FreeBSD For Developers
FreeBSD For Developers
FreeBSD For Developers
by Mariusz Zaborski
for Developers
hen someone mentions FreeBSD, you same with WordPress. If you run the command
probably think about your servers and below you’ll be ready to go:
NAS. Without a doubt, FreeBSD is a # pkg install wordpress
great operating system for those purposes. The full list of packages with language compilers
However, there are some myths out there that and interpreters can be found by executing:
FreeBSD isn't good for developers and that if you # pkg search lang/
want to do software development on or of It’s also great that all packages are up-to-date.
FreeBSD, you should get a Mac. The truth is that The repology project (
FreeBSD is a complete operating system and repositories/statistics/newest) is doing an analysis
everyone from system administrators to software of a huge number of package repositories and
developers to accountants can use it for daily jobs. other sources comparing package versions across
In this article let’s look into FreeBSD as software them. The conclusion is that FreeBSD has one of
developers. the newest ports. Its packages are far more updat-
ed, for example, than the newest version of
Languages Ubuntu. If you are looking for an up-to-date lan-
guage infrastructure, FreeBSD is your choice.
The most important question for software devel-
opers is whether their language is supported by
FreeBSD. Well, all the popular languages are sup- Developer’s Environment
ported by FreeBSD. There is no limit, really. Do you Another important question for software devel-
want to do your shiny new web in Node.js, PHP, opers is whether their favorite IDE will work on
or Python? FreeBSD supports all of them. If you FreeBSD. When we talk about a developer envi-
are looking more for low-level programming like ronment, you probably associate Unix with vim
Go or Rust, FreeBSD has it. Are you classier than and emacs. That's true, and you can use them
that? Then you can find a new version of clang with FreeBSD, although you will also find more
• and gcc in the ports. You can even work with Java
through OpenJDK or C# through Mono.
What is great is that in many cases the native
modern IDEs for your work like:
• Eclipse
• Sublime Text
FreeBSD package manager pkg(1) permits you to • Pycharm (freeware and commercial version)
install the required compiler. In the case of PHP, • IntelliJ (ultimate and community)
Ruby, or Python, many packages are also provided If your IDE does not support FreeBSD directly,
by pkg. If you want to install pygame for Python, you can always try to run them using Linuxulator,
you can simply type: a Linux compatibility layer in FreeBSD. You also
# pkg install py{27,36}-game don't need to worry about your code version con-
This allows you to manage all the packages you trol system. You will find all popular, open-source
have installed in your operating system. It’s easy VCS like git, mercurial, or svn. You also may use
and clean. If, for some reason, you don’t like this commercial ones like perforce.
approach, you can still use pip as always. It is the There is no better way to maintain your envi-
10 FreeBSD Journal
Example of a flame graph generated from PostgreSQL, generated using output from DTrace one liner:
# dtrace -x ustackframes=100 -n ‘profile-5000 { ustack(); }` -p PID -o output
ronment and test your software than jails. If you but once I started using DTrace, I don’t know how I
want to have a few versions of your application for coped without it. DTrace is a dynamic tracing frame-
different customers or multiple databases and so work and was originally developed by Sun
on, then jails are what you want to use. You can Microsystems. Using a few lines of the D script, we
also combine them with ZFS and easily upstream are able to see a current stack of the program, ana-
your changes to production. These days, managing lyze the performance, trace the input of the func-
jails is easier than ever by using iocage or ezjail. tions, and much, much more.
Sometimes jails are not enough and we have to The real power of DTrace is in the few scripts
work with different operating systems. FreeBSD also written by Brendan Gregg (
has this covered. If you are looking for lightweight brendangregg/FlameGraph) that allow you to gener-
virtualization of any modern operating system like ate flame graphs. Flame graphs are a visualization
Windows, Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD or FreeBSD of traced software allowing the most frequent code
bhyve is the way to go. paths to be identified. You can use these to trace
many things, starting with your software, FreeBSD
Contain Directory Madness kernel, and ending with third parties. Everything
that you need is a binary with some symbols. To use
Where do you install your software in Linux:
it, you do not need to stop your program or recom-
/usr/bin, /bin, /usr/local/bin? Or maybe bin is a sim-
pile it. We recently used DTrace on the PostgreSQL
ple symlink to /usr/bin and everything is a total
database to trace why the insert was taking so
mess? The administrative binaries always land in the
much time. Thanks to DTrace, we easily found the
sbin; the normal binaries land in bin. Also, the hier-
problem with table settings and were able to fix it.
archy of directories is clean and understandable:
This is a big advantage over other operating systems
• /bin and /sbin are the FreeBSD-specific binaries
for software developers, and DTrace should be in
shipped with the operating system that are required
your toolbox.
for minimal work with the system,
Other tools that may be useful for you when
• /usr/bin and /usr/sbin are the FreeBSD-specific
developing low-level applications, and which are
binaries shipped with operating systems, and
FreeBSD-specific, are:
• /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin are directories
• procstat – a powerful tool that allows you to get
where all your third-party software will land.
a lot of process information
Additionally, you can read about the whole filesys-
• ktrace/kdump – an alternative for strace(1),
tem hierarchy on the manpage here(7). Again,
which allows you to print a list of called syscalls
FreeBSD wins with its simple and clean solution.
• pmccontrol – control hardware performance
monitoring counters
Look into Your Program • pmcstat – performance measurement with per-
One of the best tools for developers, which is lack- formance monitoring hardware
ing in other operating systems, is DTrace. We don’t In the case of low-level debugging by default,
have space to describe all functionalities of DTrace you will not find a gdb in the base system any
Jan/Feb 2019 11
more, but you can use a great alternative lldb tion in mind.
from the LLVM project, which we encourage you To secure your applications, you may also con-
to give a try. sider using CloudABI (
cloudabi). CloudABI takes a POSIX function and
Some Great APIs That the World adds capability-based security and removes every-
thing that's incompatible with that. This forces
Needs to Catch Up With software developers to use very specific sets of
FreeBSD is a pioneer in many technologies. It was functions in their applications but increases the
the first operating system to catch up with ZFS— security of the application.
which took the Linux world ages. FreeBSD first saw FreeBSD is working on many interesting tech-
the potential in containers a long time before nologies that in the future may be standard in
docker—developing chroot and jails. FreeBSD is other operating systems. If you want to be up-to-
POSIX compatible, but it also introduces or inte- date you should look into this OS.
grates many great APIs that are not available in
many popular operating systems.
All operating systems implement poll and select,
which have problems with scalability. We also see FreeBSD is known to have great documentation. In
epool, which, instead of solving problems, intro- the case of software development, this is no differ-
duces some. FreeBSD took a different direction ent. How many times have you googled for an
and introduced kqueue(1). kqueue provides effi- ASCII table? In FreeBSD, by default, you have a
cient input and output event pipelines between manpage for it: ascii(7). The same goes for archi-
the kernel and userland. kqueue is much more tecture/language-specific things like:
efficient, especially when polling for events on a • arch(7) – architecture-specific details like size of
large number of file descriptors. the pointer, numbers, or pages.
In talking about descriptors, we should also • operator(7) – C and C++ operator precedence
mention process descriptors—a new way to add a and order of evaluation.
handle (descriptor) to the process. Process identi- • zstyle(9) – the best C style you will find –
fiers (PID) used by many operating systems are not FreeBSD has used it for decades.
reliable. Between checking the status of process • hier(7) – to understand Unix filesystems layout.
and sending signals, many things can occur in the
operating system, and, in theory, the PID may be The Sky's the Limit
used by another process. Process descriptors solve FreeBSD has a lot of interesting features like jails,
those problems by giving you a reliable handle to bhyve, ZFS, and DTrace that make life easier for
add to the process. If the process is terminated, software developers. You also will find very useful
you still will have a handle to inform you about it. documentation in the system. This is not to men-
And there is the FreeBSD sandboxing technique tion the large amount of third party software that
called Capsicum. Capsicum is a lightweight OS is just waiting to be used. One of the great ways
capability and sandbox framework. Capability- of learning new languages is to create some
based security means that processes can only per- games in it—and, of course, you can do this on
form actions that have no global impact. Processes FreeBSD! So, don’t wait a moment longer—config-
cannot open files by their absolute path or cannot ure your new developer box on FreeBSD! •
open network connections. The idea is to protect
your application with the process privilege separa-
MARIUSZ ZABORSKI is a QA&Dev manager at Fudo Security. He has been the proud
owner of the FreeBSD commit bit since 2015. Mariusz's main areas of interest are OS
security and low-level programming. At Fudo Security, Mariusz leads a team that is
developing the most advanced solution for monitoring, recording, and controlling
traffic in IT infrastructure. In 2018, Mariusz organized the Polish BSD User Group.
In his free time, he enjoys blogging at
12 FreeBSD Journal