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Decision Making and Branching

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Decision Making and

§ “Decision making and branching” is one of the most
important concepts of computer programming.
§ Programs should be able to make logical (true/false)
decisions based on the condition provided.
§ Every program has one or few problems to solve. In order
to solve those particular problems important decisions
have to be made depending on the nature of the problems.
§ Generally C program execute it’s statements sequentially.
But in order to solve problems we may have some
situations where we have to change the order of executing
the statements based on whether some conditions have
met or not. So controlling the execution of statements
based on certain condition or decision is called decision
making and branching.

Read User
Making Decision
Condition Satisfied Condition not Satisfied
[True] [False]
Perform Some Perform Some
Tasks Other Tasks

Branch 1 Branch 2
Show Result

Holiday Trip Problem
§ Consider the fact that you and some of your friends
have planed to go out for a holiday trip after the 2 nd
year examination, 2020.
§ You have also decided that if you have got received
money 10000 rupees or more from your parent then
your will go out for a foreign trip. Otherwise, if the
allotted money is less than 10000 then you will go out
for a country side trip.
§ Now you are supposed to design a program to solve
this problem.
Holiday Trip Problem

Money Received

Condition not Satisfied

[False] Received Condition Satisfied
Money>=10000 [True]


Decision Making & Branching in C
§ C language possesses decision making and branching
capabilities by supporting the following statements:
1. If statement
2. Switch statement
3. Conditional operator statement
4. goto statement
§ These statements are knows as decision making
statements. They are also called control statements as
the control the flow of execution.
IF Statement
§ The if statement is a powerful statement for decision
making and is used to control the flow of execution of
statements. It is basically a two-way decision making
statement and is used in conjunction with an
expression. It takes the following structure:
if (test-condition)
§ It allows the computer to evaluate the expression first and
then depending on whether the value of the expression or
condition is true or false, it transfer the control to a
particular statement. This point of program has two paths
to follow, one for the true condition and the other for the
false condition.
IF Statement

False True
Condition ?

If(Pocket balance is zero)
Borrow money;
IF Statement
§ The if statement can be implemented if four different forms
depending on the complexity of the conditions to be tested.
The four forms are:
1. Simple if statement
2. If else statement
3. Nested if else statement
4. Else if ladder
Simple if Statement- Structure
§ The general form of a simple if statement is:

if (test_condition)
statement x;
Simple if Statement
§ The statement block may consists of a single statement or a
group of statements.
§ If the test_condition is satisfied then the statement block will be
executed first then the statement-x will be executed after
completing the execution of statement block.
§ Otherwise if the test_condition doesn’t satisfied then, the
statement block will be skipped and the execution will jump to
the statement-x.
§ So in short when the condition is true then both the statement
block and the statement-x are executed but in sequence.
Simple if Statement- Flowchart

test True

statement - x

Next statement
Simple if Statement
§ Important things to notice that if you want to control a
single statement using the if condition then no need to
create a block using the curly bracy.
§ The curly bracy is used to create statement block when it is
necessary to include multiple statements under the same if
Simple if Statement-Example
§ Example with block of statements:
if (marks>=90)
{ Condition controlled
marks = marks + bonus_marks; statement

printf(“The mark achieved: %d” , marks);

Simple if Statement
§ Example of single statement:
if (marks>=90)
Condition controlled
marks=marks+ bonus_marks; statement

printf(“The mark achieved: %d” , marks);

Simple if Statement
§ What happens if multiple statements follows
after the if condition without using the curly
§ Answer: Then the statement immediately following the
if condition is considered as the controlling statement
of the if condition. if the condition is true the controlled
statement is executed otherwise not. Rest of the
statements are executed sequentially.
Simple if Statement
§ Example:
if (marks>=90) Condition controlled
marks=marks+ bonus_marks; statement

printf(“The mark achieved: %d ” , marks);

if else Statement
§ If the test condition is true then the true block statements,
immediately following the if statements are executed;
§ Otherwise the false block statements are executed.
§ In short either true-block or false-block of statements will
be executed, not both.
§ But in both cases the control is transferred subsequently to
the statement-x as it is an independent (not controlled by
the if else statement) statement.
§ It is also called two way conditional branching
if else Statement- Structure
§ The if else statement is an extension of the simple if
statement. The general form is :

if (test_condition)
True block statements;
False block statements;
if else Statement- Flowchart

[ False ] [ True ]

False Statement-block; True Statement-block;


Next Statement;
if else Statement- Example
§ Example with block of statement:
if (marks>=40)
True block statement
marks=marks+ bonus_marks;
{ False block statement
printf(“The mark achieved: %d ” , marks);
Nested if else Statement
§ Using “if…else statement” within another “if…else statement”
is called ‘nested if statement’. “Nested if statements” is
mainly used to test multiple conditions.
§ It is called nested conditional branching.
§ They can be structured using following syntax:
Nested if else Statement- Structure
if (test_condition)
if (test_condition)
{ Nested if else
if (gender==female) Nested if else -Example
if (age<10)
provide free entry;
provide free food;
else Nested if else
provide only free entry;
Else if ladder Statement
§ The word ladder means the staircase. As the name implies
this statement is used to choose right way/paths among
multiple paths.
§ There is another way of putting if conditions together when
multiway decisions are involved.
§ A multiway decision is a chain of if conditions in which the
statement associated with an else condition behaves like
another if condition.
§ Else if ladder is also called 3 way or multiway decision
making statement.
Else if ladder- Structure
§ if (test_condition 1)
else if (test_condition 2)
else if (test_condition 3)
else if (test_condition 4)
else if (test_condition n)
Else if ladder- Example
if(Mark>=50 && Mark<60)
printf("Your grade is D");
else if(Mark>=60 && Mark<70)
printf("Your grade is C \n");
else if(Mark>=70 && Mark<80)
printf("Your grade is B \n");
else if(Mark>=80 && Mark<=100)
printf("Your grade is A \n");
printf("you have failed");
if(Mark > 100 || Mark < 0)
printf(“Mark is out of range”);
Switch Statement
§ When one of the many statements is to be selected, then if
conditional statement can be used to control the selection.
§ However the complexity of such a program increases
dramatically when the number of statements increases.
§ Fortunately, C has a built in multiway decision making
statement known as switch.
§ The switch statement tests the value of a given variable or
expression against a list of case values and when a match is
found only then a block of statements associated with that
case is executed.
§ The general form is given below:
Switch Statement-Structure
switch(expression/ value)
case value-1:
case value-2:
case value-n:
int main()
case 8:
{ int score; case 5:
printf("Enter printf("Grade: printf("Grade:
score( 0-100 ): "); B\n"); E\n");
break; break;
switch( score / default:
case 7:
10) printf("Grade:
{ F\n");
case 10: C\n"); break;
printf("Grade: break;
A+\n"); }
case 6:
case 9: return 0;
printf("Grade: printf("Grade: }
A\n"); D\n");
break; break;
Rules for Switch Statement
§ The switch statement must be an integral type.
§ Case labels must be constant or constant expression.
§ Case labels must be unique. No two labels can have the same value.
§ Case labels must end with colon.
§ The break statement transfer the control out of the switch
§ The break statement is optional. So two or more case labels may
belong to the same statements.
§ The default label is optional. If present, it will be executed when
the expression does not find a matching case label.
§ There can be at most one default label.
§ The default may be placed any where but usually placed at the end.
§ It is permitted to nest switch statements.
Conditional Operator
§ The C language has an unusual operator which is useful for
making two way decisions.
§ This operator is a combination of ? and :
§ It takes three operands. This operator is popularly known
as the conditional operator.
§ The conditional operator can be used as the replacement of
if else conditional statement for two way decision making.
Conditional Operator
§ The general structure of conditional operator:

Conditional expression? true-statement 1: false-statement;

§ The condition is evaluated first. If the result is true then

the statement 1 is executed and its value is returned.
§ Otherwise statement 2 is executed and its value is
§ Example:

flag = (x<0) ? 0 :1;

Conditional Operator
Conditional operator:

flag = (x<0) ? 0 :1;

It is equivalent to:

goto statement
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int sum=0;
for(int i = 0; i<=10; i++){
sum = sum+i;
goto addition;

printf("%d", sum);

return 0;

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