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Menu Abunawas - 2023 PDF

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here we begin with


m at r a m a n , j a k a rta
k e m a n g , j a k a rta
k u ta , b a li
A b u n AwA s begAn its culinAry journey in 1999 by opening
the first brAnch in M At r A M A n A n d n o w h A s s u c c e s s f u l ly
e x pA n d s Another brAnch i n K e M A n g , j A K A r tA & b A l i . w e A r e
h o n o u r e d t o c o n t i n u e A n i n t e r g e n e r At i o n A l l e g A c y , c o M M i t
A n d r e s p e c t t h e c u l i n A r y h e r i tA g e . y e t A s M A n y y e A r s h Av e
pA s s e d , t h e M e n u h A s p r o u d ly e v o lv e d t o e M b r A c e n e w f l Av o r s &
i n f l u e n c e s t o e n r i c h A n d e n l i v e n t h e pA l At e o f o u r c u s t o M e r s .

A b u n AwA s o f f e r s A wAy t o g e t A tA s t e o f h o M e f o r t h o s e w h o
l i v e A b r o A d , i t tA K e s y o u o n A j o u r n e y , t r i g g e r s y o u r tA s t e b u d s ,
Mind As well As MeMories. using t r A d i t i o n A l r e c i p e s t h At h Av e
b e e n h A n d e d d o w n t h r o u g h g e n e r At i o n s , w e wA n t t o n o u r i s h
the Minds And souls of the coMMunity. it’s the plAce where the
A r A b i A n d i n i n g e t i q u e t t e i s i n t r o d u c e d . d i s h e s s e r v e d At t h e
c e n t e r , g u e s t s A r e c i r c l e d A r o u n d i t t o d i n e . t h o u g h M A n y M Ay
v i e w h A n d s t o M o u t h e At i n g A s b A r b A r i c , i t wA s A n d s t i l l A n
i M p o r tA n t d A i ly c u s t o M i n t h e A r A b i A n g u l f , M i d d l e e A s t , pA r t
o f A s i A . t h i s A l s o c o n s i d e r s A wAy t o w e l c o M e y o u i n t h e fA M i ly
/ c o M M u n i t y b y s h A r i n g f o o d i n A l A r g e c o M M u n A l p l At e .

W e l c o m e a n d T h a n k Yo u


prices Are in thousAnds of rupiAh And subject to 10% g ov e r n M e n t tA x

And 5% s e rv i c e c h A r g e .
3 2

MAny A r e h e s i tA n t & Anxious About

t r y i n g n e w f o o d , e s p e c i A l ly w h e n i t
c o n tA i n s s o M e t h i n g w e n e v e r h e A r d o f .
Middle eAstern cuisines, rich beyond
c o M p r e h e n s i o n b o t h i n tA s t e A n d
i n g r e d i e n t s .s tA r t s w i t h t h e s e A p p e t i z e r s ,
Known As MezA. you cAn distinguish
e A s i ly t h e tA s t e w i t h M A n y d e l i c At e A n d
l i g h t o p t i o n s s i M p ly l i p – licKing.

Muqabalat Musyakal
Small | 72k Medium | 95k Large | 120k

Journey to enjoy a plate of various dips contain

of Hummus, Mutabbal, Tabouleh, Baba Ghanouj
serves with 3 tannour bread (small), 5 tannour
bread (medium) or 8 tannour bread (large).
Baba Ghanouj * | 45k Hummus | 45k
Humble taste of Eggplant blended up with lemon A cold puree of chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic,
juice, tomatoes, refreshing taste of mint leaves, sesame paste & olive oil. Uber creamy, decadent,
parsley adds to it. slightly sweet and the perfect balance of savory &
tangy from the lemon.

Hummus bil lahm* | 75k

Hummus with special lamb topping.

Tabouleh | 45k Mutabbal | 45k

One of the most popular Mediterranean salad, this A creamy dip known also as Moutabel, a smoky
is all about tomatoes, bulgur wheat & green onions Middle Eastern dip made of eggplant, sesame paste,
– all finely chopped then tossed with olive oil & garlic & olive oil.
lemon juice.
Laban Bil Khiyar | 38k
Traditionally made with fresh, strained Yoghurt &
chopped cucumber. Smooth, healthy & refreshing
dip, one of the vegetarian favorite.

Laban Saddah | 33k

* Served with khobus tannour
Fattaoush | 47k
A simple chopped salad of fresh
tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber dressed in
pomegranate oil, topped with crunchy
pieces of pita chips serves as croutons.

Salata Khadra | 42k

Another very popular salad, combination
of cucumbers, pinch sliced lettuce, fresh
tomatoes, salt & lemon juice.

Salata Turkiye | 42k
Called “Salad of the People” ~ Tangy salad
of barbequed onion & green pepper, fresh
tomatoes, cucumber, mint leaves with
lemon dressing.
Cucumber with Avocado Salad | 53k Vermicelli Salad | 48k

Cucumber SALAD with avocado, and lettuce, plus a Salad made from chopped red radish, zucchini, black
splash of olive oil and a sprinkling of black pepper, & olives, parsley leaves, unsalted cheese, topping of
a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. sumack, oregano leaves, poured with olive oil and
squeezed lemon juice.

Rosemary Chicken Salad | 68k Balela Salad | 42k

Salad chicken combined with chopped fresh lettuce, Fresh salad from chopped lettuce, zucchini, and mint
plus a sprinkling of cheese, fresh lemon juice, a leaves, sprinkling of humus nuts and fresh lemon.
splash of olive oil, and a sprinkling of chopped
rosemary leaves.
1. Foul Gelaba | 52k

A nutritious dish, packed with vitamins and lean protein. Fava beans known
as broad beans, cooked in a very special & delighted way mixed with chopped
tomatoes, onion, garlic & green pepper, eaten with tannour bread.

2. Foul Medames | 45k

A delicious Mediterranean dip made of stew of seasoning cooked fava beans

with olive oil & cumin before serving it with tannour bread.


Stuffed Lebanese bread with assorted filling.

1. Arrais Lahm Tannour | 40k

2. Arrais Jubun Tannour | 35k

3. Arrais Dajaj Tannour | 35k

4. Arrais Garlic Tannour | 26k



Sambosa Cheese | 41.5k

Choose your liking either a stringy,

ooey, gooey cheese wrapped in
a crunchy samosa dough pocket or
a tasteful cheese lovers.

Sambosa lamb | 41.5k

Choose your liking either a stringy, ooey, gooey
cheese wrapped in a crunchy samosa dough
pocket or a tasteful lamb for meat lovers.

Shakshukah | 45k
Batatis | 38k
The word itself means
Crispy french fries.
“all mixed up” ~ features
scrambled egg with chopped
tomato & onion serves with
tannour bread.

Khobus Tannour | 13k

Traditional arabic bread, flat,

leavened baked in clay oven.

Simple yet delicious leg of lamb soup.

Sorbath Harrira | 48k Sorbath Lahm | 89k
A versatile soup, made with lamb, green bean & Lamb soup flavorful dish known for their complex
some spices. The soup has a gentle, sweet yet in taste & rich in broth.
warming to compliment the lamb well.

Khudar Musyakal | 44k

Mixed of fresh vegetables and meat, boiled with tomato pasta.
Sorbath Adas | 45k
Khudar Musyakal
A light, delectable soup with lentil as the main
ingredients. Rich in fiber, protein, vitamin C & low in Dajaj | 105k Lahm | 118k
calories makes it super healthy & vegie friendly option.
(served with toasted garlic bread)
A distinct flavor of stewed fresh vegetables with boneless
meat in a light tomato sauce serves with tannour bread.

coMes froM A rich history & trAdition, ArAbiAn food MAKing

i t on e of t h e Mo s t fA Mou s c u i s i n e s A rou n d t h e wor l d .
t r A d i t i o n A l ly , t h e c u i s i n e r e l i e d M A i n ly o n l o c A l i n g r e d i e n t s
AvA i l A b l e A l o n g t h eA r A b i A n p e n i n s u l A s uc h A s w h e At , dAt e s ,
r ic e , bA r l e y & M e At . M A K i ng t h e i r M e A l s A h e A lt h y c hoic e .
~ Food is our common ground, a universal experience ~

Mashwi Musyakkal | 160k

The best option to have a taste of different version of skewered meat, Combination of grilled
lamb & chicken, lamb & chicken kebab also lamb liver serves with tannour bread.
Lahm Saddah | 101k

A new twist on marinated grilled lamb /

fish along with tannour bread

Dajaj Saddah | 75k

Enjoy the marinated

grilled chicken in special
herbs with tannour bread.
Kebab LAHM | 117k

Traditional Middle East minced

lamb with special spices served
with coleslaw salad, fries &
tannour bread.

Kebab DAJAJ | 102k

Traditional Middle East minced

chicken with special spices
served with coleslaw salad, fries
& tannour bread.
Ausal Lahm | 117k

The secret is all in the marinade

lamb meat with Middle Eastern
spices, skewered with vegetables
then grilled to perfection served
with tannour bread.

Ausal Dajaj | 102k

Known as Kebab, marinated

chicken threaded on skewers
with vegetables & grilled over
fire served with tannour bread.
Riyash Lahm | 135k
Perfectly grown-up dish with the richness of grilled aromatic spices lamb chops & refreshing
hummus, serves with fries & tannour bread.

Dajaj Madhbi | 150k

Simply seasoned chicken with aromatic spices slow cook to retain it flavors then charcoal grilled for
a delicious juicy meat serves with tannour bread.

1. Mugalgal Dajaj | 79k 2. Mugalgal Lahm | 103k

Slices of chicken meat fried with fresh tomatoes, Slices of lamb meat fried with fresh tomatoes,
onion & green pepper in medium hot spices serves onion & green pepper in medium hot spices serves
with tannour bread. with tannour bread.

Mugalgal Kibdah | 103k Mugalgal Samak | 103k

Slices of lamb liver meat fried with fresh tomatoes, Slices of fish fried with fresh tomatoes, onion and
onion & green pepper in medium hot spices serves green pepper in medium hot spices serves with
with tannour bread. tannour bread.

1. Kibdah Lebanese | 50k

Fried beef liver prepared perfectly with potatoes & lots of spices (Kibdeh), is for those who
appreciate the rich goodness in liver & serves with tannour bread.

2. Kibdah Iskandaroni | 50k

This is for spicy meat lovers where liver is cooked on low flame with pomegranate dressing &
serves with tannour bread.
Middle Eastern rice cooked with lamb
broth with a special smoke technique
to obtain the smoky flavor.


Taste delicious, the rice even
more festive-looking, with the
mixture of potato.


Spiced rice with
heady aromas,
vibrant colors,
fluffy rice & those
addictive curry
CREATE flavors.
YOUR 52k

Rice Dish
to M e e t yo u r fAvo r i t e tA s t e & l i K i n g , yo u M Ay c h o o s e yo u r ow n
rice dish by choosing the MeAt then your Middle eAstern rice
preference. choose chicKen/lAMb/fish then your preference
r i c e t o g o w i t h M A n d i / z u r b i yA n / b i ryA n i
Mandi/ Biryani/ Zurbiyan Rice
with Dajaj | 105k

with Lahm | 120k

with Samak | 115k

Lahm | 162k
Dajaj | 138k
The eccentric way of cooking the
spiced rice with carrot, potato & green
chilli along with the option of lamb or
chicken resulting richness in the dish.
(min. 2 portions, required 30-45 mins)
Quarter Lamb | 590K
Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan
Kibdah with special sauce | Lamb For 5 Person

Half Lamb | 1.180K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan
Kibdah with special sauce | Lamb For 10 Person

Whole Lamb | 2.350K

R O YA L Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan
PAC K AG E Kibdah with special sauce | Lamb For 20 Person

Chicken 5 Persons | 490K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Chicken 5 pieces

Chicken 10 Persons | 980K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Chicken 10 pieces

Chicken 20 Persons | 1.950K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Chicken 20 pieces

Package A d d s o M e f l Avo r t o yo u r f e s t i v i t i e s .
beAutifully slow-roAsted lAMb fits
f o r r oyA lt y & M A K e yo u r fA M i ly /
friends feel speciAl !

R O YA L Special Lamb Package | 725K

PAC K AG E Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Grilled lamb, salata khadra, kibdah iskandaroni,
tannour bread, ice tea, for 5 persons.

Special Chicken Package | 625K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Grilled chicken, salata khadra, kibdah iskandaroni,
tannour bread, ice tea, for 5 persons.

Deluxe Lamb Package | 1.225K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Grilled lamb, avocado salad, sorbath harrira,
smoothies juice, umm ali, for 5 persons.

Deluxe Chicken Package | 1.075K

Mandhi / Biryani / Zurbiyan | Grilled chicken, avocado salad, sorbath harrira,
smoothies juice, umm ali, for 5 persons.

S I G N AT U R E Whole Lamb Madghut | 3.375k

Half Lamb Madghut | 1.687,5k

pAcKAge with MAdghut rice. Quarter Lamb Madghut | 845k

S I G N AT U R E Whole Lamb Maglubah | 3.375k

Half Lamb Maglubah | 1.687,5k

pAcKAge w i t h MAglubAh r i c e . Quarter Lamb Maglubah | 845k

A Whole Lamb Mahsyi | 3.420k


the one Metre long KebAb enhAncing the experience, tAnnour breAd
with the topping of Mixture of chicKen & lAMb KebAb, cutlets of
grilled lAMb & c h i c K e n , l A M b c h o p , vA r i o u s g r i l l e d v e g e tA b l e s ,
w i t h c o l e s l Aw s A l A d .
Long Kebab Large Long Kebab Medium

Lamb | 825k Lamb | 585k

Chicken | 520k

Lamb with Rice | 645k

Chicken with Rice | 585k

Baklava | 70k | 140k (1 pack)
This heavenly dessert, combines sugar coated, layers
of flaky phyllo pastry with chopped pistacchio.
Choco Almond Dates Cake | 25k
Classic Opera | 25k
Bavarian Cheese Cake | 27k
Blueberry Cheese Cake | 26k
Tiramisu Cake | 25k
Pandan Coconut Mousse Cake | 26k
Choco Avocado | 50k

1. Muhallabyah | 42k 2. Cream Caramel | 42k 3. Umm Ali | 42k

Milky pudding mixed with the Caramelised milk pudding. Crushed pastry cooked with milk
crunchy pistachio on the top. and cashew nut.

Banana Split | 55k Fresh Fruit | 48k

Love the taste of banana mixed with Assorted of fresh fruit.

the creamy cold texture of 3 scoops
of ice cream with the rich flavor of
chocolate syrup.
a b u n awa s

Classic Hot Tea

1. Abunawas Tea | 36k earl grey | 32k

Signature Abunawas black tea.
Princess jasmine | 25k
Queen shebaba tea | 35k
2. Adhani Tea | 39k Alibaba delight tea | 38k
Sweet,rich, authentic, fragrant,
and magical hot drink with Sultan white tea | 42k
its taste of ginger, cinnamon, Scheherazade tea | 33k
cardamom & clove.
Masala Chai | 25k
Green tea | 33k
3. Moroccan Mint Tea | 25k
Mamluk oolong tea | 28k
An intensely minty & beautifully
Special blend tea | 25k
refreshing taste of green tea. - All served with Tea Pot

Hot tea | 22k

- Served with Cup


Abunawas coffee | 30k
- Served with Cup

Arabian Coffee | 47k

- Served with Tea Pot
Ibrik Turkish coffee | 29k
- Served with Cup
Black Coffee | 25k
- Served with Cup
Ice Tea
Ice tea | 13.5k
Ice Lemon tea | 29k
Ice Lychee Tea | 38k
Ice orange passion fruit tea | 41k
Ice strawberry mint tea | 41k
Ice Lychee mint tea | 41k

Cold Drinks
Coca cola | 16k
Fanta | 16k
Sprite | 16k
Diet coke | 18k
Mineral water | 16k
by Aqua Reflefction
Apple | 38k

Melon | 38k
Orange | 42k
Mango | 38k
Avocado | 42k
Strawberry | 38k
Carrot | 33k
Cocktail | 44k
Lemon | 38k
Tomato | 38k
Cucumber | 31k
Lychee | 38k
Banana | 38k
Lemon + Mint | 38k
Orange + Carrot | 42k
Avocado Affogato | 42k

Orange mint squash | 48k
Peach mint squash | 48k
Strawberry mint squash | 48k
Lychee mint squash | 48k
Lemon squash | 38k
Sparkling lychee tea | 38k
Cucumber sling | 41k

Date fruit
Smoothies | 48k

Sweet dates & vanilla

flavored milk are blended
together to get this creamy,
dreamy date smoothies.

Smoothie | 48k

Awesome way to enjoy blended

choco ice cream, with dates,
peanut butter & rose water.

Avocado smoothies | 48k

Orange smoothies | 48k
Strawberry smoothies | 48k
Mango smoothies | 48k
Banana smoothies | 48k
Lychee smoothies | 48k

Chocolate | 42k
Strawberry | 42k
Vanilla | 42k

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