GPS Hamdy Mohamed PDF
GPS Hamdy Mohamed PDF
GPS Hamdy Mohamed PDF
INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 2
GPS GENERATION....................................................... 7
The SURVEY has appeared since man built the first
buildings, and pre-Christian surveyors planned the Stonehenge
monument (2500 BC) using peg-and-rope engineering.
In the year 1551 AD, the scientist Abel Folon invented the so-
called Plane table, which contributed greatly to the development
of space, but it is believed that this invention is nothing but a
development on an invention that previously existed.
In 1620 AD, the Gunter series was introduced by the English
mathematician Edmund Gunter, and this series enabled the
accurate surveying of plots of land as well as drawing them for
legal and commercial purposes. Leonard Digges described the
theodolite, which measures horizontal angles, in his book (A
geometric practice named Pantometria) in 1571 AD.
In the twentieth century Surveyors developed ancient
chains and ropes at the beginning of the 20th century, but were
still faced with the problem of accurately measuring long
distances. In the 1950s, Dr. Trevor Lloyd Wadley invented the
telemeter, a device that measures long distances using a
microwave transmitter and two receivers. In the late fifties, the
Electronic Distance Mesaurment device was invented, which uses
light wave frequencies to measure distances [8]. These tools
provided a period of measurement that was days and even
weeks by measuring the distance between points that are
kilometers away from each other in a round just one.
The use of large equipment and scattered satellites had
many drawbacks, including that they were stressful and
inaccurate. In 1978, the US Air Force launched the first model
satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS uses a
larger constellation of satellites and improved transmission
signals to give greater accuracy.
At that time, it used a group of five satellites and was
able to give a position report approximately once every hour. In
1967, the US Navy created the "Time Satellite", which proved its
ability to set accurate clocks in space. It is one of the
technologies on which GPS relies. In the seventies, the "Omega
Navigation System" - a terrestrial system based on the idea of
comparing the phases of signals transmitted between pairs of
stations - became the first global radio navigation system, but
despite that; The limits that these systems could not cross
showed the need for a new, more accurate solution to cosmic
navigation. While there were severe needs for accurate
navigation in the military and civilian sectors; None of them is
sufficient justification for spending billions of dollars on research,
development, launch, and operation of a complex array of
navigation satellites. But it happened that the need to justify all
this in the eyes of the US Congress came during the arms race in
the Cold War period, and because of the nuclear threat to the
existence of the United States itself, For this deterrent reason
alone, GPS was funded. The "nuclear triad" consisted of the US
Navy's "Submarine Ballistic Missiles" and the US Air Force's
"Strategic Bombers", as well as the "ICBMs".
Considered vital to a nuclear deterrent; Accurate
positioning of the SLBM launch was a force multiplier; Where
accurate navigation was from It would enable US submarines to
pinpoint their exact positions before firing their SLBMs. The US
Air Force alone possessed two-thirds (2/3) of the nuclear trinity;
Hence, it needed a more reliable and accurate navigation
system. The US Navy and US Air Force worked together to
develop their own technologies in parallel to solve their common
core problem. For reasons of increasing the survivability of
ICBMs; There was a proposal to use mobile launchers, and thus
there was a similarity between this position and the position of
the SLBMs. In 1960 the Air Force submitted a proposal for a radio
navigation system called "MOSAIC" (Mobile System for Precision
Control of ICBM), which was basically "LORAN" Three-
The Naval Research Laboratory continued its
achievements by producing its own timing satellites that were
launched for the first time in 1967, and the third type that
carried the first atomic clock that was put into orbit in 1974.
With these simultaneous developments in the 1960s it was
realized that superior systems could be achieved by blending the
best technologies from 621b, transit, time satellite and SECOR
into a multi-service program. On Labor Day 1973, during a
meeting of twelve military officers at the Pentagon Later in the
same year, DNSS was renamed by another name It is Navstar.
And since the name Navstar is associated with individual
satellites (such as the previous "transit satellite" and "time
satellite"); A more comprehensive name was used to refer to the
group of Navstar satellites.. This more complete name is
"Navstar-GPS", which was then shortened to "GPS". After the
flight "No. 007" of Korean Air was shot down in 1983, when it
lost its way, penetrating the area forbidden to aircraft from the
airspace of the Soviet Union; US President "Ronald Reagan"
issued an order to make GPS available and free for civilian use,
especially as it was developed to be of public interest. The first
satellite was launched in 1989, and the twenty-fourth and last
satellite was launched in 1994.
• The GPS receiver calculates its position by calculating the
timing of the signals that are sent from the GPS satellites located
at altitudes of about 36,000 km above the Earth's surface. Each
moon sends successive messages that include the next.
• The time the message was sent.
• Precise ephemeris orbital information.
• The general safety of the system and the upper orbits of all
GPS satellites almanac.
In theory, three satellites might seem sufficient to locate
any location on Earth, because space is three-dimensional. But
any error, even a very simple one, occurs in estimating time
distances, when the three times are multiplied by the great
speed of light - which is the speed at which the electromagnetic
signals of satellites propagate - causes a major error in
determining the location. This is why receivers use four or more
satellites to pinpoint the exact location of the receiver.
In order for the GPS device to work accurately, a number
of variables must be available such as the number of available
satellites, the ionosphere, and the environment. GPS works more
accurately in open areas that do not contain many tall buildings,
why? Because many places are like an urban canyon (a place
surrounded by buildings on both sides like a canyon) and when
the GPS device is surrounded by large buildings, the satellite
signal is blocked at first and then bounces off a building until the
device finally reads it and this can It leads to wrong calculations
of the satellite distance. Therefore, there are some factors that
can prevent the GPS system from working accurately, as follows:
1. Physical Obstacles: A signal can be deflected or
delayed due to physical obstructions or masses
that stand in its way such as mountains, buildings,
and trees.
2. Atmospheric Effects: Delays of the ionosphere and
regular or solar storms can affect GPS devices.
3. Ephemeris: The orbital model within the satellite
may be incorrect or outdated.
4. Numerical miscalculations: This happens when the
operating system or even the hardware is not up to
5. Artificial interference: includes GPS jammers.
The positioning system consists of 24 satellites orbiting
the Earth at an altitude of 20,200 km. A satellite broadcasts a
signal bearing its location, i.e. the location of the satellite, as
well as the time or moment of broadcasting the signal with high
accuracy, referring to a very accurate atomic clock. The receiver
receives the signals coming from the satellite, and by comparing
the timing of the signal’s arrival and the timing of its
transmission, the device can know the transmission time of the
signal and thus calculate the distance between the satellite and
the receiver, and by receiving three signals from three different
satellites, the point of their intersection determines the location
of the receiver. By increasing the number of observed satellites,
the receiver can correct some errors associated with the
calculation method, and thus increase its accuracy.
GPS is also used to track the location and usage of the
equipment at different sites. By sending this information to a
central location, the contractors would be able to deploy their
equipment more efficiently.
GPS for Mining and Tunnelling Surveys :
The mining cycle includes several phases, with the
ore excavation being one of the most important phases.
Excavating the ore is made by drilling a pre-defined pattern of
blast holes, which are then loaded with explosive charges. The
pattern of blast holes is designed in such a way that it optimizes
the size of the rock fragmentation. As such, it is important that
the drills be precisely positioned over the blast holes, or
otherwise re-drilling may be required. An efficient way of
guiding the drills is through integrating GPS with dril navigation
and a monitoring system consisting of an on-board computer
and drilling software. Some systems utilize two GPS receivers,
mounted on the top of the drill mast, for precise real-time
position and orientation of the drill. The designed drill pattern is
sent to the onboard computer via radio link, which is then used
by the integrated system to guide the drill operator to precisely
position the drill over blast holes. This is done automatically
without staking out. In addition, the on-board computer displays
other information such as the location and depth of each drill
hole. This is very important for the operator to view whether or
not the target depth has been reached. As well, the system
accumulates information on the rock hardness and the drill
productivity, which can be sent to the engineering office in near
real-time via radio link. Such information can be used not only in
monitoring the drill productivity from the engineering office, but
also in understanding the rock properties, which could be used
for better future planning.
GPS is also used for centimeter-level accuracy guidance of
shoveling operations . Shovels are used in loading the ore into
the haul trucks, which then transport it and unload it in
stockpiles. With an integrated GPS and shovel guidance and
monitoring system, elevation control can be automated. With
the help of the system display, shovel operators will be able to
keep the correct grade. This is done automatically without the
need for grade control by conventional surveying methods.
Similar to the drilling, shoveling productivity can be sent to the
engineering office in near real-time via radio link for monitoring
and analysis.
In transporting the ore, haul trucks use continuously
changing mining roads and ramps. Unless efficiently routed,
safety and traffic problems would be expected, which causes an
increase in the truck cycle time. The use of GPS, wireless
communication and a computer system on-board the haul trucks
solve this problem efficiently. With the help of a computerized
dispatch system, haul trucks can be guided to their destination
using the best routes. In addition, the dispatch center can collect
information on the status of each haul truck as well as the traffic
conditions. Analyzing the traffic conditions is particularly
important in making more appropriate road design.
GPS for Monitoring Structural and Ground Deformations:
Another application of the high accuracy static GPS surveys is in
ground deformation measurements in mining areas. In these
applications, GPS is usually combined with terrestrial geodetic
surveys providing a connection between the local terrestrial
monitoring network and control points established outside the
area affected by mining. A research group from the(Courtesy of
Magellan Corporation) University of New Brunswick introduced
a pioneering use of GPS in ground subsidence studies in oil fields
in Venezuela already in 1986. Since then, GPS has become a
routine tool in ground deformation measurements. A typical
example is monitoring of ground subsidence in potash mines in
New Brunswick where GPS has routinely been used since 1991.
For example, in monitoring the world's longest suspension
bridge (Akashi bridge, Japan), a GPS receiver is installed at the
mid-point of the bridge while two others are installed at the
main towers. Figure 4 shows another example in which the
Ashtech Z12TM dualfrequency receiver is used for monitoring the
bridge deformation. As GPS data collection rate is currently
limited to 10 Hz, an INS system may supplement the GPS system,
in some cases, to monitor the high frequency portion of the
structure vibration.