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Elemental Impurities Risk Management PDF

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What are Elemental Impurities?
The elemental impurities are the
impurities which get introduced into
the final drug product either directly
through raw materials, residue by-
products, or contact with environment,
packaging material, manufacturing
location, equipments, etc.
These elemental impurities could affect
the stability & efficacy of the finished
product & also have hazardous effect
on the patients and therefore they have
to be monitored/controlled during the
entire manufacturing process.
The need to create a uniform approach
to assess Elemental impurities was dual
fold a) to minimize concerns being
raised due to toxicological effects from
Elemental impurities and b) to create a
global standards in drug manufacturing.
For centuries pharmaceutical industries
are using manual or simple laboratory
instruments/methods to calculate
elemental impurities and its risk
These assessment or testing process
were not advance enough to provide
detailed analysis of the impurities.
However, with the advancement in
technology, few areas like toxicology
assessment from excipients and APIs
have become easier and accurate
i.e. benefiting elemental impurities

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Assessment of Elemental Impurities has
2 key benefits
(a) Enable Global sourcing of the drugs -
In today’s world, drug manufacturing
is possible through global sourcing,
where the drug substances are
manufactured at different places
and formulated in different location.
If we have a global standards of
elemental impurities assessment, then
without further investigation the drug
formulation could proceed, rather
than re-testing the toxicology of the
(b) Build confidence with respect to
standards of drug quality among
people who are end consumers (For
example: A particular drug bought by
a consumer in India would be same as
the one bought in New York).
To address Elemental Impurities
assessment & monitoring, there are
guidance from International Conference
of Harmonization (ICH) Q3D guideline:
elemental impurities and ICH Q9: Risk
Based Quality Control Strategy.
This guideline applies to finished drug
products and new drug products using
existing drug substances. The key
aspects of these guidelines are
• For each dosage and route of
administration, the Permitted Daily
Exposure (PDE) to be established for
the elements
• Propose minimum levels of elemental
impurities that is permissible based
the Permitted Daily Exposure
Analysis & Control of Elemental
Impurities by risk based approach
• Provide Element Classification to
facilitate decision making during risk

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Elemental Impurity Risk
Assessment methodology
Elemental Impurity Risk based assessment
is conducted by using various laboratory
data and computing it against regulatory
limits originated from Certificate of
Analysis (CoA), historical data, Lab Reports,
ICH/USP (United States Pharmacopoeia)
limits and Product data to provide early
insights on risk assessments to future
batches. This process can help in
understanding if the controls built are
advanced enough to limit the elemental
impurities in upcoming batches and
documents the detailed risk assessment
performed along with summary and

The Crux of the risk assessment approach lies in understanding where and how the impurities get into the stream

Manufacturing Drug Substance/Active Raw

Equipment Pharamaceutical Material/Excipient

Material of Construction Additives Colorants Preservatives

Catalyst Intermediates
Mantled and Dismantled Parts Bulking Agent Storage Location
Residues Reaction additives
New Vendor Location Filters New Vendor Logistics

Elemental Impurities
in Drug Product
Gloves Shower Cap Source Storage Method Leachables and Extractables Geography New Loaction
Personal Protective Equipment of analysis type used Materials of Construction Climate Storage
Adhesive Lable link carboard Area Packing

Manual Water Packaging Manufacturing

Handling Material Location

Fig 1: Fishbone Diagram showing sources of Elemental Impurities

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Process steps
The Elemental Impurities risk assessment evaluation could be performed using the below
Assess the elemental impurities contributed from each of the above sources to find the
overall elemental impurities. Followed by creation of a prioritization matrix for impurities
as per the guideline. For example: Class 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Design an algorithm to predict probability of occurrence of impurities in the final product
Evaluate and compare the impurities to that of established PDE (Permissible Daily Exposure)
Lastly, implement a tool to provide holistic view on data analysis, monitoring, storage and

Assess Prioritize Design Evaluate Implement

Fig 2: Elemental Impurities Risk Assessment process steps

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in Elemental
Impurities Risk

Disparate sources of Siloed data in different  No standard algorithm to

elemental impurities – which formats - requiring manual compute the data which is
all have to be considered? intervention common across companies

How much data to be

 When and where to start
collated for sufficient Unanticipated change in
assessing the elemental
conclusion and submission regulatory guidelines
impurities risk?
to regulatory body?

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About the Authors

How Infosys can help Pharma companies Sangita Goyal is a Consultant with Life
Sciences Practice at Infosys Consulting.
While drug substance manufacturing is a series of complex processes, employing
She can be reached at
certain scientific methods at appropriate level to plan and design efficient
processes will help in identifying and managing elemental impurities.
Infosys can work hand in glove with Pharma companies to perform Risk Assessment
of the Drug substances to meet the Regulatory standards. Dr. Nandini Diwakar is a Principal with Life
Sciences Practice at Infosys Consulting.
Infosys has a strong understanding of the regulation & process around Elemental
She can be reached at
Impurities. Infosys has the capability to help Pharma companies structure a tool
with pre-defined inputs (Like Permissible Daily Exposure, Limit of Quantitation etc.),
business rules and algorithms. This would facilitate extraction & consolidation of
unstructured lab data from disparate sources into a structured database, help to
Inder Neel Dua is a Senior Principal with
query/analysis and final reporting with conclusion for regulatory submission.
Life Sciences Practice at Infosys Consulting.
He can be reached at


1) http://www.fda.gov/ucm/groups/fdagov-public/@fdagov-drugs- gen/documents/document/ucm371025.pdf

2) http://www.nsf.org/newsroom_pdf/NSF-DBA_Elemental-Impurities_WhitePaper.pdf

3) http://www.pharmtech.com/implementation-ich-q3d-elemental-impurities-guideline-challenges-and-opportunities

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For more information, contact askus@infosys.com

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