Edible Films and Coatings Classification, Preparation, PDF
Edible Films and Coatings Classification, Preparation, PDF
Edible Films and Coatings Classification, Preparation, PDF
Ibtisam Kamal*
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
*Corresponding author: Ibtisam Kamal, Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Soran University, Kurdistan
Region, Iraq
The objective of this article is to thoroughly review the published literature, and to amalgamate and summarize the current state
and disparate knowledge regarding classification, preparation methods, functionality and industrial applications of polymer films
and coatings and in so doing, not only was thorough review of current knowledge, but current gaps in the knowledge base were
also identified and highlited. New approaches in developing and utilization of edible fims and products having potential in food
preservation are covered. Researches into the manufacture of edible fims using a wide range of natural polymers: mono and mixed,
linear and crosslinked including hydrophilic and hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes using different technologies have been
Keywords: Edible films and coatings; Food preservation; Hydrophilic polyelectrolytes; Hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes
Food Packaging
for flowable fill applications. Use of natural biopolymers for
Food packaging is meant for protecting food from external
diversified applications in life sciences has several advantages,
influences as well as to provide mechanical supporting for non-
such as availability from replenishable agricultural or marine food
solid food. The principal objectives of food packaging is to retard
resources, biocompatibility, biodegradability, therefore leading
deterioration, extend of shelf-life, and maintenance of quality and
to ecological safety and the possibility of preparing a variety of
safety of the packaged food.
chemically or enzymatically modified derivatives for specific end
In general, packaging options have expanded from the traditional uses. The development and characterization of edible films and
materials of glass, metal and paper and synthetic polymers coatings have increasly attracted the attention of biochemists,
engineered to meet particular requirements. Petrochemical-based biotechnologists, and physicists, among others, mainly to the large
plastics have advantages in their availability in large quantities at variety of applications served by bio-based polymers [1,2].
a low cost and good functionality such as tensile and tear strength.
Some polymers derived from natural sources have been
However, increased use of synthetic packaging films based on
engineered for certain products and are already in the market place.
petrochemicals has led to serious ecological problems due to their
Some of these polymers are edible and have played and continue
total non-biodegradability. Thus, consumer demand has shifted
to play an instrumental role in food throughout history and in the
to safe and eco-friendly biodegradable materials, especially from
food, pharmaceutical and other industries. Many of these polymers
renewable agriculture by-products and food processing industry
are used alone or in combination with synthetic polymers to create
wastes. Motivated to this, new and novel food-grade packaging
a class of active packaging commonly referred to as edible films or
materials and technologies have been and continue to be developed
coatings [3].
based on bio-based polymers.
Edible films and coatings afford numerous advantages over
Bio-based polymer for food packaging
conventional non-edible polymeric packaging. They can reduce the
It is well established that polymers have low unit weight complexity of the food package and, even if they are not consumed
and good shear strength characteristics and thus hold promise
with the packaged product, can contribute to the reduction of their excellent selective permeability to oxygen and carbon dioxide.
environmental pollution by virtue of their biodegradable nature. These low-cost films are mostly prepared with cellulose and its
derivatives such as ethers and esters, starch, pectins, and gums
Edible films and coatings: preparation, application and
which are of applications in food preservation. Edible coatings
based on cellulose have been extensively applied to delay loss of
Edible coatings can be prepared using two-process approaches quality in fresh fruit products such as tomatoes, cherries, fresh
[4]. The dry-process approache, such as thermoplastic extrusion, beans, strawberries, mangoes and bananas. Chitosan is another
based on the thermoplastic properties of polymers when plasticized polysaccharide widely used in the post-harvest decay control of
and heated above their glass-transition temperature in low water- fresh fruits and vegetables. Chitosan is derived from chtin which is
content conditions. The disadvantage of extruded films is that they next to cellulose [7].
cannot be used to cover irregular surfaces. The second approach
is the wet-process approach, which is based on a film-forming Polysaccharides capable of forming gels in water are common
dispersion in which polymers are first dispersed into a liquid throughout the plant kingdom. Some of them, such as the pectins
phase, and then dried at the end of the application. The wet process in higher plants, carrageenans and agarose in algae, algal and
permits the application of coating in liquid form directly onto food bacterial alginates and xanthan, have been investigated in great
products by dipping, brushing or spraying [5]. detail. Mucilages are generally hetero-polysaccharides obtained
from plant stems such as the waste product cactus stems. Cactus
It is well known most of the foods are susceptible to mechanical mucilage may find applications in food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical
damage, physiological deterioration, water loss and decay during and other industries [8]. The complex polysaccharide is part of
storage. Reduction in turgidity as a result of water loss causes dietary fibre and has the capacity to absorb large amounts of water,
shrivelling and faster depletion of nutrients and organoleptic dissolving and dispersing itself and forming viscous or gelatinous
properties, and is a major cause of deterioration. Cold storage of colloids. An important point in the choice of the cactus mucilage as
some foods is common, but other foods such as fruits are usually a coating is its low cost.
stored in markets at room temperature between harvest and
consumption. For this reason, product losses are very high. With Polysaccharides edible coatings showed different
the use of edible coatings and cold storage, spoilage could be functionalities. Pectin-based edible coatings containing green
minimised. Edible films have been applied to fruits, vegetables [6], tea leaf extract powder applied on cooked pork patties irradiated
meat, poultry, grains, and confectionery products, heterogeneous by Gamma ray showed decreased lipid oxidation and increased
foods, any of which can be fresh frozen, cured or processed. radical scavenging properties [9]. Edible coatings made from
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose containing surfactant mixtures
The most important functionalities of an edible film or coating in aqueous and hydroalcoholic media were developed. The water
include control of mass transfers, mechanical protection, and vapour permeability of the films were increased with hgh viscosity,
sensory appeal. Control of mass transfers involves preventing foods low surface tension, great lipid particle size,and high flocculation
from desiccation, regulating microenvironments of gases around rate of the film-forming dispersions [10]. Composite edible films
foods, and controlling migration of ingredients and additives in using polysaccharide mixtures of ager- starch- arabinoxylan, shows
the food systems. Edible coatings on freash foods can provide an that agar can to be an advantageous component that contributes
alternative to modified atmosphere storage by reducing quality to the improvement of the mechanical properties of starch films.
changes and quantity losses through modification and control of Besides, arabinoxylan could be considered as an additive for
internal atmosphere of indivitual foods. Modification of internal ager based films to increase moisture barrier efficiency [11].
atmospher by the use of edible coatings can increase disorders Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose edible coatings containing an
associated with high carbon dioxide or low oxygen concentration, ethanolic extract of propolis were developed and applied to grapes
even though ingress of oxygen may reduce food quality owing to fruit. Propolis incorporation was found to increase the color
oxidation of the aroma components in the food. Also edible film luminosity of the grapes and to enrich the nutritional characteristics
with greater water vapour permeability is desirable for freash of the coated product [12]. Intensive work has been carried out by
products, although extremely high water vapor permeability is on different kinds of polysaccharides including cellulose derivatives
also not desirable as it can result in excessive moisture loss of and other composite coatings. Promising results were obtained by
fruit during storage. Adequate mechanical strength of an edible their applying on fruits and vegatables within a thermomechanical
film is necessary to protect the integrity of packaging throughout pre-treatment step (DIC: Instant Controled Pressure Drop Process)
distribution. The sensory properties of an edible coating or film are [13]. Rich information in this concern is available in the literature
a key factor for acceptance of final products. [14-16].
One of the most important factors in the preparation of edibe On another hand, proteins, such as casein, whey proteins and
films regards the choice of ingredients. Edible coatings and films corn zein, have also been used as in edible coatings a moisture
based on polysaccharides a class of natural macromolecules, barrier since these proteins are abundant, cheap and readily
have the tendency to be extremely bioactive, and are generally available. Protein-based films have been prepared with both
derived from agricultural feedstock or crustacean shell wastes. vegetal and animal proteins, including corn zein, soy protein, wheat
Polysaccharides have been mainly used for food covering due to proteins (gluten, gliadin), peanut protein, gelatine, casein, and milk
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 502
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
whey proteins [17]. Food protein can supplement the nutritional strength and moisture barrier properties of protein based edible
value of the food , they may act as natural vehicles, evolved to coatings are reviewed else where [20].
deliver essential micronutrients (e.g. calcium and phosphate)
Inspite of the potential of multi-funtional properties of
and building blocks (e.g. amino acids), as well as immune system
polysaccharides and proteins, the hydrophilic nature of these
components (e.g. immunoglobulins, and lactoferrin [18]. Besides,
biopolymers limits their ability to provide the desired edible
food proteins can be used in coating formulations to develop easily
film functions. Several approaches to improve water barrier and
degradable packaging, non-aggressive to the environment, capable
mechanical properties of these films include incorporation of
to be applied to different kind of foods including vegetables, fruits,
hydrophobic compounds, optimisation of interaction between
poulitry and fish products [19]. Protein-based edible films are
polymers and formation of cross-links. Lipid compounds include
attractive because they have impressive gas barrier properties
neutral lipids of glycerides which are esters of glycerol and fatty
compared with those prepared from lipids and polysaccharides.
acids, and waxes which are esters of long-chain monohydric
However, the poor water vapor resistance of protein films and their
alcohols and fatty acids, are commonly utilized in edible coatings.
lower mechanical strength in comparison with synthetic polymers
They are added to food coatings to impart hydrophobicity [21].
limit their application in food packaging. Hence, improvement
Figure 1 shows the various work concepts in manufacturing,
of edible protein film properties has been investigated to seek
characterization and properties of edible coatings.
suitable applications. The methods used to improve the mechanical
Figure 1: Flow chart showing the work concepts of edible films and coatings.
Classification of Edible Films and Coatings agents [24] and can improve mechanical integrity or handling
characteristics of the food. Stand-alone edible films with good
Edible films and coatings, can be divided into proteins,
mechanical properties could replace synthetic packaging films for
polysaccharides, lipids and composites. They are defined as thin
specific applications.
layers formed on a food surface as a coating, or placed (pre-formed)
between food components. Their purpose is to extend the shelf-life Water- insoluble edible coatings
of the food product and provide a barrier against hazards. They Over the last ten decades, extensive researches have been
can retard moisture migration and the loss of volatile compounds, undertaken on the use of aqueous-based film coatings. Potential
reduce the respiration rate, and delay changes in textural sources, performance and applications of these coatings have
properties. Also, they are excellent barriers to fats and oils, and been reviewed throughout huge number of publications, but
have a high selective gas permeability ratio CO2/O2 as compared to water-insoluble edible coatings have gotten less attention.
conventional synthetic films [14,22]. They can also act as carriers Ethyl cellulose and other polymer composites of polysaccarides
of food additives such as antioxidants [23] and/or antimicrobial
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 503
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
with improved water barrier properties have been developed and formation of cross-links.
throughout formulating of biopolymer composites based on the
Pectin, chitosan and sodium alginate are selected as the
hydrophilic polysaccharides and reducing the hydrophilic nature of
examples of hydrophilic polyelectrolytes. The chemical structures
the polysaccharides by different methods including incorporation
of chitosan, pectin and algenic acid are shown in Figure 2.
of hydrophobic compounds, interaction between the biopolymers
The hydrophlic polyelectrolytes Chitosan has been used as a coating and appears to protect fresh
vegetables and fruits from fungal degradation. Although the
antimicrobial effect is attributed to antifungal properties of chitosan
Pectin is one of the proportionally largest materials in citrus against pathogenic and spoilage micro-organisms, including fungi,
by-products. It is a natural, non-toxic and anionic polysaccharide and both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [28], it may be
extracted from cell walls of most plants and used as gelling and that the chitosan acts as a barrier between the nutrients contained
thickening agents in food technology and as a drug carrier in in the produce and microorganisms [29] as well as as a carrier in
pharmaceutical research [18,25]. It is predominantly a linear drug delivery [30]. In addition, chitosan-based antimicrobial films
polymer of mainly α-(1→4)-linked d-polygalacturonic acid residues. have been used to carry bioactive molecules [31].
They are structurally complex and heterogeneous polyelectrolytes
consisting of linear regions of (1→4)-α-d-galacturonosyl units Chitosan has another one important property that it can
and their methyl esters, interrupted in places by (1→2) α-l- undergo chemical modification very easily. This property is
rhamnopyranosyl units. The degree of methoxylation (DM) is used attributed to the presence of free amino groups, which increases
to classify the pectins as high methoxyl pectins (DM>50) and low the reactivity of the polymer. Chitosan can therefore be readily
methoxyl pectins (DM<50). The application and evaluation of modified by reactions at the amino groups. The use of the optimal
pectin-based coating on the kinetics of quality change in stored concentration of glycerol, in chitosan-based films, improved the
fruits using a pre-established coating process was highlited in mechanical properties of the films and allowed to obtain the best
literature [26]. water vapour permeability value. The addition of the optimum
content of tannic acid, to the chitosan matrix led to form a more rigid
Chitosan structure because it acted as a crosslinking agent [32]. Chitosan –
Some polymers are inherently antimicrobial and have been Methyl cellulose combined biodegradable films were found to be
used in films and coatings such as the cationic polymer chitosan of good water vapor barrier properties and have the possibility
since charged amines interact with negative charges on the cell to tailor mechanical and solubility properties, within a range,
membrane, causing leakage of intracellular constituents [27]. based on polymer ratio composition. This property has helped
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 504
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
researchers to improve the chemical and mechanical properties fresh-cut fruits [16].
of chitosan to many possible applications in food, pharmaceutical
Hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes
and cosmetic industry [33]. A water-soluble chitosan derivative,
O-fumaryl-chitosan was prepared by using the selective partial When aqueous systems of different biopolymers are mixed
acylation of chitosan and fumaric acid in the presence of H2SO4, the together, the behavior of the individual polymer is usually affected
resulted polymer had good solubility in a wide pH range, which was and a synergism between the polymers emerges. The interaction
related to the degree of substitution. It showed higher microbial between unlike chains can be either more favorable or less
activity, giving it the potential of becoming alternatives for food favorable than interactions between like chains of each type. Mixed
preservation instead of some harmful bactericides [34]. Further biopolymers are used in a wide range of applications, because of
more, chitosan and poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) were used to their ability to interact synergistically and provide material with
fabricate biodegradable porous scaffolds for applications in tissue controlled properties [1].
engineering by thermally induced phase separation technique [35].
Water soluble polymers are well-known for their thickening
Edible film made of cassava starch, glycerol and chitosan showed
properties in aqueous solutions. High molecular weight polymers
that optimal transparent white films with no bubbles were obtained
or polyelectrolytes are used as viscosifiers, but these polymers
on the temperature variable 80 °C and 3 hours of drying time [36].
could exhibit a loss of their viscosifying properties when they are
Chitosan from meti shell showed potential use as an edible film
submitted to strong mechanical deformations, increasing ionic
polymer with desirable properties [37].
strengths or high temperatures. To overcome these drawbacks,
Alginate incorporation of a few hydrophobic groups in a hydrophilic
macromolecular chain can lead to profound changes in the physico-
Alginate was originally thought to consist of a uniform polymer
chemical behavior of the parent macromolecule, because of intra-
of mannuronic acid. However later studies showed that alginic
and/or intermolecular associations of the hydrophobic groups
acid is a linear copolymer of 1,4-linked β--mannuronic acid (M)
[38,39]. The result is a water soluble system which self-aggregates
and α--guluronic acid (G). Algenic acid it is a high-molecular-
in water, resulting in thickening effects. A simple example of
mass polysaccharide extracted from kelp. It has been shown that
hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes is one that consist of a
the G and M units are joined together in blocks and as such, three
long hydrophilic chain (a polysaccharide such as starch) to which
types of blocks may be found: homopolymeric G blocks (GG),
small amounts of hydrophobic substituents (a protein) are attached
homopolymeric M blocks (MM) and heteropolymeric sequentially
or incorporated [40]. The attachment of hydrophobic side chains
alternating blocks (MG).
onto a polyelectrolyte backbone can increase emulsion stability and
Alginate based coatings have potential applications in edible heat and freeze stability. Figure 3 shows the chemical structures of
coating field, among which, they are used as carriers for antioxidants hydrophobic modified chitosan and hydroxyethyl cellulose.
for shelf-life extention of fish [23] and as antibrowning agents for
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 505
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
The hydrophobic modified biopolymers are able to associate the amino groups of chitosan ionically interacts to form the
and form highly viscous solutions or strong hydrogels in pure water. polyelectrolyte complex. The easy solubility of chitosan in low pH
The hydrophilicity–lipophilicity relationship of such polymers is prevented by the alginate network since alginate is insoluble in
depends on the degree of substitution, i.e. the content of non-polar low pH conditions. The possible dissolution of alginate at higher pH
substituents attached to the original polar macromolecule [41]. is prevented by the chitosan which is stable at higher pH ranges.
Multilayer films or coatings made by successive adsorption of
Crosslinking reactions are often used to form polymeric
the nanometric polyelectrolytes of (chitosan/ alginate) on a solid
networks demonstrating high gel strength. When polymerization
carrier showed to have enhanced mass transfer and mechanical
proceeds in a three-dimensional manner, some period after it has
properties that may find promising applications in biomedical and
progressed to a certain threshold, gelation occurs. This well-defined
food fields [49,50].
transition during polymerization is known as the gel point. At this
point the reaction mixture changes from a viscous liquid to an Chitosan–pectin complexes
elastic gel. The amphiphilic nature imparted upon polysaccharides Pectin can form an interpolymer complex with chitosan.
after hydrophobic modification give them a wide and interesting Mixtures of pectin and chitosan have also been used as film.
applications spectrum, as rheology modifier, emulsion stabilizer, Polyelectrolyte complex film between pectin as an anionic
surface modifier and as drug delivery vehicles as well as in the field polyelectrolyte and chitosan as a cationic species was prepared
of edible coatings. by blending two polymer solutions [46,51,52]. Chitosan is ionised
Pectin complexes (pKa=6.0) at pH 1.1 as, to some extent, is pectin (pKa≈3.0). Both
materials are soluble at this pH and an interaction would be
Pectins can gel in various ways depending on the type and
expected between the carboxyl groups of the pectin and the amino
structure of the pectin molecule. Gelling can be induced by acid,
groups of the chitosan. In basic medium, the protection offered by
by cross-linking with calcium ion, through the oxidization of the
the coat should be mainly due to the pectin as chitosan is insoluble
feruloylester substituents on sugar beet pectin, or by synergistic
at this pH.
reaction with alginate. Acid-inducing and calcium cross-linking
pectin gels have been used most often for the development of Combinations of pectin and chitosan form a polyelectrolyte
pectin-based drug delivery systems [42]. Pectin with a low degree complex at pH values in the range of 3–6. In addition to the
of methylation forms gels in the presence of calcium ions whereas formation of a polyelectrolyte complex, pectin and chitosan also
pectin with a high degree of methylation forms gels in acidic media interact by hydrogen bonding at low pH values (pH<2). At these pH
with the addition of different sugars, e.g., sucrose or glucose [43]. values, pectin will be unionized and the importance of electrostatic
interactions is suppressed, and an interaction between pectin
Calcium salts or multivalent cations can crosslink the
and chitosan will probably take place via hydrogen bonding [53].
galacturonic acids of pectin main polymer chains; as a result calcium
Chitosan-Arabic gum complex was used to prepare a biofungicide
pectinate is obtained by the formation of an ionic bond between
coating for banana [24].
the carboxylic acid groups of the pectin molecules and the calcium
ions [44]. Cross-linking by calcium ions have been investigated as Ethyl cellulose-pectin complexes
methods for reducing the inherent solubility. Calcium pectinate The major problem encountered with pectins, is their solubility
has been studied and has been indexed as a hydrophilic coating and swelling properties in aqueous media. To overcome the
agent which is insoluble when prepared according to the interfacial problem of dissolution of pectin, many approaches have been
complexation process. Calicium pectinate solution can be ued as evaluated, among these approaches, the combination of pectin
edible coat to food. The coating material is applied using immersion with water insoluble polymers. The arised film coating materials
coating process, the food cileces are first immersed in pectin from this combination showed promising results [24,54]. As a
solution; filtrated and then immersed in cold solution of calcium consequence the incorporation of appropriate amounts of pectins
chloride dihydrate solved in water used as the external calcium in the commercial insoluble ethyl cellulose aqueous dispersions
cross-linker. Finally, they were dried. could be an interesting alternative and could provide protection
It was addressed that the lower the degree of methylation of the coatings [55].
pectin the more sensitive the pectin is to calcium as a gelling agent Calcium alginate
[45,46]. The geling properties of low-Methoxyl Pectinate received
The reactivity of sodium alginate with calcium and the
significant attention in the development of edible coatings having
subsequent gel formation capacity is a direct function of the average
potential use in osmotic dehydration [47,48].
chain length of the G blocks. Hence, alginates containing the highest
Chitosan–alginate complexes GG fractions possess the strongest ability to form gels. This initially
Chitosan–alginate complexes are oppositely charged arises from the ability of the divalent calcium cation, Ca2+, to fit into
polyelectrolytes. Alginate has the property of shrinking in low pH the guluronate structures like eggs in an eggbox. Consequently, this
and getting dissolved in higher pH, whereas chitosan dissolves binds the alginate chains together by forming junction zones, and
in low pH and is insoluble in higher pH ranges. In view of these sequentially leading to gelling of the solution mixture and pellet
concept of alginate–chitosan polyelectrolyte complexes gained formation. The application of these physicochemical characteristics
acceptance, upon mixing, the carboxyl residues of alginate and in the formulation of conventional calcium–alginate encouraged to
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 506
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
design of formulated binary calcium–alginate–pectinate systems water-vapor permeability properties from those of pure chitosan.
[56]. Moreover, calcium alginate films were found to reduce the The prepared blend films proposed to be used as edible films for
growth of the natural flora and coliform inocula on beef, possibly packaging purposes in the food industry [64], while chitosan-whey
due to the presence of calcium chloride. Calicium alginate coatings protein films carrying a high amount of whey protein at acidic pH
were found to enhance the microbiological safety and quality of were found to be biphasic [65]. Whey protein isolate- Pullulan
poultry products during chilled storage [57], to meats and seafoods combinations have been investigated throughout a research work.
[58] and minimally processed fruits. Furthermore, alginate- calcium The edible films produced were low solubility and high transparency
based edible coating containing Vitamin C and tea polyphenols when compared with synthetic polymer films [66]. Another study
were used for shelf-life extension of fish [23]. showed that the structure and properties of soy protein isolate
were improved by blending with carboxymethyl cellulose [67].
Cross-linked chitosan
New edible coatings based on a mixture of galactomannan–collagen
Cross-linked chitosan films as coatings for foods including fruits blends have been demonstrated as important tools to extend fruits
and vegetables can be created by immersion of the food into the shelf-life by decrease the fruits gas transfer rates [68].
acidic chitosan solution. After removing from the chitosan solutions
the food are dipped into aqueous glutaraldehydesolution at pH 7 Research into the manufacture of edible degradable films/
in order to induce crosslinking of the chitosan layer to prevent its casings using a wide range of food ingredients and extrusion
leakage easily from the surface [46]. A wide variety of chitosan technology has been reported [69]. Films/casings with commercial
based antimicrobial films have been well documented [59,60]. potential were formed from pectin and gelatin/sodium alginate
blends using extrusion technology. Sausages manufactured using
Polysaccharide-protein edible coatings casings containing 5% olive oil were found to be more prone to
Biopolymers including proteins and polysaccharides have lipid oxidation than those using corn oil [70].
been the focal point of an expanding number of studies reporting Lipid-Protien edible coatings
their potential use in new materials, such as edible films. One
example of proteins is the soy proteins which are used as functional Although protein films have a relatively good oxygen barrier and
ingredients in food manufacturing because of their role in human mechanical properties at low and intermediate relative humidity
nutrition and health. Soy proteins are classified according to their due to their large number of polar groups and extensive polymer
sedimentation properties, into four groups, 2S (8%), 7S (35%), interchain, the edible films prepared from protein do not act as
11S (52%), and 15S (5%). Soy protein is known to be heat-stable an efficient water vapor barrier due to the hydrophilic nature of
due to the extensive disulphide bonds between the subunits. This proteins. In contrast, lipid films have low water vapor permeability
characteristic limits the use of soy proteins in many applications owing to their hydrophobic nature but are very brittle because
[61]. Native soy protein, because of its quaternary and compact of their monomeric structure. Besides, lipids generally produce
tertiary structure has limited foaming and emulsifying properties. opaque films or coatings and are often sensitive to oxidation. These
It consists of 18 different amino acid monomers. Some side chains properties may influence the organoleptic attributes of food and
can interact and/or react with organic or inorganic substances and lower its marketability.
cellulose fibers. These side chains can be chemically, physically or The above shortcomings can be solved by composite
enzymatically modified to achieve desired properties. The protein formulations of lipid- protein edible coatings. Various composite
molecules dissolve and unfold in solution. The unfolded molecules films with different formulations were produced had the potential
have an increase surface area, thus there is an increased contact to provide both the relatively high water vapor barrier of lipid
surface area. These unfolded molecules become entangled with films and the desirable mechanical properties of protein films.
each other during curing, which enhances bonding strength. It was Novel edible composite films were prepared from pistachio
proved that the combination of polysaccharide and protein material globulin protein, saturated fatty acids, and an emulsifier using
showed a synergism resulting in a better mechanical properties the emulsification technique. The resulted emulsified films had
[62]. improved barrier properties and water solubility. However, the
Polysaccharides are used in admixture to proteins mainly to emulsified films were mechanically weaker and less transparent
enhance stability of dispersed systems. Most high-molecular weight than the control film [71].
polysaccharides being hydrophilic do not have much of tendency to The hydrophilic nature of casein and caseinate based films
adsorb at the air–water interface, but they can strongly enhance the limits their moisture barrier ability when compared to commonly
stability of protein foams by acting as thickening or gelling agents. use synthetic plastic films. The addition of calcium caseinate to
On another hand, citric acid is an important agent for cross- sodium caseinate–oleic acid–beeswax films showed to improve the
linking, it contains carboxyl groups that may interact with amino mechanical, barrier and optical properties of the films [72].
groups in soy protein [63]. Also, with sodium hypophosphite A mixture of whey protein isolated, glycerol and beeswax was
(NaH2PO2) as the catalyst, citric acid can interact with the cellulose in formulated and applied on Chihuahua cheese. The coated cheese
soy carbohydrates. A study on protein-polysaccharides interactions samples remain more stable after 10 storage days at 10 ºC under
showed that blending the anionic quinoa protein with cationic an air velocity of 3m/s. They had a lower moisture reduction and
chitosan resulted a monophase film with better mechanical and more constant color than the control cheese without coating [73].
Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 507
Arc Org Inorg Chem Sci Volume 4 - Issue 2 Copyrights @ Ibtisam Kamal.
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Innovations in Food Packaging, pp. 239-262.
Conclusion 16. Rojas-Grau MA, Tapia MS, Rodríguez FJ, Carmona AJ, Martin-Belloso
O (2007) Alginate and gellan-based edible coatings as carriers of
In this work, edible films and coatings, their sources and antibrowning agents applied on fresh-cut Fuji apples. Food Hydrocolloids
approaches for their development and utilization are highlighted 21(1): 118-127.
for the purpose of reservation which was the subject takes more
17. Lacroix M, Cooksey K (2005) Edible films and coatings from animal
attention in the present review. The review focued on the advances origin proteins. Innovations in Food Packaging, pp. 301-317.
on edible coating compositions and functionalities, besides the
18. Livney YD (2010) Milk proteins as vehicles for bioactives. Current
trends in the research about their different types, methods of Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 15(1-2): 73-83.
formulations and incorporation of novel technologies to promote
19. Rodriguez-Turienzo L, Cobos A, Moreno V, Caride A, Vieites JM, et al.
their applications for packaging and medical uses as carriers and (2011) Whey protein-based coatings on frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo
supports for bioactive molecules. salar): Influence of the plasticiser and the moment of coating on quality
preservation. Food Chem 128(1): 187-194.
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Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 509
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Citation: Ibtisam Kamal. Edible Films and Coatings: Classification, Preparation, Functionality and Applications- A Review. Arc Org Inorg
Chem Sci 4(2)- 2019. AOICS.MS.ID.000184. DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2019.04.000184. 510