Children of The Stars: An Uncommon Wisdom, An Uncommon Sense, Healing From Ritual Abuse
Children of The Stars: An Uncommon Wisdom, An Uncommon Sense, Healing From Ritual Abuse
Children of The Stars: An Uncommon Wisdom, An Uncommon Sense, Healing From Ritual Abuse
My wish is that the symbol they represent can encourage people how to
become individuals and healthy intelligent human beings connected with
other people and their whole environment in health
This book is further dedicated to those people who have been oppressed,
brutalized and mute-lated. Those who commit or become accessories to
these acts covertly and thereby hypocritically are to be pitied far more than
those who do not try to hide their actions
Table of Contents
Introduction 4 – 34
3. Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane 53
- 65
4. How Society Aids and abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult 66 – 72
6. Exposing the Psychological Dynamics of Ritual Abuse: Convert and Overt, Unconscious and Conscious 88-121
10. How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big Picture: Maintaining the Machine 201 -
11. Exploring the Healing Relationship: Healing the Mind 210 - 254
12. Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 255 - 295 3
13. How to Recognize Survivors of Ritual Abuse in the Healing Relationship 296 - 306
14. The Psychic Dynamics of Child Abuse: An Unorthodox Perspective 307 - 326
16. Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and other professional points of interest 330 -
17. Enough Diagnosing: Let’s Look at the Nature of True Psychotherapeutic Healing 337 - 384
The following quotes I place here because of their importance in the context of
human liberation, especially as it relates to the dignity, psyche and soul of all human
“If everyone keeps taking an eye for an eye pretty soon the whole world will be blind”
Mahatma Gandhi
‘I spoke with a woman one time who worked for a law firm while studying towards
becoming a paralegal practitioner. During our conversation about justice, she said that
the outcome of justice, sometimes, might be a result of who was in power politically and
who was not. This pertained to an innocent person being found guilty or a guilty person
or people being found innocent’
‘I was in such a panic, thinking about everything lately and especially not
hearing anything from Human Rights for almost a month. I had so much fear and
frustration to release that I was amazed at how much I cried.’ Based on over 100 pages
of documentation, Human Rights tentatively said there was one incident where they
might be able to help. If I had of pursued this with Human Rights I would have been
opposing someone who had very powerful friends in organized crime. In all of the
documentation that I had provided this was also a part of the documentation that might
have indicated a possible infringement against the rights of a member of a group that is
protected by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Separate from the small
segment of documentation mentioned above, in respect to 99% of what I documented,
because I was not a member of a protected group –“Human Rights protects the rights of
disadvantaged people and groups” – my human rights were not protected. I point out
that I am a member of a group of people that Human Rights usually targets, while my
oppressors were sometimes members of groups that Human Rights protects. The
message I was being given was that I was not worthy of human rights. ‘
Paul F. Mitchell
This book describes a personal process of searching and growth to the same extent
it contains a social and psychological analysis. Initially the main purpose of this writing
was one of catharsis. During the earlier stages of its development (2005-8) it was
relatively unintelligible (except to me) because of the trauma I had been trying to shake
off. Having eventually released the shackles of earlier experiences without losing touch
with their memories (and learning their meaning), after traveling and working in
Germany and Asia for a few years I developed a more realistic, practical and certainly
concerned perspective for the world around me. In 2014 as we look at the what is
happening in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, within the borders of North America
and other places it becomes quite evident the destructive forces of hypocrisy, greed and
aggression that adversely effected me in the past are in fact threatening the world itself
– and to a much greater extent compared to how they effected me! Therefore, I can now
say as I healed this written commentary became much than what I had originally
planned. I will use some footnotes to indicate where the seeds of some of my thoughts
originated and other substantiation, however the purpose of what I say is to provide
food for thought rather than a “proof” supported work of scholarship.
Reading what is written here only once might not give an individual the ability to
entirely understand what is being described. As with most written pieces of work that
deal with in-depth topics, rereading them will usually give the reader a better insight into
the nature of what is being put across. Although it is not usually good literary style or
practice to repeat something that has already been said, I will do this for the above
reason, usually with more information to work with each time. Most of our actual thinking
takes place on an unconscious level; rereading the material, going back to it at a later
date after the psyche has had time to “digest” what it has taken in, different and deeper
layers of understanding will usually transpire. In addition, as you read the following
material, as I repeat several times throughout to be very conscious of feelings and
emotions and thoughts you experience while reading the material presented here. Being
aware of these physiological and psychological reactions and thoughts will tell you far
more about the accuracy of what I am saying here than the intellect alone. Try to
empathically place your self in many of the dynamic scenarios I’ll be describing.
Rather than spreading fear and creating separation by expressing what this work
covers, my wish is that it promotes the exact opposite. In this material I present a way of
closing separating gaps between people – and I do realize this might be an arrogant
assumption on my part. Although I am not saying anything that thousands of people
before me have not tried to say, now I’m trying to create an over-all context that brings
together apparently different dynamics and perspectives. With conscious or intuitive
appreciation this could naturally develop into people’s love for other human beings,
extending outward to include the whole environment.
The purpose of this work is to expose sources of hypocrisy and social violence
throughout world society. My main thesis is that most of this bigotry develops on
unconscious levels of the human psyche, both individually and collectively. In today’s
world and throughout most societies and cultures people operate from and hold
worldviews that stem primarily from competitive ego perspectives, primarily
unconsciously and collectively motivated. These worldviews lag far behind today’s
technological capabilities and our ability to do violence to each other.
I’m referring to majority worldviews that have become unconsciously fragmented and
dichotomized, affecting in a parallel fashion what it means to be and how to live as
naturally oriented, peace loving human beings. This is demonstrated and explained
throughout the book, with certain sections going into more detail than others. I’ll discuss
dynamics that produce a worldview that has resulted in a materialism that is an
expression of a fragmented human psyche. This dynamic is two-way and self-replicating
or cyclical. It is a narrow ego perspective that only respects and honors what can be
quantified and categorized, then turned into a profit or used for political purpose.
Hypocrisy and greed necessarily flow from this worldview that represses people’s true
natures and refuses to acknowledge what it means to be a whole human being.
People misusing power express one example of this disempowerment of the human
being. Misuse of poweris a way that fragmented and disempowered people try to
compensate for a loss of ability – both actual and potential; for loss of their health. It is
usually expressed through a need to control and manipulate others, including an
insatiable greed for money, profits in an attempt to obtain energetic psychic and
apparently physical requirements. These are energetic needs that could easily be
achieved by people in conscious and aware interaction with the whole of their psycho-
physiological and environmental reality. Human beings can achieve and under natural
circumstances do interact with other people and their environment in an interdependent
manner. The result, as homeopathy, traditional Asian medicine, American First Nations
traditions and other natural medical perspectives have been saying for a long time, is
greater health.
The relative sleep that we have fallen into has usually expressed itself through
increased violence to ourselves and to others. In reality this separation does not exist
and what we do to others we do to ourselves; what we do to ourselves we do to others.
Although this violence (including the very act of separation) originates unconsciously, it
eventually manifests itself egotistically and physically. Materialism and it’s narrowly
The astounding advances humankind has made in the development and use of
technology is being misused and, primarily unconsciously sabotaging human potential.
It would be nice if humankind could avoid the historical tendency demonstrated in
individual and collective historical development that quantum jumps in developmental
growth are usually initiated by some sort of shock or crisis if that development has been
interrupted in some way. I’ll qualify this last statement by saying there’s a possibility this
frustration in growth is nature’s way. Although I won’t develop or search these
possibilities in great depth, there is scientific and historical suggestibility, further
demonstrated by some of the world’s wisdom traditions that when it comes to quantum
jumps in development, so to speak, this is indeed the way nature provides the impetus
to propel evolution forward. In this respect I am not talking about the concept of survival
of the fittest. When it comes to humanity in today’s world this is simply an outmoded
mindset inviting collective suicide. Because of what has happened worldwide
psychically, socially and environmentally in a whole Earth sense, we now find ourselves
on the brink of worldwide catastrophe. Consciousness-raising can change this –
beginning with the individual.
As more people become aware of these dynamics can we overcome the destructive
use of technology and its desensitized technological mindset? Can we somehow induce
the large corporations and governments, indeed the people of the world to instead use
our abilities for evolutionary purposes? Because at the moment this technology is quite
often being used to maintain and exacerbate war-like cycles of bigotry and hatred -
fragmentation – between people. This hypocrisy causes humankind to go against
nature, in all of its manifestation, lower and higher, Earthly as well as Heavenly – the
horizontal Earth plane and the vertical Heavenly plane.
The Heavenly plane is not some sort of imaginary place in the starry night sky but a
higher place within the universal and archetypal human psyche. It refers to the higher
levels and potentials of the human mind. First and foremost this higher potential can
only be found within individuals, as individuals. It can only be initiated in individuals who
are able to compassionately connect with the whole of the human family and in
extension, the greater environment. The development of empathy (not egocentric
sympathy and identification) is only possible in independent people, not by those who
lead a sheep-like, dependent existence.
Most of the decisions, thoughts, emotions and actions of human beings originate far
below the usual levels of conscious awareness. Similar to technology developed under
controlled laboratory conditions and then let loose in the environment, the
manifestations of unconscious collective and individual human dynamics can have
The word occult refers to virtually any hidden aspects of human mental activity and
thought. Compared to times in the past we have become unconscious of what was at
one time not included in the occult. We have become desensitized by the mass media;
Instead of using our bodily senses and mind’s full potential we have developed an over-
reliance on technology.
We’re all responsible for becoming aware of our selves, especially when ignorance
results in violence and harm, to ourselves, to others and to the larger environment.
We’re all responsible for maintaining this destructive cycle so we’re all responsible for
stopping it. To say “I was just following orders” does not cut the cake. Humanity is at a
crossroads. It’s our responsibility for making these unconscious dynamics conscious
and to once again enliven ourselves within an environment we’re all an integral part of.
In respect of the occult the idea of consciousness-raising is important for a very good
reason. We’ll see that many of the unconscious dynamics within the psyche, for most
people, are manipulated and directed by a few elite at the top of the world power
structure, primarily through the use of propaganda, marketing, advertising,
entertainment and other forms of conditioning. This is made very easy today because of
the high and saturated level of technology in use.
More and more people are becoming less conscious in a whole brain sense, primarily
because of technocratic centralization and management (picture a giant corporation the
size of the Earth with virtually all of the Earth’s resources – human or otherwise – all
very scientifically controlled, measured and managed along with and the other trappings
of a well run business at the …CEO’s fingertips); a technocratic management of
education, economics, politics and technology, with people acting as malleable
consumers and workers; one large grid that ordinary people will be plugged into – or
removed as the need arises.
On the other hand today there are also greater and greater numbers of people, some
more consciously than others, involving themselves in areas traditionally thought of as
occult, many of these the very traditions out of which grew the “hard” sciences in today’s
world of technology, macro and micro space exploration, quantum computing, etc.
(astrology lead to astronomy, alchemy to chemistry, etc.) The creative mindsets out of
which all future spiritual, scientific and for a while political developments came from. For
people striving to increase their awareness, seeking to attain higher levels of
consciousness this might be initiated by simply turning off the TV and thinking about
things for themselves.
Before the reader ridicules the idea of being involved in occult activities just
remember that religions, politics and in fact any type of organization that utilizes top-
down, specialized, “expert” or esoteric levels of authority utilize occult methodologies
and practices. This is as true of the Toyota Corporation in Japan as it is within the NSA
of the United States of America.
Unfortunately, most of the people involved in the occult have not overcome many of
the egocentric tendencies society has conditioned into them. Many of us have not
healed our traumatized and wounded natures. When people operate from wounded
and/or egocentric perspectives, in all areas of life, not just the occult they run the risk of
being controlled by the more powerful forces and people at the top of the power
structures throughout society. This is simply because they do not know themselves.
They are not in control of themselves. People who operate solely from egocentric,
extreme right or left-brained perspectives have lowered levels of consciousness.
In today’s world these controlling forces aren’t usually of a benevolent sort. There is a
very important point I am making here. Most of what we call the occult, in all areas of
society – not just in those areas we would call the spiritual occult–is heavily controlled
by unnatural processes. The only solution to this is to awaken people’s curiosity,
imagination and hidden potentials. We have to expose the hidden potential within all
human beings. This is the heritage of all people. It can only be achieved by exposing
many of the shadowy forces and energies that have taken over the operating controls of
human destiny and in many ways hampering or preventing humankind from evolving
and realizing its full potential.
Under natural conditions human evolution always results in expansion. This takes
place both horizontally, embracing the collective and lower levels of the human psyche
and Earth environment and vertically into the higher realms of psychic potential: the
latter movement is usually initiated by individuals, followed by the rest of the human
collective. I am not talking about leaders only in a political sense. I am talking about
individuals like Galileo, Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.: leaders
of emancipation and spiritual development. I am speaking about revolutionary individual
developments in a psychological, cultural and evolutionary sense. We’ll explore what
helps development and what hinders it. We’ll look at the psychic dynamics of empathic,
interdependence with other people and what hinders that from occurring. We’ll look at
how higher mental development requires integration and maintenance of all
developments that precedes it. Without this maintenance a sort of crumbling takes place
individually, collectively, socially and environmentally.
We’ll see that many of the symptoms of this psychic fragmentation are expressed as
the various social problems within society while the real causes are ignored. For
example, even if we don’t consciously acknowledge it, the fact is that everything that
occurs within individuals and between individuals is entirely reciprocal and cyclical. We
will explore how this social reciprocity can be used for creative and constructive
Healthy interdependence and creative reciprocity can only take place between
people who are free and live as individuals, in other words, genuinely. Empathic
interaction can only develop from freedom not coercion, whether it is conscious or
unconscious, psychological or physical. This is part of the true definition of health.
Healthalso includes ever increasing levels of consciousness being attained. Most of
what takes place on the “unconscious” levels of the individual and collective human
psyche takes place consciously on a level that most of us have lost contact with. A
conscious or intuitive integration of the horizontal psychic plane and the vertical upward
psychic plane and dimension of psychic growth is crucial. Conscious integration of
these two dimensions and their dynamics naturally results in optimal health.
Even in our apparently affluent societies, with a few exceptions humankind has
reached a point where people work to maintain a market driven society/machine–a
technocracy with any kind of dictatorship or authoritarian government being extreme
examples of these dynamics– that has stopped working for the benefit of most people.
In an ego sense this is an expression of a disempowered humanity working to maintain
a lower level, materialistic mindset. Collectively, this mindset has stripped most people
of all but a competitive level mentality that keeps most of the world population in a state
of chronic psychic and physical survival mode. It also results in almost 100% of
humankind struggling to maintain some sense of interdependence and dignity,
individually and collectively.
indeed the blueprint for a powerful and life-giving new world paradigm. The existing
majority worldview – which operates from a strictly ego perspective, expressed most
completely through materialism – is not possible to maintain indefinitely. Not only does
(human) evolution stop, in many cases it goes into reverse. The current and dominant
Newtonian worldview expresses a collective competitiveness and bigotry that has
prevented most people from achieving an integrated body, mind and spirit. Many of us
have been stripped of true dignity, replacing dignity with a superficial egocentricity that
is more concerned with image rather than personal integrity or ethics. Expressed
collectively, it is mirrored within individuals in varying degrees.
Violence has always been a symptom of the inquisitorial and egotistically repressed
Soul of humankind. Humankind is unconsciously ruled by the Jungian “shadow”
controlled collective human psyche. The Jungian “shadow” – those aspects of ourselves
we most despise and refuse to acknowledge as parts of our psyches – is inherently
violent; violence we sometimes direct at ourselves but usually direct towards others in a
typically hypocritical – a form of psychosis - manner. Although many others are
included, this violence is always directed towards people who try to speak out about or
address these dynamics directly and honestly.
In Medieval times religions were partially responsible for the inquisition – physically
and mentally violent political oppression that used religious authoritarianism for its own
the world while the more unconscious aspects of the human psyche – the vast majority
of the psyche – is ignored, ridiculed and poisoned – and controlled without consent.
Modern psychiatry, the pharmaceutical industry and dominant society ruthlessly lets the
shadow of humankind rule on the unconscious, collective levels of the human psyche by
ignoring the profound importance the unconscious psyche has in our thinking processes
and day-to-day living.
The conditioning, psychological factors that produce and maintain this perpetrator
mindset are embedded at an unconscious and subliminal level of awareness for most
people. Finger pointing and blame aren’t really possible. Nonetheless, negative and
unhealthy energies must be uncovered and healed.
This does raise the question: when unhealthy energies possess people, thereby
hurting the possessed but also other people around them including the living
environment, do you blame the energies and actions but not the person? What about
someone whose unseen con-like actions are apparently benevolent but in reality very
harmful, in a very subtle way? What about blatant acts of violence perpetrated by
people not aware of the seriousness of their action – and in these cases I’m referring to
corporations, banks, military and police in addition to “civilians”? What do we do to
alleviate or heal these dynamics without perpetuating the cycle of negativity? The
perpetrator may or may not be aware of the severity of his or her energies and similarly
most people are not aware of the magnitude of their negative contributions to the
collective psyche.
NOTE: Some healers and life-givers are aware of these energies/dynamics and their
sources. It is these people who have been persecuted, muted and executed throughout
history in any dictatorship and not-so-democratic democracies. As you read this book
be aware of these things.
The main question people have to ask themselves is who benefits from what I have
been describing? The word, “profits” speaks volumes in looking towards an answer.
However, even this word, profits, only guides one towards the initial beneficiaries of
these dynamics.
Extending out from the hypocrisy and bigotry that results from a world operating from
a primarily ego-perspective sadism and masochism - which is unconsciously motivated
for the most part - is a widespread phenomena. This is a symptom of alienation: a lack
of physical and mental integration within individuals and between people. It has more of
an impact throughout society and the world than most would imagine. It expresses a
type of self-hate that perpetuates the machine-like cycle within a prescriptive world cult-
When I use the word prescriptive, it denotes a mindset and process that categorizes
and divides everything into parts, assigning people to machine-like roles within society.
This is mirrored in psychic development, or lack thereof, within individuals and the
human collective. It is opposite a proscriptive mindset.
A proscriptive mindset grows into and out of situations where people maintain as
much of a whole and reciprocal interaction with their environment as possible, in
whatever they do. It is integrative and holistic.
These dynamics, both prescriptive and proscriptive, will be explored in depth and
within many apparently separate and diverse areas. What I have been describing is
very political.
Drawing from the wisdom teachings of both the East and West, a practical way to
achieve healthy personal integration - of mind and body - is by practicing a
One of the symptoms expressing a lack of this dynamic integration and balance is an
addictive mindset, an impulse prevalent throughout world society; and how we are
conditioned to it. One of the cruelest expressions of this stunted emotional psychic
growth is pedophilia and an obsession with and distortion of a sacred expression of
humanity and life – sexuality. In fact, sexuality, or rather, sensuality, is one of the
casualties that will be discussed at great length. It is sexuality that has become one of
the most obscene ways in which sadism and masochism or materialistic meaningless,
on many different levels is expressed. It is also one of the most widespread methods
used for energetic theft and illicit control over people. Sadism and masochism is
expressed in psychic ways as much as it is in physical ways – in fact more so. In
respect of sexuality, this symptomatic tendency has distorted and perverted what should
be a most beautiful expression of human interdependence and creativity, love. Sexual
exploitation and the use of sexuality in the manipulation of people can be perpetrated as
much on a psychic level as a physical one and without any of the characteristics of
sexism being present.
When we look at the potential of the human psyche we will see it goes far beyond
what most people consider realistic. For example, we will look at what used to be known
as “female intuition” and how it has become degraded and pathologized into something
called paranoia. This is an example of how the human psyche has been mute-lated,
criminalized and pathologized: just take a look at how the D.S.M.(as used by “mental
health practitioners for an ever expanding list of “diagnosis” created by pharmaceutical
companies for profit) has pathologized many expressions and ways of being human. It
is an example of how an artificially created “pathology” is being used in order to create
profits in a materialistic, market driven world while at the same time being used to
murder and incarcerate the human spirit and human potential.
In looking at the above, we can begin to see the way in which power can be misused.
Power must be equated with responsibility, especially when that power involves a
potential or in fact contains within it a power differential between the powerful person
and other people. This would mean that there is therefore a potential to hold power over
other people and misuse that power. The lethal combination in these kinds of situations
While looking at these dynamics we will be looking at the nature of cults. A primary
characteristic of cults is one-way control, from the top down. One of the main results of
this type of control is dependence and the creation of an addictive personality. The two
dynamics are related. In respect of cults or groups, the important dynamic to look at is
the one-way flow of information and control, with a resulting domino-like effect. Society
is almost completely comprised and saturated with these dynamics on a continuum
ranging from mild to severe.
When attempting to leave cult-like groups, most unconscious people leave one
situation only to go to another cult-like group because of conditioning and familiarity.
This is very similar to situations where abused people leave one abusive relationship
only to gravitate to similar situations. This dynamic is well documented and researched
and hardly requires discussion. All we need look at are situations where battered people
in relationships go from one abusive relationship to another.
People seriously involved in occult or true spiritual practices gain power because of
increased levels of consciousness - as opposed to strictly religious or secular
indoctrination and practice). This power can be used to liberate people or to manipulate
people. In most occult groups I have been involved with, because of a lack of self-
knowledge the people I have witnessed allow ego to interfere and the result is
conscious or unconscious manipulation of their environment, and of course I am
referring to other people and their or the group’s activities. Speaking for myself, when I
initially became involved in these areas, in addition to reasons related to employment or
scholarly pursuits, there were also self-defensive dynamics present, as there are with
many people. All of these dynamics occur in most groups, not just the spiritually or
psychologically oriented groups. Remember, the word occult simply refers to “what is
hidden” – whatever that knowledge or information may be. Whether it stems from the
historical legacy of monarchies –touched by the individualism of the scientific and
industrial revolutions – in either the eastern or western hemispheres of the Earth or the
later development of the equally oppressive dictatorial fascist or communist (not
socialist) systems, today world society is saturated with cult-like dynamics.
A symptom of being illicitly controlled and manipulated is depression and other so-
called mental illnesses: for example, depression occurs and is expressed by of a
draining of libinal energy. It is usually situational or psychologically induced, even if a
subsequent development is “chemical imbalance” (as the pharmaceutical companies
claim). Related to this, we will look at some of the institutions within society that
All forms of dependency maintain or encourage the use of illegitimate control and
manipulation. To some degree this results in a form of psychic possession. All forms of
social, group and sometimes family conditioning cause this.
The most sensitive people in society, who consciously or intuitively recognize the
above dynamics are quite often labeled mentally ill and are psychically imprisoned and
controlled, usually by psychotropic medications. This prevents any type of attitudinal
changes within society and subsequently any healthy improvements. One of the most
prevalent methods used to prevent awareness of these dynamics from becoming known
is by making psychically aware people look or in fact become insane. This is the main
way society’s awareness of the realities of manipulation and population control are kept
under lock and key (pun intended)
When ritual and symbols activate certain aspects of the psyche the assimilation of
emotional responses and data are not usually filtered through the critical apparatus of
the intellect. This is why rituals, especially when performed “consciously” within spiritual
occult settings have to be done with knowledge of the intention of the rituals and
awareness of the possible outcomes. This is especially important in low magic that
involves manipulation of the environment including people, usually by the ritual’s ability
to mobilize (and possibly manipulate) people’s emotions, attitudes and desires. This
truism applies to all occult knowledge and its application: a person knowledgeable in
these areas can apply the same operational dynamics in areas of commerce, politics,
education etc. These dynamics are immensely important in areas of mental health
where an institution or organization’s staff (employees) exercises actual control over
people (client or patient).
When tribalism, bigotry and separation (hate) enter into ritual, the more powerful the
outcome is: the more powerfully destructive the outcome. This is especially true when
the rituals focus on symbols and archetypal energies or even accumulated negative
energies that resonate within the collective psyche – look what’s happened since 911.
These dynamics, when activated can be placed on a continuum of severity.
Scapegoating and any form of hypocrisy is a form of ritual that drains people of life
force. These types of activities will be discussed by using, in some cases mundane
examples everyone will recognize.
The most sensitive people who are aware, usually intuitively of these realities are
usually subdued in various ways, “sacrificed” in fact because of the energies they have
access to as well as the threats they pose to the powers that maintain the status quo by
virtue of their levels of achieved or potential awareness.. They are sacrificed more
ruthlessly than any other segments of the population. This was mentioned above and
we will discuss this at length. Pharmaceutically, institutionally (prisons, hospitals, etc.)
and socially induced psychic and physical mute-lation is the usual result. Hopefully, as
people read this paper they will be justifiably horrified to understand the magnitude of
what is being described.
A theme I’ll repeatedly mention throughout is: when we harm others, we are harming
ourselves. Can a person recall a time they hurt someone and felt bad afterwards? This
is more than just a conscience-induced emotional reaction.
As mentioned above, in many cases oppressed people try to compensate for their
disempowerment by oppressing other people they feel are beneath them. This is the
domino effect and is a crucial factor in the cyclical perpetuation of these dynamics. I will
stress many items of importance over and over to get this point across. Fear is one of
the main tools used to keep these dynamics in place. The world and society is saturated
in fear…with purpose
Taking into consideration all of the dynamics I’m discussing, on the unconscious
levels of the collective psyche these accumulated energies become shadow (y) hate
and revenge-seeking entities in their own right. It becomes a vicious cycle. This is the
shadow from depth psychology. It is usually combined with the collective ego and the
lower level primordial, mass mind. As we’ll see, because people are usually
unconscious of their true unique natures many of these dynamics result in antagonism
between groups, between men and women and between other identifiable
concentrations of people. Consciousness-raising can remedy this situation.
We will look at the effects of sadism, masochism and in fact any kind of human
violence: emotional, psychological and physical. We will discuss where all of that energy
goes. On the smaller but much more concentrated level it does not benefit the sadist
except for a short time, certainly not the masochist and after a mass rally, once people
come back to down to Earth, everyone feels drained. On a collective level, where does
all this energy go? Not for constructive purposes.
Consider: shadows or blackness sucks up and absorbs light and energy. On the
other hand, light and awareness literally creates and radiates energy, like the sun. I will
provide physical (physics), metaphysical, philosophical and other scientific
documentation and facts for people to use in conjunction with intelligence when
considering these questions. Groups, cults and mass, lower-level collective energies
throughout (and controlling the mechanisms of)the collective are major tools used to
perpetuate these dynamics in ways described above and throughout this living
notebook of mine. These dynamics are present within almost all groups. Some of the
more obvious ones can be called cults. I will give you examples of the less obvious
forms cults can take and how the dynamics of psychological conditioning are
During these sections I will explore the idea of psychic retreats people make because
of these dynamics and the resulting psychic imbalances such as Dissociative Identity
Disorder, so-called schizophrenia, depression and so forth. During these discussions,
we’ll explore the emotion fear, which is nothing more than an aspect of a false, in some
cases regressive and certainly immature ego. We’ll consider how these dynamics
attempt to maintain and cyclically perpetuate themselves, and are expressed in various
I will take a look at how a people’s environment and how their psychological
perceptions within that environment are distorted and in the sense of psychological
conditioning, in order to maintain control over them – the purposeful manufacture and
subsequent conditioning wrought by the corporate/media production of cognitive
dissonance – where the reality of “what is” have been technologically become divorced
from is being told. This is why people are being counseled” to “feel” rather than think – a
logical and abstractly conceptual mental ability is a threat to any dictatorship. This
creates an apathetic, malleable population who have been made to believe they cannot
believe their own perceptions – pure “Art of War”.. Most of these dynamics are
unconscious, although there are ways in which it is consciously maintained. I am
referring to propaganda and advertising/marketing. Conditioning: governmental mental
health agencies actually spend taxpayer’s money to sell pharmaceuticals by way of
advertising the symptoms of so-called mental illnesses. This greatly increases sales
because of the power of (including subliminal) suggestion, the “authority” of the mental
health worker (who is really working for and being instructed by the pharmaceutical
company), through to advertising and the mass media. I’m also referring to unconscious
dialogue, within and between people – nonverbal communication. Only rigid skeptics
and closed-minded people will be able to deny validity, at least to some extent, to what
is being said.
People deny things within their selves project it psychologically onto someone else
and then blame the other person for the very thing or things they are guilty of. It’s a form
of self hate and all hypocrisy is a form of psychosis because the very act of divorcing an
aspect of your own psyche and projecting – attributing - it into another person is a form
of dissociation (of self). It’s pure logic. This is also what happens in a collective where
individuality is stamped out in favor of a mass ubiquity and all projection of power is
projected onto the dictator.
When the ancient people first created the scapegoat, during ritual, it was originally
done to real goats. They “blamed” the goat for their own shortcomings by “praying” their
undesirable traits into it before sending it off into the wilderness. This was an actual
ritual that will be mentioned later in this book. After thousands of years, this ritual has
created a collective psychological mind-set found within most individuals in varying
degrees. Thousands of years later this psychic reversal has created dictators, fascists,
multinationals and advertising and has caused the development of conditions such as
turrets, dyslexia and so forth. You see we’re not using goats anymore. We create
human scapegoats and act in bigoted or especially thanks to “Identity Politics” sadistic
ways. We are using real people.
repressed and unrepressed unconscious material. This is being expressed today by the
emergence of new diseases, rampant social violence and the degeneration of any
standards associated with actual evolution. Instead, in today’s slothful 2021 more
people are being encourage to dissociate themselves from Nature, even considering
space travel. More and more people want to be exactly what Nature never bequeathed
to them,. This anti-natural attitude is pure misogyny. All people are of the Earth – The
Great Mother. If we reject our oun self, our individuality, our very Soul be commit the act
of misogyny because we are all of woman, the Earth. Our very DNA is totally embedded
in all of Nature and to remove Nature’s rule from human beings will actually be a death
sentence. Once people become separated from themselves, other people and the living
Earth they become empty shells – exactly perfect for producing “order followers” without
a shred of empathy for their victims. This has been a tried and true method for
thousands of years. Kind of like the “walking dead”.
Please keep an open mind as you read this material. As you read think with your
whole person, with empathy (as it relates to others) and sensitive self-honesty.
Consciously experience what and how you feel as these social problems are
considered. Consider how theses dynamics relate to the widespread epidemics of
violence spreading throughout society and the world.
Consider the nature of bigotry, hypocrisy and seeing things in reverse. Following
from this, perpetrators (can) actually create situations that induce their victims – the
scapegoat (s) –to act out these projections. Even within the justice system it is fair to
say accusers should (sometimes) be cross-examined along with the accused,
regardless what the accusation is. This would be especially appropriate in instances
where public exposure (eye-witnesses) is lacking. I feel this should actually apply even
to polygraph tests. People haven’t changed that much since the days of the inquisition
and witch burnings. Those particular circumstances were prime opportunities for hate-
filled, jealous and even spurned people to claim innocent victims (remember the fox
who couldn’t reach the grapes). By becoming aware of the usual ways in which people
are scapegoat and bigoted against we can begin to counter these psychological
When psychology is reduced to the material, the genetic levels of understanding (the
above dynamics), what is prevented is a deeper, learned knowledge of the psyche. A
person’s immature ego is only concerned with material aspects of life – aspects of life
concerned with possessions, image, power and control (over their environment).
Society conditions people only to consider what their egos tell them i.e. we are told to
ignore the subtler but touchable subconscious and tentatively unconscious aspects of
ourselves. We are told our unconscious psyche doesn’t exist, should be left alone, is not
important or is dangerous. We are told our mental ability can only increase in the usual,
left-brained aspects of logical, quantitative and reductionist thinking. Most of us are not
told about the intuitive, holistic aspects of true power (of consciousness) we have
access to.
Increasing our appreciation for what the psyche is capable of through consciousness
raising would be similar to what many oppressed groups have done throughout history.
People should become concerned about possible loss of civil liberties and government
population control. Seriously consider these things as you read this material. Is this why
the mainstream medicine (psychiatry) looks at mysticism, mystical abilities or even
“female” intuition and other demonstrations of raised levels of consciousness in such a
paranoid and persecutory fashion?
I will discuss forms of psychosis that can actually be caused or worsened by societies
various addictions-medications, especially by misuse of some of the pharmaceutically
manufactured psychotropic medications.
The ability of a person’s true self to emerge under natural conditions can be a
prodigious achievement in today’s world. Consciousness-raising- including any form of
meditation –is the only thing that can place people’s natural drive to achieve these
higher levels of consciousness (development)and civilization back into an evolutionary
mode. This’ll require the self-integration of individuals – individuation – and
subsequently the collective integration of society. I’ll relate a short dream I had several
years ago, very soon after I started (briefly) using anti-depressants.
Dream In this dream, I was standing in front of a public alcohol-serving bar counter.
At first glance it appeared to be an ordinary bar scene, however, the bartender was not
just serving drinks. He was also serving Prozac. Most of the patrons of the bar actually
seemed to prefer this instead of the usual depressant known as alcohol. I think this
dream expresses rather nicely what I said in the above. In some cases and for short
periods of time a medication like this might be useful. However, the effects induced by
use of antidepressants are artificial and creates in the user an artificial and inaccurate
perception of themselves and their environment. Antidepressants can create a type of
addiction that throws people off-course from true awareness. It blocks out a real aspect
of who that individual really is (for example what they find acceptable or not) and
harmful or potentially harmful situations within their environment.
The dynamics I’m discussing here will also be discussed in relation to cults, cult-like
groups and how they operate. These dynamics are present throughout all of society,
with more obvious levels of expression in some groups and some geographical areas of
the world than others.
I’ll try to illustrate how psychic fragmentation and manipulation by the shadow (read:
unconscious, dysfunctional dynamics) of society and its various tools of enforcement
are very sexual in the sense of psychic interference and invasion; a type of
psychological rape. This can be far more devastating in effect than physical levels of
violations. This is a form of violence that strikes at the very core of an individual but is
mostly ignored (within and throughout) society) because of the material culture we live
in. Of course, these are extremely important dynamics to consider when developing
marketing and advertising strategies – control and manipulation. We’ll discuss both
physical and psychological forms of trauma induced by abuse. For lack of a better word,
I’ll refer to it as sacrificial torture
In tandem with the above dynamics, I’ll ask some questions that might illustrate how
some of society’s and the world’s institutions and environments are conducive to
inducing formerly oppressed people to in turn become oppressors. I’ll investigate how
these dynamics affect everyone in society and the human collective psyche,
consciously and unconsciously. What these dynamics represent, quite simply is a
hypocritical perpetuation of the very aspects of oppression that one group of people
condemn in others and then do themselves. These dynamics create environments that
maintain the illusion of differences and divisions between people. Perfect examples of
these dynamics are abuses that take place during the implementation and use of
political correctness. In addition to what I just mentioned above, political correctness
coercively induces people to apply biased opinions and viewpoints onto themselves and
others, in turn creating oppression. In no cases can coercion and intolerance overcome
intolerance and differences. The only type of intolerance that can be acceptable in
society is intolerance of anyone being hurt or oppressed.
In relation to all of the above, I’ll explore the nature of healing relationships. I’ll
demonstrate the need, in many cases, for would-be healers to in fact heal themselves of
their and any of their patients about psychic fragmentation and discover their own inner
sources of bigotry that might prevent a true healing relationship with a client or a client
with him or herself. I will look at how many apparently healthy and well-meaning people
in fact can become oppressors and perpetrators. I will show that healing and being
healed has to be a mutual affair. A state of true empathy and compassion must be a
living reality within the healer for a true healing relationship to exist. This necessarily
involves a two-way exchange and recognizes the truth that no one person can operate
in a vacuum.
In the final section of this book, I’ll explore the dynamics of hard-core ritual abuse.
There are two distinct levels of ritual abuse. One level involves obvious perpetrators and
the abuses they commit they do in blatantly obvious ways – these can easily be
recognized in the crimes causing physical harm, especially within obvious cults.
However, I’ll also discuss the less obvious forms of abuse, especially sexual, that take
place on the unconscious and subtler levels of awareness.
I will use personal and related experiences to demonstrate the way cult or cult-like
dynamics affect people and the subsequent challenges that will need to be overcome
for healing to take place. The main tool is the ability to develop awareness. Speaking
personally, I used tried and true methods of meditation from both Eastern and Western
traditions until I developed a unique, personalized form that suited me. In other words,
the tried and true forms gave me a blueprint from where I could start to find my own true
style and individuated way of meditation or intra-psychic mediation. In fact, it is only
when a person develops this awareness from within – self-knowledge– that one can
discover who they really are.
In extension of this, I have heard it said that a true teacher is a person whose
greatest desire in their thirst to teach is to have the pleasure of seeing the student reach
or surpass them in ability. This is the characteristic of a true teacher. This is also the
mark of a true healer. In both cases the person is helping to empower someone. The
opposite of this would be to create dependency and an aura of superiority. A true
teacher or healer is humble.
Towards the end of the book I will show how the actual processes and views that
subsequently develop from within during the increase in levels of consciousness, of
wholeness cannot adequately be described with words. The only way this can be done,
in respect of the more highly evolved and thus more expansive areas is by the psychic
manifestations of spiritual imagery produced by the mind. Unique to an individual’s
culture and material origins, religious or spiritual imagery is the usual way the human
psyche expresses these higher levels of consciousness. It is only through spiritual
imagery that(conscious) expressions of this level, of spiritual wholeness can be
I’ll draw upon and use spiritual imagery; I’ll draw as well upon personal experiences
and expressions to demonstrate an experiential appreciation and understanding of the
dynamics I am trying to describe intellectually. I urge people to closely monitor and
develop a feeling-toned awareness of what they experience as they study the material I
present here. As I have already said, a person’s reactions and especially intuitive
feelings they have can say a lot more about the truth than can the intellect alone.
Throughout this work I describe the dynamics of meditation. I’ll illustrate that
meditation is not a religion, some form of exotic and weird cult activity or anything
remotely similar to that. Meditations take on many different forms and methods. In its
most simple description, meditation] is simply any form of concentration that follows
thoughts, emotions or feeling in such a way that body, mind and spirit are united: they
become synchronized. It teaches a person to become comfortable and accept
everything one encounters in the mind and body, and letting it go. Tolerance is
developed to the point that the various thoughts, feelings and emotions no longer have
a hold on the individual. Tolerance is developed to the point where the mind is actually
able to attain clear spots free of the clutter of thoughts, emotions and other types of
psychic noise. Thoughts and associated emotions are primarily creations of the
individual and collective ego. Once free spaces within the psyche have been found-
away-from ego, movement upward to higher levels of awareness can be attained. The
higher levels of awareness are free of the Earth-like gravity and obsession with
egotistical thoughts and fears. Importantly, the foundations or roots from which a person
emerges, their cultures but also literally the Earth and universe itself, will usually
determine the best methods (of meditation) for an individual during the journey to
However, it most certainly depends on the individual and only the individual can
determine the method best suited for their self, not someone else. The only exception
to this is when a true teacher can be found for this purpose. After having read and
studied the dynamics above and throughout the rest of this work I know people would
then have a better idea for themselves what they, as individuals need or require. In fact,
that is one of my main points being made throughout this book: most people have a
natural ability to heal themselves. To lose or be denied that ability is called
As you read this book be aware that many words, phrases and the contexts in which
I use them quite often have multi-layered meanings Sometimes I will note the double of
or layered meanings I intend, at other times I will leave it up to the reader to perhaps
see for themselves. For a double meaning example, sometimes when I say the word
well I am using the common usage and meaning of the word. However, I am also
referring to the deep well of the unconscious. As well, when I made a few Freudian slips
that I wrote down or typed as I was putting this commentary together, in most cases I
have left them alone; in the few instances they occurred because of the obvious, or
given the nature of the mind, the necessary and applicable context and meaning in
which they are found. Even in these few instances there might be a deeper meaning,
especially when I make reference to feminine and masculine dynamics – and I’m almost
always referring to energies not gender although given the differences in physiology and
psyche between women I also sometimes am referring to gender.. At all times, the
reader is advised to keep in mind the double nature of all human beings and the fact we
all contain elements of both masculine& feminine dynamics and energies. Sometimes I
will be speaking about gender as a symbol of psyche, sometimes as a biological reality.
Based on my own experience, what I’ve learned from people, what I’ve read and
studied and most importantly my various experiences with some of the different socially
sanctioned institutions of society and our culture, the following is an expression of what I
believe our existential reality to be. These experiences are not uncharacteristic of what
many people experience. I will be discussing them in the same way that Jung, et al.
used many of their very real and eye opening experiences and the affect these
experiences had on them and other people during their study of the mind.
I’ll describe and explain that what we usually think of as ritual abuse occurs on levels
of society and in ways people do not usually consider.
Throughout this work I contend that true (psychological) healing is only possible
when a person stops repressing and is brutally honest with him/herself and others.
Someof the experiences and examples I use are amazing to consider, especially when
we are supposed to be living within a civilized and free society. A lot of abuse appears
to be consciously perpetrated and I suppose some of it is. But a lot of it is unconsciously
perpetrated, and otherwise I it would be impossible to fathom how people could actually
allow themselves to do the things they do. These are things that are primarily induced
unconsciously by the shadow of humankind and other associated dynamics…..but of
course the ego-conscious mind always thinks their thought was the first.
It’s a fact that in order to truly study the mind for the purpose of healing, instead of
using other people as guinea pigs and the attempt of some people to learn about or
control their own minds vicariously through other people, a true psychology of the mind
is only possible by the study of one’s own.
Taking into consideration my own personal experiences, well, they have been quite
varied. I was born into a typical family in Nova Scotia, Canada. The first few years of my
life were lived in a rural area outside of Halifax. As happens with so many families these
days, my mother and father separated and divorced early in my life. What many people
refer to as dysfunctional families is a common phenomenon. In fact it has become
accepted by and promoted by most of society’s population as being the “norm.” As I
write these words never again will I ever assign blame, condemn or judge people as
individuals or even as groups. What I can and do is evaluate the unhealthy dynamics
that have transpired within the world of the human psyche. I do realize that in
addressing psychological issues you do not condemn the person or people in and from
whom these dynamics manifest themselves. However, we can and must deal with the
unhealthy dynamics associated with the resulting behaviors and actions. In this context
I’ll say the same about many of our institutions and the powerful dynamics that maintain
many of societies and indeed humanities dysfunctions. Therefore, although much of
what I say may appear harsh, in fact it is a blunt, no nonsense approach to the issues I
am trying to bring to light. I have learned that to “beat around the bush” and try to say
something “in so many words” so that people who have a vested interest won’t be
threatened does not, never has and never will work. Someone or something that is
harmful or doing harmful things, people closing a blind eye to them and hypocrisy can
only be addressed by being truthful and to the point. If you are dealing with a rapist you
don’t try to say what he or she is doing is wrong in a nice way so that they won’t be
offended. The only thing that works is forthright honesty.
A person I knew once said to me “That which doesn’t kill you will only make you
stronger.” This is the same type of attitude and belief that members in satanic cults
operate from. A Satanic cult researcher, referred to later in this book, mentions an
example where a psychotherapist tried to induce clients who had been sexually abused
patients to rationalize their abuse in the same way. This causes psychic splits,
dissociation within people’s minds. For these reasons I do not support the director of a
school of social work who expressed the above sentiment to me in reference to my own
traumatic experiences, although I am curious to know if she would have said that to me
if I had of been someone else. However, looking at these dynamics from a conscious,
detached and disciplined perspective might be a way to understand what the Buddha
was referring to when he said: “Life is suffering.” It does not mean that a person turns a
blind eye to the causes of suffering and oppression, wherever it stems from. Quite the
opposite is true.
People all exist on different levels of development and therefore understanding. The
important thing is for people always to ask “Why?” and remember that people, all
people, are literally the same. Regardless of appearances, every person in existence
is fundamentally good and perfect. It’s the energies produced by and within by people
which we have to question.
The other thing I want to make clear is that I will in no way adhere to modern
medicine and especially the modern view of mental health that considers a lot of
mystical, even paranormal experiences which people talk of as psychotic or sick. As
mentioned above, considering the nature of mind it is only natural that many of the
existential experiences people might have, given the context of the culture and spiritual
characteristics of the culture they are immersed in or from which they emerged, that
much of the psychic imagery and knowledge of the higher realms of the psyche can
only be expressed through that culture, using the filter of the human mind. Sometimes,
religious or spiritual (traditional) imagery is the only way to conceptualize or speak of
some of these things and have to be interpreted symbolically not literally.
Much of modern psychology and especially psychiatry only deal with the lower levels
of the mind, usually as it relates to ego. Therefore, I do closely evaluate modern
psychiatry’s attack on human mysticism (evolution). I know from personal experience,
many people I have spoken with as well as extensive research I have done that when a
client speaks about religion, mysticism or anything spiritual, from a “systemic”
perspective in the just mentioned areas it might be considered a sign of illness. Yet that
same individual who commits the diagnosis may then turn around, go to church,
mosque or other religious setting and listen to sermons that talk about a highly
supernatural and in some cases, superstitious type of God, hellfire and other such
nonsense; then again they might also adopt a purely nihilistic, atheistic and arrogant
belief that their own ego is the greatest achievement nature has attained. All of this is
extremely childish, pathological and deadly to the human psyche and spirit. It is literally
a crime against humanity.
It is from my experiences with other people that I have learned more about myself
than any other source and gained a true appreciation, respect and reverence for our life
here on the blue planet. It is especially from people who have caused me suffering that I
have obtained the greatest wealth of understanding and knowledge. In consideration of
everyone I have learned from, whether it was from the people I associated and
interacted with on a daily basis, from people who appeared to be old fashioned and
rigidly set in their way and a variety of other people in different areas of society’s
artificially created divisions - all of these people have shown me they had a wealth of
resources for learning to offer me.
In my thirst for learning and knowledge I learned that there is a lot of information out
there for people to “consume” but very little of it is useful unless it can be put into its
proper perspective. Learning how to read between the lines, separating fiction from non-
fiction, separating emotional propaganda from true human needs; all of this was to
teach me that no one person, opinion and viewpoint or way of life is less useful for the
purpose of human education than the rest. As I learned that no one person, perspective,
way of life or way of being told the whole story of (human) life, I also learned the
importance in realizing that from the day we are born until the day we die, the process
of learning never ceases. The written word is simply a vehicle for recording an
individual, group’s’, nation’s or culture’s particular viewpoint on life. I remember a book I
read at one time entitled “Aging is a Life-Long Affair.” Today, the title sums this
realization up for me quite nicely.
In considering my interaction with and experiences with the various institutions within
society (either as an employee or client), I have to say that my work in and personal
involvement with medical and psychiatric institutions - more than anywhere else –
showed me just how limited, controlling repressive/regressive some of these institution’s
and their perspectives and mandates really are. Along with the fascist military-industrial
complex, in some ways these institutions are responsible for halting and in some cases
reversing the evolution of humankind and the human spirit more than any other aspect
of modern society.
I’m going to discuss how the psyche is mutilated and abused in a type of
unconscious sacrifice to the shadow of humankind. We’ll look at how to take steps to
heal and then emerge from this in the form of catharsis, individually and collectively,
beginning with the healer.
When attempting to understand the reality of the psyche I find it best to utilize an
integral and unifying approach. While speaking about psychological integration we can
introduce the idea of centering and balance. This can be done by using an approach
that does not accept a purely objective or inter-objective approach or a purely subjective
or inter-subjective approach to understanding how we live in the world. Each approach
is valid for trying to understand how a person or people operate in the world but for a
realistic picture we have to include all four approaches. Picture a circle broken into four
quadrants. Each of the above mentioned approaches (ways of operating or living in the
world) can be situated in one of four quadrants and can be placed on a graph. The left
side or subjective and inter-subjective approaches have to be balanced with the
objective and inter-objective “outer” reality in order to explain how we maneuver and
operate within the world. The left side of the graph – shown on page 72– can be thought
of as a living psychic reality and the right side, because of its purely materialistic and
objective focus, can simply be thought of as “it.” 1When looking at how people operate in
the world, it is only when one side or portion of the whole is used or viewed to the
exclusion and devaluation of the others that imbalance occurs – for example, an
individual might be very concerned about material possessions and achieving a good
public image but neglects his or her inner integrity, self-awareness and connection with
other people. A person like this focuses their life on objective, material achievements to
the exclusion or neglect of his/herrelationship with them-self and other people..
In today’s world official validation is only assigned to the right, purely objective and
materialistic side. What is accepted from the other side is only considered useful by the
dominant social structure if it can “make a profit”, further technology or carry political
weight. The realities of the subjective and inter-subjective side – the individually,
collectively and the interdependence of both – are either are discounted or
pathologized. This mechanization of the human psyche is itself pathological, producing
dysfunction in a vicious cycle, in the same way that too much focus on the subjective
and inter-subjective produces imbalance.
In this way we end up with neurotic and/or psychotic imbalances. This mutilates
individual and collective psyches. A purely materialistic, technological and objective
world-view that predominates throughout this planet called Earth does just that. It
destroys the contours of the human psyche, both individual and collective and too much
focus on material reality thereby destroys it as well – by over exploitation, imbalance, by
too much attention being paid to quantitative rather than qualitative reality.
Ken Wilber, “Eye To Eye, Shambhala Publications, Inc., Horticultural Hall, 300
Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, copyright 1983, 1990, 1996,
2001 by Ken Wilber, Pg. 83
Because of this quantitative, materialistic and profit driven mentality we are left with a
market driven society where people become Skinner’s rats.2Their behaviors can be
manipulated and exploited so that they purchase, in most cases unneeded consumer
products. People become bodies instead of being treated and behaving like human
beings, to maintain the machine-like requirements of a profit-driven and machine-like
This consumer approach to living distorts, mutilates and prevents most people from
attaining the higher levels of psychic potential and development as nature intended.
Fortunately, we’ll always have people like Socrates, Galileo and Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr.; people who’re individual enough, brilliant enough and courageous enough to go
against the status quo. Perhaps truth, reality and justice can emerge long enough for
humankind to see its mistakes and to propel us into our next stage of evolutionary
development. Sometimes this historical truism reminds me of watching a toddler
learning how to walk: he or she takes a step forward, starts to lose balance and takes
two steps backwards, regains balance enough to again move forward far enough so
that movement beyond the place where imbalance first occurred can be achieved.
Our mental ability to use abstract thinking did not continue on to developing the
higher levels of the psyche as this abstract ability was originally intended by nature for
us to do. Instead, on the mass level of society and on a mass scale it has become stuck
in the lower levels of the ego, with the lower levels of the ego serving only the lower
level reptilian and limbic (less evolved) aspects of the brain. Technology and the ability
to manipulate matter and the human psyche increased inversely to our evolution as
civilized human beings. As a world society, we have today developed a technology far
in advance of what our war-like, reptilian (cold, lacking in feeling, desensitized) or over-
emotional mentalities can handle. 3
The cleverness of the intellect’s ability, located in the left hemisphere of the brain
gives us apparent potential to have dominion over the more primitive limbic and reptilian
(r-system) components of our psychic environment and planetary intelligence. Under
natural circumstances, this latter intelligence is known at an instinctual and life
enhancing level. The physical vessel is located in the right hemisphere of the brain. In
today’s world the left hemisphere of the brain has attempted to dominate the right
hemisphere. Our cultural over-emphasis on the left hemisphere’s logical and scientific
power has disconnected us from the right side’s more all-encompassing psychic power.
The left side of our brain is the side that is out of control, in the sense that it has
enabled humankind to dominate rather than working with the right side. What nature
intended was to use our left hemisphere’s intellect to work in service of, to “civilize” the
whole psyche, located primarily in the right hemisphere. This would provide a balance
B.F.Skinner developed the science of Behaviorism and behavior modification
Joseph Chilton Pearce, “Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence”,
Copyright 1992, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53 rd Street, New York, NY 10022
Pg. 181
and allow this instinctual, imaginative and more powerful portion of the psyche to be
used in an intuitively creative and evolutionarily expansive way. Instead, what has
happened is the egotistical and intentional domination of the right, more encompassing
Soul part of the brain – about 9/10ths of the whole psyche –by the left’s misogynistic
intellect. We’re destroying by oppressive and repressive control what is possible with
the right hemisphere’s natural potential. This is because of a pathological focus on
materialistic reductionism and has also created a situation where the more powerful
right side’s instinctual imagination and intelligence has unconsciously taken over in the
form of the shadow, which in turn controls the collective ego. This shadow– which is out
of the range of most people’s conscious awareness – destroys instead of creating even
while apparently working in unison with the left’s logical side. I say apparently because
instead of actually trying to create and sustain life, the shadow-controlled collective
psyche of humankind is working to serve a primitive and war-like ego that is driven in its
ruthlessness by an environment saturated with fear, alienation and competition. These
are also the dynamics from which blatant and not so obvious satanic cults operate.
As many intelligent people have said over the years, an enemy you cannot see is
more dangerous than an enemy you can see. This is especially true when that unseen
enemy has grasped control of humankind. This control is characterized by a kind of
unconscious, subliminal anarchy on one level of the unconscious (and in some cases
conscious) psyche. This is induced, directed and maintained by a very intelligent,
directionally intent but sadistically ruthless shadow whose twisted, wounded nature is
sustained by a primitive level of uncivilized corruption most people cannot truly fathom.
Unfortunately, this does not induce a sense or horror for people like it should. In fact
today, many people actually seem to be obscenely desensitized and subsequently
attracted to these dynamics.
Attempts to control the social symptoms of this anarchy in the traditional ways – and
that produced it in the first place –will only exacerbate it. In other words, humankind’s
attempts to control nature and through that paradigm or world-view, human nature has
backfired. The beginning point or area to begin healing this is human mental health.
In many of the esoteric traditions today – and some not so esoteric but terribly
mutilated and misunderstood – it is well known that there are two terms that describe a
person’s or people’s conscious and sometimes not so conscious direction on the
mystery path. These are known as the left-hand path and the right-hand path. The only
reason I use the term mystery is because they refer to the higher levels of the human
psyche that we have denied ourselves access to and for the vast majority of the human
population they are a mystery and looked upon today with a “knowing smile” or a feeling
of foolish superstition.
In the left-hand path, the symbolic motion that represents its world-view – or attitude
–is counter clockwise or anti-sun wise, against nature and separating rather than
inclusive. The right-hand path is characterized symbolically by a clockwise or sunwise
motion, unity, inclusiveness and harmony with nature and life: evolution. An example of
the left-hand path can be seen in the Nazis and especially the Nazi swastika
(sometimes the Nazis portrayed the swastika flowing with nature but it usually ripped
into nature). It represented a reverse of life enhancing forces, dis-unifying and against
nature. The arms on the Nazi swastika cut into the air and ripped (split?) away. In
comparison is the original Asian swastika, an extremely ancient and holy symbol that
moves sun-wise, symbolizing harmony with nature and life? Its arms flow with the air,
the vibrations of life.
A natural movement in relation to the psyche, the movement from left (hemisphere)
to right (hemisphere) is symbolizing a movement utilizing logic and consciousness.
Nature flows from the left side to the larger and deeper right side, using the left side’s
consciousness to “enlighten” it. However, when the left side is “in charge” what
happens and has happened is that the resulting movement is from the right, psychically
far more powerful side towards the left side, unconsciously. What the left logical side
has done in sabotaging the right side is to, paradoxically cause and enable the
unenlightened, primordial and pissed-off right side to take over.
As a result of society’s primarily systemic use of ego to focus on the left brain’s
intellect and ability to dominate and control we have unknowingly and unwittingly
unleashed a monster in the form of the shadow: the ghost in the machine, literally.
In this respect I will relate a dream I had at one time several years ago. I know it had
to do with the recollection of my integral self as I developed in consciousness and
remembered aspects of myself that were lost or forgotten, ripped away from me
temporarily. I also know it related to the frustrations I encountered on the journey to
There are many important factors I can see in this dream. However, I believe the
most important elements are:
1) My inner woman or Earth level, instinctual intelligence located primarily in the right
brain’s powerful all-encompassing depths, my anima, starts the power in the bike. She
is moving from the right to the left however, similar to the way the world in which I was
born has been moving. It is counterclockwise, anti-sunwise in movement because of the
mute-illation and violence that has been done to her, my Soul and the Earth Soul. The
person sitting on the bike is my ego self, but also my masculine or “heavenly” self. At
first, perhaps because of frustration, unconsciousness or even habit, I begin also
traveling in a leftward direction. However, I believe in my decision to turn right – moving
from my vital left side, as it is known in Yoga, towards the right the way nature intended
– I started to operate from a conscious position but also a moral, ethical and life-giving
rather than life-denying position. This latter position is the most common one that
characterizes the world into which I had been born. Morals, ethics and empathy
naturally follow as an individual increases in consciousness, free of the false ego.
2) The electric power used to start the engine immediately makes me think of the
pain and suffering I have encountered ever since I began to wake up and go against the
backward moving motion of the herd mentality. When I say ‘electric’ I say it in the same
way that an electric chair is used to murder someone. Ever read Steven King’s “The
Green Mile”? In this book, the main character, Mr. Coffey, was highly evolved spiritually,
a gifted person who had the miraculous ability to heal people physically and in
extension spiritually. Mr. Coffey was walking in the country one day and came across
two very young twins who had been brutally murdered. He had tried to revive them but
was not able to bring them back to life. When a search party looking for the twins
arrived on the scene, this man was sitting with them while his tears flowed. Because he
was a black man living in the deep south of the U.S.A., the people who found them
automatically assumed he was guilty. Besides the fact that in real life a psycho or
sociopath who would commit such an outrage would most likely not stay at the scene of
the crime in this manner, they also would not have been able to tune into the higher,
compassionate actions and obvious circumstances this scene represented. During Mr.
Coffey’s stay in prison on death row everyone who worked at the prison came to see
the higher spiritual levels this person operated from. When the time for execution
arrived, although virtually all of the people who worked at the prison realized this person
was not only innocent but also a life giver, their fear and conditioned mentalities never
stopped them from leading him to and executing him in an electric chair.
Ever since I started to go against the herd I have felt like I have been on the “hot
seat” of an electric chair. I know these dynamics affect virtually all people who go
against the status quo. In 2014 this is truer than at any time since WWII. And this is
exactly because of the far right-wing and left-wing – any kind of dictatorship, either
communist or fascist - politics that have affected and been increasing in the world for
most of the modern era but especially since Pearl Harbor…I mean, 911. No longer does
liberalism mean the middle path and democracy in politics – it refers to political
correctness and a dictatorship by a minority of the population, exactly like the far right,
corporate model. Both types are fascist models using different names (the best concrete
national example expressing the combination of these two dynamics – dictatorship (so-
called communism) and corporate tyranny (original fascism) is China (the pot). In the
western world it is a combination of political correctness (communism) and corporate
power (the kettle). In the western world the corporations are promoting political
correctness exactly because the dictatorial politics that result. In fact left-wing or right-
wing labels are misnomers because they both express similar dynamics and they
always have; this is precisely why communists have always hated fascists and vie-versa
– they are both dictatorships of the minority, that go full circle and always meet up as
reflections of the other. Both orientations are unnatural and their movements are from
right to the left, anti-sun wise.
In further respect to this dream, symbolically the motorcycle represents the power of
woman, as in (horsepower) earth power. This is separate from heavenly power, the
other element that is represented by me, the man on the bike. It is that heavenly or
masculine aspect of my psychic makeup riding the horse, “Wind Horse”.4
Shortly I’ll share another dream. The important element of this dream is that it
demonstrates in a very powerful way the fact that each of our individual psyches share
and take part in the whole of the collective psyche. This is especially true in the sense
that each and every person we meet and in fact that exists in the world is no more or
less than exact replicas of each and every aspect of our own individual psyches. In a
collective material sense, there may be billions of people alive on this earth today but
the fact is that every one of those individual psyches-collectively - are contained in the
psyches of each one of those billions of persons alive.
Dream In this next dream, I am standing by myself inside what I instinctively know
are a type of showers. The walls are covered in blood and I know that many people
have died in these showers before me. I also knew at the time I had that dream, I knew
within the dream that I had been about to die as well. I thought this was ‘interesting’ in
almost the same way Spock from the TV series Star Trek may have used the term. As
far as trying to interpret this dream, all I will say is that to me was a conscious
awareness of how many people within society are used as scapegoats, whipping boys
and girls or are in some way used by bigots and hypocrites to carry their projections
(that they refuse to carry themselves). I will also say that this dream illustrates the fact
that we are all responsible for the state of the human collective psyche or spirit, the
world Soul. In this context, I remember reading the words of a Jewish holocaust
survivor, a well-known author. Earlier in his life he had been a famous Nazi hunter, who
had come to the realization at one point in his later life, upon deep reflection, the unity
and sameness of all humankind. He said that if history and circumstances had been
different, it could just have easily have been him standing in the SS uniform watching
ritual sacrificial victims in a concentration camp operated by the massive Nazi Satanic
cult instead of the other way around.
In this sense we are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers; not jail guards, not
policeman – keepers, in the sense that we are all responsible for the welfare of
everyone, most importantly and necessarily beginning with ourselves. If we don’t start
with ourselves we won’t have the energy, courage or ability to have the empathy and
love to give other human beings.
There is an important point to be made here however. It is a fact that within each
human individual there is a lot of darkness and unclean nature. That is why virtually
every person alive is responsible for uncovering that darkness, bringing it to light and
using it for life giving and constructive purposes. Therefore, it goes without saying that
there are aspects of a person’s psyche that have to be civilized and controlled. There
are reflections of us in society that have to be civilized. They have to heal before they
can be productive and they have to be brought to a point of consciousness before this
The wind horse is an allegory for the human soul in the shamanistic tradition of
East Asia and Central Asia
can even begin. To become at least conscious enough to want to rebel and break away
from the tribe or herd; long enough to begin to emerge as individuals.
Importantly, when I use the word ‘tribe’, I am not denouncing tribes per se, only the
aspect of tribal consciousness that creates divisions; creating us and them mentalities.
In that sense, every group of people that consider themselves better than, superior to or
different from other groups in a fundamental sense, whether that belief is based on
gender, color, creed, nationality, religion or ability operate from a tribal mentality that
denies the interconnection and interdependence of all humanity. The fact is, any
differences in perspectives, abilities and goals can be used as strengths if mutual
elements are also acknowledged. This statement acknowledges the intelligent
intentions behind taking a group of people with widely differing areas of interest and
perspectives, bringing them together and “brainstorming” to bring together the best of
what each has to offer.
We have not been using the ego in a natural and healthy developmental way, toward a
harmonized balance with it being the aware director in service of the whole psyche. What has
happened is that the subsequently mutilated, betrayed and very angry right side of the psyche,
once turned into the shadow has used its much more powerful energies to gain unconscious
control of the puny little egos that dared to turn it into a psychotic shell –of the once beautiful
and bountiful life source it had been at one time. We can heal this and turn it again into a
beautiful, life giving source of creativity and harmony
Part 1
Over the course of my life I’ve developed a worldview that is beginning to expose me
to an ever greater, ever evolving understanding of life.
It’s a world view which questions our present views dramatically and whose
understanding opens up awareness of a whole different set of problems for humankind
and alternatively, immense possibilities. The psychological and philosophical
understanding of ourselves, how we interact with our neighbours as ourselves and most
importantly how we use Power - either individual or group power – all have to be
There is brute force, which is obvious to the senses. Power can also be found and
expressed in the subtlest and most effective forms and there are many ways in which it
can be used. Awareness of the concepts and realities I’ll discuss affect all people in all
cultures and societies. Some of the so-called “primitive” cultures and racial groups that
still survive might retain some conscious/experiential understanding at an early
emergent or profoundly practical level of how to live in health and harmony with some of
the energetic dynamics I’ll discuss. I consider one of these “primitive” groups of people
actually more evolved, psychologically speaking in reference to actual human psychic
dynamics and interactions with nature more than any other peoples on Earth. I am
referring to the Australian Aborigines who have developed a far superior level of psychic
awareness as a whole group, as expressed for example through “dream time” abilities
that far exceed most other groups of people as a whole.
Part 1
We’ll see that those of us living in the most technologically developed parts of the
world are more adversely affected by not being aware of our true natures and
interdependencies. This is because the environments in which we live, in addition to
slowly being destroyed are far more chaotic and high-speed in comparison to “primitive”
or “3rd World” countries and outposts. There is far less stability in the former,
notwithstanding the huge potential which is really only to be found in the more highly
technologically and educationally developed parts of the World.
The science of technology is a wonderful thing and progress has lifted some of
humankind out of its physical misery, leaving a relatively small number of us materially
comfortable. Knowledge has accumulated and anyone interested in developing his or
her mind have public access to much more information than any one person could ever
process. Many more people potentially have the ability to reach a point where they are
able to create something of their own. Now that we have the internet via computer and
satellites, not to mention the possibilities with the use of electromagnetic waves, lasers,
our subtle understanding of the universe at the sub-atomic levels and indeed all that
technology and the products of science offers us generally, it is truly amazing the
physical and mental power at our disposal. The question is – how do we use it?
Consider our power to create. I find it interesting to think about the concept of
consciously uniting body and mind, then taking that same concept and applying it to
technology and mind. Consider: when we create physically with our hands, there is a
simultaneous and parallel process taking place in a person’s mind, similar to how the
process in spiritual alchemy operates: literal, external reality combining with the power
of symbol, thereby activating latent potentials within our minds. This tradition (alchemy)
honors psychic or mental potentiality and promotes evolution of consciousness.
Generally, many different forms of meditation give historical evidence to the immense
power of the mind. Modern physics is only just beginning to demonstrate (validate)
some of these possibilities.
With the substantial power now available via computers it is simply astonishing to
consider the possibilities for human mental development magnified by the use of
computers: nature on Earth as she has always been, the higher intuitive and cognitive
functions of the mind (known as Heaven), the computer chip and the changes
humankind can add through our own creations. Regardless, whatever we do it needs to
be in harmony with nature and all of her relationships.
Using technology primarily for the benefit of human evolution is, apparently not
happening at the moment. Technological development by itself is not evolution. If one
Part 1
In talking about technology and power, this leaves us with the most important
problem we have to deal with in the world described above. It appears to us as many,
many different problems but it can usually spiral into one main problem. The question all
spirals around the words human behavior and the way technology is used, especially
toward his or her neighbor. From there it takes one final spirally turn to the location of
the problem at its root: materialism, an expression of pure egoism divorced from the
larger and greater whole (context) of the human psyche and natural environment.
Consider all of this as it relates to the psyche. Then consider that thoughts and
attitudes, both conscious and unconscious have parallel effects, both physical and
psychic on our self, other people and the larger environment. Much more will be spoken
about these dynamics during this commentary.
I used many different sources in my search for the “Truth.” During my spiritual and
psychological search – which will never end – when studying the various forms of occult
practices over the years, one of the most recurring themes I encountered was the
warning that, especially in applying occult knowledge, people are equally responsible for
the contents of their unconscious psyches as well as what is conscious. It’s important to
realize that ‘occult’ is a word whose true semantic meaning simply refers to that which is
hidden. In this sense, the word occult does not simply refer to “spiritual” sources of the
occult. The word occult can be applied to virtually every aspect of society, politics,
Part 1
science and technology, especially the technology of medicine and the various forms of
(political-control) psychology.
Unconsciousness is no excuse for doing harm within the environment; nor the
various emotional excuses people use. When a person is confronted with something
they’ve done wrong it is not excusable for them to say I was unconscious of this or that,
or I was afraid and so on. It didn’t work at Nuremburg nor does it function as an excuse
today. There are no excuses. If things we do which are wrong stems from the psyche
then we are responsible to know the sources of those wrongs. After all, these psyches
belong to each and every individual and it is every human-being’s responsibility to either
learn the contents of their own psyches and/or to hold accountable those people or
institutions that are responsible – for inducing, intimidating, forcing or hiding the facts.
Throughout world society alienation, along with bigotry and violence run rampant.
They range from classical examples demonstrated by oppression of visible “minorities”
through to examples of in-group back stabbing. This bigotry goes far beyond our
present understanding of the word bigotry and exists on levels and in groups that have
little resemblance to our present conception of minority groups and those adversely
affected by bigotry. In fact, in some of the traditional areas where bigotry exists, in some
cases, it has become a two-way street or almost entirely reversed. This is because the
pendulum is heading too far on the other side, in many places creating atmospheres
conducive to backlash. The result is simply cyclical imbalances known as dysfunction
that perpetuate the violence, with hypocrisy being the foremost dysfunction.
This is adding a lot of negative energies on the collective unconscious psyche. This
psychic unity is the dynamic that makes any kind of healthy, living relationship possible.
As has been pointed out by Marshall McLuhan in his book “The Guttenberg Galaxy”
there were certain aspects of immature human development the ancient world evolved
out of by way of detribalization but have re-emerged in the form of re-tribalization in the
modern world.5 This results in the separation and magnification of differences between
people instead of similarities. Importantly, much of this development is unconscious and
leads to the creation of cults, groups and gangs. This re-tribalization is really a form of
fragmented, quasi-individualism based on competitiveness at most levels of society.
This has the affect of reinforcing bigotry, destroying human society and the environment
It is materialism, in every sense of the word, expressed through our egos and in
extension technology, which has prospered. Ego growth is a wonderful, logical and
necessary development and without egos the world doesn’t even exist for us as
individuals. However, as sometimes happens during development and growth of life on
“The Guttenberg Galaxy” by Marshall McLuhan, University Toronto Press, 1962
Part 1
Earth, especially with humanity, it has gone too far in a lopsided and unbalanced
It is because of this we have lost a much greater understanding of our true nature. A
primarily technological advancement has actually reversed a good portion of
humankind’s evolutionary development. Instead of promoting the arts, culture and an
empathic conscience of humanity, we primarily train people to make widgets. We work
and mold our needs to that artificial creature known as the “free market.” This is a term
that today has become a misnomer because it is only free for a few. It has become a
self-supporting, intelligent and self-aware entity on the unconscious level of the
collective human psyche in its own right. People shove their real selves out of the way
and take on personas, perhaps to fulfill a job requirement or otherwise people-please
and go about maintaining the machine, disconnecting from themselves in a sort of
volunteer lobotomy.
However, as has been the case historically with most aspects of human
development, a time always arrives when civilization must drastically change if it is to
continue development and evolution, indeed its very survival. A great healing is required
for the Earth and her people and the time has come for this to happen. This can only
happen by having greater self-respect and not just for our ego. We have to come to
respect our whole person. We have to make friends with our unconscious psyche,
especially with what we shove down there because we don’t want to see it. I’m referring
to individual as well as collective psyches, science having demonstrated their
interdependent nature. Each naturally flows from and is inter-connected by the other.
What we deny and condemn in our selves we project onto and condemn in others. What
we condemn in others we condemn in ourselves even if we don’t acknowledge it.
Whether we like it or not the collect human psyche is contained within all of us.
As it stands now, our inner psyches are being massacred; in many cases our broken inner
souls-psyches are attacking each other for energy while being disconnected from their source.
In a very real sense, we have become passive in our mental ability. We have become machine-
like and conditioned to be passive receptors of information and orders. We are pressured by
society to conform to and develop a cookie-cutter type of mould for our personality even while
we egoistically believe ourselves to be developing unique individuality. We are being trained not
to think independently but to be part of the herd, a cog in the machine. The idea of teamwork
has degenerated into a military type of mentality. We have allowed ourselves to become a type
of voluntary behavior modification subjects. As one parent said to me: “We train our children”
similar to the way we train pets, how to react appropriately to certain stimuli when the
Part 1
appropriate stimulus or trigger word is used. We don’t teach most of our children to be human in
the fullest sense.
Over the years I have met people who express attitudes and actions indicating self-
consciously compassionate and/or intuitive connections with other people and with all
life on Earth. The type of caring I’m referring to indicates a deep-rooted knowing that
what they do and think has a profound meaning and effect on themselves, other people
and on their environment generally. This is intimately connected with the way they
would have others treat them, whether consciously or not. In a very real sense, when
they provide this compassion to others they’re also providing themselves with this same
compassion and care.
Upon close observation one can see that anyone who is truly successful in being
empathetic, compassionate to someone - and you can see the effects – usually live
moment-to-moment in the same empathic way. It has to be genuine to work but when
genuine…. real compassion is a living reality for someone if they’re going to be truly
effective in nurturing themselves and others – for example, in healing relationships.
Keeping the above in mind, consider that everything, everywhere have profound
interactive relationships with everything else. Let’s look again at individual and collective
psychic reality. More specifically, it has been rather adequately demonstrated that an
individual’s natural psychological development - as nature intended, not what it’s
become – is precisely mirrored in humankind’s developmental history.
I’m not quite referring to holography. However our own existence is intimately
connected with the larger reality, in a growing, ever evolving pattern. The paradox (?) is
that it is also hierarchical in the sense that the larger whole is comprised of a bunch of
smaller wholes moving upward to something greater, rather than simply increasing what
already is in a horizontal expansion outward. It still contains elements of holistic reality,
however it moves beyond a purely mirror image-type of character. Instead it becomes
an opportunity for individuals as well as the collective human family to become
something qualitatively greater: this is evolution. This dynamic goes way beyond the
ego, i.e. beyond the hoarding dynamics of materialism.
This creation includes the holistic aspects of the human collective psyche but it’s
increase in complexity and structure gives birth to something beyond that from which it
emerged. It includes but transcends. An example is a man or woman who is able to
consciously integrate both the feminine and masculine aspects of his or her psyche into
an integrated personality. The nature of this individual – by virtue of increased
complexity, uniqueness and awareness – becomes something greater, far beyond what
clumsy quantitative perspectives can appreciate or measure. That’s why AI and
computers will never, can never match the true intelligence of humankind, which is
measured through the heart, not the intellect. We’ll touch that later on.
Seemingly unrelated, although we are all supposed to be creators of our own destiny,
unfortunately in most societies many people have not been given the developmental tools or
resources needed to be self-sufficient or healthy. This is made worse because of our expert-
ridden (dependent) social relationships. Relationships promoted throughout society that
condition us to dependence. Most of the conditioning that produces these dynamics is
unconscious but so are its effects. However, today when individuals or groups of people
consciously or publicly attempt to counter these dynamics they are met with resistance, ridicule
and perhaps outright aggression.
The vast majority of people today have access to huge quantities of information,
without any of it necessarily being qualitatively recognized apart from its quantitative
volume. In tandem with today’s technocracy and desensitization, a deadening of
empathy in human society, we might well become concerned about our progressively
machine-like way of thinking.
Very much related to the last comment, when we become dependent instead of
becoming independent and therefore relatively powerless instead of becoming self-
sufficient, especially in relation to thinking for ourselves, as individuals we lose touch
with our vast inner world. The individual collective psyche contains within it the whole of
the collective human psyche.
Every psyche we see expressed through individual human beings outside of our
self is exactly mirrored within own psyches. If we condemn or separate ourselves from
others (hate) the result is fragmentation of self and the development of bigotry. This is
an expression of self-hate. When someone hates or commits an act of bigotry against
another, they do it to themselves. What they hate and repress in themselves they will
always find and condemn in others – because they feel it and know it is real, even as
they don’t recognize it’s source. It may not be part of our individual Soul or personality
(but it certainty might be!). However, it is part of our greater self. I am describing bigotry
– the opposite of compassion – for self or others. People might say I am simply
speaking mysticism; perhaps, but it’s true nonetheless. This is why forgiveness is so
important. More than anything else, when a person forgives someone or something they
can be released from the harm that had previously affected them because they release
from within their self it is an act of tolerance.
Everything is comprised of parts that comprise a whole in itself but then become a
part in turn to some greater whole. Applying this to the (contents) of the human psyche,
if one part is removed, repressed, forgotten or the intuitive connection broken then
everything developed so far crumbles. We need to keep intact the foundation out of
which everything else flows. This applies to both individual and collective psyches. This
is because the greater complexity – human developmental maturity and integrity –
depends on the presence of the evolutionary periods or parts, the foundation that
preceded it. The development or regression (rise and fall) of a civilization is an example
of these dynamics on a larger scale reflecting the dynamics expressed through “Holon
Theory”. The holons are the parts that in turn make wholes, then parts that again
comprise wholes (ex. Cells, molecules, tissues, organs then organisms), ad infinitum. 6
A good current example is the invasion of the United States of America by invaders
working with internal betrayal and globalist/oligarchic (technocratic) money and
influence to attack the U.S. constitution and Bill of Rights, and the land/economy
directly. These two milestones are the foundation of the greatest democracy ever
created and today are under vast attack. Will they crumble? Will they succumb to this,
for lack of a better word pestilence? An individual human being is a microcosm of
human society. Consider this in relation to the immediate above.
Intact foundations are necessary for continued development, for virtually everything
around us. This is holistic but so much more.
An empathic awareness represents, on one level and in the truest sense of the word
a world-view that is not only the starting point but also the end point. In other words truly
Ken Wilber, “Eye To Eye, Shambhala Publications, Inc., Horticultural Hall, 300
Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, copyright 1983, 1990, 1996,
2001 by Ken Wilber
The first represents a horizontal movement while the second represents a vertical
movement. Then we can go beyond the idea of holistic but also include it. We are
comprised of two natures: individual and collective. The paradox is that we cannot have
empathic and compassionate connection with the greater human family without first
developing as strong and healthy individuals – and I’m not simply referring to an
isolated ego. I’m referring to healthy, whole individuals who are experiencing something
greater than their ego selves and express these characteristics within their self in the
way they live. We are individuals and part of something greater than ourselves –
(hierarchical and developmental, evolutionary), yet we contain within ourselves and are
everything that we see within humanity outside of our ego selves (holistic). These
concepts and ideas will be explored further in the following chapters.
Just as the individual psyche is comprised of many different aspects and levels –
contents, ultimately it is whole in itself. However, since every whole is necessarily part
of a greater whole, all psyches are then “of” the collective psyche – individual yet also
collective; masculine but also feminine; Individually aware and collectively aware – each
aware of the other on one level of awareness.
Jung was afraid of people being “infected” by their unconscious psyches. He also
took into consideration how their infected psyches 7 (Repressed and/or dysfunctional)
may affect not only the individual but in extension, the collective psyche and vise versa.
This begins spreading outward including more and more of the environment, human
and otherwise. It then becomes a vicious cycle.
Is this how George Orwell came up with the idea of “double speak” in his book “1984”,
especially as it relates to a reversal of natural, healthy life-truth? The reversals
associated with these “other”, more hidden aspects of the psyche will be looked at more
closely throughout this book as we delve into the dynamics of bigotry and hypocrisy.
Part of the above graph was produced by scientific philosopher Ken Wilber; I have
modified it to include the symbols of centering: THINKING, INTUITION, SENSATION,
and FEELING, with the symbol of The CENTER: MARRIAGE; a unity of all four
quadrants (four elements so to speak) with the CENTER representing THE FIFTH.
The ego is the most Earth-bound and material, the densest and least integrated
aspect of the psyche. A consequence of this narcissistically disconnected and isolated
ego explains why it is most easily affected by and controlled by shadow – which it
usually cannot “see”. This lack of integration means ego can only see itself – but
shadow sees ego, and the collective shadow sees all egos. This can and does have a
devastatingly grave impact on the environment and other psyches because it
accumulates into and becomes the collective human shadow, historically known as
The greater whole is so much greater and beyond what we call the “earth,” i.e. the
materialistic or ego aspects of reality. Without a conscious appreciation for this and an
integration of our whole psyche more and more of the collective psyche will break apart.
As this dysfunction spreads over time it then includes more and more of the collective
unconscious psyche of humankind.
Not wanting to sound too pessimistic because it can be remedied, the chaos today
spreading through society and the earth’s environment is a prime example of
(foundational) crumbling. We can see its expression very well by looking at the crisis
affecting our young people today and not just in relation to violence. Many young
people growing up today don’t have a good grounding to their roots, that they’ve lost
amid the high-speed change and instability in today’s world. In many cases there is
nothing truly meaningful to replace the ethics, traditions, and other foundational building
blocks that have been ripped away. We have lost connection with the positive aspects
of what people have always referred to as tradition. There are few stable traditions,
including important initiations to introduce young people and throughout life into
milestones during their physical and psychological growth – for example, the change
from childhood to adulthood, although, fortunately there are a few families, groups and
individuals this does not apply to. These important transitional tools are not guiding the
collective psyche for the first time in the recorded history of humankind. Especially in
today’s information and technological age - technocracy, developed during the 1930’s
and primarily in Hitler’s Germany and Soviet union -young people are afloat a sea of
huge volumes of information but no grounded knowledge to guide them. Only by looking
inward consciously and thereby grounding and connecting with the greater environment,
especially with themselves and other people can this rupture be healed.
The natural course for human mental health can be seen and expressed through the
various cultural mythologies including some of the more advanced visual and
conceptual descriptions seen in some of the world’s great religious traditions. These
stories are all psychological studies that try to describe the dynamics of psychological
reality. Importantly, when looking at some of these mythologies what they all have in
common is a description of human, psychological integration and thus evolution. I’m
referring to evolution in an individual and collective sense, which spans and is
expressed in the psychic lives of healthy individuals and groups. Traditional or spiritual
books and their stories including tales of evolutionarily advanced individuals are all
metaphorical stories describing psychological reality: they are not stories that can
literally be taken as truth in a materialistic sense.
All relationships within the natural world are reciprocal, dynamic and ever changing.
People and all forms of life are constantly attempting to achieve equilibrium. They obtain
this goodness of fit by adapting to their living environment in a dynamic process in
which countless environmental and interpersonal factors or events interact, one upon
the other. In many cases today a healthy adaptive process is interrupted or perhaps
sabotaged and set off-kilter by the myriad of emotional, psychological and
environmental factors we have been discussing.
A healthy interpersonal existence within the natural world is reciprocal, dynamic and
ever changing. The process of reciprocity is important to consider because even the
most mundane of human interactions are loaded with back-and-forth, penetrating,
receptive and glancing tones of non-verbal communication and energy exchange. There
is a physics (energetic) aspect in the explanation of reciprocity we explore in later
The largest and most sophisticated computer in existence could not even begin to
locate and chart the impact of, seemingly the most trivial of occurrences. Modern
physics, with an emphasis especially on Einstein’s pioneering work, Heisenberg, Pauli,
et al supports this assertion. Earlier physics (Newtonian) attempted to explain all
physical phenomena and matter by utilizing a mechanical, reductionist and static type of
reasoning. We know this particular scientific approach, although extremely useful is also
extremely limited. It’s impossible to understand scientifically the whole of life – in every
aspect or dimension – and is becoming increasingly clear that in order for nature in all of
its manifestations, including humanity to work properly it must interact with all of its
Modern physics indicates the “material” aspects of nature are comprised of a type of
consciousness that defies reductionist (perhaps even scientific) understanding. This
consciousness is a manifestation of the complete web that many people over time have
referred to as a flow (as in water), intuition, inner knowledge and what Native Americans
think of as Nature Spirituality. Fundamentally, whatever one wishes to call it, it is the
sum total of all the dynamic processes and energy in everything that comprises the
natural planes and levels of existence. It is that part of reality that can’t be described in
a linear and objective and logical way. In the case of human beings, one may think of it
as the life sustaining relationship one has with other people and with all that comprises
a person’s living environment, all of which is alive on a subatomic level’, ever striving to
evolveinto greater unified complexity.
Although many people are beginning to question this outdated world-view, the
problem is that many of these pioneering, healthier people unfortunately utilize
dynamics that are too emotionally and egoistically sustained, blocking ability to
transcend the segregating dynamics that impels many people to rebel in the first place.
understood (or on one level perhaps understood only too well!). The term encapsulates
those persons who, with proper training and/or guidance might achieve some kind of
conscious psychic/energetic empowerment, a healthy interdependent control of their
environment or simply achieve vastly increased levels of consciousness surpassing
levels that existed prior to their “schizophrenic” experience.
Without any doubt there is a psychological dysfunction that exists where people are
psychologically and emotionally overwhelmed and confused. This condition might
legitimately be called schizophrenia. However, the term schizophrenia is quite often
used by medicine as a dragnet or catchall phrase to “capture” and “contain” – through
diagnosis - psychological processes that are not understood or that are feared by the
established powers of social, economic and political control.
Today’s modern psychiatry and mental health “services” serve much the same
function as the Christian church’s inquisition did during the Middle Ages when women
and men who were acquainted with natural energies and realities (and ways to access
them) were horribly oppressed ad tortured – and the torture is a very important part of
attacking someone at the core of their unconscious individual and collective psyche.
Ostensibly this was for religious reasons but in fact it was because they represented
true (possibly political) power that opposed or could potentially oppose the imperial and
invasive power of church and state. In modern times it was initially used by political
dictatorships for this purpose but today this use has permeated the whole world
although for apparently legitimate purposes.
These dynamics are true today for people labeled “mentally ill” within families and
the wider community. Most of these people have been seriously victimized during their
lifetimes - even when this victimization is not evident using society’s current guidelines.
They are labeled and ostracized or patronized in accordance with the mental health
label applied to them. They are given psychotropic medications that indeed do induce
the very disabilities and mental confusions they are supposed to remedy. (Psychotropic
medications have NEVER cured anyone of mental illness – instead they put people into
mental straitjackets that force them to act like a mouse on a treadmill. This enforced
developmental straight-jacket will be discussed in detail in following chapters.) On the
other hand, people who receive proper psychotherapy and guidance without medication
frequently do heal – in some cases surpassing their mental capability before any crisis
first presented itself.8 This is how the Great Mother operates in nature and evolution…
This social problem has serious implications for the desensitization of society; similar
to the way the Nazi SS and Communist Red Guards were trained in Nazi Germany and
China, and is happening in some police forces around the world today. This will be
discussed later in the book along with the social impact of the entertainment industry,
especially movies, computer games and the Internet.
These dynamics can’t be healed and remedied or reversed unless they are
understood and seen for what they are.
I would emphasize that most of the negative elements we associate with today’s
society, competition being a good example, are not in and of themselves bad things any
more than stress is always to be considered a bad thing. Rather, the problem lies in the
tendency to have an “either or” mentality because of the absolutist-reductionistmindset.
Although life on Earth necessarily has to contain within itself a certain element of
competitiveness that no human law or endeavor can completely overcome, 9 in a natural
setting competition is balanced successfully with the need to cooperate for survival. The
human race and living ecology of the Earth and Humanity would not exist today if it
were not for this truth. On the other hand humankind is an extremely volatile and
potentially violent species of animal and our current technological capabilities are now
conditioning people to produce suicidal scenarios. Along with some of the new social
trends in vogue, perhaps this Lemming-like possibility is Nature’s safeguard for
protecting the rest of the Earth and her creatures?
different people can become complementary to each other during the process of
“brainstorming” for ideas and creative expression – together for something greater but
as individuals
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 54
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
In our materialistic, market controlled societies people work for the market,
which is controlled by a few - instead of the market working for the benefit of all.
The point here is that 1) as happened in Nazi Germany people are learning to
betray the very people they are supposed to nurture and protect or are otherwise
intimate to (caregivers/teachers/children. 2) At earlier and earlier ages children
are being conditioned to do just as they are told – or else! This is not in reference
to parents.
Anti-terror plan to spy on toddlers 'is heavy-handed’ - Telegraph © Copyright
of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2015
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 55
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
example Schizophrenia. I’ve recently downloaded some articles about this new
diagnostic trend for children.11
I couldn’t help but think of U.S. killer drones in Pakistan targeting potential
future terrorists when I read these articles this morning – because someone or
something always gets killed. The Americans have made preemptive strikes –
militarily, economically, politically, even medically (cut it out rather than heal the
root cause) - they’re preferred method of dealing with current or possible future
problems. For example, they ALWAYS prefer to use brutal overwhelming
firepower to defeat military opponents (rather than using intelligence and honest
diplomacy). They deal with possible future problems by eradicating the possibility
(of a problem developing) but in such a way people are killed, maimed or a host
of unforeseen affiliated problems arise – usually for their victims. The focus is on
potential terrorist threats in the future perpetrated by currently innocent people is
an example – although the only pragmatic function it actually serves is to provide
a way to expend military hardware (I think U.S. killer drones are about one million
dollars a pop) that will be replaced because the U.S. is and has been a war
economy ruled by the Military/Industrial/Pharmaceutical/Medical Complex ever
since WWII. Nonetheless, preventative strikes were a methodology most favored
by Nazi Germany (the Soviet Union planned to invade Nazi Germany even as
they appeared allied with Hitler against Poland and England) shoot first and ask
questions later.
PRIME Early Psychosis screening test.The PRIME screening test was developed by Drs. Tom McGlashan, Tandy
Miller, Scott Woods and the PRIME group in the psychiatry department at the Yale University Medical School
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 56
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
I remember when I was a child, with fewer toys and material products to
substitute for my imagination. In years past we had to use our imagination, for
entertainment and eventually for learning to overcome life’s every day or not so
common challenges. Under natural circumstances this would lead to one
developing an intuitive and/or imaginatively creative self-sufficiency. In today’s
corporately driven and controlled medical/mental health industry the power of
imagination is under attack (an industry that operates in the same way any industry
operates and regardless of the occasional appearance to the contrary, profits are the
motivating incentives). To dare and dream of something, even something greater
than our Selves and then strive for it – to learn and expand upon innate talents
and abilities or perhaps to develop a life-enhancing spirituality (I’m not referring
to religion) – is being pathologized. As an example, according to common trends
in childhood development and mental health, children who play and have
conversations with their self or imaginary playmates is thought to be a possible
indicator (or future indicator of) of delusions, hallucinations, of not being
grounded in reality, etc. However, what these indicators really illustrate is a
likelihood these people will grow into mature adults willing to use hard work
thinking for themselves, to develop opinions based on logic, what they see and
what they actually learn instead of what they are told. A child talking to
him/herself indicates (or used to indicate) a young person who is developing –
through use of healthy imagination - a friendly, respectful relationship with their
self and therefore with other people: someone well on their way to becoming a
self-sufficient individual instead of a dependent, programmable personality type
Next, another news article I read this morning (Jan. 5, 2015) tells how a young
17-year-old girl, diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease refused to follow the advice of
doctors to have chemotherapy treatments. Sometime before this the daughter
had shared with her family she didn’t want to pollute her body (with
Chemotherapy) if she ever developed anything like cancer. She also echoed
these sentiments after diagnosis. Her family supported her on this mature and
very important decision. However, at the behest of doctors, government officials
had chemotherapy forced on her. 12 This is horrifying. Apparently, hospitals all
Update: Court sides with hospital, teen will continue to undergo chemotherapy
treatments against her wishes
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 57
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
over the U.S. have been routinely forcing children and young people under 18
years of age to undergo Chemotherapy (or other questionable but monetarily
profitable) procedures – which do destroy the body and rarely cures the cancer
or alleviates it for any length of time.
Divide and conquer. The idea we are actually connected in some way with
other people – mentally, spiritually, or whatever – is also being pathologized.
Combined with the above-mentioned dynamics, this creates isolated egos that
can easily stomp over other people while trying to achieve image, money and
power. Truly, this is the image of a “dog-eat-dog” world. When you combine this
moral and ethical desensitization with these new trends of preventative actions –
everything from drones that kill many innocent people, a mass media controlled
propaganda machine controlled by concentrations of corporate power through to
a medical/pharmaceutical attack on our children and other free thinkers – this all
benefits the corporations and their profits and the power they serve. This is the
true legacy that has been bestowed on humankind.
On the other hand, the deeper an individual journeys into the unconscious
realms - scientifically, symbolically and experientially - when the collective
unconscious psyche of humankind is reached we find it takes on an actual life of
its own. People usually become more unconscious as they move or are
Posted 1:43 pm, January 7, 2015, by KFOR-TV & K. Querry, Updated at 01:14pm,
January 8, 2015
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 58
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
therefore psychologically. However, all of these dynamics are present in the marketing,
advertising mechanisms and products of corporatism throughout the world. Later in this
commentary I will explain why Neuroleptic medications and the ability to mass medicate
certain categories of people, along with other forms of conditioning can be thought of as
the real “Final Solution” of the German Nazis.
Use your imagination. Who would you think of as being more unbalanced or
dangerous: an individual who has been severely abused, subsequently labeled,
ostracized and repeatedly traumatized who might act-out with some form of
violence or a powerful business owner or manager who makes a cold-blooded
decision that results in hundreds of people being killed; and by defeating legal
questions of responsibility, compensation for victims, etc. is then congratulated
for a job well done.
The subsequent stress this has placed on the Earth - because of humankind’s
collective psychology and subsequent actions - comes as no surprise.
Reductionist science fails to take note of interdependent relationships in nature.
In the first instance (stealing energy), the usual way this is accomplished is
through manipulation and control of other people. Co-dependence and passive
aggressiveness are good everyday examples everyone will recognize. Sadism is
another, both conscious and especially unconsciously perpetrated. What kinds of
people are attracted to careers, jobs and orientations that have considerable
control over people, especially people who are vulnerable?
Reciprocity: a situation or relationship in which two people or groups agree
to do something similar for each other, to allow each other to have the same
rights, etc. : a reciprocal arrangement or relationship -Merriam/Webster
“The Real World of Technology”, Pg. 75 Ursula
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 61
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
may use this type of technology in producing a product in which that person
carries out all phases of production. This requires an overall knowledge of the
product and its production process. It also requires a maximum amount of control
over that process by the crafts-person. This is holistic – all aspects of the process
- and holarchical – as the individual learns more of the processes a higher
overview and comprehension immerges (compared to a person doing small
isolated aspects within the overall process). Therefore, we may classify
proscriptive technology as that type in which the user remains in control of the
process: healthy control of one’s environment.
Today we have a large population of people that are being “trained” primarily
to fulfill a function, a part of a process. Disempowerment is the psycho-
physiological result. Performing a small insignificant part in most of life’s activities
and functions can be reflected by an inability to become a whole person. This is a
symptom of a fragmented society. Importantly, the interaction is two-way with
both the individual and collective helping to maintain the other.
The grave impact (pun intended) of this is evident when one realizes that
peoples’ ability to have an impact and especially a creative and constructive
impact on the world around them dramatically affects their self image and
therefore overall psychic and in extension physical strength. When this creative
and reciprocal process is blocked it adversely affects people’s ability to create
and maintain healthy self-identity.18
The positive feedback we receive from our environment is important. This can
be expressed both through material sustenance and/or stimulating mental
interaction in the form of support, validation and cooperation, inside our own
psyches, with other people and in fact our whole living environment. It’s a
prerequisite for the horizontal growth outwards – consciously and intuitively
experiencing our world as an organic whole – and the evolutionary movement
upward. This is why a cross with four equal quadrants is a perfect symbolic
representation of centering, individuation and full human potential.
The two scenarios I have described will either create dependent individuals
who allow others to take over control of their lives or autonomous, empowered
and self-sufficient individuals.19
“Social Work Treatment: Interlocking Theoretical Approaches, Pg. 622,
Francis Turner
Ditto, Pg. 623
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 63
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
“Social Work Treatment: Interlocking Theoretical Approaches, Francis
Turner, Pg. 623
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 64
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
have a need to control others – especially through the manufacture of image and
use (different types of) of power.
However, there is one thing people should be aware of. “Powerful” people, if
they wish, may attempt or for a while succeed in manipulating other people. What
they forget is that, at the same time or in turn, there will be those or that which
controls the controller.
It is well known in Depth Psychology that those needy persons not in self-
control - because they don’t know (what they have repressed or forgotten within)
themselves - will project a need for that control onto other people. In addition,
what people do not accept about themselves they find in, and then condemn in
Creation of the scapegoat: “The ancient Jewish people used a goat for this
purpose…” to get rid of those aspects of themselves they could not accept
(within themselves). “...In the spring they would put a goat in the middle of a
circle and then gather and pray over it. Then they would tell the goat the things
they had done that year that they felt badly about. After these confessions had
been prayed “into” the goat, the priests would lead it into the wilderness. The
scapegoat went away and took all the people’s guilt with it.”21 Not very much
different from most other emerging tribal or group traditions and practices around
the world at that time, later in history the eventual sociological outcome of this
type of ritual and practice resulted in social or collective repression; and to
project onto other people(s) what individuals and in extension society condemns
as unacceptable within themselves.
Note that the goat couldn’t speak back. It was relatively mute: the most it could
do might be to bleep and it was forced into total obedience. But we stopped
Destruction of the Lower Levels of the Psyche; Ignorance of The Higher 65
Levels: the Horizontal Earth Plane
doing this to animals and instead now use people. They still lead scapegoats into
the wilderness, everyone leading everyone else. We can see why the popular
image of the Devil is a goat: we created the image.
Most manipulation, beginning in the family and school but applying to society
in general, is perpetrated primarily unconsciously between ordinary people.
However, dysfunctional influence over or between other people can only take
place where there is some sort of (identity) relationship, where there is an
overlapping of psyches. Within psychology and the social sciences obvious
cases of these (dysfunctional dynamics) might be referred to as examples of
enmeshment and co-dependence. This confusion might exist within the family,
work and school group, the community and so on – where one person confuses
his or her opinions, likes or dislikes and perceptions with what belongs to and
originated from outside themselves. These influences play a much greater role in
the thinking processes of individuals and groups than is generally known or
of dialogue only provides food for the Devil. However, the above person’s advice
is exactly the type of advice that leaves the vast portion of the human psyche
untouched, isolated and in the dark – the “devil”. The psyche then becomes
devalued and despised. In other words, this person (clergy) was recommending
that people neglect and starve their wounded and mutilated inner cores – their
Souls. What this person was telling people to do would indeed do the very
opposite of what he was trying to accomplish – take note of his intent however! I
am not suggesting that a person hold internal discussion with this aspect of
psyche – although that is exactly how therapists deal with this psychic
manifestation in cases of dissociation identity disorder –but it is very important
that we shine a light on it. This is the source of self-knowledge.
To ignore the hidden, occult and unconscious aspects of the psyche would
and has changed the Soul and true ego into the “Devil”. This is feminine and
masculine or rather human (manifestation) and God-hating and misogynous
in the most profound sense because it is consuming the Earth (Humankind) and
indeed Nature on Earth, capital N.
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
In the last chapter I was pointing out how vast power imbalances throughout society
can create the potential for abuse and corruption, on all levels” and power can corrupt.
In order to exercise the use of that power responsibly, people in positions of
responsibility and power need to be self-knowledgeable about what they are actually
capable of doing, not what they feel they is their right, their jurisdiction /turf or political
stripe. The lethal combination for people working in these areas is increased
egocentricity, a deadening of responsibility (desensitization), cynicism and unconscious
(self) hatred. Some people even say the worst one is indifference and if you can picture
a person lying wounded in a city street with hundreds of people scurrying past one can
see it. You know we live in a do-eat-dog world, right?
The moment any “authority” becomes intermingled with personal taste and issues it
neutralizes any so-called authority emanating from such a person.
Perhaps when one thinks of control and manipulation one might think of cults and
the definition of cults. Most groups are a type of cult.
All cults involve primarily one-way control and manipulation within the group –
“towing the party line”. Unconsciously most groups, even ones that are supposed to be
democratic, operate on an unconscious level like cults. The power movement is
downwards utilizing the domino effect. How many groups and institutionswithin society
do we know of that operate within or create these dynamics?
Society is almost completely saturated with cult dynamics, with each group striving to
control people: within the group, groups against groups and so on. A primary focus
within cult-like groups is a “we versus them” mentality. Conditioned within a cult of this
nature, without any concern for developing actual self-knowledge those who point the
finger at other people are usually guilty of that which they try to disown and shove onto
an appropriate scapegoat. The only way people can counter this is by becoming (self)
aware of what is going on. Then they might do their share in healing what they
encounter, within themselves and without. This is only possible when a person
thoroughly gets to know him or herself.
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
There are some people who are by nature more aware of this hypocrisy than others.
Some of these people contribute energy to remedy the situation – raising awareness -
and the number is growing. There are people who are able to break out of the cycle of
unnatural dysfunction. There are individuals and groups in various parts of the World
who have traditions that honors body, mind, spirit and everything that comprises life.
The courage and life expressed by one exemplary culture, the Tibetans (Buddhists), is
expressed through the words of ChogyamTrungpa Rinpoche. He speaks of true
“warriorship” and how it embraces and promotes life instead of hiding and covering up
in a type of cocoon-like existence. He talks about expressing a “rising sun mentality”:
one that is able to wake up (become conscious), think positively and extend to other
people the optimism and possibilities of life - as opposed to a “setting sun mentality”:
one that fails to be positive, lives in darkness (psychologically) and focuses on misery,
disunity and the failings of life. The latter focuses on negativity and the lowering of
consciousness, libido (energy) and therefore life. The former is optimistic and focuses
on raising levels of consciousness and everything for positive results. 23
As an example one can look at the pressure that might be placed on a person to
perform or have sexual contactor activity. This does not just happen between individuals
or people in small groups of people. There is no element within the mass media –
especially the entertainment and advertising industries - and throughout society that is
more highly exploitive in a suggestive and “in-your-face” manner, both subliminally and
I am certainly not denouncing sex: it can be one of the most profound expressions of
love, pleasure and health that can be demonstrated between people. However, it can be
Trungpa, Chogyam, “The Sacred Path of the Warrior,” Copyright 1984 by ChogyamTrungpa,
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
one of the most destructively exploitive ways of controlling and hurting people. It can
also be one of the main methods used to drain libido and life energy – en mass –
“voluntarily” and otherwise. This is energy that might otherwise be used for the upward
movement of libido, to then become transformed into mental energy used for raising a
person’s consciousness.
Take a look around. Especially consider how the affliction depression along with
other forms of so-called mental illness is reaching epidemic proportions in today’s world.
This would be a person’s body-mind reaction to living in an unhealthy environment. An
environment that is harmful psychologically, physically and stripes people of their inner
nature, their true self - possibly without being able to pinpoint the exact causes. This
would therefore prevent him or her from making appropriate changes. The automatic
and usual blame for the depression is normally placed on brain chemistry, genetics not
the situation. However, in reality chemical imbalances in the brain24 are usually a result
of exposure to long-term unhealthy environments, the resulting internal psychic
imbalance that results, culminating in a physical response in the neurophysiologic
aspects of the brain and body itself.
Consider the group we refer to as society. I have met and encountered some people
who are aware enough of these dynamics to react to them in some way. Sometimes
people even understand the chaotic shape of everything (in and throughout society and
the world) and simply give up. In the time I spent getting to know some homeless
people one thing I learned from them was that many of them looked at what they saw
and gave up, simply gave up. I am making a statement here not assigning
blame.However, who would you classify as mentally ill? People who’re able to
recognize something very dangerous and thus try to avoid or extricate them selves from
the dynamics of the situation; or people who not only blissfully and unconsciously help
maintain situations of danger but become perpetrators to some degree or other when
they hold positions of authority and power over others?
There are many major obstacles in place preventing necessary changes from being
made in dealing with these problems. Some of them are so subtle overcoming them is
next to impossible. But there is always a way.
Our social reality is certainly unnatural and is getting more distorted all the time. Part
of the reason for this is the ever-constricting “official” obliteration of what it means to be
Chemical imbalances, in fact have never been scientifically proven. It is pure conjecture and
similar to everything psychiatry and the pharmaceutical megalith claims to be scientific fact, it is
all mere conjectures coated with scientific terminology but NOT backed up by what in any other
scientific area would be called scientific method but by votes by the collection of psychiatrists
the pharmaceutical companies employ to come up with new “mental Illnesses” so they can cook
up new psychotropic medications Psychiatry Industry of Death, 2006 CCHR International,
Alle rechten voorbehouden, Citizens Commission on Human Rights International.
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
normal while at the same time society apparently allows and encourages – usually
through corporate advertising, marketing, etc. – unhealthy lifestyles, types of
entertainment and other profitable but divisive and/or self-defeating behaviors. The
pharmaceutical companies have included just about all types of genuine but challenging
human behavior – including certain necessary developmental challenges and
milestones – in their ever-growing book of mental illness; that can be apparently dealt
with through medications produced by the same pharmaceutical companies. This, while
other corporations promote the very behaviors that have been newly included in the lists
of so-called mental illness – Obsessive Compulsive Shopping Disorder for example.
Rather like a self-feeding creature of some kind. 25All these companies and corporations
are owned or controlled by a very few of the world’s elite
There are people that are initially sensitive to these realities but they repress and
retreat into their egos, able to unconsciously go about their business as if everything is
absolutely natural. Hello George Orwell’s double speak. Outrageous? I don’t think so.
Modern society, especially modern medicine has declared war on the human psyche
and Soul. This is such a reversal because originally the “Hippocratic Oath” guided a
doctor in healing the human soul – that is what the original oath referred to. The whole
True healers recognize that it is usually psychic imbalances that cause physical dis-
ease, recognizing the connection between psychic wholeness and health. At the time of
Hippocrates the Soul of a person was specifically considered sacred and holy: holy =
whole. Today it has become the hypocritical oath and a small number of people’s
bodies are living longer (those who can afford it) but some doctors are murdering Souls
for profit.
“Rethinking Our ‘Rights’ to Dangerous Behaviors”
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
These dynamics take place at the more subtle levels of consciousness as well. On
the collective unconscious level there are many different social and individual factors –
groups of forces, energies and many human psyches, most of them battling for control.
This is a good reason why those persons who have not developed high levels of
consciousness, of awareness run a great risk from delving into the spiritual esoteric or
occult unknown – especially in relation to cults, psychological complexes 26 and various
psychological dynamics active on the collective unconscious. Today a lot of people are
getting involved in the esoteric world of various occult practices and the study of
psychology. Many people are choosing these activities primarily as a way to empower
themselves. In this sense there is safety in ignorance(don’t get involved in
esoteric/occult searches) but of course it is this very ignorance that allows powerful
people on those levels and throughout society to exert coercive control.
There have been many evil people involved on these levels as well as good people
even if they weren’t really aware of it. Hitler was partially (insanely) aware of it, versus
Martin Luther King Jr. who was aware (of his light) on a different level. Hitler was not
conscious of his evil. He was insane and as much controlled by the mental projections
of the masses of people onto him as he controlled them. This is the same type of
energy one finds at a wresting match or hockey game – in the game or among
spectators. Hitler allowed himself to be molded in the eyes of the German people as he
and his cronies murdered and molded the German people into what they wanted. This
is an example of cyclical, two-way “possession”.
A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in
the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as power or
status (Schultz, D. & Schultz, S., 2009). Primarily a psychoanalytic term, it is found
extensively in the works of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
This was unlike Mr. King during the American Civil Rights crusades. He consciously
tried to do what was good and right for and through the people, not over them. In the
case of both of Hitler and Mr. King the psychological and energetic dynamics that are
generated and used are the same. What isn’t the same was in the way they were used.
One thing is for certain: in a world turned negative like ours many of the unconscious
psychological dynamics are indeed dark forces but the more “refined” of these negative
nasties can and will present themselves as forces of good, whenever possible. People
rant and rave about “Holy war.” Possibly, but the most important war that has to be
fought are in peoples psyches. They have to get acquainted with their own inner nasties
- something they would prefer to shove onto other people. I’m referring here to the
mostly unconscious or subconscious aspects of a person’s psyche.
There is a lot of resentment, force and action directed towards forces of health and
natural living that try to challenge and change these healthy dynamics. For people
operating primarily from their shadow infested Ids (instinctive, primitive) and egos - on
individual and collective levels - this is unfortunately quite natural on an energetic and
psychological level.
Resentment and worse might be directed towards people who are aware of the
herd’s unhealthy dynamics and do not want to be enmeshed with it. They want to be
independent. Some of these people who attempt to be true to themselves are labeled
odd, eccentric, mentally ill, anti-social, terrorists and so forth – the fact they are peaceful
and non-violent is probably ignored. They are labeled so they can be targeted. When
the labels sometimes have the inducing affects that the hypocrites want them to have,
eventually some of these people do indeed become outcasts or anti-social – and then
they can “legitimately” be taken out by force (the “authorities”).
Throughout the ages all esoteric schools, the ones with integrity anyway, have
always stressed that people delving into these areas have to be “pure of heart.” In other
words they have to acquire true self-knowledge, sincerity and make a decision to work
on behalf of (nurturing, protecting) life in order to enter safely. When I speak about
“safely” I’m referring to the fact that any kind of spiritual occult practice – even political
rallies - can “awaken” some very deep-seated personal and collective mental dynamics.
That’s how occult symbols work: they positively effect, incite and activate unconscious
but usually powerful aspects of a person’s individual or people’s collective psyche.
Furthermore, many of these activated dynamics might be positive in nature but are
usually primitive and selfish, perhaps even dark and ugly (but very profitable). Their true
value comes into place when their energies are recognized, recycled and used for
positive purposes. Unfortunately, they can also be used for unhealthy purposes:
possibly for politically controlling and oppressing people. It is this latter use we have to
be very conscious of in today’s volatile world, both domestically and internationally.
How Society Aids and Abets these Dynamics: Most Groups are a Type of Cult
I know from my own experience this is true. I also know from my personal
experiences there are relentless pressures from around me that try to turn me bitter,
cynical and so forth, thus attempting to turn me into an agent of negativity and ultimately
self-defeating. These same dynamics apply to EVERYONE, on a continuum. It is only
with the most thorough fortitude and perseverance that one is able to overcome these
“negative counterstrikes.” Awareness of what is happening is foremost in the line of
As an aside, I once saw a documentary that proved that the great Canadian wolf of the north
was not guilty of decimating the caribou herd as thought – many innocent wolves were shot en
masse because of this misconception. The wolves lived primarily on field mice. The caribou they
did take down were usually only the sick, wounded and weak. This is naturally proper and
sensible for wolves in the wild and helps keep the herd healthy. Now think of the statement in
the Bible where reference is made to “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Consider how society creates
social pathology among the people and definitely creates a population of wounded,
disempowered and dependent people. The “wolves in sheep’s clothing” in society are the
powerful people who are supposed to look after those weaker than themselves but instead
actually help society create disempowered, dependent and wounded people, who are then used
as society’s scapegoats. Don’t we love all of those VLTs in the bars where people lose their
mortgage payments, food money and so forth? This is one way how the self-righteous people,
most of whom might not gamble but possibly hold shares in those companies that manufacture
the gambling machines. They can satisfy their ego and monetary greed. In these cases they are
able to self-righteously sneer at the people who endure humiliation, experience breakdowns,
suicide - singularly and multiple – experience drug and alcohol addiction, etc. I have known a lot
of drug pushers who have ruined a lot of lives but who don’t even use the deadly substances
they sell to other people. As I have said, a good metaphor to use is vampirism Lifeblood does
not necessarily refer to that red substance circulating throughout our bodies.
Although I always sympathized and sometimes tried to stand up for the underdogs, I
wasn’t as concerned about ethics and morals as I try to be now. These attributes
naturally transpire within an individual when he or she looks inward in self-honesty.
What an individual encounters might not be that nice but awareness of it can allow the
person to safeguard against unconsciously being affected by an aspect of their inner
shadow or a less than honorable psychic characteristic. If not disciplined these
negative, inner nasties will always negatively affect the person/people involved and their
environment. As people begin to see the truth about their own psyches, compassion,
ethics and other civilized human traits naturally follow.
Initially the reason for my first ventures into these areas, especially the spiritual
occult was to help people who were in the process of escaping from a Hollywood style
satanic cult. Later, in addition to finding attractive aspects related to spirituality I had a
personal need to satiate my scholarly and natural curiosity. There was also an element
of defensiveness involved. Thus began my research of the deeper layers of the Human
psyche. My continued interest in what is commonly referred to as the occult is derived a
desire to understand my Self and the world i live in.
One of the first things I noticed about people involved in areas of the occult – or even
non “occult” areas that involve control and power over others is that their attitudes,
especially the attitudes and dynamics they don’t consciously acknowledge but do
express dramatically affects that individual, other people and the environment. The fact
is, unconsciously everyone partakes of the occult - they simply are not aware of it. This
can be especially true if they are victims or perpetrators. I’m referring here primarily to
the affects of the mass media, individual and collective repression (and pathological
projection), the domino – or trickle down - effect and the subsequent cumulative
dynamics on the collective unconscious level of the human psyche.
According to esoteric knowledge, when balancing of energies does not take place
within the mind/body/Soul of an individual, and especially if done with intent the result is
black magic. And that refers to going in either direction to an extreme – either far left or
far right: too open or too closed, too rigid or not clear and assertive enough, too
individualistic or too collectively oriented, etc. This type of imbalance – far left or right –
can definitely be applied to politics as well: communism and fascism. NOTE: these
apparent opposites all boils down to the same dynamic simply at opposite ends of a
continuum. Both extremes express the same dynamics – by virtue of both being
unbalanced and unnatural. The same can be said of “good” or “bad”. Too much good
can become an evil and too much evil can (paradoxically) sometimes result in good.
Some occultists define one aspect of black magic as the draining (theft) of masculine
energy. Sometimes this is achieved by acts of “vampirism,” committed by energetic or
emotional parasites. Sometimes these acts are perpetrated so that this energy can be
used for negative purposes. What about purposes related to docility, at home and within
society? Work environments?
I am not making any implications about gender here. On the social level I’m talking
about a mass media and entertainment industry geared to having people throughout
society waste energy on time-consuming and energy draining activities. I am referring to
the theft of masculine or yang energy: the energy responsible for making us conscious
and aware of our environment; energy enabling us to be active and pro-active rather
than apathetic and sheep-like. One of the results to these types of energy drains,
among other things is mental depression, a psychological environment where people
are easily manipulated.
All of these are nothing more than elaborate behavior modification techniques, the
favored method of achieving specific types “mental health” and associated goals.
Extrapolating along these lines, corporations are wonderful at creating problems and
then providing solutions for the problems they create – but the solutions are on their
terms and always create spin-offs for generating more profits – and not always in
monetary terms.
On a more personal level there are other forms of energy theft. Some people can be
referred to as emotional sponges, “vampires” or however one would like to describe
them. Has anyone ever been with someone who simply leaves you feeling drained and
disempowered? I doubt very much there is anyone who has not met someone who fits
the above description at some time or other. Most people are not even conscious of
these types of interactions when they take place. In today’s world these dynamics are
spread throughout society and all of it’s major institutions.
There has been a gigantic amount of accumulated research evidence and practical
application demonstrating the existence and operation of the collective unconscious
(and associated aspects of the human psyche). This knowledge of the mind has
enabled people – usually with the help of qualified practitioners – to develop
therapeutically and self-knowledgeably, providing empowerment and healing.
Unfortunately certain privileged individuals – who would rather exploit people for their
own gains – perceived ways to change the original purpose and target of pharmacy and
especially psychiatry. After WWII the focus became large-scale mass control;
illegitimate as always.
Modern psychiatry in tandem with the pharmaceutical megalith outlawed most of the
psyche. After betraying its original purpose and practitioners (care of the Soul literally) ,
psychiatry – after adopting medical terminology in its attempt to legitimize this
subsequent quackery – was able to gain dominance within the mental health market
because of the huge profits involved. As a case in point, even though all psychiatrists
and medical doctors know that psychotropic medications do not cure “mental illnesses”
it has become one of the main methods of dealing with mental health issues today.
I guess thousands and thousands of years of human wisdom has almost been
destroyed in a relatively small number of years of modern medicine, in many cases the
twisted product of a state/corporate greed for generating profit and control. What most
people don’t realize is that the Nazis and Stalinist/Maoist ilk , these three tyrannies
conceived of and developed psychotropic medications – dealing with the psyche - to
control people and to experiment on camp inmates. I’m sure people are still able to find
information on the Internet about the Korean War. At that time China was known for
using psychological techniques for torturing allied service men/women and of course
South Koreans. But it was control developed by psychotropic medications that really did
the trick…that was the ticket. Tricking people out of their energy: of mind, body and
soul; the ultimate prostitute in the Tower of Babel. And today they’re dancing burlesque
in our kindergartens.
The use and now widespread use of psychotropic medications – and this is very
different from the development and use of medicines to actually cure or assist in healing
people of physical disease - is the latest and most sophisticated attack against human
consciousness (awareness) and common sense that has ever been assembled. Is this
the real “final solution” and part of Hitler and his inner circle’s occult legacy?
The important point to be made is that when people ignore the above dynamics and
help perpetuate and spread this pathological aspect of corporate society, they become
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
accomplices. Individual, group or collective denial has been a recurring theme in the
history of crime and crimes against humanity. Especially if it involves short-term benefits
and profits that apparently present themselves for a certain few people, groups and
corporations. A person does not have to be a history scholar to think of many
appropriate examples.
Virtually everyone alive on Earth today is effected by and performs rituals. Naturally
there is a hierarchy in respect to the purpose and effects of any ritual. All rituals are on a
continuum from the absolutely mundane to the deep arcane. In relation to what I said
earlier about Alchemy, what a person does and thinks, the nature of their attitudes, the
different forms their physical manipulation of objects takes, these all have simultaneous
and parallel affects in their psyches. In common semantic usage this is usually referred
to as magic. Anyone who has consciously taken part in ritual – in other words
psychologically understand the purpose of the ritual – in church as a serious practitioner
or in any number of rituals associated with different traditions or spiritual organizations
knows this to be true. In almost all cases the rituals affect the people involved by
triggering, activating or creating certain states of mind. What is less common knowledge
is that the way people are treated, the activities they take part in during their daily and
nightly lives and even how families treat the various members within the family are all
types of rituals and have deep psychic affects.
As discussed in the book “The Messianic Legacy” the purpose and affects of ritual is
to create a state of mind particular or purposeful to a given situation. During ritual most
people, especially when done on a large scale and therefore more easily pulled into the
less conscious mass mind, in fact go further into unconscious psychic territories. When
there are people in charge of these rituals in a type of top down movement, large or
small, the capacity to be controlled for the purposes of those who organize and direct
the ritual increases. In this instance the Nuremburg rallies of the Third Reich is used as
an example.28 I’m sure we all can think of currently operative domestic and foreign
These dynamics can apply to any kind of mass rally or congregation of people,
including political events and if fear and intimidation is used it can be very subtle or
blatant in form. In the context of violence and fear - at first subtle, then subsequently in
later years turned blatant - Nazi Germany simply carried the collective unconscious
insanity of the Western World during WW11 to quasi-conscious extremes. This can
create an atmosphere conducive to manipulation by those in control of the proceedings.
In almost every example of this type of manipulation what’s activated and targeted,
scapegoating and a focus on supposedly irreconcilable and unacceptable differences
between people, institutions and possibly different cultures. The mindset and level of
“The Messianic Legacy”, Pg.220, Michael Baigent, Pichard Leigh, Henry Lincoln
awareness of the nature and purpose of the ritual a person or people maintains during
its operation determines the level at which they will be affected by this phenomena.
Some would say during successful ritual, the mind usually becomes dissipated and
unfocused after the initial focused concentration of purpose expends itself, followed by a
type of less conscious state of awareness. Emotions might be activated and information
is taken in but it does not go through the process of critical analysis provided by the
intellect.29 In Hitler’s Germany there were many people who were conscious of the
dynamics talking place throughout society. Most of these people ended up in
concentration camps.
Activation and manipulation of psychic energies can easily take place during rituals
through the use of symbols such as flags, initiations, religious or spiritual symbolism and
so forth. This can be especially true with the use of archaic symbols that resonate within
the world’s collective psyche and therefore individual psyches. Symbols can range from
ones that are of purely personal significance through to the group or cult significance
and further, to the just-mentioned worldwide collective of archaic humanity. When
specific characteristics of groups or races of people are glorified in the performance of
ritual even such a simple thing as flag waving and the singing of national anthems
exaggerates differences between people. In these instances what is ignored or
sabotaged (repressed) are the archetypical and universal human similarities, the unity
of humankind. It creates atmosphere’s that are conducive to individual and collective
and narcissistic ego inflation - a form of neurosis, even psychosis. A flag (Flagg from
Stephen King’s “The Stand”) promotes irreconcilable differences between people and
usually results in oppression of some kind.
Its opposite, a healthy counter symbol could be the image of an erect human being
with arms outstretched standing on the earth with the sun and moon above; an
archetypal and universal symbol of all of humankind – this symbol unites people.30
During rituals that focus on differences between people, groups and nations the
purpose, both conscious and unconscious is to manipulate one’s environment and
people for something that cannot be defined as love because it focuses on differences –
this is a type of black magic. Products of ego tend to focus on differences between
people. People who acknowledge they practice Satanism are usually very quick to say
what they in fact “worship” is their own ego – even to the exclusion or harm to others.
This is the basis for Satanists. Most actual practitioners of Satanism are unconscious
practitioners: a person who’s most important concerns are their image, wealth and
power – and this naturally means power over other people and the environment,
Ditto, Pg. 221
Ditto, Pg. 227
regardless of scale. Because they usually pretend to be good people they are able to do
more damage to the collective of humanity and the world: hypocrites.
Ritual that manipulates psychic energies to unite people can usually be referred to as
healing because it fosters wholeness within individuals – this is love. Love and attraction
is defined as a desire for and an energetic expression of unity. Healers can make
individuals or groups of people whole by making them aware of their internal unity,
mentally, physically and in unity with other people. Whole = wholesome = Holy. In
researching the more esoteric expressions of spiritual traditions, I see that High “magic”
of the white kind sometimes refers to rituals or forms of meditation used to uncover
universal aspects of the psyche, including the universal or collective psyche of
humankind. Rituals might be used to accomplish what Jesus referred to as “knowing
thyself” – mystical self-knowledge and a profound personal awareness of the overall
unity of life.
However, using any type of occult ritual places a person in danger because of the
hidden maneuvers of the ego and other, unconscious motivations and influences. An
exception to this is the obvious and intentional use of banishing rituals to cleanse the
psyche of negative influences and this is only possible after thoroughly recognizing what
is to be banished; speaking primarily as a Christian, for example when one mindfully
recites and takes part in the Lord’s Prayer, Communion, etc.
Mystical contemplation is a way to open up the psyche and to reach higher levels of
consciousness, the very definition of health, to be aware of and in harmony with your
environment including inner. As higher levels of psychic awareness uncovers what was
covered; that is as greater levels of consciousness, attained through the process of
psychic integration, of the whole individual including everyone else in a blanket of
energy; then our profound mutuality, the relationships we energetically share with others
becomes apparent and much more important in the sense of security and unity. This is
most humanly expressed thorough empathy and in fact in reflection is precisely what
makes us human.
Since the Observer always changes what is observed should I call these individual
events nuclear? As one attains this hard-sought integration – this earned “iron-shirt” -
its commonsense this increased “power” can be used either for destructive or creative
purposes. This translates into that old adage: “Knowledge is Power…”.
Increased power means greater awareness of what is and if ego gets involved then
corruption sometimes sets in with the resulting exploitation of our common humanity
and wider environment. Throughout history we see examples from all the world’s major
religions where this type of corruption has resulted. Personally, I believe if an individual
is successful at the practice of mystical contemplation: an integration beyond but not to
extinguish the ego, then the very knowledge of humanities individual yet collective
reality, our oneness in spirit would forestall an impulse to desecrating this reality and
humans harming our brothers and sisters.
Regardless, mysticism is a way to learn to know the creative source or the closest
thing that the human being is able to achieve in that area of awareness. Whether a
person achieves the higher level of a saint or simply becomes more aware of their self
in relation to themselves, other people and the natural environment is important but not
the point: it is the path, the search and the process of the journey that bakes it real. It is
important because it can establish a healthy attitude, positively affecting the individual
and people who hold that attitude. It can also positively affect other people because of
the energies – expressed through attitudes - radiated by the sincere person or people
on a practical, ethical and spiritual path.
What Hitler and the Nazis did was an example of both high and low “magic” ritual
using the black arts to cause both unity and disunity between the Aryan people and the
groups of people they targeted. In the case of the concentration camps, the purpose
and result was not only extermination and slave labor but also destruction and torture of
the deeper, collective psyche of the groups within the camps –Jewish people, dissidents
generally, gypsies, homosexuals and the mentally ill, etc.
Gandhi was an example of someone who was an instrument of “magic”. He used his
love of god (consciousness/spirit), the Earth and the spirit of individual yet collective
human life to achieve “magical” ends: a conscious effort to peacefully obtain freedom
from British colonial control, to create unity of purpose and raise consciousness to the
national level of India. By virtue of Humanity’s collective mutuality, the British finally
affected a change, which demonstrated a mutual empathy. The question is, in today’s
sterile technocracy and politically correct politics (Pure Cult) is there enough empathy
anywhere that would achieve similar results?
Gandhi did not consciously practice magic; the creative source acted magically and
creatively through him. Mystics, using different meditative forms of the high magical arts
can consciously increase their own levels of positive dynamics within and emanating
from themselves. A mystic can either become a Hitler or a Saint – the deciding factor is
a healthy, un-inflated ego not in service of itself but of the whole person – including the
collective unity of humankind itself and beyond. When people practice individual
integrity they naturally apply the same unifying integrity to the human family.
Using less sensational examples, in society and the World in general tribalism affects
virtually every group to a certain degree. This takes place on a continuum and leads to
a profound bigotry and hate for other groupings of people. Tribalism operates from a
position of fear and insecurity. In ego inflationary ways an individual or people can
In other words, because the person or people involved are not acting from positions
of self-knowledge they will usually look outside themselves for answers to any
perceived problems they might have or simply to compare themselves favorably with
other groups of people. In this case the result is the manufacture of, an illusion to
differences that separate and attacks other people. It uses materialism in the
pathological sense because it stems exclusively from the ego. It uses materialism as a
rationale and way to express and impose a specific group’s perspective and way of life
onto others – and can be an expression of a nation, political group, religious group or
perhaps a specific class within society. In this latter case a combination of tribalism and
materialism separates the haves from the have-nots 32, Tribalism results in the
manufacture of differences and is the deep-rooted source of all levels of bigotry and
persecution. Importantly it also represents the denial of the higher psyche and spirit –
and the unity of all humankind. It is this denial that allows or maintains these distortions.
While speaking about tribalism one might think of 1 st Nations tribes. In 2020 I think a
very important point should be made. When considering First Nation’s People’s here in
Canada/U.S I consider certain aspects of Native culture today to have advanced in a
civic sense far beyond some mainstream social institutions as far as actual healing,
integrity and community cohesion if they are genuinely practiced and with true vision –
for example compare the mainstream justice system as opposed to the much more
community-minded and effective healing circle. In the face of the mainstream political
and media circus manufactured around us, Native American Spirituality and culture
could be a breath of fresh air, and potentially could bring sanity and balance to western
society in ways we have not allowed to naturally happen before. It depends on the
leaders involved. Do they recognize the mutuality, the relationship of all peoples of the
earth or do they let human mutuality become diseased with tribalism?
I remember when I lived in Calgary, Alberta for a couple of years. At one point I lived
for a while with a family comprised members of mixed racial cultures. One of the sons
was a 1st. Nations individual who was very much into Shamanic practice. We both
identified with the same spirit animal – wolf. After we realized we were in fact on similar
paths he became very frank with me and said that if one Shaman meets another
Shaman in the spirit world they will usually fight (sometimes to the death) if they cross
(I’ll qualify these statements because within authentic native tribal communities these
differences don’t exist – although in the past there was competition and possibly violent
animosity between different tribal groupings)
horns with each other. He made it clear one medicine man from one tribe is a natural
enemy of another, with the only exceptions temporary unity in the face of a mutual
enemy or mutual purpose of healing. He made no bones about this and as it turned out
he was very serious. Anyone who doesn’t think Shamanism isn’t real, think again.
What also seems to be overlooked was the almost continuous brutal inter-tribal
warfare that was a constant for most tribes (the same applied to most African tribes)
long before they ever met a white man. Today we tend to ignore these things in a
similar way we forget the spiritual, legal and in fact educated benefits developed and
fought for by Europeans, including European “colonists”. Today, some people like to
point out that when it comes to immigration, we are all descended from immigrants and
that’s what the European colonists were. Not quite the same thing.
What’s overlooked? They were all European, usually fleeing tyranny to a land
sparsely populated by primarily semi-nomadic tribes of peoples. These colonists were a
group population united in the deep collective level, with real empathy that develops
between people sharing the same life and culture and group cohesion and need for
survival. Immigrants to Western society today share almost nothing of the cultural life-
style/heritage of the host western countries today being overwhelmed. Immigrants today
are in fact using their differences to create division and social upheaval rather than
integration and mutual living.
When one considers that most 1st Nations were constantly at war with other tribe’s
one wonders who were the recent colonists and who were “natives” to their situation?
Healer, heal thyself.
These are facts but are today ignored in favor of Scapegoating other peoples, people
who were only doing what everyone around them was doing. How many people realize
that the coasts of Europe were a prime source for slave raiders to capture unwary
Europeans for many hundreds of years, since the time of the Romans…and on and on.
How many know that the most powerful slavers in all of history were the Arab slavers
and Black North African slavers (the latter being the source of most of the slaves ended
in North America before it was outlawed). From 1000 A.D. to 1900s Black North
Africans kidnapped at least 1.5 million European children and women and killed many
more along the Mediterranean Sea .The women and children usually ended up in military
brothels and harems where they serviced sexually until death, usually. Men, if not killed
defending their families were always separated from the women and usually ended up
rowing in the galleys until they died.
We all know about American slavery? Not quite Just didn’t know it was started by rich
blacks slavers and someone in Europe they bequeathed some black slaves to for the
New World. I don’t think the slaves were bequeathed to a poor serf escaping from the
royal and aristocratic plunder and imposition of feudal captivity. As usual, slavery has
always been promulgated and used by the rich and their royal masters, not the poor
common folks, regardless their color!.
A portion of the population with usually higher levels of awareness can be referred to
as sensitive. Those people sensitive enough to recognize the reality described above
but don’t support the status quo might join a group that has traditionally taken people
like this under their wing – religious or various traditional groups, social movements,
even political parties and community activities. In this day of censorship, shadow
banning, MSM fake news and the dumbing down, just being naturally aware and
sensitive to what is can get you branded a conspiracy-theorist or mentally ill label; a
sensitive who does not seek the protection or support of some group or other run the
risk of being ostracized, classified, put on medication and/or subdued in various ways.
They are considered “dangerous” because they contradict what the controllers of the
status quo want the masses of people to believe. One of the main ways the status quo
is maintained is by creating an aura of fear (the story of my life).
The fear I am talking about permeates any environment where oppression is taking
place. As an extreme example, I can imagine the fear that must have permeated
Hitler’s, Stalin’s or Mao’s death/work camps. It would have adversely affected both the
perpetrators and the persecuted in the most extreme ways possible – it dehumanizes by
destroying empathy. This type of fear is powerful enough to induce people into
becoming perpetrators. That is the very nature of the shadow and what is commonly
known as “selling one’s Soul to the “devil.” Interestingly, this process can result from the
seemingly most trivial of ego indulgences but ending in the usual subterfuges when it
involves hurting others and inciting karma because of the cumulative effect. It always
starts small and ends big - snowballs do get larger as they roll downhill.
As a result of our literal psychic interconnections with each other, when a person or
people hurt, persecute or oppress other people they are also doing the very same thing
to themselves. The experiences of East India with Britain, the experiences of black
people in the United States of America, the experiences of the people of South Africa
demonstrate this reality. In the examples given above it was only by virtue of this
interconnections and mutuality that the persecutors were able to finally stop their
oppression in the face of peaceful resistance. This is why Gandhi and King’s messages
were so powerful. Mr. King’s message, “we are all caught in a web of mutuality, tied in a
single garment of destiny” resonates within a person’s core self. This is also why
Gandhi was right when he said “If everyone keeps taking an eye for an eye pretty soon
the whole world will be blind.” As a meditator and mystic Gandhi knew this to be true.
We are all literally part of one collective, interrelated reality with both individual and
collective consciousness.
groups you can see examples where victims think they are able to lessen their
victimization by becoming perpetrators on behalf of themselves or on behalf of a more
powerful perpetrator (rather “Kappo” - like). You can witness this within virtually any type
of coercive group. This is also how the “Devil” i.e. shadow, in realistic psychological
terms not superstitious ones, operates.
We can look at a simple schoolyard scenario where there are victims who are picked
on not just by the bullies but also by most everyone else in one way or another. This
can be extended to an abusive work environment. There are very extreme examples
where prisoners in Hitler’s death camps became “kappos” in an attempt to extend their
own lives and helped lead other victims to their deaths. Then there were the
brainwashed people in China during the People’s Revolution who carried on the
propaganda and torture to other people in order to initiate them the same way they were
initiated or conditioned. It is the same dynamic throughout these examples, simply on a
continuum. This type of victim is best described as being a “kappo” (I choose this word
because of my German heritage) because of the dynamics involved. However, I will
usually use the better-known term perpetrator, manipulator or accessory.
The main tool used to keep this domino effect in place is fear. Our society, our world
is saturated in fear and anger, much of it on a subliminal level, literally. Fear mongering
has become a national agenda for some countries – Echoes of Nazi Germany,
Bolshevik Russia and the whole and ongoing history of communist China.
It has been truly phenomenal the employment situations I have found myself in
where fear is employed. In the family it starts early – “1...2...3....okay, that’s it, that’s not
how I like it, (not that it is bad or unhealthy). Go to your room”. But this is a weapon
used throughout society, and especially today in Trudeau's emerging Canadian tyranny
and the illegitimate government that took over Washington in early 2021. It is well
known that some religions have done this for centuries (usually at the behest of
politicians and military). Almost all governments will if they can get away with it and as
history has shown over and over again it is precisely the government or royalty the
people always have to protect themselves from and keep in check. Autocratic
government is a legacy of the historical parasitic pathology known as (the ancient and
worldwide) monarchy and their spawn of “nobility”.
Prince Charley and the royal family demands that people give them complete privacy
for the royal family. I remember looking at a picture taken from the economic meeting at
Davos in 2021, big smiles on the faces of Prince Charley Justin Trudeau, Queen
Elizabeth and other partying leaders, mask less as they ate the Queen’s birthday cake
Now, these elites, these rulers with a past legacy called “divine” right of the monarchy
demands, through the use of technology to wipe out the free speech and especially the
privacy of all people on Earth. We are talking about royal psychopaths.
What is being built is a technocratic human factory farm. It started big time with the
ovid-19 lockdowns and vaccines.
One place I’ve seen this dynamic in operation has been in my experiences of being
repeatedly sexually assaulted and my subsequent study and research of childhood
sexual abuse. There are two levels of sexual abuse – one is psychological and
emotional and the other is physical in nature. Obviously, physical abuse contains
psychological and emotional dynamics as well. In looking at psychological and
emotional sexual abuse we see that anything that attacks or invades in virtually any way
an individual’s DNA (unique), sex or person, anything which is used to hurt that
individual emotionally, psychologically and so on, by virtue of that person’s gender or
individuality or any combination of the above used to control that person can be
considered sexual abuse in the most profound sense; perhaps even rape in many cases
depending on the resulting trauma. Therefore because of the highly invasive quality of
psychological manipulation and control, even in the absence of factors related to
physical invasions and attacks or exploitation all mental invasions are forms of mental
rape - in every sense of the word. Importantly, although psychological and emotional
abuse can most definitely be sex-related, it can also be completely gender-neutral.
Today thanks to now especially 5G microwave social saturation and the actual
cellular damage caused by the very physical effects of these microwaves), the Internet
of Things and Quantum computing these invasions have reached devastating levels of
complete mass and individual control by a very few number of individuals – people who
indeed do consider themselves individuals indeed in the case of George Soros,
consider themselves God-like, unlike the billions of faceless/voiceless people they coral
into human factory farms.
In saying this I am also thinking of the statements of victims who had been physically
– in these cases sexually – assaulted who later said that they afterwards felt like their
souls had been invaded or “they were wounded to the core of their being.” One of the
things almost unbearable emotionally is the fact that in the absence of hard physical
evidence or witnessed direct verbal coercion, attack and so forth our legal systems do
not realistically prevent these dynamics from happening, especially when the victims are
white or Jewish, men and even women and children. In fact, in many ways our legal and
social system, especially in these days of political correctness, corporate profits and
psychological ignorance promotes it. I maintain that psychological sexual abuse is
widely used throughout society as a form of control, revenge and so on.
While thinking along these lines it is important to consider that throughout history and
at all times in the absence of a psychological understanding of what happened, as an
individual or as a group, the oppressed have almost always become oppressors in turn.
Without being aware of the dynamics involved anger, hate and other forms of unbridled
emotions rule. When the mass mind is considered, then the magnitude of this becomes
apparent. There could be a whole book written to illustrate this last statement. Carl Jung
got a good handle on it with his book, “The Undiscovered Self” and especially Eric
Newman in his book Erich Neumann “Depth psychology: A New Ethic “which evolved
greatly from his experiences in Nazi Germany.
In appendix 1 at the back section of this book there is a list of cult dynamics and 8
specific dynamics that are present within cults. To some degree or other each and every
one of them are active within society, especially on the unconscious levels that I have
been discussing. It should send shivers down the spine of anyone who has eyes to see
that within “normal” society all of these dynamics are present and thanks to technology
is becoming increasingly ever more saturating in individual and social control and affect,
especially within most of the socially sanctioned institutions. In many ways this
especially applies to the family in today’s society who succumb to the propaganda war
pushing for children, other family members and relatives to snitch on those who do not
toe the totalitarian, police state directives, and with CCP controlled China setting the
example people can actually gain “social credits” to enable some people to live
privileged while others live in deprivation. This is precisely why our young people have
been force fed computer gaming and especially social media – they cannot function
without their social media and AI telling them what to think, say and how to act. They no
longer think for themselves (thanks Rockefeller) but can only follow directions orders,
protocols – as Rockefeller said, in “Lockstep” - like the “medical” computer models that
shut down the whole of Western society, while de-platforming, assassinating and
censoring living, breathing scientists and other scholars who speak out against such
uncivilized brutality: reptilian behavior to the core. Without a shred of empathy or
collective wisdom derived from the neo-cortex to enlighten our darker unconscious with
consciousness. Our education system has taught children not to think, only follow
orders. Order followers.
Families produce society and society produces families and because of the cyclical dynamics
involved one mirrors the other.
In the following pages I’m going to use some emotionally loaded, very controversial
topics and offer alternative opinions about the actual psychological, certainly emotional
and given the connection between mind and body, physical dynamics that surround
each topic. In today’s climate of censorship and political correctness there is no
question what I say in the following chapter will raise a few hackles. However, it is
precisely the emotional backlash to my words that demonstrate the credibility in what I
suggest. Think about the divisiveness that results from the dynamics touched on below.
The big question to ask is who benefits from this divisiveness? Within society at large,
ask yourselves what powerful political, economic or financial interest’s benefit from
taking publicly divisive initiatives where unbalanced, impractical and certainly unfair –
but well propagandized – oversights and injustices result. What happens to the group
who apparently benefits?
The first issues I want to look at are those related to cycles of abuse and their
dynamics (possibly sexual): physical, emotional and psychological. As you read the next
chapters consider who actually promotes the dynamics discussed – through various
media and avenues - and ultimately profits from them: politically and financially? Who
most benefits from a social policy of divide-and-conquer?
In what follows, unlike some movements within contemporary society I am not taking
one side over the other by censoring and withholding a balanced perspective. Within the
mainstream media today topics of abuse, especially when gender related are reported
in an unbalanced, unrealistic and censorious manner, thereby promoting and
suppressing one perspective over another and usually for political reasons; in the same
way that our pharmaceutical controlled neuroleptic medications and “mental health
counseling” rarely takes into account childhood trauma and various other traumas while
confronting mental Illness. This certainly prevents healing - if the dynamics of origin are
not dealt with then using psychotropic medication, the usual psychiatric “counseling” will
likely ensure that mental health issues not only remain but in tandem with psychotropic
medication use (although recommended in the DCM as short-term use is almost always
prescribed for perpetuity.) will ensure the symptoms indicated by the “diagnosis”, the
“medical” label imposed will manifest.
Overall any backlash that results throughout society only benefits those who want an
excuse to increase domination, oppression and disunity.
Within the helping professions is a common belief that more male victims of sexual
abuse become perpetrators than female victims of sexual abuse. That is a bit of an
illusion if we take psychological and emotional abuse into consideration, sexual or
otherwise. Male perpetrators (of sexual abuse) tend to be more physical while females
A factor to be noted is that in the absence of true healing anyone who is abused,
especially sexually, is usually halted emotionally at the age level they were at when the
abuse occurred if these dynamics in all their starkness aren’t revealed. It is that
wounded, unhealed and hidden side to their psyche that is usually - unconsciously -
responsible for causing or perpetrating abuse, of whatever nature. However, in general
men are more physically abusive and females emotionally and psychologically abusive
although this dynamic is rapidly changing in today’s emerging trans-humanist dystopia.
Historically and up until the near past men were always promoted to be more
physical while being less emotionally mature than females. Culturally, this is not true
today to near the same extent but because of the brain differences in males/females –
especially the ability to express equanimity and objectivity, something Marxist
indoctrination attempts to neutralize through emotionalizing people to the point where
they cannot think logically, critically or creatively – they more and more can only follow
orders as the mobile media has conditioned them. Logic, mathematics and other
scholarly pursuits are being referred to as “White supremacy”?
Witness the extreme violence done to human bodies with technocracy and the cult of
Transhumanism increasingly violating and causing violence, attempting to destroy
natural woman, the sacred feminine; while at the same time the sacred masculine and
natural right of self-defense - for self and family or any victim is becoming criminalized in
our corporate/cartel controlled societies.
These are crimes against humanity on more than one front or level, especially in our
schools that are pushing for experimental hormonal changes that has been
demonstrated to destroy and harm the people who transition far more than it could
possibly benefit. The majority of these changes are induced by the illicit sexualization of
our children and Marxist indoctrination in our schools. In the scheme of evolution and
among civilized people sexuality usually is found at the bottom rung of importance.
I obtained some literature from a service center for sexual assault victims
Increasingly throughout society this is beginning to change as more female
perpetrators of violence emerge. As we’ve discovered, for example in the military
and throughout society females can kill, main and wound as well as men can.
In the LGBT, technocratic and trans humanist cults (offshoots) the most important
thing in their existence and the very purpose of their cult is to glorify above all else how
they like to fuck (sic). A complete reversal of civilized, forward moving people where
sexual activity is at the most basic, primitive and un-evolved levels of the human psyche
historically and developmentally. Especially children who are sexualized are drained of
energy needed for developmental purposes, especially cognitive and physiological
development. They become malleable, completely dependent (the more dependent the
stronger an addictive personality) on the system that transitions them into the Borg
dream of virtual reality.
Typically a male will be physically aggressive whereas a female will be more passive-
aggressive. Although men are still more physically violent today notwithstanding the fact
examples of female physical violence is on the upswing, the amount of violence
perpetrated by females and males indoctrinated to a matriarchal (Marxist-Feminist
collective) perspective, wiping out individuality and therefore individual responsibility
generally in a politically correct society (pure cult) is approaching revolutionary
proportions of oppression.
Is individual responsibility actually being wiped out along with its mate, empathy?
Just this morning I read in our local newspaper about a past public service worker here
in Canada who embezzled $16,000,000. He wasn’t charged but he and his family are
suing the government he stole the money from because they allowed a loophole that
enabled him to steal it, 35 to be damned his own sense of honesty – but it speaks
volumes about the honesty within our current corporately (pushing the new serfdom of a
faceless mass of humanity) controlled governments.
The multi-cults destroying societies are only to be found in the high-jacked Western
world. In other countries outside the western world, none of which are multicultural or
democratic are exporting to the western world chaos, severe racism and multi-cults
mainly via mass immigration They are aided in this by the Marxist-Feminists and the
wide range of trans-humanist anti human, anti-Woman and anti-Nature LGBT cults and
their offshoots. This is all vastly underrated and of course under-reported by the mass
media if at all. Neither this nor its magnitude is apparently recognized or acknowledged
by the majority of society, especially the dominant structures – law, medicine, Canada’s
new propaganda ministry, etc, etc. and so on.
I want to explore some of the emotional dynamics involved. As I just said, in the
literature I’ve read about female perpetrators of abuse they want their victims to feel the
same pain they experienced. Today more people, men and women both, have less
In talking about destructive anger I am not referring to the use of anger to impel
someone into action – this is necessary sometimes - I am talking about anger that stays
with a person long enough to become deeply embedded hate. On the collective or mass
unconscious level the unrestrained anger generated becomes a revenge-seeking beast
of its own. Both types of energy, masculine and feminine – are contained in all people
regardless of gender. And it is almost totally unconscious to most people.
This also brings into play the power of a label and its unconscious affects. I am
speaking about women only to illustrate an example where, in the absence of true
healing, the type of anger I am referring to is such that all persons of the identified group
– in this case men – will become an object of their hate. The actual structure and
dynamic processes involved applies to many different groups within society regardless
of gender.
How much hate do you think is behind the Marxist-Feminist, corporate and Globalist
powers that are neutralizing male power and the feminization of western men – calling
true masculinity toxic masculinity in the western world – as the Chinese science, military
and political engines have become extremely masculine and powerful to the core.
Whenever you take over a country or region the first course of action is to neutralize the
men who might defend.
When I walk through my hometown these days not a day goes by that as a white
male I am not scowled at, avoided and perhaps ostracized - treated in a racist way
usually by people who are obviously new or first generation Canadians or residents –
and not a white Caucasian. A false history has been generated to foster this racist, anti-
white/European attitude. It is not an accident. Anyway, this was unheard of when I was
a child, when doors could be left unlocked and no one had to worry about crime –
whether you were rich or poor, black, white, Red or Asian. Today in Canada criminals
are being let out of prison while they lock up in jail Christian pastors who refuse do not
refuse their parishioners the bread of life and in fact feeding the homeless.
Outside of the comparatively small number of cases where women actually become
physically abusive compared to men, the emotional and psychologically abusive,
passive aggressive, likes to use humiliation, etc. On the unconscious level these
dynamics are not passive, quite the contrary – especially if people take into account the
above-mentioned dynamics of “black magic” and basic intolerance and other aspects of
politically correct cultism.
The collective level of this anger is devastating. But it has become totally mingled
with the collective unconscious in all its dynamics. A visible example of this is the way it
is being produced (through propaganda ) and used by a very small group of individuals -
primarily from that ancient parasitic like pathology known as the ancient monarchies -
using the new Multi-national nobility – corporations and bankers - to impose on, fearfully
herding and controlling humanity.
Realistically we are not talking simply about female anger or male anger but about
PEOPLE anger - anger of the oppressed and wounded. Importantly, since we are of the
earth, men and women are all expressions of MAN in WOMAN masculine force giving
form to the feminine vessel and the feminine vessel giving form and expression to
masculine focus of energy.
Now, rather than speaking of men or women the reference should simply be made of
people committing violence against people and this might be closer to the present truth.
The key to remember is that most of this reversal, the projection and victimization, is
unconscious and committed not in physical ways but psychological and especially
emotional ways. We are all aware of the term passive aggressive and its reference to
emotional manipulation. This is simply one of the more obvious forms or expressions for
this type of violence to take. Actually, it is a type of theft. A good example of this from
my own experiences has been not being allowed to express or be angry or assertive
because I am male, in the midst of a vast and intimate amount of female anger (in many
cases hate).
Thanks to technology people are today being manipulated through propaganda and
acting in ways totally unnatural for natural humanity – but then as we will see below, the
current trend of Transhumanism – which is running through society today – is a
purposeful attempt to get rid of humanity, all except for the rulers of the world – the
monarchies and their “noble” corporations.
Speaking from a white male perspective, many women project this hate materially,
literally onto the physical object this emotion is directed towards – the human male –
and in 2021 mainly affecting white, heterosexual males. This dynamic also goes in the
other direction – from the human male to an unconscious hate of anything masculine
and with the back-lash, anything feminine? Usually both aspects are primarily
unconscious for women as well as for men but not for the corporations and media, the
globalists orchestrating all of this. The end result can be the physical or psychological
acting out by both males and females. For women possessed by their (therefore
unbalanced) animus the sometimes conscious or unconscious hate and fear for men is
nihilistic hate and fear of their inner man. For men possessed by their (therefore
unbalanced) animus, any subsequent hate and fear for females becomes a nihilistic
hate and fear for their inner woman. Unconscious self-hate then develops, is sent out
and then returns, in a viscous circle. Affected women exhibit the malfunctioned aspects
of their animus and shadow, poisoned by a wounded, sad, neglected and pissed off
Soul that has become shadow infested. The same applies to a man’s anima, to shadow.
What has been repressed begins to unconsciously rule them and the collective. The
result on the collective level is blind violence
Thinking along these lines it makes perfect sense why it says in the Christian Bible
that Jesus was a friend with prostitutes – you have to embrace all people and this
represents accepting all aspects of our individual psyches. In a similar way we have to
become friends with our inner “Whore of Babylon” in order to make order out of chaos,
to discipline these inner energies. We can recognize that this is a direct reflection of a
person’s ability to embrace their whole self in a healthy, democratic and compassionate
Understanding this at some level must be why the Christian Bible and books from
other traditions are still considered great books by millions of people after hundreds of
years. The Holy Spirit resonates within us all if we listen. I have no doubt much of the
appreciation keeping these books active in religions is induced by some part of the
unconscious higher psyche that understands their reality and validity. Dogmatism and
orthodoxy vs. an actual living Tradition is also a factor. The subsequent
deadening and stagnation of a living meaning behind what they “teach” when followed
dogmatically is a major reason why many people are leaving these sorts of institutions
and the Holy books associated with these traditions and in fact turning in the opposite
direction of Living Spirit. This exactly why in August of 2021 we see in North America
Black clad Antifa gangs, surrounding peaceful Christian worshipping as they chant
Satanic statements, hurl eggs, bottles, flash bombs, etc. at infant, and children, women
and men praying and peacefully communing in spirit. This is because of what our
corporate and banking globalists want – the ones controlling the faceless, communist
and fascist masses?
More seriously folks, following from this idea one can appreciate how destructive it is
to take metaphysical symbology and apply it to human anatomy. Look what happened
historically to women’s treatment in society because of the perceptions generated by
literal (childish) interpretation of various great spiritual books. Many expressions of
these great spiritual traditions, sometimes, have become stagnant and dogmatically
dangerous as opposed to spiritually alive, health giving and ever changing. In some
cases we have severed them from the roots that gave them birth.
This great sin (sin, from everything I’ve read and learned, including the original Greek
meaning, simply means “missing the mark”) has come about by utilizing a literal and
materialistic approach to the interpretation of these books. However, these books were
written by inspired people, open to human limitations in understanding the profound
realities they perceived and then tried to describe; and almost always written by people
who have not experienced the realities described in the books.
Differences vaporize when an individual is able to live fully in the present. Living
spiritual traditions become stagnant religions when the institutions themselves stop
living in the present, focusing instead on the far historical aspects of the past from which
they emerged. They do not understand the original cultural, environmental and
developmental context of those who wrote these books and how they differed from
today’s world context, materially and psychologically speaking. They use a literal
interpretation divorced from the original teachings of the master and wise people that
gave them birth. The spiritual miracles and truths attached to all historically famous holy
people are a present living reality for everyone. Virtually every person alive today is
exactly as holy and complete as the most famous holy person who has ever lived. We
simply have to wake up to that fact and recollect our selves.
Getting back to the business of the wounded and hurt psyche, to operate consciously
on the collective unconscious psychic levels, masculine energies have to be used. This
can only be accomplished if energies are not wasted. Look around society today.
Virtually everything is geared to using up or neutralizing (in some people) masculine
energies. We are called “consumers” and we are, consuming more than we realize. But
it requires an expenditure of energy to consume in our society, everything from sex to
letting your life force spill out in front of the television after watching several hours of a
violent “sport” or action film loaded with violence and absolutely divorced from actual
reality – a virtual reality. This results in a type of entropy.
I recall experiences in mass rallies and sports events and know that the emotional
atmosphere of the environment can greatly affect a person. No need to elaborate what
becomes obvious by looking at the effect political speeches have on people. As for
sports events, I view much of what we classify as athletics today as being nothing more
than gladiatorial pastimes after the fashion of corrupt ancient Rome and serving much
the same purpose; although to be perfectly honest many of the gladiatorial dynamics
are adopted - and with absolutely sadistic desensitization - in social media hits and
targets of victims by “social justice warriors”, a modern name for sadists who project
their pathology onto innocent victims targeted by the State, similar in composition and
purpose to the historical Nazi Brown shirts or the Chinese Communist Red Guards.
Their purpose is to institute and perpetuate the unhealthy dynamics of a society that
obtains (in most cases) sadistic pleasures from suffering and violence; by projecting
mass psychotic dysfunctions onto the scapegoats targeted politically. That is certainly
what was chronicled in the Soviet nightmare. It is used to keep people blinded and
preoccupied (surviving hunger games style) as to the dynamics actually taking place.
A friend and past minister of the church I attended used to fascinate me with the
simple yet profound messages of his sermons. He once gave a sermon in which he
drew parallels between corrupt, ancient Rome and modern day society. His sermon was
impossible to disagree with logically or historically. He read no scripture I recall in the
sermon: he was speaking accurately about the past (history) and focused completely on
what was happening in society at that time. It illustrated very clearly for me how the
twelve cardinal sins have in many respects today come to be viewed and treated by the
majority of society as the twelve cardinal virtues, to be pursued with pride being number
one because trouble always erupts from the ego. All wisdom of all civilizations and
peoples of the past who recognized that pride, lust and envy – the dominant attitudes
and ways of being promoted in today’s politically correct, identity filled politics are some
of the more deadly reasons many civilizations become corrupt and crumble, every time.
Using people to act and live like this is nothing short of a complete manipulation and
conditioning by the modern propaganda machine; a definite crime against humanity.
Today this machine includes most all of western society’s universities which are
promoting intolerance and censorship, the very opposite of scholarly inquiry, and
instead have become huge dumbing down and indoctrination centers. The social
cohesion of humankind and her embedded nature with the Mother Earth is being
destroyed. The Earth being bombarded by 5&6G radiation from the satellites that
Tesla’s original psychopath is blanketing the Earth with., Dragon lines reacting…
Today, what used to be known as the twelve cardinal sins have become the twelve
cardinal virtues. We know what happened to ancient Rome although it is a beautiful city
today. Ancient Rome crumbled psychologically, spiritually and physically which is
another way of saying it was invaded in every sense of the word. Send out what you will
returns three-fold.
The result of this now global mindset adds to the lowered overall levels of
consciousness - the manipulative ability of the shadow-controlled collective unconscious
thereby increases. Whole libraries have been written to explain and describe this
process and how to counter it. On the other hand it is also safe to say that whole
libraries – physical examples of holarchical emergence keeping the foundations intact -
have been destroyed leaving the knowledge in the hands of only a few from time to
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
usually promotes the exact opposite. We live in a world permeated by fear and hate,
products of the ego - literally. Obviously the answer to this is to send out love - an
attitude of unity and tolerance - to manifest in the unconscious. The sorry truth is many
of the people out there who think they are expressing love in reality are being
sentimental in a self-pitying, egocentric and perhaps smothering manner. It’s a good
thing Nature has demonstrated many times in the past it is quite capable of fixing the ills
of the world even though it may take some time. The nurture of Nature is naturally
loving – something for the children
The people within many groups are indoctrinated to fear change – they stagnate.
When some people consciously attempt to escape or leave satanic cults, real satanic
cults that operate on the subliminal and unconscious levels (covert), not only Hollywood
cults (openly satanic), the people who try to escape are sometimes made to look
insane. This is part of the MO of all modern tyranny since the Soviet, Maoist and Nazi
regimes provided the pharmacological and technocratic blueprint: technocracy; In the
atmosphere of today’s society this is easily accomplished because of the extreme (or
unusual) nature of the abuse and control that victims experience and try relate to others
seem beyond belief. People who complain of control and manipulation of the more
subtle types are sometimes made to look paranoid even though we read about the
technological breakthroughs in these things daily! We have truly been dumbed down;
cognizant dissonance programming has completely normalized a psychotic view of
reality – one divorced from what is. Virtual boy, Billy Boy Gates boy would be proud!
The fact that is conveniently overlooked is that it is people who label other people
mentally ill or dangerous that in fact exhibit far greater levels of paranoia. Furthermore it
is perfectly in keeping with the MO of slavery ever since the ancient “monarchies – the
real power behind the corporate nobility and slavery of all the ages.
Obvious and blatant examples of these dynamics were demonstrated in the old
Soviet Union and other dictatorships when enemies of the state ended up in insane
asylums labeled crazy – because they consciously refused to be slaves. In other words,
they were dangerous but only to the dictatorship. The social credit system Google has
helped put in place in China and is now installing wordwide fo of course helping to
saturate the world in 5G radiation, along with a lot of other criminal corporation’s
criminal activities – Elon Musk, circling the world in military levels of radiation – 5g,
disrupting the world and all her living creature bioprocess – this is a crime against
humanity and the Earth on par with other current trends on August 30, 2021.
These are actual crimes against humanity and have taken human slavery to a whole
new level: deep state dynamics in the western world that have opened the door for
tyrannical, fascist oligarchs like the fascist CCP – 97% of CCP-like takeover while
placing everyone else in society in a mass communist position, completely dependent
It isn’t very difficult to draw parallels between what happens to enemies of the state in
countries controlled by dictatorships and why people end up in mental institutions in the
western world. Working in concert with multinationals, the pharmaceutical megaliths are
much more powerful – without any national loyalties (although in CCP China the military
controls all neuroleptic and psychotropic medications research in China...go figure) –
than most individual countries in the world. Who controls the banks and corporate
octopus controls the world? Who controls the corporations? The actual reasons for all of
this control is far more spiritual and less political than most would be able to fathom in a
world that has lost contact with just about anything except it’s own ego. It has to do with
the actual strength, goodness and purpose of humankind. It especially attacks the very
foundations of what humanity is, perhaps the Holy Grail Herself.
As an individual trained in both the social work profession and one who has worked
in the area of security I find this appalling. Especially after I have seen the blatant
misconceptions, hearsay, dishonesty and other forms of incorrect entries in some of
these files I am amazed. When I worked in group homes and workshops for similar
populations of people I witnessed many fellow staff ridicule, ignore and completely
fabricate excuses with “clients” simply to achieve compliancy and to be damned with
treating the person like a human being in an honest way.
Isn’t it interesting that the very institutions that compile these files brand clients
responsible enough to request to see them as being paranoid when in fact they are
expressing healthy self-interest, taking healing into their own hands – this is the only
way natural healing can be fully achieved? Rather than healing patients, the mental
health “experts” are pathologizing patients who are trying to take an active interest in
their own healing. In reference to the clients, consider the control and fear these people
are already under. It is a fact that almost all so-called mental illness is initiated by
trauma and abuse, especially experienced in childhood. It is safe to say that the use of
fear and further intimidation to prevent these individuals from taking a pro-active part in
their own healing process is indeed a criminal act of coercion and intimidation – it is an
act of terrorism. Consider the magnitude of what I am saying here.
Anything found in society that inhibits change can be considered harmful and,
somewhat paradoxically anything that tries to distort and eradicate time-proven
traditions of stability, support and individual self-sufficiency is perhaps even more so; It
promotes an accumulation of negative energies on the unconscious level of the
collective human psyche – that’s why many Chaos and other Satanic practitioners like
destructive noise, whether in decibels, visual sound, activists and attacks against
peaceful citizens - and shatters our collective unity: which is the ultimate danger for
humanity; it results in control by the shadow-infested elements of the collective human
mass mind. Mass minds and the repressed shadow of humankind can only control
people by dividing and destroying unity – by destroying or attempting to prevent love.
Mass mind expresses a much more primitive level of consciousness than individual
thought, without a shred of empathy for our brothers or sisters. True individual thought
is unhindered by the coercive influence of people around him or her, whether
consciously or unconsciously.
I’m encouraging individuals to emerge from the mass of wounded souls in chaotic
interaction, anarchy and violence. However, as more people are prevented from
growing in healthy independence – and therefore healthy interdependence as well,
affecting more and more psyches, the development of a dysfunctional collective and the
actual destruction of civilization – civic, civil, civility; to be civil, tolerant to one another -
over time becomes obvious. Everyone is affected.
One of the main questions related to all of the dynamics I am describing, one that I
have attempted to explain, that keeps popping into my head as I write this is: to whom
or what does all of the recurring violence What’s the purpose? In thinking about this I
suggest keeping in mind two things also in the form of questions. How do the
psychological dynamics of sadism work? Metaphysically and energetically speaking
who or what benefits from evil or unbalanced and excessive negative energy. More
important, what does negative energy need to grow? Where does it derive the energy it
needs? Metaphorically it can be considered much like cancer, the sick living off the
healthy parasite fashion. I would suggest a person consider the psychological roles of
scapegoats and the purposes they serve whether in the family, schools and society and
of course the world and see that, in reality, it’s a form of sadism operating primarily on
the unconscious level of the psyche. I mean seriously folks we are not talking about
goats here any longer now are we? Or are we?
The negative dynamics I’m referring to above adversely affect only those people who
allow the group to become a type of cross-addiction. I have spoken with various people
who’ve been members of these groups or who could see these dynamics and agreed
with what I am saying.
If the person reading these words gets angry, he or she should seriously ask
themselves what is the real reason for their anger. If you don’t agree with what I am
saying and really believe the opinion that you hold you won’t get angry. An Immediate
response to anger – unlike a justified anger related to invasion of person of some type –
might simply indicate a deep or perhaps not so deep uncertainty and questioning of the
“belief” or opinion a person holds or perhaps something else? I am simply stating it like I
see it.
Cult-like control. People who seem to think any of this is far-fetched might do well to
recall that many of the martial arts – all of which are highly psychological/physiological
and requires intimate knowledge of the body/mind and psyche – many of which began
and developed in China and south east Asia. Recall as well the Allied POWs during the
Korean War, who experienced CCP Chinese communist brainwashing - negating of a
prisoners earlier life and history and re-programming – creating a false personal and
therefore collective history - of prisoners, firsthand 37 and today this kind of thing is being
used for ethnic cleansing and genocide in China and now social engineering in the
Western world generally in our politically correct cult-ure. This is what Critical Race
Theory is and what it is being used for; same with almost anything associated with
LGBTIA……the purpose is “Chaos Magic” – to push western society into a self-
destructive tailspin that, apparently can only be provided by the various “experts”
(selected with diversity, scouts honor!) and other self-interests to come in and take
korean-war/(as an example)
control of the mess – the chaos. This is not conjecture but has been a fundamental
aspect of Imperial Marxist destruction from the start, spearheaded worldwide today by
the CCP of mainland China although the new autonomous province of Canada might
soon provide a much healthier place for the Chinese capital and leadership? Retired
CCP folks and PLA officers are retiring in Canada. Go figure …
Currently in the Western society, for example wherever people of European descent
are being persecuted for being white and descendants of colonists, but on an
international and historical span of thousands of years white people might very well be
the biggest victims of the slavery scourge – starting with the Romans...after 1000 A.D.
at the hands of North African Blacks and Mid Eastern Arabs. European colonialism was
a way to escape both the scourge of the world wide monarchy (in Europe, mainly
slavery/serfs and the enforcer nobility) and Arab and North African slavers. The vast
majority of people in the world seem to be unaware of these historical truths. Besides,
especially during those times in North America, given the native, tribal nomadic life-
style, in that sense everyone was a colonist in North America – well exemplified by the
constant inter-tribal warfare that took place and accompanying inter-tribal slavery, as
originally was the case in all places of the world with a few exceptions.
Compounded with the actual genocide and destruction of white homelands taking
place in current times (April/2021) there must be a huge amount of racial memory of
persecution for the white race and perseverance, exemplified by the early
settlers/survivors; they are today being blamed for the striving and hard work that saved
them from being wiped out on individual and group levels. I’m only using the above
example of the dynamics we’re discussing because it is currently happening. These
dynamics have at one time applied to all humanity with a very few sadists and
psychopaths calling the shots – slavery for example - on now a global scale.
These are facts. Today, except for a small percentage of the population racial
awareness and knowledge of historical truth is unconscious, never crosses their
cognitive orientation because it has been wiped from the public memory. A perfect
example is the obscene continuing focus on Hitler’s Nazi Germany – as horrible as it
was the German people have been ruthless to themselves in taking responsibility for
their brutal part in history. Yet, when I speak with young people today, I haven’t spoken
to even one who has been also taught the even more extreme crimes against humanity
because of the Maoist and Stalinist regimes - currently a purposefully deadly form of
propaganda against freedom and democracy; an attempt to pervert history and make a
demon look like a savior. MSM/propaganda has replaced investigative journalism and
censorship has replaced scholarship in most of North America's universities.
introduction of mRNA, DNA altering “vaccines” – in which the leading people involved
also control the world – literally - then total slavery is now possible. They have admitted
the vaccines are experimental, nanobot operating systems to be injected into people,
with the intent to reprogram people from the DNA up. In this WHO, Gates and
associated banking/corporate cabal we’re talking about a few individuals on Earth
having the capacity to literally change the natural world, human’s natural embedded
nature into Mother Earth; enabling the “experts” to control the rest of humankind through
AI. This is why it is being forced, ID “health” passports, DNA prints, cashless and
paperless society and all – the very ultimate in evil. Nanobots changing our DNA while
comm8unicating with the giant Quantum computers being built by the various militaries
of the corporate… I mean world’s governments. The question one must ask is – who or
what benefits; seriously ask these types of self questions for people to ask themselves?
It has been said that cults are increasing in number because of the increase in
tendency for breakdowns in family structures.38 Cult-like indoctrination and conditioning
of people – thanks to technocracy, programming – and especially young people,
rebelling against the very traditions and milestones that enabled humankind not only to
survive but to built, write and compose masterpieces of beauty and advancement,
especially in the ethics, morals and spiritual needs of humanity and society. Today,
there are rebellions everywhere against the foundations that make life possible. This is
preventing them from developing and emerging as self-individuating, full human beings.
In addition, today thanks to people like Greta the angry climate alarmists, the Covid-19
imprisonments, teaching people to like animals more than humans, propaganda and
In saying this all youth are rebellious to a certain (and healthy) extent but the
destruction of traditional and especially traditionally wholesome and vitally important
aspects of healthy family traditions – such as neighborly enhancing spiritual traditions
are being destroyed and replaced by literally soulless entities – AI – to replace the
connecting life-blood of humanity. The corporations, bankers and other few individuals
who literally control today the world through AI are the true cult – the most serious
Satanic threat to threaten Humanity since Her time began.
Clifton., “Releasing the Bonds,” Pg. XX11
I mean this quite literally because of our actual connections between people on a
soul level awareness of Mother Earth, that any true shaman, meditator or practitioner of
the spiritual arts would know along with an energetic awareness all life on the planet via
DNA – mmm? In the movie “Avatar” the Reptilians were portrayed as being consciously
connected with their planetary Mother. In real life here on planet Earth, reptiles are
insect like; no emotion/feelings or thought in response to and utterly without regard for
their victim in their reflex kill. Identity Politics, resulting ego-inflation, ego-mania,
divorced completely from other people, unless it helps them – people – WOKE people -
becomes controlled by their reptilian, greed controlled ego, utterly empathy-less and
cold perspective. This is exactly why Satan is portrayed as a dragon, serpent of some
sort...a reptile.
It’s actually Humanity who is connected with each other and Mother Earth (in our
case) in this manner. Any living spiritual tradition – whether practiced by a 1 st Nations
spiritual practitioner or a devout Christian worshiping Mother Mari and her Son, Jesus. I
wonder? Does this have anything to do with a worldwide vaccine literally being forced
on people that can change their DNA (mRNA). What is actually being changed?
Attacked? Nothing less than the Holy Grail – a conscious awareness with other people
on a collective (unconscious for most people) psychic level – something someone from
thousands of years ago might have called a “Choir of Angels and a troubadour might
have sang about during the middle ages. It’s something the royal monarchies and
worlds religions have been trying to wipe out for thousands of years for the very reasons
we’ve been discussing.
Anyone who ignores the actual normalization and public applauding of Satanic
activity and promotion in our stores, social media and attitude generally is actually, quite
literally Apocalyptic.
Children are being propagandized against, we are using the children; plug children
into a computer driven technocracy that dehumanizes and control people unnaturally.
To sever a family’s role in raising their own children: the State trying to wrest
childrearing from the hands of loving parent: Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, CCP (Han
Dynasty) controlled “People’s” Republic of China….
By today in 2021 this rebellion has moved into a corporately induced rejection of
every stable tradition in Western society. In many cases cult or group dynamics are
learned, throughout our so-called education system – a system that today teaches none
of the higher and Wholistic functions of humanity. They are indoctrinated; more and
more laws are being enacted or arbitrarily applied to strip more and more parental
abilities to protect their children from the corporate state, stripping human volition
generally. Children’s decisions are more and more following the programmed
personalities of young people via social media and AI generally rather than actual
Human Beings. Our children are being sacrificed – remember the Mayan calendar thing
of 2012? The Mayans and associated tribes loved human sacrifice, they sure did. Now
we do also since 2021 especially.
Children are not someone’s property or extensions of someone’s ego. They are
individual entities, members of the one of the most evolutionary advanced animal
species on Earth, that we know have the capacity to become self-reflective and creative
participants in the dance of life. More important, they do not belong to some kind of
collective machine that strips away their humanity. Collectivization strips away a centre
of existence, dissociates the individual from him or herself. It brings evolution to a
screeching halt.
People are falling into cults or groups that utilize similar cult-like dynamics. These
groups also manipulate emotionally and especially sexually. It may be crude, for
example like you might find in a street gang or more refined similar to what you might
find in an executive boot camp for highly placed people within corporations. Maoist (I’ll
leave in this timely Freudian slip) of global society’s dynamics operates on this level, to
some degree or other along a continuum.
As with anything of this nature, emotions, if not refined into identifiable feelings
remain at a primarily primitive and therefore uncontrollable level. This is different from
examples of self-control where you find refined feelings that are identifiable to the
individual and therefore open to individual tuning and direction. In other words the
energy can be contained and used for the purposes of raising consciousness and
creativity, to evolve individually and therefore collectively. Raw emotions are associated
with the mass or primitive mind. Being primarily unconsciously directed this can induce
impassivity in an apparently conscious psyche because it sucks away the libidinal
energy that could otherwise be used for constructive, life-enhancing purposes.
Individuation can only be accomplished by becoming conscious enough to break away
from the herd, and that can only be achieved by not wasting and emotionally dissipating
The dynamics of control are present throughout all levels of society and the world.
Depending on where you are in the world control may be overtly or covertly perpetrated.
However, in those areas of the world where group dynamics and group control has
been more forcefully implemented and maintained and most individuality stamped out,–
for example in most Asian and Mid-Eastern countries - the subsequent repression
which in fact is far deeper and more prevalent in these areas of the world, is more
forcefully and violently expressed on the psychological levels of collective human
dynamics because of a greater destruction of human empathy.
In those areas of the world where there has only been a history of mass and group
control, the introduction of capitalism has ignited a ruthlessness that the western world
is only now beginning to get under control, especially by protecting the environment or
by legislating business ethics. In those countries and areas where the population is not
taught how to begin to develop or express a healthy individualism – a mature ego – the
introduction of capitalism has created a population of people characterized by immature
ego development; that mercilessly promotes competition, ruthlessly expressed through
Global commerce and other imperial tentacles.. Combined with a social credit system of
back-stabbing and competition/jealousy, empathy is practically destroyed.
Western ways of living that were adopted from the west – the education system is a
good example. In some parts of Asia academic competition is so great that the rate of
suicide among young people because they do not reach the academic perfection
expected of them is astronomical. I have seen a grade 3 student attack another student
with scissors because the attacked student was able to answer a question the other
student was not able to answer. What was extremely hard to understand was the
student who attacked the other student did not appear to have a violent type of
personality. On the other hand, a violent movie that the homeroom teacher wanted to
watch (“Apocalypse” – hardly a movie for grade three students in school to be watching)
just prior to my scheduled class might also have had something to do with it.
Capitalism is something that was developed in an area of the world where mature
ego-development was already well under way – even if it has been sabotaged in the
ways I am describing.
On the unconscious level the whole world is enveloped by the dynamics described.
There are breakthroughs here and there though. Individuals and groups who have
reached high levels of awareness may be able to break the cycle, especially if a critical
number of people become aware. Perhaps spreading awareness can then ignite – I’m
thinking of the hundred-monkey syndrome. This occurs when the concentrated levels of
individuals aware of something on the unconscious or subliminal level reaches a critical
level of collective mutual awareness powerful enough to propel awareness into the
more conscious realm (ha, ha, if psychiatrists had have been around when researchers
documented the Hundred Monkey Syndrome I have no doubt they might have tried to
label the monkeys as having schizophrenia).
The regression in consciousness that has been sweeping humankind has caused
humankind as a whole to regress to a psychological level where, psychoanalytically
speaking, primarily the id and shadow expressed through the collective superego has
become unconsciously dominant, especially in relation to the shadow aspect.
Acknowledging this regression and understanding it in conjunction with the anger and
frustration that has accumulated on the collective psychic levels, we don’t have to
wonder why violence is sweeping society and the world, especially among the youth.
To have all that youthful energy geared towards potential expression for developing
into a butterfly, physically and psychologically, only to have it inhibited or indeed in
some cases prohibited because of the “training,” the conditioning they receive in today’s
society. Sometimes I feel like I am walking down the sidewalk backwards. A video
portrayal of one of Pink Floyd’s videos that shows students coming out of the schools
on conveyor belts provides the appropriate image. I’ve noticed stenciled on the side of
our local school buses the word “stock.” I wasn’t sure what the word was referring to. I
later found out it was referring to the bus company. But quite often when I see the little
faces looking out through the windows and the way society treats them today in 2021 I
automatically think of the word livestock.
The psychic oppression and victimization of Children - and in 2021 I’m especially
thinking of how our toddlers and young people are being prematurely sexualized,
resulting in a huge loss of developmental energy; energetic entropy of our youth
represents the most criminal and unforgivable aspect of this state of affairs. A good
book to read that touches on topics related to this is “Evolution’s End: Claiming the
Potential of Our Intelligence”, by Chilton Pierce. It illustrates just how early indoctrination
of our youth into the machine begins.
“Authoritarian Leadership”
– in other words with the larger Great Earth Mother (Soul – literally as any genuine
Shaman knows) how they really think and really are.
Thanks to 5G in the schools along with masks, no smiles and rubbing shoulders with
peers our children are being forcefully indoctrinated in a way that leaves then
completely isolated and vulnerable to the globalist “experts” who want to do all of this
technocratically with the flip of a switch so-to-speak – even as they expect complete
privacy and independence from the masses they control they have erected impregnable
fortresses of power the people cannot fathom.
Emotionalized young people are being sexualized at younger and younger ages and
dissipating much needed developmental energy. They are literally being indoctrinated to
have relationship with their AI devices and not each other, getting instructions, order
followers while every conceivable excuse to isolate and control is vastly increased. This
drains energy because they are not mutually connected with other humans and the
Earth Mother, A herd lacking a shred of spiritual or mutual unity except their servitude.
I remember looking at one member who is always there and I know she has taken
some of the courses offered because she takes part in the services. It was at the end of
the service and everyone was doing the closing chant in a circle holding hands. I looked
at her and she was in a deep trance, her eyes were extremely glassy and she almost
looked in ecstasy. There’s no question this type of circle can be considered a very
intimate and pleasant experience – a group of people energetically connected. But this
person was definitely in a trance, a state of severely lowered consciousness and an
equally lowered ability for effective critical analysis. These services are such that an
objective, critical mind can be altogether cut off, if you let it. However, at these
gatherings only a handful of individuals create the rituals, a trademark of any cult.
Ironically, because of the esoteric nature of many groups found throughout society, in
some ways the participants are more aware than participants in the more traditional and
dominant religions of the actual dynamics going on. Unfortunately, a wounded nature
and obsessive emptiness that characterize many of the people who engage with new
age groups, revolutionary ideologies and today W.O.K.E. cult-ure generally along with a
lack of well grounded knowledge leaves many of these people open to manipulation. In
respect of the courses offered at this “church” they comprise of learning about the
dynamics of treatments, mentioned above. As member’s progress with the “courses”
offered, which they pay big bucks for, they take a greater role in church dynamics and
thus a greater role in the manipulation, conditioning and therefore control of other
people as well. Most of the manipulation is quite unconscious, except for certain ego
In other words, these people take greater control of the group dynamics the further
along the indoctrination process they go. From everything I’ve seen these courses and
what they teach are simply ways to indoctrinate members further into the group and as
well instruct them how to also hypnotize and indoctrinate other people. You should hear
the members speak about how important getting to the groupis. Almost like people
getting a fix. This also similar to the dynamics I have witnessed – for the hard-core
members – in some 12-step programs. Note – when the head “reverend” walks up the
isle every week it is always precisely when the other group leader – I almost said High
Priestess - is chanting “I Am, God I Am”.
I have witnessed some very interesting instances of cult/political control at this place.
I’ve seen people act in impulsive ways, triggered. I have witnessed different people at
different times stopping something they were doing or saying only to act in impulsive
ways, totally out of context. Each time I’ve seen this take place a look of annoyance
comes over their faces and a definite change in “vibes”, the atmosphere, is noticeable.
Importantly they are obviously unconscious of what took place. Each time I’ve noticed
this has been when I was talking with a member. While we are talking I notice what I
described above and it is always precisely when certain high-ranking individual(s) in the
church literally crossed our path.
I’ve also had some interesting sessions at the Men’s Group held at the church.
Although there were supposed to be a large number of members, each time I’ve been
there it has been the same core group of men. Each week, over and over they go on
about how important the group is, again almost like getting a fix. I’ve heard them talking
about going on retreats, taking part in primal dance and learning about engrams – I
presume they were talking about Ron Hubbard’s term, a major symbol in occult (cult)
repertoire. At these meetings only one person gets to speak, without any interruptions.
Most of it is absolutely of an unspiritual nature but is talk about finances and very
personal things, things that expose the individual in a very personal way. The really
noticeable thing with this is that it was sometimes spoken in the same manner as a
confession might be spoken. While there I always felt highly pressured thinking about
the need to say something. For one thing, in rating it a friendly group it was far too rigid
in structure. Most importantly, it was completely one-way communication, sort of like
being on the hot seat. The rational given was so that a person would not be interrupted,
however, this rule was taken to extremes and the resulting lack of two-way
communication prevented any kind of community exchange. I noticed also that I was not
the only one who seemed or appeared to be under pressure as they spoke. I realize
now that it was the more seasoned or long-term members who did not appear
uncomfortable. The newer members did: draw your own conclusions. It was the exact
opposite to what a person would expect from a supportive and friendly type of group like
it was supposed to be.
It’s interesting that the over-all theme at this group/cult is that “We are all Gods.” In a
metaphysical sense I have no problem with this. However, the way people are
indoctrinated in this group is such a way that ego Inflation, in the psychoanalytical
meaning of the word, is promoted. I’m well researched on the fact this inflation can lead
to, if not psychosis, at least a highly neurotic state if the individual is not aware of it. A
good incentive for needy people, I also know that anyone in this state is highly open to
suggestion, that is manipulation and this pertains especially to levels of the psyche not
usually in the conscious realm. However, the way it is superficially referred to in group
suggests each person, being God, is completely free-willed and self-determining. From
what I’ve seen this was not the case. The dynamics I’ve seen expresses what I would
say leads to a herd mentality within the group and ego inflation outside, the exact
opposite of free will. What makes this so insidious is that members often speak and act
with the greatest sincerity. This is because they have been manipulated and conditioned
into the church dynamics in the same way they are conditioning others after them. This
is also an example of the unconscious domino or trickle affect.
The following is an encounter with one of the members of this cult. I’ll change all
names, of course. I met a woman through this church. Let us call her Glayd. I met her at
a party for single people that was held at the home of a member of this cult. One of the
main conversations brought up during the evening was a discussion about, what these
people referred to as, Feme-Nazis. I did not join in the conversation. This was the first
time I had ever heard the term and I just wanted to listen and hear what these people
had to say.
Anyway, the woman I met at this “party” phoned and invited me to meet her at a local
coffee shop a few days later. When I got there she had a friend with her. We were only
there for a short length of time, perhaps 30 minutes. However during the time we were
there, she and her friend talked a lot about a very personal and loaded topic– it was
about her friend being sexually harassed by her boss. They not seem to mind that I was
there to listen in on such a personal topic and conversation – I was a total stranger. In
hindsight I can say they were very clear and precise about what they were saying.
There was a premeditated pattern to the talk and in fact the whole purpose for me being
invited to meet with these two people at the café became clear. By the time I am
finished relating my experiences with Glayd and her group/cult everything I am saying
should become quite apparent, especially the psychological patterns and obvious
attempts to manipulate me in the manner this cult was accustomed to manipulating and
controlling people?
Not only did Glad’s friend not appear to be upset about something I know from
experience would upset someone very much, I have to say she really did not seem to
be the type of person that anyone would sexually harass or mess around with in any
way. While they were talking, Glayd’s friend, let’s call her Mida, was defending her boss
to Glayd. When Glayd left the table for a few minutes I tried to speak to this person in a
mediatory fashion, primarily taking Mida’s position. Mida became aggressive and
defensive with me, flip-flopped from her earlier position and agreed with everything that
Glayd had been saying, completely contrary to the way she had been speaking with
Glayd a few moments before. I decided to leave the conversation alone and
discontinued that line of talk. Then Glayd re-joined us at the table.
At one point I mentioned the difficulty I had meeting new people, being in a strange
city with only one person I really knew in it, regardless of the effort I made. Glayd
mentioned my “manner” that I have about me. At the time I thought she meant the way I
interacted with other people in a civil sense. I know now this was true but what she was
especially referring to was the same thing that caused other members of the group to
treat me differently. I was not a meek little lamb who unconsciously and blissfully fell
into the cult dynamics but instead exhibited a calm but aware hesitancy about getting
too deeply involved. I did not tell her about the lengthy history of trauma and abuse I
have suffered at the hands of other people although I did tell other members, as
indicated above. Although I left before getting too deeply involved in this cult, today,
understanding the way people who have suffered abuse seem to go from one abusive
relationship to another, whether to groups or individuals, I can certainly understand what
I will describe in the following paragraphs.
Anyway, Glayd continued to attack my character in this way for the remainder of the
coffee shop visit. Her Mida remained relatively quiet for the remainder of the time we
were there(Sept. She was sort of like a watchdog and to be perfectly honest, even
though I probably could have protected myself if need be, given this person’s size and
physical condition, not to mention the manner she had about her, I am not too sure it
would have been very easy. It would have been difficult defending myself if she’d had
physically assaulted me. I am not joking.
Later in the week Glayd invited me for a meal at her place. With a touch of cynicism
and attempted humor, as it turned out I again ended up being the meal and I don’t mean
in a physically sexual way.
She phoned me up on the day of the meal and asked me to pick her up at a grocery
store. After waiting and looking for her for half an hour or so past the agreed upon time,
after several attempts to phone her and finding her phone busy, I finally got through. Of
note, several times during my attempts to reach her I tried my answering service to see
if she had called. Finally, after trying my answering service – she had not left a message
– I then tried Glayd again and she answered the phone. Later that night when I got
home and checked my answering service there was a message from Glayd saying she
had left the grocery store and why. She must have actually placed the message there
after I was talking to her.
After my arrival at Glayd’s place things started out all right but when I tried expressing
myself, my opinion, she became very defensive and made me feel “bad.’ In both
instances This occurred I replied and spoke with a smile on my face and certainly not in
an offensive manner. At that point she leaned back and said defensively “You’re making
feel uncomfortable.” I was stunned. She began going on about how stupid I was making
her feel. Absolutely not true. When I became meek she began talking about her,
apparently, considerable financial interests, etc. Several times while I was there she
made on obvious show of demonstrating with phone calls her “power” – she called her
lawyer, etc. and several times she actually phoned her mother.
After becoming meek I ended up doing her dishes (she asked me to) before our meal
and even shoveled her walkway for her after she asked me to. She lived in a condo so
the other residents of the building used it! She even asked me at one point if I was the
type of person to get angry around people. I told her I never get angry around people
and if I have to blow off steam I do it when no one is around. The fact is I’ve become
aware of people’s attempts to get me angry and I can see quite clearly when people do
it to others. The timing for her to ask this question was interesting – echoes of people
close to me and even a person I was associating with at the time in respect to very
personal details of my life. Synchronicity???????
Glayd explicitly said that because I had a vehicle and she didn’t – so much for her
substantial financial interests – it would be worthwhile (for me) to associate with her. At
one point she purposely stood very close to me after she told me to take my sweater off.
We ended up hugging and lightly kissing. I had even told her that I purposely told myself
I had planned on not letting that happen. There’s a lot more I can say about the
dynamics that took place.
The really disturbing thing was her trying to suggest to me, several times, to go to a
group meeting being held by a woman I had briefly met at the “Party.” She was an ex-
Rosicrucian member and the meeting was some sort of metaphysical get-together
regarding “a course in miracles” or something. I told Glayd I didn’t feel comfortable
going to this person’s place for something like this, a person I’d only met once and very
briefly. I’d met her at the party where I met Glayd, when I had wondered downstairs in
the basement and she had been with Glayd in a group of people..Glayd told me she got
good vibes from this woman.
Important: Glayd didn’t want to know about me and there was a lot I could have
talked about. She wanted to know about the food supplements I used, my activities,
especially Yoga and metaphysical interests, what I did in my spare time, in short, my
lifestyle and life dynamics. She was also very curious how many friends I knew. As far
as I (me) was concerned she wasn’t interested or attacked me when I spoke or
expressed myself as an individual. Although I was polite and certainly non-threatening
what she was obviously attacking was any self-confidence and individuality I was
After I had done the dishes, again, while we were sitting down she got me to give her
a neck massage. I realized that, by that time, every time I expressed my opinion I
actually apologized first. It was by this time that she said “I feel more comfortable
around you now”: total subservience.
Anyway, the main point of all of this is that while at Glayd’s place she made me feel
“bad” then meek and subservient
While at Glayd’s, and this is the disturbing part, I was conscious of the details and
dynamics of the entire encounter. Later, I was able to review them minutely. Incredibly, I
actually fell for some of her manipulations at the time. I I even remember at one point
while standing in her hallway. She stopped and started to stare at something. I followed
her glance and there hanging on the doorknob was the image of a naked man with a
woman. She then nonchalantly looked at me and sauntered into the front room by the
fireplace. Although Glayd was a few years older than me (I think) she was physically
very attractive. Now was that a manipulative move or what, especially given all of the
other dynamics I detailed.
Although Glayd told me she wasn’t too involved in the occult group I noticed a piece
of paper on her fridge with the group’s phone number on it, with mine directly below.
Glayd told me she was planning on taking some “courses” offered at the centre.
After I had left I realized, because of some of her mannerisms and actions, speech,
etc. she demonstrated she was not fully cognizant of the dynamics that took place. One
thing is for sure. If I was not as conscious as I am I might have not only fallen for her
attempts to manipulate me beyond what had taken place, I might have ended up getting
involved in another cult. Glayd also suggested “going to a movie this past Friday, the
one where Harry Potter is training to be a sorcerer but I never called.
I see now why Glayd wanted to meet me at the grocery store. As I said above, I was her
meal. I wonder if she had indigestion?.
It’s worth remembering that, similar to the mind body connection, there is a parallel
relationship between our psyches and the environment, mental as well as physical.
Violence is a symptom not a cause of society’s chaos and rage. I’m referring to the
effects of dynamics in which the few control the many as well as the dominant share of
the Earth’s resources. In this sense economic factors play a major role.
These kinds of systems are sometimes simply forms of control in which the few
control the many. They are leveling systems that prevent physical and psychological
freedom for revolutionary ways of thinking and perceiving. I’m referring here to
revolutionary ways of thinking and perceiving in the sense of Einstein, Galileo, Gandhi,
Martin Luther King Jr – emergent points of brilliant and courageous consciousness
stemming from the stagnant orthodoxy of the collective mass mind, which is primarily
unconscious. Only this time the revolutionary ideas have to affect, in fact transform, the
collective human psyche far beyond the purely materialistic basis and psychological
milieu from which many of the past revolutionaries rose but then unconsciously
perpetuated. Fascist/Communist tyranny are the most obvious We have to take a closer
look at the divinity to be found in all people.
I’ll keep stressing the fact that a lot of this control is quite literally
sub-conscious/unconscious on the part of the ordinary and typical manipulator. This
also applies to those people who are manipulated. Any manipulator truly able to
perceive the dynamics on these levels is a most serious threat to freedom. If a
manipulated person is sensitive enough to recognize these dynamics he or she is also
the most easily controlled by virtue of their sensitivity, especially through the use of
medication and today technology. We have primarily an addictive, earth bound
(bound, tied up, get it?), regressive social mentality combined with a psychiatric-
pharmaceutical war on mysticism - what it means to be human. There is no question
that, sometimes, sensitive people have succumbed to the disastrous condition of the
collective unconscious and medication might be a useful (and necessarily temporary)
tool to be used in assisting a person in regaining their health. But without in-depth
analysis, for example depth psychology hopefully leading to a gestalt or cathartic affect,
a person will not heal with medication alone. In addition, psychotropic medication should
only be used for a short length of time or only as long as required. It says this right in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in respect of most psychotropic
medications. This will be discussed later.
Medications might (but usually not) enable psychologically wounded people to get by
and “function usefully” within society but the underlying poison will fester. This is part of
the reason why you sometimes hear statements like “people with schizophrenia only get
worse” - and the other reason is because most medications used to treat the “mental
illness” can actually mimic the symptoms used to “identify” the condition in question.
These individuals are truly sensitive in every sense of the word and are most
vulnerable. They also have the potential to develop highly evolved minds if they had
proper guidance. Instead that potential is destroyed. So-called “people with
schizophrenia” only worsen if they stay on the medications and only if they are
burdened with the labels, bigotry and mass paranoia of society that usually follow a lot
of these people around. This will be discussed later.
Flowing from research into how shamans are conditioned, by extrapolation parallels
can be drawn with some of those persons who develop subliminal literacy. I’m sure an
honest psychological evaluation of those abused people in our mental health systems
would support this. Trauma inducing and other severe forms of torture can develop
such abilities by virtue of a person’s need to retreat into their minds for safety and learn
how to survive and then operate from that area. Shamans, mystics and others learn
how to do this in consciousness. Under the usual circumstances present, most people
who are labeled as being “mentally ill” remain coercively unconscious, confused and
manipulated. The domino affect kicks into action and this usually benefits the
This is, in fact, similar to how primitive tribes or cultures have in the past conditioned
these individuals to become shamans. The difference is that candidates for shamanism
were identified by their abilities and were conditioned to be able to go into altered states
of awareness consciously. The opposite of this is the development of unconsciously
controlled people, usually conditioned to develop what is today known as Identity
Dissociation Disorder. Hollywood style satanic cults operate on this basis. We can place
in this category most individuals receiving long-term severe forms of abuse and torture.
People within this population have not usually developed enough conscious ability to
creatively make use of their travels into the sub/unconscious realms. People with
dissociative identity disorder do not seem to be aware of the times they slip
into the various personalities they have used to deal with traumatic
situations (or that have been conditioned into them) and to retreat into
safety. Instead, people become unconscious automations, weapons for the
individual and collective shadow of humankind.
Perhaps the most serious torture a mind can endure is being placed in a double bind
of the sort created when bigotry and stereotyping occur. It is also precisely the long-
term result of living in a cognitively dissonant society – purposely induced via
technocracy- “doublespeak” in action; in 2021 everyone sees it.”People believe what
they are told, not what they see “and ‘people see what they believe not what is.
These dynamics come into being flowing from the projections of the shadow – in
this case stereotyping, labeling and blaming other people ( the victim) on the conscious
levels of society and much more on the unconscious levels. On the unconscious levels
of the psyche this creates an actual double bind that splits the psyche, creating
opposing tensions that, if not conscious, can actually paralyze an individual from living
in a balanced manner. In people that have been put through this ordeal, if there is not a
conscious awareness of the dynamics taking place Dissociation Identity Disorder,
neurosis or psychosis can develop. That is the nature of all hypocrisy.
I should point out there is a powerful lobby out there promoting the idea of
false memory syndrome and claiming that a medical/psychological condition known
as Dissociative Identity Disorder, better known as multiple personality, does not exist. It
would be useful to search for these lobbies’ hidden agendas. In fact there is evidence
out there supporting the belief these ideas originated from organized groups of
perpetrators – perpetrators who may or may not be conscious of their actions.
Sometimes these people are the undiagnosed mentally wounded, taking their revenge
out or sadistically getting their energies from the innocent. As I said earlier similar
dynamics occur and are perpetrated against people who attempt to escape from cults.
People suffering from mania and schizophrenia, for example, consider that their so-
called crazy internal dialogue may not be strictly a result of their own individual psyche.
Consider the possibility that they are able to connect with the collective psyche – this is
contained within every individual psyche – psyche is holistic and hierarchical. Individual
yet whole, of one of Us
. From what I have researched, I once thought that this internal dialogue I am
referring to immediately above stemmed from deeply repressed material urging to be
released. This material had not been allowed to emerge because of the control exerted
by the collective psyche and individuals within society. I still believe this repressed
material is the main source of this internal dialogue. However, once you get past what
Jung refers to as the personal unconscious I believe it is actual communication between
individual psyches, regardless of whether or not it is of an honest or dishonest nature.
All individual psyches contain within each and every one of them the whole of the
human collective psyche. This is how the collective superego becomes a reality in the
first place. Individual yet whole; the Individual psyche contains the universal and
archetypal human psyche, connected in spirit. This belief must have a solid enough
basis because all religions and cultures at all times in history have had this existential
awareness, at least in their initial stages. In the same vein I consider that a lot of the
imagery and especially the ‘far-out’ apparently crazy perceptions I’ve researched that a
person might encounter in the psyche were a result of primordially (instinctual and
reptilian) shadow infected collective images. The instinctual aspects of the psyche are
not archetypal in the true sense – archetypal images are universal and in nature help
structure the human psyche. Humans do not construct the archetypes. True archetypes
are beyond the ability to be infected by instinctual or primordial infringement although it
is possible for the development of tensions to exist between them – that’s the very
nature of awareness in an apparently material world.
Think of it as a battle in Heaven – heaven simply refers to the higher areas within the
psyche, the neo-cortex and beyond but including the ego. This is where the lower
psyche would attempt to infect and affect the higher functioning and archetypal realms. I
base this observation primarily on research but also from what I have experienced
during moments of deep meditation. In support of this Wilber points out that archetypes
are from a higher level of awareness most people are too unconscious of to attain and
become aware of resulting I think lower level psychic infection of the higher psychic
realms almost certainly is a factor.
Beyond a certain level, that is, beyond the strictly personal level of repressed
material, these images might in fact point towards a larger reality. In today’s world,
usually, even the psychically sensitive are usually not able to get beyond the primordial
lower level of the psyche – an instinctual level. This is because of control and
I have seen the purely instinctual reaction by people who have been in these
situations but were not knowledgeable enough or disciplined enough to react with
anything besides a fight or flight reaction. I have seen this instinctual reaction when I
worked with so-called mentally ill people. The sacrifice is more real than not. These
people’s’ Spirit and life direction, their attempts at self-evolving individuality and
interdependence (connection) with the whole psyche may be sacrificed for energetic
use – by the family, group or society. This helps to maintain the status quo and even,
unconsciously, to drain the emotional energy of such a person imprisoned. The
“Whipping Boy,” by Beth Holmes, is a very good book that touches on these dynamics.
I have also read accounts where this can also be a natural process whereby more
highly evolved individuals are given an opportunity to actually integrate these
projections without being controlled by them. This is because of these people’s high
level of consciousness and discipline, creating what has been referred to by some
traditions as a “great individual.” Erich Neumann speaks quite nicely about this subject
in his book “The History and Origins of Consciousness.” This necessitates an ability to
integrate all aspects of the feminine within, the vessel, regardless of what it contains. 40
In the modern world we don’t burn witches or mystics any longer. If they get caught in
the mental health web we usually call them crazy and medicate them, then subject them
to the most obscene forms of abuse by draining them, for lack of a better word, of their
life energy. We then deny them the most basic idea of human self-worth, usually
expressed very subtlety. It is small wonder that these people can be so frightened
without medication, sometimes. In times past people with this sort of natural tendency
Neuman, Erich, “The Origins and History if Consciousness”, Pgs. 211-212, 245,
would have been given proper respect and instruction. In traditional cultures – that live
consciously connected with and in reverence with nature and all of Her manifestations -
that recognize these realities, guidance would still be available. This is opposite to the
brutal ways in which modern society treats them and the way shamans used to be and
in some cases still are created in primitive societies. Buddhism, and I am thinking in this
instance of Tibetan Buddhism and the various Lamas in that tradition, is a very good
example of a tradition that honors this ability and accompanying quest – they are
assisted in their development in a gentle and natural manner.
At this point I will make a very clear distinction between witches and mystics. Witches
manipulate the environment on the lower-level Earth plane – and primarily in relation to
their own psyche – after all we contain the universe within us, a holistic psyche – but
always in relation to their wider environment. Mystics perform rituals and meditations to
enlighten only their own psyches. Witches manipulate (even if they are “white”) –
mystics enlighten. There is a huge difference between the two.
This is not to say people with extrasensory ability aren’t sometimes taken seriously. It
depends on whom they work for. There are some very wonderful and life-giving people
out there. But if they are apolitical and have bought into the materialistic mindset they
may become entertainers, on the front – and there are many, many different types of
entertainers/actors – a sign of a lack of self-knowledge! Unfortunately, there are others
whose intentions are not so benevolent. If they are against the system but hold a
grudge they may become black occultists and focus only, exclusively on their own ego
and pride.
If they believe in the system they may also become practitioners of black magic but
in less obvious forms than the Hollywood Satanist exhibit.
It is well known that the former Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and even Maoist China
delved heavily into the spiritual Black occult. It captures and enslaves rather than
nurture and liberate. Many sources I have encountered also say that the Nazis delved
heavily into work on The Holy Grail and I don’t think they were really concerned with “To
Whom Does the Grail Serve.” The Holy Grail is nothing less than a conscious
connection with the masculine and feminine energies in union within the collective
human soul on the Earth, allowing conscious movement on the collective unconscious
and perhaps beyond.
Humans are completely embedded in the Earth, and to separate us from Her and Her
whole Nature will kill humankind. Look around in 2021. The ability to navigate the
collective unconscious consciously can (sometimes) be attained by utilizing occult
methods. This is what Christ experienced as far as common sense or should I say
uncommon sense and research shows. One of the material results of this type of activity
on this level of the human psyche can be manipulation, projecting false information and
fear mongering. It makes perfect sense there are aspects or levels of the collective
unconscious that operate “consciously” on this level. Mystics that have attained this high
level of psychic functioning would know better than to attempt to meddle with The Spirit.
The world literally was never the same after the Second World War. Many of these
Nazis were taken under the wing of the U.S.A. subsequent to WW11. This was done so
they could be used to help combat the powers of the Soviet Union and the same
happened on the Soviet side. Can people appreciate what approximately 7o or so years
of the resulting Black Occultists using the secret services that were spawned during the
second world War has done to human civilization; WWII was simply a testing ground for
the final solution being put in place in 2021.The secret services work for the
corporations and bankers and these latter for the true world powers – the ancient
pathology known as the ancient royal families of the world and their “noble” pestilence.
All religions, all of them, work in occult ways and because of the age and foundations
of some of them a lot of power is involved. Questioning religion in general, excluding
true spiritual traditions, we should ask if the various religious orthodoxies and their
churches empower or strip people of power. This is a question all people should ask
themselves and especially when it comes to the various cults and organizations that
have been spawned throughout western society.
Marxism is the satanic cult supreme because it totally disempowers individuals and
makes them utter pawns of the State – cannon fodder, literally. Think Nazi Brown Shirts
(expendable), CCP Red Guards (expendable easily replaced) and now Antifa/BLM.
Every dog has its day. Once the shock troops have done what the controllers produced
them for, for example historically the Nazi Brown Shirts strong-armed political power for
the emerging Nazi apparatus, that organization was eleininat5ed because of their power
as a potential threat to the powers that be. Stalin and Hitler as well as Moa Zedong
were well known for their supreme paranoia and excessive preemptive actions – in
many cases wiping out the only competent leadership available.
Its especially important to point out that a living spiritual tradition always urges its
participants to question, learn and to grow towards and into the creative source in their
own unique, individual way – that’s how spiritual evolution within a group takes place
and the only way a unique Soul – which applies to every human being alive – can
evolve ; in their own unique way but within the scope of Natural Law. . 41
Having said this, keep in mind that today’s WOKE culture is one that destroys the
very contours of human spiritual existence because it tries to rewrite history, personal
as well as collective and they are violently hypocritical to the core – expressions of pure
psychosis. These are attempts to destroy human truth; what cannot be modified. Nor
can the actual dynamics of Natural Law. Some people have the idea today that they are
virtually responsible for their created reality simply by wishing it so and the resulting
feeling of entitlement; people are becoming completely irrational while in the process
dissociating from themselves in what they think is a type of holistic unity with the
collective when in fact it is actual possession – that’s exactly how political and extremist
religions work. All of these dynamics have been exhaustingly documented elsewhere
although there has been a supreme technological/corporate attempt to bury the
completely deadly and Satanic history of Communism/collectivism in the last 100 years.
Pathological examples of indoctrination along these lines are Critical Race Theory
and Intersectionalism Theory. These two perspectives are completely psychotic
because they’re divorced from historical, physical and psychological reality both on a
collective level and for the cult members an individual level as well. This is why all
tyranny, and today especially the Fascist/Communist’s tyranny enfolding the Earth with
fake news, propaganda corporate censorship and now the Medical Dictatorship
(controlled by the world’s leading AI = Billy Goat Gates and his AI Beas CCP China and
the Bankers Deep State. Only force can be used to maintain what has been forced
unnatural artificiality.
Some speculations put forth the theory and its a good one, that the “Dweller on The
Threshold,” that mind-boggling amount of fear and misinformation one must pass before
one attains clear and untainted movement within the astral realm and higher is nothing
less than “evil,” negative, fear-inducing group and mass mind and associated energies
These would be – shadow - forces doing their best to discourage well-intentioned
people-psyches from venturing into these areas. On the other hand there is good
evidence to suggest that the Dweller is also there to prevent any but the most pure of
heart from entering into and through the mystical gate. Only a mystic can really say.
However, not even taking into account the astral, lower levels of the psyche, there is a huge
amount of control that goes on all around us. This occurs within the family right up to the level of
national and international propaganda and the global mass media. This can only be stopped
and healed though the development of consciousness.
Control of Environment
Psychologists and those professionals who clearly attempt at helping the client
will gain insights into him or herself, psychotherapist and client working together,
are persons who are able to live empathetically and therefore with compassion.
Most psychiatrists, at least those who do not live the Hippocratic Oath, primarily
operate from a level that does not require a real, genuine, compassionate
approach. Quite often a cold and desensitized, an attitude opposite to empathy is
present. True compassion requires a lot of dedicated and passionate hard work
because it is an art. In our society medication therapy is the main form of
“therapy.” It’s like a fast food joint and the results are usually to transform the
client into a zombie-like automation – totally conditioned to accept in a docile
manner the control exerted by others – while also destroying body, mind and
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Soul. It can be very abusive to those people who require compassion not control
in order to heal.
People do not usually deal with things they do not see. As a little aside, consider
spiders and their webs. There is no doubt some spiders in nature provide a
service to nature, by getting rid of pests although even bugs serve some
purpose. However, consider some of the more infamous spiders in stories of
“fiction”. Remember the spider in the book “Lord of the Rings”. I don’t remember
the name of that spider (Shelob?) but I remember how it operated.
Consider how the mental health web does the same thing, only with people who,
within healthier environments, could use their higher levels of consciousness for
evolutionary purposes, instead of having them sacrificed to help maintain less
evolved levels of mass society. Outside of certain medications and addictions,
labels also serve a similar function. The horrifying thing in 2021 is that this type of
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destructive labeling and associated dynamics are being forced on anyone who
does not adopt WOKE cancel culture.
Consider hypocrisy and the bigot. Fingers do not have to be pointed because
it includes just about everyone. People cannot really be blamed beyond a certain
point. I mean we are talking about the predominant dynamics in the present
human condition. As mentioned earlier, this can very much develop into what I
would conceive of as a battle in heaven might be like. Who knows? However,
can people be blamed for things they do because of conditioning they had or
have no control over? On the other hand, we are all responsible for ourselves.
This includes our psyches and the attitudes they produce. This is only possible
by taking into consideration our whole psyches. So maybe we are at a
crossroads in the history of humankind. For our own survival, we no longer have
a choice to “know thy self” as Jesus taught. Perhaps now it is our responsibility to
do so.
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The way some very perceptive new thinkers see it, like the scientific
philosopher Ken Wilbur, it goes far, far beyond the ideas systems theory puts
forth. Milieu control is prevalent through virtually all areas of society. I remember I
was once speaking with a Taoist who practiced several systems derived from
that overall system of viewing and being in the world. When I told him freedom, in
my mind, was the most important thing I value he slowly shook his head, almost
sadly, as if to say that was too bad – this was during an addictions course. But he
himself demonstrated a lot of mental freedom and obviously the approaches he
used were based on the knowledge that freedom is attainable for those willing or
able to put in the effort to achieve it – if they are not prevented from doing this.
This is only possible by becoming whole, not remaining as fragmented, partial
actors and personas. This is only possible when a person overcomes the illusion
of having separate psyches.
Naturally there are white magicians and adepts who are also aware on these
levels. However, with a white magician they don’t usually respond with counter-
manipulations when they see it directed towards them. They usually try to
prevent and neutralize these manipulation attempts, usually by the simple
method of not responding – by remaining neutral. If they are true warriors of life,
they might attempt to prevent other people from being manipulated. Any true
white magician knows that to meddle in any way on the psychic levels can be
dangerous because of unconscious aspects and involvement of ego. These are
unconscious responses and asp-ects that can rebound onto an occultist messing
where they should not – because in fact what you send out does return threefold
in a karmic sense. Similar to obvious manipulation seen on a material level it is
an individual’s responsibility to prevent or try to stop this abuse when they see it.
Considering my own experiences – people I’ve spoken with, what I have studied
and to an extent, what I have experienced personally – the primary way a white
occultist fights against manipulation, for the good of everyone, is to increase
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If a person has been negatively labeled, this label, once the critical level of
awareness is achieved (quite literally the unconscious made conscious), also
becomes known on the collective unconscious level of the psyche. I have heard
this type of dynamic referred to as “psychological resonance.” The affects on the
scapegoat are unconsciously perpetrated as well as consciously. People
unconsciously – and sometimes not so unconsciously – try to fit or induce the
person so labeled into performing the very actions identified with the label,
actions a victim may be trying to overcome. I am referring primarily to the effects
and dynamics of hypocrisy – psychosis - and its subsequent projections. This
has an ominous feeling when one considers the effect of the unconscious mental
health web. On the collective level of the psyche, individuals, and there are
many, become targeted “consciously.” It doesn’t require much imagination to
think of ways, especially with today’s technology that provides the ability to
magnify these dynamics, to imagine the ability to use and abuse technology in
this way, whether consciously or otherwise.
The ability to mechanically record brain waves gives a visual example of the
concrete reality of brain waves. Radio waves have demonstrable similar
properties. Perhaps these similarities also includes a tendency to be
indestructible – when sent into in space radio waves will move onward endlessly,
unless they are redirected or absorbed – and they have a noticeable ability to
interpenetrate each other. I am sure everyone has had occasion to be in the
process of tuning in a radio signal and suddenly be able to listen to 2 signals –
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I believe, first and foremost, that Jung’s concept of synchronicity has more
than been proven. In short form it goes something like this: someone or
something showing or happening up at such a moment as to validate something,
primarily about oneself, with both types occurring too frequently to be
coincidence. This is a reflection of a person’s inner psyche, the affect of an
individual’s psyche on their environment and possibly the effect of non-locality.
This phenomenon can be maliciously manufactured by the shadow, either
individual or collective, notwithstanding both psychic aspects exist within an
individual. The main difference is that a person can only be responsible for their
own inner shadow when it is a question of acting out – both their personal
shadow and collective shadow.
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place – we can also include their not so Holy counterparts and these don’t have
to be in areas where there is or have been blatant “Satanic” worship taking place.
In fact it can be anywhere there is a lot of human activity especially long-term
psychological, perhaps traumatic and dramatic examples out of history..
Some of this energy can be “used” in an active manner using occult methods.
It may be used for good and to heal or it may be used to mislead, entrap or
otherwise fool and control someone and produce sickness. This is profoundly
important when one takes into account society’s collective shadow and how
individual’s psyches are comprised of the same contents and dynamics. This has
been totally discounted by corporate science/medicine and the public in general.
However, this shadow is real and operates on an intelligent level. Religious
people have known about this collective shadow for a long time – Christians refer
to it as the Devil. But there is nothing supernatural about it. Use of this term is
simply another way to disown and project onto others what we are all responsible
for. Scientifically – for example, holographically – it’s perfectly natural.
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This is very disturbing when one considers the effect a label will have on a
person so labeled. In fact societies labeling of people – expressing preconceived
ideas including people’s preconceived ideas about themselves – for the most
part seriously affect that individual’s ability to escape the behaviors identified by
the label. Preconceptions, anger, repression and subsequent (in 2021 usually
violent) projection, something prevalent throughout all of human society,
seriously undermine society’s conscious attempts to alleviate the ills of society.
This is a major factor in the domino effect where people consciously or
unconsciously try to dominate and hurt those weaker than themselves. Are we
beginning to see and able to determine how Scapegoating originates and is
perpetrated throughout society? Many people over the years have been saying
what I’m saying in various forms or other. The important thing to acknowledge is
that we are not using goats like the ancient Hebrews used. We are using and
destroying human beings.
“A Theory of Everything”, Ken Wilbur, Shambala Publications, inc.
Horticultural Hall, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Control of Environment
technologies, especially mRNA and other ways of modifying human DNA – what
might ask, is this the final frontier of nightmare?
Early Feminism based its’ foundation on the reality of the collective unconscious.
Jung and many other psychologists have demonstrated the collective psyche’s
existence in a scientific and objective manner. It is further supported by modern
physics; thousands upon thousands of other people covering all times of
humanities’ existence. Fantastically, is anyone seriously going to try to argue
against thousands of years of common sense and testimonials? Ironically, some
angry people who do appreciate this reality consider the possibility that only
women are or have access to the collective unconscious, the “goddess” within.
This ignores the combined masculine and feminine characteristics of the
collective unconscious. An amazing statement when one considers the vast bulk
of a man’s psyche, about 9/10, is unconscious and the most important aspect of
his psyche, his anima, is primarily feminine. Either the feminine or its masculine
counterpart is impossible without the complementary and simultaneous existence
and balance of each. In this sense a realistic appreciation for what I am speaking
of requires people to be gender-blind in the same way Mr. King urged people to
be color-blind when he taught that all of us are brothers and sisters.
The collective is comprised of the feminine vessel that contains the masculine
counterpart: consciousness, pointed focusing of energy. As described above, in a
very real sense, all human brains are the same. It would not be an expression of
common sense to say otherwise. The one physiological difference is that men
and women’s energy flows and directional movement, both very physical and
psychological in nature are somewhat inverted to each other – this has been so
completely documented by Chinese medicine over hundreds of years of practice.
Men’s and women’s brains may in some way be inverted to the other
considering the differences in the ways anima and animus express themselves in
men and women. Differences between male and female brains in this respect are
greater when people take on personas based solely on their physical sex. The
more balanced are the expressions of both masculine and feminine traits an
individual lives and expresses, the healthier both physically and mentally that
individual will be, inside balancing and complementary to the inside.
To review, a person’s attitude or thoughts can actually affect what they see on
a psychic level; in a parallel fashion this attitude will affect the environment
physically and psychically. It can induce a parallel reaction/response in the
individual(s) the attitude(s) is/are directed towards. In addition, the psychological
environment people find themselves in, especially as “targets” can affect the
physical well being of these people. On the level of the collective unconscious a
person’s attitude can psychically affect another person or person’s thoughts and
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behaviors. Similar to the way a person will see a wave or a particle depending on
what the person is looking for. This is what happens when one person objectifies
another. I can really see why anyone feels strongly about being objectified. The
fact is both men and women have always been objectified. Feminists (before
they became a Marxist-Feminist) were simply the first cult to clearly and
assertively point this out.
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When it comes to people, the ones being observed and the self-conscious
awareness of why they are being observed will also contribute to the same thing
and for many of the same reasons. The term “self-conscious
” certainly has a double meaning doesn’t it? So, taking into consideration the
observer, “the boss”, we also have to consider the quantum effect whereby the
observer’s attitude effects what will be observed; the attitude affects how the
observed behaves or reacts depending on how you look at it. The psychological
and resulting attitudinal affect on the observed, what they think, can cause self-
fulfilling prophetic affects operating on similar quantum and psychological
principals mentioned above. The affective dynamics can be conscious or quasi-
conscious attitudes.
The more people are unconscious of their projections the easier and more
likely they will actually begin to see things, think in reverse and this is perfectly
logical. Focusing on other people and projecting onto them things they deny or
refuse to acknowledge about themselves causes them to look for, see or induce
these dynamic elements in others. I have personally witnessed this in individuals
who blame other people for real acts and behaviors that they are guilty of. They
also victimize others by artificially trying to set them up to take the fall for them. I
personally have been victimized in this way. Further on in this work I will give
some rather dramatic illustrations of places and situations where this happened.
This is a good example of how sometimes, coercively repressed unconscious
contents of the psyche, both individual and collective, will emerge forcefully,
usually in an unhealthy way.
sensitive people. I remember when I was much younger there were physical
expressions of turrets I used to exhibit. As I developed increased consciousness
and became aware of other people’s psychic encroachment on my “space” the
turrets disappeared. I remember telling a person one time I was glad I had not
been told I had something with a label called turrets. I remember I had worked
with a client who had turrets. This person had used this label as an excuse for
getting away with saying some pretty nasty things to people. It also prevented
him from overcoming that condition because he rationalized it away with a label
in the same way the affect a label has on any “normal” person. I had no such
label to rationalize with. Neither did anyone mention this label to me so it could
not be reinforced. In fact the ridicule I received because of the physical
manifestations I expressed gave me more than enough incentive to fight to
overcome it, which I did. I have talked recently to people who have turrets who
told me their doctors told them it was a permanent condition. Another example of
the pathological medical – in this case psychological - death sentences the so-
called healing profession sometimes, not necessarily with malice, hands out to
the people they are supposed to heal. Turrets results from a forced denial of self,
Soul or whatever you wish to name it. It is usually a combination possession of
both the individual and collective psyche. The best word to use, in my
experience, is Soul because it encompasses those aspects of the psyche one
has to develop, expose, and make friends and then work with – the whole
psyche. Ego is the culprit that likes to ingratiate itself with shadow,
individual and collective. Shadow always grows out of the pride and
lust of the ego, always.
It’s because of this living awareness that true witches and shamans are aware
of they used to burn people at the stake; because of these heightened levels of
natural health – natural empowerment - but today call it a sign of mental illness
and try to ridicule or medicate the person into an emasculated and neutered,
disempowered state. Today, this also includes healthy people who are
conservative self-sufficient and take responsibility for themselves.
As one eastern master I heard about one time described it, the lower natures
of people usually cause them to waste most of their psychic energy through the
sexual act and I would add (material) lust and pride generally
resulting in either a devouring praying mantis effect: she eats her mate
after they have sex with her or the “bull stud” in a china shop effect
where anything goes; pure lust, pride and narcissistic to the core
without a shred of actual empathic communion – actual love. Instead it
is utterly Satanic– like animals not humans because it is completely
A person who is sensitive enough, in tune and touch with their body will
actually be able to feel the upward flow of energy in the body or the downward
flow if that happens. As I learned sensitivity and sensitive control of my body
through the practice of yoga and in recent years, different forms of Taoist,
integral arts this has actually given me the ability to feel and direct this energy. I
can remember when I was a child I had the frequent feeling of energy sinking into
my lower body, to the extent that I would have to restlessly move my feet. It
occurred precisely because of the invasive, unbalanced and violent nature of the
dynamics in which I was living – both inside and outside the family.
Today, if the downward flow of energy happens for whatever reason I can
readily redirect the energy flow. As a child this was not possible. I also recognize
today the physical and energetic dynamics that many people imprisoned on
neuroleptic medications experience, the need to restlessly and continuously
move is caused precisely because of the constant downward flow and loss of
libido caused by these medications. The conditioning imposed on these people
from outside influences exacerbates this. Later in this work I relate some journal
entries of a personal nature to illustrate the experiential nature of many of the
dynamics I am discussing.
Consider the impact this awareness, the psychotic nature of hypocrisy, would
have on the justice system especially in respect of testimony in the courts. It is no
exaggeration that, today, not only accused people should have to take a
polygraph test so also should the accusers, depending on the circumstances.
Remember what happened in Medieval Europe during the Roman Inquisition.
False accusations were made because of ignorance, fear and sometimes-
outright jealousy. All of this was a result of psychological repression, hypocrisy
and the subsequent bigotry that results. The main difference is that today people
are much less conscious in some respects than they were back then. The
situation is worse today than it was back then, mentally speaking. This is
primarily because of the vast majority of people having lost contact with the
earth, themselves and following from that, Heaven to a much greater extent than
existed back then; when people were very aware of forces and energies beyond
and greater than their material manifestations and their puny little egos.
The less strongly conscious a person is mentally the more easily that person
can be manipulated – and then everyone points the finger at everyone else. This
finger pointing is usually directed towards everyone who is not to blame – women
against men, men against women, groups against other groups. I wonder,
exactly what does the word “minority” actually mean today? A certain level of
social destruction/fragmentation has been activated consciously but as well
unconsciously in our individual and collective deep psyches, destroying the
actual empathic unity of humankind – and this has been done purposely to
disempower human and result in a “Hunger Games” types of survival of the
fittest. This is true among some young people, right up through to gang warfare
and terrorism. This is a natural thing to happen under the circumstances.
People’s captive Souls are finally fighting to break out using primordial fight or
flight levels of activity and energy.
explored further into this paper, withdrawal from neuroleptic medications can
mimic many of the symptoms that these medications are supposed to deal with in
the first place. Is it possible that many of these medications sustain an illusion of
the very conditions diagnosed to maintain an apparent need for them? We will
see. Most of the diagnostic categories related to metal functioning are
“manufactured” by the pharmaceutical companies, quite often to describe normal
psycho-physiological responses to the unbalanced, unhealthy environmental and
behavioral conditions people are exposed to.
It has also been known for quite some time that the memory located in the
deeper right side of the psyche also has a memory chain capacity far superior
than the ego aspects of memory. Obviously, this changes as more of the right
side is consciously brought to light into the conscious realms. Nonetheless, the
deeper layers of the psyche do not forget and will react even if the processes are
unconscious. The deeper layers will react in an appropriate way, under natural
circumstances to unnatural conditions. Pharmaceuticals and mental conditioning
changes this. It poisons and handicaps the deeper layers. It forcefully changes
it into the ego-related shadow – an ego will work with the shadow to
With a balanced and synchronized psyche the left and right brain
work in harmony as a whole. Psychotropic medications, researched without bias,
have been demonstrated to have a very fragmenting affect on the psyche.45 This
skyrocketed after the widespread introduction of pharmaceuticals after the end of
the Second World War. Psychologists and thousands upon thousands of other
people over thousands of years have known of this reality, psychic
fragmentation, sometimes referred to as “loss of Soul.” What has also been
recognized, are natural methods and ways to heal this psychological state of
mind and make it healthy. This is not hard to consider when we look at the
vastness of the psyche, 9/10ths of which is usually unconscious.
This is especially true when we consider the inner aspects of animus and
anima – a woman’s inner man and a man’s inner woman and what can happen
when these psychic realities are ignored or neglected.
As I have said earlier there are unconscious psychic processes that take place
and can one consciously operate in conscious awareness on the unconscious
level. One only has to look at the Internet and world renowned, Wim Hoff - a It is
only our “conscious” ego which is myopically and chronically blind. There is more
than one “conscious” mental process that takes place within an individual at any
given time.46All of this exists on a continuum of different levels of awareness.
What Wim Hoff 47does is teach people how to access these areas, consciously;
very similar to what a yogi or Shaolin Monk are capable of.
able to meditate there were times I was aware of actually thinking about and
having two distinct trains of thought occurring at the same time. This was
especially obvious when I was reading something. With meditation practice I
learned how to have only one clear train of thought. Before control and discipline
was learned there were many times, while reading, when I would have to reread
something because of interference from a different train of thought. The same
phenomenon also happened sometimes when I was speaking with someone and
thinking of something else. This sometimes resulted in me having to ask the
person I am speaking with to repeat what they were saying. This was also
caused by the remnants of conditioned psychic retreating behavior patterns I had
developed in order to safeguard my psychic sensitivities.
This is a perfect example of interference from the deeper layers of the psyche
and possibly from areas originating in that greater area of the psyche called the
collective unconscious. Through the practice of “mindful meditation,” psychic
interferences, although ultimately aspects of the individual’s own psyche, upon
careful observation they can also be identified as abusive and perpetrator-like
invasions from other person’s psyches within the collective. These perpetrator
psyches are also housed in fleshly vessels within the material environment:
Individual but Whole, of One of Us. The important thing is that only shadow-
contaminated psyches, with perpetrator-like characteristics have this tendency to
interfere in this manner. Usually by people or psyches that have been wounded
in a similar fashion. This is the method used by the shadow-driven mind
controlling aspects of the Shadow-controlled unconscious.
This is precisely the “enemy” that religions have fought against for centuries.
The point is that the methods used in the past, repression and subsequent
projection, only cause further victimization, fragmentation and literal enslavement
of the collective humanity by the shadow controlled material powers of the world.
In the world people are induced to become more unconscious through
dissociation (caused by trauma), conditioning, repression, medication, addictions,
propaganda advertising and one-way communication. These invasions are then
committed without people being at all being fully aware of them or their
origination, usually. Neither are they aware of their, in turn, victimization of other
people and psyches. In the Internet of Things the world is being saturated in the
greatest misogyny and crimes against humanity and the Earth has every taken
place. Only by the purposeful raising of a persons’ conscious position can this be
As a little aside, I find it disgusting to think that the Hitler youth were
conditioned to literally fight to the death. When the Canadians, Americans and
Soviets showed up in Berlin there were only children left to fight for Hitler in any
large numbers. In the Battle for Stalingrad, where about a Million Soviets died, it
was under similar conditions: to retreat meant to be killed by ones “compatriots”
from Moscow and the other option was to fight Hitler. The world’s largest Satanic
cults that have ever been.
The current CCP Chinese Communist power projection and its worldwide
malevolence are much worse than the Nazi and Soviet factory farms ever were
or ever were capable of. It’s unfortunate for humankind that most of the physical
aspects of the Nazis were destroyed in the Second World War but the
unconscious dynamics have actually enveloped the world since that time period
only a bare half century ago: a combination of both the fascists and communist
regimes, precisely because of the corporate, technocratic character of these
unnatural organs of coercion.
. The Oligarchs replaced the Nazi with the communists because it leads to a
more (infrastructural/civilly and psychologically) direct route to actual,
technocratic control. The main thing that has to be eradicated from human
society for this monstrous plan to worse is the actual, forced destruction of
empathy, with us, our family, friends, neighbors and …others. Completely anti-
human but then the “Great Reset” and current covid-19 are obvious examples of
an attempt to tag, digitize and completely control people in the Internet of Things.
Homicidal or suicidal or a combination of both?. Lemming-like?
Considering the current ill-health of the human collective, in all its darkest
areas, this statement is not only eye-opening, it should be startling. Finally “there
are instances of individuals being possessed by fragments of their own psyches,
as an entity emerges from the darkness of the unconscious to take possession of
the waking self.”48 This not only refers to individual psyches it also refers to the
collective psyche.
As we’ve been discussing, society and the collective mass mind actually
create the various psychological states discussed so far throughout this book.
Even possession by “Satan” is a combination of possession by the individual
shadow and other unconscious contents combined or otherwise affected with or
by the collective shadow. In these cases there are unconscious contents bursting
forth to express themselves in a sickened and reversed or at least primordial
survival mode. How would a person fighting for his or her very survival act
compared to someone who was quite safe and comfortable? Especially consider
this if the survival mode is primarily unconscious.
Considering the psyche is the most sensitive part of the human being it only
makes sense that for the psyche, individual and collective, when it is violated in
this extreme way it could and in many cases does become the Devil. Psychic
mutilations of this sort are actually types of sexual abuse in the most profound
sense. Psychic rape is far more devastating to an individual than can be
imagined. To a mature intelligence this is only common or should I say
uncommon sense.
As a little aside, isn’t it interesting that the harshest measures being taken
during the covid-19 crisis are being committed in democracies of the British
Commonwealth. The ever increasing loss of freedoms being enforced and also
perpetrated by the corporate/banking establishment and a militarized police force
that serves its masters and not the people. The German royal family that rules
the commonwealth never forgave the United States for brining peace, prosperity
and health and happiness – and freedom. It’s pretty obvious what is going on.
I’ll also mention a humorously dry Freudian slip type of experience I had one
time. I remember going to celebrate a family member’s birthday on one occasion.
Everyone was there. The card I gave pictured a pack of wolves feasting on the
carcass of a cow. One of the wolves was standing back from the rest of them
taking a picture of the “family get- together.” That is what was written in the card.
Since I was the family scapegoat for many years, looking at it today I realize it
carried a very real psychological message for me at that time – I had been the
I will begin chapter 10 by relating three dreams I had during the years 1995
and 1998. I have been actually working on this book since 1991. Today’s date is
August 26, 2007. The three dreams I am placing here I never forgot. While
considering appropriate dreams to relate in this book I never thought about
placing these here until now. In fact, the first two dreams I never thought about
placing here until I sat down to write my account of the third dream. I never had
the courage to relate the third one until now. Over the last couple of weeks during
my practices of Tai Chi and Qi Gong (especially warm-up and warm-down), with
increasing frequency I recalled the third dream: I thought about placing it here. I
related two of these three dreams to various people I was associating with in the
occult at the time I had them. I never related the third one to anyone before now.
1st dream: In this dream I find myself wondering in a wooded area. It is not
quite light and I have a very powerful, large body of a wolf. I am Graywolf. I walk
confidently through the deep forest. There is a full moon shining and I stop to
howl with the moon. Then, with a keen sense of sureness I find myself moving in
a purposeful direction. I feel extremely protective and I am going to fight a
dragon; an individual I know from one of the occult circles of people who I
associated with. I know, from experiences I have had with this person that
(name) is a practitioner or black magic although (gender) says (gender) is a white
practitioner. I soon find myself in confrontation. (Name) turns into a wolf like me.
We begin to ferociously fight, ripping and tearing, each of us lunging at the
other’s throat. For some reason I decide to stop fighting. I have a feeling of
tiredness and am fed up with combat. I stand back, raise my right hand and point
my finger at the wolf. I direct a beam of clear, white divine light at it. Suddenly the
scene changes and I find myself growing immensely large. As my size
approaches cosmic proportions I become or blend in with a star in my path and
at the same time I become a fiery yellow and red dragon. – In the waking world I
actually told the person (I fought with in the dream) about the battle segment.
Needless to say, I did not disclose the identity of the wolf I fought with in my
dream with this person.
3rd dream: This dream took place during a traumatic experience I had in a
“psychiatric” institution when I was there for an assessment, after I had tried to
leave an abusive family environment. The dream speaks for itself; so does the
terror and actual dynamics that were taking place in my life at that time. - It is
early morning and I get up and go into the dining area to prepare a cup of coffee.
The sun is just rising above the horizon. I stop and look out the window to watch
the sun. It rises a little more but then it reverses direction and quickly lowers itself
down behind the horizon from which it had momentarily rose above a few
moments before. During this dream, in the dream, I was in a state of profound
shock. I looked at it, I saw it but I was not in any way able to relate to it with any
sort of cognizance. What I experienced in the dream and during my waking hours
was not detachment, it was shock.
(April 28/2021 – I’ll add this correction about this dream, now. From research
and especially personal experience I know that the mind is quite capable of
creating “hallucinations”, visions in the waking state – something perhaps
paradoxical but similar to the dream state, will use this imagery to communicate
something that can only be expressed in this manner; a metaphor. For example,
when you look at a person you might briefly see or imagine a snake or a monster
of some kind, expressing the reality of that person in relation to you or others. In
fact, what I described in the immediate above was not in fact a dream – I had
been fully conscious and doing what I described in the above “dream” in real life
during my first morning at this psychiatric concentration camp – run by the
pharmaceutical industry and recently graduated Marxists and other agents of
tyranny. “Medical science” is today being used the same way CCP China, the old
Soviet Union and other assorted dictatorships have utilized modern psychotropic
1st Dream – I see a man standing in a stark, pure white room. He is a tall,
powerful yet gentle looking young man, with long, flowing, black hair. He is
dressed all in white. He is pulling his hair and crying and there is a sense of
profound loss, for he is mourning the death of his mother. As I look at this scene I
know the man is I and I feel a profound sense of mourning and loss. I remember
for a couple of months after having this dream that I was worried-sick about
Mom’s safety. At this time, I had not matured enough to interpret the meaning of
the dream beyond a humanly, materialistic and literal level.
2nd dream – shortly after the 1st Dream. In this Dream I am standing outside at
night. I am looking up into the starry night sky and above me is the most brilliant
full moon I have ever seen. I was happy because I knew that mother was alive
but I was sad as well because I knew that she had been forced to go into hyde-
At the time I had these dreams I made literal, material based interpretations. I
did not realize at the time that what the images in my dream primarily
represented were the devastations and mutilation that my psych, my Soul was
experiencing and for several years later had endured. Given everything I have
said so far in this book there is also an exterior as well as collective dimension to
this reality – and all we have to do in September, 2021 is look around. I have
learned that in order to be useful and protective to the world around me I have to
begin by safeguarding and nurturing the closest source of life to me that I can –
me and extending outward.
As I’ve mentioned before many people who have been abused, either
individual people or as a group, consciously or unconsciously developed have an
agenda of revenge rather than justice. Their victims are almost always innocent.
It is far easier to attack a defenseless scapegoat than a nasty person or group
who will deny their guilt whether they are right or wrong. This had been changing
as we become more aware of social dynamics but since the
technocratic/economic encirclement of the world and Her people this trend is
being reversed for many people. In this particular section I document and look at
the abuse of men by women (and the shadow). Most of this abuse is perpetrated
quite unconsciously, the hypocrisy anyway.
In order to break the cycles of abuse we have to address all forms of abuse,
not just certain types of abuse that have obtained large scale publicity and
support. We have to address the reality that hypocrisy places blinders on. People
who have been abused have a tendency, usually when they have not developed
psychological awareness of what has happened to them because of the abuse
they suffered, to become oppressors and in turn commit the same abuses to
other people that had previously happened to them; it could even be concurrent
with various types of abuse: Criminally, many abusive women and other
members of protected groups who have been harmed in the past - as a group not
necessarily as an individual – feel if their victim s- - in this case male – speaks up
Another very abusive partner I was in a relationship with could not see her
abusive actions for what they were because she was a woman – from her
perspective only men were abusive, literally. She was blinded her to own
hypocrisy. Even though she had never been either physically or sexually abused
– she told me this – nonetheless she used to attend groups for female survivors
of male abuse and other female support groups I eventually found out that the
abuse she claimed she had suffered had been from her mother – not any men in
her life. When I tried to speak up about the abuse – which I suffered panic
attacks and asthma as a result of – she reacted with anger; she said she could
“never forgive me for it.” She interpreted my speaking up on my own behalf as
attacking her, hurting her and other such amazingly hypocritical foolishness. On
a collective level, this misidentification was hypocrisy and revenge – not revenge
for things that had been done to her but done to other members of the human
group she was part of. This is pure Marxist indoctrination bearing fruits for
constant social conflict….it’s good for business?
To my mind there are three very good examples history has produced in
recent times that show us how to accomplish this in as non-violent a way as
possible. These examples were Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and
today his Grace the Dali Lama. This last person is currently being welcomed
around the world as one of the best protagonists for world peace. In a sense, the
physical occupation of and destruction of the beauty of Tibet, in a weird way, has
been a blessed thing because the rest of the world has been graced with the
message of love and wisdom that the Dali Lama has been teaching us following
his exile.
What follows are a variety of paraphrases from the author, Warren Farrell,
PH.D., the first male member of the National Advisory Council on The Status of
Women in Canada; and other sources of information.
People who are only brave in mass grouping are the ultimate cowards
because they never take responsibility for themselves. “It’s for the greater good”
gives them a chance to disown responsibility for whatever they do; and that’s
why they’re individual responsibilities are no more important than their individual
Many women today are not as powerless as they used to be. The supports
and resources available to women who still need it today are very important.
Farrell, Warren, Ph.D., “The Myth of Male Power”, Copyright, 1993 by Warren Farrell, Ph.D.,
Simon & Schuster, Simon & Schuster Building, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, New York 10020, Pg.29
They have to be expanded to include all people who are abused, including
psychological and emotional abuse. Because of extreme bias and today
persecution, women can readily resort to available resources that are denied the
We have to be careful of overkill. I have been with abusive women who are not
weak but in public appear to be the subservient or under-confident one in the
relationship. In private it becomes reversed, especially if the man in the
relationship does not make an assertive stance, or get out, exactly the same as
when the gender roles are reversed. Today, these very same dynamics are being
used by various groups within society to destroy the actual cohesion of society –
this will allow the elite social engineers to change as they wish? I will not stand
for that.
Speaking about violence against men, as Farrell points out, most other groups
within society (especially groups who are or have experienced oppression), by
looking at the nature of the dynamics involved – in a common-sense way - would
recognize this powerlessness easily. They would see these dynamics for what
they really are. As Farrell points out, what is really taking place is a form or
sexism that is not recognized for what it really is.51In 2021 this dynamic is in full
bloom and it is far more than simply sexist, it is antihuman and it includes
anyone, virtually anyone who, as an individual thinks for themselves, literally. It
includes anyone who wants to live naturally, in the open ended freedom as
Mother Nature intended. This is literally a worldwide Marxist attack on the actual
freedom or total enslavement of humankind and the Earth. It is the greatest
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
misogynistic attack on Humankind and their Great Mother that has ever taken
place. What will it be people?
However, I would add another dimension to this. Let’s look again at violence
against men. Consider what I said about certain types of black magic being
described as the sacrificing of masculine energy for the vampire-like black hole of
real satanic sacrifice. In this case, the sacrifice can also be looked upon as being
gender neutral in the sense that it is not necessarily only men who are being
sacrificed in this method like it has traditionally been but masculine
energy.People lacking masculine energy – actual energy and power of
concentration – open to the dynamics discussed above and throughout this book
have less self-control and are also at risk of being conditioned to accept harmful
dynamics, a type of actual mass possession. This is the nature of the
psychopathology affecting people today. The WOKE are expressions of the full-
blown (mental) epidemic. I guess all the living dead movies and other world-
enders are supposed to condition us to this fate? Or in recognizing these
dynamics people will say “it was just a movie, you saw that in a movie” laughing
at you as they die their hair purple, cut off their genitals, disown their Soul and
sell it to the collective mass meltdown – the Deva-ill, Devil, Satan.
People who are actually truly empowered with masculine energy – men and
women – are healthy, safer and more stable because they have the energy
necessary to maintain conscious discipline over their selves. On the other hand,
people who are conditioned to feel instead of thinking, to be passionate instead
of thoughtful, instead of empathy and compassion to other people they offer hate
and intolerance; these are very dangerous personas, actors, trying to be what
they are told to be are instead of knowing themselves. This latter is today’s
generic, even if women are committing the violence. Yet in the next breath they
say that any violence committed by men against women is an example of
misogyny and women hating. This is hypocrisy in the extreme and simply an
example of the huge “cancerous” growth in the shadow or satanic elements
within the world. This does not just refer to some women’s attitudes towards
men, necessarily – it refers to many different groups and peoples.
I’ve spoken to many women, older and younger, who still view war as a man’s
duty, including their own son’s and are outraged to even think that women should
be taking part in a “man’s “ job. They were shocked when I suggested they might
do the same. So much for equality, although I do realize this mentality stems
from a long outdated need for survival because most wars of a game of thrones
for the world’s elites.
I remember one woman who I spoke to who was in the reserves. She was
shocked and ridiculed the idea that she might ever go to war. To her it was just a
job. This conversation took place during the Gulf war in 1990. She had told me
she would protest if she was ordered overseas – because she was a woman.
She didn’t want to have anything to do with “glory.” I always thought there was
something like soldierly honor, duty, etc. But hey, it’s her right???
I do know this might not be the usual case although it is an illustration I know I
should mention. I had this conversation at a school where I experienced a lot of
psychic sexual abuse, sexual hypocrisy – sexual harassment resulting from man
hating and male bashing and mysandry generally.
On one level I can appreciate her feelings, although I hope it would change if
she actually had to protect her home. I know there are a lot of valiant woman who
do this, whether as ordinary human beings, mothers, police officers or soldiers.
Regardless, it is the whole cult of war and violence that is savagely outdated and
for the survival of the Earth is one way of life that has to change. People have
been brainwashed by the machine, the Beast or whatever one wishes to call it.
People themselves are certainly not responsible? It stems from a primarily
unconscious projection of repressed hate and revenge. As I’ve been asserting
throughout “We have seen the enemy and they is us.” I don’t want to scare
anyone but as I said, on the unconscious level what these dynamics actually
expresses and becomes is a sacrifice, human sacrifice. I’m referring to war in
any shape or form.
women’s. In early youth the pressure on boys or young men makes their suicide
rate reach six times as high as women’s. It actually becomes 25,000 % greater
than females and this is directly related to the double binds, sexism and other
pressures boys and young men find themselves in within today’s society. The
suicide rate for men over 85 is 1,350% greater than that for women in the same
age bracket. 52Given the incessant hate and envy targeted on white
males, in 2021 the pressure and bigotry directed to white boys and
men is astronomical – all the while begin pressured to become women!
Powerlessness forces men quite often to take jobs that literally place them in
danger. Jobs they are forced to take because of spending obligations because in
today’s world, a man’s wallet is still the prime motivating factor that determines if
he is able to find a partner.
There is another important thing Farrell points out. Rarely are men’s protection
of women and people in general taken into consideration and acknowledged.
However, everyone hears about those men that commit violence, resulting in
unfair stereotyping and anti-male bashing. Realistically, in relation to these
dynamics he compares the limited opportunities – the jobs they are forced to take
and the resulting dehumanizationion and lowering of self worth, for most men –
with the actual life of a slave.53 I include these references because in many
cases, if he wants a partner, there is no alternative. Women have so many more
services and government supported alternatives today.
Male bashing has created within the male population one rather large
segment of men who willingly accepts abuse from women, in much the same
way that many women did and still do in some cases, in order to be accepted by
their partner or larger group of people. I know that in my later life these dynamics
were certainly a reality for me.
The number of homeless men living on the street is 300% greater than all
other groups of people living on the streets combined. 54 Why? Today, society
does far more to protect women than men and those men that do not become
wallets or chose to become individuals, not machine-like as society tries to
condition them, sometimes succumb to the many different pressures, which can
come to bear on them. As Farrell points out, men who choose not to sacrifice
themselves to protect and provide only for women and children, if they think
about their own welfare in addition to other people, they are not accepted by
society. This is most true for those men who have developed a strong type of
individual independence and an empathic interdependence rather than a
Pg.32, “The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
The reason I point this out is because in today’s world any person who refuses
to be indoctrinated – to become part of the mindless machine – is rejected by the
machine – Children, men and women
The degree of bigotry and anti-male attitudes is reflected in the fact that at one
time just about 100% of the homeless were men but once the percentage of
homeless women reached a certain point, about 15%, then political correctness
popped into action. People began to actually take note and care and the
politically correct term became not bag ladies or bums but homeless people.
About 75% of all homeless people are still men. 55
psychologically the whole individual is searching for a more profound reason for
their existence beyond the purely physical and material levels. It would usually be
a time to attain higher levels of awareness and meaning in their life. During this
period of time nature intended people – and this is particular to humanity - to set
aside the more worldly and material aspects of life so that higher and more
mature levels of the psyche, the whole psyche, could be attained and realized.
This has, in many cases, been waylaid by the dynamics I have been discussing
so far. Instead of dynamically and flexibly growing in awareness and wholeness,
what is happening and has been for a long time, is that people become more
rigid and inflexible – close-mindedness sets in. “Experts” in all their myopic haze.
This is not what nature intended.
Instead of wisdom in their middle and older years, men are being given
Viagra to waste a dwindling energy supply while women en mass are
disempowering themselves by giving more and more power to the State while
striping it from their kin as well. As directed in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” western
culture is being overcome by neutralizing the male population, the sacred
masculine Natural right to self-defense (for all people, masculine, not male) by an
invading tower of Babel – homogenous invaders posing as immigrants, who
cares nothing about the host cultures (European) they gobble up and vampire. In
fact that is the Fascist/Communist collective intent; the real powers that
incorporated the corporations.
Male technology freed women from “female biology as destiny.” The increased
ability for women to enter into the “male domain” has succeeded because the
restrictions of birthing and childbearing, day care and other traditional limitations,
due to her physiology, were freed in a technological and political sense. At the
same time, the past history of women’s brutal oppression created a movement
whereby men were and still are in many cases being stereotyped as being
responsible for past wrongs done to the female gender. This became especially
true as more females entered into more areas of influence within government
and other politically influential movements that wield a lot of power. These
changes were accommodated by male technology and by laws almost
exclusively created by men. Under the circumstances I think this important as
traditional masculine characteristic and traits are being made to look “toxic”.
What is toxic are the elite powers that in fact are trying to emasculate and
prevent anyone from achieving the power and control they have without their
blessing. This has been the royal…prerogative for a while. These dynamics go
far beyond the “male/female” divide and today are manifest in many Marxist
induced class antagonisms.
In other words, this has in many cases created examples where the people
who were in the past brutally oppressed have today become the oppressors.
During these days when all people are oppressed who refuse to be bled of their
individuality indeed their very freedom, the double oppression and pressure on
men creates a situation where boy’s and men’s suicide rates are astronomically
higher than women’s. Male technology does not have to refer to gender. It refers
to a psychological attitude-attribute – concentration, the power of aware
consciousness and its resulting psychic-energetic manifestation. 57
What if a man is really getting abused and complains and then gets blamed for
hating women? Many men experience the same abuse – psychological,
emotional and perhaps physical – that society, both men and women, has
thundered against when perpetrated against other groups of people, especially
women. I have been viciously attacked time and again for trying to speak out
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell, Pg.123-134
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell , Pg.134
about the abuse I have suffered – “He simply hates women” has been the
number one response, even though I have made every effort to treat all people
with only respect and compassion. In 2021 these same dynamics are being cast
in stone by using mandatory vaccination and therefore, thanks to both nana
technology and the way psychotropic medications place people in the control of
the collective shadow and Nanobots on the Internet of Things – this is the true
purpose of the quantum computers the various militaries and the Internet of
Things has been doing. It’s not to see where the elites are trying to go with this.
The pressure that this places on boys at an early age creates exponentially
greater numbers of children who, because of the double bind they find
themselves in and subsequent disempowerment are devastated as individuals.
What are current lockdown’s, mask use and social distancing doing to these
young people? They are destroying them. In a corresponding way this
devastates their potential for full development as human beings. More people
today are afraid to even discuss with their friends social and political issues that
are current except what they are told to think and say.; are too embarrassed to
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell Pg., 166
speak to peers and in most cases are conditioned to listen closely to peer
pressure and social conditioning – today in our schools this dynamic is changed
to demonize and humiliate all traditions of European descent(with a focus on the
tradition of merit and surviving against all odds when others succumbed to
slavery and imprisonment. Today, the profoundly brave heritage of our founding
European settlers of are being demonized as history is reversed from truth –
Critical Race Theory is for the most part ahistorical and in fact the intent is
profoundly evil because it is trying to wipe out the freedom that took hundreds of
years to achieve in the face of brutal odds and savagery; as their traditional
populations of folk are being replaced by people who unquestioning do what the
governments and corporations tell them to do.. They certainly will find it difficult to
find anyone to share this with among the population of programmed peers who
would only ridicule this. I am speaking about these realities from a position of
statistics and generalizations. Focusing on boys, especially white, heterosexuals
of European descent, these boys experience much more ridicule when they don’t
perform and sometimes to the point they reach a state or limit of such
brutalization, the only alternative some of them see is to commit suicide or act
out with some other forms of violent behavior. 60
did not try to hide and did with full intentions on rectifying. Yet the person who
fired me was the same person who had held a party at which took place acts of
pedophilia, with her full knowledge and participation. I refer to this particular
incident later in this work when I illustrate another important point. These very
dynamics apply today in the extreme, primarily to white, heterosexual
boys of European descent. People who live naturally are being treated
like they are crazy by the insane people who are dislocating their DND
and separating people from the very life source they emerged from –
Mother Nature.
In some cases this type of abuse can be seen as revengeful types of activities
on the parts of the perpetrators because of the abuse they suffered at the hands
of people – primarily Marxists/socialists including fascists - who in fact have
distorted and reversed world and especially European and history beyond
recognition. In 2021 this same dynamic applies to all truthsayers and
whistleblowers. We will look more closely at these dynamics and of sexual
exploitation in-depth later in this book.
All forms of cult activity – and this does not apply to societies that promote
Natural living, self-sufficiency (merit) and an actual interdependent, NOT
DEPNDEANT community - start in childhood and especially through control of
sex. Cults have always used this dynamic – sex - to entrap people in their cults.
Look at our schools today? The dynamics are cyclical and primarily
unconscious; it was only because I was able to become more conscious
of what was going on around me through meditation that I was able to
become aware of these dynamics and do something healthy to relieve
it – called integration, individuation, …maturing as a human being, as
all are intended to do!! This is the very nature of empathy.
The point being made here is that boys, men’s and most peoples of European
descent has placed them in a situation where their egos take a much greater
beating, resulting in much greater frustration. Combined with the lockdowns and
all the rest of these “protective” measures are resulting in the highest level of
youth suicide – among white kinds of European descent. As Farrell makes clear,
there are many more services available for women then for men but today this
same dynamic applies to anyone who is not of European descent. I’m speaking
here primarily in the area of abuse and need. Services for women, obviously,
are extremely important. What’s being overlooked is that if effective preventative
As for men, society is not recognizing that many boys and men have taken
huge strides in getting in touch with the feminine message and their feminine
sides and without a whole lot of support let alone active lobbying and
propaganda, except of the bigoted kind. Unfortunately this dynamic is being used
to promote very unnatural and very unhealthy lifestyles; if I’m a man it’s no longer
enough to get in touch with my feminine side, now they want me to be a woman?
I don’t think so – but that’s the point because it totally disempowers the people
who fall for this even as they attack the healthy and sensible and I am referring
to, the self-sufficiency of individuals, conservatives – who conserve themselves,
the lands and the Earth itself. Conservation does not always refer to the
social/political status quo. It means stewardship of the Earth, as taught in the
Bible, for example.
We have a mass situation where the unhealthiest people in society are living
off the backs of the healthy. The Royals and their corporate hench…people sure
knew what they were doing in the 1970s when they really put their long-term plan
finally into action and all the components of Project 2030, the Great Rest where
“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”. That sounds like a royal tyranny’s wet-
I have experienced many situations where women were being abusive – they
simply demonstrated that they wanted a reversal of the status quo and today this
applies to many minorities and self-proclaimed victims – in many cases using
ahistorical BS - that have permeated society while completely invalidating white
people of European descent or conservatives generally. This is an actual
genocidal activity. Consider the example I gave earlier about the “Feme-Nazis.” I
know there are a lot of other irrationally rage-filled mind-controlled collectivists
out there also. To ignore what I am saying is pure suicide and continues the
cycle. Society has to heal its fragmented state-of-mind and recognize that at the
root level we are all the same regardless of intelligence, talents and so on.
Speaking from personal experience, I see the need for and have even
counseled women in the need to get angry as an inducement to action. This
might be necessary for anyone when the safety or integrity of his or her person is
being abused or threatened. Today, this applies to the much wider population of
people being targeted because of colonialism, slavery (the Black Africans and
Arabs were the worst perpetrators), a traditional or conservative lifestyle.
However, anger has negative effects when it is not let go of once some sort of
acceptance and action takes place. If not let go of it always backfires eventually –
especially when dishonesty takes places – they become anger, something quite
different from simply getting angry. It is raw evil. Savagery. Primitive.
Peoples minds can become totally psychotic and more akin to someone living
in a Participation Mystique – no sense of self except in relation to the
Queen/King, State. People had no “faces” because they weren’t treated as
individuals. They were like worker bees. Literally, within an ancient Matriarchy,
the Queen and women (as representatives of the Goddess) wren considered first
class citizens. The human sacrifices that dominated Matriarchies focused
primarily on young females to give as sacrifice to the Earth as well as virile,
healthy young men. Starting to re-familiarize its presence in today’s “civilized”
global, multi-cult society? Or has it always been in the shadows?
Nature can only operate in natural ways – an unnatural pestilence she will
neutralize given enough time. Unfortunately, if Humanity dislodges its embedded
DNA from the Earth Mother – in attitude and action and of course in fact (space
travel) and 5/6G – they will wither. 5G encircling the Earth totally disrupts, distorts
and perverts the very subtle electromagnetic currents of the Earth, which
Humans and all life requires. Elon Musk is committing crimes against humanity.
You can be very sure the powers that are trying to get people to give up their
healthy, natural heritage do not plan the same for themselves. Time?
When a person’s anger hangs on too long they can become anger. When this
happens anger is sometimes indiscriminatingly projected towards the target
individual or group and it is certainly when people reach this point they become
useful idiots and canon-fodder for anyone with a beef to protest or an opportunity
to throw more chaos into society, sometimes consciously and sometimes
unconsciously but usually using a combination of both. On the conscious and
unconscious level of the collective psyche this can cause very serious
psychological damage. This is why awareness of the dynamics involved must to
be brought to light.
This is especially true when people are trapped in abusive situations or cannot
express themselves truthfully in both personal as well as social sense, mutually.
In today’s abusive tyranny the unWOKE, people who demand freedom and
democracy, these folk, the healthiest people in society exactly by virtue of their
desire to be self-sufficient and free are being blamed for the pestilence of the
unhealthy. The only reason I survived these types of situations, where I was not
able to get out, was because of my primarily self-learned discipline - with which I
received almost no external help. I have been one of the lucky few. These
dynamics affect almost everyone today, regardless of gender, color or creed…or
As I’ve pointed out some cases with identified groups who have been
historically oppressed the pendulum has swung too far in a reversed direction.
Psychologically, consciously or unconsciously what develops are cyclical
entrapments in the same sense that entrapment means in respect to what Police
have been legislatively prohibited from doing. The dynamics I am referring to are
identical to the psychological dynamics that are present when abused –
oppressed – people in turn become abusers – or oppressors; the same dynamics
that exist when someone who has been sexually abused in turn become abusive
sexually and then blames the victim. The dynamics in all cases are identical;
what differs is the way they are expressed. In this case I am referring to
entrapments that are used by perpetrators in a collective sense; they are ones
that are induced – ultimately they are produced and sustained by dynamics that
are socially created and sustained.
I mean, let’s get serious here, get way from superstition and consider some
sources of wisdom that have been brutalized, literalized and turned into meaning-
less mumbo-jumbo. What I described in the above paragraph is a realistic,
mundane but importantly good psychological explanation of the “Whore of
Babylon.” Can’t people become sensible enough to see that this is exactly the
state of affairs the Bible is describing (and other traditions that all stemmed from
the same ground level) in the Book of Revelations? It makes perfect sense.
Placing deadened orthodoxy aside, this is the “wars and rumors of wars “those
pages speak about. This is referring to psychological dynamics that are hidden
from conscious view for the majority of people – dynamics that trick people out of
libinal life force, psychological wholeness and at times, their physical lives. These
wars create an atmosphere of fear and cause the perpetration of crimes and a
victimization of people. Most importantly, individuals and groups right up to
national and international levels are mirrored precisely by these dynamics, being
affected by and acting upon them, creating cycles within the whole of the human
collective psyche. Looking more closely at these dynamics, the last part in my
book explores what I think Jesus and some writers of the New Testament were
really talking about and what the followers of Jesus really learned from the
The people receiving these projections and attacks can only extricate
themselves from these situations by looking the situation squarely in the face and
dealing with it intelligently. These are abilities and motives: freedom of choice
and quite literally control over one’s body that more and more of the WOKE cult
does not possess.
“Conscious” blaming and labeling is not conscious in the sense that the
individual is truly conscious of these dynamics or the reasons why they project
and scapegoat other people. Over the last several years it has become more and
more apparent the people weaponised to stage protests, usually something
about European traditions, while totally ignoring the dangerous cultural traditions
of the peoples they are using to destroy European culture and history of
achievements. These a-historical, emotionalized people, personas and little
more, unable to think conceptually or logically with common sense they have
become weapons and usually don’t have a clue and certainly no great
understanding of what they are protesting. We are bringing out of schools and
places of higher learning people who want to destroy society rather than nurture
and maintain it.. Remember, these dynamics are primarily unconscious, cyclical
and domino-like
Many groups send this unconscious projection into the collective unconscious
psyche. People open themselves up to alienation, manipulation and exploitation.
I think it is important to point out that society is 100% comprised of different types
of groups an many of them with cult-like characteristics – for example when
political party kicks out members because they vote against the dominant
position, then it has in fact by that point become a cult. Most of them all have
similar affects, consciously and at the subconscious level.
People’s (media) produced anger can blind them to positive changes that
have been made by, or the many good things done by the targets of their hate.
Consider what might happen when a group – who perhaps historically was an
oppressor – is still attacked when they are taking huge strides towards making
positive and appropriate changes for the better; when they are in the process of
changing ways of being and living that have existed for a long time; that are
deeply embedded within the psyche. In itself, these types of changes can induce
a life or group crisis. When these changes are not acknowledged; when the
individual or group is still attacked and pressured to make changes they are or
already have made – then the former oppressor (group) becomes the oppressed
and the formerly oppressed (group) becomes the oppressor. This pattern has
been a heavily recurring phenomenon throughout history.
An actual genocidal impulse can easily be seen when the persecutors in fact
exhibit all the things they condemn their innocent victims for. This is the very
nature of WOKE society in Canada and the rest of the western world.
enough. Regardless of how hard they try they are told they have to try harder.
This is how abusive cults operate. These are exactly the type of dynamics I am
talking about in respect to changes most people have been making as individuals
and as groups but not being given validation or acknowledgement for doing this.
Then take everything else I have explored and described into consideration and
people reading this should have a few hairs standing up on the back of their
necks and the appropriate shivers to go along with it.
To make a point I’ll compare men and women again. this is not the case with
women today. Consideration for the feelings and affects all of the dynamics I
have been discussing has on people are not taken seriously or empathetically –
or are they?
Women’s feelings are important – but so are men’s. 61 I still walk into feminist
and WOKE bookstores and other Marxist-Feminist “domains” ( I have even seen
this in a children’s aid lobby) only to see books and pinup cartoons illustrating
very demeaning cartoons or caricatures showing males in a very sexist and
humiliating way. It’s in vogue.
I even recently saw a female standup comedian on television. She told the
audience that what she really felt like doing when was in bed having sex with her
partner was to smash his face in, just because she felt like it. The audience
roared with appreciation – sounds a bit like an ancient Roman Coliseum doesn’t
it. Envision the reaction if the comedian had been a heterosexual male speaking
in reference to his female partner, a homosexual or even a criminal who happens
to be a member of a protected cult.
Fortunately, for woman, immigrants, POC, etc. any threat or apparent threats
directed their way usually will result in efforts by other people and certainly the
“powers that be” to alleviate the situation quickly, especially if assistance is asked
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell. Pg. 168
As I proceed in this paper, keep- in mind the earlier material I put in place
regarding the relationship between men and women also very much relates to
the WOKE terror directed towards any people of traditional, natural living and
In the last twenty years feminism has made great strides in raising awareness
about women’s issues. Let’s take their lead and everyone apply the same rules
of process and conduct found in their example; to apply it in true and equal
fashion to men but as well to naturally and conservative and alternative minded
folk, to everyone.
Unfortunately, those who have opened up their hearts, mouths and so on, as
they have been urged to do leave themselves open to emotional attack because
of the cold and angry stereotypical views still directed to all people who do not
become parrots for the dictates from “above” in our social/economic hierarchy.
does not reinforce in people the good qualities wise feminist propaganda has
asked men and everyone else to develop. With some people the propaganda has
become obsolete and instead deeply ingrained hate. This is projected
consciously and unconsciously, individually and on a collective psychic level out
onto innocent victims who appear to be doing what they are accused of. Almost
without exception the attackers are the worst perpetrators of the very dynamics
they condemn in their victims. When directed towards innocent men or people
who have or are trying to make appropriate changes, logically, this could have a
reverse effect. It could increase rather than decrease the divisions between
People who are constantly attacked may feel unloved, unwanted or objectified
– they might feel a combination of all three. These people sometimes respond
with suicide. This also applies and in fact cannot be separated from people who
are so alienated or have developed such a shame-based personality they don’t
love themselves.
Consider love – then consider people who have been conditioned only to think
of other people to the neglect of their selves – and why suicide would appear to
be an answer to something? In this case I am thinking of men who commit
suicide to relieve their families of a (financial) burden; so that their families can
be rescued financially by their own deaths with the resulting insurance payments.
This is not fantasy.63 This is also an appalling example of how materialistic,
alienated and conditioned people have become within the machine.
Man hate has reached such large proportions that they indeed begin to hate
themselves, become Kappos and victimize other men or explode in frustration at
“not being able to do anything right.”
I have known men who for the most part have been as dedicated and liberated
as possible around the house, taking equal responsibility for maintaining the
house, equally take care of the children and are good providers – or the only
providers. They are good husbands and fathers but receive very little to no
recognition of the good they do. I have seen instances where the abusive female
partner in this type of relationship then has the amazing arrogance of
undermining important woman’s groups by hiding their abuse under the umbrella
of these same groups. As someone once said “when fighting monsters one must
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell, Pg. 170
be careful not to become monsters” (I think it was Winston Churchill who said
The single biggest solution to male suicide is making men feel needed as
human beings not just as wallets and providers of sex. This is simply an
objectification of men by turning them into workhorses, thereby doing the very
same thing woman pointed out men had been doing to them. As a group, men
are under attack far more than any other group in North America with an
emphasis in Canada. They are the only group not protected by the laws in this
manner, unless they fall under the umbrella of a protected group, not as men but
as members of a minority group.
Many women say the physical act of being raped devastates self-esteem,
makes them feel guilt ridden, depressed and so on. 64 It produces many of the
dynamic examples of an abused personality that has been severely brutalized
and traumatized. Inward turning of guilt and the shame-based personality could
result in masochistic types of personality development resulting in self abuse. 65
The objectification, double bind, humiliation and so forth that boys and men
experience – that has never been seriously recognized before – can produce the
same type of dynamics, exacerbated because there is no recognition or
acknowledgement of these realities. Imagine how one of these
abused/persecuted men or a man feel when he or they only see ‘select’ abused
women getting help or assistance? Think how this is compounded when an
abusive female actually pretends to be the abused.
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell , Pg. 173
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell, Pg. 173
I have seen and experienced these dynamics time and again and as I have
indicated elsewhere, psychological abuse can be far more devastating than
physical abuse because it goes unrecognized and usually for long periods of
time, compared to physical abuse. Taking into consideration the unconscious
dynamics I have already described, can people imagine the devastating affects I
am referring to?
I have already mentioned that when I was a child both men and women
sexually abused me. Even in counseling sessions while recovering from this
abuse, although the sexual abuse perpetrated by the man was dealt with
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell, Pg. 176
somewhat seriously, I felt like my story was not fully believed. The disclosures I
made about being sexually abused by older women were totally ignored. From
my experiences, speaking up about abuse and violence I experienced from
women usually resulted with me being looked upon as a woman hater. If men like
me are not listened to naturally an angry frustration is going to set in. Individually,
some men have enough awareness to redirect this energy for creative purposes.
Unconsciously and collectively it simply exacerbates the war of the sexes and
violence in general. We have to speak out about these issues because
addressing them can only assist women in their fight against violence directed
toward women, men in their fight against violence directed toward men and
people in their fight against violence by people. Today, many of the issues –
which were once classified as being women’s issues, have become human
issues – have become human issues.
This is exactly how emotional vampirism works and people in all societies at
times in human civilization have known this – and always tried neutralize them,
ignore them or to manipulate these dynamics for psychopathic, that is empathy-
less purposes. This is precisely why empathy is being literally destroyed
throughout all society today, leaving only separation and divisions increasing
instead of connections with other people.
the biggest institution that deals with men who have been abused is
penitentiary.70 How many options available these days for white, conservative
heterosexual folk?
Used to be, if the option of suicide attempt is made he will end up in a mental
institution considered mentally ill and taking on a label as a result. Recently even
people with mental health issues can legally try to get a “doctor” to kill them –
doctor assisted suicide. Abortion, chemotherapy and now doctor-assisted suicide
– our healer have become death dealers because there’s more money and it
culls the population. Hell, and people really pooh pooh at the thought that society
is somehow related to a Satanic cult. This is exactly what used to happen mostly
to women in the past.
I remember one time when I was living in a large Canadian City in the Western
provinces. Just mentioned above, during some of the time I was there I went for
counseling to address some issues associated with childhood sexual abuse I had
suffered and other traumas, most of them associated with my family. One night I
just had to speak to someone. I was living in a strange city and had no friends to
speak of. Living alone, this night I decided to look for and found a “Men’s Crisis
Line.” I made the phone call. However, without being impolite I made the
conversation as short as possible. The person who answered the phone was a
woman! Could you imagine the effect something like this might have on an
abused woman phoning a woman’s crisis line wanting to speak to a woman but
instead is received by a man voice? I can’t because I can’t see something like
that happening to a woman today.
We have to focus on both gender’s needs in equal amounts and in fact all
individuals. Similar to when Dr. Martin L. King Jr. said we have to become color
blind in our crusade for justice in the fight against bigotry, today we have to
become gender and racially blind to fight against the new racism and segregation
post C.R.T but see that the violence in society permeates all of society and it
involves PEOPLE - they are people issues. One points the finger at the other but
everyone, individuals and groups, tribes actually – all are responsible for the
dynamics involved. Individually and collectively, people repress it and do not see
it in themselves.
As I’ve already touched upon, I see a disturbing shift among the more angry
women – they don’t want an equal relationship with men and of course this
includes today just about every aspect of WOKE society. This was a
characteristic I at one time thought only applied to right wing bigots, violent and
sexist woman-haters and so forth. However, there are many extremist Marxists –
all Marxists are unnatural extremists - who aren’t striving for equality; they want
to reverse any perceived – or manufactured - inequalities that have been
historically or personally detrimental to women and minorities – they want their
targets to experience the same thing they might have or other “victims” might
have experienced? This seems to be a somewhat common characteristic
prevalent among many opposing groups within society today. Similar to the way
sexually or physically abused women have been reported to have a desire to
inflict the same type of pain on their victims that they experienced?
same dynamics apply when a man experiences abuse from abusive female
partners or associates. I have experienced precisely the same type of dynamics.
I can attest on behalf of men and women who have found themselves in these
types of situations of the horrible experience of feeling helpless – to feel trapped
within situations where you have been conditioned to feel helpless. Legally
resulting from the abusive environment many women have lived in, the courts are
now excusing many women who have committed serious acts of violence against
an abusive male partner, relative or associate. I wonder how that defense would
hold up in court for a man living in an environment similar to the above, with him
being the recipient of the abuse. This would describe in large part what primarily
white, male, heterosexual men and people of tradition and individual common
sense have been experiencing in current western society.
Modern industrialized society – you know, that product of the patriarchy that
extremists condemn so strongly – has produced a situation where a woman’s life
expectancy, on average, is twice that of a man’s. 71 Masculine power, including
the gender male, has contributed to female power.72 I will modify that to say
male and masculine power helped create an environment conducive to the
growth of female power in today’s society. It was most definitely masculine, left-
brain logic that created this environment – it was masculine, focused and
concentrated energy that enabled this intellectual development. It was this
development that created the technology and the laws required to make all this
Let us move beyond rather than condemn what has been, in the brutal and
neutral ways of elemental nature, a necessary part of human evolution. Today,
let us not be arrogant and naive enough to assign blame for something that was
necessary. I am referring to growth from a matriarchal participation-mystique in
which people lived in paradise but did not experience individual self-identity, to a
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell, Pg.?
“The Myth of Male Power”, Farrell
Masculine and male energy – in all people – because of stress and all the
accompanying health issues is not being replaced. I have seen many, many men
who either cave in under these conditions – emotionally, psychologically or
physically – or else adopt a macho or Hercules type of attitude. For survival
purposes, many men co-opt themselves into the game – accepting political
correctness for example – and become “kappos. In today’s politically correct
charged environment everyone who does not actively oppose tyranny taker part
in it. Kappos.” This is like any gang member trying to survive within a brutal
pecking order. In the midst of this environment no matter how hard the pain and
persecution is repressed, it has to express itself in other ways. Men are not the
only people experiencing this process but today white men comprise the largest
group in society experiencing this in the sense that it is getting to the point where
all people of European descent are looked at in the same way by some and ever-
propagandized population of people in general – a shadowy knee-jerk reaction.
At the collective level of the shadow, the explosiveness of this repressed pain
belonging to people of all different backgrounds, race and gender can be seen
exploding throughout society in the form of violence and anarchy, similar to what
happened in police states revolutionary China, Soviet Union and in today’s
lawless socialist-turning western societies; because society is not aware of or not
acknowledging the real precipitators of this social reality the picture on the
collective level is one of everything being in chaos, at least on the lower levels.
Unconsciously and consciously people organize into groups that normally have a
pecking order. Some of these groups are more violent and severe than others.
Consciously most people try to adopt the proper persona to adapt to their
environment, at least within the group. Some groups, although they may provide
a defense from outside hostile groups have an atmosphere filled with mistrust
and in-group backstabbing but then again that is precisely how a social credit
system operates. The individual and collectively repressed anger and pain, which
at all levels permeates the collective unconscious psyche, sometimes cannot be
held back. When oppressed individuals or groups of people start to make
progress in their fight against persecution, they should be careful not to become
in turn oppressors. Let us not repeat history – let us change it.
For the sake of their own health many women will to come befriend the
healthy masculine dynamics/animus within and might then be able to see their
negative masculine input into the nature of society. Today women as a group
(half the population – although carefully compiled scholarly research and
statistics demonstrate in fact there are far fewer males being born and with less
fertility. This is partly because the world’s environment is saturated with estrogen-
like chemicals and in fact producing many mutations in nature where male
animals develop homosexual – suicidal in nature - tendencies) are far more
powerful than men in all areas of Western – and only – western society.
Encroaches on traditional male territory are rampant while increasing the
boundaries and strengths of traditional and new female organizations throughout
society; with the persecutory dynamics of WOKE society spreading the misery
around – domino-like.
I’m focused more on women in this regard because of the collective nature of
Marxist-feminist thought and its subsequent dangers to a naturally organized and
harmonic society. This added negative energy, inside and outside the home,
combined with propaganda promoting anger has had the affect of causing more
and more women and people generally to react by becoming possessed by their
animus or in the case of men, their animas – an infused rage, most of it
unconscious. It doesn’t hurt just men either. It adds to the overall, collective
phenomena within society. Indeed, we see all around us with the attack on
Humanity and the actual Great Mother of the Earth; this is the greatest and most
catastrophic misogynistic attack on the Goddess ever witnessed.
Animus is pure masculine expression within women; within men, the feminine
anima. When we picture a masculine caricature of Satan it’s fairly accurate
but it is an image that can only indicate/express the type of energy – the
proverbial finger pointing at the moon – the results from unbalanced, usually
stolen masculine energy contained within an overall feminine vessel and her
wholistically created offspring: individual human beings.
This has nothing to do with physical sex per se and certainly not that artificial
widget known as gender - and that’s all it is: an unnatural production of an
attitude, a mindset that divides humanity and severs people from the human
species and thus Mother earth, the DNA vessel humankind and her DNA are
embedded in. It has nothing to do with gender, produces a completely dependent
– because it is based on ego politics and psychology – society on the powers
that have always been in charge (except for a short time in the U.S.) and the
technocracy they use to imprison and enslave humanity in larger and larger
concentrations of people, primarily in Urban are as.
In society, the energies that contribute to imbalance the collective psyche are
provided by both genders. Traditionally, females have had greater access to the
collective unconscious psyche and this is primarily because of their more
masculine focused inner psyche” this also a factor why they were the first to
begin agriculture, homesteading and sent the men folk out hunting.
I can only imagine the barbaric actions of the medieval Christian Inquisition
while at the same time Islam – covering up and mutilating women – spread
Mohammedan style at the end of a sword. People, especially women and Jews
were forced to retreat far into their psyches to shelter them from the cruel
realities in the outer world. This also gave those people the opportunity to learn
to navigate within their psyches.
I’ve had female witches and pagans tell me that Satanists hate women. Some
of the Satanists I’ve spoken with (in public places!) agree with this. Some of what
I’ve studied about Satanism in books and texts say similar things. However, like
any group of people – religious or otherwise – Satanists can make a literalist
mistake by interpreting something in a literal way, like the Bible for example. An
image of Satan can only be understood metaphorically, metaphysically,
psychologically and spiritually, not literally except in a psychological and
behavioral way. The fact is this masculine image of Satan does not apply to
human women hating. It refers to anti-woman – against men and women and all
NATURAL life on earth, not the gender female – all humanity is an expression of
woman.. So the Satanic refers to self-hate because its origins begin with
repression and self-denial – that is the core reality of Satanism and
Transhumanism. Consider what I have discussed so far about sadism and
The ability to put into words, into pictures and other diagrammatic forms
expressing Kabbalah was an ability based on many, many years of minute
observation and application over generations – empirical to the core unlike our
current state of fake science and cancel culture. Our currently corporately
controlled science – read, in the hands of the Oligarch “elite” and what tidbits
they allow the common folk - Corporate controlled science is based on AI
algorithms and predictions, which are of course fed into the equation by very,
very biased people. That, instead of empirical observation which necessarily
takes into consideration many human factors which cannot be obtained from AI
models – especially the human element of intuitive insight which transcends in all
directions by far any predictions generated by a mechanical device, a machine
void of a spiritually alive Soul and is by comparison a type of living dead
monstrosity trying to replace human volition.
For those people who do not experience these higher realities directly
explanations and descriptions of them can only be partial and incomplete.
Intellectual information.These are fragments of an individual’s actual reality at
every level.
Knowledge is all based on past events and usually someone else’s, that have
been recorded and passed down (and all around) and is only valid coming from
the person/people who initially made the statement – and even then it might be
incorrect if the person or (group, cult) is missing the mark empirically.
Unless people experience directly they are only repeating what they have told
to repeat. That is the very nature of the slave political totalitarian religion being
put in place by the current recollection of past empires, especially the British and
ancient Han Chinese empires. The globalists’ putting in place this tyranny is
becoming such an obvious Trojan horse.
73, Krishnamurti - Fragmentation &
Wholeness. 1st Dialogue (1/8)
when they encounter it. A time always arrives when what is perceived is beyond
a rational, temporal explanation and individual differences – or does it?
The longer these psychological dynamics are active in individual people and
groups, affecting them accordingly, the more extreme their expression becomes.
This is because people living in these types of unbalanced psychic states-of-
mind cannot meet their psychic and in extension physiological needs in a mature,
life-enhancing way. Theft is not able to appease the mind, body and soul. The
longer these forms of violence remain in place the more violent and extreme they
become in their expressions. Healthy individuals know a life-giving source of
nourishment has to be found within an individual’s own treasure house – and
that, paradoxically is referring to the endless source of energy to be found in the
whole universe, beyond the ego. Wholistic to the core.
The practice of Yoga, to yoke with the creation; books such as “The Art of
War”, “The I Ching, the Tao: “the “Way”, Spiritual Alchemy, the Kabbalah and
other profound disciplines; all of these methods are vague blueprints for a
process that must be completed as an individual; traditions and attitudes that can
be used to assist humanity to heal Herself and Mankind. The Bible and other
spiritual masterpieces are profound guides to wisdom and health only if the multi-
layered symbolism, psychology and spirituality of the books are taken into
consideration. We have to place the stagnating materialism of literal
interpretations in the trash where they belong and this includes the massacred
sciences that have been replaced by a scientism used to sub-due and coral most
of the human population. Unfortunately our current corporate scientific monopoly
is turning the whole system into a materialistic monstrosity, an “Animal Farm”
void of a healthy Soul. The sterile inhumanity and pure evil of collective human
hives that snuff out individual humanity do much worse to their individual Souls.
Today, some of the dynamics I have been discussing are far more deadly
because they are more far-reaching. Today, primarily because of technology and
the world’s population there is almost no such thing as privacy – however, there
is a lot of piracy. We are destroying the living ecosystem of ourselves and of the
Great Mother, the living expression of the creative source on Earth. Using
spiritual imagery to regain our balance and to continue evolution we have to
nourish our “god”, who provides the energy necessary for the manifestation of
the “goddess” in the first place. To appreciate and experience the wholeness of
the vessel of life we have to honor woman. We have to honor Man, the god who
provides the energy, focus and consciousness needed to enliven the vessel and
her children called Humanity. We have to honor the ancient wedding that took
place at the beginning….
The shadowy state of the human psyche places most men, because of the
dynamics I have been discussing in a psychologically subliminal sense, in a
subservient relationship to women and to society in general. The exception to
this is the powerful men and a minority of women, at the top of the (pyramid of)
power elite of society. Even there, it is the shadow that controls – with a very few
number of people at the top of this obscene power pyramid fully aware of these
dynamics. As I said earlier people who abuse, oppress or manipulate other
people are weak people. However, sick and weak they might be but they are also
deadly. What I am describing is a historical accumulation of energetic patterns.
Of course, ultimately, even those controllers are controlled by nature and the
creative and in fact destructive forces of the universe.
Historically people had been forced into the recesses of their psyches by
many of the same causes of oppression that exist today – emotional,
psychological and physical subservience.
People become workhorses and bodies – not human beings. They provide
the energy to sustain the “Beast”. How do they in turn obtain their energetic
sustenance? These energies, which have to be understood if they are going to
be healed, have so much potential if cleansed and redirected.
As an example, I remember a young person in the same area that I lived who
had received a very nice sports car from his parents. It was a powerful car and
while driving along a fast stretch in the city, being an inexperienced driver, he lost
partial control of the vehicle resulting in the deaths of two young women, about
his own age. Every negative possibility, including stereotypical aspects of being
male, were suggested, magnified and focused on. In this city his life was ruined.
Provided by unbiased sources I heard that he was a very nice, intelligent and
responsible young person. Of interest, I wonder if the same commotion would
have been made about this incident in the community if the pedestrians that were
killed had of been white, male heterosexual and the driver female? After hearing
about a female driver, who ran a red light in a busy intersection, smash into a
man crossing the street and slamming him into a lamppost where his head left a
bloody imprint, I am simply asking the question. The first incident mentioned
made the headlines for months. I don’t remember even seeing the second one
mentioned. I wonder how the wise and courageous founder of the feminist
movement, Betty Freidan, is feeling, on some level to see how her vision of
gender equality has become skewed in some cases and reversed in others.
As I said above, usually, if women and other special interest groups can prove
extenuating circumstances, which lead to a criminal act, in Canada especially
they are often excused or much more leniently treated. Usually she is given help
and support in various forms as if she is a victim instead of perpetrator. A typical
example is the Bernardo-Homolka case. I did not rely only on one source for
information about this case. I learned that when Homolka and Bernardo had
been in High School, Homolka had been responsible for many incidents of
unacceptable behavior. In many cases she had induced Bernardo to do the
same; in most of the high school incidents I read about, Homolka had actually
instigated most of the incidents Bernardo had been involved in, according to
other students.
She was a completely equal participant in the horrible torture and murder of
two young schoolgirls. Yet she was bribed to testify against Bernardo and
received much less punishment. He was even blamed for causing her behavior
subsequent to the trial! I remember seeing a picture of her arm in arm with a
fellow inmate and lover in prison, who was also a murderer. They both had big
smiles on their faces and the caption underneath said they were having some
sort of celebration. Bernardo is in solitary confinement. Why the difference? This
was a blatant and criminal act in the perpetration of a double standard. It
illustrates the destructive nature of political correctness and exposes the very
powerful (actually, people who think they are powerful) people who hold the
reigns of political power and or influence. These are people who care nothing
about equality or justice and when they use these talking points in politics, media
and economics they are usually committing Orwellian Doublespeak – totally
psychotic BS.
White, heterosexual men comprise the only visible group in society that is not
protected as a group. To get away from the insanity track both sexes have to
have the freedom to strike a balance between home and work; between feminine
and masculine psychological dynamics.
After the Montreal Massacre – a horrible and tragic event – millions of dollars
were spent on reeducating men in their attitudes about women. It was used as an
example, to the most extreme limit, of women hating. Yet a similar incident in the
United States that occurred around the same time was almost totally ignored. In
this incident a woman who hated men and boys, she was a mysandrist murdered
an 8 year old boy claiming he was a rapist, burned down a male dormitory – in
this case Jewish, poisoned food at two fraternities, burned two boys in their
basement, shot five elementary school boys and even shot her own son. This
was kept relatively quiet except for the local news in that area, Chicago. Not one
article noted that all of her victims were boys – not men – boys. There was
certainly no program established spending millions of dollars to reeducate
women in their attitudes toward men. I remember mentioning this to a woman I
was speaking with in a local sub shop. The first thing she pointed out to me was
that in the Montreal massacre it had been a one-time incident where the male
perpetrator committed suicide after the rampage. The woman I was speaking
with pointed out to me, in the latter collection of murders and violence the female
perpetrator had not committed a single act but had actually acted in the manner
of a serial killer.
The woman I was speaking with about the Montreal massacre and the
Chicago female serial killer, mentioned above gave me a perfectly – politically
correct – example of this. Her adult son had been in the hospital for some type of
operation during which he had been anesthetized. After the operation, as he was
What I am trying to illustrate is that today more people than ever before can
and have to be looked upon as people – not men or women or black or white.
They have to be looked upon as human beings, in a political, judicial and human
sense. The time has really come to unite the “god” with the “goddess.” Have
people become so focused on male violence that, not only do we excuse many
women for acts of violence, we also seem to have cut ourselves off emotionally
and perceptually from its existence, a form of psychic surgery. Not only do we not
act empathically to male victims as we do female, we ridicule them and treat
them as the sick ones, similar to the way abused women used to be treated as
hysterical or psychologically unbalanced if they tried to speak out about the
Yet, I remember overhearing two women talking in a coffee shop one time. I
did not know these two people and I made sure I did not say or make any
comment. One of these women, very large and muscular, was talking to her
friend about having to put her husband in place with a good kick or punch to the
side of the head occasionally. The other woman just laughed. After they had left,
just before I left I asked someone behind the counter, who had been making a lot
of knowing expressions like she had heard it before, if she knew those two
women. She said they were regulars there at the coffee shop and that in fact the
woman’s husband was about half of her size. This person said the other woman
would at times “beat the shit out of him” but because he was a man and she a
woman no one even bothered to try to do anything about it. She said most
people treated it like one big joke – the battered husband was actually laughed
at, by both men and women!
Society is emotionally blind to this reality - the reaction is quite often the
opposite of an empathic and supportive one. Sadistically, if a woman abuses a
man, he is considered potentially dangerous because he is speaking out against
a woman and this makes him a woman-hater…such hypocrisy. I suppose the –
sadistic – assumption here, probably unconscious, is that if a man is abused long
enough he will strike out in response – yet this same rationale is accepted as a
legitimate reason for a woman to commit murder. This double-standard is
creating an explosively dangerous situation. Naturally, without a lot of self-control
he will strike out in self-defense, as many women have done and as nature
probably intended for those who are trapped in abusive, life-threatening
It is time for all freedom loving people to march on behalf of themselves and
take back the Day. As I said, it is time to position the pendulum back in the center
because now it is swinging too far in the opposite direction from where it came
learned how to do this in such a way that, with the help of martial arts and
meditation I learned how emotionally detach – not repress – in such a way I was
eventually able to make sense of it intelligently and with equanimity.
If a person is blamed often enough for something they are innocent of,
sometimes, sooner or later they might say “If everyone thinks this, what the hell, I
may as well do it.” There is both a conscious and especially unconscious
collective pressure on a person so labeled. I remember one person – a victim –
telling me that these types of unconscious sacrifices to the shadow were and
results in a “harvest of the innocents.” This person was not talking about men. He
was talking about people, all people. He was describing how victims quite often
respond by striking out blindly; by taking their fear, anger and instinctive
reactions out on innocent as well as the guilty people.
The most important question we can ask ourselves is, what kind of effect,
especially unconscious, does all of this have on our Children, especially the
anger? I have seen many examples of parents, male and female, exhibit a total
lack of care for the effect that their – especially angry – behavior has on their
Children. If we look around at the dramatic changes in the nature of social
violence – a lack of respect shown to other people, that stems from a lack of self-
respect – among many young people today in the Western world, we see the
effects. These dynamics are intimately connected with the social production of
scapegoats. We condemn people for actions that are socially induced; by
attitudes, assumptions and actions. The psychological dynamics associated with
blaming-the-victim are primarily collective but unconscious. Today, this insanity
has reached Satanic heights because people who act in accordance with nature,
in all her manifestations are being persecuted. All people who have not laid down
and given up their freedom since 2020 are now attacked by the elite and their
slave army of WOKE idiots – in the Greek sense of complete ego mania and
separation from other human beings.
I thought I went through a tumultuous time growing up in the late 60’s and
70’s. Today, I am amazed at what young people have to deal with. They have
We have become a people conditioned. Our anger, erupting all around us, is
an indication of the unconscious shadow bursting forth. Society’s main efforts are
directed towards punishment instead of creating awareness, preventative and life
giving. Pre-crime technology is the greatest threat to freedom humankind we
have ever had to face.
Our present methods of trying to stop the violence make things far worse
because we end up becoming more unconscious of the true causes. If you put a
band-aid on a wound but don’t treat the wound, it may be covered up and look all
right but soon it becomes further infected. In the case of society, the infection –
psychic and physical – moves beyond the individual so wounded and back again,
in a viscous cycle. You don’t teach someone to be non-violent by kicking him or
her in the stomach or knifing him or her in the back.
It’s unfortunate that the women’s movement expected equal entry into the
workforce…to provide the necessary ingredients for “life fulfillment.” If this activity
was so rewarding they wouldn’t have to pay people to work. What happened
was that important consciousness-raising in the early feminist movement was
high-jacked, co-opted and de-railed by the very process that created a need for it
in the first place. The social dynamics that caused the dysfunctions in the first
place remained in place. The only real change was that this development allowed
woman to somewhat gain control within society and reverse or redirect the flow
of violence to the targets of their revenge?. As I said earlier, revolutions will not
change anything if the unjust social imbalances that gave rise to the revolution in
the first place are kept in place. On the upper levels of our current (social) system
those who always had control stayed there. In this sense, the poisonous
dynamics in place simply kept men and women and now just about everyone at
each other’s throats.
The various dangerous jobs and “professions” men and now women quite
often have to take in order to survive, where they are objectified and treated
simply like bodies is really no different than prostitution in the semantic and
dictionary meaning of the term. Psychologically, there is absolutely no difference
between people who prostitute themselves sexually, putting themselves at risk
than people who take on even more dangerous jobs. In both cases there is
physical danger. In both cases the individuals involved, men and women are
objectified and turned into bodies, not human beings. As with females, male
prostitution – any kind of prostitution - is one of society’s saddest expressions of
self-hate and oppression.
Why is it that, today, women are not cross examined after making allegations
against men the same way men are? The rational used by the justice system to
do this is no different than the rationales used by any tyranny or dictatorship.
There was a reason why it became legal commonsense that an accused had
every legal, humanitarian and civilized right to face their accusers. In fact,
abusive people are today using this same legislative advantage to get away with
their behavior. Consider the immensity of what is being said. A very dramatic
fictional example illustrating how some people are automatically stereotyped and
assumed guilty regardless of presenting evidence is the story Stephen King
created called “The Green Mile”. Try to imagine what it must feel like to have
instinctively compassionate intentions towards others, as did the victimized
character in the book. Imagine being prevented from expressing this; imagine
being placed under suspicion or condemned simply by virtue of your sexual
genotype or race. Imagine someone who is a healer in every sense of the word
while being victimized and condemned simply because of bigotry – because of
illusions, false appearances and actual hypocrisy/psychosis on the part of the
accusers and those who condemned him The main impact of the book was that
those who executed him, when the time arrived they all knew he was innocent,
didn’t want to do it but “did it anyway because they were simply following orders.
Illustrating the nihilistic nature of the dynamics I’m describing, Farrell tells us
that in recent times, once the power within government was redirected to assist
When the statement is made that men do not want women talking about and
discussing violence, its dynamics or expressions in their relationship, this is only
true in relation to violent men. What is not mentioned or acknowledged by
women and politically correct society is that the exact same dynamics are
present in relationships where women are the perpetrators of violence. 76 People
are people. When men are victims, if they speak up, their violent partner,
parents, siblings, etc. may attack them. They are attacked emotionally,
psychologically and perhaps physically, similar to women caught in parallel
With many men being so aware of the new sexual politics that exist in society
today, especially political correctness, many feel like and in fact they are walking
on eggshells. I’ve heard many men say just that including my father.
Sometimes, only men who completely co-opt themselves into the one-
sided view of the extremist woman are accepted socially, one voice so
to speak. In these times of WOKE tyranny this has devolved to a new
level. Although the apparent intentions behind political-correctness can
be appear to be honorable, initially at least, political correctness is like a
poison. It forces people into talking and behaving in a hypocritical –
neurotic/psychotic - and self-wounding manner, something virtually no one
deserves. It promotes illusions and hypocritical ways of living. It promotes
When men accept these social dynamics in today’s world and do not
recognize the male side of the story and the ongoing genocide of heterosexuals
of European descent; they become “Kappos”. The dynamics are similar to the
dynamics in past times when women compromised and co-opted themselves to
survive or rise in the usually exclusively patriarchal power structure. Today, for
similar reasons, for reasons of survival many men, conservatives generally do so
in the more Marxist political power structure, depending significantly on the
geographical and cultural location.
When looking at violence between men and women, for example interpersonal
interactions and communication patterns have to be examined. 78 Usually, when
Men attempt to explain violence as an interactional problem or when the woman
is the violent partner or relation, it is downplayed, ignored or reversed.
“What Causes Men’s Violence Against Women?”, Michele Harway and
James Oneil, Sage Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Rd. Thousand Oaks, California
91320, Copyright, Sage Publications, Inc
Ditto, Pg. 211
The book “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars”, illustrates a written
example of the hypocrisy and reversal I’m trying to describe. It excuses female
abuse and ridicule of men, exaggerates the positive qualities of women and the
negative qualities of men. In many cases it talks about dynamics that are present
in both genders but applies positive interpretations for women and negative for
men; for example, the “mid-life crisis”. Generally, the book excuses one sex and
blames the other for similar, complementarily comparable and compatible
As the author Edward C. Whitmont spoke about in the book “Return of The
Goddess” and other archeological and anthropological sources have pointed out,
during the open matriarchies of 6 to 10 thousand years ago men were pushed to
the periphery of society – they had second class status and were used for
protective purposes and muscle power. They were also the usual selection for
physical ritual blood as they represented the yang, fertile and virile masculine
`aspects of the agricultural cycle of life., as was common practice during the rule
of the Matriarchies. . The other favored people selected for blood sacrifice,
ritualized murder were young, flawless virgins a representative of the fertile
Goddess, vessel of fertility to bless the crops with her young, innocent blood.
This was exactly how they perceived life in the ancient matriarchies…today we
appear to be heading in the same direction?
What Causes Men’s Violence Against Women?”, Michele Harway and James
Oneil, Sage Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Rd. Thousand Oaks, California
91320, Copyright, Sage Publications
Over time this gave rise to a separation from the matriarchies and the rise of
patriarchy. Men were tired of their second-class status and being the main
selection for blood sacrifice to “The Great Mother.” In much the same way
women in the patriarchies were physically pushed to the periphery of society, in a
tit-for-tat type of movement. Today, in the West, the unconscious movement is an
attempt to return to the age of the matriarchies. Although men are victimized
along with women (with male victimization by women usually being ignored) the
main sacrifice is masculine energy.
Instead, anger and rage can prevent people from connecting on this level of
awareness. On the collective level this anger and rage accumulates and causes
even more violence – people against people, one against the other, group
against group. It’s indiscriminate, not always based on sex, ethnicity or apparent
differences. We are indoctrinated to believe that “we live in a dog-eat-dog world”,
producing a mind-set that goes against civilization but certainly promotes empire.
It is against – evolutionary –nature, unbalanced and therefore unnatural. Take a
look at domesticated cats.
In the wild, when a cat takes down prey it does it in as quick and efficient a
manner as possible. It is just something the animal has to do in order to survive.
On the other hand, look at domesticated house cats. In almost every case,
whether with mice or any other creatures they kill, there is almost always an
element of very sadistic torture involved. In some cases, after they kill the
creature or torture it to death, they don’t even eat it. Why are house cats different
than cats raised in the wild? An educated guess is this. Cats are very sensitive;
they can grow quite attached to the people who keep them as pets – they learn
how to read them at an instinctual and sensual level far beyond the capability of
most people today. Dogs and cats with the same owner for a long time actually
come to reflect a similar attitude as the owner. I will suggest domesticated cats
learned to enjoy to torture their victims and then not even eat them – they
learned this from the thousands of years they have spent time living with their
human owners. In other words, they were taught how to be sadistic from the
humans they have spent time with. It would be interesting to see the results of
some research into this. )
Some women resent the term violent couples, saying it implies that violence is
bi-directional, with both people being perpetrators. 81 In today’s world this bi-
directional violence is totally different from years past when that statement above
was made but it did indeed ignore men’s side of the story; exactly each one,
women and men are one half of the problem that must be addressed in dealing
with violence against women and men, today it is very Inclusive! If any targeted
individual who tries to defend him or herself – who goes against this royally
corporate monstrosity of WOKE control is called the terrorist, perpetrator, etc.
and this goes far beyond violence between the sexes.
They are even calling concerned citizens and parents who disagree with local
school boards domestic terrorists. 82 This is a classic move for a psychopath. This
way of thinking is rather obscene when a person considers all of the evidence.
Sometimes people are equal participants. For just one example of the criminality
of the situation as it now stands is that in Canada there are 12 defenses for a
woman to kill, let alone being excused for various types of partner abuse. I am
not saying men should be given the same 12 legal rights to commit murder. I am
saying that no one should be allowed to commit homicide.
I am and any one reading these realities should be outraged at this level of
social injustice. What happens to a person who is a severely abused and
humiliated in relationship? A victim sometimes reacts with violence to the abuse,
as abused people do.
What Causes Men’s Violence Against Women?”, Michele Harway and James Oneil, Sage
Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Rd. Thousand Oaks, California 91320, Copyright, Sage
Emotional and psychological abuse can have far more extreme and
devastating effects on a person than physical violence. Yet statistics also prove
beyond a shadow of a doubt that many women are also physically violent. So,
the violence is bi-directional yet there is no defense for men under similar
circumstance that women are excused under.
There is no excuse for violence but this can help towards explaining it. As a
little aside, I remember one time speaking with a woman who had worked at
group homes for delinquent boys and girls. She told me that in the girl’s home the
knives had to be locked up because of the tendency for these girls to become
violent with them. She also told me no such measure had to be taken in the
home for delinquent boys where she also worked.
Disney would have been impressed. The whole conference was about as
unbalanced and divorced from reality as one could imagine. Today this problem
– propaganda – makes Hitler’s and Stalin’s propaganda machines look like they
had been totally inefficient.
Not long after the presentations ended and the partner of my friend left the
podium she confronted me. She wanted to know why I was associating with her
girlfriend (”partner”) in a tone and manner that left no doubt I was not allowed to
associate with her partner, her chattel? You see, her partner and I worked
together at the school library and several times she had invited me to have meals
and social times with her. This woman spoke to me at great length about the
smothering and controlling behavior of her partner. I should also mention that my
friend was a girl in her very early twenties. Her partner, who verbally assaulted
and intimidated me, was much older than she was. WE all know how so-called
feminists react to older men going out with young women. A student at the school
told me at one time that today people are considered youth until they are 24.
Between these two people there were at least 15 or 20 years in age difference.
This has always been a recurring theme with gays and lesbians because
psychologically all LGBTIA folk are victims of uncompleted developmental
challenges…and you can be sure I am saying this from deep, long-term
experience living an LGBTIA lifestyle. This is the very nature of Transhumanism
and the elitist premeditated attempt to remake humankind in a totally controllable
way, rather like an animal farm..
The main point here is that the very dynamics that have justifiably been found
unacceptable in men exist in all people including women and favored minority
groups. The activist who had confronted me acted in exactly the same manner
she had just finished accusing and condemning men of in her guest presentation.
She appeared unaware of this. She seemed unconscious of her own hypocrisy.
She was extremely sin (missing the mark)-cere in her own way. This provides a
good example of a woman possessed by her animus and the shadow.
I’ll mention an incident of humiliation I was able to avoid. This was directly
related to other experiences of extreme emotional and psychological abuse that I
was experiencing while attending this school of “social work”. I avoided this
humiliation because I wasn’t able to attend a graduation party that was being
held by the students subsequent to an accident that almost killed me and landed
me in an intensive care ward at a local hospital. At this party I was supposed to
accept an award that had been especially designed for me. It was called the PFM
award. My initials are PFM. Is that what the letters on the award stood for? No. A
schoolmate told me that they stood for the phrase “pretty fucking macho” – such
a display of outright psychosis, exactly how a psychopath who targets innocent
victims think. Social work?.
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How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
“Then I saw another beast that rose out of the earth; it had two horns like a
lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all of the authority of the first beast
on its behalf, and it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast,
whose mortal wound had been healed. It performs great signs even making fire
come down from heaven to earth in sight of all; and by these signs that it is
allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the inhabitants of earth,
telling them to make an image for the beast that had been wounded by the sword
and yet lived; and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that
the image of the beast could even speak and cause those who do not worship
the image of the beast to be killed. Also it causes all, both small and great, both
rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the
forehead. So that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the
name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let anyone
with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six.”85
Paul F. Mitchell, Calgary, 2000
New Revised Standard Version Bible, Revelations 13.11, copyright 1989,
by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches
of Christ in the United States of America, Published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Nashville Tennessee 37214
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How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
A human being must retain its bodily integrity; the same can be said
of a nation and society. The destruction of a nation’s boundaries leads
to a cancer-like overload and subsequent destruction of infrastructure,
harmony and social cohesion. It also leaves the human being or nation
open to invasion and contagion.
The worst part of all of this for humankind is that the resulting issues
related to mental health leaves one open to the ravages of being
labeled “mentally-ill” by being scooped up in Psychiatry’s ever-
burgeoning DSM and the pathologizing of the very traits of humankind
that enabled us to reach this point in evolution.
But then… that is what social control is today: induce the very
conditions for which people are condemned’
666 – At one time I had been told that it was the atomic number for carbon.
That was not the precise truth. However, an independent researcher, a physicist,
did some searching and I was told there was a loose connection in physics as it
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How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
Money is the biggest inducer to any kind of human endeavor today. The image
of fingers manipulating the keys of a computer, consider that computers can also
represent the epitome of the beast-like or machine-like – empathy-less -
characteristics much of society has take on.
The beast that appears as a lamb but speaks like a dragon is the lower level,
primordial and reptilian aspects of the psyche. This has taken over the collective
human psyche in the form of the shadow-controlled super-ego and WOKE
culture generally. The whore of Babylon = the anarchy like affects of an archaic
collective psyche in chaos = primordial dragon found primarily in the reptilian and
limbic parts of the brain = beast. The beast is disconnected from heaven. It is a
mutilation of a healthy and balanced human mind, psyche and spirit. The mindset
we are discussing here is maintained and exacerbated by an obsession with
“entertainment” and other forms of addictions; control by AI. Most destructive of
all is the subtle yet powerfully destructive influence of the psychologically
manipulative and addictive nature of the mass media. Fortunately, although there
are some powerful media organizations used for propaganda purposes, there are
also many truth seeking alternative media organizations as well. The beast is in
reference to the collective mass mind and the affects it has on individual
psyches. Technology has given voice to the beast with examples such as video
games, movies, audio equipment and the mass media and an “entertainment”
industry geared towards conditioning humans to violence generally.
to promote a belief in climate crisis, false racial histories, etc. It doesn’t have to
have any actual relation to a person’s unique tastes, actual needs or true self.
“…an image of the Beast that had been wounded by the sword yet
lived…” The discriminating sword of consciousness had wounded the “beast”
during human evolution – ego-consciousness – but this was high jacked and
put off balance because of materialism and growth in the false ego. Sense of self
has become externalized. When I refer to “self” I am referring to that quality of
inner awareness that acknowledges the greater context of life, wholeness – with
Heaven and Earth. In my view of things, the beginning stages of meditative
consciousness-raising, self-knowledge, first recognizes the contents of ego and
superego. This is what Eastern spiritual teachers call the lower level
consciousness. In the context I am discussing the ego; it is consciously and
unconsciously disconnected from heaven and the whole of the human psyche.
Regardless of the name I give it or what has been applied to it, my meaning of
heaven is meant to refer to that greater inner, vertical awareness connected to
the outer, horizontal awareness – expansive in all directions – something greater
and beyond but intimately part of. This transcends the false wounded ego. This
would allow for the development of true compassion, loving kindness, generosity
and equanimity
violence can have the same emotional and psychological affect the real act
would produce because it produces or sustains a certain attitude or intention.
This is commonsense. I have already pointed out the quantum connection
between a person’s attitudes and the interpersonal affect that takes place.
Children suffer more than any other group in society. I know from personal
experience that in children, Attention Deficit Disorder, turrets, absent-
mindedness, etc, is a reflection of external control, psychic possession or
interference of a child’s psychic integrity. Someone who is intimately connected
with the child or in close proximity usually does this and today this most
vehemently includes all those connected via social media and AI but to the
exclusion of a greater number of actual relations and family – a classic move of
any cult! The usual result is a psychic retreat on the part of the child.
In our “golden age of materialistic achievement” and at the time of writing (the
original portion of) this segment of my work the most recent example of the
power of this destructive force was most explicitly expressed when the coalition
forces, under the coercive control of the United States of America within the
auspices of the U.N., massacred thousands of people in Iraq. This act was
committed both by direct military destruction as well as by the longer-term effects
resulting from destruction of that country’s life-supporting infrastructure. Most of
the people in that country had been under coercive control of a madman and a
fundamentalist religious base that sent children into combat and brutalized the
women. However, two wrongs do not make a right, it simply adds to the negative
energies. The two regimes mentioned above are two examples of the same
dynamics using different expressions. They rest on different positions on the
same continuum. One of them was blatantly coercive. The other one is just as
coercive using more covert or hypocritical methods. Both countries were and are
heavily controlled and distorted by far right and left wind
. 209
How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
To follow this last statement up, I remember reading a magazine that has a
North American-wide readership. I remember reading an article that was written
soon after the Iron Curtain of the former Soviet Union crumbled. In the article
there were some photographs portrayed demonstrating the benefits of capitalism.
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How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
Unbelievably, the photos showed the insides of a bar in Moscow. There were
people smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and watching a woman on the stage
performing a strip show – a very warped demonstration of liberation and the
benefits of the “free market.” Subsequent to the liberation of those people’s the
main force in that country had become the mafia, a mafia that was never able to
exist under the control of the Soviet dictatorship. It wasn’t until a leader came
down with classical Russian decisiveness - Russia’s Putin a former KGB agent
under the Soviet dictatorship (ironically this is the way Russia has always been –
and at least Putin tried to do the best for the Russian people.) What that
dictatorship did was to train people in the physical and psychological art of
survival. Once the walls crumbled and capitalism was introduced those survival
abilities enabled the development one of the most lethal forms of mafia the world
has ever seen but also a culture of survival that has served the Russian people
well in the face of continuous invasion and attack and in tandem with the world’s
greatest threat, CCP China is turning the tide on freedom using economics and
the power of the Satanic banking industry?
Below is what I wrote on June 12, 2008 (and have since modified and added
to). What has happened in the world since 2008? ‘So, how are things now that
June 12, 2008 has rolled around? Below is a letter I sent to the Editors of the
Globe and Mail after doing a substantial amount of research and reading about a
“phenomena” in one part of the world, China. Originally I was writing to a Mr.
Rogge of the International Olympic Committee. I did not have the correct email
address one so I modified the letter and sent it to the Globe and Mail. This letter
is specifically about China but the fact remains that the dynamics expressed and
exposed are the same dynamics running through the web-of-life of planet
Earth……er, in this case I mean the web-of-death. Evaluate for yourselves. One
thing I will suggest. Don’t take my word for what I am referring to below. Look on
the Internet yourself.
There are various sites about the Falun Gong. Use different variations of
words to research: Falun Gong, Olympics, Falun Gong, Torture, Falun Gong,
Organ Harvest, etc. The sites are very much interspersed with Chinese
governmental or sympathizer sites. The pathetic-sounding hollowness of the
obviously untruthful propaganda (out of context) and complete hypocrisy
surrounding the very dynamics they condemn in Falun Dafa is an insult and
horror to human intelligence.
All of this notwithstanding the Falun Dafa is most certainly a cult headed by
one leader, who expects no deviation from the scriptures that he has written
himself. The cult leader’s perspective, his organization flows directly out of a
dictatorship of control, CCP controlled China. The CCP believe that people in
China cannot have more personal power until they learn to become “good”
. 211
How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
citizens (while the corrupt power brokers CCP - mostly fueled by propaganda
totally divorced from reality and therefore health
. The Falun Dafa believes that by the time a human incarnates on the Earth
they have sunk to the lowest point of human (Soul) evolution possible – the
lowest of the low, rather like your average communist citizen who needs the
billionaire Oligarchs of the CCP to dictate to them but as well notwithstanding
some very admirable spiritual and human traits that are taken of advantage of,
exposited for power. He, his practitioners believe it is only through his direction
and words people on Earth can save themselves. CCP and Falun Dafa are the
results of generations of hard-core dictatorship that stifles the actual volition and
life of the people forced to live under this system of control and oppression
I naively laughed at the thought that the Olympic Games, an event that is
supposed to be a representative example of human civilization and achievement would
be devalued to the level of a primitive mockery of everything that is humanely descent.
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How Society’s Institutions Help Perpetuate These Dynamics. The Big
Picture: Maintaining the Machine
Because China is the new emerging economic superpower and the Olympics will be
good for business, the world is going ahead with a process and an event that historic
posterity will highlight as an example of depravity, greed and sociopathic insensitivity;
making our future generations hang their head in shame. My God, don’t people realize
this is almost a replica, on a gigantically increased scale (billions instead of millions of
people) of what happened with the Olympics in Nazi Germany just prior to World War II.
Maybe this will be the last Olympics?There is one certainty: given the dynamics,
energies and passions set in motion today, on a huge world-wide scale that is
unprecedented, this Olympic event will be and result in something like the world has
never seen. The 1936 Olympics that took place in Germany will look like a non-event in
Part 2
It is always societies most vulnerable who are victimized. I know from personal
experience, sometimes the pressure from the very hypocrites who say they are
trying to help these people actually make them more dependent and
disempowered. Used as society’s scapegoats, the resulting treatment and
attitudes directed their way induces many of them to actualize and realize the
energetic forms/labels placed on them. This greatly increases that person’s
tendency to give up.
There were many times in my life that I experienced severe traumas related to
the abusive actions, attitudes and words of other people. I have actually been
counseled by important people in my life, sometimes even the perpetrators, to go
on disability, accept “the way I am,” to become dependent on them and so forth.
In other words, to give up on myself and rely on the very perpetrators that
brutalized me in the first place. I am speaking about people I had close personal
relations with, “professionals”, people in the community and elsewhere. This
included many people I had interactions with that may have been affected by and
in turn used the labels that were placed on me. This type of behavior only
reverses and ignores the source or sources of abuse. It absolutely ignores one of
nature’s most fundamental laws – dynamic and constant change. It ignores the
natural ability for naturally living people to heal themselves in the right
As I have frequently been saying, there is no place for blame here, only
evaluation. These things happen to many people in the dynamic ways I am
describing. Almost no one, perpetrators or victims, are really cognizant of the
actual dynamics taking place.
As I said, in my case, and not surprisingly, the perpetrators usually offered this
“advice” therefore unconsciously. I have spoken to and witnessed many different
people experiencing similar dynamics. The “care” of the individual is quite often
in the hands of the very person or people responsible for victimizing in the first,
second or third place….. In virtually every case, the person giving me this ad-vise
(vice/clamp, get it) had presented their opinions because they “love” me, “care
about my welfare” and so forth. They were obviously unconscious of their
responsibility in the perpetuation of my pain and the pain of other people like me.
More important they were totally unconscious of their shadow-controlled -
egotistical/identity politics perpetrator-like motivations.
That’s exactly what a person in the sadistic role during sadism and masochism
“lovemaking” says as the sadist administers torture to the masochist. Is that why
Part 2
they abused me? In each and every case it had nothing to do with love – it was
the domino effect within a sadistically dysfunctional society – with all the clinical
details.. I remind people that when one thinks of the term sadism, it does not
have to refer to some sort of crude and bloody exhibition of violence. It can be
and is expressed in the subtlest of forms. Looking around our increasingly
authoritarian world governments the apparently induced medical crisis is a
continuation of the very same dynamics used by dictatorships during thousands
of years of history. As usual, there is a continuum on which these dynamics are
situated. and perpetrated.
I do not deny these perpetrators were and are themselves wounded and only
partial people, not consciously whole human beings. The very nature of evil is
mental imbalance/illness. Only mentally unbalanced and repressed ego-maniacs
– the very nature of psychopathology – can harm another person and this
includes controlling another individual. Because the dynamics I am discussing
are actually a manifestation of a reversed, devolutionary and isolationist way of
thinking that cannot and makes no attempt to empathize with their victim except
in an actual vampire-like way. The core need of a sadist is to control other people
because they themselves are literally out of control and can only obtain
psychological and actual adrenal energy in this way. Otherwise they break down.
The monarchies and their aristocracies have always been this way. They need to
steal from other people in order to survive because they’re atrophied as actual,
living human beings and don’t have a clue how to obtain what can only be
obtained proscriptively/holistically, spiritually and biologically.
The results of these social dynamics, that filter down domino style and people
so effected are not cognizant of the deep (even if denied) connections they have
to their self, other people and the greater environment, thus blocking a greater
sense of wholeness and health. Regardless, conditioned and addictive behavior
has the direct effect of causing their victims to give up life energy. This energy is
what the martial artists call chi, the yogis call Prana, and what Christians might
refer to as spirit or the Holy Ghost or Christ Spirit – the life force.
the article mentioned that these people could be your boss, doctor, teacher or
other people in positions of authority and trust within the community. I mention
this in another place in this work and say much the same thing. I’m glad I didn’t
read the whole article because I was already searching to find and understand
this information first-hand and therefore did it in my own way.
In reference to the scapegoats within society, when a person has their energy
or the life force stolen from them, this prevents many of them from remaining
focused in consciousness, especially the actual here-and-now, the present.
Instead, they fall further into the subconscious or unconscious realms,
unconsciously. These dynamics also apply to the people in positions of trust
because they learn how to get their energetic requirements, not through
conscious connection with higher levels of reality and the limitless source but by
theft. Many of these “powerful” people have been conditioned to these dynamics.
Society unconsciously operates using very similar dynamics the “church” I
encountered used on its members and that I described in the chapter on cult
dynamics. Only those people who have been assimilated and conditioned are
usually given the accompanying power to wield over other people.
Anyway, the very thieves who helped to bring this condition into being or
maintain it will smile patronizingly at their victims, at the scapegoats, many of
them thinking they are being compassionate when then tell their victim they can
get help – from the damage they cause!
to the shadow. I will repeat that alienation and addictions of any kind are a direct
result of the pressure of the collective shadow infected superego, expressed
through individuals and groups of people by forcing people to speak – and
therefore think – act, live, etc. Ultimately this is caused o0r maintained by the
“umbilical-like”, a participation mystique with the coercive, shadow asp-ects of a
matriarchal dictatorship. These dynamics are energetic. On the large scale I am
talking about, this is only possible when people become trapped, by conditioning,
to live only from their small, alienated false egos. This creates a disempowered
individual open to manipulation by the collective superego. It is this collective
form and its unconscious affects that allows me to assign a matriarchal, vessel-
like quality to it. I am a Goddess worshipper (and God) but not of the Devouring
Mother and the Old Goat. This in no way has any relevance to gender.
The shadow is contained within the lower levels of the psyche on the left side
of the graph on page 47. This is a combination of the upper left interior- individual
and the lower left inter-subjective and psychic collective super-ego.
Unconsciously, people who are contaminated and/or controlled by the shadow
are focused on ego; and therefore, when not in confusion because of
ambushed attempts to enter into the left or subjective realms consciously, identify
with the right side of the graph. In other words, because the left side of the graph
is ignored, in a superficial way, they are ruled primarily by the dynamics located
on the exteriorized right side of the graph. The actual psychic dynamics take
place and are orchestrated on the left side of the graph, unconsciously.
People who identify with the lower right exterior-collective and the upper right
exterior-individual functioning of the psyche represent materialistic, externalized
people. Many are people who have lost the ability to obtain the life force in a
natural and therefore unlimited quantity. This is only possible to obtain, in a
healthy and life enhancing way, by having a conscious subjective connection to
the whole psyche, interior and “exterior.” Otherwise, the primordial need for
survival results in theft from other people – of the life force.
People who have balanced the four quadrants of their psyche – feeling,
sensation, thinking and intuition – as a unit, have evolved and embraced the
higher levels of the psychic and spiritual abilities. What I am describing is exactly
similar to what Carl Jung and more advanced psychologists after him tried to
explain, beginning with the development of his ideas regarding the quaternary..
Teachers and masters from the East have taught these realities for a long time.
Part 2
The human psyche requires the stability symbolized by the number four, a
balanced square. If this squaring and stabilizing does not take place the result is,
to use a semantic word play, a triangle. This is similar to what people might think
of when they think of the Bermuda Triangle, the creative opposite of the
Bermuda triangle is represented by an upswept triangle – for the very
psychological reasons I have been discussing in reference to seeing in
It is the downward swept feminine, receptive triangle that captures and uses
masculine dynamics, in servitude to its vampire-like qualities – especially
individuality and health. This is how collective dictatorships work. It sucks ships,
people, down without a trace. It sucks away people’s ability to become
The human psyche requires the stability symbolized by the number four. Healthy
dynamic balance is only possible when the up-swept masculine triangle is in balance
with the feminine, down-swept triangle. In this instance, the result is a hexagram, more
commonly referred to as the Jewish Star of David. A symbol that can be used to
generate power.
Although I was not aware of the above dynamics at the time I was there, while
at the men’s residence I viewed my main purpose to be that of empowerment. A
starting point was in attempting to increase levels of communication, between
themselves as individuals and with other people. In addition, opportunities were
made available to the homeless residents. Individuals could voluntarily accept
offered services that might help assist in areas requiring growth or maintenance.
Part 2
There seem to be two themes that constantly run throughout this analysis. In
the most profound sense questions of power and especially communication play
most important roles. Consciousness-raising, growth in awareness is what is
needed first and foremost, accompanied with resource availability.
Let’s return to looking at homeless folk – a situation the world has been
convulsed in and perpetrated very purposely recently by the globalists, their
militaries/police/secret services and financial interests in recent times, not to
mention the monarchies of the world who are behind virtually everything.
Recently, I was searching on the internet for information about dynamics
concerning unethical treatment of homeless people by various institutions and
other portions of the population. While looking at the different ways people
victimize these scapegoats I came across an appalling article that actually
recommended criminalizing these victims of society. The recommendations were
actually being put forth by the very institutions that are supposed to protect and
heal society – people employed in the police department and people working in
the areas of mental health. What follows is a partial excerpt from this article.
What it says speaks for itself. The main point being made is that independent,
self-sufficient people are being replaced by unproductive, economically
dependent people. This creates a population of people under almost complete
control and many will be mobilized to do and think what they sre told politically…
because they have to service. This is the very nature of how cults operate.
The resolution calls for more research based on the groundbreaking study
done in London, Ontario last year, which found that deinstitutionalization of
mental health services has cost the London Police Service between $1.5 and
$3.7 million. Saying that the policing costs ‘confirm the lack of community
funding for an appropriate health service response to the needs of individuals
with mental illness,’ the resolution calls for the association to address the
‘inappropriate downloading of service and associated costs with the Minister of
Health and the Minister of Public Safety and Security.’
The full text of the resolution is available at the Association of Chiefs of Police
website at
Part 2
The potential criminalization of mental illness – after using Identity Politics and
virtual reality to purposely produce a population of mentally unbalanced people
without any empathy for anything or person beyond their own egos or cult - is
also being examined at a national level by the Canadian National Committee for
Police/Mental Health Liaison, which is comprised of police officers and mental
health workers. The second annual conference of the committee will be held in
Saskatoon on October 26 and 27, 2003. For more information on the work of
eng.pdf and
Let anyone who has their eyes open see for themselves the possibilities
and ramifications which can be extrapolated from the above article. As shown
above, anyone who wants to learn more about this particular article can look up
the sources for themselves. What is really appalling is the suggestion of further
victimizing people because of fiscal management. This is pure dehumanized and
desensitized materialism in action. It is becoming a human factory farm, almost
animal-like. What is very scary is that people with true mental extremists –
people who are totally dependent on the powers-that-be – while those who view
the uniqueness of their own individuality the most important aspect of being a
human, healthy thinkers like this are being demonized and called mentally ill in
2022. This is seeing and acting in reverse (to Natural Law). It’s not surprising that
in Canada our health care system has dramatically expanded who can or can’t
receive mercy killing; to include people with mental illness – even addictions.
Much of what follows is to review ground I have already covered, this time in
relation to a healing relationship and an environment conducive to this. I will
speak of the whole situation however, without sweeping under the rug anything
that people would rather not see. I am trying to get people to open their eyes, not
get elected to office.
Because of its isolationist and alienating character, the main impact of the
modern paradigm of technology is that it takes from individuals the ability to
control, in a relative, dynamic and balanced way, interaction with their
environment. In many cases communication is not reciprocal but purely one-
sided. Because of the division of labor and subsequent deskilling, communication
is hampered in the sense that knowledge is limited. This is worsened when
deskilling – limiting people’s scope of abilities and knowledge – occurs in today’s
social climate. This climate is dehumanizing by its tendency to recognize as
Part 2
being valid only technical or “hard” and concrete factual types of knowledge. I am
referring to knowledge that requires irrefutable, documented and quantifiable
evidence to “prove” that something exists or is worthwhile saving. The idea of
quality, as it relates to humanity, has been thrown into the garbage heap.
Exceptions to this are qualities that have become superficial because of the
commercialization of life that has swept throughout society. Without a sense of
holistic interaction and belonging, society becomes afflicted by an alienated
“status quo” which runs through virtually all segments of our society. People
become numbers and monetary figures, not human beings.
Charity. I guess that is why they kicked out the homeless and added more
facilities for the wealthy and upper middle class people who could afford to go
there. Within the staff and management sections there was a definite hierarchy
and prestige associated with the position one held. This was very reflective of the
people they served within the membership and the wider community.
Before I continue I would like to relate a story I had the good fortune to read. It
communicates extremely well how human beings can learn to be compassionate
– life giving, productive and prosperous.
A Story
Once upon a time there was a little town nestled in the mountains. This town
was very run down and shabby and all of its inhabitants were very poor with no
ambition to be any more in life than they already were. One day the king called
all of his subjects in this little town together and announced that he had
intentionally switched one of the babies in the town at birth with his own royal
child, however the king refused to reveal which child was indeed the royal child
and the town would just have to figure it out for themselves.
As a result of this announcement, the town’s people started to treat all of the
children as if they were royalty, you see no one who lived in the town wanted to
incur the wrath of the king because they had treated the royal child in any way
other than that fitting to a prince or princess.
Twenty years later the king returned to the same town only to find the once
shabby run down town had turned into a much larger bustling metropolitan area
with very proud hard working subjects. The king was very proud of how far the
Part 2
town had come in twenty years, so once again the king called together all of his
royal subjects in the town to congratulate them and to tell them who the actual
prince or princess was who had lived among them for so many years.
The town’s people bustled with anticipation, speculation ran high, every parent
was convinced it was his or her child that was indeed the true prince or princess.
At last the king stood and started to speak, “my royal subjects, today I would like
to congratulate each and every one of you for the excellent progress your town
has made and I would also like to tell you why this wonderful transition has taken
Twenty years ago I visited your town and told every one I had switched my
royal child with one of the townspeople babies, well this story was not true. I
wanted all of my royal subjects to learn the value of our children and the
overwhelming benefits of training each and every one of our children as if they
were princes or princesses. Look around; you see what your efforts to treat all of
your children as royalty has reaped, be proud of yourselves for producing a
generation of gentle, loving and responsible adults.
A generation of people who have grown up with love and gentle nurturing
making them happy, well adjusted adults with the skills and ability to create a
healthy prosperous town and to create a cycle of parenting, conducive to the on-
going success of both families and business for the future.
This very wise king had indeed taught this town a very valuable lesson about
the value of each and every child and the benefits we all enjoy when each child is
given all the love and nurturing befitted that of royal children.” 86
The following are simply some of the more technical and scientific illustrations
I wish to give illustrating the deep complexity of the mind. They demonstrate that
it is comprised of so much more than what we usually take for granted.
In focusing on certain aspects of the psyche as they relate to the shadow, I will
speak about a term and terms that I researched in another book, as they relate to
this subject. What can be referred to as “the submergent unconscious” contains
aspects of the personal psyche that have been repressed and reversed over time
and by whatever conditioning and repressing mechanisms I have already
discussed. They have become submerged. Once forced into the unconscious
Reprinted with permission by Mr. David Lague, President of Canadians
realms, the archaic unconscious, much of which is reptilian and lower level in
nature, then acts and reacts according to the pleasure principle. These dynamics
affect accordingly the personal contents that have been repressed. 87
Taking into consideration what I have already said about these dynamics, it
becomes clear that a powerful, unconscious “great mother” aspect of the psyche
is left in predominance. This does not refer to gender, nor does it devalue the
feminine energetic principle. It refers to an earlier level of evolutionary
development. In today’s world, it describes devolution in consciousness. This
happens when it is developed in the ways I have been describing because the
naturally forward motion of life becomes reversed, poisoned. It stops being the
nurturing mother – or parents – and instead become the devouring mother – or
hag and old goat. Enforced confinement in these areas of the psyche combined
with the appropriate triggers act on people unconsciously in much the same way
rats responded to Skinner’s conditioning. Understanding this it becomes that
much clearer how society is controlled. This control is illustrated and maintained
by the wide-open scope of addictions found within a purely materially based and
oriented culture and society.
Addictions have the affect of keeping both the individual and collective psyche
unconsciously in and controlled by a typhonic state of mind. Typhonic refers to a
level of the psyche that is archaic, unrefined, primordial and because it is
unconscious, totally uncivilized. This is the aspect of the psyche that needs to be
uncovered, by individuals and thereby the collective psyche, especially the
superego. The superego is expressed through the actions and processes of
society. This is “the system” that many people over the years have spoken out
about. It is comprised of the various institutions, power brokers and other factors
and dynamics that keep it in place. Similar to revolutionaries of the past, a
mistake made by people who opposed the system was in assuming the actions
of the “system” are primarily conscious and therefore conspiratorial. In fact, these
dynamics are primarily unconscious. Therefore, if one wishes to adhere to a
conspiratorial theory, it could only apply in an unconscious sense for the vast
majority of the “system.” Up until now, because of its cyclical nature, it has been
self-replicating. Recall the examples I gave earlier where the power elite keep
people at each other’s throats – society’s victims point the finger at and attack
each other while the real culprits and dynamics responsible are ignored.
Pg. 99, “Eye to Eye: The Quest For The New Paradigm”, Ken Wilber,
Part 2
Using a little imagination, consider that part of the collective psyche known as
the superego, which is in fact a collective aspect of all people’s egos. The
superego will unconsciously cause most of the repressing that a person’s psyche
performs. This repressing mechanism is primarily unconscious but not
repressed88 – it has never been conscious except for those few individuals who
are willing to put in the effort of waking themselves up.
Since the superego has such a dramatic affect on all people’s psyches,
unconsciously, the crisis I have been discussing becomes that much more
apparent. This is especially true when we take into consideration the poisonous,
alienated and vampire-like aspects of a shadow controlled ego and superego. All
of these dynamics affect people’s “conscious” thinking far more than is usually
considered. This is most noticeable on a mundane level of consciousness by
looking at the vast numbers of alienated egos throughout society that exist in a
relative state of anarchy. This is worsened by society’s official encouragement of
a competitive society. This results in competition between people for control for
most of the social mechanisms and resources affecting us throughout our lives.
This is the dynamic responsible for people fighting for control over other people,
while leaving themselves out of control. This unbalanced state of the collective or
universal human psyche, especially ego, demonstrates how the cycle of the
beast is maintained. Something to think about – a hundred years ago there were
enough natural resources in the world to support the world’s population. Today,
there is only a fraction of the resources necessary to support the billions of
people on the Earth. What I am doing is pointing out how and focusing on what
competition has done to people and why it has to be addressed for humankind to
survive. It would appear that the “beast” has finally created a situation where
competition is now necessary for survival. In fact, the exact reverse of this is true.
The only way humanity and the Earth can survive is by the development of
healthy interdependent relationships stemming from independent, individuated
and healthy individuals.
We see how the power of the unbalanced human psyche and superego can
be healed and turned towards constructive purposes. This can only be achieved
through awareness, consciousness-raising, reconnection and a literal soul
searching. It is very important to consider the role the false ego and superego
plays in society today. We can see it around us. We can also try to see what kind
of a role a healthy, balanced, naturally operating human collective psyche would
accomplish. As I said previously, people’s conscious awareness at the present is
in some cases far right wing and in some cases far left wing. What is required,
Part 2
and many are today striving for this in spite of the “norm”, is a type of centering.
This process has to begin with individuals. However, we need a collective social
impetus to promote this on the scale necessary for a transformation of human
consciousness – what has been referred to as a paradigm shift.
I will speak about entrapment in the false ego as it relates to long-term use of
anti-depressants. A pharmaceutically induced, artificial and temporary increase in
energy can lead to ego-inflation. It can result in an “all out for yourself” type of
attitude that tramples over other people if need be. These dynamics are void of
empathic connection to other people. It can lead to a deadening of true
conscience. From what I have observed in other people and studied the situation
or environment that leads to depression, if the appropriate changes are not
made, can lead to chemical imbalances in the brain. If any psychological
imbalance exists long enough it will manifest itself physically and therefore
chemically. Long-term use of anti-depressants or other pharmaceutical products
offering emotional and energy enhancing boosts or “cures” usually leads to a
need for stronger medication. Long-term use of antidepressants can desensitize
people. Long-term use of any psychotropic medication, a type of substance
abuse, can also create an addictive personality if the person or psyche is
undisciplined. This is usually of an emotional and physical nature. Long-term
desensitization and ego-inflation can also lead to neurosis and psychosis.
When Sensitives are medicated with deadly neuroleptics for long periods of
time they become scattered and fragmented. Because of their sensitivity they
may be aware of the unhealthy nature of their environment and the unhealthy
superego. Because of confusion induced by medication, conditioning and fear,
proper identification of what is actually unhealthy is not usually possible. They
become entrapped in the shadow-infested superego. Most psychotropic
medications will smother and dampen the actual life force. Under natural
conditions this power would push a person to reach outward and upward to
higher levels of aware consciousness. The usual treatment of psychically
sensitive people, as described above, creates a scattered awareness within a
mute-lated and controlled ego and a buried, encaged (medicated) and therefore
festering – and in fact because of repression, more autonomous (sabotaging)
unconscious psyche. This can have a devastating impact.
In today’s world more and more of people who might be included among the
above mentioned scapegoats are being swept from the streets (homelessness as
with mental illness has been criminalized in many places). However, given the
power of social justice warriors, the politically correct and of course social media,
the dynamics once apportioned (projected) to society’s social scapegoats still
apply when applicable – but they also apply more and more to a wider population
of people conditioned to be so by the “education system”, media and, to put it
mildly, peer (various social) pressures.
Those Sensitives who are medicated and controlled remain in touch but not
necessarily tune with society’s collective guilt. Many of these people have weak
personal boundaries. They don’t have an ability to delineate where their personal
psyche ends and other people’s psyches begin. In a state of such confusion, the
affects of scapegoating and labeling cause them to take ownership of other
people’s projections – guilt, anger, fear and other unhealthy emotions. The result
is the individual’s unconscious or inexplicable anger, suicidal tendencies, panic
and so forth. In this confused state, these people become society’s victims or
they are impressed into service to the shadow. Usually they simply become
sacrificial victims providing energy to sadistic perpetrators – neuroleptics have
the same deep psychological affect as straitjackets. Try to imagine for a moment
what it might feel like to be a traumatized and brutalized person who is frightened
to death. Frightened and struggling to break free from the restraints of a
straightjacket or being locked up in a severely confined space. These are exactly
the same dynamics that are present when a sadist tortures their victims – to steal
the pain-filled and frightened energies the victims gives off during such times.
These are the same energetic thefts that take place when a woman is raped, a
person tortured or otherwise terrorized by a psychopath. When we are told that
rape has nothing to do with sex, this is a truthful statement. The motivating
purpose is sadistic violence. As outlined throughout this paper, people forced to
go on neuroleptic medications tend to carry and take ownership of the projections
of the collective psyche. This is what happened with Hitler when the German
people, psychologically centered in him, carried the world’s collective psychosis.
Hitler and the Nazis became psychopathic perpetrators. As I explain in various
places in this book, there is a fine line between the psychological characteristics
of a masochist and a sadist. In the first instance the pain, guilt and other nihilistic
elements are turned inward; in the second they are directed outwards onto other
people. Because of our greater connection with each other these dynamics are
also two-way.
Consider the possibility that a very sensitive person may experience true
mystical experiences. Combine this with the psychic crucifixion that takes place
resulting from what I described above. Under these circumstances, it is quite
understandable to see why some of these people might experience ego-
inflationary times when they feel Christ-like.
Part 2
The above dynamics are devastating to many people. Many recipients of this
“treatment” simply give up. These dynamics occur throughout society on different
levels. When psychotropic medications are distributed on a mass scale, this is
able to achieve for a short time what any type of traditional dictatorship tries to
achieve; until the people rebel against such oppression. In today’s society, for the
time being, everyone is supposed to pop a pill, buy their lottery tickets and keep
a smile on their face while they shop-till-they-drop…ah…those that can afford it.
In the case of double binds, and I am referring to environmental ones that are
expressed and eventually made manifest in psychological and material ways,
repression is a natural outcome.90When people are placed in psychic double
binds resulting from the above dynamics, the results are not very different from
the experiences of people who have been sexually abused. People distort, delete
and rationalize the realities of these experiences in order to survive – they filter
out a certain amount of reality so that their “conscious” psyche is not
overwhelmed. I have come to see that the term “double bind” refers to a
psychological state and subsequent action that results in the blockage of healthy,
dynamic movement – it also refers to that inner double, our shadow that some
people refuse to acknowledge. This is done primarily on the unconscious levels
of the psyche – by that aspect of the shadow-contaminated superego we are not
normally aware of. Naturally, this is assisted by the physical and psychological
actions of perpetrators. Perpetrators affected and controlled by these same
shadowy contaminants. This can be referred to as “double speak”, the term
George Orwell used to describe this phenomenon in his book “1984. “ Using
metaphorical imagery in much the same way that myths convey psychological
Ditto, Pg.100
Part 2
reality, Orwell described many of the dynamics I have been discussing in this
book. The severity of these dynamics affects a greater depth of the psyche than
is usually appreciated. In part three of this book I will explore these dynamics
more thoroughly, especially when examining the dynamics of childhood sexual
Turned inward, these are also the symptoms that might ensue from
Scapegoating, bigotry, and manipulation. This is especially true of that severe
example of victimization, “schizophrenia,” that catchall category that claims
everyone who is undergoing a deeply mysterious or potentially transformative
mental process without proper supports. Although a condition referred to as
schizophrenia can pertain to an actual psychological debilitation, people usually
referred to as having schizophrenia are usually experiencing a process that can’t
neatly be fitted into any one category of so-called mental illness; categories of
collectively tortured psyches. This can also include people who are under-going
naturally induced processes, people who are naturally gifted.
The important point to be made is that certain dynamics cause people to edit
their psyches91in such a way that repression, projection and other malfunctioning
aspects of the psyche develop. When this occurs with people who are in
positions of trust and power over other people, over vulnerable people, this is
cause for alarm. This statement applies in many more cases to mental health
workers than it does clients. Many clients, having control exerted over them from
extra-personal sources or being otherwise conditioned, end up in severe double
binds. This can so affect the person psychically that they become conditioned to
be their own jail guard. I am referring to the development of an inner psychic
police state. Imagine a situation where you are having such a difficult time
Part 2
deciding whether you should or shouldn’t do something, even the simplest task.
Imagine a sense of panic when you cannot make even the smallest decision to
do or say something – you become so paralyzed you cannot even move or talk.
Then realize that placing people in double binds for long periods of time can
actually condition people to act or react in ways approaching what was just
described above. We all know of or have seen examples of people who have
been so physically brutalized this happens. Try to imagine this happening from
psychological brutalization.
words, they are sometimes destroyed by the very mental health system that is
supposed to help them.
Part 2
4) “No brain disease has ever been cured with psychotherapy or the passage
of time. Many therapists have reported observing full recovery from
schizophrenia with psychotherapy and/or milieu therapy. In the Soteria studies,
young adults diagnosed as acutely schizophrenic were stabilized with no
medication and non-professional helpers just as well and as quickly as a similar
group sent to a psychiatric hospital (Mosher &Menn, 1978). Many individuals
diagnosed with schizophrenia have recovered on their own without medications
or psychotherapy.”
I would suggest in this age group, ages 16 to 25, these young people are still
in a highly psychically developmental stage of their lives. They are still relatively
Part 2
sensitive and the most sensitive people in this age group would succumb more
easily than less sensitive people to society’s psychic double binds, chaos and
other symptoms that I have been discussing. Once people are past the age of
forty or mid-life they have usually become conditioned enough to “the way things
are” to not even bother trying to seriously question and search for the meaning of
life, even though nature intended otherwise. If they do make a serious search,
quite often they mature to higher levels of psychic integration.
This last statement sends shivers up my spine, because many times I’ve had a
thought to myself, and written it down in places. If I had have taken the tests
mental health staff and family members several times tried to get me to take I
have no doubt I would not have passed “the test.” I was “incarcerated” at a
hospital for a short time for an assessment following long-term severe traumatic
abuse before and then during my stay there. While there, the extremely
disorienting and debilitating medications they had given me at the time and their
extreme side effects certainly made me feel insane at the time. This was
combined with machine-like indifference and relatively sadistic treatment. My
“treatment” would have ensured I was unbalanced enough to have been forced
into one of their pathological categories of mental illness. Interestingly, the most
“Unethical Psychiatrists misrepresent What is Known About Schizophrenia”, Al
Siebert, Ph.D.
Part 2
important files I requested after this incident were not even given to me until
years after the incident. They contained many bogus statements, accusations,
evaluations, etc. These were things I could easily have defended against at the
time if I had have been told of them. I spoke of these and other terrifying things
that happened to me in the preceding chapters. Combined with what I had to say
in that chapter, this chapter’s focus and perspective should make a few people
feel rather horrified.
But now, as I research the topic I find hard evidence for the illusion of a test for
schizophrenia. “Schizophrenia” has been manufactured, like any machine, to
control and destroy people’s lives. The prime incentive for this is profit and to
enable some very sick people within society to try to force other people to carry
their sickness. I get outraged thinking of the thousands of victims that fall prey to
the beastly machine in this manner. I get calmly livid as I research and see there
is no scientifically objective and verifiable test for schizophrenia. I imagine the
same holds true for other so-called mental illnesses. After all of the trauma and
abuse I had endured, possibly, I might have failed their “test.” There was
certainly an intelligent intuition working for me that lead me to refuse to take the
test. Today, I have recovered absolutely and overcome all of the categories and
labels that were forcibly placed on me. The exception to this is a need to use
puffers to prevent asthma attacks – symptoms of the long-lasting affects of
trauma. After I disproved one label or diagnoses, they would readily find another
but eventually even that black bag of goodies ran dry. When their attacks on my
character finally came to an end and I pretty well had to live like a saint to do it,
then I finally found some space to attempt to develop as a human being, as The
Creator intended. Today my most passionate desire is to do what I can to
prevent other people from enduring the brutal treatment I have endured.
8) “Treatments” for schizophrenia are often worse than the “disease”. Pichar
stated that when people stop taking their medications ‘the consequences can be
very severe’. What Pickar did not report however, is that withdrawal symptoms
can be disabling and mimic psychosis (Cohen, 1997) and that long-term drug use
may be quite harmful. Neuroleptic medications may cause profound brain
dysfunction and frequently lead to irreversible...This is a solidly established fact
in psychiatry.”94
This next statement is perhaps the most important statement that can be
made in respect of Sensitives – people diagnosed with that catch-all-net phrase
they pertain to the client’s psychic and experiential reality. Today this needed
therapy is required for our multiple personality and neurotic-psychotic collective
psyche – society at the deeper levels. This means breaking down society’s
collective denials and subsequent projections. In fact, on a mass level what these
symptoms amount to is a devolutionary spiral back to a psychological level where
participation mystique rules people.
From a health perspective the Soul, individual and world (ahh…is there a
difference?), is contaminated by a pissed off and neglected shadow. The
energies of our inner man and woman have been sabotaged, by the shadow and
by the more primordial levels of the psyche, contaminating the collective super
ego. On an individual basis this therapy must begin with the identification of and
refining of feelings associated with the symbol-symptoms. I am primarily referring
to what has been repressed by conditioning and the unconsciously contaminated
superego. These are “mistranslations” that result in the distortion, repression and
substitution for what is repressed. In one sense it can be said that this is a
decision made by the individual not to remember, even if the decision is
unconscious. On one level this might be true. What must to be taken into account
are the coercive elements within the collective, both psychically and materially –
body and mind cannot really be separated - that contribute to this individual and
mass repression. We see the various diseases and illnesses that attack our
bodies when these illusions are maintained in a dominating way. It is imperative
to always recognize the inseparability of the individual and collective psyche. 97
Part 2
When Wilber states that the superego is frequently masochistic and severe, in
appreciation of the areas we have already covered, we can also say it is
frequently sadistic. Later, in my exploration of these dynamics and imbalances as
described in this book, we will see that masochism and sadism are really a
mixture of both. When a person is sadistic to another person, then he or she is
also being masochistic to an inner aspect of himself or herself. This is because
the individual psyche contains within it the whole of the collective as well. 98
Looking at and understanding the psyche in this way will assist us in
understanding how the development of the “perfectionist police-state within”
takes place.
If we do not address this psychic sabotage, evolution will not move forward.
We can only emerge into higher levels of psychic reality, individually and
collectively, if this forward movement takes place. Under natural conditions,
movement to these higher levels would take place. 100 This illustrates the need to
put back in balance these natural dynamics and conditions. This applies as much
to an individual’s inner psyche as it does to the outer psychic and physical
environment. So we see that bigotry, with all of the various elements and
nuances to the meaning of the word, is the #1 obstacle to these developments.
Having been forcefully repressed we have to uncover the true causes of bigotry
and hypocrisy for evolution to continue. We have to move beyond the control of
people by the collective superego level and through that avenue, individuals. If
not an actual awareness, we have to at least consciously acknowledge and
Ditto, 102
Pg. 102
. 103
Part 2
appreciate these dynamics. This would have a greater unconscious impact, for
the better, on people’s conscious experience than one would at first imagine.
I once read a book that described people’s fear of psychic “liberation;” a fear
of becoming true individuals (I cannot recall the name of this book). Let’s face it:
it takes true courage to flow, in a civilized manner against the womb-like comfort
of the herd, against the “normal” functioning of society, especially in today’s
world. I read that book years before I developed an interest in these things, long
before I actively began to research and study them. There are some truly
informative and knowledgeable books available that can offer deeper insights
with every reading, especially after additional information or knowledge has been
gleamed through life-experience.
It is unfortunate that people associate and turn the practice of mediation into
some sort of exotic and weird way of life. Some people even think it is some form
of religion or only peculiar to certain religions. Meditation provides a natural
evolutionary method that can teach the mind – the mind is not to be equated with
the real psyche – to reach higher levels of the psyche. Meditation only seems
weird or exotic to the ego. This is natural when we consider it is the ego that
creates illusions of reality – illusions that have no actual basis of fact within the
true psyche. Consider the whole psyche, including the real and true ego working
in service of the whole psyche. A whole psyche of this nature would not
experience meditation as weird or exotic – intuitively it is probably the usual
factor impelling an individual to even practice meditation in the first place. 102 This
is the new type of consciousness-raising that is required. Initially, it obviously has
to be an individual endeavor and journey. It would promote independence and
interdependence. It would also necessarily involve society and the collective
.Ditto, Pg.103
Ditto, Pg.105
Part 2
True meditation teaches the mind to “clean the house” of the very dynamics
stemming from and that create bigotry.104 I am referring to an area of the psyche
that the medical establishment, psychiatry and most areas of psychology, and
mainstream society olarchyed. It is now the main area of the psyche that the
various psychologies, especially those few embraced by psychiatry, have to
recognize and promote if they hope to be healers of society. Psychologies that
recognize the realities of the higher realms of the psyche are similar in purpose
to some of the methods used by the various living spiritual traditions in teaching
and guiding a person towards – what they would refer to – as spiritual evolution.
The psyche has an enormous impact upon the ways things manifest. They are
influenced greatly by the thoughts within the psyche, conscious and unconscious.
This naturally extends outward to include the collective psyche. This is obvious
Ditto, Pg.106,
Ditto, Pg. 106
Part 2
on the most mundane and physically concrete levels in the form of materialism.
What is neglected and now has to be taken into account is the power for directing
what is made manifest. Responsibility has to be taken for what people build and
construct within society, aside from what nature does on its own. First and
foremost this refers to mental constructs. We have to consider all levels of the
psyche and their impact on conscious thought. They are far beyond what people
usually acknowledge. Taking into account everything that has been discussed
this far, I believe the urgency for society to do something about this becomes
Beyond the ego level the unconscious and collective psyche has a greater
impact on decision making than is consciously understood or acknowledged by
most people. Most people would think that their decisions made in
consciousness – “I think I will do it this way”- is the first origination of these
particular thoughts in their decision making process. But there is a mental-
psychic process that takes place, a great part of which stems directly from the
individual and collective unconscious. Being unaware of this, the result is the
illusion that their first conscious conceptualization of something is where the
thought began. In fact it began a long time ago. This last sentence has more and
greater truth to it than most people could imagine.
Ditto, Pg. 131
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that means. This is not what nature intended and is unnatural. These
experiences are treated as pathological aspects of mental illness. Depression,
anxiety attacks and so on are symptoms of abuse. The psychological affects of
abuse are related to the sensitivity of individuals who subsequently experience
this psychic state-of-mind. These are, possibly, experiences of people touching
these chaotic and abyss-like blur – this is not mental illness. Remember the
psychic retreats I mentioned earlier that victims of abuse make in an attempt to
distance themselves from these experiences. People experiencing the more
mystical aspects of these psychic states-of-mind should be guided through these
phases and processes by experienced persons who understand them: by
teachers. People who have pathologized and lack understanding of the human
psyche should not attempt to assist people in this manner. Because of their
limited, fragmented and unrealistic understanding of the human psyche they will
only handicap and disempower these people. How can they heal people when
they only focus on pathology and the pathological ability of being able to
“function” within, and maintain an unhealthy collective and environmental way of
living and being in the world.
Within the human psyche, holography is only possible utilizing the elements of
memory, both collective and individual. This holography is accomplished by
“mathematical transforms.” This creates the ability to make them become
manifest and perceived by the filter of the human mind. This is the origination of
the “substance” that allows the creation of these manifest perceptions to come
from the higher realms. Obviously, this is a necessary and natural process,
where the “material” aspects of the human psyche becomes and flows out of “no
space no time frequencies.”108 Although most of modern society presents as
“psychotic” an appreciation and apprehension of this reality, it is in and from
these higher realms where past, present and future merge into an eternal state of
being, of “now-ness.” It is a realm that contains all potential. It is before or prior to
the concepts of these three mundane manifestations. This is wonderfully
described by the Judeo-Christian Cabala, the Tree of Life. As manifestation
becomes more “substantial” and material the Cabala explains how it takes on the
lower level expressions of the psyche and the material world. This is a world that
can be identified and objectified by physics. Even the dualities of masculine and
feminine, in other words, manifestation, come out of pure potential. Manifestation
comes out of, as the Cabala calls it, “no thing,” Kether, the 1st emanation and
source of all manifest creation including the human mind. Kether is the first
manifestation or emergence out of the void of pure potential. It is that from which
all else emerges.
Ditto, Pg. 133
Part 2
When these realities are recognized for what they are, it becomes clear that
there is a huge difference between consciousness at the lower levels of the
psyche and the material world and states of consciousness that transcend this
lower level. In the first instance, the movement is downward toward lower levels
of the psyche, towards confusion within a shadow-contaminated superego. In the
second instance the movement is upward, far beyond the lower levels. 109 In this
respect, society’s pathologization of these realities forces people who are
expressing potential to reach the higher levels of the psyche into arrested
development. Then they are forced into a downward spiral, back into the lower
levels they have been trying to become liberated from. These people are forced
back into the shadow-infested false ego levels. This is a crime against humanity
and the human evolutionary potential that can be found within all people.
instead of guided upward towards the direction the psyche, it is forced towards
the primitive, typhonic, and oceanic, the pre-temporal realm of consciousness.
This also happens when only the ego and materialism is taken into consideration.
Movement towards the trans-temporal can only take place in a state of a
consciousness; consciousness that has withdrawn its projections and
objectifications of the material world. When these projections are withdrawn, the
reclaimed psychic or libidinal energies can assist with this consciousness-raising.
This is cyclical in a healthy sense because it is reciprocal and life enhancing, like
the seasons of the Earth.
Therefore, although we have to emerge from the lower levels of the psyche
as nature intended, we cannot devalue or do away with any of them. Respecting
and staying in touch with the lower levels of the psyche is necessary to support
the loftier heights that a human psyche is capable of attaining. What is
fascinating is that a well-grounded individual, who has developed the ability to
traverse the various levels of the psyche, consciously, would have access to the
Part 2
This could account for everything from memories of past life experiences to a
psychic ability to work with law enforcement personnel to solve crimes. The
latter would be an example of a disciplined and sensitive person’s psychic ability
to read and identify psychic residues that remain in place after the actual crime
took place. This would be an example where memory is utilized; it would also be
a concrete demonstration of the physical reality of brainwaves and the lower level
astral or psychic realities in the manifest realms. These are not to be identified
with the physical structure of the brain itself. The physical brain is a container, a
filter and mechanism for psychic expression. The physicality of brainwaves
illustrates how one individual psyche can “materially” and psychically influence
other individual psyches. It explains the quantum reality of the wave-particle
duality. As I asserted elsewhere, radio waves that are created and sent into
space are in a very real sense indestructible – instruments and concepts have
scientifically proved this. Brainwaves that can be recorded by EEG are also real.
Brainwaves and thought-forms cannot be destroyed but they are different. Unlike
the dynamic movement of actively generated brainwaves, thought-forms are the
psychic residue of an experiential reality; it becomes an image.
In fact, what I am talking about is the indestructible reality of the individual and
collective human psyche. The collective human psyche has a continuous and
continuously increasing input of psychic energy – increasing because of the ever-
increasing population of the world. The collective is a huge thought-form that is
constantly growing and emerging; it is not static.
These potentials and their realities reinforce the importance that an individual
searching or extending into these areas of the psyche be as conscious as
possible. This prevents confusing their own memories, thoughts and feelings with
the collective memories and projections of others. This indicates how important it
is for individuals to be as free of repression and repressive attitudes as possible.
Consciousness and an awareness of the reality of higher, collective psychic
Ditto, Pg.133
Part 2
energies/archetypes and universal thought forms will help to protect one against
individual ego-inflation.
So, at the deepest and highest levels of the psyche; looking inward and in-
depth in order to see outward at higher levels; by appreciating the archetypal
levels of the universal psyche, we cannot deny that the personal is political and
the political is personal, in the most profound sense imaginable. As all the great
sages, saints and mystics have said throughout the ages, we carry the universe
within ourselves. Personal consciousness can be a reflection of cosmic
consciousness. Our personal reality is constantly being reflected back to us
through our environment, both psychic and material. As the mystical and
mundane aspects of the Judeo-Christian tradition teach, we are all “made in
God’s image”. This concept is both paradoxical, looking inward in order to see
outward but also inclusive; it is hierarchical and circular. It is pyramidal and
upward moving yet global and all embracing. We don’t look for “God” outside of
ourselves, we look within.
People can and do develop navigational abilities to traverse safely into the
higher realms of the psyche. The tools and conscious awareness that knowledge
of these realities of the psyche can provide would allow even more people to
develop their true potential, without the turmoil and confusion that most persons
of these natural abilities encounter today. These tools and associated knowledge
would also provide would-be healers of the psyche to become true guides in
assisting people to evolve to higher levels of human potentiality. In looking at
one’s psychic orientation, expressed by the quadrants of Wilber’s graph, it is
only when focus is placed on one area of the psyche to the relative exclusion of
other areas, that imbalances and disorientation set in.
Consider the revolutionary impact that will take place when the “old science”
that tries to explain the psyche out of existence by pathologizing gives way to the
“new science.” This is a new science that embraces more real ways of looking at
and “treating” the psyche.114 This statement is primarily referring to shallow
attempts to use the holographic paradigm on the lowest level of the psyche (the
old science) to explain human integration, forgetting the higher levels of the
psyche and beyond. However, indirectly it also reflects the dominant belief in the
medical and the systemic establishment. I am referring to a focus only on the
lower levels. In pointing this out I am thinking about the dynamic outcome, the
unconscious effect of this greater awareness on the individual and on the
This way of viewing the world and the psyche is opposite from the ways the
old mystery schools veiled reality in mystery more than they revealed or
explained. This was originally intended as a historical necessity both because of
ignorance and also to safeguard these higher truths from unbalanced people –
from people who would have been considered to be “evil.” The development of
the black arts was only possible by these mystery schools or the realities they
understood, being breached. These schools lost their hold on and control of entry
to only “white” practitioners of the arts. However, since this breach has taken
place, the only remedy is to blow the doors wide open. At this crisis point in
history most people, once they become aware of the true state of the world and
the world psyche will embrace wholesome, dynamic and healthy living rather
than look at the possibility of human extinction.
Part 2
that focuses exclusively on the ego, biology and genetics, rather than freeing and
expanding the psyche.
In a higher evolutionary sense, the most important aspects of the psyche that
have to be acknowledged and added to current theories of the mind and
consciousness, are ones that transcend the purely mundane or lower
holographic nature of the psyche. We have to include a hierarchical
representation of the psyche and consciousness in order to transcend the severe
limitations of the Newtonian, physical and material focus of the current
sciences.115 I realize that there are some explanations of the psyche that
attempts to do this, for example homeopathy. But they are still of the lower levels
and do not recognize the higher levels and potentials of the psyche. Recognizing
these higher levels would create an atmosphere conducive to being more careful
not to mutilate and devastate those psyches that have potential for higher
evolution. Wilber explicitly states that our focus on ego is very regressive and
does account for the factors I have been discussing throughout this book. 116 We
have developed technological abilities far in advance of our current level of
civilization. Our machines and machine-like creations within the system we call
society are beyond our current human desire or ability to control.
When it comes to people who do indeed bravely begin the search in the
psyche, there are many cases where people confuse the purely primitive levels
of the psyche with higher levels. I gave an earlier example of this. Primal
dancing, drumming and the possible resulting trance, are not evolutionary unless
they are used mainly as a beginning point for the adventure through the psyche,
moving upward as well as embracing the holography of the lower levels. When
this does not happen, those persons caught in the more primitive activities
become easily manipulated and controlled – perhaps by people who have
traveled beyond that level but are controlled by the shadow of humanity because
of the influence of their false egos: people unconsciously manipulated by the
shadow contaminated superego become tools of manipulation who hold positions
of power and “authority.” This is how cults operate.
listened to the extent they should be is because our profit-driven and competitive
societal structures sense what might happen. This realization is primarily known
on the unconscious, shadowy level of the collective psyche and perhaps not so
unconscious. In this case there is a realization what a true appreciation for the
realities of the psyche could communicate to the masses. People would
recognize the destructive obsolescence of a purely material way of thinking.
However, it truly is wonderful…
The main purpose of this book is to illustrate the human psyche in relation to
people’s interactions with others. The higher levels have to be, if not understood
then at least appreciated and acknowledged. With a focus on the collective
unconscious, the mental interactions we have been referring to throughout, take
place primarily at the 1st level of the psyche. That is where most people have
been stuck.
Ditto, Pg. 242
Part 2
responsibilities. It refers to being in the world but not of it. One must not be
immersed only in the material – matter, by itself = mother = uroboric =
unconscious = materialism – but has to include the higher, masculine, heavenly,
conscious and spiritual aspects also. This terminology absolutely in no way is in
reference to gender.
Through the use of meditation humanity can be made more conscious. Using
meditation, one first encounters the personal and then collective unconscious
psyche. During this journey the personal and collective shadow and id will be
encountered. As we have seen, a lot more will be seen as well. Today, especially
drug therapy leaves people caught primarily in this stage of psychic
development. As I will state in other places, street drugs, especially of the
psychodynamic types, will also lead people in a downward spiral in
consciousness. The only exception to this is if discipline has been learned to
counter this affect. However, anyone who has learned to discipline the mind in
this way would have no desire to use these types of mind-altering substances
anyway. Most of them may be naturally produced but I don’t think nature planned
that people had to get stoned in order to evolve. In any case, it usually has a
reverse effect, literally.
With the application of psychotropic medications, people who have an innate natural
potential for achieving higher levels of consciousness, in this case the psychically
sensitive, usually become trapped in this level or stage. Earlier, I referred to this as
psychic crucifixion. By destroying or preventing society’s most gifted people from
achieving these potentials – those with the greatest potential for psychic development –
most of society’s people regress, rather than evolve. Fortunately, this is not 100% true in
all cases. Some groups and people are able to escape the lower levels. Psychotherapy
could assist with this consciousness-raising. Perhaps it will become the new trend. As
people become more focused on wellness and health instead of pathology and disease,
perhaps a focusing and concentration of psychic energies will reach a critical level of no
Part 2
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 258
One of the first things to consider in the healing relationship is the necessity of
and appreciation for a two-way interchange between healer and client. Being
aware of this while also creating proper dynamic boundaries, to safeguard both
the healer and the client, can foster health and empowerment. This can provide
access to the vast power within a person’s own psyche and self – this can
activate natures self-healing abilities. In today’s world of “mental health,” a
creation of dependency resulting in individual disempowerment usually occurs
within an individual.
Some would-be health workers know how to act, repress and play the game,
oblivious to their own dysfunction and how it can hurt others. The danger to the
client, seen from this perspective is only commonsense. Harm occurs because of
a combination: control over the other person and the action of a would-be healer
projecting aspects of their own sickness onto the already overwhelmed and
disempowered client. I am not referring to counter-transference here. I am
referring to an unconscious, hypocritical projection. Counter-transference, which
is the neutralization of negative projections the client unconsciously sends out to
the healer, can only take place by a therapist who is highly conscious of the
process that is taking place.
Simply ignoring the realities and needs of the psyche is all that is required in
order to unconsciously repress one’s true nature. A natural development that
takes place with people who are good at hiding their wounded nature, to
“Awakening The Heart: East/West Approaches To Psychotherapy and The Healing
Relationship”, John Welwood, Shambala Publications, Inc., 1920 13th Street, Boulder
Colorado, Copyright 1983 by John Welwood, Pg. V11
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 260
I have personally witnessed times when the hospital staff held complete
power and control over these proceedings. Especially consider the fear virtually
all clients would feel in attempting to speak out against the hospital staff. I
remembered watching a staff member (not a client) literally dry-washing her
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 261
hands in fear of another mental health worker. This worker was in charge of an
influential area of the hospital and was the real person who was in charge of the
proceedings. She held a very significant amount of power within the institutional
setting itself. The person doing the dry-hand-washing was the chairperson for
one of these committees. This frightened and intimidated staff person was an
employee who worked under the supervision of the person who was causing her
to act in such a manner. I remember this person, the big shot, attempting to
intimidate me. I received seething looks and other forms of attempted intimidation
after it was learned I was not only a social worker but involved in and was
knowledgeable about the occult as well.
A person should ask himself or herself why mental health staff will literally
attack any client who is acquainted with the occult. Throughout my ordeals with
these so-called professionals I was treated adversely in many ways because of
my occult interests. I remember when I worked in the helping profession with
clients of mental health organizations in the community. One thing I readily noted
was the stigma and labeling/targeting of clients who were interested in the occult.
In one setting I witnessed clients actually being counseled or blatantly coerced
into refraining from or pursuing such interests. This is an infringement on their
human rights and self-integrity. Why are they afraid and is this fear primarily an
unconscious fear of a deeper insight into themselves and others that a client
might, even partially, obtain? In relation to the client committee and other
associated people, soon after I witnessed these events, the big shot (who was
more like an inquisitor rather than a compassionate health worker) was taking
over a psychiatric forensic unit. Now that would be a perfect captive audience to
satiate all of the deepest repressed sadistic projective needs this person might
that indicated his awareness of this. Therefore, many of these clients go along
with what they see or hear simply to save their own skin – pure survival instincts.
Given the nature of this committee and the dynamics I have discussed so far in
this book, it might be said this client committee also acted as a type of “Kappo” to
try to cover-up and legitimize what was going on. Of great significance here is
this usual situation: who would believe the labeled, stereotyped and
“pathologized” scapegoats referred to as “patients” anyway.
I have read many documented accounts and worked with people escaping
from very real Hollywood satanic cults. I’m referring to “religious” groups that
openly torture, sacrifice and perform other kinds of completely inhuman types of
ritual. In the accounts that I researched, those people who escaped and tried to
tell their stories were quite often made to look like lunatics. This was relatively
easy considering many or most of the cult members held prestigious and
powerful positions within a wide area of influence within society. In fact, cults
attempt to enroll members who hold exactly these types of credentials. When I
was working with a survivor of one of these cults I was briefed on the very same
thing: about members usually holding positions of power throughout society.
Hollywood satanic cults are mirrors of true satanic cults that operate strictly
from the astral, unconscious or subconscious realms. True cults operate and re-
victimize people using one-way control in the same manner but with more far-
reaching influences than that of Hollywood Satanic cults. I have experienced and
witnessed this intimation in action. These cults exist throughout most of society. I
am referring to the shadow I have been discussing throughout this book. In the
mental health field, as an example, the usual attempt of the service worker to
allow only an attitude of one-way input into the psychological health requirements
of the client is what usually takes place. Without paranoia or exaggeration, one of
the hallmarks of a satanic or shadow driven cult is that “authority” or control is
only one-way: from the top downward. Control is exerted on those persons at any
level beneath the controllers. It is like any sort of dictatorship. If people truly look
at the power dynamics within society, many of them are no different, in many
cases, than the documented power dynamics within Hollywood Satanic cults.
However, as I also said previously in this book there are always those who
control the controller. Importantly, the dynamics are usually unconscious or
subconscious. Exceptions to this are those people who have learned, through
discipline, to go into the higher realms of the psyche consciously.
what humankind has been able to improvise through the use of science and
Let’s give the truly best compassionate care modern psychology can offer by
helping out the mental health providers. Because of ignorance about the nature
of true (psychological) health a crisis in health care has developed, exacerbated
by an overwhelming focus on drug maintenance in sterile or abusive “healing”
environment. Aside from the clients, this results in a high healer burnout rate
because of their ineffectual and/or neurotic-psychotic efforts, compounded by
cumulative effects. Mental health practitioners have the highest suicide rate of all
professionals.121 Consider what I said earlier about people’s projections, about
mental health clients being more easily manipulated while on medication and
about their lowered ability to distinguish between their own personal psychic
boundaries and that of the greater collective. Working with practitioners in close,
intimate and highly controlled relationships, how would the psychic state of a
practitioner, whose group has one of the highest suicide rates among
professional effect the clients’ states of mind, clients who also seem to develop
high rates of suicide. In saying this, the reader might keep in minds the other
highly negative and detrimental dynamics mentioned earlier that affect mental
health clients – labeling and Scapegoating, especially those people labeled as
having Schizophrenia.
operating from emotional levels that have not reached an integrated and
conscious understanding of the dynamic processes involved. This will be
explored in a later chapter.
Like any other group of people, mental health practitioners can develop a
bigoted and defensive attitude, characterized by a “we vs. them” attitude. They
have a ready avenue to obtain a pathological “remedy” to provide the energetic
needs given the situation. How are they “cleansed” of the infected psyches Jung
was talking about and vice-versa. It is common sense to acknowledge such
phenomena – a mutually interactive projection or transference will necessarily
take place within any relationship between people, let alone a client and mental
health professional.
As I touched upon, many mental health clients, most of who can be classified
as victims, have psyches that are in contact with the collective psyche.
Remember what I said earlier about many scapegoats taking on society’s
collective guilt, both because of collective interaction and because of conditioning
caused by labeling, stereotyping and bigotry. As a personal example I remember
one time, while enduring a substantial amount of trauma and abuse I spent one
night telling myself what a horrible human being I was. It was unbelievable. As an
individual I was a complete victim at that time. I had been the constant recipient
of several people’s projections of a very unhealthy and guilt-ridden nature. Most
of these people had been in close relationship to me. Being an extremely
sensitive individual I had actually started to take on and identify with the very
traits they and other people denied within. Eventually, I was able to develop an
actual experiential awareness of these dynamics – this is something I will never
forget. It was a perfect example of a victim, me, being conditioned to in turn
blame myself. I was conditioned to blame myself not only for the abuse I was
receiving from other people but to also take on their unconscious guilt dynamics
as well.
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 265
When people attempt to live and work in mental health environments with
these dynamics present, this causes a perpetuation of the cycle. In respect of
mental health providers, the further they aid the “dispensers of ill-health” the
more dysfunctional they become. The cycle of ill health can only be broken
through awareness and then acting on that awareness. Can people put their
egos aside long enough to acknowledge this? We will see.
Who purifies the health providers of the unhealthy projections they absorb
from the clients? A close analogy is clergy who receive a certain amount of
projections from their “flock” and vice versa, especially in the areas of confession.
Having a greater awareness of the need, the clergy therefore provide
opportunities to cleanse themselves of these dynamics to a much greater extent
than the mental health providers and for obvious reasons usually do. But in
mental health, who “purifies” them? How are they prevented from acting out in
subtle or not so subtle ways, from projecting and acting-out their baggage onto
their clients? I’ve never met clergy who got their personal identity confused with
what they were taught and how they perceived the identity of God, except in
obvious cults. I’ve met many doctors and professionals who acted as if they
were. Regular therapy for the health worker is the only solution to this problem.
In the above sense, thinking with the heart does not only mean letting others
in but also expanding outward to enter into other people, in a mutual form of
exchange. If the inward movement is out of balance and too strong the healer
can become an emotional vampire or sadistic controller – instead letting, they
suck the client into them. A healing relationship can develop by letting the client
into them. Expanding outward, by experientially letting him or herself into the
client, they will actually give a portion of themselves to the client. This is the
origination and method of true healing – as was known during the days of
Hippocrates and is still known in some traditional groups and circles of people
where this art has not become commercialized, degraded and ineffective.
Healing should be a form of empowerment for the client. In some of the more
profound examples of healing I have researched, spiritual healing for example,
Ditto, Pg. v111
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 266
healing requires the giving of energy to the client or patient for just that
purpose.123 How many healers today could or actually would consciously give
himself or herself in this way to a client? I would suspect that in the days of
Hippocrates this wouldn’t have been a serious question of contemplation
because it would have been a natural inclination and prerequisite of any healer
dedicating their life to healing others.
One time a friend of mine jogged my memory with a comment about two-way
movement within the psyche. He said, after he thought about it, it really had a
dramatic effect on the way he interacted with others. It is obviously very
important. Naturally, the emphasis is about mutuality. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
knew what he was talking about because it occurs at all levels and in all areas
where there is human interaction; in all interaction with that which comprises a
person’s living environment.
healing traditions that recognize the connection of body, mind and soul. On an
unconscious level, how healthy a healer is psychically will affect the clients. It is a
far more important factor determining whether a client will be healed or not than
most people would suspect. The healing relationship is far more important than is
usually appreciated. The vast numbers of unsuccessful healing relationships are
quite often a result of primarily unconscious and perhaps not so unconscious ego
anxiety and related dynamics.
Paranoia is a label that attacks the integrity of the client and usually has its
source in the healer or people who create that label. An outrageous and paranoid
example, paranoid on the part of mental health, is if a responsible individual
“Awakening The Heart: East/West Approaches To Psychotherapy and The Healing
Relationship”, John Welwood, Shambala Publications, Inc., 1920 13th Street, Boulder
Colorado, Copyright 1983 by John Welwood, Chapter 2
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 268
wishes to see their files they are labeled as being paranoid! I was told by a
psychologist this is looked upon as an indicator of paranoia, even though some
responsible individuals associated with the process in some way do in fact
recommend that clients look at their files. In looking at files, I have found some
blatant misinformation, misconceptions, things taken completely out of context
and things placed there that were not obtained from the client-therapist
relationship but outside hearsay. A client might be acting responsibly, perhaps
demonstrating an expression of and desire to be pro-active in reviewing and
following their own progress, to have a role in their own healing process. Or, they
may simply be displaying and acting on a healthy intuition that is considered
paranoid. How would you, reader, feel about these things if they happened to
you? Don’t just think about it, picture and imagine it happening to you; feel it.
Close your eyes and picture a movie with you in it. View these things happening
to you as I have just described in the above. What would your intuitive gut
feelings say? What would you do, with the label of “patient” stamped on your
head, really no different than a tattoo burned into your arm?
A responsible person wishing to see their files will be able to review and
monitor the progress of their own healing process. As just mentioned, a great
many files contain gross errors of view and I am sure a lot of this is a result of the
wounded natures of many of the mental health workers. These people
sometimes literally project their own wounded natures and paranoia stemming
from their threatened egos onto the client by doctoring the files in ways that,
although false, supports their “diagnosis.” The “doctoring” of the files might be
more a result of distorted perceptions held by the therapists, distortions they may
be primarily unconscious of, more than anything else. I have witnessed this
personally in quite dramatic fashions, both as a client and as a social worker. I
was certainly instructed in the importance of looking at files from different
sources: professional, friendly advice and sometimes intuitive observations that I
was being treated quite differently than I should have been given the ways in
which I had been “presenting” myself. In fact, I found many inaccuracies and
blatant lies in files that produced a false perception of the client, in this case me.
Most important, if a client is responsible and wishes to take a pro-active and
intelligent approach to their own healing, viewing their files and monitoring their
own progress is commonsense. Speaking as a social worker, long before I
became educated to the realities of the nature of some of these dynamics, I
remember automatically treating clients as paranoid, disbelieved their stories and
had not developed true compassion for them simply because of the labels that
had been placed on them. Although this exhibited my own lack of professional
and self-knowledge at the time, importantly, I had learned this way of viewing
these people from the very front-line workers who were supposed to be training
me to assist these people.
So, the medical establishment has declared war on spirituality and mysticism,
a commonsense attempt at connection with the world and the creator of the
world. When clients speak in spiritual or religious ways they are using imagery
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 269
that is the only way some of these higher aspects of the psyche can be
approached. These levels of the psyche represent the most important ones, the
higher elements of growth and the most important reason for existing in the first
place. Criminally, a client acting responsibly and then being prevented from using
a psychological method to describe what really cannot be put into words,
attempts that actually tries to liberate the psyche, is then pathologized.
With the advent of modern medicine spirituality has been turned into
pathology, as has so many other natural expressions of what it means to me
human. Spirituality has been the main purpose of human existence, as deduced
by most of human civilization since the dawn of humankind. Historically, this has
been humankind’s most important quest, a natural need and impulse. These
examples I have given and their descriptions represents nothing less than control
of human beings, forcing them to remain locked into the lowest levels of the
psyche – the material realm of the ego.
I remember when I was a young child watching a television cut. There was a
large, close group of friends gathered in a living room having a get-together.
Everyone was talking, mingling with other people and having fun. Suddenly, a
person clearly and audibly simply said the word “God.” Everyone looked at him
and there was total silence. Picture this in your mind and you will approach an
understanding of the general view of society. A blatant hypocrisy attempts to
cover it up, especially the “official” one put forth by the powers that be. The
people in the television cut were portraying people who were taken off guard.
They reacted honestly, not having time to present an appropriate persona.
Except in a very narrow and sometimes hypocritical way, provided through
established churches that support dominant society, orthodoxy and the status
quo, thoughts about God were foreign to them. I am referring to “God” in a living,
growing and evolving way – spirituality of the psyche.
In the name of healing, people will recognize that the very domain that has
been under attack represents the heritage that belongs to all of Humankind. It is
a heritage bequeathed to us by the creator – to everyone not just the
self-“chosen.” When only those people who are self-chosen or those selected by
the herd are in control of the condoned spiritual outlets, they sometimes become
instruments of control. Yet, think of the example I gave earlier about clergy
sometimes causing the very thing they are trying to prevent. In looking at their
conscious intentions, they are usually innocent. But the unconscious “Beastly”
cycle grinds on. Importantly it is the very members of these allowable
communities and most particular those in control of them who perform in all the
other functions and interactions of society. These people simply take along their
baggage and need to control others with them.
The people have to take back their power, individual and collective, which they
have allowed to fall into the hands of a few. This is the message. On a
continuum, most of us are simply unaware instruments used to maintain this
state of affairs. We have to open our hearts to the realization that each and every
one of us is our own and unique spiritual expression of the powers of Creation.
As long as these expressions help create and protect life, not take life away we
have to safeguard them. We have to take off the blinders that have been placed
on us.
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 271
Importantly, the Eastern cultures were living in their Golden eras producing
spiritual and philosophical literary and architectural masterpieces when we in the
West were literally still living in caves. This is a spiritual and political statement in
the most profound sense because it will affect us at our deepest human level.
This realization will shatter the egos of people in cultures who look at many of the
other cultures in the world as somehow backward or inferior. It was imperialism
and invasions, physically and psychologically, that indeed did push many of
these cultures into decline.
We have to, if not reverse – we don’t want to repeat past mistakes – then at
least re-balance and repair the shambles of the shamed and nihilistic trend of
modern science and society. It will be difficult to repair the rest without healthy
psyches available to assist the healing of society. We have to empower people,
giving them the strength to recollect their whole, integral selves. Our mental
health system can, if it chooses, become an instrument used in a historical
healing, producing an era of great healers. They can do this if they open their
hearts and eyes.
One of the prime psychic divisions society must heal, through awareness, is
the reality of our dual natures. We have to consciously unite the masculine and
feminine energies, our Earthly and Heavenly natures. In addition, many world
famous and influential psychologists and thinkers over time have warned
humankind that we have to see, accept and integrate both the “divinity and the
animal” within ourselves.130 Naturally, this necessarily includes all people. By
ignoring these aspects of ourselves we create the neurotic or psychotic shell, the
shadow that has taken over the systems controls of society. When I speak of
shell I primarily refer to that part of the psyche that has lost touch with the wider,
deeper and greater qualities of life and what it means to be human. It has
become an empty shell; similar to the way the Judeo-Christian Cabala refers to
Ditto, Pg. 6
Ditto, Pg. 8
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 272
True psychosis, in the medical pathological sense, is the result of acute and or
chronic imbalance. This is normally but not always induced from sources outside
the individual so affected. This can be caused by psychological torture for
example or because of a prohibition against expressing or acknowledging all that
it means to be human.
Boom: Consider that, within society most people are conditioned to perform
roles and many people take their roles and the power that comes with these roles
to represent who they are. It becomes elemental and obvious to see why we
have developed a neurotic and psychotic society en mass. The Dali Lama makes
a compassionate mention of this, only using different words in his autobiography.
We are talking about people who live these personas and roles, these
falsehoods, as if as if they defined who they really are. Instead of saying “I am a
young woman or man,” the self-dialogue states, “I am a doctor or baker.” For
Psychosis”, Edward M. Podvoll, M.D., Shambala Publications, inc. Horticultural Hall, 300
Massachusetts Avenue, Boston Massachusetts 02115,, copyright
1990 by Edward Podvoll
Ditto, Pg. 147
Ditto, Pg. 151
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 273
falsely powerful people this applies to roles that give them some kind of image,
power and control over others. They fall apart when that role or the power
associated with that role is threatened. I have personally witnessed these very
dynamics when I have, in a very civilized manner, challenged people who hold
this view. I have done this simply by offering my own opinion. Within society the
other type of shell hardened person, the conditioned and victimized person,
usually already has fallen apart. This is sometimes induced by those other, more
powerful persons who maintain their shells by projecting onto and controlling
other people, as in the example of some would-be-healers.
Panic attacks that I had experienced originating and resulting from past
traumatic events I have learned how to conquer. Through the use of meditation
and martial arts I acquired an ability to discipline my mind. I learned how to
express equanimity. With this ability, in every instance that I challenged abusive
people one of the first physical gestures or symptoms I would see them perform
when challenged in this manner would be a defensive crossing of arms, thinning
of lips and other very obvious and demonstrable examples of defensive anger.
Anger, that sure fire indication of guilt when exhibited by people who hold
positions and express abusive power over others. The crime is that these people
were in positions of power and entrusted to help wounded and hurt people!
In all fairness, many people, not necessarily abusive people will respond in a
defensive manner to some extent when their egos are threatened, because they
have become conditioned to this. A crossing of arms, for many people, is a very
unconscious act and is an indicator primarily of unconscious dynamics rather
than conscious. It is the degree and expression of anger, aggression and other
physiological indicators that determines the level at which an individual is
affected by the dynamics I am speaking of.
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 274
In reference to the abusers, the truly appalling thing about these examples is
that if the disempowered people under their control demonstrated the same types
of behavior, they would quickly be “dealt with” by whatever methods necessary. I
remember one time when I was speaking to a rather nasty mental health worker.
I refer to this person in another section of this book. I related to this person in the
way I described above. I remember reading my file later. It stated that during this
interview I had been “presenting” to this person with a flat demeanor (no
animation), was argumentive and so forth. In the first instance I could only have
been described as having a flat demeanor after I was threatened, humiliated and
forced only to listen to her and other staff. It was before I was forced to become
mute that I was described as being argumentive. Before the interview I had taken
a weak tranquilizer at the emergency general hospital ward I had arrived from. I
had gone there because of a panic attack that had resulted from being severely
emotionally and psychologically abused by someone. I “presented” myself in an
absolutely calm, animated, intelligent way. It was the mental health worker who
presented all of the indicators that had been placed in my file. This person had
projected her dynamics onto me, forced me into one of their categories of
diagnosis and symptoms. Then I was called paranoid for wanting to see my file,
the contents of which verified absolutely what I am saying right now. They
contained some outright, bogus lies. This was pure projection on her part.
Criminally, the treatment I had received from this person would indeed have
caused these very symptoms in the usual type of individual that would have been
sitting in my chair. However, I went into the interview knowing what to expect and
had turned the tables substantially in comparison to what would usually have
unfolded under those circumstances. The only accuracy in the file was that I had
stopped trying to offer my opinion – a flat demeanor – and this was labeled as a
symptom. Offering my opinion about my own self was labeled as argumentive.
Sort of a catch 22 situation don’t you think? In this manner the “the-rapist”
unconsciously (psychotically?) shut herself off to her projections and subsequent
hypocrisy and still wrote down into the files what she wanted to believe.
Of note: while I was with this mental health worker she briefly left the room to
greet a young woman who was coming into the hospital under a lot of stress and
verging on panic. Soon after this worker went out to greet this person, the young
woman started screaming and had to be dragged away by security. The worker
then entered back into the room we were in with a grim and severe look on her
face. Keep in mind she took time to “comfort” this young woman, who needed
compassion and support, while she was in the process of talking to someone
who was, in a very civilized manner challenging her usual way of throwing her
weight around. She then took her frustrations out on this young woman just
arriving at the hospital. Interesting that both my self and the young woman were
there because of panic attacks. Mine certainly resulted from being the recipient of
abuse. From my experiences, both professional and personal, I can bet the same
was true for this young woman who needed someone to love her rather than
make her scream in terror resulting in her being dragged away. It occurred to me
that the young woman would have been a good synchronicity representing my
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 275
raped and abused inner woman. Compassion in action? My blood runs cold
when I think of society’s victims being re-victimized and tortured like this.
Anyway, I dealt with this worker’s superior in the same way I described above
and he reacted accordingly: a very defensive and fidgety reaction. Similar to the
above, he calmed down and resumed a patronizing demeanor when I stopped
offering my opinion. Dear reader; use your imagination and feel yourself
experiencing what I am describing. Feel what I am describing with feeling, not
with emotional sentimentality. Use your intellect and commonsense to decide for
yourself how you would act in similar circumstances.
I have seen clients and ordinary people treated this way so many times and
not just in hospitals. I don’t swear to often but these types of *x/t5#m types of
people are in charge of society. They are literally wolves in sheep’s clothing.
They are in charge of “helping” or directing the very people they are supposed to
be healing and offering comfort or guidance to. These are profound examples of
blaming and re-victimizing the victim. Not only are they responsible either for
disempowering them in the first place they are also responsible for attempting to
ensure they stay there – a perverted form of job creation and maintenance. It’s
like asking a pedophile and rapist to baby-sit my son or daughter.
How do we deal with the above? To heal the earth and its people, all of us, we
have to spread awareness and take a stand against the fragmentation of society.
Fragmentation: this is easy to understand thanks to computers, chuckles. For the
most part this is a result of the severely fragmenting affect of repression,
specialization and prescriptive rather than proscriptive, technology. Flowing from
these dynamics we end up with fragmented and weakened human psyches and
bodies. I’ve heard many employers refer to their employees as bodies rather than
people. It’s easy to see why people’s immune systems have been compromised
generally throughout society.
Devil on one shoulder and an Angel on the other. Is that why this image is so
popular and everyone recognizes it? This is why looking at ones emotions,
thought patterns and so on have to be delved through and put in their proper
perspective in order to help heal the whole person.
Everything within the whole person has to be honored. As for the contents,
they are valid only in their proper context, in their relationship with everything
else. We are learning about the psyche; there’s a lot of stuff there. So a very
important technique to learn is detachment, where emotions are transformed into
refined feelings rather than being annihilated. I am definitely not talking about
turning off one’s feelings, especially empathy - quite the opposite.
What I’m referring to is not letting the feelings one encounters to rule or control
them. This is the process of transforming one’s archaic emotions, whose
energies can be pretty useful at times, into identifiable and refined feelings. This
change is assisted with the understanding obtained from being directly
connected with the higher aspects of the mind, physically represented by the
neo-cortex. Synchronizing the whole mind and brain, a balance can be struck
between the left, discriminating, egocentric, logical part of the brain, in a flowing
and balanced interaction with the right side. The right side contains the vast
portion of the psyche most usually referred to as our Soul, our core. This
connects us with the larger psyche of life. It connects directly to the world Soul
and beyond. This contains and connects us to the collective, historical and
psychic total of all expressions of the cumulative mental energies throughout the
ages. Outside of intuition, this is as close to the creative source as is possible for
the human psyche to attain, accessed in the right hemisphere of the brain. It also
contains most of what modern science and society pathologizes. The logical left
side can be used to enlighten the depths of the right side. Once these energetic
energies have been enlightened, one can move beyond them to touch calm, pure
potential. Have I experienced this pure potential? I have only felt glimpses of it in
this lifetime. Fortunately I have learned how to remain calm.
When we accept all our thoughts, feelings and other contents of mind, in
whatever ways they manifest within us, then we begin to become whole. By
becoming tolerant in this manner we also begin to see what a constant effort is
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 277
I think I can see now why Jesus has been portrayed as a rebel. He questioned
society to a radical degree – radical because it strikes at the familiar way of
thinking and living, especially in a political and religious sense. He was
profoundly against and outspoken about the hypocrisy and empty form of people.
We have come to see how these types of people gain from others what they are
unable to find within themselves. Anyone has the potential to be exactly like the
Pharisees Jesus went against. I would say it is far worse in today’s World. I think
Jesus, not the Christ within him, would have found tackling today’s world a little
more difficult than it was 2000 years ago, a time when everyone was deeply
aware of forces greater than themselves. In addition, the world’s population was
only a fraction of what it is today.
We all have to look at our blinders. Once we realize that healthy functioning on
the material plane cannot be separated from an appreciation for the higher
realms of reality, we can accept the development of true, healthy and conscious
psychological development. This awareness may not fit in with what we would
usually consider “normal” or “well-adjusted.”137 In fact, what we consider “normal”
functioning is not necessarily healthy living. In most cases the “treatment” of a
psychiatric client is usually considered successful if his or her behavior is
reprogrammed to fit a cookie-cutter type of persona. Usually, it is a persona that
will help maintain the machine, even, perhaps as a scapegoat. Machines have no
compassion about the welfare of people. This type of treatment is not dissimilar
to the nagging monthly reminders (even if we have already paid!) and other junk
mail we receive, all because it is done by computerization.
Many people feel the discrepancies between what they sense at a gut level to
be false about how they have been conditioned to live in society and what true
healthy living is really like.138 Another major problem society has to heal, in this
case decrease, is the hypnotic effect of so much of what we take to be culture
and useful technology – it has to be re-evaluated. We are much less aware of our
actions and especially our true motives-intent behind them than we think we are.
This takes a lot of work.
In a world dominated by fast food and quick fixes, you know, the drive-thru
mentality, very few people even want to make the effort. In regards to mental
health professionals, it is the responsibility of these people, I’m sure initially well-
motivated, to not only set a healthy example but as well to expand their
professional knowledge to an efficacious level. Most of them are failing in this
Instead, the mental health worker can actually work to attain an actual wisdom
of healing. I am referring to the kind that could be passed on to the client, like a
teacher passing wisdom on to a student. The teacher practicing the art of
teaching has to have the hope that the student will surpass her or him in ability
and knowledge. This is the sign of true love and nurturing. This is the true mark
of a teacher – a teacher of life. Effective psychotherapy is only possible when
Ditto, Pgs. 11 - 12
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 279
Consider the idea and subsequent benefit of quieting the mind. A recurring
theme throughout society that we see obviously manifested within areas of
mental is that most people learn to perform in conformity to many different
sources of messages, most of them subliminal and subtle, others not so subtle.
This creates people who are “multiplied and scattered.” These people are
dissociated from their true selves. They learn to live a lie demanded of them by
others and because of their egos they demand it of themselves. 139 This is why
true psychotherapy does not involve solidifying the false, artificially created
personas that are only useful for interacting on the mundane level of reality or for
maintaining the machine. The development of true self-knowledge can be
described with the image of peeling back the many layers of an onion to find the
true core of the individual underneath.
The apparently dual natures of our psyches, masculine and feminine, light and
dark, hot and cold, high and low are illusional. This is nature’s way of creating a
dynamic tension out of which a new self can be born. 140 This alchemical
integration has been the goal of the various Eastern and Western wisdom
traditions for a long time. In depth psychology, the psychoanalytical result of this
higher integration of self is called individuation. This is a necessary prerequisite if
a person is going to become a whole human being.
We can look at this from the perspective of imagery and geometry. The above
statement is a perfect description of the following: subsequent to a naturally
developmental maturing of the psyche, that is after the ego has matured to a
level where its orientation and energies support the whole psychic structure in all
of its apparently different manifestations, a geometric representation would be an
Ditto, Pg. 14
Ditto, Pg. 16
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 280
I find it interesting that the trinity (3) and quaternity (4) comes to a total of 7,
throughout human history a number having important spiritual significance and
However, there is another number that can also be used to represent the unity
of the lower realms with the higher in a more stable but mutually dynamic,
interacting way. The number 7 plays a large role in the psychological imagery of
the Book of Revelations in the Christian New Testament (and many other Holy
books from other traditions). From the way I understand things, it represents
breaking down the rigidities in the psyche, resulting in the lower energies re-
connecting with the higher realms. This gives way to the new birth of something
that emerges out of this integration that, under natural circumstances, would
follow. A higher level is attained and the number 8 represents this. Energetically
described with geometry, this can be visualized as a down-swept triangle
overlaid by a covering upswept triangle. Some people recognize this symbol as
the hexagram, the Star of David and in other traditions simply called the six-
pointed star. In fact, there are traditions that represent this energetic
development with an 8-rayed star, the eight directions. I have also read many
accounts that refer to the Christ being represented by the number 8 or 888. It
represents the golden centre – balanced but dynamic feminine and masculine
energies. This dynamic triplicity, 888, represents dynamic movement inherent in
the constant uniting and mutual interaction of the higher with the lower, almost
like a type of breathing. The number 7 represents “stable” earth energies
combined with dynamic heavenly energies that eventually causes the lower earth
energies to lose their stability, separate, then rearrange themselves, to reunite
into a higher integration. A good metaphor or image for the number seven is a
plow being pulled through the ground, breaking it up and preparing it for new
growth. An image for the number 8 might be a farmer’s harvest; and I am not
talking about a harvest of innocent victims but of conscious seekers who
intuitively search for a meaning to life beyond the materialism from which they
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 281
I have thought about this dream for 6 years. For some reason I feel it
appropriate to place it in this commentary today, 2/25/07.I can only say that for
me this dream illustrates the way an earthbound but dynamic movement,
represented by either the quaternity or number seven, can help lead one to a
higher level integration and balance represented by a centered position, as
symbolized by the number eight. It represents the use of powerful, primordial
masculine Earth energies that are sometimes necessary to access in order to
overcome the severe environmental challenges one faces in rising to higher
levels in the psyche This especially refers to escaping from the earthbound
feminine waters of the psyche and their attempt to keep a psyche immersed and
enmeshed in materialistic, womb-like earth and herd-like mentality. It refers to
escaping from the gravity of the Earth. Immersed in the tri-dynamic feminine, the
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 282
In this dream I find myself stuck in a type of tubing that is open at both
ends. I am stuck and am not able to maneuver or get out of this tube. I am
resting on the edge of a bank that drops into a body of water. Suddenly I start to
roll down the bank and fall into the water where I sink to the bottom, unable to
escape in order to reach the surface. Although I felt trapped, I did not experience
the fear associated with not being able to breath. I find it interesting that when I
had the above horseshoe dream in Calgary, I also saw a television program that
resonates with this second dream. It was a science program and it portrayed
experiments where mice were injected with some form of stabilized oxygen that
allowed them to breathe underwater for a certain time period. I can’t remember
the exact details of this program. It not only resonates with this second dream I
just related but was also synchronized with the living situation I had been in when
I saw the program and in fact was synchronistic with most of my environmental
living conditions for the vast portion of my life – rather like a lab rat. For some
reason, in the countless times I had this dream over the years I never
experienced it as a nightmare or developed any kind of panic, either in the dream
or when I woke up in the mundane world. Perhaps some part of me knew that
eventually I would free myself from the confines of this straight-jacket-like tubing
and reach the surface of the water so that, breathing, I could climb out onto dry
This can also be conceptualized by utilizing the image of a pyramid within the
circle, a model of hierarchy and upward movement, emerging from a solid and
intact foundation, in an evolutionary sense.
What modern psychiatry does is stamp out this necessary, evolutionary and
psychic struggle to be reborn into a higher realm altogether, unless it’s in service
to the machine. Some people, who go to seek help because of mental difficulties
of a psychological-spiritual nature, usually brought on by some sort of trauma or
crisis in their life are especially re-traumatized. This is primarily in reference to
poor and isolated people. Most all of these people are classified into that catch-
all-nets called schizophrenia, obsession-compulsion, bi-polar, borderline
personality and so fourth. I will say that some of these people do demonstrate
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 283
unhealthy, perhaps even abusive characteristics and precisely for the reasons I
have already discussed in this book. We have to break this cycle.
For example, anyone with any common sense can recognize that the
condition known as bi-polar is a condition artificially caused by conditioning,
fragmentation and the subsequent prevention from being able to integrate
apparently dual aspects of a whole psyche. The condition known as bi-polar is an
expression of a psychological attempt or struggle in trying to unite those two
energetic and psychological expressions – expressions that society over time
has coercively and violently split apart. What this prevention results in is the
actual murder of part of that person’s psyche and Soul. Many of the drugs used,
Lithium for example, actually destroy the person’s body as well. The natural
outcome of this is further stagnation and fragmentation that leaves most of these
people far less alive and human than before they went to seek help.
The present situation is a compounded one where some clients, usually the
poor, are treated like criminals or sub-human, especially if they end up in an
institution. This happens to a lot of people who are scapegoats within their
families and society – the “black sheep” or “the ugly ducklings.” We have to help
these ugly ducklings turn into the swans that they really are. This institutionalized
prevention can primarily be attributed to the labels that become attached to them,
a form of bigotry and the ease with which they can be controlled because of all
the factors discussed so far. This affects both those labeled and the labelers in a
most unhealthy way.
of employment. Another staff person I was working with looked at me and said
working with these people made her feel powerful – at another person’s expense.
It demonstrated an awareness that needs to be promoted. I will stress, that when
I refer to examples expressing unhealthy or harmful psychological dynamics,
gender is absolutely not an issue. As I have said during this commentary, I have
met many people from both genders who express these dynamics. It is a human
issue not a gender issue.
Ditto , Pg. 22 - 23
Ditto, Pg. 23
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 285
been forcibly hidden and then learn to uncover them and bring them into the
Yet the above-mentioned person called me arrogant and did not want me to
give my two cents worth about me! They put a muzzle on me, just like a dog or
other pet. What was done to me is a prime example of how people are mute-
ilated, psychically and physically by the beast in the machine. This was pure
projection and rejection on her part. It expressed a need to control others while
leaving her self out of control. As described, she displayed many physiological
and verbal expressions of defensiveness virtually every time I tried to express
myself. I also know why, now. I threatened this person’s flimsy ego while
speaking about my experiences of the abuse – when I spoke with knowledgeable
explanations and understanding about real events. Having knowledge about
these dynamics, my verbalizations were exposing her to her lack of knowledge
and ability to heal her-self. I also prevented her from controlling me beyond a
certain point. Perhaps I also – unconsciously – tweaked her guilt for committing
the same types of invasions and psychic rape I had experienced from other
people. These were the things I was attempting to relate to her, especially the
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 286
specific incident that had caused me to go there in the first place. Interestingly,
this very same person had taken part in one of the most traumatic events of
abuse I have ever suffered, several years earlier to the above conversation.
The most destructive aspect of this was their attempt to instill a dependency in
me instead of trying to empower me. As I said, this was a time when I had gone
seeking help for a very severe panic attack that occurred precisely because of
the abuse I had received from this system and other related parties – parties =
part = fragmentation. The “treatment” I received actually worsened my well
being. I was attacked and intimidated: that was the very reason I was there! I was
“treated” in such a way that might have forced a reaction from me that supported
their perception of what I was experiencing and why. As I stated above,
fortunately for me, as difficult as the experience was I was prepared for it that
The above last five paragraphs say more than simply what the semantics of
the words suggest.
As another dry and humorous aside, this organization had a business run by
the hospital –clients under the hospital’s supervision bag and package
marketable selections of pet supplies. The company name refers to animals in
transit and the name is stenciled on the side of the vehicle that delivers the
products. Perhaps the people who thought this name up were unconsciously
referring to the clients who produced the products. This vehicle carried inanimate
pet supplies and clients – it didn’t carry dogs, cats or any other pets that I know
Today, the dynamics of this abuse cannot be attributed to gender when taking
into consideration the scope and regularity of its prevalence throughout society. It
can only be understood from a primarily psychological and spiritual stance in the
manner I have been putting forth. It involves people. We have to let go of the
separation that results when we segregate humanity based on biology, life styles,
beliefs, culture, geographical location and especially differential power
way around. This is simply another institutional setting where this statement is
This continued but now he began saying he would have to end the therapeutic
relationship because of her infatuation with him. This woman said this went on for
a while leaving her in a state of uncertainty and fear. Combined with the natural
psychological phenomena of transference, this particular type of relationship
would produce an inappropriate and unhealthy dependence of the client onto the
therapist. This would significantly increase the pain she was feeling already in
her life. After making her worry for a while, without any type of proper closure, he
terminated her as his “patient.” This woman said she went into crisis after this
ordeal and has been obsessed with thinking about him ever since.
Very important, as the woman was telling me about these events she
physically became nauseated by the memory. She said she still goes through a
hellish time because of it. She said she had spoken with other women who had
similar experiences with this ‘the-rapist’ and for the same reasons. He had a
reputation for having a huge ego. Is this why he would initiate into female clients
an obsession with him? He was harming his clients in order to massage his own
ego. It is also a subtle but very powerful example of the dynamics of sadism-
masochism in action. This is all very similar to the other themes running through
this book – manipulation and using of other people to fulfill the manipulator’s own
ego-energetic needs.
Some time later I remember seeing another doctor at the same clinic. I
told this doctor, in a clear, friendly and detached manner, with irrefutable logic
what had taken place. The Doctor I was speaking with adamantly defended the
doctor I was referring to, abruptly filled out a prescription for me – she increased
my psychotropic drug medication – and rudely stormed off close to the front of
me as she left the office. There was not one once of compassion displayed by
this doctor. There was absolutely nothing in her manner present that would make
one think of the high standards of the Hippocratic Oath. This was a female doctor
and she happened to be defending a male Doctor. The fact is gender was in no
way a factor in any of the dynamics I am describing. This is a perfect example
how gender does not have to be a factor with many of the dynamics I have been
discussing throughout this book. The bigotry in this case was not gender related
but simply power related. It was simply a case of one doctor covering up the
unethical practices of another, at the expense of the client. It was a simple case
of the medical system re-victimizing the clients. Remember the importance that
anger plays in indicating guilt.
manner? These are the sorts of questions I would like to see people asking
themselves. Whoever is reading these words; as I have said before, try to
imagine yourself experiencing something like this. Especially think about the
example I gave earlier about my visit to a hospital because of a panic attack and
the young woman who had been suicidal that I spoke about. How do you feel
deep within as you read this. What is moving inside, beyond but working with
your intellect or ego?
Speaking for myself, I had never even remotely considered the idea until the
question was asked to me, after I made contact with the mental health services.
Combined with the past and at the time current and ongoing severe trauma I had
been experiencing, this question had a dramatic affect on me. Subsequent to
these suggestions, on one occasion I very briefly entertained the idea but in that
short time I had done this – I am talking about seconds – I became totally
nauseated by the thought very quickly. In the midst of all of this, the only thing
that protected me was my dedication to protecting and nurturing life, which had
almost been destroyed during the course of my long-term and traumatic odyssey.
Even then, it was not until that question was asked of me that I had even
entertained the idea. Think of this in relation to what I have been saying about
the true nature of satanic cult dynamics. In relation to mental health, as an
example, I remember a time when I spoke with a very intelligent person, a client
of mental health services. He told me that, based on research he had done,
approximately 1/3 of all people with so-called schizophrenia ended up committing
suicide, depending from where the statistics are obtained. I wonder how much
the power of suggestion plays a role here. People labeled as having
schizophrenia – being among the most sensitive people to be found anywhere
and usually the very ones in society who have been most brutalized and
traumatized – are the most easily influenced by these irresponsible types of
practice. They also carry most of society’s collective guilt.
connection with the larger psyche – the limitless energy source. The greater and
larger scope of reality the psyche is consciously in contact with, the greater the
amount of energy carried by that person. Anyone who has read anything about
satanic sacrifice knows that the purpose of blood sacrifice is to obtain energy
from another life form. Use some imagination to complete the rest of the equation
– it should provide some food for thought (In extension, consider the nature of
The editor and contributor of the book “Awakening The Heart”, whose
knowledge I have combined with my own information in the commentary above
and below and someone I have found to be a valuable research tool is an
instructor of students of psychiatry and psychology. He and his various
contributors make a point illustrating the need for the would-be healers to have
undergone the same sort of experience they would presume to guide their own
clients through. In-depth analysis should actually be part of their educational
curriculum and then on going during practice, as a form of debriefing and
deactivation of any accumulation of unhealthy psychological energies and
complexes. How else can a true state of empathetically assisted healing, within
an atmosphere of mutuality and respect take place? It can’t. In order for
someone to teach carpentry they have to learn how to actually do carpentry.
Intellectual knowledge of the process by itself is useless.
The vertical axis today is systematically and officially being pathogised. Is this
to create jobs and most especially to increase profits? A perfectly necessary life
drive for meaning, for “God”, is constantly being murdered by our “Age of
enlightenment” and I say enlightenment tongue-in-cheek. In the way I am
discussing it, psychotherapy and its practitioners could learn from the various
traditions that honor and recognize the importance of the vertical movement
“beyond the world”. Existing for thousands of years, some of these traditions
provide vital psycho-physiological requirements and nourishment. We need to
have effective mental-health requirements to be available to people. This is only
possible by embracing a life-enhancing awareness of a vast, expanding psyche
and universe that we are a part of. This is necessary for healthy living.
Unless a person is open to immediate experiences, with every way they have
of perceiving, they cannot truly be alive in the real sense of the word. 146 These
words speak of what the spirit of healing should be all about. It speaks of the two-
way interaction that has to be present if the relationship is to be truly effective in
a life-enhancing way.
When we use spiritual tools derived from Eastern and Western spiritual
practices and use them in medical psychotherapeutic approaches, some things
should be kept in mind. Since medical therapy, usually, only deal with ego and
ego aspects of “fitting in,” in the Western world, when Eastern traditional wisdom
and spiritual methods are used they can cause further regression and
solidification of the neurosis and psychosis already prevalent throughout society.
Ditto, Pg. 29
Ditto, Pg. 30
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 292
Remember the effects I mentioned earlier of getting lost in the panorama and
fireworks of the lower levels of the psyche when people learn to access them but
in an undisciplined way. This is no different than many New Age groups that use
practices that try to utilize Eastern spiritual techniques to further their growth.
Because people have been conditioned to operate from the mundane ego-plane
of existence, many of them are regressive rather than evolutionary.In
psychotherapy, when medication isn’t used by itself, new age-like techniques are
sometimes used for adjustment of personality, the persona, rather than the true
individual. 147 They create better actors not better human beings. These
techniques simply become another form of a mind-numbing drug. They actually
prevent the concentration necessary to achieve higher levels of consciousness.
In the limited number of approaches that are available for transformation, for
the few individuals who are fortunate to access them, they found that they were
actually gratified for the appearance of their neurosis or other problems they
developed. This was because they were propelled into a greater and deeper
inquiry of the mind and life.149 This type of healthy therapy is only available to
those who can afford it. Even the very few Jungian psychologists I have found
Ditto, Pg. 35
Ditto, Pg. 36
Ditto, Pg. 39
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 293
locally charge substantial amounts of money, leaving the vast majority of people
at the mercy of the “free” mental health services available. Neurosis can be seen
as a natural – or unnatural depending on how you look at it – reaction to
unhealthy conditioning and an unnatural environment. What could be an
opportunity for growth instead becomes a tortuous spiral of abuse. Today, those
persons who cannot afford effective therapy are looked at as the problems, not
the results of a problematic living environment. Nor are they appreciated for
having the evolutionarily developed minds or potential that they have. This
potential is demonstrated by them being sensitive enough to develop awareness
of or express symptoms of their unhealthy state of mind that results because of
the environment they exist in.
True mediation is a technique that could bring many people to the very roots
of their problems by making one aware of just how confused and defensive the
contents of most people’s minds really are.150 Because of the lack of supports,
encouragement and true guides available, only a few people are able to
withstand or have the strength and courage required for a transformation. The
mind is constantly manufacturing defenses that prevent us from experiencing life.
The mind has been conditioned to do this. Instead of seeing through this
conditioning during the process of meditation, most people retreat and regress
into a deeper mode of defense. This is because most people cannot withstand
the blow or shock to their false egos. During meditation, at first, the false ego is
usually shocked when true psychic reality is experienced.
In the West, successful treatment in mental health is said to have taken place
when the false ego has been strengthened. This increases alienation, expanding
the influence of bigotry and scapegoating. Medication can be misused to lower
consciousness. Without going deeply to the source of psychic manifestations we
only end up using the band-aid approach while the deeper wounds fester.
I earlier mentioned one way that well motivated individuals would be able to
navigate around these obstacles or begin to. Some forms of easily available
psychotherapy, cognitive therapy for example, can begin to achieve this.
However, there are two things people have to safeguard themselves against: 1)
that the therapist and particular cognitive method used does not cause further
splits within the psyche or use 2) behavior modification approaches to the psyche
that focuses exclusively on the ego. For example, some types of neuro-linguistic
programming – the word programming speaks volumes! – could be misused by
other people who instruct clients how to utilize this method. The cult I described
earlier who used “treatments” during their services describes perfectly how these
methods could be used for illegitimate control of people. Therapists and other
people can misuse the same dynamic method. However, healthy cognitive
therapy can be used as a way of stabilizing the mind and ego to a strong enough
degree that meditation could then be used to go beyond the ego into the higher
Ditto, Pg., 46-47
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 294
People I have known like this had actually increased their false ego
orientation. In the examples that I am thinking of some had been business people
before they became involved with a certain meditative community and from what
I could see that was why they got involved: it was good for business. The people
I am specifically thinking of – who provided me with personal examples that
demonstrated a very unprofessional and mean-spirited type of business ethic –
used what they thought they had learned to make profits. I saw examples where
the people they presumed to help grow actually regress, expressed primarily by
increased levels of addictive personalities and lack of health in general,
especially a strengthening of egotistical sentiments and expression. Incidentally,
this applied both to those that presumed to instruct other people and the few
other people that availed themselves of these charlatans. The persons that had
been given instruction expressed an almost pathetic subservience – dependence
– to the “instructors”. What was demonstrated, on a very small scale, were the
same dynamics that are present in a cult where there is a leader who tries to take
on the persona of someone who is highly advanced, spiritually, intellectually and
otherwise. We see examples of this sort of thing throughout society. They were
very good actors. In meditation communities there are usually masters and
teachers to instruct the proper methods. However, in this instance, because the
classes are large and do not involve deep one-on-one student-teacher
relationships, in the traditional way, what I describe above is sometimes
inevitable. True meditation does not just refer to learning how to calm the
nervous system. True mediation involves the development of true self-
knowledge, free of the ego and all associated dynamics.
In review, a simple but profoundly effective way to initiate psychic growth is the
simple practice of mindfulness – watching and following the thoughts, emotions
and breath. The individual learns how to constantly and consciously let the
thoughts, emotions and feelings come and then just let them go. This
encourages fluidity and prevents obsession or compulsion, although at first these
dynamics become more hectic and frequent. Eventually a person learns how to
consciously control and use their energies for constructive purposes. This occurs
when they no longer lose their energies to dissipation or have them consumed by
the ego during its constant manufacturing of contents. Eventually the ability to
escape from the effects of the small, personal and collective ego extends
outward. In this way one is able to escape the gravity-like, conditioning effects of
the collective super-ego and therefore of the herd. Eventually we learn how to
ride the horse: the energies related to unbridled thoughts and the emotions
Ditto, Pg. 47
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 295
associated with these thoughts. They can then become harnessed for
constructive purposes. We can learn how to befriend them and turn their energy
to life-promoting use. When we do not end up getting caught up in them, we
become comfortable with them. When we do not become attached to them, we
can go beyond them. By gently letting them go we may find our way to a source
of greater sensitivity, stability and strength. We can be grounded and anchored in
mundane reality yet fluidly adaptable. By remaining open to whatever enters the
mind and then letting it go, in effect what is happening is that the person is
learning how to become more tolerant of their selves and thereby others. It is a
way to begin combating bigotry on a conscious level. This can eventually,
positively affect the collective level of the psyche. Given the growing numbers of
people utilizing mental health services, it is with those people who would
presume to heal us that would be the obvious place to begin a large-scale
transformative healing process within society; to initiate a greater potential for
collective psychic transformation.
If a person has the courage and perseverance to delve through the negative
and chaotic flood of emotions and overcome the fear associated with them, what
they eventually would find is a core of strength and wholesomeness the
individual never thought that they had. 152 In meditation, the practice of being with
parts of ourselves that we would rather not look at builds confidence as one
realizes that nothing inside is as bad as our avoidance or our rejection of it would
be. Once we have seen these contents, lovingly embraced them, heal them and
consciously put into the garbage what is not recyclable, we learn not to be
controlled by them. We can more easily see and encourage our more positive
traits and natural abilities. We can become creative.
One special point should be made clear. Because it is a rare thing today in the
world to find an actual master or guru to act as a guide in a long-term one-on-one
relationship, in almost all cases, some sort of analysis or effective psychotherapy
should be used before or in conjunction with serious meditation before it is
pursued. This is because of the literally mind shattering points and glimpses of
awareness and realization one may arrive at during the course of psychic
expansion. This will take place if a person is truly dedicated in the search and
moves upward in an evolutionary sense. We always have to keep in mind the
difference between true evolutionary meditation and a trance that results in
lowered levels of consciousness. The latter is a type of enmeshed trance with the
environment. The former refers to rising above the lower level environmental
dynamics, our foundations but remaining consciously connected with them.
As I said, although there are many good psychologists out there, only a few
are publicly funded. People usually end up with psychiatrists who are “guided” in
diagnosis and treatment by symposiums funded and hosted by the
pharmaceutical companies. In addition, there are few psychiatrists available who
are open-minded, individual and free spirited enough to go beyond the traditional
Ditto, Pg. 51
Healing the Client and Healing the Healer is a Mutual affair 296
medical model. This model tends only to look for or create “pathology” rather
than looking for well being. In medical school and within the medical-model there
is not enough focus on preventative medicine.
I remember speaking to one person who was working with this population of
people in a group home. While working there, he was also taking courses at a
drug-dependency clinic for some major addictions. He had also recently gotten
out of prison after serving a sentence for severely physically abusing his wife. I’m
not condemning this person. What I am evaluating is his unqualified status to
work with this population of people. The main reason the memory of this
individual case has stayed clearly in my mind was because he had at one time
told me about a person with “schizophrenia” at the group home where he had
worked. He told me that one night he had to “corner” this resident and
lecture/counsel him on certain issues of lifestyle. Importantly, these issues had
nothing to do with things that infringed on other people or their space – nor was it
related to personal hygiene. The individual telling me this said the biggest reason
he gave him this lecture was because he was embarrassed for the client
because of how he presented himself. In other words, the resident was being
counseled to adopt the personality preferences of this counselor, who was a
severe drug addict and also had a history of violence. I witnessed this anger in
him during the several times that I interacted with and had conversations with
him. To finish off with this reference, I will mention the main reason why this story
bothered. This “schizophrenic,” as this person referred to the client, who had
been “cornered” had also been a quadriplegic in a wheelchair. The reason this
violent person got the job in the first place was because he was a member of a
protected and favored minority group. Even though he had a severe drug
addiction, a violent history and related criminal record, none of which he had
healed from or risen above, he got the job. Get my drift.
these types of people who hold positions of authority, trust and responsibility.
Look at the number of wounded but undiagnosed people who take others along
with them in acts of multiple suicides or murders where the perpetrators
eventually turn the gun on their selves. In the category of perpetrators, the most
dangerous are those person’s who prime concern in life is to glorify themselves
and make monetary profits, using whatever competitive advantage they can use
and at whoever’s expense. These perpetrators are all wounded people
themselves. When many of these people inter-act or use other people, those
other people sometimes become expressions of societies’ unconsciously
conscious sacrifices to the shadow – “a Harvest of the innocents” as one man
called it. I find it interesting that this insightful person, who philosophically and
very seriously used this expression, had a vast experience of the mental health
system as a client under his belt. From what he told me, it hadn’t been a good
Many clients admitted to the dissociative disorders units have been sexually
victimized by doctors or therapists.154 In real life, for most people at the deeper
psychic levels, this figure would be astronomically higher and would be totally
gender neutral in respect to the victims. There are psychically traumatized people
who make claims to have been sexually abused. Although this is later disproved
in a material sense, on a psychic level I have no doubt these people are telling
the truth. The difficulty is that many of them have a tendency to confuse these
psychic invasions with physical ones because of the trauma and mental
confusion they experience. It is a possibility that in real life there are more
females who are psychically, semi-aware of these realities than are most of the
male victims. In general women seem to feel more comfortable within the deeper
levels of the psyche than many men; exceptions to this are men who are
naturally psychically sensitive.
I think one reason why women are more comfortable or at least have a more
natural access to intuitive abilities is because their inner psyche contains the
masculine element known as animus, the masculine and consciousness
Colin A. Ross M.D.- Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment. University of Toronto
Press, incorporated 1995
Ditto, Pg. 104
producing energy within a psyche. This would naturally give a greater innate
ability to make conscious the inner depths, something men have to consciously
cultivate under normal conditions. In a psychic sense, people who have the
physical body of a woman, on the flip side within they can primarily be looked
upon as being male. On the other hand, people who have the physical body of a
male, although many would not like to admit it, female. In fact, this has been an
esoteric truth in many of the mystery traditions for a long time.
This is a good reason why healers of the psyche, especially, have to begin to
accept and openly acknowledge the realities of the psyche or those dynamics
that prevent them from doing so. Given the high levels of power and control
these people have over their clients this is the responsible thing to do and only
makes sense.
Ditto, Pg. 105
We are talking about sadism. So, where are people as those described
above likely to involve themselves in careers, professions and other areas of
societal involvement? Obviously they will choose areas where they will hold
positions of power over people, usually over society’s most powerless and
vulnerable people or in places where they hold authoritative positions. In respect
of professions, common sense says where these areas are: law, law
enforcement, teaching, the helping professions, especially medicine and so on. I
remember when I was working with someone I knew very well in a sheltered
workshop that instructed mentally challenged individuals appropriate live-styles
and a certain amount of vocational training. This person was a very insecure and
emotionally needy person. I know that in her family life and life outside work she
would have been referred to as an “emotional sponge.” This was a person who
manipulated others for the purpose of gaining energy from them to compensate
for that which she was not able to obtain from within. I remember she looked at
me one day while we were at work. With a look of excited animation on her face
she said to me “Working with these people make me feel powerful.” I mentioned
this earlier in this work but it was worthwhile mentioning it again.
I even remember one time when I was in a large Canadian city in the western
provinces. I saw a group of day care children being taken outside for a walk.
Unbelievably, I will never forget when I saw that one of the people “escorting” the
children was wearing a satanic symbol around the neck – a Christian cross,
suspended in a reversed position. Obviously this person was consciously and
openly a member of a Hollywood satanic cult or had adopted a satanic
perspective. Yet this person, who purposely chose to worship Satan, was
working with pre-school toddlers! Obviously and what was more disturbing was
that since he openly wore this symbol the people that hired him must have known
this. One possibility was that the people who placed their children with this day
care, perhaps even the people who operated it were all members of a satanic
cult. I know there is such thing as freedom of religion and all that but these cults,
behind doors physically closed to the public, openly torture their children to
become fragmented, dissociated sadists just like them. This type of thing is
extremely well documented. Considering how prevalent it is for people to
consciously adopt these anti-life perspectives, what does this say about real
sadism and Satanism that operates on unconscious levels? It makes things look
very serious and scary indeed.
As I mentioned above, survivors who want their victims to feel the same pain
they experienced are going to choose the most vulnerable people to victimize.
Subsequent to proper research it would surely become obvious that many of the
parents in our society are victimizing their own children. They are seeking
revenge on their own children for things done to them, usually by their parents
before them. As an example of this cyclically and medically sustained abuse,
Joseph Chilton Pearce, in his book ‘Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of
Our Intelligence” gives a very clear example. Among Afro Americans, especially
living in the ghettos of the United States of America, a lot of this child abuse,
actual child hate, as he refers to it increased after WWII when the medical
establishment took over most childbearing practices. Of special note is the
importance that the unconscious levels of awareness play in all of these
dynamics. Before the medical establishment took over, the bonding, love and
solidarity between Afro Americans was demonstrably stronger and more
prevalent than in any other area of the American population. 158
This can and will change as people become more aware of their own wounded
natures on this level, especially those people who wish to heal others. Then,
people can be healed in the same way anyone who has been physically or
emotionally-psychically abused is. This requires compassionate and conscious
attention by those people offering support; it requires a demonstration of
knowledge in their healing practices.
Joseph Chilton Pearce, “Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence”,
Copyright 1992, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022
One of the most prevalent forms of acting-out by people who have been
unconsciously or consciously abused – physically, emotionally and
psychologically, is any form of addiction and, masochistic self-abuse or sadistic
practices or predilection. Dynamic examples of masochism would include people
who allow others to harm them. The flip side, are people who have a sadistic
predilection. In the case of the former, this would be an expression of self-hate
and guilt turned inward. In the case of Sadism, hate would be projected outward
onto other people. In the case of either, this could be expressed physically,
emotionally or in purely psychic way. In all cases, people are expressing both
sadism and masochism – inwardly, outwardly, individually and collectively.
Ditto, Pg. 146
It is the first two or three years of a child’s life that are the very most critical in
shaping them either to become machines or to become human beings. Punishing
and directing anger and rage at a child during these years can so wound the
individual that they become handicapped. In many cases they become
incompetent and lacking in confidence because of the resulting splits within the
child’s psyche. These splits prevent the integration of emotions, thoughts and
actions: for example, they think one thing and do another. 160 How is a child
supposed to rationalize and not psychically retreat from this type of behavior,
perpetrated by those persons they instinctively know should be their
unconditional protectors. This initiates into existence the devastating condition
and subsequent situation of psychic double binds. This is a factorial, factory-like
example of how society, especially on the mass level, has developed into a
“sociopath” society, literally.
Ditto, Pg. 146
Given the reality of the higher realms of consciousness 162and the evidence
that psychic invasions are a common event on an individual level, considering
the collective inter-subjective realities of the psyche, it is totally irresponsible for
the medical establishment and other related institutions to ignore these
As I have stated in other places, psychic invasions are a type of sexual abuse.
They are forms of illegitimate control and /or harm, exerted over and perpetrated
against people in the most profound sense. This is because it strikes at the very
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University of
Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 106
Ken Wilber, Joseph Chilton Pierce, Carl Jung, and on, and on…….
One thing id (I’ll leave in this Freudian slip-typo) for sure. While on
psychotropic medications people become much more susceptible to the power of
suggestion. Neuroleptics, especially, lowers the average conscious awareness
level of individuals on this type of drug. This turns people who are using this type
of medication into malleable experimental playthings of those people or persons
making the diagnosis and providing “care and treatment.” This causes further
trauma and victimization and fails to liberate the victim in a cathartic sense. As I
said, in today’s usual medical approach only minimal lip service is given when
taking into account possible psychological or emotional trauma as being the
“Unethical Psychiatrists misrepresent What is Known About Schizophrenia”, Al
Siebert, Ph.D.
After people have been traumatically victimized, during the medical treatment
for the resulting conditions, the label or diagnosis made usually results in an
attitude that impairment is permanent and requires ongoing medication. This is
disgraceful and criminal to say the least. I have mentioned the outrage that
supporters and counselors in shelters for people who have been raped, sexually
and/or otherwise abused would express if their clients were told that the
symptoms would be permanent. This would be a blatant discounting and refusal
to appreciate the innate strength and ability to heal that all people possess. That
would be like allowing their clients to be handed a death sentence, although it is
a death sentence that medicine quite often gives these victims when they are
treated only by orthodox, psychiatric practices. It ignores the natural ability of the
body and mind to heal itself..
What these dynamics consistently illustrates is the power of the mind to hinder
or heal a person. Importantly, it consistently points to an inability or refusal of
orthodox medicine to acknowledge the power of psychic influences on an
individual. These dynamics either affect the individual or the collective in a two-
way movement. They are both intra-psychic and inter-subjective. A purely
intellectual focus on psychological intelligence and awareness cuts us off from
the greater intelligence of the psyche, for example intuition and collective
wisdom. A primarily intellectual or ego-material focus develops an alienated state
of mind. It places people in primitive defensive postures locked into the lower
levels of the psyche. The more intellectually intelligent a person operating from
lower, more primitive levels of existence is the more dangerous to themselves,
other people and the greater environment they become. 165
Joseph Chilton Pearce, “Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of Our
Intelligence”, Copyright 1992, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53 rd Street,
New York, NY 10022, Pg. 152
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 107
Consider the more subtle forms of behavior modification that takes place from
the family right up to levels of government. This includes propaganda,
advertising, peer or community pressure and so on. As mentioned above, the
more subtle forms of mind-control and behavior modifications take place primarily
on the more subliminal and subtle levels of the psyche; that’s the only way they
can work in the first place. This can cause further memory loss, a form of
externally forced repression. It can result in a form of acting, denying aspects of
an individual’s true psyche and self. The major causes of this are the repressing
mechanisms of the group or the collective superego, especially administered by
its primarily unconscious agents. As mentioned and in addition to the above, the
superego is primarily expressed through the avenues of propaganda and mass
media, advertising, the entertainment industry, group pressure and other
instruments of control. The collective superego and control exerted by the lower
psychic levels of the mass mind is not necessarily to be equated with
conscience. The control, ultimately, is usually wielded by those persons in control
of the higher, elite levels of society, especially those who control the financial
purse strings.
In many cases, people who were sexually abused as children learn how to live
and operate from emotional and age appropriate levels that correspond to the
age when the abuse took place.167 I will also add that the more subtle forms of
psychic invasion, which is a type of sexual abuse and more profoundly traumatic
because it is usually is hidden, also has similar affects on a person’s psychic and
emotional development. Many victims of childhood sexual abuse react to a
review of the memories of the abuse, cognitively and therefore consciously at an
age-appropriate emotional level and respectively, in an age appropriate manner.
I am referring to a personal review of the abuse during a much latter time, usually
during counseling. Sometimes aware of it as they speak and sometimes not, they
might speak, and act in a manner that is age-appropriate to when the abuse took
place. I have found evidence for this in research, as mentioned in the above and
have personally experienced this, although I was able to do this from a detached
perspective. This was a detachment I had learned through the practice of
This involved and was related to the wounded psychological dynamics that
had resulted from childhood trauma and led me into other areas and forms of
violence. A lot of this was violence directed inward to self, causing behavioral
and situational expressions of an abused and shame-based personality:
expressions that were masochistic and self-destructive. This extended to
attitudinal and subsequently to consequential situations I found myself in. This
most profoundly applied to the subsequent results of labeling, scapegoating and
further victimization that was leveled towards me because of the acting-out
behaviors I expressed as a child while the sexual, emotional and physical abuse
was taking place. This continued when I was a teenager and young adult, leading
to later forms of emotional blaming-the-victim. The very worst and most criminal
aspects of the later forms of abuse were related to my natural drive and incentive
to heal when, because my methods were unorthodox by a wounded social
perspective, were condemned. This resulted in other people expressing this
condemnation in various forms of perverted humiliation and victimization. The
areas most guilty of this were the very institutions supposedly responsible for
assisting and healing people: the mental health and social work systems. Here, I
am referring to the reactions to the various ways and methods I used to awaken
blocked memories and energies; I am also referring to the presumptions, gossip
and other forms of miscommunication that presented me as someone that I
During my early years of meditation training and utilization of other forms and
methods of psychologically recollecting myself, I went through an experiential
movement up the emotional ladder towards maturity. The fragmented aspects of
my psyche that I recollected during this process involved the reclamation and
reintegration of repressed memories and associated emotions that I had or that
had been snuffed out of me: this had usually been done by blatant forms of
abuse perpetrated by those I trusted but also by the more subtle forms of abuse.
This included mind-control and conditioning perpetrated by the wounded
superego and shadow of society; was perpetrated by society’s various
instruments, both human and mechanical, along the avenues I described above.
As a little aside and in all fairness, I remember one insightful psychiatrist I had at
one time who actually supported this recollection, not necessarily my methods.
He also supported my conclusions, most of which I have been expressing
throughout this book. Obviously I would not have expressed them to him in such
a complex way. It is important to note that he also told me that he could not
processes of the mind, especially the healing process. The required empathy can
only be offered by an individual (s) who has gone through the healing process
themselves or who have experientially explored the actual psychological process
during their own training as a healer, through life experience and so on. This was
discussed in the chapter 13.
This dynamic applies to both men and women. It can be put or kept in place
because of an absence of healthy female and male role models being available
to teach young females or males balanced masculine and feminine dynamics.
We should keep in mind that in the early stages of life, children and young people
are very visual and literal. They identify with feminine and masculine energies by
applying them to the physical representational analogies of these energies. The
parents or other role models in their lives represent what in fact are psychological
dynamics and energies. An Aboriginal woman who worked with children told me
that Native Aboriginal parents are aware of this psychological truism. This is
usually prevented or distorted because of childhood trauma, dysfunctional
parental relationships and life-long societal conditioning.
In this state they have not matured past the emotional need to be connected
to some form of emotional placebo, a placebo that relieves them of the pain
caused by an alienation from self. This subsequently extends outward to include,
or should I say, exclude others. They have not, in these instances, released
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 108
Uroboric- A dynamic state that is circular, not evolutionary. It is a lower
level, reptilian aspect of the psyche. It is circular because of an inability or
frustrated ability to emerge from this lower level psychic immaturity into a
higher level of consciousness and integration.
which I sprung, mother. In real life this disentanglement, ending the psychological
enmeshment from my biological mother in this way, also had a profound
psychological affect of releasing her from the burden of having an adult child to
take care of. I just realized, as I wrote this last statement, that this is probably the
origin of the semantic meaning behind the term “Adult Children (of alcoholics, for
An important element in the dynamics I have spoken of in the last few pages
produce a shame-based personality in which a person feels “bad” for the abuse
that they experienced.171 This is a perfect example that the affects of
Scapegoating and blaming-the-victim can have on abused people. Similar to
what I said above, this can have two dramatically, seemingly opposite affects. In
the first instance, when turned inwards it can create a repressed, depressed,
masochistic type of personality that seeks situations in which they are devalued,
humiliated and so forth. An extreme quasi-conscious example of this is when
people become sexually aroused when taking on a masochistic role in the
Ross explicitly points out that the more blatant forms of abuse can cause the
victims to fall into a double-binded way of living. They can become trapped in
and/or disconnected from themselves. They become fragmented, confused and
think in ways that can be expressed sexually. 172 I have just spoken about sadism
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 109
and masochism, although Ross makes mention of incest and other forms of
sexual acting-out. The prevalent subtle levels of psychic abuse and therefore
psychic sexual abuse are the major causes of sexual deviance throughout
society. Most forms of sexual deviance, either of the physical or subtler psychic
types, can be referred to as types of sexual rape. I think the most despicable and
deadly of these dynamics especially in a psychic sense is the perpetration of
always carry a bottle of water with me today for health reasons, I wonder how
much this early conditioning played a role. When I was introduced to smoking, at
the same time I was being sexually abused by someone else, the person who
gave these to me was someone who should have been looking out for my
welfare. This person talked me into taking a smoke so that I could not then turn
around and “tattle.” I remember for several years afterward, if I finished smoking
a whole cigarette, I would become quite sick to my stomach. After a few years of
this I was relieved when I could finally smoke a whole cigarette without becoming
green with nausea.
As I grew older and began the journey to “know myself” in a psychological way
I tended to study my attraction to women younger than me. As I became an adult
and progressed towards my thirties and then forties I was consciously able to
detach from and look at my visual – never actually physically – attraction to
young women. These women were sometimes quite younger than me as I grew
older, for example women in twenty-something. I know this is a very common
phenomenon and applies equally to both men and women. There is a natural
element involved as well. However, that natural element is of the lower psychic
levels of development, exactly as I described above.
I encountered many women much older than myself who were sexually
attracted and actively interested in me. I remember when I was fourteen years
old, two years after a two-year stretch of being completely sexually violated in the
extreme by a man on my paper route. I went to a party held for staff of a
restaurant I worked at. It was held at the assistant manger’s home, a woman. I
remember a woman who was close to forty who tried to sexually assault me.
When I was too fearful to get an erection she laughed at me and for the
remainder of the time I worked at that establishment all of the other, especially
female staff humiliated and ridiculed me. This was because of my physiological
reaction to being assaulted by an adult again while I was still a child. I remember
at the same party, after this incident occurred I went looking for my friend and
workmate I had gone to the party with. I found him in bed with a married woman
about the same age as the woman who had sexually assaulted me. My friend
was the same age as me.
The point I am making here is the deep psychological effect these experiences
had on me. On the one hand I developed a people-pleasing, masochistic
personality; on another I developed anger related to deep humiliation and
emotional immaturity. It was primarily the stunted emotional growth that kept me
“tied to my mother’s apron strings”, especially expressed through addiction.
this activity apparently shielded me from the reality of my wounded nature and
the associated psychological dynamics during that time.
Before I speak further about sexual abuse, both physical, psychological and its
dynamics, I would like to make some further comments about the nature of the
psyche. I will speak primarily in relation to the inter-penetration of psyches and
the capacity for abuse and control. In his book “Multiple Man: Explorations in
Possession and Multiple Personality” by Adam Crabtree, he explores the reality
of group mind possession.173 Crabtree says the (psychic sexual – my addition)
affects and influence on a person’s psyche can range from family right up to
national levels.
being sexually invaded in this way to act in the way they are being objectified and
perceived. With children who are relatively defenseless at this age, especially in
a psychological sense, this can result in promiscuity, sexual flirtatiousness and
so on. A parent’s attitude or modeling can have an even more powerful affect
because of the emotional connection between them.
Ross makes the comment that there are multigenerational satanic cults that
survivors have escaped from and later gone to therapy for. 174 In this context he is
referring to survivors of blatant Hollywood style satanic cults. Considering the
unconscious dynamics that take place within society, in the same context, I will
say that real satanic cults or shadow driven societies have existed for hundreds
of years. In the “Age of Reason”, especially with the advent of the industrial
revolution, because of a parallel increase in higher levels of unconsciousness
this dynamic and the human situation has sky-rocketed and multiplied
exponentially. As Pierce says, with the advent of modern medicine and especially
since its solidification and societal saturation since the end of the Second World
War, this way of life has become the “norm”.
I remember talking to a young neo-Nazi some years ago and saying that what
was considered unacceptable in Nazi Germany, by the rest of the world that was
anti-Nazi in perspective, has become commonplace and considered acceptable
in much of today’s society. This especially applies to societal and individual
conditioning and control. I also remember telling this young individual that many
youth attracted to the neo-Nazi movement today and think of themselves as such
would been considered as unfit for Hitler’s movement. I mentioned some of the
historical ways in which the Nazis of that era dealt with undisciplined or
“undesirable” people. I will never forget the gradual look of shock that appeared
on this young man’s face as I described the realities of Hitler Germany at that
time. I will add, this conversation took place not long after he and his associates
had surrounded me and severely intimidated me. I was working with these
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 110
people in a rather isolated area outside of a large Canadian city. In one or two
cases they came close to hurting me severely in a physical way. I worked with
these people in an isolated rural area after I had “escaped” my hometown to get
away from unbearable conditions that I described earlier. This reality that I had
experienced is not unlike similar situations where youth try to escape from one
cult-like or abusive situation only to fall into another.
Most people are so completely dissociated from who they really are in the first
place. This only makes sense, given the dynamics we have discussed so far.
powerful people who think they are the next best thing to God, similar to actors
who take their stage personas and fame seriously, people who consider those
illusions to represent who they really are.
I believe my emerging awareness of these dynamics was the prime factor that
induced me to enter into the helping professions and specifically the field of
social work – the protector personality and desire to protect my child within,
collective child and the oppressed.
Now let us consider the double binds that many victims find themselves in
during experiences of physical and therefore psychological abuse. These “binds”,
these dynamics can arise when an individual is abused by someone they are
dependent on. This occurs when the abuse is being committed by someone who
is in a psychological and material position of responsibility as protector and
nurturer. On a mass psychic level, this is apparently similar to the alchemical
description I gave earlier of the individual trying to reconcile the two apparently
opposite dynamics within themselves. However, I briefly mentioned above they
are very different dynamics. The alchemical image is one that occurs naturally
during the course of natural psychic development. As I said, it is very similar to a
symbolic and representational image of a person being heated in a test tube over
a Bunsen burner during the process of – cooking – integrating apparent
opposites. This is necessary to reconcile, as an example, Satan with Christ in
order individuate into a whole person – although there are elements of Satan that
cannot be “recycled.” This is one of the main purposes of therapy in treating
people with Dissociation Identity Disorder. The difference with the alchemical
process and with the abusively and artificially produced double binds is that they
mutilate the psyche rather simply frustrating it. The psyche becomes imprisoned,
unnaturally conditioned and repressed. Because of this extreme mutilation, as
different from naturally produced frustration, therapy – or some type of
psychological yoga – is usually required instead of or in conjunction with nature’s
usual ways of providing stimulus leading it to a higher level of integration.
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 110
Considering how I described this when I first discussed this alchemical image,
it simply supports even further and indicates the scope and magnitude of
society’s crisis and the challenges they have confronting them. This is because
most people have been imprisoned in this state-of-mind by society’s artificial,
mechanical and addictive dynamics. This also magnifies the importance, indeed
the necessity that areas of the mental health establishment throughout society
learn these realities. Those people who would presume to heal people in a
psychological sense have to learn to recognize and begin to address these
pressing issues, beginning with themselves. Proper integration is only possible
when this recognition takes place.
Ross is referring to people who have been identified as victims of abuse when
he says that the dynamics of repetition compulsion can follow an individual into
many areas of the person’s life, right into adulthood. 177 Obviously, this can be
applied on a larger scope embracing society and people in general. Something
that has to be addressed in therapy are dynamics that the victim uses to
rationalize, as a survival mechanism, in believing some aspects of the abuse
make them important or special in some way compared to other people. Ross
refers to the case example of a father who repeatedly rapes his daughter; a
father who the victim is emotionally and physically dependent on. He speaks
about the psychological and physical ways in which she then rationalizes the
abuse to somehow try to normalize and excuse it, so that she can live with it.
Speaking from my own experiences, the fact that an important family member
quite often made me feel “special” and before that another important family
member, simply allowed them and me also to rationalize and “make it okay”
when it was not okay, the fact that I was the family “whipping boy.” We all
suffered, but eventually, everyone took his or her repressed frustrations out on
me, the domino affect, with me at that time, being at the bottom of the totem pole.
Ironically, this increased, as I grew older instead of the other way around.
Because of this conditioning, since the time I was a child I had taken on the
persona of the protector to rationalize all of this. As an example, I remember one
time, when I was about 8 years old my family had gone camping for the week. I
remember I tied a rope around my chest and shoulders in the same pattern that
the 18th century Soldiers wore a white crossed leather apparatus as part of their
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 112
uniform. I cut a stick to allow me to pretend I was holding a spear. I realize today
this also symbolized me being tied up and in a double bind. I was always
daydreaming and at these times I was the family protector, standing guard duty.
Similarly, I remember during the same time period, many times, I would stand at
the busy corner intersection where I lived during rush hour traffic. This was in
1964 – I remember seeing the date above the door in the corner store at the
same intersection – and I would stand there for an hour or so saluting every
military personal that drove by, about every second or third vehicle. This persona
was adopted to protect me but I projected it to include my family as I had been
conditioned to do.
I will repeat that I have explored consciously, especially during periods of deep
meditation and contemplation, many of the dynamics of the various esoteric
schools of thought. Subsequent to many years of abuse, there were many factors
including employment and intuition that lead me to study many of the secret
societies. By that time, my already substantial intellectual and practical
exploration of the various esoteric traditions allowed me to better understand
exactly what the purpose and mandate of some of the various secret societies
were all about. Without elaborating, one very wise person whose work I studied
and who I refer to later in this work is the medicine man Chokecherry Gall Eagle.
He made a very clear statement to the effect that virtually all aspects of the so-
called esoteric or mystical areas of human life and existence are the heritage of
all human beings. The crime is that they have been made secret to be used for
and by a few.
Ditto, Pg. 113
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg.14
Ditto, Pg. 114
This is not only a crime, it is the danger and enemy that all people must fight
and rebel against. I say this for a very important reason. At one time, many years
ago, groups that taught people how to reach the higher realms of the psyche
were closely guarded so that only “white” or well-intentioned people could gain
entry. Since those times they have become infiltrated by many people expressing
and promoting negative energies. In addition, many of these secret societies
were used for revolutionary and covert reasons. Society tries to prevent people
from learning, on a conscious level and on a mass scale, the apparently mystical
heritage of all human beings – higher realms of existence. If this knowledge and
conscious awareness of it was available on a worldwide mass scale, this very
enlightenment itself would do away with the reptilian lower levels expressed by
greed and violence.
Ross states that one of the important programmed suicide dates is a person’s
33 birthday, which is a date that is supposed to represent the marriage of the
“Beast and Satan” of Revelations. In making this next statement, I am thinking of
the affect of and interconnection of all psyches on the human collective level. In
what I say next, it is very important to keep in the proper context everything I
have talked about so far in this book.
The main reason I recall this experience is because a close relative had been
a member in high standing of a secret society. Like some similar societies, this
There is a history of many different secret societies that have operated within
all societies of the world for hundreds of years. Many of them operated in
conjunction with the established religions and governments of the world in which
they originated. Now consider society and culture. What develops is a particular
cosmology of psychological imagery associated with the culture or belief system
from which people within cultures operate. As I stated at various places
throughout this work, whenever these long established psychic creations, these
thought forms and ways of looking at the world exist for a long period of time they
become deeply entrenched. They become embedded deep in the unconscious
depths of the individuals, groups and cultures that live and exist within these
systems. In fact, it has been more than documented that these thought forms do
not even require human vessels in which to contain them. The appearance of the
Lady of Fatima is one such example; perhaps the Bermuda triangle is another.
That is why, as I have said earlier, that over a period of time a place can actually
take on a holy or unholy vibratory and affective character. This is why seemingly
miraculous things, either good or bad, can take place within the bounds of these
When it comes to individual memories associated with ritual abuse, that is,
long-term abuse and trauma, the contents of those memories vary considerably
according to the specific context, cult or culture they have been affected by or
within. If the ritual abuse has been perpetrated primarily unconsciously, in looking
at the psychic contents within the individual recovering lost memories, this
conscious recollection will use imagery specific to the culture or group within
which the abuse took place. An individual may also modify these memories.
Thought forms from different psyches can also intermingle with and modify an
individual’s viewpoint. As mentioned above, thought forms can develop within a
well-defined group atmosphere that has been created for a specific purpose. For
example, it may have been comprised solely of scholars and academics whose
sole purposes were intellectual and academic pursuits. Regardless of the group
or its purpose, a very important element to be identified is that virtually spiritual or
cultural worldviews stem from the same ground source. However, some have
become distorted because of fragmentation stemming from all of the causes and
reasons I have been discussing.
In most research however, what is not acknowledged to the same degree are
the unconscious dynamics that lead these types of practitioners into areas where
they have unconscious sadistic control over people. As I keep hammering home,
these are dynamics that are conscious on an unconscious level within the
shadow-contaminated superego and larger psyche. Any type of protest or
expressing resentfulness and resistance to “treatment” on the part of a client is
looked on as a sign of illness and dysfunction. Even a responsible client’s wish to
see his or her files is labeled paranoid. This in itself is criminally irresponsible and
disempowering. These are examples of control and coercion that can only be
interpreted as cult control. Although primarily unconscious, consider the mutually
reinforcing “pact” between the mental health professionals and the
pharmaceutical megalith, extending outward. It might be of interest that I
remember speaking to one very intelligent and sensitive individual who had
contact with the mental health institution in the same geographical area that I
lived. I remember he rather tongue-in-cheek referred to the unconscious
dynamics taking place as the “continuum” on one occasion when he was
speaking to someone else. He was referring to unconscious dynamics. I didn’t
believe what he was talking about then. Many years later I do.
The mental health “experts” involved in this type of cult have even in some
cases tried to say it is Satanic cultists that were trying to induce the victims to
break away from the institution, in some cases from the true people responsible
for cult activities. These are examples where mental health “experts blame on
cults what is an Instinctual and intuitive survival attempt by the client to break
free from enforced dependency and control. 182 These are also classic cult
counter-maneuvers and dynamics. Now there is a prime example of the
sometimes very paranoid or simply criminally coercive, controlling and
hypocritical ways in which these “professionals” try to entrap and further victimize
Ditto, Pg. 123
I know from personal experience the word “entrapment” has entered into my
mind many times over the last several years. People involved in the mental
health areas, social work, family and other connections treated me in ways that
might have induced the behaviors associated with the labels they were trying to
place on me. I spoke about this earlier in several different contexts. Aware
consciousness was the only defense I had. The worst example was when I was
presented as being ill when I tried to speak up about very real and concrete
examples of abuse. Of importance, this was only possible after a label had been
placed on me. These dynamics also involved me working with a survivor of a
Satanic Cult prior to all of the other developments. In all cases, there was a direct
link between all the parties involved. In almost all cases people within
government were involved. It also substantiated everything I had been briefed
and told, by therapists and other people working on the case, might happen
when I was working against the satanic cult on behalf of the survivor. It
substantiates everything I have researched about satanic cults. In a personal
sense, the worst example of this was someone in the family who had an
extremely violent history, having assaulted virtually everyone in the family
physically at one time or another. This type of behavior even included an
important family member being attacked when holding an infant – holding an
infant! This occurred while he was practicing social work. On a personal level, he
tried to project his sadistic history of assault onto me during all of the persecution
I endured. Because of his position within society, the family and the image of
success he portrayed in comparison to me, it had worked. As I said above, what I
am describing and discussing is sadistic projection onto innocent victims. I will
not give the details that I have in my journals in most cases. I will not mention this
person again. Earlier, I provided a succinct chronological unfolding of important
events, with some events being detailed more than others. Having said this, I
also want to reiterate and say that in all of the experiences, situations and events
that I have described, judgment and blaming the people involved is not possible
– only evaluation.
As I have written earlier in this work, even the anti-psychotic medications so-
called mentally ill people or rather victims are placed on can be conducive to
producing symptoms appropriate to the labels and diagnosis. These dynamics
do, criminally, occur within medical and other institutions within society. As I have
mentioned several times being placed on any psycho-tropic medication and
especially anti-psychotics puts the “subjects” into a state of mind very susceptible
to the power of suggestion.
Ross does support this assertion, in a less detailed way than I do, by speaking
of the arsenal of different techniques, physical, pharmaceutical and psychological
that mental health practitioners use to achieve mind and physical control over
their “clients.”183 Also mentioned is the fact that this is a hierarchy of control, from
the top down – or should I say from the bottom up –in exercise of control.
Ditto, Pg. 124
16 334
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
Ross places special emphasis on not treating the client as special in the sense
of being treated as “different.” I would further state how very important this is.
Every human being is unique and fundamentally a separate individual and
respect for that individuality is important for creating a sense of self worth, dignity
and a sense of personal boundary. There is especially a need for many people
who are in the process of recollecting themselves to see their individual selves as
falling within a common element of mutuality. I remember when intimate people
in my life and community made a special point of treating me as being “different.”
Sometimes they specifically verbalized these sentiments, at other times it was
demonstrated simply by their actions and other forms of nonverbal or indirect
communication. I had a difficult time trying to deal with the affects of those
suggestions and projections.
I was a person struggling to shake off the fabricated burden of feeling like
damaged goods. The attempt to make me feel different combined with the
messages, both verbal and nonverbal, about what it was that made me different,
a maneuver that represented a dynamic where the power of suggestion was
utilized to have the appropriate impact on me, was amazingly difficult to
neutralize. As I became conscious of the dynamics that were taking place this
also included the reasons for their attempts to project these things onto me. In
fact, it was the latter realization that allowed me to depersonalize and detach
from these dynamics with a heightened conscious awareness. Although
emotionally trying due to the close emotional bonds present within the family and
community, enough detachment was possible so that I was able to stand back
and see them for what they were. It was all of these latter dynamics in fact that
gave me the strength to actually leave the province of my birth and go out to the
western province of Alberta for a two year period, from the years 2000 -2002. I
worked to sustain myself physically while psychically developing my masculinity
to a more mature level. I also took this time to begin to address the abuse and
associated dynamics I had experienced over the course of my life. This was with
someone I had hoped would have been able to provide a neutral yet professional
viewpoint. Someone who could provide support to help me with what I was
working to overcome and recover from.
It was not until I became strong enough, in a masculine energetic sense that
these projections and abusive practices lost their ability to have the desired affect
of the projectionists. The desired affect, whether consciously or unconsciously
motivated and perpetrated, as I describe throughout this work was to attempt to
induce within me and through those dynamics, actions that would exhibit the
behaviors associated with the labels being forced on me. I had developed the
ability to actually see pure examples of hypocrisy, the resulting bigotry and in a
scholarly way understand them. My practice of martial arts and the associated
psychological understanding of the dynamics that were taking place gave me the
ability to neutralize and successfully deal with what might otherwise have
16 335
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
Within the therapeutic relationship the crisis that brings the individual in for
counseling makes it important to dispel these feelings of being “different,”
especially in the negative ways that the abused client has usually been
conditioned to adopt. In dealing with the dynamics of being treated different or
special, if these guidelines are not adhered to, the end result will always be the
same: reinforcement of same debilitating abusive dynamics and conditioning that
the client and therapist working together are supposed to neutralize. If this does
not happen, it becomes similar to the dynamic process that was perpetrated
against the client in the first place.
Colin A. Ross M.D., Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principle of Treatment, University
of Toronto Press, Incorporated 1995, Pg. 121
16 336
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
Both types of abuse are characterized by an enforced double bind. The deeply
split individual will be able to, apparently and sometimes easily, operate and
function on a daily basis. The more subtle types of abuse and conditioning that
affects most people within society will actually have a more debilitating affect on
the holistic functioning of the individual because the splits are not as deep. In
these cases there is more of a psychic connection closer to the level of
conscious awareness. Being closer to the level of conscious awareness there will
be a greater tendency for conscious confusion. The split is not as violent and
unbelievably traumatic as the dynamics that are present where individuals
subsequently suffer from Dissociation Identity Disorder, at least not in the way we
understand Dissociation Identity Disorder. Viewing these dynamics on a
continuum, neurosis, psychosis and expressions such as depression, absent-
mindedness, panic attacks, ADDT and Turrets, etc. are the exact same dynamics
as those exhibited by Dissociation Identity Disorder simply not as obviously
In fact these are people who exhibit Satanic or shadow poisoned tendencies. I
have witnessed and seen these developments in people who have been on
antidepressants for long periods of time. In the DSM describing the
manufacturer’s information on these various pharmaceuticals most of the
indications for their use are for short periods of time. Antidepressants are one of
the most widely abused psychotropic medications on the market. I have known
people who have been on antidepressants for 20 years or longer and who do
exhibit signs of psychosis and in some cases behaviors belonging to a sociopath.
I have even heard of antidepressants being used to help a man maintain sexual
potency with an abusive partner. This latter example is a demonstration of what I
just spoke of in the preceding paragraph.
Considering the huge number of people within the population using anti-
depressants it becomes more apparent and understandable how this creates, on
an individual and because of the numbers of people involved on the collective
level as well, people who are lacking an empathic connection and compassion
with themselves and other people. Recently I came back to North America after
working in Asia. In the area I was working, although I have never seen such
amazing respect exhibited between people and witnessed such an unbelievably
large population of people work together in such a harmonized and healthy
manner; there was however another element present I had never noticed before.
At first I misinterpreted what I saw. I finally realized that in that part of the world
there was a need for people to learn how to develop superficial boundaries close
to the surface, to allow their selves to have some kind of individual living space.
Although to an observer from the western part of the world people in this
environment might appear cold to other people at times, what is actually seen is
a people’s ability to give themselves some sort of living space when there are a
great many people in the same vicinity as themselves. I initially confused the
above dynamics of empathic desensitization with of the individuality I saw in this
Asian country. In this instance I was experiencing my own expression of a
conditioned hypocrisy. I wasn’t able to see these dynamics for what they were
until I temporarily returned to the Western hemisphere and reflected on them. I
say these dynamics are close to the surface because in a deeper psychological
sense people in this part of the world naturally, because of long-held cultural
traditions have very powerful bonds, in a deep psychological sense with other
people. Being a person from the Western world, at first I viewed this as a type of
herd mentality and could not understand why, on the one hand I saw powerful
indications of a strong group cohesion while on the other hand I witnessed many
instances where people seemed to block themselves off from people around
them. In fact what I was observing was a culture of people and their ability to
balance in a relatively admirable way – given the population of people we are
talking about – the need to have separate and individual lives and living space
while at the same time living in a very bonded and harmonious way. Importantly,
I am referring to a country of people where the Western dynamics of individuality
and self-assertion have become entrenched over the last 50 years to a greater
16 338
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
extent than they had been at an earlier time. During this 50-year time period
people have further evolved from a culture where most people did not experience
any real kind of individuality to a culture of people where they are learning to
balance the human need for individuality with interdependent and harmonious
living. In the country I am referring to incidents of violence between people are
almost non-existent. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world when it
comes to violence between people and destruction of other person’s property. In
addition, pharmaceuticals are not used nearly to the extent they are used in the
Western hemisphere of the world. I am pointing these dynamics out to create a
contrast. Throughout this book what I have been speaking about are people’s
deeply conditioned and increasingly prevalent tendencies to further fragment
from and become severed from themselves and other people in their
environment. The main point I am making is that this fragmentation and cutting
ourselves of from other people, this desensitization is being dramatically affected
by all of the dynamics I have been referring to throughout this commentary. As I
just described, if a country with a huge population of people can live in harmony
while also learning from people in the west how to live as assertive, individual
human beings, what people in the western hemisphere of the world can do is
learn how to live in harmony with other people, instead of being disconnected
from other people and therefore from themselves. My experiences in this Asian
country demonstrated to me a people’s ability to indeed develop as independent
human beings who are also able to live as interdependent and peace loving
Speaking about doctors, I find it ironic and their prescribing very hypocritical
when one reads the medication profiles of these drugs. Most of them are
indicated for short periods of time or only as long as necessary. Yet it is common
practice for doctors to tell their clients that this drug and condition will be
permanent. Considering what I have already presented in this work so far, we
can see that in most instances doctors usually try to give their clients a death
sentence of permanency.
In review and in more concise terms herein lies the importance of what I am
describing. Blatant types of physical and therefore emotional and psychological
abuse can create people who suffer from hardcore Dissociation Identity
Disorders. The more subtle and widespread types of abuse I am describing
create larger segments of the populace who suffer, literally, from psychosis and
sociopath imbalances that usually go unnoticed and unacknowledged. This is
why I was able to see headlines in a large Canadian newspaper of an article
16 339
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
saying there are many people within society who are usually considered
balanced, intelligent and authoritarian. It was referring to doctors, teachers,
lawyers and so forth that might also be people suffering from undiagnosed
psychosis. I only wish I had of read more than the headlines. However, I suppose
if I had have read that article I might not have been impelled to find these things
out on my own. Let us not rely on the expert and be led like sheep or cattle – let
us show our own initiative and find things out for ourselves.
In light of the above statements the latter type of abuse and more widespread
consequences will create one segment of victims who either turn their resulting
negativity inward towards themselves or the greater likelihood that the victim will
disown and project them outwards. Psychologically the latter is usually in the
form of bigotry, scapegoating or outright forms of sadism. I once read where the
Dali Lama referred to modern society as being characterized as being highly
neurotic. I would suggest that today widespread psychosis is developing.
Supporting this assertion, again picture what I said early in this work about
hundreds of people being able to walk around a wounded person laying bleeding
on a sidewalk in a large North American city. In this vein I also remember and I
may have alluded to or mentioned this earlier, about a news item that showed
and described an incident where a person was threatening to jump off a bridge
during rush hour traffic. I saw the picture in a newspaper. I imagine the reporters
who caught this incident on video were pleased with the bonuses they probably
got. People stopped their vehicles and actually encouraged the person to jump.
They applauded when she jumped to her death. This is a perfect example of the
psychosis I am referring to; road rage is another example.
Around the same time I remember working with some people in a heath facility
and club in a large Canadian city. I remember having a conversation with a
young person who worked there about someone who had jumped to his or her
death from a busy intersection overpass the day before. The young individual I
was speaking with, who was extremely attractive, intelligent, came from money
and apparently had only the limitless sky to look forward to expressed nothing
but pitiless ridicule and contempt for the other young person who had jumped to
their death the day before. There was an absolute lack of empathy or
compassion and you know what? I don’t blame this individual. This individual is a
victim also, only the self-hate and blame is projected outwards just like the
individuals in the above story I read about. I am describing an individual, who
was a very personable and likable person in most every respect, who has not yet
been forced into a crisis where they will have to seriously look at and question
things, as everyone must do eventually. No blame, only evaluation is possible
given the dynamics I am speaking about. Gandhi’s quote at the beginning of this
work, “If everyone keeps taking an eye for an eye, pretty soon the whole world
will be blind” says it all.
16 340
Problems Inherent in Treating the Client as Different, or Special and
other professional points of interest
I will make one other point of interest. During the recollection of one’s integral
self, Ross uses exorcism as an example to demonstrate how greater divisions
and splits within an individual could be created. In the case of exorcism, a type of
occult ceremonial high magic, rituals are used to create dissociated splits within
people’s psyches. Similar to the theme running throughout my whole
commentary this is an example of an outside coercive manipulator, with the best
of conscious intentions, using power to cause repression and splits within an
individual. This is true even if it is an apparently voluntary ritual and in many
cases it is not. I remember I spoke on two different occasions to two men of the
cloth about having exorcisms performed on me. This was during the times before
I learned how to consciously understand and control my psychological processes
and understand the psychological processes and motivations of people around
me. It was subsequent to and during the time I was having a multitude of
severely abusive experiences. It was subsequent to the times I was heavily
involved in spiritual, deep arcane occult practice. Being primarily of the
ceremonial kind this practice is better known in occult circles as high magic.
Supposedly I was dealing with the higher, not quite Earth-bound spirits. One
thing I know today, whatever you would call them, I was dealing with and
activating aspects of my ego and unconscious psyche in ways I was not fully
aware of. I also took part in many arcane rituals involving low magic. In a few
instances I foolishly participated and took on roles that were assigned to me that
I did not understand, with people I didn’t really know and in rituals that were
created and directed by a few individuals. In at least one instance, I now know, I
took on the role of a sacrificial victim. Sacrifice seems to be the story of my life –
serious tongue in cheek.
However, understanding what I know now I can see and realize that if I had
have been allowed to have that exorcism performed on me the integration I have
achieved might not have been otherwise possible.
Dream: In this dream I am looking at myself. I have a black, bruised and swollen face
from having my face mercilessly battered. As I look at this image I reach out and clean
the sleep out of my swollen and bruised left eye: the eye responsible for letting
consciousness and light onto the other half of the primordial but more all-encompassing
right hemisphere of the brain that can be civilized if brought to light. January 11, 2005
For the reasons indicated throughout chapter 13, the more open-ended and
wholesome views, the ones focusing on health and sanity rather than pathology are the
ones most likely to be of helpful assistance to provide a model for effective
psychotherapy. In the most useful traditional forms of effective psychotherapy, not
necessarily the most widely used and depending on the purpose of the client-therapist
relationship there is recognition of different levels and functions within the psyche.185 To
enable functioning in a world serving the mechanical roles within society, most forms
and practices simply focus on prescriptive or functional goals. True psychotherapy
should help guide a client into a deeper relationship with him or herself. Ultimately the
true and most noble purpose should be to assist the client to break away from or through
the protective shell that creates and maintains alienation. This will create an atmosphere
conducive to inter-psychic connection and mutual interaction between the client and
therapist, other people and the world.
If any mental health practitioner hopes to teach and pass on psychic health to
a client an important point of practice should be made – they have to experience
this very process themselves, like any teacher, in order to be effective. In order to
be effective with clients a therapist, teacher or other health professional has to be
in touch with the real nature of health. This is only possible after a sense of
health has been experienced from within. Then, based on experiential knowledge
they can teach the same understanding and insight to clients, and quite simply to
other people as a way of life.186 They have to put their egos aside long enough to
allow thebreath of fresh air that can enliven and awaken enthusiasm – an
enthusiasm that can transform themselves, their clients and the world in which
they live. If they cannot do this they cannot be called healers.
They can do this only if they have a strong, true ego in service of the whole
psyche. This provides them to with a confident individuality giving them the
strength and courage not to be threatened when they reach out to others. This
has to be spontaneous and flowing, backing up when need be and extending
ones-self when the opportunity presents itself. 187 This allows healers to be able to
be with the client one minute and then to detach enough in the next to realize
there is more to the presenting situation than at first indicated. This describes an
ability to be with the client but not to identify and become emotionally enmeshed
with them. It allows them to accurately feel the client but to remain detached.
Their intellect remains balanced with an intuitive felt-sense that can accurately
see what is going on with the client. People employed in the mental-health field
have to expand their awareness and realize, in most cases, the clients that come
to them do not automatically present to them the root of their problems or the
causes of their symptoms. The various symptoms that usually bring clients in to
see a psychotherapist are usually outer experiences that manifest within the
client from something deeper. This deeper causation is usually deep alienation
from self and therefore from other people and the world. 188 Today, many of these
symptoms are treated as the problems and the usual therapeutic goal is to try to
make the person more functional within the machine. This ignores and allows the
real problem (s) to fester. As usual, exceptions to this statement can apply to
those people who can afford to pay for more effective and health promoting
The only way to become a whole individual is to cut the umbilical cord from the
various attachments one develops over the course of one’s life – especially early
life. If the umbilical cord is not cut, stagnation and dependence sets in. Therein
begins the development of alienation and frustration that will fester and only get
worse when it continues for too long. True healing can reverse this reversal of
life. People can be taught how to truly live rather than experiencing a living death.
People can learn how to experience the pleasure of being in the world rather
than trying to posses the world. The latter will result in greed, a desire for status,
Ditto, Pg. 58
Ditto, Pg. 60
Ditto, Pg. 61
image and power over other people.190 The true art of life is to never stop
emerging and growing. It means to continuously expand outward and upward –
to become more inclusive and tolerant of the world in which one lives.This
individuating process is the only way an authentic independence,
interdependence and an empathic connection with other people and the world
can develop.
Ditto, Pg. 61
Ditto, Pg. 62
Ditto, Pg. 63
However, the other person is also part of us in a whole psychic sense. When
an individual forgives another person this also results in the individual forgiving a
part of their personal self, what some people will think of as their soul. This is
seemingly paradoxical but understanding is made possible by realizing our dual
nature: united but individual, feminine but also masculine. Loss of life force can
be stopped, what was lost can be reclaimed – by reclaiming our self.
Ditto, Pg. 65
The highest attainment possible for a human being, said by historically well-
known wise individuals, is to base life upon a conscious understanding and
connection with the “world,” both as a relative, as an individual and as
absolute.195 The term relative relates to connection with others; ‘as an individual’
means to recognize our unique self-identity and containment of the universe
within ourselves. To base it on the absolute refers to an understanding that the
two prior ways mentioned are simply forms that, within the absolute, transcends
and is prior to form. This refers to the formless point and source of all that is
manifest in the mundane world. Remember the paradox of reality. As many wise
people who were truly able to fully individuate have said, in this case Jesus, in
order to find yourself first you must lose yourself; in order to love yourself you
must then find yourself again. You withdraw projections, from people and objects.
You do not increase separation from the environment but rather you re-connect.
Beginning from within, we lose ourselves by crossing the oceanic abyss but once
out of the abyss we then re-unify with our inner psyche and self. This positively
affects an individual’s well-being and is displayed by self-acceptance, by finding
one’s self. We then find ourselves by not identifying with the contents of
consciousness. We reconnect with our true inner core and our true ego – an ego
in service of the whole psyche. It is precisely this tolerance that can spill out into
the environment. Think of it as contagious love of the right sort. We unite inner
and outer, Heaven and Earth.
Ditto, Pg. 73
A true healing environment between a client and therapist exists when the
therapist is able to still the mind enough that ego and its contents can be quieted.
The therapist stops trying to use technical judgments to make the client fit into his
or her sterile model of diagnosis and “treatment” plan. Then a mutual healing can
begin. In this “empty” state, full empathy and connection can be established with
the client. As soon as the therapist’s ego begins to judge his or her technique
and tries to observe changes in the client; when the therapist manipulates the
client and judges what is taking place, the healing environment ceases to exist.
The therapist should be a guide and teacher. Ultimately, the client has to do
the work of healing in order for it to be affective. When the healer tries to
manipulate the client as described above, it is this self-contradicting process of
ego taking credit for that which results only from being in the moment that stifles
true presence. The healing presence in the therapeutic relationship requires the
therapist to constantly monitor him or herself, instead of monitoring the client.
Constant monitoring of the client and the therapists ability to fit the client into a
preconceived, diagnostic category prevents the healer from being with the client.
In these instances therapeutic “progress” is determined by what the therapist
(ego) wants, as different from what is best for the client and what the client is
trying to say. Instead, during moments of emptiness and true presence, a state of
ego-less-awareness can be present and the therapist can be a true guide and
Being able to simply feel and experience things instead of reacting to them will
teach people to develop greater tolerance and confidence in whatever life
confronts us with. This especially relates to things people perceive as threats or
nuisances. By not reacting but instead by simply “being,” (in the moment) a
person expresses sanity and well-being. 197
Having said this, when emotions are avoided they tend to control a person,
they are projected onto other people. Emotions have to be embraced along with
so many other life experiences and thoughts, completely and within
consciousness. Then one is able to move beyond them without disowning them.
Once a person takes ownership for these dynamics then the energies can be
refined, turned upward and the life force will then be available for living. The need
to obtain those energies in the illegitimate ways we have discussed will be done
away with.
I will give an example of how this process can operate and how much work
can be involved. A few hours before writing these last few lines I was walking
down a city street. I saw children out “walking” with some day-care workers. All of
the children, about 20 or so, were connected from one wrist to a central rope or
harness. There was one person in the front of the control rope at the head of the
column. She was pulling on it in such a way that she was leaning forward pulling
her weight towards the front. As she was looking straight ahead pulling on the
rope behind her she actually appeared out of breath and was straining at the
harness. All of the toddlers were walking with their arms outstretched, being
pulled along. Except for some looks of strain, they were all expressionless. They
seemed to be putting all of their effort into just keeping up with the person in the
front hauling them along. One person was at the rear of the column yelling at
them to keep in line and pace. One very small black child caught my attention.
He had a somewhat strained look on his face. I would say he was about 3 or 4
years old and was simply struggling to maintain the pace. There was no
nurturing, no sense of play, no friendly banter and no sense of individuality. Over
recent years I have noticed more often parents walking down the sidewalks with
similar apparatuses attached to their children. This activity expresses a total lack
of nurturing contact or anything verbal except orders to pay attention or a yank
on the harness to pull them back in line. This is very similar to walking a pet. In
respect of the above example, the only time I have seen images of this nature
have been in movies portraying prisoners being lead somewhere, or slaves. In
fact, the closest image I can relate it with is a time I saw a painting of black
slaves being lead in a similar manner. The only difference in the painting was
that instead of a person being harnessed at the front, it was a horse. The only
thing that was missing in the street scene was that these 3 and 4 year olds didn’t
have leg shackles.
The above event was a perfect example of a time when I had to use discipline
to refrain from being affected by emotions. It was not a case of me trying to
contain my own hypocritical and judgmental behavior. Rather it was an example
where I was witnessing a dehumanizing aspect of the way we are conditioning
and treating our children. It was an example where I had to consciously become
aware of the anger I felt, the feelings it brought up in me in respect of the ways I
have been abused, sometimes quite brutally – sexually, emotionally and
psychologically. The important lesson for me in this instance was not to identify
with what I was witnessing and react emotionally but instead simply be able to
perceive the dynamics taking place. Although I knew I had to refrain from
reacting emotionally in a judgmental manner I also knew I had a duty to evaluate
what I saw for what it was. There is a distinct difference between the two.
Judgment is usually a reaction and projection of emotions. Evaluation is more of
a detached appreciation for what is.
As I said, when emotions are avoided they tend to control a person and this
can obviously be projected onto others. Emotions have to be embraced along
with so many other life experiences and thoughts, completely and then one is
able to move beyond them without disowning them. Once a person takes
ownership for these dynamics then, the energies can be refined, turned upward
and the life force will then be available for living.
porous-ness that prevents us from being blocked off to the world. My response to
the scene described above was the opposite of bigotry. The only difficulty I had
was to not get angry because of the social and psychic dynamics that condition
our children in this manner, especially as related to my own experiences. It was
a perfect example of what Mahatma Gandhi was teaching when he made the
comment “If everyone keeps taking an eye for an eye, pretty soon the whole
world will be blind.” Once we become emotionally literate, in touch with our
emotions and thoughts by achieving a comfortable rapport with them, they
become life. Emotions do not need to have a type of hold over you because of
their fight or flight tendency, lacking in foresight. They can become a “felt-sense,”
a wealth of information. Refined into feelings one can and is able to use them in
conjunction with thought, intuition and sensation. This is the result of the
centering process that is portrayed in Wilber’s graph. The energy is redirected to
the whole psyche, made conscious through the ego, not for the ego.
The discipline to develop emotional literacy to the point where one does not
react to something emotionally can allow one to bring to light previously
repressed material and memories. This can be achieved only by repeatedly
exposing ones self to the emergence of them as they arise. I am not referring to
repetition-compulsion – the mind’s tendency to (induce people) to repeat
traumatic events in order to deal with them. 200 As I pointed out much earlier, most
forms of psychotherapy that do not rely on medications or behavior modification
Ditto, Pg. 82
can open the door for the development of emotional literacy. Meditation is the
only way to develop this to the point where an individual can move beyond the
contents of mind and into the higher realms of psychic experience. 201 As
mentioned earlier, a conscious, purposeful detachment or distancing may be
necessary at first until a certain comfort level is attained; after a comfortable
ability to do this has been achieved it becomes more natural and less forced. T
becomes second nature. The key is to remain conscious with feeling; to retrieve
and refine the archaic and the primitive. This is how one is able to reverse the
devolutionary movement that has resulted in domination by that part of the
psyche that has been repressed by the ego, represented by the physical reptilian
and limbic brain structure.
We can compare this with the evolutionary movement towards the higher-level
archetypal energies and awareness of them. Then we can start thinking with our
higher mind, physically represented by the neo-cortex, instead of having this
potential ability of the greater psyche being high-jacked by what has been
repressed. It is important to experience any emotion fully. By learning how to stay
with it in a detached manner it does not overwhelm the individual. Eventually a
person learns the ability to simply “let it be,” to the point where it almost feels like
it is in front of you, with you calmly looking on. You might even be in the picture.
There are definitely elements of the Zen process in all of this. This ability allows
the person to become emotionally literate, not controlled by the emotions or their
sources. This frees up the higher abilities of the mind to expand awareness –
expansion becomes the vehicle for tolerance and the defeat of bigotry. This
would not be possible with unrefined emotions, especially the repressed hidden
ghosts lurking in the closet. Refined feelings are then more easily decipherable
as to their deeper meaning.
Carl Jung learned about the psyche primarily through his own psychological
experiences. He then learned as much from his clients as they learned from him.
Today, therapists could actually assist their own journey through the psyche by
using the knowledge that is available: literature on depth psychology and other
sources of wisdom combined with self-reflective forms of meditation. They could
then start working in a mutually enhancing way with clients. Both therapist and
client can act as mutual spiritual guides, obviously with the therapist having
greater ability but also greater responsibility. A properly trained and
knowledgeable therapist will assist a client to stay grounded in the reality of the
here-and-now but there would have to be an understanding with the therapists
that they would have to continuously learn, grow and become more
knowledgeable. I will give clear and concise examples of this a little further on.
When a person accepts the thoughts, emotions and feelings one experiences,
the discipline used to prevent the ego from taking hold and judging is like blood
being shed by the ego.204 It can also be likened to a sort of crucifixion. In fact, this
is the true meaning behind the symbol of crucifixion. This is where balance has to
be used to create equilibrium between tensions caused by apparent opposites.
This is when the polar ends of a continuum are recognized as being ultimately
illusional and then brought into a unified and centered position. This is an
equilibrium comprised of a comfortable dynamic and alive balance within the
center. The important point to be made here is that a realization of this state,
beyond the ego, allows for an expansion and inclusion that creates conditions
conducive to true compassion for self and others. We begin developing
Ditto, Pg. 84-85
Ditto, Pg. 86
gentleness, beginning with our individual self and then expanding outward. How?
In respect of the inner police state an individual might experience, by
acknowledging both the individual and collective psychic nature of that which is
known as the superego, we can let go of it, become free. As history has
demonstrated over and over, if people do not support a dictatorship or unjust
ruler, the dictator eventually finds it impossible to maintain control. The eventual
fall of any dictatorship throughout history proves this. The same dynamics apply
to the psyche. It is the responsibility of those people who would presume to
assist other people in healing their psyches to first learn how to do this with
We have to balance the masochistic and stern, opposing views held by the
contents of the psyche. This will challenge the ability of the individual to accept
and honor him or herself exactly as they are.The ability to use gentleness with
one’s self during this time allows the essence of time to eventually run its
course.205 Eventually, when the time of the torrential flood has slowed, progress
beyond the lower psyche and its contents becomes a naturally progressive affair.
Once a person begins to question the validity of false ego reality, the process
cannot be stopped. When the finger is first taken out of the dyke holding back the
water, at first it is like a torrential flood. It later slows down and flowingly brings
back the nourishment that had at one time been dammed up. At first it would be
like any revolution – revelation - documented in history, only this time, instead of
being a physically violent one it would be a psychological and spiritually
transformative one. This illustrates the need to go beyond ego, beyond repulsion
and avoidance and learn to hold hands with and embrace our inner self. This will
naturally extend outward. That’s how a person connects with what is found
outside themselves – by connecting and becoming friends with what they find
Ditto, Pg. 92
Ditto, Pg 160-161
Fear is the major element utilized by the shadow. Witness the proliferation of
the various types of insurance policies available to people who attempt to attain
unfailing insurance, whether this is monetary, material and in extension for
emotional purposes. In a society saturated with fear this indicator simply
expresses the profound paranoia that permeates society. The highly criminal
element to this is that most of us project this paranoia onto our targeted
scapegoats, forcing them to carry and suffer under these burdens. In addition,
this maintains the vicious cycle where everyone points the finger and is at war
with everyone else. This is reinforced when the ego is trying to “fit in,” indeed to
survive. People think, unfortunately, that the opinions other people hold about
them are important. What is important is to note that when an individual learns to
be true to their selves, their true inner core, healthy ethics and morals will
naturally be adopted. They will achieve higher level of conscience than before
individuality was attained. However, when we are more concerned about the
superficial and usually hypocritical opinions of other people, it is at these times it
can be said one is not being true to oneself. This produces a psychotic effect
because individuals cut themselves off from their true inner selves. Thus we end
up with our “schizophrenic” or otherwise neurotic-psychotic society.
Ditto, Pg. 161
Ditto, Pg. 161
What I understand him to really be describing when he talks about “the waking
zone’ is a form of healthy detachment, a way of letting be and letting go.
The ability to allow past, present and future coalesce into the eternal now,
especially at will, is a state-of-mind only psychologically mature people are able
to attain. On one level, this is how intuition works: awareness of the past, living in
the present and having the intellectual and imaginative ability to visualize the
future. At a higher level, what this describes is an ability to transcend the
materialistic characteristics of those three aspects of mind and ego. However,
with true psychotics, these glimpses of the eternal now are usually chaotic and
certainly not attained through meditation and mental discipline. In that sense,
touching those higher realities in an undisciplined and ego-inflationary manner
could in fact be referred to as psychotic. When done in a disciplined manner, it is
not psychotic but transcendent. To experience the past, present and future in the
internal now within a waking zone, that is, from a position of conscious
detachment, represents a moment of true sanity and health.
As John Welwood and Povoll both make clear, it is during the moments of
client’s sanity that healers have to focus on. Clients can then be nurtured in those
areas and that is the nature of true healing. This also supports my assertion
earlier in this work that sensitive people who usually end up being labeled
schizophrenic or otherwise branded mentally ill, in fact, have the greatest
potential for achieving much higher states of psychic health than the average
individual. As I said, in that sense, they could become the forefront impetus to a
collective human transformation in consciousness.
In attempting to reach the calm waters of the eternal now I have heard it said
that the way there is like traveling on “the razors edge.” Until one learns how to
quiet the mind or find “the waking zone,” the mind is like “the whore of Babylon,”
as the Christian Bible would refer to it. To find the still waters is very much a Zen
process. It indeed can be very tortuous and painful as if one is traveling along a
razors edge, being tricked out of one’s energy by the whore of Babylon if one
does not know how to protect it. Actually, the way to safeguard it is by not
reacting emotionally but rather to learn to refrain from responding to this aspect
of the psyche, by maintaining a wakeful detachment. The pain is only the false
ego attempting to grasp and possess something that is only an illusion. Thinking
along these lines, one may simply look and see that the victories and attainments
one achieves in life, all the possessions and money one acquires are lost when
one dies. Physical death is perhaps the most final – for this life anyway – loss of
ego. Death of form is death of the ego. It is for this reason that physical death is
the most intense fear the ego can experience.
So, it is not until one stops trying to grasp and hang onto the impermanent
products of the dance – the play of mind and of ego – that the razor sharpness of
the blade ends its’ painful cutting and slashing. When this play ends and
calmness arises, then one can appreciate the calm smile we quite often see
portrayed on images of the Buddha, Jesus and other saints and holy people.
These are people who have reached the other side of chaos – the other side of
Leviathan. Actually, many pictures I have seen of Carl Jung portray a similar
In respect of trying to hang onto the illusions and personas our egos
manufacture to define who we are, they lead to a form of madness. One of the
most important ways to protect us from insanity is to realize the impermanence
and transitory natures of these illusions. 211 Of paramount importance, as I’ve said
before and will continue to stress, this process is only possible with a powerful
healthy ego in service of the whole psyche, solidly grounded in the here and now
of the temporal, mundane world, in a practical sense. However, it has to be open
to the soul and transpersonal aspects of the psyche, without grasping and
becoming inflated.
Mental speed can cause a psyche or person’s mind to become even more
unbalanced than the ways I have been discussing so far.” 212 I am referring to
grasping and trying hold on to that which cannot be possessed. This is a basic
insecurity that is produced by ego. Related to this, consider the abuse of
psychotropic medications and addictions of all types. While under these types of
restraints the mind will naturally panic in a hidden or not-so-hidden manner. This
vastly increases the amount of confusion and other destabilizing aspects of a
persons’ psyche that is already oppressed. Everything possible must be done to
help release the poisons – of the ego - instead of unnaturally keeping them in.
This is the only way to get rid of humankind’s “Satan,” the beast in the machine.
This is not imaginative or wishful thinking. True sciences of the mind, free of the
Ditto, Pgs. 164, 165
Ditto, Pg. 167
machine, certainly support this common sense view or should I say this
uncommon sense view.
People, who have allowed their selves to see and deal with this potential, for
madness, found within us all are the best qualified to compassionately assist
people who are experiencing the tortures of madness. This is why those who
wish to be psychotherapeutically helpful to other people must undergo these
experiences themselves.
Podvoll focuses on the psychotic person’s aloneness but I disagree with this to
a certain extent. Experiences of psychosis can be strictly of a personal nature.
However, it is also an expression and experience of connection – albeit, a
chaotic and confused one – with today’s collective psyche. It is when the
contents of the psyche cannot be disciplined and allowed to flow away, when
they are not recognized for what they are that psychosis sets in.
A mistake is to discount the collective, universal human psyche and how some
people are more psychically aware of this reality than others. This is especially
true of people going through the throws of mystical experience, perhaps even
mystical experience gone haywire. Being true to how you are meant to naturally
express yourself, by being gentle with one’s-self, once this is learned a natural
tendency flows outward to include others. Tolerance and acceptance creates a
dynamic environment conducive to a reciprocal exchange of energy. There is no
need for people pleasing when this stage is attained. There is no need to control
and manipulate. Nor does one become overwhelmed and unbalanced.
A person who does not live from a strict ego perspective does not become
rigid. People like this do not make the attempt to meet the expectations of others,
especially if this conflicts with who they are; importantly this necessarily will
express itself with the same individual not expecting other people to meet their
expectations, beyond a certain realistic and civilized extent. They would not block
off the flow to spontaneous and creative living-in-the-moment because of being
bogged down by baggage and detail. A person finds what may be called a type
of living space within the mind.
If people are allowed to be who they are and be true to themselves, they tend
to allow others to be who they are. Tolerance towards self and others
develops.213 Above I mentioned the difference between people expressing and
discovering bigotry within their selves or dealing with it when they see it outside
themselves in the form of oppression. I also mentioned the difference between
judging people and evaluating situations where they witness people being
controlled, abused or stripped of liberty. The fact is, anyone who has developed
freedom and tolerance within themselves would be betraying themselves if they
ignored the oppression of others. We are our brothers and sisters keepers, not
jail guards.
When people learn to quiet the demanding and greedy aspects of the psyche
there develops a respectful and gentle appreciation for even the smallest details
of life, in a living textural sense not strictly in an intellectual and categorical
sense. This develops from true tolerance; one doesn’t block out and repress.
This allows the individual to develop an ability to oppose oppression. Oppression
is not defeated with more violence and aggression but with patience and
communication. A person who operates from this type of stance is using an
expression of a strong ego in service to the whole psyche.
Most people in society are out of contact with their bodies – ungrounded.
People suffering from obvious insanity or confusion are even less grounded.
Many of the pharmaceutically produced medications and their over-use can
increase this confusion. Abuse of medications almost always ensures that these
people, the client-victims will become almost zombie-like and easily controlled
because of the profit driven prescribing of these drugs. In this sense, the
pharmaceutical pill pushers are no different than crack dealers and other street-
drug pushers. At least the street pushers aren’t pretending to help the people
they sell the drugs to. Indeed the Pharisees are to be despised and pitied far
more than the tax collectors.
With the above in mind, being gentle with ones’ self allows a person to
recognize negative emotions and thoughts rather than hiding them. 215 Instead of
aggressively denying them and pushing them underground, they are brought to
the surface and gently dealt with. Non-acceptance and aggressiveness with
oneself causes repression. Awareness of ones feelings of anger and aggression
enables a person to let them go when the reason for them is seen, because one
has learned to let go. Gentleness allows room for breathing. Energy can then be
used for constructive and creative use. With this attitude of tolerance and
gentleness the negativity looses its negative affects and finds appropriate
avenues of expression.216
them does not have to be an aspect of their own individual, personal psyche, in a
mature ego-sense. It is their larger psyche, emanating from the poisoned
collective and other people, usually intimate people in close proximity. This is
what causes the symptoms of asthma, attention deficit disorder and so fourth. All
of these conditions have reached epidemic proportions in today’s society, caused
by either apparently physical experiences or psychological ones. However they
affect both an individual’s psyche and physiology and they all result from psychic
invasions. If and when people experience these physiological symptoms, I urge
them to become more conscious of their surroundings and combine this with an
increased awareness of the dynamic contents of their psyche. I think people will
be quite surprised at what they discover.
Following logically from the above this can explain and describe, in the sense
of physiological processes, the symptoms of panic attacks that have been
caused by physiological or psychic traumas. The real explanation of these
symptoms is that when people suffer “attacks,” they are forms of instinctual
intuition alerting them to invasions. It is because the situation triggers memories
of the original trauma and the individual recognizes the same patterns and
atmospheric vibrations. Even if they forget the actual memories of past invasions,
the pattern of the “vibes” pulls the alarm. The prospective invader sends
out these “Vibes”. They “pull the trigger” because there is a similar
physiological and psychological recognition of affect or intent behind the
current incident and the human interaction that created the imprint on the
other person’s memory and deep body structure in the first place. This is
especially true in respect of a person’s deep body memory. This is connected to
a deep level of the psyche and Soul of a person that has an accurate memory
capability far beyond what is possible at the ego or usual conscious level of the
psyche. The brain-wave patterns that are created by the (prospective)
perpetrator are sent and received by the (potential) victim and match the brain-
wave patterns and their affects that are stored in memory. Modern mental health
tries to say is that this is a reaction to a similar event or situation because of
something called “cognitive dissonance”, perhaps combined with an unintelligible
mechanical bodily imprint or some other such foolishness. They say that the
event that triggers the response it is not necessarily justified in alerting the
person to danger. This is irresponsible and devalues a person’s ability to
recognize these invasions or potential invasions for what they are. It totally
devalues the power of a properly and naturally developed instinctive survival
intuition in people. It even pathologizes what has historically been referred to as
female intuition. Therefore, even the word intuition, having become pathologized
in today’s world has now been changed to the word paranoia. It is a reversal of
truth and manifest reality. In 2001 I even read an article that tried to blame panic
attacks on genetics. It tried to say that people were genetically predisposed to
this “illness”! As usual modern science attempts to olarchyed reactions and ways
the human species has developed over a huge span of time for survival,
protection and transformation. The application of this pathological, paranoid and
criminal diagnostic tool is being perpetrated against people who have genetically
advanced and sensitive biological capabilities. This is reversed thinking in action:
isolating and pathologizing a genetic ability for the body to alert a person to
environmental dangers. Use your own commonsense and think about it. The
pharmaceutical companies are constantly coming out with genetic reasons –
isolating the genes responsible – for a continuous array of biological reactions to
unhealthy living environments, followed up with their pharmaceutical cures. All
this does is artificially enable the body to become numb to toxic and other
environmental dangers. This allows patterns of abuse - environmental (material),
societal and group or individual – to be ignored. We end up with a situation of
blaming the victim. This is criminal.
I know from experience, study and talking to people that the intuitive
physiological reactions to dangers I have been speaking about in the above are
not based so much on conscious memory but an actual psychic recognition,
normally subconscious in most people, that an invasion is taking place. This
cannot be ignored. I have witnessed children who have been “diagnosed” with
ATDD, who have very emotionally needy and enmeshed parents. I have seen
these children go nearly squirrelly while with the needy parent or other adult. The
child is unconsciously fighting against this invasion. When the child leaves the
immediate area where the parent or other adult is, usually after being scolded or
otherwise chastised, and goes over to an adult or someone else who
You know, when you talk to people about the explosion in so-called mental
illnesses today many people say that in years past most of these people were
hidden behind closed doors. They certainly cannot say that today about all of
these later statistics. In addition, I’ve read and heard statistics in the public news
media, reporting the number of people on anti-depressants, etc has increased
astronomically. It is no exaggeration that introducing the art of body mind and
spirit into our culture at an early age, as they do in some places, among some
groups or even with certain individual people where these traditions are still
maintained, would greatly reduce the incidence of both physiological and
“Recovering Sanity”, Pg.168
In crude form, crude because it does not teach the people how to move
beyond their own selfish ego-needs, people are sometimes counseled to
improve, leave, or otherwise deal with co – dependent relationships,
enmeshment and so fourth by leaving them or by becoming more selfish or
masochistic. Usually in ways that increases the needy ego requirements. I have
seen this many times in some 12-step programs.
spoken to many people, ex-members and professionals, who felt the same way.
In many instances these groups can become a substitute addiction for the one it
replaces, even if it is apparently psychically and physically less harmful; in many
cases it is psychologically worse because it actively targets other people as the
cause of many of their problems – even though the exact opposite is supposed to
happen. In these cases it simply becomes another form of addiction and
repressing mechanism.
I remember a child, the closest thing to a daughter I ever had, used to look at
me sometimes, with her intense intelligent look that she had about her. Simply
out of the blue she would look at me and say “Why”. She could never explain to
me what she meant and I am sure it was related to things I am not aware of.
However, even at that age her mother and I noticed she had similar interests as I
have. I have thought about this many times and have actually come to a possible
symbolic realization as it applies to me certainly and perhaps to her. In addition
to what I just said in the above, I honestly believe she was subconsciously
motivated by her soul to say this letter, Y, in reference to its symbolic meaning. A
y represents a forking or separation: one to the left the other to the right. The
ultimate meaning is separation. I also remember having a dream that described
this understanding perfectly.
In my dream I was walking with a woman, my anima and at one point this
woman and I parted our ways, she downhill to the left and me upwards to the
right. I realize this today, many years after this dream: I realize it represented a
separation of my ego-self from my soul. I also remember that at the time I had
that dream I very much had only been living in and from my ego. By reconnecting
with this inner reality the process of rejoining changes the movement of this inner
Ditto, Pg. 176
For centuries Asians have realized the fact that any kind of repression, splits
or fragmentations of the psyche results in psychological imbalances that manifest
themselves as insanity and physical dis-ease. In traditional areas this is still how
mental illness is viewed and it is from this perspective that they work with people
who suffer from these imbalances. These imbalances and the resulting
blockages of energy disconnect the body, mind and Soul-Spirit unity. This is what
causes the manifestation of insanity 221 or physical dis-ease. Whether you think of
this energy as Prana, Chi or Spirit it is the blockage of this energy that causes
the problems. Understanding the quantum affect of the psyche, demonstrated by
the wave-particle duality, when people exist in a fragmented or repressed state of
mind it is not surprising that this will eventually manifest itself physically as actual
blockages within the body’s energetic system. These physical, energetic
blockages eventually manifest as actual physical illness.
When one considers the huge mass of humankind on this planet, it is not far-
fetched to consider that the massive collective psyche, especially that which has
been brutally mute-lated for centuries, is finally starting to break through in
torrential ways with some of the more psychically sensitive. The criminality of the
situation is that the machine-like materialism that controls society is torturing
“ “ “ “
Much of what I write now is taken from ideas about centering; ideas that
recognize and bring into unity the four quadrants and everything that can be
extrapolated from this approach. This groundwork provides the most stable base
from which to operate. Especially important are the ideas of the all-quadrant
approaches to psychotherapy. From what I am able to see these ideas are quite
compatible with the ideas put forth in “Awakening The Heart” and certainly with
almost all of the world’s wisdom traditions.
It had been pointed out that men and women develop through gender-neutral
stages of psychic development, although there are differences in respect of
“Awakening The Heart
“Awakening The Heart”, Pg. 106
The Oedipal complex – Freud had it backwards. The Oedipal complex claims it
is the son who wants to kill and replace the father, in a psychic sense. On a conscious,
ego level it might look this way in some cases. However, the more powerful unconscious
dynamics from which conscious thought flow are responsible for these processes. The
son doesn’t desire the mother; he doesn’t want to get rid of the father and take his place
in an incestuous relationship with his mother. The lower level, backward pulling
dynamics of a devouring mother is responsible. These are the dynamics of a repressed
society or one that has not evolved beyond enmeshment with the Earth. What many
people would consider evil. Freud developed the Oedipal Complex theory in Victorian
England, one of the most repressed periods in European history. Then as now, this is
expressed throughout society by the collective ego and shadow’s attempts to keep
people at disempowered, lowered levels of psychic development. Freud was premature
in his abstract development of the thesis of infantile repression. He was expressing the
collective psyche of his age that obsessed about sexuality because it was severely
repressed, notwithstanding his revolutionary development of the theory of the
unconscious psyche. In these instances people are expressing psychic reality in the
same way that small children learn fundamental psychic process in literal, material ways.
However, because he was immersed in the collective psyche of that time and to a
certain extent experienced and expressed himself on that level, his theory and the
researches he did to develop it was also of a sexually and addictively obsessive nature.
That is why he claimed that all repressions and their effects were of an infantile sexual
nature. As is true for probably any person that lives in the world, especially when it
comes to people who affect human history, Freud was an archetypal expression of huge
magnitude and energy. He made the scientific mistake of thinking he could objectively
study the subjects and objects of his interest. Although he did attempt to study and
objectify his own experiences as well as his patients for the purpose of research and
theory development, he failed to consciously realize that he was an integral part of the
very archetypal processes he was trying to objectify. This is where he and Jung parted
their ways and where Jung made leaps and bounds beyond the revolutionary and
psychologically transformational structure Freud had put in place.
Another well-known fable that speaks of the overall dynamics indicated above is
the story of “Cinderella.” In all cases, these “myths” describe the young, fresh new
growth of life that is attacked or prevented from emerging by “evil” processes of the
psyche. Attempts are made to divert and use the vital energy of the “Princess”, “Perl”, or
the “Treasure beyond Price” for the maintenance of the aging and fading “devouring
mother” and “old goat.” In all cases a young, vital masculine figure that rescues the
princess is to be equated with renewed = masculine, consciousness. The weapon that
can then be used to defeat the stepmother and her daughters, the evil, life devouring
witch-dragon or the grandmother that turns into a wolf is the discriminating sword of
A true appreciation and connection with the nurturing Earth on the horizontal
level of the psyche is only possible by a conscious union with the vertical, higher
levels of the psyche in dynamic flow, top constantly moving downward and
bottom eternally moving up ward in sunrise movement – a rhythmic, seasonal
flow that can never be mimicked by machines
Personally, I have always had greater faith in the more civilized tendencies of
humankind, rather than the barbaric idea of survival of the fittest. I had always
associated Darwin’s mangled words as applying only with lower evolutionary
creatures. However, maybe the Hindus are right. Only the Creator knows.
Let men learn from women about the powerful benefits of close personal
relations with people and the Earth. Let women learn from men how to detach in
a manner that allows them to reach a higher and more universal awareness that
transcends the ego, Earth and its materialistic nature rather than lowering and
further becoming enmeshed in matter.228 People can learn to connect more on
the horizontal Earth (ego) plane while simultaneously connecting on and moving
upwards on the vertical Heavenly (psychic) plane. Further, in today’s world
masculine or feminine stereotypes can be applied to fewer and fewer identifiable
groups of people – what does continue and is of immense importance are the
relationships between these energies, within each and every individual. As earlier
mentioned, these comments I’m making don’t necessarily apply strictly to
biologically and genetically applied gender determination. For example, when I
refer to more men reaching into earth, I am also referring to those women who
are possessed by their animus and their unbalanced masculine sides. In a similar
way when I say that more women should learn how to reach upward into
“Heaven” I am also referring to many men who are possessed by their animas =
possessed by their unbalanced feminine sides. So, rather than gender
specifically, I am referring primarily to masculine and feminine energies and
“The Eye of Spirit,” Ken Wilber Pg. 201
dynamics and the profound need at this time in history to balance these energies
within individuals. Internally, more people will have a greater ability to unite the
inner feminine and masculine within, without misunderstanding what these
energies are when they experience them.
When these processes and evolutionary developments do not take place, men
are not whole people, women are not whole people and Earth finds itself
disconnected from Heaven. So let us make people whole and unite all of nature. I
find these last comments fascinating. Until recent years I had been totally
enmeshed with my family and most of the usual celebrations and holidays. It was
not until I truly made a break with that enmeshment, when I cut the maternal
umbilical cord, of which I was totally expected to be part of and help maintain,
that my mind became clear enough and balanced enough to express true
equanimity. I had been striving for many years to obtain this through the use of
meditation, martial arts, Yoga, psychology and other forms of esoteric studies.
Although I had a profound desire for justice and the liberation of human beings it
wasn’t until I made that separation into independence that I was able to utilize a
mental capacity clear of the subconscious emotions I had been struggling to
control through use of the various disciplines. In fact, I had been struggling to
extricate myself from the final remnants of a shame –based personality and a
character traumatized by scapegoating and the various forms of institutional
abuse I described earlier. Many times in the past I have made the statement to
myself and other’s that if a person is going to be a protector and nurturer of life
they have to start with themselves.
This final cutting of the umbilical cord allowed me to have the equanimity to
honestly begin the development of a truly empathic connection with other people,
completely free of the remnants of sentimentality and other baggage that had
been still there to be removed. Although my family and intimates did not
recognize it at the time, I expressed love and understanding to their opinions but
was only able to receive exclamations about how selfish I was, how much I had
hurt them and so forth. From my research into the topic these were classic
example validating just about everything I had read and learned on the topic. In
keeping with much of the premise put forth in this book, it wasn’t until I actually
experienced it that I transcended a purely intellectual understanding of it.
self develops. This is exactly what we are trying to overcome. 229 (Given my own
tendency to analyze everything, this has been one of the most difficult things for
me to overcome – and I still struggle with it every day!) All of this powerfully
points to the value of Wilber’s centering graph and illustrates the importance of
balancing, without emotional rejection, anything one may encounter. This applies
especially to conditioned responses, triggered by the individual and collective
superego. This allows recognition of a person’s artificially created personas and
through this recognition, of their true individuated self. During this process,
although there is no place for judgment there is definitely room for evaluation
After everything I’ve discussed so far, how many people, I wonder, go through
the multitude of stages that would transpire under natural conditions? I would
think not too many. Most psychiatrists don’t develop beyond cognitive and
egoistic levels – pre-conventional: what I wish is right. I think though as more
people become acquainted with, for example Wilber’s research and books and I
know they are very popular, more people will pass on the knowledge he offers. I
am referring to The People, not just the scientists and philosophers who are
already in the fields he discusses. I would like people other than those who want
to stay in positions of power with their “esoteric” knowledge to become familiar
with this wisdom. Since the category of power “freaks” and controllers who think
they are next to god obviously does not apply to all health professionals or
people in these areas of work, the more people in the mental health professions
and similar areas who become acquainted with this knowledge, the better. The
really important audience is the common person, The People, to become
acquainted with what he and others like him have to say.
In essence, there are various stages, structures and associated dynamics that
an individual ideally evolves into, up to and through. All of these are contained
within the whole self-system.The important thing is the effort made, not the
progress. It is similar to the martial art known as Kudo, a type of archery, what is
known as a type of moving meditation. The point of the exercise is not to hit the
bull’s eye or even the target. The point is to meditatively concentrate and aim for
the target. It is this concentrated effort that will naturally result in the target being
reached eventually, providing there is no ego involvement beyond a consciously
concentrated effort. I believe this also takes into account what Podvollwas
referring to as the psyche being comprised of many different self’s, all working
together as a unit. This is also similar to the reference that I made about the
various personas people adopt to accommodate the various situations and needs
they find themselves in from moment to moment during waking hours, interacting
with other people and the environment. In these situations a meditative or aware
Ditto, Pg. 215
effort could be made, after the fact, so that interaction is not impeded – simply to
review how the interaction took place. Personally, I developed this ability to a
high degree by learning to later review the interaction in a detached manner. The
only evaluations I made were in sociological, legal and psychological ways.
During the interactions themselves I was totally spontaneous and tolerant.
Research and study of the psyche in the whole sense, beyond the purely
physical, points out that the self, as the balancing system of the psyche, the
center of the four quadrants, is necessary to consider when the whole psyche is
taken into consideration. The spiritual - conscious – connection, unifying all, runs
through the various levels.230 During an individual search, and in this case I am
including an eclectic, scientific approach, if the process is done with or
recognizes the ever increasing levels of consciousness it blossoms into a
complete whole with an aware consciousness permeating and putting into the
proper context the whole psychic image. Unfortunately, this self or center of the
individual is almost totally ignored in today’s mental health system. Obviously,
this applies to the perspectives of workers in mental health, the social system or
worldview that educates them and subsequently the cyclical perpetuation of all
dynamics involved.
Evolving unity, both horizontally and vertically, is the exact opposite of what
has been happening throughout society, thereby increasing separateness. This is
an immature and narcissistic stage representing the lowest level of development.
It is through recognition of the evolutionary process, described above, that the
mental health of society can to be transformed by developing this model for
mental health. This is the conscious goal to aim for.
Without a cultural context and the use of semantics, language and words to
place it into a contextually conceptualized framework of understanding,
consciousness cannot develop with the use of the physical brain alone.
Acknowledging the interpenetration of minds, it is this collective human psyche,
stemming and growing from cultural semantics and meaning, that consciousness
develops.232 The discoveries of “wolf boys” who have been raised in the wild
without any surrounding cultures or groups, demonstrates this reality. This is
similar to what is described in the book “Lord of the Flies,” a book that describes
how people, before they reach mature levels of development in the first place,
could sink back into primitive levels of existence because they do not interact
with a surrounding culture.
If one considers the affects of an alienating and nihilistic way of living and
study this in relation to what is being said in the above, it is possible to
extrapolate and see that an inability to escape from the cocoon-like enclosure of
our false ego is the reason for today’s growth in violence and loneliness of all
types. In addition to bigotry, this is the reason for the collective ostracism of
people as described throughout in this book. This reality is communicated, for
example, in the Bible and other great books of spiritual reality. In addition to rule
by the shadow, the devolutionary effect of people living primarily in isolated egos
will logically result in what might be termed the wolf-boy affect. This possibility is
not that far fetched. It would also explain the existence of “wolves in sheep’s
clothing.” Think of it people: living in a city, surrounded by thousands of people
yet actually feeling alone as so many people actually do! This is astounding if
one really thinks about it. It demonstrates perfectly how separated, fragmented
and reversed society has become en mass.
using a persona to describe who and what an individual is. 233 The “wolf-boy”
affect illustrates the inter-subjective nature of the psyche and what happens
when it is not nourished. On a more positive note, combine the holographic with
the holarchic nature of the psyche, the circle-like inter-subjective with the
pyramid-like, individual movement upward in a cumulatively more complex and
highly integrated structure. Consider what would happen to group entrainment –
synchronized harmonic inter-subjective dynamics - subsequent to an escalation
in the numbers of people experiencing greater and higher level of this integration.
Imagine the complex and subtle interpenetration of all minds and the affect large-
scale individuation would have on humanity subsequent to that entrainment.
Group (psychic) entrainment is simply another way of explaining the hundred-
monkey syndrome. When humanity and the human psyche reach a point such as
this in evolution, the explosive and transformative potential would be exponential.
We aren’t talking about a few monkeys located on neighboring islands now. We
are talking about a relatively small planet that is populated with billions of people
with very powerful psyches. We have an idea of the affect the “Big Bang” had on
the universe. Once a critical level of pressure, tension or force has been
generated within the human collective, a psychic parallel would be a quantum
jump of comparable scale within the individual and collective human psyche.
The power of a balanced psyche centered within all four quadrants or the
unbalanced dynamics of a psyche that has not been centered can be
demonstrated.234 Consider the interpenetration of minds mentioned above and
the heightened ability to use the four abilities associated with a centered psyche:
Ditto, Pg. 274
Ditto, Pg. 274
intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling – all combined in unison. When they are
centered an individual can use all four abilities to create a much sharper and
clearer picture, logically, imaginatively and therefore intuitively about the
dynamics taking place. Imagine a blind person who is balanced and centered.
This person would be able to walk into the above room and quickly zero in on
where and who or what people’s psychic energies are focused on. I have heard it
said that some people who are physically blind are able to magnify and sharpen
their other senses and abilities because they are not distracted by their sense of
visual sight. They can more easily become centered. The ability to zero in on
psychic dynamics can be achieved by most people but on a primarily
unconscious level. Only a centered person can do it consciously.
The natural centering of the human psyche has been mirrored in the
collective psychic history of humankind. I am talking about evolution and the
existence of great civilizations during the course of human evolution. At all times,
the collective state of psychic development is mirrored through individuals, then
through the masses. Most people within society psychically develop according to
the condition of the collective psyche around them and from which they emerge.
However, people also act as mirrors to and for the collective psyche and what is
sent out returns – it becomes cyclical. Obviously this is far more than the ordinary
conscious psyche is usually capable of being aware of. For people who have
developed this ability, it demonstrates both the holographic and holarchic
dynamic nature of the psyche – outward connection with an upward movement
and growth in consciousness.
distinctions.235 This is certainly not to say that everyone is not worthy of respect,
in recognition of our vast similarities compared to our minute differences. What
this is saying is that in looking at health, a purely ego and selfish standpoint,
especially in relation to favored groups, has to be evaluated when taking into
consideration the health of all of society. This refers first and foremost to our
children. Anything that lowers the achievement of high standards within society,
that lowers the levels of “civilized” society in a health and psychic sense, does
not make sense. It is devolutionary, quite simply. It destroys the upward, vertical
and evolutionary movement of humankind. Individuals, followed by the masses,
can only achieve this.
“The Basic Writings of C.G.Jung, Edited and introduced by Violet de Laslo, copyright
1990 by Princeton University Press, First Princeton Bollingen Printing 1990. Pg. 62
“low magical arts” are practiced by people to manipulate, for whatever purpose,
on the lower realms of the astral and material world. The “high magical arts” are
used to activate the luminosities mentioned above, to illuminate the lower and
higher realms and levels of the psyche. The high magical arts are used to unfold
consciousness and connect with “God” because they activate the higher
archetypes of the universal human psyche. The high magical arts are also very
dangerous, as with any magic, because there are always aspects of the psyche
involved or activated that one is not aware of. The only practice that is truly safe
is the active practice of love – and I do mean this in a ritual sense. Love is also
the active ingredient in mysticism.
The world Soul, seen consciously, becomes “The light of nature.”In this case,
Jung draws a connection between the world Soul and the archetypes. Jung
equates the multiple luminosities, especially the Lumen Naturae, with archetypes
that can be used to enlighten the unconscious realms.237 When Jung refers to
archetypes, what he is referring to are, usually, primordial or lower, instinctual
levels of the psyche. I prefer using the term archetype to denote a higher,
universal level of the psyche. When Jung uses the term here I believe he is
misusing his usual meaning and instead, in this case, he is referring an actual
archetype, the “Sun” center, a primary archetype representing consciousness,
centering and evolution. This is the illuminating centre of consciousness, made
possible by achieving a conscious centering of the body, mind and spirit. This
represents the balancing of libido energies, female and male, the Son and the
Daughter. This produces what I call the fifth element, symbolized by the center –
of the quadrants on page 35. It is very nicely described by achieving a centering
balance within Wilber’s all-quadrant approach to the psyche. It is the fifth
because it is born out of a balancing and centering of the four quadrants and
areas of the psyche. The illumination Jung is referring to, the Lumen Naturae
would only be possible by there being present higher levels of energies or
archetypes to create the light, by uniting all four into one. This is only possible
when a person’s consciousness is not diffused within an unbalanced psyche,
awash in one or the other quadrants at any given time. It is only possible when
consciousness is focused within a steady and laser-like beam in the center.
Ditto, Pgs. 63 - 64
One symbolic way to look at it is the image of the Sun being the center of the
Solar system with the planets orbiting. Then take a parallel image of the human
body with the heart representing the center of consciousness and symbolic
location of the Sun. The different planets represent different levels of the psyche,
lower levels and higher archetypal levels. The planets can be symbolically
located on various areas of the body and represent various levels of
consciousness within the psyche. As an example, the planet Saturn represents
the lower earth bound levels while Mercury and the Sun represent higher levels.
The Sun represents the center while Mercury represents Hermes or Raphael,
“messenger of God.” This is the psycho-pomp, and uses the communicating and
connecting energies illuminated by the Sun center, thereby connecting Earth with
Heaven. The Eastern Chakra system and the Judeo-Christian Cabala-Tree of
In constructing a blueprint for his own type of treatment plan based on true
human compassion and science of the mind,Podvoll has done considerable
research on the history of treating the mentally ill. He discovered that hospital
files usually exaggerate a person’s condition. This negatively influences a
person’s mental state, especially the resulting treatment of patients by those who
have access to the files for purposes of treating the individuals. The affect of the
treatment received and the accompanying labels and attitudes can have a
devastating affect on the client.239
The first time he saw a potential client for his new center 240Podvoll recognized
a confused but definite “divine anxiety,” the person was undergoing. The
compassion and care that Podvoll expressed when he first met this person was
Recovering Sanity: A Compassionate approach to Understanding and Treating
Psychosis”, Pg. 215
Recovering Sanity: A Compassionate approach to Understanding and Treating
Psychosis” Pg. 217
Ditto, Pg. 217
noticed, even though she was in a state of psychosis. Because of the empathy
he expressed in his evaluation of her, Karen, she immediately included and
connected with him in the type of relationship that has to be established if a true
healing is to take place. Importantly, by trying to relate with this person, Podvoll
actually underwent and experienced some of the anxieties his patient was
experiencing. Because of his discipline and knowledge of the mind he was able
to handle the situations in a constructive, compassionate and healing way. This
verifies the interconnection of psyches. It also validates John Welwood’s
assertions that only people who are intimately acquainted with the dynamics of
the mind and healing process can truly work with and heal spiritually and
mentally confused people. This is the healing affect a psychotherapist or any
mental health worker should have on a client; instead of hiding behind a wall of
egotistical superiority and ignorance that usually results in unhealthy projections
from the therapist and further disorientation of the patient. It is unlikely that a
client will recover from psychosis without the healer undergoing a mutually
empathic cleansing and healing of his or her own imbalances. 241 The healer has
to become as much acquainted with the clients inner world as the client is
accepting of the healers’, hopefully, grounded within the material world. 242 This
demonstrates the ability to reach out to the client and allow them to enter into
their “space” and to withdraw in a more detached way when necessary.
During these moments of sane clarity, Podvoll says that her awareness and
compassion included herself but extended beyond the false ego to include all
people’s suffering in similar ways. This woman caught and experienced a
glimpse of psychic reality beyond the ego. This was a moment of potential
psychic transformation beyond the illusion of the confines created by the small
ego, because it included all people and expressed true compassion. This was a
true glimpse of joining Heaven and Earth, the universal human. This person that
Podvoll describes also illustrates what I said about these people, sensitive
people, representing the leading evolutionary point of human potential.
A wonderful term used to refer to the energy that caries conscious awareness
to enlighten the psyche is “Windhorse.” It is a Tibetan term used to describe the
directing of energy in a disciplined way to uplift and enlighten the individual or
people upwards into the higher, evolutionary levels of the psyche. It is said this
Ditto, Pg. 222
Ditto, Pg. 224
energy could be used to heal depression.249 This only makes sense because it
refers to a renewal and refueling of libidinal energy, the loss of which leads to
depression. When a person learns how to retain this energy and redirect it, then
can be used for renewal, of self and others..
Could this be a blueprint or model that could be used for healing society at large?
It is a model that is certainly working within traditional Aboriginal communities.
Podvoll noted that there had to be a continuous self-monitoring on the part of the
healers, to prevent them from shutting themselves off. This might be induced by
an egotistical and superior expression of fear. Aboriginal communities can serve
as a useful example where this self-discipline becomes second nature to the
community, in a natural form of community humility and healing. Over time a
model was developed at the “Wind horse Project” for the disciplined development
of a “therapeutic home.” Similar to the monitoring required by the household
team, because of the distractions that could transpire because of the “business”
that comes with the administrative aspects of any type of hospital environment,
constant monitoring had to be maintained to prevent the integrity of the healing
process from being adversely effected. Podvoll’s guidelines and the wisdom
displayed by them have provided people with a way in which modern culture can
unite with primordial wisdom in working toward the healing of the human race.
In this last chapter I use spiritual imagery of two well-known spiritual traditions:
Christianity and Native American Spirituality. This is because it is primarily
spiritual or religious imagery that best reflects the workings, emergence and
realities of the higher realms of the psyche. In some cases I will necessarily be
reviewing many of the dynamics and processes mentioned earlier. However,
using spiritual imagery I will place the dynamics in a higher level of meaning and
understanding. In this sense although of the Earth, using images, awareness and
understanding the dynamics mentioned earlier as a whole the human psyche can
be uplifted from the Earth into Heaven. In other words out of the mud and silt, the
material, similar to the way a lotus flower emerges out of the mud and silt that
gave them birth without losing contact with that from which it emerged.
“The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meanings of Jesus’ sayings” 250 and the very
insightful author of this book, John Sanford, has expressed very logically and
with heart a common sense explanation of the deeper understanding of Jesus
the Christ and a living spirituality. When I read this book the second time several
years after the first time I felt a vast amazement at the magnitude of what was
being denied and done to humankind. Especially after deep reflection I easily
combined the main message of John Sanford with what I and countless other
people and many seemingly different traditions have been trying to express for a
long, long time. Sanford combines professional common sense with a great
insight into a living Christian perspective. He is a Jungian analyst and Episcopal
priest and author of a variety of other books.
.The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meaning of Jesus. Sayings., John A. Sanford,
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53 Street, New York, NY 10022,
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 390
Survival is more than simply staying alive. If we walk in Spirit and wholeness
with dignity, integrity and recognition of our connection with all of life, the higher
an eternal part of ourselves known as Soul will be uplifted in the songs of the
Spirit.252 Understanding this we can see that the Soul is like a deep well. When
we are disconnected from it and do not use it we will separate and fragment and
it will go dry.253 When it goes dry or stagnates it goes into hyde-ing. This happens
when we “consciously” cut ourselves off from it. Spiritually the whole psyche
suffers and if it does not die it at least takes on the appearance of death. We
have to open up to the contents of the Soul, the vastly greater part of our psyche,
in consciousness so that a greater aliveness is attained, as nature intended. One
has to look inward and initially into the nature of Earth in order to get past the ego
and the oceanic abyss, to gradually emerge into higher levels of consciousness.
I will now repeat three dreams that I had within a short period of time soon
after I had begun the journey in uncovering what had been covered, hidden and
repressed over time within myself. When I presented these dreams in chapter ten
I did not interpret them. This time I will offer some of my own impressions of what
they were trying to tell me. Throughout this last chapter I will present other
dreams and possible interpretations for them. They will not necessarily be
presented in chronological order. Instead they will be given at times I feel them
appropriate in the context of my commentary. Lack of chronology will also reflect
the reality that progress outwards and upwards sometimes seems to overlap and
be a part of other stages. What this really demonstrates is the fact that in order to
"Beyond The Lodge of The Sun: The Inner Mysteries of Native American Way", Chokecherry Gall Eagle,
Element Books, Inc. 1997, PO Box 830, Rockport, Ma 01966
The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meaning of Jesus. Sayings., John A. Sanford,
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53 Street, New York, NY 10022, Pg. 8
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 391
1st Dream – I see a man standing in a stark, pure white room. He is a tall,
powerful yet gentle looking young man with long flowing black hair. He is dressed
all in white. He is pulling his hair and crying and there is a sense of profound loss
for he is mourning the death of his mother. As I look at this scene I know the man
is I and I feel a profound sense of mourning and loss as well. I remember for a
couple of months after having this dream that I was a worried sick about my real
mother’s safety. During that period of time I made the egoistic mistake of
interpreting the dream literally.
2nd Dream – shortly after the 1st Dream In this Dream I am standing outside at
night. I am looking up into the starry night sky and above me is the most brilliant
full moon I have ever seen. I was happy because I knew that mother was alive
but I was sad as well because I knew that she had been forced to go into hyde-
3rd Dream – I am standing on a field of what used to be rich and beautiful, rolling
farmland. Now the crops have been burned and there are various buildings
scattered around in smoking ruins. The main homestead building is in the
background: the damage done to it is minimal and there is only a small amount of
smoke issuing forth from it. Scattered around the war-ravaged area are many
people who have been massacred. But the figure that captivates my attention is
that of a woman who is lying on the ground. She has been violated and murdered
along with everyone else. When I see her, my eyes widen in absolute outrage
and then I develop a sense of sheer terror. I run towards the main building with
the forest behind. I run around the main homestead building and notice there are
a few lights on inside as I plunge into the darkening woods, fleeing from those
who would commit such an outrage.
What these dreams describe were the attempted destruction and murder of
my Soul. The first two dreams are self-explanatory. The last dream is the most
important because it described an inner reality of what happened to my Soul in
the material world. The outrage is the anger and outrage that is exploding
throughout society on an unconscious level within individuals and the collective
human psyche. The few remaining lights on in the main homestead represented
a part of my psyche or Soul and a healthy grounded ego that could not be
extinguished. Fleeing into the woods was in reference to the psychic retreat in
defense of the destruction that had taken place to my psyche, both ego and Soul.
It was a retreat into a scared and subservient, less conscious attitude that almost
extinguished my thirst for searching my Soul, my world and my living spirituality.
Obviously there are many dynamics that could be explored here however these
are the most important ones.
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 392
Next I will describe another profound dream I had on a recurring basis during
the years 10 to 12 years of age, during a time when I was experiencing ongoing
instances of sexual abuse. It is really 2 dreams and each dream always followed
the other in the same order.
In the first dream I find myself walking through space on a path or highway
that winded and spiraled through the cosmos for eternity. It had the texture and
appearance of white velvet. I would just walk and walk with no end in sight. I
would usually wake up crying at which time my mother would come into my
room, try to console me, tell me it was only a dream and go back to sleep. When
I was finally able to get back asleep I would have the second dream.
I will only say that what these dreams were trying to show me was the eternal
nature of our Souls. The second dream is in reference to mine and to humanities
fallen natures, away from the whole and sacred nature of our psyches. I will let
the reader find other symbolisms and meanings for themselves.
Having described these dreams I will now describe a very profound dream
that I had before I had the first 3 dreams mentioned above. This dream was
actually a prelude to the journey that was indicated by the above dreams. It also
described the difficulties I had to overcome in order to heal the above-described
In this dream a white hand appears holding and presenting me with an image
of an event. I am witnessing an event that is taking place in what appears to be a
medieval dungeon. There is a rack and on the rack there is a man spread-eagled
and held down by manacles and chains. There are two people dressed in
medieval clothing torturing the man. One of the torturers is using a torture device,
a set of large pincers and applying it to the man’s genitals and attempting to rip
them off the man. The man being tortured is twisting his head in agony. Suddenly
the white hand brings the image closer so that I can see more detail. It is then
that I recognize the man in the picture undergoing almost unbearable agony. I
recognize the image of the man and recognize him as myself. The man’s face is
the same as my face in the material-waking world. Suddenly I feel absolutely
nauseated and sick to my stomach. At this point I find myself lying awake in my
bed on my back, feeling sick to my stomach that passed as I oriented myself in
the “conscious” world.
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 393
This was the first dream I had had that immediately preceded my journey to
consciousness. It represented the torture that our Souls undergo in today’s world
of repression, the shadow and life in the machine. Most importantly it expressed
the torture and opposition I would endure during my odyssey in the material
world in searching for consciousness. That is why the image being tortured is a
man and why the figures in the dream are attempting to rip of the man’s genitals.
The genitals represent yang energy, masculine energy that is required for
consciousness – for raising an individual’s consciousness and psyche to a higher
level of awareness. This represented the different attempts at destroying my
masculinity, primarily and initially through the rape of my inner Soul by the
repeated childhood sexual abuse I experienced. Because of the early ages at
which the sexual abuse took place, those periods also represented the beginning
stages of life’s attempts at destroying my masculinity and balanced expressions
of me as a man. These were attempts at keeping me caught within the Oedipal
Complex. The genderless figures doing the torturing represent aspects of the
shadow, the masculine and feminine aspects of the dark couple.
I will say that although genderless, for some reason there seemed to be more
of an aspect of masculinity than femininity in the figures. The feminine was
definitely represented by the vampire-like aspects of the draining of yang or libido
energy, the ripping away of my genitals. The masculine energy was represented
by the masculine aggression and coercion I encountered during my years of
struggle. This is precisely what I described earlier about the definition of black
magic – the stealing and use of masculine or yang energy for ultimately
destructive and vampire like purposes – the destruction of life. It is interesting
that according to the Hindu way of looking at the cycles of life we are presently
just at the end of what is known as the Kali Yuga stage of the cycle of life. This is
not very different from either the Christian or Native spiritual traditions. Kali can
represent destruction, Christians speak of the “destruction of the world” preparing
for the second coming of Christ, and Native Spirituality speaks of world changes.
This represents very well my description of black magic and the fact that it is
primarily feminine in that it sucks life away like a black hole while using the
masculine energy it steals to accomplish this. I will stress throughout this chapter
as I have in prior chapters that it is of paramount importance to refrain from
applying gender to these dynamics. I have met just as many men as I have
women who display these types of dynamics once I learned what to look for,
even if these people are not aware of them. I have also met people who are very
aware of them and the roles they play. Fortunately nature and the Spirit in all
things have a way of rebalancing things within the world. The beautiful thing
about it is that in the end everyone is redeemed. That is the reason we are here
in the first place. It absolutely has nothing to do with gender. I’m sure people can
also interpret and see other dynamics related to what I spoke about in the
preceding chapters and will be able to find many other things to say in
interpretation of this dream(s).
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 394
When Natives speak of the “Fire Teachings” what they are referring to are the
sacred teachings that belong to everyone. They are meant to create light,
consciousness and by creating this consciousness thereby connect us to the
wider, deeper and higher realities of the whole psyche. 254 This inner Light is the
Light at the end of the tunnel after the abyss has been crossed so that clear and
untainted Light is visible. As Sanford says this is how the Christ potential, in fact
reality, is finally found within each and every person. It is what Jung referred to
as individuation, a recollection and integration on a higher level than previously
existed. It is a description of psychic integration that can be attained by
immersing oneself in the Judeo-Christian Cabala, to give just one example. It
also is a model for the eradication of separation and bigotry. People around the
world simply use different ways of seeing and then attempting to describe that
which is not possible to adequately be put into words.
I will mention a dream I had several years ago that demonstrated what
happens when a person goes into these living areas of the well of life, eventually
to immerge into the higher realms known as Heaven. This dream occurred at a
time when I was heavily immersed in the study and practice of the Judeo-
Christian Cabala. It was also subsequent to the above dreams.
In this dream I was at the base of a tree and had begun a journey upward in a
spiral that took me higher up the seemingly never-ending height of the tree. As I
continued my upward journey I seemed to be on an energy path the color of
bright red while the color of the tree was green inter-mingled with other colors. I
remember the journey increased in speed, as I got higher. I remember at one
point at a great height I felt a sense of anxiety that left as I reached a certain
height. The thick, deep, red color become lighter as I went higher and
corresponded with the increase in speed.
In the sense that Natives speak about the “Fire Teachings” and Christian
parallels I have read about I consider the red color to represent both the fires of
“hell” or purgatory and Earthly manifestation. I felt the increase in brighter and
lighter hues as being the upward expression of the higher realms, the fires from
heaven. Can one really be separated from the other?
"Beyond The Lodge of The Sun: The Inner Mysteries of Native American Way", Chokecherry Gall Eagle,
Element Books, Inc. 1997, PO Box 830, Rockport, Ma 01966, Pg. 9
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 395
the here and now. A wonderful living image that expresses this is the Green Man
of Pagan traditions. Of importance is the increase in speed as I went higher. For
me it represents an escape from the gravity of the earth plane and in that sense it
also represents the escape from materialism and the ego. In this sense the red
color also represented blood that is shed by the ego (Welwood makes such a
description in his book) but also bloodshed by a mute-lated Soul. This is a
paradox on one level but more understandable on a higher. When a person lives
exclusively from the small or false ego this mute-lates the Soul. Escaping from
the material aspects of the ego requires that the small ego shed some blood
also. In respect to the anxiety, I have read in Welwood’s book what might be a
possible parallel: divine anxiety. How would someone feel in the material world if
they were climbing a tree of great height or the sheer face of a mountain for the
first time seemingly leaving the stability of the lower levels of the flat Earth
What I have just described in the above dream also indicated for me the need
for a strong ego, one that can only be obtained by increasing consciousness in
order to make such a journey. Many people think that meditation simply results in
a feeling of peace and bliss. In fact, if that happens before a lot of hard work has
been done, what that usually represents is an unconscious regression back into
the womb from which one emerges. It is what Wilber refers to as the pre-trans
fallacy. It would be a movement downward and into an enmeshed participation
mystique, similar to what newly emerged babies might experience or very
primitive people. Instead, through hard work and the conscious movement
upwards through the sometimes-difficult contents of consciousness, escape from
the womb eventually can happen. This is only possible by a conscious cutting of
the material umbilical cord that keeps us in the lower levels of ego
I believe what Jesus did was to demonstrate and try to teach the universal
structures and realities common to all human beings initially operating from the
lower, collective level of the psyche. However he also tried to connect people to
the higher archetypal realities of the psyche, connected through spirit. When we
look at the Christian message in this way it is very clear that, indeed this method
of understanding and living life would provide a wealth of living energy, creativity
and of health.
For a long time Native Americans have recognized that taking part in any kind
of ritual or ritualistic type of activity has an affect on the individual and the
environment. A proper understanding of Albert Einstein in his study of mass,
energy, light, time and other dynamics associated with the universe can only
produce a sense of religiousness.257 Einstein and later physicists discovered
there is no such thing as a casual observer. As modern physics has
demonstrated, the above is true because our minds, both conscious and
unconscious, affect what is being observed. However physics only provides
mathematical glimpses on a material level. We have to connect with the higher
realms beyond ego – we have to escape the gravity of the Earth. Our minds
affect both the lower material plane as well as the heavenly plane of existence.
Most people are not aware of it but the two are connected in a profound way. I
would suggest that once the speed of light is passed a person approaches this
other, heavenly reality. When I refer to the speed of light in this way I am implying
that the idea of speed is only compatible with a materialistic or ego worldview.
This is a view that has not escaped the gravity of the lower levels of the psyche,
the material. The idea of speed can only be associated with mass, matter,
materialism. Going beyond materialism frees the psyche to move into the higher
realms of light. Beyond the speed of light, the light itself has itself escaped from
the gravity of the earth and then there is only pure spirit, consciousness. This is
also a way to describe the natural tendency within a psyche. This is a desire to
expand and to grow, to reconnect with the source of creation. A human psyche
immersed in the material world has a natural desire and tendency to want to
escape it, to grow and expand. In this way, through humankind and through
nature, the creative source can know itself.
As one progresses along the road of Native Fire Teachings balance is attained
if perseverance is maintained. I have also heard it said that this is the nature and
purpose of the Native Sun Dance. As one becomes stronger by attaining this
balance one discovers spiritual abilities. Here the reference is not to lower level
“magical” abilities but spiritual abilities for healing. Parallels can also be drawn
between the Fire Teachings and the bread of life that Jesus divided amongst the
Ditto, Pg. 11
Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 11
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 398
many. Jesus whole life was one long ceremony. This is very similar to the
beginning of this book where I say that a person who is able to express true
compassion demonstrates this through all aspects of his or her life. In a sense
the mystic practices transcending the petty limitations imposed from people who
surround their “whole” life around their egos.Regardless of the spiritual,
seemingly magical abilities mentioned here the important message is that all
people have this spiritual potential and this is truly what Jesus taught.
Paradoxically if you do it for the special effects and power, chances are you will
not attain it. In fact that is why Gall Eagle says that a true mystic practices the art
of dying – he is referring to death of the false ego. 258
I will now relate a dream I had that was very much related to the Red Road of
the Fire Teachings, especially as it relates to developing a person’s true
masculinity regardless of gender. It also points towards the alchemical necessity
of overcoming and rising above a person’s lower natures. It refers to the “heat”
one can encounter during one’s transition and transformation on the journey
through the fires of “purgatory.” From my perspective purgatory is really another
way of referring to liberation from materialism and the gravity of the Earth, the
lower levels of the psyche.
In this dream I find myself standing inside a room looking at what appears to
be “the horned god”, Satan, of various myths and folklore. This creature was
standing looking at a very intense looking, muscular and regal male figure
dressed in red. He appeared to have great authority and the horned god was
looking towards this authority figure with a definite air of subservience.
Next, I found myself in the main chapter room of the Fraternity House that I
had become a member of when I was in University. In the chapter room were a
great number of men. These men were dressed only in loincloths and were all
dancing in unison to a deep drum beat and other mythological and rhythmic
sounds. In the room there was a slight glow of gold and a definite and deep
presence of heat. The air was shimmering with the affect of the heat, the drum,
the rhythm and the deep sounds emanating from deep within the chests and
throats of the men. In my dream I felt the heat on my face and body. I actually felt
a tingle of energy as it spiraled up and down my spine and embraced me in a
sense of power unlike anything I had ever experienced.
I now know that in addition to representing the fires of purgatory this dream
also represented the Red Road that leads to true strength and courage. This is a
physical, psychological and emotional strength that can only be achieved with
great effort, perseverance and courage. As with several other examples
expressed through dreams it also represented, for me, the road to true
masculinity and healing. This could also apply to women, obviously in a different
way than it does for a man. I am not a woman so I cannot be specific.
Ditto, Pg. 9
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 399
I remember reading a book that Ken Wilber wrote entitled “Grace and Grit.” It
was a personal biography and in it he described the death of his wife in real life.
It was an amazing account of his life but especially his wife’s. He describes how,
when his wife died at a relatively early age, through the practice and use of
meditation she was actually able to physically die and make the transition in full
consciousness. This is also the way masters are trained in the eastern traditions
so that they can also make the transition (transformation) into the higher realms
beyond physical death. If this is accomplished in consciousness it is said that one
can escape from the karmic wheel of life. After the “great escape” a Soul then
chooses whether or not to return to the material Earth plane and if they do it is
usually for purposes of educating and teaching humankind. These Souls in their
fleshly bodies are known as Avatars, bodhisattvas and so fourth. The point here
is that the transition I am referring to means that an individual has the
perseverance and courage to go along the Red Road of purgatory, to deal with
the “heat” generated by the fears of the ego. To make this transition or journey in
consciousness, rather than fleeing back into illusion and the womb-like cocoon of
The special affects and magic mentioned above are usually sought after by
people controlled by their false egos practicing what is known as “low magic.” It is
usually practiced with the purpose of manipulating people and things on the
material plane, sometimes for egoistic purposes. These are the dynamics I have
described earlier in this book. However I should clarify that there are some
practitioners of low magic that are white and use their abilities to heal others –
how white depends on how conscious of and to what degree they have
conquered their false egos. Some forms of High magic, on the other hand, some
people attempt to use to enlighten an individual’s psyche and Soul, to connect
them to the higher realms. Because of the interdependent nature of people, high
magic is sometimes used to try and enlighten the greater human collective
It is interesting to note that there are various Western mystical traditions I have
been involved with that symbolize the Christ center not as yellow but red, similar
to the above Native American description of the Red Road. Is it similar to my
dream description in relation to that context? Perhaps a parallel can be drawn
between the red road and Christ’s fight with Satan. After all, most of Satan’s
enticements and temptations of Christ involved temptations of the ego. That
dream I had simply represents potential within my psyche. I would never make
the assumption that I have attained the potential. It is the potential and the
process, the path that is important. Being free of the false ego represents the
liberation from material things and the need to manipulate on the Earth plane. It
represents the genuine desire and search for the higher realms. It represents a
passing of the speed of light.
In referring to ego, remember people, you will receive back what you send out,
usually threefold according to some traditions. It points out how the
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 400
contradictions and hypocrisy and most especially bigotry and all other forms of
oppression truly are sins against the Creator, because they are off the mark. In
these instances the Creator’s name is being dishonored. Creator and creation
represent life not bigotry, greed, hate and murder. Once they start to become
more conscious, it shows how all people may assist the rest of humanity to heal.
Our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers with an emphasis on our
children, we all will be healed. This is how we begin to heal human beings on the
Earth. It is also important to recognize the truth that what in fact is being
described is beyond gender.
Although Jesus exhibited higher powers, of prophecy and the ability to read
other people and knew what they thought, it is also a perfect example of using
the full powers of the psyche. He was an adept at non-verbal communication,
intuition and other psychic or spiritual abilities. However he was after all a human
being. He demonstrated that anyone born on this Earth, of woman, can grow
holy.259 Jesus wasn’t born that way. He had to grow and develop through the
various stages of development like anyone else.
Dreams and parables both draw from the images of the storehouse of the
human Soul, similar to what Jung referred to as the “multiple luminosities.” In this
sense if looked upon symbolically and non-conceptually they can actually
awaken consciousness. I am referring to archetypal images that have an
activating affect on the deep inner psyche when exposed to them, whether we
are conscious of it or not.260 As I said this is how some alchemical and other
wisdom traditions and schools operate, including Kundalini Yoga. This is also
how the images on the 22 major arcane cards in a tarot deck operate on the
psychic level. To reinforce the above in a similar sense Jesus’ message and the
way he expressed it, when taken and used in the proper context is just alive and
timeless today as it was 2000 years ago. This is true of the symbols of all living
spiritual traditions. This commonsense interpretation of the living Christ is in
direct contradiction with what is happening today throughout the world and what
is being taught, exactly as was happening in his time and not just with
Christianity. Fortunately, as I also mentioned this trend is beginning to change in
a few areas within society, the world and the healing community.
the lower Earth energies by focusing on the heart center, expanding downward,
upward and outward to equal degrees. Kundalini Yoga is perhaps one of the
least safe methods to practice in the Western world. I am speaking in respect of
the lower energies that can be released because it is a very powerful practice
when pursued with intense perseverance. Kundalini Yoga as practiced in the
West does not focus enough on the heavenly energies or the heart center. On
the other hand, in the Western world this applies to most energetic disciplines in
the way they are practiced, with some major exceptions.
While on the topic of dreams I will describe one of the most profound dreams I
have ever had. In this dream I find myself in the entrance to a coliseum or sports
arena. In this dream I was younger than I am in real life. A beautiful young
woman about the same age as myself accompanies me. As we are ascending
the stairs up into the arena suddenly the woman disappeared. Instead there is a
dark attractive young man also about my own age. I look at him and ask him,
“Rob?” He simply nods his head in agreement with the name, maintaining an
intense look about him.
Suddenly I find myself standing in the middle of the arena. I am standing there
observing a group of men struggling to hold down the woman who had been with
me entering the arena. Finally, with a lot of effort they are able to hold her still. In
no way do they harm or otherwise control her. They are content simply to hold
her. When they finally have her held down suddenly her eyes become wide with
outrage (?) and a pencil appears at her throat, materialized out of thin air. The
pencil penetrates her larynx, her Adams apple and disappears. Suddenly a
fountain of blood issues forth in great amounts. The blood heads in my direction.
I run, jump over the boards of the arena and hide from the blood in fear. For
some reason I overcome my fear, stand up and walk right into the blood until I
am absolutely consumed. As I am consumed and completely covered in this
blood I allow it to happen. Suddenly the blood turns to brilliant multicolored lights
and in amazement I find myself wide awake in real life, in bed. It was the most
amazing dream I ever had.
ego and later when I attempted to fight against this destruction and emerge
beyond a strictly ego orientation.
When the dark man, Rob, appeared that represented what some traditions,
partially mistakenly, refer to as “The Green Man.” The Green Man is the deep
masculine, living Earth and Heavenly parts of the psyche. Rob was the real
masculine part of me that had been repressed and mute-ilated by living within
“the machine.” Since he became contaminated by the shadow he can also be
looked upon as the inner adversary or Satan as Sanford refers to it. This is a part
of every individual’s psyche and of course expressed on the collective. This
would be expressed in varying degrees from person to person, group-to-group,
environmental area and so forth. On a conscious level of awareness in my real
life that part of me was totally unconscious. The deeper part of my soul that was
indestructible had become contaminated and in one sense might have
represented a part of me that had become contaminated by the shadow but was
still alive in me at a deeper level.
In once sense Rob acted as an inner guide because it was not comprised of
complete “evil.” Nothing is absolutely and totally comprised of one or the other,
either good or bad. It also represented that part of me that lead (pun intended, in
the alchemical referential sense to lead) me into one situation after another that
challenged my false ego. In that sense it was a part of my primordial psyche, an
instinctual and survival part of me that could not be killed although it was infected
by the collective – no different than anyone else. This was the “inner adversary”
Welwood, Wilber and other profound spiritual psychological philosophers of the
mind describe. However, the Inner Adversary can also act on the ego, to frustrate
it, ultimately to push and motivate an individual to transcend it. In this sense it
also represented the work of overcoming the various complexes associated with
existence on the lower levels. The most important complex for a man to
overcome is the mother complex as Psychoanalysis refers to it, although in
reality there must be a psychological equivalent that describes a similar
developmental relationship between a daughter and father. The “Iliad” is a story
that mythically describes the journey in overcoming this complex – the cutting of
the maternal umbilical cord (or paternal for a woman). To the average ego this all
appears paradoxical. At the higher realms it is (seen as) not: double meaning –
Celtic Knot = it had to be unraveled, especially the naught as in evil or wicked.
Because the Green Man had become repressed and confined along with other
aspects of my Soul he had taken on a dual nature.
When I find myself in the arena and look at my soul being restrained by men,
this represented the masculine, both the light and shadow aspects of my spirit
and ego, of the world spirit and collective superego. Today these energies are
primarily controlled by the negative aspects of the world soul, the vampire-like
part of overall feminine vessel located on the collective unconscious level of the
human psyche. This absolutely has nothing to do with gender: it is purely
psychological and metaphysical. Now here is where the paradox comes in. The
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 403
men also represent the masculine, light, conscious and spiritual parts of my self
that, psychologically, are striving to subdue the wild horses of the lower levels of
the primordial psyche. As just mentioned it also represented the necessary
challenges and frustrations the false ego has to undergo if they wish to become
liberated from it. The aspect of my psyche that was doing the witnessing was in
fact my ego, my real ego. Both the false ego and the emotional wild horses of the
primordial psyche prevent expression and full realization on the world plane but
they also represent the required masculine and feminine aspects of my psyche
that are required for strength in order to cross over the abyss. This is the “sea
voyage,” the oceanic abyss. The wild horses represent a part of the abyss itself
but also the energy required to assist with consciousness-raising.
After she is subdued the pencil that appeared at her Adams apple represented
the early stages of what is known in some traditions as “the dark night of the
Soul.” In alchemy this is the initial stage of psychic growth characterized by the
materialism of Earth and the material substance lead – ego. Her Adams apple
represented expression and communication of the deepest recesses of the
psyche. It expresses both what has been unnaturally repressed and also the
natural but primordial lower level aspects of the psyche. This repression began
when human beings started to wear fig leaves, so to speak. That is why, initially,
my false ego tried to make me run and Hyde from the revelations that the dark
sea journey can reveal. When I stood up and decided to walk into the fountain of
blood that was my inner guide, my intuition impelling me to face the blood, the
darkness. It was a combination of what Sanford refers to as the inner adversary
and my inner guide. The fountain of blood represented the challenges and
frustrations yet it also represented the whole of life or lifeblood. The whole
psyche was in operation. I refer to Hyde several times. Initially this was a
Freudian slip in my typing, however subsequent to seeing this I have used the
word hyde-ing to represent the dynamic and consequence of repression. It
makes a good pun because it is a shadow-infected aspect of the ego and
psyche. I have also read accounts that say one of the predominant features of
evil or Satan is fear. This makes perfect sense because all aspects of fear are
expressions of the false ego that result in any kind of separation, bigotry and so
fourth. I have also heard where the inner adversary is described in the profound
story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I would add: the substance that Dr. Jekyll drank
to become Hyde was a material substance = materialism = the shadow aspects
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 404
of the psyche. Thank God I was conscious enough not to become Hyde. I guess I
was comparatively fortunate.
In a very real sense the spiral dance up the tree, the struggle and blood in the
arena and so fourth can be equated with the type of struggle described in the
Bible as Jacobs struggle with St Michael on the ladder. It is always a struggle to
escape the gravity of the Earth, its illusions and entrapments that try and prevent
individuals from their upward journey.
The blood is what John Welwood describes as blood shed by the ego but can
also, paradoxically be described as the life blood of the mutilated Soul, that which
the ego, both individual and collective, has repressed. When I have become
totally consumed by it, consumed by the fires of purgatory, when I have traveled
what the Native tradition refers to as “the Red Road” then light appears in its
multihued and brilliant manifestations that I became conscious of when the light
at the end of the tunnel is reached. This is when the abyss has been crossed,
when the fires of purgatory have ended. Ultimately when the Devil has been
defeated – defeated and brought to light not actually murdered. The goal is to
bring to light, cleanse and heal that which has been repressed and poisoned. As
I have said before there are aspects of Satan (the old goat), the devouring
Mother and the shadow that cannot be recycled and healed. Some asp-pects
have to be done away with. However, this is not a question of murder it is a
question of evolution, bringing to light and individuation.
One way of looking at ego, domination and the separation that exists between
people and their life source, from a Native spiritual traditional perspective is the
electric light bulb. It does not provide warmth like the light of consciousness
does. It can symbolize humankind against nature because it is not natural.
Obviously electric light bulbs are not bad per se, only the attitudes they can put
forth.261 This is only to describe a metaphor in order to draw on imagery to
explain on a deeper level.
A whole person develops the ability to function within the world regardless of
what roles or functions they have to perform. Introverts find it difficult to operate
in public functions while extraverts find it very difficult to go within and be with
them-selves. Balanced people can function in both worlds.In speaking of these
dynamics I am primarily concerned about how extraverts or people who operate
strictly from their egos actually become very handicapped when life does not
unfold as their artificial personas would like. The above is demonstrated when
many real life actors experience confusion and breakdown when their false stage
personas are taken to actually represent, to themselves, who they are. When
they can no longer be maintained they can enter into crisis. As I also mentioned
earlier the dictionary term for repression is acting. I also make this comment in
reference to my understanding of the inner realms and can provide glimpses of
understanding of the Holy Grail. This would be a conscious or mature ego level
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 12
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 405
connection and realization of the unconscious collective and higher realms of the
human psyche on a Soul level and in communication with other Souls.
I also know that once people arrive at this area of development the light can
never be turned off ever again. Similarly, once health care providers,
psychologists, once people in general begin to catch a glimpse of these realities I
believe that this light once ignited to a certain degree will never go out.
People who are visual, statistical and sensational are interested in facts.
People who have a well-developed intuition are interested in the history of a
given situation. Thinking types will attempt to rationalize and focus on a positive
end result. Feeling types will try to evaluate or look at the quality of a situation.
Only a centered approach using all four quadrants will be able to use all four
functions.262 This is the centered position I like to refer to as the fifth position or
element that emerges out of the four balanced positions. As mentioned above
the solid platform from which one can emerge is the quaternity that Carl Jung
spoke about. This is graphically illustrated by the graph that Wilber developed in
his visual representation describing the scope and potential of humankind’s full
psychic functioning. This represents the stability of the number four and beyond.
It involves all parts of a person’s life. It unites all aspects of a person’s psyche,
the environment and logically and necessarily all people and all life extending
vertically into heaven.
In speaking about light some Native wise people are able to appreciate the
Judeo-Christian Biblical recognition that it was not until the Creator said “Let
there be Light” that the rest of creation followed. In both the Native traditions and
other progressive traditions of life light was equated with consciousness. All of
the physical aspects of creation followed the conscious intent to create. Since we
are made in the Creator’s image according to virtually every living spiritual
tradition that has ever existed, what this represents is the enormous creative
potential within each and every psyche if we simply open our eyes to this
Ditto, Pg. 18
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 13
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 406
The key ingredient during ego development, during recollection of the entire or
whole psyche, is to recognize what portion or quadrant an individual tends to rely
on and then to consciously work to develop the other functions. Since the false or
small ego takes the path of least resistance, understanding what quadrant the
ego tends to overly rely on will provide a sense of where a person has to focus
on regaining balance of the whole psyche. 265 If a person is an extravert and
tends to rely on outer image they project the inner contents of their psyche onto
other people. They are not being true to themselves. By relying on a false image
of themselves they lose touch with the vast storehouse of inner energy they
would otherwise be able to access. Therefore, the obvious way to start to regain
balance is to become more acquainted with their interior psyche. In the case of
extroverts this is especially true because this is when people begin to identify
with their personas and hypocritical ways of acting become second nature that
they forget their true selves. The Judeo-Christian Bible and other Holy books are
steeped in metaphors and images that attempt to teach these kinds of
messages. As more and more people begin to see the light and meaning behind
these types of living messages, the segregated personas of people will naturally
become transparent, both to themselves and to other people. Once this happens
on a large enough scale and with a great enough multitude of individuals, I
cannot imagine that the fires of evolution will ever again be able to be squelched.
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 19
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 407
I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to accept and embrace
this inferior side because it can be so harshly cruel at times. As hard as it was
sometimes during the struggle to become whole, once I saw a glimpse of reality
and what was actually going on it was impossible to reverse my path after I saw
the truth. I will qualify this by saying what also became apparent was the
importance, nay the necessity to distinguish between “idiot compassion” and true
compassion, between sentimental, emotional reaction and identification instead
of a more civilized feeling-toned ability to simply see what is and perhaps
respond accordingly. This is the difference between hypocrisy and authenticity. I
recognized that anything I saw “outside” of myself that had to be changed I had
to change within myself first. This latter statement takes into account the affect
an individual has on their environment and the reality that virtually everything a
person thinks and does has a ritualistic affect on the world. There is no such
thing as a causal observer.
We can only get in touch with and have a personal relationship with what most
people refer to as “God” by becoming whole once again, by recollecting
ourselves. As I pointed out earlier the original meaning of the word sin, with the
first Christians, referred to missing the mark. Obviously it’s pretty difficult to see
in the darkness. Naturally you will miss the mark – you need a light so you can
see what you want to look at and perhaps change.
Throughout history and modern times it has been demonstrated that those
persons who have achieved a state of wholeness, who have individuated, will be
able to “generate light,” naturally. That is the purpose of life, of living in harmony
and will naturally produce self-replicating cycles of harmony. This is also the
definition of a person who has developed true compassion. By developing
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 14
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 408
compassion for him or herself by accepting their whole self they will naturally
extend that compassion to include others. This is how light can be generated. We
know this can be done. After we have given our heads a good shake and loosen
things up, we can search for, find and see this truth. Once the illuminating center
of consciousness has been attained, what many traditions refer to as the sun
center or rising sun, spiritual illumination will naturally be present – and then
expand outward in all directions.268
Jesus, along with many other individuated persons from other spiritual
traditions, exhibited and expressed a whole personality. On the surface level
people only developed in the feminine areas will be weak rather than receptive,
oversensitive and emotionally dependent, on the surface. Overly developed
masculinity will be aggressive and rigid, on the surface. 269 A person who is overly
feminine on the surface can be an emotional sponge and manipulator on the
emotional and unconscious level. They can be downright malicious. We see this
within people regardless of gender. People who are overdeveloped in the
masculine side on the surface will be emotionally weak on the unconscious
levels. They, or rather their egos, can be emotionally manipulated easily even
though they think otherwise consciously. People with these character types can
also become very dependent – because of their emotional immaturity. They can
be manipulators and perpetrators on the physical level because of their weak
development in the emotional areas. Overly developed feminine people express
and become perpetrators on the unconscious and therefore primarily emotional
and covert levels of awareness. Overly developed masculinity will express it self
as physical aggressiveness. The less obvious perpetrators are more dangerous
because they are not as easily seen committing their crimes.
Native traditions have recognized the “Journey to the Lodge of the Sun” for a
long time. They also realize this does not make us as gods but does give as our
God-given ability to create and produce illumination beyond ourselves. In the
seeds used for their development, all authentic spiritual traditions realized this at
one point in their early history.270 A centered position can help us to realize of our
higher natures. Using psychology as the less than perfect vehicle, it can illustrate
our interdependent natures for the purpose of healing the world’s hypocrisy and
Ditto, Pg. 25
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 21
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 28
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 409
of history has either been murdered, put in jail or whose achievements have
been subsequently and historically reversed or perverted thus making a mockery
of the sacrifices for humanity that they made.
With some individuals there is within them an urge, an inner guide or intuition
that pushes them forward. As soon as a glimpse of the higher realities beyond
the illusion of the world, of “Maya” are seen the light cannot be extinguished. As I
described in the dream of my spiral climb up the tree of life, as a person rises
higher up the tree, as the deep red becomes lighter and the speed increases
proportionately there is an earthly and heavenly spiritual nature that prevents the
urge from being reversed.
A whole person, with a strong ego in service of the whole psyche will
necessarily and naturally escape the historical conditioning of the herd mentality.
So, how do we counter the increase of unconsciousness within society and
the world? How do we counter the huge structures in place that create and
maintain the nihilistic merry-go-round that leads to nowhere? It has to start with
communication – especially with our own inner psyches.
There is one truth that permeates all levels of existence that each level
displays in images appropriate to that level. Each level expresses a different
aspect of truth on that particular level, but the same truth or reality permeates all
levels regardless of how it is expressed. Native traditions, the wisdom traditions,
philosophical and true psychological traditions, recognize this truth. 272 These are
important spiritual and psychological understandings that can provide humanity
with blueprints or maps to help us navigate where we are going.
the path but rather that the path chooses the mystic or healer. 273In addition to
speaking about the natural urge to make the search for the higher realms this
also demonstrates the need for would-be healers, especially of the psyche, to
first heal them selves – unconscious motivations have to be brought to light. This
is the journey of traveling through the darkness of the psyche in order to
enlighten it. Similar to what ends up bringing people into therapy it does not
appear to be a voluntary decision.
In the above context I will now relate a dream that I had between the ages of
10 and 12 years, before I had the merry-go-round dream. At the time I had this
dream I had a job delivering newspapers. It was during this time period that I was
experiencing a prolonged experience of being sexually abused by a male
customer on my paper route, old enough to be my father or even grandfather at
that time. Later on I experienced two other incidents of sexual exploitation – one
time when I was 14 years of age with a woman old enough to be my mother and
another time when I was 16 years of age with a woman that was 32 years of age.
I feel it is important say these things in relation to the context of this dream.
In this dream I am standing by the box that the bundles of papers are placed
in for the paperboys or girls to pick up. It is nighttime and there is no one else
around except for a young woman who seemed to be a few years older than me
– she was a certain expression of my Soul, inner woman or anima. She
expressed an aura of powerful self-assurance and determination. I knew that she
was being raped and sexually abused, similar to what was happening to me in
the mundane world. For a while I accompanied her around as she was making
her deliveries. I was curious why she was delivering at night and with an
expression that showed she didn’t like doing what she was doing, she simply
said “This is the only time I can do it…someone has to”, when I asked her. Then,
I just stood there and watched as she left on her way to finish with her deliveries.
Today, this last part of the dream shows me how in many respects I consciously
retreated from what had been happening and for the next several years had
happened to me. On another level she was the only one capable of doing what
had to be done, not my small little ego. What had to be done? Simply the way the
rest of my life unfolded and the affect it had on me.
Even to this day I find it difficult to interpret this dream. However I do know that
part of it had to do with the above description of what Native’s call “The Black
Road.” There were aspects of my psyche that I had to bring to a conscious level
– various personas and actors that we all use. An over-reliance on personas
induces us to shut out our real selves. I believe the dream had to do with the
obvious psychic retreat I had made during these painful years. I was acting out in
various self-harmful ways such as acting extremely macho, doing daredevil
antics and experiencing drinking and substance abuse. I was fighting with some
other boys my own age but usually it was with boys who were older and much
larger – it was also primarily with individuals who were bullies and not just to me.
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 411
Importantly they were not always bullies simply in a physical sense but also in a
psychological sense of ridiculing other people or simply “pushing their weight
around.” I had a few minor brushes with the law. In addition to trying to tell me to
wake up I also believe the dream was a message telling me of the black road
that had been laid out ahead of me. It expressed to me the realization that we are
all connected and in communication on some levels of our souls. That’s why she
was delivering newspapers. In that sense I believe the woman was an
expression of the mute-lated world soul that was delivering some messages to
people, to the world to wake up. Therefore from my perspective there were
personal elements involved in this dream but I also believe the dream had
archetypal elements in it that virtually everyone alive today have access to –
judge for your self.
I always enjoyed being alone and it is not an exaggeration to say that even
with a lot of other people I usually felt very much alone. Given the nature of what
I had experienced as a child I suppose psychologically this can be readily
explained. However I believe this feeling is no different than the alienation and
separation from selves that other people feel. Today I also recognize that this
dream was telling me to become aware of my feeling of spiritual alienation and to
bridge that separation. Can spiritual and psychological alienation be separated
from each other? No, they cannot. These are the main significances of this
dream that I find important in relation to myself.
This leads me up to the next dream I will relate. I had this dream many years
after the above, when I was in my twenties. In this dream I am standing outside
of a house on the back deck looking in. There is a big party going on inside and
everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The drapes are wide open and the
only thing separating me from the people inside is the sliding glass doors.
Everyone is dressed in a multitude of bright and various colors. Then I notice a
woman looking out of the glass doors at me. She is looking at me in a very
friendly way and almost seems to be inviting me inside. For some reason the
young woman who is about the same age as me seems to be someone I should
I think, given the above, I don’t really have to say anything in explanation
except to say this was an expression of my anima, my inner woman – my soul.
She was trying to tell me that I was blocking out the vast portion of my true self,
my whole self, my deeper psyche and she was inviting me in.
In a very real sense our inner kingdom is not only what many off us
consciously search for it is also something that is searching for us. In Christian
terms this is the nature of the kingdom of God and why, if we connect with that
inner kingdom we find a treasure that God values as much as those people who
find it do. It is also why many people who have chosen spiritual paths say that
the Creator chose them and not the other way around. 274 This is the path
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 27
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 412
choosing us whether we consciously realize it or not. This is the road and nature
of individuating into wholeness.
The following is a dream I had on February 12, 2006. I began writing this book
in 1991. I was born in 1958 and the dreams I have recorded during this
commentary have spanned my whole life. In light of the above comment of the
Kingdom, our inner reality, I find this dream very interesting and will place it here.
I will not try to interpret it to any great length because it is self-explanatory. I also
think it is one of the most optimistic and significant dreams I have had for a long
time, perhaps ever.
‘I had a short dream last night. I was looking at a King dressed in royal finery.
He had a beard and rather rough-looking appearance. He looked like, and I
knew, he just been on a journey through hell, literally. From the direction of the
right moving to the left someone passed him a chalice full of slop to eat. He
disgustingly threw it aside. As he did this I knew that he had just spent the vast
portion of his life eating and barely staying alive on this slop. At the same time I
knew that, as he threw it aside, his intention was also that his subjects should not
have to eat such slop any longer either.’
I will only say that in this dream the king is my masculine, spiritual
consciousness. My “subjects” are simply those inner parts of my whole psyche
that comprise a whole individual, especially my Soul. I refuse to eat that slop on a
conscious level any longer. In that sense I have developed respect for my deeper
self, not only as it relates to my individual ego but as well to my greater
connection with other people. I will do what I am able to stop them from having to
eat such slop any longer either.
The early church, the original Christian common people and teachers,
recognized the vast importance of our inner realities and the importance our
Souls, both anima and animus play in illuminating spiritual and psychological
reality. The Kingdom of God is not some sort of outer reality but a living inner
reality that, once found, becomes a treasure that we can use to extend ourselves
out into the world and to take the world into ourselves. 275 This is sometimes
something enmeshment with the herd, family, co-dependent relationships,
addictions or dependence – any of the various forms the Oedipal complex take –
will not allow to happen. These types of separation from self can prevent or
frustrate this relationship with our inner kingdom. So do, for that matter, the
powers that be. The powers that be can be interpreted as the expression ‘the
powers that bee’, as in bumblebee. This has a considerable esoteric symbolism
attached to it and therefore a deep psychological message. It has more than one
level of meaning. The bee has carried significant religious and mystical weight for
a long time as expressed through ancient right up to contemporary artistic
expression. From the perspective of awakening consciousness, the light within,
some of the glimpses of reality that individuals have can “sting” like a bee
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 28
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 413
because of their shock to the ego. However the bee also carries pollen from one
flower to another helping with the ability for flowers to bloom into beautiful
expressions of life.
In considering the mystical side to life that I have been describing, consider
bible commentaries where Jesus described the Kingdom as a mystery. A
mystery is something that is initiated knowledge. It cannot be obtained through
the intellect alone. It has to be gained through personal subjective experience.
Dreams and parables are ways of using metaphor to describe knowledge of the
inner spiritual or psychological realities an initiated person might achieve. 276
American Aboriginal traditions know of the spiritual importance of the Dream
Quest and Australian Aborigines are highly evolved in their abilities of living
consciously within the Dream Time. There are many traditions that still retain
many of the original forms of these initiations – just as many of them have turned
them into meaningless shells of what their true purposes used to be. However in
recent years there has been a resurgence in conscious understanding of the
power of ritual and there is, I believe, a re-emerging of the spirit guiding us back
toward true purpose and ability, to experience these initiations in the full power
they are meant to convey.
This awareness that Jesus taught has and is known by various names,
symbols and so on varying from culture to culture. As the Perennial Philosophy
teaches us the world’s different spiritual traditions stem from the same ground
source – this is also referred to as the “Sophia Perrenis”. It is comprised of
individuals and of the world or human collective Soul. As every attained or
enlightened person has known, famous or not, this inner awakening can have a
shattering effect on the ego and has to be gradually integrated, woven, into a
conscious and consciously or intentionally balanced psyche. All the traditions I
have studied or looked at, in some way, will associate the final integration of this
awareness and living power with the sun. But we need the moon, representing
the feminine, receptive but ultimately reflective part of ourselves. This is not the
illuminated – in most cases it is the opposite of the way that we perceive
ourselves to be. However accepting and nurturing this, ultimately, feminine side
to ourselves; it means to yield and let be illuminated the inner world by the
sunlight. The Creator made us in the same image as itself so that the source of
life could know itself – we are reflections of that source not the source itself.
Ditto, Pg. 29
“The Lodge Beyond The Sun”
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 414
for the creator to see and know it-self through our eyes and minds. That makes
us divine vessels not divinity itself.
and seeing similar messages in their own traditions that emerge from the other
traditions and different perspectives. The ability to find mutuality in other
traditions could spark the mind and spirit into action on a collective level. We do
not have to be constantly “converting” to the different traditions that offer these
alternative yet similar perspectives, from one environment to another that offers a
feeling of familiarity. By studying and comparing other spiritual traditions while
looking for commonality and mutual realities what happened with me is that I
become very accepting and appreciative of the other traditions. I don’t think I am
very much different than anyone else. The ultimate outcome can be a better
understanding, appreciation and strengthening of the tradition an individual is
born into because of the mutuality’s in knowledge. I base this on what I have
experienced, learned and from many other people I have read and heard about.
All that is really important is that people become tolerant enough of themselves
to simply question, question and question – question = quest.
The solid gut rock, the solid foundation of the Earth is composed of stone.
Different spiritual traditions, not just Christian, recognize the solid foundation that
Christ provided being compared with the cornerstone of the church. In this case
the solid foundation or cornerstone being referred to is consciousness and our
spiritual perceptions using consciousness. These traditions and people within
them are using an open mind. They are able to include other enlightened people
and other traditions in the same way the Christian perspective is described
above. It is consciousness that provides the ability to define who we are and how
we define the world.281 The beauty is the inclusive awareness that can result –
the natural beauty of the whole. The greater that this consciousness is,
individually speaking, the subtler will be our understanding of our place within
existence, beyond the ego. Recognizing that the Kingdom exists everywhere will
provide us with the ability to unite everything into a higher order of integration.
Different personal realities within wholeness can and usually do take on an
empathic character and perspective if truly sought for – its Nature’s Way.
However it is only possible through the development of and appreciation for an
awareness that recognizes the reality of a whole psyche. A person experiencing
individuality and uniqueness of psyche, while simultaneously experiencing that
individual reality within a larger collective psyche seems to be a paradox. It is
contained in and of the collective in one indivisible whole yet also contained in its
entirety within each individual. Try to imagine this reality as you read this. This
recognizes that the personalities a person takes on are purely practical and
functional – they do not define who that individual really is. This also
acknowledges individual Souls and egos in addition to the collective Soul of
humankind. It recognizes the need for individuals to become individuals. When
an individual psyche, one that contains the whole of the collective human psyche
is not free then neither is the collective human psyche free. Try to intuitively feel
what I am saying. I am referring to something that is truly paradoxical on one
level but perfectly logical and natural on another. Each thought is emanates from
everyone else but each and every thought is truly your own. We contain the
“The Lodge Beyond The Sun”, Pg. 54
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 416
Universe within us. In this sense we are all alpha and the omega; the beginning
(individual) and the end (omega). Only a mystic can tell for sure.
I will make a very clear statement. I have never been seriously tempted to
listen to those impatient or loud thoughts in my head although I do take them
seriously. Thoughts that emanate from a persons psyche can be very tempting
and dishonest. These are almost always thoughts stemming from an ego. I am
going to take the idea of an individual being connected and in communication
with the collective psyche into consideration here. If someone connects with the
collective psyche, consciously, it might very well mean that much of what is
communicated is also temptations of the ego – greed, false images, power (over
others), etc. In saying this I am thinking of people who claim to be clairvoyant,
mediums, etc. I have no doubt some of these people are truly able to do what
they claim to do. However, speaking from my own experiences, when I have a
thought that is loud and boisterous and claims to be authoritarian (listen to this!)
– I am referring to thoughts not actual voices – I have learned that it is almost
always something that should be ignored. It stems from the shadow. I have
learned that communication that emanates from the spirit and creative source,
always, is something that can be barely “heard” and even then only if the loud
and noisy activity of a greedy ego can be stopped. It never gets louder, only
clearer and easier to do as one learns to clean house. It then becomes second
nature. The most important thing that can be used to distinguish between the two
is that the shadow or ego aspects of “communications” are almost always ones
that sound like commands or like something that cannot be ignore; they might
even be coated in candy if they relate to a person’s image and power. In the case
of a healthy, creative and life-giving communion with the true spirit of life there is
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 417
always the intuitive element of choice and there is never even a hint of
command or threat. From my own experiences and what I know of the deep
psyche I would never even listen to let alone listen seriously to anything that
even approaches sounding like an actual voice. The research and study I have
done with so-called mediums and people who say they can channel indicates
they are possessed by their own individual or collective shadow. What we think
of as true divinity does not “speak” to us in this manner. It uses conscience,
intuition, intelligence and free choice. I spoke earlier of psyches interpenetrating
other psyches. When they are of the aggressive kinds mentioned above they are
always invasions. They can take the form of any of the invasions described
throughout this book. Mature Souls and the creative spirit of life is always gentle,
never invasive.
I will tell you why it has to have the element of free choice. In order to truly
evolve and become whole, to individuate it has to be a personal journey. When it
is “too easy”, in other words when everything is given to you on a silver platter,
this is too similar to the dependent and controlled psychic states of mind I have
explored throughout this book. It makes perfect sense. As examples, people who
claim to be able to read fortunes, channel, act as mediums, these are always
minds and psyches that are immersed, enmeshed and controlled by the very
energies and energetic psychic patterns and dynamics I have described
throughout this book. In any cases of reported “communications”, “channeling” or
other forms of spirit communications they will always contain and express the
identical dynamics described in and used by unbalanced and unhealthy people
striving for image, power and control. I am not necessarily referring to the people
who claim to be able to do these things, only their egos or aspects of the
collective superego and shadow-contaminated psyche of humankind. As I said, I
believe people when they say they have abilities to do these kinds of things. I
also have enough knowledge about the nature of these dynamics to know where
they emanate from and why they cannot be trusted.
As mentioned earlier morals and ethics naturally follow once a certain amount
of self – knowledge is attained. Externally imposed rules, moralities and ways of
living cannot take root within the individual when forced from outside of our
selves. These things can only be obtained through self-confrontation. As the
repressed and forgotten aspects of ours true selves are brought to light it
becomes apparent that existence in the repressed state is why rules and laws
were made in the first place.282This inner confrontation does not just include a
confrontation with an individual’s own personal (ego) psyche. Because of the
nature of the collective psyche being also contained within every individual the
inner confrontation also includes integrating into the whole psyche the collective
as well, inner and outer. Obviously, in the collective realm, until a critical level of
awareness is reached the laws will still be required. This does not have to be a
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 70
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 418
It can be seen that instead today’s world has been forced into a reverse mode
of evolution when looking at it this way. Note the criminality – actual crimes
against humankind and especially against the Creator by having this heritage
denied us in today’s world. Society and Its dominant structures create lowered
levels of consciousness within people generally. Then it gradually and sadistically
punishes the wounded people that have been harmed in this way. This results in
the devastation of Souls. These are our psychic centers – the harm done to them
results in causing them to act out in harmful ways, whether to themselves or to
others. This is a good example of blaming the victim but so much more especially
the double meaning I gave earlier – mores, nightmares, Morgan, Mordred and
Satan. This is for whom the law is required. The huge factor in all of this
realization is that absolutely no individual, group or even nation or religion can be
blamed for virtually any of this. This is 100% true in all cases with the possible
exception of Hollywood Satanists who operate on a conscious level. These are
the challenges facing humankind. Even countries, institutions and groups that we
identify as perpetrators on the mundane plane are ultimately victims themselves.
Considering that most individuals only emerge into the higher levels of maturity
after overcoming some sort of challenge or crisis it only makes sense the same
applies to humankind as a whole – “As above so below”, “as below so above”.
It is very important to clarify and classify two distinct forms of what are referred
to as Satanic. In respect of dynamics there are very few differences when we
compare Scapegoating within society and other forms of control that
characterizes true satanic cults or Hollywood style satanic cults. The main
difference between these two types of cults is that the former is committed
primarily “consciously” on the unconscious level while the latter is done with
conscious intent on the conscious level. The first example is primarily
psychological, metaphysical and in a warped way spiritual while the other is more
obviously materially based and metaphysical. The first category, by far the
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 419
Some day, I will more completely explain why pornography is completely and
utterly Satanic in nature – and I am referring to all aspect of pornography and
how it is used in society, not just the victims involved in its production.
Pornography is a close metaphor for much of modern culture – capitalist,
communist and fascist, whatever. An important factor to consider is that the more
an individual or people lose their status as spiritual and individual entities and
simply become numbers, machine guns or hands and other body organs used to
keep the lifeless machinery of the state apparatus or economy in operation the
more the above statement will apply.
The tendency of society, including many of the very groups geared towards
promoting and teaching about Jesus and other enlightened people, has in most
cases actually promoted the very opposite of what Jesus was teaching.
Unfortunately this is true notwithstanding the consciously good intentions of the
many people and groups responsible. I would imagine it is almost unanimously
for good and holy reasons why people either become clergy or psychotherapists,
at least as far as consciousness allows. It is commonsense that as a new
awareness develops true health will naturally follow. Importantly, since most of
these dynamics are unconscious it is difficult or impossible in most cases to
assign blame. That would be counter-productive. Consciousness-raising will
naturally counteract nihilism and instead create a greater sense of living. I’ve
heard of one very intuitive author refer to this as “radical aliveness” – the author
of the book “The Black Butterfly.”
The Pharisees that Christ butted horns with is the best metaphor in the Bible
that urge people to look inward, clear their own temple and create a solid
foundation on which they can develop sound self-knowledge. 283 For me, the
prodigal son is perhaps one of the most important parables I have studied.
Speaking on a personal level, regardless of the psychological reasons for it, as I
mentioned above at one time I experienced a lot of “acting out: substance abuse,
self-abuse, anger, lack of self respect, impulsiveness and the appearance of
making a lot of mistakes in my life while trying hard to appear other than what I
was – hypocrisy. I can now say today with a certainty that I could not have
Ditto, Pg. 36
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 420
developed what I consider my desire and search for the light within without first
experiencing these darker and wounded aspects of my own psyche. Remember
the dream where I described a darker aspect of my anima delivering newspapers
at night.
The Prodigal Son Parable recognizes that the two, apparently opposite
brothers (and internal sisters) are in fact two (or four) opposing aspects of the
same individual. One of them stayed with the outer law and did what other
people expected of him – he was a people pleaser. He maintained the herd
mentality and did not develop as an individual. The other brother went against
the herd, confronted his less than admirable traits and was able to overcome or
rather to civilize them. He became a whole person. His father respected and
welcomed him back (father = consciousness) into his household and this was
primarily because of what he had overcome and civilized within himself. He took
the high road of challenges and growth. His brother took the low road of least
resistance. Psychological and spiritual growth is only possible by overcoming
The challenges not by caving in to them. An example of what the prodigal son
had achieved is that he had developed a kind of humbleness while his brother
expressed bitterness when the father welcomed home the prodigal son – the
latter is a shadow response. In looking at these two ways of being, wholeness
and humbleness or hypocritical self-righteousness, ethics and morals or
hypocrisy and many other traits and personality characteristics can be applied to
the appropriate individual character.284 This is all very spiritual and just as
I am not sure why I decided to ask this next question except that some part of
me connects it with the prodigal son parable. In looking at all spiritual traditions,
as I said, virtually all of them stem from a mutual ground source. When I consider
the apparent animosity between the Muslim, Christian and Jewish spiritual
traditions I find it very interesting that they all stem from the same religious roots:
Judaism. It is also a fact that within the Koran Jesus and most of the Old
Testament prophets and holy people are recognized as saints and prophets –
enlightened people. In considering the Parable of the prodigal son and the nature
of all bigotry and hypocrisy, is one of these spiritual traditions any worse than the
other? More important, is one any better than the other? I have not studied the
Muslim spiritual tradition like I have some of the others. I am simply asking a
Jesus looked at mental illness as being a result of not being connected to the
Creator but rather to the kingdom of Satan – a state of egotistical materialism,
fragmentation and imbalance.285 In realistic terms this is simply describing
people who are disconnected from their whole psyche, especially their Souls.
The misconception created by a literal interpretation of this – the Prodigal Son –
story is absolutely no different than the mistranslation that would result in a literal
interpretation of the psychological and spiritual explanation about the Pharisees.
to make the transition from sleep to wakefulness. The Creator is everything, Yin
and Yang, good and bad. But Satan, that shadow within, can only become Satan,
get angry, nasty and cause havoc in the various ways I have been describing
when that inner self is ignored. This inner self wants to see the light even though
it may not be aware of it – very paradoxical. Remember my dream that took
place in the arena. We can change Satan from the bringer of darkness back into
Lucifer – the bringer of light as the Creator originally intended. In no way can
Lucifer replace our Christ center. Lucifer refers to the healthy consciousness of
our Earth-bound, primordial psyche that, when connected to our Heavenly,
conscious nature becomes subject to and harmonized in our Christ center. This
is energetically empowering. The closest analogies I can use for Lucifer is
Raphael, “Hermes, messenger of the Gods,” and so forth. What these energetic
dynamics represent are illuminating and communicating energies – light – that
connect the higher with the lower resulting in what Christians would refer to as
the Christ.
What this means is that when we deny the inner Light, the Creator, God,
Christ, Buddha, Great Spirit, Allah or whatever we wish to call it we instead turn
Holy reality into Holy terror and the Devil. This is a very startling, indeed striking
comment if honestly considered. In Matt. 22:14, it says, “For many are called, but
few are chosen,” to enter the Kingdom. Only those who choose to gain self-
knowledge can access the Kingdom of God. 286 We are our own individuals, not
the chattel of someone else and the only way to demonstrate that and make it
fact is through the development of self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge changes how we perceive the outer world and necessarily our
inner. Increased levels of consciousness that reach into the higher realms of
timelessness will necessarily change an individual’s perception of all the other
levels of existence. This especially relates to the timelessness of spiritual reality.
Even Einstein recognized and developed some understanding of this relationship
between time and space. When a person is able to actually appreciate the
understanding that Einstein explored a feeling of “religiousness” would have to
develop in the individual who studies his work. 287 The nature of timelessness is
why Jesus’ methods of teaching and the living ceremony that his life represented
expressed the same timeless quality of its spiritual nature. American Aboriginal
spiritual traditions also recognize and strive to live in the spiritual realities this
type of understanding represents.
This is an appropriate time to contrast what is being said here with what
happens when a literal interpretation of the Bible or any Holy book is taken as the
final word. I mentioned earlier about the extreme harm and persecution that has
been perpetrated against people throughout history because of a literal
interpretation of the Bible. For example, woman – I am referring to woman not
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 45
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 55
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 423
only in respect to gender but in respect of the deep inner psyche; to the different
manifestations of creation, collective and individual, naturally connected with the
full power and aliveness of the environment. I am speaking of Mother Earth with
an upward movement into Father Heaven. But woman has been persecuted, in
men and women because of misogynist’s literal viewpoint. This was either used
to support sexism or cause it.
Woman, not the gender female, can only be given form/manifestation through
growth in consciousness, the God. What the God impregnates the Goddess with
is His consciousness sometimes represented as a phallic symbol. She is the
vessel that contains and expresses He. But She has to be “subservient” to her
husband and the father of her child, the diamond heart, and our centre in this
mystical marriage and he totally faithful in providing consciousness and the ability
to apply the new creative abilities for practical use. 288 The figure 8 is a nice way of
looking at and understanding this flowing interchange conceptually. As is well
known the symbol eight also represents infinity. As I will continuously say, what I
am saying is not to be taken in a materially (gender) literal sense, only psychic
and spiritual.
First in line for creation using this rationale is the manifestation of personal,
individual identity. A person or the collective is stagnant or dead without a
dynamically reciprocal and interdependent relationship with the other. This is only
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 118-170
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 424
Are we are beginning to see the natural and only effective remedy that can
heal the devil and turn it back into “The Green Man” and the devouring mother
back into the Madonna? The Green Man is the symbolic representation of
healthy green growth and naturally occurring life giving power and energy that I
referred to earlier in describing my dream of the struggle in the arena. This is the
masculine aspect of the Earth and its energy. It represents creative reciprocity
and interaction between humans and the Earth after the disconnected asp-ects
have been recollected and transformed, civilized. All of these things concerning
consciousness and its perception are or were in the Bible and other great books
of spirituality. They have been misunderstood, edited or de-emphasized for
centuries. In the Bible very little is made of the fact that Jesus was almost
constantly going off alone in natural areas to pray and commune. This is so akin
to the Vision Quest fasting and a spiritual need to look inward, which can only be
achieved in a solitary way – the connections should be plain.
Living or being “alone” is necessary and perhaps for extended period of time
depending on the levels of self-knowledge one wishes to attain and the personal
characteristics of the individual. I find it rather disturbing that, especially mental
health “experts,” usually makes a special (negative) note when one of their
clients or potential clients lives alone. As separate from a personal decision to
make a personal, spiritual search, this is of specific concern when it is realized
that that much of this way of living has been induced, to a large extent because
of trauma, labeling, bigotry and other types of collective “treatment.” This
especially applies to the ostracism encountered in the community. However, on
the other side of the coin, to gain self-knowledge this is necessary to one degree
or other.
Jesus taught how we can grow more enlightened and spiritually aware. We
still have to do it. He showed us how. Jesus life was one long ceremony. The
acts he performed embody meaning. He caused the lame to walk. Whether he
did this literally and physically is beside the point. In a psychological sense he
helped people to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Demonstrating the
power of the mind to either hinder the whole person or let it bloom. Jesus taught
people how to psychologically become whole again and in extension to regain
psychological and physiological health. To say he rose from the dead is a fact,
psychologically and spiritually. Whether he did it physically is beside the point.
This “rebirth” demonstrates the eternal nature and power of spiritual reality over
the material plane of existence.289
So we need individual and collective respect for the psyche. Mutual healing
can then be applied because of an individual’s respect for various parts of their
own psyche and in extension respect for the various expressions and parts of the
collective. These parts are individual entities, beings in their own right. These are
Souls – worthy of the same respect we would expect ourselves. Remember
Wilber’s theory of holons. In this case I am speaking of personal autonomy, in an
ever increasing spiral moving upwards on a continuum of conscious awareness,
starting with the individual connected with the environment and then growing –
groups, races of people and so fourth. All have to be respected and upheld. This
is what Christ was trying to say. It is the way the first Christians thought from
everything I have studied and as well my understanding of psychology. I would
suggest this has to be true of the roots of all living spiritual traditions. This way of
thinking would free the individual and society from the beast, the wounded mass
mind, the herd and so from the machine.
Living for the future instead of the here and now leaves a person caught in a
psychological state where they loose touch with reality. This is similar to earlier
chapters where I said the same thing in different ways. To worry or focus on the
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, pg. 58
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 426
past or future leaves a person lost in the present. The practice of centering can
give a person the ability to do this, to live in the present. Focusing on present
awareness using past experiences for learning can attain a balanced
perspective. This gives an individual the ability to imagine and create possibilities
for the future, thus expanding a person’s awareness enormously. Remember
Podvoll’s description of psychosis – how many people do you know who dwell on
the past, worry about the future and find it impossible to live in the present? I
think the important point to be made here is that the prime motivating dynamic
that drives this illusion is the element of fear, one of the main characteristics of
shadow and the Devil. As Podvoll teaches in his treatment of the psychically
unbalanced, living in the here and now, free of the false ego will naturally lead to
raised levels of consciousness. Jesus’ teachings, if followed in a realistic way can
lead a person to the light of consciousness that the Fire Teachings attempt to
arrive at.290
The repressed aspects of our psyches have always been there. We are simply
not fully awake yet. Why? Why do so many people fear the responsibilities
heightened levels of aware consciousness bring? Because a realization and
Ditto, Pg. 60
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 45
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 427
appreciation for the power and realities of the inner psyche destroys the illusional
securities offered by immersion in the herd and the false ego. 292
The path to enlightenment involves going against nature, our lower natures.
As I have said above it always requires work and effort. The easiest way, the way
of least resistance never achieves anything. 293 The meaning of this statement is
that one must go against our lower natures – our primitive and now wounded
natures. It is not a rationale to devastate and abuse the environment, including
people, quite the opposite. This is only possible by, perhaps at first, struggling
with but eventually befriending and accepting into our whole way of being these
shadows and mute-ilated aspects of ourselves, taming them by bringing them to
light. As I said this is similar to Jacob on the ladder with Michael. I think a caress
will be much more productive than continued repression and mutilation of our
and is not held back by the gravity of the Earth a feeling of “butterflies in the
stomach” would be quite natural. It is new territory to the ego. Criminally, in
society divine anxiety is looked upon as mental illness. In fact it is society’s very
practices that create and/or perpetuate unhealthy states of mind and existence,
ultimately denying us the messages of countless wise and enlightened people.
Society can actually keep people stuck in areas of divine anxiety. These
practices exacerbate and give no support to those people who are attempting to
become individuals. This is similar to the example mentioned earlier in this paper
– the minister who had good intentions but whose actions caused and
perpetuated the very condition he was attempting to heal.
This type of attitude and way of being makes it much easier to go through the
fire-like sparks and flames of increasing consciousness. These can strike like
lightening with the “eureka” or peak experiences that occur during glimpses of
clear and unimpeded sight. A truly sincere spiritual way of being has much larger
and more frequent instances of these experiences. In common literature most of
the references to peak experiences only portray them as blissful magnifications
Ditto, Pg. 47
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 48
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 429
To become centered is to learn how to rest within the outer chaos that
characterizes the struggles to reach the center. Once the search has begun, at
first and until this center is reached the flow is more like a tornado or flood
amongst the storms one encounters. The inner core of a solidly grounded
foundation, available through the use of concentrated – not obsessive or
compulsive, quite the opposite – focus gives and is given to one at the center.
Concentration is required to get there and it is concentration that comes naturally
once the center has been achieved. It allows one to stand inside, detached and
watch the chaos outside. It gives one a glimpse of the timelessness that
contrasts with the obsession with time, quantity and ego on the outside. It
provides a centering from where one is able to be in the world but not of it. This is
a stance between the manifest and the ethereal realms. 297 This is the whole of
the psyche, individuated but in commune with the collective and beyond. This
would include the natural Earth with the earth’s natural healing abilities being
completely available. This goal will achieve and be achieved by healing wounded
psyches of human beings using all of the psychological knowledge we have at
our disposal. We can use traditional modern medicine, alternative medicine
through to other forms of “folk medicine” and wisdom, both Eastern and Western.
The most important element to be included is spirituality – this is fundamentally
It is only with people who have discovered themselves during some sort of
crisis – crisis is the catalyst when small egos and unbalanced viewpoints are
unable to provide a fulfilling sense of wholeness; a living reality- that a true
search can begin.298 Speaking as a male, the classical conditioning of teaching
men to “keep a stiff upper lip”, to be machine-like especially in regard to the
repression of emotions; the added pressure of stereotyping once the dynamics of
male-liberation had already begun to create noticeable results, further
handicapping them has been devastating. As I’ve already pointed out these
dynamics apply on a vastly increased level, today, to all people although most
would consciously think otherwise. What I am speaking about is a way of
liberating people from an oppressive, repressive and regressive way of being.
Both the primarily Christian and Native ways I make reference to here both
“The Lodge Beyond The Sun”, Pg. 61
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 49
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 430
prescribe distinct yet compatible spiritual ways of living that produces a healthy
dynamic psyche that will have a parallel affect on the health of the body and in
extension Heaven and Earth.
People can only come to their inner worlds of the psyche in therapy, in solitary
or in a guided spiritual search if they remain steadfast to a fulfilling end. They can
then enjoy expressions of the creative source of life that can only be perceived
within the center of wholeness mentioned above. 299 Much of this involves
recognition of our dual natures – masculine and feminine, Yang and Yin, strong
and unyielding yet vulnerable and receptive and so fourth. A steady, powerful
perceptional awareness of this integration will lead to a vastly increased scope of
overview and spiritual (connected with the whole) reflection. This is highly
personalized, experiential and teaches the body and mind to accept the inner fire
of spirit. This is only possible with a powerful individuality that is profoundly
aware of and connected with the collective psyche. These paradoxes have
already been explored. An achieved awareness of the whole can only be attained
from a perceptive state as an individual, not as part of the mass mind
True subjective reality is found within the ethereal realms, beyond the lower
levels. This makes transparent the objective, isolated stance of the ego and the
materialistic illusion of the egoistic world. This is the true self that connects with
all things in the universe.300 To review, a real understanding of this dual nature
recognizes the vertical axis of the centering process combined with the horizontal
axis. The horizontal axis is needed for navigation and functioning within the
material world. A centering of the two positions produces the quaternity, the four
directions of our inner psyches and the universe. The core in the center produces
the ‘fifth element’ that is born out of the four. It requires a flexible balance, an
ability to dance with the masculine and feminine energies found within us. The
spiral Dance that Starhawk refers to in her book “The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of
the Ancient Religion of the Great Mother” describes significant initial stages of
the journey of the mystic. It describes important dynamics a person should be
aware of if they are serious about beginning the search.
We’ve seen what happens to society when the dual and spiritual nature of
humankind is denied people. To turn away from the centered source of the true
self leaves one in a semi – unconscious state that can only lead to illness,
unhappiness and stagnation. The search for the center necessarily produces a
stronger, healthy ego and individual that can withstand the greater energy only to
be found by and within the attainment of true consciousness. 301 This is
symbolically portrayed in the Christian Bible as the need to use new wineskins
for the new wine, not the old used and worn wineskins. Only those persons who
are quite comfortable in the inner psyches can handle the vastly increased
awareness, especially the connection on the collective unconscious level and
Ditto, Pg. 51
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 62
Pg. 53
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 431
beyond. It is pretty easy to see why people’s visions, revelations and so fourth,
as described in the Bible and other holy books, quite often describe encountering
a choir of angels. This would be a very pronounced and acute awareness of The
collective populated by individual Souls. In analogy this would be similar to being
on an old fashioned party line on the phone, except with an unbelievably large
number of people in communication –and not all in agreement with each other or
even ‘saying’ similar things!. On the collective unconscious level there is so much
more, including all of nature: The Holy Grail – the “Sofia Perennis”.
Because of the “violence” done to the ego, the “blood of the ego” shed during
the search for the center this violence can be like a storm in a person’s life. It is
the centering process itself that creates the ability to withstand this storm. 302 That
was what Jesus was good at calming, storms, of the mind. Being an enlightened
person he would have been the best psychotherapist for miles. And note, he was
not in agreement with the official social way of thinking or doing things. He truly
was a rebel and knew that people had to be allowed to grow to the point of
mature self-knowledge. If this is prevented it can cause people’s natural
evolutionary potential that is stifled, attacked or otherwise prohibited by the
powers that be.
A balanced body and mind creates a fertile crescent from where true spiritual
growth can take place. The various symbolic tools and rituals, as mentioned
above create and represent symbolic and parallel changes that occur within the
psyche. The Lord’s Prayer, whose universal power is acknowledged among wise
Native American people, can be used as a way of focusing on and attracting the
masculine spiritual energies that provide the energy necessary for
consciousness. This energy is in the ethereal realm, beyond the lower and
material realms of psyche. It can only be accessed on the higher realms to be
used on the lower, with conscious intent; and searching for higher spiritual
purposes. It permeates and is part of everything and can only be accessed by
escaping the gravity of the Earth, to be obtained from the higher realms of
spirit.303 This can only be achieved by centering one’s body, mind and spirit
inward in order see and embrace outwards and upwards.
The difficulty in finding this realm can be visualized by the image of the sea
journey, the crossing over the waters of the unconscious to a higher stage in the
process. It is said wise people are able to calm storms and turbulent seas. This is
a metaphor for the ability of consciousness, the spirit or what some people refer
to as God or Great Spirit to calm the stormy waters of the unconscious as one
passes over and through them. This journey is the deepest fear of the ego. 304 A
wise person who has calmed the waters of their own psyche can act as a guide
to others on the ocean voyage to tame Leviathan, Tiamet and the Hag. A person
who has calmed these waters can actually have a transference and
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 54
“The Lodge Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 62
Ditto, Pg. 54-55
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 432
transformative affect on the person they are guiding. This demonstrates the
interconnectedness of psyches. Eastern and Western masters have known and
demonstrated this truth for thousands of years.
In the above sense the word of God can be thought of as the result of re-
integrating the whole psyche similar to when the Garden of Eden existed. The
main difference between a new integrated awareness and back then is that in the
Garden of Eden there was no self-consciousness or personal identity – no
conscious separation from one’s environment. There were no personal
boundaries. There was no self-identity. This state-of-mind is known by
psychologist as participation mystique. There was no need for the fig leaf. In this
state there is a primitive level of enmeshment present. When a person
encounters the Kingdom a paradisiacal state is once again achieved but this time
in consciousness, as an individual. Think of the pyramid on the circle. A person
would be in communication with other people, representing the circle but with
self-awareness representing the pyramid, the individuated self. Think of it. As
greater numbers of people actually evolved and developed this ability the source
of creation could see and know itself.
That is why the Bible urges one to build their house on rock, not sand – a
good solid foundation of self-knowledge grounded in the here-and-now and
everything that subsequently transpires due to this search. It is the solid
foundation of consciousness and insight that creates a strong foothold on which
the “Kingdom” can be founded and built. 305 What is being stressed here is the
requirement of freedom for an individual to be as nature intended. This has to be
based on that person’s uniqueness yet also her or his unbreakable connection
with all. Each one of us is unique and only by awareness of that uniqueness can
we truly connect with all, our brothers and sisters – all relations. Native traditions
express their relationship with all living creatures and forces of nature in this way.
It is this consciousness that protects and shields us from the chaos and storm-
like activities of “hell”:306 better known as the illusions manufactured by the ego.
I think the most important development required is the true and widespread
development of tolerance, of respect for individuality and differences. The
offshoot is that the storm of consciousness can then be more easily tolerated and
balanced because of this development. This is circular in the holistic sense, with
two-way movement. This will allow a person to begin to see the absurdity of
separation based on culture, skin color, gender and especially religion or spiritual
tradition. In America we used to call the American Aboriginal people “heathen”
and either massacred them or controlled them, like cattle. Most of us have been
conditioned to believe, including the attempt to condition the Aboriginal people in
the same way, that these two powerful spiritual traditions were diametrically
opposite from each other. But the similarities and in many cases identical
meanings using different symbolism and semantics are amazingly vast. This is
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 56
Ditto, Pg. 57
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 433
universally true for all healthy, living spiritual traditions. All we have to do is cut
through the stagnant dogma and orthodoxy that keeps us truly like penned sheep
and without freedom in the most important sense of the word. This transformation
has to begin by doing away with intolerance of our selves.
Let us look at the possible source of creation. All living spiritual traditions
recognize the source of all light is consciousness, consciousness that gave rise
to creation. Creation is the feminine vessel. On Earth the lowest emanation and
manifestation of the creative source becomes known as “The Holy Spirit.” This
refers to masculine spirit or consciousness within the feminine vessel known as
the collective “Big Mind” or psyche. None of this in any way has any reflection or
makes reference to gender. This only refers to the concentrated point of
masculine energy that gave rise to consciousness in the form of manifestation,
woman. Many physicists refer to the initial point and beginnings of creation as
“The Big Bang.” Placing rigid and repressing Victorian “morals” aside, this can
humorously be thought of as “Thy Big Bang.” It can be used as a metaphor for
the “sexual” act that gave birth to creation.
I find it interesting that according to those scientists who study the origins of
life on Earth the first living organisms were asexual. In this sense, an image that
symbolically fits this description is the Taoist Yang and Yin symbol. It contains
both opposites in dynamic harmony and this itself came out of the
undifferentiated void or one source. In fact according to the tree of life cosmology
the first creative emanation was Kether and it contained within it all potential in
concentrated form, beyond masculine or feminine form or energy. From Kether
emanated Chokma, masculine energy and this gave rise to Bina, feminine
manifestation. From these two emanations was born all of the rest of the
emanations culminating in the lowest and densest level that we know as earth
and the physical universe, a “Myriad” of things.
One of the initial groups that one has to break away from is the family one is
born into. A cutting of the umbilical cord is the most important cord to be cut in
order to become an individual. This is what Christ meant when he said that he
came to set a person against their parents and siblings and in-laws. 309 This does
not refer to disowning them. As Wilber demonstrates in his Holon Theory, if we
disown or forget our origins or foundations the structure that is subsequently
constructed will crumble. Something I have heard very few other people talk
about is that when an individual cuts the umbilical cord this also frees the other
family members from maternal enmeshment. In the case of the mother and the
father it frees them from one level of dependence on them by their adult children,
thus freeing up some of their energy for their own development. For parents, this
time in their lives should be one of maturing fully and fully becoming themselves
in an individuated sense.
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 58
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 62
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 435
Too much love can become an evil – smothering and controlling. What many
people consider love is sometimes simply ego satiation and enforcement by the
family, the herd and the subsequent giving up of individual autonomy and energy.
It can become downright vampire-like, to the point where people actually
perpetrate these dynamics without conscious awareness of them. Some people’s
actual way of being is maintained in this way. In all seriousness, if you are a very
sensitive person, see if you ever notice when you become somewhat breathless
or a feeling of anxiety, even a sudden tiredness come over you. Instead of
reacting to it, especially emotionally, stay calm, breath deeply, softly and evenly.
In other words, get centered and then just feel. After a while you develop the
ability to “master yourself.”
People who scapegoat other people are not used to the things or associated
energies they usually project onto other people. It is important not to react in any
way: this applies to everything from judging, assuming, becoming anxious or
otherwise reacting emotionally or physiologically. This will give you a
complementary ability to pinpoint the source of projections. It is precisely your
ability to not react, the rebound affect causing a reaction in the sender and your
greater awareness resulting from staying calm and centered that will increase
your ability to see where the projection(s) and dynamics came from in the first
place. This is not fiction. At first you won’t notice anything – except you ability to
remain calm thereby mastering yourself. Eventually, as you learn how to remain
aware, clear and fully charged you will generate a greater and more sensitive
awareness to what is. It is exactly the ability to not react emotionally and
intellectually, to not judge anything, to have the ability to remain neutral that
causes the rebound affect. If you learn to do this with people who are usually
able to manipulate you with tears, anger, “words of praise” or lustful promises,
you will be amazed at the results. Nor am I the first person to suggest this sort of
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 436
thing and there are many people who are very conscious and aware of these
I made reference to these dynamics when I mentioned children and why they
may develop asthma. These things are instinctively/habitually perpetrated by
most people who have not learned how to obtain their own energetic
requirements from the limitless source. Here is something to think about.
Consider the differences and contexts of these two statements: “I am so proud of
you!” and “I am glad for you that you have done this”. These two statements are
completely different in meaning as well as context – they both express very
different things and also describe very clearly the intent in meaning by the
persons that say them.
I cannot stress enough the paradoxical fact that in order to become truly
empathically related with other people and the home we call earth we have to
become complete individuals. The phrase “I am that I am” recognizes the
realization of true autonomy found in individuation and transcendence beyond
the false ego and collective super-ego. It is a declaration that can only be made
from a centered position.310 This can only be accomplished within consciousness.
and evolved their mind touches an inner sense of conscience that is far more
honest, compassionate, empathically sensitive and humble than previous states.
This state of mind is the exact opposite of the internal police state I mentioned
earlier in this paper and far more law abiding. Think of it: when people are
coerced by outside forces, resistance will naturally arise, especially the more
unjustifiable it is. On the other hand when a person wants to act according to an
awakened consciousness and conscience this will naturally be reinforced. The
result would be a more ethical, moral and true loving awareness that is inherent
in wholeness.
In searching for the kingdom the one power that is contained throughout all of
creation can present many “different colors and hues.” In its various
manifestations it can be quite chaotic for someone during the process of sorting
through them to find the calm waters of the center. 313 At all times it is necessary
for a person to remain grounded and focused to prevent any sort of ego inflation.
Psychologists focus primarily on developing the false ego. What they have to
begin to do and the same applies equally to political and religious leaders is to
stem the ego inflation that is a marked characteristic of hypocrisy and bigotry.
Hypocrisy and bigotry also causes these same people to melt in the herd. As
Christ taught, in order to become connected to others in a true sense we have to
temporarily divorce ourselves from them, before we can take on the burden of
expanding and including them into the greater psyche. This mirrors exactly the
beginning stages of true meditative practice, alchemy and other traditional paths.
When a person develops into these areas to a certain extent one can learn what
helps or hinders progress within this expanding flow of life. 314
I have demonstrated the various ways that flow can be interrupted in today’s
world although the vast majority of people are ignorant of the amount of
interruption and psychological interference that takes place. If we are able to
reach a high level of consciousness and are able to view the contents of the
psyche, without an effective ability for healthy detachment from these contents
they can distract us from the more important process that is taking place. 315 This
is because of an ego-based personality – the police state. This produces our
machine-like inventory created by the ego and modeled after our quantity
obsessed society-like surface mind. Podvoll made reference to this constant
monitoring, micro-operations, that has to be conquered in order to find clear
spaces. This is also a recognizable part of the meditative process.
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 66
Ditto, Pg. 67
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 66
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 438
What the medicine men or women, saints, sages and various masters world-
wide who have attained individuation or enlightenment have all described teach
people ways to enter the “Kingdom” of individuality. This will naturally result in
uniting with other people and the Earth. I will mention an example expressing the
absence of bigotry and the inherent unity of the Kingdom. When teaching or
talking to people it has been said that people who have attained spiritual
enlightenment were able to communicate to people regardless of the languages
these people spoke on the material plane. 317 This demonstrates a total absence
of differences between people on the higher levels. Although this only makes
reference to language, considering the importance that language and semantics
play in creating our cultural perspectives and worldviews, it therefore also
demonstrates that the eradication of semantic differences would also do away
with most of the causes of bigotry wherever it may be found. It demonstrates the
common ground we all emerge from and live within. This also illustrates the
importance and power of words – words can be like daggers or like soothing
music; they can be used to separate or to unite.
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 67
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 439
This insightful, balanced and very humane person of Jewish heritage had
been able to see this. Even though he was opposed to the message the speaker
was preaching and given the horrors that had been perpetrated against the
Jewish people during WW11 he had still been detached and civilized enough to
see that what had happened was wrong. In fact, similar to the way in which the
persecutions against Jesus had actually brought him into closer empathic
connection with other people, the horrible persecutions that had been committed
against the Jewish people and possibly this man, had brought him closer to the
mutual humanity we all share. If people opposed this speaker and his political
stance they should have ignored him and his message. If no one supports
dictators they cannot “rule” or control people. “When fighting monsters one must
be careful not to become monsters.”
The universal language of the psyche is beyond words and more like a subtle
feeling or knowing.
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 440
The freedom that can be experienced by being free of bigotry within oneself
allows a person to realize that the unconscious becomes a great weight, a
burden, only when a person is unacquainted and not integrated with it. That is
why a repressed person dissociated from the unconscious contents pf the
psyche experiences it darkly, negatively and in a bigoted manner. 318 A centered
position, integrated with what was once forcefully repressed or simply
unconscious can provide the source of true freedom.
Consider the powerful impact that would occur within humanity if a critical level
of aware connectedness between enough people occurred on an individual level.
This would be nothing less than an initiation into a transformation of human
consciousness, up to a higher level of evolution. In trying to get people to
consider these possibilities I recognize the fact that the more people who
seriously consider these possibilities increases the likelihood it could actually
happen, with a sort of cumulative and quantum leap affect. A transformation or
even increased widespread awareness of these realities at the higher levels
could actually induce people to question the insanity of holding bigoted attitudes
or of supporting other people who hold bigoted attitudes towards others, in
whatever form they presented themselves. It is bigotry and hypocrisy that Jesus
was most concerned with in his day. This is pure psychology and something
everyone is capable of becoming aware of. In fact there are thousands of people
who are aware and I would imagine on the same high levels that we once
considered reserved only for holy people. If you are one of the few who choose
to truly search for psychological – spiritual growth you have to be totally curious
and totally open at all times. In considering the dynamic affect that might occur
once this type of awareness is initiated within the human collective psyche on a
great enough scale, I will refer back to the dream where I described my spiral
ascent up the tree. The speed increased as I became less burdened by the pull
of the gravity of the earth, materialism and the ego: with bigotry.
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 68
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 441
It is said that “bad medicine” or feelings of bigotry stem from fear and fear
stems from ego.319 I have heard it said that one of the first emanations of evil is
fear and this is true. This is the emanation of an ego, including the collective
superego contaminated by the shadow. In keeping with what I said above, as
awareness of the sources of bigotry and ego separation increases within an
individual, so also does fear. I now realize that in addition to this being real fear
emanated by real egos outside one’s individual ego it is also fear within one’s
own psyche. You begin to realize that these fearful “darkies” one tunes in with
are part of one’s whole psyche. Dogs have psychic sensitivities capable of
sensing the fear emanated by people, so do humans, who are among the most
highly evolved animals on earth.
This inner contradiction is what can lead to dissociation, turrets syndrome and
other forms of mental fragmentation and retreat. In the age of the machine, along
with everything I have been saying throughout this paper, we see that society
and the powers that be are not only preventing the people from entering the
Kingdom, in fact people are being forced into the hands of Satan, the collective
and personal shadow. This is stagnating and annihilating. 321
usually required some sort of crisis to propel humankind into a quantum leap, so
to speak, up to a higher level of civilization. Sanford spoke about people who are
ready to enter the Kingdom of God are usually those person’s who are in a state
of crisis in their lives. Just as individual human psychic development is mirrored
in collective psychic development, taking into consideration the two-way,
interdependent nature of psyche, I believe a similar type of crises is now
occurring today on a collective psychic level, impelling a collective impetus to
Many people are becoming aware of these realities in contrast to those who
are not. As this division increases, the split between those who are aware and
those who are not aware produces an accompanying tension. This increases the
likelihood that an actual transformation in consciousness will occur.
In the story of Jesus and the Pharisees it was Jesus seeing through these
masks that most angered them. This is a perfect description of what I said above
about the fear in the ego that develops when it wants to disown and dissociate
from truthful aspects of the whole self. Presented as the epitome of hypocrisy,
looking at the Pharisees is very important because they were supposed to be the
healers of the spiritually and therefore psychologically wounded and needy. In
historical hindsight, this presents us with a classic example of the healers
needing to heal themselves. Compare that with another point I have been
attempting to make throughout this paper. Evolution has been turned into
devolution for most of society. This dramatically affects the ways in which people
think and act. Wearing a mask is the greatest of sins because it is the resulting
hypocrisy that destroys the wholeness of the psyche and in extension balanced
mental health.322
The one main psychological trait that spirit can be identified with is
consciousness. While learning to recognize these truths in the search for the
higher awareness, since spiritual language is both symbolic and factual at the
same time, using a symbol in ritual has the same affect as what I described very
early on in respect of spiritual alchemy. Symbolic reality and therefore ritual
ceremony directed towards healing the psyche and Soul cannot be born of the
ego. It can only be born of the whole psyche. 323 Ritual and ceremony that stem
only from the brain or ego asp-ects of the psyche are not geared towards
transformation. Instead, this type of ceremony results in manipulation by the
being solidly grounded and conscious is so important. This is how one learns to
be in the world but not of it. Of special note, if a ritual attempts to draw a person
into a trance and especially if this happens within a group ritual, it is of
paramount importance to be aware of the difference between sinking to a lower
level of consciousness. This is regressive rather than transformative – it is not
transcendent. Knowing the purpose behind the ritual or group performing the
ritual, achieved by a high level of consciousness, is of utmost importance. There
is no place for the use of mind-altering substances, especially for the average
person and especially within a group. Mind-altering substances have a downward
pull on consciousness, towards a state of participation-mystique. The possible
exception to this will only apply to those people who have already achieved high
levels of consciousness. Ironically, individuals who have attained these high
levels of consciousness would not want to use these substances. Using them
could result in a contamination of consciousness. This is very similar to the
medicine man that told me there was no place in the Sun Dance or spiritual quest
for substance abuse.
For anyone living within a highly populated area like a city or town but
especially within a group, use of these substances leads to a regressive group
enmeshment magnifying whatever (perhaps unhealthy) aspects of the psyche
are already present. A person would have to be a great way from any other
person or people for the group or mass mind not to be affected when using mind-
altering substances, because of the highly sensitive state a person finds
themselves in. Even within a purely natural environment, even if healthy, it can
still lead to a sort of environmental enmeshment, a participation-mystique. All
reputable guides, masters and teachers of the psyche know this fact. When I was
speaking with the medicine man, during our conversations he made awareness
of this fact quite clear to me. I will never forget that he told me this during a time I
was using marijuana on a regular basis. Interestingly, he brought this topic up out
of the blue – I did not raise the topic. He was a real medicine man. He intuitively
knew I was using this mind –altering substance and knew it would interfere with,
as he knew, my quest on the path. There is almost never any place or role for
mind-altering substances. It was the wisdom he displayed as he spoke to me
about this and other things that assisted me during a very important stage of my
own growth.
This person spoke with heart, in the sense that he spoke from a mature,
centered position with expanded awareness of the realities of his world. The
“Kingdom of God” can only be experienced in the heart of the well-centered
individual, someone free of the false masks we present to the world. 324
Therefore, when I refer to heart I intend it to refer to the whole psyche, especially
the 9/10ths of the psyche most of us have ignored in the past. Heart refers to
consciousness. With this increasing aliveness it becomes easier to detect what is
not healthy and what is.
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 74
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 444
The new ethic of the Kingdom is possible to attain if one becomes aware of
what Natives refer to as “bad” medicine,” mentioned above. Natives refer to it as
outside influences of people “messing with your awareness.” 325However, by
recognizing that the outside reflects aspects of our inner psyches we can learn to
neutralize this meddling through the discipline of mindfulness. For example, a
person begins to actually neutralize those meddling persons outside of him or
herself by not allowing a triggered response to occur. Through this method we
can become aware of and neutralize those aspects within us that are reflected on
the outside. Remember the example I gave very early in this book where a
person giving a lecture had someone in the audience try to start an argument. By
not arguing, not getting caught in the aggression, she neutralized it – she used
the discriminating sword of consciousness. As a Taoist would say, this was an
example of action through non-action. These are both example of the power of
the psyche; and how spiritual transformations of humankind indeed do have to
begin with individuals. With this understanding, combine it with what I said about
the collective psyche – transformations could only take place as a result of
balancing the tensions between two apparently opposing dynamics. On the
individual level awareness increases this collective awareness. It is this
increased level of consciousness, once a critical level is reached that will launch
or initiate the transformation I am talking about.
This is a perfect metaphor for the anti-woman or anti-life aspects I spoke about
much earlier in respect of the nature of Satan and the psychological reality of the
psyche, especially as it relates to ego and anger. As an individual’s awareness
increases, awareness of being affected by the negative aspects of the psyche
around us increases. By not becoming angry, by not reacting in a similar manner
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun, Pg. 99
Ditto, Pg. 127
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 445
to this energy one will not “become monsters while fighting monsters,” as
Winston Churchill said it quite nicely.
It is well known that there is no place in martial arts for anger – it destroys the
ability to focus, concentrate and attracts similar energies. A true martial artist
wins a fight or battle by neutralizing or redirecting the energy of an attack or
potential attack – actual fighting is a last resort.
Remember when Darth was fighting his son, Luke Skywalker. At one point in
the movie Luke slipped and was on the edge of a structure barely hanging on
with his hands (very symbolic). Darth tried to get Luke to express as much hate
for him as possible. What Darth was trying to do was to couch his son into giving
in to the dark side in the same way Darth had while combating the dark side early
in his life.
In considering the cyclical nature of “bad medicine,” this dynamic goes in more
than one direction. One sometimes creates the false ego-self to attain material
wealth and immersion in material wealth maintains the false ego, each
perpetuating the other. We see these kinds of cyclical actions throughout society.
Eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was evil, although evolutionarily
necessary, because it created awareness of the “difference” between the two
types of energy – evil and good were categorized as a result of raised awareness
of these two apparent opposites. However, to use negative energy to fight
against negative energy strengthens the negative energy – Darth tempting Luke.
This is why wise people discriminate between evil acts and the person who
performs the act. The person is not evil or negative, only the energy behind the
acts. Importantly, all considerations of right and wrong are born of ego
separation. In connection with the above, when people are told to “offer the other
cheek” when someone strikes them this is not a prescription for ignoring what
has been done to them and allowing themselves to be hit again. That is
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 446
masochism. What is being said is not to react with the same type of energy that
the person who hit you expressed. It most definitely does not mean to allow them
to do it again. In this context, when negativity is allowed to grow and increase its
prevalence and affect on people; when people are not aware of the above
dynamics, then “wrong acts” become a sin against the creator and the spirit in all
things.327 In these instances people are missing the mark.
To break the will of a child can be viewed, in this context, as the first inroads
by the “adversary” in killing and mute-ilating children’s sacred and whole selves,
their whole psyches including their souls. The Earth shattering thing is that in fact
their inner Kingdom’s are being destroyed – the very gift of the Creator! This is
being done by the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” we read about in the Bible. It is
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 127
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 79
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 447
these wolves in sheep’s clothing, on the collective level and thereby through the
individual that we encounter the beast of revelations.
Back then they didn’t know about machines like we do today. In the Book of
Revelations, John’s vision or whatever visionary actually had this insight, utilized
images he understood and could interpret. The vision didn’t refer to a machine-
like existence: that would have been meaningless to the dreamer at that time. It
described an environment, psychic and material, controlled by a beast. It is still
an accurate vision because we have come to be ruled by the beast – by our
lower, reptilian, limbic parts of our psyches. Our shadow and superego
contaminated ids, our primitive beastly natures pretty well run the show today.
But we’ve become adept at projecting it elsewhere by using others as
scapegoats. As I said, the paradoxical problem is that the beast eventually starts
chewing on itself for nourishment. It is quite apparent this has already started to
happen. All we have to do is look at world society and the environment – we
know that can’t continue forever.
Once we confront these aspects of our selves, accept and civilize them, the
law that was necessary for this unseen shadow in the first place will no longer be
necessary.330 This awareness can also be interpreted as repentance. As the
scriptures of various holy books using different semantics say, peace would reign
in heaven.
The original Greek meaning of the word, repent means to turn about. In other
words, to reverse and civilize what has become uncivilized. Once we take off the
mask, accept what our egocentricity-induced paranoia classifies as “wrong” or
“good” we can bring the darkness to light. We can transform what we classify as
“evil” from the inner adversary to become a partner in life, and a very energetic
one at that.331 When self-righteous hypocrites, through the various avenues and
organizations mentioned earlier attack, by projecting onto other people what they
repress in themselves, they quite literally are in fact attacking themselves, as well
as victimizing others. Thus, Hyde not only attacks others ruthlessly, but himself
as well.
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 80
Ditto, Pg. 82
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 448
Ignorance of our own devils does not do away with this negative energy nor
can it be medicated away. When we are in denial and/or use medications for this
purpose all we do is ignore reality and find these devils in other people, outside
of ourselves.333
Masters, adepts and teachers have taught for hundreds of years that when we
deny and shut out aspects of our selves in the manner we have been discussing,
what we are doing are shutting out aspects of what is created in God’s image. In
this sense “….we find ourselves also dealing with God.” 334 Recognizing this
means recognizing the spirit, the creator in all things. The lower and the higher
are all one. The illusion of separation is simply the different emanations and
densities of creation.335 Recollecting our integral selves, by withdrawing
projections and doing away with hypocrisy, these are the most important things
that we as human beings have to do in order to enter into and live harmoniously
within the Kingdom of the Creator. In this way we give up the bondage in which
we have wrapped ourselves and instead choose to live in the Kingdom. 336
People cannot be healed from the trauma perpetrated against them in sterile
institutions of the religious, medical or societal kind. Healing can only take place
in peaceful environments that encourage the recollection of the image of the
creator, by joining Heaven and Earth. Heaven refers to awareness and attention
Ditto, Pg. 83
Ditto, Pg. 84
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 78
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 150
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 89
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 449
to the higher spiritual dimensions of life. The Earth principle is the sacredness of
all the elements, the preciousness of the human body and everything manifest in
the world. Heaven and earth can be joined by the human activities of ritual,
appreciation for detail and compassionate relationship. To my mind, this refers to
sanctifying and being in the here and now of all activities. 337
Virtually everything we do, say and think has a deeper meaning when looked
at not only as an individual but also in connection with other people and all life on
earth. An appreciation for detail refers to a radical aliveness, of an awareness of
the poetry in motion that the ritualization of even the simplest and apparently
most trivial of actions and thoughts can have on an individual, community and the
larger environment. A compassionate appreciation for relationships, especially
with one’s body, extending outward translates into a removal of the fig leaf and
learning to respect all aspects of what it means to be alive on earth – to be
human. It means to bring to light, out of the mire and mud. It means to civilize the
primordial in all its power and glory. It means to refine with the shining sword of
light the divinity that is meant to emerge from the species of animal called
humankind that was created in the image of the source of creation itself. To join
Heaven and earth refers to a connection to wholeness. To appreciate the
diversity that is found within humankind and all life is to appreciate the actual and
the potential of all life forms, with an obvious emphasis on human beings; to then
in turn become creators. Not as gods but as God intended, through nature, not in
spite of nature – all nature.
Wherever and whenever purposeful ceremony, ritual, thought and action take
place towards healing the individual psyche there is a cumulative transformative
ripple affect on the whole of the human collective psyche and therefore on all of
Heaven and Earth. 338 The best local (for me) examples of this interplay of
energies I can think of, in an interdependent and transformative manner are
native healing circles. However this does not have to take place in a traditional
native circle – all human beings are already living within the circle of life.
Finding these open spaces are the healing purposes of ceremony within
Native healing circles. They are geared towards opening up awareness and
access to the higher realms of the psyche. In Native healing circles these
ceremonies allow a person to leave the preoccupation with, illness for example,
in order to access these energies. These energies are shared within an
interdependent circle of relations, guided by the wise ones of the group.
Importantly, being aware of the interdependent nature and energies of the circle
these energies are mutually reciprocal and therefore experienced within the
whole group contained in the healing circle. 339 Mindfulness to attention and
dynamic process can greatly empower the healing process and invest the people
involved with the mental and physical energy necessary for the work required. It
opens up and reinforces the power of spirit. Spirit in this sense refers to highly
focused psychic energy that goes beyond emotional, sensational and even
intuitional elements. It represents a crystallization of a person or people’s center
– this is where true intelligence and universal spirit is to be found.
Using the process of mindfulness and neutrality during any intimate group
experience or within a healing and spiritual environment, any judgments or
hypocritical condemnations will rebound on the perpetrators, the hypocrites.
Hypocrisy is different from evaluation because evaluation allows for the
recognition of negative or unbalanced energies without judging or condemning
the individual (s).340 In extension, not judging or condemning what you find within
yourself will naturally prevent a person from projecting onto other people. This is
different from the way we create and condemn scapegoats in society, like the
Nazis did to the Jews and other groups. It can be said that the Nazis and their
allies carried the projections of the world madness on themselves, in an ever-
increasing spiral. This is how it spreads and grows – bigotry in every sense of the
This is the main reason, with quite beautiful reasoning, that Jesus urges us to
love our enemies. Regardless if we consider other people to truly be reflections
of ourselves or not, Scapegoating and its affects is a psychological fact. Even if
one does not accept that we contain within ourselves the whole of the human
collective and therefore all psyches, in the case of hypocrisy, they are literally
mirrored psychological aspects of ourselves because we make them so, by
projecting! Christ doesn’t mean to say that we should let people walk all over us,
quite the opposite. He’s talking about a person becoming an autonomous
individual and having control of their own life by becoming tolerant with him or
herself and then extending this outward to include other people.
In the above sense, this openness or breathing space can be found when
tolerant awareness increases, when the flow of negative thoughts is slowed
down enough that a moment of now-ness takes place. Then it becomes possible
to find sanity. This applies to both healer and client. What this would accomplish
Recovering Sanity”, Pg. 212
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 90
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 451
is to take the focus off pathology and instead look for health. It is these areas of
sanity that should be nurtured. Everyone is composed of both negative and
positive qualities, insanity and sanity, the irrational and the rational, Yin and
Yang. In the psychological healing profession and in places of spiritual pursuit
this recognition will allow a person to set their imbalances aside – discrimination
without judgment – long enough to find what is balanced, to reinforce it and to
then build upon it. This is of even greater importance within a spiritual community
– in how they relate to each other within the community and to people outside it.
Focus can then be placed on what is healthy.
I find it profoundly important that when people become “naked” in the sense of
not covering up their true selves and natures, as Noah did after the flood, this
nakedness embarrasses others. The flood was a flood of awareness. The reason
for this is so important because this nakedness exposes the hypocrites and
hatred other people have within them selves. 343 Noah was advocating a return to
the Garden of Eden, within consciousness – the transition to a higher level while
Ditto, Pg. 94
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 151
“Beyond The Lodge of The Sun”, Pg. 151
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 452
retaining the foundations. The response of his son showed a conditioned fear
that prevented his son at that time to see his father in a real light. Instead he was
using a fig leave to hide in the sense of not recognizing the whole psychic reality
of himself and of humankind.
This is also why Christ angered the Pharisees. It also explains why, in today’s
society, when people speak up about oppression, of any sort, some people, the
perpetrators or accessories become angry. When people become angry, whether
over direct or indirect accusations or even simply by being exposed to that
possibility, these emotional responses could be exposing their “guilt” in creating
or condoning oppression, even if there is no conscious recognition of it.
Usually the characters in the bible refer to masculine and feminine aspects of
the psyche, the whole person. The nature of Jesus’ parables and basic way of
teaching and speaking was to use mundane, physical examples to teach
psychological and spiritual reality and so much more. The operational modality of
these teachings is similar to the ways in which children learn psychological
reality, by initially using physical representations to act as symbols for
psychological reality. Jesus used “real” life situations to describe various levels of
reality. He provided people with a map to guide them through the various levels
of psychological and spiritual realities. Christ’s method of teaching was
consciously understood differently for different people. His close disciples
obviously would be able to attain a greater insight into his teachings than the
“The Kingdom Within”, Pg. 95
The Universe: Wholeness Creates Health 453
masses would. But everyone who truly listened and understood would be
affected by the truth he taught at some level.
When any species of animal produces offspring, the offspring is made in the
image of that which created them. The same holds true for any life form that
begets life. When human parents unite and create children, their wish should not
be that the children remain as children. Their wish should be that they grow and
mature into adulthood, with the child’s full potential blossoming into reality.
Eventually the children usually reach or they might surpass what the parents
were. When the human mind was created in the Creator’s image the intent was
not that it remain in a immature, dependent and subservient state but that it
develop it’s full potential; not to become “God’” but rather to become “God-like”
because we were made in the Creator’s image. Naturally developed people do
not remain immature, cutoff from and subservient to some mythical God in the
heavenly sky while a few individuals who claim to have a special relationship with
God keeps them in order. A true humanity grows into God to achieve the same
loving – creative and unifying – spiritual reality that gave them birth.
I will close with some of what I consider some rather original thinking of my own.
What I have tried to do in this book is attempt to create a clear and concise
psychological picture of society. I have given a description of both the individuals within
the collective as well as the collective human psyche in today’s world and the overall
dynamic state of mind that exists. As I said at the beginning of this paper I have not
really said anything original. What I have done is to bring together many seemingly
opposing views and perspectives and present an overall contextual image. I have
presented one that does not fragment and segregate aspects of psychological reality. I
attempt to expose the main sources of all bigotry that exist in this collective state of
mind. I have greatly expanded on the conceptual capabilities of the human psyche as
they are usually understood by mainstream society. Of necessity, when looking at
psychological and psychic realities one of the first things to be done away with is that
prime source of bigotry and persecution, superstition and one of its main by-products,
fear and paranoia.
There are two kinds of superstition. In the first instance, psychological reality is
distorted by rejecting aspects of that reality and projecting them elsewhere in the form of
the Creator, the Devil and so forth – this is both fearful and paranoid. In the process
these psychic realities are disowned and placed outside of the individual and collective
human psyche. The second type of superstition is one that fragments, stunts and
reduces psychological reality to the false ego levels. It ‘shrinks’ the psyche, like modern
psychiatry does and mechanizes people into controllable objects, to be used by the
machine-like system that has come to dominate world society. The first type of
superstition projects outside of the human psyche those aspects that appear to be
unacceptable or beyond the capacities of the ego level of existence. It tries to make
some of these psychological individual and collective realities or potentials appear
magical or not of this world. It disowns aspects of the psyche it or rather the ego does
not like, will not accept or believes are beyond the scope of human ability. In reference
to the more divine aspects of the psyche, people have been disempowered by
conditioning with the result that this power is given to a few elite within the population.
The second type of superstition uses fragmented (Newtonian) scientific logic and
reduction to attempt to devalue and reduce the human mind to a level of machine-like
creatures that operate on the level of hormones and the pleasure, stimulus and
response principle. This is similar to the concepts developed by B.F. Skinner initiated by
using rats to push levers to get food – stimulus controlled machines. Both types of
superstition discount and reduce the full capabilities of the human psyche, both
individual and collective. In society both of these superstitious dynamics work together.
What I have done is present a psychological worldview that places back into the hands
of humanity a psychological reality that is an inheritance bequeathed to us by the
creator of this universe.
repression, its causes and the usual consequences that result? The most important
understanding of repression that true psychologies of the mind recognize is that
unconscious dynamic levels of psychic operation cause much of it. It is the isolated use
of logic, the ability to conceptualize and the apparent domination of left brained thinking
– the false ego when separated from and in opposition to the greater psyche – that has
enabled this to come about. By loosing touch with our foundations, the lower levels of
psychic reality, subsequent crumbling and fragmentation has been the cause of this
worldwide catastrophe.
This repression has forced the lower, all encompassing and more powerful aspects
of the human psyche ‘underground’ where it has taken on a life of its own in the form of
the shadow. This shadow, representing the wounded, mutilated and rage-filled aspect of
the collective human psyche has taken over the systems controls of the world, to be
manipulated by a few elite. With their collective anger at being the world scapegoats
subsequent to the end WW 1, these dynamics are identical to the obvious social
dynamics and psychological state-of-mind that enabled Hitler and the Nazis to play on
and manipulate the German people. What transpired by the time of WW 2 was an
example of how oppressed people can in turn become oppressors. It was an example of
how people are sucked into and manipulated by “the dark side”, the negative shadow of
humankind. The German people’s politically encouraged and manipulated anger
brought this about. These types of psychological dynamics can only be healed by
reuniting the split-off lower and higher levels with the small ego worldview that had
dared to turn the powers of life into a psychotic shell. In respect of therapy, Western
psychology and Eastern Wisdom have understood these dynamics for a long time. With
this knowledge was developed the psychological ability to heal this state of mind on a
mass scale. What humankind has to do is take back the night and day by taking the
systems controls of society out of the hands of the shadow, especially in relation to
modern science. We have to place it back into the hands of individuals. We have to
untie and unite ageless human wisdom as demonstrated in some forms of spirituality,
alternative forms of medicine and psychology with the best of what modern medicine
has to offer. We are talking about human empowerment.
Let us take a new look at psychology and utilize true Western psychologies.
Humanity was learning how to develop the psyche and psychic potential up until the
time of widespread behavior medication theory came into vogue, supplemented and
dictated by drug therapy, ruled by the medical-pharmaceutical megalith. From a spiritual
and psychological perspective this can be interpreted as expressions of Lilith, leviathan,
Kali, Satan et al temporarily turning the clock of evolution backwards.
Flowing from the same sources of knowledge that the above is gleamed from, in
spiritual and psychological terms we can add to and expand upon all of this. As an
individual’s consciousness becomes conscious on the collective level, what is
encountered is the anger of the collective shadow. In extreme concentrations this is
known as Satan or the Devil.
Before I continue I would like to relate a dream I had several years ago while I was
doing a lot of ritual work in Kundalini Yoga and the ceremonial arts related to the Judeo-
Christian Cabala. I was doing a lot of meditating directly on the chakra centers and of
course paying attention to most of the other various forms of Yoga – a practice of
mindfulness. If I recall I believe there are 8 yogic paths. Kundalini Yoga is comprised of
all of the various Yogic paths with all of them being parts of the overall yogic whole.
After all, that is the nature of Yoga and it is the nature of the Cabala, the Tree of Life.
This is a developmental process described beautifully by Wilber’s systematic approach
and development of his holarchical worldview.
In this dream I am sitting in a chair, meditating. For the very first time ever during my
mediation sessions, during this particular session I was able to absolutely refrain from
grasping or hanging onto virtually any thoughts, feelings or other mental and physical
sensations and images that might have otherwise interrupted the clean room and
breathing space I had found.
Suddenly I became enveloped with a deep color of red, then orange, yellow, green
mixed with yellow, then green mixed with blue, then blue, indigo and then I became
bathed in the most brilliant clear and clean light I had ever experienced. What I had
experienced was a travel process up the chakra system of the body – the various
energy sectors of the body. As the movement up the body energetic system
progressed, I experienced thoughts and emotions associated with each of the centers,
each one progressing beyond the previous one in an evolutionary sense. During the
whole process I experienced complete detachment from what I was experiencing. In
fact I really cannot adequately put into words what I was feeling.
When I reached the level of clear light I then felt, first, the front of my forehead. It
seemed to bubble and boil, it grew outward and the front and top part of my head
seemed to expand. I felt my eyebrows then the rest of my face change in the sense of
growing older – to become much older than I actually was in real life. After this
happened I then felt my whole body seem to bubble and boil then actually change its
molecular structure into something I cannot describe.
Then I just sat. There is no way I can actually describe what happened nor will I
attempt to interpret it. At the end of the dream when I was simply sitting the only thought
that I had was that I couldn’t tell anyone. For a long time after that when ever I told
people aspects of that particular dream I always ended by saying I couldn’t tell them the
ending because to me it was a secret I wasn’t allowed to reveal – almost in a
conspiratorial sense of keeping a secret. I realize today the real meaning of the thought
that I couldn’t tell anyone was simply the fact that what I had experienced was beyond
words to describe. In other words, soon after I had the dream, as with other dreams I
have had at different times, at first I interpreted it in a material sense. I realize today it
had nothing to do with keeping a secret, quite the opposite. Having said this I think it
appropriate to return to obstacles a person will encounter on the road to healing and
becoming whole.
One of the first things a person encounters is fear, anger, and jealousy – the shadow
or Devil. In reference to anger, to the individual consciousness that encounters this, its
collective concentration can be seen and seems to issue forth from individual psyches
but not from others. Individual psyches-souls can be angry, neutral or supportive,
usually unconsciously emanating these energies on the collective psyche. The only
reason an individual can even sense and experience these dynamics is because we
also contain these aspects of the collective psyche within our selves.
The psyches-souls that express anger or hate are usually souls at immature levels of
development; they are those psyches-souls caught in the shadow or Devil’s net. People
who “sell their souls to the devil” do not usually do this consciously on the temporal
plane. It usually begins at a soul level. Those individual psyches-souls one encounters
that are either neutral or supportive of an individual’s search and growth in
consciousness are developed and mature enough to recognize the natural communion
of souls-psyches within individuality. These psyches-souls are not threatened with this
conscious communion, with true love free of aggression. The spiritual and metaphysical
definition of love is unity. Even very few of these mature psyches-souls are conscious of
this love on a material, egoist and therefore, relatively speaking, superficial level.
However, this reality expresses itself in other ways that are recognizable on the
material level – primarily in an individual’s level of health. I find it very disturbing that in
medieval-times people who were very healthy were sometimes persecuted for “having a
pact with the devil.” Obviously the persecutors were the ones that were guilty of this,
were jealous and hypocritical in the extreme. The healthy people had a “pact” with the
Creator and wholesome living. I’m not referring to physical “beauty” in the usual sense
of the word. I am referring to psychological and physiological health.
Importantly, the more powerfully controlled by the shadow, the more violently that
person will react. This might be in defense of or service to the shadow. Or reaction may
be in its attempt to release itself or escape from the shadow, fighting to escape the
death of Soul – this could result in the type of blind violence we see exploding around
us, especially by some young people. Mutilated souls or psyches will be more wildly
blind in a struggling kind of way. Look at world social reality today. The mature souls
fighting against this control will be more conscious of this on a soul-psyche and ego
level and will express less violence. They will assert their love on the material plane in a
more civilized manner.
On the other hand, oppressed souls striving for Creator-given natural communion of
souls, expressed through attitudes, words and actions recognize separateness as true
evil. This is common sense. True “evil” feels true good as evil just, just as true “good”
souls, individuals striving for the light within consciousness feel and recognize the
shadow for what it is. It is only within consciousness that darkness can become
enlightened or overcome.
Using Christian terminology, Lucifer was at one time the Creator’s chosen
representative on Earth, fell and became known as Satan. From a supremely
psychological understanding and perspective this is how Lucifer fell into narcissistic love
and became contaminated. He never fell in love with himself, ego did – ego = id
controlled ego and a person’s id, by itself, is separated from the Creator because of its
lower, primitive nature, especially its material nature. In other words Lucifer became
immersed in the material plane, as he became unconscious in matter-mother, perhaps
the first example of the Oedipal complex, and lost conscious connection from father =
consciousness. Ego or superego apparently took over, with shadow in control. The only
way ego can become whole or rather Holy is by reconnecting with the whole psyche, by
becoming aware of it self. I am referring to a true ego in service of the whole self.
Paradoxically this wholeness indeed requires the id. It is in this sense that true
individuation is only possible by uniting the lower with the higher, Earth with Heaven. As
Wilber illustrates with his idea of olarchy, if the lower levels are forgotten or discarded,
disconnected from the higher, the whole thing crumbles – and it is the lower that takes
over. This is an example of Wilber’s pre-trans-trans fallacy. The lower thinks it is the
higher when it is really the lower. Wholeness, that which is Holy, requires a
psychological unity between the masculine and the feminine in consciousness, naught
unconscious enmeshment.
So, the false ego and therefore shadow and the false superego can indeed become
equated, in fact did become equated with Satan or the Devil. Whoever developed the
first tarot cards intuitively recognized this. For example in one tarot deck, the
Rider/Waite deck, perhaps one of the most famous and well known decks in popular
use, the card known as the Devil #15 has an image of Satan with two human beings – a
man and a woman chained to the throne that he is seated on. This dramatically
illustrates how a person or people can become chained to the “Devil” by becoming
materialistic, being only ego-centered. Materialism is the very definition of ungodliness
because people became immersed in the darkness of the material world (womb)
separated from the higher spiritual realms.
If the shadow aspects of the psyche can be reunited with the personal and superego
aspects of the collective, with a higher expression of both it is a factual statement that
everyone contains the Christ within him or herself. In a very real sense Christ and Satan
are siblings. However Christ is the more mature of the two because He connects both
the lower nature of Earth with the higher realms of Heaven and the result is the
expression of the Christ – Heaven and Earth – through the individual man or woman.
Therefore an individual has to clean up Satan’s act from within before the two can be
connected together – the Christ center. The only reason I use the word “He” to denote
the Christ is because of the predominance and presence of masculine consciousness. It
has nothing to do with gender. In fact it is She who contains Him giving Him form. It is
the Virgin Mary that gives birth to The Christ.
That is why it is necessary, just as it had been for Jesus, to unite with and help clean
up the act of his sibling, Satan, using a very large garbage can – the two can then unite
to become the Christ. That is how Christ had to overcome Satan. In the Christian sense
this was only possible because of the great love that Jesus embodied: love = unity.
Unlike two young eaglets in nature, where one of them usually literally fights to the
death during a struggle with each other, in a spiritual sense when Christ defeated Satan
what he really did was to unite with him-her in love. By combining the low, Satan-
darkness, with the high in Christ-light, healing separation with love, the result was
wholeness. What Jesus did was to restore Lucifer to his former glory as the emissary of
the Creator, what can be referred to as Christ. Both of these expressions of wholeness
were within him and he was only able to do it on his own – in the desert. To qualify this
truth, as I did above, within Satan there are certain qualities that are not redeemable.
However by shedding light on the darker aspects, the healthy ones can be returned to a
place of creatively divine strength. The unredeemable can be done away with. This is
called evolution and the civilizing of man in The Creator’s image; the civilizing of God
through humankind.
So it is a very true spiritual statement to say a person cannot truly see the light until
they have traveled through the darkness, “The Dark Night of The Soul”, crossing the
great abyss – leviathan. People have to get to the end of the tunnel before they can
enter into the light.
Similar to two thousand years ago some people are more gifted than others. Some
are gifted enough to understand and see these deeper and higher levels such that they
become disciples. Other people can still learn the message at different levels of
understanding. That is why Jesus had intimate communications and communion with
his disciples, giving the Gospels and The Lord’s Prayer to most of the other people who
would listen. Different levels for different people. However virtually every Soul has the
potential to achieve perfect light.
What people have to change is the way Western psychology has pathologized those
aspects of the human psyche that it does not understand. They have committed
(certified) this mute-ilation of the human psyche through the use of diagnosis. The
results are huge profits for materialism and for the elite few who control a shadow
saturated human collective.
I remember writing down one time a thought that had occurred to me. If Christ
happened to appear in the world today, they, society – especially the medical-
pharmaceutical megalith – would lock him or her up, either literally or through
stigmatizing. Notice the similarity between this word, stigmatizing (labeling and bigotry)
and stigmata – it speaks volumes. They would label the person as mentally ill until he or
her – whatever fleshly vessel appeared manifesting the Christ – began spreading the
Christ message to everyone. This would be an example, although an extreme one, of
how modern medicine has declared war on mysticism – what has historically been one
of humankind’s most important goals since the beginning of civilization. A true
manifestation of the second coming of Christ, for example, could only be demonstrably
made manifest by a true demonstration of mysticism and mystical powers. However I do
not believe the second coming has anything to do with the Christ manifesting from
If Christ appeared in the world today, this incarnation of “God” would manifest what
the Eastern Chakra system refers to as the subtle realms and beyond. At first this would
be beyond most people’s ability to understand, if the attempt to put it into words was
made. The writings of enlightened Saints and Sages throughout history have already
demonstrated this very clearly. Transpersonal psychology makes some attempt to make
allowances for these potentials and to recognize them in people. Ken Wilber has done
the most thorough job at intellectually presenting – that which cannot adequately be put
into words – better than virtually anyone I have ever studied or spoken with.
As I described in the above on the shadow, the lower levels would make some
attempt to prevent a development in people towards the direction of these higher
realms. By preventing the manifestation of these higher realms in people, this
pathologization of transcendence creates an environment conducive to the
pathologically created market for profits and other forms of materialism. It produces hate
in its most destructive form. As I wrote elsewhere, instead of promoting the Hippocratic
oath and the healing of souls in their vessels, what this subsequently promotes is the
hypocritical oath and the mute-ilation and attempted murder of souls for profit. It also
creates an atmosphere promoting intolerance and bigotry.
One time, while working with immigrants from other parts of the world, I met an
Egyptian who was on the sacred path. His approach to spirituality was eclectic and
unorthodox. It was appalling the things he told me about the way he had been treated
because of his mystical pursuits since coming to Canada, in this case (a province). I
also spoke to some people who worked in a facility where he was able to obtain
inexpensive living accommodations. I truly was amazed at the disrespect that these
people showed towards this man. Interestingly, the only person I communicated with
that spoke very highly of this individual and his spiritual pursuits was a member of a
Christian denomination that is rather unorthodox and treated by most mainstream
denominations with derision. Even though this Egyptian’s spiritual pursuits and the way
in which he sought them differed dramatically from his own he respected and was able
to intelligently see, from a spiritual perspective, their mutuality.
In relation to the above, I believe this is a good place to mention a friendship I had
developed some years ago. I remember a man I used to associate with who had been
studying to join in the priesthood but who had to leave because of physical medical
problems. He had a disease that drastically affected his ability to walk and he had to
withdraw from an interdenominational school of theology, which I attended for a short
time. He had to give up the idea of becoming a Priest because of pain and difficulty he
had in trying to walk. Nonetheless, on one occasion we had a very profound discussion
on religion. We had many discussions on Christianity and the Christian message. This
conversation was in reference to the ethics, morals and practical aspects of
proselytizing one’s chosen religion. I remember him telling me one time about a movie
he had seen. He suggested I watch it. It was about some aboriginals, in another part of
the world who, when the missionary’s arrived and taught them their interpretation of the
Christian message, whole-heartily embraced it.
The sad fact of this however, as this devout Roman Catholic directed me to see for
myself, was that in the area of the world these people lived, although quite beautiful
(even though it was only one of several interpretations of Christianity), the Christian
message did not spiritually accommodate them in a life-enhancing, practical sense. In
this instance neighboring tribes attacked them. These people who had converted to
Christianity were learning to literally “offer the other cheek” and when they were
attacked, they were massacred them down to the last person because they did not
attempt to stop the violence or protect themselves. The priests who had taught them to
“offer the other cheek” had taught them to do this literally. Compare that with my
interpretation of “offering the other cheek.”
Of note, the neighboring tribes that attacked the village were in the habit of
performing human torture and sacrifice. First they would torture people in the most
extreme forms while trying to keep them on the edge of life as long as possible so that
they could endure as much as possible. Then, they usually burned them at the stake.
The priests and other few people who had converted this tribe came from the same
country of origin as the attacking tribe. Who was this tribe that attacked these peace-
loving people? It was the Spanish conquistadors.
Before I speak about this movie I would like to relate a story that someone I grew up
with in the same place I was born and lived told me, only several months ago. This man
is a few years older than me and I know him primarily because of the friendship I had
with his younger brothers. This man told me that for quite a few years he
wholeheartedly attended first Sunday school and then church. This stopped when
something happened that changed his life. One night many high-ranking people within
the government and associated people were having a party. The liquor was flowing
heavily and, at one point, a young teenager staggered, drunk, in front of the house
where the party was being held, on his way home. There were some drunken partiers
on the front porch. They saw this young person staggering by. They went out and met
this young person and were soon joined by several others from inside the house when
they saw what was going on. These adults beat this young person so badly he ended
up at the emergency ward at the local hospital. What they then did was pay the parents
of this boy a substantial amount of money to keep it quiet. They were never able to keep
it quiet – they were only able to buy the parents so that they would not prosecute on the
boy’s behalf – so much for parental protection. In any event, as it so happened, almost
all of these politicians, government people and business people attended the same
church as this young person, including the person who was telling me of this
experience. He never went to that or any other church ever again although he
maintained the high standards of an upstanding citizen who lived by all of the ethics and
morals that our community churches are supposed to teach us. This story contains
within it many of the elements I have been describing throughout this work.
I will talk about this movie but now I will lead up to it by again speaking about a book I
once read, many years ago. I can’t recall the Author or the name of the book although I
briefly mentioned it earlier in this book. The author was a psychologist and lecturer who
spoke about the various stages and levels of psychological growth. I’m thinking of the
reference she made about emotions and how to redirect or subdue their negative
effects. I repeat this again because of its importance.
She mentioned a lecture she was giving on one occasion. In the audience someone
stood up and was reacting with anger to something she was saying. She was able to
subdue this person’s anger by not allowing herself to become embroiled in it with either
debate or argument; this is the effect remaining neutral can have in similar situations.
This is even demonstrable at the molecular level where the only particles that can enter
into the nucleus of an atom are neutrons. In this case, she did the same thing. I believe
this is why Buddhist art quite often portrays a laughing Buddha.
In the context of Christianity and Christ’s message, the way to make the devil or
shadow accountable would be by deflecting back to the source of anger and hate, the
negative energy it sends out. In other words by responding to anger and hate with
laughter and love the person or source sending out the negative energy cannot feed off
the healthy positive energy of other people. It necessarily has to bounce back from
where it came from if there is no receptacle to contain and increase it. Positive energy
can only be stolen when the target or victim exchanges it for the negative energy that is
retained when a negative response is elicited – like attracts like.
After Christ “defeated” Satan – Jesus was beyond the point of going into temples and
trashing the tables of people who had set up shop in God’s house – he responded to
hate with love. What happened then? It bounced back to them. That’s why the
Pharisees got so angry and why the Romans were so terrified of the power of his
message they crucified him, in the same method that was only reserved for enemies of
the state.
In the “Book of Revelations” the writer(s) speak about the same dynamics in
response to the second coming of Christ. The vivid image that the effect this deflection
has on those people stamped with the “mark of the Beast” is “the gnashing of teeth.”
This vividly describes an image of people receiving back the negative energy they
attempt to send out to other people. They usually do not feel or are not aware of what
these energies feel like because much of this projection is unconscious. However if
there is no food for the “Devil” it ends up feeding on itself.
These dynamics are powerfully described in the movie “The Fifth Element.” In this
movie, using violence to try to destroy an approaching menace to the Earth only made it
stronger. To preserve the Earth a “fifth element” was sent to Earth by highly advanced
extra-terrestrials and lovers of peace that wanted to save the earth. Their involvement
dated far back into the Earth’s history.
The fifth element was a creature that took on a female human form, whose DNA
structure, according to the scientists in the story, was perfect. In other words, this being
was neither Good nor evil. She contained all potential within her structure. This
perfection is an expression of perfect unity and therefore perfect love. However,
because of her integration with the culture and history of the earth, in a short period of
time she learned, was conditioned, to express anger and to use this anger emotionally
to fight against hate. She was a supreme being and a protector. However, because her
arrival had been amidst unforeseen crisis and catastrophe she was psychologically
undeveloped, not properly prepared to meet this menace. I can easily find parallels
within Kundalini Yoga: as she grew and became acquainted with life on Earth she went
through a process experiencing the same thoughts and emotions, in a vastly speeded
up progressive development that mirrored a movement up the chakra system –
evolution. However, similar to people in today’s world, that movement was pulled back
downward by the 3rd chakra or energy sector that represents fire, personal power – in a
collective sense, the 3rd chakra that has become distorted, unbalanced by a false ego
caught in the emotional chasms at the lower levels of evolution. She experienced a
developmental movement beginning at the lower levels of psychic growth up through to
the highest levels but was beginning to regress in the same many people do, in the way
I have been describing in this book. Fire cannot defeat fire – “If everyone keeps taking
an eye for an eye pretty soon the whole world will be blind.”
It was only when this perfect being was in a state of complete neutrality – in
psychoanalytical terms “exhaustion of emotional contents” – combined with the other
four elements that make up, in metaphysical terms the complete spectrum necessary
for life, that she was psychologically prepared to defeat the oncoming menace.
However, there was another key element necessary, because this evil was not defeated
by her hate nor was it defeated by her love of the sentimental kind. It was only possible
while she was in a state of complete neutrality, when she was almost unconscious.
What was required was the love of a man, a man who had become very cynical and
contemptuous of humankind. He had been, in the past, a deadly effective military
person. However ultimately he was a protector. In a sense the unfolding dynamics
represented unity and transformation of the dark man. From my perspective it
represented Rob of the dream I described above – a Rob who had cleaned up his act.
He provided the necessary masculine impetus or energy necessary to actually finish the
destruction of evil. Combining the four elements with the fifth element, once he was able
to express his love for this person that she had ignited in him their combined love was
able to neutralize the oncoming menace. He represented the masculine energetic force
necessary for consciousness. It wasn’t the love of a man, specifically, that made the
difference. He was the symbol that expressed masculine energy and love. This is
graphically illustrated on page 45.
The masculine presence denotes the need for consciousness. This was the
necessary ingredient to give the fifth element the ability to defeat the approaching
menace. It was the necessary ingredient to actually make the fifth element become the
fifth element. Her neutral state also represented the tamed lower levels of the psyche –
her reactions of violence to the violence she encountered had ended.
Once the fifth element defeated evil it then became a metaphor for the perfection of
life, of wholeness – the perfect circle. Active masculine or yang energy, love was the
energy that combined with the receptive and nurturing feminine energy to ignite the
antidote to evil. In a psychological sense, not biological, the two of them together
comprise a whole individual. Remember, this has nothing to do with gender. In
reference to gender stereotyping, when this psychological reality is taken literally and
applied to discrete human beings, we end up with less than a half of a whole human
Before the above development took place, the nuclear bombs that had been fired on
the approaching menace had only made it stronger. But this love, a true example of
perfection, the menace could not withstand and was destroyed. Only the power of love,
unity and true strength – Heaven and Earth – was sent out. The fact that in the movie
she expressed Soul and he expressed Heaven could just easily have been the other
way around in a gender sense. In this movie he represented the mute-lated, raped and
contorted asp-pects of Heaven on Earth. She represented the mute-lated, raped and
contorted asp-pects of the Earth Soul. I suppose for the purpose of a movie audience
who are more visual (material) in an evolutionary sense, a literal presentation of gender
was necessary to get the point across. From the perspective of The Creator, I suppose
this is the same way young children learn the nature of the masculine and feminine
energies they have to balance within themselves. In other words, the high became
unified with the low. The low, Earth-bound energies were unified, tamed and became
contained within the high, Heavenly energies – in unity, in love. Both characters in the
movie, together, represented a whole psyche in the end. In different forms and using
different imagery the same dynamics are described in the movie “Star Wars” and the
book “Lord of the Rings”.
I had the good fortune of speaking and learning from a psychologist, a Dr. Paul
Freeman, whose cognitive approach in his practice of psychotherapy assisted clients to
develop the necessary grounded dynamics required for healing the psyche. In addition,
he gave me the cognitive ability to not make the same mistake or reproduce the same
negative energies I was learning how to neutralize. By assisting a person to develop the
ability to counteract negativity a person would then have a balanced and healthy
enough psyche on which to stand firmly. This could then be used as a starting point to
transcend the purely materialistic and shadow-contaminated lower levels of the psyche,
individually and collectively. In simple terms, a person does not allow other people to
“Push their buttons.” Pushing buttons is what happens in co-dependent or addictive
relationships. It is how we operate machines. This is also how nuclear weapons are
launched (a key is turned actually) – “How does that turn your crank?”
All of the dynamics I speak about in this conclusion describe the method, in terms a
human can understand – based on a commonsense, spiritual and scientific approach –
of how I would visualize a second coming of Christ making the “Devil” accountable. This
is how a person, an individual, would defeat the shadow or “Satan” within. It would not
work using actual physical or mental violence between people – that would only cause
further repression, negativity, intolerance and bigotry. The violence ignited while
defeating Satan is that which erupts by entering the “kingdom of God.” This is the
violence that occurs when the ego is shocked into an awakened state by bringing to
light the repressed shadow – to replace the darkness with light. Think of what it is like
when you spend a long time in a dark or dimly lit place and then walk outside into a
brightly lit day. At first people are blinded by the light and have to shield their eyes.
By accepting the shadow within love, counteracting its negativity by shedding light on
it and then using its usually lower level libidinal energy for constructive instead of
destructive purposes, a person becomes whole – perfect in the sense of unity, of love.
The world cannot he healed or made safe with the use of nuclear weapons, jet fighters
or the infantry and navy.
Of Note: Every one of the dynamics listed and described below are present
throughout society, especially considering the usually unconscious dynamics most
people do not think about. The cult we have just finished studying in this book is the cult
of materialism.
Studies have shown that today’s cults use a stronger form of control than those of 50
years ago. The advent of new psychological experiments in the 60,s and 70,s have
produced the modern methods of mind control which are far more sophisticated than
by the Chinese. To understand mind control you need a basic understanding of
Leon Festinger is a psychologist who studied groups that predicted the end of the world.
He found that most members became stronger than ever when the prophecy failed. His
investigation revealed that members had to find a way to cope psychologically with the
failure. They needed to maintain order and meaning in their life. They needed to think
they were acting according to their self-image and values. Festinger described this
contradiction which they had to overcome as what has become known as the
“COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEORY.” The three components he described are:
Each component has a powerful effect on the other two: CHANGE ONE AND THE
OTHERS WILL TEND TO FOLLOW. When all three change the individual undergoes a
complete change. Festinger summarized the basic principle: “If you change a person’s
behavior, his thoughts and feelings will change to minimize the dissonance.”
When there is a conflict between thoughts, feelings or behavior, then those in conflict
will change to minimize the contradiction. This is because a person can only tolerate a
certain amount of discrepancy between these components of personality and identity. In
cults this dissonance is created to exploit and control them. offshhot
Steven Hassan, author of Combating Cult Mind Control, added a fourth component to
Festinger’s:- “CONTROL OF INFORMATION” By controlling the information one
receives you can control and restrict the individual’s ability to think for himself. You limit
what he is able to think about.
Another form of control is “thought stopping” techniques. This can take many forms:
chanting, meditating, singing, humming, tongues (some even pay money to learn it),
concentrated praying, etc. The use of these techniques short-circuits the persons’ ability
to test reality. The person can only think positive thoughts about the group. If there is a
problem the member assumes responsibility and works harder.
the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is almost
impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group. There is no physical gun
held to their heads but the psychological gun is just as if not more powerful.
THOUGHT CONTROL – Thought control is more subtle. The victim doesn’t know who
is the enemy because the enemy seems like their best friend who only has their best
interests at heart. Cults practice a more refined form of thought control than that used
by the Chinese. Leading psychologist, Dr Margaret Singer, said cults do it better than
the Chinese because it is easier to get people to do what you want through
manipulating them with guilt and anxiety. During this process the prospective recruit is
re-educated and will abandon the precepts he has learnt from life for the “truth” or
“enlightenment” offered by the group. In some cults this is done over a long period of
time. Other cults can bring about this change within 48 hours. Whichever way the
process takes place the results are the same. The individual has undergone a total
change in personality and is often unrecognizable by people who thought they knew
The process of thought control has been documented by Robert J Clifton who
researched what happened to the American prisoners of the Communist Chinese. He
labeled the steps which have become the standard by which to judge whether a group
is using “brainwashing” or “thought reform” on it’s recruits.
Robert J Clifton’s research showed that “These criteria consist of eight psychological
themes which are predominant within the social field of the thought reform milieu. Each
has a totalistic quality; each depends upon an equally absolute philosophical
assumption; and each mobilizes certain individual emotional tendencies, mostly of a
polarizing nature. Psychological theme, philosophical rationale, and polarized individual
tendencies are interdependent; they require, rather than directly cause, each other. In
combination they create an atmosphere which may temporarily energize or exhilarate,
but which at the same time poses the gravest of human threats.” (Thought Reform & the
Psychology of Totalism p 420)
Members believe in the ideology to such a degree that they rationalize these
deceptions. Members are kept in a frenzy of cult related activities. There is little time or
energy to think about their lifestyle.
“The psychology of the pawn” – This person feels unable to escape from forces he
sees more powerful than himself. His way of dealing with this is to adapt to them. He
learns how to anticipate problems with the organization and to manipulate events to
avoid incriminating himself. This is the person who has been in the organization long
enough, knows something is wrong, is on the verge of leaving then suddenly becomes
very loyal. They sell out to the organization and will turn in friends who may have
confided in them.
3. DEMAND FOR PURITY – Everything is black & white Pure and impure is defined
by the ideology of the organization. Only those ideas, feelings and actions consistent
with the ideology and policy are good. The individual conscience is not reliable. The
philosophical assumption is that absolute purity is attainable and that anything done in
the name of this purity is moral. By defining and manipulating the criteria of purity and
conducting an all-out war on impurity (dissension especially) the organization creates a
narrow world of guilt and shame. This is perpetuated by an ethos of continuous reform,
the demand that one strive permanently and painfully for something which not only does
not exist but is alien to the human condition.
Under these conditions the individual expects humiliation, ostracism and punishment
because of his inability to live up to the criteria and lives in a constant state of guilt and
shame. Since the organization is the ultimate judge of good and evil, this guilt and
shame is used to manipulate and control members. The organization becomes an
authority without limit in the eyes of members and their power is nowhere more evident
that in their capacity to “forgive”.
All impurities are seen to originate from “outside” (the world). Therefore, one of the
best ways to relieve himself of the burden of guilt is to denounce these with great
hostility. The more guilty he feels, the greater his hatred, the more hostile is his
denouncement. Organizationally this eventually leads to purges of heretics, mass
hatred and religious holy wars. The group will point to the mistakes of all other belief
systems while promoting their own purity. This gives the impression that their
organization is perfect, clean and pure as a people or group.
While initially this loaded language can give a sense of security to the new believer,
uneasiness develops over time. This uneasiness may result in a withdrawal into the
system and he preaches even harder to hide his problem and demonstrate his loyalty. It
may also produce an inner division and the individual will publicly give the right
performance while privately have his own thoughts. Either way, his imagination
becomes increasingly disassociated from his actual life experiences and may even tend
to atrophy from disuse.
The ideological myth merges with their “truth” and the resulting deduction can be so
overpowering and coercive that it simply replaces reality. Consequently past events can
be altered, rewritten or even ignored to make them consistent with the current reality.
This alteration is especially lethal when the distortions are imposed on the individual’s
They demand character and identity of a person be reshaped to fit their clone of
mentality. The individual must fit the rigid contours of the doctrinal mould instead of
developing their own potential and personality. The underlying assumption is that the
doctrine – including its mythological elements – is ultimately more valid, true and real
than is any aspect of actual human character or human experience. The individual
under such pressure is propelled into an intense conflict with his own sense of integrity,
a struggle which takes place in relation to polarized feelings of sincerity and insincerity.
Absolute sincerity is demanded by the group yet this must be put to one side when
changes take place the individual has to deny the original belief ever existed. Personal
feelings are suppressed and members must appear to be contented and enthusiastic at
all times. Some cults believe that all illness is a result of lack of faith and evidence of sin
in your life. These things have to be prayed away and medical attention is ignored as a
“sign of faith.”
The more clearly these eight points are obvious, the greater the resemblance to
ideological totalism. The more an organization utilizes such totalist devices to change
individuals, the greater its resemblance to thought reform. Remember A group does
not have to be religious to be cultic in behavior. High demand groups can be
commercial, political and psychological.
Be aware, especially if you are a bright, intelligent and idealistic person. The most
likely person to be caught up in this type of behavioral system is the one who says “I
won’t get caught. It will never happen to me. I am too intelligent for that sort of thing. “
Awareness – When I use the word awareness I will usually use it interchangeably
with consciousness. However, when I use the term in conjunction with the word
consciousness I am using it in such a way that the person who is “aware” has some sort
of conscious conceptualization of that which is brought into consciousness. When I refer
to that which is beyond conceptualization then the terms can be used interchangeably
because they are referring to that which cannot be conceptualized. Throughout my text I
will make it clear what I am referring to and avoid confusion.
Bigotry – Any kind of fragmented or separated frame of mind that creates divisions
within people, between people and their environment. It manifests itself psychically
between people and between people and their environment.
Collective – When I use the word collective I am referring to the whole of the
collective human psyche. A few people only perceive most of the collective psyche on a
collective level alive on the material or Earth level of reality. Therefore, I will usually
make reference to the collective in the sense of the lower levels or mass mi nd. In other
instances, when I am referring to all of the levels, including the higher and lower levels I
will make that intention clear.
Cult/Cult-like group – This refers to any group that exercises top-down control over
people, whether consciously or unconsciously. Usually the domino or pecking order
effect will result within the group and utilizes many or most of the dynamics listed in the
Earth – When I use the word Earth I will usually use the term in the sense of the
whole of the manifest environment, including all life forms. In some cases I will use it in
the context of the small or false ego, separated from the higher realms of the psyche
that is referred to as Heaven. Usually, I will be quite clear on the context in how I am
using the word.
Glossary of Terms
Ego – When I refer to ego I will be referring to that aspect of consciousness that is
divorced from the greater psyche of the human being. It is what can be referred to as
the false ego. When I refer to a healthy ego, that is, an ego in connection and therefore
in service to the whole psyche as a conscious director, I will usually make that
Environment – In most cases, when I use this word I am referring to everything that
comprises the whole of the natural environment on earth, human being included. In
some cases I will use it in another context - the psychic environment. In these instances
like this I will usually indicate the difference.
Fragmented – When I use the word fragmented I will usually be referring to the
fragmented human psyche. In some cases I will be referring to individual psyches, at
other times the collective psyche. Extending out from the psyche it can include the
structures of society and in these instances I will indicate the intention behind my
Group – Refers to a group of people who have united for a common cause. It may
be a consciously organized group or it may take on the characteristics of a group
primarily on unconscious levels. It can be for destructive or strictly defensive purposes
however, it may also be for constructive and life-enhancing ones. Obviously, there is a
myriad of reasons why a group might come into existence. When I use this term, I will
usually be quite clear behind the meaning and context.
Hate – I use the word hate in the sense of separation, division and so forth. I am
using the metaphysical definition and it refers to anything that does not unite.
Heaven – Heaven refers to the higher realms of the human psyche, beyond a strictly
ego and “Earthbound” level. It most definitely does not refer to some starry place in
Horizontal Psychic Plane – This refers to all expressions of the lower levels of the
collective material plane of existence on Earth. It is expansive in the outward sense. It is
holographic and inclusive but it is not necessarily evolutionary. It embraces the psychic
and therefore living aspects of the material environment on the lower levels of the
psyche. It can aid in evolution only if centered and in balance with the vertical and
upward dimensions of reality. Otherwise it can result in lowered levels of
consciousness, regression and devolution.
Integration – Refers to a conscious recollection of all aspects of the psyche that one
is capable of, especially which has been repressed or forgotten. It also includes
integration with one’s body and in extension the environment. As with the idea of
wholeness, it is from this stable grounding that one can further integrate, consciously,
with the higher, spiritual aspects of the psyche and reality.
Interdependence – A conscious awareness that all psyches are contained within all
other psyches. Each individual psyche contains within it the whole of the human
collective psyche, including discreet individual psyches. This is a reality that has been
taught and profoundly understood in the wisdom traditions for thousands of years.
Glossary of Terms
Although most people will not have an actual psychic awareness of this, what people
need for psychic health is at least an intellectual awareness of this reality. When people
deny psychic realities within themselves, for example they refuse to accept undesirable
traits, inner dualities and so forth, the subsequent repression results in an actual type of
psychic bigotry that affects other psyches in addition to their own. This eventually
manifests itself as outwardly expressed hypocrisy and bigotry. All of these types of
psychic fragmentation will create a psychic environment where the person can be more
easily manipulated.
Instinctual – Psychic awareness and reactions that do not go beyond the lower level
aspects of the psyche - the lower reptilian and limbic. They are instinctual. This is
because they have not been cognitively refined by the neocortical and the higher
functions of the psyche. Therefore they can be characterized by fight or flight
tendencies but are not refined with cognitive discipline.
Left – hand path – This refers to psychological state of mind that goes against life
and nature.
Love – When I use the word love I am referring to the metaphysical understanding of
love that means the power of attraction, unity and movement into greater complexity, in
a constructive and evolving sense. Love other people as yourself. It refers to individual
psychic integrity, integration and in extension it refers to integration and unity with other
Materialism – When I use the word materialism I will be referring to a worldview that
is divorced from the greater aspects of the world environment. It is a mindset that
operates from a fragmented egotistical perspective. In that sense it also represents a
fragmented worldview, both psychically and environmentally.
Mind – For my purposes, mind refers to those aspects of psychic awareness created
by the ego - thoughts and intellectual concepts, feelings, attitudes and so forth that are
of the true ego, connected with the larger whole. The mind creates concepts in order to
maneuver in the material world - ultimately the material world is illusional. However, it is
important to realize that, although ultimately illusional, a healthy mind grounded in the
here and now of the material world is necessary to stay grounded and in fact to come to
any sort of sane realization of reality. This is in contrast to the whole of the psyche - the
larger realities of the psyche go far beyond an understanding that can be
intellectualized. It can only be realized. Mind might also refers to products of the false
ego. In most cases I will make the distinction.
Mystics – Mystics use their higher levels of consciousness to create greater levels of
consciousness and to enlighten their own psyches, recognizing their connection to and
affect on the collective environment. They enlighten themselves to connect with the
Creator. They respect and honor the healthy aspects of the feminine and masculine
energies discussed throughout this book.
Glossary of Terms
Nature – When I refer to nature I am referring to all of nature. This goes far beyond
the material world. Most people think of nature as the Earthly level of existence and life.
I intend it also to refer to the greater psychic realities beyond physical manifestation that
might even be beyond the ability to conceptualize. In other words I am uniting both the
horizontal Earthly plane of existence or nature with the vertical or Heavenly plane of
existence. For purposes of inclusiveness, nature refers to all of reality including that
from which nature emerged. This definition of nature is also the very same as my
definition of psyche or psychic reality, as separate from mind. Mind is primarily a
creation and a necessary one, of ego. For my purposes, I can use psyche, reality,
nature and existence interchangeably - they all refer to unitary reality.
Wiccans, Patriarchs and Mystics – Wiccans, magicians and sorcerers use their
higher levels of consciousness to manipulate the environment both inner and outer.
They tend to primarily focus on and honor the feminine, lower levels of reality. They
honor and use masculine energies to manipulate on the lower levels. For this reason,
although there are white practitioners who use “low magic” and knowledge to heal, low
magicians also use it for other, more ego related purposes. A love spell, for example,
may seem harmless enough. However, if one thinks about it, energies related to ego
are using energies to manipulate and attract someone in this method rather than
attracting someone through the act of empathy and love. This represents manipulation
and control for the purpose of ego satiation. Ultimately there is an imbalance with
people who overly focus on feminine energies, just as strictly patriarchal practitioners
are unbalanced in their energetic focus.
Witch or Wiccan refers to people who practice Wicca and does not refer to gender.
Whether a low magician is a white practitioner on the right hand path or the left depends
on how well they “know” themselves.
Most people don’t realize it but clergy in the patriarchal spiritual traditions are
ceremonial or high magicians. For those people who understand spiritual occult
practices they are usually thought of as a type of ceremonial magician because they
utilize rituals to manipulate the higher (or deeper) energies within their own psyche and
in this method thereby affecting the outer environment. High magic can be performed
Glossary of Terms
either as a black “art” or a life-enhancing white art. In the case of the former, people
have been coercively conditioned to, or open themselves up to possession of forces
greater (and more destructive) than themselves. In the case of the latter, the purpose is
to create greater levels of awareness, evolution and liberation. In practice, the lower
energies are also utilized. Ceremonial or high magicians can either liberate people or
control them.
Mystics honor and worship the Creator and they achieve this by combining and
equally honoring both the masculine and the feminine. Mystics usually achieve this by
going beyond ideas of masculine and feminine. They honor the whole of energetic
reality. A practitioner of the living Tao is an example of a mystic who practices the art of
living in this manner. When I say Creator I am referring to balanced masculine and
feminine energies. Usually I will simply say Creator or the Source in reference to the
god and goddess in unity, in marriage.
Psyche – This refers to the whole of the human psyche and all of its potential. It
refers to the ego and what is commonly referred to as the Soul. This includes the higher
realms of the psyche that transcends our Earth-bound existence. In this sense, psyche
also includes a spiritual dimension to the meaning in which I use it. For my purposes I
can use psyche, reality, nature and existence interchangeably - they all refer to unitary
Reality – Reality refers to everything that comprises creation, with a focus on psychic
reality. It is only out of the psyche that everything else emanates - from the mind or
psyche of the creator down into manifestation of the material world, including the human
psyche. In this sense I also intend the idea that the human psyche is made in the
creator’s image. This is true even if the human psyche can only be a reflection of the
creator, not the creator itself. For my purposes, I can use psyche, reality, nature and
existence interchangeably. They all refer to unitary reality.
Reptilian level of psyche – This is in reference to the most primordial section of the
triune human brain. It precedes even the emotional, mammalian, limbic part of the brain.
It is part of the whole psyche. However, it is a part or aspect of the psyche that has to
be in connection with the more evolved neocortical section of the brain in order to be
civilized. It is only in and through the neo-cortex that the highest levels of the human
Glossary of Terms
psyche are located and realized. This integration creates the ability to develop
characteristics such as empathy, conscience and a higher intelligence that uses
intellectual abilities and the higher intuition. Intuition is a combination of both the more
primordial and all encompassing parts of the psyche or Soul, combined with and
“enlightened” by the more focused and conscious aspects of logic, intellect,
consciousness and spirit.
Right-Hand path – This is a psychic state of mind that nurtures life and nature.
Unconscious – The context in which I use this word will usually be in reference to
psychic contents below the usual threshold of conscious awareness. Although it can
refer to the highest levels of the psyche, in most cases I will be using the term to denote
contents of the human psyche in the deeper levels of both an individual and the
collective human mind. In all cases the subtle variations in meaning will depend upon
the context in which I am speaking.
Vertical Plane of Existence – This represents the upward, more spiritual levels of
the psyche. These levels can only be achieved by ever increasing levels of inclusive
integration characterized by integrating and including but transcending earlier levels of
awareness. It includes the more spiritual and thus conscious levels of psyche and for
this reason tends to transcend ego and the illusions created by ego.
Glossary of Terms
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shadow, 17, 22, 65, 107, 153, 177, 183, Spiritual Alchemy, 183
184, 185, 191, 213, 214 spiritual healing, 210
Shadow, 185 spiritual imagery, 24
shadow infected superego, 213 spiritual intelligence, 125
shadow infested, 94 spiritual miracles, 96
shadow infested Ids, 71 spiritual occult, 73
shadow-infested, 100 spiritual unconscious, 70
shamanic conditioning, 115 spirituality, 73
shells, 215 stable, centered psyche, 14
shock or crisis, 7 status quo, 82
sin, 95 stereotyping, 155
slave, 155 stewardship, 162
slave trade, 81 subatomic, 48
slavers, 81 subjective, 28
slavery of all the ages, 98 subliminal, 205
small ego, 64 subliminal literacy, 115
so-called mental illness, 18 subliminal suggestion, 127
social and individual psychology, 122 subservience, 185
social control, 86 subservient, psychologically, 184
social credit system, 98, 177 suicide, 160, 168
social divisiveness, 88 suicide rates-male, 154
social engineering, 106 suicides, 72
social media, 86 superego, 107, 204
social rejection, 156 super-ego, 214
social violence, 6, 20, 165 survival, 7, 9, 50, 142, 143, 194
socially conditioned, 189 survival mode, 10
socially sanctioned institutions, 25 symbol unites people, 77
societal conditioning, 101 symbology, 95
society, 27, 64, 158 symbols, 16, 77
Society, 15, 48 synchronicity, 125, 127
society's chaos and rage, 114 Synchronicity, 112
solitary affair, 181 Systems Theory, 124
something for the children, 98 Taoist, 124, 135
Soul, 11, 137 targets of their hate, 166
soul level awareness, 104 teacher, 23
souls, 86 technocracy, 10, 79, 98, 103, 173
Souls, 65, 215 Technocracy, 122
sovereignty, 202 technocratic, 141
Soviet Union, 120 technocratic control, 141
Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Maoist technocrats, 70
China, 119 technological = technocratic IN 2021, 28
specialized, “expert”, 9 technological, violence - technocracy, 56
Spirit of, humankind, 80 technology, 7
spiritual, 26, 208 technology, level of, 9
Spiritual, 10, 14 terrorism, 100, 137
violence, 7, 92, 94, 107, 114, 143, 148, 153, Wilber, Ken, 117, 124
196, 205 wisdom, 75
violence, psychological, 141 wisdom teachings, 14
violence, who benefits, 100 wisdom traditions, 7
virtual reality, 217 witches, 118
viscous cycle, 66 witches and mystics, 119
W.O.K.E, 107 witnessed, 66
war, 154 WOKE cult, 165
war on the Soul, 69 WOKE terror, 167
warriorship, 67 wolf, 72
Whipping Boy, 118 wolves in sheep’s clothing, 166
white genocide, 103 world power structure, the elite, 8
White, heterosexual men… world’s great religious traditions, 46
not protected as a group., 187 worldviews, 6, 10
whole, 6, 13, 65 worldwide catastrophe, 7
whole individual, 156, 210 WWII, 120
whole psyche, 64, 157 yoga, 135
wholesome, 94, 210 Yoga, 183
wholistic, 183 youth crisis, 46, 51
whore of Babylon, 203 youth, and violence, 107
Whore of Babylon, 94 zombie, 122