If you have the courage and determination in doing business , then you are:
- Tenacious
"An intrapreneurial is a person who invites , responds to change , and embrace opportunities."
- Peter F. Drucker
Which could provide an individual with a motivation just start a new business endeavor?
- Financial rewards
- A desire to be your own boss
- Flexibility
This is a management skill that has the ability to connect, lead and inspire people.
- Interpersonal skills
They are a manager or a salaried employee who find a way of making innovations in the
company where he or she works.
- Intrapreneurs
Which of the following statements is true about entrepreneurs taking calculated risks?
- Entrepreneurs who are able to get an up-to-date market and business information
A future oriented individual is
- Perceptive
What is an entrepreneur?
- Someone who infused time and money in a business
- Someone who takes risk and earn profits
Allows sustainable and long-term economic growth for societies that enable it.
- Innovative thinking
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do . If you haven't found it yet , keep looking .
Don't settle ."By:
- Steve Jobs
Which of the following is NOT a role of the entrepreneur in making our country grow?
- Intrapreneurs help small town from giving opportunities for people to migrate abroad.
This management skill is the ability to carry out a specific function involving a particular
approach or procedure.
- Technical skills
One who is responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed by strategic
managers in more specific activities.
- Tactical manager
A person who grammarly on the responsibility of directing and overseeing the organization.
- Manager
In the next 3 years, how many competitors will i have more , what possible products will i be
serving my customers , do i need to train my employees more , should i lessen the price of my
products . This is an example of what entrepreneur function?
- Planning and Decision making
In level of management , what kind of manager is it if he/she supervises the operations of the
organization . They often have titles such as supervisors or department heads?
- Operational Manager
Which of the following is NOT connect about the comparison of entrepreneur and manager?
- The primary motivation of an entrepreneur is power….
In the 2003 census on business establishments conducted by the National Statistics Office or
Philippine Statistics Authority , how many enterprises were operating in the country?
- 810,362
It is a form of business ownership entered into and invested in by two or more people who
contribute money , property , time and flavor or skill to operate a business , and divide profits
among themselves .
- Partnership
An entrepreneur who feels the earth to keep finding new products or services to offer new or
untapped markets.
- Serial Entrepreneur
A person who transfer goods from the manufacturer that produces the goods for the consumer.
- Trader
Making money is one of the risk of entrepreneur.
- False
It refers to micro entrepreneurs selling various home articles and food items to motorists stuck in
traffic or bus rides at terminals and stations.
- Street Entrepreneur
Mr. Bennett owns a retail store in Cebu City . As of august 2020 , he store's asset is
Php55,000,000 and he has 110 employees working with him. What is Mr. Bennett's business
- Medium-sized business
Online teacher , online book publisher , online business program creator , plumber , electrician ,
house painter are examples of what type of entrepreneurs?
- Solo entrepreneur
They are entrepreneurs who provide products and services with the overall desire of creating
social good , operating from the perspective of benefiting the people and the planet while
earning profit .
- Social entrepreneur
It is a form of business ownership that refers to legal entity created by or composed of at least 5
and not more than 15 persons
- Corporation
Ysa Korean Pub & Restaurant opens its doors to the public since 2011 . Ms. Reign, the owner,
is so proud to her investment considering that the restaurant has 100 branches all over the
Philippines . This october 2020 , the restaurant will celebrate it's 90 year and Ms. Reign shares
that Ysa Korean Pub & Restaurant has 2,500 employees and will recruit for additional 50 staff.
How will you classify the business of Ms. Reign?
- Large
Beauty salon, barbershop, sauna and massage parlors , wellness and fitness centers , and
funeral parlors are example of what type of entrepreneurs?
- Specialty service entrepreneur
Enterprende means:
- To undertake or try