Project Management Skills Unit-5
Project Management Skills Unit-5
Project Management Skills Unit-5
5.1 Introduction
They are,
1. Setting targets for what should be achieved.
2. Measurement of what is happening and anticipation of what may happen.
3. Comparison between what should happen and what is happening or likely to
4. Taking corrective actions to make things happen, as they should.
These four steps should follow each other till the work is completed. Page 1 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Effective control is crucial for the realisation of project objectives. There are
three main reasons for poor control of projects. Viz.,
1. Characteristics of the ultra-mega projects like, complexities, maintenance of
non-routine activities, co-ordination and communication problems.
2. People problems like, managers do not have required experience and training,
lack of competence but have inclination to control projects.
3. Poor control and information system: Delay in reporting performance,
inappropriate level of detail, unreliable information.
In Fig. shown the activities A, B and C can start at the same time and proceed in
parallel, though they take different time intervals for their completion. Activity D,
however, cannot begin until the activity A is over. The bars representing A and D
therefore run serially.
Let us consider a specific example. A piece of equipment is made of parts A and B
which are to be assembled together before they are dispatched. Part A is of cast steel,
which requires a pattern and a mould. Part B is a machined item made on special
machine M which needs to be purchased and installed. Part A requires specialised- Page 2 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
The Gantt chart for this project is shown below. The various activities are shown
along the vertical axis and the time elapsed along the horizontal axis.
Start Duration
Day (Weeks)
A1 0 4
A2 4 2
A3 6 1
A4 7 7
A5 0 5
A6 14 3
A7 0 4
A8 17 2
A9 19 1 Page 3 of 26
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Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
CPM is used for scheduling special projects where the relationship between the
different parts of project is more complicated than of a simple chain of task to be
completed one after the other.
Advantages of CPM:
5. It provides an analytical approach to achieve project objectives.
6. It identifies most critical activities and pays more attention to them.
7. It assists in avoiding waste of time, energy and money on unimportant activities.
8. It provides a standard method for communicating project plans and schedules. Page 5 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Adding weight to the most likely estimate (tm) will result in most probable
outcome. The most likely estimate is weighted by a factor of 4 i.e. (4 tm). It is counted
four times and optimistic and pessimistic estimates one time each, yielding a total of
six values. Hence, we divide by six when determining the PERT weighted average time.
Measures of Variability:
Variability in PERT analysis is measured by variance or standard deviation. It is
used to find the probability of completing the whole project by a given date. Page 6 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
𝟐 𝟐
𝒕𝒑 − 𝒕𝒐 𝟐
𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 = (𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏) = 𝝈 =[ ]
PERT Illustration:
Find the probability of completion of the project by a specific date 20, 25 and 30 with
mean time of 28 days and standard deviation of 3.07.
From the table it is seen that probability of completing the project in 20 days is 0.005
x 100= 0.5 %, in 25 days 15.9% and in 30 days 72.6%. Page 7 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
-3 0.001
-2.8 0.003
-2.6 0.005
-2.4 0.008
-2.2 0.014
-2 0.023
-1.8 0.036
-1.6 0.055
-1.4 0.081
-1.2 0.115
-1 0.159
-0.8 0.212
-0.6 0.274
-0.4 0.345
-0.2 0.421
0 0.500
0.2 0.579
0.4 0.655
0.6 0.726
0.8 0.788
1 0.841
1.2 0.885
1.4 0.919
1.6 0.945
1.8 0.964
2 0.977
2.2 0.986
2.4 0.992
2.6 0.995
2.8 0.997
3 0.999 Page 8 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Advantages of PERT:
PERT is a very important tool for planning and control. It has the following merits.
Stands for “Project Evaluation and Stands for “Critical Path Method”.
Review Technique”.
PERT is appropriate where time CPM is good when time estimates are
estimates are uncertain for activities. found with certainty.
It is concerned with events, which are the It is concerned with activities.
beginning or ending points of operation.
Suitable for non-repetitive projects. Suitable for repetitive projects.
Can be analysed statistically. Cannot be analysed.
PERT is not concerned with relationship CPM establishes a relationship between
between time and cost. time and cost.
It is probabilistic in nature. It is deterministic in nature.
It can be applied only for big projects. It can be applied for both big and small
It is based on THREE-time estimates. It is based on SINGLE-time estimate. Page 9 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
For the above project we can construct a network. A network contains connected
'events' and 'activities'. 'Event' refers to the 'starting' or 'completion' of specific jobs.
The 'circles' in the network indicate the 'events'. The circles are known as 'nodes'.
'Activity' refers to progress of work leading from one event to another. This is indicated
by the 'arrows' in the network.
Fig. Network diagram - Car Project:
D 1
1 1 2
8 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1
E 3
C 1
3 Page 10 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
The longest route is: A-B-H-I-L-M-N which takes 20 days. This route is called the
critical path. The network diagram represents the critical path by thick arrows to
indicate the critical path.
Time required for completion of the project is given by the time duration of the
critical path. If everything goes well, by end of 20th day the new model car would be
ready. For this to happen, each activity in the critical path has to be taken up and
completed as per schedule.
The concepts of Earliest Start Time (EST), Earliest Finish Time (EFT), Latest Start
Time (LST) and Latest finish time (LFT), slack and free slack can be calculated. The slack
refers to the extent, an activity can be delayed without affecting completion of the
project. This is given by LST – EST or LFT – EFT. Free slack refers to spare time available
for an activity when all succeeding activities started at their respective EST. Page 11 of 26
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Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
In the table, the number of workers required for each activity is given. With that
information we can compute daily requirement of human resource.
The requirement depends on when the activities are scheduled to begin, ie. as per
their EST or LST or any intermediary time. Suppose the activities are scheduled as per
EST, then the human resource needs would be as in the table. Page 13 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
From the table, we get requirement of labour on day-to-day basis, (see last
column) and how much is required activity-wise (see last row).
In the same way, we can find what would be the daily labour needs when the
works are scheduled as per their LST, the above table gives the same.
Between 9th and 17th days, there are differences in the daily needs under the two
patterns of job scheduling. During the period 1st to 8th day only one critical activity is
in operation and during 18th to 20th days too only critical activities are operated. So,
under both scheduling patterns the labour needs are same.
Resource levelling means distributing the daily resource needs to the extent
possible. We find that under the EST scheduling the labour needs on 9th through 17th Page 14 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
days are respectively 19, 17, 15, 7, 9, 9, 6 and 3 persons and under the LST scheduling,
labour needs are 5, 5, 12, 17, 19, 10, 7, 7 and 6 persons per day respectively.
The daily needs are highly varying. Certain levelling or smoothening or reducing
the variations in daily needs can be attempted. This is called as resource levelling.
Why Resource levelling is needed?
The reasons are:
1. Resource constraint can be one of the reasons. Say, not more than 12 persons
are available on any one day, whereas we need as much as 19 persons on one
day. By rescheduling noncritical activities using their slack times, the above
purposes can be served.
2. Practically speaking, too much needs on some days and too little needs on other
days are not signs of good planning.
3. The disruption in work is more probable when there is peaks and troughs in
4. Optimum utilisation of permanent/owned facilities and avoiding idle time are
possible with resource levelling exercises.
Say in our case only 12 labours are available on any given day. Is it possible to
complete the project on time with only 12 persons? May be some rescheduling can
be thought of.
Let us go by LST scheduling given in table for activities D and F. Let us advance F
by 3 days slack. That is from 9th to 11th.
By doing so, the labour needs on 9th, 10th, and 11th day go up to 12 persons. And
for 12th and 13th days go down to 10 and 12. Hence maximum labour availability
condition will satisfy.
Further, by advancing D by a day to 12th and the labour needs will become 12 and
10 for 13th day. Now the labour requirements from 9th to 14th will become 12, 12, 12,
12, 10 and 10 persons. This arrangement also ensures better utilisation of permanent
employees say 9 persons. Page 15 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Progress of activities and labour needs for LST with resource levelling
1 3 3
2 3 3
3 3 3
4 3 3
5 3 3
6 3 3
7 3 3
8 3 3
9 7 5 12
10 7 5 12
11 7 5 12
12 5 2 5 12
13 5 5 10
14 3 2 5 10
15 3 4 7
16 3 4 7
17 3 3 6
18 3 3
19 2 2
20 2 2
LABOUR DAYS 24 10 2 3 21 2 30 9 8 3 3 2 2 119
PER ACTIVITY Page 16 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
We may find the probability of completion by 22nd day from commencement for
our car project, given the expected completion by 20th day.
We need to know the three time estimate for the critical activities which are as
Area under normal curve corresponding to Z = 0.9375 is equal to = 0.825. That is,
there is a probability of 0.825 or 82.5% that the project would be completed by 22nd
The probability computation is helpful in project rescheduling. If the probability is
very small, there is a need for, speeding up the work by allocating more resources or
postponing the due date. Page 17 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Find the activities in the critical path where time can be cut with minimum extra
cost. The goal is to reduce project time with the least increase in project cost. Work
out the cost of crash per day for each activity.
(Crash cost − Normal cost)
Cost of crash per day =
(Normal time − Crash time)
Route-III is the critical path. Activity N cannot be crashed. And only activities B,
H, I, L and M can be crashed. B or H is the least crash-cost-per-time activity. Consider
activity B for crashing by TWO days.
The extra cost for two days is 2 x 3,000 = ₹ 6,000. Now route III and route II are
critical as both have 18 days duration. To cut project duration we have to reduce the
duration of both the routes. Page 18 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Parallel Scheduling:
This can be visualised as follows. Imagine a network with several possible start
points. This network is to be schedule on a day-by-day basis through the project. First,
we consider day one. Page 19 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Take all the start activities of the network. Those are all the activities, which could
start at day one. Build an 'eligibility list' consisting of those activities. Take the activity
with the highest priority from the eligibility list. Can it start yet? Is its earliest start less
than or equal to the day we are considering? If so, compare its resource requirements
for its nest day with the resource availability on day one of the project. If all relevant
resources are available in sufficient quantity, schedule the first day of that activity to
occur on the first day of the project.
If that completes the activity, then include all successor activities into the eligibility list.
Repeat the process for the activity with the next highest priority from the eligibility list, and
so on until eligible activities have been considered for that day.
Then move to the next day of the project. Any amounts remaining of 'pool' resources
are rolled over to day two. The actions described in the above paragraph are repeated for
day two scheduled.
Notice that this process works more naturally when the resources available to a project
are limited, and the time available to complete it can be extended indefinitely.
Serial Scheduling:
Serial scheduling considers each activity in turn, rather than each day of the project in
turn. It can be visualised as follows. Consider a two-dimensional table of resource
availabilities. It will have an amount available for every resource for every day of the project.
Against this there is a pre-sequenced list of activities, which comprise the projects. In addition
to its time analysis results, each activity will have an 'earliest feasible start' figure, which will
initially be the same as its earliest start.
Each activity is taken from the list of activities in turn. The section of the resource tables
between the activity earliest feasible start and the activity late finish is scanned to see if the
activity can be scheduled as a whole. If so, it is scheduled at the first available point.
If not, then if the activity is splitable, an attempt is made to fit the activity in between
its earliest feasible start and latest finish in sections. If this is impossible, an extra layer of
resource availability is called in for any resource which was in inadequate supply, and the
process is repeated for the activity, until it can be fitted in.
If an activity is scheduled at a point later than its early start, the earliest feasible start of
all successor activities is updated to the greater than the finish of the activity that has just
been scheduled. When all this has been done for every activity in the network, the project
has been scheduled.
Notice that this process works more naturally if there is a fixed end date to the project,
but the resources can be exceeded if necessary. Page 20 of 26
Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Serial methods are now more popular than parallel methods, for a number of reasons.
Parallel scheduling tends to split activities rather more than serially, a parallel scheduling a
algorithm would like to be able to split any activity into one-day sections, particularly if activities
have complex resource requirements, or if resource availability changes during the project.
Parallel schemes are typically heavy users of computer resources, both in the time taken to
carry out a schedule, and in the amount of computer memory required per activity (which can limit
the size of network that can be calculated on a given computer).
Serial levelling schemes sometimes have a feature whereby two project ends dated are
specified-a desired project end and a maximum project end. Resources are classified into two
sections 'important' and 'exceed'. If the scheduling system would have exceeded the
availability of an 'important' resource, (and its threshold level, if there was one), then the
activity is allowed to delay itself past its latest finish. It is not allowed to delay past its
secondary latest finish- that is, the latest finish relative to the maximum project end date.
Key words used: Project construction, CPM, PERT, Traffic schedule, Common network,
Parallel and serial scheduling, Crash time, Time estimate. Page 21 of 26
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Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
implementation to ensure that the actual expenditure does not deviate from the
Post Audit
An audit of a project after it has been commissioned is called as post audit. Such
an audit compares actual performance and planned performance. Post audit assures
proper evaluation of the project.
Economic Rate of Return (ERR): It provides a single metric showing how a project’s
economic benefits compare to its costs. An ERR provides a convenient metric,
produced from a cost-benefit analysis, that compares the economic costs and benefits
of a program.
Cash flow + Changes in present value
Economic rate of return for a given year =
Present value at the beginning of the year
Book Rate of Return (BRR): This is a rate of return measured based on accounting
earnings. It is defined as the ratio of book income to book value.
Book income is the amount of income a company publicly report on its financial
statements to shareholders. Book value is equal to the cost of carrying an asset on a
company's balance sheet.
Cash flow + Changes in book value
Book rate of return for a given year =
Book value at the beginning of the year
will be based on the rule that the project must be abandoned if the net present value
associated with abandonment is greater than the net present value associated with
continuation. Page 24 of 26
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Project Management Skills UNIT-5: Project Control, Review and Audit
Understanding: Page 26 of 26