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AST AV A: Indus Valley Civilization

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Ancient History Complete Capsule

storage of food and other agricultural
Indus Valley Civilization products.
Indus Valley Civilization, their discoverers,

● What was the material used for
and important products associated with
the construction of buildings in
● Harappa - Where is the Harappa
● Answer: The buildings in Harappa
site located?

● Answer: The Harappa site is located
in present-day Pakistan, near the
city of Sahiwal in Punjab province.
were constructed using baked
● Which metal was not known to the
people of Harappa?
● Which river flows near the ancient
● Answer: The people of Harappa
city of Harappa?

were not familiar with iron.

● Answer: The ancient city of Harappa
is situated on the bank of the Ravi
● Which animal was commonly
depicted in the seals found in

● What was the most important
● Answer: The humped bull was
public place in Harappa?
commonly depicted in the seals
● Answer: The most important public
found in Harappa.
place in Harappa was the Great

● Who discovered Harappa?
● Answer: Harappa was discovered in
● What was the script used by the
1921 by R. D. Banerji, an officer of
people of Harappa?
the Archaeological Survey of India.
● Answer: The script used by the
people of Harappa is still
● Which civilization is associated
with Harappa?
● Answer: Harappa is associated with
● What was the purpose of the
the Indus Valley Civilization.
Great Granary in Harappa?
● Answer: The purpose of the Great
Granary in Harappa was for the
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● Mohenjo-daro - What was the ● Answer: The buildings in
principal occupation of the people Mohenjodaro were constructed using

of Mohenjodaro? baked bricks.
● Answer: Agriculture was the principal
occupation of the people of ● Which metal was not known to the
Mohenjodaro. people of Mohenjo Daro?

● Answer: The people of Mohenjodaro
● Which river flows near the ancient were not familiar with iron.
city of Mohenjodaro? ● Which animal was commonly
● Answer: The ancient city of

of the Indus River. AS

Mohenjodaro is situated on the bank
depicted in the seals found in
Mohenjo Daro?
● Answer: The unicorn was commonly
depicted in the seals found in
● What was the most important Mohenjodaro.
public place in Mohenjodaro?
● Answer: The most important public ● Who discovered Mohenjodaro?

place in Mohenjodaro was the Great ● Answer: Sir John Marshall was not
Bath. the discoverer of Mohenjodaro, but
he was the director-general of the
● What was the script used by the Archaeological Survey of India who

people of Mohenjodaro? oversaw the excavation of the site.

● Answer: The script used by the Mohenjodaro was actually
people of Mohenjodaro is still discovered in 1921 by R. D. Banerji,
undeciphered. an officer of the Archaeological

Survey of India.
● What was the purpose of the
Great Bath in Mohenjo Daro? ● Which civilization is associated
● Answer: The purpose of the Great with Mohenjodaro?
Bath in Mohenjodaro is believed to ● Answer: Mohenjodaro is associated
have been for religious or with the Indus Valley Civilization.
ceremonial purposes, or for public
bathing. ● Dholavira- known for its impressive
fortifications and trade in copper,
● What was the material used for ivory, and shells.Dholavira was a
the construction of buildings in well-planned city with impressive
Mohenjo Daro? fortifications and water management

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systems. It also had rain water Vedic Era
harvesting systems.

● Lothal- known for its well-developed ● The Vedas are a collection of sacred
dockyard and trade in beads, gems, hymns and texts in Sanskrit that
and shell objects. The city had a were passed down through oral
well-planned dockyard. The city of tradition before being written down.

Lothal was a major center of trade The Rigveda
and commerce, especially for the ● the oldest and most important of the
export of beads, shells, and ivory. Vedas, contains hymns in praise of
the gods and descriptions of their

Kalibangan- Discovered by B.B. Lal
in 1953, known for its fire altars and
trade in beads, pottery, and shell
objects.The city of Kalibangan had a
● The Rigveda is divided into ten
books or mandalas, which contain a
unique and sophisticated water total of 1,028 hymns.
management system, which included ● The Rig Veda contains hymns
a dam, reservoirs, and underground dedicated to various gods and

drains.The city also had a fortified goddesses, including Indra, Agni,

citadel and a lower town, with Varuna, and Soma.
residential and commercial buildings. The Yajur Veda
● Rakhigarhi- known for its extensive ● It contains hymns and verses that

agricultural fields and trade in pottery were used in sacrificial rituals, and
and beads. also contains instructions on the
● Banawali- Discovered by Suraj performance of various rituals.
Bhan in 1974, known for its ● The Yajur Veda is named after the

well-planned streets and trade in Sanskrit word "yajus," which means

beads, pottery, and shell objects. "sacrificial formula" or "prose
● Chanhudaro- Discovered by N.G. formula."
Majumdar in 1931, known for its ● The Yajur Veda contains a mix of
public baths and trade in beads, verses in both prose and poetry
pottery, and metal objects. form.
● Surkotada- Discovered by J.P. Joshi The Samaveda
in 1964, known for its fortified walls ● It is a collection of hymns and verses
and trade in shells, pottery, and that were used in the singing of
beads. melodies during religious
ceremonies and rituals.

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● The Samaveda is also known as the of teachings and writings that were
Veda of Melodies, or the Veda of passed down orally before being

Music, because of its emphasis on written down.
the musical aspects of the hymns ● Buddhism has three main branches:
and verses. Theravada, Mahayana, and
● The Samaveda contains 1,549 Vajrayana, each with their own

verses, which are organized into two traditions, practices, and beliefs.
main parts: the Purvarchika and the
Uttararchika. About Gautama Buddha

The Atharvaveda
● The Atharvaveda is named after the
Atharvan, a group of ancient Indian
● Gautama Buddha, also known as
Siddhartha Gautama, was a spiritual
leader and founder of Buddhism.
● He was born in Lumbini, Nepal in the
priests who specialized in magical 5th century BCE into a royal family.
and medicinal practices. ● According to Buddhist tradition, at
● The Atharvaveda contains 730 the age of 29, he left his palace and

hymns, which are organized into 20 all his worldly possessions in search
books or chapters. of enlightenment.
● It contains hymns and verses related .
to healing, protection, and magical There are several important places related

practices, and also includes to Gautama Buddha's life and teachings.

philosophical and metaphysical ● Lumbini: This is the birthplace of
content. Gautama Buddha, located in
present-day Nepal. It is now a

UNESCO World Heritage Site and a

popular pilgrimage destination for
● Buddhism is a major world religion Buddhists.
and philosophy that originated in
ancient India around the 5th century ● Bodh Gaya: This is where Gautama
BCE. Buddha attained enlightenment
● It was founded by Siddhartha under the Bodhi tree. It is located in
Gautama, who became known as present-day Bihar, India and is one
the Buddha, or the "Enlightened of the most important pilgrimage
One." sites for Buddhists.
● The Buddhist scriptures are known ● Sarnath: This is the site where
as the Tripitaka, which is a collection Gautama Buddha gave his first

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sermon after attaining known as Vikramaditya, who ruled
enlightenment. It is located near from 375 CE to 415 CE.

Varanasi, India and is now a major ● Chandragupta II was a patron of the
pilgrimage site for Buddhists. arts and literature, and his court was
● Kushinagar: This is the site where a center of learning and culture.
Gautama Buddha passed away and ● The Gupta Empire was a golden age

attained Nirvana. It is located in of Indian culture and saw the
present-day Uttar Pradesh, India and development of classical Sanskrit
is now a major pilgrimage site for literature, including the plays of

Gautama Buddha spent several AS

● Rajgir: This is the site where

years meditating and teaching. It is

Samudragupta, the
Chandragupta I, known as the

Napoleon of India, was a great

located in present-day Bihar, India warrior king and expanded the
and is now a popular pilgrimage site Gupta Empire to cover most of
for Buddhists. northern India.

● Shravasti: This is the site where ● The Gupta kings issued gold coins,
Gautama Buddha spent several known as dinars, which were widely
rainy seasons and gave many used in trade and commerce.
teachings. It is located in ● Construction of magnificent

present-day Uttar Pradesh, India and rock-cut temples: The Gupta kings
is now a popular pilgrimage site for built a number of rock-cut temples,
Buddhists. including the Udayagiri caves near
Vidisha, which contain some of the

earliest surviving examples of Hindu

Gupta Period
religious art.
● The founder of the Gupta dynasty ● The Gupta kings introduced the use
was Sri Gupta, who was succeeded of brick as a building material.
by his son Ghatotkacha and then his ● The Gupta kings built grand
grandson Chandragupta I. gateways, such as the one at
● Chandragupta I established the Sanchi.
Gupta Empire in northern India and ● The Gupta kings built grand libraries,
extended its boundaries to central such as the one at Nalanda.
India. ● Mudrarakshasa by Vishakhadatta:
● The most famous king of the Gupta This is a Sanskrit play written during
dynasty was Chandragupta II, also the Gupta period.

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● Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana: This is a ● He conquered the kingdoms of
famous Sanskrit text on human Kalinga, which resulted in a

sexual behavior, written in the Gupta devastating war, after which he
period. renounced violence and
embraced Buddhism.
● Ashoka's concept of Ahimsa,
Maurya period

or non-violence, influenced his
● Chandragupta Maurya policies on animal rights and
founded the Maurya Empire in his promotion of
322 BCE.
● He defeated the Nanda

emperor of the
dynasty to become the first
● Ashoka's reign is known for its
numerous edicts, which were
inscriptions that he had carved
dynasty. on rocks and pillars throughout
● He was a disciple of his empire.
Chanakya, also known as ● The edicts, which were written

Kautilya, who was his chief in Prakrit and Brahmi scripts,

advisor. contained moral and ethical
● Bindusara was the second principles that Ashoka believed
emperor of the Maurya were important for his subjects

dynasty. to follow.
● Bindusara expanded the
Mauryan Empire by defeating
the Kalinga kingdom in the
Gurjar- Pratihar Dynasty

east. ● The Gurjar-Pratihar Dynasty was a

● He was a patron of Buddhism. prominent ruling dynasty in northern
● Ashoka was the third emperor India from the 8th to the 11th
of the Maurya dynasty. century.
● He is known for his conversion ● The Gurjar-Pratihar Dynasty was
to Buddhism after the brutal founded by Harichandra in the 6th
Kalinga War. century.
● Ashoka was born in 304 BCE
and came to the throne in 268 ● Nagabhata I: Nagabhata I was the
BCE, after a power struggle ruler who brought the Gurjar-Pratihar
with his half-brother. Dynasty to its height of power in the

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late 8th century. He successfully ● Gopala II: Gopala II was the last
repelled the Arab invasion of India. ruler of the Pala Dynasty and ruled

● Mihira Bhoja: Mihira Bhoja was from 1155 to 1162.
another important ruler who lived in
the 9th century. He is remembered
Chola Dynasty
for his military campaigns, including

his successful defense of Kannauj ● The Chola Dynasty was one of the
against the Pratihara ruler most prominent dynasties in the
Mahendrapala. history of South India. It ruled over a
large part of southern India between
ruler who expanded
● Mahendrapala I was a 9th century

Gurjar-Pratihar Dynasty's territory

and played an important role in the
the the 9th and 13th centuries CE.
● The founder of the Chola Dynasty
was Vijayalaya Chola.
politics of northern India. ● Rajaraja Chola I: He ruled from 985
● The last ruler of the Gurjar-Pratihar CE to 1014 CE and is considered
Dynasty, Mahipala I, was defeated one of the greatest kings of the

by the Chaulukyas in the 11th Chola Dynasty. He is credited with

century. building the Brihadeeswarar Temple
in Thanjavur, which is one of the
largest and most magnificent
Pala Dynasty

temples in India.
● The Pala Dynasty was a prominent ● Rajendra Chola I: He was the son
Buddhist dynasty that ruled over a of Rajaraja Chola I and ruled from
large part of eastern India from the 1012 CE to 1044 CE. He also built

8th to the 12th century. the Rajendra Chola Reservoir (also

● The founder of the Pala Dynasty was known as the Veeranam Lake) near
Gopala. his capital city of
● Dharmapala: Dharmapala was the Gangaikondacholapuram.
second ruler of the Pala Dynasty and ● Kulothunga Chola I: He ruled from
was responsible for consolidating the 1070 CE to 1120 CE and is credited
power of the dynasty in the Bengal with building the Airavatesvara
region. Temple in Darasuram.
● The Vikramshila University was ● Rajaraja Chola III: He ruled from
founded by King Dharmapala of the 1216 CE to 1256 CE and is known
Pala Dynasty in the late 8th century. for building the Kodumbalur Temple.

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● Rajendra Chola III: He ruled from from the 3rd century CE to the
1248 CE to 1279 CE and is credited 9th century CE.

with building the Kampahareswarar ● The Pallava Dynasty was
Temple in the town of founded by Simhavishnu in the
Thirubhuvanam. 3rd century CE. He
● This temple is known for its established his capital at

elaborate carvings and intricate Kanchipuram.
stonework. ● Some of the important kings of
● It is considered one of the finest the Pallava Dynasty were
examples of Chola architecture.
● The Chola Dynasty
well-organized local self-government
system in place. The administration
Narasimhavarman II.
was decentralized, and power was ● Architectural work: The Pallava
vested in the hands of local bodies. Dynasty is known for its
● The village was the basic unit of architectural achievements.

administration. Each village had a ● They built many rock-cut

council of elders called the "Ur". temples, monolithic rathas
● The "Ur" was responsible for (chariots), and structural
maintaining law and order, collecting temples.

taxes, and overseeing public works ● Some of the important

like irrigation, roads, and bridges. architectural achievements of
● Several villages were grouped the Pallava Dynasty are:
together to form a larger

administrative unit called a "Nadu." ➔ Shore Temple: This temple is

● Each "Nadu" had a council of located in Mahabalipuram and was
representatives called the "Naduvar," built by Narasimhavarman II in the
who were responsible for 8th century CE. It is a structural
maintaining law and order, collecting temple built in the Dravidian style of
taxes, and overseeing public works architecture.
at the "Nadu" level. ➔ Pancha Rathas: These are five
monolithic rathas located in
Mahabalipuram. They were built by
Pallava Dynasty
Narasimhavarman I in the 7th
● The Pallava Dynasty was a century CE and are famous for their
South Indian dynasty that ruled intricate carvings and sculptures.

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➔ Kailasanatha Temple: This temple ● Dantidurga was the founder of the
is located in Kanchipuram and was Rashtrakuta dynasty.

built by Narasimhavarman II in the ● He was a local chieftain who
8th century CE. It is a structural overthrew his Chalukya overlords
temple built in the Dravidian style of and established his own kingdom in
architecture. the Deccan.

➔ Vaikuntha Perumal Temple: This ● Amoghavarsha (ruled from 814 to
temple is located in Kanchipuram 878 CE) - He was one of the
and was built by Nandivarman II in greatest kings of the dynasty and is

architecture. AS
the 8th century CE. It is a structural
temple built in the Dravidian style of
known for his patronage of literature
and the arts.
● Architectural
Rashtrakuta Dynasty
Work of the
➔ Kailasanatha Temple at
Ellora - This is one of the most
impressive rock-cut temples in

India and is a UNESCO World

Heritage site. It was built by
the Rashtrakuta king, Krishna
I, in the 8th century CE.

➔ Mahadeva Temple at Itagi -

This is a large and impressive
temple built in the 12th century
CE. It is notable for its intricate

carvings and its unique

architectural style.
➔ Jain Narayana Temple at
Pattadakal - This is a beautiful
temple built in the 9th century
CE. It is notable for its
Rashtrakuta Dynasty exquisite carvings and its
● The Rashtrakuta Dynasty was a unique architectural style,
royal dynasty that ruled large parts which combines elements of
of the Indian subcontinent between North Indian and South Indian
the 6th and 10th centuries CE. temple architecture.

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Pandyas Dynasty ● Vaigai Dam: This dam is located in
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, and was built

● The Pandyas were one of the by the Pandyas to regulate the flow
ancient Tamil dynasties that ruled of the Vaigai River.
the southern region of India,
particularly present-day Tamil Nadu

and Kerala.
● According to legend, the dynasty
was founded by a fisherman named

Main Kings of the Dynasty
● Nedunjeliyan I: He was the most

prominent and powerful king of the

Pandyas dynasty.
● Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I:
He was a famous Pandyan king who
ruled from 1268 CE to 1308 CE.

Architectural Works
● Meenakshi Amman Temple: It is
one of the most famous temples in
India, located in Madurai, Tamil

Nadu. The temple was built by the

Pandyas in the 13th century and
later expanded by the Nayaks.
● Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal: This
palace is located in Madurai and was
built by the Nayaks in the 17th
● Kalugumalai Jain Beds: These are
a series of rock-cut Jain beds
located in Kalugumalai, Tamil Nadu,
and are believed to have been
created during the Pandyan era.
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