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En LN Uefa Financial Report 2020-2021 PDF

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I. and figures

4 Introduction
6 statement

10 The flow of solidarity payments
12 sheet
14 resources

16 Result by competition and activity

17 Source of income

18 Use of income
20 expenses
23 cycle
24 2020
30 V

32 UEFA Nations League and European Qualifiers
34 competitions

38 UEFA Champions League

43 UEFA Europa League


Financial statements as at 30 June 2021

Reports of the statutory auditors
Revenue in relation to total distribution and solidarity €m

4 579.8
2015/16 2 269.8 1 163.7 3 433.5

2 835.9
2016/17 2 119.4 268.3 2 387.7

2 789.8
2017/18 2 061.7 273.0 2 334.7

3 857.2
2018/19 3 093.1 275.0 3 368.1

3 038.2
2019/20 2 417.4 242.8 2 660.2

5 724.5
2020/21 3 411.1 1 100.7 4 511.8

Revenue Distribution Solidarity

Money distributed €m

2020 2020/21
Italy Chelsea FC
28.3 119.8

2016 2019/20
EURO Champions
Portugal FC Bayern München
25.5 125.5

2021 2020/21
Germany Villarreal CF
0.45 33.1

2019 2019/20
Under-21 Europa
Spain Sevilla FC
0.50 34.6

Other information
Number of matches played Number of employees with open-ended contracts

2020/21 2020/21

2 003 549

2019/20 2019/20

1 916 537
Revenue by nature and competition €m

5 724.5

Media rights
Commercial rights
4 472.2
78.1 % 992.1 Tickets and hospitality
17.3 % 234.4
4.1 %

Other revenue and

asset management
0.5 %

Club competitions Other competitions

3 155.9 and other revenue
55.1 % 38.8
0.7 % National team competitions
2 529.8
44.2 %

The pandemic continued to have a major impact on European In addition, UEFA either cancelled on-site training courses
football throughout the 2020/21 season. Yet, despite shifting and educational programmes or switched to online formats.
health and travel regulations, and guided by the Return to Play Committee and panel meetings were run as videoconferences.
operational and medical protocol, UEFA safely delivered all of its Collectively, cost-cutting measures created overall savings of
elite men’s and women’s competitions, including the postponed €57 million in 2020/21 and €34 million in 2019/20.
EURO 2020 final tournament.
The robust balance sheet and financial resources provided
By successfully staging virtually all scheduled club competition tremendous security, allowing UEFA to underwrite substantial
matches, revenue from the UEFA Champions League, Europa advance payments to clubs to help mitigate losses in lower
League and Super Cup almost reached pre-pandemic levels. matchday and broadcast revenue caused by the pandemic.
Together with EURO 2020 and higher than expected takings Despite EURO 2020 revenue going down to €1.9 billion,
from popular Nations League and European Qualifiers, our we still increased distribution payments to participating
competitions generated a cumulative €5.7 billion in revenue – national associations by €30 million. An additional
the highest amount ever in a EURO season. €165 million was invested in our HatTrick V development
programme, which channels EURO revenue back into football
The pandemic did, however, force us to move the men’s development projects through associations. Total HatTrick
Champions League final from its original venue of Istanbul funding amounted to €775.5 million.
owing to travel restrictions that would have prevented fans of
both finalists from attending. The event returned to Portugal, Each of these decisions sent a strong signal to European
which already had experience of staging the previous season’s football that UEFA is committed to using its distribution
rearranged final at short notice, and fans from each club were and solidarity payments to help our 55 member associations
able to attend the match. and clubs overcome football’s financial crisis.

Managing costs, while remaining agile and adapting to rapidly Safeguarding the long-term financial future of the game,
changing circumstances, helped UEFA to absorb the financial however, has come at a short-term cost, with UEFA reserves to
hit of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, at EURO 2020, we drop below the €500 million endorsed by the UEFA Congress.
took steps to counterbalance the added cost of implementing In response, our administration is developing a revised strategic
safety measures across 11 different host countries. These financial outlook that reassesses targets and budgets. Net
included switching venues to ensure an increased ticketing earnings from EURO 2024 and 2028 will progressively restore
inventory and adjusting the number of fan zones to comply UEFA reserves, ensuring that we can maintain investments in
with local health restrictions. football development and education at pre-pandemic levels.

Each year, the UEFA financial report presents financial data for its revenues directly back into the game – first and foremost
the previous football season. This year’s report comprises a detailed by paying out prize money and solidarity to clubs and national
analysis of UEFA’s finances for the 2020/21 season and an annex associations. The purpose of the infographic is therefore to explain
incorporating financial statements, notes, explanations and the the sources from which UEFA generates its revenue and how it is
auditor’s reports. then reinvested.

The report also features a new infographic, on the facing page, To do this, it only makes sense to use cumulative figures over
illustrating the principles of the European sports model and UEFA’s four years (i.e. 2019/20 to 2022/23); otherwise an analysis of the
primary objective to reinvest as much as possible of its revenue money flow would be distorted by the fact that a EURO only takes
into developing football. UEFA distributes the vast majority of place every four years.





75.7 22.3


% % %

Examples: disciplinary fines,

VENUE SOU asset management, FIFA
RE R Forward programme and net
A financing from reserves


€ 17.4bn

EURO 2020 cycle
financial years € -2.1bn

2019/20 to 2022/23

€ 15.3bn

is needed to

run UEFA as a


ME G governing body
goes directly
to clubs

7.5 %


8.3 2.3


RIT Y - C UT % %



67.5 BA ER




% LL D




to UEFA member
associations to keep
participating in men’s overheads to
EURO, European a minimum
to clubs Qualifiers and to maximise
participating Nations League investment in
in men’s the game
to clubs
League, Europa
to non- eliminated to clubs
League and to fund the
participating in the men’s contributing to fund football
Super Cup to fund other HatTrick
clubs from all Champions to the success development projects
competitions development
55 member League of national and education, such as
such as women’s, programme – the
associations to and Europa team football coaching, refereeing,
youth, futsal largest solidarity
be invested in League through the women’s football,
and the UEFA initiative in sport
youth football qualifying participation of other confederations
rounds Regions’ Cup
development some of their
projects players

To accurately gauge UEFA’s revenue for the 2020/21 financial Cost-cutting measures, designed to mitigate the pandemic’s
year, it is instructive to compare the equivalent figure for the last impact on our operations, delivered total savings of
European Championship season – 2015/16. In the space of four €57 million (2019/20: €34m). The headcount freeze instigated
years, UEFA has increased its earnings by 25 % to €5.7 billion. in April 2020 was maintained and no bonuses or pay rises
were awarded in 2019/20. However, given the successful
Successfully delivering EURO 2020 in 11 host cities, safely delivery of EURO 2020 and the financial results achieved for
allowing fans back into stadiums and completing our elite club 2020/21, the Compensation Committee decided to reinstate
competitions on schedule with few match cancellations played UEFA’s bonus scheme – recognition of our staff’s tireless
critical roles in generating UEFA’s highest ever revenue for a efforts to identify and implement financial and operational
single season. All reflect tactical master strokes, not least the solutions when faced with unprecedented challenges.
introduction of UEFA’s Return to Play Protocol and the capacity Compared with 2019/20, total ’Employee salaries and benefits’
to switch match venues at short notice to comply with local were much higher. This is due to the bonus payments and
health regulations. EURO 2020 personnel costs of €65.7 million being fully
recognised in 2020/21.
The centralisation of European Qualifiers media and
sponsorship sales and the introduction of the UEFA Nations Solidarity payments represent the second-largest expense
League also significantly contributed to the increase in revenue item at €1.1 billion (2019/20: €242.8m). This increase can
since 2015/16; the latter, in particularly, has made national be explained mainly by the €660 million provision accrued
team football more attractive and competitive, for players and to finance the HatTrick V programme and by the EURO 2020
spectators alike. club solidarity of €200 million. Donations to the different
portfolios and the UEFA Foundation for Children increased to
Total revenue stands at €5.7 billion (2019/20: €3bn). The full €9.8 million (2019/20: 8.7m) and include social responsibility
recognition of EURO 2020 revenue in this financial year, the activities related to EURO 2020.
higher number of European Qualifier matches, as well as the
playing of the postponed 2020/21 UEFA Nations League, We continue to suffer from negative interest payments and,
account for an unprecedented €2.7 billion increase. Men's since 2020, the disappointing lower interests paid on short-term
club competition revenue of €3.1 billion was almost back at USD and GBP investments, which could not be counterbalanced
the pre-pandemic level. by higher other investments such as marketable securities. The
stronger British pound could not compensate for a weaker
The highest share of revenue that UEFA reinvests back into the US dollar and Swiss franc, resulting in lower currency gains of
game is distributed to national associations participating in approximately €1 million. Adding in those currency effects, the
EURO 2020, the Nations League and the European Qualifiers, overall result for ’Financial items and taxes’ shows a positive
and to clubs taking part in senior men’s club competitions. In result of €7 million (2019/20: €11.9m).
2020/21, this amounted to €3.4 billion or 60 % of our total
revenue. Distribution to EURO 2020 participating associations UEFA’s net result stands at €22.1 million. Together with the
stands at €331 million – €30 million higher than for EURO existing reserves, this will be used to finance our activities
2016. Distribution payments to national associations for the through to 2023/24.
European Qualifiers, UEFA Nations League and friendlies
accounted for €577.4 million, a consequence of staging so
many national team matches in 2020/21. Club competition
distribution totalled €2.5 billion, which is only slightly lower
than 2018/19, before the pandemic started.

Unfortunately, a number of youth and amateur, and futsal

competitions had to be postponed or cancelled for the second
successive season. ’Contributions to associations’ increased
compared with 2019/20 due to payments to host associations
for the organisation of EURO 2020. Also linked to EURO 2020,
’Event expenses’ – €613.7 million (2019/20: €181.3m) – are
much higher than for the previous season. The cancellation
of other competitions had a financial impact on ’Referees and
match officers’ costs, which fell by €5.1 million despite the
additional EURO matches.

2009/10 1 304.7 4.1 1 308.8

2010/11 1 355.3 29.2 1 384.5

2011/12 1 372.2 1 423.5 2 795.7

2012/13 1 623.6 75.3 1 698.9

2013/14 1 662.0 68.4 1 730.4

2014/15 1 755.1 344.3 2 099.4

2015/16 2 416.8 2 163.0 4 579.8

2016/17 2 487.4 348.5 2 835.9

2017/18 2 508.9 280.9 2 789.8

2018/19 3 217.2 640.0 3 857.2

2019/20 2 730.3 307.9 3 038.2

2020/21 3 155.9 2 568.6 5 724.5

€m Club competition revenue National team competitions and other revenue

Breakdown | by nature

€m 2020/21 2019/20

Media rights 4 472.2 2 593.3

Commercial rights 992.1 417.8
Total rights revenue 5 464.3 3 011.1
Tickets 155.5 3.5
Hospitality 78.9 0.3
Other revenue 25.8 23.3
Total revenue 5 724.5 3 038.2
Distribution to participating teams -3 411.1 -2 417.4
Contributions to associations -88.9 -35.6
Event expenses -613.7 -181.3
Referees and match officers -32.3 -37.4
Information and communications technology -116.9 -53.6
Employee salaries and benefits -212.2 -95.4
Depreciation and amortisation -16.1 -9.3
Other expenses -117.5 -51.2
Total expenses -4 608.7 -2 881.2
Operating result before solidarity payments 1 115.8 157.0
Solidarity payments -1 100.7 -242.8
Financial items and taxes 7.0 11.9
Net result for the period 22.1 -73.9



Seeing that UEFA’s main objective is to reinvest as much as The actual amounts paid out to each participating club and
possible in European football, it comes as no surprise that the association for EURO 2020 are disclosed in detail within the
distribution to associations and clubs participating in UEFA’s different competition sections of this financial report.
competitions represents the biggest cost item in the income
statement. From total revenue of €5.7 billion, 60 % is made The amount distributed for the European Qualifiers, UEFA
available for distribution. Nations League and friendly matches also corresponds to
the recognised annual costs and not the actual amount paid
The amount available for the associations that participated out to the national associations, which follows a payment
in EURO 2020 represents roughly 18 % of the total revenue schedule with six instalments over the whole cycle.
generated by EURO 2020, compared with 16 % for EURO 2016. The increase compared with 2019/20 is natural as more
It was the clear wish of the UEFA Executive Committee to matches were played in the 2020/21 financial year.
increase the distribution despite the small reduction in revenue
in order to help the national associations during the pandemic. The table below also shows the amounts paid out to
teams playing in other competitions, such as the European
Although the decrease in club competition revenue caused by Under-21 Championship. The amount for distribution to
the pandemic was not as serious as in 2019/20, distribution clubs playing in the Women’s Champions League increased
was still kept at the level paid out in the 2018/19 season. The in 2020/21 and will do so further when the competition is
resulting overpayment of €57.3 million in distribution to clubs marketed centrally as from the 2021/22 season.
will be deducted in equal shares over four seasons. As shown in
the table below, total distribution to clubs stood at €2.5 billion
(2019/20: €2.1bn) and corresponds to the recognised costs.

2013/14 1 238.1

2014/15 1 570.2

2015/16 2 269.8

2016/17 2 119.4

2017/18 2 061.7

2018/19 3 093.1

2019/20 2 417.4

2020/21 3 421.1

€m Distribution by season

Breakdown | by competition

€m 2020/21 2019/20

EURO 2020 331.0 0.0

European Qualifiers, UEFA Nations League and friendlies 577.4 278.4
UEFA Champions League 1 943.1 1 646.4
UEFA Europa League 550.3 478.6
UEFA Super Cup 8.0 8.0
UEFA European Under-21 Championship 4.0 0.0
UEFA Women’s Champions League 6.6 5.6
Other competitions 0.7 0.4
Total 3 421.1 2 417.4


UEFA’s main objective is to reinvest as much as possible • other top-division clubs that do not qualify for UEFA’s
in European football, not only by way of payments to main competitions, with payments distributed for youth
participating clubs and member associations, but also development;
to those which do not qualify for our competitions.
• clubs that contribute to the success of national team
football in general and the EURO in particular through
This has a two-fold benefit, given that reducing financial
the participation of some of their players.
gaps also reduces sporting gaps and opens up UEFA’s
competitions to a maximum number of member associations
UEFA also makes donations to the UEFA Foundation for
and clubs. At the same time, reinvesting and sharing resources
Children as well as to other core and associated partners
boosts the development of football at grassroots and youth
to support social responsibility activities and initiatives.
levels. Thus, the solidarity concept is first and foremost a
A detailed breakdown can be found on pages 19 and 20
statutory objective aimed at developing European football
of the annex to this financial report.
as a whole and promoting the social values of the game.

Solidarity payments are made available to: The chart below shows the amounts made available to
member associations and clubs and accrued in UEFA’s accounts
• member associations to develop their infrastructure;
on an annual basis. The actual payments are not necessarily
• member associations to contribute to their running costs; made within the same financial year because of internal
approval processes or because they are split over a whole cycle
• member associations as incentive payments, for instance
(e.g. yearly HatTrick solidarity payments).
for taking part in UEFA youth, women’s, futsal and
amateur competitions or implementing different charters
A table detailing all actual payments made to member
and conventions;
associations can be found on page 11.
• clubs eliminated in the preliminary stages of the UEFA
Champions League and UEFA Europa League;

2013/14 175.6

2014/15 171.4

2015/16 1 163.7

2016/17 268.3

2017/18 273.0

2018/19 275.2

2019/20 242.8

2020/21 1 100.7

€m Solidarity by season

Breakdown | by beneficiary

€m 2020/21 2019/20

Member associations 660.0 33.0

Clubs 430.9 201.1
Donations 9.8 8.7
Total 1 100.7 242.8



This section provides a transparent overview of all solidarity – €100,000 for implementing the UEFA elite youth player
payments to member associations and clubs. The various development programme
beneficiaries are disclosed by country in the table on the
– €100,000 for implementing the UEFA football social
opposite page.
responsibility programme

Solidarity payments are financed from club competitions on – €100,000 for travelling expenses for national teams
the one side and from the European Football Championship
– €50,000 for anti-match-fixing and integrity activities
(EURO) on the other. Although solidarity payments from
club competition earnings mainly benefit club football,
From an accounting point of view, each association receives
and EURO earnings are largely made available to member
a maximum of €1.7 million each year financed from national
associations within the framework of the HatTrick
team football.
programme, European football constitutes an integrated,
interrelated whole built on mutual values. For instance, a
significant portion of the revenue generated by a EURO
every four years is shared with the clubs that participate Solidarity payments: club football
in the success of the final tournament and national team
C €38.5 million was channelled from the UEFA Champions
football in general. Likewise, as the table on the next page
League to member associations to co-finance the
shows, a proportion of the annual income generated by
aforementioned yearly HatTrick solidarity payments.
club football benefits member associations.

The total solidarity payment received by each member

association in 2020/21 is therefore the sum of columns B and C.
Solidarity payments: national team football The maximum amount available is €2.4 million.
A The HatTrick V programme for the 2020/21–2023/24
D A substantial amount was made available for youth
four-year cycle provides for a one-off €4.5 million solidarity
development to clubs not involved in either of the two
payment to each UEFA member association to be used
main men’s club competitions. As decided by the relevant
for investments in football infrastructure. The amounts
leagues and/or member associations, clubs in the domestic
distributed during the 2020/21 financial year are disclosed
top division and, in some cases, the next division down
in this section. In some cases, these might include payments
benefited from these payments.
from previous HatTrick cycles.
E A lump sum, calculated according to the number of
B The HatTrick programme also provides for yearly
matches played, was paid to clubs which played in the
solidarity payments in favour of member associations,
qualifiers but failed to reach the group stage of the UEFA
consisting of the following elements:
Champions League, with an additional €260,000 for a
• €800,000 as a solidarity payment to cover the running costs domestic champion club. No payments were made to clubs
of the member association and good governance projects involved in UEFA Champions League qualifying rounds which
succeeded in reaching the group stage.
• €1,600,000 maximum in annual incentive payments, divided
up as follows:
F The formula described in point E above was also applied
– €250,000 for taking part in UEFA youth, women’s, futsal to the UEFA Europa League.
and amateur competitions

– €250,000 for implementing the UEFA club licensing system

– €200,000 for implementing good governance principles
and running good governance projects

– €200,000 for implementing the UEFA grassroots charter

– €150,000 for implementing the UEFA women’s football

development programme

– €100,000 for implementing the UEFA coaching convention

– €100,000 for implementing the UEFA referee convention

Financed by national Financed by club football
team football
€000 UEFA Champions League UEFA Europa
Total per Investments Yearly Yearly Non-partici­ Eliminated Eliminated
association solidarity solidarity pating clubs clubs clubs
7 598 Albania 2 000 1 700 700 478 920 1 800
4 730 Andorra 750 1 700 700 390 490 700
4 893 Armenia - 1 700 700 393 540 1 560
8 672 Austria 898 1 700 700 4 454 380 540
7 322 Azerbaijan 2 400 1 700 700 402 1 140 980
6 051 Belarus 799 1 700 700 412 1 400 1 040
7 953 Belgium - 1 700 700 4 433 - 1 120
8 279 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 400 1 700 700 459 920 2 100
6 216 Bulgaria 1 061 1 700 700 575 660 1 520
9 381 Croatia 3 800 1 700 700 581 1 240 1 360
6 518 Cyprus 1 500 1 700 700 478 - 2 140
4 731 Czech Republic - 1 700 700 571 380 1 380
9 245 Denmark 750 1 700 700 4 475 - 1 620
19 052 England 2 800 1 700 700 13 312 - 540
8 617 Estonia 3 700 1 700 700 417 540 1 560
9 670 Faroe Islands 3 700 1 700 700 390 920 2 260
7 007 Finland 1 940 1 700 700 567 540 1 560
17 055 France 1 500 1 700 700 12 615 - 540
9 217 Georgia 4 071 1 700 700 406 540 1 800
16 323 Germany 4 000 1 700 700 9 083 - 840
9 030 Gibraltar 4 500 1 700 700 390 540 1 200
7 788 Greece - 1 700 700 4 588 - 800
8 662 Hungary - 1 700 700 4 442 - 1 820
6 078 Iceland 1 703 1 700 700 455 540 980
6 503 Israel 880 1 700 700 1 123 - 2 100
14 863 Italy 405 1 700 700 11 518 - 540
6 888 Kazakhstan 2 293 1 700 700 395 540 1 260
4 557 Kosovo - 1 700 700 447 490 1 220
5 112 Latvia 256 1 700 700 396 540 1 520
3 030 Liechtenstein - 1 700 700 390 - 240
6 175 Lithuania 931 1 700 700 404 920 1 520
6 344 Luxembourg 1 770 1 700 700 394 540 1 240
9 413 Malta 4 500 1 700 700 453 540 1 520
7 843 Moldova 2 869 1 700 700 394 920 1 260
5 469 Montenegro 400 1 700 700 429 540 1 700
8 054 Netherlands - 1 700 700 4 454 380 820
5 400 Northern Ireland - 1 700 700 790 770 1 440
7 475 North Macedonia 2 294 1 700 700 461 540 1 780
5 529 Norway - 1 700 700 1 009 - 2 120
9 282 Poland 2 000 1 700 700 1 582 920 2 380
12 899 Portugal 4 500 1 700 700 4 579 - 1 420
9 422 Republic of Ireland 4 500 1 700 700 722 280 1 520
6 738 Romania 1 050 1 700 700 828 660 1 800
7 894 Russia 500 1 700 700 4 454 - 540
5 980 San Marino 2 000 1 700 700 390 490 700
8 770 Scotland 1 500 1 700 700 1 830 660 2 380
5 816 Serbia 100 1 700 700 616 1 140 1 560
7 231 Slovakia 2 200 1 700 700 571 540 1 520
5 604 Slovenia - 1 700 700 484 920 1 800
17 728 Spain 1 932 1 700 700 12 856 - 540
10 214 Sweden 2 402 1 700 700 2 492 540 2 380
6 931 Switzerland 1 125 1 700 700 926 860 1 620
13 187 Turkey 4 500 1 700 700 4 507 380 1 400
7 450 Ukraine - 1 700 700 4 230 - 820
6 130 Wales 600 1 700 700 1 110 540 1 480
454 019 Total 89 779 93 500 38 500 130 000 26 340 75 900



Following the recognition of the EURO 2020 net result with Depreciation and amortisation for the period increased,
the corresponding reversal of deferred income and accrued largely due to investments made the previous year in the
competitions costs, the balance sheet total decreased from development of ticketing software that was also used for
€3.8 billion to €3.2 billion as at 30 June 2021. EURO 2020. The increase in other non-current financial assets
is due to the pre-financing commitment made by UEFA to
As at 30 June 2021, cash and cash equivalents and other mitigate the financial impact of the pandemic on clubs in both
financial assets stood at €2.6 billion, up from €2.1 billion at 2019/20 and 2020/21; these advances will be paid back over
the end of the previous year. This increase is mainly related to the coming seasons.
EURO 2020, with final payments to participating teams and
suppliers falling due in the following financial year, but also to Liabilities are €660.3 million lower than the previous year
advances received from partners for the new club competition end. This natural change is mainly due to the recognition
cycle. Altogether, those financial assets represent 82 % of total of deferred income for EURO 2020 and the current cycle of
assets (56 % as at 30 June 2020). other men’s senior national team competitions. This is partially
counterbalanced by the HatTrick provision of €621.5 million,
74 % of UEFA’s total financial assets are invested short term to whereas €183.3 million was already used in 2020/21 for
cover all commitments related to distribution, club solidarity HatTrick solidarity payments.
payments, HatTrick programmes and UEFA’s operating expenses.
The remainder is invested in long-term capital-protected To the total reserves of €500.8 million as at 30 June 2020, the
securities and, to a very small extent, in providing loans. positive net result for the period of €22.1 million is added,
giving total reserves of €522.9 million. As a result of the
The substantial increase in ‘Deferred competitions costs’ significant reduction in the balance sheet total, UEFA’s reserves
represents the non-current portion of accrued expenses as a percentage of the total balance sheet increase to 16.5 %
for the 2022–28 cycle of other men’s senior national team (13.2 % as at 30 June 2020).
competitions and for EURO 2024. In 2020/21, capital
expenditure represented a volume of €6.8 million – 35 % Thanks to its strong balance sheet with a solid reserves base
lower than the previous year (2019/20: €10.4m). Whereas and a continued surplus of current assets over current liabilities,
investments in ICT and office equipment remained on a similar UEFA remains in a strong financial position to weather the crisis.
level to the previous year, investments in intangible assets
were lower because larger IT software developments are More details on UEFA’s reserves can be found in the following
normally not implemented in a year when a EURO takes place. section, ’Own resources’.

Total: 3 160.3
3 000

2 500

2 000 Current 2 218.7 2 637.4

1 500

1 000

500 Non-current 941.6


€m Assets Liabilities Reserves

Breakdown | by category

€m 30/06/2021 30/06/2020

Cash and cash equivalents 1 187.4 732.5

Other financial assets 727.6 743.9
Other current assets 303.7 1 567.9
Current assets 2 218.7 3 044.3
Deferred competition costs 159.3 4.6
Property and equipment 94.6 98.7
Intangible assets 12.8 17.9
Other financial assets 674.9 633.0
Non-current assets 941.6 754.2
Total assets 3 160.3 3 798.5

Current liabilities 2 240.6 3 029.8

Non-current liabilities 396.8 267.9
Liabilities 2 637.4 3 297.7
Undesignated reserves 500.0 500.0
Retained earnings 0.8 74.7
Net result for the period 22.1 -73.9
Reserves 522.9 500.8
Total liabilities and reserves 3 160.3 3 798.5



UEFA had to deal with the very difficult situation around by the UEFA Congress based on a risk assessment and an
the pandemic. In this regard, the strong balance sheet and evaluation of costs if no turnover was generated in order to
financial resources provided tremendous security when, estimate what level of reserves UEFA needs to be protected
for instance, we decided to finance substantial advance against any risks.
payments to clubs in 2019/20 and, to a lower extent, again
in 2020/21. These advances will be paid back by the end Retained earnings constitute part of the amount UEFA
of the 2023/24 financial year. needs to cover its running expenses in years when there is
no EURO. The lower EURO 2020 net result caused by the
A strong balance sheet and financial resources were also pandemic will require undesignated reserves to be tapped
needed to stem the additional costs and lower matchday to finance UEFA’s activities over the next two years, until the
revenue caused by the postponement of EURO 2020, as end of the four-year cycle in June 2023, before EURO 2024
well as to finance the increased amounts available for the takes place.
HatTrick V programme, which are crucial to further help
national associations during these difficult times. The UEFA administration is currently preparing a strategic
financial outlook covering the seasons up to 2027/28. The
The overall financial impact on UEFA’s reserves will only be goal is to use net earnings from the next two EUROs to keep
visible at the end of the EURO 2020 cycle, i.e. at the end football development and education on the same level, while
of June 2023, because the following two financial years at the same restoring reserves to the level endorsed by the
will produce negative results and reserves will therefore be UEFA Congress and, last but not least, safeguarding UEFA’s
below the agreed target of €500 million – a target endorsed solidarity programmes.

30/06/2014 558.7

30/06/2015 530.7

30/06/2016 632.8

30/06/2017 626.1

30/06/2018 621.2

30/06/2019 574.8

30/06/2020 500.8

30/06/2021 522.9

€m Reserves as at balance sheet date

Breakdown | by category

€m 30/06/2021 30/06/2020

Undesignated reserves 500.0 500.0

Retained earnings 0.8 74.7
Net result for the period 22.1 -73.9
Total 522.9 500.8

Average revenue over four years 3 852.4 3 130.3

Undesignated reserves as  % of average revenue 13.0 % 16.0 %


UEFA’s cost accounting is set up in such a way that the The use of net income is divided into four sections, with
result can be analysed from different angles. The financial more details published on page 19 under ‘Use of income’.
statements are classified by nature and checked by our
• HatTrick programme and social responsibility: this is
external auditors, as published in the annex to this financial
the sum of accruals made for the HatTrick development
report as well as on page 7.
programme and associated administrative costs as well as
football social responsibility activities (FSR), including the
However, it is also useful to disclose supplementary
UEFA Foundation for Children.
information on the source and use of income, or in other
words, how funds are generated and how they are invested. • Other competitions: these are net investments in women’s,
Therefore, in parallel and as complementary information, youth and amateur, and futsal competitions.
UEFA breaks down its result by competition and activity.
• Other football activities: this relates to development,
education and conferences, and includes a range of
The source of net income (revenue minus expenses) reflects
initiatives that UEFA undertakes to further improve football
the net result from:
in areas such as knowledge sharing between associations,
• Main competitions: this shows the net result of all senior support to other confederations, women’s football
men’s national team (EURO, European Qualifiers, UEFA Nations development, business development and digital technology,
League and friendlies) and club competitions (UEFA Champions refereeing, coaching, stadiums and security, grassroots, as
League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Super Cup). well as anti-doping and medical matters.

2020/21 was the last year of the current three-year club • Governing expenses: this groups administrative overheads
competition cycle for 2018–21. The total revenue and and institutional costs, as explained on page 20.
total expenses of a EURO are recognised in the year
the tournament takes place. Consequently, due to the ‘Net financing to/from reserves’ corresponds to the ‘Net
postponement of EURO 2020 from 2020 to 2021, the net result for the period’ in the income statement and shows
income is recognised in the 2020/21 financial year. how much has been put into reserves (positive net result in
2020/21) or how much has been taken from the reserves
• Other revenue and asset management: other revenue
(negative net result in 2019/20).
represents income from fines imposed in disciplinary
proceedings, the FIFA Forward programme and ‘non-football-
related matters’. Asset management consists of income from
financial investments, net of any fees, as well as any currency
exchange differences.

Breakdown | by competition and activity

€m 2020/21 2019/20
Net result Net result

National team competitions 657.6 -28.4

Club competitions 173.8 148.9
Other revenue and asset management 34.8 35.7
Source of net income 866.2 156.2

HatTrick and social responsibility - 670.9 -43.9

Other competitions -43.7 -52.5
Other football activities -42.7 -50.0
Governing expenses -86.8 -83.7
Subtotal -844.1 -230.1
Net financing to (-) / from reserves (+) -22.1 73.9
Use of net income -866.2 -156.2


This section provides information on UEFA’s sources of finance. competitions are provided within the different competition
The table below discloses revenue and expenses for the main sections, starting on page 24.
men’s competitions; other income, including returns from asset
management; and comparative figures for the net result. ’Other revenue’, which comes to €26.7 million, is up on the
previous year (2019/20: €22.7m). The €4 million increase is
The biggest share comes from EURO 2020 net earnings, related to higher revenue from disciplinary fines and the FIFA
recognised in full in 2020/21. European Qualifiers, UEFA Forward programme, whereas ‘Other football matters’ and
Nations League and friendlies are grouped because the sales ‘Non-football-related matters’ are slightly lower.
of rights are bundled for most contracts and a split of revenue
and costs, such as distribution, would not make sense. Income from asset management decreased from €13 million
in 2019/20 to €8.1 million. Compared with the previous
Besides the EURO, the UEFA senior men’s club competitions season, returns from current accounts were negative because
are the main source of income, producing net earnings of of higher negative interest payments. In addition, money
€173.8 million (2019/20: €148.9m). Total gross revenue stands market investments were disappointing due to much lower
at €3.15 billion and is roughly €426 million higher than in yields in both the US dollar and British pound. Returns from
2019/20, as all competitions were played in full and only minor marketable securities and alternative investments remained
COVID-19 compensation to partners was paid, which obviously on a similar level to the previous year, whereas loans to
had a positive impact on the UEFA share. More explanations associations were lower, with a corresponding natural
on national team competitions, including EURO 2020, and club reduction in interest income.

Breakdown | by competition and other income

2020/21 2020/21 €m 2020/21 2019/20

Revenue Expenses Net result Net result

1 882.5 -1 236.7 UEFA EURO 645.8 0.0

647.3 -635.5 European Qualifiers, UEFA Nations League and friendlies 11.8 -28.4
3 155.9 -2 982.1 Club competitions 173.8 148.9
5 685.7 -4 854.3 Main competitions 831.4 120.5
26.8 -0.1 Other revenue 26.7 22.7
0.0 8.1 Asset management 8.1 13.0
5 712.5 -4 846.3 Source of net income 866.2 156.2



The table on the opposite page details investments made the finals, total revenue was lower than for the previous
under ’HatTrick programme and social responsibility’, ’Other edition in Italy. The net result was, however, only marginally
competitions’ and ’Other football activities’. behind as distribution was left on the same level as for the
previous tournament despite the increase in the number of
HatTrick V is financed for the largest part by EURO 2020 participating associations, and competitions costs were lower
and a corresponding provision was created in the 2020/21 as a result of the rescheduling.
financial year. The remaining 20 % will be accrued in the
financial years up to 2023/24. More information on UEFA’s The pandemic also continued to affect other areas, such as
HatTrick programme is provided in a dedicated section on football development and education, which are grouped
page 30. Social responsibility is split into two groups: the under the heading ’Other football activities’ on the facing
UEFA Foundation for Children and other football social page. To protect young players and because of organisational
responsibility activities, which relates to agreements with difficulties, it was impossible to run development tournaments.
core and associated partners in this field. Educational seminars for coaches and referees, as well as UEFA
Academy programmes, were either cancelled or mostly held by
UEFA invests a substantial amount in women’s, youth videoconference. In contrast, investments in women’s football
and futsal competitions, and the UEFA Regions’ Cup. and support to other football confederations were able to be
Unfortunately, the pandemic brought continuous development increased. As the pandemic had only affected the last quarter
in these sectors to a temporary standstill. To safeguard of the 2019/20 financial year, investments during that year
players and officials, and to reduce the pressure on member remained on the same level as in 2018/19. In 2020/21, on the
associations, competitions were cancelled or postponed. other hand, the impact was spread over the full financial year,
The 2021 European Under-21 Championship final tournament leading to substantial cost savings of €7.4 million.
in Hungary and Slovenia was able to be staged and was
played for the first time with 16 teams instead of 12. However, UEFA’s governing expenses amount to €86.8 million
the final round was split into two phases because the original (2019/20: €83.7m). These refer to all administrative overheads
schedule clashed with the postponed EURO 2020. The and institutional costs. Further details are provided on page 20,
two‑month delay to the second phase brought the benefit under ’Governing expenses’.
of warmer temperatures producing lower COVID-19 infection
rates and, consequently, a limited number of spectators The net result for the period stands at €22.1 million
were allowed into stadiums. Due to the rescheduling of (2019/20: €-73.9m).
Breakdown | by competition and activity

2020/21 2020/21 €000 2020/21 2019/20

Revenue Expenses Net result Net result

- -660 000 HatTrick programme -660 000 -33 000

- -1 360 HatTrick administrative costs -1 360 -1 157
- -3 580 UEFA Foundation for Children -3 580 -3 770
- -5 990 Other football social responsibility activities -5 990 -5 930
- -670 930 HatTrick and social responsibility -670 930 -43 857
- -4 301 UEFA European Women’s Championship -4 301 -2 788
149 -1 201 UEFA European Women’s Under-19 Championship -1 052 -4 806
34 -1 098 UEFA European Women’s Under-17 Championship -1 064 -3 923
1 394 -13 953 UEFA Women’s Champions League -12 559 -13 601
1 577 -20 553 Women’s competitions -18 976 -25 118
8 633 -23 293 UEFA European Under-21 Championship -14 660 -6 637
353 -1 639 UEFA European Under-19 Championship -1 286 -5 182
98 -1 268 UEFA European Under-17 Championship -1 170 -3 849
463 -1 427 UEFA Youth League -964 -4 629
- -69 UEFA Regions’ Cup -69 -109
9 547 -27 696 Youth and amateur competitions -18 149 -20 406
11 -2 805 UEFA European Futsal Championship -2 794 -2 412
219 -3 630 UEFA Futsal Champions League -3 411 -2 962
- -306 UEFA Women’s Futsal European Championship -306 -159
63 -185 UEFA Futsal Under-19 Championship -122 -1 519
293 -6 926 Futsal competitions -6 633 -7 052
11 417 -55 175 Other competitions -43 758 -52 576
- -3 UEFA Share -3 -785
- -4 342 National association development -4 342 -6 041
- -3 271 Competition development -3 271 -3 430
- -5 581 Women’s football development -5 581 -4 537
- -8 487 Business development and digital -8 487 -7 525
- -1 816 Referee education -1 816 -4 598
- -427 Match officer education -427 -647
- -1 848 Coach education -1 848 -3 249
- -1 914 Anti-doping and medical -1 914 -1 324
- -703 Technical conferences -703 -1 092
- -1 493 Stadium and security -1 493 -2 882
- -1 736 Football facilities -1 736 -1 841
- -304 Grassroots development -304 -635
- -7 962 Other confederation support -7 962 -7 610
- -751 Supporters’ movement -751 -832
455 -2 448 UEFA Academy and bursaries -1 993 -2 965
455 -43 086 Other football activities -42 631 -49 993
116 -86 884 Governing expenses -86 768 -83 716
11 988 -856 075 Subtotal -844 087 -230 142
Net financing to (-) / from (+) reserves -22 110 73 936
Use of net income -866 197 -156 206



Expenses related to the running of UEFA as a governing body Total administrative overheads increased by €5 million
are classified under two headings: in 2020/21 to €52 million (2019/20: €47m). In 2019/20,
no bonuses were paid, and UEFA’s senior management
• Institutional: this relates to the costs of running UEFA as
accepted a three-month salary reduction. However, given
a political and governing institution, and includes the UEFA
the successful delivery of EURO 2020 and the financial results
Congress, committees and disciplinary proceedings, among
achieved, the Compensation Committee decided to reinstate
other items.
the bonus scheme for all employees for 2020/21, which was
Institutional costs are €1.9 million lower than in 2019/20. the main driver of the increase in administrative overheads.
Cost reduction measures continued to have a positive Cost savings were achieved by reducing travel and holding
effect and the savings were spread over an entire financial meetings by videoconference.
year, the pandemic having started towards the end of the
As supplementary information in the graph below, governing
previous financial year. UEFA continued to hold committee
expenses are set against average total revenue over four years.
and panel meetings by videoconference and reduced travel,
This percentage is a good indicator of how UEFA manages
accommodation and interpreting costs as much as possible.
to keep its governing expenses as low as possible and allow
On the other hand, costs were higher for the 2021 UEFA
maximum resources to be allocated to solidarity and football
Congress due to it being moved from Minsk in Belarus to
development, and to teams participating in its competitions.
Montreux in Switzerland. A number of disciplinary cases
Despite higher expenses, the percentage in 2020/21 is down
were closed in 2019/20, resulting in lower disciplinary costs
because of recognised EURO 2020 figures generating higher
in 2020/21. It goes without saying that the number of
average revenue.
matches played with fewer spectators also had an effect
on the number of cases. Betting fraud detection costs
The table opposite shows governing expenses and the
increased following the decision to set up an integrity unit,
breakdown by category of institutional expenses, as well
with corresponding staffing requirements. The duties and
as total administrative overheads.
work of the governance and compliance unit are important
for UEFA and as the unit’s activities are still growing, this
has an impact on overall institutional costs.

• Administrative overheads: these comprise personnel and

other general administrative costs such as travel and office
running costs which are not allocated to a competition or
activity. Essentially, these costs are for ’division management’
as well as for legal, finance, outsourced translations and
human resources.

2013/14 3.8

2014/15 3.5

2015/16 3.1

2016/17 3.0

2017/18 2.5

2018/19 2.5

2019/20 2.7

2020/21 2.3

Governing expenses as % of average total revenue

Breakdown | by category

€000 2020/21 2019/20

Executive Committee and presidency -6 501 -6 900
Committees and expert panels -1 623 -3 299
Congress -2 269 -2 079
Disciplinary proceedings -4 780 -5 268
Club licensing and financial fair play -5 586 -5 995
Top Executive Programme -171 -341
Betting fraud detection -1 179 -379
Publications and media -7 332 -8 821
Governance and compliance -1 763 -1 198
Other institutional matters -3 559 -2 430
Institutional -34 763 -36 710
Administrative overheads -52 005 -47 006
Governing expenses -86 768 -83 716

Average total revenue over four years 3 852 446 3 130 297
As  % of average total revenue 2.3 % 2.7 %



This section provides details on compensation governance Given the successful delivery of EURO 2020 and financial
as well as information on compensation to the UEFA president, results achieved for the 2020/21 financial year, the
the UEFA general secretary and the members of the UEFA Compensation Committee decided to reinstate the regular
Executive Committee for the 2020/21 financial year. bonus schemes. In addition, the Compensation Committee
awarded a special COVID-19 resilience bonus to allow
The Compensation Committee was created in September 2016
appreciation to be shown to directors and employees who
by decision of the Executive Committee and all members
have worked relentlessly since the start of this crisis and
were re-elected for a second four-year term in June 2020.
managed to find financial and operational solutions to
The committee is independent of the Executive Committee
overcome this unique and challenging situation that UEFA
and the UEFA Congress and ensures a compensation system
has had to face.
is in place that is designed and operated in line with sound
performance management, compliance and corporate
governance principles. President

Aleksander Čeferin was re-elected as UEFA president at the

Authorities and responsibilities Ordinary UEFA Congress in Rome on 7 February 2019 for a
four-year term. For 2020/21, the UEFA president received fixed
The Compensation Committee oversees all aspects of
compensation of CHF 2,560,769 gross. The UEFA president
compensation of the UEFA president, the UEFA general
is not eligible for any bonus. UEFA contributes to his social
secretary and the members of the Executive Committee,
charges, pension fund and accident insurance.
as well as of the directors of UEFA and UEFA Events SA and
any other individuals whom the Compensation Committee
deems it appropriate to cover in accordance with the powers General secretary
and duties assigned to it by its charter.
Theodore Theodoridis was appointed by the Executive
Committee as UEFA general secretary on 15 September 2016.
Composition and organisation For 2020/21 he received fixed compensation of CHF 1,378,462
gross. He was awarded a total bonus of CHF 595,000. UEFA
The Compensation Committee is chaired by the UEFA
contributes to his social charges, pension fund and accident
treasurer and Finance Committee chairman, David Gill. The
insurance, and also pays him a representation allowance and
other members of the Compensation Committee during the
school fees for his children’s education.
period under review were Herbert Hübel and José Juan Pintó
Sala (independent), both members of the Governance and
Compliance Committee, as well as Stephan Hostettler, as an Executive Committee
independent member without voting rights. He is a managing
The members of the Executive Committee receive a fixed
partner of HCM International Ltd, a leading international
compensation amount and are not eligible for a bonus. Vice-
consulting firm, and an expert in the areas of compensation,
presidents receive €250,000 gross and other members receive
governance, and compliance. The Compensation Committee
€160,000 gross a year.
met virtually twice during the 2020/21 financial year.

Compensation framework

The compensation strategy aims to maintain UEFA’s position

as a pre-eminent sports organisation with increasing global
reach, and consequently, to ensure it remains competitive for
international executive talent. The compensation payments
made in this year reflect this strategy accordingly.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the committee has continued to

work closely with the organisation to address and monitor the
impact of the pandemic on compensation and compensation
governance processes. As communicated in the 2019/2020
compensation section, no bonuses or pay rises were awarded
for that financial year.


Analysing UEFA’s financial figures for one single year in isolation and, on the other side, how it was invested. In a nutshell,
is not meaningful as the fundamental aspect of UEFA as a roughly 40 % is financed by national team competitions for
not-for-profit organisation and how it is financed is only visible the EURO 2020 cycle (EURO 2016 cycle: 47 %), while the
if results over a period of four years are cumulated. Those four- contribution from club competitions increased from 47 % to
year cycles normally start with the year when a EURO takes 50 %. However, following the signing of the new memorandum
place and produces a positive net result, whereas non-EURO of understanding with the European Club Association (ECA),
years have negative results. earnings in real terms have come down in the current cycle.
The small shift from national team competitions to club
Due to the postponement of UEFA EURO 2020, the situation competitions between the two cycles can be explained by the
looks slightly different. The EURO 2020 cycle still started with lower earnings from EURO 2020. Interest rates remain very low
the 2019/20 financial year, but the earnings generated by or even negative. The return from asset management, which
EURO 2020, as well as the HatTrick V accrual, were recorded includes foreign exchange effects, will therefore continue to
in 2020/21. make a smaller contribution.

The table below shows the amounts from 2019/20 to 2022/23, On the use of income side, there will be a shift from ’HatTrick
as well as the cumulative totals for both the EURO 2020 and and social responsibility’ to ’Other competitions’ and ’Other
EURO 2016 cycles. The net financing needs for the EURO 2020 football activities’, reflecting UEFA’s aim to invest more in
cycle are estimated at €212.8 million. This will partially be football development. The decrease under HatTrick is related
absorbed by retained earnings of €74.8 million. The balance to the additional solidarity paid out to member associations
of €138 million will be taken from the undesignated reserves during the EURO 2016 cycle.
of €500 million to ensure the financing of UEFA’s statutory goals
and objectives over the whole cycle. It goes without saying that the figures below correspond to a
prudent approach when establishing forecasts and budgets.
The table also shows the cumulative figures as a percentage, It reflects the current situation based on reasonable assumptions,
disclosing, on the one side, where the net income came from but this could understandably change in either direction.

Breakdown | over two EURO cycles

€m Actuals Actuals Forecast Budget 2020 as  % 2016 as  %

2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 cycle cycle

National team competitions -28.4 657.6 -20.1 -37.6 571.5 40 % 783.6 47 %
Club competitions 148.9 173.8 196.9 201.3 720.9 50 % 800.0 47 %
Other revenue 22.7 26.7 21.5 35.1 106.0 8 % 119.4 7 %
Asset management 13.0 8.1 1.1 1.6 23.8 2 % -12.1 -1 %
Source of net income 156.2 866.2 199.4 200.4 1 422.2 100 % 1 690.9 100 %

HatTrick and social responsibility -43.9 -670.9 -52.7 -53.3 -820.8 58 % -967.0 57 %
Other competitions -52.5 -43.7 -68.8 -82.4 -247.4 17 % -189.5 11 %
Other football activities -50.0 -42.7 -56.6 -58.0 -207.3 15 % -165.1 10 %
Governing expenses -83.7 -86.8 -93.3 -95.7 -359.5 25 % -325.3 19 %
Subtotal -230.1 -844.1 -271.4 -289.4 -1 635.0 115 % -1 646.9 97 %
Net financing to (-) / from (+) reserves 73.9 -22.1 72.0 89.0 212.8 -15 % -44.0 3 %
Use of net income -156.2 -866.2 -199.4 -200.4 -1 422.2 100 % -1 690.9 100 %

Retained earnings - opening balance 74.8 30.8

Retained earning - closing balance -138.0 74.8


EURO 2020

EURO 2020 celebrated 60 years of the competition and was UEFA was very fortunate that fans were allowed back into
unique in more ways than one. Postponed by a year due to stadiums, which helped to maintain EURO 2020 revenue on
the pandemic, the final tournament was played in 11 host cities a similar level to EURO 2016 and, more importantly, ensured
in 11 countries across Europe in summer 2021 and delivered that UEFA’s main solidarity programmes in favour, not only
51 matches during 31 days of competition. of UEFA's member associations but also clubs, could be
substantially increased. The net earnings will also be used
With its 24 participating associations, EURO 2020 was to part-finance UEFA’s operations in the next two years, until
the biggest international sporting event since the start of UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany.
the pandemic, and thanks to UEFA’s Return to Play Protocol,
all matches were able to be played in safety with supporters
in the stadiums to witness many exceptional high-class
matches and goals.

1992 SWE 40.9

1996 ENG 147.3

2000 BEL/NED 229.9

2004 POR 855.2

2008 AUT/SUI 1 350.9

2012 POL/UKR 1 390.9

2016 FRA 1 916.0

2020 Europe 1 882.5

€m Media rights Commercial rights Matchday and other revenue

Revenue | by nature and final tournament

€m 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 as  %

Media rights 18.9 53.3 93.3 560.0 801.6 837.2 1 024.2 1 135.0 60.3 %
Commercial rights 9.7 29.3 54.1 182.2 289.8 313.9 483.3 520.8 27.7 %
Tickets 12.3 64.7 82.5 81.5 100.6 136.1 269.2 148.9 7.9 %
Hospitality - - - 29.9 155.0 102.0 128.1 77.3 4.1 %
Other revenue - - - 1.6 3.9 1.7 11.2 0.5 0.0 %
Total 40.9 147.3 229.9 855.2 1 350.9 1 390.9 1 916.0 1 882.5 100.0 %

Number of participating 8 16 16 16 16 16 24 24


EURO 2020 total revenue, amounting to €1.9 billion, was only Some 140 broadcaster partners in 229 territories worldwide
1.7 % lower than for EURO 2016 in France and was some broadcast EURO 2020 matches and events. Media rights
35  % higher than for EURO 2012 played with 16 teams in revenue, which includes sales of unilateral services to
Poland and Ukraine. Considering the challenging situation, the broadcasters, increased by 11 % to a total of €1.1 billion,
decrease of €33 million compared with EURO 2016 is small. compared with an 8 % upturn in commercial rights revenue
(€520.8m). The sponsorship programme brought together
Due to the pandemic, there was an obvious shift from 12 of the world’s largest brands as EURO 2020 partners –
matchday revenue towards rights revenue as health restrictions UEFA’s six national team football official sponsors alongside
forced some stadiums to reduce their seating capacity. UEFA six EURO 2020 official sponsors. Partners enjoyed privileges
sold roughly 1.27 million tickets (EURO 2016: 2.5m) and tailored to their needs, including exclusive rights to enhance
more than 41,000 corporate hospitality packages for the fan engagement and relations and unparalleled brand
51 matches (EURO 2016: roughly 60,000). Matchday revenue exposure across all 11 stadiums and digital platforms.
accounted for 12 % of the total revenue (2016: 21 %). The EURO 2020 licensing programme comprised a vast range
However, lower matchday revenue is counterbalanced by a of products, with a total of 55 licensees on board: seven
10 % increase in media and commercial rights revenue. Total strategic licensees taken on by UEFA directly and 48 appointed
rights revenue represents 88 % of total revenue (2016: 79 %). by UEFA’s agent, which acted as the master licensee.

Competition costs

The total cost of staging EURO 2020 amounted to and penalty payments due to the postponement of the
€703.9 million (2016: €595.2m), the largest part of which tournament, were counterbalanced by various courses of action,
relates to the direct costs of organising the tournament. such as changes in venues, resulting in a higher ticket inventory,
The competition budget was divided into different projects, lower logistical and travel costs, and fewer fan zones owing to
including, to name but a few, stadium and venue management, local health restrictions.
volunteers, hospitality fulfilment, TV production, signage,
event promotion, draws, ceremonies, transport, and staff costs. As some of UEFA's partners hold commercial rights for
Total costs also included referees and match officers. other UEFA competitions, more than €9 million was charged
to the EURO 2020 accounts as an internal allocation in favour
The budget already allowed for a natural increase in costs due of other national team competitions (European Under-21
to the higher number of host countries. Higher costs, for Championship, Women’s EURO and Futsal EURO).
instance for COVID-19 protective measures, travel contributions
EURO 2020 | project accounts

€m EURO 2004 EURO 2008 EURO 2012 EURO 2016 EURO 2020

Media rights 560.0 801.6 837.2 1 024.2 1 135.0

Commercial rights 182.2 289.8 313.9 483.3 520.8
Rights revenue 742.2 1 091.4 1 151.1 1 507.5 1 655.8
Tickets 81.5 100.6 136.1 269.2 148.9
Hospitality 29.9 155.0 102.0 128.1 77.3
Other revenue 1.6 3.9 1.7 11.2 0.5
Gross revenue 855.2 1 350.9 1 390.9 1 916.0 1 882.5
Competition costs -187.7 -464.5 -499.2 -595.2 -703.9
Net revenue 667.5 886.4 891.7 1 320.8 1 178.6
Distribution to participating associations -128.9 -184.0 -196.0 -301.0 -331.0
Solidarity to clubs - -43.3 -100.0 -150.0 -200.0
Other solidarity and donations -1.0 -0.9 -2.0 -22.5 -1.8
Net result 537.6 658.2 593.7 847.3 645.8
Competition costs 21.9 % 34.4 % 35.9 % 31.1 % 37.4 %
Distribution to participating associations 15.1 % 13.6 % 14.1 % 15.7 % 17.6 %
Solidarity payments 0.1 % 3.3 % 7.3 % 9.0 % 10.7 %
Net result 62.9 % 48.7 % 42.7 % 44.2 % 34.3 %

Distribution to participating associations

A total of €331 million was distributed to the participating quarter-finals and semi-finals, as well as to the two teams
associations. This is €30 million more than for EURO 2016. that met in the final in London.
The distribution was divided into a starting fee and
performance bonuses. The starting fee was increased from Due to the greater distances between the different venues,
€8 million for EURO 2016 to €9.25 million for EURO 2020, UEFA increased its travel contribution and paid individual
while the performance bonuses remained the same as for amounts to each participating association depending on the
EURO 2016. For the group stage, €1 million was awarded for travel involved. Total travel costs amounted to €3.4 million and
a win and €0.5 million for a draw. Further bonus payments are included under the competition costs.
were paid to the teams that reached the round of 16,
EURO 2020 | distribution to participating associations

Starting fee Group Knockout matches Total

€000 Performance Round of 16 Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final

Turkey 9 250 9 250

Group A

Italy 9 250 3 000 1 500 2 500 4 000 8 000 28 250

Wales 9 250 1 500 1 500 12 250
Switzerland 9 250 1 500 1 500 2 500 14 750
Denmark 9 250 1 000 1 500 2 500 4 000 18 250
Group B

Finland 9 250 1 000 10 250

Belgium 9 250 3 000 1 500 2 500 16 250
Russia 9 250 1 000 10 250
Netherlands 9 250 3 000 1 500 13 750
Group C

Ukraine 9 250 1 000 1 500 2 500 14 250

Austria 9 250 2 000 1 500 12 750
North Macedonia 9 250 9 250
England 9 250 2 500 1 500 2 500 4 000 5 000 24 750
Group D

Croatia 9 250 1 500 1 500 12 250

Scotland 9 250 500 9 750
Czech Republic 9 250 1 500 1 500 2 500 14 750
Spain 9 250 2 000 1 500 2 500 4 000 19 250
Group E

Sweden 9 250 2 500 1 500 13 250

Poland 9 250 500 9 750
Slovakia 9 250 1 000 10 250
Hungary 9 250 1 000 10 250
Group F

Portugal 9 250 1 500 1 500 12 250

France 9 250 2 000 1 500 12 750
Germany 9 250 1 500 1 500 12 250
Total 222 000 36 000 24 000 20 000 16 000 13 000 331 000
Solidarity to clubs and donations

As the table on the opposite page reveals, 699 European It is no surprise that the ten clubs receiving the highest
clubs (EURO 2016: 641 clubs) benefited from EURO 2020 payments are among the most successful in recent editions
for a total amount of €200 million, a €50 million increase of the UEFA Champions League. They include four clubs
compared with EURO 2016. from England, three from Germany, two from Italy and one
from Spain. The highest payment – roughly €5.1 million –
€70.4 million (2016: €50.4m), which included a balance went to Chelsea FC.
of €0.4 million for both EURO 2020 and EURO 2016, was
distributed among all clubs which released players during the Besides the solidarity to clubs, UEFA invested €1.8 million in
2018/19 UEFA Nations League (UNL) and the 2018–20 European social responsibility to ensure that football fans with disabilities
Qualifiers (EQ), irrespective of whether the national team qualified could also enjoy the biggest football tournament in Europe.
for EURO 2020. €130 million (2016: €100m) was distributed to All signage was colour-blind friendly and blind supporters had
those clubs that released players for EURO 2020. access to audio-descriptive commentary services. EURO 2020’s
anti-discrimination campaign highlighted football’s capacity for
For the Europeans Qualifiers and the UEFA Nations League, uniting millions of fans around the world to raise awareness
an average amount per player and per game of €4,004 was of critical social issues. It was a high-profile and positive
distributed on the basis of the match sheet. For EURO 2020, affirmation of UEFA’s vision that everyone should be able to
the distribution was calculated on a per player per day basis, enjoy football regardless of who they are, where they are from
with the associations grouped according to the FIFA Club or how they play the game.
Categorisation for Training Compensation, which amounted
to €8,918 per player per day for category 1 clubs, €5,946 for
category 2 clubs, and €2,973 for category 3 clubs.

Net result

The competition net result stands at €645.8 million (2016: €847.3m) It is important to underline that these earnings will not remain
and is €201.5 million lower than for EURO 2016, which can with UEFA but will be invested straight back into the game –
basically be explained by the higher number of host countries and primarily into solidarity programmes such as HatTrick. For the
lower matchday revenue. The financial result achieved within sake of transparency, those investments are not charged to
the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and under very challenging the EURO 2020 project accounts, so as not to dilute the net
conditions is, however, financially better than would have been result. More information about UEFA’s solidarity programmes
thought possible some time ago. The EURO 2020 net result is a is provided under ‘Use of income’ and ‘HatTrick’.
great success under very difficult circumstances.
Clubs participating in the benefits | per association

Number of Associations EQ 2018-20 & EURO 2020 Total 2018-20 Total 2014-16 Number of
clubs 2018-20 UNL 2018/19 clubs 2014-16
5 Albania 130 59 189 333 4
7 Andorra 1 028 - 1 028 565 6
6 Armenia 706 - 706 365 7
10 Austria 680 297 977 780 6
9 Azerbaijan 1 140 - 1 140 935 9
10 Belarus 1 038 - 1 038 533 8
17 Belgium 1 588 2 479 4 067 1 513 16
3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 83 59 142 89 4
12 Bulgaria 1 067 62 1 129 683 6
8 Croatia 799 895 1 694 1 281 6
14 Cyprus 1 549 488 2 037 1 083 15
10 Czech Republic 1 028 1 252 2 280 1 591 9
17 Denmark 1 134 1 546 2 680 1 946 17
64 England 9 643 37 368 47 011 38 330 60
4 Estonia 430 - 430 480 4
6 Faroe Islands 665 - 665 563 6
9 Finland 315 62 377 175 5
29 France 2 207 6 927 9 134 7 218 19
3 Georgia 140 - 140 159 4
40 Germany 5 830 21 957 27 787 18 484 39
9 Gibraltar 1 079 - 1 079 809 8
11 Greece 1 356 410 1 766 1 745 14
13 Hungary 999 2 105 3 104 2 319 13
5 Iceland 325 - 325 119 5
13 Israel 1 049 - 1 049 917 14
45 Italy 6 215 21 217 27 432 15 822 31
13 Kazakhstan 1 987 - 1 987 1 199 12
1 Kosovo 55 - 55 - -
6 Latvia 824 - 824 366 6
4 Liechtenstein 872 - 872 711 3
5 Lithuania 641 - 641 361 6
7 Luxembourg 441 - 441 568 9
12 Malta 1 173 - 1 173 827 12
8 Moldova 678 - 678 540 8
4 Montenegro 252 - 252 134 7
18 Netherlands 1 612 3 853 5 465 1 331 16
5 Northern Ireland 16 - 16 63 1
1 North Macedonia 242 178 420 326 5
19 Norway 854 125 979 1 211 17
20 Poland 1 213 547 1 760 2 051 17
15 Portugal 779 1 237 2 016 2 442 9
3 Republic of Ireland 63 - 63 17 1
13 Romania 743 - 743 1 290 13
21 Russia 3 208 4 316 7 524 6 972 29
11 San Marino 686 - 686 940 10
13 Scotland 1 440 1 754 3 194 1 749 11
7 Serbia 489 59 548 248 5
6 Slovakia 427 241 668 496 6
5 Slovenia 311 - 311 159 5
38 Spain 3 425 11 202 14 627 10 455 34
13 Sweden 858 1 153 2 011 1 985 10
17 Switzerland 1 372 1 029 2 401 2 815 13
24 Turkey 2 005 2 414 4 419 6 782 28
8 Ukraine 1 202 3 550 4 752 3 729 10
3 Wales 359 1 159 1 518 1 735 3
699 Total 70 450 130 000 200 450 150 339 641



The UEFA HatTrick programme was launched in 2004 to The UEFA HatTrick regulations define the financial
coincide with UEFA’s 50th anniversary and with the goal contributions available, as well as the types of project,
to distribute revenue from UEFA’s European Championship investment and initiative eligible for support, as well as
to our member associations for investment in football the administrative tasks that have to be fulfilled in order
development projects. A programme cycle normally starts to receive HatTrick funding.
in the financial year after a men's EURO. Despite the
postponement of EURO 2020, the fifth edition of the HatTrick The table on the facing page shows the different amounts per
programme actually started before the EURO was played and cycle each member association could receive either as one-off
covers the seasons 2020/21 to 2023/24. payments to invest in football infrastructure, development
and education, and grassroots projects, or as yearly fixed and
UEFA’s HatTrick programme has grown into one of the incentive-based solidarity payments.
largest solidarity initiatives in sport, channelling a substantial
portion of each EURO’s revenue to our member associations. The annual fixed amounts are designed to contribute to
EURO 2020 was no exception, generating €775.5 million associations’ running costs, while the annual incentive
(HatTrick IV: €610.5m) to fund activities across the continent. payments encourage participation in youth, women’s and
HatTrick also draws on a small proportion of UEFA club futsal competitions. In addition, contributions are made
competition revenue, which helped to increase the funds to help associations implement and apply various initiatives,
available despite diminished EURO 2020 earnings. activities and conventions.

The aim of the HatTrick programme is to provide financial All details by category and association are provided on
support to all 55 UEFA member associations for projects pages 10 and 11.
designed to develop and foster football at all levels. HatTrick
has had a positive impact on the development of European
football, helping to strengthen the roots of the game.

HatTrick I 96.2 171.6 33.8 301.6

HatTrick II 132.5 275.6 408.1

HatTrick III 159.0 339.2 498.2

HatTrick IV 192.5 418.0 610.5

HatTrick V 247.5 528.0 775.5

€m Investments Yearly solidarity Mini-pitches

Breakdown | by category

€000 HatTrick I HatTrick II HatTrick III HatTrick IV HatTrick V

Investments One-off 1 850 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 500

Yearly solidarity Year 1 825 1 300 1 600 1 900 2 400
Yearly solidarity Year 2 825 1 300 1 600 1 900 2 400
Yearly solidarity Year 3 825 1 300 1 600 1 900 2 400
Yearly solidarity Year 4 825 1 300 1 600 1 900 2 400
Mini-pitches Per cycle 650 - - - -
Total 5 800 7 700 9 400 11 100 14 100



The completion of the qualifying phase for EURO 2020 secured Revenue is recognised in the income statement based on
20 places in the 24-team final tournament. To identify the the number of matches played in a given financial year.
last four qualifiers, 16 teams, each selected on the basis of With many national team matches postponed in 2019/20
their 2018/19 UEFA Nations League performances, entered due to the pandemic, the number of matches was higher in
a play-off draw in November 2019 to divide them into four 2020/21, leading to revenue of €647.3 million for the third
different qualifying paths to the finals. Originally scheduled year of the current cycle, which was obviously higher than the
for March 2020, these play-offs were shifted to October and €279.3 million recognised for 2019/20. The recognised costs
November 2020 as a consequence of football’s temporary for distribution to associations follows the same accounting
halt. By condensing the national team competition calendar principle using the number of matches played as basis. In
– turning double-headers into triple-headers – UEFA was 2020/21, €577.4 million was recognised (2019/20: €278.4m).
able to successfully make up the backlog of play-off matches The actual payments to the participating associations, however,
without affecting the Nations League. The group stage differ from the recognised costs as they are based on individual
matches of the Nations League were completed between declarations signed between the member associations and
September and November 2020, setting the scene for the UEFA, and for the European Qualifiers amounts are fixed, with
final-four tournament to be played in October 2021 instead no performance bonus awarded for a win or for a draw.
of June 2021, which was the original date for the finals. UEFA
also kick-started the European Qualifiers for the 2022 FIFA Total cumulative revenue for the second cycle (2018–22) is
World Cup in Qatar with a triple-header of fixtures in March estimated at €1.9 billion and will be almost double that of
2021. Besides the 51 matches of EURO 2020 played across the first cycle (2014–18: €1bn). This achievement is a direct
11 European venues in summer 2021, 361 other national consequence of the introduction of the UEFA Nations League
team matches were played in the 2020/21 financial year: competition in the current cycle, which has increased both
75 European Qualifiers, 12 EURO 2020 play-offs, the number and the competitiveness of matches.
114 friendlies and 160 UEFA Nations League matches.
The overall result for the full cycle of European Qualifiers will
The centralisation of other national team competitions be negative and therefore requires a subsidy from UEFA. The
comprises media and sponsorship sales for the 2018/19 and estimated total shortfall of €54 million over four years, which
2020/21 UEFA Nations League as well as for the European partially represents the costs of operating the competition
Qualifiers for EURO 2020 and the 2022 FIFA World Cup, and includes some minor COVID-19 compensation payments,
including some friendlies. Matchday revenue is not centralised is lower than the previous shortfall for the 2014–18 cycle of
and home associations therefore keep the revenue generated €79.5 million. However, it is important to consider both shortfalls
by ticket and hospitality sales. as a long-term investment in strengthening national teams and
giving fans more excitement and more high-quality matches.

2 000

1 500

1 000 1 937.2

500 Total revenue 1 033.3

€m 2014-18 2018-22


Compared with 2019/20, when the pandemic resulted in a and positive tests. The pandemic did, however, force us to move
condensed UEFA club competition format and a major drop the men’s Champions League final from its original venue of
in revenue, European football recovered to a great extent in Istanbul owing to travel restrictions that would have prevented
2020/21 and delivered matches even though the conditions fans of both finalists from attending. The event returned to
continued to be challenging. Despite shifting health regulations Portugal, which already had experience of staging the previous
and travel restrictions, our effective COVID-19 testing system and season’s rearranged final at short notice, and 6,000 fans from
proven Return to Play Protocol minimised match cancellations each club were able to attend the match.

By cycle:

2000-03 1 852.5 351.1 2 203.6

2003-06 1 449.4 373.9 1 823.3

2006-09 2 006.5 599.8 2 606.3

2009-12 3 214.8 817.6 4 032.4

2012-15 4 053.3 950.9 5 004.2

2015-18 6 021.4 1 288.2 7 309.6

2018-21 7 733.2 1 314.4 9 047.6

€m Media rights revenue Commercial rights revenue

By season:

2013/14 1 444.0 247.5 1 691.5

2014/15 1 496.5 258.6 1 755.1

2015/16 2 060.9 355.9 2 416.8

2016/17 2 120.5 366.9 2 487.4

2017/18 2 136.6 372.3 2 508.9

2018/19 2 853.4 363.8 3 217.2

2019/20 2 418.8 311.5 2 730.3

2020/21 2 797.6 358.3 3 155.9

€m Champions League/Super Cup Europa League

Gross revenue

At €3.16 billion, overall revenue was almost back at its pre- particular, those with coverage limited to pay-TV Commercial
pandemic level (2018/19: €3.22bn). As not all rights could be rights revenue grew by 2 %, most likely as a consequence of
delivered, some minor compensation was agreed with partners. the success of media rights sales to pay-TV broadcasters.
Lower matchday revenue compared with 2018/19 also prevented
The second graph shows total revenue per season and per
overall revenue from returning to the target level for 2020/21.
competition. Besides rights revenue, total revenue includes ticket
The first graph above shows the figures per cycle for rights and hospitality sales for the two club competition finals and the
revenue. Despite the 15 % hit in 2019/20, cumulative rights Super Cup. For all other matches, home clubs keep the gate
revenue for the 2018–21 cycle passed the €9 billion mark receipts. While no spectators attended the 2020 finals, a reduced
(2015–18: €7.3bn). Media rights revenue rose by as much as number attended the 2021 finals and the 2020 Super Cup,
28 % thanks to general increases across most markets – in generating €8.3 million in revenue, €4.4 million up on 2019/20.

Competition costs

The higher number of matches played in 2020/21 and Competition costs for staging the two main men’s competitions
a subsidy for travel for clubs playing in the qualification (play-offs to the finals) and the Super Cup, including referees
phase, coupled with additional costs related to COVID-19 and match delegates for all matches (all qualifying rounds
measures and testing, considerably increased competition included), increased by 5 % to €259.8 million (2019/20:
costs compared with 2019/20. The change of venue for the €247.3m). In contrast, competition costs as a percentage
men’s Champions League from Istanbul to Porto did not have of gross revenue decreased from 9.1 % to 8.2 % in 2020/21,
a financial impact because the service levels were adapted, which is even slightly lower than the 2018/19 season.
compensating for penalty or cancellation fees.


The UEFA Executive Committee decided to maintain solidarity For 2020/21, UEFA allocated solidarity payments according
payments on the same level as previous seasons – underlining its to the same criteria as the previous season: out of a total of
commitment to helping European football in its time of need. 7 % of gross revenue, 4 % goes to non-participating clubs
for investment in youth football development projects. In the
As shown in the table below, solidarity increased to
reporting period, the total available amount was €130 million.
€220.9 million in 2020/21 (2019/20: €191.1m), reflecting the
Of this, 80 % is distributed to national associations with at
higher revenue generated. A €10 million cross-subsidy was
least one club participating in the men’s Champions League
allocated from the men’s Champions League clubs’ share.
group stage and 20 % to those with no participating clubs.
The actual solidarity paid stands at €232.2 million and includes
The amount is accrued and will be paid out during the
a further advance by UEFA of €12 million to maintain the
2021/22 season. The remaining 3 %, amounting to
solidarity level. At the same time, €9.3 million was deducted
€102.2 million for 2020/21, is reserved for clubs participating
to start reimbursing UEFA’s advance of €36.4 million in 2019/20,
in the Champions League and Europa League qualifying rounds.
which will be reimbursed in full by the end of the next club
competition cycle in 2023/24.

Breakdown | by nature

€m 2020/21 2019/20

Total solidarity 220.9 191.1

Subsidy from UCL clubs 10.0 10.0
Additional solidarity 12.0 36.4
Deducted from 2019/20 and 2020/21 solidarity -9.3 -5.7
Team travel contribution -1.4 0.0
Total solidarity disbursed 232.2 231.8
- solidarity to non-participating clubs 130.0 130.0
- solidarity to eliminated clubs 102.2 101.8


Total: 3 155.9
3 000 UEL 358.3 259.8
2 500

2 000

1 500 UCL/USC 2 797.6 2 675.2 2 501.4

1 000


€m Gross revenue Costs Solidarity Net revenue Club share UEFA share

Club competitions | project accounts

€m UCL/USC UEL 2020/21 as % 2019/20 as %

Media rights 2 389.0 309.3 2 698.3 85.5 % 2 318.8 84.9 %

Commercial rights 401.5 47.8 449.3 14.2 % 407.6 14.9 %
Rights revenue 2 790.5 357.1 3 147.6 99.7 % 2 726.4 99.8 %
Tickets 5.9 0.7 6.6 0.2 % 3.9 0.2 %
Hospitality 1.2 0.5 1.7 0.1 % 0.0 0.0 %
Gross revenue 2 797.6 358.3 3 155.9 100.0 % 2 730.3 100.0 %
Competition costs -180.8 -79.0 -259.8 8.2 % -247.3 9.1 %
Solidarity payments -144.7 -76.2 -220.9 7.0 % -191.1 7.0 %
Net revenue 2 472.1 203.1 2 675.2 84.8 % 2 291.9 83.9 %
- club share -2 501.4 93.5 % -2 143.0 93.5 %
- UEFA share -173.8 6.5 % -148.9 6.5 %

Club share

To calculate the club share, all men’s Champions League/Super Although the revenue reduction due to COVID-19 was
Cup and Europa League rights, ticket and hospitality revenue much lower in 2020/21, UEFA continued, as in 2019/20,
is placed in a single distribution pot, from which competition to maintain the distribution amount at the 2018/19 level.
costs and solidarity payments are then deducted. The net The corresponding advance payment will be deducted
revenue, which amounted to €2.67 billion in 2020/21, is then from the club distribution over the next three seasons.
split between the clubs (93.5 %) and UEFA (6.5 %).
The table on the facing page shows the reconciliation
In the current reporting period, the share available for distribution between the actual recognised costs (club share), cross-
to clubs totalled €2.5 billion (2019/20: €2.14bn). As every subsidies and advances/deductions on the one side, and
season, this is then split as a fixed ratio of 4 to 1 between on the other side, the actual amounts paid out within the
men’s Champions League/Super Cup and Europa League clubs. different pillars, such as starting fees, performance-related
An additional €50 million taken from the Champions League amounts, coefficient rankings and a variable market pool
clubs’ share goes to Europa League clubs, while an additional based on the proportional value of the domestic TV market.
€10 million subsidises solidarity payments to clubs eliminated
in the qualifying phase.

2013/14 1 235.2

2014/15 1 278.4

2015/16 1 767.6

2016/17 1 819.3

2017/18 1 840.8

2018/19 2 536.1

2019/20 2 466.2

2020/21 2 451.0
€m Club competition distribution by season

Breakdown | by competition and category

€m UCL/USC UEL 2020/21 2019/20

Club share 2 001.1 500.3 2 501.4 2 143.0

Cross-subsidy to solidarity -10.0 0.0 -10.0 -10.0
Cross-subsidy from UCL to UEL -50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0
Additional distribution 47.1 10.1 57.2 416.5
Deducted from 2020/21 payment -78.1 -19.5 -97.6 -83.3
Distribution to participating clubs 1 910.1 540.9 2 451.0 2 466.2
Play-offs 30.0 0.0 30.0 30.0
Starting fee 488.0 140.1 628.1 628.1
Coefficient ranking 585.0 84.0 669.0 669.0
Market pool 292.0 168.0 460.0 460.0
Performance - group matches 259.2 100.1 359.3 359.3
Performance - knockout matches / final / UEFA Super Cup 326.0 68.2 394.2 394.2
COVID-19 / final account / ECA -70.1 -19.5 -89.6 -74.4
Total 1 910.1 540.9 2 451.0 2 466.2

UEFA share

In accordance with the memorandum of understanding co‑finance football development and education activities, as
signed with the European Club Association (ECA) in 2018, well as to cover UEFA's institutional and administrative costs.
UEFA keeps 6.5 % of net revenue from the main men’s club
This contribution for 2020/21 stands at €173.8 million,
competitions, which is then reinvested directly into football,
€24.9 million up on the previous season (2019/20: €148.9m)
first and foremost in other competitions, to further develop
and back to the pre-pandemic level, which is important for the
the game at the base of the footballing pyramid and for the
safeguarding of European football.
benefit of European football as a whole. It is also used to



Teams eligible for Champions League payments

For the 2018–21 cycle, the UEFA Champions League comprises

32 group stage participants, including the six winning teams
from the two-leg qualifying play-off matches. These play-offs,
from which the six losing teams move into the group stage
of the UEFA Europa League, are included in the Champions
League contracts. The total number of Champions League
matches played in 2020/21 was 137, compared with 131
in the previous season, following UEFA’s decision to adopt
a revised format with a final-eight tournament comprising
one-off knockout matches, to finish the 2019/20 season safely.

Breakdown of distribution payments for Champions

League participants
In total, €1.91 billion (2019/20: €1.92bn) was distributed to
Champions League clubs and the UEFA Super Cup participants
in 2020/21.

UEFA paid a fixed amount of €5 million to the clubs

eliminated in the play-off matches; these clubs subsequently
benefited from the Europa League club share (see relevant
section). The winners of the Champions League play-offs were
then eligible for the Champions League group stage starting
fees: €488 million (equivalent to 25 % of total distribution) or UEFA also allocated 30 % of the total distribution – €585 million
€15.25 million per club. – as performance-related fixed amounts in the group stage:
€2.7 million for a win and €900,000 for a draw. Undistributed
UEFA allocated €585 million (30 % of total distribution) to amounts (€900,000 per draw) were pooled and redistributed
the 32 clubs in the group stage according to a coefficient among the clubs playing in the group stage in amounts
ranking system: in addition to points accumulated over a proportionate to their number of wins. The table on the
ten-year period for competing in UEFA competitions, a club’s following pages details the amounts paid to clubs that qualified
final ranking includes bonus points for winning the UEFA for the knockout stage and the two finalists. This total also
Champions League/European Champion Clubs’ Cup, the UEFA includes payments made to the clubs playing the Super Cup in
Europa League/UEFA Cup or the Cup Winners’ Cup. Clubs September 2020.
are awarded shares based on their position in the coefficient
ranking table, with each share worth €1.108 million in the Following the group stage, each club received an average of
season under review. The lowest-ranked club (Ferencvárosi €58.3 million (2019/20: 58.6m) with the two highest amounts
TC) received one share, with one share added for each distributed to the two finalists: runners-up Manchester City FC
subsequent ranking position. This gave the highest-ranked (€119.1m) and winners Chelsea FC (€119.8m). The lowest
club (Real Madrid CF) a total of 32 shares (€35.5m). amount paid out was €18.5 million.

Another €292 million (15 % of total distribution) was UEFA rewarded a fixed amount of €3.5 million to each of
distributed according to the proportional value of each TV the 2020 Super Cup participants – FC Bayern München and
market represented by the clubs taking part in the UEFA Sevilla FC – with the winners, FC Bayern München, receiving
Champions League from the group stage onwards. The an additional amount of €1 million.
different market shares were split among the participating
clubs, with the first 50 % based on the club’s previous The final column on page 33 shows the amounts deducted
season’s domestic ranking and the other half paid in proportionally for the COVID-19 advance payments made
proportion to the number of matches played by each in 2019/20 and 2020/21, as well as the amount paid to the
club in the 2020/21 season. European Club Association (ECA).
UEFA Champions League 2020/21 | distribution to clubs

Play-offs Starting fee Coefficient Market pool Group matches

€000 Performance

FC Bayern München GER 15 250 34 348 11 529 15 585

Group A

Club Atlético de Madrid ESP 15 250 32 132 12 686 8 574

FC Salzburg AUT 15 250 14 404 1 832 3 837
FC Lokomotiv Moskva RUS 15 250 8 864 695 2 700
Real Madrid CF ESP 15 250 35 456 22 036 9 711
Group B

FC Shakhtar Donetsk UKR 15 250 21 052 253 7 674

F.C. Internazionale Milano ITA 15 250 17 728 12 712 5 637
VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach GER 15 250 7 756 5 481 7 674
FC Porto POR 15 250 26 592 2 604 12 648
Group C

Manchester City FC ENG 15 250 25 484 20 651 15 585

Olympiacos FC GRE 15 250 15 512 2 662 2 937
Olympique de Marseille FRA 15 250 13 296 17 529 2 937
Liverpool FC ENG 15 250 22 160 21 620 12 648
Group D

AFC Ajax NED 15 250 19 944 1 830 6 774

Atalanta BC ITA 15 250 5 540 11 865 10 611
FC Midtjylland DEN 15 250 2 216 2 174 1 800
Sevilla FC ESP 15 250 23 268 9 682 12 648
Group E

Chelsea FC ENG 15 250 31 024 13 875 13 548

FC Krasnodar RUS 15 250 6 648 542 4 737
Stade Rennais FC FRA 15 250 4 432 13 147 900
Football Club Zenit RUS 15 250 18 836 797 900
Group F

Borussia Dortmund GER 15 250 24 376 9 828 12 648

S.S. Lazio ITA 15 250 12 188 9 322 9 474
Club Brugge KV BEL 15 250 11 080 1 698 7 674
Juventus Football Club ITA 15 250 29 916 16 950 14 685
Group G

FC Barcelona ESP 15 250 33 240 15 691 14 685

FC Dynamo Kyiv UKR 15 250 16 620 228 3 837
Ferencvárosi TC HUN 15 250 1 108 1 950 900
Paris Saint-Germain FRA 15 250 27 700 27 753 11 748
Group H

Manchester United FC ENG 15 250 28 808 11 616 8 811

RB Leipzig GER 15 250 9 972 7 182 11 748
İstanbul Başakşehir F.K. TUR 15 250 3 324 2 160 2 937
KAA Gent BEL 5 000 189
AC Omonia CYP 5 000
SK Slavia Praha CZE 5 000
Eliminated clubs

PAOK FC GRE 5 000 296

Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC ISR 5 000
Molde FK NOR 5 000
AZ NED 203
SL Benfica POR 289
Beşiktaş JK TUR 240
SK Rapid Wien AUT 203
FC Bayern München GER

Sevilla FC ESP
Allocated in accordance with the memorandum of understanding with the ECA
Total 30 000 488 000 585 024 292 000 259 212

Knockout matches COVID-19/ECA Total

Round of 16 Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final

9 500 10 500 -3 814 92 898 FC Bayern München

9 500 -3 082 75 060 Club Atlético de Madrid
-1 393 33 930 FC Salzburg
-1 085 26 424 FC Lokomotiv Moskva
9 500 10 500 12 000 -4 514 109 939 Real Madrid CF
-1 744 42 485 FC Shakhtar Donetsk
-2 024 49 303 F.C. Internazionale Milano
9 500 -1 801 43 860 VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach
9 500 10 500 -3 040 74 054 FC Porto
9 500 10 500 12 000 15 000 -4 889 119 081 Manchester City FC
-1 434 34 927 Olympiacos FC
-1 933 47 079 Olympique de Marseille
9 500 10 500 -3 616 88 062 Liverpool FC
-1 727 42 071 AFC Ajax
9 500 -2 081 50 685 Atalanta BC
-846 20 594 FC Midtjylland
9 500 -2 774 67 574 Sevilla FC
9 500 10 500 12 000 19 000 -4 918 119 779 Chelsea FC
-1 072 26 105 FC Krasnodar
-1 330 32 399 Stade Rennais FC
-1 411 34 372 Football Club Zenit
9 500 10 500 -3 238 78 864 Borussia Dortmund
9 500 -2 198 53 536 S.S. Lazio
-1 408 34 294 Club Brugge KV
9 500 -3 404 82 897 Juventus Football Club
9 500 -3 485 84 881 FC Barcelona
-1 417 34 518 FC Dynamo Kyiv
-758 18 450 Ferencvárosi TC
9 500 10 500 12 000 -4 514 109 937 Paris Saint-Germain
-2 543 61 942 Manchester United FC
9 500 -2 116 51 536 RB Leipzig
-934 22 737 İstanbul Başakşehir F.K.
-205 4 984 KAA Gent
-197 4 803 AC Omonia
-197 4 803 SK Slavia Praha
-209 5 087 PAOK FC
-197 4 803 Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC
-197 4 803 Molde FK
-8 195 AZ
-11 278 SL Benfica
-9 231 Beşiktaş JK
-8 195 SK Rapid Wien
4 500 -177 4 323 FC Bayern München
3 500 -138 3 362 Sevilla FC
8 000 8 000
152 000 84 000 48 000 42 000 -70 096 1 910 140



Teams eligible for Europa League payments Another €168 million (30 % of total distribution) was
distributed according to the proportional value of each TV
The 48 teams that qualify for the group stage of the UEFA
market represented by the clubs taking part in the UEFA
Europa League are drawn into 12 groups, guaranteeing each
Europa League from the group stage onwards. The different
team three home and three away matches. The winners and
market shares were split among the participating clubs, with
runners-up from each of the 12 groups are joined in the round
the first 50 % based on the club’s previous season’s domestic
of 32 by the eight teams which earn the right to continue their
ranking and the other half paid according to the club’s
European campaign by finishing third in their UEFA Champions
progress in the competition during the 2020/21 season.
League group. The actual number of matches played in this
reporting period was 204 (2019/20: 197), with just one match
UEFA also allocated 30 % of the total distribution –
being cancelled for COVID-related reasons.
€168 million – as performance-related fixed amounts in the
group stage: €570,000 for a win and €190,000 for a draw.
Breakdown of distribution payments
Undistributed amounts (€190,000 per draw) were pooled and
for Europa League participants
redistributed among the clubs playing in the group stage in
In total, €540.9 million was paid to the Europa League amounts proportionate to their number of wins. In addition,
participants for the 2020/21 season. each group winner and runner-up received a qualification
bonus of €1 million and €500,000 respectively. The table on
As explained earlier, 93.5 % of net revenue is distributed the following pages details the amounts paid to clubs that
to Champions League and Europa League clubs at an agreed qualified for the knockout stages and the two finalists.
fixed ratio of 4 to 1 between the two competitions. An
additional subsidy of €50 million taken from the Champions Following the group stage, each club received an average
League clubs brings the total distributed amount for the €10.6 million, with the highest amount paid to the competition
Europa League to €540.9 million (2019/20: €543.8m). winners, Villarreal CF (€33.1m).

UEFA uses the same distribution model applied to the The final column shows the amounts deducted proportionally for
Champions League, including the additional coefficient the COVID-19 advance payments made in 2019/20 and 2020/21.
ranking system (see page 38).

All participating clubs are entitled to a fixed starting fee of

€2.92 million, 25 % (€140.1m) of total distribution payments.

UEFA then paid a total €84 million (15 % of total distribution)

in accordance with the coefficient ranking table of each
club’s performance in European competitions over a ten-year
period. Clubs are awarded shares based on their position in
the table, with each share worth €71,430 in the season under
review. The lowest-ranked club (PFC CSKA Sofia) received one
share, with one share added for each subsequent ranking
position. This gave the highest-ranked club (Arsenal FC) a total
of 48 shares (€3.42m).
UEFA Europa League 2020/21 | distribution to clubs

Starting fee Coefficient Market pool Group matches

Performance Round of 32

AS Roma ITA 2 920 3 000 9 885 3 638 500

Group A

BSC Young Boys SUI 2 920 2 286 3 687 2 526 500

CFR 1907 Cluj ROU 2 920 1 500 1 691 992
PFC CSKA Sofia BUL 2 920 71 319 992
Arsenal FC ENG 2 920 3 429 14 403 4 672 500
Group B

SK Rapid Wien AUT 2 920 1 714 623 1 414

Molde FK NOR 2 920 1 000 5 000 2 526 500
Dundalk FC IRL 2 920 143 343
Bayer 04 Leverkusen GER 2 920 3 143 8 343 4 060 500
Group C

SK Slavia Praha CZE 2 920 1 143 587 2 948 500

Hapoel Beer-Sheva FC ISR 2 920 500 211 1 224
OGC Nice FRA 2 920 929 8 581 612
SL Benfica POR 2 920 3 357 981 2 906 500
Group D

R. Standard de Liège BEL 2 920 1 929 318 802

Rangers FC SCO 2 920 1 357 2 087 3 828 500
KKS Lech Poznań POL 2 920 786 2 452 612
PSV Eindhoven NED 2 920 2 857 1 151 3 448 500
Group E

PAOK FC GRE 2 920 2 500 2 991 1 182

Granada Club de Fútbol ESP 2 920 2 000 7 186 2 716 500
AC Omonia CYP 2 920 214 368 802
SSC Napoli ITA 2 920 3 214 5 313 3 216 500
Group F

Real Sociedad de Fútbol ESP 2 920 2 071 4 729 2 294 500

AZ NED 2 920 2 571 931 1 604
HNK Rijeka CRO 2 920 857 560 802
SC Braga POR 2 920 2 714 981 3 138 500
Group G

Leicester City FC ENG 2 920 1 786 7 622 3 638 500

AEK Athens FC GRE 2 920 1 071 2 991 612
FC Zorya Luhansk UKR 2 920 643 686 1 224
Celtic FC SCO 2 920 2 643 1 214 802
Group H

AC Sparta Praha CZE 2 920 2 429 257 1 224

AC Milan ITA 2 920 3 071 5 677 3 638 500
LOSC Lille FRA 2 920 1 643 11 285 2 716 500
Villarreal CF ESP 2 920 2 929 10 180 4 250 500
Group I

FK Qarabağ AZE 2 920 1 214 28 190

Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC ISR 2 920 1 286 216 2 716 500
Sivasspor Kulübü TUR 2 920 357 5 481 1 224
Tottenham Hotspur FC ENG 2 920 3 286 9 094 3 638 500
Group J

PFC Ludogorets 1945 BUL 2 920 2 214 319

LASK Linz AUT 2 920 429 623 2 026
R. Antwerp FC BEL 2 920 571 471 2 948 500
PFC CSKA Moskva RUS 2 920 2 786 3 187 570
Group K

GNK Dinamo CRO 2 920 2 357 968 3 828 500

Feyenoord NED 2 920 1 857 931 992
Wolfsberger AC AUT 2 920 286 771 2 526 500

Knockout matches COVID-19 Total

Round of 16 Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final

1 100 1 500 2 400 -870 24 073 AS Roma

1 100 -450 12 569 BSC Young Boys
-250 6 853 CFR 1907 Cluj
-150 4 152 PFC CSKA Sofia
1 100 1 500 2 400 -1 080 29 844 Arsenal FC
-230 6 441 SK Rapid Wien
1 100 -450 12 596 Molde FK
-120 3 286 Dundalk FC
-660 18 306 Bayer 04 Leverkusen
1 100 1 500 -370 10 328 SK Slavia Praha
-170 4 685 Hapoel Beer-Sheva FC
-450 12 592 OGC Nice
-370 10 294 SL Benfica
-210 5 759 R. Standard de Liège
1 100 -410 11 382 Rangers FC
-240 6 530 KKS Lech Poznań
-380 10 496 PSV Eindhoven
-330 9 263 PAOK FC
1 100 1 500 -620 17 302 Granada Club de Fútbol
-150 4 154 AC Omonia
-530 14 633 SSC Napoli
-440 12 074 Real Sociedad de Fútbol
-280 7 746 AZ
-180 4 959 HNK Rijeka
-360 9 893 SC Braga
-570 15 896 Leicester City FC
-260 7 334 AEK Athens FC
-190 5 283 FC Zorya Luhansk
-260 7 319 Celtic FC
-240 6 590 AC Sparta Praha
1 100 -590 16 316 AC Milan
-660 18 404 LOSC Lille
1 100 1 500 2 400 8 500 -1 190 33 089 Villarreal CF
-150 4 202 FK Qarabağ
-270 7 368 Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC
-350 9 632 Sivasspor Kulübü
1 100 -720 19 818 Tottenham Hotspur FC
-190 5 263 PFC Ludogorets 1945
-210 5 788 LASK Linz
-260 7 150 R. Antwerp FC
-330 9 133 PFC CSKA Moskva
1 100 1 500 -460 12 713 GNK Dinamo
-230 6 470 Feyenoord
-240 6 763 Wolfsberger AC


UEFA Europa League 2020/21 | distribution to clubs

Starting fee Coefficient Market pool Group matches

Performance Round of 32

KAA Gent BEL 2 920 2 143 318

Group L

FK Crvena Zvezda SRB 2 920 1 571 679 2 716 500

TSG 1899 Hoffenheim GER 2 920 1 429 8 343 4 250 500
FC Slovan Liberec CZE 2 920 714 209 1 414
FC Salzburg AUT 147 500
FC Shakhtar Donetsk UKR 123 500
Clubs from UCL

Olympiacos FC GRE 2 152 500

AFC Ajax NED 1 341 500
FC Krasnodar RUS 502 500
Club Brugge KV BEL 81 500
FC Dynamo Kyiv UKR 123 500
Manchester United FC ENG 8 260 500
Total 140 160 84 000 168 000 100 096 16 000
Knockout matches COVID-19 Total

Round of 16 Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final

-190 5 191 KAA Gent

-290 8 096 FK Crvena Zvezda
-610 16 832 TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
-180 5 077 FC Slovan Liberec
-20 627 FC Salzburg
1 100 -60 1 663 FC Shakhtar Donetsk
1 100 -130 3 622 Olympiacos FC
1 100 1 500 -150 4 291 AFC Ajax
-30 972 FC Krasnodar
-20 561 Club Brugge KV
1 100 -60 1 663 FC Dynamo Kyiv
1 100 1 500 2 400 4 500 -640 17 620 Manchester United FC
17 600 12 000 9 600 13 000 -19 500 540 956
This document is published in English, French and German.
The English version is authoritative, in accordance with
Article 4.3 of the UEFA Statutes.
Route de Genѐve 46
CH-1260 Nyon 2


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