Articulo Factores de Transcripcion
Articulo Factores de Transcripcion
Articulo Factores de Transcripcion
DOI: 10.1534/genetics.107.086090
Transcription factors (TFs) control gene expression by interacting with cis-elements in target gene
promoters. Transcription regulators (TRs) assist in controlling gene expression through interaction with
TFs, chromatin remodeling, or other mechanisms. Both types of proteins thus constitute master controllers
of dynamic transcriptional networks. To uncover such control elements in the photosynthetic green alga
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we performed a comprehensive analysis of its genome sequence. In total, we
identified 234 genes encoding 147 TFs and 87 TRs of 40 families. The set of putative TFs and TRs, including
their transcript and protein sequences, domain architectures, and supporting information about putative
orthologs, is available at Twelve of 34 plant-specific TF families
were found in at least one algal species, indicating their early evolutionary origin. Twenty-two plant-specific
TF families and one plant-specific TR family were not observed in algae, suggesting their specific association
with developmental or physiological processes characteristic to multicellular plants. We also analyzed the
occurrence of proteins that constitute the light-regulated transcriptional network in angiosperms and found
putative algal orthologs for most of them. Our analysis provides a solid ground for future experimental
studies aiming at deciphering the transcriptional regulatory networks in green algae.
Transcription factors and regulators present in different eukaryotic species
protozoan that arose early in eukaryote evolution. In Similarly, MADS-box TFs are present in only small num-
general, the number of TFs and TRs increases with the bers in Chlamydomonas (two genes) and in all other
number of genes in the genome, following a power law as unicellular organisms. In contrast, in these organisms,
observed before (Van Nimwegen 2003). TFs and TRs members of the C2H2 family are slightly more abundant
were found to be similarly abundant in algae and yeast; than members of the MADS-box family, with five, four,
however, in these lineages they are considerably less fre- and seven genes, respectively, in the algae Chlamydomonas,
quent than in animals. Numbers of TFs and TRs in many Ostreococcus, and Cyanidioschyzon, and 39 members in
cases were similar in mosses and animals, whereas gene Saccharomyces (Table 1). C2H2 TFs contain a zinc-finger
numbers were often greater in angiosperms. In Chlamy- domain. The recruitment of this domain for transcrip-
domonas, we identified 147 putative TF and 87 putative tional regulation occurred in prokaryotes, and mem-
TR coding sequences from 29 and 10 protein families, bers of the Ros family may have been the origin of C2H2
respectively, totaling 234 distinct proteins involved in the in eukaryotes (Bouhouche et al. 2000). In general, TFs
regulation of transcription (Table 1; protein sequences bearing a zinc-finger domain have significantly contrib-
are available at uted to the evolution of eukaryotic organisms (Riechmann
index.php?sp_id¼CRE). A schematic of the transcrip- et al. 2000) either through gene duplication leading to
tional regulatory proteins identified in Chlamydomonas, an increased gene number or through the modulation
including their defining domains, is given in supplemen- of other domains present in these proteins, resulting in
tal Figure 1. To date, however, the biological functions of the formation of new families of TFs.
only a small number of these proteins have been analyzed The acquisition of chloroplasts represents an im-
(supplemental Table 1). portant step in the evolutionary path that separated
Chlamydomonas transcription factors: In animals, plants from animals and fungi. Evidently, new regulatory
TFs of the C2H2 and HB families play important roles in networks had to be established through evolution to
growth-related and development processes (Wu 2002) achieve an optimal integration of photosynthetic func-
and body-plan formation (Deutsch and Mouchel-Vielh tions with other cellular processes. TFs and TRs constitute
2003). These two families are the largest in animals, with important elements of such networks. Three families of
.100 members each in humans, Drosophila, and Caeno- putative TFs predate the split between rhodophyta (red
rhabditis. In animals, HB TFs function as homeotic genes algae) and chlorophyta, i.e., G2-like, PLATZ, and RWP-
that control the formation and differentiation of different RK. These families appear to be of particular importance
body parts (Garcia-Fernandez 2005; Negre and Ruiz for the evolution of eukaryotic photosynthetic organ-
2007). In contrast, in plants homeotic functions are isms, as they are the only plant-specific TFs (with perhaps
carried out by TFs of the MADS-box family (Irish 2003). the exception of G2-like, which might also be present
Typically, angiosperms have 80–120 MADS-box proteins, in Giardia; see above) that are present in both red and
whereas such TFs are largely absent from animals (,10). green algae. Both algal groups derived from the original
Transcription Factors in Chlamydomonas 35
primary endosymbiotic event that led to the establish- i.e., CC-503 cw92 mt1; Goodenough et al. 2007) is re-
ment of plastids (Reyes-Prieto et al. 2007). Nine addi- quired for expression of minus-specific gamete-specific
tional families, i.e., ABI3/VP1, AP2-EREBP, ARR-B, C2C2- genes in response to nitrogen deprivation (Ferris and
CO-like, C2C2-Dof, PBF-2-like/Whirly, Pseudo ARR-B, Goodenough 1997; Lin and Goodenough 2007). An-
SBP, and WRKY (Table 1), predate the split between other TF in this family, NIT2, is a positively acting regu-
green algae and streptophytes. Plant-specific TF families latory gene of the nitrate assimilation pathway (Camargo
might have important roles in the control of light- et al. 2007) (GenBank accession no. DQ311647; this gene
dependent processes and related biochemical pathways is mutated in the sequenced Chlamydomonas strain;
such as those involved in sugar production or starch Fernandez and Matagne 1984); the most similar entry
accumulation. in PlnTFDB is protein ID 195807).
TFs of the G2-like family (a distinct group within the Information regarding SBP TFs, Jumonji, and SET
GARP superfamily of TFs; Rossini et al. 2001) are present TRs, as well as microRNAs that often control TF genes in
in all plants, including red and green algae, and in angiosperms but appear to be of minor importance in
G. lamblia, suggesting a deep evolutionary origin, but they Chlamydomonas, is given in the supplemental text.
are not found in animals or fungi. G2-like TFs regulate Transcription factors involved in hormone signaling:
chloroplast development in diverse plant species (e.g., Phytohormones coordinate a vast spectrum of develop-
Physcomitrella, Arabidopsis, and Zea mays) through a mental and physiological processes in angiosperms. In
process that requires a close coordination between plas- contrast, knowledge about the occurrence of hormones
tidial and nuclear genomes. More specifically, GOLDEN in algae and their possible functions in cellular signaling
2-like (GLK) TFs are required for correct stacking of is extremely limited. Some evidence indicates that auxins
thylakoids within chloroplasts, although it is not known in and cytokinins are present in algae (Tarakhovskaya
detail how they exert their function in this process. One et al. 2007), indicating their functional importance early
possible model is that GLKs regulate the transcription of in plant evolution. TF families known to participate in
genes encoding thylakoid-stabilizing factor(s) (Yasumura hormone signaling in angiosperms are also found in
et al. 2005). We did not detect the ortholog of GLK in the Chlamydomonas (Table 1). Recent work on ABSCISIC
sequenced Chlamydomonas genome, which is consistent ACID INSENSITIVE 3 (ABI3) from Arabidopsis has
with the fact that chloroplast thylakoid stacking is less indicated a possible role in cross talk of abscisic acid
advanced in this alga as compared to bryophytes and angio- and auxin response pathways (Brady et al. 2003; Rock
sperms, as previously discussed (Yasumura et al. 2005). and Sun 2005). A similar observation was made for VP1
PHOSPHORUS STARVATION RESPONSE1 (PSR1) from from maize, the ortholog of ABI3 (Suzuki et al. 2001). We
Chlamydomonas and its ortholog PHOSPHATE STARVA- observed a single ABI3/VP1 gene in Chlamydomonas,
TION RESPONSE1 (PHR1) from Arabidopsis encode TFs whereas Physcomitrella has 30 ABI3/VP1 genes, and
that control cellular responses to phosphate deprivation angiosperms have 60–80 (Table 1). To our knowledge
(Wykoff et al. 1999; Rubio et al. 2001). Both proteins were the role of the ABI3/VP1 gene in Chlamydomonas has
originally thought to be members of the MYB TF family, not been characterized yet. TFs of the ARR-B and AP2-
but subsequently were placed within the GARP superfam- EREBP families are involved in cytokinin response path-
ily (G2-like) (Fitter et al. 2002). PSR1 targets include ways in angiosperms (Rashotte et al. 2006; Ishida et al.
genes encoding chloroplast-localized proteins involved in 2008). We detected one ARR-B gene and 11 AP2-EREBP
photosynthesis, regulation of gene expression, and other genes in Chlamydomonas (Table 1). The role of these
processes (Moseley et al. 2006). Recently, PSR1 has also TFs has not been analyzed.
been shown to control the accumulation of chloroplast TF families absent from algae: Interestingly, 22
RNA under phosphorous limitation through control of plant-specific TF families and 1 TR family are not pres-
the expression of ribonuclease polynucleotide phosphor- ent in algae (Table 1). These families may be related to
ylase (Yehudai-Resheff et al. 2007). Whether the angio- the acquisition of multicellularity and tissue organiza-
sperm ortholog exerts a similar function is currently tion, invasion of the terrestrial environment, and long-
unknown. distance trafficking. NAC TFs could be identified only
RWP-RK (Figure 1) is a TF family present in all green from bryophytes onward. Functional studies have shown
plants, as well as in red algae. It is also present in the that several NAC genes play an important role in cell
early diverging amoebozoa Dictyostelium discoideum and differentiation (Olsen et al. 2005). As we did not find
Entamoeba histolytica, but not in animals or fungi, sug- any NAC gene in the Volvox carteri genome (not shown),
gesting a deep evolutionary origin. In vascular plants, we assume that TFs of this family were not important for
this family is involved in the regulation of genes in establishing multicellularity in this organism.
response to nitrogen status and nodule development Orthologs across green plants: The green plant
in legumes (Schauser et al. 1995; Borisov et al. 2003). lineage is a monophyletic group, its members having
In Chlamydomonas, the gene minus dominance (MID; split from the red algal lineage 1142 6 167 million
GenBank accession no. U92071; specific to mt strains years ago (Zimmer et al. 2007). Tracing gene orthology
and consequently not present in the sequenced strain, relations across lineages provides a way to assess, to some
36 D. M. Riaño-Pachón et al.
Rand Index (ar) on the subset of common genes. The that 22 plant-specific TF and 1 plant-specific TR family
obtained value (ar ¼ 0.912) indicates that the compo- were not present in algae, highlighting their impor-
sition of the common clusters (gene membership) tance for the evolution of multicellular plants. Many of
obtained by both methods is similar. the elements of light-regulated transcriptional networks
Evolution of photosynthetic networks: A recent re- known from bryophytes and angiosperms are also pre-
view by Jiao et al. (2007) provides a good backbone for sent in Chlamydomonas, indicating an early evolutionary
comparison of the light-regulated transcriptional net- origin. Exceptions are elements of the phytochrome-
works of angiosperms and Chlamydomonas. The per- mediated signaling pathways that are missing in algae.
ception of light signals in dicots occurs through three Our analysis provides a basis for further experimental
cryptochromes and two phototropins, for which we found studies on Chlamydomonas transcriptional regulators.
orthologs in Chlamydomonas (see supplemental Table We thank the three anonymous reviewers for comments that helped
5). In contrast, phytochromes involved in the absorption to improve our manuscript. We are grateful to the Department of
of red and far-red light do not have homologs in green Energy Joint Genome Institute and the Chlamydomonas research
algae, consistent with previous findings (Mittag et al. community for sequencing and annotating the Chlamydomonas
genome. L.G.G.C. and B.M.-R. thank the Interdisciplinary Research
2005). One putative ortholog of the angiosperm bZIP
Centre, Advanced Protein Technologies, of the University of Potsdam
protein COMMON PLANT REGULATORY FACTORS 1 and the International Ph.D. Programme, Integrative Plant Science
(CPRF1), CMJ034C, was found in the red alga Cyanidio- ½supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst and the
schyzon, although with a low InParanoid confidence Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DAAD), no. DAAD D/04/01336
score. The same Cyanidioschyzon protein is also orthol- for financial support. L.G.G.C. thanks the DAAD for providing a
scholarship (no. A/04/34814). B.M.-R. thanks the Fonds der Chem-
ogous to G-BOX BINDING FACTOR 1 (GBF1), suggest- ischen Industrie for financial support (no. 0164389). D.M.R.-P. acknowl-
ing subfunctionalization of the original multifunctional edges financial support by the Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und
algal gene during angiosperm evolution; however, more Forschung (BMBF) (GABI-future grant 0315046). B.M.-R. and R.T.-E.
detailed analyses are required to substantiate this hy- thank the BMBF for funding of the systems biology research unit
pothesis. GBF1 is phosphorylated by CASEIN KINASE II GoFORSYS–Potsdam-Golm BMBF Forschungseinrichtung zur System-
biologie ½(Photosynthesis and Growth: A Systems Biology Based Ap-
(CKII), which allows it to bind to target promoters con-
proach (FKZ 0313924).
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