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Basic doll and dungaree outfit

Stylecraft Special DK: 2 balls of Soft Peach (1240)
Stylecraft Special DK: 1 ball of Fiesta (1257)
Stylecraft Special DK: 1 ball of Bright Green (1259)
Stylecraft Special DK: 1 ball of Jaffa (1256)
Stylecraft Special DK: 1 ball of Walnut (1054)
(Note: While I’ve used Stylecraft, any double knitting yarn will work. Just be sure to keep to the same
brand throughout.)
3mm crochet hook
3mm & 4mm knitting needles
3 x 11mm (size 2) press studs for wig
2 sml press studs for back closure of shirt
4 x 15mm buttons for dungaree straps and to attach flowers to shoes
1 pair of 6mm blue safety eyes


Abbreviations: Basic doll

mr – magic ring
dc – double crochet (US – single crochet)
dec – decrease by double crochet two stitches together
ch – chain
st – stitch
sts – stitches
slst – slip stitch

Rounds are worked in spirals unless otherwise indicated.

Head: Worked in Soft Peach

Begin at crown
Make a magic ring.
R1: 6dc into ring, pull closed – 6sts
R2: 2dc into each around - 12sts
R3: *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 18sts
R4: *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 24sts
R5: *3dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 30sts
R6: *4dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 36sts
R7: *5dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 42sts
R8: *6dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 48sts
R9 – 18: 1dc into each around – 48sts
R19: *2dc into next st, 1dc* rep 12 times, 1dc into each of last 25sts – 60sts
R20 – 29: 1dc into each around – 60sts
Insert safety eyes and stuff the top of the head. Continue stuffing as you go along.
R30: *8dc, dec 1* rep around – 54sts
R31: *7dc, dec 1* rep around – 48sts
R32: *6dc, dec 1* rep around – 42sts
R33: *5dc, dec 1* rep around – 36sts
R34: *4dc, dec 1* rep around – 30sts
R35: *3dc, dec 1* rep around – 24sts
R36: *2dc, dec 1* rep around – 18sts
R37: *1dc, dec 1* rep around – 12 sts
R38: Dec 6 times – 6sts
Fasten off.

Nose: Worked in Soft Peach

Make a magic ring.
R1: 6dc into ring, pull closed – 6sts
R2: 1dc into each around – 6sts
Fasten off leaving a long length of yarn to sew into place later.

Legs: Worked in Soft Peach & joining rounds (Make 2)

R1: Beg with 2nd ch from hook work 5dc across ch. Turn piece and work 5dc along the opposite side of
the foundation row to form an oval – 10sts
R2: Ch1, 2dc into each around – 20sts
R3: Ch1, *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 30sts
R4: Ch1, *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 40sts
R5 – 11: Ch1, 1dc into each around – 40sts
R12: Ch1, 12dc, dec 8, 12dc – 32sts
R13: Ch1, 8dc, dec 8, 8dc – 24sts
R14: Ch1, 8dc, dec 4, 8dc – 20sts
Stuff feet and begin working in spirals, stuffing as you go along.
R15 – 34: 1dc into each around – 20sts
Fasten off.

Body: Worked in Soft Peach

To create the body:
Starting at the outer side of one of the legs, attach your yarn and dc 10sts from that leg, then dc 20sts
around the second leg which will bring you back to the first leg where you then dc the rem 10sts to return
to where you attached your yarn, thus joining the legs together.
Continue on as follows working in spirals, stuffing firmly as you go:
R1: 2dc into 1st st, dc 19, 2dc into next st, dc 19 – 42sts
R2: *6dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 48sts
R3 – 23: 1dc into each around – 48sts
R24: *6dc, dec 1* rep around – 42sts
R25: *5dc, dec 1* rep around – 36sts
R26: *4dc, dec 1* rep around – 30sts
R27: *3dc, dec 1* rep around – 24sts
R28: *2dc, dec 1* rep around – 18sts
The neck
R29 - 34: 1dc into each around – 18sts
Fasten off.

Arms: Worked in Soft Peach (Make 2)

Fingers – Make 5 for each hand, joining rounds
Make a magic ring.
R1: 6dc into ring, pull closed – 6sts
R2 – 4: 1dc into each around – 6sts
Fasten off, using beginning and ending tails of yarn to stuff each finger.

Joining fingers to make hand –

R1: 3dc from 1st finger, 3 from 2nd finger, 3dc from 3rd finger and 3dc from 4th finger. Continue around
the other side of the finger pieces working 3dc from 4th finger, 3dc from 3rd finger, 3dc from 2nd finger and
3dc from 1st finger. Fingers will now be joined in a circle making up a total of 24sts. The fifth finger
(thumb) will be sewn on later.
Continue as follows:
R1 - 5: 1dc into each around – 24sts
R6: *2dc, dec 1* rep around – 18sts
R7: 1dc into each around – 18sts
R8: *1dc, dec 1* rep around – 12sts
R9: 1dc into each around – 12sts
R10: *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 18sts
R11 - 12: 1dc into each around – 18sts
R13: *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 24sts
R14: 1dc into each around – 24sts
R15: *2dc, dec 1* rep around – 18sts
R16: 1dc into each around – 18sts
R17: *1dc, dec 1* rep around – 12sts
R18: *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 18sts
R19: 1dc into each around – 18sts
R20: *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 24sts
R21 - 23: 1dc into each around – 24sts
R24: *2dc, dec 1* rep around – 18sts
R25: *1dc, dec 1* rep around – 12sts
R26: Dec 6 times.
Fasten off.

Basic Hairpiece: Worked in Walnut using spirals

Make a magic ring.
R1: 6dc into ring, pull closed – 6sts
R2: 2dc into each around – 12sts
R3: *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 18sts
R4: *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 24sts
R5: *3dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 30sts
R6: *4dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 36sts
R7: *5dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 42sts
R8: *6dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 48sts
R9 - 11: 1dc into each around – 48sts
Join with a slst.
R12 – 20: Ch1, turn. Dc 38.
Do not fasten off. Work first set of curls going back along row 20 as below:
*Ch30, slst into next st* rep along last row and every row upward ending on row 11.
Attach yarn and *Ch20, slst into next st* rep along fringe portion of wig piece.
To Make Up:
Head & Body –
Shaping the eye sockets:
Using a long length of yarn in the same colour as the head, thread a needle and take it from the middle
of the underside of the head to the inner edge of one of the eyes, leaving a longish tail at the entry point
beneath the head. Work a stitch by taking it back down at the outer edge of the eye and through to the
tail left at the underside of the head. Tug both until the eye indents and tie them securely together,
weaving the ends away. Repeat with the other eye. Using dark pink or red thread, embroider a smile that
slants diagonally across two rows and two stitches to either the left or right. (See photo for visual

Attach completed head to neck of body and lightly dust cheeks with a little pale pink blusher.

Hair piece:
Sew one half of a press stud to each lower side edge of the wig and then a third at the middle point of the
lower row to. Fit the wig onto the doll’s head and mark the points with pins at the sides and back of her
head where the other halves of the press studs should go. Sew these halves into place with matching
pink thread.

Cut a long length of yarn in the same colour as the body and arms. Insert your needle through the upper
inside of an arm and leaving a long tail, push it through the body from one side to the other at the point
where you want to attach the arms. Now insert your needle through the upper inside of the other arm and
go back through the body to the other side coming out at the same point you went into.
Repeat this step and then, pulling both ends of yarn tightly so that the arms pull snug against the sides of
the body, tie a double knot and weave the ends into the body.
Clothes: Knit & Crochet
C/on – Cast on
C/off – Cast off
K – knit
P – purl
Gst – garter stitch (Knit every row)
Stst – Knit 1 row, purl 1 row
K2tog – Knit 2 together
P2tog – Purl 2 together
Yon – Yarn over needle (to create buttonhole)

Dungarees: Working in Fiesta

Legs: Make 2
First leg
With 3mm needles, C/on 25 st and gst 4 rows
Change to 4mm needles
Next: P1 row
Next: Knitting, inc into every st – 50sts
Next: Stst 10 rows.
Keeping these stitches on your needle, make the second leg in the same manner but do not cut the yarn.

Joining the legs:

With wrong sides facing, purl across the second leg (50sts) and then purl across the first leg – 100sts
Next: Stst 20 rows
Next: K2tog to end – 50sts
Change to 3mm needles
Next: Gst 4 rows
Next: C/off 18sts knitwise, k14, c/off 18 knitwise.

Using 4mm needles
Attach yarn to rem sts.
Next: K1 row.
Next: K2, purl 10, k2
Rep these two rows 4 more times.
Gst 4 rows.

Straps: Make 2
Using 3mm needles
C/on 5sts and gst 50 rows.
Buttonhole row: K2, c/off 1, k1 – 4sts
Next: K2, yon, k2 – 5sts
Next: K2 rows

Shirt: Working in Bright Green

Using 3mm needles
Sleeves: Make 2
C/on 20sts and gst 2 rows
Next: Inc into each st knitwise – 40sts
Change to 4mm needles
Next: Starting with a p row, stst 11 rows
Next: *k1, k2tog* to end – 27sts
Next: P

Using 3mm needles
C/on 25sts and gst 2 rows
Change to 4mm needles
Next: Starting with a k row stst 22 rows
Next: K10, c/off 5 sts, k10
Right side:
Next: p8, p2tog
Next: k9
Next: p7, p2tog
Next: k8
Next: p6, p2tog
Next: k7
Next: p5, p2tog
Next: Stst 5 rows
Left side:
With wrong side facing, attach yarn to left side stitches
Next: p2tog, p8
Next: k9
Next: p2tog, p7
Next: K8
Next: p2tog, p6
Next: k7
Next: p2tog, p5
Next: Stst 5 rows

Using 3mm needles
C/on 25sts and gst 2 rows
Change to 4mm needles
Next: Starting with a k row, stst 22 rows
Next: k12, c/off 1, k11
Next: p12, turn
Working on these stitches
Next: stst 8 rows
Next: C/off 4sts, k to end
Next: p8
Next: c/off 2sts, k to end
Attach yarn to rem sts
Next: Beg with a p row stst 8 rows
Next: C/off 4sts, p to end
Next: k8
Next: C/off 2sts, p to end

Neck Edge:
With right sides facing together, sew the shoulders. Then do as follows:
Using 3mm needles and with right side facing you, pick up 6sts from the left back neck edge, 13sts
down the left front, 6sts across the centre front, 13sts up the right front and 6sts down the right back –
Gst 3 rows and c/off.
For the button band: Pick up 13sts down the right back, gst 3 rows and c/off

Shoes: Working in Bright Green & Jaffa (Make 2) - Crochet

Using Bright Green for the sole and join rounds:
R1: Beg with 2nd ch from hook work 5dc across ch. Turn piece and work 5dc along the opposite side of
the foundation row to form an oval – 10sts
R2: Ch1, 2dc into each around – 20sts
R3: Ch1, *1dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 30sts
R4: Ch1, *2dc, 2dc into next* rep around – 40sts
Change to Jaffa
R5: Ch1, 1dc into each around into the backs of the last round’s loops – 40sts
R6 - 11: Ch1, 1dc into each around – 40sts
R12: Ch1, 12dc, dec 8, 12dc – 32sts
Change to Bright Green
R13: Ch1, dc12, dec 4, dc12.
Fasten off.

Flower: Working in Fiesta (Make 2)

Make a magic ring.
R1: 12dc into ring, pull closed – 6sts
R2: Petals – Into next st (*dc, htr, 3tr, htr, dc* slst into next.) Rep around forming 6 petals.
Fasten off

To Make Up:
Dungarees –
With right sides facing together bring back seam together and stitch. Then sew together the inside seam
of the legs. Attach the straps to either side of the back seam, roughly 2cm apart. Sew two buttons to the
front of the bib.

Insert and sew sleeves into place then sew the side and underarm seams.
Sew two small press onto the back opening.

Affix a flower to the front of each shoe, attaching with a decorative button.

Happy Creating!

 Crafty Threads 2015

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