Valvula Prioritaria
Valvula Prioritaria
Valvula Prioritaria
1. Allow the engine to cool after shut down. The 7. Remove a-ring seals (8) from the front housing.
volume of oil above the priority valve, oil filters and
oil cooler can drain past the priority valve to the oil NOTE: The following steps are for installationof the
pan. priority valve.
11. Make sure the O-ring seals are in place and Install
tube (1) and elbow (5). .
13. Close valve (6) and the drain valves on the oil
2. Remove elbow (5) and drain the oil from the etbow. filters.
Open the drain valves on the oil filters.
14. Check the engine oil level. See the Operation &
3. Remove elbow (3)from the priority valve and tube MaintenanceManual.
4. Remove elbow (5) and tube (1).
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