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Texas Scorecard Mail - Re - ARIF Results - Rolando Ortiz Redacted

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

Robert Montoya <rmontoya@texasscorecard.com>

Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

1 message

DRO Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 7:17 PM

To: "rmontoya@texasscorecard.com" <rmontoya@texasscorecard.com>

This was sent to my attorney but below it are the dispositions before and after they were overturned.
I will send you the most recent that were also ruled out as well.
They all were simular allegations- FYI
Thank you Roland,

On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 11:53 AM Netardus,Tanya M (DFPS) <Tanya.Netardus@dfps.texas.gov> wrote:

Mr. Ruiz, Should you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.


Jaime Masters


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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

Rolando Ortiz

Dear Rolando Ortiz :

This is to inform you that after careful review of the facts of this situation, and any additional information submitted for consideration in the administrative
review, the prior allegation disposition(s) of

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Unable to Determine for Physical Abuse of

Reason to Believe for Physical Abuse of

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Reason to Believe for Sexual Abuse of

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Unable to Determine for Physical Abuse of

have been reversed.

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

The current allegation disposition(s) are the following:

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Ruled Out for Physical Abuse of

Ruled Out for Physical Abuse of

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Ruled Out for Sexual Abuse of

Ruled Out for Neglectful Supv. (CPS) of

Ruled Out for Physical Abuse of

You may have one or more of the following rights, depending on the nature of the action we have taken concerning you. If your child was the subject of this
administrative review of investigation findings, your child may have one or more of these rights, and you may seek to obtain these rights on behalf of that
child. To know what your or your minor child's rights are, read the following.

1. If we 'upheld' the findings concerning you or your minor child, you have the right to challenge this decision. To know whether we upheld the findings,
read the first part of this letter to see if it says that "the prior allegation disposition(s) of ... have been upheld"

If you wish to further challenge this decision, you may do so by contacting the Office of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-720-7777, or

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

The Office of Consumer Affairs

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Y-946
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-9030

You must contact the Office of Consumer Affairs within 30 days from the date of this letter. The Office of Consumer Affairs may deny a request to challenge
the decision received later than 30 days after the date of this letter.

2. If we 'ruled-out' all allegations that you or your minor child committed child abuse or neglect, you have the right to request that we remove role information
about you or your minor child from our records of this investigation.

To know whether we 'ruled-out' all the allegations, read the first part of this letter where it says "The current allegation disposition(s) are the following:".
Then, look to see if ALL the allegations following that sentence begin with 'ruled-out.'

If we 'ruled-out' all the allegations and if you want us to remove role information about you or your minor child from this investigation, you may send in the
attached 'Request for Removal of Role Information.' Please read the attached form carefully for more information about this important right. To request
removal of role information, you must send in the attached request within forty-five (45) calendar days after the date at the top of this letter (9/19/2022).

3. If this review was conducted as a necessary prerequisite for a release hearing, we will be contacting you in the near future to continue making
arrangements for the hearing. A challenge to the Office of Consumer Affairs has no effect on the timing or conduct of a release hearing.

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz




Please Direct Response to: Tanya Netardus ,


This completed request form must be mailed to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services promptly, within forty-five (45) days after the
mailing date of the enclosed notice letter, or your request will be denied. Please mail this form to the following address:

Role Removal Unit, Mail Code Y-960

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)

PO Box 149030

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz


Austin, Texas 78714-9030

For status inquiries please call 512-929-6470. Please allow sufficient time for mail delivery before seeking status.

To be completed by the person requesting removal of role information:

Name Area Code and Telephone Number

Mailing Address (Street or PO Box, City, State, Zip)

Name of child if parent or guardian is making this request on behalf of a minor child

To be completed by DFPS staff

Case Name Case Number



Once the role information involving you is removed from our records, THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PERMANENTLY DESTROYED AND WILL NOT BE
AVAILABLE TO USE FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. Before deciding whether or not to request that the role information involving you be removed
from the department's records, you should consider the following:

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz


1. Once the information is removed, the department's official business record will no longer reflect that you were alleged to have committed abuse or
neglect in this investigation.

2. Once the information is removed, the department's official business record will no longer reflect that you were found NOT to have committed abuse or
neglect. We will also not have a complete record of the investigation information which led us to conclude that you did not commit abuse or neglect.

3. If, for any reason, you wish to prove that someone falsely reported you for abuse or neglect, our records will not reflect the fact that the report against
you was made once this information is removed.

Because this choice may have important consequences, you may wish to consult a private attorney for legal advice as to whether or not you should request
that this information be removed.

I have read the foregoing information about my rights and have made the decision to request that all information about my role as an alleged
perpetrator in this investigation be removed from the department's records.

Signature of person requesting removal of role information Date signed

Tanya Netardus, MSW

Resolution Specialist
Office of Appeals

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3/22/23, 12:10 PM Texas Scorecard Mail - Re: ARIF Results: Rolando Ortiz

Cell 830-480-9729

NOTICE: There has been a change to my email address. Effective immediately, my new email address is:

Roland D.Ortiz

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