Celta Language Analysys (Nepotism Linguahouse)
Celta Language Analysys (Nepotism Linguahouse)
Celta Language Analysys (Nepotism Linguahouse)
toxic You are clearly in a toxic relationship Is this relationship good or bad for P: stress on the first syllable Drill
/ˈtɒk.sɪk/ and you need to get out of it. her?
2 syllable adjective
Stress on the first syllable meaning: very bad, unpleasant or
harmful environment/relationship
demonstrate v. context: M: Some students could relate to CCQs
/ˈdemənˌstreɪt/ The study demonstrates that their L! And think that the meaning
cigarette advertising does Does the study prove the theory? of the word in English
2 syllable verb
encourage children to smoke. (Yes) is to protest
Stress on the first syllable
Does getting up early to get to
meaning: your job demonstrates yo are P: word stress Drill
to show clearly that something responsible? (Yes) Use fingers to show them that
demonstrate that
is true or that it exists F: Sts might not use that clause there is SOMETHNG coming
after demonstrate
demonstration n.
Sts may not know the past form of
the verb Make sure to highlight the word
forms at the beginning
I/you/we/they demonstrate
he/she/it demonstrates
present participle demonstrating
past tense demonstrated
past participle demonstrated
demonstration n.
performance n. context:
/pəˈfɔː.məns/ He was fired for poor performance. P: Sts might stress suffix Drill words ind. and choral in
Three syllable noun
Did he do his job well or not? (No) –-ance, word stress, /ə/in pron of stage 2 of the lesson, elicit
meaning: how well someone -a and -e main stress (if nec) – back
Stress on the second syllable
does their job or their duties: Is your performance at work well chain problem words
or not?
perform n.
policy n. context Employers need to have P: word stress, not pron, -i as /ə/ Drill
clear policies for hiring employees.
/ˈpɒləsi/ Eliciting Plural forms of other
Three syllable noun F: sts might not know that there is
meaning: a plan agreed or chosen Do the employers need to have a a spelling change in plural nouns ending with y and
Stress on the first syllable by a government or company clear plan for hiring people? (Yes) applying it then to policy:
y i+ es family-families
policies :plural form Did the company you work or company – companies
worked for have a clear policy on policy - policies
policy for: The company has set out dating colleagues?
its policies for future mineral development.
policy towards:
Soviet policy towards Afghanistan
beneficial adj.
benefit =advantage n.
Values n. PLURAL context: P: values n. Dril
/ˈvæljuːs/ Christian/Western/Islamic Do Chtistian and Islamic /ˈvæljuːs/
Two syllable noun values people share the same
Stress on the first syllable meaning: beliefs /values? (No) M: Sts might mix this with CCQs
the principles and beliefs that the original meaning of the
influence the behaviour and noun VALUE in singular
way of life of a particular (money)
group or community
present tense
I/you/we/they promote
he/she/it promotes
present participle promoting
past tense promoted
past participle promoted
due to Prep. meaning: because of Did the company lose a lot P: due to Prep. drill
/djuː/ something of money because of bad /djuː/
One syllable prep context: management? (Yes)
The company’s financial
losses were due
to poor management