Chartered Accountants,
The Head of Internal Audit,
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd,
Inspection Department,
56 & 57, Beach Road,(upstairs)
Thoothukudi – 628 001.
Dear sir,
We are submitting the application for empanelment of our firm for Concurrent Audit in your Bank for following
Centers (Please mention the name of state in bracket).
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Chartered Accountants
Encl: 1. Profile of the Firm for Empanelment for Concurrent Audit (as per enclosed format)
4. Date Of Establishment
Land Line:
Contact Phone Nos.:
(Pl mention both Land Line and Mobile nos)
Mobile No:
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18. Particulars of Individual / Partners / Proprietor:
20. Previous experience of Concurrent Audit of Banks including Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., (In applicant
firm’s name):
Name Of the Bank Name of the Branch Years Period (from to)
1. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd
21. Current Assignment of Concurrent Audits of Banks on hand (including Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd):
Name Of the Bank Name of the Branch Years Period (from to)
1. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd
22. Details of Current Assignment of Concurrent Audits of Banks on hand in the name of associate concerns
(including Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd):
Name Of the Bank Name of the Branch Years Period (from to)
1. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd
23. Experience of Statutory Audit of Banks (In applicant firm's name) (including Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd):
Name Of the Bank Name of the Branch Years Period (from to)
1. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd
24. If Firm or partners are having any Credit Facilities / stood as a guarantor with Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
Ltd., please furnish necessary details indicating nature of the dealings and the name of the Bank’s branch
where the account/s is/are maintained:
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Name of the partner Name of Bank’s Nature of credit Facilities / 15 digit Account No.
Branch guarantee
25. Whether the Firm or any partner has ever been debarred by ICAI / RBI, if yes, details:
Si.No Name of the partner Brief reasons for debarment
26. Whether any partner is relative of existing staff member of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.:
Name of Staff and Designation Name of the Branch Relation
27. Whether any employee of firm is retired Bank Employee of our Bank / Public Sector Bank:
Name of Name of Last No. of Years Date of VRS / Branches served
Employee Bank Designation of Service Superannuation during last five
* The employee cannot be deputed for Concurrent Audit of Bank Branches where he has served.
28. Whether any partner is retired officer of Our Bank / Public Sector Bank:
Name of Name of Departments No. of Years of Date of VRS / Branches served
partner Bank worked Service Superannuation during last -05- years
29. Whether any of your partner is conducting concurrent audit in any of our bank branches:
Name of the partner Name of the branch Period
30. If any of the clients is having credit facilities with our Bank, please furnish name of the branches (with
details of credit etc.,):
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31. Please furnish the name of borrowers of our Branches, where your firm is a statutory Auditor/Internal
32. Certificate/s
a) I / We hereby confirm that the Firm / any partner is neither Statutory Auditor nor associate concern
(as defined by RBI) of Statutory Auditors of Branches of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd .
b) I / we hereby declare that neither I nor any of our partners/members of my/their families (family will
include besides spouse, only children, parents, brothers, sisters or any of them who are wholly or
mainly dependent on the Chartered Accountants) or the firm/Company in which I am/they are
partners/directors have been declared as willful defaulter by any bank / financial institution.
c) I / We hereby confirm that I / We am / are not disqualified / ineligible for appointment at Concurrent
Auditor of any Branch / Office of Bank under Sections 139 to 146 of the Companies Act 2013.
d) We shall also abide by the rules and regulations of the Bank in force from time to time and will always
keep the bank’s interest foremost in our mind.
e) We also confirm that the details/information furnished above are / is true and correct. In case, any
detail furnished above is found incorrect later on, the Bank has the right to terminate the assignment
given, without giving any notice.
Place :
Date :
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Important Notice to applicants
1. Application submitted through email will not be entertained. Duly filled in and signed application format
shall reach at the following address: