West Campus
management, income, saving, and spending can equip the young people with the
one’s knowledge of facts, concepts, principles, and technological tools that are
fundamental to being smart about money (Garman & Gappinger, 2008). Widely
debt and business owners are destined to face challenging times financially.
today’s economy, consumers are faced with many consumer and business
decisions. Education for these decisions relies on the individual as well as the
family’s desire to use money effectively as a resource. Money can and often lead
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analyzing a host of papers on the subject, Huston (2010) proposed that financial
literacy must also include application of financial knowledge; the argument being
skills and services that will sustain their personal and business financial well-
being. This calls for greater education. Research shows that there is a strong
correlation between poor financial illiteracy and high indebtedness and low
calls for increased financial understanding and planning in every facet of life
(Harnisch, 2010).
regarding the use and management of money. The researchers added that such
management of financial affairs. That is the ability to read, analyze, manage and
Immaculate Conception Academy 3
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communicate personal financial conditions that affect well-being and the ability to
decisions as they strive to attain financial well-being (Ani, Kelmara, & Wesley,
2016). Financial literacy has become essential in the running of businesses and
Atkinson and Messy (2012), added that governments around the world are
populations through developing strategies for financial education with the main
Governments around the globe have expressed concerns about the low level
planning before retirement, low savings, scams and fraudulent schemes which
the citizenry fall into can generally be attributed to their inadequate or lack of
knowledge in financial issues. The cost of low financial literacy rate is substantial
for the general public and has been unmistakably identified by researchers
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Gallery, Newton and Palm (2010); Capuano and Ramsay (2011). There is
investment decisions and are frequently indebted (Poterba, et al., 2007; Mitchell,
2011). Researchers additionally for the most part concur that financial knowledge
Financial literacy has been recognized all around as a basic apparatus for
development with issues identifying with budgeting, savings, investment and the
administration of risks which are significant for the individuals, households and
Handling any type of business, either small, large or online business cannot
the company and the people involved to it. When it comes to small business, it
Immaculate Conception Academy 5
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may be easier to manage because of its size, but it can also be challenging for
the owners. According to Vitez (2008), handling small businesses requires the
business effectively. The owners of small business are responsible to manage all
knowledge in financial literacy. Financial literacy has been recognized all around
savings, investment and the administration of risks which are significant for the
Business BC (2015) states that it’s no surprise that financial literacy and effective
largest part of the industrial fabric, which makes them one of the most important
However, empirical evidence shows that most small enterprises never develop
beyond a certain size and only a small minority manages to upgrade to the next
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The study focuses in how the literate and non-literate sari-sari store owners
can handle the business and how the business owners can make it successful.
business well.
Ways in Handling
Financial Literacy
Money Management
management Monthly
Income Weekly
Saving Daily
Spending Savings
Mathematical Ability Investments
Growth Planning
Wealthy owners
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
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This research aims to identify the financial literacy of sari – sari store owners
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational Background
d. Work Experience
a. Money management
b. Income
c. Saving
d. Spending
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e. Mathematical Ability
4. What are the ways of handling business of financial literate sari-sari store
This study focused on the financial literacy of the sari-sari store owners in
and investments. The delimitations of the study are the sari – sari store owners
and ways of handling business. The age will be ranging from 20 to 50 years old.
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This study is applicable to any sex of the sari – sari store owners. The
researchers include educational background of the sari – sari store owners in the
sari – sari owners. In educational background, included whether have the sari –
sari store owners are graduated or not. In this study it also includes if the owners
had any experience when it comes to business or if the owners had any
particular work experience. While for the ways of handling business, this will
include how the owners manage all the surroundings and what’s happening in
the business, how the owners keep the growth of the business and managing
money through expenses, savings and investments. This will be conducted in the
minimum wage of Php10,000 a month and five years in the business. The
limitation of the study is the other sari- sari store owners in Cityhomes
This study significant in acquiring the knowledge about financial literacy to the
sari-sari store owners in handling business. The result of the study will be
West Campus
To the sari-sari store owners, the study will help to understand the effects
on having financial literacy in a business. This will also enlighten how having
enough knowledge in financial handling can affect the business itself and also
showing the importance of having knowledge in financial handling. This will also
help in preventing the risks that can happen when it comes to finances.
knowledge about effect of financial literacy. This will encourage to use money
information that will lead as a reference on the future studies that may be related
to this study.
Definition of Terms
handling money.
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Literate. This is being able to know how to handle a business and being
financial literate.
West Campus
In this chapter, pertinent information that would supplement the study were
thoroughly gathered from reliable online resources that provide the researchers
with the review of the topic and acquisition of necessary information that
Financial Literacy
West Campus
budgeting, managing cash flow and debt. It is the process where consumers
to their false decision in expenses and budgeting. Those people are more prone
to financial errors and income losses. Financially illiterate business owners can’t
discuss financial performance and having false investments. There are people
who are well-educated and having high income but financially illiterate still
doesn’t know how to handle their own money well. Business world always
includes the desire of owners to gain more salary and to have a better and
illiterate. Many small business owners likely use the same principles for
Handling Business
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business requires greater cash flow needs, growth planning and the right
financing. If your company is growing too fast, you might not have enough cash
to deal with your everyday financial obligations, including bills, payroll and
Marr (2017) enumerated the different biggest challenges that businesses are
facing today. First, financial management, which this include cash flows, profits,
reducing costs, etc. Next is, technologies that are needed to produce goods.
Next one is the uncertainty about the future, the incapability to predict the trends,
economic growth and climate. Lastly, the recruiting of right talent, finding the right
One of the things that is important in a business is its growth, but it is still not
for any type of entrepreneurs due to having the responsibility to track down not
just the business itself but also the finances, well-beings and the people that is
West Campus
Sari-sari Store
store is part and parcel of daily life for the average Filipino. Any essential
household good that might be missing from one’s pantry – from basic food items
to other necessities.”
Most sari-sari stores become a small family business to supplement the family
income that are usually owned and operated by the mother of the family. Any
type of people are choosing to have their own sari – sari store instead of
pursuing their career or passion. Aside from this is a home-based work, some
people are observing that there are owners that are successful by just putting up
small sari – sari store. The purpose of sari-sari store is to produce tingi or per
prices that are more affordable than any convenience stores. Some sari – sari
store owners are choosing to upgrade their small store into grocery or
West Campus
work done, interest or profit from capital invested. It is any money received by a
households, however, it is the sum of all the wages, salaries, profits, interest
payments, rents and other forms of earnings received – in every case, over a
most often received in the form of wages or salary. Income is the only source of
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Market Business News (2019), define savings as the “Portion of income not
Savings refers to any income that we do not spend and put aside – we put the
money away. It is the practice of keeping money to buy something that a person
needs and wants for the future. It is the portion of our disposable income that do
not spend on consumer goods but accumulate or invest. Savings is the result of
the intentional act of setting money aside, building it up, usually for a specific
purpose or goal.
Saving money is worth the effort. It gives you peace of mind, it gives you
options, and the more you save, the easier it becomes to accumulate additional
savings. The more money you have saved, the more you control your own
business (Fontinelle, 2019). Since saving of the individual becomes the capital to
goes a long way in affecting their chances and the chances of other people to
Money Management
West Campus
management refers to handle all aspects of finances, from making a budget for
where each paycheck goes to setting long-term goals to picking investments that
Bortar (2018) also believe that money management skills are not difficult to
debt reduction planning. It would be a big problem, if every day, spent several
thousand every year, blew the budget, and didn't derive any pleasure from it. It's
not a problem for who budgets for it and enjoys it (Guina, 2019).
Small Enterprise
track down every details, like finances, well-being to make that business grower.
There are different advantages of having this kind of firm: The small business
owner has the freedom to make the decision, it also has the ability to
communicate and personal contact with its customers and clients, and lastly the
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expenses and investments that are needed doesn’t need to be higher rates so
when a business fails the owner or the business itself is safer in debts (Sarokin,
to be practiced well to determine if a person can still have money for the future
is a tool that helps in tracking finances for a given time period. Running a
business without a proper budget may find the business just running around in
West Campus
Growth Planning
plans refer to important goals reachable by business owners within a few months
or a year, and can be for example, buying a new, expensive machine, building a
roof over an open-air repair shop, or introducing a new marketing approach. The
degree of detail may vary from an elaborate, detailed, and specific plan to one
that is very general and does not specify steps. One aspect of elaborate planning
is to think about contingencies or have a plan B if the first plan does not work out.
Planning increases the likelihood that people get started by translating their goals
Financial Management
projections, financial statements, and financing, which forms the foundation for
Mehta (2003) also believe that financial management is one of the most
West Campus
business’s finances, and know how much money the business earns against how
much the company is spending. Managing the cash flow efficiently is essential to
popular ways individuals and families begin the journey of the business owners
when intelligently run under the right conditions, can generate surplus cash to
West Campus
Mathematical Ability
itself (Pandey, 2017). Sari – sari store or small business are easy to run and just
used basic math for their daily operations. Knowing just the basic math allows a
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Several studies have been conducted to find out the in-depth explanation in
financial literacy of sari – sari store owners in handling business. The gathered
financial literacy. There are a lot of people who choose to have their own
business, some of this is sari – sari stores especially to the people who didn’t
finish their studies. It is also proved that salaries, savings, investments and
is one of the things that is important in handling a business, some of the owners
are more focused on gaining business’ income that’s why entrepreneurs are
West Campus
money in the business such as the way of pricing, exchanging money, spending
money for the business purposes can be measured in its own mathematical
operations, knowing how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and percentage are
essential to keep the business’ money efficiently and to meet your budget ad
because business always deals with money. Being financially literate can
produce more advantages in the business’ growth and maintaining its success.
These gathered studies proved that this topic is one of the main issues in
business world.
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This chapter aims to gather pertinent data that will support the study of
financial literacy of sari-sari store owners in handling business. This chapter also
includes the research design, locale of the study, population and sampling
Research Design
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Research Locale
The respondents of the study are consisted of 30 sari-sari store owners that
West Campus
Specific steps are employed to gather necessary data that are needed in the
following are the data gathering procedures that the researchers opted to
Conception Academy - West Campus, Ms. Lucilyn S. Niere for the researchers to
West Campus
Research Instrument
checked by the research adviser. Two field experts in Social Science will
externally validate the questionnaire. It will be composed of three parts which are
the personal information of the sari-sari store owner, questions regarding the
financial literacy in handling business and the mathematical problems. The first
part will consist five questions, the second part consist of 20 items and the last
part will consist of 50 items. This questionnaire will contain different questions to
handling business.
age, sex educational background and work experience and will employ mean to
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determine the financial literacy of sari-sari store owners and ways of handling
samples and the measures done on a particular study (Narkhede, 2018). Also,
stated that inferential statistics are often used to compare the differences
between two variables. It uses measurements from the sample of subjects in the
Percentage: Mean:
X ∑X
×100 X=
Where: Where:
Pearson R:
Immaculate Conception Academy 30
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n ( ∑ XY ) −(∑ X )(∑ Y )
√ [n ∑ X 2−(∑ X)2 ][n ∑ Y 2−(∑ Y )2 ]
Weighted Mean:
W= weight
X= matching value
This chapter aims to present the answer to the specific problems of this
West Campus
20 - 40 13 43.3333333
41 - 50 17 56.6666667
Total 30 100
profile of the respondents in terms of age conveys that the foremost frequency
56.67 was significantly dominant in the age ranging from 41 – 50 years old.
For the reason that those people have received a higher percentage, the
age ranging from 41 – 50 are the ones that like to be in their houses than
working outside. This is an indication that sari – sari store owners refrain from
finding more stable jobs to enjoy the company of their family while having their
own business and agendas at home. Furthermore, Alusen (2018) stated that
most of the sari-sari store owners’ age is between 38 to 43 years old, the later
young adulthood stage shows that most of the sari - sari store owners are
West Campus
number of sari-sari store owners prefer staying at home while managing their
The subsequent age brackets presented in the Table 1.1 namely, 20 -40,
People at this age are willingly to find more stable job than being inside a
Female 18 60
Male 12 40
Total 30 100
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terms of sex indicated that the highest frequency counts and the overall
indicated that the female outnumbered the male respondents that garnered a
The Table 1.2 shows that female showed a higher number in the overall
quantity of the respondents. This result was supported by Alusen & Javier
This result shows that the owners of the sari-sari stores in Phase 1,
who chose to run the sari-sari store that are also the ones who were left at
their homes. This result was supported by the organization Philippine Primer
(2016), which claimed that sari-sari stores are typically owned and operated
by a mother whose sole purpose for putting up the store is to augment their
family income. Most sari-sari stores become a small family business, with
West Campus
Others 1 3.333333333
Total 30 100
The statistical data shown in Table 1.3, the demographic profile of the
The table 1.3 revealed that the most respondents educational background
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The table revealed that even you do not have a degree it is not a problem
in opening a small business and you are still capable of being successful in
the future. This statement was supported by Reid (2009) that entrepreneurs
makes his or her own destiny. While having a business degree could make
some things easier, having a business degree does not guarantee business
West Campus
Non-business-related 20 66.66666667
Part-time worker 2 6.666666667
Others 0 0
Total 30 100
depicted in the Table 1.4 specified that the prime frequency and percentage
subsequent groups in the work experience which were namely the business-
related job, part time worker and full time worker received a less high
assimilated higher percentage. This created the notion that the majority of the
even non-business related experience can still affect the business itself. With
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1. 23 + 67 = 90 30 1
2. 96 + 47 = 143 29 0.966666667
3. 89 + 74 = 163 30 1
4. 69 + 23 = 92 29 0.966666667
5. 77 + 49 = 126 29 0.966666667
Table 2.1 represents the mathematical ability of the sari-sari store owners
when it comes in addition. The table shows the total number of the
respondents who got the right answer on each five questions. From the data
gathered, it shows that the Question 1 and 3 got the greatest number of
West Campus
The table shows that addition can still be difficult because of some
respondents who doesn’t get the right answer on some question like the
calculate in the head. But not all the times, a person can calculate correctly
and fast when it comes to long and hard calculation specially when the
1. 74 – 34 = 40 26 0.866666667
2. 64 – 87 = - 28 0.933333333
3. 85 – 45 = 40 27 0.9
4. 86 – 34 = 52 28 0.933333333
5. 89 – 47 = 42 29 0.966666667
Table 2.2 shows the result in the mathematical ability of the sari-sari store
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correctly by all the respondents. But the Question 5 which is 89 – 47, got the
From the results gathered, all the respondents got mistakes from all the five
number of the respondents who got the answer right. Curtis (2016) supports
that people, specially businessmen from streets or house get really confused
when subtracting numbers because of the rule in subtraction which is the ‘take
away’ or easily ‘borrow one’. Those people who doesn’t have much knowledge
in subtracting mentally, the only thing that can help them in calculating is
West Campus
1. 54 x 7 = 378 28 0.933333333
2. 86 x 4 = 344 30 s1
3. 76 x 7 = 532 28 0.933333333
4. 67 x 6 = 402 23 0.766666667
5. 78 x 3 = 234 25 0.833333333
Table 2.3 represents the total number of the sari-sari store owners who
being the highest got all 30 respondents, with a weighted mean of 1, getting
Multiplication only consist of 1 question who got the right answer by all the
because this skill can be applied to real life concepts. As people handle
money, buy or sell products or getting portion of a certain thing, this can be a
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1. 56 ÷ 34 = 1.65 22 0.73333333
2. 76 ÷ 4 = 19 20 0.66666667
3. 57 ÷ 45 = 1.27 22 0.73333333
4. 45 ÷ 3 = 15 24 0.8
5. 79 ÷ 5 = 15.8 27 0.9
Total 23 0.766666667
Table 2.4 shows the five questions in division operation to determine the
ability of the sari-sari store owners. The highest number of the respondents
getting the right answer are 27, with a weighted mean of 27, pertaining to
Question 5 which is 79 ÷ 5.
This operation got the lowest number of respondents getting the right
also often considered as the hardest of the four main arithmetic functions.
West Campus
operations which is the multiplication and subtraction. That’s why people are
sari-sari store owners. This shows that sari-sari store owners have more
literacy when it comes to the income of the business, with a weighted mean of
make decision on the financial resources, namely the income. This is very
important since income can cover all other financial decision and transactions
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The table shows the weighted mean of five handling business indicators of
the sari-sari store owners. The table shows that the growth planning got the
3.77. Wijetilaka (2014) emphasized that aside from sales, growth planning is
West Campus
Mathematical 1
literacies and mathematical ability of the sari-sari store owners. The table
shows that the correlation of the two variable is -0.1, meaning there are no
literacy of the sari-sari store owners. Attard (2017) mentioned that in Australia,
literacy, because most number of people doesn’t know how much to value
money specially those who are starting in a young age. People may have
enough mathematics knowledge but doesn’t know how to make their own
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despite the proliferation of often very expensive seminars, courses, and books
Financial Literacy 1
Total Moderately
literacy and handling business of the sari – sari store owners. As the result
moderate correlation at all in the financial literacy and handling business of the
published a study of small business owners with similar results, indicating that
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suggested that taking expensive course can be a way but small business
financial literacy can be achieved on their own. Therefore, the null hypothesis,
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This chapter depicts the summary, conclusions elicited from the findings
The purpose of this study was to find out the financial literacy of sari – sari
were 30 sari –sari store owners came from Phase 1, Cityhomes Resortville,
Langkaan 2.
between the financial literacy and handling business of the sari – sari store
owners and also the mathematical ability of the sari – sari store owners.
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significant findings:
gained 36.67%.
total of 66.67%.
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The financial literacies of sari –sari store owners include the money
indicates that the sari-sari store owners have more literacy when it comes to
the income of the business, with a weighted mean of 3.29 when totaled are
Handling business of the sari – sari store owners include the budgeting,
business that indicates that the growth planning got the highest number on the
results in handling business with a weighted mean of 3.77 and when totaled
West Campus
West Campus
The summary of the results and conclusions of this study propose the
following suggestions:
To sari – sari store owners. Sari –sari store owners are encouraged to be
active in your business. Spend your money wisely. Think about the long-term
benefits and drawbacks of purchases, put money on your credit card if you
can afford to pay it off each month, and start budgeting. If sari –sari store
owners have a business plan, they should also have a budget. A budget is
guideline that helps you fix any holes in your cash management system.
Having knowledge about financial literacy is important but if you do not have
one, then it is okay to pursue a small business. Sari –sari store owners are
encouraged to know the ways of handling business for the betterment of the
business. Knowing the right ways of handling business helps the business to
run smoothly.
Immaculate Conception Academy 52
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must enhance their knowledge about financial literacy. As the result of this
study only 26.67% are college graduate but not literate enough. Non-literate
literacy for them to be successful in the near future. The lack of financial
literacy may lead to making poor financial choices that can have negative
are encouraging to take courses line with business, if the students are going to
the sari –sari store owners in handling business. The future researchers can
Contrasting and blending results of the future researchers’ study with the
study of this research is encourage for further update on what is the status of
this study in relation to the other matters, as well increase knowledge of the
West Campus
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West Campus
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West Campus
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