P.V.Gs College of Science, Pune 411009 Internal Exam (Sem / Term I) 2011-12
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Instructions: Scratching & Overwriting is not permitted. For Section I, answer must be written in the box for evaluation. For empty boxes, no marks will be granted.
languages. Choose all that apply. (a) Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) (b)Push Down Automata (PDA) (c) Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) (d)Post machine
3. Mention true or false : For any alphabet , * = (*)* - True / False
4. Fill in the blanks (a) A set with no elements is called ______ set. (b) A set with a single element is called a __________ set.
Finite Automata (NFA) can have ____ transition(s) for a single state and an input symbol. 7. State true or false
(a) A DFA can have multiple final(accepting) states (b) An NFA can have multiple final(accepting) states.
8. State true or false (a) Every finite automata has an equivalent Regular Expression
(b) For any regular expression R,
R.(R)* = (R)+
9. For the languages described below, choose the languages that are Regular languages (Choose all that apply)
(a) L = {anbn/n>=1} (b) L = { a2nbm / n>=0 and m>=0}
Form (CNF), then the productions of the grammar are of the form _______ and _______.
over {a,b}
(b) {a2nbm / n>=0 and m is odd no.}
(c) The set of all strings over {a,b} where all strings must contain exactly 2 bs or exactly 3 bs
(d) {a2n / n >=0} 2. Explain how we can convert Mealy machine to Moore machine.
such that the DFA accepts strings starting with b and not having aba as substring
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