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03 L4DC Computer Systems CSYS Sample QP

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Computer Systems
Assignment title:
Practical Portfolio

Sample Assignment
Important notes
• Please refer to the Assignment Presentation Requirements for advice on how
to set out your assignment. These can be found on the NCC Education
website. Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on the main menu and then click on
‘Student Support’.
• You must read the NCC Education documents What is Academic Misconduct?
Guidance for Candidates and Avoiding Plagiarism and Collusion: Guidance for
Candidates and ensure that you acknowledge all the sources that you use in
your work. These documents are available on the NCC Education website.
Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on the main menu and then click on ‘Student
• You must complete the Statement and Confirmation of Own Work. The form
is available on the NCC Education website. Click on ‘Policies & Advice’ on the
main menu and then click on ‘Student Support’.
• You must submit a paper copy and digital copy (on disk or similarly acceptable
medium). Media containing viruses, or media that cannot be run directly, will
result in a fail grade being awarded for this assessment.
• All electronic media will be checked for plagiarism.
This module is assessed by a portfolio of work which is used to form the practical
assignment. The portfolio of work should be developed from the work undertaken in the
laboratories for topics 5, 6 and 7 and consists of the laboratory reports that you have
developed for each of these. By completing the following tasks, you will construct the
required portfolio.

Task 1 – Windows Installation (40 Marks)

Task 6 of Topic 5 (Software, Installation and Configuration) in the laboratory session tasks
you to develop a report that describes the installation you have completed. This report, as
part of your portfolio of work, should address the following:

1. Installation of Windows (12 marks)

a. Identification of key stages in the installation.
b. Identification and description of required device drivers and their source
c. Identification and description of unresolved issues – especially missing device

2. Installation of antivirus software (10 marks)

a. Identification of product used.
b. Identification and description of key stages in installation.
c. Identification and description of problems and unresolved issues.
d. Outline of the update process for the antivirus software.

3. Installation of office software (7 marks)

a. Identification of product used.
b. Identification and description of key stages in installation.
c. Identification and description of problems and unresolved issues.

4. Installation of free utility (11 marks)

a. Identification of utility, outline of what it does and reason why you chose this
(make it different from that of your classmates).
b. Identification and description of key stages in installation.
c. Identification and description of problems and unresolved issues.

Note: The laboratory instructor is required to provide a signed form for inclusion in
your portfolio which records your success in the tasks outlined above – see
Appendix 1.

Tasks continue on next page

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Task 2 – Linux Installation (40 Marks)
This task deals with Topic 6 (Alternative Operating Systems) and in particular Linux
installation. You should write a report that addresses the following issues:

1. Installation of Linux (30 marks)

a. Identification of distribution.
b. Description of disk partitioning (e.g. partition options, partition size).
c. Identification and description of required device drivers and their source
d. Description of setting up administrator and standard user.
e. Description of network set-up.
f. Identification and description of installation process for one application.

2. Testing of Linux system (10 marks)

a. Identification of test plan for system.
b. Record of how system performs against test plan.

Note: The laboratory instructor is required to provide a signed form for inclusion in
your portfolio which records your progress in this activity – see Appendix 2.

Task 3 – Faulty PCs (20 Marks)

This task deals with Topic 7 (System Testing) where you will be presented with a number of
faulty PCs. The report for your portfolio should indicate for each PC:

1. The steps that you followed to identify the fault.

2. The cause of the fault.
3. The steps taken to remedy the fault.
4. The success or failure of the repair.

Note: The laboratory instructor is required to provide a signed form for inclusion in
your portfolio which identifies that you have completed the fault-finding and remedy
tasks for each PC – see Appendix 3.

Guidance and Submission Requirements

• The portfolio should directly address the tasks as presented and include only your
reflection on the tasks – generic information taken from websites and other sources
is not required.
• The portfolio should clearly and comprehensively outline all the stages you followed.
• The portfolio may be supported by screenshots or photographs that identify key
stages or issues. However, such screenshots and photographs should not be

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Candidate Checklist
Please use the following checklist to ensure that your work is ready for submission.

Have you read the NCC Education documents What is Academic Misconduct?
Guidance for Candidates and Avoiding Plagiarism and Collusion: Guidance for
Candidates and ensured that you have acknowledged all the sources that you have ❑
used in your work?
Have you completed the Statement and Confirmation of Own Work form and
attached it to your assignment? You must do this. ❑
Have you ensured that your work does not contain viruses and can be run directly? ❑

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Appendix 1

Task 1: Laboratory Supervisor Sign-Off

Student Name

Student ID

Student Signature

Supervisor Name
Supervisor Signature

Task Degree of Completion (to be Completed (Signed

completed by supervisor) Laboratory Supervisor)
Installation of (Include identity of drivers used)

Installation of (Include identity of antivirus

Antivirus Software package)

Installation of Office (Include identity of office tools

Tools installed)

Installation of Utility (Include identity of utility installed)

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Appendix 2

Task 2: Laboratory Supervisor Sign-Off

Student Name

Student ID

Student Signature

Laboratory Supervisor
Laboratory Supervisor

Test Demonstrated by Degree of Completion (completed by laboratory

Student supervisor)

Supervisor Signature

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Appendix 3

Task 3: Laboratory Supervisor Sign-Off

Student ID

Faulty PC Fault Found (to be completed by Fault Remedied (to be completed by

Number laboratory supervisor) laboratory supervisor)

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