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University Institute of Laws,: National Moot Court Competition, 2023

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With a vision to provide quality education to students, and to enable them to excel in the legal
domain, University Institute of Laws (UIL), Panjab University Regional Centre (PURC),
Ludhiana was started by the Panjab University, Chandigarh in July 2003. The UIL was
established to serve as the pre-requisite of universalisation of education in general and legal
education in particular. The objective of UIL is to equip the learners with the skills required to
become eminent advocates, professionals and academicians. Ever since its inception, all the
stakeholders of UIL have been working sincerely to realize its vision.

Today, we are proud to say that we have made a distinct name for ourselves in the domain of
legal education. We do not just impart knowledge, but emphasize on excellence in everything
that a student does and focus on values and ethics. We strongly believe that hard work, spirit
of excellence, moral values and ethical behaviour are the keystone to a successful career in the
domain of law.

UIL has now established itself as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Legal Education in the Manchester
of Punjab (Ludhiana) through. This is aptly reflected in our strong academic performance and
excellent admissions. Presently this institution imparts legal education through three courses,
LL.B – three year, B.A. LL.B (Hons.) – Five Year Integrated Course and LL.M- Two years
masters in law. We are confident that the future belongs to UIL because we believe in the
beauty of our dreams.
Competition, 2023)
1. Team Eligibility and Composition
● The competition is open for students who are pursuing LLB three year / five-year
course during the current academic year.
● Each team shall consist of three members. This number cannot be modified under
any circumstances.
● In a team consisting of three members, two members shall be designated as
‘Speakers’ and the third member shall be designated as ‘Researcher’.

2. Anonymity
• Each participating team shall be allotted a team code upon initial Registration and
the same shall be conveyed on email provided by the team.
• Teams shall not disclose, in any manner whatsoever, for the entire competition,
either their own individual identities or the identity of the Institution that they
represent, even if asked by the Judges.
• The team shall not disclose their identity anywhere in their written Memorials and
instead should use the code allotted.
• Non-compliance with the above mentioned rules shall result in immediate
disqualification of the team and decision of Department of Laws Moot Court
Organizing Committee in this regard shall be final.

3. Dress Code

Participants shall be appropriately dressed for the rounds of the competition.

The Dress Code for the Inauguration, Oral Rounds and Valedictory shall strictly be:
For Gentlemen - Western Formals (White formal shirt with formal black pants and a
black blazer with black tie); and

For Ladies - Western Formals (White formal shirt with black formal pants and a black
blazer with black tie) or Indian Formals.

4. Clarifications

• Clarifications to the Moot Proposition shall be sought by sending e-mail to


• Clarification requests sent after 14th March, 2023 shall not be entertained.

• A full list of clarifications shall be released by 16th March, 2023.

5. Memorial Submission

• All written pleadings must be in English.

• Memorials: - Teams have to prepare memorials for both the sides, i.e.
Petitioners and Respondents.

• Written memorials must be typed in A4 pages in Times New Roman font with
12 font size and with 1.5 line spacing.

• The footnotes must be in Times New Roman font with 10 font size and with 1.0
line spacing and “ILI citation style” must be used for citing the authorities.

• A page margin of one inch on all the sides must be maintained.

• The Memorials must comprise the following sections:

➢ Cover Page- The Cover Page must be coloured differently for the
Petitioner(s) and Respondent(s) i.e. Blue Cover for Petitioner and Red Cover for
➢ Table of Contents
➢ List of Abbreviations
➢ Index of Authorities
➢ Statement of Jurisdiction
➢ Facts
➢ Issues
➢ Summary of Arguments
➢ Arguments Advanced
➢ Prayer

• Memorials for either the Petitioner(s) or the Respondent(s) shall not exceed 25
pages, including the cover page. Any issue or pleading, not discussed within the
body of the Memorials must not be raised in the Courtroom.

• The Memorial Submission shall be marked on a scale of 100 marks and the
parameters which are laid down as under:-

1. Evidence of Original 20

2. Knowledge of Law and 20


3. Proper and Articulate 20


4. Structure, Language and 15


5. Extent and Use of Research 15

6. Correct Format and 10


Total 100

• The registered teams shall submit their soft copies of memorials of both sides
at nationalmoot2023@gmail.com and mail should mention the subject
“Memorials for Team Code X”.

• 6 hard copies of the Petitioner side memorial and 6 hard copies of Respondent
side memorial (in total 12 copies) shall be submitted by the participating teams
at the Registration Desk on 28th March, 2023.

• The Team Codes shall be allotted to the participating teams after payment of
registration fees

• The participating teams while submitting their memorials in MS-Word or pdf

format via email must name their respective memorials as P for Petitioner or
R for Respondent accompanied by the team code. Say, for example, if a code
for a particular team is 1, the MS-Word or PDF file for the Respondent should
be named as ‘R1’ and the MS-Word or pdf file for the Petitioner should be
named as ‘P1’.

• The Penalty with respect to memorial shall be as follows:-

➢ Late submission after deadline = 0.5 mark for each day
➢ Non-inclusion of any of the memorial sections = 1 mark for each section
➢ Non-conformity to the minimum and maximum number of pages = 5
➢ Violation of the prescribed font, font size or line spacing = 0.5 mark per
violation, subject to a maximum penalty of 5 marks
7. Oral Submissions

• All oral pleadings must be in English.

• In the Preliminary Rounds (Prelims I and II), each team will get a maximum
of 15 minutes to put up their arguments. Maximum time limit for Rebuttal shall
be 5 minutes which shall be exclusive of the 15 minutes. It is left to the
discretion of the individual teams to divide the time among the members,
which in any case shall not be more than 10 minutes for an individual speaker.
This time limit is exclusive of the Judges' questioning.

• In the Quarter-final Round, regulations regarding time limit shall be same as

that in the Preliminary Rounds

• In the Semi-finals and Final Round, each team will get a maximum of 30
minutes to forward their arguments and 10 minutes for rebuttal/sur-rebuttal.

• Time divisions for the Speakers shall be informed to the Court Monitors by
the teams before oral submissions start.

• Evaluation shall be done on the basis of the following criteria:

➢ Knowledge of Law: 20 Marks
➢ Application of Law to Facts: 20 Marks
➢ Ingenuity and Ability to Answer Questions: 20 Marks
➢ Use of Authorities 15 Marks
➢ Style, Poise, Courtesy, Demeanor: 10 Marks
➢ Time Management and Organization: 10 Marks
➢ Effective Rebuttals: 05 Marks
8. Rounds

• There will be Preliminary Round (Prelims I and II) of arguments followed

by the Quarter-final and Semi-final Rounds and a Final Round.
• To determine the order of participation in the preliminary rounds of the
event, all the registered and present teams shall participate in a draw of lots
to be conducted for that purpose. Such a draw of lots shall take place on the
date 28th March, 2023. The exchange of memorials and shall be conducted
immediately after the draw of lots.

• For the preliminary rounds, every team shall argue twice, once for petitioner
and once for respondent decided as per lots.

• Eight teams from the Preliminary Round will be sent to the Quarter-final

• Quarter-final, Semi-final and Final Rounds shall be Knock Out Rounds.

• The Quarter-final round will be held on 28th March, 2023. The best four
teams, one from each courtroom will compete for the Semi-final Rounds
and the best two teams, one from each courtroom will qualify for the Final

• Both the Semi-final and the final rounds will be held on 29 th March, 2023.

• The Finals will be followed by a Valedictory session where prizes would be

distributed to the respective winners. The decisions of the adjudicators
regarding the outcome of any of the Rounds shall be final.
Preliminary Round –

• The lots so drawn will determine who will contest against whom and for
which side the respective teams would put up their oral arguments.

• Each side shall get a maximum time of 15 minutes to present their arguments
and no Speaker shall be permitted to address the Court for more than 10
minutes. The time limit is exclusive of the 5 minutes for Rebuttal or Sur-

• Each speaker is required to speak for a minimum of 5 minutes.

• The result shall be based solely on the score of the oral submissions. Only
in case of tie, then the team with the higher memorial score, i.e., the score
of the memorials without deducting penalties, will win the round. Top 8
scoring teams from the preliminary rounds Quarter-final Round.
Quarter Final Round –

• The eight (8) teams that proceed to the Quarter Final Rounds, as determined
by the Rules above, shall each argue only ONCE for the side allotted by
draw of lots.

• Four (4) teams shall qualify for the Semi-Final Rounds on a knock out basis,
i.e., the winner of each Quarter-Final Round shall qualify to the Semi-Final

• The knockout will be decided based on the oral rounds only, but if the teams
get tied, the team with higher memorials score, i.e., the score of the
memorials without deducting penalties, will win the round.

• The maximum time for arguments per side shall be the same as in the
Preliminary Rounds.
Semi-Final Rounds –

• The four teams that proceed to the Semi-Final Rounds, as determined by the
Rules above, shall each argue only ONCE for the side allotted by draw of

• Two (2) teams shall qualify for the Final Round on a knock out basis, i.e.,
the winner of each Semi-Final Rounds shall qualify to the Final Round.

• The knockout will be decided based on the oral rounds only. However, if
the teams tied, the team with higher gross memorials score, i.e., the score of
the memorials without deducting penalties, will win the round.

• Each side shall get a maximum time of 30 minutes to present their arguments
of which no Speaker shall be permitted to address the Court for more than
20 minutes. The time limit is exclusive of the time for Rebuttal or Sur-
rebuttal, which shall be 10 minutes.
Final Round

• The two (2) teams that proceed to the Final Round, as determined by the
Rules above, shall each argue only ONCE for the side allotted by draw of

• The team which wins the Final Round shall be declared as the ‘Best Team’.
• The other team shall be declared as the ‘Runners-Up’. If the teams tied, the
team with higher memorials score, i.e., the score of the memorials without
deducting penalties, will win the round.

• The maximum time for arguments per side shall be the same as in the Semi-
Finals Rounds.

9. Researcher Test
● The researcher will be given a written test on general topics and those pertaining to the
Moot Problem.
● In case of a tie in the test, the memorial marks shall be considered for deciding the Best
● In case of a tie even after adding the memorial marks, a tie breaker questions shall be
asked to the researchers whose scores are tied.

10. Results
● The results shall be announced shortly after each round.
● The results of the final round shall be announced at the valedictory and award
ceremony, to be held on 29th March, 2023.

11. Scouting
● For the preliminary rounds, apart from the participant teams for such round, the
members of the other teams are not allowed to observe such round. Scouting is
strictly prohibited and scouting by any team shall entail instant disqualification.

12. Awards
● Winning Team Award – The winning team will receive certificates of winning, a
trophy and a cash prize worth Rs. -21000/-.
● Runner-up Team Award – The runner-up team will receive certificates of winning,
a trophy and a cash prize worth Rs. -11000/-.
● Best Speaker will receive a trophy, certificate and cash prize worth Rs. – 5,000/-.
● Best Researcher will receive a trophy, certificate and cash prize worth Rs. – 5,000/.
● Best Memorial -The team submitting the best Memorial will receive a trophy and
Certificate and cash prize worth Rs. -5,000/-.
● All the participants will be awarded with the participation certificate.

13. Finality of decisions

● The decision of the judges with regard to the outcome of the rounds shall be
● For all purposes and in any dispute, the decision of the majority of the members
of the organizing committee mentioned hereinafter shall be final.
14. Participation and Registration Procedure
● Step 1- Every team has to perform a Provisional Online Registration through
the following link: https://forms.gle/eUFqTYnq5QVbZUgm8
● Step 2- After the Provisional Registration, registering teams shall receive an
email with payment details where they have to make a payment of registration
fee of Rs.3000. Screenshot of the payment has to be mailed to the organisers at
If these steps are performed, the registration is complete and the team can
participate in the competition subject to any disqualification mentioned
15. Hospitality
● No accommodation will be provided to the participants. Teams should make
their arrangements beforehand on their own. Any assistance needed in this
behalf would be provided by the organising team prior to this date 20 th March,
● Only lunch and high tea would be provided on the days of the event.
● The teams shall make their own arrangements to reach at the venue, from
Airport/Railway Station/ Bus Stands. No Travelling allowance shall be
provided to the teams.
16. Important Dates
Sr.. Particulars/ Events Date

1. Start of Online Provisional Registration 1st February,


2. Last Date of receiving Registration on the google 10th March,

form along with payment of registration fee 2023

3. Clarification for Moot Problem (Last Date for 14th March,

receiving queries) 2023

5. Release of Clarifications 16th March,


6. Last Date of Memorial Submission in soft copy 25th March,


8. Moot Court Competition 28th and 29th

March, 2023
(6 Hard copies of memorials will need to be
submitted on first day of the competition at the
Registration Desk)

17. Miscellaneous

• Appropriate courtroom demeanour is to be mandatorily maintained.

Note: Rules may be changed at the discretion of organizers. In case of any

discrepancy in relation to any matter of the National Moot Court Competition, the
decision of the judges and organising team would be final.
Moot Proposition
1. Nancy was born on 20th January 2002. She was a resident of Jaipur but was studying
in Delhi.
2. She had taken admission in integrated Business Administration course (that was of 5
years duration) in a Delhi college in August 2019 under sports quota. She left her
New Delhi rental residence with her roommate Seema (who was aged 19 years) on
19th January, 2020 around 1:30 PM to meet some friends. They met four of their
friends Samuel, Rahul, Vidya and Jaya at a club named Aunty Jane’s in Gurugram.
3. At the club they met a male friend named Sameer, who was their senior in college in
4th year of his study and a family friend of Seema’s. Sameer was aged 21 years. Nancy
and Sameer had been in a secret romantic relationship during Nancy’s first semester
of college from September, 2019 to November, 2019 about which no other person
had any knowledge. During the course of their relationship, both Nancy and Sameer
had sexual relationship but there is no proof of that with anyone of them. But their
love did not last enough. They both has different personalities. Nancy had anger
issues and she used to take revenges if someone insults her. Whereas Sameer was
very calm person. He used to let go of all the mistakes Nancy does. But one day
Sameer could not take enough, he wanted breakup. So, they broke up. After that,
someone spread rumors that Sameer was impotent and some private images of
Sameer were posted on collegegram, a social media platform for college students.
Sameer blamed Nancy. He had mentioned his anger to his flatmate Rubik and some
of his college friends. But he also said he cannot do anything regarding this as she is
girl and all will blame him if he tries to tarnish her reputation by leaking her photos
on gram.
4. During December 2019, some rumours regarding the fact that Nancy had a loose
character were spread in the college and Nancy blamed Sameer for the same. Sameer
had denied the allegations in their entirety.
5. When they were about to leave, Sameer offered that he can drop Nancy and Seema
at their place, so they will not have to use public transport as it is not safe during night
time. Nancy and Seema’s shared rental accommodation was in Sunset Residency in
New Delhi while Sameer lived in HighTide Residency that was at a distance of just
1.6 KMs from Sunset Residency.
6. When they left the club, Sameer said that at this point of time roads are full of traffic
and if they leave right now they will be stuck in heavy traffic for hours and they can
instead opt to go for a movie and by the time movie would end, roads would be clear
of traffic. Seema answered in affirmative but Nancy was not that much interested.
After some discussion, they all went for a movie which started at 5:50 PM.
7. After the movie ended, they ate at the food court of the multiplex where they met
Sameer’s flatmate Rubik (who was not known to either Nancy or Seema, and was
born on 19th January, 2002) and they left it together around 10:00 PM.
8. Then after 11:15 PM to 12:45 AM, their phone location was constant near Delhi-
Gurugram Expressway.
9. Then again from 1:00 AM to 1:50 AM, their phones were located at Delhi HighTide
Residency. At 01:05 AM, CCTV footage from a roundabout showed that 4 glasses
and 1 bottle of whisky were thrown out from a car (DL03BV99XX) which was
registered in Sameer’s name by Nancy (as concluded by the Investigation officer and
his team from CCTV footage by Nancy’s watch as only half arm was visible). At one
junction, at 1:10 AM, it was seen that two women (recognized as Nancy and Seema)
were seen laughing and dancing in the sunroof window of the car.
10. Nancy and Seema’s phone location were at their residential place 2:10 AM onwards
while that of Sameer’s at HighTide Residency was 2:30 AM onwards.
11. Next morning, people found a naked girl around the dumping area which was 5 kms
away from Sunset Residency. She was taken to hospital where she was examined and
police was called. Police lodged an FIR against Sameer, Rubik and Seema on the
basis of statements made by Nancy. She said that she was raped by Sameer and Rubik
against her will and Seema had unnatural intercourse with her against her will. The
Station House Officer on duty was known to Nancy as he was her mother’s friend.
Nancy was then sent for medical examination upon which, congestion and
inflammation of both labia majora and labia minora was found, and redness on inner
side of labia minora was also found. The examination concluded aggravated
penetration. Her hymen was not intact. Bite marks were found on Nancy’s neck and
left shoulder. Abrasions were found on Nancy’s wrist. Also there was bleeding
around the outer side of Nancy’s vagina. Vaginal smear on slides wrapped in paper
was sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory.
12. Sameer and Rubik were called to the police station and then sent for medical
examination. Upon the medical examination, scratch marks were found on Sameer’s
back and Rubik’s shoulders. Their control blood samples were sent for testing along
with vaginal smears from Nancy, Report of chemical analyzer showed that DNA
extracted from vaginal smear slides from Nancy and control blood samples of Rubik
and Sameer was successfully typed at 16 male specific Y-STR loci using PCR
amplification technique. In the DNA typing, all 16 genetic systems analyzed with the
PCR using male specific Y-STR system that the male haplotypes obtained in vaginal
smear slides of Nancy exactly matched with male haplotypes in controlled blood
sample. Rubik and Sameer’s blood test report indicated recent and heavy
consumption of alcohol. Sameer’s wrist was dislocated, due to which, he was in
severe pain.
13. Police then seized Sameer’s car and upon its investigation, a bracelet partially
covered in small blood stains was found in it. On medical examination, blood stains
matched Nancy’s, which corroborated the abrasions on Nancy’s wrist. Torn pocket
of Sameer’s shirt from the prior night was found in the car.
14. Rubik, Sameer and Seema were booked under Section 6 read with Section 5 of The
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012. On 25th January, 2020, the
police filed a charge sheet in the District and session Court.
15. The District and Sessions Judge pronounced its judgment on 22nd September, 2020
and held Sameer, Rubik and Seema guilty under Section 5 of The Protection of
Children From Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and sentenced them to rigorous
imprisonment for 20 years under Section 6 of The Protection of Children From
Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
16. The three convicts challenged their conviction by District and Sessions Judge in
Delhi High Court on 10th November, 2020. Their appeal was listed for hearing on
12th December, 2020.

1. Whether the present appeal is maintainable in the court of law?
2. Whether the Sessions Court erred in convicting the accused?
3. Whether Sameer and Nancy both are liable under IT Act?
Participating teams are free to frame any other relevant issue.

NOTE: Information required herein is mandatory. A bonafide certificate (Authority Letter)

issued by an appropriate authority of the Institution / College/ University must be sent along
with this registration form.

Institution/ College/ University Information:


………………………………………….Postal Code …………………………………………


Contact………………………………………………. E-mail………………………………….

Date: (Seal and Signature of Head of the Institution)


Faculty Co-ordinators:
Dr. Nisha Jindal
Dr. Samni Singla

Student Co-ordinators:
Ishan Bhardwaj
Ajitabh Sharma

Prof. (Dr.) Aman A. Cheema

Director, PURC, Ludhiana
Panjab University Regional Centre,
Civil Lines, Ludhiana, Punjab – 141001

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