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Flight Risk Assessment Tools

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General Aviation FAA

Joint Steering Committee Aviation Safety

Safety Enhancement Topic (SE 42)

Flight Risk Assessment Tools

When implementing a Safety Management System (SMS), one of the most critical components to
develop is a Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT). Because every flight has some level of risk, it is critical that
pilots are able to differentiate, in advance, between a low risk flight and a high risk flight, and then establish a
review process and develop risk mitigation strategies. A FRAT enables proactive hazard identification, is easy
to use, and can visually depict risk. It is an invaluable tool in helping pilots make better go/no-go decisions
and should be a part of every flight.

Why Should I Use It? Although designs can vary, FRATs generally
ask a series of questions that help identify and
“In the thick” is no time to try to mitigate a quantify risk for a flight. The FAA Safety Team’s
potentially hazardous outcome. When preparing for current FRAT tool (an automated spreadsheet
a flight or maintenance task, operators and available at go.usa.gov/xkhJK) follows the PAVE
maintenance technicians should take time to stop checklist, covering questions on the Pilot, Aircraft,
and think about the hazards involved. enViroment, and External Pressures. For example,
Attempting this task “in our heads” usually you may be asked how much rest you’ve had, how
does not take into account actual risk exposure. much time you’ve had in the aircraft, and what the
The mind tends to compartmentalize the individual weather conditions are for your destination. Based
hazards which, in turn, fails to appreciate their on the answers you supply, a total risk score is
cumulative effects. We may also allow our personal calculated.
desires to manipulate our risk assessment in order
to meet personal goals. The best way to
compensate for these inherent shortcomings is to
take the task to paper.
Putting everything on “paper” allows us to
establish our risk limits in an atmosphere free
from the pressure of an impending flight or
maintenance task. It also gives a perspective on
the entire risk picture that we cannot get in our
heads. More importantly, it sets the stage for
managing risk through proactive risk mitigation
strategies that are documented.

Example Risk Assessment Form

Continued on Next Page

www.FAASafety.gov Produced by FAA Safety Briefing | Download at 1.usa.gov/SPANS

AFS-850 16_12
What Do I Do With My Score? your passengers) may be disappointed, but it’s al-
ways better to be wishing you were in the air than
The FAASTeam FRAT, like many other FRATs,
wishing you were on the ground!
produces a score that will fall within one of three
risk categories: Green (low), yellow (medium), and
red (high). FAAST FRAT
No FRAT can anticipate all the hazards that
Green: Go fly! may impact a particular flight but there are some
With a clear in-the-green score, you common hazards that GA pilots encounter regularly.
might be tempted to blast off with una- The FAASTeam’s easy-to-use and GA-focused FRAT
bated zeal. Not so fast. A FRAT is not meant to can get you started in effective safety risk manage-
make your go/no-go decision for you. It is merely a ment. The FRAT is currently available as an automat-
tool to help you plan your flight and think through a ed spread sheet that will run on MS Windows or Ap-
more complete range of hazards and risks. When ple computer operating systems, but a new
using a FRAT, it’s a good idea to create numerical smartphone app version is in the works and should
thresholds that trigger additional levels of scrutiny be released later in 2017.
prior to a go/no-go decision for the flight. For exam-
ple, a score that’s on the high end of the green
scale may still warrant further analysis. The pilot Learn More
should discuss what the highest scoring risks are
and attempt to mitigate those risks. FAA InFO 07015 — Flight Risk Assessment Tool
Yellow: Try to mitigate some of the
higher scoring items. FAA Advisory Circular, AC 120-92A,
If your score falls in the yellow, try to SMS for Aviation Service Providers
mitigate some of the higher scoring items. That http://bit.ly/2gc1p2x
might entail waiting for the weather to improve or
switching to an aircraft you have more experience Risk Management Handbook (FAA-H-8083-2)
with. If the score is still in the yellow, bring in the Chapter 4-2
opinion of a designated “contact” person such as a http://go.usa.gov/jAJk
flight instructor or an FAASTeam Representative.
They may be able to help think of ways to further “You Can Take it With You,” FAA Safety Briefing,
mitigate some of the risks for your flight. July/August 2012, page 4
Red: No-Go.
If your score falls in the red zone, you
should seriously consider cancelling the
flight unless the risks involved can be
safely mitigated. It’s important to not allow the ex-
ternal pressures involved with carrying on with the
flight (e.g., attending your son’s graduation ceremo-
ny) interfere with your go/no-go decision. You (and

www.FAASafety.gov Produced by FAA Safety Briefing | Download at 1.usa.gov/SPANS

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