The mycelium bears teliospores, which contain single diploid nuclei
formed by nuclear fusion during their development. When these thick-walled
resting spores germinate, meiosis occurs, and the short promycelium, the
equivalent of a basidium, carries sporidia (basidiospores). These, on dispersal,
bud to give the yeast phase so completing the life cycle. An example of a yeast
assigned to the Tremellales is Filobasidiella neoformans, the teleomorph of
Cryptococcus neoformans, a pathogen of humans responsible for cryptococcosis
(page 436). Basidiomycete yeasts, like other Basidiomycetes, have a variety of
mating systems. F. neoformans, like R. toruloides, is bipolar with two mating
types. There are also species that have many mating types, some being bipolar and
some tetrapolar, and species that are self-fertile.
'Asporogenous' means 'not forming spores' and asporogenous yeasts are those
which do not undergo sexual sporulation. Many, however, do produce spores
asexually, so the term 'anamorphic yeasts', referring to the absence of a sexual
cycle, is perhaps preferable.
An example of an anamorphic yeast that produces spores is Sporobolomyces
(Fig. 2.27E), the anamorph of Sporidiobolus (class Sporidiales). It is a pink yeast
that is very common on the surface of leaves. Cells of Sporobolomyces, as well as
multiplying by budding, can produce a single ballistospore on a sterigma.
Inversion of a Petri dish in which cells have been streaked on an agar medium
results in a faint reproduction of the pattern of streaking on the Petri dish lid. This
'shadow' or 'reflection' on the lid is the result of ballistospore discharge and fall
on to the lid. The ballistospore-producing yeasts have hence been termed the
shadow or mirror yeasts.
Most anamorphic yeasts do not form ballistospores. Many species are of
importance in food spoilage, as pathogens of humans or animals or in the
fermentation industry. The identification of species is mainly on the basis of
nutritional and biochemical tests, and species are grouped into genera using such
features as the pattern of budding, whether the cells are pigmented, whether
mycelium is formed and the kinds of spores produced, if any. The genera are often
artificial, in the sense of bringing together species that are only distantly related.
Teleomorphs have not yet been found in some genera, but increasingly molecular
and ultrastructural detail will make it possible to judge whether purely
anamorphic species are related to Ascomycetes or to Basidiomycetes.
The Lichens
Lichens (Figs. 2.28, 2.29, Plate 1) can be loosely grouped into crustose, foliose
and fruticose forms. Crustose species form a crust so firmly attached to rock
or bark as to make removal difficult. Foliose species (folium, Latin, a leaf) are
leaf-like and more loosely attached to the substratum. Fruticose species
(fruticosus, Latin, like a bush) are varied in form and are free from the
substratum except at the point of attachment; some occur on the ground and
others festoon trees. About 14 000 species are known. They are world wide in
distribution but are most striking, both in abundance and variety, in humid
areas free from human disturbance, particularly atmospheric pollution. Moist
conditions are needed for growth but many species can survive prolonged
drought. Lichens are found in both hot and cold deserts and dominate about
8 % of the earth's surface.
A lichen species is an intimate symbiotic association of a fungus- nearly always
an Ascomycete but sometimes a Basidiomycete- and a photosynthetic
microorganism. The fungal component of a lichen (the mycobiont) is unique to
that species and otherwise unknown in nature. The photosynthetic component
(the photobiont) is an alga or a cyanobacterium. Common photobionts are the
green alga Trebouxia, which is uncommon except as a lichen component, and the
green alga Trentepohlia and the cyanobacterium Nostoc, which are widespread in
the free-living state. The cells of the photobiont are in close contact with those of
the mycobiont. They may be limited to a distinct layer or, more rarely, distributed
throughout the lichen. The photobiont provides the association with the products
of photosynthesis, and, if a cyanobacterium, also those of nitrogen fixation. The
benefits it receives are less obvious, but may include protection from desiccation,
screening from excessive light and the provision of mineral nutrients extracted
from the substratum by the fungus. Lichens grow at a very slow rate - often only
a few millimetres per y e a r - and may be very long-lived. The situations in which
they are found are often too poor in nutrients or too exposed to be colonized by
other organisms. Some even occur within the translucent outer layers of porous
stones in the cold deserts of Antarctica. These slow-growing cryptoendoliths
(Greek, hidden in stones) may be the longest-lived organisms on earth. Lichens
have provided chemists with an immense variety of novel substances, including
one of the most useful of pH indicators, litmus.
Lichens may be dispersed in a variety of ways. Fragments of dried lichen may
get scattered by wind. Some species release soredia, small clumps of algal cells and
fungal mycelia, whereas others produce isidia, in effect miniature lichens, easily
detached and dispersed. Most species have perithecia or more commonly
apothecia containing asci from which ascospores are discharged, usually forcibly.
These fruiting bodies are long-lived and may continue to discharge ascospores for
Figure 2.28 Diversity of form in lichens. A, Rhizocarpon concentricum, a crustose (encrusting) lichen, with
concentric rings of black apothecia. It is widespread on slightly basic, siliceous rocks. B, Peltigera
membranacea, a foliose (leaf-like) lichen, here on bark, but common also in grass in damp meadows and even
by roadsides. C, Cladonia arbuscula, a fruticose (bush-like) lichen, among sedges and mosses, it is common
on acid heathlands and peat moors in upland areas. D, Xanthoria parietina, a placodioid lichen-crustose at
the centre but lobed and detachable at the margin. There are numerous nearly circular apothecia. This lichen
is unusual in favouring nutrient-rich sites, such as roofs below TV aerials on which birds perch, and in being
resistant to all but the most extreme air pollution. (A-D reproduced with permission from Dobson, F. S.
(1992). The Lichens: an Illustrated Guide to British and Irish Species, 3rd edn. Richmond Publishing
Company, Slough.)
Figure 2.29 Scanning electron micrographs of sections across lichen thalli. A, Xanthoria sp. At the top there
is a dense cortex of fungal cells, then a zone in which, in addition to fungal hyphae, there are spherical cells
(diam. ca 7 lam) of Trebouxia, a green alga uncommon except in lichens. Fungal hyphae cross the medulla,
the central area with air spaces, to reach the lower cortex. B, Peltigera canina. At the top are fine hairs (fungal
hyphae), then the palisade-like cortex, also composed of fungal hyphae, and at the bottom the algal zone. This
contains spherical cells (diam. ca 4 lam) of Nostoc, a nitrogen-fixing member of the cyanobacteria, a group
formerly known as the blue-green algae. (A, B.E. Juniper. B, Bronwen Griffiths.)
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With each question one statement is correct. Answers on page 561.
2.1 Organisms which belong to the Chromista, not true Fungi, but are important
members of the fungi in the broad sense and include many important plant
a) Chytridiomycetes
b) Zygomycetes
c) Oomycetes
d) Basidiomycetes
2.3 Fungi which form extensive mycelial systems consisting typically of hyphae with two
different nuclear genotypes are found in the:
a) Ascomycetes
b) Basidiomycetes
c) Oomycetes
d) Myxomycetes
2.4 Many plants have mutualistic symbioses with fungi in the genus:
a) Glomus
b) Mucor
c) Erysiphe
d) Phytophthora
2.5 Lichens are formed by the association of:
a) Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes with algae or bacteria
b) Ascomycetes only, with algae or bacteria
c) Basidiomycetes only, with algae or bacteria
e) Ascomycetes only, with algae only