TX Smart Meter FAQ
TX Smart Meter FAQ
TX Smart Meter FAQ
Visit our Advanced Grid and Smart Meters page to learn more.
Your smart meter will work with My Account and the Xcel Energy app. Log in to see
your detailed energy usage as well as tips and additional information to help you
meet your energy goals.
With a non-communicating meter, the energy use data you will be able to
see in My Account will be limited, compared to what you would receive
with a smart meter. You will not have the ability to access real-time energy
information and insights and will not be able to receive high usage-related
alerts. You will also not be able to see a breakdown of energy consumption by
appliance, when that tool becomes available to customers with smart meters.
You will also have limited access to energy and bill management tools.
Visit xcelenergy.com/SmartMeter. Residential customers can also call
800-895-4999. Business customers can call 800-481-4700.
Will Xcel Energy now have more control over my energy use with the smart meter?
No. Smart meters, like current meters, only read energy use — they cannot control
appliances or other items in your home or business.
Will Xcel Energy use smart meters to shut off my appliances when demand is high?
No. Xcel Energy will not use your smart meter to shut off your appliances.
The information collected from all our meters (and any personal information you
provide us) is used only for purposes directly related to providing you with energy
service. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about you except to our
vendors that perform services on our behalf, to comply with legal requirements, or
with your consent. For more details, you can review the Xcel Energy Privacy Policy
on xcelenergy.com.
No evidence has been found of smart meters causing health issues. According to
the American Cancer Society (external link), radio frequency radiation does not
cause cancer by damaging DNA, and RF radiation does not have enough energy to
remove charged particles, such as electrons, and therefore is too weak to damage
DNA or cause health complications.
If you are a Saver’s Switch® customer, your smart meter will not affect this program.
You will, however, be able to see more information about your energy usage in
My Account or the Xcel Energy mobile app.
If I need help after my smart meter is installed, who can assist me?
If you need assistance after your smart meter is installed,
visit xcelenergy.com/SmartMeter. Residential customers
can also call 800-895-4999. Business customers can call 800-481-4700.
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