Additional Cost
Direct Materials 15.00 15,000
Direct manufacturing labour 8.00 8,000
Variable manufacturing overheads 7.00 7,000
Variable marketing overheads 5% on Rs.38 1.90 1,900
Total 31,900
Assumptions :
01. The Fixed overheads (manu. + marketing) shall remain unchanged
acceptance of the order.
02. There is sufficient capacity to serve this additional customer in addition to existing sales.
Conclusion :
2. The President's decision of rejecting the order is 'NOT JUSTIFIED' as this
order would have increased profit of the Organisation by Rs. 6,100 without
adversely affecting existing income.
While deciding so, the President was unjustified on following two grounds :
01. He decided based on total budgeted manufacturing cost which include fixed overheads
which is an irrelevant cost for this decision;
02. He did not include variable marketing overheads in taking decision.This
was a relevant cost.
3. Key Issues :
(i) There is a possibility that existing customers might demand price reduction. If this order
is independent of other regular orders, then only additional income can be anticipated
otherwise it may have a big negative effect on total sales and income of the organisation.
(ii) It has to be seen whether the order for 1,000 tapes is a one-time-only order, or there
is the possibility of sales in subsequent months The fact that the customer is not in
HMV's "normal marketing channels" does not necessarily mean that it is a one time order.
Conclusion :
2. The President's decision of rejecting the order is 'NOT JUSTIFIED'.
02 Mark-up % 12%
2. Return on full cost after Income tax 9% which is 60% of gross return
which is @ 40% (Net of tax).
Cost-Rs. our hour Cost/dose
Variable direct-manufacturing labour cost 160
Variable overhead cost 90
Fixed overhead cost 300
Incremental administrative costs 50,000 50
Full cost 600
Return @ 15% on full cost 90
Minimum price for bidding for 1,000 doses 690 0.69
1. Minimum cost (price for bidding) for 1000 doses 300 0.30
2. In contrast, pleasure travelers who pay for their hotel rooms are more sensitive
to the hotel room rates.
They may make their travel plans in a way that enables them to take advantage
of lower weekend room rates.
This may be done by mini vacations taken during the weekends only.
Thus it is profitable for hotels to charge lower rates to stimulate demand among
pleasure travelers.
ness travelers
mand for hotel stay.
e more sensitive
take advantage
demand among
nd relate mainly
stomers during
y recover their
with the higher
22.32 M/s Tata
1. The minimum price at which Airbag division will sell the product to
Igo division would be Rs.1,100 per unit which is the incremental
cost for the selling division.
The Airbag division has idle capacity (currently working at 80%
capacity). Hence, there is nothing to lose on opportunity cost for
the selling division as it does not forgo any external sales and
contribution from the internal transfers. This also achieves the
goal congruence.
The Igo division will be willing to buy airbags from the Airbag division
only if the price does not exceed Rs. 1,400 per airbag, the price
at which the Igo division can buy aribags in the market from outside
Thus, each division will try to transact with the other for a price
between Rs.1,100 and Rs.1,400 per airbag and will maximize overall
income of M/s Tata .
The exact transfer price betwee above two prices will depend on the
bargaining strengths of the two divisions.
2. Operating margin of the Bangalore Instrument Co.
(When there are Process Control Dvn's operations).
Control Unit
(Based on
Operating margin of Process Control division Super-chip)
Units sold 5,000
Selling price 1,320
Less: variable cost
Direct materials 500
Direct manufacturing labour (6 hrsxRs.100/hr) 600
Total variable cost 1,100
Contribution margin/unit 220
Total Contribution - Rs. 1,100,000
Less: Fixed Cost 800,000
Operating margin 300,000
Operating margin of BIC 6,200,000
Process Control Division will procure Circuit Board from market and then also
will earn same margin as it earns by replacing it with Super-chip i.e. Rs. 300,000
Total Operating margin 6,000,000
BIC earns more by replacing the circuit board by 5,000 units- Rs. 200,000
(Rs.62,00,000 - Rs.60,00,000)
BIC earns more this way per unit Rs./unit 40
Incremental cost per unit to the point of transfer (variable cost) 300
4. Transfer price of Super-chip when 12,000 control units are to be sold.
We can summarize as under: of Super-chip
Transfer 0 units to 10,000 units internally 460
Transfer 10,000 units to 25,000 units internally 600
Pricing of products
Materials 4 5
Labour (@ Rs. 3 per hour) 6 15
Expenses (1 machine hour) 2 2
Total 12 22
Sales demand is estimated roughly to be 7,500 units for X and 5,000 units for Y.
What would be the unit selling prices to give a profit of 25% on full cost if
overheads are absorbed –
(i) On a direct labour hour basis.
(ii) On a machine hour basis.
00 units for Y.
Pricing of products
Q.1 M/s Bell Ltd. is attempting to decide the selling price of two products X and Y. the
products are made by the same grade of labour and 40,000 labour hours are budgeted
for the year 2013. The budgeted fixed overheads are Rs. 80,000 and it is expected
that it will work at full capacity.
Materials 4 5
Labour (@ Rs. 3 per hour) 6 15
Expenses (1 machine hour) 2 2
Total 12 22
Sales demand is estimated roughly to be 7,500 units for X and 5,000 units for Y.
What would be the unit selling prices to give a profit of 25% on full cost if
overheads are absorbed –
(i) On a direct labour hour basis.
(ii) On a machine hour basis.
M/c Hr Machine
Budgeted Machine hour rate Units per unit hours
Product X @ 1 m/c hour per unit = 7,500 1 7,500
Product Y @ 1 m/c hour per unit = 5,000 1 5,000