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HLTAAP001 Recognise Healthy Body Systems: Learner Guide

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Recognise healthy body systems

Learner Guide

Student Name:

Integrated Training Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd

T/A Intercare Training
205 Thomas Street
Dandenong Vic 3175
Phone: 1300 10 2273
Table of Contents
How to study this unit .............................................................................................................................. 5
Element 1: Work with information about the human body ...................................................................... 7
Correctly using and interpreting health terminology that describes the normal structure, function and
location of the major body systems......................................................................................................... 7
Anatomy and Physiology......................................................................................................................... 7
Anatomical Structures ............................................................................................................................. 8
Body planes and sections ....................................................................................................................... 9
Directional terms of the body ................................................................................................................ 10
Inner ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Major body organ .................................................................................................................................. 11
Quadrants and regions.......................................................................................................................... 12
Body cavities ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Structural organisation of the human body ........................................................................................... 14
Maintaining life ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Homoeostasis ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Cells and tissue ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Cell types............................................................................................................................................... 18
Cell (plasma) membrane....................................................................................................................... 19
Functions of the cell .............................................................................................................................. 20
Tissue.................................................................................................................................................... 21
Muscle tissue and nervous tissues ....................................................................................................... 23
Changes to cells and tissues ................................................................................................................ 23
Cellular adaptations .............................................................................................................................. 24
Tissue and organ responses................................................................................................................. 25
Health terminology ................................................................................................................................ 26
Component parts................................................................................................................................... 32
Identifying medical language................................................................................................................. 38
Spelling and pronouncing medical terminology correctly...................................................................... 39
Spelling used in health terminology ...................................................................................................... 39
Advanced Spelling and Pronunciation Helper....................................................................................... 39
Pronunciation of medical terms............................................................................................................. 47
Pronouncing medical terms over the phone ......................................................................................... 48
Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols ................................................................................................. 49
One........................................................................................................................................................ 54
Correctly using and interpreting health terminology that describes the normal structure, function and
location of the major body systems....................................................................................................... 54
Correctly using and interpreting information that relates to the interrelationships between major
components of each body system and other structures ....................................................................... 59
Interrelationships between body systems ............................................................................................. 59
Element 2: Recognise and promote ways to support healthy functioning of the body ......................... 61
Reviewing factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy body ................................................... 61
Lifestyle issues which impact on health ................................................................................................ 63
Psychosocial stress also plays a role ................................................................................................... 68
Hygiene ................................................................................................................................................. 69
Disease and illness ............................................................................................................................... 71
Common disorders, problems and complaints...................................................................................... 74
Disease prevention ............................................................................................................................... 84
Health promotion................................................................................................................................... 85
Evaluating how the relationships between different body systems affect and support healthy
functioning ............................................................................................................................................. 89
Major body systems .............................................................................................................................. 89
The Nervous System............................................................................................................................. 91
Central nervous system Functions........................................................................................................ 92
Components of the Central Nervous System........................................................................................ 92
Brainstem .............................................................................................................................................. 95
Peripheral nervous system.................................................................................................................... 96
Efferent system (motor)......................................................................................................................... 97
The somatic nervous system ................................................................................................................ 97
The Autonomic Nervous System .......................................................................................................... 98
Nervous tissue ...................................................................................................................................... 99
Neurons or nerve cells .......................................................................................................................... 99
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Classification of neurons ..................................................................................................................... 100
Synapses............................................................................................................................................. 101
Neurotransmitters................................................................................................................................ 102
Somatic nervous system ..................................................................................................................... 102
Autonomic nervous system ................................................................................................................. 102
The Sensory Organs ........................................................................................................................... 103
General senses ................................................................................................................................... 103
Pain sensation..................................................................................................................................... 105
Sense of hearing ................................................................................................................................. 106
Sense of sight (the eye) ...................................................................................................................... 107
Eye lubrication..................................................................................................................................... 108
The Tooth ............................................................................................................................................ 108
The Respiratory System...................................................................................................................... 109
Respiration .......................................................................................................................................... 109
Structures of the respiratory system ................................................................................................... 110
The process of respiration................................................................................................................... 111
The Muscular/Skeletal System ........................................................................................................... 112
Function of muscle tissue.................................................................................................................... 113
Functions of skeletal muscle ............................................................................................................... 113
Muscle contraction .............................................................................................................................. 114
Muscle tone ......................................................................................................................................... 115
The skeletal system ............................................................................................................................ 116
Bones and skeletal tissue ................................................................................................................... 116
Classification of bones by shape ........................................................................................................ 117
Bone textures ...................................................................................................................................... 117
Structure of long bone......................................................................................................................... 117
Bone membranes................................................................................................................................ 118
Microscopic structure of bone ............................................................................................................. 118
Chemical composition of bone ............................................................................................................ 118
Bone development .............................................................................................................................. 118
Hormonal mechanism ......................................................................................................................... 119
Response to mechanical stress .......................................................................................................... 119
The Cardiovascular System ................................................................................................................ 120
The heart ............................................................................................................................................. 120
Chambers of the heart ........................................................................................................................ 121
Heart valves ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Properties of cardiac muscle fibres ..................................................................................................... 121
Heart physiology ................................................................................................................................. 122
Problems with the heart ...................................................................................................................... 122
Measuring heart activity ...................................................................................................................... 123
Blood vessels ...................................................................................................................................... 123
Composition of blood vessels ............................................................................................................. 123
The cardiac cycle ................................................................................................................................ 124
Regulation of blood pressure .............................................................................................................. 124
Reading blood pressure ...................................................................................................................... 125
Taking blood pressure......................................................................................................................... 125
Blood ................................................................................................................................................... 127
Functions of blood............................................................................................................................... 127
Formed elements ................................................................................................................................ 128
Platelets............................................................................................................................................... 130
Haemostasis ....................................................................................................................................... 131
Blood groups ....................................................................................................................................... 132
The Endocrine system ........................................................................................................................ 133
Cyclic AMP .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Control of hormone release................................................................................................................. 134
Major endocrine glands....................................................................................................................... 135
The lymphatic system/ (also known as circulatory system) ................................................................ 137
Function of the lymphatic system........................................................................................................ 137
Structures of the Lymphatic System ................................................................................................... 138
Lymphatic collecting vessels............................................................................................................... 139
Lymph nodes....................................................................................................................................... 139
Lymphatic trunks ................................................................................................................................. 140
Lymphoid cells and tissues ................................................................................................................. 141
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Other lymphoid organs........................................................................................................................ 141
Immune System – Body defences ...................................................................................................... 142
The integumentary system.................................................................................................................. 143
Functions of the integumentary system .............................................................................................. 143
The skin............................................................................................................................................... 144
Functions of the skin system............................................................................................................... 145
Structure of the skin ............................................................................................................................ 146
Sweat glands....................................................................................................................................... 147
Hair...................................................................................................................................................... 148
The urinary system.............................................................................................................................. 148
Kidneys................................................................................................................................................ 149
Functions of the kidneys ..................................................................................................................... 150
Structural functioning of the kidney..................................................................................................... 150
Urine formation.................................................................................................................................... 151
Glomerular filtration............................................................................................................................. 151
Tubular re-absorption.......................................................................................................................... 151
Characteristics of urine ....................................................................................................................... 152
Urinary structures ................................................................................................................................ 153
The Reproductive System................................................................................................................... 154
Anatomy of the male reproductive system.......................................................................................... 155
Physiology of male reproductive system............................................................................................. 156
Anatomy of the female reproductive system....................................................................................... 156
Structure of the female reproductive systems..................................................................................... 157
Effects of oestrogens and progesterone ............................................................................................. 158
The Digestive System ......................................................................................................................... 159
Functions of the digestive system ....................................................................................................... 159
Serosa ................................................................................................................................................. 160
Mouth .................................................................................................................................................. 161
Esophagus .......................................................................................................................................... 161
Stomach .............................................................................................................................................. 162
Small intestine ..................................................................................................................................... 162
Large intestine..................................................................................................................................... 162
Salivary glands .................................................................................................................................... 163
Liver..................................................................................................................................................... 164
Gall bladder ......................................................................................................................................... 164
Bladder ................................................................................................................................................ 165
Enhancing quality of work activities by using and sharing information about healthy functioning of the
body..................................................................................................................................................... 173
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 175

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How to study this unit

You will find review learning activities at the end of each section. The learning activities in this
resource are designed to assist you to learn and successfully complete assessment tasks. If you are
unsure of any of the information or activities, ask your trainer or workplace supervisor for help.
The participant will be required to demonstrate competence through the following means:
Methods of assessment
 Observation in the work place
 Written assignments/projects
 Case study and scenario analysis
 Questioning
 Role play simulation
 Learning activities
 Class discussion and group role-plays
 Assessment tasks

Consult your
coach or trainer
Asking for help

If you have any difficulties with any part of this unit, contact your facilitator. It is important to ask for
help if you need it. Discussing your work with your facilitator is considered an important part of the
training process.

Name of facilitator: ________________________ Phone number: __________________

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Welcome to the unit HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems, which forms part of the
2015 Community services training package. This unit describes the skills and knowledge
required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and
promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.
This unit applies to any worker who needs to use and interpret information that includes references
to client anatomy and physiology.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory
legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


Element 1: Work with information 1.1 Correctly use and interpret health terminology that
about the human body describes the normal structure, function and location of
the major body systems
1.2 Correctly use and interpret information that relates to the
interrelationships between major components of each
body system and other structures
Element 2: Recognise and 2.1 Review factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy
promote ways to support healthy body
functioning of the body
2.2 Evaluate how the relationships between different body
systems affect and support healthy functioning
2.3 Enhance quality of work activities by using and sharing
information about healthy functioning of the body

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Element 1: Work with information about the human body

Correctly using and interpreting health terminology that describes

the normal structure, function and location of the major body
Anatomy and Physiology
The foundation of medical language is based on the concepts of anatomy and physiology and the
disease process of human body. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body. The study
of the function of the human body is called Physiology.
Anatomy: is the term that describes the structure of the body and the relationship of one part to
 Gross anatomy: the examination of large body structure visible with the unaided eye
 Surface anatomy: general form and surface markings
 Regional anatomy: organisation of specific areas of the body
 Systemic anatomy: organ systems. Organs that function together in a coordinated manner
 Developmental anatomy: development of a new being from conception to maturity
 Clinical anatomy: includes all the types of anatomy studies, and compares the normal to the
experienced by the client using diagnostic anatomy techniques such as radiology, microscopic
anatomy, and surgical anatomy (if required)
Physiology: Physiology describes the function of the body – how all the body parts work and
carry out their life-sustaining activities. Physiology is explainable only in terms of the underlying
anatomy. As with anatomy, physiology has many subdivisions, most of which consider the operation
of specific organ systems. For example, renal physiology considers kidney function and urine
production; endocrine physiology examines the control of hormones by the body.
Physiology focuses much on events at the cellular or molecule level because the body’s abilities
depend on those of its individual cells, and cells’ abilities ultimately depend on the chemical reactions
that go on within them. An understanding of physiology also rests on principles of physics which help
to explain electrical currents, blood pressure and the way muscles use bones to cause body
Physiology of the skin describes the process of how the skin functions to carry out particular
activities. When you are exposed to extreme weather conditions, for example, sensors in the skin
layer pick up signals of heat/cold from the external environment and communicate the information
to the brain for interpretation. If your body is hot, sweating will occur, causing a cooling effect over
the skin. The opposite occurs if you are cold – you start to shiver, a warming process. Anatomy and
physiology are complementary branches of science that provide the concepts that help us to
understand the human body.
 Embryology: Considers only those changes that occur from conception to birth.
 Histology: This is the study of tissues, collections of cells with similar structure and function.
 Cytology: This is the study of parts of a cell and the functions of those parts.
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Anatomical Structures

Structural levels of the body

The body is organised at various structural levels, advancing from the least complex to the more
complex: atoms and molecules, cells (e.g. red blood cells), tissues (e.g., fat), organ (e.g., lungs), organ
system (e.g. respiratory system) and organism (e.g., man).
Body cavities
The two main cavities which contain arrangements of internal organs:
1. Dorsal cavity: contains cranial and spinal cavities.
2. Ventral cavity: contains thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Directions and planes of the body
The reference position of the body is the anatomical position i.e., the position where the arms are at
the side with the palms, feet and head pointing forward.
The three main planes of the body (or of individual organs) are:
1. Saggital plane: divides the body (or parts) into left and right sides.
2. Frontal plane: divides the body or into anterior and posterior parts.
3. Transverse or horizontal plane: a cross section through the body.

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Body planes and sections
Body cavities
The body has two (2) sets of internal cavities that provide different degrees of protection to the
organs that lie within them. These are the:
1. Dorsal cavity: that encases the brain and the spine.
2. Ventral cavity: which comprises the thorax (chest) – this encases the heart and the lungs and
the abdominopelvic cavity which encases our abdominal organs and those of our reproductive

Body Planes Figure 1.8

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Directional terms of the body
There are standard terms that can be used to explain exactly where body parts are in relation to
other body parts. When you look at the standing position diagrams given below, you will note that
when describing the relationship of one body part to the next, the figure faces forward, arms are
slightly outstretched away from the body, the little fingers are near the thighs, and the thumbs are
pointing outwards.

Unless otherwise stated, diagrams are viewed from front to back (anterior to posterior). The
following table outlines some directional definitions and examples.

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Superior Upper or above a structure Head superior to the neck

Inferior Below or lower than other structures Toes inferior to the femur

Anterior Front part of the body Structures include nose, sternum, pelvis,
knee, toes
Posterior Back part of the body Structures include head, neck, back,
heels, back of hands, palmer surface of
the feet
Medial Towards the mid-line of a structure Thumb is medial to the little finger when
hand is placed as per directional
Lateral Towards the side or away from mid- Position of lying on one’s side, eg: while
line of a structure resting in bed
Distal Furthest from the source Furthest from insertion point when
describing action of a skeletal muscle
Proximal Nearest the source Nearest the insertion point when
describing action of a skeletal muscle
External Outer Skin surface exposed to the environment
Internal Inner Major body organ

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Quadrants and regions
The body is also divided into regions.
 RUQ Liver
 LUQ Spleen
 RLQ Appendix
 LLQ Sigmoid colon.

Abdominopelvic Regions

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Body cavities

Spaces within the body contain the major cavities, namely:

 Dorsal cavity: protects the nervous system, and is divided into two subdivisions
 Cranial cavity: is within the skull and encases the brain
 Vertebral cavity: runs within the vertebral column and encases the spinal cord
 Ventral cavity: houses the internal organs (viscera), and is divided into two subdivisions: -
Thoracic and Abdominopelvic cavities
Thoracic cavity: is subdivided into pleural cavities, the mediastinum, and the pericardial cavity
a) Pleural cavities: each houses a lung.
b) Mediastinum: contains the pericardial cavity, and surrounds the remaining thoracic organs
c) Pericardial cavity: encloses the heart
d) The abdominopelvic cavity: is separated from the superior thoracic cavity by the dome-
shaped diaphragm
It is composed of two subdivisions.
1. Abdominal cavity: contains the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, and other organs
2. Pelvic cavity: lies within the pelvis and contains the bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum
Other body cavities:
 Oral and digestive: mouth and cavities of the digestive organs
 Nasal: located within and posterior to the nose
 Orbital: house the eyes
 Middle ear: contain bones (ossicles) that transmit sound vibrations
 Synovial: joint cavities

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Structural organisation of the human body
The human body has many levels of structural organisation.
Chemical: The chemical level is the simplest level of the structural hierarchy. At this level atoms
(tiny building blocks of matter) combine to form molecules such as water and proteins. Molecules, in
turn, associate in specific ways to form organelles, basic components of the microscopic cells.
Cellular: Cells are the smallest units of living things. At the cellular level, all cells have some
common functions, but individual cells vary widely in size and shape, reflecting their unique functions
in the body. The simplest living creatures are composed of single cells. In complex organisms, cells
with similar embryonic origin or function are often organised into larger functional units called
At the tissue level, there are four basic tissue types:
1. Epithelium: covers the body surface and lines its cavities
2. Muscle: provides movement
3. Connective tissue: supports and protects body organs
4. Nervous tissue: provides a means of rapid internal communication by transmitting electrical
Organs: An organ is a discrete structure composed of at least two tissue types (four is the usual)
that performs a specific function for the body. At the organ level, extremely complex functions
become possible. For example, the stomach lining is an epithelium that produces digestive juices. The
bulk of its wall is muscle, which churns and mixes stomach contents (food), its connective tissue
reinforces the soft muscular walls and its nerve fibres increase digestive activity by stimulating the
muscle to contract more vigorously and the glands to secrete more digestive juices.
Organ system: are organs that work together, to accomplish a common purpose make up an
organ system.
Organism: The highest level of organisation is the organism, the living human being. The organismal
level represents the sum total of all structural levels.

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Maintaining life
Necessary life functions
Organ systems do not work in isolation, but work cooperatively to promote the wellbeing of the
entire body.
The functional characteristics important to maintaining life in humans are:
 Maintaining boundaries : to keep the body’s internal environment distinct from the external
 Movement: includes activities promoted by the muscular system
 Responsiveness: the ability to react to stimuli, a major role of the nervous system
 Digestion: the breaking down of food to simple molecules that can be absorbed into the blood
 Metabolism :all chemical reactions occurring in body cells
 Excretion: the process of removing wastes from the body
 Reproduction: provides new cells for growth and repair
 Growth: occurs when constructive activities occur at a faster rate than destructive activities.
Survival needs
The ultimate goal of all body systems is to maintain life.
This requires several factors which include:
 Nutrients :includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and minerals
 Oxygen: required for the release of energy from food
 Water: single substance accounting for over 60% of body weight
 Normal body temperature: when too high or too low, physiological activities cease,
primarily because molecules are destroyed or become non-functional
 Atmospheric pressure: essential for normal operation of the respiratory system and

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Homoeostasis is a condition in which the body’s internal environment remains relatively constant
within certain physiological limits. In general, the body is in homoeostasis when its needs are
adequately met and it is functioning smoothly. Almost every organ system plays a role in maintaining
the constancy of the internal environment.
All sorts of factors affect the suitability of our body fluids to sustain life; these include
properties like:
1. Temperature
2. Salinity
3. Acidity
4. Carbon dioxide
5. And the concentrations of nutrients and wastes (urea, glucose, various ion, and oxygen)
Since these properties affect the chemical reactions that keep bodies alive, there are built-in
physiological mechanisms to maintain them at desirable levels. This control is achieved with various
organs in the body. For example:
Thermal regulation
 The skeletal muscles can shiver to produce heat if the body temperature is too low
 Non-shivering thermogenesis involves the decomposition of fat to produce heat
 Sweating cools the body with the use of evaporation.
Chemical regulation
 The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon to control blood-sugar concentration.
 The lungs take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.
 The kidneys remove urea, and adjust the concentrations of water and a wide variety of ions.
 Most of these organs are controlled by hormones secreted from the pituitary gland, which in
turn is directed by the hypothalamus.

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Homeostasis and its control
Homeostatic mechanisms assist in returning abnormal conditions to within the normal range. The
body needs to maintain several factors within a narrow range if it is to work efficiently, or indeed,
survive. These include temperature, water, oxygen and pH. Several body organs, including the liver,
skin, kidneys and lungs, are involved in the control of these factors. The brain acts as an integrating
Homeostatic control mechanisms are characterised as either:
When a change of variable is occurring, there are many types of feedback with which the system to
 Negative feedback: is a reaction in which the system responds in such a way as to reverse the
direction of change. Since this tends to keep things constant, it allows the maintenance of
homeostasis. For instance: when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the human body
increases, the lungs are signaled to increase their activity and expel more carbon dioxide.
 In positive feedback: the response is to amplify the change in the variable. This has a de-
stabilizing effect, so does not result in homeostasis. Positive feedback is less common in naturally
occurring systems than positive feedback, but it has its applications. For example, in nerves, a
threshold electric potential, triggers the generation of a much larger action potential.
Homeostasis and disease
If homeostasis is not maintained, the body can no longer adapt to its internal or external
environment and some degree of vital function is disabled or lost with disease (or death) being the
result. With ageing, the body’s control systems become less efficient which increases the risk for
illness and produces the changes associated.
Cells and tissue
The basic unit of body structure is the cell. All cells need food, water, and oxygen to live and
function. As cells use or metabolise food and oxygen they give off carbon dioxide and other wastes.
The cell is comprised of the cell membrane, which is the outer covering; it encloses the cell and
helps it hold its shape.
Here are the most common parts of the cell:

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 The nucleus: is the control centre; it directs the cell’s activities.
 Cytoplasm: surrounds the nucleus.
 Organelles: are structures that are suspended in the cytoplasm.
 The protoplasm: refers to all structures, substances and water within the cell.
 Chromosomes: are threadlike structures within the nucleus.
Each cell has 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes contain genes, which determine our physical and
chemical makeup. (Sorrentino, 1997)
Cell types
Living cells are divided into two types:
 Prokaryotic cells
 Eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells: These cells are the simplest cellular organisms. Prokaryotic cells are
fundamentally different in their internal organisation from eukaryotic cells as they lack a distinct
nucleus, are simple in structure and have an outer cell wall that gives them shape. Just under the
rigid cell wall is the cell membrane which is more fluid. The cytoplasm enclosed within the cell
membrane does not exhibit much structure when viewed by electron microscopy. Most bacteria
cells are prokaryotic.

Eukaryotic cells: These cells contain a membrane-bound nucleus and numerous membrane-
enclosed organelles, for example, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus. The membrane
surrounding the nucleus is a double membrane with many nuclear pores through which material
enters and leaves. Animals, plants and fungi are all eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cells are more complex
than prokaryotic cells and are found in a great many different forms. These cells tend to be larger
than the cells of bacteria and have developed specialised packaging and transport mechanisms that
may be necessary to support their larger size.
Most multi cellular organisms are eukaryotic. All eukaryotic cells have within them a functionally
interrelated membrane system, the endomembrane system consisting of the nuclear envelope,
endoplasmic reticulaum (ER) and Golgi apparatus, vesicles and other organelles derived from them,
and the plasma membrane. Many materials are moved around the cell by the endomembrane system,
including some proteins.
Structures and organelles in eukaryotic cells: Although diverse in their organisation all
eukaryotic cells have common structures that perform unique functions. The following are
structures and organelles that commonly occur in these cells.

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Cell (plasma) membrane

This outer boundary of the cell consists of a thin membrane that separates the intracellular fluid
within cells and the extracellular fluid outside cells. In many respects, the plasma membrane is one of
the most important parts of the cell. It acts as a semi-permeable structure that separates the
intracellular and extracellular environments. It provides receptors for hormones and other
biologically active substances, participates in the electrical events that occur in nerve and muscle
cells, and aids in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation.
The cell membrane is made up of a lipid bilayer in which protein is embedded. Most of the specific
functions are carried out by the proteins. Some of these proteins provide pathways for transport
and regulate the flow of materials into and out of the cell. Other proteins serve as receptors for
chemical signals coming from other cells.
Nucleus: The nucleus of the cell appears as a rounded or elongated structure situated near the
centre of the cell and is the control centre of the cell. It contains the genetic material – genes, DNA
and chromosomes. By expressing information stored in genes the nyucleus directs everyday cell life
and reproduction.
The nucleus contains a smaller body, the nucleolus, that consists of densely packed chromosomes
regions together with some protein and some RNA strands. The nucleolus initiates the formation of
ribosomes, structures that are required for protein synthesis. The nucleus is surrounded by a double
membrane that is riddled with pores involved in transporting materials between the nucleus and the
rest of the cell.
Cytoplasm: Occupying the space between the nucleus and the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm
contains various organelles which function as the organs of the cell. These organelles include the
ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi complex, mitochondria, lysosomes, microtubules,
filaments and Centrioles.
Ribosomes: These serve as sites of protein synthesis in the cell. They can be found attached to the
wall of the ER or as free ribosomes.
Parts of the cell
Cell qualities:
 The cell is the most basic unit of life
 There are cells that are organisms themselves, such as bacteria cells
 There are cells that only function when part of a larger organism
 In the body, there are brain cells, skin cells, liver cells, blood cells and many more
 All of these cells have unique functions and features.
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Although cells may be very different and highly specialised, they all have the same basic structure.
They all have:
 An outer covering: which is called the membrane
 A main substance: which is called the cytoplasm
 A control centre: known as the nucleus
 Organelles: dispersed within their cytoplasm.
 The cell membrane: that protects the cell and regulates the passage of materials into and out
of the cell.
 The nucleus is the control centre of the cell. DNA, which makes up the genes, is found
within the chromatin granules and within the nucleolus is the RNA.
Organelles, which are structures found in the cytoplasm, are the:
 Mitochondria, the “powerhouse” of the cell, function in cellular metabolism and respiration
 Endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins and lipids and transports these substances within
the cell
 Lysosomes function in intracellular digestion and form the “self-destruct” system of the cell
 Golgi complex concentrates some secretions, adds carbohydrates to some secretions and
packages secretions for export from the cell
 Vacuoles are small cavities within the cell used to store secretions or waste products
 Centrioles, cilia and flagella are composed of microtubules
 Centrioles are contained in the centrosome and are involved in mitosis (cell division)
 Cilia aid in the movement of materials outside the cell. For example, trapping of dust particles in
the respiratory tract
 Flagella are important in the locomotion of sperm cells.
Functions of the cell
1 Respiration: all cells require oxygen to metabolise food.
2 Ingestion and assimilation: cells are able to select chemicals from the surrounding fluid for
their structure.
3 Growth and repair: cells can synthesise new cytoplasm so that growth can occur and repair
worn out parts.
4 Excretion: waste products are eliminated into surrounding tissue to be transported by the
blood for elimination via organs.
5 Irritability and activity: cells are able to respond to stimuli. For example a stimulus causes a
muscle to contract or relax.
6 Metabolism: cells are able to break down and use substances from food as fuel.
7 Reproduction: cells reproduce by simple division but some cells can never be replaced once
destroyed. For example, central nervous system cells.

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Tissues are made up of lots of cells of the same type, for example, muscle tissue is made up of many
muscle cells.
Groups of cells form tissues and there are four main types. The structure of tissues reflects their


1. Epithelial Protection Skin

2. Connective Support Bones
3. Muscular Movement Skeletal
4. Nervous Communication Brain

Epithelial tissue

The cells of epithelial tissue pack tightly together and form continuous sheets that serve as linings in
different parts of the body. Epithelial tissues serve as membranes lining organs and help to keep the
body’s organs separate, in place and protected. Some examples of epithelial tissue are the outer
layer of the skin, the inside of the mouth and stomach and the tissue surrounding the body’s organs.

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Connective tissue

There are many types of connective tissue in the body. Generally speaking, connective tissue adds
support and structure to the body. Most types of connective tissue contain fibrous strands of the
protein collagen which add strength to the connective tissue. Some examples of connective tissue
include the inner layers of skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone and fat tissue. In addition to these
more recognisable forms, blood is also considered a form of connective tissue. Blood is the only
fluid tissue in the body.
Functions of connective tissue
1. Binding of organs.
2. Support.
3. Physical protection.
4. Immune protection.
5. Movement.
6. Storage.
7. Heat production.
8. Transport.
Categories of connective tissue
 Fibrous connective tissue (a.k.a. connective tissue proper)
 Supporting connective tissue
 Fluid connective tissue

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Muscle tissue and nervous tissues
Muscle tissue is a specialised tissue that can contract. Muscle tissue contains the specialised proteins
actin and myosin that slide past one another and allow movement. Examples of muscle tissue are
found in the muscles throughout the body.
Muscular tissue:
 3 types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
 Specialised to contract and exert forces on other tissues.
Nerve tissue

Consists of 2 cell types: Neurons and glia. Detects stimuli, integrates information, and transmits
signals. Nerve tissue has the ability to generate and conduct electrical signals in the body. These
electrical messages are managed by nerve tissue in the brain and transmitted down the spinal cord to
the body.
Changes to cells and tissues

Cells differ in shape, size, number and their arrangement in tissues. Cells also differ in their response
to injurious agents. Cells have mechanisms enabling them to adapt to altered conditions in the body.
Adaptation occurs in response to both normal (physiologic) conditions and adverse (pathological)
conditions. For example, pregnancy induces increased breast and uterine tissue and a prolonged
exercise program will increase the mass of skeletal tissue. Both of these are normal physiological
states. In an adverse condition, such as high blood pressure, myocardial cells are stimulated to
enlarge by the increased demand of pumping by the heart.

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Cellular damage
Most diseases begin with cellular injury. They may be:
 Physical: trauma, temperature extremes, ionising radiation
 Biological: bacteria, viruses, parasites
 Chemical: toxins, poisons, foreign substances
 Metabolic: ischemia (hypoxic injury), toxic build-up of abnormal metabolites, nutritional
imbalances/fluid or electrolyte imbalance.
Cellular injury occurs if the cell is unable to maintain homoeostasis in spite of injurious stimuli. Injury
may be reversible in which the cells may recover or it may be irreversible, resulting in cell death.
Cellular adaptations
Cellular adaptations are usually only successful in the short-term such as during an exercise session.
Long-term or severe stressors can overwhelm the adaptive processes resulting in cellular injury or
death. There are several types of cellular adaptations.
Atrophy: Atrophy is a decrease in the size of cells, and may be accompanied by a decrease in cell
number, resulting in a reduced tissue mass. It is caused by hypoxia/poor nutrition, disuse of a
structure, injurious agents, for example, lack of use of a specified skeletal muscle resulting in atrophy
of this tissue, or an allergy to gluten causing atrophy to villi of small intestine.
Hypertrophy: Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of cells which results in an increase in the size
of the affected organ tissue. Hypertrophy is caused by situations where the cells are required to do
more work. For example consistent exercise will increase skeletal muscle and high blood pressure
will increase cardiac muscle. Hypertrophy may also result from hormone stimulation.
Hyperplasia: Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells resulting in an enlarged tissue mass.
It is caused by increased mitosis, growth factors or hormones. It may be a normal physiological
process such as the increased number of endometrial cells during menstruation. It is also a
pathological process such as epithelial cells responding to chronic insults with hyperplasia.
Metaplasia: Metaplasia is a change in cell character, that is, replacement of one mature cell type
with a different mature cell type. The new tissue may provide resistance to an injury but results
mostly in a loss of function. Its causes are irritants, for example ciliated columnar epithelium of the
airways may be replaced by stratified squamous epithelium as a result of cigarette smoke injury. This
gives greater protection to underlying tissues, but the cleaning function of the cilia is lost.
Dysplasia: Dysplasia is the abnormal change in size, shape and organisation of mature cells. It may
result from chronic irritation or infection. Dysplasia is considered to be a ‘pre-malignant’ condition
because if it is not treated appropriately, severe dysplasia will advance to a malignant neoplasm.
These cells are often found adjacent to cancerous cells. Dysplastic changes are often seen in
epithelial tissue of the cervix and respiratory tract.
Neoplasia: Neoplasia is the abnormal, uncoordinated and excessive cell growth that is caused by
carcinogens, increased mitosis and loss of tumour suppressor genes that control cell division. It can
occur in any fast dividing cell.
Apoptosis: Apoptosis is a normal physiologic process in which cells disintegrate and are then
eliminated. This process is required to remove cells that have died after being injured, to remove
cells affected by structural and functional change due to aging and to remove excess cells.

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Tissue and organ responses
If a sufficient number of cells are damaged, there will be effects seen at tissue and organ level. The
tissue response is dependent upon the location and severity of the homoeostatic change.
The organ response depends on altered structure and function of the cells. It may be:
 Hypertrophy or atrophy
 Hyper or hyposecretion of substances
 Overwork leading to exhaustion which leads to organ failure
 Loss of function.
Organs: Organs are the next level of organisation in the body. An organ is a structure that contains
at least two different types of tissue working together to carry out a certain function, for example,
the heart which contains muscle, membrane and blood tissues. Each organ has a specific function.

Heart Circulation
Stomach Digestion
Brain Communication/coordination
Uterus Reproduction

Graphic of some of the organs in the body

There are many different organs in the body – the liver, kidneys, heart; even the skin is an organ. In
fact, the skin is the largest organ in the human body and provides an excellent example of an organ
as it contains many different tissues that work together to perform particular functions. Organ
systems do not work in isolation; they work cooperatively to promote the wellbeing of the entire

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Health terminology
By understanding the structure, function and location of the major body systems, the terminology
(words and phrases) used and the principles for maintaining a healthy body you will be able to play
an active role in assisting the older person, or person with a disability, improve their health and
prevent illness and disease. In addition you will be able to communicate appropriately with other
medical, allied health and welfare professionals involved in the care of the client.
The word terminology can be defined as a set of technical terms or vocabulary. Different professions
have different terminologies associated with their disciplines. Medical related professions use what is
known as ‘medical terminology’. Medical terminology is the language used to describe the human
body, its diseases and disorders, and its practitioners and their equipment. ‘Health terminology’
refers to a wider range of vocabulary that encompasses medical terminology along with many other
general and area-specific terms used within the health sector.
Health terminology may relate to:
 Case taking
 Departments/sections in a hospital
 Health conditions and disease processes
 Health insurance
 Health investigations and procedures
 Labelling
 Other health care specialties
 Practice equipment/instruments and specific language/nomenclature
 Prescriptions
 Referrals
 Workcover.
Many occupations use medical words as part of their working language, including medical
administrative assistants, scientists, dieticians, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists,
osteopaths, alternative health therapists, nurses and doctors. To be able to work within the allied
and complementary health related fields you must be able to interpret, spell and pronounce a
comprehensive list of basic medical terms.
There are several reasons why this is important.
 Firstly, you are required in your job role to provide a certain duty of care. This employee
responsibility will not only be a requirement of your organisation’s policies and procedures, but
is one for which you are legally accountable.
 Secondly, many medical terms can sound similar to one another whilst in fact be very different.
Always consider the possibility of confusion caused by someone not being familiar with a word,
how the word is pronounced, variations in dialect and the context in which the word has been

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An example of medical terms that sound similar but have different meanings is outlined
 APHASIA: is pronounced A FA ZI A and means a disorder of speech.
 APHAGIA: is pronounced A FA GI A and means difficulty with swallowing.
This example demonstrates how easy it is to make a communication error if you do not understand
the terminology and its application within your work role. The ramifications from this
communication error could be fatal to the patient. Ultimately it results in a breach of employee duty
of care.
Professional titles
Before going into an in-depth discussion on medical terminology and how it works, listed below are
some examples of abbreviated terminology that represent various professional titles within the
medical, and allied and complementary health fields.
CA: Certified Acupuncturist
DC: Doctor of Chiropractic
DO: Doctor of Osteopathy
MD: Doctor of Medicine
OT: Occupational Therapist
PhD: Doctor of Philosophy
PT: Physiotherapist
EGN: Enrolled General Nurse.
Diagnostic, symptomatic and operative headings
In medical terminology, terms are grouped under Diagnostic, Symptomatic and Operative headings.
Diagnostic terms: Diagnostic Terms relate to specific clinical disorders, conditions or diseases,
indicating the nature of the disease.
Symptomatic terms: Signs and symptoms are grouped under the same heading, although there is
a very important difference.
Sign – is “as perceived” or observable, for example by the physician. It is objective, external or
real - not belonging to consciousness
Symptom – is as perceived or described by the patient. It is subjective - e.g. headache, pain.
Operative terms: Procedures and operations are grouped under the same heading, although there
is considered to be a difference.
A procedure is often for investigation and is non invasive, for example an endoscopy.
Origin of medical terminology
Like every other language, medical terminology has changed over time; however, its basis remains
the same. The majority of medical terms are based in ancient Greek or Latin. Also, many medical
terms consist either entirely or party of personal names. One such medical term is herpes, which is
an inflammatory disease affecting the skin. Herpes is based on the word herpo, which is Greek for
‘creeping along’. Workers in the medical field choose herpo (or herpes) to describe the skin
condition because it seems to ‘creep along’ the skin.
For example:
Strumpell-Marie disease is named after Ernst Strumpell, the first person to completely describe the
condition known as ankylosing spondylitis.

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Knowledge of the fundamental word structure used in medical terms
Many of the words used in medicine are made up of parts which are also used in other words. Once
you know the meanings of the basic parts of the words, you can put them together to understand
the meanings of many medical terms.
There are four basic components to most medical terms:
1. Root or stem – often is a body part
2. Prefix – adds meaning to the root or stem
3. Suffix – often is a procedure or condition
4. Combining Vowel – joins word parts
Roots or Stem words
The root or stem is the main part of a word and gives you the central meaning. For example, in the
word cardiology (kahdi-olo-jee), the root is cardi, which refers to the heart. Any word containing
this root will have something to do with the heart. A medical term may contain more than one root.
For example, in the word cardiovascular (kahdioh-vaskyoo- la) there are two roots. Cardi which
refers to the heart and vascular relating to the blood vessels. When the full term is used, the user
is referring to the whole circulatory system.
The prefix adds specific meaning to the other parts of the word and is placed at the beginning of the
word. For example, the prefix hypo can mean "low" or "under" or "below". When used at the
beginning of the word thermia, which refers to temperature, it forms hypothermia which means
low temperature or below normal temperature. If the prefix is changed to hyper, which can mean
"high" or "over" or "above", the meaning of the word changes to high or above normal temperature.
You can see from this example that by using the same root and changing the prefix, you can make
two medical terms with completely opposite meanings.

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The suffix is placed at the end of a word and also adds meaning to the other elements. For example,
the suffix ectomy means "excision" or "cutting out". If we add this to the end of the root for
appendix we get appendicectomy (apendi-sekte- mee) which refers to the removal of the
appendix. If the suffix is changed to itis, which means "inflammation", the word becomes
appendicitis (apendi-sytis) which refers to inflammation of the appendix. You should begin to see
how important it is to use the correct word.
Examples of Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots
The following list defines many commonly used medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes.

a(n) absence of malac soft

acou, acu hear mamm(o) breast
aden(o) gland mast(o) breast
aer(o) air megal(o) large
alg pain melan(o) black
andr(o) man mening(o) membranes
angi(o) vessel my(o) muscle
ankyl(o) crooked, curved myc(o) fungus
ante before myel(o) marrow
anter(i) front, forward nas(o) nose
anti against necr(o) death
arteri(o) artery nephr(o) kidney
arthr(o) joint neur(o) nerve
articul joint nutri nourish
ather(o) fatty ocul(o) eye
audi(o) hearing odyn(o) pain
aur(i) ear oma tumor
aut(o) self onc(o) tumor
bi, bis double, twice, two oophor(o) ovaries
brachy short ophthalm(o) eye
brady slow opia vision
bucc(o) cheek opsy examination
carcin(o) cancer orchi(o) testes
cardi(o) heart osis condition
cephal(o) head osse(o) bone
cerebr(o) brain oste(o) bone
cervic neck ot(o) ear
chol(e) bile, or referring to gall- path(o) disease
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chondr(o) cartilage ped(o) child
circum around, about penia deficient, deficiency
contra against, counter peps, pept digest
corpor body 3 peri around

cost(o) rib phag(o) eat, destroy

crani(o) skull pharmaco drug
cry(o) cold pharyng(o) throat
cut skin phleb(o) vein
cyan(o) blue phob(ia) fear
cyst(o) bladder plasty repair
cyt(o) cell pleg(ia) paralysis
dactyl(o) finger or toe pnea breathing
dent tooth pneum(ato) breath, air
derm(ato) skin pneumon(o) lung
dipl(o) double pod(o) foot
dors back poie make, produce
dys bad, faulty, abnormal poly much, many
ectomy excision (removal by post after
emia blood poster(i) back, behind
encephal(o) brain presby elder
end(o) inside proct(o) anus
enter(o) intestine pseud(o) false
epi outer, superficial, upon psych(o) mind
erythr(o) red pulmon(o) lung
eu normal pyel(o) pelvis of kidney
extra outside pyr(o) fever, fire
gastr(o) stomach rachi(o) spine
gen become, originate ren(o) kidneys
gloss(o) tongue rhag break, burst
glyc(o) sweet, or referring to rhe flow
gram, write, record rhin(o) nose
gyn woman scler(o) hard
hem(ato) blood scope instrument
hemi half scopy examination
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hepat(o) liver somat(o) body
hist(o) tissue spondyl(o) vertebra
hydr(o) water steat(o) fat
hyper excessive, high sten(o) narrow, compressed
hypo deficient, low steth(o) chest
hyster(o) uterus stom mouth, opening
iatr(o) doctor supra above
infra beneath tachy fast, quick
inter among, between therap treatment
intra inside therm(o) heat
itis inflammation thorac(o) chest
lact(o) milk thromb(o) clot, lump
lapar(o) flank, abdomen tomy incision (operation by cutting)
latero side tox(i) poison
leuk(o) white uria urine
lingu(o) tongue vas(o) vessel
lip(o) fat ven(o) vein
lys(is) dissolve vesic(o) bladder
mal bad, abnormal xer(o) dry

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Combining Vowel
A vowel is sometimes added between two word elements to join them together and make them
easier to say. This is called a combining vowel and it is usually the letter "o" or "i". When the
combining vowel is added to the root, the resulting form is called the combining form. If a root is
joined to a suffix that begins with a vowel, the combining vowel is sometimes dropped. For example,
in the term gastroenteritis (gastroh-enter-eytis) there is a combining vowel between gastr and
enter but because itis begins with "i", the second combining vowel is dropped.
Component parts
The same components are used in many medical terms. "Spondylo" plus "itis,” which means
inflammation, forms spondylitis, an inflammation of the vertebrae. The same prefix plus "malacia,”
which means soft, forms spondylomalacia, a softening of the vertebrae. Knowing the meaning of a
small number of components can help with interpretation of a large number of medical terms.
ante = before, nat = birth, al = pertaining to
antenatal - before birth or during pregnancy
enter/o = intestine, pathy = disease
enteropathy = disease of the intestine
peri = around, cardium = heart
pericardium = the tissue around the heart
Cyst = bladder, metry = measurement
cystometry = measurement of bladder volume (usually an investigation by a urology specialist)
dermat = skin, itis = inflammation
dermatitis = inflammation of the skin

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Similar sounding words
A homonym means a word that has the same sound and sometimes, but not always, the same
spelling but has a different meaning, for example:
Right (correct) and write (to record).
The best way to remember the difference between these words is to practice putting them into
sentences that mean something to you personally. Sometimes it helps to think of hints, for example
to remember the difference in stationary and stationery think of the third last letter “e” – paper goes
in an envelope. Another hint is for words like advice/and licence/ license, if it ends in ce it is a
thing (noun) and se it is the action (verb).


Accept: receive, tolerate Except: exclude

Addition: to add Edition: publication

Advice: an opinion (noun) Advise: the action of offering an opinion (verb)

Affect: influence Effect: result

Allowed: permitted Aloud: clear, distinct

Bare: naked, exposed Bear: animal (e.g. koala), support, breed

Blew: puff of wind Blue: colour

Bow: bend, front of boat, ribbon Bough: tree branch

Brake: stop Break: smash

Caught: past tense of "catch" Court: enclosure (e.g. tennis), to romance

Compliment: to praise or flatter Complement: to complete (something)

Decent: proper Descent: movement downwards

Dissent: disagreement

Discreet: reserved, respectful Discrete: individual, distinct

Elicit: to bring out Illicit: illegal

Flaw: defect Floor lower surface (e.g. of a room)

Formally: conventionally formerly: in the past

Forth: forward in time, place or order fourth: follows third

Gorilla: a large ape Guerilla: soldier

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Grate: to shred Great: wonderful

Heard past tense of to listen Herd: a group of animals

Here: this place (opposite of there) Hear: sense with the ears

Higher: further up Hire: to rent

Hole: an opening Whole: complete

Its: belonging to it It's: short for "it is"

Know: to understand No: negative

Lead: metal, to guide Led past tense of to guide

Lessen: to make smaller Lesson: something learned

License: permit from government (noun) License: action to allow (verb)

Loose: opposite of tight Lose: opposite of win

Mail: items sent through post Male: opposite of female

Meat: flesh Meet: get together

Muscle: fibrous sinew of body Mussel: shellfish

New: opposite of old Knew: past tense of know

Patience: endurance Patients: persons under medical care

Past: time before now Passed past tense of "to pass"

Piece: portion, part Peace: quietness, silence

Plain: easy to understand Plane: an aircraft

Paw: an animal’s foot Poor: opposite of rich

Pore: a hole in the skin
Pour: to let liquid run
Presence: being there, appearance Presents: gifts

Principal: important, boss, headmaster, Principle: law, moral

Rain: downpour, shower, storm Reign: to rule

Rein: to restrain (as in reins of a horse)

Read: to look at a book Reed: a plant

Right :correct, opposite to left, Write: to record (often on paper)

Rite: ritual, ceremony
Road: highway Rode: past tense of ride

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Scene: where an action occurs Seen: past tense of to see

Seem: look like Seam: a join

Sight: vision Site: place, grounds (e.g. website)

Cite quote or make a reference to

So: likewise, therefore, to such a degree Sew: join together or stitch

Some: a few Sum: to add numbers

Soul: spirit Sole: single, bottom of the foot, fish

Stationary: not moving Stationery: writing materials

Straight: unbending Strait: a water passageway

Tail: rear (e.g. dog’s tail, shirt tail) Tale: a story

Tea: a drink Tee: golf support

Their: belonging to them There: that place

They’re: short for "they are"

Theirs: belonging to them There’s: short for "there is"

Threw: past tense of throw Through: in one side and out the other

To: towards or headed for, Too: also, excessively

Two: the number 2
Vary: make a change in Very: also, excessively

Waist: middle of the body Waste: to use up needlessly, garbage

Wait: stop Weight: heavy

Weak: not strong Week: seven days

Weather: e.g. rain, sunshine, storms Whether: alternative, one or the other
Wether: male sheep

Which: particular one Witch: sorcerer

Whose: belonging to whom Who’s: short for "who is" or "who has"

Wood: timber Would: hopeful

Your: belonging to you You’re: short for "you are"

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Examples of Medical conditions terminology/combined list
Please note: The list below is not complete
 Addison’s disease: Partial or complete failure of secretion of hormones by adrenal cortex.
 Adrenal-itis: (adrenal = relating to the adrenal glands, itis = inflammation of)
Inflammation of the adrenal glands.
 Adreno-pathy: (adren/o = relating to the adrenal glands, pathy = disease of) Disease of
the adrenal glands.
 Agora-phobia: (agora = relating to market, phobia = fear of) Fear of market places and
open places.
 Ailuro-phobia: (ailuro = relating to cats, phobia = fear of) Fear of cats.
 Albin-ism: (albin = white, ism = state or condition of) Absence of pigments. A person
with albinism (an albino) has white skin and hair due to the inability to form melanin.
 Aldosteron-ism: (aldosteron = relating to aldosterone, ism = state of) Abnormality of
electrolyte metabolism cause by excretion of aldosterone secretion.
 Alopecia (alopec = baldness, ia = pertaining to) Absence of hair.
 Alopec-ia- areata: (alopec = baldness, ia = pertaining to, areat/o = occurring in
patches) Bald patches that may re-grow.
 Alopec-ia universalis: (alopec = baldness, ia = pertaining to) Total loss of hair on all parts
of the body
 Alzheimer’s disease: Presenile dementia.
 A-meno-rrhoea: (a = without, men/o = menses, rrhoea = to flow) without menstrual
 Amnesia: Loss of memory
 Andro-phobia: (andro = relating to males, phobia = fear of) Fear of men.
 Angio-sarc-oma: (angio = relating to blood vessel, sarc = flesh, oma = tumour)
Sarcoma (cancer) of blood vessel tissue.
 An-hydr-osis: (an = without, hydr = water, osis = abnormal condition of) Lack of
 An-ophthalm-ia: (an = without, ophthalm = eye, ia = condition of) Absence of one or
both eyes.
 Anorexia -nervosa: (anorexia = want of appetite, nervosa = nervous, tense)
 A disorder characterised by deliberate weight loss, induced and/or sustained by the patient. The
disorder occurs most commonly (but not exclusively) in adolescent girls and young women.
 An-u-ria: (an = without, ur = urine, ia = state of, condition of) Inability of the kidneys to
produce urine.
 Aphasia: (a = without, phas = speech, ia = abnormal condition of) Loss of the power of
expression by speech.
 Arachnophobia: (arachn/o = relating to spiders, phobia = fear of) Fear of spiders.
 A-sperm-ia: (a = without, sperm = seed, sperm, ia = condition of) Absence of sperm.
 A-stigmat-ism: (a = without, stigmat = point, ism = state or condition of) An irregular
curvature of the cornea that prevents clear focusing.

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 De-ment-ia (de = lack of, ment = mind, ia = abnormal state or condition of) A
syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic or progressive nature. There is a
disturbance of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, and orientation, and
comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement. Consciousness is not
 Dermat-itis: (dermat = skin, itis = inflammation of) An inflammation of the skin.
 Diabetes mellitus: Metabolic disorder that is the result of inadequate insulin secretion.
 Cataract Lens loses its transparency and becomes cloudy and opaque.
 Cellul-itis: (cellul = cellulite, itis = inflammation of) Severe inflammation of the deep
dermis of the skin.
 Cushing’s disease: abnormally increased production of hormones by adrenal cortex.
 Symptoms include obesity and abnormal distribution of hair.
 Cyst-adeno-carcin-oma of the ovaries of the ovaries (cyst = sac, aden/o = glands,
carcin = cancer, oma = tumour) Carcinoma (cancer) of the ovaries.
 Dacryo-stenosis: (dacry/o = tear, lacrimal; stenosis = narrowing of) Stricture of the
nasolacrimal duct, often resulting from a congenital abnormality or an infection.
 Endometri-osis: (endometri = endometrium, osis = abnormal condition, disease of)
 Occurs, when the endometrial cells, go into and through the fallopian tubes and are therefore in
an abnormal position around the ovary on the outside of the uterus or in the pelvic cavity. They
can attach to these tissues, start growing and spread further. The cells can block the fallopian
tubes and cause pain
 Epi-lepsy: epi = upon, lepsy = seizure) A brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells in
the brain sometimes signal abnormally. The normal pattern of neuronal activity becomes
disturbed, causing strange sensations, emotions and behaviour, or sometimes convulsions,
muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness.

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Identifying medical language
Eponym: is something named after someone. For example, a condition called Shiel's syndrome
might be named after someone named Shiel who discovered it or described and clearly delineated it.
Examples of Eponyms include:
 Fallopian tubes
 McBurney sign
 Down’s syndrome
 Islets of Langerhans
 Hodgkin’s disease
 Haversian canals
This is when a word sounds like the thing it describes. For example, belch, burp, hiccough, and
These are words that are created from the first letter of other words. Examples of acronyms
 AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
 BCC – Basal Cell Carcinoma
 AKA – Above Knee Amputation

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Spelling and pronouncing medical terminology correctly
Spelling used in health terminology
It is essential that medical terms are spelt correctly. Misspelling a medical term can give the word a
very different meaning and the consequences of that can be very serious. For example, oral (or-ral)
and aural (or-ral) may sound alike but their spelling is quite different. Oral refers to the mouth and
aural refers to the ear, so you can imagine what can happen if the wrong word is written. When
you hear a word and are not sure exactly what you have heard, you must seek clarification. There
may be more than one acceptable spelling for a term. In some cases both the Greek and Latin
spellings have been adopted. In other cases American spellings may differ from English versions.
Advanced Spelling and Pronunciation Helper


Abdominocentesis ab-dom-ih-no-sen-TEE-sis
Acoustogram ah-KOOS-toh-gram
Adenocarcinoma ad-eh-no-kar-sih-NO-mah
Adenoiditis ad-eh-noid-EYE-tis
Adenoids AD-eh-noids
Adhesion ad-HE-zhun
Aerobe air-robe
Amniocentesis am-nee-oh-sen-TEE-sis
Anaemia ah-NEE-me-ah
Anaesthesia an-es-THEH-zhia
Anaphylactic ana-fie-LACK-tick
Anastomosis ah-nas-toh-MOH-sis
Aneurysm AN-you-rizm
Aneurysmectomy an-you-rizm-ECK-toe-me
Aneurysmorrhaphy an-you-rizmo-RAF-ee
Angiitis an-je-EYE-tis
Angina an-JIGH-nah
Angina pectoris an-JIGH-nah-PECK-toh-riss
Angiocardiography an-jee-oh-kar-dee-OG-rah-fee
Angiography an-jee-OG-rah-fee
Angionecrosis an-jee-oh-neh-KROH-sis
Angiospasm AN-jee-oh-spazm
Angiostenosis AN-jee-oh-steh-NO-sis
Ankylosing spondylitis an-kih-LOH-sing spon-dih-LYE-tis
Ankylosis an-kih-LOH-sis
Anoplasty AN-oh-plas-tee
Anorexia an-oh-RECK-see-ah
Anoscopy an-OSS-koh-pee
Anthracosis an-thrah-KOH-sis
Aorta ay-OR-tah
Aphonia ah-FOH-nee-ah
Aphthous stomatitis AF-thus stoma-TYE-tis
Apnoea ap-NEE-ah
Appendicitis ah-pen-dih-SIGH-tis
Arrhythmia ah-RITH-me-ah
Arteriectomy ar-teh-ree-ECK-toh-me
Arteriosclerosis ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis
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Arteritis ar-ter-RYE-tis
Arthralgia ar-THRAL-jee-ah
Arthrectomy ar-THRECK-toh-me
Arthritis ar-THRIGH-tis
Arthrocentesis ar-throh-sen-TEE-sis
Arthrodesis ar-throh-DEE-sis
Arthrography ar-THROG-rah-fee
Arthrolysis ar-throw-LIE-sis
Arthroplasty AR-throw-plas-tee
Arthroscopy ar-throw-SKOH-pee
Asbestosis ass-bess-TOE-sis
Aspergillosis ass-per-jil-OH-sis
Asphyxia ass-FICK-see-ah
Asphyxiation ass-fick-see-AY-shun
Asthma ASS-mah
Asymptomatic ay-simp-toe-MAT-ick
Ataxia ah-TACK-see-ah
Atelectasis at-ee-LEK-tah-sis
Atherosclerosis ath-er-oh-skleh-ROH-sis
Atonic ah-TON-ick
Autoimmune aw-toh-im-YOON
Biopsy BYE-op-see
Blastoma blas-TOH-mah
Borborygmus bor-boh-RIG-mus
Bradycardia brad-ee-KAR-dee-ah
Bronchiectasis bron-kee-ECK-tah-sis
Bronchitis bron-KYE-tis
Bronchoconstrictor bron-koh-kon-STRICK-tor
Bronchodilator bron-koh-dye-LAY-tor
Bronchopneumonia bron-koh-neh-MOH-nee-ah
Bronchorrhagia bron-koh-RAY-jee-ah
Bronchorrhoea bron-koh-REE-ah
Bronchoscope BRON-ko-scope
Bronchoscopy bron-KOS-koh-pee
Bruxism BRUCK-sizm
Bursectomy bur-SECK-toh-me
Bursitis bur-SIGH-tis
Byssinosis biss-ih-NO-sis
Callus KAL-us
Candidiasis kan-dih-DYE-ah-sis
Carcinoma kar-sih-NO-mah
Cardiocentesis kar-dee-oh-sen-TEE-sis
Cardioplegia kar-dee-oh-PLEE-jee-ah
Cardiopulmonary kar-dee-oh-PUL-mon-eh-ree
Cardiorrhexis kar-dee-oh-RECK-sis
Carditis kar-DYE-tis
Catheterisation kath-eh-ter-eye-ZAY-shun
Chemonucleolysis kee-moh-new-klee-oh-LIE-sis
Cholecystectomy ko-leh-sis-TEK-tah-mee
Cholecystitis koh-lee-sis-TYE-tis
Choledocholithotomy koh-lee-DOH-lih-THOT-oh-me
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Cholelithiasis koh-lee-LITHY-assis
Cholesterol koh-LES-ter-ol
Chondromalacia kon-droh-mah-LAY-she-ah
Chondroplasty KON-droh-plas-tee
Cirrhosis sir-ROH-sis
Colectomy koh-LECK-toh-me
Colposcopy KOL-po-scop-ee
Complement COM-ple-ment
Contracture kon-TRACK-chur
Craniectomy kray-nee-EK-toh-me
Cranioplasty KRAY-nee-oh-plas-tee
Craniotomy kray-nee-OT-oh-me
Crepitation krep-ih-TAY-shun
Cryptococcal meningitis krip-toh-KOCK-al men-in-JIGH-tis
Cyanosis sigh-ah-NO-sis
Defecation deh-feh-CAY-shun
Defibrillation dee-fib-rih-LAY-shun
Diastolic die-ah-STOL-ick
Diphtheria dip-THEE-ree-ah
Diskectomy dis-KECKtoh-me
Diverticulectomy dye-ver-tick-you-LECK-toh-me
Diverticulitis dye-ver-tick-you-LYE-tis
Dyspepsia dis-PEP-see-ah
Dysphagia dis-FAY-jee-ah
Dysphonia dis-FOH-nee-ah
Dyspnoea DIS-nee-ah
Dystaxia dis-TACK-see-ah
Dystonia dis-TOH-nee-ah
Echocardiography eck-oh-car-dee-OG-rah-fee
Echocardiogram eck-oh-CAR-dee-oh-gram
Eclampsia eh-KLAMP-see-ah
Ectopic eck-TOP-ick
Edema eh-DEE-mah
Effusion eh-FEW-zhun
Electrocardiography ee-leck-troh-car-dee-OG-rah-fee
Electrocardiogram ee-leck-troh-CAR-dee-oh-gram
Electromyography ee-leck-troh-my-OG-rah-fee
Electroneuromyography ee-leck-troh-new-roh-my-OG-rah-fee
Embolism EM-boh-lizm
Emesis EM-e-sis
Emphysema em-fih-SEE-mah
Empyema em-pye-EE-mah
Endarterectomy end-ar-ter-ECK-toh-me
Endocarditis en-doh-kar-DYE-tis
Endotracheal intubation en-doh-trah-KEY-al in-tew-BAY-shun
Enteritis en-ter-EYE-tis
Enterocolostomy en-ter-oh-koh-LOSS-toh-me
Epiglottitis ep-ih-glot-TYE-tis
Epistaxis ep-ih-STACK-sis
Eructation eh-ruk-TAY-shun
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Erythrocytosis eh-rith-roh-sigh-TOH-sis
Exostosis eck-sos-TOH-sis
Exudate ECKS-you-dayt
Faeces FEE-sees
Fasciectomy fas-ee-ECK-toh-me
Fasciitis fas-ee EYE-tis
Fascioplasty fash-ee-oh-PLAS-tee
Fasciorrhaphy fash-ee-OR-ah-fee
Fasciotomy fash-ee-OT-oh-me
Fibrillation fih-brih-LAY-shun
Fibroma figh-BROH-mah
Fibromyalgia figh-broh-my-AL-jee-ah
Fibrositis figh-broh-SIGH-tis
Flatus FLAY-tus
Foetal FEE-tell
Fontanelle fon-ta-NELL
Frenectomy freh-NECK-toh-mee
Gastrectomy gas-TRECK-toh-me
Gastritis gas-TRY-tis
Gastroenteritis gas-troh-en-ter-EYE-tis
Gastrorrhagia gas-troh-RAY-jee-ah
Gastrorrhexis gas-troh-RECK-sis
Gastrorrhoea gas-troh-REE-ah
Gastroscopy gas-TROS-koh-pee
Gastrosis gas-TROH-sis
Gastrostomy gas-TROS-toh-me
Gastrotomy gas-TROT-oh-me
Gingivectomy jin-jih-VECK-toh-me
Gingivitis jin-jih-VYE-tis
Gouty arthritis gow-tee ar-THRIGH-tis
Haemangioma he-man-jee-OH-mah
Haematemesis heem-ah-TEM-eh-sis
Haematoma hem-ah-TOH-mah
Haemolytic hee-mo-LIGHT-ik
Haemolytic anaemia he-moh-LIGHT-ick ah-NEE-me-ah
Haemophilia hee-moh-FILL-ee-ah
Haemorrhage HEM-or-idj
Haemorrhoidectomy hem-oh-roid-ECK-toh-me
Haemorrhoids HEM-oh-roids
Haemostasis hee-moh-STAY-sis
Haemothorax hee-moh-THOH-racks
Hemiparesis hem-ee-PAR-ee-sis
Hemiplegia hem-ee-PLEE-jee-ah
Hepatectomy hep-ah-TECK-toh-me
Hepatitis hep-ah-TYE-tis
Hepatomegaly hep-ah-toh-MEG-ah-lee
Hepatorrhagia hep-ah-toh-RAY-jee-ah
Hepatorrhaphy hep-ah-TOR-ah-fee
Hepatorrhexis hep-ah-toh-RECK-sis
Hepatorrhoea hep-ah-toh-REE-ah
Hepatotomy hep-ah-TOT-oh-me
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Hernia HER-nee-ah
Herniated HER-nee-ayt-ed
Herniorrhaphy her-nee-OR-ah-fee
Herpes labialis HER-peez lay-be-AL-iss
Hiatal hernia high-AY-tal HER-nee-ah
Hodgkin’s HODJ-kinz
Hyperemesis high-per-EM-eh-sis
Hyperkinesia high-per-kye-NEE-zee-ah
Hyperpnoea high-perp-NEE-ah
Hypertonia high-per-TOH-nee-ah
Hyperventilation high-per-ven-tih-LAY-shun
Hypokinesia high-poh-kye-NEE-zee-ah
Hypopnoea high-poh-NEE-ah
Hypotonia high-poh-TOH-nee-ah
Hypoxia high-POCK-see ah
Ileectomy ill-ee-ECK-toh-me
Ileitis ill-ee-EYE-tis
Ileostomy ill-ee-OS-toh-me
Immunisation im-you-nigh-ZAY-shun
Immunity im-YOU-nit-ee
Immunodeficiency im-you-no-deh-FISH-en-see
Immunoglobulin im-you-no-GLOB-you-lin
Immunosuppressant im-you-no-sup-PRESS-ant
Immunosuppression im-you-no-sup-PRESH-un
Immunotherapy im-you-no-THER-ah-pee
Influenza in-flew-EN-zah
Interferon in-ter-FERRON
Intubation in-tew-BAY-shun
Intussusception in-tus-sus-SEP-shun
Ischemia iss-KEE-me-ah
Jaundice JAWN-dis
Kaposi’s sarcoma KAP-oh-seez sar-KOH-mah
Kyphosis kye-FOH-sis
Laminectomy lam-ih-NECK-toh-me
Laryngectomy larrin-JECK-toh-me
Laryngitis larrin-JIGH-tis
Laryngoplasty lah-RING-goh-plas-tee
Laryngoplegia larrin-go-PLEE-jee-ah
Laryngoscopy larrin-GOSS-koh-pee
Laryngospasm lah-RING-goh-spazm
Lateral LAT-er-al
Leucoblast LOO-koh-blast
Leucocyte LOO-koh-site
Leukaemia loo-KEE-me-ah
Leukopenia loo-koh-PEE-nee-ah
Lordosis lor-DOH-sis
Lumbago lum-BAY-go
Luxation luck-SAY-shun
Lymphadenitis lim-fad-eh-NIGH-tis
Lymphadenopathy lim-fad-eh-NOP-ah-thee
Lymphangioma lim-fan-jee-OH-mah
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Lymphocytes LIM-fo-sites
Lymphoma lim-FOH-mah
Lymphosarcoma lim-foh-sar-KOH-mah
Mammography mam-MOG-ruff-fee
Melanoma mel-ah-NO-mah
Melaena meh-LEE-nah
Meningitis men-in-JIGH-tis
Metastasis meh-TAS-tah-sis
Metastasise meh-TAS-tah-sighz
Metatarsal met-ta-TAR-sal
Mittelschmerz MIT-uhl-schmehrts
Monocytes MON-oh-site
Mononucleosis mon-oh-new-klee-OH-sis
Multiple schlerosis skleh-ROH-sis
Muscular dystrophy mus-kew-lar DIS-troh-fee
Myalgia my-AL-jee-ah
Myasthenia gravis my-as-THEE-nee-ah GRAY-vis
Myectomy my-ECK-toh-me
Myeloma my-eh-LOH-mah
Myocardial infarction my-oh-KAR-dee-al in-FARK-shun
Myocarditis my-oh-kar-DYE-tis
Myocele MY-oh-seel
Myolysis my-OL-ih-sis
Myomalacia my-oh-mah-LAY-she-ah
Myonecrosis my-oh-neh-KROH-sis
Myoparalysis my-oh-pah-RALL-eh-sis
Myoparesis my-oh-PAR-eh-sis
Myoplasty my-oh-PLAS-tee
Myorrhaphy my-OR-ah-fee
Myorrhexis my-oh-RECK-sis
Myosarcoma my-oh-sahr-KOH-mah
Myosclerosis my-oh-skleh-ROH-sis
Myositis my-oh-SIGH-tis
Myotomy my-OT-oh-me
Myotonia my-oh-TOH-nee-ah
Nasogastric intubation nay-zoh-GAS-trick in-tew-BAY-shun
Nasopharyngitis nay-zoh-far-in-JIGH-tis
Neuralgia new-RAL-jee-ah
Neuritis new-RYE-tis
Neuroblastoma new-roh-blas-TOH-mah
Neuroma new-ROH-mah
Neuromalacia new-roh-mah-LAY-she-ah
Nocardiosis no-kar-dee-OH-sis
Oedema eh-DEE-mah
Oesophageal varices OSSO-fay-jee-al VAR-ih-seez
Oesophagoplasty OSSO-fay-go-plas-tee
Oesophagoscopy OSSO-fay-go-skoh-pee
Oncology ong-KOL-oh-jee
Orchitis or-KYE-tis
Ostealgia oss-tee-AL-jee-ah
Ostectomy oss-TECK-toh-me
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Osteitis oss-tee-EYE-tis
Osteitis deformans oss-tee-EYE-tis dee-FOR-manz
Osteoarthritis oss-tee-oh-ar-THRIGH-tis
Osteoarthrosis oss-tee-oh-ar-THROW-sis
Osteoclasis oss-tee-oh-CLAY-sis
Osteochondroma oss-tee-oh-kon-DROH-mar
Osteodystrophy oss-tee-oh-DIS-tro-fee
Osteoma oss-tee-OH-ma
Osteomalacia oss-tee-oh-mah-LAY-she-ah
Osteomyelitis oss-tee-oh-mah-my-eh-LYE-tis
Osteonecrosis oss-tee-oh-nee-KROH-sis
Osteoplasty OSS-tee-oh-plas-tee
Osteoporosis oss-tee-oh-poh-ROH-sis
Osteorrhaphy oss-tee-OR-ah-fee
Osteosarcoma oss-tee-oh-sar-KOH-mah
Osteotomy oss-tee-OT-oh-me
Paediatrics pee-de-at-riks
Palatoplasty PAL-ah-toh-plas-tee
Palpitation pal-pih-TAY-shun
Pancreatitis pan-kree-ah-TYE-tis
Papanicolaou pap-ah-nick-oh-LAY-ooh
Paralysis pah-RAL-ih-sis
Paraplegia par-ah-PLEE-jee-ah
Paroxysmal par-ock-SIZ-mal
Pelvimetry pel-VIM-eh-tree
Percutaneous diskectomy per-kyou-TAY-nee-us dis-KECK-toh-me
Pericardial perry-CAR-dee-al
Pericardiocentesis perry-kar-dee-oh-sen-TEE-sis
Pericarditis perry -kar-DYE-tis
Periodontitis perry -oh-don-TYE-tis
Periosteotomy perry -oss-tee-OT-oh-me
Periostitis perry -oss-TYE-tis
Peritonsillar perry -TON-sih-lar
Pharyngitis fah-rin-JIGH-tis
Pharyngoplasty fah-RIN-go-plas-tee
Pharyngorrhagia fah-ring-go-RAY-jee-ah
Pharyngorrhoea fah-ring-go-REE-ah
Phimosis figh-MOH-sis
Phlebitis fleh-BYE-tis
Phlebography fleh-BOG-rah-fee
Phlebotomy fleh-BOT-oh-me
Phlegm FLEM
Phonocardiography fo-no-card-ee-OG-ra-fee
Plasmapheresis plaz-mah-feh-REE-sis
Pleural effusion PLOOR-al ah-FEW-zhun
Pleuralgia ploor-AL-jee-ah
Pleurectomy ploor-ECK-toh-me
Pleurisy PLOOR-ih-see
Pneumoconiosis new-moh-koh-nee-OH-sis
Pneumocystis carnii new-moh-SIS-tis CAR-nigh
Pneumonectomy new-moh-NECK-toh-me
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Pneumonia new-MOH-nee-ah
Pneumorrhagia new-moh-RAY-jee-ah
Pneumothorax new-moh-THOR-racks
Polyarteritis pol-ee-ar-teh-RYE-tis
Polymyositis pol-ee-my-oh-SIGH-tis
Preeclampsia pree-ee-KLAMP-see-ah
Proctectomy prock-TECK-toh-me
Proctopexy PROCK-toh-peck-see
Proctoplasty PROCK-toh-plas-tee
Proctoscopy prock-TOSS-kop-ee
Prothrombin pro-THROM-bin
Psychologist sy-kol-o-gist
Pyloroplasty pye-LOH-roh-plas-tee
Quadriplegia kwad-rih-PLEE-jee-ah
Raynaud’s ray-NOHZ
Regurgitation ree-gur-jih-TAY-shun
Retinoblastoma ret-ih-no-blas-TOH-mah
Rheumatic roo-MAT-ick
Rheumatoid arthritis ROO-mah-toyd ar-THRIGH-tis
Rhinoplasty RYE-no-plas-tee
Sarcoma sar-KOH-mah
Sciatica sigh-AT-ih-kah
Scoliosis skoh-lee-OH-sis
Septicaemia sep-tih-SEE-me-ah
Septoplasty sep-toh-PLAS-tee
Sequestrectomy see-kwes-TRECK-toh-me
Sequestrum see-KWES-trum
Sickle cell anaemia sick-el cell ah-NEE-me-ah
Sigmoidoscopy sig-moi-DOS-koh-pee
Silicosis sill-ih-KOH-sis
Singultus sing-GUL-tus
Sinusitis sign-you-SIGH-tis
Sphincter SFING-ter
Spina bifida SPY-nah BIF-ih-dah
Splenectomy splee-NECK-toh-me
Splenomegaly splee-no-MEG-ah-lee
Splenorrhagia splee-no-RAY-jee-ah
Splenorrhaphy splee-NOR-ah-fee
Spondylolisthesis spon-dih-loh-LIS-thee-sis
Spondylosis spon-dih-LOH-sis
Sputum SPYOU-tum
Squamous SKWAY-mus
Sterility stir-RILL-it-ee
Streptococcal strep-toe-COCKLE
Synovectomy sin-oh-VECK-toh-me
Systolic siss-TOH-lick
Tachycardia tack-ee-KAR-dee-ah
Tenalgia ten-AL-jee-ah
Tendinectomy ten-dih-NECK-toh-me
Tendonitis ten-doh-NIGH-tis
Tenectomy tee-NECK-toh-me
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Tenodesis ten-ODD-eh-sis
Tenodynia ten-oh-DIN-ee-ah
Tenolysis ten-OL-ih-sis
Tenoplasty TEN-oh-plas-tee
Tenorrhaphy ten-OR-ah-fee
Thalassaemia thal-ah-SEE-me-ah
Thoracocentesis thoh-rah-coh-sen-TEE-sis
Thoracostomy thoh-rah-KOS-toh-me
Thoracotomy thoh-rah-KOT-toh-me
Thrombocytopenia throm-boh-sigh-toh-PEE-nee-ah
Thrombosis throm-BOH-sis
Thrombotic occlusion throm-BOT-ick ock-LOO-zhun
Tonsillitis ton-sih-LYE-tis
Torticollis tor-tih-KOL-is
Toxoplasmosis tock-soh-plaz-MOH-sis
Tracheitis trah-kee-EYE-tis
Tracheoplasty TRAH-kee-oh-plas-tee
Tracheorrhagia trah-kee-oh-RAY-jee-ah
Tracheorrhaphy trah-kee-OR-ah-fee
Tracheostomy trah-kee-OS-toh-me
Tracheotomy trah-kee-OT-oh-me
Triglycerides try-GLIS-er-eyeds
Tuberculosis too-ber-kew-LOH-sis
Valvulitis val-view-LYE-tis
Valvuloplasty VAL-view-loh-plas-tee
Varicose veins VAR-ih-kohs VAYNS
Vasculitis vas-kyou-LYE-tis
Venipuncture VEN-ih-punk-tyour
Volvulus VOL-view-lus
American English and Australian English
Spelling differs between American English and Australian English. This can be confusing when using
different dictionaries, when referring to certain texts, and when using the spell check on the
computer. Therefore, it’s important to recognise and understand both variations, but when using
health terminology, Australian English is recommended.
Pronunciation of medical terms
Incorrect pronunciation can also have serious consequences. When verbal instructions are
incorrectly written down, or if the person to whom you are communicating misunderstands the
message, it is possible that the wrong treatment or drugs could be given. Even worse is the
possibility that a person could undergo the wrong procedure. There are many tragic stories from
around the world of people having the wrong kidney removed or the wrong limb amputated. For
example, laryngoscopy (la-ring-goskohpee) refers to viewing the larynx, and laryngectomy (larin-
jektemee) refers to removal of the larynx. Obviously there is no room for misunderstanding here.
Even though there are correct ways to pronounce medical terms there are many variations due to
individuals' accents and training. Your best guide to correct pronunciation is to listen actively to the
health professionals where you work and to refer to the dictionary whenever something is not clear.
The golden rule for clinical support workers is that if you are not sure, or if there is any possibility
for error, you must clarify the terms being used. It is much better to take the extra few seconds to
be sure rather than risk a serious mistake. The process of breaking medical words down into their
component parts will make them easier to pronounce. Look for the combining form/s, prefix and
suffix, and pause between each one.

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For example:
 Pericarditis: becomes peri-card-it-is.
 Bradycardia: becomes brady-card-ia.
 Gastroenteritis: becomes gastr-o-enteritis.
Words can be broken into sections or sounds, called syllables. When pronouncing medical words
consider the phonetics (sound) of each syllable and read the medical words out aloud. Practise with
someone who has medical knowledge of the words, or it is also good practise to compare
pronunciations with other learners/students. Always support your studies with a good medical
dictionary, which will provide you with the correct pronunciation of each word.
Here are some useful guidelines to help you with your pronunciation:
 ‘ps’ is often pronounced like ‘s’, the ‘p’ is silent, e.g. psittacosis, psoriasis, psychiatry, psychology.
 ‘pn’ is often pronounced like ‘n’, the ‘p’ is silent, e.g. pneumonia, pneumothorax.
 ‘pt’ is often pronounced like ‘t’, the ‘p’ is silent, e.g. pterygium, ptosis.
 ‘ch’ is sometimes pronounced like ‘k’, the ‘h’ is silent, e.g. chemical, Chlamydia, chlorine, chronic.
 ‘ae’ is pronounced ‘ee’, the ‘a’ is silent, e.g. faeces, leukaemia, paediatrician.
 ‘oe’ is pronounced ‘ee’, the ‘o’ are silent, e.g. diarrhoea, foetus, oesophagus.
 ‘i’ at the end of a word to form a plural is pronounced ‘eye’, e.g. bronchi (the plural of
bronchus), fungi (the plural of fungus), nuclei (the plural of nucleus).
 ‘c’ has a soft sound like ‘s’ when it is before ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘y’, e.g. centre, circle, cycle.
 ‘g’ has a soft sound like ‘j’ when it is before ‘e’ and ‘i’ (and sometimes ‘y’), e.g. gene, giant, gypsy,
 ‘c’ and ‘g’ have a hard sound before other letters, e.g. cardiac, gastric.
 ‘e’ and ‘es’, when forming the final letter or letters of a word, are often pronounced as separate
syllables, e.g. syncope (pronounced “sin-coe-pea”), testes (pronounced “testeeze”).
Pronouncing medical terms over the phone
A medical receptionist may be called on to read medical reports over the telephone to doctors, so it
is important to be able to read medical terms correctly. To help with this, we can write the
pronunciation of a word by breaking it up into syllables, and spelling it out phonetically. To show
that a syllable is emphasised, we write it in bold. If it is the major emphasis in the word, we
CAPITALISE it as well. Some examples are below.
Acoustagram: ah-KOOS-toh-gram ('ah' is short like the 'a' sound in 'act')
Laryngitis: lah-rin-JYE-tis ('lah' is again short like the 'la' sound in 'lap')
The phonetic pronunciation that you write for a word may be different from what someone else
writes. The important thing is that is makes sense to you, so that you can read back the word with
its correct pronunciation.

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Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols
Medical communication also involves medical abbreviations and symbols, which are used daily and
can be confusing until you develop an understanding for their meaning. These forms of
communication are used extensively in conversation, messages, written medical reports and letters.
Again it is important to stress that you should never be embarrassed if you do not understand the
medical terminology, and always be responsible and ask for help/clarification of terminology. Again,
the medical dictionary is a good source of education, as most will have a list of abbreviations so you
can check if you are unsure of a meaning. Medical abbreviations are often based on Latin and do not
bear any resemblance to their English meaning.
For example:
A doctor would rarely say a drug was to be given ‘twice daily’ or ‘four times a day’. Instead, they
would say BD (which means twice a day) or QID (which means four times a day). When you
pronounce abbreviations such as BD or QID, you spell them out, ie: ‘bee dee’ and ‘cue eye dee’.
Symbols can only be used in written communication; they are a type of medical shorthand and only
occur in handwritten messages.
Some other examples of medical abbreviations are included in the following list.
 BSL: blood sugar level
 CCU: coronary care unit
 #: fracture
 IV: intravenous (injection)
 IM: intramuscular (injection)
 PO: per oral
 PR: per rectum
 CXR: chest X-ray
 IVT: intravenous therapy
 SOB: shortness of breath
 OD: overdose
 NBM: nil by mouth
 Fx: fracture
 Ua: urinalysis
 DOA: dead on arrival
 PRN: when necessary
 ENT: ear, nose and throat
 THR: total hip replacement.
 NFR: not for resuscitation.
 DNR: do not resuscitate.

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Common abbreviations for medical and pharmacological terms


Ac Before food/meals
alt to be given on alternate day
ASAP as soon as possible
Aq Water
bd/ bid twice daily (bis in die)
Cap Capsule
C With
Die Daily
Dil Dilute
Disp Dispense
EC enteric coated
Emul Emulsion
Gutt Drops
guttae Guttae-drop/ drops
Hd at bedtime
Mane in the morning (omni mane)
nocte (omn) given at night (omni nocte)
O or PO oral taken by mouth
Pc to be given after meals
PR by way of the rectum
PRN as required or ‘whenever necessary’ (pro re nata)
PV per vagina
Qid four times daily (quarter in die)
SR sustained release
STAT to be given immediately
Tab-tablet Tablet
tid three times a day (ter in die)
Tinct Tincture
TO telephone order
Ung Ointment
4/24 four hourly
1/12 one month
1/52 one week
1/7 one day
1/365 one day

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Body positions and directions terms

Afferent Conveying towards the centre.
Anterior More to the front of the body than another structure.
Describing the front part or surface of the body, limbs, or an organ.
Central Close to the middle or centre point.
Cephalic Relating to, or situated near the head.
Coronal Relating to the crown of the head.
Deep Away from the surface of the body or an organ.
Distal Further away from the origin, point of attachment or midline of the
Dorsal Relating to the back or posterior part of an organ.
Efferent Conveying from the centre to the periphery.
Extension The straightening out of a joint. The application of traction to a
fractured or dislocated limb.
External Situated outside the body or an organ.
Flexion Bending or moving a joint so that the bones forming it draw towards
each other.
Inferior Lower in the body than another structure or surface.
Internal Inside the body or an organ.
Lateral Further away from the midline or centre of the body or an organ.
Medial Closer to the centre of the body or an organ.
Peripheral Away from the centre point.
Posterior More to the back of the body than another structure.
Describing the back part or surface of the body, limbs or an organ
Prone Lying facing downwards.
Proximal Closer to the origin, point of attachment or midline of the body.
Superficial At, or close to, the surface of the body or an organ.
Superior Above another structure or surface.
Supine Lying on the back facing upwards.
Transverse Lying across.
Ventral Pertaining to a hollow structure or belly. Situated on the abdominal side
of the body.

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Medico-Legal terms

Assault The threat (perceived or real) of the application of force to another without
CMR Confidential Medical Record – Whenever there is a service provided where
the issue with the patient is regarded as extremely sensitive, a CMR is
generated eg an abuse report, children at risk report etc.
Confidentiality Health workers have a legal, ethical and professional duty to maintain the
privacy of a patient or client in relation to any information. This duty applies
to the living and the dead, the healthy and the infirm, the aged and the
Consent Patients have a right to be involved in decisions about their health care. This
includes the right to receive information in such a form that will enable them
to make an informed decision about whether or not they wish to proceed
with treatment. Informed patients or other legally appropriate person must
then be able to agree or not agree to undergo particular forms of treatment
or care.
Contributory An action or set of circumstances in which a person or organisation has
Negligence contributed to an act of negligence.
Coroner’s Act All deaths occurring under certain conditions must be notified to the
Coroner. Health records must be provided to the Coroner.
Disclosure There are three situations in which confidential information can be
disclosed: Disclosure by consent, disclosure required by law and disclosure
in the public interest. Police may only have access to confidential information
where it falls within one of these three categories. Police do not have
privileged access to confidential information.
Ethical Behaviour Behaviour which is consistent with the values and obligations of the
individual and their profession.
Freedom of A person has the right to apply for access to health records held by certain
Information agencies under the Freedom of Information Act. Other Acts including the
(FOI) Privacy Act also govern access to information.
Neglect Potential or actual harm to a child or young person caused by omission to
provide physical and emotional security or commission of acts harmful to a
Negligence Negligence is where an appropriate standard/duty of care owed to another
person is breached and as a result causes harm to the other person. There
are three requirements for a negligence action (1) owing a duty of care, (2)
breaching the standard of care owed and (3) damage is caused as a result.
Next of Kin (NOK) The Guardianship Act provides the legal framework for obtaining consent to
Significant Other/s treat those persons incapable of giving consent. These provisions provide for
a substituted consent by a “person responsible” (the correct term). In this
context “next-of-kin” and “significant others” do not have power to give a
substituted consent unless they also meet the requirements for being the
person responsible. A “senior available next of kin” may have a role in organ
donation or autopsy decisions. In other cases, the patient will nominate the
person responsible for notification.

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Commonly used symbols

ß Beta
U Dead, Death, Died
ò Decreased
? (delta) Disease, Diagnosis, Dextrose, Diathermy
8/24; 4/24 8th hourly; 4th hourly
# Fracture
> Greater than
ñ Increased
l Litre
< Less than
à Leading to
μ Micro (Symbol now condemned)
2° Secondary
ß Resulting from
] or Rx (recipe) "prescription"
+ ve Positive
- ve Negative
Refer to a medical encyclopaedia: Breaking words down into prefixes, roots and suffixes is a
good way to work out the meaning of medical terms. In some instances you will not be able to use
this strategy, but you may like to use a medical encyclopaedia or dictionary. Many medical reference
books can be found online, which provides ready access.
Refer to anatomical models, charts and labelled diagrams: The body is complex. Reading
about the body’s systems is one way to gain knowledge. You may find it difficult to gain a good
understanding of the body’s structures and systems through reading words alone. Some people find
that accessing anatomical models, charts and labelled diagrams helps make the location of, and the
relationship between the body’s various systems and structures much clearer.
Keep a notebook: Keeping a notebook provides two benefits. By making notes you reinforce the
information and increase the likelihood that you will remember the information. The notebook also
acts as a reference point and may prevent you from having to ask the same question twice.

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Correctly using and interpreting health terminology that describes the normal structure, function
and location of the major body systems
Organisation of the human body
In this activity you will learn about the organisation of the body. Write the name of the level next to
the picture.
1. Choose from the following words:



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Structure and function of cells
2. In this activity you will learn about the structure and function of cells. Draw a line from the
structure to the correct function.

Ingestion and assimilation Cells are able to break down and use substances from
food as fuel
Irritability and activity Cells can synthesise new cytoplasm so that growth can
occur and repair worn out parts
Respiration Waste products are eliminated into surrounding tissue to
be transported by the blood for elimination via organs
Metabolism Cells are able to select chemicals from the surrounding
fluid for their structure
Excretion Cells reproduce by simple division but some cells can
never be replaced once destroyed eg. Central nervous
system cells
Growth and repair All cells require oxygen to metabolise (process) food
Reproduction Cells are able to respond to stimuli for example, a
stimulus causes a muscle to contract or relax

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Consider the example of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
3. Break each of these words into a:
a) Prefix.

b) Root word.

c) Suffix.

The only difference between these words is the prefixes.

4. What does the root word mean?

5. Briefly describe how the prefixes change the meaning of these words.

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Identifying Medical elements /combined list
6. Look up the following, medical terminology in a medical dictionary, or other source and write
their meaning, in the table below. Break down the meaning of the term as the example in the
table below.


Example: A-phak-ia (a = without, phak = eye lens, ia = state or
condition of)
Meaning: Absence of the lens of an eye.
Bu-lim-ia nervosa
Cyst-it is
Cyst-adeno-carcin-oma of the ovaries

Multiple sclera-osis (MS)
Photo-phobia (
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7. Why is it important for support workers in either the aged care, or disability sector to identify
the information sources that are available to them in the workplace to assist them in using the
correct term appropriately?

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Correctly using and interpreting information that relates to the
interrelationships between major components of each body system
and other structures

Interrelationships between body systems

Your body works similarly to a machine, with different systems that make up your body and allow it
to run effectively. Like a machine, if one system is not running properly, your whole body will be
affected. These systems perform different tasks in the body and encompass different organs. Each of
the body systems and the organs and structures that make up these systems, are designed to
perform specific complex functions. All of the systems work together to ensure the healthy survival
of the human body, and the immune system protects the body from disease, infection and illness.
The interrelationship between body systems becomes more obvious when a disease or illness affects
one body system and other systems are also affected. While you are not expected to have a full
understanding of how the body systems work together, it is important to have some knowledge of
the interrelationships of the systems.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
The cardiovascular system's central organ is the heart, which pumps blood to the different parts of
your body. The blood travels from the heart to the lungs, where the respiratory system supplies the
blood with oxygen. You inhale air through your nose or mouth; it passes through your pharynx,
larynx, trachea and finally to the lungs, where it diffuses in the blood through the alveoli.
Digestive and Excretory Systems
The digestive system is responsible for transforming food into energy. The food enters the digestive
system, absorption takes place and the food is transformed into enzymes, glucose and nutrients that
the body uses as energy. The excretory system includes the kidneys, which filter wastes and purify
the blood. This waste is transformed into urine and flows down two tubes, called ureters, which
deliver the urine to the bladder. The urinary bladder is a large structure, similar to a sack, which
collects the urine and then releases when full. The urine travels out of the body through a hole
called the urethra.
Endocrine and Immune Systems: The endocrine system uses hormones, chemical compounds
that regulate metabolic function of cells, to stimulate the metabolic activity of cells. The hormones
are released into the bloodstream. The immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that
work together to attack any pathogens that try to enter your body. The human body is a perfect
host for bacteria, parasites and fungi, which cause infection. If any of these organisms gain entry to
the body, the immune system works to destroy them and rid your body of illness.

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Integumentary and Nervous Systems: Your skin is called the integumentary system, which is
your body's first line of defense. It regulates your body temperature, protects underlying layers of
tissue from sun damage and prevents pathogens from freely entering your body. The integumentary
system is also home to millions of nerves that respond to touch, pressure and pain. There are two
interconnected nervous systems: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The
central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain, which gets the information from the
body and sends out instructions. The peripheral nervous system includes all of the nerves and sends
messages from the brain to the rest of the body.
Skeletal and Muscular Systems: The system that provides your body's shape is the skeletal
system, and it is made up of cartilage and bone. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton that
provide a hard framework able to support the body and protect the organs that they surround.
Cartilage provides support with flexibility and resistance, and acts as padding to soften the pressure
that is exerted from the bones. Movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction; when
muscles combine with the action of joints and bones, obvious movements are performed, such as
jumping and walking. The contraction of muscles provides the body posture, joint stability and heat

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Element 2: Recognise and promote ways to support healthy
functioning of the body

Reviewing factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy body

Support workers need to understand how the body systems function so they can recognise and
report signs that suggest there may be a problem. Support workers also need to know about the
factors that help people maintain a healthy body so they can help older people, and those in need of
care, to maintain their health.
What is health?
The dictionary classifies health as:
1. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
2. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.
3. A bodily state in which all parts are functioning properly. Also refers to the normal functioning of a part
of the body. A state of normal functional equilibrium; homeostasis
At the physical level, health is being free from disease or injury and the limitations they might
impose. We are more than the sum of our parts and we can be healthy without being perfect. As we
expand the definition of health to include how our whole body is functioning, a picture of health that
includes a mind/body connection emerges. It doesn’t stop there. Health includes a state of mind, a
peace and harmony with ourselves and our physical and social environments.
Health and wellness
Australians are generally healthy, and Australia’s health and wellbeing is likely to improve. Individuals
are gaining a better understanding of their own health and how to maintain it; the science and
practice of prevention and treatment is continually advancing; and most Australians have very good
access to health services.
Over the course of the previous century the nature of illness and disability dramatically shifted away
from infectious diseases to chronic conditions, especially those influenced by lifestyle and behaviour.
Some of these lifestyle factors remain of concern: overweight and obesity is endemic in Australia,
not enough people have sufficient physical activity, and around one-fifth of the adult population
smoke tobacco.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines well-being as a ‘state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity’. Each person has their own
definition of health in relation to their own expectations and values. We are constantly adapting to
changes in the internal and external environments.
Wellness links closely with the WHO definition of well-being. It refers to a balance between
physical, psychological, social and spiritual factors in a person’s life. Wellness behaviours contribute
to the prevention of illness and the promotion of health, eg exercising regularly and eating a
balanced diet.

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The Australian Health System

The Australian health system is world-class in both its effectiveness and efficiency: Australia
consistently ranks in the best performing group of countries for healthy life expectancy and health
expenditure per person (WHO 2003).
These achievements are largely the result of partnerships between individual Australians and families
and health care professionals. People’s decisions about lifestyle, self-care, and seeking and acting on
professional help, and their participation in the development of public policy at many levels, all
contribute to shaping the Australian health system. Increasingly, individuals are using information
from sources such as the World Wide Web to actively manage their health in partnership with
health care providers.
Overall coordination of major components of the health care system is provided by the Australian
Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC)—a committee of the heads of the Australian
Government, state and territory health authorities, and the Australian Government Department of
Veterans’ Affairs. AHMAC advises the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference on policy, resources
and financial issues. Specific national bodies have been established by AHMAC or the ministers to
coordinate information, advice and program implementation, such as the:
 National Health Priority Action Council: which aims to drive improvements in priority
health areas;
 Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care: which leads national efforts to
improve the safety and quality of health care, with a particular focus on minimising the likelihood
and effects of error;
 National Public Health Partnership: which plans and coordinates national public health
 National Health Information Group: coordinates and directs the implementation of the
National Health Information Agreement.

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Australia health facts at a glance

 Population of 20 million, including about 460,000 Indigenous Australians (2% of total)

 Average life expectancy at birth is 82.6 years for females, 77.4 for males
 Fertility rate (1.75 births per woman) is below replacement level; middle-ranked among
developed countries
 Climate varied but mainly dry; high exposure to solar radiation
 Highly urbanised; most people live in south-east seaboard region
 Many cultural backgrounds; 22% of residents born overseas
 77% of 15–19-year-olds are at school or other educational institution
 Per person gross domestic product (GDP) 12th among 30 OECD countries
 Services sector main contributor to GDP (61%)
 Unemployment under 6% in early 2004
 Health expenditure 9.3% of GDP in 2001–02
Lifestyle issues which impact on health
When you think about your life in 10 years time one of the things you may think about is your
lifestyle. What we choose to do with our weekdays and weekends can have an impact on our future
life. Our choices will provide either a positive or negative impact on our future lifestyle and quality
of life. Few of us are young, physically fit, eating a perfectly balanced diet, taking regular exercise,
avoiding workplace or financial stressors and with a large circles of supportive friends, strong
religious or spiritual beliefs and a loving family that is concerned for our physical, social and
emotional well being.
Some of us have habits that will impact on our health many years from now. These are not
necessarily the obvious ones like smoking or drinking too much alcohol, lack of exercise or eating
too many fatty foods, but it may be much more insidious such as working in a ‘sick’ building, being
exposed to city traffic pollutants, suffering in drought stricken areas and stress in the workplace or
exposure to radiation through telecommunications devices. Each of these has an impact on our
health. The causes (risk factors) of chronic diseases are well established and well known; a small set
of common risk factors are responsible for most of the main chronic diseases.
These risk factors are modifiable and the same in men and women:
 Unhealthy diet
 Physical inactivity
 Tobacco use.
These causes are expressed through the intermediate risk factors of raised blood pressure, raised
glucose levels, abnormal blood lipids, overweight and obesity. The major modifiable risk factors, in
conjunction with the non-modifiable risk factors of age and heredity, explain the majority of new
events of heart disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases and some important cancers. The
relationship between the major modifiable risk factors and the main chronic diseases is similar in all
regions of the world.

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There has been a lot of focus on preventative care as a measure to reduce the prevalence of chronic
disease. This includes interventions that detect and reduce the risk of disease as well as
complications from an existing disease (Department of Health and Ageing 2008). Often chronic disease
is a result of a lifestyle that when younger involved risk factors such as unhealthy diets, high blood
cholesterol, tobacco addiction, lack of exercise, obesity and possibly stress.
Poor diet and nutrition

The foods we eat provide nutrients needed to maintain our health, including carbohydrates,
adequate amounts of nutrition required to nourish our bodies while avoiding harmful excesses of
some nutrients. The National Health and Medical Research Council recommend a diet that is high in
fruits and vegetables, with sufficient amounts of iron, calcium and fibre, but is low in fat, salt and
sugar. A poor diet can contribute to chronic diseases directly or indirectly through a range of other
risk factors such as high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.
It typically includes overconsumption of food in general, or diets high in energy-rich components
such as fat. It may also be low in dietary fibres or complex carbohydrates, and/or deficient in certain
vitamins and minerals. The 2004–05 National Health Survey (NHS) indicated that most adults have
inadequate fruit (46%) and vegetable (86%) consumption (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Lack of physical activity and exercise

Australia is one of the most obese nations in the world. An increasingly sedentary lifestyle coupled
with the increasing availability of highly processed food means that Australia is considered one of the
world’s fattest nations. The 2004-05 NHS reported that 34% of Australian adults engaged in very
low physical activity.

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One of the strongest and best-known trends in Australia’s health has been the marked and steady
increase in bodyweight over the past few decades. Obesity is becoming a huge issue in health care.
Fast food is not the only culprit. Lack of knowledge about food groups and the components of a
healthy diet can lead to the consumption of foods with little nutritional value and a high fat and
glucose component. Families may have insufficient resources to buy the healthier products offered in
our supermarkets so a healthy diet can be out of reach of the people who most need it — children.
The rise in overweight and obesity has occurred among Australian males and females of virtually all
ages. Many experts are concerned about the effect this may have on our rates of diabetes, heart
disease and other disorders, perhaps even on our life expectancy. Based on measured height and
weight in 2007–08, 25% of children aged 5–17 years were overweight or obese and this rose to 61%
of adults.
Work/life balance

What is work-life balance?

The term 'work-life balance' describes a person’s ability to effectively manage their paid work
commitments with their career goals, personal, community and cultural responsibilities, interests and
obligations. Work-life balance has also been described as:
“…a self defined, self determined state of well being that a person can reach, or can set as a goal, that
allows them to manage effectively multiple responsibilities at work, at home, and in their community; it
supports physical, emotional, family, and community health, and does so without grief, stress or negative
impact.” (Human Resources and Social Development)
Work-life balance is achieved when an individual’s right to an enriched life both within and outside
paid work is recognised and valued. The need to examine the balance between work and life is
likely to impact on most people during their employment resulting in the need for flexible work
arrangements at some stage, even for a short period of time. Adjustments to work arrangements
may take the form of leave or a reduction in working hours, usually on a temporary and sometimes
on a permanent basis.

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Life cycle demands that may cause people to request or seek change in their work
arrangements include:
 Pregnancy
 The birth or adoption of a child
 Becoming a parent, guardian or grandparent
 The need to care for a family member who is ill or has a disability
 The desire to spend quality time with the family – at any stage
 The onset of short-term or long-term illness or disability
 Deciding to return to study
 Feeling tired, stressed and unenthusiastic at work
 Spending too much time travelling to and from work each day
 The desire to pursue broader personal and/or community interests, such as volunteer work or
sporting activities
 Considering retiring from the paid workforce.
Work Life Balance initiatives can assist employers and employees to be productive and healthy in
their work and community lives. They give employees greater flexibility in how they work and offer
employers the competitive business edge in attracting and retaining employees.
The range of Work Life Balance initiatives available can be grouped into 4 main areas:
1. Leave provisions (such as parental and family leave).
2. Flexible hours provisions (including job sharing, flexible start and finish times).
3. Supportive structures and programmes (such as child care provision or assistance); and,
4. Social policy initiatives.
What are the consequences of living in imbalance?
The more out of balance and out of control a persons life is, the longer hours they work, and the
more intense their work experience, the greater the likelihood is that they pay a physical and
emotional price. They probably won't eat as well. They will consume more caffeine, more alcohol,
more sugar, more fat.
People are less likely to exercise on a regular basis. They are less likely to be getting enough sleep.
People are less likely to have a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment and commitment to the
organisation. They have got a greater likelihood of either getting sick, getting sick more often, or
being sicker whenever you get sick, and have a greater likelihood of having relationships that are
either unhealthy or unstable, and that are more prone to breaking apart.

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Alcohol and other drugs use/misuse

The 2004-05 National Health Survey reported that: risky alcohol consumption increased significantly
from 1995 (8%) to 2004-05 (13%). The National Alcohol Strategy indicates that nearly 3,000 people
die each year as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. Heavy consumption over a long period
can cause permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. It is also associated with
cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological damage as well as psychiatric problems such as
depression, anxiety, and antisocial personality disorder. Illicit drug use contributes directly and
indirectly to HIV, arthritis and other rheumatologic problems, respiratory and heart problems.
Alcohol and drug use also contribute to infant morbidity and mortality. Drug dependence can be
classified as a chronic disease in itself.
Tobacco smoking

Tobacco smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death, followed closely by high blood
pressure and obesity (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2008). It is a key risk factor in heart
disease, Cerebrovascular disease and lung cancer and is attributed to around 80% of all lung cancer.
According to the 2004-05 National Health Survey (NHS) 3.2 million Australian adults are daily
smokers and there are still large numbers of young people becoming addicted to nicotine despite the
clear evidence between smoking and chronic disease.

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Psychosocial stress also plays a role

Various published stress scales (measures of the stress imposed by various factors in peoples’ lives),
consistently place the death of a spouse at the top of their lists as being the most stressful event that
can take place.
Other factors which rate highly on these scales include the following:
 Death of a close family member
 Personal injury or illness
 Retirement
 Changes in the health of a family member
 Sex difficulties
 Changes in financial state
 The death of a friend
 Spouse stopping work
 Changes in the living environment
 Changes in personal habits
 Moving house
 Less recreation
 Poor diet
 Changes in sleeping habits.
Defining stress is like describing happiness, everybody knows it when they feel it but it may feel
differently for different individuals. Generally, stress is the psychological and physical experience of
being faced with a challenge that is difficult for us to cope with. Research completed by the
psychiatrists, Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in the late 60’s made the connection between stress
and illness. They looked at thousands of clients and the life events that surrounded their illness and
found that the more stress that was present in the person’s life, the higher the incidence of illness.
As a result they developed ‘The Social Readjustment Scale’ in 1967.
When people filled in the stressful incidents in their lives on the questionnaire it provided an
indication of the likelihood of them developing an illness. Holmes and Rahe tried the questionnaire
on many different nationalities and found it was a good predicator for all nationalities. A modified
scale was also developed for younger people. It is similar to the adult scale, where stress points for
life events in the past year identified and added and then compared to the indicators for how stress
affects health but the questions are more meaningful to young people.

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Personal hygiene refers to the activities a person takes to keep their body clean. If a person neglects
their personal hygiene it can have a detrimental effect on their physical and psychological health and
can cause them discomfort.
Many factors influence a person’s ability to attend to their personal hygiene needs and
these include:
 Personal preference
 Cultural values
 Religious beliefs and values
 Lifestyle
 Level of independence
 Physical capabilities
 Intellectual capacity
 Emotional state
 Economic status
 Knowledge of the significance of hygiene
 Climate / Environment
 Availability of facilities such as water and infrastructure.
Many people are able to attend to their own hygiene needs, however some may require partial or
total assistance from a carer. When assessing a person for their hygiene needs and formulating a
care plan, it is important their usual routine is followed as closely as possible. If the person prefers a
bath to a shower, or wishes to shower in the evening or every other day, these preferences should
be accommodated as closely as possible.
When assessing the person’s hygiene needs the team leader should take into account
the following:
 Limitations in mobility
 Poor vision
 Dizziness and loss of balance
 Decreased sense of touch
 Ability to remember how to attend to their hygiene needs.
A number of aids such as shower stools, mechanical lifters and handheld showers can be used to
assist with personal care. It may be necessary to arrange for the addition of support rails, handheld
showers, toilet lifters and other aids to be installed in the person’s home by a home maintenance
It is important for the carer to remember that it can be very embarrassing for a person if they are
unable to meet their own hygiene needs without assistance. There is a lack of privacy and the loss of
independence can be very demoralising and depressing. If the person is receiving care support in
their own home, they may also feel that this is an invasion of their personal space and the sanctity
that their own home provides. A calm sensitive and caring approach can help to reduce these fears.
The person must give their consent to receive assistance with their hygiene needs. The meeting of
personal hygiene requirements includes care of the skin, hair, nails and mouth. If the skin is not
washed regularly dirt, sebum, dried sweat and dead skin cells collect, providing an ideal medium for
the growth of bacterial and fungal infections. Hair should be washed regularly. If it is not, it may
become oily or dry and can become lank, or brittle. Some people wash their hair daily, while others
prefer to have it washed every two or three days and up to weekly.
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Oral health

The most common issues that affect a person’s oral health are:
The buildup of plaque: This is a problem as it is responsible for dental cavities. Plaque corrodes
the tooth enamel and causes inflammation of the gums (periodontal disease). It is caused by the
build-up of micro-organisms from food debris left for too long in the mouth. If the teeth are not
regularly brushed and flossed, plaque will build up. Another factor that increases the build-up of
plaque is sugar. All sugars and sweet foods, such as cordial, soft drinks, flavoured milks, honey and
dried fruits increase the risk of cavities.
Dry mouth (xerostomia): Production of saliva may be slowed by some medications and as people
age. This affects the person’s ability to chew food. An adequate fluid intake and the chewing of raw
vegetables can assist this. If the person is not able to do this, specific toothpastes and gels are
available to assist with saliva production.
Tooth wear and damage: Cracks and rough edges on teeth can cause ulcers, pain and
discomfort. This is causes poor mastication and a reluctance to brush and floss the teeth.
Tooth loss :This can impact on a person’s bite and swallowing and the person may need partial or
complete dentures.
Poor mastication (ability to chew): Chewing of food is the first part of the digestive process.
Poor mastication may slow the process of digestion and reduce the absorption of vital nutrients.
Ill fitting dentures: If dentures do not fit properly they can cause pain and ulceration, poor
mastication and changes to the appearance of the person, which can affect their self-esteem and
mental and social health.
People at great risk of dental disease and poor dental hygiene
These include those who:
 Do not regularly attend the dentist
 Are smokers
 Are financially disadvantaged
 Are physically frail
 Are physically dependent
 Have cognitive impairment
 Are not able to hold and manage a toothbrush
 Have impaired sensory function
 Have swallowing problems
 Have carers who are not aware of the need for dental hygiene.

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Strategies to reduce the risk of poor oral hygiene
These include:
 Limiting snacking between meals (acids start to attack the teeth 20 minutes after eating sweet
 Brushing and/or flossing teeth as soon as possible after consuming sweet foods and at regular
intervals during the day
 Snacking on raw vegetables such as carrots, celery and capsicum to assist salivation
 Chewing on sugarless gum to increase salivation
 Maintaining regular dental care
 Ensuring sufficient fluid intake.
For the person at a higher risk of oral hygiene problems, additional strategies include:
 Regular tooth brushing and cleaning of dentures
 Having assistance to perform oral hygiene
 Reviewing medication (in consultation with an appropriate professional) to identify if the person
is taking medications which have ‘dry mouth’ as a side effect
 Using an electric toothbrush or a modified toothbrush and dental equipment to assist the carer
to access the person’s mouth.
A person with cognitive impairment may have difficulty in understanding the need for oral hygiene
and resist attempts to maintain this. Communication and behavioural management may be needed to
assist the carer with this process.
Disease and illness
Disease is a disruption in the normal structure or function of any aspect of a person – mind, body
and emotions. Diseases are classified according to cause, acquisition, or body system affected.
Essentially, illness is signalling an imbalance in the body between internal and external environments.
Diseases can be caused by a single factor or a combination of factors, and there are a range of
factors that can cause disease.
 Pathogens : any micro-organism capable of causing disease, eg bacteria, virus.
 Genetic conditions: diseases inherited or passed down from one generation to the next.
 Birth defects: abnormality present at birth either inherited or due to environmental factors.
 Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies of a single nutrient or vitamin, or many that results in
disease, eg iron deficiency Anaemia.
 Trauma: physical injury of cells or tissues, eg temperature extremes, motor vehicle accidents,
fractured bones.
 Toxins: substance that is harmful or poisonous to the system.
 Environmental factors: pollution, insecticides, trace metals (eg lead), alcohol and drugs.
 Degenerative changes : gradual deterioration over time resulting in decrease or loss of
function. The loss of normal control mechanisms, eg the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.

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It is important that workers, within the boundaries of their job role and responsibilities,
are able to identify:
 Common disorders, problems and complaints associated with each body system
 Factors that may be responsible for abnormal readings
 Information that should be provided to clients regarding their health status.
Causes of disease
Disease is the malfunction of organs or organ systems resulting from the body’s failure to maintain
homeostasis (a relatively stable or constant internal environment). The disease process might initially
affect a tissue, an organ, or a system. It can ultimately lead to changes in the function or structure of
cells within and throughout the body. Diseases either occur suddenly (sudden onset) or may have a
more insidious approach, where symptoms are at first non-specific. There are different kinds of
disease, and different causes of disease. The major disease categories are outlined following.
Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases are transmitted from the environment or from another person.
Mechanisms of transmission include:
 Person-to-person
 Environmental (eg: waterborne, airborne, soil-borne, food-borne)
 Vector transmission (transmission by living organisms, eg: flies/mosquitoes).
Diseases are caused by pathogens. A pathogen may be microscopic (eg: bacteria, viruses) and may
also include parasites such as tapeworms, roundworms and liver fluke.
Viruses enter cells and replicate themselves. They can only replicate in living cells. Examples of viral
diseases include the flu, which affects the respiratory system, mumps, which affects the digestive
system, and shingles, which affects the nervous system. Examples of bacterial diseases include
trachoma (eye infections) which affects the integumentary system, cholera which affects the digestive
system, and Q fever, which affects the respiratory system.
Infectious diseases which can be spread from one person to another are called communicable
infectious diseases. Highly communicable diseases (eg: chickenpox, or the flu) are called contagious
diseases. Non-communicable infectious diseases are not able to be spread from person-to-person,
and include food poisoning and tetanus.
Inherited diseases
Inherited diseases are caused by abnormal genes, or are those that are passed from one generation
to another. All cells go through a division and reproduction process. Normal cell division (mitosis) is
where the cell divides and produces two duplicated daughter cells, each with identical DNA material
(46 chromosomes). However in the sex organs, the process differs. This is called meiosis, where
the cell divides to form a daughter cell with only half the amount of DNA contained in other body
cells (23 chromosomes). You may recall that these cells join with other cells during fertilisation, thus
producing a new individual.
Some genetic disorders are caused by mistakes occurring during meiosis, where too much or too
little DNA information is contributed to the cell. Down syndrome, for example, is a genetic disorder
where individuals have an extra chromosome in each cell. This chromosome is called number 21.
Klinefelter Syndrome is another disease which is caused this way. Individuals with Klinefelter
syndrome have a total of 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46. In this syndrome, the individual
is always male, and the extra chromosome results in sterility and slightly enlarged breasts. Inherited
diseases (those passed from generation to generation) are caused by single genes. Huntington’s
disease, colour blindness and cystic fibrosis are all examples of inherited diseases.

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Neoplastic diseases{ Neoplasia is the process of new growth, and a neoplasm (or tumour) is the
tissue mass produced by this abnormal cell growth and division. Almost everyone has several benign
tumours of the skin, eg: freckles and moles. Benign (non-cancerous) tumours do not spread to other
parts of the body and are less dangerous. Malignant (cancerous) tumours can spread and are much
more dangerous. Microscopic examination of a tissue sample (a biopsy) can determine whether a
tumour is malignant or benign. Skin cancers are the most common form of cancer.
Immunity-related diseases
These diseases develop when the immune function either deteriorates, or is unable to protect itself.
Examples of immunity related diseases include:
 Allergies, eg: hay fever
 Immune deficiency diseases, eg: aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
 Myasthenia gravis, which results in general, progressive muscular weakness, with a mortality rate
of 5-10%.
Degenerative diseases: These are diseases associated with the ageing process. As we age our
systems become less adaptable and less efficient. There is, for example, significant reduction in bone
mass, respiratory capacity, cardiac efficiency and kidney filtration. As a result, when the ageing body
is exposed to stresses, the weakened systems are not able to cope and symptoms of disease result.
Within the cardiovascular system, the ageing process can impact on blood. The clotting system
becomes more sensitive when we age and as a result, abnormal or excessive clotting can occur,
which may lead to the development of a thrombus, or blood clot. Parkinson’s disease is a
degenerative disease of the brain which causes voluntary movements to become hesitant and jerky.
This disease results from degeneration in the brain. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common age-
related degenerative disease, and produces a gradual deterioration of mental organisation, including
loss of memory, verbal and writing skills, and emotional control.
Nutritional deficiency diseases
Nutritional diseases result from an inadequate diet, when the balance of proteins, essential amino
acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals or water is disturbed. Scurvy, for example, is a disease
caused by a deficiency in Vitamin C.
Endocrine diseases
These diseases result from excessive or inadequate hormone production. The endocrine system
comprises a system of glands which secrete chemicals called hormones into the bloodstream.
Hormone, in Greek, means ‘to set in motion’. The role of hormones is to set in motion the activities
of other cells. The major glands of the endocrine system include the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal
glands, the pancreas, and hypothalamus.
The thyroid hormones stimulate the general rate of body metabolism, the adrenal glands stimulate
glucose synthesis and storage by the liver, and the pancreas releases hormones which decrease or
increase glucose levels in the blood.

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Iatrogenic diseases
These occur as a result of treatment from either a Doctor or health professional. Iatrogenic
diseases, for example, may be caused by scar tissue formation after surgery, adverse reactions to
drugs, and infections acquired while in hospital or other facility, such as a nursing home. In some
circumstances, isolation or quarantine might be necessary.
Environmental diseases
Environmental diseases result from exposure to environmental poisons or toxins. Lung disease,
resulting from breathing high levels of asbestos fibres for a long time, resulting in scar-like tissue in
the lungs and in the pleural membrane (lining) that surrounds the lung, is one example. Similarly,
silicosis is related to overexposure to silica which is a risk factor of pottery workers.
Idiopathic diseases
These are diseases that result from unknown causes. The descriptions above are very simplistic. You
might like to research specific diseases and body functions to gain a deeper understanding of the
symptoms and impact of disease on the body systems and homeostasis.
Common disorders, problems and complaints
In this section, we will investigate each body system and discuss some of the common disorders
which you may notice or be able to relate to in your working environment. Some of these are quite
common and you will probably have heard of them either in your private life or as part of your
employment; others are less common. We will review several problems or disorders from each
body system in a little more detail, discussing what they are and how they are identified.
Cardio vascular problems
The cardiovascular system plays a key role in supporting all other body systems. All body systems
require blood to supply oxygen and nutrients and to dispose of waste, however blood must be kept
moving. The most common forms of heart disease result from problems with the blood vessels that
supply blood to the heart. Infection and inflammation of the heart include carditis (endocarditis,
myocarditis and pericarditis) and rheumatic heart disease.
Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) is a degenerative heart disorder. Blood supply
problems include coronary artery disease, and functional disorders of the blood system include
hypertension, hypotension and oedema. Degenerative blood disorders (disorders that present with
the ageing process) include arteriosclerosis and varicose veins.
Congestive cardiac failure
Congestive cardiac failure (CCF) is a condition in which the heart’s function as a pump is inadequate
to meet the body’s needs. The symptoms of congestive heart failure may include fatigue, reduced
exercise capacity, shortness of breath, and peripheral oedema (eg: swollen ankles). Congestive heart
failure can affect many organs of the body. Reduced supply blood supply to the kidneys, for example,
will influence their normal ability to excrete salt (sodium) and water, causing the body to retain
more fluid. The lungs may become congested with fluid (pulmonary oedema) and the individual’s
ability to exercise will decrease. Fluid may accumulate in the liver, reducing its capacity to rid the
body of toxins.

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Angina Pectoris
Commonly known as angina, this is severe chest pain caused by ischemia (death of tissues due to
reduced blood supply) of the heart muscle.
The restriction of blood and oxygen supply to the heart can be caused by a number of
factors, including:
 Atherosclerosis (the formation of yellow cholesterol plaques on the internal surface of the
arteries, which in turn causes stiffness and narrowing of the arteries)
 Thrombus
 Vascular spasm
 Exertion
 Stress.
Symptoms include a crushing or heavy central chest pain that radiates to the neck, jaw or left arm
and shortness of breath. Angina tends to occur on exertion, and may be relieved with rest and
Cardiac arrest: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart’s electrical system
malfunctions, causing rhythms that are rapid (ventricular tachycardia) or chaotic (ventricular
fibrillation) or both. This irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia) causes the heart to suddenly stop
beating in any coordinated manner. The heart muscle quivers or fibrillates rather than pump blood.
Vital organs are immediately deprived of oxygen, causing the individual to collapse. Brain death and
irreversible damage begin in four to six minutes after someone experiences cardiac arrest.
Signs of cardiac arrest may include:
 Sudden collapse
 Loss of consciousness
 No breathing
 Loss of pulse
 No sign of life.
SCA is the leading cause of death in Australia, and is often confused as a heart attack. Heart attack is
a ‘plumbing’ problem, usually caused by a blocked artery, while cardiac arrest is an electrical
problem, where the heart is not pumping oxygenated blood to vital organs.
Digestive system problems: The digestive system is responsible for the breaking down of food
for absorption and use by the body. Digestive tract disorders commonly occur as a result of
inflammation and infection. Within the oral cavity, this results in gingivitis, thrush, mumps and dental
issues. Within the intestines, problems include enteritis and irritable bowel syndrome. Within the
stomach, there may be ulcers. Other disorders include tumours (eg: stomach, liver, esophageal
cancers), congenital disorders (eg: cleft palate), or malabsorption disorders (eg: lactose intolerance).

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Gastro-intestinal (GI) bleeding: This may be termed upper or lower bleeding, depending on the
location of the bleeding within the gastrointestinal tract. Upper GI bleeding may be symptomatic of
peptic (gastric) ulcer disease. Peptic ulcers break down the intestinal walls, resulting in damage to
blood vessels and causing bleeding. Certain drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or
aspirin might cause ulcers, as may smoking and alcohol use.
Swelling in the veins of the oesophagus or stomach can occur as a result of liver disease. When the
swelling bleeds, it can occur without warning and be catastrophic. Lower GI bleeding might include
diverticulosis, where small pockets form on the wall of the large intestine. This may result from
prolonged constipation.
Polyps (non-cancerous tumours) can occur in the GI tract, usually in older people. Colonic polyps
sometimes bleed rapidly, or occasionally bleed slowly and go undetected. Acute gastrointestinal
bleeding will first appear as vomiting of blood, bloody bowel movements, or black, tarry stools.
Blood may look like coffee grounds. Symptoms associated with blood loss can include fatigue,
weakness and shortness of breath, abdominal pain or pale appearance.
Gastroenteritis: Gastroenteritis is a condition that causes irritation and inflammation of the
stomach and intestines. The most common symptoms are diarrhoea, crampy abdominal pain, nausea
and vomiting, and may include flu-like symptoms such as headache, muscle aches and respiratory
symptoms. Common causes of gastroenteritis include bacteria, parasites or food borne illnesses.
Viruses and bacteria are very contagious and can spread through contaminated food or water. In up
to 50% of outbreaks, no specific cause is found, however the infection can quickly spread from
person to person, commonly because of improper hand washing. 50 to 70% of cases of
gastroenteritis in adults are caused by the noroviruses group of viruses. These viruses are highly
contagious and spread rapidly.
Endocrine system problems: As mentioned previously, endocrine cells secrete hormones which
affect the activities of other cells and therefore influence the body systems. Endocrine disorders,
therefore, affect other functions. Hyperthyroidism, for example, is an endocrine disorder which can
affect cardiovascular function and metabolism. Cushing’s disease affects metabolism. Gynecomastia is
an endocrine disorder which affects reproductive function. Disorders within the pituitary gland will
affect growth.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus refers to a set of related diseases which result in the body not being able to
regulate the amount of sugar (specifically, glucose) in the blood. Glucose is produced by the liver and
transported by the blood, and gives you energy to perform daily activities. In a healthy person, blood
glucose level is regulated by several hormones, including insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas,
a small organ between the stomach and liver. Insulin allows glucose to move from the blood into the
cells of the body, where it is used for fuel.
In diabetes, glucose in the blood cannot move into cells, so it stays in the blood. This not only harms
the cells that need the glucose for fuel, but also harms certain organs and tissues exposed to the high
glucose levels.
People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin (Type 1 diabetes), cannot use insulin properly
(Type 2 diabetes), or both, which occurs with several forms of diabetes. Common symptoms of both
major types of diabetes include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, excessive thirst, excessive urination,
excessive eating, poor wound healing, frequent infections, altered mental state and blurry vision.

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Complications of diabetes: Both forms of diabetes ultimately lead to high blood sugar levels, a
condition called hyperglycemia. Over a long period of time, hyperglycemia damages the retina of the
eye, the kidneys, the nerves and the blood vessels. Damage to the nerves from diabetes is a leading
cause of foot wounds and ulcers, which frequently lead to foot and leg amputations. Damage to the
nerves can lead to paralysis of the stomach, chronic diarrhoea, and the inability to control heart rate
and blood pressure during postural changes (eg: when moving from sitting to standing).
Diabetes accelerates the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries, which can lead to blockages
or a clot (thrombus). Such changes can then lead to heart attack, stroke, and decreased circulation
in the arms and legs.
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, occurs from time to time in most people with diabetes. It results
from taking too much diabetes medication or insulin, missing a meal, doing more exercise than usual,
drinking too much alcohol, or taking certain medications for other conditions. Headache, feeling
dizzy, fainting, seizures, poor concentration, tremors of hands and sweating are common symptoms
of hypoglycemia.
Musculo-skeletal system problems: Common disorders within this system include bone and
joint disorders such as osteomyelitis (as a result of infection of the bone) and other infection related
problems, such as rheumatic fever, or viral arthritis. Nutritional disorders such as rickets and scurvy
also affect this system, as do degenerative disorders such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.
A bone fracture or broken bone occurs when a force exerted against a bone is stronger than it can
structurally withstand. The most common sites for bone fractures include the wrist, ankle and hip.
Treatment options include immobilising the bone with a cast. The symptoms of a bone fracture
depend on the particular bone and the severity of the injury, but may include pain, swelling, bruising,
deformity and inability to use the limb. Soft tissue injuries include injuries to muscles, tendons and
ligaments (but not bones). When soft tissues are damaged, there is usually pain, swelling and often
bruising. A lot of swelling can slow the healing process. The length of recovery time depends on
your age, general health and the severity of the injury.
Nervous system problems
The nervous system, consisting primarily of the brain and spinal cord, is responsible for information
transfer throughout the body. Problems or disorders within the nervous system are related to the
blocking of communication within the body, and include Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is an
autoimmune disease that causes muscular hardness and sensory losses through the systematic
destruction of the information pathways within the nervous system. Symptoms include partial loss of
vision and/or speech, balance and general motor coordination.
Spinal shock is a form of trauma which may impact on the transfer of information within the nervous
system, as are infections, eg: shingles (herpes zoster), and Hansen’s disease (leprosy). Polio is
another disease which impacts on the nervous system, however immunisation programs have
virtually eliminated the occurrence of polio in the Western Hemisphere. Other disorders of the
nervous system include diphtheria, sciatica, heavy metal poisons, tumours, and spinal concussion,
laceration or compression.

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Cerebrovascular accident: Stroke, also called apoplexy or cerebrovascular accident, is a blockage
or haemorrhage of a blood vessel leading to the brain, causing reduced oxygen supply. Depending on
the extent and location of the abnormality, stroke results in such symptoms as weakness, paralysis of
parts of the body, speech difficulties, and if severe, loss of consciousness or death.
There are two main types:
1. Ischaemic (85%), which can be due to a thrombus (a clot forming in one of the blood vessels
supplying the brain) or an embolus (a clot which travels from another site, usually the heart, to
block off one of the arteries in the brain).
2. Haemorrhagic (15%), which is due to rupture of one of the arteries in the brain, usually due to
an aneurysm.
Stroke commonly presents with loss of sensory and/or motor function on one side of the body,
change in vision, gait (walking), ability to speak or understand, or sudden, severe headache.
Seizures: Generalised seizures are the result of abnormal activity in the whole brain. Symptoms of
a seizure depend on what part of the brain is involved.
Symptoms occur suddenly and may include:
 Change in alertness, eg: the person cannot remember a period of time
 Mood changes, eg: unexplainable fear, panic, joy, or laughter
 Change in sensation of the skin, usually spreading over the arm, leg, or trunk
 Vision changes, including seeing flashing lights
 Hallucinations, ie: seeing things that aren't there
 Falling, loss of muscle control, occurring very suddenly
 Muscle twitching that may spread up or down an arm or leg
 Muscle tension or tightening that causes twisting of the body, head, arms, or legs
 Shaking of the entire body
 Tasting a bitter or metallic flavour.
Causes of seizures can include:
 Abnormal levels of sodium or glucose in the blood
 Brain injury (such as stroke or a head injury)
 Brain injury that occurs to the baby during labour or childbirth
 Congenital brain defects
 Brain tumour or bleeding in the brain
 Dementia
 High fever
 Illnesses that cause the brain to deteriorate
 Infections that affect the brain, such as meningitis, encephalitis, neurosyphilis, or aids
 Kidney or liver failure
 Phenylketonuria (PKU), which can cause seizures in infants
 Drug use or drug withdrawal
 Alcohol withdrawal.
 Sometimes no cause can be identified.

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Dementia: Dementia has early warning signs and symptoms. An early diagnosis will help manage a
person’s dementia. Signs may be vague, but may include loss of memory, particularly for recent
events, confusion, apathy, withdrawal and the loss of ability to do everyday tasks. Other common
symptoms include confusion, personality change, apathy and withdrawal, loss of ability to do
everyday tasks. Other conditions have symptoms similar to dementia.
Reproductive system: Disorders of the reproductive system might include tumours (eg: testicular
or prostate cancer, ovarian or uterine cancer), uterine associated disorders (eg: endometriosis),
inflammation or infection (eg: sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, or
Prostatic cancer
The prostate forms part of the male reproductive system, located immediately below the bladder
and just in front of the bowel. Its main function is to produce fluid which protects and enriches
sperm. In younger men, the prostate is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the beginning of the
urethra, the tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the penis. The nerves that control
erections surround the prostate. Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells of the prostate
reproduce far more rapidly than in a normal prostate, causing a swelling or tumour. Prostate cancer
is usually one of the slower growing cancers.
Symptoms of prostate cancer might include:
 Waking frequently at night to urinate
 Sudden or urgent need to urinate
 Difficulty in starting to urinate
 Slow flow of urine and difficulty in stopping
 Discomfort when urinating
 Painful ejaculation
 Blood in the urine or semen
 Decrease in libido (sex urge)
 Reduced ability to have an erection.
Candidiasis: Vaginal yeast infection, which is the most common form of vaginitis, is often referred
to as vaginal candidiasis. However candidiasis is a yeast infection which can occur anywhere in the
body. Under certain conditions, yeast fungi can become so numerous they cause infections,
particularly in warm and moist areas. Examples of such infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush
(infection of tissues of the oral cavity), and skin and nail bed infections. Usually your skin effectively
blocks yeast, but any breakdown or cuts in the skin may allow this organism to penetrate.
In adults, oral yeast infections become more common with increased age. Adults also can have yeast
infections around dentures, in skin folds under the breast and lower abdomen, nail beds, and
beneath other skin folds. Most of these infections are superficial and clear up easily with treatment.
Infections of the nail beds may require prolonged therapy.
Yeast infections that return may be a sign of more serious diseases such as diabetes, leukaemia or
AIDS. Antibiotic and steroid use is the most common reason for yeast overgrowth, however
pregnancy, menstruation, sperm, diabetes and birth control pills can also contribute to getting a
yeast infection. Yeast infections are more common after menopause.
In people who have a weakened immune system because of cancer treatments, steroids, or diseases
such as AIDS, candidal infections can occur throughout the entire body and can be life-threatening.
The blood, brain, eye, kidney and heart are most frequently affected, but Candida can also grow in
the lungs, liver and spleen.
Genitourinary conditions
Genitourinary conditions are those that relate to the genital area and urinary system.

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Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infections are bacterial infections that occur in any part of the urinary tract. Symptoms
include frequently feeling the need and/or needing to urinate, pain during urination and cloudy urine.
Urinary incontinence (UI): This refers to any involuntary leakage of urine. It is a common and
distressing problem, which may have a profound impact on quality of life. Urinary incontinence
almost always results from an underlying treatable medical condition, but is often underreported to
medical practitioners due to embarrassment. There is also a related condition for defecation known
as faecal incontinence.
Types of urinary incontinence include:
 Stress incontinence: due to insufficient strength of the pelvic floor muscles
 Urge incontinence : involuntary loss of urine occurring for no apparent reason while suddenly
feeling the need or urge to urinate
 Overflow incontinence: when people find they cannot stop their bladders from constantly
dribbling or continuing to dribble for some time after they have passed urine
 Mixed incontinence: not uncommon in the elderly female population and can sometimes be
complicated by urinary retention
 Functional incontinence: occurs when a person recognises the need to urinate but cannot
make it to the bathroom. Causes of functional incontinence include confusion, dementia, poor
eyesight, poor mobility, poor dexterity, unwillingness to toilet because of depression, anxiety or
anger, drunkenness, or being in a situation in which it is impossible to reach a toilet
 Bedwetting: episodic while asleep, which is normal in young children transient incontinence – a
temporary version of incontinence. It can be triggered by medications, adrenal insufficiency,
mental impairment, restricted mobility, and stool impaction (severe constipation), which can
push against the urinary tract and obstruct outflow.
Dysuria: Dysuria is the feeling of pain, burning, or discomfort upon urination. Infection of the
urinary tract (urethra, bladder or kidneys) is the most common cause of dysuria. The most common
type of infections are cystitis (bladder infection), kidney infection, prostatitis (prostate infection), and
urethritis (inflammation of the tube (urethra) that drains the bladder to the outside of the body).
Sexually transmitted diseases can also produce symptoms of dysuria, as can hormonal changes, some
nerve conditions, cancer or medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus.
Respiratory system problems
Disorders of the respiratory system might include:
 Inflammation and infection, eg: common cold, sinusitis, bronchitis
 Tumours, eg: lung cancer
 Immune disorders, eg: asthma
 Trauma, eg: nose bleeds
 Cardiovascular disorders, eg: pulmonary embolism
 Degenerative disorders, eg: emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
 Congenital disorders, eg: cystic fibrosis.
Bronchospasm (asthma and anaphylaxis)
Asthma: is a disorder affecting the airways of the lungs. People with asthma have very sensitive
airways that narrow in response to certain ‘triggers’, leading to difficulty in breathing. The airway
narrowing is caused by inflammation and swelling of the airway lining, the tightening of the airway
muscles, and the production of excess mucus. This results in a reduced airflow in and out of the
lungs. The most common asthma symptoms are shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness,
and/or a dry, irritating and continual cough (especially at night/early in the morning, or with exercise
or activity).
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Anaphylaxis: or anaphylactic shock, is a sudden, severe and potentially life-threatening allergic
reaction to food, stings, bites, or medicines. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can include:
 Difficulty breathing or noisy breathing
 Swelling of the tongue
 Swelling/tightness in the throat
 Difficulty talking and/or a hoarse voice
 Wheezing or persistent coughing
 Loss of consciousness and/or collapse
 Young children may appear pale and floppy
 Abdominal pain or vomiting (when associated with an allergic reaction to an insect sting or bite).
Upper respiratory tract infection: The upper respiratory tract includes the sinuses, nasal
passages, pharynx and larynx. These structures direct the air we breathe in to the trachea and
eventually to the lungs in order for respiration to take place. Upper respiratory infection is generally
caused by the invasion of the inner lining (mucosa or mucus membrane) of the upper airway by a
virus or bacteria. Symptoms might range from runny nose, sore throat or cough to breathing
difficulty and lethargy. Other less common symptoms may include foul breath, poor smelling
sensation, headache, shortness of breath, sinus pain, itchy and watery eye (conjunctivitis), nausea,
vomiting and body aches.
Skin condition, infections and wounds: The integumentary system comprises the skin, the
largest organ in the body. Common disorders of the skin include viral infection (eg: blisters, chicken
pox, shingles, warts), fungal infection or parasitic infection (eg: scabies, pediculosis). Environmental
stresses to the skin might result in dermatitis, corns, calluses or psoriasis. Tumours such as moles,
melanoma or carcinomas might affect the skin, as will traumas such as abrasions (wounds), incisions
(open wounds), or burns. Degenerative skin disorders might include xerosis or alopecia.
Impetigo: Also known as school sores, impetigo is a skin infection caused by the bacteria
Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. The infection is characterised by inflamed blisters that pop, weep
and form crusts. Impetigo looks unsightly, but it isn’t dangerous and doesn’t cause any lasting damage
to the skin, however, it is highly contagious.
Dermatitis is an inflammation which begins in a portion of the skin exposed to infection or irritated
by chemicals, radiation or mechanical stimuli (eg: rubbing on the skin). Dermatitis may cause no
physical discomfort, or it may produce itching. Dermatitis symptoms vary with all different forms of
the condition, and range from skin rashes to bumpy rashes or blisters. Some forms of dermatitis can
be painful and the inflammation can spread.
The next three sections refer to common conditions you may observe within your
employment, involving the mouth, ears and nose.
Dental conditions
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. A form of periodontal disease, gingivitis involves inflammation
and infection that destroys the tissues that support the teeth, including the gums, the periodontal
ligaments, and the tooth sockets (alveolar bone). Gingivitis is due to the long-term effects of plaque
deposits. Injury to the gums from any cause, including overly vigorous brushing or flossing of the
teeth, can cause gingivitis. General illness, poor dental hygiene, pregnancy and uncontrolled diabetes
can increase the risk of gingivitis. Symptoms of gingivitis include bleeding gums, bright red or
red/purple gums, tender gums, mouth sores, swollen or shiny gums.

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Halitosis: Halitosis (bad breath) is a common condition caused by sulphur-producing bacteria that
live within the surface of the tongue and in the throat. The treatment for halitosis will depend on the
underlying cause. Smoking, dry mouth caused by medications, alcohol use, stress or a medical
condition, dental infections and nasal or sinus infections can cause bad breath.
Symptoms of halitosis include a white coating on the tongue, especially at the back of the tongue, dry
mouth, build up around teeth, morning bad breath and a burning tongue, thick saliva and a constant
need to clear your throat. Halitosis can have a major social impact on a person as other people may
back away or turn their heads, resulting in a loss of confidence and self-esteem.
Ear conditions
Otitis media: Otitis media is the general term referring to inflammation in the middle ear. It occurs
in the area between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear, including a duct known as the
eustachian tube. It is one of the two categories of ear inflammation that can underlie what is
commonly called an earache. Medical intervention is recommended, as if left untreated there is a risk
of hearing loss and repeated (chronic) infections.
Hearing loss: Signs of hearing loss might include delayed speech or development, not responding
to soft speech or when called from another room, frequent requests for repetition, liking the
television up loud, an aversion to loud sounds, shouting or whispering while speaking, general
withdrawal from the social setting and confusion. Hearing tests can determine the type and degree
of hearing loss, with an audiogram used to display the results. There are three types of hearing loss,
all of which may be acquired or congenital.
Conductive hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss is caused by blockage or damage in the outer
and/or middle ear and leads to a loss of loudness. It can often be helped by medical or surgical
Causes include:
 Blockages of the ear canal by impacted wax or foreign objects
 Outer ear infection, sometimes the result of swimming
 Middle ear infection (glue ear)
 Perforated eardrum
 Otosclerosis, a hereditary condition where the bone grows around the tiny stirrup
 Bones in the middle ear
 Partial or complete closure of the ear canal.
Sensorineural hearing loss: Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to/malfunction of the
cochlea or the hearing nerve and leads to a loss of loudness as well as a lack of clarity.
Causes of acquired sensorineural hearing loss include:
 Ageing
 Excessive exposure to noise
 Diseases, such as meningitis and meniere's disease
 Viruses, such as mumps and measles
 Drugs which can damage the hearing system
 Head injuries.

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Causes of congenital sensorineural hearing loss include:
 Inherited hearing loss
 Premature birth, lack of oxygen at birth or other birth traumas
 Damage to the unborn baby from a virus such as rubella
 Jaundice.
Mixed hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss results when there is a problem in both the conductive pathway (in the outer or
middle ear) and in the nerve pathway (the inner ear), eg: conductive loss due to a middle-ear
infection combined with a sensorineural loss due to damage associated with ageing.
Eye conditions
Myopia: Myopia (nearsightedness) is when light entering the eye is focused incorrectly, making
distant objects appear blurred. Close up objects are seen more clearly. Nearsightedness affects
males and females equally. People who have a family history of nearsightedness are more likely to
develop it. Most eyes with nearsightedness are healthy, but a small number of people with severe
myopia develop a form of retinal degeneration.
Nearsightedness is often first noticed in school-aged children or teenagers, and gets worse during
the growth years. Children often cannot read the blackboard, but they can easily read a book.
People who are nearsighted need to change glasses or contact lenses often. It usually stops
progressing as a person stops growing in his or her early twenties.
Cataracts: In a normal eye, light passes through the transparent lens to the retina. Once it reaches
the retina, light is changed into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. The lens must be clear for
the retina to receive a sharp image. The lens is made of mostly water and protein, with the protein
arranged in a precise way to keep the lens clear and lets light pass through. With the ageing process,
some of the protein may clump together and start to cloud a small area of the lens. This is a
cataract. Over time, the cataract may grow larger and cloud more of the lens, making it harder to
see. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes, however cannot spread from one eye to the other.
It is thought that smoking and diabetes might also impact on cataract development and growth.

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Disease prevention

The move towards primary health care

In both health and disease, the ability of the body to adapt physically and psychologically to stress is
affected by age, health status, and psychosocial resources. Successful adaptation is more likely where
there is a gradual rather than a sudden change in health status because the body has a greater chance
to maintain internal and external balance. Also affecting the body’s ability to adapt is the level at
which disease prevention occurs.
1. Primary prevention: removing risk factors so the disease does not occur, eg immunisation.
2. Secondary prevention: disease detected when person still asymptomatic and treatment to
cure can be implemented, eg pap smear.
3. Tertiary prevention: prevention of further deterioration or reduction of complications of a
disease through clinical intervention.
The emphasis is on disease prevention and health promotion. Seen as a solution to an inadequate
illness management system, PHC provides a balanced system of treatment and disease prevention
that are:
 Locally based
 Affordable and accessible
 Well integrated
 Sustainable.
 Focussed on Health promotion
 Focussed on disease prevention and illness treatment
 Rehabilitation services.
Primary Health Care (PHC): PHC – a set of principles guiding a vision for community health
that focuses on empowered citizens making informed decisions for health and harmony within the
(McMurray, 2007 p.26)
Secondary Health Care: This is an intermediate level of health care, which is concerned with the
provision of specific technical, therapeutic or diagnostic services. Specialist consultation procedures
and hospital admissions fall into this category of care. These services are episodic and usually focused
on a particular health problem. Continuity of care is less critical. Secondary Health Care is provided
to a larger group of people from a larger geographic area than those served by PHC.
Tertiary care: Tertiary prevention is the ‘management of established disease so as to minimise
disability’. This has been defined more specifically as ‘measures aimed at softening the impact of long
term disease and disability by eliminating or reducing impairment, disability and handicap, minimising
suffering; and maximising potential years of useful life’. This involves rehabilitation or long-term care
provide by rehabilitation centres, hospitals and aged care facilities.
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Health promotion

Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to mange and improve their health. To reach a
state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, an individual or group must be able to
identify and to realise aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment.
Health is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.
Therefore, health promotion action is not just the responsibility of the health sector, but goes
beyond life-styles to well-being.
Health promotion can be described as any activity that improves public awareness of disease, health
services or risk factors for disease. Brochures, television and radio advertisements, community
programs, school based programs, flyers, etc, are all typical methods that may be employed to
promote health in your community.
There are five approaches to health promotion, these are explained as follows:
1. The Medical approach: This is a preventative approach that aims to keep diseases such as
cancer, heart and lung disease or other illnesses at bay. This includes immunisation against
diseases, screening for cervical cancer, regular blood tests and screening for diabetes.
2. The Behavioural approach: This approach aims to change the attitudes and beliefs of the
individual to encourage then to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
3. The Educational approach: This approach is as it sounds, it involves educating the older
person with knowledge and understanding of health issues how to live and maintain a healthier
lifestyle. The basis of this approach is to ensure that information is given that is correct and
relevant to the individual. The individuals are then encouraged to make their own decisions
about their health and lifestyle.
4. The Client-centred approach: This approach involves working with the client to assess their
needs and wants in order to adopt a holistic approach to the decisions that affect their lifestyle.
Client-centred involves listening to the client and discussing their options with them.
5. The Societal approach: This approach may be adopted by a health care and aged care facility
with the aim to change the physical, social and economic environment so that it encourages a
healthy lifestyle. The aim is to change the overall attitudes of the individuals within a residential
facility rather than the individual people themselves. An example of this would be converting the
facility to be non-smoking and prohibiting smoking in closed public areas.
Remember, however, that in this situation, the individual who chooses to smoke still has the right to
do so in designated areas, depending on the facilities of the organisation. While working in the aged
care industry it is important that you promote a healthy and positive lifestyle at all times. By doing
this you will find over time that your clients will slowly adopt a positive healthy lifestyle themselves.

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The Ottawa Charter
The first International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada in 1986. The
aim of the conference was to inspire action to achieve the objectives of WHO’s Health for All by
the Year 2000 initiative. The consequent Ottawa Charter for health promotion followed on from
the Declaration of Alma Ata and consequent primary health care conferences that occurred over
the following years.
The Ottawa Charter states that the fundamental conditions and resources needed for
good health are:
• Peace
• Shelter
• Education
• Food
• Income
• A stable ecosystem
• Sustainable resources
• Social justice and equity.
The Ottawa Charter also identifies three basic strategies for health promotion:
• Advocate – the need for advocacy in regard to achieving health and health services
• Enable – work to reduce differences in current health status and ensure everyone has the
opportunities and resources required to achieve their full health potential, and that they are able
to control those things that determine their health
• Mediate - health promotion demands coordinated action by all concerned.

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Reviewing factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy body

Maintaining a healthy body

Read the case study. Write down, or tell your trainer, your responses to the following
Case study
1. Mr. Bevac, 49 has a mild intellectual disability. As part of his care his service provider assists him
 Learn about screening and health assessments for older people.
 Learn about binge drinking.
 Make and keep appointments with GPs.
 Learn how to budget and go shopping.
 Prepare a range of nutritional meals.
 Access appropriate and relevant courses and other learning opportunities.
 Gain the interpersonal skills needed to meet new people and join in activities.
 Identify and participate in age-appropriate social activities.
2. Use the following list to identify the actions taken to assist Mr. Bevac in maintaining his body’s
systems in a state of health.

Does the plan include medical check-ups?   
Is nutrition covered?   
Does the plan provide the client with the opportunity to   
exercise regularly?
Does the plan provide opportunities to stimulate their   
Does the plan include a strategy designed to support the   
client to cease smoking if applicable?
Does the plan include a strategy designed to assist the   
client to achieve a healthy weight if they are underweight
or overweight?
Does the plan include a strategy designed to assist the   
client to use aids safely?
Does the plan include strategies designed to support   
them in meeting new people and participating in

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3. Investigate some of the more common musculoskeletal problems that could impact your
clients. Prepare a short article, including diagrams, that identifies the problem, its causes,
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Stroke and osteoporosis could be investigated,
for example.

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Evaluating how the relationships between different body systems
affect and support healthy functioning

Major body systems

Anatomy and physiology are complementary branches of science that provide the concepts that help
us to understand the human body.
There are eleven major organ systems in the human body.
1. The nervous system: The nervous system is the body’s main control system. It consists of the
brain, the spinal cord and a network of nerves that extend out to the rest of the body. The
nervous system includes the sensory system.
2. The respiratory system: The respiratory system is centered on the lungs, which work to get
life-giving oxygen into the blood. They also remove carbon dioxide, a waste product from the
3. The muscular system: The main role of the muscular system is to facilitate movement.
Muscles work in pairs to move limbs and allow the body mobility. Muscles also control the
movement of materials through some organs, such as the stomach and intestines and the heart
and circulatory system.
4. The cardiovascular system: The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and a network
of vessels that carry blood. The term cardio refers to the heart and the term vascular refers to
the blood vessels. The main role of the cardiovascular system is to supply oxygen and nutrients
to the body’s cells and remove waste products from these tissues. The system consists of the
heart which pumps blood through the blood vessels which act as pipes throughout the body
carrying the blood to and from the tissues.
5. The endocrine system: Many body processes, such as growth and energy production, are
directed by hormones. The glands of the endocrine system release these chemicals.
6. The lymphatic system: The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting fluids around the
body and also plays a vital role in the operation of the immune system to protect the body from
7. The skeletal system: The adult skeleton is a framework of bone and cartilage that protects
organs and makes it possible for the body to move. The skeleton is a strong yet flexible
framework of bones and connective tissue. It provides support for the body and protection for
many of its internal parts.
8. The integumentary system; The integumentary system is the largest organ system. It is the
system that covers and protects the human body from damage – the word integument means
covering. It includes the skin and its appendages such as hair and nails. The skin covers our
entire body and accounts for about 7% of our total body weight.
9. The urinary system: The urinary system filter out cellular wastes, toxins and excess water or
nutrients from the circulatory system it consists of the kidneys, the ureters, the urinary bladder
and the urethra.
10. The reproductive system: The main role of the reproductive system is to manufacture cells
that allow reproduction. The male and female parts of the reproductive system produce the
sperm and eggs needed to create a new person. They also bring these tiny cells together.

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11. The digestive system: The digestive system takes in the food the body needs to fuel its
activities. It breaks the food down into units called nutrients and absorbs the nutrients into the
blood. The digestive process is also responsible for converting waste into material that can be

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The Nervous System

The nervous system is the master controlling and communicating system of the body. Every thought,
action and emotion reflects the activity of the nervous system. The nervous system uses electrical
signals to communicate rapidly and specifically to the body. These signals are received from the
external environment, conditions outside the body, and from the internal environment, conditions
inside the body. The nervous system allows the body to detect changes in the environment and
respond to those changes to maintain homeostasis (the human body’s ability to regulate itself in
response to changes in the external environment).
The nervous system operates in three ways:
1. It uses sensory receptors to monitor changes and gather information (inputs) occurring both
inside and outside the body.
2. It processes and interprets the sensory input and decides appropriate responses.
3. It causes a response by activating effector organs (muscles and glands).
There are two principal divisions of the nervous system:
1. Central nervous system: this contains the brain and the spinal cord.
2. Peripheral nervous system: this contains the nerves that extend from the brain and spinal
cord and the receptors.
Major role; The main role of the nervous system is to relay electrical signals through the body. The
nervous system directs behaviour and movement and, along with the endocrine system, controls
physiological processes such as digestion and circulation.
Major organs: Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.

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Central nervous system Functions

The central nervous system (CNS) receives information from the body via the peripheral nervous
system (PNS). It integrates the information it receives and activates muscles and glands via the PNS.
Location and protection
The brain and the spinal cord are contained and protected within the dorsal cavity (cranium and
vertebral column). The structures surrounding the CNS are:
 Bone which forms the cranial cavity and vertebral column
 Meninges, the multilayered ‘wrapping’ of the brain and spinal cord
 Cerebrospinal fluid in ventricles and subarachnoid space.
Components of the Central Nervous System

There are 11 major components of the central nervous system.

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Cerebral hemispheres
Two hemispheres form the superior part of the brain. Most of the surface is marked by elevated
ridges of tissue (gyri) and separated by shallow grooves called sulci. Fissures (deeper grooves)
separate large regions of the brain. The longitudinal fissure separates the two hemispheres.
Each hemisphere has three regions:
1. A superficial cortex of grey matter.
2. An internal white matter.
3. The basal nuclei which are islands of grey matter situated deep within the white matter.
Each hemisphere is subdivided into four lobes which are responsible for different human functions –
frontal (higher level intellectual functions and personality), temporal (auditory and olfactory),
parietal (motor and speech) and occipital (visual).

The brain
The brain is a mass of soft nerve tissue, which is encapsulated within the skull. It is made up of grey
matter, mainly nerve cell bodies, and white matter which are the cell processes. The grey matter is
found at the periphery of the brain and in the centre of the spinal cord. White matter is found deep
within the brain, at the periphery of the spinal cord and as the peripheral nerves.
The brain is divided into:

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This is the largest part of the brain which is made up of the two hemispheres of the forebrain.
Cerebral cortex
The cerebral cortex is responsible for conscious thought processes and intellectual functions. It is
also responsible for memory storage and processing, conscious and subconscious regulation of
skeletal muscle contraction. Being composed of gray matter, the cerebral cortex consists of neuron
cell bodies, dendrites and unmyelinated axons, but no fibre tracts.
It contains three kinds of functional areas:
1. Motor areas: control voluntary movement
2. Sensory areas: concerned with conscious awareness of sensation (namely the parietal,
temporal and occipital lobes)
3. Association areas: areas that communicate (‘associate’) with the motor cortex and with other
sensory association areas to analyse and act on sensory inputs with regards to past experience,
and others that are not connected with any of the sensory cortices. Each hemisphere is generally
related to the sensory and motor functions of the opposite side of the body. There is some
specialisation of cortical functions. However, no functional area of the cortex acts alone. The
entire cortex is involved in conscious behaviour in some way.
Cerebral white matter/cerebral medulla; This is responsible for communication between
cerebral areas and between the cerebral cortex and lower CNS centres.
Basal nuclei or basal ganglia: These are clusters of cell bodies or gray matter located deep
among the tracts of cerebral hemisphere. They are important in controlling and coordinating skeletal
muscle activity, inhibiting excessive/unnecessary movements and initiating accessory and often
involuntary actions.
Diencephalon: The diencephalon forms the central core of the forebrain and is surrounded by the
cerebral hemispheres. It integrates conscious and unconscious sensory information and motor
command. It consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus.

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Areas of grey matter that enclose the third ventricle are the:
 Thalamus which contains the relay and process centres for sensory information
 Hypothalamus which has a key role in maintaining homoeostasis in the body. It connects the
brain to the pituitary gland which is the major gland of the endocrine system. It contains the
centres controlling emotions, autonomic function and hormone production
 Epithalamus is involved in the maintenance of circadian rhythms. The pineal gland extends from
here and secretes the hormone melatonin.
This is the connecting link to the spinal cord. Nuclei of cranial nerves are also located in the
brainstem, so it is heavily involved with innervation of the head. The following centres produce the
rigidly programmed, automatic behaviours necessary for survival.
The medulla oblongata relays sensory information to the thalamus and other portions of the
brainstem. Autonomic centres for regulation of visceral function (cardiovascular, respiratory and
digestive system activities).
The pons relays sensory information to the cerebellum and thalamus.
 Subconscious somatic and visceral motor centres. It is composed of conduction tracts
which course in two directions, afferent (incoming) and efferent (outgoing). It is the connecting
link of the brain to the spinal cord.
 The midbrain (or mesencephalon) is responsible for the processing of visual and auditory data.
It generates the reflexive somatic motor responses and maintains consciousness. The midbrain is
the headquarters of the reticular activating system.
The cerebellum coordinates movement and maintains posture and equilibrium by assessing and
adjusting output of other somatic motor centres in the brain and spinal cord.
The Meninges
The meninges consist of three continuous connective tissue membranes covering the brain and
spinal cord.
 The dura mater is the outermost layer and is a double layered membrane
 The arachnoid mater is the middle meningal layer. Some people think it looks a little like a spider
 The pia mater is the innermost layer and is very delicate.
Cerebral spinal fluid

This fluid provides a cushion for the brain and spinal cord. It is a clear, almost colourless liquid, with
a concentration of electrolytes, glucose and protein. It forms constantly in the choroid plexuses in
the ventricles from where it flows into the subarachnoid space and circulates around the brain and
spine. It is absorbed into the venous blood through the arachnoid villi. This maintains a relatively
constant pressure within the skull (intracranial pressure).

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Blood-brain barrier
This barrier is a protective mechanism that limits the passage of potentially damaging materials into
the brain and controls the balance of electrolytes, glucose and proteins in the brain. A similar blood-
cerebral spinal fluid barrier is at the choroid plexus to control the constituents of cerebral spinal
Brain has 2 Hemispheres
 Left & Right sides are separate
 Corpus Callosum : major pathway between hemispheres
 Some functions are ‘lateralised’:
 Language on left
 Math, music on right
 Lateralisation is never 100% .

Peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) connects the CNS to the organs and limbs of the body. The
PNS reacts to impulses carried to and from the brain by the cranial nerves and to impulses carried
to and from the spinal cord by the spinal nerves.

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Functional divisions
The PNS has two divisions, the afferent and the efferent, which have different functions. The
organisation of the PNS in relation to the CNS may be seen in the following diagram:
Afferent system (sensory)
The afferent system consists of neurons which are nerve fibres that convey impulses to the CNS
from sensory receptors located throughout the body. Impulses from skin, skeletal muscles and joints
are conveyed by somatic fibres. Impulses from visceral organs are conveyed by visceral fibres.
Efferent system (motor)
The efferent system contains neurons that transmit impulses from the CNS to effector organs.
Muscles in the body contract and cause the glands to secrete hormones in response.
The efferent division has two subdivisions:
 The somatic nervous system
 The autonomic nervous system.
The somatic nervous system
The somatic nervous system: conducts impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles and is under
voluntary control.

 Nerves to/from spinal cord

 Control muscle movements
 Somatosensory inputs
 Both voluntary and reflex movements
 Skeletal reflexes
 Simplest is spinal reflex arc.

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The Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system conducts impulses from the CNS to cardiac muscles, smooth
muscles and glands, and is under involuntary control.
The autonomic nervous system has two further functional subdivisions:
1. Sympathetic nervous system: (arouses the body)

 Fight or flight” response

 Release adrenaline and noradrenaline
 Increases heart rate and blood pressure
 Increases blood flow to skeletal muscles
 Inhibits digestive functions.
2. Parasympathetic nervous system: (calms after arousal).

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 Rest and digest ” system
 Calms body to conserve and maintain energy
 Lowers heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure .
Nervous tissue
Nervous tissue is made up of supporting cells – smaller cells that surround and wrap delicate
neurons, such as neuroglial cells (in the CNS) and Schwann cells (in the PNS). These provide
structural support and nutrition for the neurons which are the excitable nerve cells that transmit
electrical impulses.
Neurons or nerve cells

Neurons are the structural units of the nervous system. They are highly specialised cells that
transmit nerve impulses/messages from one part of the body to another. They have extreme
longevity but cannot replace themselves if destroyed. Neurons cannot undergo cell division. In the
PNS, axons may be able to regenerate if the cell body is viable. Neurons are highly irritable and
stimulate other cells via action potentials. These action potentials, or nerve impulses, are electrical
impulses carried along the length of axons. They are always the same regardless of stimulus and are
the underlying functional activity of the nervous system. Neurons: require continuous and large
supplies of oxygen and glucose as they have an exceptionally high metabolic rate. They are complex
cells which vary in structure.
Neurons have three components:
1. Cell body: The plasma membrane is the site of electrical signaling. Most cell bodies are located
within the CNS; those in the PNS usually are found in groups called ganglia. The cell body
contains a nucleus.
2. Dendrites: Dendrites of motor neurons are diffusely branching extensions and are the main
receptive or input regions. These provide a huge surface area for receiving signals from other
neurons. They convey incoming messages toward the cell body and on to the axon. Therefore
impulses always move in one direction only.
3. Axon: The axon is the conducting component of the neuron, carrying nerve impulses and
transmitting them away from the cell body toward an effector site or connecting neuron. Each
neuron has only one axon which can be very short, or absent, or nearly the entire length of the

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The axon is covered with a segmented layer of lipid material called myelin. The whole membrane is
referred to as the myelin sheath. Myelin is an insulating substance. It prevents loss of the electrical
impulses, and also increases the speed at which the impulse is conducted. Myelinated fibres conduct
nerve impulses rapidly while unmyelinated fibres conduct impulses quite slowly. The myelin sheath
consists of a series of Schwann cells arranged along the length of the axon. This outer layer of the
Schwann cell membrane is called a neurilemma.
Gaps occur at regular intervals in the myelin sheath and are called nodes of Ranvier. It is at these
nodes that axons can branch extensively. Regions of the brain and spinal cord containing dense
collections of myelinated fibres are referred to as white matter. These are primarily fibre tracts.
Grey matter contains mostly nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated fibres.
Components of neurons

Classification of neurons
Neurons are classified structurally and functionally.
Structural classification
Neurons are structurally classified on the basis of the number of processes (projections) extending
from the cell body.
They can be:
1. Unipolar: one process that branches shortly after leaving the cell body.
2. Pseudo-unipolar: also have one process but originated as bipolar.
3. Bipolar: have two distinct processes arising from the cell body.
4. Multi-polar: have multiple processes capable of extensive branching.
Functional classification: Neurons are functionally classified according to the direction in which
the nerve impulse travels relative to the CNS. Sensory or afferent neurons transmit impulses from
sensory receptors in the skin or internal organs toward the CNS. Motor or efferent neurons carry
impulses away from the CNS to the effector organs (muscles and glands). Motor neurons are multi-
polar. Interneurons lie between motor and sensory neurons in neural pathways shuttling signals
through CNS pathways where integration occurs.

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Neurons have specialised projections called dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring information to
the cell body and axons take information away from the cell body. Information from one neuron
flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse contains a small gap separating neurons.
The synapse consists of:
1. A presynaptic: ending that contains neurotransmitters, mitochondria and other cell organelles.
2. A postsynaptic: ending that contains receptor sites for neurotransmitters.
3. A synaptic cleft: or space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings.
There are two types of synapses:
1. Electrical synapses: the current moves directly from one cell to the next via gap junctions. It
is less common than a chemical synapse and occurs in the CNS.
2. Chemical synapses: the transmission of signals across chemical synapses depends on the
release, diffusion, and receptor binding of neurotransmitter molecules. This results in
unidirectional communication between neurons which convert electrical signals to chemical
signals (neurotransmitters) across the synapse to the post synaptic cells which convert them
back into electrical signals. The best understood chemical synapse is the neuromuscular junction
(motor nerve and skeletal muscle fibre).

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Neurotransmitters (NT), along with electrical signals, are used for neural communication with the
body and the brain.
They can be grouped into several chemical classes based on their molecular structure:
 Acetylcholine
 Amines
 Amino acids
 Polypeptides
 Purines
 Gases
 Lipids.
Somatic nervous system
The somatic nervous system is made up of peripheral nerve fibers that send sensory information to
the central nervous system and motor nerve fibers that send information to skeletal muscle. The
main somatic nervous system functions are to control voluntary movements of your body and to
help you feel through all your senses. The brain and the spinal cord are connected to the skeletal
muscles and the external receptors with the nerves of the somatic nervous system. This is the
system that helps you feel the touch, smell, sight, taste and sound.
The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems. A third division, the enteric nervous system, is also sometimes taken into consideration
while studying the parts of nervous system.
How does SNS function? During any movement, the SNS carries impulses from the brain to the
muscle to be moved, while in its sensory capacity, the SNS carries impulses from the sensory organ
to the brain. Thus there are two portions of the somatic nervous system, the afferent and the
efferent. The impulses from sense organs are carried to the central nervous system by afferent or
sensory neurons and the impulses from the central nervous system are transmitted to the muscles
by efferent or motor neurons.
Neurons which comprise the SNS, emerge from the brain or spinal cord and reach the muscle or
sense organ directly. Their cell body (the soma) is situated in the brain or spinal cord and the axons
(long nerve filaments) travel to or from the cell body, ending in the muscle, skin or sense organ.
They carry electrochemical impulses along with them. The average adult brain contains about 100
billion neurons
Autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system provides motor and sensory innervations to smooth muscle, cardiac
muscle and glands. Ach and norepinephrine are the two major neurotransmitters of the autonomic
nervous system.
Sympathetic activation: The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) mobilises the body during
extreme situations such as the ‘fight-or-flight’ or stress response. It exerts long-lasting, diffuse effects
because NE is inactivated more slowly than Ach. NE uses a second messenger system and
epinephrine is released into the blood.
Parasympathetic activation: The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) exerts short-lived,
highly localised control. Parasympathetic fibres decrease heart and respiratory rates and allow for
digestion and the discarding of wastes. The PSNS performs maintenance activities and conserves
body energy. It involves the ‘D’ activities – digestion, defecation and diuresis (urination).

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The Sensory Organs

The sensory system is vital for survival, growth, development, and the experience of bodily pleasure.
Smelling smoke, we interpret a potentially life threatening situation. Seeing a person smile and
hearing we did a great job bolsters our self-esteem. Feeling someone's hands stroking our body
gives us a feeling of pleasure and sensual delight.
Sense perception depends on sensory receptors that respond to various stimuli. When a stimulus
triggers an impulse in a receptor, the action potentials travel to the cerebral cortex, where they are
processed and interpreted. Only after this occurs is a particular sensation perceived. Some senses,
such as pain, touch, pressure, and proprioception, are widely distributed in the body. These are
called general senses. Other senses, such as taste, smell, hearing, and sight, are called special senses
because their receptors are localized in a particular area. Other senses such as taste, smell, hearing,
and sight, are called special senses because their receptors are localized in a particular area.
The sensory system is part of the nervous system that processes information in response to an
impulse from a sensory organ or peripheral components like the skin, muscles and joints. The
resulting response is called a ‘sensation’ and it is a conscious process in the brain.
Sensation requires four stages to occur:
1. A stimulus that activates a sensory neuron.
2. A receptor made up of specialised nervous tissue, responds to the stimuli and converts it to a
nerve impulse.
3. The nerve impulse is conducted along a neural pathway to the brain.
4. The sensory reception area in the brain interprets the impulse.
A point to remember is that although it is the brain that interprets the message it is projected back
to the initial receptor site and is actually felt in the contact area. Each sensory organ is structured to
only be receptive to the particular stimulus for that sense eg sound waves are the stimulus for the
auditory nerve in the ear and will have no effect on the nose or eyes.
 Receptors: are involved in the production of a sensation. These are:
 Exteroceptors: located near the surface of the body and transmit sensations of sight, smell,
hearing, taste, pressure, temperature and external pain.
 Enteroceptors: located inside the body in blood vessels and organs and transmit sensations of
hunger, thirst, internal pain and nausea
 Proprioceptors: located in the muscles and joints and internal ear and transmit sensations of
external pain from body movement and posture that produce muscle, tendon and joint tension.
General senses
General senses are found throughout the body. The visceral organs control these senses with the
skin, muscles, and joints.
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The general senses include:
 Touch
 Pressure
 Proprioception
 Temperature
 Pain.
Sense of touch (tactile sensation) (skin)
Minute sensory areas are situated in the skin and they correspond to various nerve endings. The
number of receptors for one type of sensation can vary on different areas of the skin and thus can
be more sensitive in one area than another eg fingertips sense more pain than upper arms. The
sensations felt by the skin are touch, pressure and vibration and are detected by mechanoreceptors.
The sensation of touch is picked up by receptors directly under the skin. They are located in hair
roots, in the dermal papillae of the skin, especially in fingertips, eyelids, tip of tongue and other
sensitive areas. Pressure is detected in deeper tissues and is usually sensed over a wider area, lasts
longer and its intensity can vary. Receptors are located in subcutaneous tissues around joints,
tendons, muscles, in mammary glands and external genitalia. Vibrations are detected by receptors
associated with the touch sensation – a very rapidly repeated sensory signal produces the vibration.
The receptors are located in the dermal papillae of the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue.
Thermoreceptive sensation
Thermoreceptors are free nerve endings and are not uniformly distributed but in discreet points on
the skin surface. They sense heat and cold from as low as 10 °C to as high as 45 °C. Once below 10
°C and above 45 °C, pain receptors are activated and the sensations of freezing or burning are
produced. Thermoreceptors are able to adapt to constant stimulation and this can easily result in
frostbite or burns.
The temperature receptors lie directly under the skin and are widely dispersed throughout the
body. The sense of temperature is stimulated by cold and heat receptors. There are many more
cold receptors than heat receptors. The degree of stimulation depends on the number of each type
of receptor stimulated.
These receptors are strongly stimulated by an abrupt change in temperature. Extremes in
temperature stimulate pain receptors. Below 10 degrees C, pain receptors produce a freezing
sensation. As the temperature increases above this measurement, pain impulse cease but cold
receptors begin to be stimulated. At temperatures about 25 degrees C, heat receptors begin to be
stimulated and cold receptors fade out. Finally, as temperatures approach 45 degrees C, heat
receptors fade out and pain receptors are stimulated to produce a burning sensation.

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Pain sensation
Pain is an important component of the human physiology. It provides information about harmful
stimuli and protects us from possible tissue damage. The object of pain is to produce an automated
withdrawal reflex.
Nociceptors: are the receptors for pain and are free nerve endings. They are widespread in the
superficial layers of the skin and found in varying concentrations in every body tissue. They respond
to any type of stimuli. Over stimulation of other receptors can also stimulate nociceptors causing
pain. Excessive stimulation of a sense organ like an eye can cause pain. Other stimuli include
physiological chemical re-actions (inflammatory prostaglandins produced during injury), restricted
blood flow to an organ (cardiac ischaemia) or excessive muscular contractions (intense exercise).
Most pain is recognised in the cerebral cortex. In the case of somatic pain (related to the body
and skeletal muscle) the pain is directed back to the stimulated area eg pain from a finger cut is felt
in the finger. In some forms of visceral pain (related to the internal organs) the pain is experienced
on the skin over the organ or in a surface area, quite removed from the point of stimulation eg a
prolapsed lumbar disc cause’s lower limb pain because of its impact on the sciatic nerve root. This is
termed ‘referred’ pain.
Phantom pain: is another phenomenon. An amputee still experiences pain in their ‘amputated’
limb. An explanation for this is that the brain interprets the stimuli transmitted by the remaining
proximal nerve fibres as coming from the non-existent part.
Sense of smell (nose): The receptors for smell and taste are chemoreceptors ie they respond to
chemicals in an aqueous solution. Smell receptors are stimulated by air-borne chemicals that dissolve
in the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity and taste receptors are stimulated by food
chemicals that dissolve in saliva.
Smell is dependent on:
 The first cranial or olfactory nerve: situated in the nasal cavity mucous membrane
 The olfactory bulb: and tract that transmits the impulse to the brain
 The olfactory centre: in the brain.
Olfactory receptors are located in the superior and medial nasal cavity. The cilia which are attached
to the olfactory neuron dendrite react to odours in the air and thus stimulate the receptor. The
stimulus for the sense of smell has to be in a gaseous form or in minute particles that are soluble in
the secretions of the nasal mucous membrane. Smell is a very delicate sensation and can easily be
dampened eg a perfume after some time is indistinguishable to the wearer but is quite evident to a
new contact. Smell is also closely associated with the sense of taste as a majority of taste sensations
are closely linked to smell.
Sense of taste (mouth): The end-organs that respond to the stimulus of tastes are the tastebuds,
a group of cells that are surrounded by sensory nerve endings. They are heavily concentrated on the
base and sides of the tongue with a lesser number on the soft palate, the inner surface of the cheeks
and throat. The tastebuds are mainly located on the top of mushroom shaped papillae and they each
contain gustatory receptors.
Each receptor has a gustatory hair that extends to the surface through the taste pore which picks up
the taste stimuli. The taste impulse is transmitted along cranial nerves V11 (facial), 1X
(glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus) to the thalamus via the medulla oblongata and finally to the
gustatory area in the cerebral cortex.
There are four primary tastes localised in the tongue – sour, salty, bitter and sweet. All other
flavours are modified and appreciated more by the sense of smell. Taste is 80% smell. The sour taste
is caused by acids, the salty by ionized salts, the sweet taste by organic chemicals such as sugars,
glycols, alcohols, esters and amino acids. The bitter taste is caused by organic chemicals such as
alkaloids eg caffeine and nicotine. The bitter taste has a self-regulatory effect as high intensity
bitterness will cause vomiting. Many poisonous plants and deadly toxins are thus self-regulatory.

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Sense of hearing
The ear enables the sense of hearing.
Parts of the ear

The ear is divided into three distinct parts:

1. External ear.
2. Middle ear.
3. Internal ear.
External ear
The external war includes the visible pinna or auricle that is mainly made of skin and cartilage. It also
contains the external auditory meatus which is an s-shaped canal that passes through the temporal
bone. The tympanic membrane at the end of the meatus seals off the external ear from the middle
Middle ear
The middle ear starts at the tympanic membrane. It is an air-containing chamber situated in the
temporal bone. It contains 3 ear bones called the auditory ossicles:
 The malleus: a hammer shaped bone
 The incus: an anvil shaped bone
 The stapes: a stirrup shaped bone.
The bones are arranged such that movement of the tympanic membrance causes movement through
the bones to the inner ear.
Internal ear
The internal ear is located deep in the temporal bone, behind the eye socket. It is made up of a bony
labyrinth. The bony labyrinth contains perilymph, a plasma-like fluid that holds membranous sacs.
These sacs contain a thicker fluid called endolymph.

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The internal ear has three parts:
1. The cochlea: a spiral shaped passage that contains the cochlear duct.
Within this duct is the organ of corti that has the hearing receptors or hair-like cells. These cells
pick up the vibrations that are caused by sound waves produced through vibrations of the middle
ear. The impulse is then transmitted along the cochlear nerve to the hearing centre in the temporal
2. The vestibule: the middle part of the bony membrane contains two sacs, the saccule and
utricle. These two sacs contain the equilibrium receptors known as maculae – they respond to
gravity and help maintain equilibrium.
3. The semicircular canals: helps maintain body balance and does not have any part in the sense
of hearing. Each canal contains a membranous semicircular duct with an enlarged swelling at one
end, called the ampulla. The ampulla contains the equilibrium receptor, the crista ampullaris.
They also contain a fluid with minute hair cells that bend when the liquid moves with body or
head motion. The receptors transmit the impulse via the vestibular nerve to the cerebellum to
maintain body equilibrium.
Sense of sight (the eye)

The sense of sight relies on the eye. Measuring about 2.5 cm in diameter, the eye sits in the orbital
socket of the skull. The eye is protected by the socket, the eyelids and the eyelashes.
Anatomy of an eye
Cornea: The cornea is a transparent tissue in the front part of the eye. It is a curved spherical
structure that is responsible for focusing the light onto the inside of the eye. Contact lenses sit on
top of the cornea to change its curvature and eliminate the need for glasses. The Vision Correction
Procedures discussed in this website attempt to improve vision by changing the shape of the cornea.
Iris: The iris is the colored part of the eye. It opens up in dark rooms and at night to let more light
into the eye. Conversely, in bright lights the iris constricts to decrease the amount of light that
enters the back of the eye.
Pupil: The pupil is the black spot in the center of the iris. Actually, the pupil is the name given to the
opening in the iris through which light passes.
Lens: The lens is responsible for helping to fine adjust the focus of the eye. The lens changes shape
to allow clear vision both in the distance and for reading.
Vitreous: The vitreous is a clear jelly-like material which fills the inside of the eyeball. Light passes
through the vitreous on its way to being focused onto the retina.
Retina: The retina is a thin film of tissue (like film in a camera) where images are brought into focus.
The retina lines the inside surface of the eyeball. The retina is connected to the brain where the
visual signals are processed.
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Anterior Chamber: Between the cornea and the iris, is a space called the anterior chamber. This
space is filled with a clear water-like solution.
Eye lubrication
Tears, secreted by the lacrimal glands located above the lateral end of the eye, constantly bathe the
eye and drain into the lacrimal canals and sacs located at the medial end, and finally into the
nasolacrimal duct that drains into the nasal cavity. The meibomian glands on the edges of the eyelids
are sebaceous glands that produce an oily secretion to lubricate the eyes. Modified sweat glands, the
ciliary glands, are located between the eyelashes. The conjunctiva, a delicate membrane that covers
part of the eye, secrets mucous which also keeps the eye moist.
The Tooth

The tooth is an amazing sensory organ. The outside of the tooth, the enamel, is the hardest tissue
in the human body. The enamel surrounds another layer of the tooth called the dentin. The tooth
pulp lies in the middle of the tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerve fibers and other
connective tissue. Although the pulp has several functions, including the formation of dentin, the
sensory function of teeth is quite interesting.
The nerve fibres inside teeth are exquisitely sensitive to stimulation when they can be activated. If
you have ever had a cracked tooth or had a cavity in a tooth, you know that the message sent to the
brain by the teeth is PAIN! (The existence of a non-painful sensory function of teeth is being
debated in the current scientific literature). Children usually have 20 baby teeth (also called milk
teeth). Adults have 32 permanent teeth. The 32 teeth in adults include the 3rd molars, also called
the wisdom teeth. In some people the wisdom teeth do not come in at all.
Sense of smell (olfactory) disorders
There are several types of olfactory disorders:
 Anosmia: is the absence of the ability to smell
 Hyposmia: is the decreased ability to smell
 Hyperosmia: is increased sensitivity to an odorant
 Dysosmia: is distortion in the perception of an odour
 Phantosmia: is perception of an odorant where none is present
 Agnosia: is the inability to classify, contrast, or identify odour sensations verbally, even if one
can normally distinguish or recognize between odorants
 Presbyosmia: is the decrease or loss of sense of smell due to aging.

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The Respiratory System
The major function of the respiratory system is to supply the body with oxygen and remove carbon

Major role
The main role of the respiratory system is to provide gas exchange between the blood and the
environment. Primarily, oxygen is absorbed from the atmosphere into the body and carbon dioxide
is expelled from the body.
Major organs
Nose, trachea and lungs.
The four main events of respiration are:
1. Pulmonary ventilation/breathing: movement of air into (inhalation) and out of (exhalation)
the lungs so the gases are continuously exchanged.
2. External respiration: movement of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and carbon dioxide
from the blood to the lungs.
3. Transport of respiratory gases (via the cardiovascular system): transport of oxygen
from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
4. Internal respiration: movement of oxygen from blood to the tissue cells and of carbon
dioxide from tissue cells to blood.

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Structures of the respiratory system
For ease of identification, the respiratory system is identified as having upper and lower sections.
The upper structures are the tubes and passageways that move the air from the nose to the lungs
and vice versa. They include the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx. The lower structures are the
trachea, the bronchi and where the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the
The upper respiratory system: When we breathe in, air enters the body through the nose. In
the nasal cavity there are specialised epithelial cells that clean and warm the air. Have you noticed
when you breathe through your mouth on a bitterly cold day how this extreme cold hurts your
face? This process means that the air has not been warmed, as the mouth does not have the
warming/filtering processes of the nose. Air then passes into a tube-like structure, the pharynx
It is in this area that there is a common link to a passageway for both food and air. The next stage is
when air enters the larynx (voice box). The larynx contains vocal cords that allow us to speak. So
that food does not enter the lungs when you are swallowing, the larynx is pulled upwards and
forwards. This action closes the entrance (the epiglottis, a piece of cartilage that acts like a lid) to
stop any food or fluid from entering the trachea.
The lower respiratory system: The trachea (windpipe) is a tube that leads from the larynx to the
bronchi, which divide into left and right to enter the lungs.
The lungs: The lungs are situated in the thoracic cavity. The tissue is light and spongy and consists
of bronchioles, alveoli and blood vessels and support tissue. The elastic nature of the tissue enables
the lungs to expand and recoil freely. Lung tissue is divided into lobes. There are three lobes on the
right side and two on the left (the heart takes up space on this side).
The lung is cone shaped with the base of each lung resting on the diaphragm. The apex extends to
just above each clavicle. A double layer of continuous closed membrane (the pleura) covers each
lung. One part is attached to the surface of the lung; the other is attached to the chest wall. The
pleura, secretes a thin film of fluid which prevents friction between the two layers during breathing.
Physiology of respiration
The alveoli (air sacs) have thin walls allowing the oxygen and waste products to be passed in and out
of the sacs to the bloodstream.
Respiration is:
 The act of breathing
 The movement of air into and out of the lungs
 The cycle of breathing in (inhalation) and out (exhalation).

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The process of respiration
During inhalation signals are sent to the respiratory muscles (intercostals) and the diaphragm which
both contract, enlarging the size of the thoracic cavity in each direction as the diaphragm flattens and
the ribs are moved upwards and outwards? This produces more space and a negative pressure which
causes air to be sucked in to fill the space. Watch your own chest rise upwards as you take a deep
breath in and then relax.
In the exhalation phase the muscles of respiration relax, allowing the ribs and diaphragm to return to
their original positions. The elastic lungs recoil and air is forced out through the respiratory
passages. The exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) is known as external respiration. It
occurs between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the surrounding capillaries.
During this exchange, gases diffuse through the semi-permeable walls of the alveoli and capillaries,
until the pressure is equal on both sides. Atmospheric air normally contains about 21% oxygen.
Oxygen moves from the higher concentration in the alveoli to the lower concentration in the
capillary blood that has been pumped from the heart to be oxygenated. Carbon dioxide level in the
blood is higher than in the atmospheric air, therefore, carbon dioxide moves from the higher
concentration in the capillary blood to the alveoli air in the sacs.
Think of blowing up an ordinary oval-shaped balloon and the effort required to swell the walls of the
balloon to its desired shape. You generally undertake this task by blowing into the entry point. If the
balloon stretches outwards it will contain air inside its walls. Suddenly it starts to deflate, loses its
shape and the contained air. Applying this to respiration, air is forced into the lungs when we inhale,
with air being forced out when we exhale.
Regulation of respiration
Rate and depth of ventilations (breathing in and out) are regulated by a section of the brain stem
that contains a respiratory centre. Nerve pathways transmit information and impulses travel back to
the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, triggering their contraction. Adjustments occur
depending on the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which stimulates the breathing process.

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The Muscular/Skeletal System

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The main role of the muscular system is to facilitate movement. Muscles work in pairs to move limbs
and allow the body mobility. Muscles also control the movement of materials through some organs,
such as the stomach and intestines and the heart and circulatory system.
Function of muscle tissue
Muscle tissue has four different characteristics that determine the functioning of muscles:
1. Excitability or irritability: the ability to receive and respond to stimuli.
2. Contractility: the ability to shorten forcibly.
3. Extensibility: the ability to be stretched or extended.
4. Elasticity: the ability to recoil and resume the original resting length.
Types of muscle tissue
The muscular system consists of three types of muscle tissue – smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle.
These differ in structure, location, function and means of activation. Muscles are covered in a fibrous
tissue called fascia. This sheath extends to become tendons which attach the muscle to bone. They
vary in length and thickness. Fascia allows the muscles to glide easily past each other.
Smooth muscle: Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow visceral organs, such as the
stomach, esophagus, intestines, uterus, blood vessels and bladder. It is an involuntary muscle because
it is not under our conscious control.
Cardiac muscle; Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. It contracts at a fairly steady rate set by
the heart’s pacemaker. Neural controls allow the heart to respond to changes in bodily needs. It is
of a similar composition to skeletal muscle.
Skeletal muscle: Skeletal muscle is anchored to the bones of the skeletal structure by tendons.
The muscular system refers specifically to skeletal muscle as it makes up the largest proportion of
human body mass. It is under voluntary control.
Functions of skeletal muscle
The main functions of skeletal muscles are to:
 Maintain posture (tone)
 Produce movement
 Stabilise joints
 Maintain body temperature by generating heat.
Structure of skeletal muscle
Each muscle is a discrete organ composed of muscle tissue, blood vessels, nerve fibres and
connective tissue. Skeletal muscle consists of bundles of muscle fibres (cylindrical cells) which extend
the length of the muscle. Each muscle fibre is surrounded by a plasma membrane called the
sarcolemma. The fibres contain myofibrils, T-tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Myofibrils are densely packed, rod-like contractile elements that make up most of the muscle
volume. The arrangement of myofibrils within a fibre is such that a perfectly aligned repeating series
of dark A-bands and light I-bands is apparent. This gives the muscle fibre its striped appearance.
Myofibrils contain two types of overlapping proteins called filaments which lie side by side. The
thinner filaments are called actin and the thicker filaments are called myosin. The thin filaments
contain the active sites to which myosin heads attach during contraction.

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T-tubules and Sarcoplasmic reticulum
T-tubules and Sarcoplasmic reticulum provide tightly linked signals for muscle contraction. The
sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds each myofibril. Its function is the regulation of intracellular calcium
levels. The T-tubules are a continuation of the sarcolemma. They conduct impulses to the deepest
regions of the muscle. These impulses signal the release of calcium from adjacent terminal cisternae.
Muscle contraction
When a muscle contracts it shortens and thickens. This is because thin filaments slide past the thick
ones so that the actin and myosin filaments overlap to a greater degree. In the relaxed state, thin
and thick filaments overlap only slightly. Upon stimulation, myosin heads bind to actin and the sliding
begins. For a skeletal muscle to contract a stimulus must be applied to it. Such a stimulus is normally
transmitted by nerve cells called neurons.
A neuron that transmits a stimulus to muscle tissue is called a motor neuron. The point at which a
motor nerve enters a muscle is called the motor point. A motor nerve branches out the ends of
which are called motor end plates and these rest on muscle fibres. When a nerve impulse reaches a
motor end plate, small vesicles in the terminal branches of the nerve fibre release a chemical called
acetylcholine (ACh).
ACh transmits the nerve impulse from the neuron to the muscle fibre, thus initiating contraction.
This electrical charge travels over the surface of the sarcolemma and into the T-tubules. When the
impulse is conveyed from the T-tubules to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the sarcoplasmic reticulum
releases the calcium ions from storage into the sarcoplasm surrounding the myofilaments. The
calcium ions move to the myosin heads and activate the myosin so that it can catalyse the
breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Energy is then released and used for the attachment and movement of the myosin head, and thus the
sliding of the myofilaments. As the thin myofilaments slide past the thick myofilaments, the Z-lines
are drawn toward each other and the sarcomere shortens causing the muscle to contract. There are
two main categories of muscle contractions, isotonic and isometric.
Isotonic contractions
Isotonic contractions are where muscles shorten under tension. In isotonic contractions, the muscle
changes in length (changing the angle of the joint) and moves the load.
The two types of isotonic contractions are:
1. Concentric : the muscle shortens and does work
2. Eccentric: the muscle contracts as it lengthens.
Isometric contractions: Isometric contractions are those in which tension is developed, but the
length of the muscle is not changed. Tension increases the muscle’s capacity, but the muscle neither
shortens nor lengthens. Contractions occur if the load is greater than the tension the muscle is able
to develop.

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Muscle tone
Muscles, even when relaxed, are almost always slightly contracted. This continuous slight tension is
involuntary and known as muscle tone. It keeps muscles firm, healthy and ready to respond to
stimulation. It helps stabilise joints and hold our posture. The degree of muscle tone varies
depending on the amount of exercise or activity a person does. Muscles with a lower muscle tone
are said to be flaccid. Muscles with a high degree of tone are called spastic. Regular exercise and
massage can help maintain the elasticity of muscle fibres, improving muscle tone.
Muscle fatigue: Muscle fatigue is a state of physiological inability to contract even though the
muscle may be receiving stimuli. With continued exertion the glucose stores in muscle cells and
oxygen (used to burn the glucose to make energy) are exhausted. Muscles contract less and less
effectively, with muscle fatigue resulting. An accumulation of waste products, such as lactic acid and
carbon dioxide build up in the affected muscle causing pain and stiffness.
Muscle attachment: The origin of a muscle is its fixed or immovable point of attachment. The
insertion of a muscle is its attachment on the movable bone. The insertion is the part farthest away
from the spine. Muscles generally move towards their origins. Muscles normally work in pairs to
produce movement – whatever one muscle or muscle group can do, another muscle or group of
muscles opposes the action. The prime mover is the muscle that provides the major force for
producing a specific movement, ie contraction. The antagonist is the muscle that opposes a
particular movement, ie relaxation.

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The skeletal system
The adult skeleton is a framework of bone and cartilage that protects organs and makes it possible
for the body to move.
Skeletal System Diagram

Major role: The main role of the skeletal system is to provide support for the body, protect
delicate internal organs and provide attachment sites for the organs.
Major organs: Bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
Bones and skeletal tissue
The human skeleton is initially made up of cartilages and fibrous membranes; however, most of these
early supports are soon replaced by bone during growth.
Skeletal cartilages
Skeletal cartilage consists primarily of water. It has the ability to bounce back to its original shape
after being compressed. It contains no blood vessels or nerves and is surrounded by the
perichrondrium. It is dense, irregular connective tissue that resists outward expansion. There are
three types of cartilage tissue: hyaline, elastic and fibro cartilage. Cartilage growth ends during
adolescence when the skeleton stops growing. The cartilage remaining in adults are found in areas
where flexible skeletal tissue is required.

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Classification of bones
The 206 bones of the human skeleton are divided into the following types.
Axial skeleton: These are the bones of the skull, vertebrae column and rib cage that are involved
in supporting, protecting, or carrying other body parts.
Appendicular skeleton: These are the bones of the upper and lower limbs, shoulder and hip that
are involved in locomotion and manipulation.
Classification of bones by shape
 Long bones: are longer than they are wide, eg the humerus. They have a shaft and two ends.
Long bones reach their peak density between the ages of 35 – 40.
 Short bones: are cube-shaped bones of the wrist and ankle. They are the bones that form
within tendons, eg the patella.
 Flat bones: are thin, flattened and slightly curved, eg the sternum and most skull bones.
 Irregular bones: are bones with complicated shapes, eg vertebrae and hip bones.
Functions of bones
 Support: Bones support the body by forming its framework and cradling the soft organs.
 Protection: Bones provide a protective case for the brain, spinal cord and vital organs.
 Movement: Bones provide levers for muscles.
 Mineral storage: Bones are a reservoir for minerals, especially calcium and phosphorous. The
blood vessels regulate calcium levels.
Blood cell formation: Haematopoiesis occurs within the marrow cavities of bones.
Bone markings
External bone surfaces are rarely smooth and featureless. There are bulges, depressions, and holes
that serve as sites of attachment for muscles, ligaments and tendons. They also serve as joint
surfaces and conduits for blood vessels and nerves to pass.
Bone textures
Compact bone: Is the dense outer layer.
Spongy bone (or cancellous bone): Is a honeycomb of trabeculae (small needle-like or flat
pieces) filled with red or yellow bone marrow. In infants, all the bone marrow (upper and lower
limbs) is red. In adults this is replaced with yellow marrow except for the head of the femur and the
sternum. Spongy bones are densest between the ages of 25 – 30.
Bone marrow:
 Red: where process of haemopoiesis take place
 Yellow: filled with fat
Structure of long bone
Long bones consist of a diaphysis and an epiphysis.
Diaphysis: This is the tubular shaft that forms the axis of long bones. It is composed of compact
bone that surrounds the medullary cavity. Yellow bone marrow is contained in the medullary cavity.
Epiphysis: This is the expanded end of a long bone. The exterior is compact bone and the interior
is spongy bone. The joint surface is covered with hyaline (articular) bone. The epiphyseal line
separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis in adults. It is a remnant of the epiphyseal plate (disc of
hyaline cartilage) which grows during childhood to lengthen the bone.
Structure of short, irregular and flat bones: The thin plates of periosteum-covered compact
bone are on the outside with endostenum-covered spongy bone (diploes) on the inside. They have
no diaphysis or epiphysis and contain bone marrow between the trabeulae.
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Location of haematopoietic tissue (red marrow): In infants, this is found in the medullary
cavity of the diaphysis and all areas of spongy bone. In adults, this is found in the diploe of flat bones
and the head of the femur and humerus. The red marrow in the diploe of flat bones (sternum) and
some irregular bones (hip bone) is much more active in haematopoiesis.
Bone membranes
Periosteum is the double-layered protective membrane. The outer fibrous layer is dense, irregular
connective tissue. The inner osteogenic layer is composed of osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells, which are responsible for new bone during growth and repair.
Osteoclasts are bone-destroying cells. They are important for bone resorption. They are richly
supplied with nerve fibres, blood and lymphatic vessels which enter the bone via nutrient foramen
(opening). They are secured to underlying bone by perforating fibres.
Is the delicate membrane covering the internal surfaces of bone?
Microscopic structure of bone
Compact bone
 The Haversian system or osteon: is the structural unit of compact bone.
 Lamella: are weight bearing, column-like matrix tubes composed mainly of collagen.
 The Haversian or central canal: is the central channel containing blood vessels and nerve
fibres that serve the needs of the cell.
 Volkmann’s canals: are the channels that lie at right angles to the central canal which connect
blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to that of the Haversian canal.
 Osteocytes: are mature bone cells ‘trapped’ in lacunae (small cavities in bone).
 Canaliculi: are hair-like canals between the various lacunae of ossified (cartilage has turned to
bone) bone.
Chemical composition of bone
Organic components of bone are osteoblasts, osteocytes (mature bone cells), osteoclasts and
osteoid. Unmineralised bone matrix is composed of proteoglycans; glycoproteins and collagens
Inorganic components of bone are hydroxylapatites or mineral salts which are 65% of bone by mass.
They are mainly calcium phosphates and are responsible for bone hardness and its resistance to
Bone development
Osteogenesis and ossification are the processes of bone tissue formation which leads to:
 The formation of the bony skeleton in embryos
 Bone growth until early adulthood
 Bone thickness, remodelling and repair.
Control of remodelling and repair
Bone is a dynamic and active tissue. Small changes in architecture occur continually. Every week, 5 –
7% of our bone mass is recycled. Spongy bone is replaced every 3 – 4 years and compact bone is
replaced about every 10 years.

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Two control loops regulate bone remodelling in the adult.
1. Hormonal mechanism maintains calcium homoeostasis in the blood.
2. Mechanical and gravitational forces acting on the skeleton.
The remodelling units are the adjacent osteoblasts and osteoclasts which deposit and resorb bone,
at both surfaces of the periosteum and endosteum.
Hormonal mechanism
The calcium homoeostatic of blood is 9 – 11 mg/100 ml. Rising calcium ions in blood levels trigger
the thyroid to release calcitonin which stimulates calcium salt deposit in bone. Falling blood calcium
levels signal the parathyroid glands to release parathyroid hormone (PTH) which signals osteoclasts
to degrade bone matrix and release calcium into the blood.
Response to mechanical stress
Wolff’s Law states that a bone grows or remodels in response to the forces or demands placed
upon it.
Observations explained by Wolff’s Law are that:
 Long bones are thickest midway along the shaft (where the bending stress is greatest)
 Curved bones are thickest where they are most likely to buckle.
Bone deposition
Bone deposition occurs where bone is injured or added strength is needed. This requires a healthy
diet rich in proteins Vitamins C, D and A, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Alkaline
phosphatase is essential for mineralisation of bone (an enzyme shed by osteoblasts).
Bone Resorption
Resorption is accomplished by osteoclasts. Resorption bays are grooves formed by osteoclasts as
they move along a bone surface and break down the bone matrix. Resorption involves osteoclast
secretion of lysosomal enzymes that digest the organic matrix, and hydrochloric acid that converts
calcium salts into soluble forms. Osteoclasts may also phagocytise demineralised matrix and dead
bone cells.

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The Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and a network of vessels that carry blood. The term
cardio refers to the heart and the term vascular refers to the blood vessels. The main role of the
cardiovascular system is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and remove waste
products from these tissues. The system consists of the heart which pumps blood through the
blood vessels which act as pipes throughout the body carrying the blood to and from the tissues.
The heart

The heart is about the size of a clenched fist with a mass between 250 and 350 grams. It rests on the
diaphragm between the two lungs, well enclosed within the mediastinum, the medial cavity of the

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Coverings of the heart
There are three layers of the heart.
1. Pericardium: the outer layer of the heart. It is a sac-like structure with three layers.
2. Myocardium: the middle layer of the heart. It is composed mainly of cardiac muscle which is
responsible for the pumping action of the heart.
3. Endocardium: the inner layer of the heart. It consists of a thin layer of endothelial cells which
is continuous with the endothelial linings of the blood vessels which enter and leave the heart.
Chambers of the heart
The heart consists of four chambers:
 The right atrium
 Left atrium
 Right ventricle and
 Left ventricle.
The upper chambers together are called the atria and are receiving chambers for blood returning to
the heart after circulation. The lower chambers of the heart are called the ventricles and are the
discharging chambers or actual pumps of the heart. As a result ventricles are reflected in the much
more massive ventricular walls. The left ventricle is three times thicker than the right, as it is the
systemic pump that has to pump blood through the entire systemic circulation process against high
resistance. The right side of the heart is separated from the left side by a muscular wall called the
Heart valves
Blood flows through the heart in one direction. The heart contains four valves to prevent the blood
from flowing backwards. The valves open and close in response to differences in blood pressure on
their two sides. The bicuspid and tricuspid valves prevent regurgitation of blood back into the atria.
The semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary) prevent reflux of blood back into the ventricles.
Properties of cardiac muscle fibres
The heart is a muscular organ of the body. The heart’s muscle fibres are striated and they contract
by the sliding filament mechanism (similar to skeletal fibres). The heart cells are short, fat, branched
and interconnected. The entire myocardium (the muscular wall of the heart) behaves as a single
coordinated unit. Large mitochondria make up 25% of the volume of cardiac cells compared with 2%
volume in skeletal muscle. The mitochondria give cardiac cells a high resistance to fatigue but also a
greater dependence on oxygen for energy metabolism.

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Heart physiology
The conduction system within the heart is composed of specialised muscle tissue that generates
and distributes the electrical impulses which stimulate the cardiac muscle fibres to contract.
These tissues are the:
 Sinoatrial (SA) node
 Atrioventricular (AV) node
 Atrioventricular bundle consisting of right and left bundle branches and ventricular walls (or
Purkinje fibres).
The SA node: is located in the right atrium just below the entry of the superior vena cava and is
the heart’s pacemaker. Its characteristic rhythm, the sinus rhythm, determines the heart rate. All
parts of the conducting system are capable of initiating beats, but the SA node depolarises most
rapidly and therefore sets the pace for the heart. An impulse generated in the SA node spreads out
over both the atria causing them to contract and at the same time depolarising the AV node.
The AV node: is located on the right side of the interatrial septum immediately above the tricuspid
valve. Conduction over the atria to the AV node is relatively slow, and it is also rather slow within
the AV node. Once through the AV node, the signalling impulse is rapidly conducted over the AV
bundle to the ventricle.
The AV bundle: arises from the AV node and passes down the superior part of the
interventricular septum only briefly before it divides into the right and left bundle branches.
The bundle branches descend on either side of the septum toward the heart apex and continue
up the right and left sides of the heart, giving off numerous branches to the myocardium. These are
known as the Purkinje fibres.
The terminal Purkinje fibres: branch throughout the subendocardial surface and penetrate to
reach deeper muscle fibres resulting in contraction of the ventricles. Conduction through this
system is rapid. In a healthy human heart, the total time between initiation of an impulse by the SA
node and depolarisation of the last of the ventricular muscle cells is about 0.22 seconds. The atria
and ventricles are connected electrically. The AV node is the only electrical connection between the
atria and the ventricles.
Problems with the heart
Defects in the conduction system can cause:
 Irregular heart rhythms
 Arrhythmias – uncoordinated atrial and ventricular contractions
 Fibrillation – rapid and irregular or out-of-phase contractions. Here, the SA node’s control of
heart rhythm is taken away by rapid activity in other heart regions.
A defective SA node will have an effect on the pacemaker causing abnormal or premature
conduction. Any damage to the AV node interferes with the ability of the ventricles to receive
pacing impulses. This is referred to as heart shock.

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Measuring heart activity
An electrocardiogram or ECG is a graphic record of the electrical activity of the heart.
A typical ECG has three distinguishable waves:
1. P wave represents atrial depolarisation (contraction).
2. QRS complex represents ventricular depolarisation.
3. T wave represents ventricular repolarisation (relaxation).
Blood vessels
There are five types of blood vessels.
1. Arteries: Arteries carry blood away from the heart to body tissues. Most arteries carry
oxygenated blood except for the pulmonary arteries. Arteries are usually deep-seated apart
from where they cross a pulse point, for example the carotid artery in the neck and the radial
artery in the wrist. Blood flow in arteries is rapid and in spurts.
2. Arterioles; Arterioles are smaller arteries which arise from arteries branching off as they get
further from the heart. These then lead into the capillaries.
3. Capillaries; Capillaries are microscopic vessels composed of a single layer of smooth muscle
cells around endothelial lining. They connect arterioles and Venules. Capillaries permit exchange
of nutrients and wastes between the body’s cells and the blood. The number of capillaries
depends on the tissue nutrient requirements. Muscles, the liver, the kidneys and nervous system
have extensive capillary networks as they are body tissues with high metabolic requirements.
4. Venules: Venules are larger vessels which connect with capillaries. By the time the blood
reaches the Venules it has become deoxygenated. Blood flows through the Venules to larger
vessels called veins.
5. Veins: Veins are the larger vessels for blood. Veins convey blood, called venous blood, towards
the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood except for the pulmonary veins. Blood flow in
veins is slow and even.
Composition of blood vessels
The walls of all blood vessels, except capillaries, have three layers of tissue.
1. Tunica interna/intima vasorum: This is the innermost layer of blood vessels and contains
simple squamous epithelium.
2. Tunica media vasorum: This is the middle layer and consists of smooth muscle cells and
elastic tissue.
3. Tunica externa/adventitia vasorum: This is the outermost layer which contains mainly
elastic and collagen fibres.
In a vein, the middle and inner layers are thinner and less elastic than blood vessels and contain
valves to prevent backflow of blood.

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The cardiac cycle
The cardiac cycle includes all events associated with the blood flow through the heart during one
heartbeat. There is a continuous changing of pressure of blood volume in the heart.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels.
Contraction of the ventricles generates blood pressure.
BP depends on a number of factors:
 Blood volume
 Cardiac output
 Total peripheral resistance.
Blood volume
Any decrease in the normal volume of blood, for example as a result of haemorrhage, decreases the
amount of blood that is circulated through the arteries. Dehydration increases blood pressure.
Cardiac output
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute. It is equal to stroke
volume (SV) multiplied by the heart rate (HR).
SV = amount of blood ejected from each ventricle with each contraction.
HR = the number of contractions of the ventricles each minute.
During exercise both stroke volume and heart rate are increased.
Total peripheral resistance
Total peripheral resistance is the opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood and the
walls of blood vessels. A rise in vascular resistance will mean a rise in blood pressure. Total
peripheral resistance depends on the total blood vessel length. When the total length of all blood
vessels in the body is increased, there is an increase in resistance to blood flow. Additional blood
vessels develop where there is extra fat. This explains why those who are overweight may have
higher blood pressure. The smaller the average blood vessel diameter, the greater resistance there is
to blood flow.
Regulation of blood pressure
Blood pressure varies with movement and with a person’s physical condition. Exercise, physical or
emotional distress or trauma and increased body temperature all influence blood pressure.
 The body uses various controls to maintain a ‘normal’ blood pressure
 The cardiovascular centre in the brain stem (the medulla oblongata) regulates the heart
rate/force of contraction of ventricles/blood vessel diameter
 Baroceptors, pressure receptors located in the aorta, internal carotid arteries and other large
arteries in the neck and chest, regulate the nervous system. Chemical receptors monitor levels
of O2, CO2 and H+.
 The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system regulates hormones. If blood flow to the kidneys is
inadequate, the kidneys secrete the enzyme renin into the bloodstream. The activity of renin
results in the formation of the converting enzyme angiotensin II which raises blood pressure
by vasoconstriction. This leads to the release of the active hormone aldosterone which is
involved in the reabsorption of Na+.
 Adrenaline/noradrenalin is released during stress situations which raises the heart rate and

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Reading blood pressure

Drawing of a hand felling the neck of a Drawing of a hand feeling the wrist of a person
The radial pulse
The carotid pulse

Blood pressure is the amount of force exerted against the walls of an artery by the blood. The heart
muscle contracts and relaxes. The period of contraction is called systole and the period of relaxation
is called diastole
Systolic blood pressure: is the force with which blood is pushing against arterial walls during
ventricular contraction. It is a clue to the integrity of the heart, arteries and the arterioles.
Diastolic blood pressure: is the force exerted by the blood remaining in the arteries during
ventricular relaxation. The diastolic pressure which is constantly present on the arterial walls
directly indicates blood vessel resistance.
Pulse pressure: is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure.
The pulse pressure tends to parallel the stroke volume.
The following factors may affect the accuracy of blood pressure readings:
 White coats (just seeing a health professional can elevate blood pressure)
 Caffeine consumption
 Smoking
 Heavy physical activity
 Rushing
 Emotional upset.
Taking blood pressure
 BP is measured in the brachial artery in the left arm. Avoid using this arm if there has been
damage to vessels, removal of axillary lymph nodes, or there is a shunt in-situ for dialysis.
The following are required when taking blood pressure:
 Sphygmomanometer of appropriate size for person (note that sphygmo means pulse). The cuff
bladder should be 20% wider than the diameter of the extremity in use
 Stethoscope
 Quiet, relaxed atmosphere
 Client seated or lying with arm supported and level with the heart.

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Steps to follow
1. Ensure the cuff is completely deflated.
2. Put the centre of the cuff around the upper arm (with the tubes lying over the cubital fossa) and
wrap the cuff evenly and snugly.
3. Place the stethoscope in your ears.
4. Locate the brachial pulse in the anterior cubital fossa and place the diaphragm of your
stethoscope over the pulse point and hold it in place.
5. Close the valve on the pump making sure not to over tighten.
6. Inflate sphygmomanometer until the pulse sound disappears then pump for an extra 20 – 30 mm
Hg beyond that. The artery is now occluded.
7. Gradually release the valve on the pump allowing air to slowly leak out. Watch the gauge
carefully to get the next reading.
8. The systolic pressure is the reading at the first return of sound – a tapping, whooshing sound.
9. Keep deflating the cuff slowly and when sound disappears, note the reading which gives the
diastolic pressure.
10. Open the valve to let the remainder of the air out of the cuff.
11. Record the BP reading as systolic/diastolic.

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Functions of blood
Blood performs a number of functions which relate to:
 Substance distribution such as oxygen and carbon dioxide movement around the body
 Regulation of blood levels of particular substances such as water content and ph of cells
 Body protection such as temperature control.
Blood transports:
 Oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive tract to all cells of the body and carbon
dioxide from cells back to the lungs
 Metabolic wastes from cells to the organs for elimination – the lungs and kidneys
 Hormones from endocrine glands to the target organs.
Blood maintains:
 Appropriate body temperature by absorbing and distributing heat throughout the body and to
the skin surface
 Normal ph in body tissues using buffer systems such as blood proteins and other blood borne
 Adequate fluid volume in the circulatory system by influencing levels of salts and blood proteins.
Blood protects:
 The body by preventing blood loss by activating plasma proteins and platelets and by initiating
clot formation when a vessel is damaged
 The body from infection by helping to defend the body against foreign invaders by synthesizing
and utilising antibodies activating complement proteins and white blood cells.
Physical characteristics of blood: Blood is a sticky opaque fluid with a metallic taste. Its colour
varies from scarlet (which is oxygen rich) to dark red (oxygen poor) and has a pH of 7.35 – 7.45.
Blood has a temperature of 38 ºC which is slightly higher than ‘normal’ body temperature. Blood
accounts for approximately 8% of body weight.
Composition of blood: Blood is the body’s only fluid tissue and is a specialised type of connective
tissue. It is composed of liquid plasma (matrix) and formed elements (cells or cellular components).
Blood plasma

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Plasma is a straw coloured, sticky fluid of which water is about 90% of the volume. Blood plasma
contains over 100 solutes which include:
 Proteins such as albumin, globulins and clotting proteins, make up 8% by weight of plasma
volume (most are produced by the liver)
 Non-protein nitrogenous substances such as urea and creatinine  organic nutrients
such as glucose, carbohydrates, amino acids, lactic acid, cholesterol and vitamins
 Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and bicarbonate
 Respiratory gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Formed elements
Erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, make up the formed elements. Only white blood cells are
complete cells. Red blood cells have no nuclei or organelles, and platelets are just cell fragments.
Most formed elements survive in the bloodstream for only a few days. Most blood cells do not
divide but are renewed by division of cells in bone marrow.
Formed elements include:
 Erythrocytes, or red blood cells: which account for 45% of the total blood volume
 Leukocytes or white blood cells
 Platelets.
Together, leukocytes and platelets account for less than 1% of blood volume.

Erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBC) are biconcave discs with no nucleus and essentially have no
organelles. They are filled with haemoglobin (Hb), a protein that functions in gas transport. They
contain the plasma membrane protein spectrin and other proteins that give them flexibility and allow
them to change shape as necessary.
Erythrocytes are an example of how structure and function are complementary. The structural
characteristics of red blood cells contribute to their gas transport function. Their biconcave shape
has a huge surface area relative to volume which makes them particularly effective at gas exchange in
the body. Discounting water content, erythrocytes are more than 97% haemoglobin. Erythrocytes
are dedicated to respiratory gas transport. Haemoglobin binds to and transports respiratory gases.
Adenosine thriphosphate (ATP) is generated anaerobically by erythrocytes because they lack
mitochondria. Therefore, they do not consume the oxygen they transport.
Hematocrit: is the percentage of red blood cells in blood. A hematocrit value of 50 means that
50% of the blood volume is red blood cells. A sharp drop in hematocrit can indicate anaemia, but the
value can vary considerably depending on a person’s lifestyle and their level of fitness.

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Erythropoiesis (formation of erythrocytes): is hormonally controlled and depends upon
adequate supplies of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic acid (B12 and
Folic acid are necessary for normal DNA synthesis) are all required. The number of circulating
erythrocytes remains constant and reflects a balance between RBC production and destruction. Too
few RBCs, leads to tissue hypoxia – oxygen deprivation. Too many RBCs causes undesirable
blood viscosity. The body stores iron in Hb (65%), the liver, spleen and bone marrow to a much
lesser extent. Iron is stored inside cells as protein-iron. In blood, iron is loosely bound to the
transport protein transferrin. The developing erythrocytes take up iron to form haemoglobin as they
need it.
Life span: The life span of an erythrocyte is 100 – 120 days. Old erythrocytes become rigid and
fragile and their Hb begins to degenerate. Dying erythrocytes are engulfed by macrophages. Heme
and globin are separated and iron is salvaged for reuse. The balance of heme is degraded to a yellow
pigment called bilirubin. The liver secretes bilirubin into intestines as bile. The intestines metabolise
bilirubin into urobilinogen and this degraded pigment is excreted in faeces and urine. Globin is
metabolised into amino acids which are released into circulation.

Leukocytes are white blood cells (WBC). These are the only blood components that are complete
cells. They make up less than 1% of the total blood volume and are crucial to our defence against
disease. They can leave capillaries via diapedesis. They move through tissue spaces where they are
needed to mount inflammatory or immune responses. Leukocytes are made up of granulocytes and
 Granulocytes: These include neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils and make up about
75% of WBC and are made in bone marrow. They contain cytoplasmic granules and are larger
and usually shorter-lived than RBCs. They have lobed nuclei. All granulocytes are phagocytic
cells which are able to engulf and digest bacteria and other harmful matter.
 Agranulocytes: These include lymphocytes and monocytes and lack visible cytoplasmic
granules. They are mostly produced in the lymphatic system.

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Platelets are fragments of megakaryocytes which are not cells in the strict sense. Their granules
contain serotonin which enhances vascular spasm. They also contain calcium ions, enzymes, ADP
which attract more platelets to the area and cause them to release their contents and platelet-
derived growth factor (PDGF). Platelets are essential for the clotting process. They form a
temporary plug that helps seal breaks in blood vessels by sticking to a damaged site. The stem cell
for platelets is the hemocytoblast.

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Haemostasis is a process that prevents excessive blood loss in the body. There are three primary
mechanisms employed to control bleeding, vascular spasm, platelet plug, and blood clotting.
There are three stages:
1. Vascular spasm: constriction of the damaged blood vessel resulting in reduced blood flow.
2. Platelet plug formation.
3. Coagulation.
Vascular Spasm
Vascular spasm occurs when a blood vessel is punctured. The smooth muscle surrounding the vessel
contracts and pinches off blood supply to the area. This mechanism can be seen as the ‘first-aid’
system of the body and it can hold for minutes to hours. The exact cause of vascular spasm is not
understood, but may be related to damaged nerve endings in the muscle itself and from reflexes set
up by pain receptors.
Platelet Plug Formation
Platelet plug formation is a more complex process than vascular spasm, and it occurs in three
1. Platelet adhesion - The first phase begins when platelets detect damage to a blood vessel and
begin to adhere to the exposed surfaces.
2. Platelet release reaction - Once stuck to a site of damage, the platelets begin to change.
Firstly they create extensions so that they can contact each other, and then they release their
3. Platelet aggregation - The ADP acts to make the nearby platelets sticky and adhere to the
other recruited platelets, and when the collection is large enough it creates a platelet plug
stopping the loss of blood through holes in small vessels.
The clotting process/ Coagulation
Clotting or Coagulation is the most complex haemostatic process. The aim of the process is to turn
liquid blood into a gel. The gel is called a clot and is composed of protein fibres called fibrin in which
the formed elements of blood are trapped. The gel effectively forms a cap over a wound.
Clotting involves several substances called clotting factors; these are typically numbered from one to
thirteen using Roman numerals. The clotting factors act upon each other to create a cascade of
interactions that ultimately results in clot formation. The clotting process occurs with a positive
feedback mechanism: once a clot is formed it continues to expand and external factors are required
to hold it in check. Clotting occurs in three stages. The first stage can occur via two distinct
pathways, intrinsic or extrinsic, and results in the formation of the enzyme prothrombinase. This
phase can be described as a cascade of interactions between clotting factors.
 The extrinsic pathway: occurs quickly and involves fewer steps than the intrinsic pathway. It
is so named because it requires the release of Tissue Factor (TF) from outside the blood vessels
through tissue trauma, in order to form prothrombinase.
 The intrinsic pathway: occurs more slowly and uses activators within the blood to reach
In the second stage of the process, prothrombin is catalysed by prothrombinase and calcium ions
to the enzyme thrombin.
In stage three, thrombin converts fibrinogen to loose fibrin threads. Fibrin stabilising factor (XIII) is
also activated by thrombin, aids with the strengthening and stabilisation of fibrin. Two positive
feedback effects are brought about by thrombin: it accelerates the formation of prothrombinase and
it activates platelets stimulating their activity.

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Blood groups

Red blood cell plasma membranes have antigens – glycoproteins – on their surface which give us our
unique identity. There are 30 varieties of naturally occurring RBC antigens. The presence or absence
of each antigen therefore allows us to be classified into several different blood groups, ABO and Rh
blood groups. The person’s ABO blood group will be A, B, AB or O depending on what the
person inherited. There are at least 8 different types of Rh factors.
Type O blood groups: lack A and B antigens and are therefore considered the universal donor
because type O blood can be given to a person of any blood type.
Type AB: is the universal recipient because a person with this blood type can receive blood from
all other blood groups.
The Rh factor: may cause blood incompatibility if the mother is Rh-negative and the foetus is Rh-
positive. In cases of emergencies where blood volume needs to be replaced immediately to restore
adequate circulation, plasma can be administered without a concern about a transfusion reaction.
The antibodies it contains are harmlessly diluted in the recipient’s blood. Colloidal solutions or
isotonic salt solutions are other options. As people have different blood groups, blood matching is
critical before a blood transfusion takes place. Transfusion of incompatible blood can lead to death.

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The Endocrine system
Many body processes, such as growth and energy production, are directed by hormones. The glands
of the endocrine system release these chemicals.

The nervous system controls the body through electrical impulses delivered by neurons. The body’s
other control system, the endocrine system, and affects bodily activities by releasing chemical
messengers, called hormones, into the bloodstream from a variety of glands and organs. The
nervous and endocrine systems interact to coordinate and integrate their activities to direct the
functioning of the cells in the body. For example, this can be compared to the canal-linked city of
Venice. A telephone call can deliver a message instantaneously, just like a nerve transmission.
However, a slower message can be sent by using a fleet of gondolas through the canals of Venice –
one of them will reach any specific destination in the city, just like a chemical message that is sent in
the blood.
The endocrine system has a profound influence on the regulation of:
 Energy and metabolism
 Stress response
 Growth and development
 Behaviour
 Fluid, electrolyte and nutrient balance
 Immunity.
All body systems are affected by hormonal influence. Hormones influence metabolic activity in cells
by increasing or decreasing the normal metabolic process by activating enzymes. Endocrine glands
secrete hormones to maintain homoeostasis. These actions may be targeted to specific cells or
broad-based to target organs.

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Chemistry of hormones: Most hormones are amino acid-based. These include amino acids,
peptides and proteins. Hormones are usually water-soluble. Steroids (only gonadal and
adrenocortical hormones) are synthesised from cholesterol. Eicosanoids, which include leukotrienes
and prostaglandins, are local hormones which are biologically active lipids.
Mechanism of hormone action
Hormones travel from endocrine organs to their targets via the blood. The target cells are cells that
have receptors for specific hormones on them. Hormones are potent chemicals exerting profound
effects on their target organs at very low concentrations. Hormones alter cell activity by increasing
or decreasing rates of normal cell processes. Hormones may be transported in the blood freely or
bound to a carrier protein. Amino acid-based hormones cannot penetrate the plasma membranes of
tissue cells. They therefore bind to external receptors on cell membranes and exert their signalling
effects via a second messenger system (eg, cyclic AMP).
Cyclic AMP
Amino acid-based hormone (first messenger) diffuses to target issue

Hormone blinds to specific receptor

Activates G protein which activates adenylate cyclase

Generates the second messenger CAMP from ATP

Specific response

Control of hormone release

Hormone release is normally regulated by a negative feedback system.
Endocrine glands are stimulated by three types of stimuli:
1. Humoral stimuli – direct response to changing levels of certain ions and nutrients in the
blood, eg blood glucose levels affect insulin/glucagon release
2. Neural stimuli – direct nerve innervation, eg sympathetic nerves stimulate adrenal medulla to
release adrenalin
3. Hormonal stimuli – releasing and inhibiting hormones, eg thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulates thyroid gland to release thyroxine.
The nervous system may also modulate the activity of the endocrine system.

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Major endocrine glands
These are the 8 endocrine glands:
1. Pituitary gland (hypophysis) – anterior and posterior.
2. Thyroid gland.
3. Parathyroid glands.
4. Adrenal glands.
5. Pancreas.
6. Gonads.
7. Pineal gland.
8. Thymus.
The pituitary gland
This small gland, just a little larger than a pea, is situated at the base of the brain partially surrounded
by bone. It is often referred to as the master gland because it releases hormones that affect the
workings of other glands. The hypothalamus region of the brain controls the pituitary gland. When
you look at a diagram of the brain, it is the area that looks like it is connected by a stalk.
This gland is divided into two lobes:
 The front (anterior) lobe
 The back (posterior) lobe.
The anterior pituitary gland produces the following hormones:
 Growth: regulates growth and development.
 Thyroid: regulates the function of the thyroid.
 Adreno-cortico: regulates the function of the adrenal cortex.
 Follicle stimulating: regulates the reproductive organs both male and female.
 Luteinising: regulates the reproductive organs, both male and female.
 Prolactin: initiates milk production in females who are breastfeeding.
The posterior pituitary has a direct link with the hypothalamus in the brain and produces the
following hormones:
Anti-diuretic: controls the amount of water being produced.
Oxytocin: stimulates contraction of the uterine wall before birth.
With so many functions and control of other glands, it is easy to see why the pituitary is often
referred to as the master gland.
Pineal gland: The pineal gland is situated in the middle of the brain. At one time it was thought that
this gland atrophied when a person reached puberty. This has not been proved. The pineal gland
produces the hormone melatonin, which may delay the onset of puberty. Melatonin is believed to be
produced during the dark period of the day when light cannot enter the eyes.

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Thyroid gland: The thyroid gland is located in the neck just below the larynx with one lobe either
side of the trachea and a narrow strip joining them.
Parathyroid glands: There are four tiny glands embedded in the posterior wall of the thyroid
gland. The parathyroid glands secrete the parathyroid hormone, which promotes the release of
calcium (needed for nerve and muscle function) from bone tissue and increases the absorption of
calcium from the intestine by causing an increase in Vitamin D formation. It also regulates the re-
absorption of phosphate (needed for bones and teeth) in the renal tubules of the kidneys.
Thymus gland: The thymus gland is situated in the upper thorax behind the sternum. It is more
important early in life and becomes smaller in the adult. It produces thymosine which helps in the
development of white blood cells called T cells. T cells are important to the immune system in
protecting the body against infection.
Adrenal glands: The adrenal glands (sometimes called the supra-renals) are two small glands
located above the kidneys. They are actually two separate parts in the one gland, each part
producing its own hormone. Like the kidneys, the outer section is called the cortex and the inner
part is the medulla.
Adrenal medulla hormones: Adrenalin/noradrenalin provides the body’s quick response to a
sudden incident or emergency, eg: somebody comes up behind you unexpectedly. You hear the
footsteps and you become scared. Your body reacts immediately and prepares all systems for a
quick burst of energy to run away from the situation. You experience the fear, fight and flight
response. Your heart beats faster, your breathing quickens and you have a heightened sense of
awareness of what is going on around you.
Adrenal cortex hormones: There are three groups of hormones, each with unique functions that
are necessary for the body’s survival. Glucorticoids regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates. This
ensures that the body receives enough energy for repair and replacement of cells. They also assist in
controlling the effect of stress on the body. Mineral corticoids assist in regulating the amount of
water and salt/minerals that can be lost or absorbed by the kidney filtration process and through
excretion. Sex hormones – small amount of male and female hormones.
Pancreas: The pancreas is primarily an accessory organ of digestion, but it has another role in that
it secretes two hormones, both of which help to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Small
groups of cells called Islets of Langerhans are scattered throughout the pancreas.
Pancreatic hormones
Insulin: Controls the use of glucose by increasing the uptake of glucose into cells and reduces the
release of glucose from the liver, thereby decreasing the levels of glucose in the blood. It is essential
for the use of glucose by the body cells. If too much insulin is produced, the level of glucose in the
blood falls.
Glucagon: Causes the liver to release stored glucose (carbohydrate/sugars), enabling the blood
sugar levels to rise.
Reproduction glands (sexual characteristics): The sex glands, the ovaries in the female and the
testes of the male, not only produce sex cells (egg and sperm) but also are important endocrine
organs. The hormones produced by these organs are needed in the development of the sexual
characteristics and the maintenance of reproductive functioning following puberty. Both males and
females produce male and female sex hormones, but male hormones predominate in men and female
hormones predominate in women. In both men and women, these hormones control sexual
maturity, the development of secondary sex characteristics and the ability to reproduce.
Gonads: These produce the steroid hormones.
Ovaries: secrete the female sex hormones; oestrogen and progesterone, and the peptide hormone,

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Oestrogen: is responsible for maturation of the reproductive organs and the manifestation of the
secondary sex characteristics at puberty. Progesterone is important after ovulation for maintaining
the integrity of the uterine lining, and during pregnancy. Inhibin regulates the secretion of follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary in a negative feedback mechanism.
Many women of all ages, not just postmenopausal women, have too much oestrogen and produce
insufficient progesterone (rather than being deficient in oestrogen). This problem is being
accelerated by an excess of toxic oestrogenic chemicals found in our food, water and environment
(petrochemical byproducts such as pesticides, plastics, clothing, soaps, etc). These are called xeno-
oestrogens and mimic oestrogen-like activity in our bodies.
Testes: secrete the male sex hormone, testosterone and the peptide, inhibin. Testosterone aids in
the development of gametes, is responsible for secondary sex characteristics and controls libido.
Inhibin regulates the secretion of FSH by the anterior pituitary.
The lymphatic system/ (also known as circulatory system)

The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting fluids around the body and also plays a vital role
in the operation of the immune system to protect the body from disease.
Major role
The main role of the lymphatic system is to return fluid to the cardiovascular system. This includes
proteins and fluids that have not been absorbed. The lymphatic system also removes fat and excess
fluids from the blood. The immune system is part of the lymphatic system. Its role is to destroy and
remove invading microbes and viruses from the body.
Major organs
Lymph, lymph nodes and vessels, white blood cells, T and B cells.
Function of the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system consists of two semi-independent parts:
1. A meandering network of lymphatic vessels.
2. Lymphoid tissues and organs scattered throughout the body.
Nutrients, wastes and gases are exchanged between the blood and the interstitial fluid (tissue fluid)
as the blood circulates around the body. The osmotic pressures, which operate at the capillary beds,
force fluid out of the blood at the arterial ends of the bed and cause much to be reabsorbed at the
venous ends. However, the fluid that remains behind in the tissue spaces can be as much as three
litres per day. This leaked fluid (interstitial fluid) and plasma proteins are collected and returned to
the bloodstream by the lymphatic vessels or lymphatics. Once this fluid enters the lymphatics it is
called lymph. Note that lymph means ‘clear water’. The lymphatics ensure that the cardiovascular
system has enough blood volume to operate properly.
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Structures of the Lymphatic System

Lymphatic vessels
These vessels form a one-way system in which lymph fluid flows towards the heart.
Lymph vessels include:
 Microscopic, permeable, blind-ended lymphatic capillaries
 Lymphatic collecting vessels
 Trunks and ducts.
Lymphatic capillaries
The capillaries weave between the tissue cells and blood capillaries in the loose connective tissues of
the body.
They are similar to blood capillaries, however:
 They are remarkably permeable
 The walls are loosely joined endothelial mini-valves
 They withstand interstitial pressure and remain open.
The mini-valves in the capillaries function, as one-way gates that allow interstitial fluid to enter lymph
capillaries. They do not allow lymph to escape from the capillaries. When tissues are inflamed, lymph
capillaries can absorb even larger particles such as cell debris, pathogens (bacteria and viruses) and
cancer cells. Pathogens and cancer cells can travel via the lymphatics around the body. However, the
lymph travels through lymph nodes where it can be cleansed of debris and ‘examined’ by cells of the
immune system.
Lacteals: are highly specialised lymphatic capillaries found in the villi of the intestinal mucosa. At this
point the lymph is milky white (called chyle) because the lacteals absorb digested fats from the
intestine. It is received into the cisterna chy’li, a pouch at the beginning of the thoracic duct. From
here, it is carried up the duct to the bloodstream.

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Lymphatic collecting vessels

Lymph capillaries drain lymph into collecting vessels called lymphatics. These vessels are similar in
structure to veins with smooth muscle walls but the walls are thinner with more internal valves. As
the vessel collects more lymph it enlarges. It is called the afferent lymph vessel as it enters a
lymph node. The vessel that removes lymph from a lymph node is called the efferent lymph
vessel. Lymph is transported to progressively larger vessels within the body which end in the right
lymphatic duct (for lymph from the right side of the upper body) and the thoracic duct (for the rest
of the body).
Lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are the principal lymphoid organs of the body. Nodes are imbedded in connective
tissue and clustered along lymphatic vessels. Aggregations of these nodes occur near the body
surface in cervical, Axillary and inguinal regions of the body.
Their two basic functions are:
1. Filtration: they destroy microorganisms and debris.
2. Immune system activation: they monitor antigens and can mount an attack against them.

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Lymphatic trunks

Lymphatic trunks are formed by the union of the largest collecting ducts.
Lymph is delivered into one of the two large trunks:
1. The right lymphatic duct: which drains the right upper arm and the right side of the head
and thorax.
2. The thoracic duct: drains the rest of the body.
Lymph is delivered from the large trunks back into veins called the subclavian veins.
Lymph transport: The lymphatic system lacks an organ that acts as a pump. Lymphatic vessels are
low pressure conduits. The lymphatic system uses the same mechanisms as veins to propel lymph
fluid. This is created by the ‘milking’ action of active skeletal muscles and the pressure changes in the
thorax during breathing. The valves in the lymphatic vessels prevent backflow of fluid. Lymph flow is
promoted by pulsations of nearby arteries and contractions of smooth muscle in the walls of the

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Lymphoid cells and tissues

Lymphocytes develop in red bone marrow and mature into T cells. T cells (T lymphocytes) or B cells
(B lymphocytes) both protect the body against antigens.
 T cells manage the immune response. Some T cells directly attack and destroy foreign cells
 B cells produce plasma cells that secrete antibodies into the blood.
Antigens are immobilised by antibodies until they can be destroyed by phagocytes. Lymphoid tissue
stores and provides a proliferation site for lymphocytes. The tissue acts as a surveillance vantage
point for lymphocytes and macrophages. Lymphocytes reside for short periods in the lymphoid
tissue, then leave to patrol the body again.
Other lymphoid organs
Spleen: The spleen is situated in the left hypochondriac region of the abdomen. It curls around the
anterior aspect of the stomach. The spleen cleanses blood by extracting aged and defective blood
cells and platelets from the blood. Its macrophages remove debris and foreign matter from the
blood flowing through it. The spleen stores some of the products of red blood cell breakdown for
reuse and releases others for processing in the liver. The spleen is the site of erythrocyte
production in the foetus where it stores blood platelets. It provides a site for lymphocyte
proliferation as well as immune surveillance and response.
Thymus: The thymus is large at birth. It is a lymphatic mass low in the throat near the heart. The
thymus is most active during childhood, and then shrinks with age. It does not directly fight antigens.
The thymus is the site of lymphocyte maturation. It stimulates the lymphocytes to become immuno-
Tonsils: The tonsils are lymphatic tissue which line the throat. They trap bacteria and particulate
matter which work their way into lymphoid tissue.
Peyer’s patches: Peyer’s patches resemble tonsils and are located in the wall of the distal part of
the small intestine. They prevent bacteria from penetrating the wall of the intestine by capturing and
destroying it. All of these lymphoid organs are composed of reticular connective tissue and all help
protect the body, however, only lymph nodes filter lymph.

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Immune System – Body defences
Immunity is the way the body protects us against disease or a condition, eg: an allergic reaction. Put
simply, when a foreign organism enters the body a reaction occurs.
 Antigens: are like a foreign body, one that the body does not want. They cause the body to
react, call up the lymphatic system, increase white blood cell production and produce
 Antibodies: have the ability to destroy unwanted substances. In some instances, the body may
take a few days to develop and activate the process. When you are not feeling well, you are
sometimes not sure what the problem is because it takes a few days for the symptoms to show,
eg: wondering if you have the flu or a cold.
Definitions for immunity
 Immunity: The ability of the body to resist an infectious disease resulting from the presence of
specific antibodies.
 Innate immunity: An effective defence against potentially harmful micro-organisms with which
we are born and which provides us with species immunity, racial immunity and even individual
 Acquired immunity: Not present at birth but is developed during life. May be acquired
actively or passively.
 Passive immunity: Transfer of immuno-globulins (antibodies) to an individual without any
involvement of that individual’s tissues. Is only temporary immunity, providing protection for
approximately 2-3 weeks.
 Active immunity: Result of the stimulation of an individual’s immune system – more
permanent, providing protection for years to a lifetime. May result from: an attack of an
infectious disease repeated sub-clinical attack of a disease.
 Artificially acquired immunity: Vaccination or immunisation.

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The integumentary system

The integumentary system is the largest organ system. It is the system that covers and protects the
human body from damage – the word integument means covering. It includes the skin and its
appendages such as hair and nails. The skin covers our entire body and accounts for about 7% of our
total body weight.
Functions of the integumentary system
The integumentary system has many functions that assist the body’s homeostasis (the body’s ability
to regulate itself in response to changes in the environment).
Protection: Skin provides chemical barriers (skin secretions and melanin) and physical or
mechanical barriers (continuity of skin, the hardness of its keratinised cells, waterproofing glycolipids
of the epidermis) that protect the body and its organs.
Body temperature regulation: Temperature regulation is accomplished by vasodilation (cooling)
and vasoconstriction (warming) of dermal vessels. The skin can increase sweat gland secretions to
cool the body. Under normal resting conditions as long as the environmental temperature is below
31 – 32 °C, we lose about 500 ml of sweat a day.
Cutaneous sensation: Exteroceptors, which are part of the nervous system, exist in the
integumentary system. These allow us to sense touch, pressure, pain, cold and heat and to recognise
objects from their feel and shape.
Metabolic functions: The exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light (UV) enables the synthesis of
Vitamin D in dermal blood vessels which is required to maintain organ systems. The liver and
kidneys also produce enzymes which work in conjunction to produce Vitamin D.
Blood reservoir; Skin blood vessels store up to 5% of the body’s blood volume. They hold 8 – 10%
of blood volume at rest. When exercising blood is pumped to the muscles and other organs.
Excretion: Limited amounts of nitrogenous wastes are eliminated from the body in sweat.

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The skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is also a system because it includes smaller organs such
as glands, special sense receptors and hair and nails to become a specialised unit. Skin has several
important qualities. It is smooth to touch because there are natural oils to keep it soft. It is elastic, it
stretches over the body framework – a good example of this stretching process is seen during
pregnancy. In normal circumstances, the skin is durable, resists water entering the body (eg: when
washing dishes), but has the ability to absorb some creams such as moisturisers.
Skin structure
The skin is divided into three primary layers:
1. Epidermis: the outermost superficial region.
2. Dermis (cutis): the middle region.
3. Subdermis (hypodermis/superficial fascia) : the deepest region.

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Functions of the skin system
Maintenance of body temperature
Body temperature is regulated through variations in the flow of blood through the dermis. If blood
flow is to be increased, the blood vessels dilate, allowing more blood to be delivered to the required
point. The opposite occurs when blood flows are regulated to provide major organs with supplies
limiting the periphery, eg: when the body is exceptionally cold, the brain regulates blood flow to the
major organs, limiting blood flow to the limbs, hands and feet.
When the body is hot, blood flow is increased to the skin and vice versa when the body is cold.
Although the sensors in the skin pick up the variations in temperatures, there is a centralised
regulating program, the brain. In this instance the part of the brain organising the processes is the
Protection: Skin provides a protective cover to lessen the risk of injury to the body and the entry
of chemicals, bacteria and ultraviolet rays – as long as the skin remains intact. The skin’s dense cell
structure forms a physical barrier over the internal organs/systems. Skin secretions (eg: sebum, a
secretion from the sebaceous glands) when mixed with sweat produce an acid film over the skin –
an antibacterial agent.
Perception of stimuli: Skin acts as a sense organ for touch, pain, heat and cold. Information from
the external environment is communicated via the nerve receptor pathways to the brain. If you
knock your hand against a fixed object, you will immediately feel the pain, later, you will notice the
Excretion: Excretion of sweat occurs as a normal body-cooling process. Sweat evaporates on the
skin’s surface and therefore cools. It contains some water, salts, urea and other wastes that are
excreted from the body.
Synthesis of Vitamin D: Sun rays on the skin start the process of Vitamin D production. Vitamin
D is required for the formation of bones.
Immunity: Normal skin flora is slightly acid, like a mild disinfectant. As previously stated, it is a
protective mechanism because it inhibits the growth of some bacteria. Highly alkaline soaps and
detergents disturb this acid mantle, rendering the skin more vulnerable.
Metabolism: Regulatory feedback processor that ensures the right amount of fluids, electrolytes
and Vitamin D are available for correct functioning of the body.

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Structure of the skin

The skin has two main layers: the epidermis (outer layer) and the dermis (inner layer).
Epidermis: The epidermisis the outer epithelial layer is composed of epithelial cells. It varies in
thickness depending on the degree of protection a part of the body requires, eg: the soles of the feet
require more protection than eyelids. The epidermis layer contains no blood vessels. Epithelial tissue
also lines the inside of the nostrils.
Cilia are attached and help trap unwanted particles before being inhaled. For ease of defining what
happens to the cells in the epidermis, there is a three-tier process. The outer layer is composed of
dead cells, where the nucleus and organelles are replaced by a protein known as keratin. The
conversion of the cells to keratin is part of the waterproofing process of the skin. This layer of dead
cells constantly flakes off, is removed when bathing and normally we are not aware of this process.
Then there are two to three layers where the conversion process to keratin occurs.
The number of layers depends on the area of the body and the thickness of the skin, eg: the soles of
the feet are thicker than the eyelids. The cells nearest the dermis (inner layer) are pushed upwards,
becoming flatter. They lose moisture as they near the surface, become dry and flake off the skin. Skin
cells become dry due to the fact that there is no blood supply to the epidermis, except where the
layers nearest the inner layer are able to receive moisture from the dermis.
The inner layer immediately next to the dermis is capable of cell division – it’s where new cells are
constantly being produced. Also found in this layer is melanin, which produces cells that protect the
skin against ultraviolet rays. It takes approximately 28 days for new cells to move to the top to flake
off as dead keratinised cells. This process is faster in small children and slows down as we age.
Dermis: The dermislies beneath the epidermis. It is a thick, dense layer, with a network of
connective tissue. It has a rich blood and nerve supply. Other structures include hair follicles, sweat
and sebaceous glands. Beneath the dermis lies a fat layer known as adipose tissue, which serves as an
anchorage for underlying tissues and organs

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Skin colour
Three pigments contribute to skin colour.
Melanin: is the only one made in the skin. It ranges in colour from yellow to reddish-brown to
black pigment and is responsible for dark skin colours.
 All humans have the same relative number of melanocytes
 Individuals and racial differences in skin colour is reflected in the relative kind and amount of
melanin made and retained
 Freckles and pigmented moles result from local accumulations of melanin.
Carotene: is a yellow to orange pigment most obvious in the palms and soles of the feet.
Haemoglobin: is the reddish pigment responsible for the pinkish hue of the skin.
Appendages of the skin: The integumentary system includes several derivatives of the epidermis.
They include hair follicles and hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.
Sweat glands
There are two types of sweat glands:
1. Eccrine sweat glands: (also called merocrine sweat glands) are found in palms of the hands,
soles of the feet and forehead. They originate in the dermis and extend to pores in the
epidermis. Eccrine gland secretion (sweat) is 99% water, salts, Vitamin C, antibodies and toxins.
They are regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Their primary function is
2. Apocrine sweat glands: are found primarily in axillary and anogenital areas. They secrete a
milky substance. Their secretion is similar to eccrine secretion, plus proteins and fatty
substances on which bacteria thrive. This is the cause of body odour. They are controlled by
hormones which become active at puberty. They also function as scent glands, playing a part in
sexual attraction and the recognition of mothers by their babies.
Ceruminous glands: Ceruminous glands are modified apocrine glands in external ear canal that
secrete cerumen.
Mammary glands: Mammary glands are specialised sweat glands that secrete milk.
Sebaceous glands: These are simple alveolar glands found all over the body except on palms and
soles. They secrete an oily secretion called sebum which is usually secreted into a hair follicle or
occasionally to a pore on the skin surface. Sebum has a bactericidal action. Hormones control the
activity of these glands. Secretion of sebum decreases with age, causing the skin to become drier.
Sebum and sweat mix together on the skin to form an acid mantle which maintains the pH of the
skin at 5.5 – 5.6.

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Hair is filamentous strands of dead keratinised cells produced by hair follicles. It contains hard
keratin which is tougher and more durable than soft keratin of the skin. It is made up of the shaft
projecting from the skin and the root embedded in the skin. The shape of the shaft determines the
appearance of the hair, for example curly or straight. Hair is pigmented by melanocytes at the base
of the hair follicle.
Hair functions include:
 Helping to maintain warmth
 Alerting the body to presence of insects on the skin
 Guarding the scalp against physical trauma, heat loss and sunlight.
Hair is distributed over the entire skin surface except:
 Palms, soles and lips
 Nipples and portions of the external genitalia.
Hair follicles: A hair follicle is a root sheath extending from the epidermal surface into the dermis.
Its deep end is expanded to form a hair bulb. A knot of sensory nerve endings (root hair plexus)
wraps around each bulb, bending the hair stimulates these. Attached to each hair follicle is a bundle
of smooth muscle cells called arrector pili muscles. Their contraction pulls the hair follicle into an
upright positioning in response to cold external temperatures or fear (creating goosebumps). These
trap air between the skin and hair which is then warmed by body heat to help keep the body warm.
Sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles.
Nails: Nails are a scale-like modification of the epidermis that forms a clear covering on the dorsal
surface of the distal part of a finger or toe. Each nail has a free edge, a body and a proximal root.
The urinary system
The urinary system filter out cellular wastes, toxins and excess water or nutrients from the
circulatory system it consists of the kidneys, the ureters, the urinary bladder and the urethra.
Male urinary systems Female urinary system

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The function of the kidneys is to keep the blood healthy by filtering it. All unwanted materials, water
and salts are removed in urine, thus maintaining the composition of the blood at a constant level.
The kidneys are bean-shaped structures which lie in a retroperitoneal position in the superior
lumbar region (extending approximately from T12 to L3). They are surrounded by three layers of
supportive tissue.
The renal capsule: is a fibrous transparent capsule that prevents infections in surrounding areas
from spreading to the kidneys.
The adipose capsule: is a fatty mass that secures the kidney to the posterior body wall and also
protects it. Renal ptosis is an event where one or both kidneys may drop to a lower position. This
may cause a ureter to become kinked and urine to back up into the kidneys, exerting pressure on its
tissue, leading to kidney damage.
The renal fascia: is an outer layer of dense fibrous connective tissue that secures it to surrounding
There are three distinct regions in the kidneys.
1. The renal cortex is the most superficial region in which the majority of glomeruli are located.
2. The renal medulla is the inner section consisting primarily of the tubules and collecting ducts.
3. The renal pelvis is a flat, funnel shaped tube which is continuous with the ureter which
transports the urine to the bladder to be stored.
Branching extensions of the pelvis form major calyces which subdivide to form several minor
calyces that enclose the papillae.

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Functions of the kidneys
 Filtering and removing metabolic wastes (nitrogenous and acidic)
 Removing toxins such as hormones, drugs and other foreign material from the body
 Regulating and maintaining proper balance between water, electrolytes, acids and bases in the
 Secreting erythropoietin which stimulates red blood cell (RBC) production
 Metabolising vitamin d to its active form (calcium balance)
 Producing the enzyme renin which helps regulate blood pressure and kidney function
 Gluconeogenesis during prolonged fasting.
The walls of the calyces, pelvis and ureters contain smooth muscle. They have a rich blood supply.
The large renal arteries deliver 25% of the total cardiac output (about 1200 ml) to the kidneys each
minute. The renal plexus provides the nerve supply of the kidney and its ureter. It is largely supplied
by sympathetic fibres which course along with the renal artery to reach the kidney regulating renal
blood flow.
Structural functioning of the kidney

The structural and functioning units of the kidney are called nephrons. They have a particular
structure that allows for the capillary exchange of substances. It is in the nephrons that filtration, re-
absorption of selected substances and the formation of urine occurs. The various functional
elements or parts of the nephron ensure that the body has the correct balance of fluids, electrolytes
and various minerals for its needs. All of these structures are quite easily seen by the naked eye.
However, the complicated process by which the blood is filtered takes place in microscopic units
called nephrons. There are approximately one million nephrons in each kidney.
A nephron consists of:
 Bowman’s capsule
 Glomerulus
 First convoluted tubule
 Loop of Henle
 Second convoluted tubule
 Straight collecting tubule.

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Each tubule begins in the cortex in a cup-shaped filter called the Bowman’s capsule. A capillary from
the renal artery form bunches within the Bowman’s capsule and are called the glomerulus. The first
convoluted tubule, which leads from the Bowman’s capsule, is situated in the cortex. From this, the
long loop of Henle passes down into the medulla of the kidney and then returns to the cortex to
become the second convoluted tubule. From this, straight collecting tubules pass to the medulla of
the kidney and into the pelvis of the kidney.
Urine formation
Approximately 1200 ml of blood passes through the glomeruli each minute. Of this, 650 ml is plasma
and about one fifth of this is forced into the renal tubules. The kidneys draw on 20 – 25% of all
oxygen used by the body at rest for this task. Filtrate and urine are not the same. Filtrate contains
blood plasma excluding proteins. By the time it has got into the collecting ducts, it has lost most of
its water, nutrients and ions and contains mostly metabolic wastes and unneeded substances, and is
now called urine. Of the 180 litres of blood-derived fluid the kidney processes daily, only about 1%
actually leaves the body as urine, the rest returns to the circulation.
The three processes involved in urine formation and the adjustment of blood
composition are:
 Glomerular filtration
 Tubular re-absorption
 Tubular secretion.
The collecting ducts work together with the nephrons to concentrate or dilute the urine.
Glomerular filtration
This is a passive, non-selective process in which hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes
through a membrane. The combined effect of forces favouring or opposing filtration determines the
filtration pressure.
The glomeruli function as filters. High glomerular blood pressure (55 mm Hg as opposed to 18 mm
Hg or less in other capillary beds) occurs because the glomeruli are fed and drained by arterioles.
This results in a higher net filtration pressure with the kidneys producing about 180 litres of filtrate
daily. Molecules smaller than 3 mm in diameter, like water, electrolytes, amino acids, glucose and
nitrogenous wastes, pass freely from the blood into the renal tubule.
Consequently, these substances generally show similar concentrations in the blood and the
glomerular filtrate. Larger molecules pass with greater difficulty. Anything larger than 7 – 9 mm is
generally barred from entering the tubule such as proteins or blood cells are. The plasma proteins in
the capillaries maintain the colloid osmotic pressure of the glomerular blood, thereby preventing the
loss of all its water into the renal tubules.
Tubular re-absorption
Normally, 99% of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed. Tubular re-absorption begins once the
filtrate enters the proximal tubules. Transported substances move through three membrane barriers
to reach the blood. The substances that are needed are removed from the filtrate by tubule cells.
Virtually all organic nutrients such as glucose and amino acids are completely reabsorbed by healthy
kidneys, so as to maintain or restore normal plasma concentrations, while re-absorption of water
and many ions is continuously regulated and adjusted in response to hormonal signals. The re-
absorption process may be passive or active, and this depends on the substances transported.
Tubular secretion: An important means of clearing plasma of unwanted substances is the failure of
the tubule cells to reabsorb some solutes. Tubular secretion is another similar mechanism which is
essentially, reabsorption in reverse. Substances move either from the blood of the peritubular
capillaries through the tubule cells, or directly from the tubule cells into the filtrate. The urine
eventually excreted therefore, contains both filtered and secreted substances.

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The purpose of tubular secretion is:
 To dispose of substances not already in the filtrate, like certain drugs
 To eliminate undesirable substances or end products, such as urea and uric acid, that have been
reabsorbed by passive processes
 To remove excess potassium (k+) from the body
 To control blood pH.
Regulation of urine concentration and volume: The osmolarity of a solution is the number of
solute particles dissolved in one litre of water. This reflects the solution’s ability to cause osmosis.
The milliosmol (mOsm) is used to describe the solute concentration of body fluids. The osmotic
concentration of plasma is about 300 mOsm, and one crucial renal function is to keep the solute
load of body fluids at this constant by regulating urine concentration and volume. This is
accomplished by the workings of the loop of Henle.
Three factors contribute to this regulation process:
1. The descending limb of the loop of Henle is relatively impermeable to solutes and freely
permeable to water.
2. The ascending limb is permeable to solutes, but not to water.
3. The collecting ducts in the deep medullary regions are permeable to urea.
Characteristics of urine
Colour and transparency
Urine is typically clear and pale to deep yellow.
Odour: Fresh urine is slightly aromatic. On standing, it develops an ammonia odour due to bacteria
metabolizing its urea solutes. Some drugs, diseases and vegetables alter the usual smell of urine.
pH; The pH of urine is usually slightly acidic, around pH 6.0. Changes in body metabolism or diet
can cause variations in pH from about 4.5 to 8.0.
Specific gravity: Specific gravity is the term used to compare the mass of a substance to the mass
of an equal volume of distilled water which is 1.0. The specific gravity of urine ranges from 1.001 to
1.035 depending on the urine’s solute concentration.
Chemical composition
 95% of urine volume is water with the remaining 5% being solutes (chemicals dissolved in water)
 Urea, derived from the normal breakdown of amino acids, is the largest component by weight
(apart from water)
 Other nitrogenous wastes include uric acid and creatinine
 Normal solutes in decreasing order of concentration are urea, Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+),
Phosphates (PO4 2-), Sodium Cholride (SO4 2-), creatine and uric acid
 Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+) and Amonia (NH4 +), are present in smaller and variable
 Substances not normally found in urine include glucose, proteins, erythrocytes, white blood cells
(pus), and haemoglobin and bile pigments and may indicate pathology
 Daily urinary volume is normally 1.5 – 1.8 L. However, this depends on the state of hydration of
the body.
There is a variety of diagnostic tests available, for example urinalysis or further blood tests
depending on the nature of the problem.

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Urinary structures

Ureters: Ureters are slender tubes that convey urine from the renal pelvis of the kidneys to the
urinary bladder. The mucosal lining is transitional epithelium, middle is smooth muscle, and external
surface is fibrous connective tissue. They conduct urine by peristalsis.
Urinary bladder: The urinary bladder is a distensible muscular sac that lies posterior to the pubic
synthesis which functions to store urine temporarily. In males, the prostate gland surrounds the
bladder neck inferiorly where it empties into the urethra. In females, the bladder is anterior to the
vagina and uterus. The bladder wall consists of transitional epithelium-containing mucosa, a three
layered muscular layer and an adventitia. Bladder capacity and tone decrease with age, resulting in
frequent micturition, (frequent use) and incontinence.
Urethra: The urethra is a muscular tube that conveys urine from the bladder to outside the body.
Mucosal lining is mostly stratified columnar epithelium. Where the urethra leaves the bladder, it is
surrounded by an internal urethral sphincter. This involuntary smooth muscle sphincter keeps the
urethra closed when urine is not being passed as well as preventing leaking between voidings.
The external urethral sphincter, formed of skeletal muscle, surrounds the urethra where it passes
through the urogenital diaphragm. It is voluntarily controlled. In females the urethra is 3 – 4 cm long
and conducts only urine. Being very short and because its external orifice is close to the anal
opening, bacteria can easily be carried into the urethra. Those with improper toilet habits as well as
sexually active women are prone to urinary tract infections. In males the urethra is 20 cm long. It
runs within the prostate gland, through the urogenital diaphragm, and through the penis. It conducts
both urine and semen.

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The Reproductive System

The main role of the reproductive system is to manufacture cells that allow reproduction. The
primary sex organs, or gonads, are the testes in the male and the ovaries in the female. The gonads
produce sex cells or gametes and secrete sex hormones. The remaining reproductive structures are
referred to as accessory reproductive organs. These are the ducts, glands and external genitalia. The
male’s reproductive role is to manufacture male gametes called sperm and deliver them to the
reproductive tract.
The complementary role of the female is to produce female gametes, called ova or eggs. When these
events are appropriately timed, a sperm and egg fuse to form a fertilised egg, the first cell of the new
individual, from which all body cells will develop. The sex hormones are not only essential in both
the development and function of the reproductive organs but influence the growth and development
of many other organs and tissues of the body. Sex hormones also influence sexual behaviour and
sexual drives. The reproductive system is in a juvenile state during the first decade of life. Hormone-
directed changes start to occur in both sexes at about age ten. This period, where secondary sexual
characteristics begin to develop, is called puberty. The potential for sexual reproduction is then

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Anatomy of the male reproductive system
The testes or male gonads produce sperm and secrete hormones. Through a system of ducts,
including the epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct and urethra, the sperm are transported to
the exterior. The accessory sex glands; the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands,
empty their secretions into the ducts during ejaculation.

The penis is a passageway for the ejaculation of semen and the excretion of urine. It consists of an
attached root and a body that ends in an enlarged tip called the glans penis. In an uncircumcised
penis the loosely fitting covering of the glans penis is called the prepuce, or foreskin. The body of the
penis is composed of three cylindrical masses of tissue bound together by fibrous tissue called tunica
albuginea. Within the penis, are the spongy urethra and three long cylindrical bodies of erectile
tissue (a spongy network of connective tissue and smooth muscle with many vascular spaces).
The Scrotum
 Encloses and protects the testes
 Testes
 Produce spermatozoa. Produce and secrete male sex hormones (testosterone)
 Vas deferens
 Store spermatozoa
 Convey spermatozoa to ejaculatory ducts
 Ejaculatory ducts
 Receive sperm and additives to produce seminal fluid.
The testes
The testes develop near the kidneys and usually begin their descent into the scrotum through the
inguinal canals towards the end of the seventh month of foetal development.

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Each plum-sized teste is surrounded by two tunics:
1. The outer tunic, the tunica vaginalis testis, is a serous membrane derived from the
2. Internally is a dense white fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea. It extends inward
forming septa that divide the testis into 250 to 300 wedge-shaped lobules, each containing one
to four tightly coiled seminiferous tubules, where sperm are produced.
The testes therefore have two functions, sperm-producing and hormone-producing.
Prostate Gland: Secretes an alkaline fluid that helps neutralise acidic seminal fluid and enhances
motility of sperm.
Urethra: Serves the dual purpose of conveying urine from the body and semen.
Physiology of male reproductive system
The male reproductive system relies on the normal functioning of both hormonal and neural
mechanisms. Hormones are primarily responsible for the development and maintenance of functions,
eg: development of sexual characteristics, control of sperm maturation and the production and
influence of sexual behaviour. Neural mechanisms involve the sexual act and expressions of sexual
behaviour. It is the pituitary gland that has a major role to play.
The major function of testosterone is to stimulate the development of the reproductive
organs and the male secondary sex characteristics, which are:
 The deepening of the voice due to the lengthening and thickening of the vocal cords
 The appearance of pubic, axillary and facial hair
 An increase in activity of the sebaceous glands
 The broadening of the shoulders and an increase in muscle mass
 An increase in length and width of the penis and genital pigmentation
 An activation of the secretion of fructose from seminal vesicles to nourish sperm.
Anatomy of the female reproductive system
The organs of the female reproductive system include the ovaries (female gonads), the accessory
ducts (the uterine or fallopian tubes) the uterus, the vagina and the external organs which are
collectively called the vulva.

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Structure of the female reproductive systems
There are external and internal structures of the female reproductive system.
External structures
The external structures (vulva) consist of the labia, clitoris, perineum, urethral and vaginal openings,
Bartholin’s glands and mons pubis.
 Mons pubis: protects pelvic bones and enhances sexual arousal.
 Labia: majora and minora general protective coverings and a source of sexual pleasure.
 Clitoris: erectile tissues containing an abundance of free nerve endings. Situated between the
folds of the labia minora.
 Perineum: area of skin and tissues between the vaginal orifice and the anal orifice.
 The muscles: provide sphincter activity for the urethra, vagina and anus.
 Bartholin’s glands: two small glands just inside the vagina that produce a lubricating fluid that
helps to maintain moistness.
Internal structures
The internal structures are the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The vagina is a musculo-
membranous passageway that leads from the uterus to the vulva. It has smooth muscle lined by
mucous membrane and arranged in folds. The vagina is capable of stretching greatly during childbirth.
It receives the penis during sexual intercourse and provides a passageway for menstrual flow to leave
the body as well as for the foetus during birth.
The uterus is a hollow pear-shaped muscular organ located at the centre of the pelvic cavity behind
the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is secured in position by folds of the peritoneum which
forms its outer layer. The muscle layer is thick, smooth muscle and the inner layer or lining is
mucous membrane, the endometrium. The upper two-thirds of the uterus is the uterine body and
the cervix is the lower one third which protrudes into the vagina. It receives the fertilised ovum
which implants into the endometrium, sheds the superficial layer of endometrium if fertilisation does
not occur, provides nourishment for the foetus and expels the foetus at the end of pregnancy.
The fallopian tubes are muscular tubes, approximately 10 cm long, which extend from the uterus
into the peritoneal cavity where they fan out into tissue called fimbriae which attaches to the ovary.
Their function is to transport the ovum from the ovary to the uterus by means of peristalsis.
The ovaries are almond-shaped organs attached to ligaments that suspend them in the pelvic cavity.
The outer layer of each ovary is made of a single layer of epithelium. Beneath this layer the ova are
produced. The ova are present at birth, but only complete a maturing process or ‘ripening’ in
ovarian follicle wall if stimulated by the follicle stimulating hormone (pituitary gland) to secrete
oestrogen which enhances the maturation process. Ovulation is the rupturing of a mature follicle to
release an ovum. After ovulation the ruptured follicle changes to corpus luteum which begins to
secrete the hormone progesterone. Thus the ovaries are concerned with the production of mature
ova and the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.
Oestrogen is responsible for the development of the female secondary sex
characteristics, which are:
 The enlargement of uterus, vagina and external genitals
 The development of breasts
 An increase in fat deposits (hips and breasts)
 The widening of the pelvis
 The onset of the menstrual cycle
 The appearance of pubic and axillary hair
 The stimulation of the lining of the uterus to prepare for the reception of a fertilised ovum.

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The function of progesterone is to:
 Promote the final preparation of the uterine lining to receive the fertilised ovum
 Inhibit contractions of uterine walls
 Suppress further ovulation
 Stimulate the mammary glands to produce milk
 Have an indirect effect on fluid and electrolyte balance.
Effects of oestrogens and progesterone
Puberty: Is the interval when reproductive organs mature and become functional, generally
between the ages of 10 and 15 years? The changes occur in response to rising levels of gonadal
hormones. It begins in males with penile and scrotal growth, and in females with breast
Menopause: Is between the ages of 46 and 54 years; when ovarian function declines and ovulation
and menstruation cease – an event called ‘menopause’. Some women experience hot flushes and
mood changes (including irritability and depression) and the decline in oestrogen is associated with
atrophy of reproductive organs and breasts. The vagina becomes dry and vaginal infections become
increasingly common, bone mass is lost and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases.

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The Digestive System
The digestive system takes in the food the body needs to fuel its activities. It breaks the food down
into units called nutrients and absorbs the nutrients into the blood. The digestive process is also
responsible for converting waste into material that can be excreted.

Major role: The main role of the digestive system is to break down and absorb nutrients that are
necessary for growth and maintenance.
Major organs: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and the large intestines.
Functions of the digestive system
Ingestion: Is the taking in of food via the mouth into the digestive system.
Propulsion: Involves movement of food through the alimentary canal by two processes:
1. Voluntary process – swallowing
2. Involuntary process or peristalsis – which is the process of contraction and relaxation of
muscles in the organ walls which results in the squeezing and mixing of food in the digestive
Mechanical digestion: Involves the following processes:
 Chewing or mastication, when saliva is mixed with the food by the tongue
 Churning of food in the stomach (peristalsis)
 Segmentation, which occurs in the intestines by rhythmic local constrictions wherein food is
mixed with digestive juices. The repetitive movement of different parts of the food in the
intestinal wall makes absorption more effective.
Chemical digestion: Is the stage when food molecules are broken down by enzymes. This
enzymatic action on the food starts in the mouth and ends in the small intestine.
Absorption: Is when the digested food is passed from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract
through the mucosal cells, either by active or passive transport, into the blood or lymph. The small
intestine is the site of major absorption.
Defecation: Is when indigestible substances are eliminated from the body in the form of faeces via
the anus.

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Structure of the digestive system and organ functions: The digestive system is made up of
the digestive tract or alimentary canal and other accessory digestive organs which assist in digestion.
Alimentary canal: This is the continuous, muscular, digestive tube, approximately nine metres long
that winds through the body. It digests; breaking down food into smaller pieces and absorbs the
digested fragments into the blood through the alimentary canal lining.
There are four layers in the alimentary canal.
Mucous membrane: Is the innermost, moist epithelial membrane lining the canal from mouth to
 Secretes mucus, digestive enzymes and hormones
 Absorbs digested end products into the blood
 Serves as protection against infections and diseases.
The mucous membrane has three layers:
1. Epithelium: which is composed of mucus-secreting goblet cells. The mucus protects some
digestive organs from being digested by enzymes working within their cavities. It allows food
passage along the alimentary canal.
2. Lamina propria: is the loose areolar connective tissue beneath the epithelium which contains
lymphoid follicles which help the body defend itself against bacteria and pathogens. It absorbs the
digested nutrients and nourishes the epithelium through its capillaries. A large accumulation of
lymphoid follicles are found in the pharynx and in the appendix.
3. Muscularis mucosae: is composed of smooth muscle cells. Movements of this layer enables
food particles that get stuck to the mucosa to be dislodged. It increases the surface area of the
mucosa in the small intestine through a series of folds.
Submucosa: Is composed of dense connective tissue with blood and lymphatic vessels, lymphoid
follicles and nerve fibres.
Functions: The elastic fibres allow the stomach to regain its normal size after storage of a large
meal. It provides the blood supply to the surrounding tissue of the gastrointestinal tract wall.
Muscularis externa: Lies beneath the submucosa. It is composed of smooth muscle cells with
inner circular and outer longitudinal layers.
It is involved in the process of segmentation and peristalsis.
The muscularis externa has two layers:
 The inner circular layer thickens and forms sphincters which serve as valves. These valves
control the passage of food from one organ to the next and prevent backflow.
 The outer layer works to reduce the length of the gut by increasing the diameter of the lumen.
These actions work together to produce the action of peristalsis.
Visceral peritoneum: is the protective outermost layer of the intraperitoneal organs composed of
areolar connective tissue with a single layer of squamous epithelial cells (mesothelium). Adventitia
is fibrous connective tissue that replaces the serosa in the oesophagus and binds the oesophagus to
the surrounding structures. The alimentary canal consists of a number of organs.

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The mouth is also known as the oral cavity or the buccal cavity.
The mouth is lined with mucosa and the anterior opening is termed oral orifice. It is
composed of:
 Lips – anterior
 Cheeks – lateral
 Palate – superior
 Tongue – inferior.
Stratified squamous epithelium lines the walls of the mouth. Keratinized epithelium on the gums,
hard palate and dorsum of the tongue give protection from abrasions during eating.
Defensins, antimicrobial peptides are produced in the oral mucosa to keep the mouth healthy.
This is the area of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts which lies between the mouth and the
esophagus. The pharynx is a cone-shaped tube about 11 cm long. At its upper end, it connects with
the mouth and nasal passages, and connects with the ears via the eustachian tubes. The lower end of
the pharynx connects with the esophagus. It is also connected to the larynx by an opening that is
covered by the epiglottis during swallowing, thus preventing food from entering the trachea.

This is the tube that connects the pharynx with the stomach. It lies between the trachea and the
spine. It passes down the neck, pierces the diaphragm just to the left of the midline and joins the
cardiac upper end of the stomach. When food is swallowed, the muscular walls of the esophagus
contract to push food down into the stomach. Glands in the lining of the esophagus produce mucus
which keeps the passageway moist and facilitates swallowing.

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A sac-shaped digestive organ that is located in the upper abdomen under the ribs. The upper part of
the stomach connects to the esophagus and the lower part leads into the small intestine.
Small intestine

This is the longest portion of the digestive tract – it is more than 6 metres long and is located within
the middle of the abdomen. It has three sections, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The function of
the small intestine is to digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The resulting nutrients produced are
absorbed through the lining of the small intestine and transferred to the bloodstream.
Large intestine

This is the part of the digestive system where waste products from food is collected and processed
into faeces. The large intestine is about 1.5 m long and consists of the caecum, appendix, colon and
rectum – which are distributed in the abdominal cavity.
The large intestine performs the following functions:
 Reabsorbs water and maintains the fluid balance of the body
 Absorbs certain vitamins
 Processes undigested material (fibre)
 Stores waste before it is eliminated.
Anus: This is an opening at the opposite end of the digestive tract from the mouth. Its function is to
expel faeces, the unwanted semi-solid matter produced during digestion.
Accessory digestive organs: These contribute to the breakdown of food.
Teeth: These are structures found in the jaw that are used to tear and chew food. There are thirty-
two permanent teeth, twenty of which are primary teeth.

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The tongue lies on the floor of the mouth and fills up the oral cavity when the mouth is closed. It
consists of skeletal muscle fibres that are interlaced.
There are:
 Intrinsic muscles: which are attached to the tongue only They allow the tongue to change
shape as required for swallowing and speech
 Extrinsic muscles: which extend from the bones of the skull or the soft palate to the tongue.
They change the tongue’s position, protrusion, retraction and side to side movement.
Salivary glands
 Extrinsic salivary glands: Lie outside the oral cavity and produce most of the saliva. These
glands are paired compound tubuloalveolar glands that developed from the oral mucosa
 Intrinsic salivary glands: Assist the extrinsic salivary glands in producing saliva
 Parotid glands: Are located anterior to the ear between the masseter muscle and the skin.
The facial nerve branches pass through the parotid gland onto muscles that control facial
expression. Facial paralysis can result from surgery to parotid glands.
Submandibular glands: Lie along the medial aspect of the mandibular body. The size of a walnut,
its duct goes under the mucosa of the oral cavity floor and opens at the base of the lingual frenulum
Sublingual glands: Are anterior to the submandibular gland under the tongue. They have 10 – 12
ducts that open into the floor of the mouth.
Composition of saliva
Saliva is 97% – 99.5% water and is hypo-osmotic. The osmolarity depends on the glands that are
active and the type of stimulus for salivation. It is slightly acidic with a variable pH of 6.75 to 7.00.

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 Electrolytes :Na+, K+, Cl-, PO4, HCO3
 Digestive enzyme: amylase
 Mucin: forms thick mucus when dissolved in water that lubricates the oral cavity and hydrates
food particles
 IgA antibodies: protect against micro-organism
 Lysozymes: prevent bacterial growth in the mouth and helps prevent tooth decay
 Defensins: act as cytokines calling defensive cells into the mouth
 Cyanid compound: protects against micro-organisms
 Metabolic wastes :urea and uric acid
 Lingual lipase: a fat-digesting enzyme from secretions of intrinsic salivary glands and active with
an acid pH.
Control of salivation: The average saliva output is 1000 – 1500 ml per day. Salivation is controlled
by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The intrinsic salivary glands
secrete sufficient saliva to moisten the mouth. The extrinsic salivary glands are activated to produce
more saliva when food is introduced into the mouth.

The liver is the largest gland in the body and plays a major role in metabolism. It has a number of
functions, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis and
detoxification. It lies below the diaphragm in the thoracic region of the abdomen. It produces bile, an
alkaline compound which aids in digestion, via the emulsification of lipids. It also performs and
regulates a wide variety of high-volume biochemical reactions requiring very specialised tissues.
Gall bladder

The gall bladder (or cholecyst) is a small non-vital organ which aids in the digestive process and
concentrates bile produced in the liver. The gall bladder stores about 50 ml of bile, which is released
when food containing fat enters the digestive tract, stimulating the secretion of cholecystokinin
(CCK). The bile, produced in the liver, emulsifies fats and neutralises acids in partly digested food.
After being stored in the gall bladder the bile becomes more concentrated than when it left the liver,
increasing its potency and intensifying its effect on fats.

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The urinary bladder is a solid, muscular and distensible (or elastic) organ that sits on the pelvic floor.
It is the organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys prior to disposal by urination. Urine enters
the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra. In males, the base of the bladder lies between
the rectum and the pubic symphysis. It is superior to the prostate and separated from the rectum by
the rectovesical excavation. In females, the bladder sits inferior to the uterus and anterior to the
vagina. It is separated from the uterus by the vesicouterine excavation. In infants and young children,
the urinary bladder is in the abdomen even when empty.

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Evaluating how the relationships between different body systems affect and support
healthy functioning
1. Body System questions
The brain is part of the __________________ system

The stomach is part of the _________________ system

Small intestine is part of the __________________ system

Artery is/are part of the_____________________ system

Neuron is part of the ______________________system

The oesophagus is part of the __________________system

The heart is part of the _____________________system

The lungs are part of the _____________________system.

2. In this activity you will revise the functions of the different body systems. Match the body
system listed in Column 1 to the correct group of organs in Column 2. Write the letter
next to the body system.

______ Integumentary. A. Heart, vessels, blood.

______ Cardiovascular. B. Trachea, bronchus, lungs.

______ Nervous. C. Brain, spinal chord

______ Urinary. D. Skin

______ Reproductive. E. Kidney, bladder

______ Digestive. F. Glands, hormones

______ Lymphatic. G. Lymph glands, vessels.

______ Respiratory. H Ovaries, testes, uterus, penis

______ Musculoskeletal I. Mouth, oesophagus, intestines, rectum

______Endocrine. J. Muscles, bones

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Cardiovascular system.
3. In one to two paragraphs, explain the functions of the cardiovascular system.

The heart
4. Check the diagram of a cross-section of the heart. You can trace the flow by following the
arrows. You may like to colour in this diagram.

Use blue for deoxygenated blood in vessels and heart chambers

Your blue area should include:
 Inferior vena cava
 Superior vena cava
 Pulmonary arteries
 Right side of heart.
The rest should be coloured red, including:
 Left side of the heart
 Aortic arch
 Pulmonary veins.

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The Digestive System
5. Use your reference materials to help you name and identify the location of the major organs and
accessory organs of the digestive system on the following diagram.

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Respiratory System
6. Draw an arrow to link up the parts of the respiratory system to their location on the diagram.

Nasal cavity




Right lung

Right main bronchus



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Reproductive system
7. Read the relevant sections in your reference materials and then write a brief overview on the
functions of the following male and female hormones.
a) Oestrogen

b) Progesterone

c) Testosterone

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Sense organs
8. Identify the special sense organs and its functions.







9. Besides distributing body temperature and nutrients to cells, what other functions does blood
have? Refer to your resource materials for information and then complete the following chart to
identify how the components of the blood carry out their function.

Type of activity that the blood How does the blood undertake these functions?
Transportation Uses a network of blood vessels.





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Enhancing quality of work activities by using and sharing information
about healthy functioning of the body
People who have active social lives, participate in a range of activities, have a good diet, consume a
moderate amount of alcohol and maintain a healthy weight are more likely to enjoy good health and
less likely to develop health problems. People are social creatures. Unfortunately as people age or
develop disabilities, their social network diminishes. Older people may lose confidence and feel
worthless as they grow older. Those who once defined themselves through their work or through
their roles as parents may have lost their sense of self as their children grow and eventually leave
Maintain a healthy level of interaction
Friendships and relationships are essential to good psychological health. Clients must be supported
and encouraged to meet new people. Participating in activities is one way to help clients socialise.
The focus is on the activity, rather than the making of friends. This can mean meeting people is less
daunting and allow them to make friends without feeling pressured. Meeting new people and
participating in activities is important for health and wellbeing. It helps people build up their social
networks and feel valued. It provides people with a chance to gain mental stimulation and exercise
their mind and body, and provides people with a sense of purpose.
Meet new people and participate in activities
People with disabilities may find that their social networks are difficult to establish or older people
may find that their networks may diminish over time. They may not be able to participate in their
old clubs. They may no longer be able to work. They may also find that some of their old friends
can’t cope with their disability and stop contacting them. However, networking issues are not
limited to older people; many younger people may also experience problems with maintaining a
network for many reasons.
It may be difficult to maintain a social network due to:
 Lifestyle changes, such as retirement or changing a job
 Friends moving away or joining different social groups
 The death of friends and family members.

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Enhancing quality of work activities by using and sharing information about healthy
functioning of the body
1. Describe why sharing information about how to maintain healthy functioning of the body would
be helpful to people with disabilities.

2. Give two reasons why clients must be supported to establish networks and encouraged to meet
new people.

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 Funnel, r, Koutoukidis, G and Lawrence, K (2005) Tabbner’s nursing care: theory and
practice, 4th edn, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney
 Chambers Encyclopedic English Dictionary (1994)
 Delin B. (ed.) Your Body at Work: Human Physiology and the Working Environment 1987 -
Worksafe Australia.
 Anderson, DM et al 2006, Mosby’s medical, nursing, & allied health dictionary, 7th edn,
Mosby, St Louis.
 Beauchamp, TL & Childress, JF 1996, Principles of Biomechanics, 4th edn, Oxford University
Press, New York.
 Brown, D and Edwards, H 2005, Lewis’s medical–surgical nursing, 7th edn, Elsevier Mosby,
 Bryant, Knights and Salerno 2003, Pharmacology for health professionals, Elsevier, Sydney.
 Cree, L & Reischmiller, S 1999, Science in Nursing, 4th edn, Saunders, Sydney.
 Freshwater, D and Maslin-Prothero, SE 2005, Blackwell’s Nursing Dictionary, 2nd edn,
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Sydney.
 Heuther, SE & McCance, KL 2004, Understanding Pathophysiology. 3rd edn, Elsevier Mosby,
St. Louis.
 Marieb, EN 2000, Anatomy & Physiology Colouring Workbook: A Complete Study Guide,
6th edn, Addison Wesley Longman, San Francisco.
 Marieb, EN 2007, Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6th edn, Pearson Education
Inc, San Francisco.
 Marieb, EN & Hoehn, K 2007, Human anatomy and physiology, 7th edn, Pearson Education
Inc, San Francisco.
 Martini, FH 2002, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 6th edn, Benjamin Cummings,
New Jersey.
 Thibodeau, G.A. and Patton, K.T. 2003, Anatomy and Physiology, 5th edn, Mosby, New
 Tortora, GJ & Grabosski, SR 2003, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 10th edn, Harper
Collins, New York.

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