Liu 2018
Liu 2018
Liu 2018
Abstract— Face recognition (FR) systems in real-world appli- occluded FR is twofold. Firstly, occlusions distort the discrim-
cations need to deal with a wide range of interferences, such as inative facial features and increases the distance between two
occlusions and disguises in face images. Compared with other face images of the same subject in the feature space. The
forms of interferences such as nonuniform illumination and pose
changes, face with occlusions has not attracted enough attention intra-class variations are larger than the inter-class variations,
yet. A novel approach, coined dynamic image-to-class warping which results in poorer recognition performance. Secondly,
(DICW), is proposed in this work to deal with this challenge when facial landmarks are occluded, large registration errors
in FR. The face consists of the forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and usually occur and degrade the recognition rate [1].
chin in a natural order and this order does not change despite Note that there are two related but different problems to FR
occlusions. Thus, a face image is partitioned into patches, which
are then concatenated in the raster scan order to form an ordered with occlusions: occluded face detection and occluded face
sequence. Considering this order information, DICW computes recovery. The first task is to determine whether a face image
the image-to-class distance between a query face and those of an is occluded or not [2], which can be used for automatically
enrolled subject by finding the optimal alignment between the rejecting the occluded images in applications such as passport
query sequence and all sequences of that subject along both the image enrolment. This rejection mechanism is not always
time dimension and within-class dimension. Unlike most existing
methods, our method is able to deal with occlusions which exist in applicable in some scenarios (e.g., surveillance) where no
both gallery and probe images. Extensive experiments on public alternative image can be obtained due to the lack of user
face databases with various types of occlusions have confirmed cooperation. The second task is to restore the occluded region
the effectiveness of the proposed method. in face images [3], [4]. It can recover the occluded area but is
Index Terms— Face recognition, occlusion, image-to-class unable to directly contribute to recognition since the identity
distance, dynamic time warping, biometrics. information can be contaminated during inpainting.
An intuitive idea for handling occlusions in FR is to detect
I. I NTRODUCTION the occluded region first and then perform recognition using
only the unoccluded part. Min et al. [5] adopted a SVM
F ACE recognition (FR) is one of the most active research
topics in computer vision and patten recognition over the
past few decades. Nowadays, automatic FR system achieves
classifier to detect the occluded region in a face image then
used only the unoccluded area of a probe face (i.e., query
face) as well as the corresponding area of the gallery faces
significant progress in controlled conditions. However, the
(i.e., reference faces) for recognition. But note that the occlu-
performance in unconstrained conditions (e.g., large variations
sion types in the training images are the same as those in the
in illumination, pose, expression, etc.) is still unsatisfactory.
testing images. Jia and Martinez [6], [7] used a skin colour
In the real-world environments, faces are easily occluded by
based mask to remove the occluded area for recognition.
facial accessories (e.g., sunglasses, scarf, hat, veil), objects in
However, the types of occlusions are unpredictable in practical
front of the face (e.g., hand, food, mobile phone), extreme
scenarios. The location, size and shape of occlusions are
illumination (e.g., shadow), self-occlusion (e.g., non-frontal
unknown, hence increasing the difficulty in segmenting the
pose) or poor image quality (e.g., blurring). The difficulty of
occluded region from the face images. Currently most of the
Manuscript received March 15, 2014; revised July 11, 2014; accepted occlusion detectors are trained on faces with specific types
September 3, 2014. Date of publication September 22, 2014; date of current of occlusions (i.e., the training is data-dependent) and hence
version November 10, 2014. The work of Z. Lei was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Project 61103156 and Project generalise poorly to various types of occlusions in the real-
61473291. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript world environment.
and approving it for publication was Prof. Gérard Medioni. (Corresponding In this paper, we focus on performing recognition in the
author: Chang-Tsun Li.)
X. Wei and C.-T. Li are with the Department of Computer Science, Univer- presence of occlusions. There are two main categories of
sity of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K. (e-mail:; approaches in this direction. The first is the reconstruction based approaches which treat occluded FR as a reconstruction
Z. Lei, D. Yi, and S. Z. Li are with the Center for Biometrics and
Security Research & National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of problem [6], [8]–[13]. The sparse representation based classi-
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China (e-mail: fication (SRC) [8] is a representative example. A clean image;; is reconstructed from an occluded probe image by a linear
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at combination of gallery images. Then the occluded image is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIFS.2014.2359632 assigned to the class with the minimal reconstruction error.
1556-6013 © 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted,
but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
The reconstruction based approaches usually require a large finding the optimal alignment between the query sequence
number of samples per subject to represent a probe image. and all enrolled sequences of that subject. Our method allows
However, a sufficient number of samples are not always elastic match in both time and with-class directions.
available in practical scenarios. Most of the existing works that simply treat occluded FR as
The second category is the local matching based a signal recovery problem or just employ the framework for
approaches [14]–[17]. Facial features are extracted from local general object classification, neglect the inherent structure of
areas of a face, for example, overlapping or non-overlapping the face. Wang et al. proposed a Markov Random Field (MRF)
patches of an image, so the affected and unaffected parts of based method [23] for FR and confirmed that the contextual
the face can be analysed in isolation. In order to minimise information between facial features plays an important role
matching errors due to occluded parts, different strategies in recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel approach
such as local subspace learning [14], [15], partial distance that takes the facial order, which contains the geometry infor-
learning [16] and multi-task sparse representation learning [17] mation of the face, into account when recognising partially
are performed. Our method belongs to this category but does occluded faces. In uncontrolled environments with uncooper-
not require training. ative subjects, the occlusion preprocessing and the collection
In addition to the above approaches, which focus on of sufficient and representative training samples are generally
improving the robustness during the recognition stage, recently very difficult. Our method which performs recognition directly
many researchers [18], [19] also pay attention to the image in the presence of occlusions and does not require training, is
presentation stage and attempt to extract stable, occlusion- hence feasible for realistic FR applications.
insensitive features from face images. Since the forms of This paper is built upon our preliminary work reported
occlusions in real-world scenarios are unpredictable, it is still in [24] and [25]. The remainder of this paper is organised
difficult to find a suitable representation which is insensitive as follows. The proposed Dynamic Image-to-Class Warping
to the variations in occlusions. method, from image representation, modelling to implementa-
Most of the current methods assume that occlusions only tion, is described in Section II. Extensive experiments includ-
exist in the probe images and the gallery or training images ing discussions are presented in Section III. Further analysis
are clean. In practical scenarios, occlusions may occur in both about why the proposed method works; when and why it will
gallery and probe images [6], [7], [20]. When the number of fail and how to improve it is discussed in Section IV. Finally
gallery/training images is limited, excluding these occluded the work is concluded in Section V.
images would, on the one hand, lead to small sample size (SSS)
problem [21], and on the other hand, ignore useful information
for recognition [20]. We summarise three occlusion cases in II. DYNAMIC I MAGE - TO -C LASS WARPING
Table I, which a FR system may encounter in the real-world
A. Image Representation
applications. Most of the current methods rely on a clean
gallery or training set and only consider the first case. The An image is partitioned into J non-overlapping patches of
latter two cases would also occur in real environment but have d ×d pixels. Those patches are then concatenated in the raster
not yet received much attention. scan order (i.e., from left to right and top to bottom) to form a
We propose a local matching based method, Dynamic single sequence. The reason for doing so is that the forehead,
Image-to-Class Warping (DICW), for occluded FR. eyes, nose, mouth and chin are located in the face in a natural
DICW is motivated by the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) order, which does not change despite occlusions or imprecise
algorithm [22] which allows elastic match of two time registration. This spatial facial order, which is contained in
sequences. It has been successfully applied to the area of the patch sequence, can be viewed as the temporal order in
speech recognition [22]. In our work, an image is partitioned the time sequence. In this way, a face image can be viewed
into patches, which are then concatenated in the raster scan as a time sequence so the image matching problem can be
order to form a sequence. In this way, a face is represented handled by the time series analysis technique like DTW [22].
by a patch sequence which contains the order information of Let f (x, y) be the intensity of the pixel at coordinates (x, y)
facial features. DICW calculates the Image-to-Class distance and f j (x, y) be the j -patch. A difference patch f j (x, y) is
between a query face and those of an enrolled subject by computed (Fig. 1) by subtracting f j (x, y) from its immediate
Fig. 2. Distributions of face image distance of the same and different classes. Using the difference patch (b), the distance distribution of the same class and
that of the different classes are separated more widely compared with those using the original patch (a).
Fig. 4. An illustration of warping path in (a) DTW and the (b) proposed DICW. The arrows indicate the matching correspondence. The dashed line marks
the optimal warping path. Black blocks indicate the occluded patches.
Fig. 7. Uvs.O: identification results on the FRGC database with different number of gallery images per subject: a) K = 1, b) K = 2, c) K = 3 and d) K = 4.
Fig. 8. a) Ovs.U and b) Ovs.O: identification results on the FRGC database with occlusions in gallery or/and probe sets.
following settings: 1) 400 occluded images (four images per occluded images as the gallery set and 400 occluded images
subject) from the original set as the gallery set and 400 images as the probe set (Ovs.O). Note that the images in the gallery
from the unoccluded set as the probe set (Ovs.U) and 2) 400 set are different from those in the probe sets. Fig. 8 shows the
Fig. 9. Uvs.O: identification results on the AR database with (a) sunglasses occlusion and (b) scarf occlusion.
scarves as the gallery set and two images with sunglasses as C. Face Identification With General Occlusions
the probe set; 2) vice versa. Note that with this setting, in each in Realistic Environment
test the occlusion type in the gallery set is different from that In this Section, we test our method on the The Face We
in the probe set, which is very challenging for recognition. Make (TFWM) [28] database captured under natural and arbi-
The results are shown in Fig. 10. On the gallery set which trary conditions. It has more than 2,000 images which contains
contains occluded faces, the results of HMM and SVM are frontal view faces of strangers on the streets with uncon-
much worse than others as expected. In the Ovs.O testing, trolled lighting. The sources of occlusions include glasses,
there are only two gallery images per subject. It is very difficult sunglasses, hat, hair and hand on the face. Besides occlusions,
for SRC to reconstruct an unoccluded probe image with these images also contain expression, pose and head rotation
such limited number of gallery images. Local matching based variations. In our experiments, we use images of 100 subjects
Fig. 16. Sample images of the same subject from the AR database without
alignment (AR-VJ).
Fig. 15. Identification rates (%) of using different image descriptors and the
difference patches.
Fig. 17. Sample images from the LFW database (six matched image pairs
for six subjects).
IV. F URTHER A NALYSIS AND I MPROVEMENT Fig. 19. (a) The probe image from class 74. (b) Classification result (class 5)
In the previous sections, we evaluate DICW using exten- by NBNN. (c) Classification result (class 74) by DICW. Distance to each class
computed by (d) NBNN and by (e) DICW.
sive experiments with face images with various uncontrolled
variations. In this section we will further analysis why the
DICW works compared with similar methods, and when and
why it will fail. We also discuss the idea for improving the
performance of DICW.
patches within a proper range. This is guaranteed by the four
NBNN [34] presented in the previous sections is a similar
constraints mentioned in Section II-B. In addition, with the
method to ours. It also calculates the Image-to-Class distance
help of Dynamic Programming, DICW actually tries every
between a probe patch set and a gallery patch set from a given
possible combination of matching correspondence of patch
class. The difference is that it does not consider the spatial
pairs so the final matching is the global optimum for the
relationship between patches like ours and each probe patch
probe patch set and the gallery patch set. Compared with
can be matched to any patches from any location in the gallery
NBNN, DICW considers both the texture similarity and the
patch set. Fig. 19 is an illustration example. The occluded
geometry similarity of patches. The work in [23] points out
probe image is from class 74 but is incorrectly classified to
that the contextual information between facial features plays
the class 5 by NBNN. Actually the images from class 74
an important role in recognition. Our work confirms their
and class 5 are not alike. But the texture of sunglasses is
observation. Although a location weight can be adopted in
very similar to that of beard in class 5. Without the location
NBNN, the weight needs to be manually set for different
constraint, the beard patches are wrongly matched to the
testing dataset as analysed before, which is not suitable
sunglasses thus the distance is affected by this occlusion.
for practical applications. In DICW, the order constraint is
On the other hand, DICW keeps the order information and
naturally encoded during distance computation.
matches patches within a proper range which leads to correct
DICW represents a face image as a patch sequence which
maintains the facial order of a face. To some extent, the
NBNN calculates the distance between two patch sets and
geometric information of a face is reduced from 2D to 1D.
the overall distance is the sum of patch-pair distances. On the
However, the direct 2D image warping is an NP-complete
other hand, in DICW, the probe and gallery patch set are
problem [55]. P2DW-FOSE mentioned in Section III-D4 is a
ordered. The spatial relationship between patches is encoded.
pseudo 2D warping method but with a remarkably large com-
When a probe patch is matched to a gallery patch, the
putational cost (i.e., quadratic in the number of pixels) [45].
following probe patches will only be matched to the gallery
DICW incurs a lower computational cost due to its patch
3 We use the l1_ls package for implementation. sequence representation. In addition, each patch still contains
boyd/l1_ls/ the local 2D information which is helpful for classification.
Fig. 20. (a) A probe image from class 51. (b) The wrong class (class 72)
classified by DICW. (c) The gallery image from class 51.
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