Assignment 3 TRW
Assignment 3 TRW
Assignment 3 TRW
ID: SP20-BSCS-0003
3. Bullets are not used to give important information and details. Paragraphs are poorly
4. No proper closure is there. Action details, important dates are not given in correct manner
and sequence.
Body: Details about the talks like date and timing should be mentioned first. Then, information
regarding the speakers, their topics, time available to them to speak about the topic should be
Names of the speakers and their contact information can be given using bullets or points.
Closure: What action to be taken like sending invites or messages to the speakers should be
mentioned. Information about whom to contact in case if any clarification is needed, should be
mentioned in this paragraph.
A formal closing like, Thanks, Regards, should be mentioned. Full contact details of the sender
of the mail should be given.
The five weaknesses of the e-mail are:
2. After the greeting in the opening line, No colon’s should be there (:). Comma should be used.
3. Honorific name should be used. It will make the mail sound more formal
4. The main body of the mail should not start with ‘Hey’, once greeting/ salutation is already
been there to open the line.