BM6053 Individual Case Study
BM6053 Individual Case Study
BM6053 Individual Case Study
Political stability – Political stability is one of the vital factors to macroeconomic stability and
growth. If you have a stable political condition, it will enhance the confidence of both domestic
and foreign investors in terms of where the country is heading. (Lee, 2020) Sometime co-
designs with Asian designers and fashion icon, it does consider the stability of policy of the
countries that brings it long-term partnership with other Asian designers.
Trade agreement – As an Asian handbag and accessories specialist company that based in
Kuala Lumpur, which targeting the main customers in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesian, it
enjoys the benefits of operating a business in Asia. One of the advantages of running the
company in Asia is the extensive trade agreement—AFTA (the ASEAN Free Trade Area).
With this trade agreement, it is much easier for Sometime to import raw materials and export
finished products in Brunei, Indonesian, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Sometime is a known handbag brand in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia which is considered
an affordable brand compared to other similar handbag brands. Normally, there is price range
of each iconic essential. In addition, the exchange rate of the country operates in would
influence the profitability of, especially Sometime engages in international trade. According to
the record of exchange rate between co-operated counties, the currency is relatively stable,
which encourages international designers to join the venture.
Besides, all the designer bags of Sometime are semi-handmade which means the labor cost is
much higher than normal production. Sometime needs to consider about the high labor cost in
order to improve profitability.
The rapid growth of business is affected by the social and cultural values of the market.
Obviously, online shopping is a major trend in the 21st century. Customers changed their
purchasing behaviors that has an impact on the demand for fashion products. With e-commerce
emerging, it changed the entire shopping landscape. To earn a good reputation and build a good
brand image, Sometime not only has a showroom in Kuala Lumpur, but also built a popular
web shop. Sometime has paid close attention to the performance of its online store with
fantastic wed design and specific products information, design ideas. Customers can easily find
their preferred ideal product based on the clear categories. What’s more, Sometime targets their
customers according to the class distribution among the population and lifestyle. The design of
their products more attracts the young customers.
Technology is an essential factor that improve a company to innovate constantly and
consistently, not only for maximizing the profits and become a market leader, but also to
prevent obsoletes in the future. One of the technologies that Sometime performed is SEO which
to improve the site to increase its visibility for relevant searchers. Customers can easily find
the information about Sometime when they search semi handmade bags in Malaysia or
customize bag by Asian designer. With no doubt, Sometime also uses big data to expand its
reach which is a better way to reach and appeal to customers.
All the items in Sometimes are with a relative affordable price. Firstly, Sometime avoids using
animal skin as much as they can in the production of bags. Normally, the material team with
decades of experience develops microfiber and high-quality synthetic leather to product bags
with similar durability and aesthetic qualities of genuine leather. It reduced a large amount cost
on materials. What’s more, the higher price can be a barrier to local handbag shops. The
reasonable price that Sometimes set would attract more customers and raise the perceived value
to command a premium by reducing the price to be closer to its traditional competitors.
The place of sale in e-commerce is a site or a marketplace in the social network. (Elena, Irina,
Anna & Alla, 2016) Sometime does not only have a physical show room in Kuala Lumpur, it
also has a virtual online store. The online store is maintained well by digital marketing team of
Sometime. Customers can find all details of selected item. Due to Sometime more focuses on
retailing online, it clearly states the conditions of products and the cost of delivery in advance.
During Covid-19 pandemic, Sometime announces a specific delivery & payment notice.
However, the delivery period above applies to ready-stock items only. Pre-order items will be
advised accordingly.
A brand is an image in the consumer’s mind for a particular product or service. (Elena, Irina,
Anna & Alla, 2016) Sometime has built a sustainable brand in Malaysian Handbags via online
store and social media platforms. Social media is a good platform to have interaction with
customers. The more communication made with the customers, the better understanding of
what the customers are in need.
Currently, the existing market to Sometime is among every sophisticated urban woman and
who fancies semi-handmade handbags. Since Sometime has always working on using as less
as products made from animal skins, it can expand their target market to customers who refuse
to use any products which are made from animal skins and who support eco-green products.
Meanwhile, Sometime can implement green marketing strategies in order to strengthen its
brand image and expand its customer group.
Firstly, the designer bags are produced in predetermined units. Sometime ceases production
when the agreed limit of quantity is achieved. That means there is no restock once the limited
products are sold. It is a marketing strategy that could attract certain customers when new
collections release and achieve marketing goal in a short while. However, it is unfair to those
new customers who are interested in the limited designed products. When a customer would
like to purchase but it turns out the whole series was all sold out, the purchase motivation will
directly drop to a low point. Therefore, Sometime could restock the best selling handbags to
keep potential customers and attract new customers. Furthermore, Sometime could use natural
and recycled materials on handbags which can have a sustainable-marketed products and
expand its target market.
A reasonable and affordable price setting with a good quality product is one of the most
efficient strategies in marketing mix strategy. While majority of handbags in Sometime are
semi-handmade and designed by Asian designers. The labour cost needs to be considered in
the total cost. Sometime needs to monitor its spending and control its budgets. What’s more,
Sometime can use materials with longer life that will save consumers money in the long term.
Pricing is key in the marketing mix and marketers of sustainable products and services need to
ensure the price and value equation is right for maximum success. (Andy. S, 2012)
In today's e-commerce industry, the place of selling products may be a collective platform for
a group or for many individual sellers, providing goods at fixed prices. An important factor of
the place in Sometime is the maximum availability of sales channels for both buyers and seller.
Keeping concentration on maintainance of web shop will help Sometime have a solid brand
image and get much attention from customers.
Social media has been the fastest area of online traffic over the last few years. Social media
continues to provide a huge opportunity for reaching connecting brands with their customers.
Sometime may open more social media sites to set up some campaigns or use powerful
targeting options on platforms to reach the customers.
The aim of Sometime is to improve its customers’ lives bit by bit and eventually by offering
all kinds of premium essentials with its big brand name. Sometime can implement several
marketing strategies to enhance its product sustainability, such as using eco-green and recycled
materials. And with the increasing penetration of mobile Internet and the number of online
users, keep implementing digital marketing is an efficient method to make it quick and easy
for consumers to purchase exactly what they are looking for at competitive prices. Moreover,
Sometime should keep an eye on its budgets if it decides to produce limited products again in
certain occasions.
Elena, V. P., Irina V.Y., Anna,N. Ag.,& Alla O. P. (2016) Marketing Mix for E-commerce.
Retrieved from
Andy, S. (2012) Green Marketing Strategy and the Four P's of Marketing. Retrieved from