Calibration Certificate
Calibration Certificate
Calibration Certificate
Validity )4-03-2023
Expanded Uncertainty
\s Per Report
Note: 1. This certificate refers only to the particular item submitted for calibration.
2. This certificate shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of ICL Calibration and Testing
3. Results reported are valid at the time and unde 'the stated conditions of measurement.
/^t ..X
4. Laboratory Standards are traceable to National Standards.
5. Calibration done at lab/on site.
1 5.00 5085 som -l
2 10.00 lorr-ll-Torr5
10.095 -l
15.00 11136__ll-Tsr34__l
20.00 n.rl6 -ll1--ror85-|
25.00 E3rt-l[-rs3r1
25.391 -l
30.00 3oir4 30.394 -l
Note: 1. This certificate refers only to the particular iten submitted for calibration.
2. This certificate shall not be reproduced, excep in full, without the written permission of lcl calibration and resting
3. Results reported are valid at the time and und ,J[""::rfS cond itions of measu rem"r
4. Laboratory Standards are traceable to Nationi
5. Calibration done at lab/on site. jffia\
Calibrated By (Cal. Fngr.) Ver fied By (Tech. Mg..) Ap rL-
Rajvir Singhfira-\c Alitsharml&2 o frffi,?#Ndi',