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Fate Grand Order

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Fate/Grand Order

By Valeria

A world of magi and vampires. A world of heroes and villains. A world of certain Types of Moons.
You’re in the Nasuverse once again, just in time for Humanity to face one of its greatest challenges
yet, though most won’t even know it’s happening.

In ages past, the King of Magic Solomon, of biblical fame, reached the end of his life. As he reached
his final moments, he did as instructed by God and sealed away nine of his ten magic rings with the
final one being hidden elsewhere in the world. Laid to rest in peace, Good King Solomon’s body was
not left undisturbed. The many demons that Solomon bound or created were not happy with how
Solomon had lived or died, believing he had not done justice by mankind. United under the first of
their kind, Goetia, they created a plan to create a paradise for humanity.

A paradise that unfortunately needs them all to die first as all of time is eradicated past a certain

Clearly, this is not a good outcome for humans. Good fortune struck though and saviours arose from
humanity’s ranks. The Magus family of the Animuspheres created the Chaldea organisation, a high
tech group dedicated towards ensuring humanity’s future. When they discovered that the world
would not live past the year 2016, they went all out on creating technologies and magics to deal with
this. Having found that the cause of this fast approaching apocalypse would be found in the past,
they began to gather the best and brightest Magi they could find to serve as agents to save the

Unfortunately, on the very day that this plan would commence, it was sabotaged from within. A
great fire destroyed almost every gathered ally and left Chaldea mostly in ruins, with only a few staff
members left and a single, or perhaps two, agents sent back to the distortions in time that endanger
the world. This is where you begin, at the start of the story of Fate/Grand Order.

You will spend the next ten years in this world. For your time here, take these 1000 Choice Points
(CP) to spend on new abilities to aid you.
The Contaminated City in Flames
You find yourself in a burning city. This is Fuyuki, a city in Japan, though it’s current state has isolated
it in time and space from the rest of the world. This is the first distortion and where the protagonist
of this story would find themselves after the disaster at Chaldea. You begin somewhere in the city of
your choice and will have little trouble finding your way to the other singularities in this story,
provided you are at the right time and place.

Optionally, you may also begin elsewhere. One of the Seven Singularities can be chosen as your
starting location, though it may be some time before the main characters appear if you choose a
later Singularity.

Available are the locations of France, the Roman Empire, Okeanos, London, North America, the Holy
Land in the Middle East and Babylonia.
Pick one of the following Types.

One of the Masters gathered by Chaldea. Whether you genuinely intend to work with them for
humanity’s benefit, are in it for yourself or are even an agent of the enemy, you were there for the
explosion at Chaldea and managed to miraculously survive. You have a personal Servant of your own
and Command Seals connected to them, as well as access to the Summoning System of Chaldea so
long as you do not betray them.

You’re one of the many Heroic Spirits that populate the singularities. You may have been summoned
by Chaldea, in which case you will have a Master yourself, or be an independent Servant existing
within the singularities already. What side your allegiance lies with will be determined by your origin
and your choices but, depending on your choices, you have the power to enact a great deal of
change here.

As a Servant, you will not gain CP. Instead your 1000CP will be exchanged for 1000SP, to be spent in
the Servant Supplement on your build. You may exchange SP to CP on a 1:1 rate or gain more CP
through drawbacks. Servants in this jump are Tier Two Servants. You may reduce the Servant to Tier
One and the Servant will gain +400SP. This cannot be converted.
Drop In
You have no history here. You were not born in this world and neither are you known to it. You may
have simply been born or made in another world in this setting or come from a time in the future
but there is of course the option of simply being present in this world without any trace of you here
at all.

Mr/Ms Protagonist
Your past is not quite your own anymore. In your time here you will take the place of one of the two
heroes of this world, taking on their admittedly vague backgrounds for your own to serve as one of
the heroes of Chaldea. As a Human you will replace the lone surviving Master of the story, Fujimaru,
while as a Servant you will find yourself taking the place of Mash Kyrielight, the Demi-Servant of
Galahad. You may take your opposing number as a companion for free or replace them with another
you gained through the companion options.

You were born to lead and your life reflects that. You may be one of the commanders of Chaldea or
have been a great king in your past life. Either way, your experience with command will be useful as
the number of allies and foes continue to rise in your journeys here. You may find yourself looked on
much more kindly for your leadership position by certain kinds of people.

Chaldea only became what it was because of the brilliance of the men and women who made the
magic and technology it runs on. All the money in the world couldn’t replace that. You’re part of the
science division of this group and one of the head researchers too, even as a Servant. You’ll be
familiar with how things work and while you may not get a combat role, you’ll be vital for the
progress of the mission.

Anti Hero
Not all heroes are nice. From a hard life or a nasty disposition, you’ve got a reputation and an
appearance that’s more fitting for a villain despite your siding with Chaldea. You’re a hero but you
can probably expect to either be dealing with the grimmest stuff to be encountered or the most
absurd and tone deaf stuff. Anti-Heroes here seem to either play it painfully straight or get totally
made fun of. But that’s fun too.

You’ve been with Chaldea all your life. For as long as you remember, you’ve been hanging around
the facility, helping out where you can and getting the odd study done on you. You may not have
had any real job until now but with the Grand Order having begun, it’s time to show you’re worth all
the money spent on you till now.

Bad Guy
We did say not everyone was it in for the reason of good. You might be fighting for Chaldea, or not,
but you’re mostly in it for your own interests. Be it women, riches, power or fame, the Grand Order
has the potential for all of these to be achieved. You may find it best to keep yourself restrained until
Goetia has been defeated however, it’ll be a much easier time if you have a lot of allies with you
Bigger Bad
Of course, if you’re already a bad guy, you could just skip straight to the big leagues. You’re looking
to make a name for yourself as a big name and find yourself either directly assisting the plans of
Solomon’s Demon or competing against him and Chaldea for your own goals. Or perhaps you’re
involved with an entirely different, more alien, party from the future. Freedom comes at the price of
allies here and choosing to take the evil path may set both Chaldea and any other group against you.

Both age and gender can get rather fluid in this world, thus you may freely pick both your age and
your gender from any possible result for whatever you are.
Type Perks
100CP perks are freebies for their origins and all other perks for those origins are discounted for

Demi-Servant/Pseudo Servant- 500/200

Demi Servant costs CP and must be a Non-Servant origin
Pseudo Servant costs SP and must have be Servant Origin
You may only pick these options once each in your chain, spread across the various Fate jumps. They
may be taken again for access to capstone boosted effects but you will gain no other benefits of
these options.

You are the successful result, the only genuinely successful result, of one of Chaldea’s greatest
experiments. You are either a Demi-Servant or a Pseudo-Servant, depending on your Type. If you are
Human Type, this has fused you with a Heroic Spirit to make you a Demi-Servant. If you are a Servant
already, you will be fused to a human form that will make you a Pseudo-Servant.

A Demi-Servant is a fusion between a Servant and a modified human that allows the human to make
use of the powers, Skills and Noble Phantasms of a Servant they are bonded with. You know and are
skilled in the use of all of these abilities and items, though you might not quite know all the tricks as
the original did just yet. You gain the Servant Type in addition to your original one, though you do
not gain the 100cp for free, as well as access to the Servant Supplement as described for those of
the Servant Origin, with 1000SP and all associated discounts and freebies.

A Pseudo Servant is much the same as a Demi Servant, a Servant is summoned into a human vessel
but in this case the Servant is the one who gains control over the body with the human spirit already
discarded. In effect, you gain the Human Type, including discounts and freebies, and 1000CP with
which to buy perks and items, though none of this extra CP can be converted into SP. You will still be
summoned as a Servant by whatever Master you chose, they were the ones to prepare the vessel
you now inhabit or to have someone else do it for them. An important note, is that Pseudo Servants
effectively count as having living bodies, for the purposes of Magical Energy regeneration and any
other effect that might care.

Whichever option you have taken, the changed nature, be it Servant or Human, has magnified the
powers of certain perks you could take. Any 600cp Origin perk will gain an upgraded form for you if
you take them and this perk at once, as described in the Notes section at the bottom of this jump.
Taking either of the above options does not lock you out of getting a Servant or Master if you
normally would, these are entirely separate from such a thing. You may buy this perk for 200CP
instead of 500CP as normal and receive only the Capstone Booster section.

Command Seals- Free for Human

The mark of a Master. Exclusive to those who are themselves Masters, these three red sigils
represent the command you have over your Servants. Each one may be used in a variety of ways,
from an absolute command to force a Servant to perform an action they would normally refuse to
do to fully healing an injured Servant or ready their best attack for use. Your three Command Seals
will work for any Servant that considers you their Master, you do not gain more for gaining more
Servants. However, unlike the normal, these Command Seals regenerate at a rate of 1 per 24 hours,
though 3 is the maximum that can be gained.

Gacha Bitch- 100

Another five star gold? Damn, you’re making me jealous here. You manage to get just obscene luck
when it comes to gambling games. Be it casino gambling or rolling the gacha on a mobile game,
you’ll get the result you want 9 times out of 10. If people start cheating against you, your luck might
start to not be enough but long as things are fair, you can really rack up the goodies. As a minor side
benefit, you also happen to have a quick understanding of how game rules work and a sense for
when you are in a game yourself.

Summoner’s Guard- 300

How are you meant to fight alongside your Servant if they’re throwing around all these gigantic
explosions? You’ll be able to stick by them with this, though you’ll still want to be wary of the
enemy’s blows. You’re unable to be harmed by the attacks or negative effects of anything that you
have summoned, whether it’s directed or accidental. Attacks just phase through you, though you
may still be at risk due to the damage it does to the environment around you. This only applies to
friendly or neutral summons, any being that is hostile to you will be able to harm you even if you’ve
summoned them.

Grand Summoning- 600

The Throne of Heroes can be quite capricious with those it chooses to release into the hands of a
Master. You might aim for a Servant and get them in their elderly years or as a youth, before their
great achievements. You might get them sans their most legendary equipment or in a flawed,
berserk state. You’ve perfected your rituals however and learnt a method to always summon the
greatest possible version of your target, combining their most suitable bodies, minds, equipment
and powers for you. You’ll summon your Servant or other summon with their most powerful gear,
their fittest and most appropriate physical body, their best abilities and their most suitable mental
state. Your summons are effectively working at their peak ability at all times.

Brothers in Arms Across Worlds- 100

Myths are always getting changed and mixed up. A popular book series coming out in the modern
day and becoming a worldwide sensation could radically alter how a Servant appears to be once
summoned. You’re a little less alterable in this way. People remember you as you are, unaltered by
popular stories and when it comes to specific people, they may even remember you if it’s not even
them remembering you! If you’ve met and fought alongside King Arthur in your legend or in these
coming battles here, you’ll find yourself remembered as a fighting partner by any version of King
Arthur. This’ll never be enough to make them consider you an ally on the spot but these fond
memories of you will make people you’ve met before quite a bit more amiable towards you.

This is Totally a Sword- 300

An arrow is just a very short spear. A stick is just a sword with no edge made of wood. A hollow
metal pole is just a gun barrel with no gunpowder. The objects around you could be used for so
many things but people just don’t see it the way you do. Now you’re able to make the world see
things the way you do. So long as they’re visually similar, you’re able to treat one type of item as
being another type of item on a conceptual level. Swords with very long blades may count as spears,
allowing what would normally be a Saber class Servant to become a Lancer class Servant. Water
manipulated to take on the shape of fire may be treated as fire, burning those it touches. These
changes can only change the type of thing, they cannot change something into a specific object, such
as making a golden sword into Excalibur nor can they change something into another thing of
greater power.

Phantom of the Order- 600

A Phantom is a unique existence amongst Servants. A being that ordinarily would not be sufficient to
qualify as a Heroic Spirit yet has been summoned and bound to an existing, more qualified Servant
to change it and grant it greater power. This process has been done to you, even if you’re a human,
binding a Phantom to your soul and granting you certain abilities alongside it. You gain 500 Servant
Points to spend in the Servant Supplement that may only be spent on Skills or Noble Phantasms.
These points are entirely independent of any existing purchases there, meaning that there are no
freebies or discounts with these points and they cannot upgrade what you have there already. While
these points can grant a lot of power, they must be based on a qualifying spirit. Phantoms take much
inspiration from Urban Legends and other low renown legends, one of which you must choose to
base your purchases on. The phantom will likely give some alteration to your body or even mind
when in use, such as appearing as a great wolf mount for you to ride or making you far more
bloodthirsty when its powers are used. Through this process, you also gain knowledge of how to do
the same in the future, fusing phantoms or similar spirits to other beings to create combinations like
yourself, though you are given no way of accessing such spirits or phantoms through just this.
Origin Perks
100CP perks are freebies for their origins and all other perks for those origins are discounted for

Ascension- 300
Just because a Servant has been summoned, does not mean that they are summoned at their full
potential. Each hero has a great deal of power left to unlock and the process of Ascension is the
method to do so. By offering up rare materials and a large amount of magical energy in crystallised
form, you can force a being to Ascend to the next stage of being for them. This increases their
maximum power to allow them to grow more, changes their appearance to show the upgrade and
also unlocks a new ability or power for them such as new Skills for Servants. This process can be
done many times, even beyond the normal limit of 4 for you, but each one requires progressively
more difficult to obtain ingredients and exponentially more massive amounts of magical energy to
support the transformation. New abilities are also only obtained at every second Ascension after the
first. You can use the Ascension process on yourself or non-Servant beings as well.

Skill Reinforcement- 200

Much as the overall power of a Servant is not immediately reached, neither is the individual power
of their Skills reached at the start. To find their full potential with each ability, these Skills must be
reinforced with Gems gathered from suitably similar opponents. Sabers must destroy Sabers to get
Gems for Sabers and so on. Rare materials must also be gathered to do the process. Finally, a proper
amount of magical energy must also be spent. Once the requirements are gathered, any Skill or
ability may be Skilled Up and made more powerful overall. While there is no limit to how many times
a Skill may be Reinforced, nor that it must be a Servant Skill, the costs will continue to increase for
further and further Skill Ups on the same skill. Gems will need to be obtained from stronger foes,
materials will become rarer and more magical energy must be spent.

Saint Gatherer- Free to Humans/100

A unique substance to be found in this world, Saint Quartz are powerful multi-coloured crystals that
can be attained by accomplishing certain sorts of actions. Completing quests or journeys, making
daily significant progress towards your main goals to gain every second day, taking part in important
events in the story of the world or forming very close and strong bonds with other people all have a
chance or certainty of granting a Saint Quartz. Once obtained, there are three uses for these crystals.
One can be used to fully restore your energy and fatigue, one can be used to revive you and a small
number of allies from the brink of death to full health again or one can be used to chance the
summoning system within the Grand Order system, so long as one has the support of Chaldea. This
perk is free for Human Type Jumpers for the duration of the jump but may be kept for future jumps,
or bought by Servant Types, for 100CP.

Summoning- Free for Humans/300 (Requires Saint Gatherer)

The Summoning System is the mechanism through which the Masters of Chaldea intend to summon
Servants to fight for them and Craft Essence to enhance or assist those Servants. It is a randomised
system, with more powerful or notable Servants and Essence being harder and harder to get. A
single roll of this random mechanism requires a single Saint Quartz and will grant a single result, with
no guarantees either way. Servants summoned through this method by you will fight for you, with
varying degrees of enthusiasm, but they are not companions nor do they receive any additional
benefits like companion Servants bought through this document will. While this system is free for
Humans in this jump, it may be bought to keep, even by Servants, for 300CP. In future jumps it will
continue to summon Servants, only based off of the world it is currently in, drawing from historical
or mythical or fictional or even future beings from that world. It will also continue to summon Craft
Essences and such for use. Both these will follow the same rules as they do in this jump.

Growth Curve- 200

Not everyone learns the same way. An oft repeated childhood saying has rather more relevance in
this world and for you especially on buying this option. The way and speed you learn has been
altered to one of three modes of which you may pick only one. Linear Mode will allow you to always
learn at a constant rate. You will learn as fast as at the start as you do during the middle and ending
stages of your learning, even if the process would normally slow down greatly in one of these phases.
S Mode learning reduces your learning rate during the beginning and ending stages of training but
magnifies it greatly during the middle portion of your growth. Reverse S Mode alters this by having
you grow much faster during the beginning and later stages of growth, while slowing down
significantly during the middle stages. This alteration cannot be changed once picked.

A New Event- Free/300

Sports competitions, races, valentine’s day fiascoes and all sorts of strange mini-singularities.
There’s a unending number of silly events that happen in your time here, ones that often make little
sense in their placing and timeframe, yet happen regardless. By default, this perk ensures that the
events will occur as they do in the game regardless of whether it makes little sense for what else
might be going on, like time critical struggles against the end of the world. Events are like places out
of time and space, where the goings on won’t affect the outside world and characters beyond the
occasional reference or mention to show that they remember too.

For 300 points, this will continue into future jumps. Every now and then, you may wake up to find
yourself enlisted onto a sports team made of your allies and even enemies from the current world,
battling it out to claim some trophy against other characters you know. Or something stranger still.
An event-filled life that continues in other worlds, where the events never have any real effect on
the actual setting or story.
Drop In

Burden of Power- 100

Wander into town, help out a few strangers, leave without another world. For those with power
who haven’t fallen into depravity, it’s often the way. You feel disconnected from the world around
you and even if you want to help them, they sometimes have nothing but fear left for you. Your
power won’t get in the way of social interactions unless you’d like it to now. Not only will being great
in magnitude than someone not make you fell distanced from them but they won’t feel envy or fear
to you either. If you still happen to want to pass on untroubled, you’ll be able to peacefully fade
from people’s memories after a while. Never be afraid that you’ll leave people pointlessly longing
after you once you’ve disappeared from their lives forever.

Keep it In Your Heart- 100

Too easy to get caught up in the stresses and schedules of adulthood. Too easy to forget what made
childhood so special and the things you learned in that time so important to you. You remember
now at least. You’ll never again forget the fascination, curiosity and drive to learn more that you had
as a child and your memories and the lessons you learn will remain just as vivid and potent the day
you learn them as they will a hundred years later. When you’re inspired by a great man, that
inspiration won’t fade over time but instead continue to burn brightly throughout your entire life.

To You, Ten Years From Now- 200

Who’s that familiar guy over there? It’s you! Only much older, much more experienced and much,
much grumpier. What could have happened to make him so nastily tempered? In that guy’s mind, he
might think of you as a naïve kid but you know that even if it’s your future self, you’ve still got things
to teach him. When it comes to things like this, future selves or clones or duplicates of yourself of
any kind, you can deal with them expertly. Your words pierce through defences they put up and
remind them of who you’re meant to be and who they really, deep down, want to be too. You can
get them to hold off on a fight and talk, unless they’ve got a damn pressing reason otherwise, and
even convince them to hold off indefinitely or join your side with a lot more ease than before.

Let the Regend Come Back to Life- 200

You were born with a special talent. A talent for dealing death to a certain kind of being. Your skills
sharpen, your blows deal greater wounds and the attacks of your foes feel lighter than they should
be on your skin. Whereas you might normally only take on a single foe of that level, when it comes
to your preferred prey, you could take on a half dozen with just as much ease. Humans, Dragons, the
Undead, any limited classification like this would be applicable. You’ve got the talent that could have
people singing songs about the battles you are in one day, long as you can find enough worthy foes.

Ghost Written Life- 400

Life’s one big story. You’re writing one now, aren’t you? Just by living, you write your own story on
history. What did you think I meant? A story does have power though. Even one not written down
on a piece of paper. The role of a hero and the role of a villain are things that change the world
around them, even if it can be hard to tell. The hero always wins. The villain lives to scheme another
day. True love conquers all. There’s a whole mountain of tropes to build a story from. Your story has
a few too, tropes and ideas and clichés that have real power. They’re not going to do everything for
you or make a huge difference but you can take advantage of them to give yourself a boost or
degrade your enemies. Knowingly choose to become a Hero so that your luck is increased when
fighting evil, become a Villain to increase the effectiveness of your plans early on, go just a bit
beyond your limits when fighting for a loved one. The effects you could gain are countless…though
you must stick to whatever literary tropes you are reflecting to gain their benefits.

Body Fit for the Gods- 400

There’s an empty space within you, physically and spiritually. It makes you just about perfect for
acting as a container for other beings in a very specific way. You’re able to replicate the act of
creating a Demi-Servant if you have a spirit you can convince to willingly enter your body or who you
can force inside yourself somehow. No matter how large or powerful, this spirit will fit within you
and transfer both their powers and their mind to you, resulting in a fused being. If you are not
careful, particularly with an unwilling subject, this may result in them being able to take over your
body as the dominant personality. Even if they resist, they will not be able to harm you however and
may only try to escape. It is possible to store more than one inside you at a time but all past the first
will not have the protection that stops them from harming you or allows you to store them
regardless of size or power.

Lady of Shadows- 600

Death’s not something to be feared. It’s not an absolute, not to the truly powerful. To some, it’s a
matter of becoming so strong that death is just extremely unlikely. To others, it’s more of a
dependence on another thing. A link that forms between two things that become important to one
another. A woman who became strong enough to slay Gods and the World itself, for example. Your
link is nothing so special but still a great boon. You may choose a single willing being or object that
you own to link your life to. So long as that being lives and remains in the same world as you, you
can’t die. You can be hurt and ravaged and reduced to uselessness but you won’t be killed. Your
linked partner can however, be killed. If they cease to be able to be killed or harmed, the link
between the two of you will break and you’ll need to swap to another partner.

Ordinary Man- 600

You weren’t born with magical powers. You didn’t discover a mighty artefact. You didn’t have some
magic old man to make you a king. You had yourself, your own human body and whatever weapons
you could find. In a world of legendary heroes and terrible monsters, the odds say you should have
died. Yet here you are, having earned your spot in the ranks of mankind’s legends. How? You got so
damn good that you made the mundane become magical. Your ordinary fists went so far beyond the
limits of human possibility that they become weapons of legend. Your skill with a gun so awe
inspiring that the World itself can’t comprehend it as not being magical. Your swordsmanship
literally warping space and time to try and keep up with your skills. You’ve got no limits on how far
you can take any skill and the further you take any skill, the more magical it becomes. Become a
great enough master and you might even see those ordinary skills forming into Noble Phantasms in
their own right.
Mr Protagonist

Jumpako- 100
Are you sure that’s the way you want to act around your friends? With all the groping and shoving
and teasing and bullying, it’s a wonder you can even still call them friends. Somehow they stick with
you though. Perhaps they’re just scared of what you’d do if they left. No, that’s just silly. It seems
that no matter how much you tease or bully your friends, they don’t take it as reason to stop being
friends with you. Actual harm or betrayal? You’ve got no protection there but they’ll put up with
some pretty humiliating things for your sake.

Heroic Man Wanted- 100

Everyone wants you! At least when it comes time to turn in some job applications, that is. No matter
how unlikely, whenever you send in an application, the boss seems to think that they desperately
need you. There has to be an open job offer but as long as there is, you’ll get accepted instantly, no
interview required. You don’t even need training or the right skills. They need you just that much. Of
course, once you’re in, they might find out you have no idea what you’re doing here and lack any
skill they need. That might get awkward.

Memory of Love- 200

Aah, just looking at you reminds me of that man from so long ago. Why do you look so familiar? It
makes my heart go thump-thump-thump. Not just me either. Every guy or girl with a beloved sees
you in a similar way. Regardless of your actual appearance or personality, you remind them strongly
of the one they love the most and so they can’t help but obsess over you. For most people, this
makes them feel very favourable towards you and makes them quite a bit easier to manipulate. For
some without love, this may not have any effect. And for others with love that’s a bit too
strong…well, perhaps it’d be best to not lead those sorts on unless you have some very strong locks
on your doors.

Memorable Occasions- 200

There’s no way to be a protagonist if you’re stuck fighting the rank and file. It’s a lot more dangerous
but the only way to really make a difference is going straight to the top. The guys who have names
people actually know and remember. You’ll never find yourself stuck in a conflict against the
unimportant guys. Whether it be a war or just a competition, you’ll clash against the important, the
strong and the named guys. They’re usually a lot stronger but they also happen to be a lot more
important in the long run. You’ll also find yourself meeting potential allies this way too, important
people that might be on your side or able to be convinced to your side.

Nasty or Nice- 400

Good guy, bad guy, you’re a big influence on them both. Your presence and companionship can
draw out the good and bad that waits inside everyone. If you don’t take action, it won’t change
anything, but once you start to encourage people to let out what’s inside them, you can really get
some changes going. Comrades can become more brutal and violent or more merciful and forgiving.
The closer you are to a person, the stronger you’ll be able to make this effect. A stranger you’ve
known for a few days might just talk and act a little differently. A close friend who you’ve saved the
life of and vice versa? You could turn them from maniacal villainy into reluctant heroism or from
being a shining example of a hero into a vicious extremist for their own ideology. Get even closer
and you might be able to make some even more extreme changes. Bringing out someone’s inner
good or bad side will take time but…a few days should be all you need.
Starting On Your Best Foot- 400
If the hero died before the story started, there wouldn’t be much of a story, would there? If the plan
of the bad guy had gone ahead, you’d have died back in the explosion without a chance to resist.
When it comes to the schemes of the bad guys of your story, you always get at least a chance to
resist their plots. You won’t get blown up out of nowhere, assassinated before even knowing who
your opponent is or otherwise made useless before the story even starts. There’s no guarantee
you’ll make a difference but you’ll always be able to last through the first stages of whatever plan
you’re fighting against.

Got That Fuji Fire- 600

Servants have a whole lot of power. If it were just you, even if you had a bunch of other Masters
with you, against the forces of evil? You’d be pretty screwed. But the Servants can’t do it alone
either. Legendary people come with legendary egos and legendary problems, getting them to work
together would take a miracle worker. That’s your cue. Be it loyalty or friendship or love, you’re like
a magnet for all three. Just a few days of fighting alongside someone is enough to forge a lifelong
bond of brotherhood or cause someone to fall deeply in love with you. Not just one at a time either.
Even a few dozen people, each normally hostile to you and only grudgingly working with you for
their own sakes, could fall in love with you at the same time. Talking to people and fighting with
them or supporting them, that’s all you need to show them why you’re the man for them.

Master of the House- 600

Just because you’re a Master, doesn’t mean you can do nothing but supply mana. There’s a long
tradition of Masters being genuinely helpful to their Servants and you’re one of the best examples
yet. Even if you happen to be a below average Magus in other areas, when it comes to magic that
supports your allies, you could help even some of the strongest of heroes. Your support magic, any
magic that buffs or enhances one of your allies, is multiplied many times over in effectiveness as
long as it is being used on an ally and not yourself. A spell to grant physical strength that might
normally only put someone at the peak of human ability could now increase an EX ranked Servant’s
strength by a third again. Every one of your buffs will be an invaluable boost to your team, making
you just as vital a combat member as any of them.

I Am The Boss- 100

You were born a leader and made into a leader as you grew up as well. You learnt how to be a leader
and how not to be one. You know you deserve to be where you are now and so you have the
confidence to support that knowledge. You’re not overconfident but you are exactly aware of the
level of your skills in relation to other people. You know when it’s time for you to take charge and
when it’s best to delegate to a more skilled person. Best of all, you know how to accept your fuck
ups. It’s done, the lesson has been internalised and then you move on. You don’t let yourself get
dragged down by what-ifs or maybes, you just learn and move on. There’s work to do and if no one
else will, you’ve got to take charge.

Caesar of Chaldea- 100

A king’s charisma goes beyond the physical form. The ladies blush at your words, not your shape.
You really are just that charming. Even if you’re obese or deformed or even just plain ugly, it doesn’t
have any negative effect on your sheer charm and charisma. As a leader and as a lover, all that
matters is your skills and personality, though having good looks will definitely help on top of that. At
the very least, this’ll make you a suave gentleman if you aren’t already one.

The Roman Empire is My City- 200

Everyone’s a patriot when you come around. Perhaps because they see you as a representation of
your homeland, a rather charming young one at that too. You’re incredibly attractive and charming
to any being that originates from the same homeland as you, even if you’d have not interested them
at all before. It’s enough that you could easily become an idol or country wide star if you stuck back
at home, though you’ll likely have your admirers the world over. Even those who only have a love or
affinity for your country, such as people hailing from your homeland’s allies, will still find you far
more agreeable than they really should be. It’ll be damn hard for any of your countrymen to raise a
hand against you too, given that you embody their very homes in their eyes.

A King Amongst Kings- 200

A leader is a leader, whether they’re a King or a Captain. Not everyone agrees though. Many can
only stand the company of those they consider to be their equals. At the very least, if they’re going
to do that, they can at least treat their equals well, right? Long as you can generally be said to be
equal in status or rank, you’ll get along fabulously with other equals. Kings will become easy friends
with other Kings, Knights fighting alongside other Knights without effort. Even those normally quite
obstinate in their arrogance will find it acceptable to loosen up around someone their equal. It
would be an easy task to befriend even a normally impossible person as long as they accept your
rank is in fact, equal to theirs. They might still think they’re the better of the two of you but they’d
be polite about it.

Stand and Fight- 400

Lead from the front, that’s the motto of a true warrior king. If you couldn’t stand and fight alongside
your men, you hardly deserve to lead them. They all agree quite wholeheartedly too. As long as they
see you standing up in the front, battling away, they’ll know they can’t give up either. Your will
becomes their will in battle, allowing you to support every ally that fights with you at once. As long
as your willpower holds out, so will theirs. If you feel no fear, neither will they. If you are inspired to
go to the very limits of what you can do, your army will rise up alongside you. So long as you hold
out, your army will have to be killed to the last man before they admit defeat. But if you break, so
does this protection and they’ll need to rely on their own wills, not that of their King.

Shining Lights- 400

Poisons, knives in the dark, war, betrayal, sabotage. A leader has to survive some pretty hairy stuff.
Often they don’t survive, betrayals are just as popular in legends as miraculous tales of survival.
Don’t get too worried about all that. It’s good to keep an eye out but you’ll have a little bit of
support now that you have this. It’s your ticket out of one impossible situation every ten years. A
battle where every path ends in your death would open up to allow you to escape unheeded.
Trapped in a room filled with bombs? A miracle occurs and your soul briefly separates from your
body to avoid the blast and reform later in a safe place. Surrounded by political enemies united
against you, about to topple you from the throne? A sudden conflict will arise to send them into
disarray and give you a bit of time to ready a defence. It’s only once each time and it’s only going to
give you a chance but a good leader shouldn’t need anything more than that.

I Am, Without A Doubt, Rome Itself- 600

The king is the country. The country is the king. The country serves as the body to which the king is
the mind. If the mind is healthy, the body will be too. So it only makes sense that the king being
healthy will make the country healthy as well. What you rule may as well be a living part of you. Your
country grows and succeeds as you do, whilst failing or being damaged as you are. Your life is linked
to all that you rule. By eating your fill, your country will find itself with more food. Starving yourself
will starve your country too. The effects are not translated directly between the two of you but it is a
close thing. Your death will not destroy all that you rule but it will severely diminish it, perhaps to
the extent it can never recover.

Animusphere of Influence- 600

You’ve been living a blessed life since the day you were born, almost like someone wished for it to
be so for your entire family line. You and all your descendants will benefit from fame and wealth on
a vast scale. So long as you do not wish it otherwise, your actions will garner you fame and notoriety
and influence, making you into the sort of person whose opinion matters to everyone, even outside
of your circle of knowledge. And money? You’ll almost never even think about it given it’ll practically
fall into your hands when needed. Even a project that costs as much as the annual budget of an
entire country wouldn’t be hard to fund. Any more than that and you might actually need to save up,
even if only for a time. You can choose to remove this blessing from any of your children as well.

Ideal Form- 100

That dream like shape in your mind, the one that only appears to you in your moments of great
inspiration. It’s something to aspire to but not one you may believe you could achieve. A beauty that
embodies exactly what you think is the ideal form. You were given the chance to alter yourself
during your arrival here and managed to take on that ideal beauty. This is not a matter of power or
utility though, just pure cosmetic brilliance. At least, it is for you, as it grants you your ideal physical
form and features. Others may not agree with the beauty of your choice but looking the way you
dreamed you could will definitely boost your self-confidence.

Life Well Lived- 100

Even if you regret every choice you’ve ever made, it’s better to remember than to throw the
memories of your life away. You existed and your choices effected everyone around you. Forgetting
is an insult to yourself and to all those who took part in your life. Knowing that, you won’t forget
yourself anymore. You’ll always be aware of yourself, knowing exactly you are were, who you are
and who you are turning into as time passes on. Even if you do somehow lose your memories, this
specific knowledge will stay with you at all times.

The Love of Lightning- 200

Steam Power! Coal! Electricity! The Nuclear Age! All the greatest revolutionaries have brought new
power with them, their obsessions letting them take great bounds over the opposition to advance all
of humanity. You share that same potential with one form of technological power, greatly advancing
your skill and potential when dealing with technology that uses it. It could be electricity powered
tech, steam powered tech or even wind powered tech. Whatever you choose, you’ll be able to make
them much stronger, much more efficient and much cheaper than you normally could. Not all
energies are exactly equal however, so you may still find yourself needing more resources than
normal, though you’d still get the increased power and efficiency.

Sight Beyond Sight- 200

Your birth was marked by the appearance of a blessed star, something that was believed to have
been sent by God and conferred great wisdom on you. While you might not know much about
wisdom, you do have a limited sense of clairvoyance. Whenever you are about to do an action that
will lead to a negative result, you have a chance of receiving a brief vision of what may occur. In
most situations, this has a low chance of occurring but as the severity of the consequences of your
actions rise, so too will the chance of receiving one of these visions. A choice that would result in
certain death for you would almost always activate the vision. Each vision only lasts a few seconds,
enough for you to get a sense of how bad the consequences are but not how they come to be.

King of Paperwork- 400

If a heroic knight can manage to take on an army, why can’t a heroic bureaucrat take on an entire
organisation? There’s no such thing as heroic bureaucrats? That’s where you’re wrong. You’re able
to take the helm of entire organisations…as well as all the other positions too. As if you were
individually handling every position in the group, the organisation will continue to run effectively
and well. But this causes a lot of stress and exhaustion. The more positions you take on and the
larger the organisation, the greater the strain on your mind and body it’ll be. You could manage
something the size of Chaldea’s main headquarters, a few dozen positions to fill for the critical
functions, for a few weeks. But you’d start to really drag in effectiveness near the end of that and
eventually collapse entirely.

I Wish To Live As A Man- 400

God himself could come down from the Heavens and tell you your purpose…and you’d be able to tell
him to jog right on. Your life is your own, not bound to anyone else’s’ desires or beliefs about how
you should proceed. Your fate and destiny is unalterable by the unnatural influence of any other
being, even He Himself, and you are free from any feelings of obligation that you do not willingly
take on. Merely having abilities that grant power will never make you feel like you should need to
use them nor will anyone ask for you to do so or expect it. Everyone around you understands that
the actions you take will be those you decide to do and that the only way to change that would be to
forcibly take control of your mind or body away from you.

Renaissance Woman- 600

Every once in a while, a person comes along who’s pretty much fated to bring about changes to the
world. Masters of all they survey, bringing invention after invention and working with concepts
decades or centuries ahead of all their peers. The quintessential Renaissance Man, if you will. One
much like yourself. You have incredible natural talent in everything you do, whether that be painting
or casting spells, fighting or creating artificial homunculi bodies. This natural talent not only allows
you to start with a shocking amount of skill in anything you try your hand at, as if you’d already been
practising for months, but it allows you to learn even more in any subject you put your mind to than
any other, progressing at several times the speed of any of your peers. You could accomplish in just
a month what takes other scientist’s years and move on to learn even more disciplines on top of that

Man Made World- 600

When Nikola Tesla took the secret of lightning to humanity, he spat in the face of Gods and
Magicians alike. He had taken the divine and made it mundane for the sake of humanity and that act
gave him genuine, immense power. While some may point how the ridiculousness of his science
becoming supernatural, one can’t ignore the power that technology gained, especially against the
supernatural. You are a true creator in the same vein as Tesla himself now. The technology you
create is supernaturally empowered, becoming more and more so the wider spread your technology
is in the world you are in and the more your technology advances that world. If you created and
spread around the world the secret of electricity, which revolutionised the entire world, you would
then be able to create electrical devices that allowed you to do battle with even some of the
mightiest Servants in history. Your technology is also imbued with even greater power than normal
when used against Divine opponents, as the Gods seem to have an innate aversion to the progress
you bring.
Anti Hero

Black Knight of Self-Loathing- 100

Had a hard life, haven’t you? It’s admirable that you’re still trying to do the right thing in the end and
understandable that you have to do it this way. All that suffering, hiding it behind a mask is only
natural. You’ve gotten very good at masking your emotions and not letting them control your actions,
putting up a perfect mask of total apathy that hides whatever you really are feeling from both
yourself and from other people. As long as you have the façade up, you’ll be able to do what you
believe is needed without letting all the awful guilty and regret tear you apart. Or without letting
those around you know just how messed up you really are.

Charity, Kindness and Fairness- 100

Chivalry may be a difficult code to follow but you have it a little easier than most. You have the
uncanny knack of being able to always make a fair judgement, regardless of whatever your feelings
are on the matter at hand. No matter what situation, you know what the fairest resolution to all
parties will be, if there is one. If there isn’t, you’ll be aware of what the closest substitute is. This
knowledge may not be too helpful if you’re not in a position to decide such matters but to make up
for that, this knowledge will also make you a much more skilful negotiator in hopes that you will be
able to put yourself in such a position. You could do a lot of good with this good judgement.

War Instinct- 200

From long years of experience or just inborn instinct, you’ve got a sense for power and people who
have it. With just a glance at a man, you can tell how strong they are in general and in relation to you.
But your sense goes beyond just that. You also know what kind of power that they possess. Raw
martial might, arcane magic, social status and influence or even just an incredible willpower or
mighty ally. You won’t get the exact specifics of their power but you will know the type and level of
each kind of power they possess.

Stand Behind Me- 200

Friends are a rare luxury for an anti-hero like yourself, one you really ought to treasure for how
particularly vital they are to you. When you’re delving into the darkest depths and fighting the worst
evils of mankind, just having a friend in your life will make it all that much easier to deal with. Having
bonds to friends and loved ones, bonds that are actively maintained by you or them, will allow you
to become more and more resistant to any sort of corruption, fear or influence that might negatively
affect you. With people to fight for, you’ll be able to ignore the terror of the greatest monsters,
maintain your sanity even in the depths of hell and tell the most insidious of mind mages to fuck
right off. The more people you have like this that you care for and actively maintain relationships
with, the stronger your defences against influence will be.

Eternal Sunshine- 400

When you walk in the room, it lights up everyone’s faces. Unfortunately it’s not your winning
personality at work but the shining sun that follows your presence. Or perhaps another feature
entirely. See, when it comes to conditionally activated powers, you’ve got the blessing of not really
needing to worry about conditions. As long as you need to satisfy a location or time based condition
to use an ability or item, that time or location will overlay itself on you and your immediate
surroundings. Need it to be noon to use your powers to their fullest? The sun will constantly shine
down on you as if it were noon. Require being in a specific building to have your greatest abilities
accessible? That building will overlay some of its features in the ground around you to ensure you
can simulate being there just fine. There are some limits however. Time based conditions that do not
occur at least once a year will not work for you through this and location based ones must be places
you have been to and that are currently accessible in your current jump.

Genuine Man Eater- 400

Too many times has your heart been betrayed and knives thrust into your back. You’ve loved again
and again and each time its gone wrong, all that’s left is hatred. At the very least, even if you don’t
feel that hate, your blows are empowered against those like the ones who betrayed you. Men or
Women, one entire side thrown under the same banner as targets. Whichever gender you choose
here, you’ll find any attack against them from you to deal five times over the normal amount of
damage. The hate in your blows empowers you, letting what might be just scratches instead become
life threatening injuries and crippling blows kill outright.

Infinite Jumper Works- 600

While the Origin may be the core of being for those in these worlds, you’re just a little different from
them, eh Jumper? A little more adaptable. So when you found a secret art, a way to imbue your
Origin into your attacks, you were able to make it fittingly adaptable to you. You can imbue any of
your powers into your attacks to use them at range or combine their special effects with another
method of delivery. A classic example would be combining the ability to create swords with a bullet
to create swords from within the bodies of those shot by the bullet. Physical blows could be
combined with elemental magic to grant them similar auras and even positive effects, such as
healing magic, could be transferred through a quick smack or long ranged attack. A massive increase
in adaptability for your methods of combat and abilities, it’s fitting for you Jumper.

I Am Here- 600
Do they think that just because you’re fictional, you have any less right to exist? That you’re just
going to fade away once your time in the limelight is over, to be forgotten for the next big, exciting
character? They’ve got a whole different thing coming if they think you’re just going to roll over and
disappear. You don’t need anything or anyone else to exist and will do so no matter your state, even
if the Gods themselves disapprove of you continuing to do so. You require no energy to maintain
your existence, though you may still need to eat to have energy to let your body work, and you will
be able to exist even if you lack supposedly necessary components to do so. A Servant would need
no master, grail system and no mana to continue to exist as normal. Even if you were an entirely
fictional being from a fictional world, you could live in the real world without any issues at all. And of
course, it is impossible to simply negate your existence. You can be killed but if someone wants that,
they’ll have to at least acknowledge your existence as they do so.
Bigger Bad

Imitation Games- 100

Sneaking in is all well and good but if you want to really cause some damage to the good guys, you’ll
need to get their trust and make them think you’re there to help them. It’s only then that you can
tear them apart from within. Thankfully you’re pretty darn good at hiding your true intentions from
others, especially when it comes to evil intentions, and at imitating other people. You can just
imitate the way others act in general to make yourself blend into the organisations ranks or, with a
bit of time to study, you can figure out how to do a very convincing imitation of specific people, from
their appearance to their voice to even the way they walk and move their bodies.

Flauros Flair- 100

As villainous as you may wish to be, not everyone’s blessed with a mind without sympathy or pity.
Being a bad guy can get pretty hard if you’re feeling bad for the ones you hurt. The opposite is just as
true. If you happened to change your mind about your plan but your evil nature wouldn’t let you
stop it, that’d just be awful on your heart. But you can change your mind and heart now. Long as you
want it, and are not being influenced by any other to do so, you can freely change, remove or
destroy any part of your heart or mind that you want to without changing or harming any other part.
Remove an alternate personality with a thought without affecting the rest of your mind. Destroy any
sense of pity or morality that you had without altering the rest of your personality. Bring back love
into your heart after it’d been removed. What’s there can be removed and what’s gone can be

Beyond Faker- 200

You’re a legend among legends, everyone knows that. You’re undeniably you in your very own place.
That’s why it’s so very easy to tell when you aren’t you. People who try to copy you, no matter their
normal level of proficiency with that art, just fall flat. Disguises are shoddily made, voices are
horribly off, attempts to pretend to be you see the imitator forget vital information you should know.
Even trying to copy your techniques or abilities will at best result in these same pale imitations they
get elsewhere, with weakened abilities or entirely missing ones. Anyone who had actually met you
could spot these fakes in a moment and even those who have never met you can tell that
something’s up.

Unforgettable- 200
You’re not the sort of guy people just meet and forget about. You stick around in people’s heads for
good once they meet you, every action you do being just as eternally memorable as you yourself.
Given that you and everything you do is permanently engraved into the minds of those who meet
you, it gives you a whole lot more influence with your words and actions. People remember and
think about what you say to them, they remember what you’ve done to or for them and that
memory gives you much greater influence over other people.

Crested- 400
The Magic Crest, to the ordinary magus, is the crystallization of all their bloodline has worked for. A
sigil formed of magic circuits that collects all their knowledge and spells into one person who acts as
the bloodline heir. But the truth is a lot more sinister. Of all the magic crests in the world, 72 of them
are in fact Demon Gods in sleep, placed there by a Beast named Goetia in preparation for a great
plan. You know how to perform this same act, turning living beings into Magic Crests that can be
passed down through family lines before activating at your whim, converting the holder back into
the original being or releasing that being separate from the holder once more. During the time that
they serve as Magic Crests, they can provide magical circuits equal in power to whatever magical
power they had originally and prevent their holders from committing suicide, rendering them unable
of consciously carrying out such acts.

Kingly Gaze- 400

Heavy is the gaze of one as high as you are. Just standing before your eyes will make others feel the
truth of what they are and exactly how low they are in comparison to you. Just by looking at a
person, you can harm them with the weight of the shame and guilt they’ll immediately feel for
opposing you. The weaker they are in comparison to you, the worse this effect will be. Those on
your level or above will feel strained in their movements and slightly weakened but the further
below you someone is, the weaker they’ll be when in your sight and the more pain they’ll feel for
every second they’re under your watchful eyes. If they’re as weak as to be no more than a normal
human or less, their minds will simply break from a single glance from you, provided you don’t
purposefully limit yourself to spare the mortals.

The 72 Jumpers- 600

As great as the power of one can be, there’s never a reason to not go for more. The power of
seventy two at once? That’s a lot scarier. You can combine your body with other beings of the same
type of being as you, such as other humans or demons if you are a human or demon, and exist as an
amalgam of your bodies, minds and souls. Within this combined mass, each individual still exists
separately and may choose how their portions act. Only by proving to be the dominant will can you
control this amalgamated form and all the mighty power it will have available. Those who join this
hive mind body must do so willingly and will be able to push to control the body or even just a part
of it if they disagree with you or desire to be in control. While there is no limit on the number of
beings that you may combine with in this fashion, each being will add a little more strain to whoever
is controlling the body as the leader. Too much and it may all fall apart. At the end of your jump, any
being that is not already a companion is split off from you and sent back to stay in this world as you
leave for another. Companions may stay as part of you, even beyond the active limit, but those
beyond the limit are instantly sent to stasis if they are separated from your mass in any way.

The Age of Jumper- 600

When the King of Magic died, he took the Age of Gods with him. He was the final marker for that
great Age and all the wonders and terrors within it. Imagine what the world would be like if that King
came back and brought his Age with him? Well, you’ll be able to see both now, though the latter is
more your choice. You have a unique ability that allows you to exert influence over the Age or Era of
a setting. You can halt progress out of this Era or speed it up to bring it to a swift end or even slowly
bring it back into the world around you. Any defined period of time, whether it be the Age of Gods
or the Roaring twenties, can be affected in this way. The stronger you are, the swifter these changes
can be done but they shouldn’t take more than a year unless the changes you are making are truly
outlandish. It should be noted that if you are bringing an end to an Age, you have no control over
what Age may appear in its place.

Put On Some Clothes- 100

That outfit definitely doesn’t look battle ready, are you sure you wouldn’t prefer some
less…flamboyant clothes? No? It’s pretty cold out there, despite your lack of reaction. You don’t
really seem to have much reaction at all to things like cold or heat, other than the real extremes.
Neither are you ever tripped up in a fight by your own outfit, no matter how large and extravagant it
may be. One could say you’re free to wear whatever you want without it negatively affecting you.
But that’d be silly.

Sumanai- 100
Don’t worry. I forgive you. There’s no need to be sorry, it’s okay. Really, stop saying sorry. It’s fine.
You’re not going to stop are you? You don’t need to say sorry anymore. Really, people just
understand and forgive you. If you screw up, people are okay with it. You might still be punished for
the screw up or not trusted with that responsibility again, but no one holds it against you. Even if
you do something nasty against someone else, they’ll be okay with it. They’ll still come after you for
revenge or to punish you for your crimes but there won’t be any hard feelings between the two of
you. Just please, stop saying sorry. We get it already.

Fou Fou- 200

What a soft, cuddly, cute little thing you are. I’d call you a puppy or a kitty but you seem to be a
unique sort of little fluffy animal. Who could imagine you were actually a dangerous dimension
traveller? Well, pretty much no one. You can take on the form of a small, fluffy animal of your design
at will and when in this form, your true power and true identity is totally hidden from everyone. No
matter what they use, they will be unable to discern your abilities, the level of your power or who
you truly are, though they might be able to get some hints if they use really roundabout methods.
Being in this form does not hinder your abilities either, despite the teensy tiny puppy size of it.
You’re just as strong and lethal in your full size as you are when you take on the form of a magical
lap kitty.

Musashi Malfunctions- 200

It’d be awfully anti-climactic if a hero in the making like yourself just got winked out of existence
with no chance to defend yourself. Wouldn’t it be better to live to fight another day, even if that day
was taking place in a different world? Attempts to kill you by erasing the world or time that you are
in fail to work. If the universe is destroyed with you in it, you’ll find yourself rather roughly flung into
a new universe or timeline that is similar but different from the first. People can still blow you up,
they just can’t erase you by destroying the space-time construct that you exist in. If they want you
dead, they’ll need to do it directly. Or just blow you up from afar even still. Maybe invest in some
good shields?

The Perfect Subject- 400

Any man of science and magic would be overjoyed to have you as their subject, even more so if it
were willingly. No matter what the experiment or procedure is meant for, you’re as perfect a subject
as they could ask for. Well, almost. No matter what is being tried, as long as it has a chance of
success at all, you’ll find yourself tens of times as likely to be a good match for the procedure and for
it to go ahead, if it does succeed, with far fewer complications and negative side effects. Whether it
be physical body alterations, experiments on the soul, cosmetic treatments or an attempt to fuse
you with the spirit of a Heroic being from the past, you’ll almost always find yourself compatible. If
you did undergo the Demi-Servant experiment, you’d have a good chance of survival even as an
adult, a guarantee as a child, and be able to live almost a full human lifespan instead of the short 18
years of life normally granted.

Spirit Feast- 400

Once they’re inside you, they’re a part of you. Successfully bonding to a spirit is a risky, often lethal
approach to gaining power but if one can manage it, it pays off in large amounts. For you more than
most, as once you’ve gotten a spirit or being within your body, mind or soul, you’re able to take
everything they got for yourself. Powers, memories, skills and even personality traits if you like.
Everything will seamlessly transfer to become yours…so long as they agree or can’t resist you. For a
spirit that’s stronger than you, you’re going to have to get them to willingly and knowingly agree to
the fusion, a tough sell unless they’re really into you for some reason. If they’re equal or lesser than
your power, you’ll be able to force it onto them and cannibalise them for every part you need or
want from them.

Dog Years- 600

You’re getting paid by the hour here, so you might as well take your time in life. For most beings that
have magical energy, they’ve got a max that they won’t replenish their energy past, like how a water
bottle can only hold so much water. You’re a little different. While you still have that maximum
capacity for replenishment, you’ve got a much, much larger temporary store. You very slowly add
magical energy to this store and the energy remains there for good until used. You cannot artificially
add to this store but it will increase in the speed of growth the more energy you have in your normal
magical energy stores. While this energy can be used for any normal use, that might not sound
terribly attractive when it takes hours to store up enough for a good spell and years for big rituals.
What makes it worth it is the accomplishment of Miracles. Even things that cannot be accomplished
with True Magic can be achieved with the Miracles that can be cast using this slow storage. Saving
up for a few decades could allow you to bring back the dead or even grant immortality and the
longer you save, the more you’ll be able to accomplish.

Hero’s Will- 600

So long as your will stays strong, so too will your body. The determination to protect your friends will
last you out even if your body should be too weak to protect them still. Now your willpower can be
used to power or empower your body or abilities, replacing the normal energy used and possibly
even empowering it above the normal level of use. However, the greater the cost it would have
been on your energy stores and the more power you put in above the normal level, the more strain
it will put on your mind and body. Take too much strain on and you may find your mind, body or
even soul to start to rip, rupture and tear. Continue to push yourself so far beyond your limits and
even having a truly unbreakable will won’t prevent you from dying, though having such a will would
allow you to go far, far further with this ability than most.
Bad Guy

Beast of Bitches- 100

Maybe just cool the bitch factor a bit. I doubt it’d make you any friends and with the coming
troubles, having some allies or at least not pissing off those neutral to you, is really quite important.
Wait, people are still cheering for you, despite your constant insults to them? Could this be the
legendary tsund-gyah!


Despite being a massive bitch, people are still able to work with you and even be friends just fine.
Your total bitchiness, or general unpleasantness, is never a negative on your social interactions,
leaving only the positives you have to get others to like you. Some might even see your bitchiness as
a plus and like you more for it. If they’re into that sort of thing.

Beast of Gods- 100

Could there be any warrior more perfect? Any man more flawless? Compared to you? Not at all. At
least when you’re just observing from afar, you appear to be totally without flaws or weaknesses to
anyone. You're perfect in aesthetics, though you are quite handsome, but you seem to lack any
weaknesses, flaws, holes in your defences or other disadvantages to onlookers. Even those who
have special powers to notice such things will fail to do so. It is only after directly interacting with
your weaknesses that they can uncover them, such as by noticing that you take much more damage
from fire than other sorts of attacks if you have a weakness to fire. Even that will be difficult to
notice however, as any injuries you take seem far less serious to your opponents, though your allies
can still realise the severity if you wish them to.

Beast of Eden- 200

You’ve always had a gift with getting people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Tricking them,
convincing them, manipulating them into being the sort of person you like a whole lot more. You’ve
got both a great understanding of how people work and a great knowledge of how to make them
work like you want them to work. Letting you spend time around someone alone is a very dangerous
prospect as you can quite easily begin to twist the minds and beliefs of people you get a chance to
talk with. Some take longer than others, usually it’ll be a few days or weeks before you can start to
see changes, but as long as you get the chance there aren’t many you can’t corrupt.

Beast of Love- 200

Aah….why did your children leave you….isn’t it so painful to see them move on with you, to leave
their dear mother alone in the dark. They won’t now, not ever again, not after you’re done changing
them. Your children, actual biological children or creations, will never rebel or act against you out of
free will ever again. They won’t even be able to stop loving you, adoring you and respecting you
utterly, no matter what you do to them. These children will never leave the nest you make for them
and they’d die to protect their mother, you.

Beast of Ages- 400

There is a rule in this world that older things are held superior to newer things. The Mystery that
builds up in older things allows them more power but not everything follows that rule. Indeed,
certain beings work in an entirely opposite fashion. The Beasts grow stronger the more mankind has
advanced their civilisation, much as you yourself now do. The more advanced the civilisation of your
home world, the more powerful you become due to it. A renaissance era world would not give you
much noticeable increase at all whilst a world based on the modern day could see as much as a third
again increase in your overall power. The more advanced your home world’s civilisation becomes,
even as a result of you helping them grow, the stronger you’ll become in return.

Beast of Mirrors- 400

A blessing from the grail and the king of lions, this gift has allowed you to apply the effect of Reversal
onto a certain part of yourself. A single weakness or flaw that you possess may be reversed into a
strength or advantage. A weakness to poison becomes an immunity to poison, for example. Unlike
the original you are only able to reverse a single aspect at a time but also unlike the original, this
does not reverse your personality or mind as well. If you wish you can also use this on a strength to
turn it into a weakness.

Beast of Life- 600

It’s the duty of a child to support their mother, isn’t it? If they can give their lives so that you may
continue, it would only be them being a good son. All this talk about the future generations doesn’t
matter at all. So long as a single biological child of yours is within ten kilometres of your position, you
cannot die. You can be beaten, broken and crippled but so long as your children remain alive and
within this distance, you are simply unable to be brought to the point of actually dying and being
truly destroyed. Once your biological children have been destroyed, you lose all the protections they
may have given you through this perk and become able to die once more.

Beast of the End- 600

Vindictive little thing, aren’t you? Not enough to just verbally curse your opponent, you need them
to really suffer for daring to rise against you. When you suffer a defeat of some kind at the hand of
another being, you inflict an equal amount of misfortune back at them some time later on. A man
who defeats you in battle would be faced against a more powerful opponent then you in hopes of
suffering a defeat, while a girl who steals something important from you would have a master thief
try to take something important from them. It is not impossible to defeat these curses but they will
become harder and harder to avoid as you become stronger.
You may take 1 100CP item free and take a discount on 1 200CP item, 1 400CP item and 1 600CP

Dangerous Wardrobe- 50
Golly gosh, what are all these Servants wearing around Chaldea? That can’t be decent in any culture!
Fluffy little lingerie sets, fancy suits, swimming shorts, tight little strips of rubber, there’s no end to
what these crazy guys will wear. Yet it all looks pretty darn good! You’ve got a fancy wardrobe of
your own, one of those sleek Chaldean-made ones, and it has a seemingly limitless amount of all the
outfits you could see on any servant. While nothing in here will have any special powers or even be
worth much as armor, you’ll be able to find any outfit that has appeared worn by any character in
the Nasuverse here. Even stuff that has only appeared in Craft Essences! You can even get multiple
copies of the same outfit for all your team. Just remember. Nothing magical, nothing valuable and
nothing powerful. It’s all cosplay here.

Chibi Servant- 50
Who’s that little guy you have there? Cu Chulainn, the hound of Ulster? You sure? He’s quite puny
for it. Sitting on your lap now is a tiny version of a Servant of your choice. Drawn in cartoonish style
and lacking the powers and gear of their true self, at least in any effective manner, they’re a cute
and humorous homage to the real deal. Don’t expect them to be terribly intelligent but if you just
want to see some chaos, releasing one of these is a great way to see it happen.

My Lovely Present- 50
Even Servants get in on the day of love! Some might just give you chocolate but a good number of
Servants, almost entirely from the male side for some reason, go to the extent of giving genuinely
heartfelt and important things to them as gifts. While the gifts themselves may be…strange at the
best of times and rarely do they have any actual use, they’re very suited to the person giving them
and bring a lot of meaning along. You’re not quite so limited as to stick to just Valentines but if you
gave this fancy box in your hands to someone, they’d appreciate it no matter the holiday. The box, in
a design of your choice, is something that you will be able to give to a single person on each holiday.
Contained in the box is a present that will touch that person’s heart. A toy that they always wanted,
a personal memento from yourself or even just the latest book in a series they love. It’ll be a perfect
gift for the occasion.

Killer’s Cloak- 100

A tattered cloak in a colour of your choice. Does it not look like much? You’re right, it’s awfully
raggedy. But it never seems to get any more ragged, even if it gets cut or pierced or set on fire, it’ll
come out just fine a few moments later. When worn, it’ll be impossible to see your face through any
means. The best people can get is seeing the lower portion of your face and they’ll never be able to
identify you through it.

Puppy!- 100
Who’s that cute little thing on your lap? I’ve never seen a dog quite like that. Apparently it calls itself
Cath Palug, no relation to another Cath Palug you may or may not know. It’s decided that you are its
new friend/guide/servant and settled into your home. It’s awfully cute and fluffy but you get the
feeling that it’s a little smarter than it lets on. But surely, animals can’t talk or anything right?
Relic of the X- 100
How many Heroes have had tragedies in their past? Too many to count by now I imagine. But
despite those tragedies, they fight on. Sometimes they have something to believe in, sometimes
they just have a memory that don’t wish to tarnish. This trinket is like the latter, a memento from
your own past that when worn or held, will inspire great courage and confidence in you even in
times when you would normally break from despair or fear. It’ll always be with you, even it being
destroyed or lost will only let it disappear for a few moments before you can pull it out from a
pocket or behind yourself.

Grand Burger- 100

A truly limitless supply of Burgers. Hamburgers, chicken burgers, vegetarian burgers, just about any
Burger you can think of in the modern world or that you’ve made and tasted on your own can be
taken in unlimited amounts now. Handy if you need to fill the tummies of a bunch of blonde haired
bottomless pits. The Burgers will always be fresh, expertly made and look just as good as you always
imagined they would be.

Magic Blood- 200

A special fluid made for Magi with certain flaws or even for normal humans in an emergency. When
injected into the body, this substance will temporarily form into magical circuits that the host may
then use as if they were naturally their own. A single injector, of which you have around ten, would
allow a normal person to go up against an average trained magus with just the raw power of these
temporary artificial circuits. It provides as big a boost in raw power to existing Magi but they likely
can make much more use of it with their existing skills. These temporary circuits only last a few
hours before harmlessly dissolving, though be careful not to stretch them too far in their active use.
You’ll find each injector replenishes a week after its made use of.

My Room- 200
It’s Your Room. Very specifically so. It even says ‘My Room’ on the door. Don’t get confused. The
room seems to show up in any home or business that you live or work at, a personalised quarters
that’s always there for you to laze off at. As long as you’re relaxing here, people don’t seem to mind
you shirking your duties either. Talking to people here also has far better results than normal too.
Just a few conversations is enough to have people spill their life story and some of their most
personal details, not to mention how much it can speed up any bonding process between you and
another being.

Magi Mari!- 200

A cute little app with a very friendly anime girl named Mari serving as the avatar for the app. Usable
on phone or computer, Mari’s always ready with a compliment, bit of advice or just a fun chat on the
side. For a computer program, she’s awfully adaptable and able to carry on a conversation, along
with being very supportive. There’s no way that she could actually be an old magician toying with
you. Nu-uh. Just ignore the oddly prescient and useful bits of advice Mari sometimes gives you on
your current situation, that just happen to point you towards what you need or what will help you in
your current dilemma. Just a coincidence.

Seethe of a Warrior- 200

A goblet containing a brilliant red drink, almost like liquid fire. It’s a magical drink originating from
the Knights of the Red Branch, one that can grant a full restore to any who have even a sip of it. Just
one gulp will restore the drinker to full health, curing all their ills and allowing them to be as if they
were fully, completely rested. Drinking more may even boost the user’s vitality beyond its normal
limit but this is dangerous and may result in harm for those not lucky enough to avoid the chance at
receiving damage this way. Your drink will not harm you or any others so long as you take no more
than a sip a day. Once the goblet is empty, it will refill a day later.

Ring of Bay Laurel- 400

A golden wreath to place upon your brow, just wearing it inspires great devotion in those who call
themselves your subjects. The one who wears the wreath is seen as a far greater and more beloved
king than they really are, greatly increasing the loyalty, love and devotion any of those you believe
you rule over them will feel to you. Ordinary citizens become devoted believers over time and those
who already feel that strongly become unbreakable fanatics. This effect will slowly drain back to
normal if you cease to wear the wreath for more than a day.

Working Unlimited Guns- 400

A complete gun smithing set made out of a strange black metal. There are tools here for every
process of creation, from shaping the metal to the fine details of the gun itself. What makes this set
special is several qualities. Firstly, any gun it creates will count as a magical creation and the user is
able to copy spells or magic that they can use into the gun to transfer those effects onto the weapon
itself, though how they manifest may change depending on the gun type. The forge is also able to
easily convert other weapons or objects into guns of similar size, retaining all their normal properties
but in firearm form.

Mystic Wardrobes- 400

Chaldea has crafted some terrifically powerful Mystic Codes for use by its agents and has found itself
with an awfully large surplus now that most of them are dead. More for you, right? While as a
human, if you are one, you likely received a basic Mystic Code outfit for free, this option will ensure
you continue to receive one every month for the rest of your life, even in other worlds. These outfits
have up to 3 spells encoded into them, each one a pretty powerful piece of magic operating on the
Servant level. Spells that greatly increase the attack or defence power of a Servant or fully heal them
or even deal a surprising amount of damage to foes on that level are quite commonplace but you
may eventually find some stranger effects being encoded. The Mystic Code outfits also happen to
look really, really good on you.

Golden Wheel- 400

A shining golden steering wheel, like straight off of an old pirate ship. It seems to be able to easily fit
in place of any steering wheel or piloting mechanism on any other vehicle. The wheel can then be
used to pilot the vehicle it is properly attached to, granting you immense skill in driving it and the
ability to somehow control the entire vehicle just by using the steering wheel and calling out
commands. The wheel being attached will also give the vessel a grand blessing of luck, ensuring it
easily survives any sort of weather conditions and is far more difficult to sink or damage with active
attacks against it.

Crown of the Planet- 600

A magnificent crown fit for a king. More true a statement than one may realise, as those who wear
the crown lead lives fit for the legendary kings of the past. By wearing this crown regularly, never
losing it for more than once a day, the wearer will become a vital figure in the stories of the world
that they are in. They become a focal point for events that will change the world and be given the
chance to have a great deal of influence over that story and those around them. The wearer must be
ready for the challenges they’ll face as the crown makes no judgements on whether you are going to
be ready for the story you thrust yourself into but it is likely that, as the hero of the story, you’ll find
allies and other forms of help along the way if you can survive. The crown will resize to fit your head
and can be in a style of your choosing, though it must be at least a little fancy.

Future Plans- 600

The Chaldea organisation has, in the past few years, created a variety of piece of technology that are
closer to being miracles than any sort of magic or science of the modern day. Observing the past,
transferring the minds/spirits of beings in the present to others times, combining the Heroic Spirits
of the past with living beings in the modern day, this group has made some awe inspiring stuff. The
hard drive before you has the collected research, notes and findings on every piece of technology
and magic utilised by the Chaldea organisation. Their great technologies and their small spells, how
they came to understanding and making these things is all collected within this one electronic
database. With careful study and research, you’ll be able to replicate them all even in future worlds
and perhaps to even greater effect, if you spend the needed time.

Mysterious Substance Omega- 600

A rather large and sharp looking syringe, filled with a softly glowing green substance. It’s a powerful
liquid that greatly increases the progress or learning of a certain being once injected, pushing them a
level higher than what they are already at. Beginners can become novices and experts become
masters in a skill in an instant with the injection of this substance. The substance is limited however
and the entire supply must be used for the effect to activate, taking a full 30 days before it
replenishes itself.

Eleventh Ring- 600

In the legend of King Solomon, the King of Magic was granted ten rings by God Himself. These
magical rings gave guidance and power to the good king and upon his deathbed, he was instructed
to send one of those rings away. This task would have far reaching consequences but now, with you
here, an eleventh ring has been manufactured and placed in your hand. Not connected to the
original set, and thus unable to perform certain functions, it still shares some of their powers, the
ring allows you to exert a large amount of influence on the magic of any other being. Whilst wearing
the ring, you are able to weaken the magic of any enemy, the greater the difference between you
and them the larger the debuff you are able to apply to them. Whilst noticeable even against an
equal or greater opponent, if you are strong enough in comparison to your enemies you may even
be able to control or outright destroy their magic. As long as you wear the ring.
Import- 50CP per
No one goes through their adventures alone and you’re no different. For every 50CP you spend on
this option, you will be able to import an existing companion or create a new one in this jump,
though there are certain limitations. Companions through this option may only pick the Human Type,
they cannot be Servants. They do not gain Servants of their own and cannot purchase any extras.
They may gain any origin for free, along with any freebies or discounts, and another 600CP to spend
on perks.

Canon Companion- 100

While most of the recognisable faces in this world fall under the Servant category, there are a good
number of colourful people who are alive or otherwise not some summoned being. This option will
allow you to take those canonical characters along with you as companions, provided you can
convince them of such. Only characters who are not Servants and exist primarily outside of any
distortions or Grand Orders may be taken, these being mostly human characters working for
Chaldea. You may only choose those whose presence is primarily in Fate/Grand Order but you will
be assured of meeting them at least a few times in favourable conditions.

Master (Servant only)- Free

The human ally who summoned you in this Grand Order. Your Master is a good ally to have, given
the potential they have for boosting your combat ability and for the support they give personally.
Not to mention that wonderful mana they supply with their connection to Chaldea. This new
companion may be an existing companion to import into this role or an entirely new character of
your own creation. They gain the Human Type, a free origin and all associated benefits as well as
1000CP to spend on perks. They may also transfer this CP to you as a Servant on a 1:1 basis.

Main Servant (Human Only)- Free

The Servant you summoned upon your entrance to this distortion and your main partner. Having
acknowledged you as their Master, this is the Servant you’ll find is your most loyal and powerful ally.
This companion is a Servant Type Origin and may gain either the 600CP Servant perk or the 100 and
300CP Servant perks but does not gain an Origin. Instead, they gain access to the Servant
Supplement and 1000 Servant Points (SP) to spend on it. This can be used to create an existing
Servant for you to companion or you may import an existing companion into this option for free,
though they may not be imported in another option if so. You may transfer CP to this companion as
SP at a 1:4 ratio, up to a maximum of 750 CP transferred into 3000 SP.

Extra Servants (Human Only)-50 per

But unlike other worlds, Masters here are not limited to a single Servant. For every 100CP you spend,
you may gain another Servant as a companion in this jump. They gain access to the Servant
Supplement and 1000SP to spend there, though they do not gain 300CP to spend on Servant Type
perks. They may be a canon character if built properly or be an imported companion for free, with
the same restrictions on imports elsewhere in this jump. However, Servants gained through this
option do not have the same CP-SP exchange rate as your main Servant. Instead, Servants gained
this way may be given extra SP at a 1:3 ratio, 100CP spent for every 300SP they gained. Servants
must be given this individually and cannot gain more than 1200 extra SP this way.
Olga Marie Animusphere- Free
Our ever tense leader here at Chaldea. In over her head and trying her best to save the world
regardless, the white haired commander will manage to survive against all odds if you take this
option and find herself joining whatever faction you yourself side with. She might appear unwilling
but at her heart, she really does mean well and wish well for those around her. Olga is purely human
through this option, a skilled magus with little talent as a Master, but lacking any unique traits that
may be associated with her later on.

Gudako- Free If You Want Her

A terrible evil has been unleashed by Jumper. A dreaded beast brought from a hellish world. Hair like
flames and eyes of gold, the terrible Gudako has arrived in Fate/Grand Order. The largely insane,
sadistic and weird Master of an alternate world’s Grand Order, Gudako has arrived in this jump and
decided that you are the person who’d be most fun to stick around with. If you wish, you may also
import Gudako as your Master, if you are a Servant, for no extra charge. You might not want to do
that though.
You are able to pick up to 1000CP from the following list of drawbacks.

Events- +0
Take a break jumper. Lay back and relax a little from all this battle and war. During the course of
your time here, during moments of peace and quiet, you may find yourself being dragged to a
strange world where colourful, fun events are occurring. Races across the desert, parties at the
beach and battles with armies of tiny Oda Nobunagas. These ‘Events’ will take place outside of the
time of your normal jump here and even the characters in them will seem separate from how they
are in the normal story. If you purposefully tarry here or attempt to abuse the lighter nature of some
of these Events, you’ll find yourself instantly kicked back to the real world.

To Be Continued- +0
So neatly divided into parts, it’d be a shame to throw you in before you’re ready. Taking this
drawback allows you to leave this jump at the end of Part 1 of the story when Goetia is defeated, at
the end of Epic of Remnant when all four sections are solved or at the end of Part 2, whatever it may
be like. If you choose to end early, you may come back as if picking a new jump later on, but must
stay for the rest of the time you have left.

Continuation- +0
Have you had a chance to interact with some of the Servants here in another world? Perhaps even
some of the living beings may have been past friends. With this option, your actions in previous
worlds and the bonds you’ve made with people there will carry over to this one. The main plot and
actors in the story of Grand Order will be unchanged, as will anyone who is explicitly from an
alternate universe to one you have visited even if you met one version of them, and your changes
will be overridden by any scenario or drawback.

Cryptic- +0
A badly aimed bomb changes the course of history. The newly arrived amateur that would save
history from the Demon King is lost in the chaos and the seven Crypters that would eventually pose
themselves as threats are now the heroes. Kirschtaria, Ophelia, Kadoc, Scandinavia, Hinako, Beryl
and Daybit are the new protagonists of Part 1 of the series, though the Servants they have access to
will be significantly weaker in some cases to fit that starting role. Of course, the reverse to this is that
the original hero takes on the roles of the Crypters in the second part of this story.

On the Clock/Honk Honk- +0

Two paths to alter the tone are available for this jump. The first, On the Clock, will re-order the
world to much closer fit the original tone and themes found in Fate Stay Night and Fate Zero.
Characters will be much more serious and while humour and relief is present, it is much rarer and
much more under-stated. Comedic events will no longer occur, now becoming more dangerous
mini-singularities. However, even comedic Servants now become useful allies and Chaldea will
perform as a much more efficient and effective combat team.

The alternative is to look for a more…Carnival-like atmosphere. The world takes the silly, bewildering
nature of it’s events and embraces it fully. While no less dangerous, the story and characters
become ever more hectic, strange and comedic. In some ways, it is less dangerous, characters having
less serious motivations and powers being much lighter in tone. But the unpredictability and chaos
that some of the insanity causes can make things almost as bad despite that.

Fit for a King- +100

The Man, the Myth, the Legend! It’s Jumper, here and in the flesh! How could they not all pay
attention to you? If you could put down the mirror and look away from yourself for a few moments,
you might notice that very ‘self-confidence’ is the reason people don’t seem to like you. You’ve got
an ego like few others and worse yet, you’re entirely self-obsessed. You have to keep everything
about yourself in perfect condition, just the way you like it, or else force those around you to face
your steadily worsening temper and ego.

Men Of Science- +100

A Servant often doesn’t get a choice as to who they fight for or against. But at least they can opt out
entirely, you’re not going to be so lucky. Be it fate or plain bad luck, you’ll find yourself constantly
fighting against people you sympathise with, agree with the causes of or even just plain find likeable.
Your own cause is made no less noble nor are your allies ever forced to be less heroic but every foe
and antagonist you face will reveal a much more friendly side to you without coming any closer to
actually joining you. Indeed, it may seem like your opponents become even more stubborn about
their goals now that you’re their opponent.

No Matter How Much I Pay- +100

No luck again huh? It seems that no matter how many times you roll, you’re destined to get the
same dumpy stuff over and over again. You’ve got some of the worst luck in the world and it’s not
about to leave you until your ten years are up. While your poor luck manifests in many ways in the
real world, like making you trip at bad times or have stuff stolen often, it’s really bad when it comes
to any sort of gamble or game. In those cases, you’d be lucky to even draw with other people and
small wins are once in a blue moon thing. You’ll find yourself losing games like that nearly 100% of
the time.

Love Hunter- +200

Not all Heroic Spirits are as Heroic as you may think at first. Villains? No, not quite. What we’re
talking about here is how certain figures get…obsessed about certain kinds of people. To a rather
uncomfortable level. What’s worse is that you seem to be exactly the sort of figure that these people
get obsessed over. During your stay here, you’ll be constantly pursued by various legendary figures
that become obsessed with you, these obsessions quickly building to dangerous levels. While it may
feel fun at first to have so many attractive, powerful people fawning over you, they will quickly
progress to hurting you in an attempt to punish you for perceived wrong doings or even killing you in
the belief they’ll keep you for themselves that way.

Attack of the Mini-Jumpers- +200

You weren’t summoned very properly to this world. A glitch in the Grail made you get poorly copied
a few times over. A few hundred times at least. Now you’re not alone in this world as a few hundred
or even thousand copies of you are also running around and causing chaos. They’re not nearly as
strong as you but they do possess varying levels of your powers and a complete lack of sense and
near complete lack of intelligence. A pack of weirdoes running around causing chaos. Given how
similar you look to them, it’ll likely cause confusion and aggression when they start harming others.
Not to mention how hostile the chibi-jumpers are to the original. If you manage to keep one or more
alive by the end, you can take them along with you as companions with that natural aggression to
you removed.

Lancer Knight- +200

It’s good to see chivalry is alive and well even in the modern day. But maybe you’re taking it just a
little too far. You’ve got a very strong urge that directs you to protect either men or women,
practically an obsession in and of itself. You’ll unconsciously move to protect them from attacks if
you aren’t actively steeling yourself against those impulses and actually fighting against your
favoured gender is nearly impossible, certainly not to the death. It may be possible to get someone
else to fight your battles for you but even that will take an enormous effort of will to convince
yourself to step down and let them kill someone you feel you should be protecting.

Great Seal Unlocked- +300

When you entered into this world, you caught the eye of the demon Goetia. He realised your true
nature and caught a glimpse of the many worlds you had been to before or could go to in the future.
The realisation alone allowed him to draw out far more power than normal and to greatly expand his
efforts, now believing that he has to spread his purging plan to the humanity of every world he saw
through you. While already much stronger than normal, he will grow greater for each world you
have been to before now and have a close focus on you, believing fully that you have the potential
to stop his plan. Even if you may have normally been on his side, you’ll find yourself facing off
against a great demon now.

Match Downs- +300

No matter who you fight or where or when, you’re cursed to always be on the back foot. Every
opponent you go up against has an advantage of some kind against you. It ranges from small ones,
like getting a head start on you or you being tired when you get into a fight, to the large, such as
somehow having the perfect counter to many of your best abilities or having a fighting style
perfectly suited to going against you or even just being able to hurt you through any defences you
may have. You’ll never know whether the advantage someone has against you is small and beatable
or big and almost unconquerable until you get into the fight itself.

Hero Hunter- +300

You’re being hunted across dimensions. Not from the world you just came from but from within this
world. A being, man or woman, is convinced that you are an evil threat to this world and every other
one. According to them, they already killed you once but it didn’t stick. I don’t know how much truth
there is to their statement but their strength is in no doubt. They’re every bit strong enough to slay
you and already familiar with how you fight and very, very dedicated to putting you down for good
this time. The one assist you have is that they’re coming into this specific world quite blind and
won’t know anything you gained here or even what allies you might gather in this world.
Scenarios with Event as a sub-heading may be taken at any time, independent of time and space.
While taking them, you are taken to an alternate dimension and time is frozen in this jump until it is
completed and you are returned to normal. While you may not activate this during combat, you will
be given the option to take them before you leave this jump. You may take Event Scenarios with any
other Scenario but Non-Event Scenarios are exclusive to each other and will note such.

The Jumper Wars

Exclusive to Non-Event Scenarios
You came into this world…and then you came into it again and again and again. These aren’t just
little dumb jumpers this time either. These are you in every sense, possessing all of your abilities and
memories and items, though they lack the companionship of your friends. They’re not quite exact
clones however as each alternate Jumper has a unique modifier applied to them and their past. Each
Jumper-Clone has taken a piece of what makes you a Jumper, preventing you from moving on
without each piece. If you want to continue your chain at the end of your ten years here, you’ll need
to convince each of the clones to give it back to you. Whatever your personality is, and despite the
fact that some of the clones are rather nice, they’ll usually demand either a fight or a great favour of
some kind. There are 20 clones in total, each described briefly below. There are an optional 2 extra
clones that may appear if you are willing, detailed at the end.

Jumper Alter is the darker, edgier Jumper. The one who lived a life much nastier and crueller than
the one you did. That grim life led to a focus on much more raw power, coming at the cost of some
of the skill you may have. Their abilities and gear take on a much darker appearance as well,
sometimes even doing the same with the dark side of actual powers. They favour much darker
clothes, have yellow eyes and paler skin and hair than you do. They’re also extremely aggressive by
default, though not necessarily hostile from the get go.

Jumper Lily is the brighter, more hopeful Jumper. Lily lived a live where some of your worst
moments did not happen and you had victories where you failed before. Lily favours all white
clothing and brighter colouration overall, much like their sunny personality. In terms of abilities and
tools, they go for a much lighter and purer look, including having lighter versions of some of your
powers. While their easier life has lost them some raw power, they’ve made sure to hone their skills
to a higher level than you have with the extra free time. They’re likely to be one of the friendliest
clones you meet, though a happy life does not mean they’ve gotten lazy or cowardly.

Old Jumper is you with a few more years on you. This can range from a more matured, middle aged
version of you or even an elderly version of you. Either way, they’re a lot more…developed than you
with their longer lives. More experience, a tendency to take the long view on things and a more than
small parental drive towards their younger self. They won’t have things from any future jumps,
they’ll be you as you might be if you decided to stay in this world for a few more decades.

Young Jumper is you from the past. Perhaps you in your teenage years or even as a child. Younger
you still possesses all the powers you have now but they lack most of your skill and experience. Their
equipment is still sized for you so things get a bit awkward for them, especially when they wave
around swords bigger than their own bodies. They’re a lot more naïve too, even if they still retain
your basic personality, and have a natural tendency to look for a mentor or parental figure. Their
immature nature does mean they’re a lot more prone to starting fights and having tantrums. Very
cute though.

Sakura Jumper is…well, there’s really no way to say it nicely. A complete and total weaboo. Long
swords replaced with katanas, coats chucked out for kimonos, plate armour substituted for Samurai
armour. For them, your stuff is all replaced with the nearest Japanese equivalent. Even if that
equivalent is just writing kanji all over it or putting anime girls on the side of it. They’re playing their
Japanophilia completely seriously too, as if they really came from there. Whatever Japanese
archetype you fit closest to, you can be that’s how they’ll be acting like. They get very embarrassed if
you manage to catch them out of their act.

Summer Jumper is you. At the beach. It’s uh…it’s just you in a swimsuit. They’re a pretty friendly
version of you, though this may dip more towards the surfer dude/beach bunny archetype
depending on your own personality. Most of your stuff that they have has been adjusted for the
beach. Guns become water shooters, vehicles becomes surfboards. Rather than fighting, they’ll likely
just want to kick back and relax with you or play some games.

You thought Jumper Lily was into white? Bride Jumper has something to show you then. Possibly in
private. This is the version of you that’s totally crazy about love. They’re on the lookout for a partner
in life and the fact that they prance around in a pure white wedding outfit all the day probably
makes it obvious. It also just so happens that you seem to fit almost every quality they’re looking for
in a partner. Talk about awkward. Apart from their love obsession and all white styling, they’re a
generally happier version of you.

Mystery Heroine Z is the Jumper from the Future! And an Alien! And from another Dimension! You
of all people shouldn’t judge on the mish-mash nature. They’re apparently a heroine from another
dimension, a terrifying place that they say is mostly made of clones or variations of you. Given this
clones shockingly poor memory, the existence of such a place is dubious at best. They try and mostly
succeed at putting up a ‘Cool’ persona, helped along a lot by all the awesome technology they have,
as most of the powers and gear that they have from you is in technological form for them. Not all.
But most. They’re also quite trendy with their modern clothes.

This one depends on whether you’re a Human Type or Servant Type in this jump. If you’re a Human
Type, the clone in this slot will be you as a Servant. You’ll be fully translated over to the Servant
system, including translating your powers and equipment into Skills and Noble Phantasms. It’s may
be quite a bit weaker than you to fit in the Class container too. They might even have new abilities
based on your past feats or stories about you. They’re mostly the same as you otherwise, perhaps a
little exaggerated in personality and appearance though. If you’re a Servant Type here, this will be a
Human version of you. Shockingly, they possess none of your supernatural powers and are even
quite the wallflower type, having little in the way of bravery or will. They have all the same skill and
gear as you but without some coaxing, they’re unlikely to come out of their shell enough to use it

Red Jumper might make you blush the first time you see them but that’s just them enjoying
themselves. This is the Roman you, the one who went all in on the hedonistic lifestyle. They like
having fun and they’re great at coming up with new, probably depraved ways of having fun. They’re
all about sharing though, much happier when everyone is enjoying the events alongside them.
They’ve got a habit for showing off and the way they fight reflects that, always battling for the
audience, even when there’s no audience to witness. They’re a fair bit more gifted than you in the
looks department and quite happy to show it off with some scandalously skimpy attire.

Hang on, since when was a son/daughter a clone? Well, they do look exactly the same as you.
Perhaps it’s best to not question the mad workings of magic. This Jumper of Red was cloned from
you and grew up believing that you were their absentee parent. They’ve got a temper bigger and
hotter than a volcano and daddy/mommy issues that dwarf even that. Gives them a real berserker
fighting style, not to mention angry lifestyle, and it’ll be no small feat to talk down this rebellious
teenager. They like to act out for the fun of it, especially against whatever authorities they see as
infringing on themselves, so a hard handed approach may or may not be the way to go.

GAOOOOO! D’aw, look at the little Jumper Animal in their furry little suit. This clone doesn’t have
much in the way of intelligence but when it comes to cuteness, they’re totally unbeatable. They’re
dressed up in an animal mascot outfit that only shows their face and only about as big as a child.
They act just like the animal too and while they have your powers, they likely don’t use any but the
most instinctual. The animal that they take after? It’s the one that most suits your personality
Jumper. Hope it’s not a predator.

Hohoho, have you been a good Jumper? Jumper Santa is going to give you exactly what you deserve.
Dressed up in a Santa outfit and obsessed with delivering presents to those rightfully deserving of
them, and coal to those not. They’re a little moody, not the least because all their powers and gear
are Christmas themed, but dedicated to their work and thankful to anyone who helps them out.

Jumpako enters the scene! They may look completely out of place in this world with their comedy
manga appearance, the total insanity doesn’t help either, but they’re no less powerful. Just much
more prone to comedic misfortune. They may or may not be an eldritch abomination that drives
those who look into their eyes mad at the sight of the pure madness hiding within those lifeless orbs.
Or not. Might just be crazy. It is Jumpako after all.

Brave Jumper is the Jumper you wish your Jumper could be. Heroic, Brave, Manly, Brave,
Magnificent and did we mention Brave? All jokes aside, Brave Jumper is the Jumper that decided to
be a hero and not let anything or anyone stand in their way. They’re a genuine, 100%, pure bred
Heroic Adventurer. Always out to save the princess and slay the dragon, they can let themselves get
a little wrapped up in the story and miss the moral greys sometimes but their heart is genuinely
good and they’ll try to fix any mistakes. Any villainous powers and gear you have will be a lot less
prominent with them but heroic things will be even stronger. They also, like many other clones here,
have a habit of wearing far too little clothing for their job description.

This is Halloween, Halloween Jumper! They got all dressed up to go trick or treating and wandered
into a Grand Order, how unfortunate. There’s really very little difference with this clone, aside from
their clothing. Personality wise, they’re a little bit obsessed with treats and candy, but otherwise
much like you. Powers? Well, pretty much everything they have is flavoured to some sort of
spooooky alternative, even including your equipment. Just don’t accept any tricks from them when
you first meet.

Prototype Jumper is the Jumper that was originally planned, before the executives got ahold of
things and changed it around to sell be-whoops, not meant to be telling you of all people about that.
Prototype Jumper is the gender-bended Jumper. Whatever gender you are, they embody the
opposite. A female Jumper would find their Prototype Jumper to be a shining knight like King Arthur,
for example. While Prototype Jumper is similar to you, they’ll likely have more than a few
differences due to the different life they lead.

Nyan nyan. Jumper Cat is a Jumper that put on cat ears, paws and a tail. Now, you may think that
this makes little difference. But you’d be underestimating how much your clone gets in on the act.
While they’re still intelligent, they take every possible opportunity they can to act like a feline.
Including the feline dislike for clothes. Maybe some taming and training is in order for this tiny lion.

Goddess Jumper, despite the name, is not divine. Goddess Jumper is a clone of you that represents
your hopes and dreams for the future. They are who you wish to be, or at least a representation of
such, and much further along the path to the person you envision yourself one day becoming when
you dream. All the traits you admire about yourself are enhanced in this person, from the things
about you as a person to the powers you enjoy using most, whether or not they are your best ones.
They are not you at your most morally good or bad, just the you that in your dreams, you wish to
one day be. They are unlike many of the other clones in that they explicitly desire to help you
towards being like what you dream you could be and will test and push you towards that, though
they will not relinquish their fragment of your Jumper hood to you without proving yourself to them

Monster Jumper is not so nice. Whereas Goddess Jumper represents the hopes and dreams you
have, Monster Jumper shows the fears and insecurities you have about yourself. They are what you
fear you could become, regardless of the accuracy of those fears. They may not even be evil or
monstrous if you are a certain kind of person. The aspects about yourself that you dislike or fear are
greatly enhanced for this creature. Much like Goddess Jumper, they will attempt to test you and
make you accept your fears and dislikes, turning you into what they are. In some cases this may be a
good thing, in others not, but they will not surrender themselves to you without passing their test or
beating them into the dirt.

The following two clones are entirely optional, being far more powerful than the previous selection
and will not show up if you refuse to have them appear.

Grand Jumper. Beast of Jumper. The Good and Bad of Jumper made manifest. These two beings are
the two sides of your being brought to life. Each one is powerful beyond belief, taking all of your
abilities and equipment and magnifying them to terrifying heights. Either one alone could win
against all twenty previous clones in this scenario together, to illustrate their immense might. While
both will be present, neither will take part in a battle against the other.

Grand Jumper is the Heroic you. They are every virtue and good deed you have done. Every wish for
the world to be better and desire to help another person. They emphasise every positive trait you
have to incredible heights, so much so that it may be hard to relate to them as a person rather than
some epic figure of legend. Your negative traits are downplayed to almost nothing as well. The more
good you have done and that lies within you, the greater this being will be even beyond their initial
power. They’re larger than life. They won’t fight you until they believe you’re ready for it, whether
by growing strong enough or by gathering allies. They’re even nice enough to give you 20 near
identical hints about such allies. While they are quite literally heroic to a mythical level, they are also
not allowed to let you pass without a serious battle to show your worth.
The Beast of Jumper is not so heart-warming. Where Grand Jumper represents all that is or could be
heroic about you, Beast of Jumper is every nasty thought and dark desire you’ve ever had made into
horrible reality. They’re not you at your moral worst. They’re you at every single bad moment you’ve
ever had or could have had. They’re you that gave into temptation every time and revelled in it.
Beast of Jumper is a clone of you with all the bad stuff cranked up to eleven hundred and the good
stuff almost entirely absent. They’ll be even stronger if you’ve been particularly bad too. Much like
Grand Jumper, they won’t fight you if they believe you’re not ready, though this is entirely for their
own desire to be entertained. They want to crush you and your hope when you’re at your best and
outright tell you to bring the rest of the clones or not bother at all.

As an added bonus- if you can manage to not only get back the fragment a clone holds without
killing them but also get them to acknowledge you as both the one who truly deserves to be the
original Jumper and as a genuine friend, you will be able to take that clone along as a companion for
free. There is no limit to how many clones you can take along in this way, so long as you meet the
requirements. You may also choose to put multiple clone companions gained here into a single
companion slot, though any imports must be divided in some manner between them all.
Your time here, for now, is over. Ten years have come and gone and while you may yet have the
chance to return to this world, that chance is a ways away from now. For now you must make a

Do you wish to Go Home to the world whence you originally came from?
Do you wish to Stay Here in this world, settling down for good?
Do you wish to Continue On to a new world, a new adventure and a new Order?
Super special thanks to NuBee, the reason these get done at all. Total cutie.

Crested does not allow bypassing of companion restrictions nor does it allow you to take beings out
of worlds on its own.

Beast of Ages is based on your starting world in each jump. Post chain it may be set to any one world
you have lived on.

Puppy!- is a weakened Fou. He has the mind but none of his powers and nor will he regain those

Capstone Boosted Capstones

Lady of Shadows- You can create a chain of links now, each one needing to be killed in proper order
to unlock the death of the next person. You are able to create a chain of up to 8 such links at a time
in sequential order, beginning with yourself and going through each other person.

Ordinary Man- The items you use are now also affected by your growth. This allows them to grow
better at what they do as you use them more and for greater tasks. Eventually they will turn into
Noble Phantasms in their own right once you begin to perform legendary deeds with them and
continue to grow alongside you.

Got That Fuji Fire- Loving you will now allow someone to grow in power the more deeply they fall in
love with you and open up to you. Their bond with you will unlock new levels of power within
themselves, some that they had lost and some they never realised they had available to themselves.

Master of the House- Your buffing ability now scales to the combat level of the ally you are using it
with. The stronger they are, the better your buffs for them will be. But this is individual and specific,
even buffs that affect entire areas will affect each individual ally on a different level. You may choose
to purposefully not use this is you believe your own natural buffing strength, including the base perk
of this perk, would be better suited.

I Am, Without A Doubt, Rome Itself- Your country itself now reflects its own benefits back on you.
Nothing made by this perk counts but any independent positive growth will result in similar positive,
and proportional, growth back on you. Doubling the size and power of your army will double your
own military power. But negative effects also negatively affect you, though not translated directly.
Country destroyed does not destroy you but it will severely harm and weaken you

Animusphere of Influence- Your family is not just wealthy, powerful and influential. It’s Important
with a capital I. You have a role to play in the significant stories of the world and as long as you
continue to seek to increase that role, the importance of you and your family will grow, inserting you
into more stories and making you more vital to existing ones.
Renaissance Woman- The progress of science gets faster and faster as time goes on and you, as one
of those at the forefront of mankind’s evolution, are no different. The more you learn, the faster
you’ll learn more. The more knowledge you obtain, the easier it is to obtain more knowledge. While
the exact boost to learning is relatively low, you will continue to grow faster as long as you dedicate
yourself to science.

Man Made World- Your inventions and the changes they brought to the world are unforgettable.
Why should being away from your great efforts cut you off from their benefit? The impressions you
leave behind are so great that your technology boost from the base perk is no longer limited to the
current world and time that you are in. Even being in a different world or a time before you made
your inventions doesn’t remove your boost, as it is now judged from the total weight of the changes
you have made over your lifetime rather than that of the world you are in.

Infinite Jumper Works- If you’re so variable, why limit yourself to just attacks? Rather than just
combining your powers with your attacks, you are now able to combine each of your powers with
each other. Whilst you are only able to combine 2 individual powers together at once, the potential
should multiply your utility many times over.

I Am Here- Your utter belief in your own existence has solidified your self-image as well. You cannot
be changed save for when you believe it to be right to do so. An attempt to cast a spell to turn you
into a frog will fail utterly, just as any unnatural effect that warps you to fit the beliefs of another
person would as well. Every aspect of your being cannot be directly changed, no matter the
opponent. You can be harmed or controlled just fine but you won’t be forcibly made into another
person or into a shape or nature you do not wish to be.

The 72 jumpers- So long as you are able to get them to acknowledge you as being the rightful king
and leader of the hive, you are able to permanently subsume those who do such into your being,
fully or partially. You may take as much from them into yourself as you please. You could leave them
as nothing but voices in your head as you take their body, memories and powers for yourself or strip
them of even that. If you wish, you may also relinquish this back to them or to another being that
has joined your collective, though you may not give away anything that was not gained through this

The Age of Jumper- You’ve got the ear of God himself now or so it seems. When a new Age is about
to appear, naturally or through your own power, you have a large amount of influence over what
that Age will bring. As with the base perk, the stronger you are the greater the changes you can
make. At a base level, you will be able to bring about decades of scientific advancement in very short
time or grind it to a halt or even reverse it. You could alter the tone and atmosphere to be much
lighter and more peaceful or much darker and more brutal. As you get to incredible heights of power,
you may even be able to turn worlds into Sci Fi Utopias in a few short years or bring magic to an
entire world that had never experienced a single spell.

Dog Years- Miracles are meant to be the solely the right of Gods to perform. You reckon you could
make a pretty good claim to godhood though. You’re not only able to accomplish Miracles via your
second storage, now you’re able to perform them even with your normal magical energy stores.
They cost quite a lot more than they would with the temporary stores provided by this perk but the
sheer, limitless nature of these Miracles may make that into a minor hiccup for those properly
pursuing them.
Hero’s Will- Determination is the bread and butter of every hero. But there is so much more to
heroism and life overall than just a steely gaze. Willpower is not the only source you can draw on to
empower or power yourself. You are able to utilise every emotion you can feel at the moment, the
stronger the emotion the more you can use it for. Much like with willpower however, this will strain
you. It is possible to use multiple emotions at once but the amount of pain that would put you
through may be too much to bear, provided it pushes you beyond your limits.

Beast of Life- Even if they left the nest, a mother never stops loving her children. Just because your
babies are far from you, doesn’t mean they won’t protect you with everything they have. Whether
they like it or not. No matter where your children are or how far, they now count as protecting you
via this effect. Even children currently inside you will count, needing to be cut out of you and
crushed before you are able to be killed. The only limitations are that they must be within the same
jump as you, at least before you end your chain, and children in a completely inaccessible space such
as your warehouse cannot be used for this power.

Beast of the End- The Beasts do not fight alone. Not in the end. The defeat of the first Beast is just
the signal for the next to put their own plans in motion. Humanity must face their Beasts 7 times
over to finally be free and the same will apply to any who dare to defeat you. Instead of suffering a
single equal curse, they will now suffer back 7 of increasing potency. The first will be equal to the
normal curse but each one after will increase the misfortune by a little, ending with a curse at least
thrice as bad as the original. As with the original curse, these are not unbeatable or unavoidable but
the chance of either will lessen as your power grows.

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