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Many amongst the ranks of the Heretic Astartes choose to offer service to Vashtorr in return for the very practical and
direct boons he offers in return. Entire hosts of these warriors march to battle alongside the Arkifane’s daemon-infused

war engines, each such army a cog in Vashtorr’s metaphysical engines of galactic ruination.

• A ll units from your army must have the Traitoris RELICS
Astartes keyword. If your army is Cogs of Vashtorr, you have access
• Your Warlord must be Vashtorr the Arkifane. With to these Relics in addition to those found in
the exception of Vashtorr the Arkifane, your army Codex: Chaos Space Marines.
cannot include any named characters or Daemon
• Your army cannot include any Khorne Berzerkers, This talisman depicts Vashtorr’s hammer set into a
Rubric Marines, Plague Marines or Noise pentagonal noctilith housing. It maintains a tendrilous
Marines units. connection to the Forge of Souls itself, allowing its bearer
to focus those energies into undoing damage done to
BENEFITS rampaging Daemon Engines.
• A ll of the units from your army gain the Cogs of
Vashtorr keyword. Cogs of Vashtorr model only. In your Command phase,
• You have access to the Cogs of Vashtorr Relics select one friendly Daemon Engine model within 9" of
and Stratagems. the bearer. Until the start of your next Command phase,
• Units from your army gain the Techinfernal Foci each time that model would lose a wound, roll one D6:
ability (see below). on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
• Detachments in your army never count as a Legion
Detachment (see Codex: Chaos Space Marines), and HELM OF THE CYBERPHAGE
you cannot use any Legion-specific Stratagems, This sentient helm is infested with dataparasitic daemon
Relics, Warlord Traits or psychic powers (e.g. even if imps that reveal every weakness of the enemy’s war
such a Detachment only contained Traitoris Astartes engines to the wearer. They, in turn, offer up their insights
units with the Black Legion keyword, it would not in tribute to the ironclad avatars of the Arkifane’s will.
count as a Legion Detachment, you cannot use Black
Legion Stratagems, you cannot give a Black Legion Cogs of Vashtorr model only. The bearer has the
Character model a Black Legion Warlord Trait, etc.). following ability:

ABILITY Helm of the Cyberphage (Aura): While a friendly

Daemon Engine model is within 6" of the bearer, each
time that model makes an attack that targets a Vehicle
TECHINFERNAL FOCI model, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic
Baleful fivefold runes inscribed upon the hulls of the of that attack by 1.
army’s Daemon Engines drain the vitality and manifest
worship of Vashtorr’s mortal followers, the better to THE SPITE-IRON GOAD
empower his soul-forged engines of destruction. Torn from a bested daemon overseer of the soul forges
themselves, this infernal implement allows the bearer to
• I f this unit has the Daemon Engine keyword, it impose their will upon even the most feral and ferocious
is always considered to be engaged in Wanton Daemon Engine.
Destruction, Wanton Massacre and Wanton Slaughter
(see Codex: Chaos Space Marines). Cogs of Vashtorr model only. In your Command phase,
• If this unit does not have the Daemon Engine select one friendly Daemon Engine model within 9" of
keyword, it is never considered to be engaged the bearer. Until the end of the turn, that unit is eligible
in Wanton Destruction, Wanton Massacre and to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it
Wanton Slaughter. Fell Back.

If your army is Cogs of Vashtorr, you have access to these Stratagems, and can spend CPs to use them.


Cogs of Vashtorr – Battle Tactic Stratagem Cogs of Vashtorr – Epic Deed Stratagem
Like a solar flare rippling out from a poisoned star, a burst of The machine spirits of bellicose weapons blaze in Vashtorr’s sight
energy from the Forge of Souls rushes through this Daemon just as mortal souls do to other daemons. With but a flicker of his
Engine’s ironclad frame and bursts from its weapons. will, the Arkifane twists and redirects those fierce energies back
against the weapons’ wielders.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Daemon
Engine model (excluding Titanic models) from your army is Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Shooting phase, when
selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, do not roll to an enemy unit within 18" of and visible to your Warlord has
determine the number of attacks made with any weapons that finished making its attacks. If any of those attacks targeted
model is equipped with. Instead, make the maximum number of a Traitoris Astartes unit from your army that was within
attacks with such weapons this phase. 6" of your Warlord, roll one D6: on a 2-4, that enemy unit
suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 5+, that enemy unit suffers 3
mortal wounds.
Cogs of Vashtorr – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Under the burning gaze of the entity to whom they are indebted,
Cogs of Vashtorr – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
the daemons bound into Vashtorr’s infernal engines do as their
master bids. So do they hope to work off their impossible debts all The gibbering of Vashtorr’s imps replicates itself through the
the quicker. enemy’s command and control networks, a data-daemonic wall of
binharic gibberish that fouls the best-laid plans.
Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase or
the start of the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, your Use this Stratagem after your opponent uses a Stratagem
Warlord has the following ability: (excluding Command Re-roll), if your Warlord is on the
battlefield. Until the end of the battle, the CP cost your
Master’s Guidance (Aura): While a friendly Daemon Engine opponent must pay to use that Stratagem again is increased by
unit is with 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit 1. You can only use this Stratagem once.
makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.


COGITATED FATES  1CP Cogs of Vashtorr – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Cogs of Vashtorr – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Vashtorr enjoys the distraction of tinkering with his Daemon
Vashtorr is a being unfettered by linear time and possessed of Engines, optimising their infernal capabilities in ways that
infinite patience and inventiveness. He thinks nothing of setting torment and enrage the entities trapped within.
in motion centuries-long chains of cause and effect that transform
reality into a mechanism of death calibrated to do his bidding and Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a Daemon
leave his foes with nowhere to hide from his worshippers’ wrath. Engine unit from your army is selected to Advance. Until the
end of the turn, that unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Traitoris in a turn in which it Advanced.
Astartes unit from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end
of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, the
target cannot receive the Benefits of Cover against that attack.

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