Atomic and Nascent Hydrogen
Atomic and Nascent Hydrogen
Atomic and Nascent Hydrogen
Isotopes of Hydrogen:
Isotopes are the atoms of same element which have same atomic number due to having
same number of electron but differ with each other in their mass number due to
difference in the number of neutrons .
Due to having same number of electrons in their valence shell isotopes have similar
chemical properties but they differ with each other in their physical properties due to
difference in their atomic masses .
Hydrogen exist in three different isotopic forms:
1 Protium or ordinary hydrogen (11H) or (P):
This is the most abundance isotope of hydrogen(99.98%). It has only one electron in its
valence shell and one proton at its nucleus. It is most stable isotope of hydrogen.
So its atomic number is 1 and mass number is also 1.
2.Deuterium or Heavy hydrogen(21H ) or (D):
The natural abundance of this type of isotope is 0.014%. It is also called heavy hydrogen
and water containing such deuterium isotope is called heavy water(D2O).
Deuterium has one electron in its orbit with one proton and one neutron at its nucleus.
So its atomic number is 1 but mass number is 2 .
3. Tritium or radioactive hydrogen ( 13H) or (T):
The natural abundance of this type of isotope is 7x10-16 %.
Being radioactive in nature it emits β high speed electron) particles. Its half life is 12.5 years.
Its atomic number is1 but mass number is 3. i.e electron =1, Proton=1 and Neutron =2
Applications Protium:
1.Used in NMR for specific studies.
2.To prepare nuclear weapon like H- bomb.
3.Used in hydrogenation and as reducing agent.
4.Used for the manufacture of rocket fuel as hydrazine(N2H4), NH3 and fertilizer.
5. Used in metrological observation balloons and toy balloons.
Applications of deuterium:
1.used as solvent in NMR spectroscopy.
2.To prepare nuclear weapon (H- Bomb)
3. To used as non radioactive tracer (Isotopic labelling expt)
4.Heavy water (D2O) is used as coolant in nuclear reactor.
Applications of Tritium:
1. Used in radioactive tracer analysis in research works.
2. Used as neutron initiator in nuclear reaction.
3. Used as fuel in nuclear fusion reaction.
4. Used as radio luminescent light sources in watches and instruments.
5. Used as rocket booster.
Applications of Hydrogen:
1. Hydrogen is used as source of fuel in the form of water gas (CO+H2). Water gas is
obtained by passing steam over red hot coke or recycled coke from waste. Hydrocarbons
can also be used in place of coke. C + H2O Heat CO + H2
CH4 + H2O HeatCatalyst
CO + H2
2. It is used for the production of synthetic fuel which is a liquid or sometimes gaseous fuel
which is manufactured solely by renewable energy. Liquid synthetic fuel is
gasoline(petrol),kerosene and diesel etc .
C + CO2 + H2 CnH2n +2 + H2O
C + CO + H2 CnH2n +2 + H2O
It can be used as fuel in internal combustion engines either in pure form or in combination
with natural gas. It is non-conventional ,renewable and zero emission fuel. The combustion of
hydrogen water and energy .This released energy makes hydrogen as a source of fuel.
H2 + O2 H2O + 572kJ
There is no emission of harmful gas in combustion of H2 gas. Therefore H2 gas is used in fuel
cell and in internal combustion engine. Fuel cells are the energy conversion devices which can
change chemical energy into electrical energy. Commercially fuel cell devices like car, buses
have been begun since few decades . They can also be used in space craft. Addition of about
20% hydrogen to natural gas can reduce emission of CO2 gas. In terms of energy value 9.5 kg
H2 is equivalent to 25 kg gasoline (petrol).Use of hydrogen as a fuel has advantages like
reduction in air pollution as it produces nothing except water unlike gasoline,can reduce the
use of petroleum as a fuel,helps in the reduction of green house effect,has high energy
efficiency i.e H2 fuel cells have high energy conversion efficiency.
3. Used in hydrogenation of vegetable oil into solid fat.
4. Used to produce very high temperature for welding hard metals where mixture of H2
and O2 is used to produce high temperature of 3400OC.
Heavy Water [D2O]:
Deuterium oxide is popularly known as heavy water. Ordinary water is found to contain
1/6000 parts of heavy water in it.
Heavy water is obtained as a residue left after prolong electrolysis of ordinary water in
presence of alkali. When water is repeatedly electrolysed up to 7th stage ,about 99%
D2O is obtained.
It can also be prepared by the fractional distillation of water where lighter fraction [H2O]
distilled over first leaving behind a residue richer in D2O.
Heavy water is colourless,odourless and tasteless mobile liquid .
Most of the physical properties of of D2O like M.P., B.P, specific gravity, viscosity, specific
heat dielectric constant etc. are higher than ordinary hydrogen.
Heavy water is more inert than ordinary water. Deuteium bonding with D2O is stronger
than hydrogen bonding with H2O.
Though D2O differs with H2O in its physical properties , its chemical properties are very
much similar to H2O.
D2O Electtrolysis 2D2 + O2, D2O + Na NaOD + D2,D2O + SO3 D2SO4
D2O + CaC2 Ca(OD)2 + C2D2, D2O + Mg3N2 Mg(OD)2 + ND3
Heavy water is capable of forming deuterates similar to hydrates like CuSO4.5D2O,
MgSO4.7D2O,Na2SO4 .10D2O
Uses of heavy water:
1. It is used as moderator in nuclear reactor.
2. Used as coolant in nuclear reactor.
3. Used as tracer compound in determining the mechanism of many organic reactions.
4. Used for the preparation of deuterium i.e. heavy hydrogen.
5. Used in NMR and IR spectroscopy .