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C A S E 3 1

C O S T O F C A P I T A \ O IN

All rationa1 investors want to invest in securities (or projects) that are expected
to yield a return greater than their cost of capital. For the Chief financial officer
(CFO) of a company, the procedure for determining where â o invest is a three-
step process. The first step is finding the expected return on the securities (or
projects) in which the firm may be interested. The second step is the determina-
tion of the firm’s cost of capital. The final step is selecting those securities (or
projects) whose expected return is greater than the firm’s cost of capital. In
real- ity neither of the first two steps precedes the other as the CFO may
calculate the firm’s cost of capital on an annual, a semiannual, or even a
quarterly basis, depending on changes in the capital markets. The calculated
cost of capital may then be compared to the expected returns of the various
securities and capital projects available.


Wonder Bars (WB) was founded in 3896 by Earle Creymore as a manufacturer
of quality chocolate candy. As with most food companies established in the
United States in that period, WB started as a modest manufacturer of a single
product that was sold locally. Later, if successful, those firms expanded their
sales efforts to state, regional, national, and sometimes even to international
Wonder Bars was one of the successful companies. Greymore’s first product was
a chocolate bar that sold for two cents. The bar, known as the Wonder Bar, soon
became famous for its quality and fine taste. Greymore expanded production to
meet the rising demand for the Wonder Bar, but growth never exceeded cash avail-
able to pay for the expansion. Two of the basic tenets on which Greymore founded
and ran WB were to make a quality chocolate bar and not to go into debt. These

tenets were considered almost sacrosanct, and Creymore believed they were the
reasons for his success while many other food companies failed.
By 1936, when Greymore turned the reins of his company over to his son,
John, WB had grown into a respected and we11-known $2.5-mi11ion regional
chocolate firm. It had survived the Great Depression, according to Earle
Creymore, because the firm still produced a quality product and, above all,
had no debt. John Greymore followed the principles laid down by his father,
and in the next 30 years WB grew to a national firm with $125 million in sales.
Although WB had purchased a confectionery candy firm, over 90 percent of
the sales were from chocolate candy. Significantly only 5 percent of the firm’s
capital structure was in long-term debt, the debt needed to purchase the con-
fectionery candy firm.
In 1967, when John’s son Earl became president of WB, the family still owned
all the stock of the firm and the board of directors was made up entirely of fam-
ily members. However, in 1971 the company was forced into going public
because of two circumstances. The first was the need to raise cash to pay estate
taxes following the death of John Greymore. The second came from the increas-
ing awareness that the firm needed to modernize its plants to compete with
other food companies, which were slowly taking market share from WB with
better quality candy products and higher profits from their automated, modern
By the early 19S0s the firm had completed its modernization, improving the
quality of its products and reducing operating expenses. However, the firm was
totally dependent on the chocolate and confectionery business and its man-
agers were beginning to realize that diversification into other lines of the food
business might be necessary for WB to survive in the increasingly competitive
business environment. In addition, some family members were beginning to
question the financial practices of the firm and the effects those practices had on
the stock price. They noticed that throughout the 1970s, many of the old-line
family food businesses were purchased by larger, publicly held firms run by
managers who were not majority shareholders of the firm. More importantly
they noticed that the returns on the shares sold seemed much higher than the
returns they were receiving from their stock.
During the early 4 980s, WB did expand into the pasta business through the
purchase of three family-owned firms and by 4 989 had an 38 percent market
share of the $1 billion U.S. pasta business. Salem financed the purchase of these
businesses through two bond issues. Long-term debt, however, was never more
than 20 percent of total assets.

Sam Wendover
Sam Wendover, the chief financial officer (CFO) of WB, was hired in 1988 with
specific instructions to improve the return on the financial resources of the firm.
Wendover’s background included four years as the cash manager of a large cor-
poration with sales in excess of $9 billion. He was a graduate of an MBA pro-
gram that is nationally known for its emphasis on financial management.

Wendover saw the job as CFO of WB as an outstanding opportunity to affect the

financial decision making of a firm in transition from family ownership to one
that was becoming a multibillion dollar, publicly held firm.
This Monday morning, Wendover had just walked into his office at 7:40 to
find a note stuck on his computer’s video monitor to call Earl Greymore, the
CEO of Wonder Bars. The posting of the note was unusual in that most intra-
office memos were sent via the electronic mail system, by then very few of WB’s
top executive managers ever used their computers for this or any other pur-
pose. Greymore, however, was making a real effort to bring WB into the mod-
ern era, insisting that the computers be installed and that all managers below
the level of the executive officers take in-house training on how to use them. He
also had many of the top executives attend financial seminars sponsored by the
Wharton School. Wendover had suggested the seminars to Greymore as a vehi-
cle to help these executives understand some of the changes he thought were
necessary to improve Wonder Bars’ financial performance.
Wendover called Creymore, who asked him to come up to his office. In the
next 30 minutes Wendover learned that WB was considering the purchase of
Sonzoni Foods, a pasta producer with annual sales in excess of $400 million, for
$85 million. Before a decision could be made, Greymore wanted the answers to
three financial questions from Wendover. First, what was the expected return
from this proposed purchase? Second, what was Wonder Bars’ cost of capital?
Finally, what was Wendover’s recommendation on how the purchase could be

Financial Information
Wendover reviewed the WB financial data. (See Exhibits 1 and 2.) The average
outstanding balance of short-term, interest-bearing debt in 1994 was $76,132,000
and the weighted average interest rate was 8.2 percent. Domestic borrowing
under lines of credit and commercial paper was used to fund seasonal working
capital requirements and provide interim financing for business acquisitions.
Maximum short-term borrowings at any month were $372,400,000.
WB had two long-term, AA rated bonds outstanding. The first was an
8.25 percent sinking fund debenture due in 4 2 years. This debenture is traded
on the New York Stock Exchange and closed Friday at 93’Z. Of the original
$150 million issue, $133 million is still outstanding. The second issue was for
$300 million and had a coupon interest rate of 9.375 percent. The entire issue
was sold in 1990 in a private placement to two life insurance companies, and
the issue will mature in 2020. Wendover then called WB’s investment banker
and learned that the banker was highly confident that Wonder Bars could issue
up to $100 million of new debt at the current return on WB’s outstanding long-
term debt.
Like many other family-controlled but publicly held businesses, WB has two
classes of common stock: Common Stock and Class B stock. The Common Stock
has one vote per share and the Class B stock (held or controlled by family mem-
bers) has 10 votes per share. However, the Common Stock, voting separately as

a class, is entitled to elect one-sixth of the board of directors. With respect

to dividend rights, the common stock is entitled to cash dividends that are
10 percent higher than those declared and paid on the Class B Stock. There are
a total of 75 million shares of common stock and 10 million of Class B Stock out-
standing. The current price of both the common stock and Class B Stock is $35
and its beta is 0.95. The common stock and Class B Stock generally vote
together without regard to class on matters submitted to stockholders.
The growth rate of net income, earnings per share, dividends, and common
stock prices are given in Exhibit 3 and have averaged about 14 percent a year
over the last five years. Some of this growth rate is the result of an aggressive
repurchase of the firm’s common stock. Over the past three years the firm has
repurchased over 5 million common stock shares. Finally, Wendover looked up
the capitalization ratio for other firms in the food industry. (See Exhibit 4.) As
he expected, WB had a much lower debt ratio than almost all other companies
in the industry group.
Sam Wendover wrote down the additiona1 information that he thought he
needed before starting to work. The current Treasury Bill rate was 5.0 percent
and the return on the S&P 500 has averaged 12 percent over the past 10 years.
Salem’s current combined federal and state income tax rate is 40 percent. The
beta for Sonzoni Food was 0.90, almost the same as Wonder Bars.

1. What is WB’s capital structure?
2. What is WB’s be(ore-tax cost of long-term debt?
3. What is the firm’s cost of equity?
4. Ca1cu1ate the cost of capita1 for WB.
5. If Wonder Bar uses book value rather than market value to determine its
capita1 structure, what is the impact of the cost of capital on its budgeting
6. Which is superior, using the book value or the market value of the firm’s cap-
ital in the determination of the cost of capital? Why?
7. Wendover apparently believes that WB’s cost of capital can be used as the
hurdle rate for the required return to evaluate the acquisition of Sonzoni
Foods. Under what conditions, if any, is this appropriate?
8. How can the firm raise $85 million for the acquisition without changing the
present capital structure?
9. Assuming an expected net income in 1995 of $182 million, how would you
suggest that the firm finance the acquisition?

Wonder Rars Income Statement ($ Millions)

i 994 1993 i 992

Net sales $2,168.0 $1,863.8 $1,635.5

Operating income 26S.S 246. 2J 6.2
Interest expense 27.7 22.4 8.1
Pretax income 236.1 223.7 208.1
Taxes 9J 6 99 6 100 9
Income from continuing operations 44.5 24. 07.2
Discontinued operations
Income 16.0 24.1
Ciain on disposal
Net income $J 48.2 $J32.8
Earnings per shore
Continuing operations $1.60 $1.1.fi
Discontinued operations 2.37 1.42

Wonder Rars Ralance Sheet Comparison ($ Millions)

i 994 1993

Cash $70.1 $7.5
Accounts receivable 66.8 2J .5
Inventory 308.8 263.2
Other current assets 73.4 029.fi
Tota1 current assets 6J 9.1 722.0
Net property, plant equipment 736.0 564.5
Other assets 4C9.6 2fi7.9
Total assets $1,746.7 $1,.544.4
I iabilities stockholders’ equity
Accounts poyob1e $128.8 $108.0
Short-term debt .54.9 29.7
Other current 1iabi1ities 6J .7 9.1
Total current liabilities 345.4 256.8
Long-term debt 2S0.0 250.9
Other long-term liabilities 48.0 43.2
Deferred income taxes 132.4 131.1
Stockholders’ equity 1,005.9 832.4
Total liabilities stockholders’ equity $1,764.7 $1,.544.4

Wonder Rars 5-year Financial Summary


1994 $213.9 $1.60 $0.67

1995 89.2 1.44 C.60
1992 7J .8 1.28 0.52 28?
1991 151.3 1.15 0.48 25
1990 SC.9 1.02 C.43 22
5—Year Growth rate 2.3% 12.0% 2.0% 13.0%

‘Primary earnings per share.

Ratio of Long Term Debt to Total Assets: Industry Group Analysis

Dreyer’s Cirand
Hudson Foods

IGA Average 32
Gerber Products 31
Campbell Soup 26
Kellogg Company 24
Wonder Rars 22
Hershey Foods 18
Smucker 9.M.)
Tootsie Roll Industries 0

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