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Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are
easily misunderstood.

Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech
and processing them into words and sentences. ... Listening in any language requires focus and
attention. It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others.

Listening is the most important communication skill. We probably spend more time using our
Listening Skills than any other kind of skill. Real Listening is an active process. Listening requires

What is Listening?

Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech
and processing them into words and sentences. When we listen, we use our ears to receive
individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and we use our brain to convert these into
messages that mean something to us.

Listening in any language requires focus and attention. It is a skill that some people need to work at
harder than others. People who have difficulty concentrating are typically poor listeners. Listening in
a second language requires even greater focus.

Like babies, we learn this skill by listening to people who already know how to speak the language.
This may or may not include native speakers. For practice, you can listen to live or recorded voices.
The most important thing is to listen to a variety of voices as often as you can.

Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are:

 Listening
 Speaking
 Reading
 Writing

In our own language, listening is usually the first language skill that we learn.

For Example: To become a fluent speaker in English, you need to develop strong listening skills.
Listening not only helps you understand what people are saying to you. It also helps you to speak
clearly to other people. It helps you learn how to pronounce words properly, how to use intonation,
and where to place stress in words and sentences. This makes your speech easier for other people
listening to you to understand!

Effective Listening

Effective Listening is the process of analysing sounds, organizing them into recognizable patterns,
interpreting the patterns and understanding the message by inferring the meaning. Many of the
problems we experience with people in our daily lives are primarily attributable to ineffective
listening or lack of listening.
Active listening

 Active listening is listening to what someone is saying and attempting to understand what is
being said. It can be described in a lot of ways. Active listening is having good listening skills.
The listener is attentive, non-judgmental, non-interrupting. An active listener analyser what
the speaker is saying for hidden messages, and meanings contained in the verbal
communication. An active listener looks for non-verbal messages from the speaker in order
to indicate the full meaning of what is being said. With active listening, a person must be
willing to hear what someone is saying and the intent to try to understand what the
meaning of what the other person said. When active listening is used, there can be multiple
benefits. Being an active listener means that you have the possibility to become a more
effective listener over time, and your leadership skills will strengthen.
 Active listening is an exchange between two or multiple people. When those people are
active listeners, the quality of the conversation will be better and clearer. They connect with
each other on a deeper level with each other in their conversations. Active listening can
create deeper, and positive relationship between the individuals.
 Active listening is important in bringing changes in the speaker's perspective. Clinical
research and evidence show that active listening is a catalyst in a person's personal growth.
The growth is specific with personality change and group development. A person will more
likely listen to themselves if someone else is allowing them to speak and get their message
 Active listening allows for us to be present in a conversation. Listening is a key factor in
cultivating relationships because the more we understand the other person, the more
connection we create, as taught in nonviolent communication Dharma teachings. As
someone recently stated, "we should listen harder than we speak."

Listening is not Hearing

Listening and hearing are not the same. Hearing is the first stage of listening. Hearing occurs when
our ears pick up sound waves which are then transported to our brain. This stage is our sense of

Listening is a communication process and, to be successful, is an active process. In other words, we

must be an active participant in this communication process. In active listening, meaning and
evaluation of a message must take place before a listener can respond to a speaker. Therefore, the
listener is actively working while the speaker is talking.
Importance(value) of Listening

 Communication is not complete without effective listening.

 An attentive listener stimulates better speaking by the speaker.
 A good listener learns more than an indifferent listener.
 A good listener can restructure vague speaking in a way that produces clearer meaning.
 A good listener learns to detect prejudices, assumptions, and attitudes.
 Improve relations with people.
 Find out more information.
 Learn about people and how their minds work.
 Raise morale of employees.
 New ideas.

Importance(value) of Listening

Academic Benefits: The finding is unsurprising as the better you listen while in class, the better
prepared you will be for your assignments and exams. It is quite simple really. When students listen,
they catch the instructions, pointers, feedback, and hints they can use to make the assignment
better or get a better score on the test.

Professional Benefits: Connecting listening skills to better leadership, There are many professional
advantages of active listening, indicating that it helps us: better understand and make connections
between ideas and information; change perspectives and challenge assumptions; empathize and
show respect or appreciation, which can enhance our relationships; and build self-esteem.When
people aren’t listening, it becomes much more difficult to get things done effectively and trust is
broken while fostering resentments. poor listening as a “silent killer of productivity and profit,” state
change becomes extremely difficult to implement in a work environment when people are not

Personal Benefits: If listening is done well, the communication loop is effectively completed
between speaker and receiver. The speaker shares a message with the receiver, having selected a
method to communicate that message. The receiver aims to interpret the message and share
understanding of the message with the speaker. Communication effectiveness is determined by the
level of shared interpretation of the message reached through listener response and feedback.
When done successfully, the loop is complete, and both sender and receiver feel connected.

 https://www.englishclub.com/listening/what.htm
 Bommelje, R., Houston, J. M., & Smither, R. (2003). Personality characteristics of effective
listening: A five factor perspective. International Journal of Listening, 17, 32–46.

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