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Impact of Access to Credit on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from
Smallholder Cassava Farmers in Nigeria

B.A. Awotide1*, T. Abdoulaye2, A. Alene3, and V.M. Manyong4

Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Lilongwe, Malawi
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dar Es Salam, Tanzania

A Contributed paper Prepared for Oral Presentation at the International

Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE)
Milan, Italy August 9-14, 2015.

This study examines the impact of access to credit on agricultural productivity in Nigeria using the
Endogenous Switching Regression Model (ESRM)). The first stage of the ESRM reveals that total
livestock unit and farm size are positive and statistically significant in determining the farmers’
access to credit. The second stage reveals that total livestock unit and farm size are negative and
statistically significant in explaining the variations in cassava productivity among the farmers that
have access to credit, while household size, farm size, and access to information assets are negative
and statistically significant in explaining the variation in cassava productivity among the farmers
without access to credit. Access to credit has a significant positive impact on cassava productivity.
Thus, credit institutions should consider boosting their credit services to rural farming households in
order to guarantee that more households benefit from it.

Keywords: Credit, Impact, Cassava, Productivity, Farmers, Nigeria

JEL Classification: O12; Q14; Q16; Q55

Corresponding author
E-mail: bawotide@yahoo.com
Tel: +234-8132676208
1. Introduction
It is interesting though disturbing to note that sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with its very large population
happens to be the poorest region in the world (Chauvin et al., 2012). The average real per capita
income in 2010 was $688 (in constant 2000 US$) compared to $1717 in the rest of the developing
world. Over the past 30 years, GDP growth per capita in SSA has averaged 0.16 percent per year.
This failure of growth over the long term has resulted in high levels of poverty in the region, such
that in 2008, 47 percent of the population of SSA lived on $1.25 a day or less (United Nations, 2012).
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) estimates that 239 million people
in SSA were hungry/undernourished in 2010. This implies that almost one in three people who live
in SSA were hungry, far more than any other region of the world, with the exception of South Asia.
Poverty has been reported as the principal cause of hunger.

The above scenario has been made worse by several decades of economic crises and government
reforms which affected both rural and urban African populations. The attendant increases in the costs
of production and consumer prices rising faster and higher than the price of farm produce has
adversely affected smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. The downsizing of the public sector work force,
coupled with restrictions on wage levels has caused a fall in urban incomes, thus reducing the demand
for agricultural produce. Increases in food prices and service charges and cuts in public
expenditure―especially in the health and education sectors―and in infrastructure expenditure have
been felt particularly by low-income groups (Bah et al., 2003). Additionally, severe product price
volatility and erratic climatic conditions increasingly exposed farmers to immeasurable income risks
and, sometimes, loss of assets (Olomola et al., 2008). These conditions constitute a serious
impediment to the adoption of improved agricultural technologies and financial investment in
agricultural production. Consequently, the production of notable staple food crops such as cassava
has been on the decline in many countries of SSA, particularly in Nigeria and generally lags behind
the rate of population growth. Hence, despite its vast agricultural potential, SSA has remained a net
importer of agricultural products for many decades (FAOSTAT, 2011).

One major source of achieving a drastic reduction in poverty and alleviating the poor welfare situation
of the rural farmers is to increase agricultural productivity. This will, at the micro level, translate to
an increase in farm income, food security, poverty reduction, and improved rural household welfare,
while leading to inclusive industrial development and economic growth on the aggregate. An increase
in agricultural productivity according to Kuznet (1964), can support and sustain industrial
development in many dimensions. It allows the agricultural sector to release its labor force to the non-

agricultural sector while meeting the food demand of the non-agricultural sector. It also raises
agricultural sector income and creates rural purchasing power needed to purchase industrial goods.
In addition, it enables the agricultural sector to supply food to industrial workers at affordable prices
to the profitability of the industries.

Successive Nigerian governments have embarked on different policies and strategies to achieve
increases in agricultural productivity. In view of the importance of cassava as one of the major staple
food crop particularly for the poor rural households in Nigeria, specifically, in 1999 the Federal
Government of Nigeria embarked on the Presidential Initiative on Cassava (Manihot esculenta)
Production. The main objective of this program was to achieve self-sufficiency in cassava production
and for export with a targeted output of about 150 million tons of cassava per annum. Despite the fact
that many studies support the hypothesis that access to credit increases the productivity and profit of
the farm households (Diagne and Zeller, 2001; Adesina and Djato, 1996; Hazarika and Alwang; 2003;
Foltz, 2004),couples with the fact that at farm level, the production costs for cassava in Nigeria are
high, relative to other countries (Akinnagbe, 2010), this program adopted many strategies in order to
achieve all its stated objective, but access to credit was not included. Consequently, after many years
of investing massively in the program, the objective of the program has not been met.

The positive correlation between access to credit and agricultural productivity notwithstanding, some
empirical studies have revealed cases of credit insufficiency among rural farmers in Nigeria (Deaton
1997; Udry 1990; Zeller 1994; Idachaba, 2006; Adebayo and Adeola, 2008 and Ololade and
Olagunju, 2013) and some empirical literature has also found that in rural areas of developing
countries, credit constraints have significant adverse effects on farm output (Feder et al., 1990; Sial
and Carter, 1996), farm investment (Carter and Olinto, 2003), and farm profit (Carter, 1989).
However, empirical assessment of the impact of access to credit on any outcome is very scanty in
Nigeria, and particularly in relation to cassava productivity, none exists to the best knowledge of the
authors. This shows that there is still a gap in the literature that must be filled.

In spite attempts made in the past by some studies to explore the link between access to agricultural
credit and agricultural productivity in Nigeria (Rahaman and Marcus, 2004, Abu, et al., 2010,
Ugbajah, 2011), many of these studies did not apply the widely accepted impact assessment
methodologies and are therefore subject to serious problems arising from selection bias.
Conspicuously missing in the empirical impact evaluation literature is the significant role of access
to credit on agricultural productivity in developing countries like Nigeria. However, according to

Freeman et al.(|1998) it is very crucial to specifically evaluate the extent of the expected gains in
productivity arising from the provision of agricultural credit. If the marginal contribution of credit
to farm productivity is zero or relatively small then re-allocatioon of credit to other activities or sectors
with higher marginal productivity may actually lead to an improvement in the welfare of the society.

In order to fill this gap in the literature and complement other studies, this study assesses the impact
of access to credit on cassava productivity among smallholder rural farmers in Nigeria. We focus
essentially on productivity, because agricultural productivity is a measure of the performance of the
agricultural sector and thus provides a guide to the efficiency of the sector (Thirtle et al., 1993; Thirtle
et al., 2005; Kirsten et al., 2003; and Conradie et al., 2009).

In order to achieve the objectives of this study we intend to provide answers to these pertinent
questions : could it be that those farmers that have access to credit have higher productivity than those
that did not? What is the impact of of access to credit on productivity? These are important questions
that have not yet been fully explored and been given tangible answers to in the literature. Meanwhile,
from a policy perspective, we noted that answers to these questions are very important in addressing
the dwindling agricultural productivity and attaining the objectives of poverty reduction and welfare
improvement in Nigeria, particularly among the rural smallholder cassava farmers.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents the literature review. The analytical
framework and estimation techniques are presented in section 3. Section 4 presents the data and
descriptive statistics. Section 5 contains the results and discussion. Finally, section 6 provides a brief
summary of the main findings, the conclusion, and some policy recommendations.

2. Literature Review
2.1. The Structure of the Rural Agrarian Credit Market in Nigeria

A common feature of rural credit markets in developing countries is the coexistence of formal and
informal credit markets (Hoff and Stiglitz, 1990; Besley, 1995; Kochar, 1997; Bell et al., 1997;
Mohieldin and Wright, 2000; Anderson and Malchow-Moller, 2006; Boucher and Guirkinger, 2007;
Barslund and Tapp, 2008). Ghate (1992) defined formal financial service providers as registered
companies that are licensed to offer financial services by a central monetary authority. He asserted
that these institutions are largely urban based in terms of distribution of branches and the
concentration of deposit and lending activities. According to Kashuliza et al. (1998) informal
financial services refer to all transaction, loans, and deposits that take place outside the regulated

monetary system and this includes the activities of intermediaries such as relatives and friends,
traders, and money lenders. Semi-formal institutions are described by Steel and Andah (2004) as
institutions which are registered to provide financial services and are not controlled by a central
monetary authority. Badiru (2010) categorized credit institutions into three groups: (i) formal, such
as commercial banks, microfinance banks, the Nigeria Agricultural and Cooperative Rural
Development Bank (NACRDB), and state government-owned credit institutions; (ii) semi-formal,
such as nongovernmental organizationsmicrofinance institutions (NGOMFIs) and cooperative
societies; and (iii) informal, such as money lenders, and rotating savings and credit associations

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) established credit schemes such as the Agricultural Credit
Guarantee Scheme (ACGS) in 1977 and the Agricultural Credit Support Scheme (ACSS) to ensure
farmers’ access to agricultural credit. The ACGS fund was set up with the sole purpose of providing
a guarantee in respect of loans granted by any bank for agricultural purposes (Central Bank of Nigeria,
1990). Nwosu et al. (2010) noted that the ACGSF was formed solely with the objective of
encouraging financial institutions to lend funds to those engaged in agricultural production as well as
agroprocessing activities with the aim of enhancing export capacity of the nation as well as for local
consumption. However, this is noted to be exclusively in favour of large-scale farming (Somayina,
1981) as smallholder farmers seldom obtain credit from formal credit sources.

Rural borrowers in particular are not an attractive proposition for formal financial institutes because
they cannot meet the minimum requirements and are perceived as high risk borrowers (Onumah,
2003). In a review of the literature carried out by Badiru (2010), many other reasons were provided
for the lack of access to credit by the farmers from the formal sources. For instance, Agnet (2004)
opined that the complex mechanism of commercial banking is least understood by small-scale farmers
and this limits their access. Rahji and Fakayode (2009) blamed the limitation on imperfect and costly
information problems encountered in the financial markets; credit rationing policies; and banks’
perception of agricultural credit as a highly risky venture; while Philip et al. (2009) stated that high
interest rates and the short-term nature of loans with fixed repayment periods do not suit annual
cropping, and thus constitute a hindrance to credit access. Adegbite (2009), citing Ezike (1984),
Nweke and Onyia (2001), and Kodieche (2002), stated that financial lending Institutions in Nigeria
often shy away from giving loans to farmers because of the high cost of administering such loans and
the perceived high default rates among farmers. Ghosh et al., (2000), believe that it is largely because

poorer farmers lack sufficient assets to put up as collateral—a usual prerequisite for borrowing from

Lack of access to credit can be a function of both demand and supply. On the supply side, banks may
find it very risky and expensive to provide credit to rural smallholders, thus rationing the supply of
credit or making available contracts that may be too expensive or too demanding on collateral. On
the demand side, apart from the situations where farmers may not have adequate collateral, even in
situations where credit is available, farmers may find it too risky to borrow (Boucher et al., 2008).

2.2. Access to Credit and Agricultural Productivity Linkage

The importance of access to credit in agricultural production cannot be overemphasised. According

to Carter and Weibe (1990), Farmers need both ex-ante and ex-post access to capital. Ex-ante capital
access is required in order to finance vital production costs such as labour and purchase inputs which
needed to be paid ex-ante, that is, prior to the actual realization of production. On the other hands,
access to capital after the realization of the production process, that is ex-post capital access, is of
particular importance when there is no insurance as it’s often the case in low income agrarian
economies. Thus, in case of annual fluntuation in production, ex-post access to capital is highly
essential for the stabilization of households’ consumption from year to year

This implies that access to credit may not have a direct impact on productivity, but it could have a
positive and significant indirect impact through its positive influence on agricultural technologies
adoption, increased capital for farm investment, hired labor, and improved household welfare through
improved health care and better nutrition. In addition, Feder et al. (1990) posit that credit allows
farmers to satisfy the cash needs induced by the production cycle which characterize agriculture; land
preparation, planting, cultivation, and harvesting are typically done over a period of several months
in which very little cash revenue is earned, while expenditure on materials, purchased inputs, and
consumption need to be made in cash. Thus, access to credit may affect farm productivity because
farmers facing binding capital constraints would tend to use lower levels of inputs in their production
activities compared to those not constrained (Feder et al., 1989; Petrick, 2004).

Agricultural production is strongly conditioned by the fact that inputs are transformed into outputs
with considerable time lags (Conning and Udry, 2005), causing the rural household to balance its
budget during the season when expenditure is high for input purchases and consumption and revenue
is small. With limited access to credit, the budget balance within the year can become a constraint to

agricultural production. When liquidity is a binding constraint, the amounts and combinations of
inputs used by a farmer may deviate from optimal levels that in turn limit optimum production or
consumption choices. Economic theory suggests that farmers facing binding capital constraints would
tend to use lower levels and combinations of inputs than those whose production activities are not
limited by capital constraints (Freeman et al., 1998). The implication of this is that access to credit
could increase rural poor households’ willingness to adopt new technologies that raise both mean
levels and riskiness of income (Rosenzweig and Binswanger, 1993; Carter, 1984).

Although, it is noted that good planting material improves cassava productivity and enhances varietal
yield stability and the type of planting material plays a significant role in determining the quantity of
roots at harvest, a review of factors that affect technology adoption carried out by Feder and Umali
(1993) and Cornejo and McBride (2002) highlight access to credit as a key determinant of adoption
of most agricultural innovations. It is believed that access to credit promotes the adoption of risky
agricultural technologies through the relaxation of the liquidity constraint as well as through the
boosting of household’s risk bearing ability. With an option of borrowing, a household can do away
with risk reducing , but inefficient income diversification strategies and concentrate on more risky
but efficient investments (Eswaran and Kotwal, 1990). In the case of cassava production in Nigeria,
credit constraint has been singled out as a major factor militating against adoption of modern cassava
production techniques such as herbicides, hybrid cassava stake, insecticides, inorganic fertilizer,
tractor, appropriate spacing, planting date and tillage practice (Nweke et al., 2002). Yet, many
findings in the literature (Iyanda et al., 2014) have pointed to the immense role of adoption of these
technologies in enhancing productivity, poverty eradication and attainment of food security in
developing countries like Nigeria.

More importantly, according to Freeman et al. (1998), farmers’ access to credit is also very crucial
in the sence that it can facilitate the levels of input use closer to their potential levels when capital is
not a constraint, consequently leading to higher levels of output per farm and productivity, given fixed
resources such as land. This implies that the marginal contribution of credit brings input levels closer
to the optimal levels, thereby increasing output and productivity (Feder et al., 1990). Additionally,
access to credit is also considered to be an important tool for smoothing consumption and promoting
production especially for poor households (e.g. Swain et al., 2008; Conning and Udry, 2005;
Armendariz and Morduch, 2005; Robinson, 2001; Zeller et al., 1997). This means that access to credit
can significantly increase the ability of households with no or few savings to meet their financial
needs for agricultural inputs; especially those that are highly necessary for weed, pest, and disease

control and productive investments . Furthermore, easy availability and access to credit enables
farmers and entrepreneurs to diversify by undertaking new investment.

3. Analytical Framework and Estimation Techniques

3.1. Intensity of Credit use

According to Schultz (1964), farmers in traditional agriculture act economically rationally within the
context of available resources and existing technology. Accordingly, poor farmers allocate resources
in a manner consistent with the neo-classical profit maximization model. Thus, in the context of this
study the cassava farmers’ decision to access credit is based on the assumption of expected utility
maximization. When confronted with a choice between whether to borrow money or not, the
smallholder cassava farmers would compare the expected utility of borrowing with non-borrowing.
The farmers’ decision to borrow is expected to be influenced by a set of household socioeconomic
and demographic variables. Thus, famer J’s expected utility of access and non-access to credit can be
expressed as follows:
EU kj   k Z j   kj (1)

EU mj   m Z j   mj (2)

Where EU kj and EU mj denote the expected utility with non-access and access to credit,

respectively, and Z represents a set of the cassava farmer J’s socioeconomic and demographic
variables.  is a random disturbance and assumed to be independently and identically distributed with
mean zero. Then the difference in expected utility may be written as:
EU mj  EU kj  ( mj Z j   mj )  ( kj Z j   kj )

= ( m   j )Z j  ( mj   kj )  Z j   j (3)

If EU mj  EU kj  0 ,the cassava farmer will prefer to borrow money. Thus, the difference of the

expected utility between access and non-access to credit is the potential factor that influences the
farmers’ decisions.

Many of the numerous studies that assessed the determinants of access to credit had treated access to
credit as a binary variable and utilized the Logit, Probit, or Linear probability. Logit and Probit models
are appropriate when the dependent variable is dichotomous (0, 1). In this study our objective goes
beyond the determinants of access to credit to analyze the intensity of the credit use, therefore we
adopt the Tobit model. This is because the Tobit model which is an extension of the Probit model is

useful for continuous values that are censored at or below zero (Anley et al., 2007) as we have in this
data set. When a variable is censored, regression models for truncated data provide inconsistent
estimates of the parameters.

The Tobit model assesses not only the probability of access to credit, but also the intensity or degree
of access to credit measured by the total amount of credit obtained by the farmer for the production
season under study in relation to the farmer’s socioeconomic and demographic variables. The Tobit
model supposes that there is a latent unobserved variable g i that depends linearly on z i through a

parameter vector  . There is a normally distribute error term i to capture the random influence on

this relationship. The observed variable g i is defined as being equal to the latent variable whenever
the latent variable is above zero and equal to zero otherwise.
 g * if  0
gi   i (4)
0 if g i  0

Where g i is a latent variable:

g i*  zi   i ,  i N (0,  2 )

If the relationship parameter  is estimated by regressing the observed g i on z i the resulting

Ordinary Least Squares estimator (OLS) is inconsistent. Maddala (1983) has proven that the
likelihood estimator suggested by Tobin (1958) for this model is consistent.

The likelihood function of the model (4) is given by L as follows:

L   Fi ( g 0i ) f i ( g i ) (5)
0 1

L   1  F ( zi /  ) 1 f ( g i  zi ) /  

0 i

where f and F are the standard normal density and cumulative distribution functions, respectively.
Then we can write the log-likelihood function as:

1 1
LogL   log(1  F ( z i /  )   log( ) ( g i  z i ) 2 (6)
0 1 (2  ) 2 1/ 2
1 2 2

The parameters  and  are estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood function:

 LogL
  i
z f ( z i ) /  1
  0 1  F ( z i /  )
 2

 (g i  z i ) z i  0
 1

LogL z i f ( z i  /  )
 

 i2 
 (g  z i ) 2  0
 2 2 0 1  F ( z i /  ) 2 2 4
2 i

Since the two equations (7) are non-linear, the maximum likelihood estimator must be obtained by
an iterative process (Greene, 2003).

3.1.1. The Empirical Tobit Model

The variables used in the analysis are presented in Table 2. The dependent variable indicating the
farmers’ access to credit is measured by the total amount of credit obtained by the farmers from all
available credit sources, for the productive season under investigation. Following the literature on the
determinants of access to credit, the following explanatory variables were included in the model: the
farmers’ age, the farm size, the total livestock units, household size, years of formal education, the
monetary value of household productive assets, income from off-farm employment, own television ,
rented land for farming, gender of the household head, and total cassava output. The empirical model
is presented implicitly below:



The family ability as proxy by AGE of the household head is hypothesized to be negatively related to
the dependent variable. This implies that the younger farmers who tend to be more risk neutral are
expected to have access to credit than the older farmers. GENDER is a dummy variable that takes the
value of 1 if the household head is male and zero otherwise and was hypothesized to be positively
related to the dependent variable. This is because male-headed households have more access to credit
than the female-headed households. Total farm output is hypothesized to be positively related to the
dependent variable. The higher the output, the larger the amount of credit a farmer will be likely to

The household endowments measured by the monetary value of the household production assets is
hypothesized to be positively related to the dependent variable. The farmers farming and loan
repayment capacity proxy by the area of farmland is hypothesized to be positively related to the
dependent variable. This is because the size of the farmland owned by a farmer is an indication of
wealth and perhaps a proxy for social status and influence within a community. Family labor
endowment represented by the number of people in the household is also hypothesized to be

positively related to the dependent variable. In the same vein, income earned through non-farm
employment is also expected to be positively related to the dependent variable. Off-farm income will
reduce the perception of risk and increase the likelihood of access to credit.

Total Tropical Livestock Unit (TTLU) which is used as a measure of the household livestock
endowment and was calculated using the following conversion factors for the livestock: 0.7, 0.2, 0.1,
and 0.01 for cattle, pig, Shot (goat/sheep) and poultry, respectively. TTLU is expected to be positively
related to the dependent variable, as they may act as productive assets (oxen and manure) and can
also act as additional sources of household income (African Agricultural Technology Foundation,
2009). Land ownership status measured is a dummy variable that is 1 if the farmer rented land for
farming and it is hypothesized to be negatively related to the dependent variable. Other household
non-productive asset include a television set which is a dummy variable that takes the value of one if
the household has a television and zero otherwise. The non-productive asset is also a measure of the
financial strength of the farmers and is also hypothesized to be positively related to the dependent
variable. Education of household head is measured by the number of years of schooling and it is
hypothesized to be positively related to the dependent variable.

3.2. The Impact Evaluation Framework: Endogenous Switching Regression Model (ESRM)

This study investigates the impact of rural smallholder cassava farmers’ access to credit on
agricultural productivity. Some past studies have attempted to identify the effect of credit on many
outcomes by estimating separate production or supply functions for those farmers that have access to
credit and those that did not and then proceed to compare the estimates. One major weakness of this
approach is the implicit assumption that all farmers that have access to credit and those that did not
are respectively identical with respect to their credit demand or supply situation. In addition, there is
also the problem of endogeneity which arises from the fact that access to credit is either voluntary or
some farmers are in better position than others to have access to credit. For example, wealthy,
educated, or more productive farmers are more likely to have access to credit than others. Thus, self-
selection into access to credit is the major source of endogeneity in this study. One of the best
solutions to explicitly account for such endogeneity is to use simultaneous models (Hausman, 1983).
More importantly, we adopt an ESRM in this study to specifically correct for any possible sample
selection bias which may arise from other interventions that provide multiple services to farmers in
addition to credit (Lee, 1978; Madalla, 1983; Freeman et al., 1998).

Basically, the ESRM is an econometric model that specifies a decision process and the regression
models associated with each decision option, and it is used to address issues of self-selection and the

estimation of treatment effects when there is non-random allocation of subjects to treatment and non-
treatment groups as is generally the case with observational (as opposed to experimental) data (Alene
and Manyong, 2007). The sample-selection and disequilibrium models belong to this general class of
switching models with the switch determined endogenously (Maddala and Nelson, 1975). With the
problem of selection bias which can arise as a result of endogenous program placement, we are likely
not to get a consistent estimate of the impact of the treatment on our outcomes of interest without
adopting an estimation approach that can remove the selection bias (observable and unobservable
bias). The literature has shown that access to credit depends not only on the farmers’ observable
characteristics, but is also a function of some unobservable characteristics which if not controlled for
can either overestimate, underestimate, or report impact where none exists at all. Therefore, we
estimated an ESRM to control for the selection bias. Using the ESRM we can evaluate the direction
and degree of non-random selection of farmers with access to credit and the selection biases that are
implicit in Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimates of access to credit effects. In addition, it is also
possible to simulate how the cassava farmers would fare if placed in an alternative scenario (Mare
and Winship, 1987)

The model used in this study is adapted from Feder et al. (1990), Alene and Manyong (2007),
Nyangena and Köhlin (2008), Asfaw et al. (2010), and Lokshin and Sajaia, (2004). We first specify
the binary decision choice of cassava farmers’ access to credit conditional on observed covariates
using a Probit model as follows:

Pi*  Zi   i

Pi  1 if Pi*  0 (9)

Pi  0 if Pi*  0
Due to the selection biases, the cassava farmers’ are believed to experience two regimes as follows:

Regime 1 (access credit): G1i  1H i  1C1i  1i (10a)

Regime 2 (No access to credit): G2i  2 H i  2C2i  2i (10b)

where G1i and G2i are the productivities of the farmers in regimes 1 and 2, respectively. H i represents
a vector of exogenous variables which are hypothetically assumed to determine the cassava
productivity function. 1 , and 2 are the parameters to be estimated and  1 and  2 are the error
terms. Finally, the error terms are believed to have a trivariate normal distribution, with zero mean
and non-singular covariance matrix expressed as follows:

 12  12  1 
cov( i , 1 , 2 )  
 12  2  2 
 1  2  2 


 12  var( 1 ) ;  22  var( 2 ) ;  2  var( 1 ) ;  12  cov( 1 , 2 ) ;  1  cov( 1 ,  i ) ;  2  cov( 2 ,  i ); 2

represents variance of the error term in the selection equation and  12 ,  22 represents variance of the
error term in the outcome equations.

According to Maddala (1983), when there are unobservable factors associated with selection bias, the

important implication of the error structure is based on the fact that the error term ( i ) of the selection
equation (9) is correlated with the error terms ( 1 , 2 ) of the outcome functions 10a and 10b, the

expected values of  1i , 2i conditional on the sample selection are non-zero:

 (Zi  /  ) 
E ( 1i | Pi  1)  E ( 1i |  i   Z i  )   1    1  1 (12a)
 ( Z i  /  ) 

   (Zi  /  ) 
E ( 2i | P  0i )  E ( 2i |  i   Z i  )   2     2  2 (12b)
1   ( Z i  /  ) 

Where  and  are the probability density and cumulative distribution functions of the standard

normal distribution, respectively. The ratio of  and  evaluated at Z i , represented by  1 and  2

in equations 12a and 12b is referred to as the Inverse Mills Ratio (IMR) which denotes selection bias
terms. The IMR provide the correlation between access to credit and the productivity. Previous
studies have used a two-stage method to estimate the endogenous switching model (e.g., Lee, 1978;
Feder et al., 1990; Fuglie and Bosch, 1995; Freeman et al., 1998). In the first stage, a Probit model
of the criterion equation is estimated and the IMRs  1 and  2 are derived according to definitions in
equation 12a and 12b. In the second stage, these predicted variables are added to the appropriate
equation in 10a and 10b, respectively to yield the following sets of equations.

G1i  1H i  1  1  1P1i  1 (13a)

G2i  2 H i   2  2  21P2i  2 (13b)

The coefficient of the variables  1 and  2 provide estimates of the covariance terms 1 and  2
respectively. Since the variables  1 and  2 have been estimated, the residuals 1 and  2 cannot be

used to calculate the standard errors of the two-stage estimates. While Lee (1978) suggested a
procedure to derive consistent standard errors most especially for the two-stage approach, Maddala
(1983) argues that such a procedure requires a potentially cumbersome and complicated process
which most studies failed to implement. According to by Lokshin and Sajaia (2004), Full Information
Maximum Likelihood (FIML) is an efficient method to analyze the ESRM. Thus, this study utilizes
a single-stage approach proposed by Lokshin and Sajaia (2004) where the FIML method was
estimated using the movestay command available in the STATA statistical software. The FIML
method has been adopted by Alene and Manyong (2007) and Asfaw et al. (2010) among many others.

The FIML considers the complete system of equations, and all the parameters are jointly estimated.
Estimators obtained by FIML enjoy all the properties of maximum likelihood estimators. They are
consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The FIML simultaneously fit the selection
(equation 9) and outcomes (10a and 10b) equations in order to yield consistent standard errors, thus
making  1 and  2 in equation 13a and 13b, respectively homoscedastic. The FIML’s log likelihood
function for switching regression model employed in this study proposed by Lokshin and Sajaia
(2004) is described below:

  ( Z   1 (G1i  H1i  /  1 ))  

 Pi ti ln F ( i )  ln( f (G1i  H1i  /  ) 
N   1  12  
 
ln Pi     (14)
i 1   ln(1  F ( Z    (G  H  ) /  ) 
 (1  Pi )ti 
i 2 2i 21 2
 ln( f ((G2i  H 2i  ) / 2 ) 

 
 1   2
2  

The sign of the correlation coefficients 1 and  2 have economic interpretations (Fuglie and

Bosch, 1995). If 1 and  2 have alternate signs, then individual farmers obtain credit on the basis
of their comparative advantage: those farmers that have access to credit have above average returns
from access to credit and those who choose not to access credit have above-average returns from non-
access to credit. On the other hand, if the coefficient has the same sign, it indicates hierarchical
sorting: the cassava farmers that have access to credit have above-average returns whether they have
access to credit or not, but they are better-off if they have access to credit, whereas farmers without
access to credit have below-average returns in either case, but they are better off not having access to
credit. The ATT of farmers without access to credit can be calculated as:
ATT  E(G1i  G2i | Pi  1)  Hi (1  2 )  (1   2 ) 1 (15)

In equation 10, E(G1i | Pi  1)  Hi 1  1 1 represents the expected outcome for households that

have access to credit, had they chose to have access to credit. E(G2i P  1)  Hi 2   2 1 represents

the expected cassava productivity for the farming households who have access to credit, had they
chose not to have access to credit. For convenience, the estimation of the above equations was carried
out using the add-on command movestay in STATA statistical package, written by M. Lokshin
(DECRG, The World Bank) and Z. Sajaya (Stanford University), which was designed especially for
this type of endogenous switching regression model. The empirical equation of the ESRM to be
estimated is demand of credit function, which is a Probit regression and a cassava production function.
The access to credit decision equation, which is equivalent to equation (9), is specified as follows:
The dependent variable is binary taking the value of 1 if the farmer has access to credit and 0
otherwise. The separate productivity function for the cassava farmers that have access to credit and
those that did not have access to credit similar to equation (13) is as follows:


Where ln is a natural logarithm, productivity is the total output of cassava per hectare. The definition
and description of the variables included in the model is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Variable Definition and Description.

Variable Definition Mean SD
CREDITACCESS Dummy = 1 if farmer has access to credit 0.17 0.38
Pressure on the farm land calculated as total farm size 3.74 3.36
LANDPRESS divided by the household size
RENTEDLAND Dummy = 1 if the farmer rented the land for farming 0.76 0.43
DEPENDRATIO The ratio of dependents to the total household size 0.64 0.78
AGE The age of the household heads in years 50.00 16.00
AGE2 Square of the age of household head 2754.42 1643.09
TTLU Total livestock unit 0.39 0.47
GENDER Dummy = 1 if the household head is male 0.83 0.38
EDUC Years of formal education, 0 otherwise 6.00 4.89
LAND Total farm size 2.59 2.44
OWNTELE Dummy = 1 if farmer owns television, 0 otherwise 0.40 0.49
OUTPUT Cassava output in kg 3523.36 2878.08
Dummy = 1 if the farmer has radio, mobile phone or 0.86 0.34
ACCINFOASSET television set, 0 otherwise

NFINC Dummy = 1 if the farmer participate in off-farm activities 0.27 0.44
HHSIZE The total household size ( number) 4.00 2.00
NPRODASSET Monetary value of non-farm assets (N) 72988.43 84396.05
PRODASSET Monetary value of farm assets (N) 11052.84 9966.942
EKITIDUM Dummy = 1 if the farmer is from Ekiti State 0.10 0.30
OGUNDUM Dummy = 1 if the farmer is from Ogun State 0.15 0.35
ONDODUM Dummy = 1 if the farmer is from Ondo State 0.19 0.39
OSUNDUM Dummy = 1 if the farmer is from Osun State 0.24 0.43
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4. Data and Descriptive Statistics


The study area is Nigeria. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has 36 States and a
Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The States are also sub-divided into smaller administrative
units known as Local Government Areas (LGAs). The country is also disaggregated into six geo-
political zones: north–east, north-west, north-central, south-east, south-west, and south-south. This
study was carried out in the south-west zone because of its importance in the extent and dynamics of
ICV adoption. The south-west zone comprises six States, out of which five States (Ekiti, Osun, Ogun,
Ondo, and Oyo) were purposively selected due to the vast dissemination of ICVs in those States.

To ensure a sub-nationally representative sample of communities and households, a three-stage

stratified random sampling procedure was adopted, whereby States were used as strata to improve
sampling efficiency and account for possible major differences in access to credit among the
smallholder cassava farmers across the States. LGAs that are basically rural were used as primary
sampling units (PSUs). Enumeration areas (EAs), defined as a cluster of housing units, were used as
secondary sampling units (SSUs). The rural smallholder farming households were used as the final
sampling units. LGAs were selected from each State based on probability proportional to size, where
size is measured in terms of the number of EAs. The EAs that formed the sampling frame were
obtained from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) which uses the 2003/2004 master sample
frame of the National Integrated Survey of Households (NISH). The advantage of using EAs as
sampling units is that each is approximately equal in size. This ensured that all farmers had an equal
probability of being selected, unlike the situation when sampling units are towns or villages of
unequal size. Within each LGA, four EAs were selected at random from a sampling frame of EAs
classified as rural or semi-urban, giving a total of 80 EAs or villages. (As clusters of housing units,
the EAs are similar to villages or communities.)

Finally, a list of households was developed for the selected EAs and a sample of at least 10 farming
households was selected randomly in each of the sampled EAs, giving a total sample of 860
households (Table 2). The survey was carried between August and October, 2011. Community and
household questionnaires were administered by trained enumerators under the field supervision of a
senior agricultural economist and the direction of IITA’s economist.The data was collected using
well-structured questionnaire. After data cleaning, about 856 (99.5%) of the questionnaires were
useful for the analysis.

Table 2: Distribution of the Sample Households across the Selected States.

Characteristics Ekiti Ogun Ondo Osun Oyo All

All Enumeration Areas (EAs) 11,561 12,754 19,213 25,910 31,137 100,575
16 20 18 30 33 117
All Local Government Areas
Sample LGAs 2 3 4 5 6 20

Sample EAs or communities 8 12 16 20 24 80

Sample households 88 125 175 209 244 841
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2. Descriptive Statistics

4.2.1.Variables definition and description

The definition and description of the variables used for the empirical analyses is presented in Table
1. The result shows that the average age of the respondents is 50 years, thus they are still in their
productive age. The majority of the respondents (83%) are male, with an average household size of
four persons. The average farm size is 2.59 ha, with an average land pressure of about 4 persons per
hectare. This implies land access is a problem among the cassava farmers and this explains why about
76% plant cassava on rented farmland. The respondents are literate with an average of six years of
formal education. Access to credit is still a major constraint to agricultural production as evidently
revealed by the small number (17%) of farmers that have access to credit. A larger percentage (86%)
of the respondents have access to information enhanced assets such as radio, mobile phone, and
television. The average monetary value of the respondents’ farm and non-farm assets is about
N11,052.84 and N72,988.43, respectively. This suggests that the farmers are creditworthy, since they
could use some of these assets as collateral to gain access to credit.

4.2.2. Distribution of Respondents according to Socioeconomic Characteristics

Table 3 presents the distribution of the farmers according to some notable socioeconomic
characteristics. The results show that male-headed households dominate cassava production in
Nigeria. This is understandable in view of the tedious nature of the activities involved in cassava
production. For instance, some cassava varieties perform better on big heaps, which are not easy for
the women farmers to make. About 76% of the respondents are between 18 and 60 years of age. This
implies that cassava production is not in the hands of too old people. The farmers are still very active
and should be highly productive if they have access to adequate productivity enhancing inputs at the
right time. About 73% of the respondents have a household size of between 1 and 5 persons, while
about 26% have between 6 and 10 persons. About 27% of the respondents cultivate less than 1 ha of
farmland. Most respondents cultivate between one to four hectares of farmland. This shows that that
cassava production in Nigeria is still largely concentrated in the hands of small-scale farmers.

Table 3: Distribution of Respondents according to Socioeconomic Characteristics.

Socioeconomic Characteristic Number of Percentage
Male 707 82.59
Female 149 17.41
Demand for credit (1 = yes)) 167 19.51
Access to credit (1 = yes) 146 17.06
Acquire credit for agricultural production (1 = yes) 146 17.06
Acquire credit for non-agricultural purposes(1 = yes) 35 4.09
Acquire credit for both agricultural and non-agricultural 81 9.46
Household size
15 625 73.01
610 221 25.82
> 10 10 1.17
< 31 113 13.20
3140 148 17.29
4150 228 26.64
5160 160 18.69
61-70 120 14.02
7180 73 8.53
> 80 14 1.64
Years of Formal Education
0 243 28.39
1–6 333 38.90
7–12 204 23.83
13–16 58 6.78
> 16 9 1.05

Farm Size
>1 235 27.45
1–2 273 31.89
2.1–3 102 11.92
3.1–4 102 11.92
4.1–5 24 2.80
5.1–6 20 2.34
6.1–7 9 1.05
7.1–8 38 4.44
>8 50 5.84
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

About 39% of the farmers are literate with only primary education. This level of education will afford
the farmers the opportunity to read and write and also to be able to process information that can
enhance their access to credit. Despite this endowment, only about 20% of the farmers demanded for
credit out of which only 17% have access to the credit. In addition, 17% acquired the credit for
agricultural production purposes, while 4% obtained the credit for other non-agricultural purposes.
In the same vein about 9% of the farmers obtained the credit for both agricultural and non-agricultural

4.2.3.Average Credit Obtained by Selected Household Characteristics

Evidence of variation in the amount of credit obtained by socioeconomic characteristics is presented

in Table 4. The analysis reveals that gender of household head influences the amount of credit
obtained. Male-headed households on the average obtain large amounts of credit, up to about 31.59%
higher than female-headed households. This is in support of the facts presented in the literature that
female-headed households in general lack access to agricultural productive resources. Consequently,
productivity of female-headed households is usually lower compared with that of male-headed

Similarly, farmers that adopt improved planting materials also obtained higher credit to the tune of
about 39% more than the non-adopters. This is an indication that adoption of improved agricultural
technologies is capital intensive, and hence access to credit is necessary for the realization of the
desired optimum output. Education of the household head is also important in the amount of credit
obtained. Education facilitates access to and productive use of information. Consequently, educated
farmers obtained larger amounts of credit (14.86%) than the non-educated farmers.

In view of the fact that land is one measure of wealth among rural dwellers, therefore, as expected,
farmers that own their farmland obtained higher credit of about 37.09% more than those that operate
on rented farmland. However, having agriculture as the main occupation appears to be a disincentive

to credit access. This is reflected in the low amount of credit obtained by sole farmers compared with
those that have agriculture as a secondary occupation. Farmers obtained about 35.72% credit less
than those that have agriculture as a secondary occupation. This could be attributed to the risky nature
of farming.

Table 4: Average Credit Obtained by Selected Household Characteristics.

Characteristics Average credit obtained (N)
Male 61,336.36
Female 41,955.56
Adoption of improved cassava varieties
Adopter 62,795.08
Non-adopters 38,304.35
Ogun 38,325.00
Ondo 57,900.00
Oyo 48,417.30
Ekiti 66,504.76
Osun 70,954.65
Education Background
Educated 61,125.80
No education 52,042.86
Rented land
Own farmland 78,330.61
Rent farmland 49,279.49
Primary occupation
Agriculture 56,756.41
Non-agriculture 77,031.25
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2.4.Proportion that Demanded Credit for Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Use

The assessment of credit demand, acquire credit, and credit constraint status of the farming
households is presented in Table 5. The analysis shows the different reasons/purposes for which credit
was demanded. The reasons were broadly categorized into agricultural and non-agricultural purposes.
The major reasons for demanding a loan for agricultural uses was related to planting material
purchases (24.02%), fertilizer purchases (15.14%), crop operations (27.94%), and land acquisition
(2.87%). The main reasons for which credit is demanded for non-agricultural uses related to
business/trade (4.44%), food (4.18%), children’s education (11.23%), health medical (5.48%), and
other social obligations such as burial, marriage, and naming ceremonies (4.69%). We discover that
not all the farmers that demanded credit actually acquired the credit. Overall, 383 farmers demanded
for credit, while only 157 (40.99%) of the farmers actually obtained the credit. Thus, 226 (59%) of

the farmers that asked for credit were not able to acquire it and hence are classified as credit
constrained. This shows that there are credit market imperfections in Nigeria and this could limit the
investment and operation of the farms. Most importantly, credit constraints can limit the size of farms,
as well as their growth, profits, and scope of operation. Above all it has a detrimental effect on poverty

Table 5: Proportion that Demand Credit for Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Uses.
Demand Credit Acquire Credit Credit Constrained
Uses of Credit Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
(A) (B) (AB)
Planting material 92.00 24.02 45.00 28.66 47.00 20.79
Fertilizer 58.00 15.14 20.00 12.74 38.00 16.81
Crop operations 107.00 27.94 39.00 24.84 68.00 30.09
Land Acquisition 11.00 2.87 3.00 1.91 8.00 3.54
Business or trade 17.00 4.44 4.00 2.55 13.00 5.75
Food 16.00 4.18 6.00 3.82 10.00 4.42
Children’s 43.00 11.23 21.00 13.38 22.00 9.73
education 21.00 5.48 8.00 5.09 13.00 5.75
Health/medical 18.00 4.69 11.00 7.00 7.00 3.09
Social obligations 383.00 100.00 157.00 100.00 226.00 100.00
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2.5. Distribution of Respondents According to Amount of Loan obtained for Agricultural


Farmers require credit mainly for agricultural production which includes purchase of inputs such as
fertilizer, seed and agrochemicals (herbicides and pesticides), land acquisition, and hired labor. Table
6 presents the distribution of the respondents according to the amount of credit obtained for
agricultural purposes. The average amount of credit obtained for agricultural production purposes
was N6338.90. A larger percentage (86%) of the respondents obtained between N0 and N5000. About
3% of the respondents obtained between N16,000 and N 20,000. A negligible proportion (0.95%)
obtained above N100,000. This reveals that the amount of credit required by the farmers is still very
small and might not be able to transform the farmers into commercial cassava producers.

Table 6: Distribution of Respondents According to Amount of Loan Obtained for
Agricultural Production .
Amount (N) Frequency Percentage (%)
05000 740 86.45
600010,000 13 1.52
11,00015,000 9 1.05
16,000–20,000 22 2.57
21,000–30,000 17 1.99
31,000–40,000 13 1.52
41,000–50,000 15 1.75
51,000–100,000 19 2.22
> 100,000 8 0.95

Total 856.00 100.00

Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2.6. Distribution of Respondents According to Amount of Loan Obtained for Non-

Agricultural Production.

Access to credit is also an important source of cash for the farmers to meet other household financial
needs aside from farming operations. Many other needs listed by the farmers include payment of
children school fees, food, off-farm business, family health, and other social obligations which
include ceremonies such as naming, marriage, and burial. Fulfilling all these needs through access to
credit can also improve the farming households’ well-being. Average credit obtained for non-
agricultural purposes is N3788.79. As shown in Table 7, a large percentage (84%) of the respondents
got between 0 and N5000. About 3% obtained between N51,000 and N100,000. Only eight of the
respondents (0.94%) obtained more than N200,000 for non-agricultural purposes.

Table 7: Distribution of Respondents According to Amount of Loan Obtained for Non-

Agricultural Production.

Amount (N) Frequency Percentage (%)

0–5000 723 84.46
6000–10,000 10 1.17
11,000–15,000 9 1.05
16,000–20,000 20 2.34
21,000–30,000 19 2.22
31,000–40,000 17 1.99
41,000–50,000 17 1.99
51,000–100,000 22 2.57
110,000–200,000 11 1.29
> 200,000 8 0.94

Total 856.00 100.00

Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2.7. Average Variable Cost Structure of Cassava Production
The average variable cost of cassava production in the study area (Table 8) reveals that the average
variable cost for the total sample is N46,166.43. This shows that cassava production in Nigeria is
highly capital intensive and this high average cost of production could be a disincentive for
smallholder cassava farmers and in the presence of credit constraints or lack of access to credit this
could lead to a reduction in productivity. The breakdown of the variable cost into the different farm
activities shows that the cost of hired labor for all the related farm activities represents a larger
percentage (89.23%) of the variable cost of cassava production. The cost of labor for land preparation
is the highest among all the costs at about 36.24% of the total cost of cassava production and it is
followed closely by the cost of labor for weeding (26.80%). The total cost of farm inputs such as
improved planting material, and inorganic fertilizer, herbicide and pesticides represents about 20%
of the total cost of production. In essence, cassava production is highly costly.

Table 8: Average Variable Cost Structure of Cassava Production.

Activity Cost (N) Percentage of total cost
Cost of inorganic fertilizer 225.99 0.44
Cost of cassava planting material 5346.08 10.33
Hired labor for land preparation 18,751.76 36.24
Hired labor for cassava planting 6962.72 13.46
Hired labor for weeding 13,868.41 26.80
Hired labor for harvesting 6583.51 12.72
Cost of herbicide/pesticide 4748.88 9.18
Total variable cost 51,738.47 100.00
Total cost of hired labor 46,166.43 89.23
Cost of improved agricultural technology 10,320.95 19.95
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011).

4.2.8.Test of Mean Differences in Socioeconomic/Demographic Characteristics between

Borrowers and Non-Borrowers

This section presents the test of the mean differences in some selected socioeconomic characteristics
of the farmers. The results as revealed in Table 9 show that the farmers that have access to credit are
not entirely similar to those that did not have access to credit. Those farmers that have access to credit
have statistically significant higher output, farm size, productive and non-productive assets,
agricultural expenditure, and years of formal education than those farmers that have no access to

credit. However, the results show no significant difference in yield between the two farmers, although
the kernel density graph (Fig. 1) of the log of yield reveals clearly that the farmers with access to
credit have higher yield compared with the farmers without access to credit.

Table 9: Test of Mean Differences in Socioeconomic/Demographic Characteristics between

Borrowers and Non-Borrowers.
Variable Total Access to Access to Mean t-test
credit = 1 credit = 0 Difference
Output (kg) 3523.36 4148.83 3365.79 783.04 3.14***
(100.51) (252.73) (107.77) (249.35)
Farm size (ha) 2.59 3.04 2.48 0.56 2.67***
(0.08) (0.20) (0.09) (0.21)
Yield (kg/ha) 2803.27 3032.42 2746.99 285.43 0.94
(120.94) (324.77) (127.84) (304.43)
Productive Asset value (N) 11,052.84 13,488.38 10,447.57 3040.81 3.55***
(344.09) (819.99) (374.88) (855.43)
Non-productive asset value (N) 72,988.43 83,417.66 70,396.65 13021.02 1.79*
(2913.68) (6788.58) (3217.71) (7287.74)
Agricultural expenditure (N) 1845.04 3041.92 1554.94 1486.98 2.73***
(217.05) (828.68) (178.74) (545.67)
Education (Years) 6.00 (0.17) 7.00 (0.39) 6.00 (0.19) 0.79 (0.42) 1.87*
Household size (Number) 5.00 (0.07) 5.00 (0.17) 4.00 (0.08) 0.21 (0.17) 1.02
Age (Years) 50.00 49.00 50.00 1.16 0.86
(0.53) (1.19) (0.59) (1.34)
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011)
Note: figures in parentheses are the standard errors.

Figure 1: Kernel Density-logyield


-5 0 5 10

access non-access

The above findings are not a reflection of the impact of access to credit on productivity; neither do
they indicate that those households that have access to credit are better in output or in other variables
than those that did not. Basically, this result is only a pointer to the fact that there is selection bias in
the sample and any conclusion on the impact of access to credit on any outcome of interest based on
the mean differences will be biased and generate erroneous policy recommendations. Thus, the
observed differences in yield and output between those farmers with access to credit and those without
have no causal interpretation. Therefore, to empirically determine the impact of access to credit on
our outcome of interest, we adopted other econometric models such as endogenous Switching
Regression model that conveniently eliminate observable and unobservable biases in the sample and
provide a consistent estimate of the impact.

5. Results and Discussion

This section presents the result of the Tobit model, and the ESRM.

5.1.Estimation Result of the Tobit Model of Amount of Credit Obtained

The Tobit model was adopted in this study to assess the factors that influence smallholder farmers’
access to credit. The maximum likelihood estimates of the Tobit model was carried out using STATA
11.0 statistical package. The result is presented in Table 10. Due to some missing data only 817
observations in our data set were used in the analysis. The final log likelihood is 2058.58 and the
likelihood ratio chi-square of 36.55 (df = 11) with a P-value of 0.0002 implies that the model as a
whole fits significantly better than an empty model (i.e., a model with no predictors).

Table 10: Estimation result of the Tobit model of amount of credit obtained
Variable Coefficient Std. Err. t-value P>t
NFINC 329.09 975.59 0.34 0.736
TTLU 21,841.84** 10,505.98 2.08 0.038
OUTPUT 2.00* 1.11 1.81 0.071
OWNTELE –22,887.10** 10,991.40 –2.08 0.038
RENTEDLAND –24,994.69** 11,031.10 –2.27 0.024
LAND 2547.26 2112.11 1.21 0.228
PRODASSET 0.97* 0.55 1.77 0.078
AGE –604.15* 349.93 –1.73 0.085
GENDER 1712.06 15,281.33 0.11 0.911
HHSIZE 3889.32* 2337.07 1.66 0.096
EDUC 503.57 1132.67 0.44 0.657
CONSTANT –92,799.37*** 28,282.97 –3.28 0.001
/sigma 95,616.36 6596.01
Log likelihood –2058.58

Number 817.00
LR Chi2(11) 35.75
Prob > chi2 0.0002
Pseudo R 0.0086
Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011)

Tobit regression coefficients are interpreted in the similar manner to OLS regression coefficients;
however, the linear effect is on the uncensored latent variable, not the observed outcome (McDonald,
1980). The empirical model of the Tobit model indicates that 10 out of the 11 variables included in
model have the hypothesized signs. The sign of OWNTELE variable is not consistent with our
expectation. The coefficient of the LAND, GENDER, EDUC and NFINC, variables are consistent
with our expectation, but not statistically significant. However, only seven variables significantly
affect the farmers’ decision to access credit.

The estimated coefficient of the TTLU variable is positive and statistically significant at 5%.The
positive sign as expected, implies that farmers with more livestock are more likely to obtain credit.
For a unit change in number of livestock, there is 21,841.84 point increase in the predicted value of
the amount of credit obtained by the farmers.

The estimated coefficient of cassava output (OUTPUT) variable is positive and statistically
significant at 10%, which implies that cassava output has a positive effect on the amount of credit
obtained by the farmers. For a unit increase in cassava output, there is 2.00 point increase in the
predicted value of the amount of credit obtained by the farmers. The term for OWNTELE and
RENTLAND variables has a slightly different interpretation. The predicted value of amount of credit
obtained by the farmers is 22,887.10 point lower for the farmers that own television than for those
that did not. In the same vein the predicted value of the amount of credit obtained by the farmers that
rented land for farming is 24,994.69 point lower for those farmers that rented the farmland than for
those that own the farmland.

The estimated coefficient of the PRODASSET variable is positive and statistically significant at 10%,
which suggests that the monetary value of the farmers’ productive assets such as hoes, cutlass,
machetes, wheelbarrow, sprayers, etc. has a positive effect on the amount of credit obtained. This is
contrary to the finding of Elhiraika and Ahmed (1998). In addition, for a unit increase in the
households’ productive asset, there is 0.97 point increase in the predicted value of the amount of
credit obtained by the farmers.

The estimated coefficient of AGE of household head variable is negative and statistically significant.
This implies that the age of the household has a negative effect on the amount of credit obtained.
Specifically, younger farmers are more likely to obtain credit than the older farmers and for a unit
increase in age, there is a 604.15 point reduction in the amount of credit obtained. This could be
because older farmers due to experience are more risk averse than the younger farmers. The
coefficient of the HHSIZE variable is positive and statistically significant at 10%. This shows that the
larger the household size, the higher the amount of credit a farmer will obtain. A unit increase in the
number of the household members increases the amount of credit obtained by 3889.32 points.

The ancillary statistic/sigma is analogous to the square root of the residual variance in OLS
regression. The value of 95,616.36 can be compared to the standard deviation of amount of credit
obtained which is 29,232.25, and represents a substantial increase.

5.2. Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the ESRM

This section presents the empirical evaluation of the impact assessment. The basic impact model
adopted is the ESRM capable of controlling for all possible biases that could confound our results.

The results of the estimation are presented in Table 11. The result of the estimates is in three parts,
one part consists of the Probit model of the determinants of access to credit. The result of the Probit
model reveals that total livestock unit and the farm size are positive and statistically significant in
determining the farmers access to credit. This can be explained by the fact that these two variables
represent a measure of farmers’ social status and wealth and the larger these assets, the more the
farmers gain access to credit.

Table 11: FIML Estimates of the Endogenous Switching Regression Model.

Access to credit
Variable (0/1) Access to credit = 1 Access to credit = 0
AGE –0.016 (0.018) 0.034 (0.059) 0.016 (0.018)
AGE2 0.000 (0.000) –0.000 (0.001) –0.000 (0.000)
EDUC 0.015 (0.012) –0.024 (0.037) 0.014 (0.011)
NFINC –0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
HHSIZE 0.037 (0.025) –0.025 (0.078) –0.052 (0.024)**
GENDER 0.001(0.163) 0.611 (0.527) –0.198 (0.144)
DEPENDRATIO 0.069 (0.062) –0.181 (0.194) –0.069 (0.063)
TTLU 0.202 (0.109)* –0.588 (0.354)* 0.014 (0.106)
LAND 0.039 (0.021)* –0.398 (0.069)*** –0.237(0.021)***
ACCINFOASSET –0.015 (0.182) –0.323 (0.584) –0.278 (0.160)*
OFFFARMINC 0.141(0.137) –0.292 (0.450) –0.051 (0.107)
CONSTANT –1.077 (0.528)** 12.106 (1 .743)*** 8.274 (0.494)***
INSTITUTEREL 0.051(0.084)

/lns1 1.112 (0.080)***
/lns2 0.201 (0.027)***
/r1 –2.711 (0252)***
/r2 –0.015 (0.224)
sigma_1 3.040 (0.245)
sigma_2 1.223 (0.033)
rho_1 –0.991(0.004)***
rho_2 –0.016 (0.224)
LR test of indep. eqns. : chi2(1) = 117.26 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011)

The coefficient estimates of the second stage switching regression model for the cassava productivity
(output per hectare) are shown in the second and third column of Table 11. The results of the
productivity regressions among the farmers that have access to credit are reported in the access to
credit = 1 column, and the productivity among the farmers without access to credit is presented in the
access to credit = 0 column. The total livestock unit and farm size have negative coefficients and are
statistically significant in explaining the variations in cassava productivity among the farmers that
have access to credit. This could be due to the fact that the more livestock farmers have, the less
devoted to farm production they would likely become. Livestock rearing could have the capacity to
take resources away from cassava production and hence, contribute to a reduction in productivity.
Similarly, large farm size could imply multiple cropping, which could also be competing with cassava
production for inputs and cash, thereby leading to reduced productivity.

In the same vein, household size, farm size, and access to information assets also have negative
coefficients and are statistically significant in explaining the variation in cassava productivity among
the farmers without access to credit. Large household size has been identified as a major contribution
to poverty among the rural farming households in Nigeria (Omonona and Okunmadewa, 2009).
Therefore, the larger the household size the greater the probability of being poor and the lesser the
availability of resources for agricultural production and hence there is more likelihood of reduced

The correlation coefficients rho_1 and rho_2 are both negative, but are statistically significant only
for the correlation between the credit access choice equation and the yield of those farmers with
access to credit. Since rho_1 is negative and statistically significantly different from zero, the model
suggests that farmers who choose to obtain credit have higher productivity than a random farmer from
the sample would have obtained. Those farmers without access to credit are not better or worse than
a random farmer. The likelihood ratio test for joint independence of the three equations is statistically

significant at 1%, this implies that these three models are not jointly independent and should not be
estimated separately. Table 12 reveals that the mean Average Treatment effect on the Treated (ATT)
is 5.39 and the t-test of the ATT shows that it is statistically and significantly different from zero.
This implies that those farmers that have access to credit have higher productivity than those that did
not have access to credit.

Table 12: One-sample t-test.

Variable Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev.

ATT 856 5.392667 0.0714716 2.091077

Source: IITA/DIIVA Adoption and Impact Survey (2011)

6. Summary, Conclusion, and Policy Recommendations

Improving the production capacity of agriculture in developing countries like Nigeria through
productivity increase is an important policy goal, especially in Nigeria where agriculture represents
an important sector in the economy. In this study we adopted the ESRM that accounts for both
heterogeneity and sample selection issues to examine the impact of access to credit on agricultural
productivity in rural Nigeria. The results show that majority of the farmers are still in their productive
age, cultivating an average of 2.59 ha of farm land, most of which is on rented farmland. Credit is
obtained mostly for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes.

The male-headed households obtained higher credit than the female counterparts. Similarly adopters
of improved cassava varieties and those that own the farmland for farming also obtained higher credit
than the other counterparts. However, the analysis shows that not all the farmers that demanded for
credit actually got the credit. The average variable cost of cassava production is high ( N 46,166.43),
which suggests that cassava production in Nigeria is capital intensive.

The test of mean difference in some selected socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers shows
significant differences between the farmers that have access to credit and those that did not. This is
an indication of selection bias in the sample. The empirical model of the Tobit model indicates that
only five out of the 11 variables included in the model are positively related to the intensity of credit
use. These positive and statistically significant variables include: the total livestock unit, output,
monetary value of the households’ productive assets, age of the household head, and household size.

The result of the first stage of the ESRM: the Probit model shows that total livestock unit and the
farm size are positive and statistically significant in determining the farmers access to credit. The

results of the second stage of the ESRM shows that the total livestock unit and farm size have negative
coefficients and are statistically significant in explaining the variations in cassava productivity among
the farmers that have access to credit, while household size, farm size, and access to information
assets are also have negative coefficients and are statistically significant in explaining the variation
in cassava productivity among the farmers without access to credit. In addition, the result shows that
farmers who choose to obtain credit have higher productivity levels than a random farmer from the
sample. This suggests that access to credit has a positive impact on productivity. In conclusion, access
to credit is an important factor in the quest to achieve increase agricultural productivity and hence,
this study recommends that access to credit should be included in any agricultural development
programs in Nigeria.


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