Prepare For Ramadan by Life With Allah
Prepare For Ramadan by Life With Allah
Prepare For Ramadan by Life With Allah
Prepare for
Prepare for
Preparation for Ramadan
If you have any outstanding fasts from last Ramaḍān, use this
month to make them up (qaḍā).
2 Increase in your recitation of the Qur’an
4 Give charity
Give charity in Shaʿbān, so that the poor can gain energy
to fast Ramaḍān and perform qiyām, as our predecessors
used to do. An additional benefit is that if you donate ifṭār to
the poor in other countries now, it is more likely to reach them
at the beginning of Ramaḍān, allowing you to receive the
reward of the full month.
‘annual performance review’ to correspond with him being in
a state of fasting.
• Buy your Eid outfits and gifts now. If you are going to
purchase new items this year, then do it now (in Shaʿbān) to
avoid wasting precious time in Ramaḍān.
• Plan how you are going to give your zakāh and ṣadaqah.
10 Draw up your Ramadan timetable
The (pious predecessors) used to
make duʿā’ for six months prior to
Ramaḍān, asking Allāh to allow
them to witness Ramaḍān.”
(Laṭā’if al-Maʿārif)
Plan Ramadan
Part 1:
Goals & Actions
When we have to undertake a project, we invest a great deal
of effort and time into ensuring the project will be successful.
Projects are initiated, then planned out, then executed and
monitored. And once they are completed, they are evaluated.
3 Submitting to Allah
4 Elevating the soul from its base desires
(stomach and private parts)
Aim for your fasting and Ramaḍān to remove the love of
the world from your heart; and let your soul soar high above
the ground, away from the body, and upwards towards its
Creator and Originator.
5 Mercy
7 Consistency
Maximise Ramadan:
What Should You Include
In Your Schedule?
To make the most of the blessed month of Ramaḍān, have a
plan. Write down your daily schedule for Ramaḍān. Be happy
and feel the excitement in your heart knowing that you will be
spending quality time with Allah .
1 Salāh
remains seated, engaging in the remembrance of Allah until
the sun has risen, and then offers two rak‘ahs, he will have
a reward equal to that of performing Hajj and ‘Umrah.”
He said: “Complete, complete, complete (i.e. complete
reward).” (Tirmidhī)
2 Qur’ān
3 Dhikr
• Adhkār of sleep
• Maintain family ties and reach out to people you may have
cut off contact with.
• Give charity. Try to feed those who are fasting to acquire the
reward of their fasts inshallah.
The Last 10 Days
Your Family
Spend quality time with your children. Tell them the stories of
the Prophets, Companions and the people of the past. Recite
Qur’ān with them. Hold a daily family circle where you can
have discussions. Do fun and beneficial activities related to
Ramaḍān. (There are many ideas on the internet for various
crafts and activities.) Remember to renew your intention for
spending quality time with them, and you will be rewarded
for this great act of ʿibādah (worship) inshāAllah.
By Allah, if it was said to the
people of the grave, ‘make
a wish!’ they would wish for
one day of Ramaḍān.”
(Ibn al-Jawzī )
Use Every Moment
Plan Ramadan
Part 2:
Time to Detox
Ramaḍān is a month in which we seek to train the nafs
(inner self) to resist obeying its desires, and instead obey
Allah . Therefore, it is essential, that along with planning
what we are going to do in Ramaḍān, we should also plan
what we are not going to do. Ramaḍān is a time to detox our
bodies, and more importantly our hearts from the toxins of
‘sins’ and the ‘diseases’ of the heart.
1 Eating
Food is the fuel of desires. The more we fill our stomachs, the
lazier we feel to perform ʿibādah. If we eat a lot, we drink a
lot. And this makes us sleep a lot, which leads to us losing
out on precious time. The Prophet ordered the unmarried
companions to fast, because fasting is meant to curtail and
restrain sexual desire.
Imām al-Ghazalī explained that one will only reap the full
benefit of a fast if one does not over eat at ifṭār. We should
only eat what one would usually eat on a normal night.
Otherwise, the purpose of fasting will not be fulfilled and it
will be easier for Shayṭān to make inroads into our hearts.
2 Talking
3 Sleeping
4 Gazing at ḥarām
6 Socialising and social media
to do here? Deep thinking and reflection allow us to develop a
deeper connection with the Qur’ān and will catalyse us to act
upon the Qur’ān inshā’Allah.
6 Select 30 du‘ās from the Qur’ān and focus on one
each day
Select one Qur‘ānic du‘ā’ for each day of the month and
repeat this du‘ā’ throughout the entire day. Choose as many
moments as possible from the special times in which du‘ā’ is
accepted to make this du‘ā’.
Just imagine that you are in the hereafter and you are being
told: “Read, ascend, and recite slowly and distinctly as you
used to recite in the world…” (Abū Dāwūd) and depending on
how much you’ve memorised, that is where you will have to
stop. The more you’ve memorised, the higher you will be able
to go. Aim high this Ramaḍān!
In your night prayers, interact with the āyāt you are reciting
like the Messenger of Allah did. When you come across
an ayah of mercy, stop and supplicate to Allah. When you
come across an āyah of punishment, stop and ask for Allah’s
9 Vary what you read in Ṣalāh
a) Select one of the qualities from the list and make it your
focus for this month.