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What are the challenges of managing Xerox - a global workplace with diverse demographics
and diversity? How would you propose addressing them?

Because there is a global work environment and different people from different countries working
for the company Xerox, many issues are important to consider for the organization. In the Global
workplace there are a lot of different phenomena that affect the employees. The first one would
be the similarity attraction phenomenon. People tend to gravitate towards those who are the
same as them. They are also more likely to experience conflicts and different sorts of problems
with people who are different depending on whether it's there at their age Gender and so on.
Furthermore if people are in groups when they feel that they are alone or kind of different they
feel alienated and undervalued. This phenomenon may affect management decisions to hire
certain individuals over others, for example, hiring someone of the same race instead of
someone who is better qualified. In the respect of working in a group. Similarity attraction
phenomenon may affect the performance because of the diverse cultural assortment of
teammates. Male employees might always invite the other guys in the office for activities etc
outside of the office which develops relationships, but if females are not invited or considered to
be part of the group, then there will be a gap in between the genders which will not be beneficial
to the whole. Another challenge the company may face is faultlines which are groups that have
been split into subgroups based on similarities and differences. In a group, if there are large
proportions of distinctive demographic characteristics, there may be faultines created within the
company. They will probably have many communication gaps and there will probably be lots of
issues in executing strategies. Generalizations about other people which are called stereotypes
will also affect the business by causing managers or employees to be biased or unbiased
towards specific groups. If there is stereotyping in the organization, management may choose
certain candidates and disqualify others without any real reasons for doing so. In the best
organizations, the diversity of the executives isn't the obligation of the HR division. Beginning
from top administration and considering the lowest levels of position, every individual should
comprehend the importance of others. Assuming that this care and empathy towards others isn't
important for an organization, no measure of racial awareness coaching or different projects are
probably going to be useful. In the best organizations, variety is considered to be everybody's
obligation. Organizations with a solid culture, where individuals have a feeling of shared
qualities, perform better with dedicated staff and group execution. This empowers workers with
unimaginable various values and foundations to feel a feeling of having a place and position in
the company.(1)

In effective organizations, diversity measurements are painstakingly followed. At the point when
directors are assessed and compensated depending on how diverserce their teams are, they are
bound to show obligation to diversity which influences a more diverse environment in the rest of
the organization (1)

Many organizations give employees and directors training programs directed to fostering
diversity. Notwithstanding, not all diversity programs are similarly fruitful. We at Xerox must
implement the policy of making our management and officials more focused on the diversity of
the teams and to accept more and more different types of pe0ple to make a fully diverse
international organization.. Xerox might need to build diversity by focusing on different groups of
people that are different from the traditional Xerox employee. There are many diversity groups
that represent certain groups of people. Recruitment in these groups is essential. Xerox may
also increase diversity by selecting interns from international student groups in the universities
we recruit from. Last but not least, we must communicate our commitment to diversity and
publicize the fact. There should be written advertisement, inclusion in the employee handbooks,
and explicit rules regarding diversity integrated in the company communications. (1)

2. How should Xerox assess person-job fit when hiring? What methods do you advise the CEO
to adopt to ensure that the right personality profiles are hired?
Openness is how much an individual is interested, unique, inventive, and open to new thoughts
and ideas. Individuals high in openness appear to flourish in circumstances that require being
adaptable and learning new things. They are profoundly energetic to acquire new abilities, and
they do well in training settings. They likewise enjoy a benefit when they go into another
association. Their liberality drives them to look for a ton of info and input regarding how they are
doing and to construct connections, which prompts speedier behavioral changes in accordance
with their new position they will more often than not be innovative. Open individuals are
profoundly accepting of change, and groups that experience unanticipated changes in their
assignments move forward nicely assuming they are populated with individuals high in

Conscientiousness means how much an individual is coordinated, precise, prompt, goal

oriented, and reliable. Conscientiousness is the one attribute that consistently predicts how high
an individual's performance will be in the organization. Conscientiousness is the quality generally
wanted by recruiters and employees with this quality are often hired and successful in
companies. Open individuals have more significant levels of inspiration to perform, lower levels
of turnover, lower levels of absenteeism, and more elevated levels of satisfaction at work .One's
conscientiousness is connected to work-achievement and being happy with one's profession
over the long haul.

Extraversion is how much an individual is cordial, gregarious, agreeable, and appreciates being
in friendly circumstances. Also, they will generally be powerful as managers and they exhibit
dynamic administration practices. Extraverts do well in friendly circumstances, and thus they will
more often than not be successful in new employee recruitment. Extraverts are more successful
when acclimating to a new position. They effectively look for information and feedback, and
make successful connections with other employees. Curiously, extraverts are additionally
observed to be more joyful while at work, which might be a result of the connections.
Notwithstanding, they don't really perform well in all positions, and occupations denying them of
social cooperation might be a bad fit. Also, they are not really model representatives. For
instance, they will quite often have more days absent at work, sometimes because they might
miss work to spend time with their social connections in their personal lives. (2)

Agreeableness is how much an individual is great, open minded, trusting, kind, and warm. At the
end of the day, individuals who are high in agreeableness are friendly individuals who coexist
with others. As anyone might expect, agreeable individuals help other people on a regular basis.
They are likewise less inclined to fight back when others treat them unreasonably. This might
mirror their capacity to show compassion and assume the best about individuals. Agreeable
individuals might be an important expansion to the group and might be compelling pioneers
since they establish a fair and equitable environment when they are in administrative roles. At
the opposite finish of the range, individuals low in agreeableness are less inclined to show these
positive practices. Besides, individuals who are not agreeable are displayed to leave positions
suddenly, maybe because of an argument they had with a chief or coworker. (2)

Neuroticism alludes to how much an individual is restless, touchy, forceful, inconsistent, and ill
humored. These individuals tend to have issues with adjusting to new environments. Individuals
exceptionally high in neuroticism experience various issues at work. For instance, they are less
inclined to be somebody individuals go to for guidance and companionship. As such, they might
encounter relationship challenges. They will quite often be routinely troubled in their positions
and report high feelings to leave their jobs, however they don't really find employment elsewhere
Being high in neuroticism is by all accounts destructive to one's profession, as they have lower
levels of job achievement. (2)

Individuals who have a positive attitude will quite often be more happy with their positions and
more dedicated to their organizations, while the people who have a negative demeanor will quite
often be less happy and less dedicated are less happy with their work, while the individuals who
are all the more genuinely satisfied will quite often be more productive. Different characteristics
like morals, confidence, level of control, and extraversion are additionally identified with positive
work perspectives. These individuals are more successful in securing positions and
organizations that will make them happy and create better bonds at work, which would expand
their fulfillment and responsibility. This would be the ideal recruit for the company.

3. You have learnt that there are 8 key factors that contribute to job satisfaction and
organizational commitment.? How will you approach these? What will be the effect on
organizational citizenship behaviours?
page 65

For the factors of job satisfaction, we can do surveys to understand what we are lacking and
what we are doing well with. After figuring out our weak points and knowing what we are doing
right, we can fine tune our policies and procedures to get better outcomes. These factors might
not be all possible to cover in all positions therefore communication and learning about the
employees perception on job satisfaction will be beneficial to make us develop different methods
of getting the highest level of satisfaction for our employees.

Organizational citizenship behaviours are not the same as job performance. The factors which
affect these are a person's age, personality, work values in attitudes and other mental cognitive
feelings about the occupation itself are how organisational citizenship is formed. Xerox
Corporation must make sure that people that work for the company experience high levels of job
satisfaction. Our HR department is going to have a lot of work to do in regards to communicating
with employees and ascertaining the needs of each individual person. We must do this in an
economically viable way because we cannot satisfy everybody but nonetheless employee
satisfaction and job satisfaction among employees are extremely important in creating a
productive, efficient, profit generating business. If our employees are satisfied and they have
high levels of organisational commitment then the company will flourish. If the company does not
satisfy the employees and provides an improper environment to Foster organisational
commitment the opposite will occur. Hopefully Xerox, after doing our Research and gaining
insights on our employees perception on satisfaction we can definitely increase job satisfaction
levels and organisational commitment. Once we raise these two key factors we can expect
higher productivity and more profit. The biggest benefit will be the reduction in absenteeism and
the turnover rate being low for our employees resulting in long term positive company employee
relationships. (3)
4. You have, over your career, successfully used the 6 theories of motivation in various
circumstances. Which of these theories or a selection of these theories would you adopt for
Xerox? Share your reasoning for this.

Maslow's Hierarchy
Physiological needs might be fulfilled by the employee’s salary, also pay might fulfill different
needs like security and esteem too. Giving plentiful benefits that incorporate medical coverage
and cooperative retirement plans, job security, will assist with fulfilling needs. Social
requirements might be fulfilled by having a professional environment and giving a working
environment helpful for teamwork and commuication.Giving promotions at work, rewarding an
employee’s achievements verbally or through more conventional award frameworks, and giving
position titles that convey to the worker that one has accomplished high status inside the
association are among the methods of fulfilling status needs. At last, self-actualization needs
might be fulfilled by the promotion opportunities and training on or off the job. By putting forth the
effort to fulfill the various needs of every employee, Xerox will gain a highly motivated labor
force. We must always try to fulfill these needs to the degree we can, but also make sure that
the employees also bring out their best when working for us. (4)
The Other types of behavioural motivational theories are kind of difficult and hard to adhere to
but Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the easiest most effective measure of motivational factors in
an employees life. We are not trying to do psychological analyses or employees because that's
just impractical. Rather, we should focus on the main components that comprise a person's
wants, needs and ambitions and offer them as a reward for good performance. It might seem
sort of unconventional but we could possibly do questionnaires and offer incentives to
employees which are unique to them. Employees will be part of the development process for
example wearing them vote on which prize they get for perfect attendance or a certain amount of
money being offered for a performance bonus if sales quotas are met. By keeping them involved
and letting them choose what they get rewarded with, we can make them highly motivated and
also generate positive outcomes for our Company. (4)

5. List and describe ways in which you could increase the justice perceptions of: procedural,
interactional and distributive justices to ensure company wide motivation?

Organizational Justice
A solid impact over employee satisfaction level is the way we are dealt with. Individuals focus on
the fairness of organization strategies and techniques, treatment from directors, and pay and
different prizes they get from the organization. Procedural Justice is how fair the methods an
employee sees the company is using to come to a final decision regarding them.They expect
decision making strategies to be fair towards them. Employees additionally will more often than
not care more with regards to procedural equity in circumstances in which they don't get the
result they believe they deserve.Interactional justice is the extent of respect, kindness, fairness
and positive treatment an employee receives from the company, co workers, managers and so
on. We as an organisation should make sure that all of our policies, rules and procedures are
well established and communicated to employees. also there should be a strict and highly
enforced code of conduct and ethics that all personnel whether it be low level positions or
management and authority must follow. I Recommend to install some sort of system to collect
anonymous or identifiable employee comments and concerns. If a person feels they are being
treated unfairly we should definitely investigate the situation and know why. if after investigation
of a person is being created and clearly we should take the strictest swift is actions possible
against a person who is actively engaging and discriminatory policies. We should also
communicate to the person who is a victim of unfair treatment that actions undertaken on their
behalf will also build trust with the employee and his colleagues. On the other hand we should
also keep that system to ensure you are not being falsely accused of being unfair because
people have their own subjective perceptions of justice and what is actually so having a
documented well communicated system would be beneficial to the company in regards to
liabilities as well. (3)

6. As you are aware, Xerox sells print and digital document products and services in more than
160 countries and with 130,00 employees. How would you propose that the company uses the
job characteristic model and its five dimensions to improve outcomes?
Skill Variety refers to the degree to which the job requires a person to use various skills.
Task Identity is how much an individual is accountable for finishing a recognizable piece of work
beginning to end.
Task significance is whether an individual's job influences others' work, wellbeing, or success.
Autonomy is how much an individual has the opportunity to choose how to play out their tasks.
Feedback is how employees understand how effective they are working. Feedback at work
might come from others, like CEOS, colleagues , subordinates, and clients, or it might come
from the actual work. (3)

One of the best ways to deal with motivating employees through job design is empowerment.
The idea of empowerment expands the possibility of autonomy. Empowerment might be
characterized as the removal of conditions that make an employee feel less empowered The
thought behind empowerment is that employees can decide and play their roles adequately if the
administration eliminates specific rules. Therefore rather than micromanaging positions, Xerox
ought to establish a climate where employees flourish, feel motivated, and have awareness
about their power and fulfillment of their positions. Employees who feel empowered accept that
their work is important. They will generally feel that they are equipped for working in their
positions and work better so they will increase productivity. Empowerment of employees will in
general be useful for Xerox, since it is identified with results like worker ingenuity, administrative
success, organizational citizenship, consumer loyalty, work performance, and practices that
benefit the organization. We at Xerox should actively make our employees feel empowered so
that they work harder and perform even better. We will also gain valuable insight from people
who are on the front lines, actually dealing with situations we might not even have considered.
Employee Empowerment should be at the forforefont for improving overall outcomes. Another
point to consider for the higher level employees would be job specialization but the lower. (5)
level(ones do not need a specific skill set rather, training to make them more efficient and
effective will bring the best results for Xerox.

1. Chapter 2: Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
2. Chapter 3: Understanding People at Work, Individual Differences and Perception
3. Chapter 4: Individual Attitudes and Behaviours
4. Chapter 5: Theories of Motivation
5. Chapter 6: Designing a Motivating Work Environment

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