Effects of Corn-Pea Mixture and Harvesting Days On Forage Yield and Quality
Effects of Corn-Pea Mixture and Harvesting Days On Forage Yield and Quality
Effects of Corn-Pea Mixture and Harvesting Days On Forage Yield and Quality
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of mix-cropping, Yangtsepa corn variety with
legume Sesbania, and single cropping on the forage yield and quality at 60-, 90-, and 120-days harvest.
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications was used as an experimental
design. The corn and pea were line sown at 20 cm apart with a seed ratio of 50:50. The results showed
higher corn forage yield (26.1 t/ha), and dry matter of 23.83% at 120-day harvest. The overall mean crude
protein at 60 and 90-day harvest was significantly higher in the mixed than single cropping. The soil
moisture and nitrogen corn crude fiber dry matter and stem yield increased with an increase in
harvesting days. Soil N2, corn DM, and ash were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in mixed cropping
compared to single cropping in which the highest corn forage yield, corn DM, and soil N2 were found at
a 120-day harvest in mixed cropping. There was significantly higher overall mean CP content in mixed
cropping than single cropping at 60- and 90-day harvests (p < 0.05) with the highest corn CP of 9.05% at
90-day harvest. Similarly, weed biomass was significantly lower (p <.05) in mixed than in the single
cropping which proved that Sesbania competed with weeds for basic needs like light and nutrients for
growth and yield. Thus, legumes with corn can be a comparatively better choice to reduce weeds, and
improve soil nutrients, forage yield, and quality.
Key words: Crude fiber, crude protein, dry matter, forage yield, mixed cropping.
Among livestock production systems, dairy farming is moved into a semi-commercial mode (5-15 cows) with
gaining momentum in Bhutan with a total cattle the exception of marginal farmers constrained by
population of 303,250 which is 19.07% of the total inadequate resources despite their curiosity of escalating
livestock population and livestock products mainly include the farm (Tamang and Gyeltshen, 2015). Consequently,
milk (83.57%), cheese (7.14%), butter (3.41%), beef due to limited land and fodder resources in the country
(0.83%), Chugo (0.24%), and yak meat (0.22%) farmers have started to address fodder shortage by
(Department of Livestock [DoL], 2017). However, over integrating forage production in field crops and
the years there was rapid development in livestock horticulture system (Dorji et al., n.d.; Wangchuk and
production in which 72% of the farmers across all Tashi, 2008).
agronomical ecological zones within the country have Increased livestock production leads to the
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
124 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
manufacture of an abundant amount of better quality unbiased allocation of three harvesting days (HS) including HS1
forage which is a pre-requisite for an effective and prolific (harvest at 60 days after sowing), HS2 (harvest at tasseling stage)
and HS3 (harvest at 30 days after tasseling). The crops were
livestock industry (Iqbal et al., 2006). Bhutan is a small harvested manually with a sickle (Contreras-Govea et al., 2009;
mountainous country with only 8% of the country suitable Iqbal et al., 2006).
for arable agriculture and 70% of the fodder needs are
contributed by permanent grasslands, forest grazing, and
grazing of the fallow land (Roder et al., 2001). Farmers Land preparation and sowing
with insufficient agricultural land and numerous cultivation The corn (Yangtsepa) and legume (Sesbania) were sown at
practices are affected due to limited land in the country recommended seed ratio of 50:50 (Asangla and Gohain, 2016;
(Tamang and Gyeltshen, 2015). Killebrew and Wolff Ayub et al., 2008; Ibrahim et al., 2014; Iqbal et al., 2006) with 65
(2010) reported that for massive yield farmers around the kg/ha of rate of seeding. The maize seeds were sown 3 to 4 cm
world have progressively practiced single cropping with below the soil surface (Ayub et al., 2008). In both intercropping and
insufficient fertility and continuous deprivation of soil single cropping, 20 cm space between the crops was found to be
better compared to 30 cm spacing between the rows (Banik et al.,
nutrients which resulted in a negative effect on soil quality 2006). Relay cropping was done whereby the corn seed was line
and biodiversity. Increased livestock production leads to sown at a distance of 20 cm between the plants and broadcasting
the manufacture of an abundant amount of better quality of the Sesbania seed after 14 days. Fertilizer application of Single
forage which is a pre-requisite for an effective and prolific Super Phosphate (SSP) at the rate of 150 kg/acre as the basal
livestock industry (Iqbal et al., 2006). dose was done for each plot. Weeding was done during the initial
establishment of the plants and after each harvesting day. There
Intercropping maize with legume species especially
was timely monitoring of pests and diseases of the plants and the
Sesbania was found to have positive interaction in field was watered based on its requirements. All the field practices
providing a higher yield and improving soil nutrient levels were kept similar during the entire experimental period.
compared to other legumes which included cowpea and
bean intercrops (Ibrahim et al., 2014). A scientific
confirmation on intercropping would provide the most Data collection
viable system of forage production for farmers, especially Soil sample collection
in a less arable and mountainous country like Bhutan.
Therefore, this study was carried out with the objective to The soil samples (300 g) were collected before planting and after
assess the effect of different harvesting days on forage each harvest using a different pattern of plus, multiplication, and
yield and quality of corn, and to assess the effects of zig-zag from the plot which was cleared of debris and weeds by soil
corn-pea mixture on forage yield, quality, and soil nutrient auger. The soil samples dug from 15 to 20 cm (as root systems are
mainly distributed at this soil depth) depth was combined,
level. thoroughly mixed in a bucket, and air-dried in a ventilated room
(Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2009), which was taken for Organic
Matter (OM), pH, N2, P and K analysis at CNR laboratory (Banik et
MATERIALS AND METHODS al., 2006; Mthembu et al., 2017).
Study area
Plant height measurement
The field trial was initiated on the 8th of July 2019 at the College of
Natural Resources (CNR) farm which is located at Tshokana, Barp The height of the plant was measured using a measuring tape
Gewog, Lobesa under Punakha Dzongkhag, Bhutan. The latitude of whereby 10 plants from each plot were selected randomly. The
the area ranged from 2731’ N to 2740’ Nand longitude of 8945’ E plant height was measured in centimeter (cm) from the base of the
to 89 57’E with the clayey red to brown soil located in the Walakha plant till the tip of leaf emerging node.
region at Lobesa along the Punatsangchu river bank (National Soil
Services Centre of Bhutan [NSSC], 2003). The area as per
Lhendup et al. (2009) is located at 1450 masl of altitude with 75.5% Plant density measurement
atmospheric humidity and 883 mm of precipitation annually. The
Frame size of 0.5 m×0.5 m was prepared which was thrown
annual mean temperature was 26.88C in 2009 and 14.94C in
randomly by hands four times per plot. Thereafter, the plant
2003 compared to the annual mean temperature of 12.68C
numbers in each frame were counted manually by hand.
recorded in 1992 with the maximum annual mean rainfall of 70.82
mm recorded in 2002 and minimum of 44.77 mm in 2004 which
showed that from 2004 onwards annual mean rainfall has been Species composition within plots
decreasing and it was only 50.94 mm in 2009 (Mukhia et al., 2011).
Bulk plants from four frames which were placed randomly by hand
was cut and measured from each replicated 18 plots using a spring
Experimental design balance. After measuring the total biomass production of maize and
pea in the mixture was separated whereby leaves and stems were
Randomized complete block design containing three replications weighed for each plot.
was used as the experimental design (Iqbal et al., 2012; Mut et al.,
2017) in an overall size of 10 m×12 m plot whereby spacing
between replicates and plots were kept 2 and 0.5 m, respectively. Leaf-to-stem ratio
There were 18 treatments arrangement of corn: legumes mix plot
and corn as control plots (Banik et al., 2006), with the random and There was manual hand separation of leaves and stems for maize
Drugay and Dorji 125
Table 1. Means of soil moisture (SM), organic matter (OM), and pH after different harvesting
days and cropping types.
only. The weight of forage leaves and stems was measured using was used to find the difference in means of forage yields of three
spring balance to assess the leaf and stem ratio. harvesting stages. Bonferroni post hoc multiple comparison test
was carried out to determine groups which are significantly different
from other. A similar test was conducted to investigate the
Dry matter yield significant differences between soil nutrient content before and after
each harvesting date. Two sample t-tests were conducted between
Bulked materials were thoroughly mixed and a representative sub- intercrop and mono-crop on soil nutrients, forage yield, and weed
sample weighing not less than 400 g of forage leaves and stems biomass and forage nutrients.
was collected. The representative sub-samples weighing 400 g of
forage leaves and stems were oven dried and dried samples were
weighed by an electronic weighing balance. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Table 2. Means of soil N2, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) after different harvesting days and
between cropping types.
Table 3. Mean nutritive value of corn at different harvesting days and cropping types.
Although 120 DAP had shown significant differences by roots (Hinsinger et al., 2003). Mixed cropping showed
against other harvesting days; there was no significant higher phosphorus content compared to single cropping
differences (p> 0.05) between 60 and 90 DAP which is similar to the findings of Dahmardeh et al. (2010)
(Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2001). The nitrogen content in whereby the highest mean phosphorus content of 38.27
the soil increased with the increase in harvesting days mg/kg was found in mixed cropping at 90 DAP.
(60 < 90 < 120) (Table 3). The corn pea mixture Potassium content in the soil decreased with increase in
significantly (p< .05) improved the nitrogen content in the harvesting days. However, there were no significant
soil whereby nitrogen content was higher in mixed difference in mean potassium and phosphorus content of
cropping compared to single cropping which is in the soil between single cropping and mixed cropping
agreement with the results of Prasanthi (2012), Cong et which is similar to the findings of Prasanthi (2012).
al. (2014) and Dahmardeh et al. (2010) (Figure 1). The
nitrogen content was higher in mixed cropping by 39.43%
at 60 DAP, 29.35% at 90 DAP and 8.62% at 120 DAP Effect of corn pea mixture and harvesting days on
which is 25.8% in average. Phosphorus content in the forage quality
soil increased with increase in harvesting days.
Significant difference (p< 0.05) in phosphorus content of The corn pea mixture and harvesting days affected the
the soil was shown by 60 DAP against two harvesting nutritive value of corn forage (Table 4). The dry matter
days but there was no significant differences (p> 0.05) (DM) percentage of the corn ranged from 20.33 to
between 60 and 90 DAP because of the increase in soil 23.83%. Harvesting days significantly (p< 0.05) affected
acidity at these harvesting days which have led to the DM% of the corn. Dry matter increased with increase
decrease in calcium and magnesium cation which are in harvesting days whereby highest dry matter was found
necessary for combination with phosphorus for absorption at 120 DAP which is in line with the findings of Ayub et al.
Drugay and Dorji 127
Figure 1. Significant difference between the means of soil nitrogen (N) after different harvesting days and
between Single Cropping (SC) and Mixed Cropping (MC).
Source: Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0
Table 4. The nutritive value of Sesbania (mean ± S.D at different harvesting days.
(2008). Significant difference (p< 0.05) was found significantly higher in mixed cropping than single
between single cropping and mixed cropping whereby dry cropping at 60 and 120 DAP which is in line with the
matter percentage was higher in mixed cropping than findings of Ibrahim et al. (2012), Eskandari and Ghanbari
single cropping which is similar to the findings of Ibrahim (2009), Mthembu et al. (2017) and Javanmard et al.
et al. (2012) and Javanmard et al. (2009) (Figure 2). The (2009) which could be due to the presence of symbiotic
highest difference in dry matter of 5.16% compared to nitrogen fixation by the legume whereas no significant (p>
single cropping was found at 60 DAP. Similarly, ash 0.05) difference was found between the two at 90DAP.
percentage increased with increase in harvesting days. The highest CP content of 9.22% was found in mixed
Ash percentage is not significantly different (p>0.05) cropping at 90 DAP. The decrease in crude protein
between 90 and 120 DAP but ash percentage at 60 DAP content after 60 DAP with increase in harvesting days
is significantly different against other two treatments. were in line with the results of Dahmardeh et al. (2009).
Although there was significantly (p<0.05) higher ash The overall mean crude fiber percentage ranged between
percentage in mixed cropping compared to single 12.85 and 19%. Harvesting days significantly (p< 0.05)
cropping at 60 DAP which is again similar to the findings affected the CF% of the corn whereby CF% increased
of Ibrahim et al. (2012) and Javanmard et al. (2009) but it with increase in harvesting days due to increase in
was vice versa in the other two DAP. nitrogen fixation by legumes with increase in harvesting
The overall mean CP content of the corn ranged days. However, no significant difference in CF% between
between 2.98 and 8.46%. CP content was highest at 120 single cropping and mixed cropping among harvesting
DAP which is in agreement with the findings of Ayub et days might be due to the less availability of soil nitrogen
al. (2008) who reported the increase till final date. CP content in single cropping which increased at par with soil
content at 60 DAP is significantly (p< 0.05) different fertility, mixed cropping, variation in genetic make-up of
against two treatments but no significant difference was plant, time of harvest and climatic circumstances
found between 90 and 120 DAP. CP content was (Ibrahim et al., 2012).
128 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Figure 2. Figure showing the comparative nutritive value of the corn-pea mixed cropping at different
harvesting days.
Source: Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0
Table 5. Comparison of corn forage yield, plant numbers, and height at different
harvesting days and cropping types.
The nutritive value of pea increased with increase in (2008) might be due to difference in plant species,
harvesting days (Table 5). The overall mean range of pea different fertility of the soil, and climatic circumstances.
dry matter was 19.5 to 23.83%, ash 8.33 to 10.67%, Ash percentage was higher in corn at 60 and 90 DAP but
crude protein 3.26 to 21.30% and crude fiber 7.67 to it was the opposite at 120 DAP. CP content was
11%. Dry matter, ash and crude fiber at 60 DAP are significantly (p< 0.05) higher in peas at 90 and 120 DAP
significantly different against other two treatments but no which is in line with the findings of Ibrahim et al. (2012)
significant difference (p> 0.05) was found between the 90 as legumes usually have higher CP content but are not
and 120 DAP. Ash percentage is significantly (p< 0.05) significant at 60 DAP.
different between 60 and 120 DAP but it was vice versa
in other comparisons.
There were significant differences (p< 0.05) in ash, dry Effect of corn pea mixture and harvesting days on
matter, and crude fiber content between corn and pea on forage growth and yield
different harvesting days (Table 6). There were high dry
matter and low crude fiber content in corn compared to No significant difference (p> 0.05) was observed in corn
pea which is in contrast to the findings of Ayub et al. forage yield and corn plant numbers among the
Drugay and Dorji 129
Table 7. Means of corn stem yield, leaf yield, and weed biomass at different
harvesting days and cropping types.
harvesting days. Plant height increased in mixed harvesting days which ranged between 12.4 and 15.3
cropping compared to single cropping which agrees with t/ha. This increase in stem yield could be due to the
the findings of Mut et al. (2017) but statistically, there was maturity of the plant and the increase in fiber content of
no significant difference in corn plant numbers and corn the plant. There was no significant difference in leaf yield
height between the two (Table 6). The highest corn between 90 and 120 DAP but corn leaf yield at 60 DAP
forage yield was observed at 120 DAP with 26.1±2.43% showed a significant difference against the other two
in line with Ayub et al. (2008) who mentioned that harvest treatments. Leaf yield was highest with 12.17 ± 0.61% at
after 75 days gave maximum yield. The overall mean 90 DAP. There was significantly higher weed biomass at
forage yield was lower than the findings in cowpea by single cropping than mixed cropping which is in line with
Dahmardeh et al. (2009) and Asangla and Gohain (2016) the findings of Matusso et al. (2014) that reported,
but higher than the finding of Iqbal et al. (2006). Forage leguminous plants competed with weeds for basic needs
yield increased with increase in harvesting days. Forage like light and nutrients for growth and yield in mixed
yield was higher in mixed cropping compared to single cropping (Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2001). There was no
cropping at 60 and 90 DAP which is similar to the findings significant (p> 0.05) difference in plant numbers and
of Ayub et al. (2008) but it was non-significant at 120 height between corn and pea among harvesting days
DAP. Lowest corn plant number of 6.08 was observed at (Table 8). Though there was a significant (p< 0.05)
90 DAP. Plant height of corn ranged between 0.62 and difference in forage yield between pea and corn at 60 and
0.92 m. Corn height increased with increase in harvesting 90 DAP but it was non-significant at 120 DAP.
days but there was no significant difference between 60 Forage yield was higher in corn compared to peas but
and 90 DAP. plant height was higher in peas than corn which showed
There was no significant (p> 0.05) difference in pea a depressing effect of Sesbania on corn height (Ibrahim
forage yield, plant numbers, and plant height among et al., 2014). Plant number was higher in corn at 60 DAP
harvesting days (Table 6). This indicated that plant but it was higher in peas on the other two harvesting
density or plant number did not affect the soil nitrogen days.
fixation and forage yield despite the type of field or plot
(Matusso et al., 2014). Pea forage yield and height
increased with an increase in harvesting days. Pea Conclusion
forage yield ranged between 5.47 and 13.42 t/ha and
plant height between 0.76 and 0.98 m. Plant number was Corn pea mixture sown at 20 cm space and three
highest 9.17 ± 1.20% at 90 DAP and lowest at 6.08 ± harvesting days had a significant effect on forage yield,
0.83% at 60 DAP. quality, and soil nutrients. Soil nitrogen was significantly
There was significantly (p< 0.05) higher corn stem yield better in all three stages of harvest in mixed cropping
and low weed biomass in mixed cropping than in single than in single cropping resulting in higher corn yield
cropping, however, no significant difference was because leguminous plants compete with weeds for basic
observed in the corn stem yield among harvesting days needs like sunlight and nutrients for growth. Thus, to get
(Table 7). Stem yield increased with an increase in better forage yield and quality corn forage, farmers should
130 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Table 8. Comparison of forage yield, plant numbers, and plant height of the corn and
pea mixed cropping at different harvesting days.
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