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Vocabulary: Crime & Punishment

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Module 5


 Crime & Punishment

A Choose the correct item.

1 Have they caught the people who ......... 5 The crime ......... was sealed off by the
Mr Jackson’s house? police.
A stole B burgled C mugged A place B scene C sight

2 Did you hear about the ......... robbery in 6 The teenager was lucky the old lady didn’t
the city centre? ......... charges.
A weapon B gun C armed A press B give C put

3 If you ......... the law you could go to 7 Neighbourhood Watch asks people to
prison. ......... any crimes to the police.
A violate B break C tear A refer B report C inquire

4 Driving over the speed limit is only a minor 8 The police gave Jack a ......... and let him
......... . go.
A offence B fault C mistake A notice B bill C warning

B Complete the headlines with words from the list.

 caught  escape  hostage  masked  robbery  vandalism

1 Police give chase after bank ............................... .

2 Two youths charged

with ............................... of monument.

3 Three .................................. men hold up security van.

4 Thieves .................................. red-handed by police.

5 Inmates .................................... from high-security prison.

6 Gunman releases .................................... after long negotiation.

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Module 5
C Fill in: arrest, commit, attempt, break, accuse, reach, sentence, suspect in the correct

1 Thieves .......................................... into the 5 The judge .......................................... the

museum during the night and stole several two girls to six months in a juvenile
valuable objects. centre.
2 Investigators .......................................... the 6 A youth got more than he expected
employee right from the beginning but took when he .......................................... to
a while to gather evidence. mug a plain-clothes police officer.
3 A series of crimes that have 7 The shop manager ..................................
been .......................................... in the area the woman of shoplifting but she
recently, have the residents fearing for their denied it.
safety. 8 The jury took over 12 hours
4 Yesterday, police ......................................... to .......................................... a verdict.
a woman in relation to a recent series of
bank robberies.

D Choose the correct word.

1 Police claim that the shopkeeper was 5 Don’t let/make it easy for car thieves.
involved/evolved in a smuggling network. Install an alarm.
2 Having a visible alarm often postpones/ 6 The simplest item can be used as a(n)
deters burglars. equipment/tool by someone to smash a
3 The man was accused/found guilty of theft window and get into your house.
and sent to prison. 7 More and more people are laying/
4 If going out alone at night, there are a few installing burglar alarms nowadays.
points/precautions you should take. 8 It seems not all mugging victims/cases
report the crime to the police.

E Match the words.

1 aid a on trial
2 take b time in prison
3 brief someone c the blame
4 recover d investigations
5 spend e a hostage
6 go f a fine
7 pay g on a crime
8 take h something stolen

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Module 5
F Fill in: aim, clue, concentrate, confiscate, dismiss, delete, evidence, remove in the
correct form.

1 The judge ................................... the case 5 The new police chief ..............................
due to irregularities in police procedures. to reduce crime in the city.
2 The suspect was released due to a lack of 6 The judge had the woman .........................
.......................................... . from the court and charged with contempt.
3 The customs officers ................................. 7 The detective said that he didn’t have a(n)
the prohibited items from the tourists. ....................... why anyone would do such
4 Research shows that you a thing.
cannot .................................. on your 8 You are advised to ..............................
driving while using a mobile phone. any confidential data from your computer.

 Word formation

G Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

1 The judge told the teenager that his actions were

totally .......................................... . RESPONSIBLE
2 The police said the media report was premature and
very .......................................... .
3 The traffic police arrested the man for .......................................... driving.
4 The victim could only give an .......................................... description of the
5 It is .......................................... to download copyrighted music for free.
6 They didn’t believe her as she had been .......................................... in the
7 She apologised for being .......................................... the other day.
8 The thieves managed to .......................................... the alarm and enter
the shop.
9 Gary was very .......................................... to have lost his passport.
10 The mugger hit the man and knocked him .......................................... .

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Module 5
 Phrasal verbs

H Replace the words in brackets with an appropriate phrasal verb with the
verb break.

1 Four prison inmates .............................. 4 The thieves ...............................

(escaped) during the night and cannot (entered by force) with the help of
be found. explosives.
2 The man refused to open so the 5 The fire .................................. (started)
police ..................................... (forced when electrical wires overheated.
open) the door. 6 They seemed such a happy couple that
3 The young mother ................................. I was shocked when I found out
(collapsed) when she saw her child’s they ............................... (ended their
injuries. relationship).

 Prepositions

I Choose the correct preposition.

5 Henry has to appear to/in court next
1 The police caught the pickpocket and week for not paying his parking fines.
placed her under/in arrest. 6 He was sentenced with/to three years
2 The woman was accused of/for in prison.
shoplifting. 7 She is due to appear to/before the
3 The officer charged the man of/with judge tomorrow.
disorderly conduct. 8 The police say that they have one
4 The robber was put in/under handcuffs suspect under/in custody.
and taken away.

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Module 5

 The passive

A Complete the sentence using the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Public property ...................................... 6 The priceless artwork ............................

(damage) by vandals almost every (remove) from its case by the time the
night. museum alarm sounded.
2 ₤1 million .............................................. 7 The trial .................................................
(steal) from the bank’s safe last night. .................. (not/hold) until next month.
3 The reporter arrived at the scene just 8 The police can’t see any footprints
as the criminal ....................................... because the ground ..............................
(read) his rights by the police officer ................................ (cover) with snow.
4 The suspect .......................................... 9 The evidence needs .............................
(take) to the police station right now. .......................... (examine) thoroughly.
5 Ken’s house .......................................... 10 Any suspicious movement must ...........
(burgle) several times this year. ............................. (report) to the police

B Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1 Someone has stolen my wallet. 5 Forensic experts photograph crime

............................................................. scenes.
............................................................. .............................................................
2 The police arrested a man in .............................................................
connection with the theft. 6 They are questioning the suspect now.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................
3 They had wiped all fingerprints from the 7 The judge will sentence the woman
crime scene. tomorrow.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................
4 Who found the stolen items? 8 The police was dusting the room for
............................................................. fingerprints.
............................................................. .............................................................

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Module 5
C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first,
forming personal or impersonal passive constructions.

1 Everyone expects that the jury will 4 People say that he’s running an illegal
reach a verdict tomorrow. operation.
The jury is ........................................... He is ....................................................
........................................................... . ........................................................... .
2 Some people think that he is innocent. 5 Everyone knows that she witnessed the
He is ................................................... crime.
........................................................... . It is .......................................................
3 The thieves are believed to have ........................................................... .
entered the house through an open 6 The newspapers report that they stole a
window. rare artefact.
It is ....................................................... They are ..............................................
........................................................... . ........................................................... .

 Causative form

D Rewrite the sentences in the causative form.

1 A private detective is investigating 5 Mum was preparing our lunch for us at

Michael’s father’s disappearance. noon.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................
2 Frank’s friend will watch his house for 6 The police arrested the man for the
him. prosecutor.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................
3 Ronny is going to ask a locksmith to 7 The Clarks have asked a gardener to
install security locks on the windows. plant some trees in their yard.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................
4 Joe had asked his assistant to type up 8 The company services Jill’s alarm every
his notes before the trial. year.
............................................................. .............................................................
............................................................. .............................................................

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Module 5
E Choose the correct item.

1 Joanna’s hair looks really nice now that she ………. short.
A was cut B had cut it C had it cut

2 According to the police report the victim was stabbed ………. a kitchen knife.
A by B with C from

3 He ………. to be a key witness in the case.

A is considered B considered C has considered

4 A man ………. by the police about the recent break-ins.

A is questioning B is being questioned C has been questioning

5 It is reported ………. a very expensive lawyer to defend him.

A to have hired B that he hired C he is hired

6 Mike has offered to fix Jill’s PC, but she would rather ………. by a professional.
A have done it B have it done C do it

7 Brian ………. to reveal what he and the other members of the jury discussed during the trial.
A wasn’t allowed B didn’t allow C wasn’t let

8 Every time I look at her, I can’t help thinking how much she ………. her aunt Clara.
A is resembled by B has resembled C resembles

F Choose the correct item.

1 There was so little/such few evidence 4 I think a police officer’s job is so/so
that the investigators gave up. much dangerous that his life is
2 It was so much/such a violent crime constantly at risk.
that it was on the news for weeks. 5 Nick had such a lot of/so many work
3 They gave such a/such useful to do that he stayed in the office till
information to the police that they were 10:00 pm.
able to solve the case. 6 He is such a/so great a writer that all
his works become bestsellers.

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Module 5
G Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 There weren't enough people interested 4 This car costs a lot of money. We can’t
in the tour. It was cancelled. (so few … afford it. (so much … that)
that) ..............................................................
.............................................................. ..............................................................
.............................................................. 5 The witness was unreliable. The police
2 They put out the fire immediately. They didn’t believe him. (so … that)
stopped it from spreading to other ..............................................................
floors. (as a result) ..............................................................
.............................................................. 6 A lot of burglaries had been committed
.............................................................. in the area recently. The residents felt
3 He ignored the judge’s warning. He was unsafe. (so many … that)
sent to jail. (consequently) ..............................................................
.............................................................. ..............................................................

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Module 5

Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

The Greatest Art Theft in History

The Isabelle Stewart Gardner Museum is a museum in the Fenway-Kenmare

neighbourhood of Boston, USA, that houses a private art collection of paintings, sculptures,
tapestries and decorative art from Europe, Asia and America. In the early morning hours of 18 th
March 1990, while the city of Boston was still celebrating one of its most important annual events,
Saint Patrick’s Day, two thieves entered the museum and stole 13 priceless works of art estimated
at $500 million. It was to be the largest single art theft of all time.
Just after midnight, two men disguised as Boston police officers approached the entrance
to the museum and told the security guards through the intercom that they had been called out to
investigate a disturbance. The security guards buzzed the two fake cops in and were immediately
immobilised. The thieves wrapped strips of duct tape around the guards’ hands, feet, and heads
and brought them to the basement where they handcuffed one to a pipe and one to a workbench.
They then looted the galleries for over an hour, stealing paintings including Rembrandt’s The
Storm on the Sea of Galilee and Chez Tortoni by Manet and five drawings by Degas. Some of the
paintings were even cut out of their frames. The next morning, the guard arriving to relieve the two
night guards discovered that the museum had been robbed and notified the police and the
museum director.
Over two decades after the theft no one has been arrested for the crime and the paintings
have not been returned despite thousands of leads and a $5 million reward. The museum’s
founder Isabella Stewart Gardner stated in her will that nothing in the galleries should ever be
changed, and so today the empty frames still hang on the walls from the night of the theft. The
story has also inspired obsession among some art hunters who would like to get their hands on
one of the largest ever rewards offered by a private institution. Poems, books, films and paintings
have also all been dedicated to the heist. In a recent book, The Gardner Heist, Ulrich Boser points
an accusatory finger at a known Boston gangster who is currently serving a 32-year sentence for
attempted robbery in a different case. Although the criminal denies involvement in the crime, the
author says that when he contacted him in jail, the felon suggested that his face should be on the
cover of the book and was, in a way, boasting.
The investigation remains an open case and a top priority of the Boston FBI, who says it is
not giving up. The current museum’s director of security is also hopeful that the artworks will be
returned. Such optimism may not be justified though as stolen art is rarely recovered. Some
estimates of recovery rates are as low as five percent and rates drop with the value of the
paintings. Still, the museum director quotes Emily Dickinson when she says “I live in hope. I dwell
in possibility”.

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Module 5
1 At the time of the theft, the museum
A was holding an exhibition.
B was celebrating an event.
C was just opening.
D was closed.

2 The theft was discovered by

A a passer-by.
B a security guard.
C the police.
D the museum director.

3 The empty frames of the paintings still hang on the museum walls because
A it is what its founder would want.
B its founder decided to leave them.
C the museum has no others to replace the stolen ones.
D the founder wants to remind people of the crime.

4 The criminal suspected of being behind the robbery

A was convicted of the crime.
B appears to be ashamed of the crime.
C refuses to talk about the crime.
D appears to be proud of the crime.

5 The writer appears to

A think there is a good chance of the paintings being returned.
B think there is little chance of the paintings being returned.
C think there is no chance of the paintings being returned.
D have no idea of the chance of the paintings being returned.

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Module 5

Listen, and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 The radio programme is about

A a burglary.
B a bank robbery.
C a robbery at a museum.

2 Zak is a
A bank manager.
B hotel manager.
C security guard.

3 At the time of the crime, Zak was

A at the bank.
B out jogging.
C out shopping.

4 Zak felt something was odd about

A the thieves’ clothing.
B the thieves’ behaviour.
C the thieves’ car.

5 Zak
A received an award from the mayor.
B received a cash reward.
C received an award from a local newspaper.

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