Commissioner of Internal Revenue V Ca
Commissioner of Internal Revenue V Ca
Commissioner of Internal Revenue V Ca
G.R. 119761
AUGUST 29, 1996
FACTS: Fortune Tobacco is engaged in the manufacture of different brands of
cigarettes. The Philippine Patent Office issued to the corporation separate certificates of
trademark registration over “Champion,” “Hope,” and “More”. At first these brands
were classified as foreign brands as belonging to foreign companies according to the
World Tobacco Directory. However, the company changed the names to “Hope
Luxury,” “Premium More,” thereby removing the said brands from the foreign brand
RA 7654 was enacted by the legislature, and contained the following provisions:
About a month after the enactment, and two days before the effectivity of RA
7654, the BIR issued RMC 37-93, stating, among others that “Hope,” “More,” and
“Champion,” are foreign brands, and “since there is no showing who among the
above-listed manufacturers of the cigarettes bearing the said brands are the real
owner/s thereof, then it follows that the same shall be considered foreign brand for
purposes of determining the ad valorem tax pursuant to Section 142 of the National
Internal Revenue Code. As held in BIR Ruling No. 410-88, dated August 24, 1988, "in
cases where it cannot be established or there is dearth of evidence as to whether a brand
is foreign or not, resort to the World Tobacco Directory should be made." Hence, they
were subject to the 55% ad valorem tax.
However, the CTA ruled that the deficiency ad valorem tax assessment was
In fine, petitioner opines that RMC 37-93 is merely an interpretative ruling of the
BIR which can thus become effective without any prior need for notice and hearing, nor
publication, and that its issuance is not discriminatory since it would apply under
similar circumstances to all locally manufactured cigarettes.
ISSUE: Whether RMC 37-93 was an interpretative ruling by the BIR.
RULING: It was not. A legislative rule is in the nature of subordinate legislation, designed
to implement a primary legislation by providing the details thereof . In the same way that laws
must have the benefit of public hearing, it is generally required that before a legislative rule is
adopted there must be hearing. In this connection, the Administrative Code of 1987
(2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final order shall be valid unless the
proposed rates shall have been published in a newspaper of general
circulation at least two (2) weeks before the first hearing thereon.
In addition such rule must be published. On the other hand, interpretative rules are
designed to provide guidelines to the law which the administrative agency is in charge of
Not insignificantly, RMC 37-93 might have likewise infringed on uniformity of taxation.
Apparently, RMC 37-93 would only apply to "Hope Luxury," "Premium More" and
"Champion" cigarettes and, unless petitioner would be willing to concede to the
submission of private respondent that the circular should, as in fact my esteemed
colleague Mr. Justice Bellosillo so expresses in his separate opinion, be
considered adjudicatory in nature and thus violative of due process following the Ang
Tibay 16 doctrine, the measure suffers from lack of uniformity of taxation.