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Received: 16 October 2021 Revised: 06 November 2021 Accepted: 06 November 2021

DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.18.1.2 Vol. 18| Issue 1| June 2022

 Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Review Article

Review in IoT for Healthcare in Our Life

Bayadir A. Issa1, Qabeela Q. Thabit*2
Southern Technical University, Management Technical College-Basrah, Iraq
Ministry of Education, Basrah Education Directorate, Basrah, Iraq

* Qabeela Q. Thabit
Ministry of Education,
Basrah Education Directorate, Basrah, Iraq
Email: qabelh2010@gmail.com

Over the previous decade, significant research has been conducted in the field of healthcare services and their technological
advancement. To be more precise, the Internet of Things (IoT) has demonstrated potential for connecting numerous medical
devices, sensors, and healthcare professionals in order to deliver high-quality medical services in remote locations. This has
resulted in an increase in patient safety, a decrease in healthcare expenses, an increase in the healthcare services' accessibility,
and an increase in the industry's healthcare operational efficiency. This paper provides an overview of the possible healthcare
uses of Internet of Things (IoT)-based technologies. The evolution of the HIoT application has been discussed in this article in
terms of enabling technology, services of healthcare, and applications for resolving different healthcare challenges.
Additionally, effort difficulties and drawbacks with the HIoT system are explored. In summary, this study provides a complete
source of information on the many applications of HIoT together the purpose is to help future academics who are interested in
working in the field and making advances gain knowledge into the issue.
KEYWORDS: Internet of things, Healthcare, Body Sensor Networks, Smart Emergency System.

I. INTRODUCTION pertaining to an emergency since the Internet of Things

ensures the all relevant data is considered while making
Remote monitoring, smart sensors, and medical device
patient-friendly decisions [4].
integration are all used in IoT applications in the healthcare
Additionally, it can be used at home to keep track of
industry in addition to activity trackers, wearable biometric
medicine compliance and patient health [5]. As healthcare
sensors, blood sugar and blood pressure monitors, drug
expenses continue to climb, prevention has become a
dispensers, and smart beds [1]. If the Internet of Things is
significant focus area, and universal access to achieve high-
developed and invested in, the future of healthcare will be
resolution real-time data on everyone's healthy will go to
bright, as this technology will improve a component of
healthy care confirm by supporting people in overcoming
healthcare while also changing how it is managed. Because
sickness. Improving patient participation and satisfaction,
health-care necessitates the Internet of Things, a number of
such the IoT has been shown to improve patient satisfaction
responses provide a realistic and practical great picture of the
by expediting surgical progress [6]. By allowing patients to
IoT's role in the sector and convert data to measurements.
spend more time communicating with their doctors,
Because it can be improved more efficiently, measurable
reporting a patient's exit from the operation room to his
health, also known as health statistics, may be the future of
family can improve patient participation. It also minimizes
health care treatment. Because it is commonly understood
the need for communicating directly between the doctor and
that data has an impact on performance, it is prudent to take
the patient, as internet-connected devices provide essential
use of quantitative health technology. One of the reasons for
data [7].
the IoT's importance is the ability to assess persons and
The objective is to contribute to preventive medicine, as
follow their health in order to provide better results [2].
wearable gadgets that monitor sleep, perspiration,
Improving the health of patients, notably through the use of
temperature, and exercise allow show concern teams to
patient-specific wearable gadgets. It alerts patients when
accumulate millions of data points and connect them with
their heart rate fluctuates or if they are falling behind in self-
individual fitness levels. As a result, the data acquired by
care, and it shares this information with by updating the
sensors can be used to provide patients real-time
personal health data of tech-savvy individuals on other
notifications. Event-triggering messages, such as alerts or
devices [3]. The cloud does away with the requirement to
triggers, can really cause people's heart rates to rise. This will
store data locally manually enter data convert into records
not only speed up the process, but it will also ensure that the
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering by College of Engineering, University of Basrah.
https://doi.org/10.37917/ijeee.18.1.2 https://www.ijeee.edu.iq 9
10 | Issa & Thabit

patient's therapy is administered at home. The IoT allows contain data privacy policy, security level, amount of cost,
providers to integrate devices to monitor the expansion of dependability, and accessibility. In order to boost the use of
wearable devices since the data collected by the device will IoT in healthcare systems, a number of countries which have
be supplemented by data discarded in electronic data established update technologies and new policies. The
recording, allowing care teams to build vision-driven shifted the focus of this healthcare research to a more
priorities and exploit the IoT. This is another way caregiver advantageous area to investigate. The purpose of this study
can indicate their presence in patients' daily lives by is outlining the progress of conclude research in IoT depend
monitoring who is at home for chronic conditions [8]. Not on healthcare applied systems and to conduct a
only has the Internet of Things increased human comprehensive review of the technology, services that
independence, but it has also expanded human ability to introduced, and all applications that enable them.
engage with the external environment. The Internet of
Things has become a big contributor to global II. HIOT DEVELOPMENT
communication thanks to futuristic protocols and algorithms.
Healthcare is a critical component of society. Electronic
It links a wide range of many devices, including wireless for
sensors, all home appliances, and electrical equipment, to the health (e-health), remote monitoring systems, and home and
Internet [4]. community care are all examples of electronic health (e-
health) are examples of specialized e-health services with
The “Internet of Things” is being used in agriculture [9],
enormous growth potential in the healthcare and
autos [10], the household, and healthcare. The IoT's
communication technology industries, to name a few. The
increasing popularity is due to its features of improved
Internet of Things presents various prospects for enhancing
precision, decrease cost, and the mount of capacity to
forecast future occurrences more accurately. Furthermore, healthcare services and operations. The Internet of Things
the quick rise of the IoT revolution has been facilitated by encourages a more comprehensive healthcare approach by
titling the health requirements of a population as a entire
better understanding of software and apps, as well as
rather than just individuals, with by encouraging actions that
advancements in mobile and computer technologies,
mitigate the consequences of diseases, disabilities, and
widespread availability of wireless technology, and the
expansion of the digital economy. Sensors, actuators, and unintentional injuries Integrating healthcare apps with other
other Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been collected aspects of the Internet of Things also helps to ensure the
long-term viability of healthcare [13]. The healthcare world
together physically devices for monitoring and share data
has determined that disease prevention is just as critical as
employ a number of protocols of communication, including
medical therapy as a result, the IoT enables the maintenance
as “Bluetooth, Zigbee, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi)”, and others.
of sustainable settings conducive to a healthier lifestyle.
Sensors embedded in or worn on the body of human are used
in healthcare to collect physiological data from patients, such Additionally, the IoT contributes to mitigating the effects of
as degree of heat, blood-pressure, electrocardiogram (ECG), climate change on the population's health and well-being.
Providers and services must include sustainability concepts
and electroencephalogram (EEG) [11].
into their operations, including as energy and water
Furthermore, environmental data such as many factors
efficiency, as well as environmental compliance, to ensure
first, temperature effecting, humidity rate, date factor,
the future sustainability of healthcare. Additionally, it's
finally, time can be stored. These data enable the generation
of meaningful and precise inferences about the patients' critical to create environments that safeguard and promote
health problems. Because a large volume of data is community health. As a result, the Internet of Things makes
a substantial contribution to the creation of a sustainable
collected/recorded from a variety of sources, data storage
environment, resulting in a more effective healthcare
and accessibility are also key components of the IoT system
strategy. Medication delivery and monitoring are only two of
(sensor devices, mobile phones techniques, e-mail, package
of software, and applications). +e Physicians, caregivers, and the many IoT applications in healthcare that are being
other authorized individuals have access to the data collected considered. [14].
The usage of IoT intends to increase the efficiency of
by the aforementioned sensing devices. The ability to
medicine in comparison to the past. Individuals can more
quickly diagnose patients and, if necessary, take medical
efficiently receive and exchange information regarding
action is enabled by exchanging this information with health-
ailments and treatments. The Internet of Things allows
care suppliers via cloud-server. For effective and secure
transmission, collaboration between users themselves, all people to get real-time medical or treatment information,
patients, and the module of communication is managed to which can help in illness detection and prevention. As a
result, it enables people to either prevent developing a
maintain. The majority of IoT project systems employ a user
disease into best or to cure it as soon as feasible. The IoT
interfacing that serves as a dash-board for medicine
health app(s)' backend system will be able to maintain track
providers, executing user controlling, data visualization
of crucial patient health information. This information is
form, and functions of apprehension. There is a lot of
research in the literature that shows how the IoT system has referred to as Electronic Health Records in the field of e-
advanced in terms of healthcare monitoring, control, health (EHR) [15].
As a result, combining IoT with EHR systems increases
security, and privacy [12]. These achievements demonstrate
healthcare-related information access and retrieval, as well
the usefulness of IoT in the healthcare sector and its bright
as the accessibility and interchange of electronic health
future. However, the primary worry when developing all IoT
records (EHRs) between healthcare facilities. In addition, the
devices are ensuring the matrices of service quality, which
Issa & Thabit | 11

Internet of Things is projected to improve remote health the elderly at home or on the move [17]. Patients' chances of
monitoring systems in healthcare. Patients can be monitored survival can be increased by monitoring them throughout the
at home using remote health monitoring technologies. These early stages of their diseases. Additionally, it will assist
introduced systems a goal to achieve higher level quality healthcare providers in reacting quickly in the event of a
services treatment at a lower cost to individuals and roles of catastrophic medical situation a heart attack or a diabetic
governments with not jeopardizing the level of quality situation, for example. Electronic-health-records (EHRs) are
indicates to the healthcare supplied. The usage of method now digitally feasible via the Internet of Things, therefore
remote monitoring device enables the measurement of a remote monitoring systems may contribute in the decrease of
patient's biological signals throughout his or her daily medical errors (IoT). EHR retrieval and access are easier and
activities. This kind of device allows for the gathering of more organized now that they are available digitally. Not
medical information and distinct signals from patients' only will this help to reduce medical errors, but it will also
bodies themselves, such as heart concept rates, from a allow for speedier data access while maintaining access
distance. Enhancing the quality of treatment and services control credentials. Personal area networks (PANs) are also
also has a number of benefits, including greater reliability, used in IoT applications in healthcare. Individuals can use
accessibility, frequency, accuracy, and availability. A remote wearable technology like a wearable technique smart sensor,
monitoring system driven by the Internet of Things may a smart of wrist gadget, or a smart of watch to monitor their
detect changes in a person's physical condition and track bodily functions in a PAN. Wearable modern technologies in
important medical signals. health-care are rising in tandem with technology and the
Other systems and entities, such as healthcare Internet of Things. As a result of this technological
professionals and medical facilities, will be able to access evolution, individuals will be able to monitor many elements
this data in real time, and the data obtained by this system of their health. These health factors include blood pressure
will be available on the Internet, creates several choices. For factor, sugar indicators, and insulin degree, medicine intake,
example, depending on the analysis of EHRs obtained via heart-beats, sleeping-patterns, calorie consumption, and
remote monitoring systems, an alert system may be exercise levels, to name a few.
developed. The system can be set to alert healthcare experts The IoT's capabilities in these areas are immense. Remote
and emergency personnel in the event of a medical access to this information will enable healthcare
emergency, family members, and other appropriate persons. professionals to administer therapy if necessary. This
Furthermore, the system can provide insight into a monitored facilitates information sharing and self-management of
person's health situation, allowing for the provision of health conditions, as well as illness early detection. As a
necessary help as early as feasible, potentially saving result, Internet of Things (IoT) healthcare applications
patients' lives. In addition, Internet of Things (IoT) services incorporate a variety of sensors types and monitoring used
may be of assistance with illness surveillance, discovery, devices. All devices are typically parallel and connected in
prevention, and treatment at an early stage [16]. order to facilitate information sharing [18,19]. Figure 1
Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, convulsions, and lung illustrates an IoT-enabled healthcare system that offers a
difficulties are only a few examples. Such diseases typically variety of healthcare services. It shows how to build an
demand ongoing monitoring of the body's actions, which Internet of Things system that integrates the following
means the patient must be constantly monitored. healthcare subsystems:
Historically, medical practitioners and healthcare workers • The Personal Area Network (PAN) for Healthcare is
have been tasked with the responsibility of constantly an application that allows you to connect with personal
monitoring patients' cases. However, patient monitoring is devices via a closed or local area network. Wearable devices,
considered costly and ineffective. For instance, the doctor is for example, can be used to track and manage an individual's
unable of maintaining full attention on a single patient at all case health.
times. The collection of Body Sensor Networks (BSN) with • Elderly Monitoring Concept: The application uses a
all other means of IoT health systems is one real example of group of sensor employed devices to keep track of the health
possibility the IoT can improvement patient monitoring. For of an elderly individual. The device may also collect
instance, a BSN system may monitor a patient's bodily information about the elderly's physical activity, such as
activities via using a biodegradable processor or by the use nutrition and sleep patterns. The method, in particular,
of many wearable wirelesses of biosensor sensors. This chip enables healthcare experts and vocations to monitor the
or biosensor gadget will be able to monitor a patient's vital health of elderly persons in real time. It uses alerting and
signs. They detecting any abnormalities in the patient's state notification mechanisms in the event of an emergency, such
functions and communicate them to the IoT system. After as automatically contacting an ambulance.
that, the IoT system can take appropriate event, such as • Smart Medicine Mechanism: is a drug administration
informing a health-care expert. Additionally, it enables application. It ensures that patients take the right prescription
healthcare providers to achieve more accurate diagnoses and at the right time and dose as advised by their doctor.
communicate together patients. The case of emergency, the In addition, if a patient fails to take his or her prescription
health-care modified can seek assistance from an ambulance as prescribed, the system can alert a physician.
team, depending on how the system is configured. As a • Community-Based HER Category: This category of
result, IoT health monitoring systems can be thought of as an community-based EHRs includes outpatient care and
ecosystem of ambient intelligence aimed at providing a electronic medical consultation subsystems that automate
platform for remote monitoring and assistance to patients and health-care tasks. These subsystems collaborate to improve
12 | Issa & Thabit

health care services by minimizing medical errors, lowering contains details on the correct dosage, allergy precautions,
costs, and enhancing efficiency. and any potential side effects.
• Smart Emergency System: Collaboration and
information sharing among the different healthcare III. HIOT APPLICATIONS
subsystems are at the heart of the smart emergency
In the field of medical device management. Its cutting-
application. It's an important part of all of the previously
edge technology enables seamless communication between
described healthcare subsystems. Obviously, this is because
medical devices and caregivers, benefiting both patients and
medical emergencies necessitate the use of emergency
various services, example is summoning ambulance. doctors and nurses. Because it facilitates the transfer of the
However, the method smart emergency application's patient's condition prior to his arrival, and because it enables
the communication process with these devices a seamless
functionality is not restricted to immediately summoning an
and incredibly fast process of sending the patient's data in
ambulance. They also include advanced capabilities like
real time [14]. Instead of waiting for the afflicted case to
automatically sending the patient's status, including any
arrive at the hospital and then identifying it, doctors can
necessary treatment, to the hospital while in transit. This
approve and transform the data that arrives through it into
method improves emergency response.
practical steps, perhaps saving the lives of many people [15].
Rather than waiting for the afflicted patient to arrive at the
hospital and then identifying it, doctors can authorize and
translate the data that enters through it into actionable steps,
perhaps saving many lives [16].
The smart devices collect important data about the
condition of the patient around the clock or during the day,
then electronically distribute it to the doctor's computer,
having allowed him or her to take appropriate action in the
case, such as operating or not operating, writing a prescribed
medication, and other indicators [17]. IoT technology assists
health and medical organizations in lowering costs. It is
automatically programmed and operated by decreasing the
human aspect and artificial intelligence intervention in
everything. Remote patient monitoring is one of the IoT
applications in the different specific of medicine, and it
involves the continuous and comprehensive monitoring of
patients via sensor equipment and cameras tools which
monitoring the patient's vital signs, blood type circulation,
sanity measurement, amount of temperature, and other
parameters. From these examples about the HIOT are:
Fig. 1: The HIOT system
Additionally, hospitals. It enables more efficient patient
A. The Elderly's Health and Development
allocation and distribution within hospitals within a specific
geographical area. As a result, a spot for the transferred More emphasis should be focused on community-based
patient is guaranteed. Additionally, they help to improve the healthcare and development for the elderly in an aging
efficiency of medical resources and services including X- society [20]. The use of welfare technologies on the elderly
rays and CAT scans. As a result, healthcare providers now is increasing. The method by which product creation is
have access to a hitherto unknown category of data thanks to aligned with the the requirements of human progress is
the capacity to acquire health information instantaneously critical [17]. Users and the old are significant supporters of
and remotely over the Internet. This information may include technical product development, there is even a link between
any elements affecting the patient's health symptomizes, the advancement of technology for the elderly and its
such as activities that represent daily regular. Acquiring development. Information technology has been integrated
some knowledge into a patient's life enables a more into the long-term represent care systems of many countries.
personalized therapy strategy. By and large, existing They intend to give medical and care services to the elderly
monitoring from a remote programs lack the interoperability in their homes while also lowering medical costs [18]
that the Internet of Things enables. With the development of through initiatives such as the medically home. Medically
an Internet of Things-based system capable of home collaborates with its clients' providers and also
communicating successfully with other Internet of Things employs physicians and nurse practitioners who oversee
devices such as sensors and actuators, Ambient Assisted patients' treatment from a central hub via remote monitoring,
Living (AAL) will become a reality. Individuals will be able video, and other telehealth tools.
to see how often they have taken their medications and when They consult with attending physicians at Tufts Medical
they will need to take them again, for example. Patients will Center to ensure that patients are appropriate candidates for
be able to obtain pharmacological information on the the program. Advanced practice clinicians, paramedics,
medication they require quickly and in real time. This nurses, phlebotomists, technologists, and therapists, among
others, visit acutely ill patients in their homes to provide
Issa & Thabit | 13

infusion, laboratory testing, imaging, nutrition, and provide health education films as needed and to monitor
translation services. "All the services patients are patient information online via mobile Internet (3G / 4G),
accustomed to receiving in a hospital are delivered quickly – however the system operates at a slow speed and offers
in less than an hour," says founder Raphael Rakowski, an restricted services, and it is also quite small. In 2016, E. N.
engineer by background who views home acute care as a Mambou et al. [22] described a simple and reliable method
logistical challenge rather than a therapeutic one. Similarly, for monitoring the refrigeration temperature and medication
these long-term nursing concerns, as well as numerous distribution in a pharmacy using a sensor connected to an
aging-related illnesses, hypertension and cardiovascular Intel Galileo board. The sensor is used to control the
disease, to name a few, should be well-planned. As a result, refrigeration temperature and perform medication
long-term care is becoming increasingly popular accounts exploration within pharmacy tables. Although this approach
for a sizable portion of our nursing care at home. It is critical provides an effective and straightforward method for
to have an aging support system that is both healthy and monitoring medication in a pharmacy, the system suffers
secure. Technology, medical treatment, education, business from a lack of control due to lax security measures, which
models, and marketing development have all evolved in results in a variety of network attacks. T. Edoh et al. [23]
recent years to encourage a healthier and more active aging proposed a new smart pharmaceutical transportation system
lifestyle. A healthy and aged system should have privacy and in 2017 that leveraged the Internet of Things and Machine-
security, simplicity of use, and a more favorable legal and to-Machine (M2M) technologies.
regulatory framework. Initiatives to improve health at home They utilized intelligent transportation and context-
[19], which can be implemented with a typical Windows aware tour optimization for the carried medical products,
desktop PC, have emerged as commodity component trends. thereby protecting the patient from any health complications
Forming an intelligent assisted management living system caused by improperly dispersed and/or falsely exchanged
for the elderly might, among other things, change social products. It is the only Internet of Things (IoT)-based
networks to keep seniors engaged with family, friends, solution designed for secure transportation and medication
neighbors, and communities. Nowadays, many gadgets that monitoring in order to improve treatment adherence in the
are an electrical indication is in charge might be considered case of chronic health conditions. In 2019, S. S. Arumugam
actuators, including televisions, air conditioners, and electric et al. [24] developed an automated medication dispenser that
fans. A telecare system depend on lifestyle monitoring was is capable of being employed successfully in pharmacy by
developed with an emphasis on the elderly. Another system utilizing (GSM) technology. The experiment's objective is to
centered on the elderly utilized the techniques of connecting provide the medication to the consumer in the shortest
many individualized and environment monitoring gadgets to amount of time possible (an automatic medicine dispenser
deliver medical aftercare at home. With the use of machine is developed which helps in identifying the exact
technological tools, seniors' lives could be made easier. As a medicine rack and pharmacist can dispatch the medicine
result, the housing market has begun to provide smart homes, more quickly). In 2020, R. E. Riantini et al. [24] proposed a
as well as functional and well-equipped residential facilities, new marketing technology via a mobile application utilizing
particularly in terms of emergency protection. Wide service digital pharmacy application approaches, although it is
frameworks and emergency response capabilities are critical merely a digital pharmacy application if the speed of finding
for users and caregivers. In order to build such a system, it is the exact drug rack is not considered.
necessary to conduct research on both software and hardware
solutions. We were fortunate in that we were able to develop B. Baby Incubator
an Internet of Things system that allows for physiological The study's aim is to help create a new project that will
monitoring in real time while the elderly and those at high be cheaper, while also providing better usability. This
risk clean, they are not often accompanied by relatives or chapter introduces the key ideas and projects that preceded
caregivers. Based on security and protection, it's expected this one.
that the number of elderly and high-risk disease users will In the [26] Complaints from physicians and child nurses
decrease. As a result, they miss out on relaxation and become may be common when the incubator is used to care for
more sluggish. Numerous research papers in the topic of infants. The customer is displeased with the goods found in
smart drugstore automation covers various strategies. This incubators at hospitals. Broadly speaking, baby incubators
section discusses the prior work that was done to develop the are rejected because of improper designs. To cope with these
smart pharmacy system. In 2010, A. J. Jara et al. [20] concerns, the researchers use the Quality Function
presented a method for investigating relevant problems in the Deployment (QFD) approach to help decide which product
drug store system through the use of IoT technologies and features are of high importance. As the beginning point for
Web access via smart phones. The 6LoWPAN technology is the QFD process, consumers' requirements and wants guide
utilized in this research to care for patients who require the QFD work. Because of this, QFD is known as the voice
worldwide data collecting in hospitals. Utilizing this of the consumer. While consumers aren't always pleased
technology will reduce errors, improve service quality, and with a product even if the thing has been properly made, the
enable a plethora of applications in healthcare, but it will fundamental idea is that customers are never happy. During
only support certain cases. D. H. Kuo et al. [21] proposed a the course of constructing Team of newborn incubator, a
smart drug under medical services in 2015 to keep low-cost neonatal incubator for poor countries hospitals,
pharmacists and family members informed about senior baby formed the [27] Team Incubator.
patients' suppository. They merged the APP and ICT to
14 | Issa & Thabit

A major cause of newborn mortality throughout the sufficient temperature regulation might be another possible
globe is hypothermia. While incubators that are presently cause. The gathering of enough data has been obtained to
accessible are too expensive, dangerous, or ineffectual for help address this issue and construct an incubator for
this disease to be treated in the poor world, there are other children to continue their growing at a cheap cost and with a
methods that may be used to do so. We came up with an high degree of precision, which results in the preservation of
incubator to fulfill the following specifications: Under $250 children's lives. An inexpensive microcontroller was utilized
USD, adjustable temperature (gets temperatures between 27 to run the incubator's temperature and humidity
to 37 degrees Celsius), accurate (has less than 2.5 percent management. It sends signals to many other devices, which
error), and insulated (falls only 2 degrees Celsius over 45 helps raise and decrease the aforementioned variables.
minutes in the event of a power outage). Simple to use, easy Premature infants are those born before to thirty-seven weeks
to repair, and very clean and simple to use. Safe, can comply of gestation. Prematurity is a serious issue in underdeveloped
with IEC standards for alarms, and easily shipped or nations, where 25% of all newborns are preterm. While the
fabricated in country. In order to fulfill these requirements, World Health Organization (WHO) and Engineering World
we constructed a wooden two-walled incubator, with one Health (EWH) recognize the need for a portable baby
acrylic window for convenience and an acrylic lid for incubation unit that can be used just during transit, they argue
accessibility. The heating components are two commercial for a less expensive design that accomplishes the same goal.
low-power heating pads, which are changed in the event that An existing design with numerous modifications was
they become damaged. The heating pads are located in the suggested for an incubation unit. The HVAC system will
rear wall and floor, where they are used to both diffuse and incorporate the heating and humidity systems. An improved
transmit heat. It needs 90 watts of electricity to power the humidity monitoring system has been installed along with a
incubator. Temperature data from the baby is captured by a control mechanism. This novel heating element uses coils
thermistor and is sent to a microprocessor, which then present in products including toasters, toaster ovens, and
controls the heating components. refrigerators. The design's safety and effectiveness were
The heating capability of the incubator has been assessed using data on the size and thermal parameters of a
extensively tested: a heated IV bag is filled with water and preterm infant. Simulink modeling of the incubator and a
inserted into the incubator, simulating a baby's body heat. To model of a baby will be used to better understand the
demonstrate that the present incubator design can thermodynamics of the system.
successfully elevate a hypothermic Simi Baby (34°C) to a Within [30] preterm or low-birth-weight neonate within
temperature no lower than 37°C, we put the microcontroller an incubator has an impact on the environment because of
feedback system to work, adjusting the temperature within the effects of thermo-neutrality. Shivering, hypothermia, and
1°C of the programmed setting. To ensure the final design apnea are caused by infant hypothermia and air flow and air
was very effective, we added an alarm system. Rice 360°: velocity within an incubator, respectively. The research
The Institute for Global Health Technologies' incubator will simulated newborn incubator airflow using hot-wire velocity
be sent to Malawi this summer to collect information from measurements, flow visualizations, and computational fluid
health care providers. Clinical studies and testing will be dynamics. The 3D laser scanning technology and fast
conducted in Malawian district hospitals. prototyping machine help designers build anatomically
Air temperature measurements in baby incubators, accurate models of neonates. Flow visualizations show that
which were conducted in [25-28] four incubators with a significant number of tiny moving eddies are created in the
proportional heating control were used in addition to six chamber as a result of rotating airflow, while at the same
incubators with on/off heating cycles, in order to collect daily time, the air intake exhibits a high number of stationary
air temperatures. There was no temperature differential eddies. During hot-wire inspections, it was discovered that
between the roof and mattress temperatures, and the air the air velocity across the lengthy inlets was not even.
temperatures remained consistent throughout. As compared According to computational fluid dynamics, the neonate's
to earlier models, the records of later models revealed a anterior region stays fairly consistent at a temperature of
cyclical pattern with a range of cycle lengths, ranging from approximately 34°C, with the maximum temperature
14 to 44 minutes. Individual incubators had unique profiles. measured near the right armpit and the crotch being 36.1 °C.
Depending on the cycle, the temperature in the roof may Both qualitatively and statistically, flow fields computed
fluctuate between 7 1°C and 7 3°C while the temperature in from flow visualizations, hot-wire observations, and
the mattress could range between 2 60C and 2 67C. In open- computational fluid dynamics are very comparable.
ended hemispherical hemi-cylindrical heat shields, the Convective and evaporative heat fluxes from the neonate
oscillation in air temperatures remained even though it was may be impaired by the tiny eddies generated between the
much decreased in closed-ended hemispherical heat shields. newborn and the bedding. Eddies should thus be eliminated
The concentration of carbon dioxide within the latter did not in newborn incubators in the future.
rise substantially. Between [31] Premature birth complications are the
Because of chronic and hereditary illnesses, including most significant causes of mortality in children who are five
heart disease and diabetes, there was a rise in growth in [29] years old or younger. So, it is important to take great care of
owing to an underweight birth rate. Allowing the egg to enter these infants during the initial weeks or months after they are
the incubator for a certain amount of time without incubators born. Because the cost of incubators in Peru is prohibitive for
due to the high cost of pricing, many children die. And who most families, this project focuses on developing a low-cost
knows, maybe the death of infants because of a lack of home incubator with telemetry. Temperature and humidity
Issa & Thabit | 15

within the incubator are the two critical factors to monitor. access to the infant without harmful exposure. Kangaroo
An Arduino Uno was used to build a piece of software that Method Management is a novel invention in the management
maintains the temperature and humidity at set medical of preterm infants who bring their babies and moms closer
standards. In order to get more accurate monitoring of the (PMK). The kangaroo technique is used to develop
aforementioned metrics, a Bluetooth module with the emotional connection between the mother and her infant,
Arduino Uno was utilized with the mobile phone app. The making the mother more secure while taking care of the
humidity and temperature levels inside the incubator have child. The research and manufacturing of this module utilizes
been shown to be consistent with the required range, as well a technique of treating baby incubator with a room
as the cardiac pulse is as anticipated. The next phase of the temperature reading that is applied when the kangaroo mode
research will include limiting the top limits of the humidity is used. During usage, the reading of the room temperature is
and temperature levels. It is anticipated that this incubator applied, and then the results are measured after about two
would help Peruvian families who cannot afford costly minutes. LM35 sensors are often used to measure
equipment, and particularly those who live at the margins of temperature, while DHT22 humidity sensors are used to
poverty. Home-based incubator or spending money on these detect humidity. As a consequence of the measurement data
services for preterm infants. In this part, the introduction of acquired, uncertainty values on humidity 2.1, as well as on
a new recycled incubator method in Nigeria has potentially temperature stability, can be shown on the graph. This
enhanced the neonatal delivery system (RIT). The use of RIT research has shown the creation of baby incubators, which
in 15 Nigerian neonatal facilities was investigated to evaluate may assist preterm infants' moms in establishing a strong
how the application of RIT affected clinical, technical, and connection, to be an effective treatment for premature babies'
human aspects. Before and after the RIT-financed Neonatal mothers. This research has shown that the precision of our
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) was opened, case studies methods is suitable for helping to treat preterm infants and
contrasted the pre-RIT and post-RIT mortality rates. preventing prematurity-related PMK in certain hospitals.
The effect on neonatal nursing was examined by According to recent statistics, India is the second most
administering questionnaires to 79 nurses from 9 different populous nation in the world, with an extremely high birth
institutions who had direct responsibility for caring for rate. The findings of a market research study indicate that
premature and newborn infants. It was based on 10 indices each year in India, there are about 26 million babies born.
for physicians and nurses to evaluate technical performance. Out of the approximately 26 million babies born each year,
Neonatal survival, practice confidence, and passion for about 2.6 million are born preterm and weighing less than
nursing were all higher as a consequence of the findings. In 5.5 pounds at birth (lbw). Most LBW babies are maintained
the context of neonatal practice in low-income nations, in incubators, called "incubators," which include temperature
appropriately recycled incubators may be used to supplement and humidity control. There has been a notable increase in
the price of contemporary incubators, raising neonatal the survival rate of preterm infants since incubators were
practice result. In [32], several diabetic newborns suffered widely used in hospitals. Hospitals' Intensive Care Units
respiratory failure immediately after delivery until 1938, for benefit greatly from incubators, which are very essential in-
reasons that were unknown at the time but now believed to room devices. The goal of this research is to create an Infant
be linked to a disordered endocrine system. One of us (P. W.) incubator with enhanced usability in order to serve the needs
had hypothesized that helium supplemental oxygen could aid of low-budget hospitals. Data is gathered, referenced to, and
such newborns before all this discovery. The incubator recorded from different resources to find solutions to the
described here was built for this purpose. The intention of issue. We carried out a study of the product at a nearby
this incubation is to keep the newborn at the right hospital. A market research is conducted to find out what
temperature in an oxygen and helium-only environment. A kinds of models are accessible. As a benchmark, the top-of-
mixture of 20% oxygen and 80% helium has a lower density the-line model on the market is chosen. Based on the results
than room air, according to Alvan L. Barach, to whom we of a literature research, an in-depth analysis of the product,
are grateful for his helpful comments and suggestions, and a thorough market survey, a Product Design
requiring the child to exert less effort in breathing. As a Specification (PDS) is developed. The ideas that stem from
result, the breathing aid is mechanical. When breathing is the PDS are comprised of five components. Caring for the
humiliated, other researchers2 have reported that breathing freshly born infant has gained more and more attention
helium-oxygen mixes has good consequences. Since the use because of society's growth and contemporary technologies.
of this chamber began, prenatal hormone therapy has These freshly born infants' safety is dependent on the
successfully prevented respiratory failure in diabetes conventional baby incubator. Most parents nowadays have
neonates. Several infants have benefited from being placed very demanding jobs, which causes them to have insufficient
in the incubator throughout the three years that it has been in time to provide adequate care for their kids. Due to the
operation, and the use of the apparatus with gaseous mixes circumstance, the conventional baby incubator may not be
other than the one originally envisaged has performed able to offer infants with a better standard of care. By doing
beneficial for certain situations. In addition to its unique an intensive study, it is possible to develop a new type of
feature of being able to determine and maintain the incubator that can self-adaptively alter the environment
composition of the gaseous mixture in the chamber, this based on a set of sensors and continuously monitor the baby's
apparatus incorporates the four basic requirements of an vital signs. More and more academics study the advances in
incubator, namely, maintaining proper temperature, proper Internet and network technologies, and the Internet of Things
ventilation or oxygenation, adequate humidity, and easy is thus being created. The Internet of Things (IoT) links the
16 | Issa & Thabit

real and virtual world via the use of sophisticated Medical Things (IOMT) are both important to today's
communication and data collection technologies. The challenges. The number of resolved cases can be enhanced
existence of this cause results in IoT being a critical area of and improved by following to the criteria and utilizing the
study in the twenty-first century. Other IP-based wireless IOHT/IOMT services.
technologies such as Wi-Fi have enabled the development of The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting-edge
a broad range of WSN applications including environmental technology that ensures that everyone affected with this virus
monitoring, forest fire warning, and home automation. This is confined. Having a proper monitoring system in place
study was done to see whether a remote-control incubator during quarantine is beneficial. All high-risk patients can be
could be created to monitor the temperature and oxygen easily tracked thanks to the internet-based network system.
levels of premature infants. This technique is employed to obtain bio-metric data such as
blood level pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose range. We
IV. IOT against COVID-19 should anticipate to see an increase in medical staff
efficiency while also lowering their workload if this
The Internet of Things (IoT) was a very well network of
technology is used correctly. In the event of a COVID-19
integrated pervasive computing, digital, and mechanical pandemic, the same may be done with less expenses and
equipment that can transmit data at any level without errors. The Internet of Things is a cutting-edge technical
requiring human intervention. A unique identification
framework for combatting the COVID-19 epidemic that may
number or code is assigned to each of the devices listed
be overcome important obstacles during a lockdown. This
above. IoT is a well- constructed and proven technology
method is helpful since it permits real-time statistics and
which that acts as a central center for a variety of techniques,
other essential information about an afflicted people to be
real-time analytics, machine learning concepts, and sensory recorded [35]. The primary procedures taken by IoT to
products, among other things. In addition, the Internet of produce COVID-19 are depicted in Fig. 2. IoT is used in the
Things is recognized in everyday life and also the usefulness
initial stage to collect health data from the afflicted patient's
of products or apparatus that meet persons' real-life
many locations and manage it all through a virtual
requirements in a range of methods, for example, home
management system [36]. This technology supports in data
protection equipment, intelligent illumination arrangements, control and subsequent follow-up on the received report. The
and many others that are easily controlled via smart speakers, internet of things concept relies on a network of connected
smartphones, and other devices [33].
devices to ease data flow and exchange. Additionally, It
During the the prevailing pandemic crisis, COVID-19 is
allows social workers, patients, and civilians to communicate
being fought by all regions, especially India, and a realistic
with one another service benefactors for the purpose of
and cost-effective solution to the difficulties is still being
talking and cooperating on any issue. Thus, by implementing
sought that have emerged due to a range of factors. Engineers the introduced IoT approach in the COVID-19 epidemic,
and scientists working in the physical sciences are working medication identification that performs and suspicious cases
to meet these issues by developing new theories, describing
may be ensured. The majority of them, civilians, are now
novel research problems, developing user-centered
aware of the coronavirus's symptoms. The cluster can be
explanations, and educating both themselves and the general
discovered much more readily by developing an informed
public. This brief description was created to raise awareness
group within a connected network. Additionally, a specific
about this groundbreaking technology method and its smartphone application can be designed to aid the less
possible petition in the COVID-19 epidemic. The Internet of fortunate [37].
Things (IoT) is a platform of networked devices and
The controller, i.e. doctors, physicians, caregivers, etc.,
processes that are equipped with the necessary network
must receive accurate reporting of symptoms and recovery in
elements such as hardware, software, network connectivity,
order to opt out of the impressive move and optimize the
and any other electronic/computer methods to assist in data entire quarantine period. Thus, in order to combat and
manipulation and collecting. If we expand on IoT a little educate civilians in regard to COVID-19 epidemic, the
further, it’s a concept that underpins the complete
Indian the federal government possesses established a smart
architectural framework that, in the end, allows for the
mobile application targeted at establishing a connection
seamless integration and data exchange here between patient
between critical health-care services with Indian people.
who wishes help and the wireless carriers. The bulk of
Similarly, China has launched e Close Contact (English
problems currently come as a result of ineffective patient translation) as a smartphone application for its residents.
reachability, which is the second most important issue after This type of application notifies the user of their proximity
vaccine development [34]. The implementation of the IoT
to a corona positive test. So that exceed caution can be
idea improves patients' reachability, which ultimately aids in
exercised before going to step up. At the end of April 2020,
providing them with important care to assist them recover
U. S. government will make a comparable smartphone app
from this sickness. Globally. Every day, the number of
available to its citizens. Following China region, Taiwan is
affected patients grows, creating an urgent want to exploit perhaps the most predictable of the group country in terms of
the right-equipped and infrastructures that are well- COVID-19 cases. In order to protect the community's health,
organized made possible by the Internet of methodology of
Taiwan quickly militarized and adopted specific tactics for
things. Additionally, IoT has previously been used to
coronavirus case identification, suppression, and resource
accomplish the requested goals in a variety of fields where
distribution. The catalog was utilized to kick-start the
the Internet of Healthcare Things (IOHT) and the Internet of
construction of big data for analytics, since it generated real-
Issa & Thabit | 17

time warnings during clinical visits based on travel Data processing is a critical component of achieving Industry
background and clinical indications, supporting in case 4.0's predicted goals. Without effective information
classification. They've also used this cutting-edge technique processing and management, providing valuable services
to detect infected persons, which includes QR code scanning will be difficult given the predicted volumes of received data.
and related reporting of transportation history [38]. The G06F19/00 category (i.e., digital computing or data
processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for
specific applications) is ranked fifth among the top 20
technical IPC categories, according to the leading
International Patent Classification (IPC) analysis, with 130
patents filed between January 2006 and December 2015 [40].
Moreover, for battery-operated IOMT devices, minimizing
the amount of communicated data is critical in order to
minimize transmitting power consumption in this case,
several promising approaches are:
- processing and compressing acquired data locally in the
network prior to propagation, with hardware implementation
included (CS).
- Deep learning is being used as a powerful machine
learning and health informatics technique to generate the best
high-level features and semantic interpretation from data
Fig. 1: The key metric used of IOT for fighting COVID-19 [41]. The original signal is multiplied with a linear form of
reinforcement in CS to achieve sampling, resulting in a low-
The Internet of Things (IoT) makes use of a huge dimensional subspace projection of the high-dimensional
number of networked equipment to establish an intelligent data vector. Although CS has showed significant promise in
network for efficient supervision of health. It detects and terms of high compression ratios, building CS-based
tracks any form of disease to ensure the patient's security. It technology is difficult [42]. Signal reconstruction, in
digitally captures the patient's data and all the information particular, has a significant CS has a high computational
without the need for human engagement. This information is cost, which limits its utility in scenarios that must be
also useful in achieving informed decisions [39]. IoT is being completed in real time [43]. The Correlation - based feature
used for a variety of purposes in order to meet the critical Chasing (OMP) signal reconstruction approach, for example,
need of reducing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. necessitates a lot of matrix processing. Furthermore, there is
With the help of suitably gathered data, it has the potential to a tradeoff between the energy economy of the hardware and
forecast the upcoming circumstance. Its applications are used the precision of signal recovery. If a data-driven optimization
to handle the epidemic effectively. For tailored attention, the strategy is employed to improve signal recovery precision,
patient can use IoT services to monitor their heart indicator, for example, additional computing capacity will be
pressure of blood, gluco-meter, with rest activities. It aids in consumed. On the other hand, excellent recovery accuracy
the monitoring of elderly people's health. The most important cannot be assured if non-data-driven random Boolean
performing of this technique in health-care are tracking the embedding is used to improve energy efficiency of hardware
fact-time position of medical tools and instruments to ensure [44]. Compression algorithms designed exclusively for e-
a smooth and timely treatment process. This technology can health depended in applications that have been proposed in
be used by healthcare insurance companies to identify the literature The computational complexity, loss and
deception claims and promote opacity across the whole lossless properties, and waveform transformations
system. This improves the patient's treatment workflow by performed in these techniques are all different (Fourier or
allowing for more efficient performance, as well as assisting wavelet transforms, vector quantization, or the discrete
in the decision-making process in complex circumstances. In cosine transform are only a few examples). In summary,
the current pandemic situation, COVID-19 is concerned with most present compression research focuses on upper layers,
the security and privacy of the data received, which is unique while lower layer factors (such as wireless channel
and critical in terms of patient health, and is a major source characteristics, Bit/symbol error rate (BSER) and signal-to-
of worry when using the Internet of Things. The second interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) are ignored.
factor to consider is the caution that must be exercised when Furthermore, the increased processing complexity may make
integrating the data network among the various devices and implementing such systems on battery-powered devices
protocols. prohibitively expensive. Designing application-specific
transceivers, on the other hand, has recently become popular.
IV. EEG-BASED TRANSCEIVER DESIGN Long-range IoT connectivity and multi-standard RF
transceivers are being addressed in future transceiver
Rapid advanced data amounts, late cloud storage, architecture, while preserving a high level of adaptability,
approaching edge computing, and omnipresent networking versatility, and renewability [45]. SRT Marine Systems, for
capabilities have made it possible to acquire, store, and example, was granted US patent 9473197 and European
analyze huge volumes of operational data that were patent EP2951930 for their reversible time domain duplex
previously unattainable in the IOMT and Industry 4.0 eras. (RTDD) transceiver technology. This method allows a single
18 | Issa & Thabit

RF architecture to be utilized for both receiving and sending readers who are interested in not only beginning their
by electrically reversing the RF chain between receive and research but also improving their understanding of HIoT
transmit. This would be possible because to a complicated equipment will receive a comprehensive overview of the
combination of clever intermediate frequency selection and devices.
ultra-fast switching. In addition, Bristol-based SRT Marine
Technology Ltd has received a patent for a radio transceiver CONFLICT OF INTEREST
that allows numerous transceivers to share a single antenna,
The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this
lowering installation costs and time (GB patent no.
2460012). article.
In the field of fiber-optic communications, [46] supplies
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