Blood is a fluid connective tissue, which circulates in the vascular channels to all
tissues of the body. It constitutes about 6 to 7% of the body weight. It is also a
complex fluid, where, in the aqueous medium, namely plasma, the three types of calls
are suspended. The three types of cells are, erythrocytes, leucocytes and
thrombocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes.
Blood performs various functions, which include:
Transport of respiratory gases.
Transport of nutrients and other substances like hormones, metals, drugs etc.
Transport of waste products to the excretory organs.
Protection against infections.
Maintenance of body temperature by distributing heat.
Maintenance of acid base balance with the help of buffers.
The blood is slightly alkaline and its pH is 7.40 + 0.02. The specific gravity of blood
ranges from 1055 to 1060 and it is due to the solute concentration, especially the
proteins. The viscosity of blood is primarily related to the red cell volume and to a
lesser extent to the plasma proteins.
Plasma is the fluid part in the blood and it constitutes 55% by volume. It contains
93% water and 8% solids. The solids contain inorganic and organic substances.
Organic constituents form the bulk of solids present in plasma. It includes proteins,
glucose, cholesterol, lipids, nonprotien nitrogenous substances (NPN), hormones,
enzymes, etc.
Plasma proteins
Plasma proteins are albumin, globulin and fibrinogen.
It is obtained by allowing the blood to clot. The fluid that separates out from the clot
is known as serum. The plasma without fibrinogen is serum.
Separation of plasma proteins : Plasma proteins are separated by salting out process
by mixing with full or half saturation of ammonium sulphate. The method of choice
now is electrophoresis, in which, the proteins, depending on their size separate on a
strip of paper, when electric current is passed through the electrolyte solution.
Globulin is further subdivided into alpha, beta, gama with 1 and 2 subfractions in each
Albumin is the major plasma protein and its molecular weight is 68,000. Globulin has
many sub fractions and includes prothrombin, which is an important clotting factor.
Globulin has a molecular weight ranging form 90,000 to 1,55,000. Fibrinogen is the
least in concentration, but its molecular weight is the highest, which is 3,40,000.
Buffering action: Plasma proteins are anions and exist in ionic form. This
gives buffering capability for the plasma protein, which helps to maintain the
pH of blood.
Protein reserve: Plasma proteins act as protein reserve, which can be used by
the tissues during starvation.
Metabolism in RBC
The cytoplasm has no mitochondria and hence no oxidative phosphorylation occurs in
the red cell. There is anaerobic glycolysis leading to Embden Meyerhof pathway of
glucose metabolism, which generates ATP and NADH. There is also formation of 2,3
DPG. To a little extent, there is also pentose phosphate pathway for glucose
oxidation. Red cells, even through non nucleated, are considered as living cells, since
they carry out the above described metabolic reactions. Red cell cytoplasm contains
more potassium and also rich in carbonic anhydrase enzyme. The membrane has an
active sodium pump mechanism to maintain a low level of its concentration inside the
cell. This prevents any change in its size, due to osmotic changes.
The average surface area of a red cell is 120 2 and the mean volume is 90 3. The
biconcave shape of the cell gives a greater surface area / volume ratio and this is
advantageous to the cell to increase its volume without rupture, if there is an osmotic
change. Another advantage is, that, there is a maximum surface area available per
unit mass of haemoglobin for gas transport. The quantity of haemoglobin, in a single
cell is about 33% of wet weight of the cell.
Red cells perform important functions such as, transport of respiratory gases, and
maintenance pH of blood. Normal count of red cell in adult male ranges from 5 to 5.5
million per cubic millimeter of blood. In females, it is slightly lower due to the low
basal metabolism and the range is 4 to 4.5 million cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
In the new born, the count is more than adults. It ranges from 6.5 to 7 million per
cubic millimeter of blood. The volume of red cells in 100ml of blood, forms the
haematocrit (Hct). Its value in males is 47% and in females it is 43%.
Reduction in red cell count occurs, in bone marrow suppression, increased destruction
of red cells and nutritional deficiencies. The condition is known as anaemia, which
causes reduced supply of oxygen to the tissues. Anaemia could result from a decrease
in haemoglobin concentration, or reduced red cell count, or both.
During embryonic life, erythrocytes are formed from yolk sac. In early foetal life,
liver and spleen take over the function of producing blood cells and the bone marrow
joins the list of forming blood cells in the later months of foetal life. From birth until
adulthood, the entire bone marrow is involved in blood cell production. From
adulthood onwards, only the red bone marrow is capable of producing blood cells. In
the adult, the shaft of long bones is occupied by the yellow fatty tissues. Red bone
marrow at the ends of long bones, flat bones like skull, membranous bones like
sternum, vertebrae, pelvis, and ribs are active sites of blood cell production in adult.
Although, liver and spleen have lost the function of producing blood cells in adult,
they are capable of forming cells when there is prolonged stimuli (extra medullary
Stem cell
The stem cell in the red bone marrow is uncommitted and pleuripotent. That is, it can
give rise to erythroid or myeloid series. About 75% of bone marrow cells belong to
myeloid series and the remaining 25% only is the erythroid series. These stem cells
when they divide to give rise to committed stem cells, part of the new cells that are
formed, become uncommitted multipotent, so that their number remains constant.
More white cells producing stem cells are present, since they have a short life period.
The stem cell, which enters the erythroid series, becomes unipotent, committed stem
cell, being facilitated by interleukins 1, 3 and 5 and granulocyte macrophage-colony
stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The proliferation of further stages of red cell
formation, depends on growth factors, colony stimulating factors (CSF), and the
hormone erythropoietin. The stages of erythropoiesis are described below.
The precursor cell is large up to 20 microns size, nucleus is single and large,
nucleolous is present. The cell shows active proliferation.
Early normoblast
The cell size is reduced. The nucleus condenses and chromatin threads appear.
Nucleoli disappear and the cell continues to show active proliferation.
Intermediate normoblast
Nucleus further condenses. The cell size is also reduced. The cytoplasm shows the
synthesis of haemoglobin and hence it takes both acidic and basic stains
(polychromatophilic). The cell mitosis stops in this stage.
Late normoblast
There is reduction in the cell size. Nucleus is pushed to the periphery and at the end
of this stage, it is extruded out, by a process called pyknosis. The cytoplasm shows
greater synthesis of haemoglobin.
After the extrusion of nucleus, the reticulocyte is formed and released into the
circulation. The cell size becomes 7.2. The cytoplasm has a fine reticulum, which
are the nuclear remnants of RNA. Hemoglobin synthesis is completed and within 24
to 48 hours, they mature into red cells in the circulation. Normal count of reticulocyte
is 1% of red cell count. Reticulocytosis is the increase in reticulocyte count, which is
seen during accelerated erythropoiesis from bone marrow stimulation. Treatment of
pernicious anaemia, by vit B12 extract, shows the feature of reticulocytosis.
Both reticulocytes and erythrocytes are present in the peripheral circulation. The red
cell, which is formed from reticulocyte, exhibits its normal morphology.
Regulation of erythropoiesis
Erythropoiesis is regulated by several factors and the important regulator is the red
cell number. There are a number of erythrocytes destroyed every day and equal
number of cells is produced by the red bone marrow, so that, the total red cell number
remains constant. To keep the red bone marrow in a ready state of erythropoietic
activity, there should be availability of various factors, which are grouped as
erythropoietic factors.
Hypoxia: Oxygen lack at the tissue level is the potent stimulus for
erythopoiesis and it is brought about by the hormone erythropoietin, secreted
from kidney. In high altitude, erythropoiesis is stimulated by hypoxia.
Erythropoietin: It is a glycoprotein hormone synthesized from kidney. The
secretion of the hormone also occurs from liver. The stimulus for secretion is
hypoxia and reduced red cell count. The reduced cell count itself gives
hypoxia, which stimulates the hormone secretion. Erythropoietin acts on the
bone marrow and causes proliferation of erythroid marrow and causes
proliferation of erythroid precursor cells. It facilitates the formation of
unipotent, committed stem cell from the totipotent uncommitted stem cell
from the totipotent uncommitted stem cell. The proliferation of the precursor
cells will accelerate erythropoiesis. Chronic renal disease usually is associated
with anaemia, as there is lack of erythropoietin.
Thyroxine, cortisol and growth hormone: These hormones stimulate red cell
formation, due to their involvement in metabolism. They increase oxygen
consumption by the cells and the resultant hypoxia stimulates erythropoiesis.
Androgens: They directly stimulate red bone marrow to produce red blood
cells. Lack of androgens leads to anaemia.
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine): It is extrinsic factor and for its absorption,
intrinsic factor in the gastric juice should be present. The absorption of B12
occurs from the terminal ileum. Vit B12 source comes from animal origin and
bacterial flora. B12 is necessary for DNA and RNA synthesis and due to this
involvement, B12 brings about proliferation and maturation of erythroid
precursor cells. Lack of Vit B12, causes pernicious anaemia, which is
characterized by the presence of large immature cells called megaloblasts in
the circulation.
Folic Acid: It is necessary for the synthesis of RNA and through this
involvement, it influences the proliferation and maturation of erythroid
precursor cells. Deficiency of folic acid causes megaloblastic anaemia, similar
to B12 deficiency but without neurological symptoms.
Pyridoxine (vit. B6): Pyridoxine is involved in haemoglobin synthesis.
Metals: Iron is necessary for haemoglobin synthesis. Deficiency of iron
causes microcytic hypochromic anaemia. Iron is absorbed from the upper part
of the small intestine. The absorption is regulated by apoferritin present in the
mucosal cell. When iron is bound to this compound, it is converted to ferritin.
The saturation of apoferritin in the intestinal mucosal cell regulates iron
absorption. The excess iron present in the diet is excreted in the feces. Iron is
not only needed for haemoglobin synthesis, but also, required for myoglobin
and enzymes like catalase synthesis. Iron is transported in the blood bound to
transferrin. There is also reutilization or recycling of iron, released from the
break down of red cell and haemoglobin. Excess iron, when released, is
deposited in the tissues like spleen and the condition is called haemosiderosis.
The iron from haemosiderin is not available for exchange, whereas, iron from
ferritin is readily available for exchange. Normal requirement of iron in adult
is 12 to 15 mg per day and the requirement is more in pregnant and
reproductive women. Other metals like zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese are
also necessary for erythropoiesis.
Leucocytes are nucleated and larger in size than red blood cells. There are two types
of leucocytes, namely, granulocytes and agranulocytes. Total count of leucoytes
varies from 4,000 to 11,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood. These white blood
corpuscles are involved in protecting the body against infections and foreign bodies.
A differential count of leucocytes reveals five types, which are described as follows.
Neutrophil 50 – 70%
Eosinophil 2 – 5%
Basophil 0 – 1%
Lymphocyte 25 – 35%
Monocyte 3 – 8%
Granulocytes: These cells have a nucleus, which is lobulated and the cytoplasm
contains granules. It includes three types, namely neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil.
Neutrophil: It constitutes 60 to 70% of the total leucocyte count. The cells are
multilobed and usually ranges from 3 to 5. They are also known as
polymorphonuclear leucocyte. Cell size is 10 microns is diameter and the cytoplasm
contains fine granules, which appear purplish in a peripheral blood smear. The
granules contain many enzymes, which include lysozymes and peroxidase.
Lysozymal enzymes digest the bacteria and peroxidase reduces hydrogen peroxide.
The primary function of neutrophil is to provide first line of defense against the
invading microorganisms. This is achieved, by a process called phagocytosis.
Neutrophils leave the circulation and enter the tissues where the micro organisms are
present. They leave the capillary endothelial wall by binding to neutrophil adhesion
molecule called intergrin protein and through a process of diapedesis the neutrophils
leave the capillary.
Phagocytic defence
The entry of bacteria or foreign particulate matter into the body, triggers the bone
marrow to release more neutrophils into the circulation, which forms the part of
inflammatory response to the bacterial entry. The macrophages, lymphocytes,
basophils, and mast cells release leucotreins and complement proteins (C5a), which
cause chemotaxis. That is, the neutrophils are attracted to migrate to the site of
bacterial entry. The bacteria are now coated with the complement protein to be
presented to the phagocytes. This is called opsonisation. The opsonised bacteria bind
to the receptors on the neutrophil membrane and by a endocytosis process, the
bacteria are ingested into the cell. The ingested bacteria are now enclosed in a
vacuole called phagosome. Enzymes of the neutrophilic granules fuse with the
phagosome and digest the bacteria.
Release of bactericidal agents
There is increased respiratory burst in the neutrophil, where the cell shows accelerated
oxygen uptake and metabolism leading to generation of super oxide ion, hydrogen
peroxide and free radical. The free radial oxygen and hydrogen peroxide are
bactericidal agents. The enzyme myelo peroxidase converts hydrogen peroxide and
chloride ions to hypothalous acid, which is also a bactericidal agent. These lysozymal
enzymes digest the wall of the bacteria.
The process of phgocytosis, causes spillage of digestive enzymes into the surrounding
tissues as part of the inflammatory reaction, causing destruction of the tissue.
Physiological rise in neutrophil count is observed in the following
Menstruation, pregnancy, muscular exercise, diurnal rise in the afternoon, and stress
Pathological rise in neutrophil count can be seen in the following
Acute infections by pus forming organisms and myocardial infarction.
Neutrophils are removed through the excretion in gastrointestinal secretions. The
average life of the cell in the circulation is 12 hours and when, it enters the extra
vascular tissues, stays for 4 to 5 days. Neutrophils that leave the circulation will not
come back. They are lost after their defense against the bacteria.
These cells have large granules, which take up eosin stain and appear orange red.
The cell is 10 microns in size and constitutes 2 to 4% of total white cell count. The
nucleus is bi lobed.
Eosinophils are concerned with the inhibition of allergic reaction. It also attacks
parasites and larvae and kills them by their toxic chemicals released from them.
Eosinophil number increases, in allergic reactions and parasitic infestations. Allergic
reaction is prevented by inhibiting histamine release.
Eosinophil also show phagocytic action similar neutrophil.
Eosinophilia indicates rise in eosinophil count and it is usually seen in the following :
* Allergic conditions like urticaria, hay fever and bronchial asthma.
* Parasitic infestations like hook worm, round worm, thread worm infestations.
Eosinophil count decreases after administration of glucocorticoid and adrenaline. The
decrease is due to sequestration of eosinophils from the circulation to the organs like
spleen and liver.
Basophils are 10 microns in size and they have usually a bi lobed or sometimes three
lobed nucleus. The cytoplasm contains coarse meta chromatic granules and appears
as deep blue after staining the peripheral blood smear. Normal count of basophils is 0
to 1% of leucocyte count. Basophil cytoplasm granules contain heparin, hitamine and
Basophils mediate immediate hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis.
Basophils have receptors for IgE immunoglobulin, which mediates hyper sensitivity
reactions. The release of histamine from basophils is responsible for such reactions.
Heparin release from basophils, activates lipoprotein lipase, which help triglyceride
metabolism. Besides this function, heparin also acts as an anti coagulant.
Increase in basophils is seen in anaphylactic shock and other hypersensitivity
reactions. Abnormal rise in basophil number is seen in leukemia.
These white cells have a single nucleus and the cytoplasm contains no granules. It
consists of two types namely lymphocytes and monocytes.
The cells have a large nucleus and cytoplasm does not contain granules. Size varies
from 8 to 15 microns. Its count is 25 to 30% of total white cell count.
The function of lymphocytes is in providing immunity to the body. Functionally,
there are two types of lymphocytes, namely, T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. T
lymphocytes give cellular mediated immunity and B lymphocytes are involved in
humoral mediated immunity. The detailed description of immunity has been dealt
with separately.
Lymphocytes count increase occurs in chronic infections such as tuberculosis and
decrease in count results, when cortisol is administered.
Monocytes are the largest size in white cell types. Its size ranges from 15 to 18
microns. The nucleus is kidney shaped and there is relatively more cytoplasm
between nuclear membrane and cell membrane. The cell count is 3 to 8% of total
Monocytes are considered as second line of defence in the body. They have the
circulation and become tissue macrophage. Tissue macrophage lives for many
months. Macrophages have many functions, which include their role in the
processing of antigens and presenting them to T and B lymphocytes.
Monocytes count rises in kala azar, malaria, typhoid and infectious mononucleosis,
bacterial endocarditis protozoan disease, and Hodgkin’s disease.
The stem cell, which is unipotent and committed is present in the red bone marrow for
the leucocytes. The stem cell for neutrophil and monocyte arise from a common
precursor, whereas, eosinophil and basophil have different stem cells, as precursors
for each type.
Regulation of leucopoiesis
The unipotent, committed stem cells of granulocytes proliferate by the presence of
growth factors like :
GMCSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) It is produced
from macrophages, fibroblasts, T-lymphocytes, and vascular endothelial cells.
This growth factor is formed by the stimulation of interleukin I and tumor
necrosis factor. GM-CSF is also required for the proliferation of erythroid
precursors and development of macrophages.
Interleukin I This is also a growth factor for the proliferation of granulocytes
precursors in the bone marrow. It is produced from macrophages.
Interleukin 3 It is also a multi colony stimulating factor (multi-CS). IL-3 is
produced from T-lymphocytes by the stimulatory effect of IL-I, IL-3, causes
proliferation of all types of leucocyte precursors and also erythroid and T-
Interleukin 5 It is produced from T-lymphocytes and it is specifically required
for the proliferation of eosinophil precursor.
Tumor necrosis factor Though its main action is to inhibit tumor growth, it
also shows haemopoietic effect. It is produced from macrophages.
The stages of granulopoiesis in the red bone marrow, shows, the committed stem cell
proliferating into myeloblast (Fig. 6.3) It is a large cell with 20 to 22 size and the
nucleus is large, occupying the whole cell. There are also nucleoli present. The cell
shows active mitosis. This stage gives rise to myelocyte, which is characterized by
reduction of cell size, disappearance of nucleoli. The cell shows active mitosis and
granules appear in the cytoplasm. The next stage is metamyelocyte, where the
nucleus shows lobulation and the granules become more in cytoplasm. The cell size
is further reduced and mitosis stops here. With the nucleus lobulation and specific
granules filling the cytoplasm, the granulocytes are released into the circulation.
Neutrophils in the blood exist in two forms namely :
a) circulating granulocyte pool (CGP)
b) marginal granulocyte (MGP)
MGP refers to the neutrophils in the lining of small blood vessels like venules. This
pool can readily enter the circulation, when there is a demand. The rise in neutrophil,
due to adrenaline and exercise, comes from the MGP.
Granulocytes live for 2 to 4 days. Some live for a few hours only. Those which leave
the circulation and enter the tissues stay for longer days. Most of the white blood
cells are lost in the gastrointestinal secretions.
Lymphocytes are produced from bone marrow. The precursor cells migrate to the
lymphoid tissues like thymus and lymph node.
The committed, unipotent stem cell proliferates into lymphoblast. This precursor cell
differentiates into lymphocytes. If processing takes place in the thymus, T-
lymphocyte is formed. On the other hand, if the cells are processed in the spleen and
liver, it develops into B lymphocyte.
Monocyte develops from a precursor stem cell in the red bone marrow, which is
common to neutrophil (Fig. 6.3). The committed, unipotent stem cell proliferates and
gives monocytoblast. This precursor cell differentiates into monocyte and released
into the circulation.
They are small (2 to 3 ), ovalshaped and non nucleated cells. There is mitochondria
in the cell and the characteristic feature is the presence of microtubular system,
consisting of contractile proteins (actin and myosin) and a canalicular system, which
communicates with the exterior. The cytoplasm contains two types of granules,
namely, dense granules containing serotonin, epinephrine, ADP, other adenine
nucleotides and alpha granules, consisting of several proteins like platelet derived
growth factor (PDGF) and clotting factors.
The normal count of platelets is 250,000 to 300,000 cells / mm3 of blood. Their life
period is 4 to 7 days and are destroyed in the spleen. Platelets also stay in the spleen
as reservoir pool. During bleeding and epinephrine secretion, this pool is released
into the circulation.
Formation of platelets
The production of platelets, depends on the number of cells that are destroyed in the
spleen. The substances released from lysed platelets themselves stimulate
thrombopoiesis. The uncommitted stem cell in the red bone marrow becomes a
committed stem cell by the stimulation of colony stimulating growth factors. Further
differentiation of megakaryocytes (precursor cell) requires Interleukin (IL3). The
megakaryoctyes breakes up into protoplasmic fragments and form thrombocytes.
Functions of platelets
Formation of platelet plug
When a blood vessel is injured, the platelets undergo adhesion to the exposed
collagen. The platelet adhesion is facilitated by von Willebrand factor, which is
present in the wall of the platelets and also in the wall of the vascular endothelium.
Once the platelets adhere to the collagen, further adhesion of platelets to the site of
injury is promoted by the release of contents of platelets, like ADP and platelet
activating factor. This leads to more aggregation of platelets on the damaged vascular
endothelium. Thromboxane A2 is a potent platelet aggregator. Its formation is
facilitated by the entry of Ca++ into the cell. The aggregation of platelets causes a
plug at the site of injury and seals the wound. This arrests the bleeding. The
aggregation of platelets is limited by the formation of prostacyclin from
endoperoxides in the endothelium. The next step after aggregation is the release of
platelets contents at the site of damage in the blood vessel. Drugs like aspirin, when
administered orally in low doses (75 to 100 mg / day) inhibits thrombaxane A2
without significant impairment of prostacyclin production. Thus, by altering the
balance between platelet thrombaxane A2 and endothelium prostacylin, aspirin in low
doses helps to prevent myocardial infarction, unstable angina, stroke and transient
ischemic attacks.
Clot retraction
After the coagulation of blood, the clot shrinks, expelling the serum. This is called
clot retraction which is helped by platelets. The process is initiated by the thrombin
acting on the platelets. It is likely that thrombin causes calcium entry into the
platelets to activate contractile proteins actin and myosin, present in platelets. The
contractile proteins contract like in muscle and gives retraction of clot. The retraction
of fibrin threads can bring together the edges of the damaged endothelium and
facilitates faster wound healing.
Factor I fibrinogen: The clot is fibrin thread, formed from fibrinogen by the
enzymatic action of thrombin. Fibrinogen is one of the constituents of plasma
proteins and its concentration is 0.25 to 0.3 g%. The level of fibrinogen is
increased in pregnancy, inflammation, tissue damage, etc. An increased
concentration of fibrinogen, raises the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, by
influencing its rouleaux formation.
Factor II prothrombin: It belongs to globulin fraction of plasma proteins and it
is activated by prothrombin activator (activated factor X) to thrombin.
Prothrombin is synthesized from the liver, in the presence of vitamin K.
Drugs like dicoumarol competitively inhibits the action of vitamin K and
prevents clotting. Diseases affecting the liver, would cause deficiency of
prothrombin, leading to clotting disorder.
Factor III tissue thromboplastin: It is present in the cells. It consists of
lipoprotein phospholipids complex, which is released, when the tissue is
damaged. The released tissue phospholipids activates factor VII, which inturn
activates factor X. Tissue thromboplastin role in the coagulation is seen in the
extrinsic pathway. However, tissue thromboplastin-factor VII complex is also
observed in the activation of factor IX (Christmas factor), thereby, showing
that it has a role in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation also.
Factor IV calcium: This divalent cation is required in almost all steps in the
coagulation, except in the initial activation of XII Factor (Hageman Factor) in
the intrinsic pathway. Chelating agents suchas, EDTA, citrate, oxalate,
fluoride act as anti coagulants.
Factor V proaccelerin: It is converted to active from by Xth activated factor
(Stuart factor) in both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation.
Activated factor V is crucial in the reaction, which leads to the conversion of
prothrombin to thrombin.
Factor VII proconvertin (serum prothrombin conversion accelerator): It is a
globulin fraction, which is synthesized from the liver in the presence of
vitamin K. Factor VII is involved in the extrinsic pathway of clotting. Tissue
thromboplastin, released from the damaged tissues, activates factor VII.
Factor VIII antihaemophilic globulin factor (AHG): AHG has a component
called vWF (von Wille-brand factor) and both are involved in the intrinsic
pathway of clotting. The vWF is also present in platelets and helps in its
adhesion to the damaged endothelium. Deficiency of VIII factor causes
haemorrhagic disorder called haemophilia.
Factor IX Christmas factor: This factor is also synthesized in the liver in the
presence of vitamin K. Factor IX is activated by the activated XI factor in the
intrinsic pathway. Deficiency of this factor will also cause haemophilia,
which is called Christmas disease.
Factor X Stuart factor: This globulin protein is involved in both the intrinsic
and extrinsic pathways of coagulation. The activated factor X is also called
prothrombin activator, which activates prothrombin.
Factor XI plasma thromboplastin antecedent (PTA): It is activated by XII
activated factor. The activation requires high molecular weight kininogen and
kallikrein. PTA is involved in the intrinsic pathway.
Factor XII Hageman’s factor: This factor is activated by surface contact with
collagen and negatively charged surface from the damaged endothelium.
Activation of XII factor is the first step in the clotting process in intrinsic
Factor XIII fibrin stabilizing factor: Activation of XIII factor is caused by
thrombin. The activated XIII factor causes polymerization of fibrin, converted
it into an insoluble clot.
Process of clotting
Role of platelets: Injury to the blood vessel exposes collagen and the negatively
charged surface of the endothelium. This causes platelets adhesion and aggregation
on the damaged endothelial surface. This is followed by the release of platelets
contents, such as ADP, vasoconstrictors, platelet factor III, etc. The adhesion and
aggregation give temporary haemostatic plug. The release of platelet factor III
activates the clotting process.
Generation of prothrombin activator: The first step in the clotting process is the
formation of activated factor X, which is also called prothrombin activator. It is
formed in two ways. Intrinsic pathway (within the blood) Extrinsic pathway (from
Intrinsic pathway: As said earlier, the clotting factors are proenzymes, which are
activated during clotting and in each step the reaction is amplified. This is known as
cascade mechanism.
The exposure of collagen and the negative charge on the injured surface, causes the
activation of Hageman’s factor (XII). This is the beginning of sequential events in the
coagulation of blood. The activated XII acts as an enzyme and converts XI to XI
activated factor. This activation also requires high molecular weight kininogen and
The activated Hageman’s factor is also involved in augmenting the activity of factor
VII in the extrinsic pathway. It also activates plasminogen, which is involved in
fibrinolysis. Further, it causes the formation of complement proteins which
participate in the immune reactions.
The activated XI factor, in the presence of Ca++ activates IX into IX activated factor
(activated Christmas factor). It is in this step, calcium is first required for the
activation. Activated Christmas factor converts Stuart factor into its active from,
through the activation of VIII factor (AHG) in the presence of Ca++ and
phospholipids of plate let factor III.
Activated Stuart factor is also known as prothrombin activator. It causes the
conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, in the presence of activated proaccelerin (V
activated factor), Ca++ and phospholipids.
Thrombin acts as an enzyme protease and converts fibrinogen to fibrin.
Extrinsic pathway
Formation of prothrombin activator in extrinsic pathway occurs, when blood comes in
contact with the injured tissues. The damaged cells release phospholipids from the
cell membrance. The tissue phospholipids shows, clot promoting activity through the
activation of VII Factor, in the presence of Ca++. The activated VII factor, converts
Xinto X activated factor, in the presence of altered proaccelerin (V activated factor),
Ca++ and phospholipids. From now onwards, the steps leading to the formation of
fibrin are identical to those observed in the intrinsic pathway.
As soon as the clot is formed, the mechanism to liquefy the clot is activated. The
dissolution of clot is called fibrinolysis. The enzyme responsible for this is plasmin,
which comes from the proenzyme plasminogen. The plasminogen is activated to
plasmin in the natural way by substances like tissue plasminogen activators such as,
urokinase, activated Hageman’s factor, activated PTA, vascular endothelium and
kallikrein. There are also enzymes that are not present in the body, but shows
plasminogen activation, when administrered. They are streptokinase and
staphylokinase enzymes. Tissue plasminogen activators or streptokinase, are used
clinically to dissolve clots, especially in coronary arteries.
Plasmin binds to the clot surface and digests fibrin, without attacking fibrinogen. As
a matter of fact, the plasminogen activation occurs on the clot surface and not in the
plasma. Plasmin, when comes in contact with the fibrinogen effectively digests it.
Inhibitors of clotting (Mechanisms which keep the blood in a fluid state).
There are mechanisms present in the blood itself to prevent clotting. The fluid state of
the blood is due to the balance between factors, which cause clotting and those, which
oppose it. The following description gives an account of inhibitors of clotting.
Antithrombin III: It is the major inhibitor of coagulation, which inhibits thrombin and
activated Stuart factor (Xa). It forms a complex with heparin anticoagulant and shows
enhanced activation.
Vascular endothelium: The initation of clotting occurs, when blood vessel injured,
exposing the collagen. This provides the rough surface for the activation of XII
Factor. In normal conditions, where there is no damage to the vascular endothelium,
the collagen is not exposed on the surface and hence no activation of XII factor.
Salts: Citrates, oxalates, fluorides and EDTA (ethylene di amine tetra acetic acid)
are called chelating agents, as they bind calcium. Since calcium is required in
many steps in the process of coagulation, the removal of calcium in the blood by
these salts, results in prevention of clotting.
Heparin: It is a naturally occurring anticoagulant, but, not a constitutent of plasma. It
is secreted from mast cells and basophils and also present in many tissues like lungs
and liver. It is a negatively charged sulfated polysaccharide. Heparin requires
antithrombin III for its anticoagulant activity. It also combines with heparin cofactor
and shows anticoagulant action. Heparin inhibits thrombin action. It also inhibits the
formation of prothrombin activator, as it blocks the action of IX factor. Heparin is
widely used in clinical practice and laboratories as an anticoagulant. Heparin action is
inhibited by protamine sulphate, which is a positively charged polypeptide obtained
from fish sperm. Heparin can be used as an anticoagulant both in vivo and in vitro.
Bleeding time: This can be determined by pricking the ear lobe or the finger tip and
the time taken for the arrest of bleeding is noted as bleeding time. The arrest of
bleeding is due to the formation of platelet plug. Bleeding time normally ranges from
2 to 5 minutes. Bleeding time is prolonged in purpura due to platelet deficiency.
However, the clotting time is normal as there is no deficiency of clotting factors.
Prothrombin time : Quick method – this test indicates the quantity of prothrombin
present in the plasma. A citrated blood is taken (so that the prothrombin is not
converted to thrombin). To this, tissue thrombo-plastin (brain extract) and calcium
are added. This mixture is incubated at 370 C and the time taken for the appearance of
clot denotes pro-thrombin time. Normal prothrombin time ranges from 10 to 14 sec.
Prothrombin time increases in liver diseases and vitamin K deficiency.
Thromboplastin generation test : This test specifically measures the defects in clotting
factors involved in the intrinsic pathway of formation of prothrombin activator.
Samples of adsorbed plasma containing factors VIII, V, Serum containing factors XII,
XI, IX, X, calcium and platelets are added and incubated at 37 C. These three
components will generate prothrombin activator. This mixture is made to act with
normal plasma, which contains fibrinogen and prothrombin. The time for the clot to
appear, indicates thromboplastin generation test. Normal value is 6 to 15 seconds.
Clotting disorders :
Haemophilia : It is a clotting disorder in which there is a haemorrhagic tendency, due
to the deficiency of clotting factors VIII (AHG) and IX factor (Christmas Factor).
Haemophilia is a genetic disorder, transmitted as X linked recessive character. The
males suffer from the disease and females carry the disorder. There are two types of
haemophilia and they are described as follows:
Haemophilia A or classical haemophilia : It results due to the deficiency of VIII
factor, antihaemophilic globulin (AHG). The clotting time is abnormally prolonged.
Von willebrand’s disease is also a hereditary disease, inherited as dominant trait
inboth sexes. Since vWF is a subconstituent of VIII factor, von Willerbrand’s disease
will also cause deficiency of VIII factor and symptoms of haemophilia. It also affects
platelet function in forming adhesion to the injured surface of the vessel wall.
Blood groups existence is based on the two types of agglutinogens on the surface of
red blood cells. These agglutinogens are A and B and they are responsible for the
four types of blood groups i.e. A, B, AB and O. The agglutinogens are
mucopolysaccharides, which are not only present on the red cells, but also, in body
secretions, such as, saliva, gastric juice and in tissues of liver, kidney and lungs. The
red cell surface has more than 30 antigens on its surface, but they do not induce any
transfusion reactions. Hence, for the purpos1e of blood transfusion, A, B, O and AB
groups cross matching is done with donor’s red cells and recipient’s plasma. It should
be kept in mind that there are agglutinogens other than A and B present in some
individuals and the blood group is named after their family name. The red cell
surface in 85% of the individuals, shows another type of agglutinogen called Rh
agglutinogen. This is present in addition to the A, B agglutinogens and such
individuals are called Rh+. The blood group will be called Rh-, if the Rh
agglutionogen is absent on the red cell membrane. In plasma, there are antibodies
called agglutinins, which act against the blood group of opposite agglutinogens.
CROSS MATCHING: Cross matching of blood groups is done to find out the
compatibility of blood groups for transfusion. If transfusion of blood is carried out
without cross matching of groups, the donor’s red cells will be clumped by the
agglutinin present in the recipient’s plasma. The clumping of red cells is called
agglutination. In cross matching, the donor’s red cells are matched with the recipient’s
plasma and observed for agglutination reactions. Normally the donor’s plasma is
diluted in the recipient and hence the agglutination of recipient’s red cells with the
donor’s agglutinin of plasma does not occur. However, in some cases, there could be
agglutination reactions in the latter. To rule out such a possibility, the cross matching
is also carried out, with the agglutinin of donor’s plasma and the red cells of the
recipient. Only if there is absence of agglutination in both the tests, the blood group is
selected for transfusion.
It will be seen from the table that O group can be given to all other groups and AB
can receive from all other groups. The O group is referred as universal donor, as it
does not have any agglutinogen. The AB group is called as universal recipient, as it
contains no agglutinins in the plasma. Since there is presence of Rh agglutinogen in
the red cells of 85% of the individuals, it is better to avoid such terms. For
transfusion of blood, Rh compatibility test should also be included. The transfusion
of Rh+ blood should never be given to Rh- person. In emergency, where the blood
typing cannot be done, O negative group can be transfused.
Our body is exposed to a variety of pathogenic organisms like bacteria, virus, fungi,
parasites, etc. To combat these pathogens, the body shows two types of defense
mechanisms. One is known as innate or non specific immunity and the other is
acquired or specific immunity. Both the systems are interlinked to give an effective
defense mechanism to the body.
Innate immunity
Barriers: It refers to the protective mechanisms, that are present to prevent the entry of
pathogenic organisms. There are barriers in different regions of the body, such as,
skin, and the lipid layer in it prevents entry of micro organisms.
Secretions like, tears, saliva, and acid in the stomach contain antibodies and they form
barriers for pathogens.
Mucosa lining the air ways, not only contains cilia to remove the pathogens, but also,
contains chemicals, which have bactericidal properties.
Lymphoid organs like tonsil, Peyer’s patches, appendix, form effective barrier by
trapping the bacteria, which may try to enter the body.
Phagocytosis: In spite of the body having these barriers, the micro-organisms enter
the body and in such conditions, the neutrophils and macrophages are activated to
phagocytise the invader. The process of phagocytosis has been described earlier.
NATURAL KILLER CELLS: It is a type of lymphocyte, which kills the virus without
any prior sensitization. It is an important mechanism to fight against virus infections
and also inhibits malignant growth of tissues.
B cell lymphocytes are involved in recognizing the antigen and release of specific
antibodies against it. This is possible, only, if, the helper T cell type (TH2) activates
B cells. There are two ways of activating the helper T cells, which in turn stiumate B
cell proliferation.
In the first mechanism, the macrphages, after taking the antigen, combine with the
class II protein, which is the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This
combination of antigen and class II protein on the surface of the macrophage, is
presented to the helper T cells.. Similar mechanism is also shown by macrophage
related cells namely dendritic cells in lymph node and Langehans cells in the skin.
Helper T cells, release cytokines (interleukins), which activate B cells to proliferate
and transform into plasma cells. The plasma cells elaborate immunoglobulins.
In the second mechanism, the antigen can directly bind to the B cell surface
receptors, which also has class II protein (MHC). The combination of antigen and
MHC on the surface of the B Cell, results in activation of helper T cells. This inturm
leads to B cell transforming into plasma cell and liberates immunoglobulins. The
activated B cells alo form memory B cells. These cells are specialized to liberate
specific antibodies against the specific antigen, when there is subsequent entry of the
antigen, when there is subsequent entry of the antigen into the body. The memory
cells store the information and hence the response. The specific antigen by way of
releasing antibodies, divide and form clones. This can respond later, when the
specific antigen re-enters the body (clonal slection). To regulate the acivity of helper
T cells, there is a suppressor T cell, which will dampen the B cell activation.
Antigen recognition by the lymphocytes, is due to the presence of gene materials on
the surface of all nucleated cells. There are class I protein and class II proteins. Class
I protein is identified by natural killer cells to destroy viruses and the virus infected
cells. Class II protein presence on the surface of the cells, is identified by
lymphocytes, as self or nonself and take steps to accept or reject the tissues. This
class II proteins are called major histo compatibility complex (MHC) and in human it
is referred as human leucocyte antigen (HLA).
Antibodies are produced, not only, when antigen is processed by marcrophages and
helper T cells, but also, without the involvement or macrophages and helper T Cells.
The latter condition is seen, when IgM antibodies are produced in response to foreign
blood group antigens. These antigens are called thymus independent antigens. The
antigens, which stimulate the B cell through the activation of macrophage and helper
t cell, are called thymus dependent antigens.
T cell lymphocytes are specifically involved in this type of immunity. T cell has
receptors to identify antigen presenting cells with MHC on their surface. The
cytotoxid T cell is also known as T 8 Cell. The cytotoxid T cell gets activated by the
interleukin 2. They give pores (perforins) on the target cell and cause lysis, which is
very similar to complement system destroying the antigen. The suppressor T cell
helps to dampen the activity of cytotoxic T cell and turns off the immune e response.
This is also similar to the dampening of B cell though the inhibition of helper T cells.
Helper T cells (T4) are also involved in the regulation of B cell function. It can
recognise the antigen presenting cell with the MHC on the surface. It responds by
releasing lymphokines, which help B and T cells (cytotoxid T cell) to differentiate
and give immune response.
Immunity is regulated by genetic, neural and endocrine factors. Recent studies have
shown that regions of hypothalamus, limbic lobe, influence immune mechanism,
either though neural signals or through the hormonal factors.
Immediate hypersensitivity reactions, which can lead to anaphylactic shock.
Break down of immunological tolerance leading to antibodies being produced
against self antigen and results in auto immune disease. Examples are,
myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Grave’s disease, Systemic lupus
erythematosis, etc.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is caused by a retrovirus
(human immune deficiency virus), which binds to CD4 and helper T cells, causing
their number to decrease. The loss of helper T cells results in the absence of
proliferation of B cells and T cells. This results in the loss of immunity, and
spread of infection from nonpathogenic bacteria. It eventually leads to death of
the infected individual.
During development, there could be a uncontrolled proliferation of B
lymphocytes, which gives chronic lymphocyte leukemia. When plasma cells
change into malignant growth; it results is multiple myeloma.
It is a red colour pigment present in the red cell. It is a chromoprotein with a
molecular weight of 64,5000. Haemoglobin normal concentration in males ranges
from 14 to 18g% and in females it ranges from 13 to 17g%. The function of this
pigment is to carry respiratory gases and being a protein, it takes up H+ ion and
hence helps in acid base regulation.
Haemoglobin contains haeme and globin. The haeme is made of protoporphyrin
and iron. There are 4 sub units in each haemoglobin molecule. The globin
consists of 4 polypetides and each one is attached to one sub unit of haeme. Thus,
there are 4 iron atoms in each molecule of haemoglobin. The globin polypeptides
are arranged in two pairs. The alpha chain contains 141 amino acids and the beta
chain is made up of 146 amino acid residues. Changes in the position of amino
acids in the globin polypepide units, will result in abnormal haemoglobin such as
sickle cell anemia. In the foetus, the haemoblogin is different from the adult
haemoglogin. The unit is replaced by unit in the globin molecule. The change
in polypeptide chain in foetal haemoglobin, has a functional advantage. That is,
the foetal haemoglobin can be saturated fully at 40 to 45 mmHg of pO2, showing
greater diffusion of oxygen from maternal circulation to foetal circulation. The
foetal haemoglobin is replaced by the adult type soon after birth.
Haemoglobin is synthesized in the progenitor nucleated red cells, in red bone
marrow and the synthesis continues even after the cells are released into the
circulation, but restricted to only reticulocyte. Low level of synthesis, for a day or
two can be seen in reticulocyte. In RBC, the Hb synthesis cannot occur.
The haeme is synthesized separately and then conjugated, with globin
molecule. The globin that is utilized in the sythesis, is usually the recycled
molecule. Haeme is synthesized in mitochondria and defects in haeme synthesis
causes porphyries. Haeme is also a constituent of myoglobin and cytochrome
Adult Hb: It contains the globin as and units.
Foetal Hb: The globin has and units.
Thalassemia It is inherited as autosomal recessive character, in which, there is
deficient synthesis of and chains.
Haemoglobin S (sickle cell anaemia) It is an abnormal Hb, formed from a
mutant gene and inherited as a trait in population. It is common in west
African population. The red cells are sickle shaped and this shape provides
osmotic resistance to the red cell against malarial infection. The hemolysis of
sickle cells when occurs, gives sickle cell anaemia.
Oxyhaemoglobin: When Hb combines with oxygen this is formed.
Deoxygenated Hb: The dissociation of oxygen from Hb gives this derivative.
Carboxy Hb: It is produced, when Hb combines with carbon mono oxide. The
affinity of Hb for CO is very high. Its affinity is 200 times greater than the affinity it
has for oxygen.
Methemoglobin: When ferrous (Fe++) in Hb is oxidized to ferric (Fe+++), it is called
methamoglobin. Exposure of red cells to drugs like phenacetin, acetanilide and
chemicals like nitrates, aniline dye, etc. will cause methaemoglobin formation.
Sulfhaemoglobin: The reaction of Hb with hydrogen sulphide gives this compound.
When haemoglobin is released from red cells, as result of haemolysis, it is taken up
by a carrier protein haptoglobin in plasma. In the liver and spleen, the Hb is separated
from haptoglobin and catabolised.
Haemoglobin is also released from red cells, when hemolysis occurs in tissue
macrophages in spleen, liver and bone marrow. The Figure 6.11 shows the break
down of haemoglobin and formation of bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin). The
quantity of Hb, destroyed normally in a day is yg, which forms around 200 mg of bile
pigments (Normal concentration in plasma is 0.5 to 2mg%). Increased bile pigments
in the plasma is observed in jaundice.
A variation in the size and number of red cells or reduction in the concentration of
haemoglobin assumes clinical significance. The evaluation of blood indices helps to
identify the type of anaemia and plan appropriate treatment. Colour index is the ratio
between the Hb% and RBC%. Its normal value is 0.8 to 1.10. The value is low in
iron deficiency anaemia.
Anaemias can be classified based on their cause. Broadly it can be classified as:
Anaemia resulting from decreased formation of red cells.
Anaemia resulting from increased destruction of red cells.
Anaemia resulting from blood loss.
To find out the type of anaemia, the total red cell count, packed cell volume, Hb%,
colour index, MCV, MCH, MCHC, are to be carried out in a laboratory. Based on the
blood indices, the cell picture shows the following.
Normocytic Red cell volume is normal
Macrocytic Red cell volume is increased
Microcytic Red cell volume is decreased
Normochromic MCHC is normal
Hyperchromic MCHC is more than normal
Hypochromic MCHC is below normal
The cell picture in the peripheral circulation shows characteristic features
depending the type of anaemia. They are described in the discussion of various types
of anaemias.
FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY: Folic acid is required for the proliferation and
maturation of erythroid cells. Lack of this vitamin causes megaloblastic anaemia,
similar to vit B12 deficiency, but without any neurological symptoms.
RENAL DISEASE: Chronic renal disease is usually associated with anaemia due to
lack of erythropoietin.
HYPOTHRODIDISM: Hypothroidism causes anaemia with the blood cell picture
being normocytic and normochromic. The anaemia is due to depressed metabolism of
the bone marrow.
HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS: The red cells are not biconcave, but spherical.
They are easily hemolysed when they pass through the small capillaries.
SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: The RBC contains abnormal haemoglobin, where the
amino acid sequence in one of the globin chains is changed (valine instead of
glutamic acid in the sixth position of the chain). The haemoglobin is called HbS.
This gives sickle shaped red cells, which arte haemolysed easily in the vascular
system. The abnormal shape of the red cells also makes it susceptible for
phagocytosis. Sickle cell anaemia is common in West African population and gives
resistance to malarial parasite. That is, its schizont stage in the development can not
be formed in the red cell.
EXTRA CORPUSCULAR DEFECT: Haemolysis occurs, when red cells are exposed
to certain chemicals, drugs, snake venoms .
Hemolytic anaemia also can be seen by malarial parasite, viruses, bacterial
septicemia and nonprotozoam parasites.
To detect the presence of isoagglutinins and antibodies on the surface of the
red cells Coombs test is performed.