Why Crochet?
Crochet has many great qualities -- it's fairly easy once you
Crochet uses more yarn than knitting or weaving. All the
yarn. I think this is why crocheters are more likely to use acrylic
yarn than knitters. I'll admit that I was a yarn snob when I was
Are you ready to turn around from all this writing yet? Don't
Depending on what you buy and where you buy it, you can
get started for around $10 - $20 even cheaper if you scour
the thrift store or free if you steal them from your mom or
grandma (ok don't steal them but I'm sure they would be more
than happy to hand them over for the sake of the craft).
And while every crocheter will tell you with the time that you
It’s pretty fun. Can you imagine doing all crocheted projects
tool not only has a hook to help you maneuver the yarn
through stitches but it also has a way to make sure all your
stitches are nice and neat and all the same size.
Do you know what the name of these parts is? I didn’t until
Diameter determines Grip
crochet hook size
Thumb rest & ofter
where crochet hook
size is labeled
Where you hold
when crocheting
Hook Size
The size of the hook is determined by the diameter of the
Most US hooks are marked with letters and the small steel
hooks are marked with number sizes but sometimes they like
Make sure your thumb and middle finger are grasping the
entertaining at least!
Hold your crochet hook the same way you hold your fork
while eating.
perfect yarn and hook for the project. And while most
If this seems confusing now, don’t worry, the more time you
spend with yarn the more you’ll get it. Also, every pattern book
The working end of the yarn comes from the skein, and
the tail end of the yarn is the yarn being used or worked.
(illustration below)
Step 1: Take the tail end of the yarn and loop it over the
working end of the yarn.
Step 2: Pull and fold the tail end of the yarn toward the back
of the loop making a pretzel shape.
Step 3: Insert your hook through the first loop of the pretzel.
Step 4: Pull the loop through the pretzel making your crochet
slip knot.
an X shape before
Step 2: Continue to cross the tail end of your yarn over the
top of your fingers once more making the letter X.
Step 3: Push the yarn through the first loop being careful not
to push too far causing the entire tail end to come through.
Step 4: Pull your middle and index finger out of the X loop
and grab the working and tail end of the yarn. Tighten to
Step 1: Take the tail end of the yarn and loop it over the
working end of the yarn. Do this by holding the yarn or lying it
on a flat surface.
Step 2: Pull the loop and flip it over the working end of the
Here are some helpful tips if you are still having trouble
When you are finished making your crochet slip knot
make sure it is not too tight or too loose. This will make
the working end of the yarn while your slip knot is still on
If your slip knot is too loose pull on the tail end of the
yarn while your slip knot is still on your hook and this will
tighten it up.
The yarn hand feeds the yarn to your hook while you
style that works best for you so that you are comfortable
while crocheting.
The yarn hand controls the tension of the yarn being fed
will be.
This may not make sense at the moment, but once you
Side Note: While I teach you how to hold yarn for crochet, I
like to give names for the different yarn holding techniques
that I demonstrate.
Step 1: With palm facing down bring the tail end of your yarn
up between your little finger and ring finger. (demonstration
Step 2: Wrap the tail end of your yarn around your little
finger forming a loop around your pinky finger.
Step 3: Bring the tail end of the yarn over the top of your
Step 4: Allow your thumb and forefinger to grip the yarn for
2. The Loose Yarn Technique
This technique is similar to the pinky hold technique, but this
time you are not going to wrap your little finger with the
Step 1: With your palm facing down pull the tail end of the
yarn up through, and in-between your little finger and ring
Step 2: Continue to pull the yarn over the top of your hand
catching it with your thumb and forefinger for control.
Step 1: With palm facing down bring the tail end of the yarn
up through your little finger and index finger
Step 2: Continue to bring the yarn over the top of your hand
looping it around your forefinger (index finger).
to hold yarn for crochet that works too. Start out by using the
up when you are using a certain style stop using that style
stitch you need to learn when starting your very first project.
a chain stitch.
But now that you know the word foundation chain is the
the future!
Yarn Over is very simple: All you do is wrap the yarn over your
hook from back to front, or in other words push the yarn away
The picture below is showing Step #3: What yarn over looks
Step 4: Rotate the hook until it is facing down, or toward the
slip knot.
The picture below is showing Step #4: Rotate the hook down.
Step 5: Pull the yarn through the loop on your hook, and this
creates the first chain. Chain is abbreviated (ch)... Again this
The pictures below show Step #5: Pull the yarn through the
To create more chains continue this process by using the yarn
over, and pull through the loop techniques. Keep going until
Chaining Tips
Tip 2: Each chain should be the same size, so make sure your
tension on the yarn is the same for every chain you make.
Tip 3: If your stitches are tight and you find that you can't pull
the hook through the stitch... you need to relax your hands
Tip 4: If your stitches are loose, make sure your grip on the
yarn and hook is a little tighter... you may also want to bring
your yarn hand and hook hand closer together to shorten the
When you have finished your chain... you may not be sure how
Never count the loop that is still on your hook when counting
In the image below notice how each chain looks like the letter
The Single Crochet Stitch
The single crochet stitch is considered to be the most
Step 3: Yarn over (yo) your hook. Do this by wrapping the yarn
over your hook from back to front, or in other words push the
hook under the yarn strand, and then pivot the yarn toward
This will again leave you with two loops on your hook.
Step 5: Yarn over (yo) again by wrapping the yarn over your
hook once more.
Step 6: Pull the yarn through both loops on your hook. This will
leave you with one strand of yarn on your hook, and will also
By the time you are done, you should have (29 sc) in a row.
This is what your single crochet row should look like when it is
How To Single Crochet Into The Next Row
Remember when you chain you... yarn over and then pull
Tip: The top of the stitch on single crochet looks like the letter
"V", and this is where you want to insert your hook.
There will now be three loops on your hook because the (sc)
This means that you should only pull the yarn through the first
two loops on your hook. Remember the first two loops make
There will now be one loop left on your hook, and your first
Step 2: Place your hook into the 3rd chain from your hook.
Tip: When placing the half double stitch into the foundation
chain, you will always want to place this stitch into the 3rd
chain from your hook. You will end up with the original 2
loops over the hook with the 3rd loop from the chain.
Another Tip: Always enter your hook into the top loop of the
chain unless the pattern you are following requires something
Step 4: Draw the yarn through the chain. You will now have 3
loops on your hook.
Step 5: Yarn over the hook, (yo).
double stitch! Now continue placing this stitch into the rest of
Tip: When using this stitch you will always want to chain 2
when moving up a row. Remember the chain 2 counts as your
Tip: Always skip the first stitch and place your first half
double crochet into the second stitch. This is because the
V = Stitch.
Step 2: Insert your hook into the 4th chain from your hook.
Tip: Always enter your hook into the top loop of the chain
unless the pattern you are following requires something
Step 3: Yarn over the hook, (yo).
Step 4: Pull or draw the yarn through the chain. There will
now be 3 loops on your hook
Step 5: Yarn over the hook, (yo).
Step 6: Pull the yarn through only the first 2 loops on your
hook and not through the last loop. The first two loops will
the hook and the last loop that you didn't pull the yarn
Step 8: Pull the yarn through the last 2 loops on your hook,
and your first double crochet is now complete.
Now finish placing all of your double crochets into the
foundation chain!!
Tip: When double crocheting into your second row, and all of
the rows that follow... you will always want to skip the first
stitch and place your first double crochet into the second
double crochet.
Tip: The stitch that you will be working in is made up of two
strands of yarn. The stitch looks like the letter 'V'... Stitch = V.
Step 5: Pull or draw the yarn through the stitch. There will
now be 3 loops on your hook.
Repeat steps 5 through 8 from the first row.
hear the word treble you will now understand its meaning.
The triple crochet is great to stitch that is commonly used for
love using the triple crochet for weaving ribbon in and out of
its stitches... but I have also seen it used for loose sweaters,
Another Tip: Always enter your hook into the top loop of the
chain unless the pattern you are following requires something
Step 3: Yarn over the hook, (yo).
Step 4: Pull or draw the yarn only through the chain you just
entered. There will now be 4 loops on your hook.
Step 5: Yarn over the hook, (yo). ok, (yo).
Step 6: Only pull the yarn through the first 2 loops on your
hook. There will now be 3 loops on your hook.
Good job... you have now completed your first triple crochet!
Now Finish placing this stitch into the foundation chain and
first triple crochet stitch, and is also called the turning chain.
Step 5: Pull or draw the yarn through the stitch. There will
now be 4 loops on your hook.
Repeat steps 5 through 10 from the first row.
Tip: Remember that on the second row and all of the rows
that follow you will be crocheting into the stitch rather than
kit. A yarn needle is a needle with a big eye and a blunt point.
want to weave in and out of the stitches, but also make sure
want to work your last stitch to the last two loops on your
hook. Remember this goes for any other stitch used as well!
Step 4: Place the new yarn on your hook and pull the new
color through the two loops on your hook.
Step 5: Cut the first color's attached strand of yarn leaving 4
to 5 inches of yarn attached.
Step 6: Pull on both the old and new tail ends, or loose
strands of yarn to secure the new color into place.
After you place the new rows, follow steps 1 through 8 and
but not complete it the same way.) So, insert your hook
Photo #4 – Yarn over, and pull through the first two loops.
There are two loops remaining.
Photo #5 – Yarn over, and pull through the last two loops.
Finished! See how there is only one space now for two
If you continue, the rest of row 2 will be to double crochet in
loose yarn ends now that you are done with your work...
that you will follow in this series because there is only one
This means when you are finished with your project and you
are ready to make the first cut... PLEASE make sure you leave
If you don't have 4-6 inches of yarn after your cut... you will
and you will not be able to weave it closed... AND you will be
you create your first slip knot when starting your project,
prepare to leave 4-6 inches of yarn sticking out of the knot.
This will also be used for weaving at the end of your project.
After you make your finishing cut all you need to do now is use
your crochet hook to pull the loose end of yarn all the way
through the last loop that is on your hook. Pull the yarn strand
tight with your fingers and that is all there is to this lesson!!
Picture = Step 2: Use the crochet hook to pull the loose end
of yarn all the way through the last loop on the hook.
Picture = Step 3: Pull the yarn strand tight with your fingers.
We know that with all this information
Let's do it!