HP3070 Site Preparation PDF
HP3070 Site Preparation PDF
HP3070 Site Preparation PDF
Site Preparation
June 2002
Site Preparation – Legal Notices
03066-90114 Rev. Z 06/2002
In this Chapter ■ Notice, 1 Notice
■ U.S. Government Restricted Rights, 1 This manual is provided “as is” and is subject to change
■ Radiated Immunity, 2 without notice.
■ Pollution Degree for Agilent 3070 / 79000 Systems, 2
■ Insulation Rating for Wires Connected to Agilent 3070 TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
■ Acoustic Level for Agilent 3070 / 79000 Systems, 2
shall not be liable for errors contained herein, nor for
■ Acknowledgements, 2 direct, indirect, general, special, incidental or
■ 3070 Series I DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY consequential damages in connection with the
according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014, 3 furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Emergency Shutdown
Emergency Shutdown
Switch (EMO)
✸ Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition that could cause bodily injury or death. Contains important information.
■ Responsibilities, 1-3
The Importance of The Agilent 3070 / 79000 family of board test systems ■ Chapter 5, Site Preparation – Environmental
includes complex and sophisticated automatic test Requirements describes air quality, temperature,
Site Preparation equipment. To ensure that your site is properly equipped humidity, and electromagnetic shielding
for your new system, and to minimize the possibility of requirements.
problems or delays in system installation, you must
■ Chapter 6, Site Preparation – Power
consider many things during site preparation. Before
Requirements describes, for Series 3 systems,
calling your local Agilent representative to install your
power requirements for the various parts of the
system, read and follow the recommendations provided
system and mains power connections.
in this manual.
■ Chapter 7, Site Preparation – Compressed Air
Site Prep Manual Description and Vacuum Requirements describes the
compressed air and vacuum that the system
This manual contains the following chapters: requires.
■ Chapter 1, Site Preparation – Process (this ■ Chapter 8, Site Preparation – Communications
chapter) discusses your responsibilities, lists Cabling Requirements describes the Local Area
Agilent ’s responsibilities, and provides a Network requirements.
checklist to use as you proceed.
■ Chapter 9, Site Preparation – Receiving and
■ Chapter 2, Site Preparation – System Overview Moving Instructions describes the uncrating,
describes the system at an overview level and handling, and re-shipping process for a 327X /
defines terms you will encounter as you prepare 79000 test system.
your site.
■ Chapter 10, Site Preparation – Power
■ Chapter 3, Site Preparation – Planning discusses Requirements for Older Systems describes the
choosing a site for your system, designing your power requirements for 3070 / 79000 systems
site layout, assigning people to do various using older power distribution units.
preparation tasks, and scheduling your
preparations. ■ Chapter 11, Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000
Current Reduction Conversion describes how to
■ Chapter 4, Site Preparation – Structural reconfigure the power subsystem of an Agilent
Requirements describes floor, access, and 3070 Series 3 or 79000 which was shipped prior
storage requirements. to June 1999 to have the same power requirements
as 3070 / 79000 systems shipped after June 1999.
Responsibilities Successful system preparation and installation requires air and vacuum have been installed, and primary
planning and effort by both you and Agilent. Following power has been run to the system location, an
are summaries of each party’s responsibilities. Agilent representative will complete the system
installation. For systems with the power cord
Agilent ’s Responsibilities pre-installed, the CE will plug in the system after
testing the power. For older systems where the
As a part of the purchase of an Agilent 3070 / 79000 power cord must be installed, the electrician will
family board test system, Agilent will provide the connect the power cord to the system after the CE
following: removes the system from the pallet.
■ SITE PREPARATION SUGGESTIONS To help ■ Installation includes removing the system from
you begin, an Agilent representative will visit you the pallet, unpacking the smaller boxes,
to help you understand what you will need to do to connecting cabling, starting the system,
make your site ready for your system and answer customizing the system software, and performing
any questions you may have. This is called the a complete system verification. system and
"Initial Site Preparation Visit" and the Agilent answer any questions you may have. This is called
CEs will bill up to 2 hours to Agilent the "Installation Visit" and the Agilent CE will bill
Technologies. up to 4 hours to Agilent Technologies.
■ ELECTRICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL ■ WARRANTY The Agilent 3070 / 79000 family
INSPECTION After primary power has been board test systems include a one-year warranty
installed at the site, an Agilent representative will that provides on-site hardware repair, software
inspect the lines to verify that your electrical support and software updates.
power is suitable for the system. At the same time,
the Agilent representative will inspect the site to ■ INSURANCE The system is insured by Agilent
verify that its environmental characteristics until it is delivered to your loading dock.
conform to the site preparation specifications.
system and answer any questions you may have. Customer’s Responsibilities
This is called the "Verifying Site Preparation
While you are primarily responsible for these activities,
Visit" and the Agilent CEs will bill up to 2 hours
you can ask the Agilent representative for advice and
to Agilent Technologies.
information about services offered.
■ INSTALLATION After all components of the
system have been moved to the site, compressed
■ INSURANCE You must provide insurance ■ MOVING Moving the equipment from the
coverage for your system from the time it is receiving dock to the installation site is the
delivered to your facility. customers responsibility. The system should be
moved, after the tri-wall box is removed, to an
area safe from damage or misplaced boxes.
responsible for initiating and renewing support
contracts for software, documentation updates, ■ WIRING AND CABLING Wiring primary power
and telephone support. Software support and to the system is your responsibility, as is installing
updates are included during the warranty period. communications cabling to the system. The actual
power connection to the system will be made after
the CE has removed the system from the pallet
You must supply all labor and materials used in
and moved it to the desired location.
site construction and maintenance. You are also
responsible for obtaining any building permits and
licenses required by local laws and regulations.
responsible for ensuring that use of the system is
consistent with local laws and regulations.
■ UNCRATING You should remove the tri-wall box
from the testhead,1 but not remove the system
from the pallet. The Agilent representative will
remove the testhead from the pallet. You may
inventory the shipment using the enclosed
packing list. You may leave the smaller boxes for
the Agilent representative to unpack when the
system is installed.
■ INSPECTION You must inspect the system for
physical damage. If you believe that your system
was damaged in shipment, call your Agilent
1 It will be difficult to remove the tri-wall box in a room with less than 2.5 meters (8 foot) clearance.
The Site This section describes the steps of the Agilent 3070 / Site Verification Visit
79000 family system site preparation process.
Preparation The site verification visit allows the Agilent
Process The Site Prep Visit representative to review your preparations and answer
any remaining questions. The Agilent representative
An Agilent representative will come to your site to will check your power to verify that it is suitable for the
discuss what you will need to do to make your site ready system. The Agilent representative will also check your
for your system. During this visit, the Agilent compressed air and vacuum hookups.
representative will review this manual and answer any
questions you may have. This will help you get started Receiving the System
preparing your site.
When the system arrives at your site, remove the tri-wall
box from the testhead, but do not remove the system
Site Planning
from the pallet. The Agilent representative will remove
The site planning step is crucial! A little effort invested the testhead from the pallet. You may inventory the
in understanding and planning your system will save shipment using the enclosed packing list. You may leave
much effort at installation time. Plan your system area the smaller boxes for the Agilent representative to
using Chapter 3 of this manual. Use Chapters 2 through unpack when the system is installed. You should move
9 to understand details as you plan. Assign “specialists.” the system to the site where it will be installed, or a safe
Specialists are the people who will do various tasks. storage area.
Make a “system plan drawing” that you and the Agilent
representative can use to install your system. If you need
help, call your Agilent representative. Schedule all site
preparation activities.
Site Prep Checklist Use this checklist to check off each task as you complete
Task Checklist
Chapter 3, Site Preparation – [ ] Location chosen?
Planning Specialists assigned?
Site Coordinator:______________________________________________________
System Administrator:_________________________________________________
Structural Specialist:___________________________________________________
Environmental Specialist:_______________________________________________
Electrical Specialist:___________________________________________________
Vacuum Specialist:____________________________________________________
Compressed Air Specialist:_____________________________________________
Communications Specialist:_____________________________________________
[ ] Schedule Created:
[ ] Board Handler Involvement (44990A EFS Board Handler Manual)
Chapter 4, Site Preparation – [ ] Floor suitable?
Structural Requirements [ ] Room to move the big box? If not, do your have a place to unpack it?
[ ] Storage sufficient?
Task Checklist
Chapter 5, Site Preparation – [ ] Air quality suitable?
Environmental Requirements [ ] Ambient temperature suitable?
[ ] Cooling sufficient?
[ ] Humidity suitable?
[ ] Electromagnetic environment suitable?
Chapter 6, Site Preparation – System Power
Power Requirements
What power option is your system? Opt. ______
[ ] AC mains power verified?
[ ] Mains disconnect1 installed if the system does not have an E1135C PDU?
[ ] Do you need to install power conditioning equipment?
[ ] Do you need to install a new transformer?
[ ] What system drop wire size is required? Wire Size ______
[ ] What system drop breaker size is required? Breaker Size ______
[ ] Power cable installed for mains?
Connect Mains Power
[ ] Power installed to system?
Convenience Outlet Power
[ ] Testhead strip printer?
[ ] Testhead server?
Task Checklist
Chapter 7, Site Preparation – [ ] Compressed air line installed?
Compressed Air and Vacuum [ ] Vacuum plan done?
[ ] How many solenoids needed? _____
[ ] Vacuum equipment installed?
Chapter 8, Site Preparation – [ ] Local area network planned?
Communications Cabling [ ] LAN cabling installed?
The remaining items go beyond site preparation, but must be completed before installation. See the System and
Support Bay Uncrating Instructions (p/n’s E4000-90013 and E4000-90014 for a Series 3 system) attached to the ramp
of the shipping pallet and Chapter 9, Site Preparation – Receiving and Moving Instructions for further information.
Chapter 9, Site Preparation – [ ] Insurance coverage arranged for arrival?
Receiving and Moving [ ] System inspected for physical damage?
[ ] Shipment inventoried?
[ ] Equipment moved to installation site?
[ ] Testhead unpacked (Tri-wall box removed, but not removed from the pallet.). The
Agilent service representative will unpack the smaller boxes and move the system as
part of installation.
1. See Chapter 6, Site Preparation – Power Requirements for more information.
System Overview The Agilent 3070 / 79000 family systems must include The 3070 Series 3 systems are shorter in length than the
a testhead and a controller. In addition, the 307X Series II, has a choice of two faster HP-UX controllers,
systems include a support bay and either type of system has new covers with new colors, uses a flat panel
may include a POTS bay, a Quick Verify functional test display and optionally have vacuum valves mounted in
bay, test development centers, test development stations, the testhead. The controller is moved to the right pod
and peripherals. The testhead and support bay will with the Power Distribution Unit (PDU) and the left pod
require the greatest site preparation effort. is eliminated.
Figure 2-1 on page 2-3 shows a 307X Series I system Figure 2-5 on page 2-7 shows a 3070PC Series 3
with a control bay. It includes a 4-module (maximum) system. The right pod is slightly larger to make room for
testhead and a support bay. the Visualize P-Class PC which utilizes the Windows
NT operating system.
Figure 2-2 on page 2-4 shows a 317X Series I system. It
includes a 2-module (maximum) testhead and no Figure 2-6 on page 2-8 shows an Agilent 79000
support bay or control bay. Functional Test Systemis which is a one-module test
system with an E1421A 6-slot VXI mainframe in the
Figure 2-3 on page 2-5 shows a 307X Series II system.
second module position. The DUT power supplies are
It includes a 4-module (maximum) testhead with a
moved to the pod on the left end of the cradle.
support bay. The 317X Series II system (not shown)
looks the same as the 307X Series II, but does not have a
support bay. The 327X (not shown) is a physically
smaller version of the 307X Series II, having only one
The main difference between the 3070 Series I and the
3070 Series II systems is the latter has twice the test pin
capability, and in the Series II the controller is mounted
in the testhead pod. The Series II systems also have
redesigned testheads which include space for more
Figure 2-4 on page 2-6 shows a 3070 Series 3 system
which uses an HP-UX controller.
Support Bay
Control Bay
Figure 2-4 3070 Series 3 system with HP-UX controller and an optional external support bay
Performance Ports
DUT Power
Supplies VXI Mainframe
3070 Module
B.03.00 software, test development stations and centers xDSL / POTS Bay1
were converted to servers.
The xDSL / POTS (x Digital Subscriber Line) / (Plain
For 3070PC series 3 systems using the Visualize PC Old Telephone Services) Bay can be added to a 3X79
Workstation, program development may be done on the Series I, II, 3 system and to the 79000 system. The
standalone PC workstation and copied to the testhead E2195A xDSL / POTS bay can be ordered with xDSL
controller. Windows NT is not a true multi-user or POTS or both testing capability.
operating system. There is no equivalent to "rlogin" or
"Telnet" in Windows NT.
Support Bay
The support bay is included with 307X systems. There
is no support bay in 317X, 327X or 79000 systems.
In the Series I systems, the support bay contains the
power distribution unit (PDU), module power supplies
(MPUs), DUT power supplies, and optional test
equipment. The PDU receives “mains” ac power and
distributes ac power to the rest of the system. The MPUs
supply dc power to the testhead modules. The DUT
power supplies provide operating power to the device
(board) under test. The support bay does not supply
power to the control bay and peripherals. Mains power
is wired to the support bay as part of the installation
In the 3070 Series II family system, the support bay is
present in 307X systems but not in 317X systems. The
support bay, when present, houses the DUT power
supplies and optional test equipment. If the support bay
is not present, this equipment is in the testhead.
In the Series 3 systems, the support bay contains only
DUT power supplies and optional test equipment.
1 See the Telecom Theory and Repair Manual, 03066-90100, for more information.
Choosing The Site There are two types of criteria that you should consider
when you choose the location of the 3070 / 79000
family system in your facility: criteria that are
dependent on the system and criteria that are not.
System-Independent Criteria
System-independent criteria are ones that only you can
determine. Examples are shop flow, department
locations, plant security, etc. You will probably use
these criteria to choose a prospective location and then
qualify that location using the system-dependent
System-Dependent Criteria
System-dependent criteria come in two categories: those
that are easily modified if needed and those that are not
easily modified. The easy criteria will probably not
disqualify a prospective location, but the difficult
criteria might.
Easier criteria are storage space, ambient temperature,
cooling, electrical power availability, vacuum supply,
compressed air supply, and local area network cabling.
Difficult criteria are air quality, floor strength, ambient
vibrations, and physical access. Use the information
about difficult criteria described in this manual to
qualify prospective locations.
The System Plan What To Draw side of the testhead as the operator. However, if you
want the monitor and keyboard to be above the testhead,
Drawing Many things need to be done before the 3070 / 79000 you should install them on the opposite side from the
family board test system can be installed. If you make operator. In any case, with the Series II, the controller
an area blueprint (a system plan drawing), you can use it must be installed in the testhead pod closest to the
to plan all aspects of site preparation. A complete monitor and keyboard. It is important to make this
drawing would detail power availability, decision correctly. If you decide to change it after
communications cabling, compressed air and vacuum installation, it will require some work to move the
lines, and system placement with respect to other controller.
equipment. It can also serve to verify physical access.
The figures show the systems with support bays. If your
Planning Aids system does not have a support bay, or includes an
optional extra equipment bay, modify your layout
Use Figure 3-1 through Figure 3-4 to lay out your accordingly. See Chapter 4, Site Preparation –
system on the system plan drawing. Figure 3-1 on Structural Requirements for the exact dimensions of
page 3-4 shows three layout suggestions for 3070 Series individual testheads and support bays.
I system. Figure 3-2 on page 3-5 shows layout
suggestions for a Series I 3X79 Telecom systems with Always allow 1 meter (3 feet) of space behind the
xDLS/POTS (x Digital Subscriber Line)/(Plain Old system so service personnel can access the hardware
Telephone Services) bays. Figure 3-3 on page 3-6 inside the testhead and support bay.
shows three layout suggestions for a 3070 Series II
system. Figure 3-4 on page 3-7 shows three layout
suggestions for a 3070 Series 3 system, including the
Before installing the 3070 / 79000 system you should
determine whether the operator will stand or sit and
whether the operator will work from the right or left side
of the testhead (this is not as important with a 4-module
testhead). These decisions will determine whether the
monitor and keyboard should be on the right or left. If
you want the monitor and keyboard to be in front of the
testhead as shown, you should install them on the same
Support Support
Bay Control Bay
Testhead Testhead
9 ft. 9 ft.
(2.7 m) (2.7 m)
Printer Monitor &
Monitor & Printer
12 ft. 12 ft.
(3.7 m) (3.7 m)
11 ft.
(3.4 m)
9 ft.
Conveyor Testhead
(2.7 m)
14 ft. 12 ft.
4.3 m 3.7 m
3 m (9 ft.)
3 m (9 ft.) Testhead Support Bay Testhead
Strip Printer
Strip Printer Monitor &
Monitor &
3.7 m (12 ft.)
3.7 m (12 ft.)
3 m (9 ft.)
Conveyor Board Handler Conveyor
Monitor &
Strip Printer Keyboard
Controller Controller
3 m (9 ft.) Support
3 m (9 ft.) Testhead Support Bay Testhead
3 m (9 ft.)
Conveyor Board Handler Conveyor
Monitor &
Strip Printer Keyboard
Assigning What Are Specialists? system. Agilent also offers an excellent course in
system administration for HP-UX based systems.
Specialists The concept of "specialists" represents the recognition
that, at most facilities, no one person will do all the The Administering Agilent 3070PC Systems manual
preparatory work. Your specialists may simply plan and describes the NT system administration specific to
add to your system plan drawing, and then have the 3070PC administration; it will arrive with the system. It
installation done by others. You may have several does not describe general Windows NT system
people share one "specialty," or you may have several administration. For general information, refer to the
specialists be the same person. Most importantly, each Windows NT documentation.
aspect of the planning should be the explicit
responsibility of a specialist. Structural Specialist
The structural specialist will verify that the floor is
Site Coordinator suitable for the system in terms of strength and
One person should manage the site preparation process. anti-static properties. This specialist will examine the
In this manual, that person will be called the site route from the receiving area to the system’s proposed
coordinator. location and decide how best to move the system to that
place. Storage will be required after the system is in
Make sure someone has been designated as the site operation, and the structural specialist will decide what
coordinator. The site coordinator will plan the storage is needed. Chapter 4, Site Preparation –
installation, maintain the system plan drawing, and Structural Requirements is the primary reference for
check off the site prep checklist. The site coordinator the structural specialist.
should probably assign all the other specialists.
Environmental Specialist
System Administrator
The environmental specialist will verify that your site’s
Any successful system requires good system environment is suitable for the system. Air quality,
administration. One person should have responsibility ambient temperature, cooling capacity, humidity, and
of the system administration for your 3070 / 79000 electromagnetic interference are areas that the
family system. environmental specialist must address. Chapter 5, Site
The HP-UX System Administrator Manual is a good Preparation – Environmental Requirements contains
tool for your system administrator; it will arrive with the information for this specialist.
Vacuum Specialist
The vacuum specialist will plan and install your
system’s vacuum control system. Vacuum lines should
be marked on the system plan drawing. The information
pertaining to vacuum control is in Chapter 7, Site
Preparation – Compressed Air and Vacuum
Requirements of this manual.
Communications Specialist
The communications specialist will plan your local area
network and install the LAN cables to your system.
LAN cables and telephone lines should be marked on
the system plan drawing. Chapter 8, Site Preparation –
Scheduling When the system plan drawing has been made and the
specialists know what to do, make a tentative schedule.
Preparations Use the schedule to balance the work. With this plan,
estimate when the site will be ready for the system.
Make sure that you schedule extra time; if any delays
occur, you can use the extra time to finish preparations.
straps for system operators. The testhead has or other fasteners. See the 44990A EFS Board Handler
external connectors for wrist straps. Manual, 44990-90004, for more detailed information.
■ Anti-static DUT storage. Plan for anti-static tote
bins for your devices-under-test and storage for
anti-static bags.
■ Anti-static hardware. Consider the use of any
devices that will help you maintain a static-free
environment. Examples are wrist strap testers and
ion generators.
It is a good idea to take a look at your current static
conditions before planning the installation of your
Moving Access This section contains: The 307X Series II and Series 3 testhead does not
include the Support Bay on the same pallet; the Support
Requirements ■ Introduction, 4-6
Bay is shipped on a separate pallet. The 317X and 317X
■ Dimensions of the Crated System, 4-6 Series II and Series 3 systems do not include a Support
■ Dimensions of the Uncrated System, 4-8
Bay. The large testhead crate may be too large to move
to your system’s destination. If you cannot move it to its
■ Ramp Requirements, 4-11 final destination, you will need to unpack the testhead
■ Hallway and Door Width Requirements, 4-11 and roll it on its casters (see Chapter 9). Other smaller
boxes, containing the controller and test development
Introduction hardware, should not present access problems.
The Agilent 3070 / 79000 family board test system is Dimensions of the Crated System
shipped from the factory on one large crate (on a pallet)
and several smaller crates or boxes. The 307X Series I The dimensions of the 3070 / 79000 family crated
testhead includes the Support Bay on the same pallet. systems are shown in Table 4-2.
Ramp Requirements
When moved on its casters, the testhead will negotiate
ramps with inclines up to 8 percent before the leveling
feet drag on the floor.
Fixture Storage
You will have a significant investment in your system
fixtures. They are precision machines and must be kept
clean and undamaged. Plan safe and dust-free storage
near the testhead for your fixtures.
You will receive a Pin Verification Fixture with the first
testhead at your site to use to test the fixture interface
pins of your systems. Be sure to keep the Pin
Verification Fixture in your fixture storage area.
The following items are a collection of do’s and don’t’s
with respect to fixture storage:
Don’t store fixtures on painted shelves. The bottom of
the fixture will scrape small particles of paint off the
shelf which will fall into and contaminate the testhead’s
interface pins.
If possible, cover your fixtures when not in use,
especially when the air contains a high level of
Don’t store fixtures on paper-, cardboard-, or
carpet-covered surfaces. These materials could contain
corrosive substances that would react with the fixture’s
gold-plated personality pins.
Don’t store fixtures on wooden shelves. Wood splinters
can be carried on the bottom of the fixture to the
testhead, thereby contaminating testhead interface pins.
Don’t stack fixtures on top of one another.
The Agilent 3070 / 79000 family systems can operate in
a wide range of environmental conditions, but do
require some minimum site management for continued
optimum use. This chapter provides site environment
requirements for reliable use of 3070 / 79000 family
systems, including air quality, air temperature, and
Air Quality This section contains: be used for their removal are complex and costly. If the
source of corrosive contaminants cannot be eliminated,
Requirements ■ Introduction, 5-2
the system should be installed in an enclosed
■ Corrosive Contaminants, 5-2 environment with a fresh air supply at positive pressure.
■ Particulate Contaminants, 5-2
Particulate Contaminants
■ Viscid Contaminants, 5-2
Particulate contaminants (hard particles) consist of
Introduction smoke, dust, hair, lint, fibers and miscellaneous organic
and inorganic materials. The presence of these
As a rule, good air quality is as important for the contaminants in the air can cause system degradation,
reliability of your 3070 / 79000 family system as it is for especially where disk drives, test fixtures, and low
your production process. Three types of airborne impedance interfaces are concerned. Particulate
contaminants are discussed below. The presence of any contaminants can be filtered from the air, and
of these contaminants at the site will contribute to appropriate filters should be included with any air
system degradation, resulting in lower reliability and conditioning installation. Also consider installing "No
higher operating costs. Smoking" signs in the area. Tobacco smoke is a
well-known factor in fixture contact contamination. It
Corrosive Contaminants causes false failures leading to unnecessary DUT repairs
and higher production costs.
Corrosion is a complex form of material deterioration or
destruction by chemical or electrochemical reaction.
The presence of corrosive contaminants (gases) in the Viscid Contaminants
atmosphere is very common in industrial environments. Viscid contaminants are oily or sticky airborne
If ignored, corrosion can eventually degrade system substances that can be deposited on the system’s
performance by its effects on high impedance circuits electronic and mechanical parts. Besides contributing
and low impedance interfaces. It can also deteriorate directly to system degradation, viscid contaminants
most plastics including software storage media. The collect and hold particulate contaminants and make
effects of corrosive contaminants are usually accelerated cleaning very difficult. Viscid contaminants can be
at high humidities or high temperatures. removed from the air by filtration, but the elimination of
Corrosives generally cannot be filtered out of the air by their source, if possible, is preferable.
normal filtration methods, and the techniques that must
Table 5-1 Temperature and humidity ranges for operation and storage
Air Temperature Specifications system components. If the temperature sensor finds that
the air temperature inside the testhead has changed ±5 C
The 3070 / 79000 family board test system is designed (±9 F) since the last time the system ran AutoAdjust All,
to operate uninterrupted in an area where the air it will again run AutoAdjust All. Therefore, to ensure
temperature is stable and in the range from 0 C to 40 C uninterrupted use, it is important that the ambient room
(32 F to 104 F), as measured at the tester-to-fixture temperature remain reasonably stable.
The system has a built-in temperature sensor inside the
testhead, located on the ASRU card. This sensor
constantly monitors the temperature of the air that has
been drawn through the testhead after it cools the
Identifying Your The testhead product number and serial number are An older systems may have been upgraded to
located on the rear of the testhead cradle. replace a PDU which was no longer available or
System for current reduction as described in Chapter 11,
If you are uncertain whether your 3070 system is a
Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current
Series I, Series II, Series 3, or 79000:
Reduction Conversion. If so, you will have to
■ The Series I system does not have a "Series" logo, manually compare the system wiring with the
and does not have pods (integrated cabinets) on diagrams in the appendices to determine the
the sides of the testhead. existing wiring configuration.
■ The Series II system has the "Series II" logo on
the front of the testhead, and it has wide pods on About the PDU
both sides of the testhead.
Throughout this chapter you will see references to a
■ The Series 3 system has the "Series 3" logo on the PDU (power distribution unit). The PDU is the device in
front of the testhead, and it has a wide pod only on the system to which you will connect ac power.
the right side of the testhead.
The PDU is wired differently for different power
■ The 79000 system has the "79000" logo on the top configurations. The voltage of the PDU is marked on the
of the testhead, and it has the wide pods on both front panel of the PDU. If you install a system in a
sides of the testhead. location in which the actual power does not match the
Figure 6-1 on page 6-3 shows rear views of the 3070 power configuration of the PDU, you may need to
Series I and Series II systems. rewire the outlet connections in the PDU (see Is PDU
Re-wiring Necessary? on page 6-11.
Figure 6-2 on page 6-4 shows rear views of the 3070
Series 3 and 79000 systems.
E1170-80003 PDK
PDU #1 (Main):
E1135A or
0ut In
E1135A or E1135B PDU (Main) E1135A or E1135B PDU (Branch)
Port1 Port3
Port0 Port2
Disconnect E1135B/C PDU (Main)
Disconnect E1135B/C PDU (Main) E1135B/C PDU (Branch)
Mains (Single-phase options w/phase voltage
Disconnect less than 250 volts)
327X Series 3 Testhead 79000 Testhead
Port2 Port2
Port3 Port3
0ut In 0ut In
■ Be marked "Mains Disconnect" or the equivalent ■ Convenience outlets should be provided near the
in your local language. system for external equipment such as
programming stations, extra equipment bays, and
■ Be marked with a "|" for the "On" position or "O" automation equipment. Locate the outlets within
for the "Off" position. one meter (three feet) of the device. See Chapter 3
■ Be capable of being locked in the "Off" position, to plan the location of convenience outlets.
but not in the "On" position. Convenience outlets should supply 20 amps at
100–120 volts or 10 amps at 200–240 volts.
■ Be installed as close to the system as possible,
where it can be easily reached by the system
If a circuit breaker is used, it must meet all of the above
requirements plus:
Calculating the Minimum Voltage 208 volts rms * 0.9 = 187 volts rms
208 volts rms * 0.9 * 1.414 = 265 volts peak
The voltage at the testhead must be at least 90 percent of
nominal. To calculate the minimum rms voltage See Sizing the Input Wires and Circuit Breakers
multiply the rms voltage by 0.9. To calculate the below.
minimum peak voltage, multiply the rms voltage by 0.9
and then 1.414. For example:
AC voltage source
or Fuses
Customer-installed power Power receptacle and
drop and receptacle power cord from the PDU
Sizing the Input Wires and Circuit Breakers ■ For the 3X7X: a fully-loaded system with 3 STC
cards in every module.
Table 6-1 on page 6-7 shows the full-load amps (FLA)
for each system type. FLA was calculated as follows: ■ For the 79000: a fully-loaded system with 6 STC
cards in the module.
PDU Voltage
Power line-to-neut
Option / line-to-line Full-Load Amps (FLA) for:
327X 79000 317X 307X xDSL/POTS Bay
200–240V 3-Phase Delta 3PD
L3 L2
200 13 14 18 24 12
220 13 14 18 24 12
L1 230 13 14 18 24 12
G 240 13 14 18 24 12
208–220V 3-Phase Wyel 3PY
L2 L3 120 / 208 13 14 18 24 12
G 127 / 220 13 14 18 24 12
380–415V 3-Phase Wye w/Neutral 3PN
N 220 / 380 9 10 10 16 10
L2 L3 230 / 400 9 10 10 16 10
G 240 / 415 9 10 10 16 10
2 220 volts delta (option 3PD) 3PN 380–415 volts 3-phase Wye with Neutral
No re-wiring is necessary; options 3PY and 3PD Includes 380V, 400V, 415V
have the same internal wiring. 1. Regardless of the power option, the internal system compo-
nents always operates at 200–240 volts.
3 220 volts wye with neutral (opt 3PN)
Re-wiring is necessary because the internal circuits If you determine that re-wiring the PDU is necessary, go
are wired phase-to-neutral and the internal to PDU Wiring Diagrams on page 6-12.
components would be under-powered. Whenever you
PDU Wiring Table 6-4 on page 6-13 directs you where to find wiring
diagrams in this chapter for 3070 Series 3 and 79000
Diagrams testheads and E2197A xDSL / POTS bays.
If you have a Series I or Series II system, refer to
Chapter 10, Site Preparation – Power Requirements
for Older Systems.
Beginning in November 2000, only 3-phase
power options are available for 3070, 79000 and
E2197A products.
Beginning in May 2001, the PDU includes
20-centimeter-long (8-inch) power cords with
female plugs hard-wired to the output terminal
block. This means that the testhead outlet boxes
can be unplugged rather than un-wired from the
terminal block, making PDU replacement much
easier. The following figures do not show this
plug connection between the terminal block and
the outlet boxes.
PDU Voltage
Power line-to-neut Testheads xDSL/POTS Bay
Option / line-to-line
327X Outlet 79000 Outlet 317X Outlet 307X Outlet Outlet locations
Locations Locations Locations Locations Figure 6-28 on
Figure 6-6 on Figure 6-11 on Figure 6-16 on Figure 6-21 on page 6-36
page 6-15 page 6-20 page 6-24 page 6-28
200–240V 3-phase Delta 3PD 200 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
L3 L2 Figure 6-24 on
page 6-31
220 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
L1 Figure 6-24 on
G page 6-31
230 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
Figure 6-24 on
page 6-31
240 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
Figure 6-24 on
page 6-31
PDU Voltage
Power line-to-neut Testheads xDSL/POTS Bay
Option / line-to-line
208–220V 3-Phase Wye 3PY 120 / 208 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
L1 page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
Figure 6-24 on
page 6-31
127 / 220 Figure 6-7 on Figure 6-12 on Figure 6-17 on Figure 6-22 on Figure 6-29 on
page 6-16 page 6-21 page 6-25 page 6-29, page 6-37
L2 L3
Figure 6-24 on
G page 6-31
380–415V 3-Phase Wye w/Neutral 3PN 220 / 380 Figure 6-9 on Figure 6-14 on Figure 6-19 on Figure 6-25 on Figure 6-31 on
L1 page 6-18 page 6-23 page 6-27 page 6-32, page 6-39
Figure 6-27 on
page 6-34
N 230 / 400 Figure 6-9 on Figure 6-14 on Figure 6-19 on Figure 6-25 on Figure 6-31 on
page 6-18 page 6-23 page 6-27 page 6-32, page 6-39
L2 L3 Figure 6-27 on
G page 6-34
240 / 415 Figure 6-9 on Figure 6-14 on Figure 6-19 on Figure 6-25 on Figure 6-31 on
page 6-18 page 6-23 page 6-27 page 6-32, page 6-39
Figure 6-27 on
page 6-34
Outlet 2 Outlet 3
Outlet 1
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
Outlet 2
Outlet 1
Outlet 3
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
Figure 6-28 E2197A xDSL / POTS Bay (shown with POTS options)
8 7 6 5
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
4 3 2 1
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Line Mains
Filter Input
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
AC mains input
cord/plug provided
Facts about PDUs, ■ 79000 systems shipped prior to the 3070 Series 3 ■ Beginning with the release of Series 3, in 2-PDU
used one E1135B PDU in the testhead and those single-phase systems, the outlet boxes were
MPUs and Power shipped shortly after the 3070 Series 3 used one removed from the Support Bay and the DUT
Options E1135C PDU. power supplies were connected directly to the
outlets on the rear of the PDU in the Support Bay.
■ Early shipments1 of Series 3 testheads used the
E1135B PDU. Later shipments used the E1135C ■ Beginning in June 1999, the DUT power supplies
PDU. were set to 220 or 2403 volts4 input in all systems,
reducing the current demand and service
■ Module Power Units (MPUs) with Power Factor
conductor size.
Corrected (PFC) Power One2 power supplies
began shipping on Series II systems in January ■ Beginning in June 1999, the equipment connected
1998. All Series 3 systems, both 3070 and 79000, to the outlets on the E1135C in the 3070 were
have PFC Module Power Units (MPUs). PFC redistributed for improved load balancing.5
reduces crest current caused by switching power
■ Beginning in June 1999, all of the outlets on the
supplies. This resulted in a reduction in power
rear panel of the E1135C PDU were changed to a
consumption and service conductor size.
two-circuit with four-outlets per circuit
■ Beginning with the release of Series 3, the configuration.6
controllers were plugged into 208–240 volt
outlets, reducing service conductor size. The
controller products requiring unswitched power
were plugged into the PDU.
■ In June 1999, the followings changes were made ■ Beginning in July 2000, all three-phase systems
to the Corporate Price List (CPL). were shipped with power cords. The power cord
used is based on the power option and country
Removed Options:
05A (200 V 2-Phase Open Delta with Phase
■ Beginning in November 2000, power options are
Center-Tap Neutral)
ordered on the E1135C PDU instead of the 3070 /
0EF (120/208–127/220 V 3-Phase Wye with 79000 / xDSL / POTS bays. For example: E1135C
Neutral) (Replaced by AWW) Opt. AWW is ordered instead of E99XXA Opt.
Added Options:
■ Beginning in November 2000, only 3-phase
0ED (200 V 3-phase Delta)
power options are available for 3X7X and
05C (220 V 3-phase Delta) E2197A products.
05H (230 V 3-phase Delta) ■ Beginning in May 2001, the PDU includes
20-centimeter-long (8-inch) power cords with
0E6 (240 V 3-phase Delta)
female plugs hard-wired to the output terminal
AWW (120/208 V 3-Phase Wye with Neutral block. This means that the testhead outlet boxes
(Replaced 0EF)) can be unplugged rather than un-wired from the
terminal block, making PDU replacement much
AWV (120/208 V Single-Phase Wye with
easier. The following figures do not show this
plug connection between the terminal block and
AWZ (127/220 V Single-Phase Wye with the outlet boxes.
AWY (100/200 V Single-Phase Center-Tap
AWX (200 V Single-Phase Non-earthed)
■ Series 3 current requirements were re-calculated
and empirically checked, verifying lower current
requirements when all the above enhancements
were implemented.
Both compressed (or pressurized) air and vacuum are
used in the Agilent 3070 / 79000 testhead. Compressed
air is used primarily to secure the test fixture to the
testhead. Vacuum is used primarily to actuate the test
fixture: that is, to make contact between the board under
test and the probes in the fixture. Compressed air is
sometimes also used for air-assisted, solenoid-actuated
valves used to switch the vacuum, and for air-actuated
test fixtures.
The site preparation requirements for compressed air
and vacuum are different depending on the type of
testhead you are preparing the site for. This chapter
describes those requirements. For more about
compressed air and vacuum principles and terminology,
see the short Compressed Air and Vacuum Primer on
page 7-19.
Compressed Air This section contains: between the pins on the fixture and the spring-loaded
interface pins in the testhead.
Requirements ■ Connecting Air to the Testhead, 7-2
Description Measurement
Maximum Pressure for Testhead Only 1035 kPa (150 psi)
Minimum Pressure for Testhead with Performance Port 690 kPa (100 psi)
Minimum Pressure for Testhead Only 480 kPa (70 psi)
Minimum Flow Rate for Testhead Only 0.66 l/s at STP (1.4 SCFM) 1
Minimum Flow Rate for Testhead with Performance Port 7.1 l/s at STP (15 SCFM)
Relative Humidity allowed 70% for compressed air (150 psi) at 25 degrees C
50% for compressed air (150 psi) at 40 degrees C
Dew point must be not more than 5 degrees C
1. l/s is liters per second. STP is standard temperature and pressure. SCFM is standard cubic feet per minute. See the Com-
pressed Air and Vacuum Primer on page 7-19.
Connecting Air to the Testhead for situations when the air line must be disconnected.
Install compressed air lines using rigid line to a point When the system is installed, connect the air to the
near the testhead. An air cutoff valve is recommended testhead with a flexible line that has a Hansen Series
Air regulator
Air Output for
inside testhead
03066-67911 applications
Air Input
connector on
rear of testhead
Air Quality
The compressed air must be oil-free and must meet the
humidity specifications in Table 7-1. We recommend
that the air be filtered to remove contaminants such as
oil and aerosols. The filter should filter 0.3-micron
Vacuum This section contains: under test down onto test probes. Because of the
different sizes of test systems, test fixtures, and the
Requirements ■ Vacuum System, 7-4
variety of boards that can be tested, vacuum
■ Vacuum Recommendations, 7-4 requirements can vary significantly.
■ Connecting Vacuum to the Testhead, 7-5 Agilent recommends that you work with a qualified
■ Vacuum Guidelines, 7-9 vendor of vacuum pumps that can give you advice based
on your requirements.
■ Vacuum Examples, 7-9
Description Measurement
Recommended Flow 18.9 l/s at STP (40 SCFM)1 Use this value as a guideline. Vacuum specification is dependent on
Rate of Pump the fixture, not the Agilent 3070 / 79000 testhead. Agilent has found this specification will pull
down most fixtures.
Pressure Performance 50 kPa (7.2 psi)1
Vacuum Control Ports 4 vacuum control ports: switched 24 volts dc, 750 milliamps maximum per port
available for controlling
external vacuum valves
1. l/s is liters per second. STP is standard temperature and pressure. SCFM is standard cubic feet per minute. psi is pounds per
square inch. See the Compressed Air and Vacuum Primer on page 7-19.
1 There is an exception: any one-module (327X) Series I, II or 3 or 79000 testhead always includes one internal vacuum solenoid valve. A
second internal vacuum solenoid valve is optional.
Vacuum Ports,
Top of Testhead 1-inch, male
2 3
Rear of Testhead 0 1
Vacuum Outlet 2
Vacuum Outlet 3
2 3
Rear of Testhead
Port2 E9998-63200
2-Module Manifold*
0ut In 0ut In
Vacuum Examples
This section shows some of the vacuum control schemes
possible for the 3070. The pressure meters, flow meter,
and filter in these examples are optional but
If the vacuum manifold is used, a 2-inch vacuum hose
should be used. If vacuum ports are connected
individually, a 1-inch vacuum hose must be used.
Support Bay
2 3
0 1
1-inch flexible
Air Line
Pressure 24 Vdc
Air-Piloted site_prep3.wpg
Support Bay
Testhead 2 3
0 1
Air Line
Support Bay
2 3
0 1
Flow 24 Vdc
Meter Manual
Solenoid Filter Valve
Pressure Manual
Meter Filter Valve
24 Vdc site_prep4.wpg
1 Vacuum valve inside diameter (ID) is 0.75 inch and outside diameter (OD) is 1.5 inches.
System Card
Relay 1
+ 1
_ 2
Port 3
Relay 2
+ 3
_ 4 Port 2
Relay 3
+ 5
_ 6
+ 1
Relay 4
+ 7
_ 8
+ 7
9 10
Relay 5
_ 10
Remote 11
2-Module Manifold
E9945A Vacuum components shown above the dotted line
Source Pressure
Manual Cut-off Valve 2-inch Vacuum Hose S3SiteP4
System Card
Relay 1
+ 1
_ 2
Port 1 Port 3
Relay 2
+ 3
_ 4 Port 0 Port 2
Relay 3
+ 5
_ 6
+ 1
Relay 4
+ 7
_ 8
+ 7
9 10
Relay 5
_ 10
Remote 11
4-Module Manifold
E9946A Vacuum components shown above the dotted line
Source Pressure
Manual Cut-off Valve 2-inch Vacuum Hose S3Sitep3.wpg
Figure 7-10 3279 and 79000 vacuum system with optional vacuum valve
Relay 1
+ 1
_ 2
Port 2
Relay 2
+ 3
_ 4 Port 3
Relay 3
+ 5
_ 6
+ 1
Relay 4
+ 7
_ 8
+ 7
9 10
Relay 5
_ 10
Remote 11
Source Pressure
Manual Cut-off Valve
P neum at i cs
20 10
25 5
P neum at i cs
30 0
Compressed Air This section contains: degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), and the
standard pressure is one atmosphere (101.3 kPa or 14.7
and Vacuum Primer ■ Introduction, 7-19
■ Compressed Air, 7-19
Common units for measuring flow rate are liters per
■ Vacuum, 7-19 second (l/s) and cubic feet per minute (CFM). When
using standard conditions, the units are written as “l/s at
Introduction STP” or “SCFM” (standard cubic feet per minute).
There are two key concepts involved in understanding
the compressed air and vacuum requirements for the
Compressed Air
Agilent 3070 / 79000 system. The first is pressure and The 3070 uses compressed air to activate both the
the second is flow rate. fixture pull-down towers and the vacuum valves. The
Pressure is the force per unit area that a gas exerts on a 3070 also provides an outlet for supplying air to
surface. If zero is used as a reference, the measurement accessory equipment such as handlers and air assisted
of pressure is called “absolute”; if the local atmospheric fixtures.
pressure is used as a reference, the measurement is The minimum pressure needed is 480 kPa (70 psi). The
called “gage.” Although atmospheric pressure varies 3070 has an internal regulator to restrict the maximum
with altitude and weather, gage pressure is typically pressure inside the system to 550 kPa (80 psi).
used for engineering measurements, so it is used in this
manual. A pressure value below zero gage is considered The flow rate needed is dependent on how often fixtures
a vacuum. are changed, but is generally much less than what is
available in most production areas. Additional air (flow
Common units for measuring pressure are kilopascals rate) may be needed to supply the outlet for custom
(kPa), pounds per square inch (psi), and atmospheres fixtures or presses depending on their requirements.
Flow rate is the quantity of a gas moving through a Vacuum
given area per unit of time. Since air is compressible, The 3070 doesn’t use any vacuum directly, rather the
you must know both the speed and pressure of the air vacuum is used by the fixture to pull a device under test
when measuring the flow rate. To reduce confusion, the (DUT) onto the probes. The 3070 provides valves,
industry has agreed on a standard set of conditions for plumbing and control to assist in supplying vacuum to
flow rate measurements called “standard temperature the customer’s fixture.
and pressure” (STP). The standard temperature is zero
Local Area Network This section contains: expense and trouble in the future. For help,
contact your area’s Agilent LAN specialist.
Requirements ■ Introduction, 8-2
Designate a LAN manager at your site, and begin
■ Agilent Local Area Network Plan, 8-2 developing that person’s expertise.
■ Sample 3070 Series I Network Scheme, 8-2
Agilent Local Area Network Plan
■ Agilent 3070 Series II Networking, 8-5
Be sure to add LAN planning to your system plan
■ Agilent 3070 Series 3 / 79000 Networking, 8-7
drawing. Show how the system relates to existing LAN
and planned LAN growth. Your Agilent representative
Introduction will use it when the system is installed.
Your Agilent 3070 / 79000 family board test system
communicates with other systems via IEEE 802.3 Local Sample 3070 Series I Network Scheme1
Area Networking. All the necessary software and
The 3070 Series I family systems are shipped with a
licensing comes with the system, but you will need to
recommended list of host names and IP addresses. The
purchase and install the LAN cabling and associated
’/etc/hosts’ and ’/etc/netlinkrc’ files contain the
LAN hardware external to the system. For help, contact
suggested names and addresses. If you are connecting
your area’s Agilent Local Area Network specialist.
to a facility LAN, or if you ever plan to connect to a
Begin planning your LAN with the steps below, facility LAN in the future, you will need to change the
depending on whether you have an existing LAN IP addresses. Even if you need to change the IP
on-site: addresses, you should consider using the suggested
naming convention. The remainder of this section
■ If you already have a facility LAN — With a
describes the recommended naming convention.
Local Area Network already in place, all you need
to do is work with your facility LAN expert to The sample ’/etc/hosts’ file sets up nine 3070 Series I
integrate the 3070 / 79000 system into your LAN. systems:
■ If you do not have facility LAN — If the 3070 / hp3070a
79000 system will be your first LAN system, now hp3070b
is the time to make your Local Area Network hp3070c
plans. Time spent preparing for LAN will save hp3070d
hp3070c4 hp3070c5
Test Development
Center System 2..n on Hub
Test Development
External Site Lan
50 5 Terminator
To HP-IB Optional LAN/Gateway for BNC Tee
Devices 712/60/100 Controllers only 1250-0781 Testhead
Module 3 Mod. 2 Mod. 1 Mod. 0
Control Control Control Control Sys Card
Internal Testhead Lan
Server System 2..n on Hub
Server 10BaseT
External Site Lan
50 5 Terminator 10BaseT
* 15.x.xxx.x becomes 10.x.xxx.x beginning with systems shipped in May 2000 Power
Control Cables
E4000-61628 System 1 on Hub s3lan
Server System 2..n on Hub
Server 10BaseT
External Site Lan
50 5 Terminator 10BaseT
Control Cables
E4000-61628 System 1 on Hub s3-PClan.wpg
DNS and NIS are the only supported network
protocols for UNIX systems.
✸ Consult with the network administrator. Incorrect entries can cause system and network conflicts and errors.
1 Hostname The name by which this controller will be known. It must contain no more than
(Required even if the system is eight characters, contain only letters, numbers, underscore (_), or hyphen (-),
non-networked) and start with a letter.
Upper-case letters are not recommended.
The first component of a host name should contain no more than
eight characters, for compatibility with the uname command.
8 DNS Server Hostname If configuring DNS, the local network DNS server name.
(Domain Name System) Do not complete if configuring for NIS.
9 DNS Server IP Address If configuring DNS, the local network DNS server IP address.
. . . Do not complete if configuring for NIS
10 NIS Domain Name If configuring NIS, the local NIS server name.
Do not complete if configuring for DNS.
Most systems do not use NIS.
11 Wait for NIS Server on Bootup? [ ] Yes [ ] No If configuring NIS, select either Yes or No.
Do not complete if configuring for DNS.
12 Will this TDS be a Font Server? [ ] Yes [ ] No Select either Yes or No. Ask yourself, will X-terminals be served by this system?
Gathering Before the Customer Engineer (CE) can turn on the first two items in the table are still necessary for system
controller, they will need the information in Table 8-2. set-up. In case of problems, see the Administering
Configuration Before they come to the site, fill out the appropriate Agilent 3070 Systems (MS Windows Version), which is
Information for MS information with the assistance of the network online in the User Manuals.Gathering Network
administrator or LAN manager. This is vital information Configuration Information
Windows they will need to set up the system for networking.
Use this section to gather the information needed to
Networking Some of the information may not be needed depending
configure your computer for a LAN.
on how your networking is implemented. Even if you
don’t intend to put the system on a network at all, the
Table 8-2 Windows NT LAN configuration information
2 Network Identification Member of (select one): The Workgroup name is the name of a computer or group of computers on a
[ ] Workgroup peer-to-peer network.
■ Workgroup or Domain?
[ ] Domain
Workgroup or Domain name The Domain name is the identifier for the server that controls and manages a
group of computers on a client/server network.
4 Will a DHCP Server be Used? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, go to Task 16 (Will Other Network Protocols Be Configured?).
5 IP Address IP Address: The IP address for this workstation.
. . .
Subnet Mask: This number masks (ignores) information that is not specific to your local
. . .
Default Gateway: IP address of the system that is used to route network traffic to other networks.
. . .
6 Advanced IP Addressing Gateway(s) for any backup routers of network traffic.
■ Gateways . . .
. . .
7 Will DNS be Used? [ ] Yes [ ] No If no, go to Task 12 (Will WINS Be Used?).
(Domain Name System)
. . .
11 DNS Ordered domain suffix list used when searching for a host.
■ Domain Suffix Search Order
12 Will WINS Be Used? [ ] Yes [ ] No If no, go to Task 16 (Will Other Network Protocols Be Configured?).
(Windows Internet Name Services)
13 WINS Address
. . .
■ Primary WINS Server
■ Secondary WINS Server
. . .
14 WINS Address [ ] Enable DNS for Windows Check or uncheck either of these boxes as applicable.
■ Checkboxes
[ ] Enable LMHOSTS Lookup CAUTION
If configuring for DNS, check Enable DNS for Windows
[ ] NetBEUI Protocol
[ ] Streams Environment
Inventory The Use the packing list that came with your system to
determine if the system was fully received. Carefully
Shipment examine the boxes for shipping damage. If you suspect
the system was damaged in shipment, contact your
Agilent representative.
Uncrating The This section contains: The customer should removed the tri-wall box from the
pallet. The Agilent CE will uncrate the system pallets.
System ■ Uncrating an Agilent 3070 Series I System, 9-3
The systems are shipped on pallets as described in Table
Uncrating an Agilent 3070 Series I System ✸Follow the unpacking instructions carefully and
do not work alone. A fully loaded 307X Series I
system with the shipping pallet might weigh 725
Refer to Figure 9-1 on page 9-4 for uncrating a 307X kilograms (1600 pounds). A fully loaded 307X
system and Figure 9-2 on page 9-5 for uncrating a 317X Series II or a 317X system with the shipping pallet
system. might weigh 455 kilograms (1000 pounds).
Step 6
Steps 9 and 10
Remove Support
Bay brackets with Remove Testhead Brackets
6-mm hex wrench with 5-mm hex driver wrench
Step 6
Steps 9 and 10
Remove 3.5-inch bolts with the Remove all four pallet support bolts and all eight bracket bolts
9/16-inch open-end wrench from the pallet with the 9/16-inch open-wrench or a socket
If you have only small floor jacks, you may find it they do not, make sure the feet are perpendicular to
easier to move the big pallet with one floor jack on the ramp when you lower the ramp to the floor.
each end.
The bag labeled "See Inside" that contains
2 Place the pallet so that the system has room to roll off installation instructions also contains the hex wrench
to the side. The proper side of the system is where or wrenches (5 millimeter for the testhead and 6
you can see the "RAMP END" label. Leave three millimeter for the support bay if included) and the
meters (10 feet) of clearance at the rear of the pallet 9/16-inch open-end wrench.
for the system to roll off into. This clearance
provides sufficient room for the people who are NOTE
handling the system.
Save the installation procedure that is packed with
the system for the Agilent representative to use
WARNING when your system is installed.
✸The straps are stretched tight and will whip when
cut. To avoid injury from flying straps, stand
clear of the straps when you cut them, and always 6 With the 9/16-inch open-end wrench, remove the two
wear eye protection! 3.5-inch bolts that go through the bottom of the pallet
into the two-inch by six-inch board that holds the
3 With diagonal cutters, cut the straps that hold the
cardboard box on the pallet. NOTE
4 Remove the plywood board from the top of the box. Since the pallet feet only allow sufficient room to
Then remove the box. remove the 3.5-inch bolts with a box or open-end
wrench, you should not attempt to remove these
NOTE bolts with a 9/16-inch socket wrench.
The Agilent Customer Engineer (CE) will
complete the remainder of this procedure. 7 Make sure the ramp feet are in their proper positions,
and then lower the ramp to the ground.
5 Cut the interior strap on the ramp. After you have cut 8 Remove the plastic bags and foam padding from the
the strap, the feet of the ramp should swing out. If tester.
9 Retrieve the hex wrenches shipped with the system to
help you unbolt the shipping brackets from the tester.
Uncrating an Agilent 3070 Series II/3 and Agilent 2 Remove two 150-millimeter (6-inch) bolts from a
79000 System plastic bag attached to the ramp.
3 Figure 9-3: Remove the “Removable End” board
WARNING from the pallet:
Uncrating Procedure
1 Cut the strap around the ramp. Lift the ramp off the
pallet and set it aside. Remove the plastic bag
covering the testhead and discard it. Discard all
packing materials.
5 Testhead
1 Removable End
Remove 6 Bolts 3
4 Figure 9-4: Using a cordless drill with hex power 6 Figure 9-4: After removing the foam blocks, screw
shank and 3/4-inch socket, screw the bolts from step the 6-inch bolts up (counter-clockwise) to lower the
2 into the nuts on the shipping brackets on the end of platform all the way down onto the pallet.
the pallet from which you removed the end board. Alternately lower each side a little at a time. Then
Screw the bolts down (clockwise) until the platform remove the 6-inch bolts.
rises slightly.
5 Figure 9-4: Remove two foam blocks from the space
between the platform and pallet.
Note: The 6-inch bolt
contacts a metal plate
on the pallet. Foam Block U NCRAT2.WPG
T esthead
Bolt Foot
Ra m p
Advise the customer to save the pallet, ramp, and
shipping materials in case the customer needs to
ship the system to another facility. The only safe
way to ship the testhead is using the pallet and
shipping materials provided.
Uncrating Procedure:
1 Remove the ramp and packing material from the top
of the Support Bay and remove the packing material
from around the outside of the Support Bay.
2 Figure 9-6: Remove the two shippin clamps (one on
each side) from the bottom of the Support Bay (1, 2).
3 Figure 9-7: Remove the two bolts from each corner ramp locks into the edge of the pallet. Then roll the
(1) and pull the block out from under the bay (2). bay down the ramp (3).
Position the ramp so the block of wood under the
Re-shipping a 3070 When it becomes necessary to pack and ship a 3070 / Knowledge Center (MSKC). In the U.S. call
79000 system to another location, Agilent can help. 1-800-593-6635 with your MSKC support handle.
and 79000 System You can either purchase an Agilent Move, which Outside the U.S. call your local Agilent Service
includes Agilent personnel disassembling, packing, Representative to access the MSKC.
shipping, and setting up the system at the new location;
or you can purchase a shipping kit from Agilent, which WARNING
includes the pallet and other materials required to ship a
3070 system. ✸When re-shipping a support or instrument bay,
DO NOT use the ramp to move the bay onto the
As when a system is installed, when a system is moved, pallet to avoid possible injury due to the bay
the procedures should be performed by an tipping over on you. The ramp is designed for
Agilent-trained technician. The Shipment Kit part removal of the bay only. Instead, use a hoist and
numbers are listed in Table 9-2 and Table 9-3. attach to the hooks on the top of the bay and lift
the bay onto the pallet.
Other Shipment Kits were being designed at the time of
this printing. To order or inquire about a Shipment Kit
in the U.S. contact Agilent’s Measurement System
Table 9-3 Board handler shipment kit special option product numbers
Product Number
44990A EFS Board Handler 44813A Opt. 560
Introduction This chapter provides power requirements and wiring There are two easy ways to determine whether you have
information for older Agilent 3070 family systems. This a Series I or a Series II system: The Series II system has
includes systems that used earlier models of power the "Series II" logo printed on the front of the testhead,
distribution units (PDUs). and it has the wide pods (integrated cabinets) on both
sides of the testhead. See Figure 10-1 on page 10-4 to
The E1135A/B PDU is no longer manufactured; the
identify where the power distribution unit (PDU) or
E1135C replaced it.
power distribution kit (PDK) is located on your system.
Power is connected to both E1135A and E1135B the Figure 10-1 shows the rear views of the older 3070 and
same way. The power connections are very similar for 3070 Series II family testheads and support bays.
the E1135C, except the input power is connected to a
Following are important points to note about Figure
mains disconnect switch. If you want information on a
current Series 3 systems, see Chapter 6, Site
Preparation – Power Requirements. ■ The 317X Series I system is the only one that uses
the E1170-80003 PDK. The PDK has the same
CAUTION functionality as the older E1099A PDU, but is
re-packaged to fit in the testhead (see the 3070
✸The wire sizes recommended in this chapter are
for the SO cord from the receptacle to the system.
Theory & Repair Manual, Chapter 4,
E4000-90120, for details).
The electrician has the responsibility to size the
service to the receptacle so that the voltage drop The 307X Series I system is the only one that uses
from the source to the 3070 system does not two E1131A PDUs or one 44940A/B or E1099A
exceed 5-percent of the nominal voltage. in the support bay; there is no PDU in the 307X
Series I testhead. Each PDU requires its own ac
mains supply.
NOTE ■ The older 317X Series II and 307X Series II
If a replacement E1135C is being installed and the systems use the E1131A PDU. The 307X Series
recommended conductor size is greater than 10 II system has one PDU in the testhead cabinet and
square millimeters (#8 AWG), which is the largest another in the support bay.
conductor size that will easily fit in the E1135C ■ The 307X Series I system is the only one that uses
PDU, see the section Connecting a Pigtail to the two E1135A/B PDUs in the support bay; there is
E1135C PDU on page 11-84. no PDU in the 307X testhead. Each PDU requires
its own ac mains supply.
E1170-80003 PDK
PDU #1 (Main):
E1135A or
0ut In
E1135A or E1135B PDU (Main) E1135A or E1135B PDU (Branch)
Series 3 Power This section contains: Used by North America. Receptacle available
Requirements and ■ Sizing the Input Wires and Circuit Breakers, 10-5
E1135-61610 - uses 5x6 mm2 5-conductor cord
Connections (Prior ■ Series 3 / 79000 Power Distribution, 10-9
with a IEC 60309 plug and mating receptacle.
to May 2001) ■ 327X 1-Module System AC Outlets, 10-17 Used Internationally.
■ 79000 - 1-Module System AC System, 10-28
Table 10-1 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (3-phase power)
1. Calculated with a fully-loaded 3X7X system with 3 STC cards in every module.
2. DUT Power supplies are configured for 200-240 volts ac.
Calculated with 6 STC cards in the module.
POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power option that is on the same line as the E1135C power option.
Use E1135-61611 power cord with NEMA L21-30 receptacle/connector body.
Use E1135-61610 power cord with IEC 60309 32A 3-phase receptacle/connector body (included with the system)
Table 10-2 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (single-phase power)
L1 05F 230 19 20 24 24 15 14
05J 240 19 20 24 24 15 14
Table 10-2 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (single-phase power) (continued)
0EC 240 19 20 24 24 15 0EH, 14
Single-Phase AWY 100 / 200 19 20 24 24 15 16
Center-Tap Neutral
0E3 110 / 220 19 20 24 24 15 14
L1 0EG 115 / 230 19 20 24 24 15 14
G 0EH 120 / 240 19 20 24 24 15 14
1. Calculated with a fully-loaded 3X7X system with 3 STC cards in every module.
2. DUT Power supplies are configured for 200-240 volts ac.
3. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power option that is on the same line as the system power option.
Table 10-3 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (3-phase power)
Option Voltage Testhead
327X Outlet 79000 Outlet 317X Outlet 307X Outlet 3-phase 1-phase
Locations Locations Locations Locations xDSL/POTS xDSL/POTS
Figure 10-2 on Figure 10-13 Figure 10-24 Figure 10-35 Bay Outlet Bay1
page 10-17 on page 10-28 on page 10-39 on page 10-50 locations Opts/Current
Figure 10-53 Figure 10-52
on page 10-69 on page 10-68
Table 10-3 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (3-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Testhead
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral AWW 120 / Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 AWV, Figure
208 page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
Figure 10-38 page 10-74
on page 10-53
05E 127 / Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 AWZ, Figure
N 220 page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
Figure 10-38 page 10-74
L2 L3 on page 10-53
0E5 220 / Figure 10-5 on Figure 10-16 Figure 10-27 Figure 10-39 Figure 10-55 05M, Figure
380 page 10-20 on page 10-31 on page 10-42 on page 10-54, on page 10-71 10-60 on
Figure 10-41 page 10-76
on page 10-56
05L 230 / Figure 10-5 on Figure 10-16 Figure 10-27 Figure 10-39 Figure 10-55 05F, Figure
400 page 10-20 on page 10-31 on page 10-42 on page 10-54, on page 10-71 10-60 on
Figure 10-41 page 10-76
on page 10-56
0E7 240 / Figure 10-5 on Figure 10-16 Figure 10-27 Figure 10-39 Figure 10-55 05J, Figure
415 page 10-20 on page 10-31 on page 10-42 on page 10-54, on page 10-71 10-60 on
Figure 10-41 page 10-76
on page 10-56
Table 10-3 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (3-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Testhead
3-phase Delta 0ED 200 Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 AWY, Figure
page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
L3 L2 Figure 10-38 page 10-74
on page 10-53
05C 220 Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 0E3, Figure
page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
Figure 10-38 page 10-74
L1 on page 10-53
05H 230 Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 0EG, Figure
page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
Figure 10-38 page 10-74
on page 10-53
0E6 240 Figure 10-3 on Figure 10-14 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-36 Figure 10-54 0EH, Figure
page 10-18 on page 10-29 on page 10-40 on page 10-51, on page 10-70 10-58 on
Figure 10-38 page 10-74
on page 10-53
1. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. For the standard 3-phase power options with supplied power cord use the first column. If sin-
gle-phase is absolutely required, use the options in the second column that is on the same line as the system power option. Rewiring of the PDU may be
Table 10-4 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (single-phase power)
Option Voltage Testhead
307X outlet locations Figure xDSL/POTS
327X outlet 79000 outlet 317X outlet 10-45 on page 10-60 Bay1
locations locations locations Opts/Current
Figure 10-2 on Figure 10-13 Figure 10-24 Figure 10-52
page 10-17 on page 10-28 on page 10-39 Testhead Support Bay on page 10-68
Single-Phase Wye w/ AWV 120 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 AWV, Figure
Neutral 208 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 10-58 on
page 10-74
L1 L2
AWZ 127 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 AWZ, Figure
220 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 10-58 on
page 10-74
05B 220 / Figure 10-9 on Figure 10-20 Figure 10-31 Figure 10-42 05M, Figure
N 380 page 10-24 on page 10-35 on page 10-46 on page 10-57, 10-60 on
G Figure 10-44 page 10-76
on page 10-59
05G 230 / Figure 10-9 on Figure 10-20 Figure 10-31 Figure 10-42 05F, Figure
400 page 10-24 on page 10-35 on page 10-46 on page 10-57, 10-60 on
Figure 10-44 page 10-76
on page 10-59
05K 240 / Figure 10-9 on Figure 10-20 Figure 10-31 Figure 10-42 05J, Figure
415 page 10-24 on page 10-35 on page 10-46 on page 10-57, 10-60 on
Figure 10-44 page 10-76
on page 10-59
Table 10-4 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (single-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Testhead
Single-Phase Earthed 05M 220 Figure 10-11 Figure 10-22 Figure 10-33 Figure 10-49 Figure 10-51 Figure 10-60
on page 10-26 on page 10-37 on page 10-48 on page 10-64 on page 10-66 on page 10-76
05F 230 Figure 10-11 Figure 10-22 Figure 10-33 Figure 10-49 Figure 10-51 Figure 10-60
on page 10-26 on page 10-37 on page 10-48 on page 10-64 on page 10-66 on page 10-76
05J 240 Figure 10-11 Figure 10-22 Figure 10-33 Figure 10-49 Figure 10-51 Figure 10-60
on page 10-26 on page 10-37 on page 10-48 on page 10-64 on page 10-66 on page 10-76
Table 10-4 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (single-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Testhead
307X outlet locations xDSL/POTS
327X outlet 79000 outlet 317X outlet Figure 10-45 on page 10-60 Bay
locations locations locations Opts/Current
Figure 10-2 on Figure 10-13 Figure 10-24 Figure 10-52
page 10-17 on page 10-28 on page 10-39 Testhead Support Bay on page 10-68
Single-Phase AWY, Figure
Non-Earthed Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 10-58 on
AWX 200 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 page 10-74
0E3, Figure
Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 10-58 on
0EB 220 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 page 10-74
0EG, Figure
L2 Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 10-58 on
G 0EJ 230 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 page 10-74
0EH, Figure
Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 10-58 on
0EC 240 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 page 10-74
Table 10-4 Series 3 and 79000 family wiring diagram (single-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Testhead
Single-Phase Center-Tap AWY 100 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 Figure 10-58
Neutral 200 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 on page 10-74
L1 0E3 110 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 Figure 10-58
220 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-63 on page 10-74
N 0EG 115 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 Figure 10-58
230 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 on page 10-74
L2 0EH 120 / Figure 10-7 on Figure 10-18 Figure 10-29 Figure 10-46 Figure 10-48 Figure 10-58
240 page 10-22 on page 10-33 on page 10-44 on page 10-61 on page 10-63 on page 10-74
1. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power options that is on the same line as the system power option.
Outlet 2 Outlet 3
Outlet 1
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-18
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Unswitched 32LLLN.wpg
Unswitched 32LL.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-22
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Figure 10-8 327X AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
Unswitched 32LLN.wpg
Unswitched 32LN.wpg
Outlet 2
Outlet 1
Outlet 3
Unswitched 79LLL.wpg
Unswitched 79LLLN.wpg
Unswitched 79LL.wpg
Figure 10-19 79000 AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
T1 T2 T3
79K LLN.wpg
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
Unswitched 31LLL.wpg
Unswitched 31LLLN.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-42
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Unswitched 31LL.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-44
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Figure 10-30 317X AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
Unswitched 31LLN.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-46
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Unswitched 31LN.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-48
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
Unswitched 30LLL_1.wpg
Figure 10-37 3070 1-PDU 0ED, AWW, 05E, 05C, 05H, 0E6
Figure 10-38 3070 1-PDU 0ED, AWW, 05E, 05C, 05H, 0E6 (support bay)
Unswitched 30LLLN_1.wpg
Unswitched 30LLN_1.wpg
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-57
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
307X 4-Module 2-PDU System AC Outlets Since each of these options are single-phase, which
outlet a DUT power supply connects to does not affect
Beginning with the release of Series 3, with 4-module the load balance, but knowing where each power supply
2-PDU systems, the DUT power supplies are connected is plugged in helps when servicing the system.
directly to the E1135C PDU, and there are no outlet
boxes in the Support Bay, as shown in Figure 10-45.
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
8 7 6 5
See Table
To Gnd
4 3 2 1
See Table
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
Support Bay Testhead (Rear View)
(Rear View)
Unswitched 30LL_1.wpg
Figure 10-47 3070 2-PDU AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0E3, 0EJ, 0EG, 0EC, 0EH
Unswitched 30LN_1.wpg
8 7 6 5
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
4 3 2 1
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Line Mains
Filter Input
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 10-68
Chapter 10: Site Preparation – Power Requirements for Older Systems: Series 3 Power Requirements and Connections (Prior to May 2001)
Figure 10-53 E2197A xDLS / POTS Bay (shown with POTS options)
8 7 6 5
See Table
To G nd
See Table
4 3 2 1
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Line Mains
Filter Input
Ringer Supply
Ringer Supply
Figure 10-58 E2195A xDSL / POTS Bay AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
Figure 10-59 E2195A xDSL / POTS Bay AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
Table 10-5 Serial numbers of Series 3 / 79000 systems with factory power reconfiguration reduction1 (but without power cords
attached except 327X and 79000 power option AWW)
Table 10-6 Serial numbers of Series 3 / 79000 systems shipped without power reconfiguration reduction1 (see Chapter 11, Site
Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current Reduction Conversion for how to reduce current requirements)
Table 10-7 Serial numbers of Series 3 / 79000 systems shipped with E1135B PDUs.
Table 10-8 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (3-phase power)
Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X / 790003 317X 307X 3-phase 1- phase
Testhead Support Bay
Bay Bay4
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral AWW 120 / [15]5 14 [23] 18 [42] 28 NA 12 AWV, 16
05E 127 / [15] 14 [23] 18 [42] 28 NA 12 AWZ, 16
N 0E5 220 / [13] 10 [14] 10 [22] 18 NA 10 05M, 14
L2 L3
05L 230 / [13] 10 [14] 10 [22] 18 NA 10 05F, 14
G 400
0E7 240 / [13] 10 [14] 10 [22] 18 NA 10 05J, 14
3-phase Delta 0ED 200 [15] 14 [23] 18 [42] 28 NA 12 AWY, 16
1. Calculated with a fully-loaded 3X7X system with 3 STC cards in every module.
2. DUT Power supplies are configured for 200-240 volts ac.
3. Calculated with 6 STC cards in the module.
4. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power options that is on the same line as the system power option.
5. Values in brackets [ ] apply to Series 3 systems with serial numbers less than those listed in Table 10-6 on page 10-79.
Option #05A is not available on the Corporate
Price List (CPL) after June 1999. The DUT
power supplies input voltage for Japanese systems
are set to 220 volts at the factory and the neutral
center tap is no longer used.
If 3-phase Delta power (0ED) is not available, use
the Single-Phase power option (AWY). 307X
single-phase option AWY systems will require
two power drops.
Table 10-9 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (single-phase power)
Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X / 790003 317X 307X xDSL/POTS
Testhead Support Bay Opts/Current
Single-Phase Wye w/ AWV 120 / [25]5 20 [43] 24 [42] 28 [24] 15 AWY, 16
Neutral 208
Table 10-9 Series 3 and 79000 family power requirements (single-phase power) (continued)
Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X / 79000 317X 307X xDSL/POTS
Single-Phase AWX 200 [NA] 20 [36] 24 [42] 28 [20] 15 AWY, 16
0EB 220 [NA] 20 [36] 24 [42] 28 [20] 15 0E3, 14
L1 0EJ 230 [NA] 20 [36] 24 [42] 28 [20] 15 0EG, 14
0EC 240 [NA] 20 [36] 24 [42] 28 [20] 15 0EH, 14
Single-Phase Center-Tap AWY 100 / [25] 20 [43] 24 [43] 28 [24] 15 16
Neutral 200
1 A “lock-out, tag-out procedure is used by electricians. The electrician turns the “mains” power switch off and places a hasp through the
“mains” power switch. The hasp has holes for pad-locks. A tag is placed on the lock which provides information regarding who put the
lock in place, the work being performed, when the lock was installed, when the lock will be removed, and the electrician’s supervisor.
Only the electrician who installed the lock or the electrician’s supervisor (under certain circumstances) may remove the lock and turn the
“mains” power switch on.
Power Wire and Breaker Size Table
Description Option Voltage Number Wiring Diagram
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral AWW 120 / 208 Table 10-12 on page 10-95 Figure 10-64 on page 10-104
L1 05E 127 / 220 Table 10-12 on page 10-95 Figure 10-64 on page 10-104
0E5 220 / 380 Table 10-13 on page 10-96 Figure 10-63 on page 10-102
05L 230 / 400 Table 10-13 on page 10-96 Figure 10-63 on page 10-102
L2 L3
G 0E7 240 / 415 Table 10-13 on page 10-96 Figure 10-63 on page 10-102
Power Wire and Breaker Size Table
Description Option Voltage Number Wiring Diagram
3-phase Delta 0ED 200 Table 10-14 on page 10-97 Figure 10-65 on page 10-105
L3 L2 05C 220 Table 10-14 on page 10-97 Figure 10-65 on page 10-105
05H 230 Table 10-14 on page 10-97 Figure 10-65 on page 10-105
0E6 240 Table 10-14 on page 10-97 Figure 10-65 on page 10-105
Single-Phase AWX 200 Table 10-17 on page 10-100 Figure 10-68 on page 10-108
0EB 220 Table 10-17 on page 10-100 Figure 10-68 on page 10-108
L1 0EJ 230 Table 10-17 on page 10-100 Figure 10-68 on page 10-108
0EC 240 Table 10-17 on page 10-100 Figure 10-68 on page 10-108
System Type
xDSL / POTS Bay 327X / 79000 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps1
[20] 20 [20] 20 [30] 30 [60] 35
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[4 (12)]** 4(12) [4 (12)] 4(12)* [10(8)] 6(10)* [25 (4)]*** 10(8)
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
System Type
327X / 79000 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps1
[20] 20 [30] 30 [30] 30
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[4 (12)] 4(12)** [4 (12)] 4(12)** [10 (8)] 6(10)**
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
System Type
327X / 79000 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps1
[20] 20 [30] 30 [60] 35
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[4 (12)] 4(12)** [10(8)] 6(10)* [25 (4)]*** 6(10)
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
System Type
327X / 79000 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps1
[30] 20 [30] 20 [50] 30
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[6 (10)] 4(12)* [6 (10)] 4(12)* [16 (6)]*** 6(10)
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
System Type
xDSL / POTS Bay 327X / 79000 317X 307X 307X Support Bay
Breaker Size in Amps1
[20] 20 [35] 30 [60] 30 [60] 35 [30] 20
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[4 (12)] 4(12)* [6 (10)] 6(10)* [16(6)] 6(10)*** [16 (6)]*** 10(8)* [6 (10)] 4(12)*
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
Table 10-17 Single-phase non-earthed (AWX, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC) - Single-phase with center tap neutral (AWY, 0E3,0EG, 0EH) -
Single-phase earthed (05M, 05F, 05J)
System Type
xDSL / POTS Bay 327X / 79000 317X 307X 307X Support Bay
Breaker Size in Amps1
[20] 20 [35] 30 [60] 30 [60] 35 [30] 20
Wire Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)2
[4 (12)] 4(12)* [6 (10)] 6(10)* [16(6)]*** 6(10)* [16 (6)]*** 10(8)* [6 (10)] 4(12)*
1. Breaker size based on 125 percent of maximum rms current
2. Wire size based on multiconductor cables
Set the Voltage Selector switch (S1) on the
Control Board to ’230V’ for all voltage options.
Figure 10-63 220/380-240/415 3-phase Wye with neutral (0E5, 05L, 0E7), 220/380-240/415 Single-phase Wye with neutral
(05B, 05G, 05K)
L1 L1 L2 L3 N
N 0
L2 L3
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
L1 L2
Note: L3 is available only on 3-phase power
Figure 10-64 120/208–127/220 V 3-Phase Wye with neutral (AWW, 05E), 120/208–127/220 V Single-phase Wye with neutral
L1 L1 L2 L3 N
L2 L3
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
L1 L2 L3 N
L3 L2
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
Figure 10-66 100/200-120/240 V Single-phase center-tap neutral (AWY, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH)
L1 L2 L3 N
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
Jumper L2-L3 G
L1 L2 L3 N
N 0
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
L1 L2 L3 N
T1 T2 T3 N 10A 10A
Connect Input
Line here
Jumper L2-L3
Tester Power This section contains: The external mains breaker should be located
close to the 3070 family system. Some high
Requirements ■ Identifying the PDU/PDK Type, 10-109
voltages are present in the test system even with
(Series I/II) ■ Connecting a Pigtail to the E1135C PDU, 10-112 the tester breaker off. Having the external breaker
■ 44964A/B PDU Electrical Requirements, 10-113
close to the system will allow service personnel to
turn off all power quickly.
■ E1099A PDU Electrical Requirements, 10-114
Shipped 7/7/95 - 9/17/98: has an additional E1135A/B PDU See Figure 10-76 on page 10-159 -
Figure 10-80 on page 10-163
E1085A POTS Bay or E2195A xDSL Bay See Chapter 6, Site Preparation –
Power Requirements or the E2195A
xDSL and E1085A POTS Installation and
Upgrade Manual, E1085-90000
1 It is difficult to fit conductor size 16 square millimeters (AWG 6) into the mains disconnect switch, and 25 square millimeters (AWG 4)
will not fit. With an 450 mm (18-inches) to 690 mm (24-inches length pigtail, 10 square millimeters (#8 AWG) will safely carry the 3070
Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz
Option 0E3 200 V (182–222 V rms) 1 phase neutral center tap
Option 0EF 208 V (189–230 V rms) 3 phase wye with neutral
Option 0EB 220-230 V (200–244 V rms) 1 phase no neutral
Option 0EG 110/220-115/230 V (200–244 V rms 1 phase neutral center tap
Option 0EC 240 V (218–266 V rms)1 phase neutral center tap 1 phase no neutral
Option 0EH 120/240 V (218–266 V rms) 1 phase neutral center tap
Maximum Total Current:
1 module 24 A
2 modules 36 A
3 modules 42 A
4 modules 50 A
1 See the 44964B Power Distribution Unit Installation and Service Manual, 03066-90032) for more information.
E1099A PDU Electrical Requirements accurately calculating the power requirements for
various system configurations with each power option.
Table 10-20 on page 10-114 shows the electrical
requirements and line configuration options for the
E1099A PDU. Maximum current describes option OE3
(200V) current requirements for a system with all
optional equipment; other power options and
✸The two- and three-phase options are unbalanced.
Therefore, the neutral conductor should be the
configurations will require less current. In option 0EF same size as the line conductors. (Refer to Figure
(208 Volts), all three phases are used in an unbalanced 10-70 on page 10-145.)
configuration. Table 10-21 on page 10-117 through
Table 10-27 on page 10-123 provide a means of more
Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz
Option 0E3 200 V (182–222 V rms) 1 phase neutral center tap
Option 0EF 208 V (189–230 V rms) 3 phase wye with neutral
Option 0EB 220-230 V (200–244 V rms) 1 phase no neutral
Option 0EG 110/220-115/230 V (200–244 V rms) 1 phase neutral center tap
Option 0EC 240 V (218–266 V rms)1 phase neutral center tap 1 phase no neutral
Option 0EH 120/240 V (218–266 V rms) 1 phase neutral center tap
Maximum Total Current:
1 module 41 A
2 modules 60 A
3 modules 77 A
4 modules 96 A
Module 1 10.5
Module 2 10.5
Module 3 10.5
Module 4 10.5
+5 V STC P.S. #1 3.1
+5 V STC P.S. #2 3.1
+5 V STC P.S. #3 3.1
+5 V STC P.S. #4 3.1
DUT Power #1 3.0
DUT Power #2 3.0
DUT Power #3 3.0
DUT Power #4 3.0
Aux. Equipment 2.0
Controller/Peripherals 20.0
* Total current:
Module 1 9.6
Module 2 9.6
Module 3 9.6
Module 4 9.6
+5 V STC P.S. #1 2.9
+5 V STC P.S. #2 2.9
+5 V STC P.S. #3 2.9
+5 V STC P.S. #4 2.9
DUT Power #1 3.0
DUT Power #2 3.0
DUT Power #3 3.0
DUT Power #4 3.0
Aux. Equipment 2.0
Controller/Peripherals 20.0
* Total current:
1 See the E1099A Power Distribution Unit Installation and Service Manual, E1099-90000, for more information.
2 The E1170-80003 PDK was only used with 3170X systems, not 307X systems.
Table 10-28 E1170-80003 power requirements for all power Verifying the AC Input
Before installing the "mains" drop for an E1131A PDU,
System Type the ac source must be verified to assure that it is
adequate to power the test system.
Sizing the Input Conductors and Breakers
Full Load Amps (FLA)
To ensure adequate peak voltage for proper system
power supply operation, a system drop connected to an
Breaker Size in Amps ac source with the minimum voltage must be sized to
handle peak current loads with less than a 5-percent
30 drop between the ac source and the system. Using the
SO Cord Wire Size mm2 (AWG) wrong conductor size can cause a larger voltage drop
across the system drop. This could mean that the peak
6 (10) voltage into the PDU is not sufficient for proper
operation. If the ac source provides more than the
minimum voltage, then the maximum voltage loss
E1131A PDU Electrical Requirements between the source and the system is not as critical.
Table 10-29 on page 10-126 and Table 10-30 on
page 10-127 show the electrical requirements for 3070 CAUTION
Series I and II systems respectively, using the E1131A
PDU. The tables are valid for all power options. The
power requirements are based on the maximum number
✸All power configurations using a neutral are
unbalanced, so there will be neutral current.
Therefore, make the neutral conductor the same
of modules and DUT power supplies available. size as the line conductors.
The wire sizes recommended in this chapter are
for the SO cord1 from the receptacle to the
system. The electrician has the responsibility to
size the service to the receptacle so that the
voltage drop from the source to the 3070 system
does not exceed 5-percent of the nominal voltage.
Table 10-29 3070 Series I, E1131A power requirements for all power options
Table 10-30 307X Series II, E1131A power requirements for all power options
Agilent 3070 Series II / 3 - E1135A/B Power requirements of the system (see Table 10-31 on
Distribution Units page 10-130and Table 10-32 on page 10-131).
The E1135A and E1135B were used in all Series II 3070 ■ Copper conductors should be used for the system
systems, and in Series 3 3070 and 79000 systems drop.
shipped through September 1998. ■ The service should have a breaker box installed
If you are working on a system with an E1135C PDU, near the system so that power can be quickly
see Chapter 6, Site Preparation – Power removed in case of an emergency.
Requirements. ■ A 25.4-millimeter (1-inch) hole is provided on the
This section provides minimum power requirements for PDU for the electrician to install a cable clamp
3070 family systems. For most installations, these and power cord. Agilent recommends the use of a
requirements are sufficient. We suggest you review the power cord with a locking plug (one that cannot
next section, Verifying the AC Input on page 10-129, be easily pulled from its outlet) or a hard-wired
for additional information. connection. If the hole is too small to
accommodate the conductors, use a chassis punch
The 3070 family systems require ac electrical power to enlarge the hole.
supplied two ways:
■ The system input power connections on the PDU
1 AC mains power must be supplied to the system’s are made to an input connector block and the
Power Distribution Unit (PDU). For all systems and ground connection is to a terminal bolted to the
power options except one, a customer-supplied chassis. These connectors can accept wire up to
power cord must be wired to the system’s PDU by an 10 square millimeters (#8 AWG). For ease of
electrician. installation, in areas where it meets local code
2 For a 327X system using conductor and breaker requirements, Agilent recommends that you use
option #0EF (3-phase Wye with neutral — 208V; see multi-strand conductor from a box to the PDU.
Table 10-32 on page 10-131) a power cord is 3 Convenience outlets must be located near the system
supplied already wired to the PDU; this is the only for test development centers, test development
system supplied with the power cord. stations, optional extra equipment bays, and the
Agilent makes the following recommendations: 44990A EFS Board Handler. Locate the outlets
within one meter (three feet) of and directly behind
■ A dedicated ac mains service should be provided the device. See Chapter 3, Site Preparation –
for the test system due to the high current Planning to plan the location of convenience outlets.
All convenience outlets must supply 20 amps at
You cannot accurately measure the input current
of the system’s power supplies using conventional
50/60-hertz current probes because the input
current waveforms are rich in harmonics. Any
current-measuring instrument should have a
Table 10-31 3070 Series II family power requirements with E1135A/B PDU
Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X 317X 307X3 xDSL/POTS
Testhead Support Bay Opts/Current
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral 0EF (AWW) 120 / 208 15 23 42 15
L1 05E 127 / 220 15 23 42 15
0E5 220 / 380 13 14 22 NA
05L 230 / 400 13 14 22 NA
0E7 240 / 415 13 14 22 NA
L2 L3
2-Phase Open Delta 05A 100 / 200 18 21 43 NA
w/CT Neutral
1. Calculated with a fully-loaded 3X7X system with 3 STC cards in every module.
2. DUT Power supplies are configured for 120 volts ac for Opt. 0EF, 05E and 05A. 0E5. 05L, 0E7 set to 240 volts ac.
3. 2- and 3- phase 307X systems only require one PDU. Single Phase systems require one PDU for the testhead and one for the support bay.
4. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power options that is in the column below on the same line as the
system power option.
Table 10-32 3070 Series II family power requirements with E1135A/B PDU
Power Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X 317X 307X3 xDSL/POTS
Testhead Support Bay Opts/Current
Single-Phase Wye w/ 05B 220 / 380 18 21 37 NA
05G 230 / 400 18 21 37 NA
L1 L2 05K 240 / 415 18 21 37 NA
Table 10-32 3070 Series II family power requirements with E1135A/B PDU (continued)
Power Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
Single-Phase Earthed 05M 220 22 36 42 24 15
L1 05F 230 22 36 42 24 15
05J 240 22 36 42 24 15
Table 10-32 3070 Series II family power requirements with E1135A/B PDU (continued)
Power Option Voltage Full-Load Amps (FLA)1 for:2
327X 317X 307X3 xDSL/POTS
Testhead Support Bay Opts/Current4
Single-Phase AWX 200 NA 36 42 20 15
0EB 220 NA 36 42 20 15
L1 0EJ 230 NA 36 42 20 15
0EC 240 NA 36 42 20 15
4. POTS and xDSL bays always require a separate power drop. Use the POTS/xDSL power options that is in the column below on the same line as the
system power option.
System Power
Option Voltage Wire and Breaker Size Table Number
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral 0EF (AWW) 120 / 208 Table 10-35 on page 10-139
L1 05E 127 / 220 Table 10-35 on page 10-139
0E5 220 / 380 Table 10-36 on page 10-139
Table 10-34 Conductor and breaker size cross reference table (single-phase options)
System Power
Option Voltage Wire and Breaker Size Table Number
Single-Phase Wye w/ 05B 220 / 380 Table 10-38 on page 10-140
05G 230 / 400 Table 10-38 on page 10-140
L1 L2 05K 240 / 415 Table 10-38 on page 10-140
Single-Phase Earthed 05M 220 Table 10-40 on page 10-141
Table 10-34 Conductor and breaker size cross reference table (single-phase options) (continued)
System Power
Option Voltage Wire and Breaker Size Table Number
Single-Phase AWX 200 Table 10-41 on page 10-142
0EB 220 Table 10-41 on page 10-142
L1 0EJ 230 Table 10-41 on page 10-142
0EC 240 Table 10-41 on page 10-142
Single-Phase Center-Tap AWY 100 / 200 Table 10-39 on page 10-141
0E3 110 / 220 Table 10-39 on page 10-141
L1 0EG 115 / 230 Table 10-39 on page 10-141
0EH 120 / 240 Table 10-39 on page 10-141
System Type
POTS Bay 327X 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps
20 20 30 50
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 6 (10) 10 (8)
System Type
327X 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps
20 20 30
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 4 (12) 6 (10)
Table 10-37 2-phase open delta with center tap of one phase (05A)
System Type
327X 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps
20 30 50
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 10 (8)
System Type
327X 317X 307X
Breaker Size in Amps
30 40 70
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 6 (10)
Table 10-39 Single- phase with center tap neutral (AWY, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH)
System Type
POTS Bay 327X 317X 307X
Testhead Support Bay
Breaker Size in Amps
20 30 50 50 30
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 10 (8) 10 (8) 6 (10)
System Type
POTS Bay 327X 317X 307X
Testhead Support Bay
Breaker Size in Amps
20 25 50 50 30
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 10 (8) 10 (8) 6 (10)
System Type
POTS Bay 327X 317X 307X
Testhead Support Bay
Breaker Size in Amps
20 25 50 50 30
SO Cord Conductor Size mm2 (American Wire Gauge - AWG)
4 (12) 6 (10) 10 (8) 10 (8) 6 (10)
Have your electrician connect the mains power to the
PDU or PDK as shown on the power installation
diagrams in the next few sections. Use Table 10-18 on
page 10-110, to determine which figure should be used.
The electrician will not be able to measure true
current to the system because power consumption
is dependent on the testplan, and the crest factor of
switching power supplies causes a non-sinusoidal
1 See the 44964B Power Distribution Installation and Service Manual, 03066-90032, for more information.
1 See the E1099A Power Distribution Installation and Service Manual, E1099-90000, for more information.
E1131A Main/Branch Connection You must remove the PDU from the bay to wire the
Emergency Shutdown wires. The access plate is on the
The Emergency Shutdown main/branch connections
rear of the PDU.
between the two PDUs in a 307X support bay are wired
at the factory, so no wiring is necessary during
However, if you have multiple 3070 / Series II family
systems, and you want the Emergency Shutdown switch
on one system to also shut down one or more other
systems, some additional wiring is necessary. To
implement parallel remote emergency shutdown, all
systems must have E1131A PDUs; older PDUs do not
have this capability. For wiring instructions, see the
E1131A Power Distribution Unit Installation and
Service Manual (E1131-90000).
The voltage selector switch (S1) inside the PDU
DOES NOT set the output voltage of the PDU. It
sets the PDU’s remote shutdown circuitry for the
appropriate input voltage range: 100–127 volts or
200–240 volts.
The voltage selector switch (S1) inside the PDU
DOES NOT set the output voltage of the PDU. It
sets the PDU’s remote shutdown circuitry for the
appropriate input voltage range: 100–127 volts or
200–240 volts.
See the E1135C Power Distribution Unit Manual,
E1135-90001, for the switch location.
For all of the power options set the Voltage
Selector switch (S1) on the Control Board to
Figure 10-76 220/380–240/415 V 3-phase wye with neutral (0E5, 05L, 0E7), 220/380–240/415 V single-phase wye with neutral
(05B, 05G, 05K)
L2 L3
Connect Input
Line here
L1 L2
Note: L3 is available only on 3-phase power
Figure 10-77 208 or 220 V 3-phase wye with neutral (0EF, AWW, 05E), 200V 2-phase open delta with phase center-tap neutral
L2 L3
Connect Input
Line here
L3 L2
Figure 10-78 200–240V single-phase center-tap neutral (AWY, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH)
Connect Input
Line here
Connect Input
Line here
Connect Input
Line here
Introduction This section contains: This current reduction conversion procedure is
NOT a warranty cost item. MTD does not
■ Introduction, 11-2
recognize it as a problem, but it does offer the
■ Who Should do the Current Reduction Conversion?, opportunity for the customer to reduce their
11-3 current consumption, and the size of their service
■ What to Do in Case of Difficulty, 11-3
This chapter provides the information required to
reconfigure the power subsystem of an Agilent 3070 The current reduction conversion uses the existing
Series 3 or 79000 which was shipped prior to June 1999 hardware. It does not have a product number.
to have the same power requirements as 3070 / 79000
systems shipped after June 1999. This does not apply to For the serial numbers shown for each system type in
3070 Series I/II systems. Table 11-1, several changes were made which
significantly reduced the current requirements. Several
power options were also changed. See Facts about
PDUs, MPUs and Power Options on page 6-41 for a
list of important changes concerning PDUs, MPUs and
power options which have occurred with 3070 Series 3 /
79000 products.
Volts AC of Phases
Full Load
Beginning with the serial numbers shown Table
11-1 on page 11-2, all DUT power supplies in
3070 / 79000 systems are factory configured to
220 or 240 volts. The outlets where the DUT Agilent 6621A and 6624A Line Voltage Settings
power supplies are connected may also have been The 6621A and 6624A supplies can be set to accept ac
modified as described in the following sections, as input voltage of 100, 120, 220, or 240 volts by
well as the Repair I Manual, E4000-90160, positioning the voltage selector card located inside of
Chapter 1. the line module. Figure 11-3 on page 11-13 shows the
location of the power module.
1 A “lock-out, tag-out procedure is used by electricians. The electrician turns the “mains” power switch off and places a hasp through the
“mains” power switch. The hasp has holes for pad-locks. A tag is placed on the lock which provides information regarding who put the
lock in place, the work being performed, when the lock was installed, when the lock will be removed, and the electrician’s supervisor.
Only the electrician who installed the lock or the electrician’s supervisor (under certain circumstances) may remove the lock and turn the
“mains” power switch on.
2 In some cases this may mean unplugging the system.
Single-Phase Earthed 05M 220 220V
L1 05F 230 240V
05J 240 240V
Table 11-3 DUT power supply line voltage setting (single-phase) (continued)
Single-Phase Center-Tap AWY 100 / 200 220V
0E3 110 / 220 220V
L1 0EG 115 / 230 240V
0EH 120 / 240 240V
Figure 11-3 6621A and 6624A line input power module location
The procedure for changing the input line voltage is as 3 Grasp the voltage selector PC board with a pair of
follows. needle-nose pliers and slide it out of its slot.
1 Remove the power card from the ac input socket on 4 To select a voltage, orient the PC board so that the
the back of the power supply. desired voltage appears on the top left side of the
board (see Figure 11-4 on page 11-14). Push the
2 To open the power module, move the plastic door on
board all the way back into its slot.
the module aside. If your line voltage change
requires a change in rating of the fuse, rotate FUSE The desired line voltage must be visible through the
PULL to the left and remove the fuse (see Figure module window when the board is installed.
11-4 on page 11-14).
Line input
power module
o ic s
h e
d d
of p bo th c
c b si
on lta ge
U1 S3
Line Receptacle
Fuse (F1) 6632ps.wpg
3 Note that each switch has two positions. 4 Check the rating of the fuse (F1) installed in the rear
Representations of these positions are silkscreened panel fuse holder and replace with the correct fuse if
on the PC board next to the switches. To change the necessary. Use Table 11-5 to determine the proper
line voltage, consult the silkscreen drawing and set fuse.
the switches accordingly.
Agilent 6642A Line Voltage Settings 1 Turn off power to the supply and disconnect the
power cord from the power source.
The 6642A supply can be set to accept 100, 120, 220 or
240 volts ac input by setting the line voltage select 2 Remove the four screws that secure the two carrying
switches. straps and outer cover.
3 Slightly spread the bottom rear of the cover and pull 4 Slide the dust cover back far enough to expose the
it back to disengage it from the front panel. select switches (see Figure 11-7 on page 11-19).
AC line voltage
switch settings
5 Move the line voltage select switches to the positions 7 Change the line fuse (on the rear panel) to the proper
corresponding to the desired line voltage. value for the new line voltage (see Table 11-6).
6 Replace the top cover and secure the carrying straps.
Rewire the Inputs to the Outlets If Three-Phase Delta power (0ED) is not
available, use the Single-Phase power option
To wire the ac outlets in your system, start by finding (AWY). 307X single-phase option AWY systems
the appropriate information as described below. If the will require two power drops.
power option you are looking for is not present in the
table, it means that that option is not supported in that
1 Find the section in Table 11-7 on page 11-21 or
Table 11-8 on page 11-24 that describes your system
configuration: the number of modules, location of
outlets, and number of PDUs, as well as the figure
page number which describes your power option
2 Do NOT plug in the instruments, fans, etc. to the
outlets at this time. This will be done after the
voltages connected to the outlets are tested. Use the
tables to verify the voltage from outlets or that
devices are plugged into the correct outlets.
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage
Power Configuration Option - Phases Testhead
Outlet Locations 327X 79000 317X 307X Support Bay Telecom
Figure 11-8 on Figure 11-19 Figure 11-30 Figure 11-41 Outlet Bays
page 11-29 on page 11-40 on page 11-51 on page 11-62 Location E1085A
1-PDU: POTS or
Figure 11-41 E2195A
on xDSL
page 11-62 Figure 11-58
2-PDU: on
Figure 11-51 page 11-80
page 11-72
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage
Power Configuration Option - Phases Testhead
3-Phase Wye w/ Neutral AWW 120 / 208 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead AWV Figure
page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-60 on
Figure 11-44 page 11-82
on page 11-65
05E 127 / 220 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead AWZ Figure
N page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-60 on
Figure 11-44 page 11-82
L2 L3 on page 11-65
0E5 220 / 380 - 3 Figure 11-11 Figure 11-22 Figure 11-33 Figure 11-45 with testhead 05M Figure
on page 11-32 on page 11-43 on page 11-54 on page 11-66, 11-61 on
Figure 11-47 page 11-83
on page 11-68
05L 230 / 400 - 3 Figure 11-11 Figure 11-22 Figure 11-33 Figure 11-45 with testhead 05F Figure
on page 11-32 on page 11-43 on page 11-54 on page 11-66, 11-61 on
Figure 11-47 page 11-83
on page 11-68
0E7 240 / 415 - 3 Figure 11-11 Figure 11-22 Figure 11-33 Figure 11-45 with testhead 05J Figure
on page 11-32 on page 11-43 on page 11-54 on page 11-66, 11-61 on
Figure 11-47 page 11-83
on page 11-68
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage
Power Configuration Option - Phases Testhead
Three-Phase Delta 0ED 200 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead AWY Figure
page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-61 on
L3 L2 Figure 11-44 page 11-83
on page 11-65
05C 220 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead 0E3 Figure
page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-61 on
Figure 11-44 page 11-83
L1 on page 11-65
05H 230 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead 0EG Figure
page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-61 on
Figure 11-44 page 11-83
on page 11-65
0E6 240 - 3 Figure 11-9 on Figure 11-20 Figure 11-31 Figure 11-42 with testhead 0EH Figure
page 11-30 on page 11-41 on page 11-52 on page 11-63, 11-61 on
Figure 11-44 page 11-83
on page 11-65
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage -
Power Configuration Option Phases Testhead
Outlet Locations 327X 79000 317X 307X Support Bay Telecom
Figure 11-8 Figure 11-19 Figure 11-30 Figure 11-41 Outlet Bays E1085A
on page 11-29 on page 11-40 on page 11-51 on page 11-62 Location POTS or
1-PDU Figure E2195A xDSL
11-41 on Figure 11-58
page 11-62 on page 11-80
2-PDU Figure
11-51 on
page 11-72
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage -
Power Configuration Option Phases Testhead
Single-Phase Wye w/ AWV 120 / 208 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-54 AWV Figure
Neutral on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-75 11-60 on
page 11-82
L1 L2
AWZ 127 / 220 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-54 AWZ Figure
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-75 11-60 on
page 11-82
05B 220 / 380 - 1 Figure 11-15 Figure 11-26 Figure 11-37 Figure 11-48 with testhead 05M Figure
N on page 11-36 on page 11-47 on page 11-58 on 11-61 on
G page 11-69, page 11-83
Figure 11-50
on page 11-71
05G 230 / 400 - 1 Figure 11-15 Figure 11-26 Figure 11-37 Figure 11-48 with testhead 05FFigure
on page 11-36 on page 11-47 on page 11-58 on 11-61 on
page 11-69, page 11-83
Figure 11-50
on page 11-71
05K 240 / 415 - 1 Figure 11-15 Figure 11-26 Figure 11-37 Figure 11-48 with testhead 05J Figure
on page 11-36 on page 11-47 on page 11-58 on 11-61 on
page 11-69, page 11-83
Figure 11-50
on page 11-71
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage -
Power Configuration Option Phases Testhead
Single-Phase Earthed 05M 220 - 1 Figure 11-17 Figure 11-28 Figure 11-39 Figure 11-55 Figure 11-57 Figure 11-61
on page 11-38 on page 11-49 on page 11-60 on page 11-76 on page 11-78 on page 11-83
05F 230 - 1 Figure 11-17 Figure 11-28 Figure 11-39 Figure 11-55 Figure 11-57 Figure 11-61
on page 11-38 on page 11-49 on page 11-60 on page 11-76 on page 11-78 on page 11-83
05J 240 - 1 Figure 11-17 Figure 11-28 Figure 11-39 Figure 11-55 Figure 11-57 Figure 11-61
on page 11-38 on page 11-49 on page 11-60 on page 11-76 on page 11-78 on page 11-83
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage -
Power Configuration Option Phases Testhead
Outlet locations 327X 79000 317X 307X Support Bay Telecom
Figure 11-8 Figure 11-19 Figure 11-30 Figure 11-41 Outlet Bays E1085A
on page 11-29 on page 11-40 on page 11-51 on page 11-62 Location POTS or
1-PDU Figure E2195A xDSL
11-41 on Figure 11-58
page 11-62 on page 11-80
2-PDU Figure
11-51 on
page 11-72
Single-Phase AWX 200 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-54 AWY Figure
Non-Earthed on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-75 11-60 on
page 11-82
0EB 220 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 0E3 Figure
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 11-60 on
page 11-82
0EJ 230 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 0EG Figure
L2 on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 11-60 on
G page 11-82
0EC 240 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 0EH Figure
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 11-60 on
page 11-82
L-N Voltage/
Power L-L Voltage -
Power Configuration Option Phases Testhead
Single-Phase Center-Tap AWY 100 / 200 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-60
Neutral on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 on page 11-82
L1 0E3 110 / 220 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-60
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 on page 11-82
N 0EG 115 / 230 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-60
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 on page 11-82
L2 0EH 120 / 240 - 1 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-24 Figure 11-35 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-52 Figure 11-60
on page 11-34 on page 11-45 on page 11-56 on page 11-73 on page 11-73 on page 11-82
Outlet 2 Outlet 3
Outlet 1
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
Figure 11-14 327X AWX, AWY, AWV,AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 11-38
Chapter 11: Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current Reduction Conversion: Series 3 Current Reduction Conversion Procedure
Outlet 2
Outlet 1
Outlet 3
Unswitched 79LLL.wpg
Unswitched 79LLLN.wpg
T1 T2 T3
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 11-45
Chapter 11: Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current Reduction Conversion: Series 3 Current Reduction Conversion Procedure
Figure 11-25 79000 AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
T1 T2 T3
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
T1 T2 T3
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 11-52
Chapter 11: Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current Reduction Conversion: Series 3 Current Reduction Conversion Procedure
T1 T2 T3
© Agilent Technologies 1989–2002 Agilent 3070 / 79000 Site Preparation 11-54
Chapter 11: Site Preparation – Series 3 / 79000 Current Reduction Conversion: Series 3 Current Reduction Conversion Procedure
T1 T2 T3
Figure 11-36 317X AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0EJ, 0EC, 0E3, 0EG, 0EH
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
T1 T2 T3
Figure 11-44 3070 1-PDU 0ED, AWW, 05E, 05C, 05H, 0E6
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
307X 4-Module 2-PDU System AC Outlets Since each of these options are single-phase, which
outlet a DUT power supply connects to does not affect
Beginning with the release of Series 3, with 4-module the load balance, but knowing where each power supply
2-PDU systems, the DUT power supplies are connected is plugged in helps when servicing the system.
directly to the E1135C PDU, and there are no outlet
boxes in the support bay, as shown in Figure 11-51.
Outlet 0 Outlet 2
8 7 6 5
See Table
To Gnd
4 3 2 1
See Table
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Outlet 1 Outlet 3
Support Bay Testhead (Rear View)
(Rear View)
T1 T2 T3
Figure 11-53 3070 2-PDU AWX, AWY, AWV, AWZ, 0EB, 0E3, 0EJ,0EG, 0EC, 0EH
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
Figure 11-58 E1085A POTS / E2195A xDSL Bay with E1135C PDU
8 7 6 5
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
4 3 2 1
See Table
To Gnd
See Table
Line Mains
Filter Input
AC Source V oltage
3070 System
or Fuses
Receptac le