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Front Cover Analysis

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Unit 1 FACT SHEET Oliver Connolly

Front Cover Analysis

The masthead is the name of the magazine and it is conventionally positioned along
the top of the page so it grabs the audience’s attention when they read from the top,
down to the bottom of the magazine. This also means it is clearly visible when
they’re stocked on shelves in the shop. The masthead is used to signify the genre of
the magazine to the audience. The masthead also spans the whole width of the page
and always has a large font on the page. Sometimes the main image may overlap
the masthead if it is an established brand.

The Empire masthead is the biggest font on the page due to it being the brand of the
magazine and the company that publishes the magazines, which is in line with
conventions.The masthead is positioned at the top of the magazine and spanning
the width in the centre so it stands out and so people can see it above the black
background of the front cover. A large font has been used for the masthead as it is
in bold writing and stands out over the other text on the cover and follows the
conventions for mastheads. Gold and Grey colours have been used on the
masthead to make the writing more visible to people reading the magazine. The gold
has connotations of success, wealth, prestige and awards in the film industry and
has an effect on the text of the masthead which attracts the audience’s attention
towards the magazine, due to the complete black background. This signifies that the
magazine is the best for that genre, which could create audience appeal. The puff
covers part of the masthead due to the brand, Empire, being known by quite a lot of
people to the point where they would be able to tell what the brand was even though
it’s covered. The broken glass on the image covers part of the masthead due to it
setting the scene for the new film coming out. The connotations of the word
“Empire” are power and superiority because it reminds the audience of all the
powerful empires. It appeals to people through the use of the masthead as people
think that they are getting the best information in the world through the magazine.
The font is bold and unique because it gives a sense of power and is the main image
for the magazine.

Main Image
The main image is used to grab the audience’s attention and make them engaged
because it appears as though the person in the image is looking directly at them,
which is through the use of direct address. Mise en scene includes things such as
settings, props, expressions, body language, colour, lighting, makeup and hair, which
all creates a meaning and understanding for the audience. The image is also visually
interesting and also signifies the genre of the magazine. The main cover line gives
the cover star more meaning.

The main image for the magazine is of Daniel Craig for the new film Knives Out 2,
which is positioned in the centre of the magazine as it draws the audience’s attention
to the image.Daniel Craig being used as the main image creates meaning for the
audience due to his past performances as James Bond, which creates an intensified
meaning due to the mise en scene of the broken glass and bullet holes, due to the
action in each of the Bond films.

The shot size is medium and close up, as they have managed to include up to
Daniel Craig’s chest in the image so it can look more appealing to the audience and
make it clear who he is due to him playing James Bond in the past. In the image he
looks to be wearing a suit due to his role as a detective in the first Knives Out
movie.The image is visually interesting as it creates a sense of atmosphere for the
film as a second Knives Out film has been made which includes Daniel Craig as one
of the main characters. Bright colours being pink, gold, yellow and black have been
used in the centre and around the outside of the image on areas such as the Puff
and the Cover Line so that it stands out to the audience and shows the full amount of
detail on the front cover.. In this front cover, there is only one image on the front of
the magazine that has been used. Direct address has also been used by Daniel
Craig in the centre of the image as it looks like he is looking directly at the audience,
which creates engagement. Low key lighting and a black background connotes
mystery which signifies the genre of the film being murder mystery. His facial
expression shows the use of direct address which is used to connect with the
audience. The expectations used are danger, violence and mystery due to the bullet
that has shattered the glass as it connotes a sense of tension and makes the reader
wonder who is shooting at him.

Cover Lines
The cover lines are the text surrounding the main image as they link to the articles
inside that issue of the magazine, providing the audience with information.
Conventionally there will be a word or two first that is in a bigger font or different
colour to the text underneath. The cover line text appeals to the audience the most
so it stands out. The text underneath is a subline, which is smaller than the text
above, and it provides more info about the article.

The cover lines for this issue of Empire magazine follows the conventions for the
cover lines as they are in bold white writing where it shows the name of the topic
and underneath in pink writing, what it is about.The purpose of the cover line is to
provide more information to the audience and give the audience an idea as to what
the magazine issue is about and to also intrigue them and make them want to buy
the magazine. It is positioned to the left of the main image and is in front of the
broken glass on the main image, where it will immediately attract the audience’s
attention. Bright colours have been used in the centre of the magazine so that it
stands out to the audience. The cover line for example is “Sylvester Stallone'' and
the subline is “Why He’s Gone Gangster”.This gives us more information about the
article on Sylvester Stallone.Syllvester Stallone is the biggest font because of his
popularity of being in films and directing multiple films.This cover line is in bold white
sans serif font due to make it stand out against the black background. The text
underneath tells the audience he has taken up a new role in a film to do with
gangsters.This article is an interview and it will inform the audience about where
Syllvester Stallone has filmed his new film, compared to his past films. It appeals to
the audience as they are seeing a new side of Syllvester Stallone that hasn’t been
seen before in any of his past films. It also grabs the audience’s attention due to him
being a popular actor due to him playing Rocky in the Rocky films. The white font
stands out, as it is white on a black background. The pink colour has been used for
the subline to signify that it fits with the house style as all the other sublines are in
pink, along with the puff.

Main Cover Line

The main cover line stands out more than the other cover lines because it’s bigger
and it links to the main image.
The main cover line stands out as it is the second largest font after the masthead. It
is white and in a serif font unlike the other cover lines which are sans serif because it
stands out as the main cover line on the page and it makes it clear it is the main
cover line. The font is different to the The “I” in knives is shaped like a knife to signify
the genre of the film being crime and mystery.. An exclamation mark has been used
at the end of the main cover line to signify excitement about another Knives Out film
being created.This cover line will appeal to Knives Out fans who have seen the first
film and are looking forward to seeing the second one. The main cover line says
“Knives Out is Back!”, which signifies that the franchise is back and there is more
mystery, crime, action and thrillers for the fans to experience. The font is serif as it
has the flicks on the bottom of each of the letters and to connote the formal and
traditional tone of the article. The colour for the main cover line is white and is bold
font, so it stands against the black background and creates a clear atmosphere for
the audience.

The subline is a smaller secondary headline that usually elaborates on the main
cover line above.

The subline is underneath the main cover line and talks about Daniel Craig’s return
in Glass Onion. The font used for the subline is sans serif as it contrasts with the
main cover line which is in serif font. This is due to the magazine trying to express
that the main cover line is more important than the subline. The colour used is pink
so it stands out against the black background and contrasts with the other cover
lines. It contrasts with the other cover lines because it contains the most important
information that will inform the reader about Daniel Craig’s latest film “Glass Onion''.

Positioning Statement
The positioning statement is similar to a slogan or a tagline for the magazine as it
positions the magazine in the market and is designed to give the audience
information and appeal to them.

In this issue of the magazine there is no positioning

statement. However, on the front cover of Empire there is
a positioning statement directly under the masthead
saying “The world's biggest movie magazine”. Apart from
the masthead it is the only other font that is in red,
signifying the connection towards the Empire magazine.
The positioning statement is underneath the masthead
as it follows the convention for the positioning statement.
This tells the audience more information about the
magazine and that it's the biggest film magazine in the
world. This appeals to the audience because people
think they are going to get the most information possible and the most up to date
information in the magazine.

Issue Information
Information that is provided to the audience about the issue of the magazine and
when the magazine was released, which is located at the top of the magazine above
the masthead.

The issue information is positioned above the masthead and is shown in bright pink
writing to make it stand out. It has been put into a small font at the top of the
magazine so that it is easily visible and so that it stands out to the audience.

The price is located underneath the barcode or on the back of the magazine as it
tells the audience how much the magazine is worth.

The price is located below the barcode on the magazine so that when people go to
scan the barcode on the magazine.It also includes the names of countries next to the
last two prices, to show how much they would be worth in other countries.

The barcode is located above the price of the magazine and is a code used to buy
products. It is also used as a registration system to keep track of each issue of the
magazine that has been sold with that same barcode on it.

The barcode is located to the right hand side of the magazine at the bottom. It is
positioned there so it is out of the way of the main information on the magazine and
so it doesn't take up too much space. It is also used to keep track of how many
issues of that magazine have been sold.

The position that runs along the top of the magazine cover which will either have a
cover line in it or the positioning statement.

The skyline on the issue is across the top of the magazine, above the masthead and
it is in two bright colours. The sky line on the issue is a cover line, where the first
word “Blonde” is serif and the other words are sans serif. There is a cover line in the
skyline because it appeals and contrasts to the main cover line, which also appeals
to different target audiences.

A puff is a shape that looks like a sticker. It will often include an incentive or a cover
liner in it. It is also used as a sign to attract the audience’s attention due to the bright
colour and that is in the top right corner of the magazine where it stands out.

The puff on the front cover of the magazine is in bright pink, yellow, black and white
which contrasts with the other colours. It is positioned at the right side of the
magazine, which is partially covering the end of the Empire masthead. It is another
cover line which is used to grab the reader's attention by giving the effect of it being
an additional story.

An incentive is something that makes the audience want to buy the magazine, such
as something for free or a chance to win or get money off. It is also used to promote
magazines and the information they are advertising. It is located towards the bottom
of the magazine and is in bold, bright writing.

There is no incentive on my copy of the Empire

magazine. However, on this copy there is an incentive
on the banner, across the bottom half of the cover. In
this case the incentive is that you get a free Harry
Potter collector’s portfolio.This appeals to long time
Harry Potter fans who have seen all the films and is
something you feel like you would have to pay for due
to the importance of the topic. The magazine is an
incentive as it is a collectors item for people once it has
been bought, as it encourages other people to buy the

Buzzwords are words like win or free and exclusive that are used to create a buzz
and appeal to the audience. They are also words that stand out the most on the
front cover of the magazine due to the information that they are advertising inside of
the magazine.

The buzzword on the front cover is “exclusive” due to the magazine being an
exclusive issue and being one that has had few issues being sold.The buzzword at
the bottom is “World Exclusive” and refers to the return of Knives Out which are
anticipating the return of.

House style refers to the style of the magazine. It is like the brand style. The house is
appropriate for the genre and is designed to appeal to the target audience. There are
four key elements to the house style. They include colour scheme which focus on
what colours are used and why;style of fonts where there are multiple fonts and
whether it is sans serif or serif;style of layout refers to whether it is busy with lots of
images and texts or whether it is clean with one image and minimal text and style of
language is the language which is formal or informal.

The colour scheme for this issue is Black, white, pink, gold and yellow. These
colours contrast with each other making sure the main cover line, puff and other
cover lines stand out. The clothes worn by the actor in the main image are pale and
muted which makes his face with bright blue eyes stand out. The fonts used are a
mixture of serif and sans serif. The main cover line is serif, as is the coverline in the
skyline. This mixing of font types signifies that this magazine is for everyone because
of all the up and coming topics being mentioned in the magazine.The fonts are used
to provide meaning to the audience about each topic and how it is important in its
own way. The font of the main cover line includes a knife instead of the letter “I” and
has an exclamation mark. This makes the main cover line stand out. The layout of
my front cover is relatively clean with only one image which is the main image. There
are a number of cover lines and a puff, however these are all neatly placed around
the outside of the main image. The language style is informal as it includes the
phrase “ass-kicking icon”. This appeals to the audience as it adds more excitement
to the magazine and gives the audience something to look forward to, such as the
release of the second Knives Out film and what impression the audience will take
from the film. The layout on the front of the magazine is organised as it shows only
one image and it is about how the cover line is set out.All the colours used shows the
magazine cover is organised due to each font colour being about a certain section of
the magazine and what impact it has on the audience.

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