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2023 Promotion Board Study Guide

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Created on 03/28/23 - C/LTC Krishelle Arias-Torres and C/MAJ Shayla Lopez-Cardenas

Property of the Phillip O. Berry JROTC Fighting Cardinal Battalion

Phillip O. Berry

Cardinal Battalion Study Guide


Subject: Promotion and General Knowledge Study Guide,

To: All Cardinal Battalion Cadets

1. This booklet is designed to assist you in preparing for promotion

boards and help ensure that you possess the necessary skills and
knowledge required of cadets.

2. You are only limited by your will to achieve. Only those cadets that
demonstrate their abilities and possess the necessary knowledge
will be promoted to the next higher grade.

3. The questions listed in this booklet will be asked during promotion

boards, weekly inspections, and the Annual Formal Inspection (AFI).

4. For instructions regarding the areas you should study, coordinate

with your chain of command.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


Reporting In/Out: Cadets must observe proper reporting procedures

when reporting in and out of the board. Cadets will follow the following

a. Knock on the office door and wait for permission to enter.

b. March in, stand two paces from the instructors.
c. Stand at attention and render a hand salute.
d. Report in by saluting and stating “Sir/ Ma’am, Cadet (Last Name),
reporting to The Board as ordered”.
e. Wait for the senior instructor to return your salute and then drop
f. When all business is finished, stand at attention, render a salute and
ask for permission to leave the board.
g. Wait for the instructor to return your salute and exit the office.


1. Have you ever disliked something about the battalion? If so, what? How
would you correct it?
2. Do you work well with other people?
3. Do you work well under pressure? What do you do when stressful
situations come up?
4. Are you willing to dedicate time to the battalion’s success and be a
present face and influence within the battalion?

Drill and Ceremonies

1. What is drill designed to teach?

Answer: Discipline/Teamwork.

2. What is the only command in drill where you step off with the
right foot “from the halt?”

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


Answer: Right Step, March.

3. What are the four types of commands used in drill?

Answer: a. Two-Part Commands.

b. Combined Commands.

c. Supplementary Commands.

d. Mass Commands.

4. When marching, on which foot is the command of execution


Answer: On the foot in the direction of movement. E.g. Left Flank, March –
the preparatory command and the command of execution are given as the
left foot strikes the marching surface.

5. When marching, after receiving the command of execution,

what are your actions?

Answer: Take one additional step and execute the movement.

6. What are the four rest positions used in drill?

Answer: a. At Ease.

b. Stand at Ease.

c. Parade Rest.

d. Rest.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


7. What would the commander say to revoke a command?

Answer: As you were.

8. What can you do, and not do while at the position of “At

Answer: You are not allowed to talk, however you may move as long as
you do not move your right foot.

9. What is drill?

Answer: Drill is specific movements and commands used to move a unit

in an ordinary manner.

10. What is distance?

Answer: The space between elements, when elements are one behind the

11. What is alignment?

Answer: alignment is the arrangement of several elements on the same


12. What is cover?

Answer: Cover is defined as aligning yourself directly behind the person

in front of you.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


13. What is a drill command?

Answer: An oral order of a commander

14. Name four commands in which the “PREPARATORY”

command and the command of “EXECUTION” are combined.

Answer: a. At Ease.

b. Fall in.

c. Fall out.

d. Rest.

15. Which foot is the preparatory and the command of

execution given on for “REAR MARCH?”

Answer: Right.

16. What commands can be given to change the direction of

the march 90 degrees to the right or left?

Answer: a. Column Left.

b. Column Right.

c. Left Flank.

d. Right Flank.

e. Left Turn.

f. Right, Turn.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


17. When required to exit a formation, what are your actions?

Answer: Take one 15-inch step to the rear, and exit the nearest flank.

18. How many counts are there in “Left Face?”

Answer: Two.

19. What is most of the Platoon Leader in a line formation?

Answer: Six steps in front of and centered on the platoon.

20. What is the post of the platoon Sergeant in a line


Answer: One step to the rear of the platoon and centered on the platoon

21. What are your actions when given the command “Dress
Right, Dress?”

Answer: Raise your left arm parallel to the ground, fingers extended and
joined, palms facing downward. Position yourself until your fight shoulder
touches the fingertips of the person to your right, at that same time, turn
your head and eyes to the right.

22. What command is given to returning to the position of

attention from “Dress Right, Dress?”

Answer: Ready, Front.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


23. What are the actions of each squad when receiving the
command of “Open Ranks, March?”

Answer: a. 1st Squad takes two 30-inch steps forward.

b. 2nd Squad takes one 30 inch step forward.

c. 3rd Squad stands fast.

d. 4th Squad takes two 15-inch steps to the rear.

30. What are the actions of each squad on the command of

“Close Ranks, March?”

Answer: a. 1st Squad takes four 15-inch steps to the rear.

b. 2nd Squad takes two 15-inch steps to the rear.

c. 3rd Squad stands fast.

d. 4th Squad takes one 30-inch step forward.

31. What is a step, and how is it measured?

Answer: 30 inches, measured from heel to heel of the marching man.

Drill And Ceremonies Performance

Each cadet must be able to execute the movements listed below in

accordance with FM 3-21.5:

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


a. Present Arms
b. Order Arms
c. Left Face
d. Right Face
e. About Face
f. At Ease
g. Stand at Ease
h. Attention
i. Parade Rest

First Aid

1. How do you bandage a stomach wound?

Answer: Loose.

2. How do you bandage a chest wound?

Answer: Tight.

3. Would you give a casualty with a stomach wound a drink of


Answer: No.

4. Would you give pain medication to a casualty with a head


Answer: No.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


5. What is the purpose of first aid?

Answer: To save lives by providing basic lifesaving skills.

6. What are the four techniques for controlling bleeding?

Answer: a. Elevate the wound.

b. Direct pressure.

c. Pressure points.

d. Tourniquet (last resort).

8. What are the two types of first aid?

Answer: a. Physical.

b. Psychological.

9. How would you treat a casualty for a shock?

Answer: Lay the casualty down, loosen restrictive clothing, elevate the
feet and keep the casualty warm.

10. How soon could a casualty that is not breathing die?

Answer: 4 to 6 Minutes.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


11. When administering CPR and being assisted by another

person, what is the compression-to-breath ratio?

Answer: (5 to 1) 5 compression to 1 breath.

12. When applying CPR (unassisted) what is the breath

compression to breath ratio?

Answer: 15 to 2 (15 compressions to 2 breaths).

13. How would you treat a casualty with a first-degree burn on

the hand?

Answer: Place a hand under cool running water, bandage loosely and
seek medical attention.

14. What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

Answer: Dry hot skin and high temperature.

15. What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?

Answer: Pale and clammy skin?

16. Before bandaging a sucking chest wound, what would you

check first?

Answer: Check for an exit wound.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


17. What first aid items should be kept in the home and

Answer: A first aid kit.

18. What is the preferred method of clearing the airway of a


Answer: Turn the casualty’s head to one side, open the casualty’s mouth
and use the one or two-finger sweep technique.

19. What are the two preferred techniques for restoring


Answer: a. Mouth to mouth.

b. Mouth to the nose.


1. What is the definition of leadership?

Answer: The ability to influence, lead, and guide others so as to

accomplish the mission in the manner desired by providing direction and

2. What are the three styles of leadership?

Answer: a. Directing

b. Delegating

c. Participating

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


3. What are the fourteen (14) traits of leadership?

Answer: a. Bearing.

b. Courage.

c. Decisiveness.

d. Dependability.

e. Endurance.

f. Enthusiasm.

g. Initiative.

h. Integrity.

i. Judgment.

j. Justice.

k. Knowledge.

l. Loyalty.

m. Tact.

n. Unselfishness/Selflessness.

4. What are the four indicators of leadership?

Answer: a. Moral.

b. Discipline.

c. Proficiency.

d. Esprit De Corps.

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


5. What are the four types of counseling?

Answer: a. Performance.

b. Personal

c. Professional.

d. Career.

6. What is the only type of counseling that leaders do not


Answer: Professional

7. What is teamwork?

Answer: Teamwork is the process used to mold individual members into a

unified group.

8. How are teams built?

Answer: a. Set the proper example.

b. Share hardships with you people.

c. Combine individual needs with unit needs.

d. Allow your people to be responsible for their actions.

e. Reward subordinates for appropriate actions.

Chain of Command

Cadets must be able to show knowledge of the Chain of Command

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


Battalion Chain of Command

For this portion of the board, you will be asked a number of questions regarding the
staff positions within the Battalion as well as their responsibilities. You may be quizzed
on the following positions, including who currently holds the position.

1. Senior Army Instructor

2. Army Instructors
3. Battalion Commander
4. Battalion Executive Officer
5. Command Sergeant Major
6. S-1 [Administrative Officer]
7. S-2 [Security Officer]
8. S-3 [Training & Operations Officer]
9. S-4 [Supply/Logistics Officer]
10. S-5 [Public Relations Officer]
11. S-6 [Information Technology Officer]
12. Company Commander
13. Company Commander
14. First Sergeant
15. First Sergeant

1. No referrals or Behavior Contracts for SY 2022-2023. This is to

include incidents of an extreme nature with any official authority.

2. No excessive absences or tardiness

-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-


Grading Sheet

Current Rank & Cadet Name: __________________________ LET: ____ Grade: ____

Instructions: Each board member must grade prospective candidates based on the
following criteria listed below.

Reporting In/Out Max (10 Points) _______

Execution of Drill Commands Max (15 Points) _______
Personal Appearance Max (30 Points) _______
First Aid Max (5 Points) _______
Drill and Ceremony Max (10 Points) _______
Leadership Max (10 Points) _______
General Knowledge Max (10 Points) _______
Chain of Command Max (10 Points) _______

Total _______


-JROTC Promotion Board Study Guide-

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