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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421




Assistant Professor, M. Com., Mba., M. Phil. Department Of Business Administration , Parvathy’s Arts And Sciecnce College, Wisdom City, Dindigul-
624 002.Tamil Nadu, Inida. , rajaramu05@gmail.com
Ddtp. Doa.,Ibm Bcom Cs, Final Year,Parvathy’s Arts And Sciecnce College, Wisdom City, Indigul- 24 002.Tamil Nadu, Inida.


The Smart phone, being compact in size, delivers an all-in-one resolution for mobile calls, internet access and E-mails. Just the Smartphone sales have
plunged for several brands at a reasonable price as Oppo, Realme,Oppo, and Vivo. India stands set to become the 3rd Market for smart phones in 4
years, according to researcher International figures Corporation, through smart phone
manufacturers launching more reasonable 4G handsets and looking to tap buyers in
small cities and towns. This research is designed to provide information about customer
perception and factors affecting their buying behavior with respect to Vivo smart
phones. The research design used is investigative in nature which motivation provide an
importance on numerical data. The data for analysis stayed collected by using survey
method; with the sample for the typical customer through simple casual sample
approach. There are several explanations that every Smartphone has their own benefit
and luxury offered through the companies. The invention characteristics offered by Vivo
are not as good-looking as its competitors (such as Samsung) according to customer
perception. The company wants toward improve both of their goods in order to improvement customer expectations. It remains suggested that the
company should launch more smart phone with standard quality for lower classes as this will help them to influence more consu mer as lower classes
populace in country are high.

Keywords: Oppo, Brand, Smartphone, Realme, Customers, Market, and Product.


About the Smart phones

The term phone, refers to a multimedia smart phone handset, that's a multifunctional digital device that has features starting from digital, audio-video
playback, net browsing to a high-density screen show together with numerous other multimedia options. Cell phone presents a one forestall solution for
cell calls, email sending and net get right of entry to. Clever phones are based totally on an working machine, basically owning all the essential
capabilities like that of a laptop, inclusive of web surfing, emailing, video and voice chatting, audio-video playback, and others. Till a few years ago, a
cell phone became a personal virtual assistant having the calling capabilities like a cellular smart phone, but these days’ cellular telephones own the
functionality of brought media players, compact virtual digital camera, GPS etc.


1. The maximum popular fashion in term of it use can been seen via the growth of dependency on mobile-connected devices because it is not
restrained for each day obligations however also been applied in educational environments (koszalka & ntloedibe-kuswani, 2010).
Educational activities that comprise smartphone use are having access to of direction content, inspiring sharing and dialogue consultation
among instructors and college students and retrieving information concerning college students’ performances. Consequently, telephone use
may additionally lead to crucial have an effect on in enhancing college students’ performance as this tool might increase teaching and
learning revel in. Woodcock et al. (2012) said that diverse place of students’ lives might trade through increasing telephone use as college
students start to utilize this tool to increase their studying know-how.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2794

2. Froese et al. (2012) carried out a self-record survey to investigate students’ cell phone activity in instructions and the potential impact of the
sports on college students getting to know overall performance. The end result indicates that the usage of cellular phone distracts students
gaining knowledge of system and college students agree with that their school room studying is disrupted in the course of texting.

3. Every other take a look at performed with the aid of tindell and bohlander (2012) to recognize the use and misuse of phone in university
lecture placing. The locating shows that scholars are not taking note of their magnificence lecturer as they may be spending an excessive
amount of time on texting. Observe conducted with the aid of elder (2013) suggests that scholars who used cellular telephone in elegance
rating lower than students who did now not use cellular smart phone

4. Alfawareh and jusoh (2014) look at discovered that scholars do now not completely utilize smartphones for gaining knowledge o f cause
however utilize it to make calls, taking pix and browsing net. Moreover, Hanson et al. (2011) stated that students prefer to use
instantaneous messaging, e-mail and net-surfing in library as opposed to searching into library on line resources.

5. Phone has impacted college students lifestyles in various regions especially schooling, smart phone use for training purposes introduce
college students to global of know-how as students are able to achieve numerous information by using a click on. Smartphone ready with net
enabled function provide students the ability to be connected constantly and is easier for them to attain educational related substances on-
line every time.


 To understand the profile of smart phone company Vivo

 To measure the consumers’ perception to Vivo smart phone
 To analyze the factors influencing the customers to choose Vivo
 The studies at the idea of customers brand preference in Vivo
 Covid-19 to analyze the destiny role of sale Vivo mobiles.
 The research assessment of customer’s satisfaction on Vivo mobiles.


Hypotheses method used in the research have been summarized and agreed below.

1) Ho1: The best branded mobile phone Vivo sites awareness on Face book, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and linked in, Youtube has not
been influenced by the Gender of the respondents, Age, and Educational qualification.

2) Ho2: Consumer motivational factors in quality Vivo mobile on Product Price, New fashion, Public image, secured delivery, Color,
Premium quality, designs and quantity, Advanced technology, Easy availability has not similar with the Educational qualification and
gender of educational qualification.


Research Design: Exploratory Data

Primary Data has been collected by “Questionnaire method” aimed at a particular investigation. He is guileless for a moiled set of problems offered to
defendants for their answers. Unpaid to this flexibility, it is maximum common instrument used to collect the primary data.

Sampling Area: The survey was conducted in Madurai.

Sample size:- For the purpose of proper survey, around is need of faultless research instruments to treasure out taster size for added correct result about
procurement behavior of shopper products. The sample size is 209 respondents: Sampling Technique Random sampling.

Research methodology:

The research methodology directs the general pattern of forming procedure for gathering valid and reliable data in investigation. The research
methodology is includes the description of sample size, research design, development, sampling techniques and description of t he tools. The data
collection of Primary and secondary data for analyzing customers branded Oppomobile phones.


This research title is “A research on Vivo Smartphones Consumer Brand Preference in India Current Scenario” and the methodology discussed
the data collection, reliability analysis, sampling design, period of the study pilot study and statistical tools and techniques in customers brand
preference Vivo branded mobile phones. In the current study and general analysis of Primary survey data and Secondary data were used systematically.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2795


Primary Data

This research is primary source of data is attained by interview schedule to various respondents in Madurai district.

Secondary Data

Secondary sources are the details are presented already. In this research the secondary data were collect ed from the published articles, Newspapers,
submitted thesis, previous records and internet etc.


Table – 1 Gender

The 1 table is called the respondents in gender wise classification of male, female and other gender selected for the Percentage analysis.

Source- Primary data

SI.NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Male 106 50.72%

2 Female 96 45.93%

3 Other 7 3.35%

4 Total 209 100%

1. Gender

Other 3.35%

Female 45.93%

Male 50.72%

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00%

The table-1 explain that out of 209 respondents male is (50.72%) and female is (45.93%) Then respondents other generations (3.35%). It data
calculated used to percentage analysis in 100 that the majority (50.72%) of the respondents selected for the branded Vivo mobile phones.

2. Age (15-59)

Source- Primary data

SI. No Age Respondents Percentage

1 Less Than 15 11 5%

2 16 to 25 Years 82 39%

3 26 to 36 Years 55 26%

4 37 to 47 Years 33 16%

5 48 to 58 Years 19 9%

6 Above 59 Years 9 4%

7 Total 209 100%

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2796

2. Age
30% 26%
20% 16%
5% 4%
Less Than 15 16 to 25 Years26 to 36 Years37 to 47 Years48 to 58 Years Above 59

The table -2 out of 209 respondents in different age groups less than 15 to above 59 it is 16-25 age group highest level of (39%) this youth age
respondents liked Vivo mobiles very low level is above 59 years (4%) and medium level is 26 to 36 it is (26%) of age respondents. Then majority of 16
to 25 age respondents.


Source- Primary data

SI.NO Qualification Respondents Percentage

1 High school 33 16%

2 Higher secondary 28 13%

3 Graduate 87 42%

4 Post-graduate 43 21%

5 Others 18 9%

6 Total 209 100%

3. Qualifications

Others 9%

Post-graduate 21%

Graduate 42%

Higher secondary 13%

High school 16%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2797

The table -3 is educational qualification more than graduate persons high percentage of (42 %) then very lower level percentage of other (9%) total
respondents 209 used percentage method in 100. And the majority of graduate and post graduate students. It is useful for customers brand preference
Vivo branded smart phones.

Table 4 Occupation

SI NO Occupation Respondents Percentage

1 Govt. employee 55 26%

2 Private Employee 71 34%

3 Self-Employee 41 20%

4 Business Man 24 11%

5 Agriculture 18 9%

6 Total 209 100%

4. Occupation
30% 26%
15% 11%
10% 9%

Govt. employee Private Self-Employee Business Man Agriculture

Then table 4 is occupation in Govt employee 26%, private employee 34%, business persons and agriculture responses total in 20 9, very low level is
business man and agriculture. Finally the brand of Vivo smart phone used private and government employees.

Table 5 Marital status Respondents

SI NO Marital status Respondents Percentage

1 Married 114 55%

2 Single 95 45%

3 Total 209 100%

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2798

5. Maritial status

Single 45%

Married 55%

40% 42% 44% 46% 48% 50% 52% 54% 56%

Then table 5 is marital status total 209 respondents single 45% is decreased and married respondents is 55% it is highly useful to development of
mobile brands.


Q. No: 1 - Are you using any Smart phone?

SI. NO Particulars Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 200 96%

2 No 9 4%

3 Total 209 100%

1 . Smart phone users

No 4%

Yes 96%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

The question is using smart phones yes is 96% not use smart phone 4% peoples in the 100 percentage data calculation analysis. Smartphone users
increase useful to technological development.

Q. No. 2 Which Mobile phone are you using currently?

SI. No Brands Respondents Percentage

1 Oppo 39 19%

2 One plus 44 21%

3 Realme 31 15%

4 Samsung 33 16%

5 Motorola 19 9%
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2799

6 Redmi 30 14%

7 Apple 13 6%

8 Total 209 100%

2. Current Mobilephone

Apple 6%
Redmi 14%
Motorola 9%
Samsung 16%
Realme 15%
One plus 21%
Oppo 19%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Question 2 is using mobile phone currently peoples liked and satisfied Vivo branded mobile phone. Vivo is 21%, Vivo is 19%, Realme 15%, and
Samsung 16%, Apple phone is 6% total respondent is 209.

Q. No.3.What do you look for in a Smartphone?

SI. NO Attributes Most Important Somewhat Least Important Total


1 Price 105 40 64 209

2 Features 47 80 82 209

3 Looks 146 33 30 209

4 Brand Name 79 74 56 209

5 OS (Android, and Others) 91 69 49 209

3. Attributes
160 146
120 105
100 91
80 82 79 74
80 64 69
60 47 49
40 33 30

Price Features Looks Brand Name OS (Android, and
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2800

The respondents highly liked mobile phone design, Features, Performance, Price, Brand, it’s all noted in customers and its main thing of customer’s
satisfaction of branded Vivo mobile phones.

Q.No.4 Price range to purchase an Vivo Realme Smartphone?

SI. No Price Range Respondents Percentage

1 8000-12000 70 33%
2 13000-17000 65 31%
3 18000- 22000 39 19%
4 23000-27000 21 10%
5 Above 30000 14 7%
6 Total 209 100%

4. Price Range

Above 30000 7%

23000-27000 10%

18000- 22000 19%

13000-17000 31%

8000-12000 33%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

The price range of mobile phones more than customers like price range Rs 8000-12000, its common price of smart phone for all brand. This price range
all brands available one smart phones, thenVivo is most popular brand list of one. Liked customers in this brand.

Q. No. 5 Source of purchase Realme Phone

SI.NO Source Respondents Percentage

1 Newspaper 51 24%

2 Television 37 18%

3 Family and Friends 70 33%

4 Dealers 33 16%

5 Others 18 9%

6 Total 209 100%

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2801

5. Source

Others 9

Dealers 16

Family and Friends 33

Television 18

Newspaper 24

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Most of the customer’s mobile phone purchase source of family and friends it’s one of the effective way of purchasing beaded smart phones. Another
sources newspaper, television, and dealers. The best source of 33% family and friends.

Q. NO. 6. You’re Preference for Branded Vivo smart phones?

SI.NO Awareness Level Respondents Percentage

1 Fully Aware 40 19%

2 Sufficiently aware 92 44%

3 Slightly aware 77 37%

4 Total 209 100%

6. Awareness level

Slightly aware 37%

Sufficiently aware 44%

Fully Aware 19%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%


The awareness level of Vivo smart phones fully aware is 19%, sufficiently aware 44% and slightly aware.

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 5, pp 2793-2802, May 2022 2802

 This observe advised approximately the client’ssatisfaction level of Vivo Mobile phones.
 Most of the respondents got here to recognize about the oppoMobile Phones via Friends, So the Advertising Can Be Progressed.
 They have a look at advised that the Vivo mobile phones may be offered In Retail Shops.
 Handiest rich people can have the funds for oppo, if the charge reduces, the sales of the Vivo cell can be accelerated.
 The take a look at recommended that the models of the mobile phone may be similarly stepped forward.

The take a look at concluded that in this contemporary business economic system. It's far very vital in analyze approximately the Vivo mobiles.
The observe end result about most people of the customers are happy with the Vivo cellular but additionally there may be a disadvantage which
includes hike in fee and other factor like models of the product. Vital steps should be taken to resolve issues of retaining customers of Vivo mobile scan
be high, if the agency can understand the desire and normal Reception of the patron. Therefore it will develop the advertising strategy and market
proportion of cell smartphone agency.

Brand attention plays a chief role in supporting the audiences understand, take into account, and come to be secure with bran ding and products.
Branding strategies will help the brand to become pinnacle of thoughts whilst customers are equipped to investigate and make a buy. The attention
helps the clients in collecting the records and making purchasing picks. An excellent marketing approach will simply attract a more number of clients in
buying of the product. The majority of the customers are thoroughly aware about the logo but nonetheless the sale of the product is decrease, the
corporation can similarly boom the sale by means of making availability of the product within the shops convenient to customers, show rooms, and
provider centers for after sale service.


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